Principal: T. Hack Phone Number: (905) 723-8233 Vice- Principal: M. Allum

MISSION STATEMENT From The Office... At Forest View Public School we will ENGAGE in taking risks to develop a community of problem November is here and so is the cooler weather. We have enjoyed a solvers, critical thinkers and life- busy and successful past month with many exciting activities: Cross Coun- long learners. We will PERSIST try, Junior Soccer, Intermediate Volleyball, Flag Football, Singing Club, by empowering one another through listening to each other’s and many more events. We thank our families and students for their partic- voices and igniting personal pow- ipation and support. We wouldn’t be able to run so many events without er. We will develop our curiosity the help of our teachers and volunteers who make these events possible. to INQUIRE into real and relevant Our Ally Activists were busy planning events for the rest of the school this world issues. We will CREATE a safe, collaborative and respectful fall. They participated in We Day in , planned spirit days and environment that will foster the raised $200 during their Dancing For Disaster event. All monies raised development of our leaders of will go to disaster relief for the hurricane in Bahamas. Ally Activists have tomorrow. Together we will also taken on the Halloween Candy Drive. All donated treats will be sent make a difference. WE ARE EPIC! to those in our northern communities where access to these treats is scarce. Our students leaders are EPIC and help others in our community and around the globe.

The Elementary Progress Report will be sent home on Wednesday, Novem- Tammy Hack Principal ber 13th. Student Led Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 14th in the evening or on Friday, November 15th, from 8:00am to 11:00am. Mike Allum This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about your child’s successes and Vice Principal goals that they have set for the remainder of Term One. As we move toward the formal Report Card in February, students are encouraged to reflect on Helen Biggar their work from their first two months of school and set achievable goals in Ofice Administrator the months ahead.

Jamila Maliha Superintendent T. Hack, Principal M. Allum, Vice-Principal with the 905-666-5500

Dates To Remember– November 2019 Trustees Darlene Forbes Nov. 11—Remembrance Day Ceremonies Nov. 20– SCC meeting @ 6:30 [email protected] (9:30 am) Nov. 21—Grade 7/8 Immuniza- Nov. 11—FVPS Night @ Laser Quest (5- tions Michael Barrett 8pm) [email protected] Nov. 13– Progress Reports go home PIZZA DAYS: Nov. 14 – Picture Retakes Ashley Noble Nov. 14– Student Led Conferences (3-7 Fri. Nov. 1, Fri. Nov. 8, Thurs. Nov. 14, Fri. [email protected] PM) Nov. 22, Fri. Nov. 29 (Nov, 29 will be at- Nov. 15–PA Day for Students –Student tached to December’s order forms) led conferences in the morning (8-11 AM)


News from Your SCC…

Thank you to all who fundraised with Recipes in a Jar. We sold 451 Jars which equals 451 meals to a charity in Durham. That is fantasc! way to go Forest View Com- munity.

We have our Laser Quest Forest View Family Night on Monday, Nov. 11, between 5pm-8pm. Come on out to this free event, bring your family and friends. Be sure to register for the me slot that works best for you at: hp:// foresree

Our next meeng is on Wednesday, November 20 @ 6:30pm in Room 204.Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Poinsettia Fundraiser

Vandermeer Poinsettia Fundraiser is here! Please help support the Grade 8 Grad Trip and send your orders into the school by Thursday November 14th. Pick up for all orders will be Thursday, December 5th.

Our Volunteers are EPIC!!!

We would like to congratulate Brenda and David McLoughlin. They were the recipients of the Volunteer of Distinction Award which was presented on October 24th at the DDSB Education Centre. Brenda and David give every Tuesday afternoon to help the students at Forest View. They worked with our Grade 6 classes last year and this year are working with our Grade 3/4 and 7/8 classes. They built great relationships with their students from last year. The students invited them to join in many events even if they weren’t being held on Tuesdays. Brenda and David would always be here to support the students they worked with if their busy schedules would allow. Congratulations to Da- vid and Brenda—we couldn’t do it without your help.


Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held at 9:40 on Monday, November 11th. The ceremony will take place in our school gymnasium. Parents and community members are welcome to attend—we will have plenty of seating for visitors to the school.


At the Durham District School Board, home and school communication is an essential component of student success. We would like to remind parents, as directed by the Ministry of Education, the way we com- municate a student’s progress to parents/guardians is through the Provincial Report Cards. A Progress Report will be coming home with your child on Wednesday, November 13th. This report will help parents understand their child’s growth in learning skills and work habits. Future dates for report cards going home this school year are: First Term Report Cards - sent home Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 Second Term Report Cards - sent home Wednesday, June 24th, 2020


At Forest View, our students will be leading the Progress Report dis- cussions with their parents in collaboration with their teacher. Stu- dents will be sharing examples of their work, individual strengths, needs and goals for improvement. Teachers will also be available for further discussion and clarification if required. This allows our stu- dents to be responsible for their learning and helps them to self evalu- ate their work and to be reflective thinkers. Student Led conferences around the Elementary Progress Report for students in Grades 1-8 will occur November 14th from 3:00pm to 7:00pm and November 15th from 8am to 11am. We hope that you have sent back your forms indicating which time would work best for you and your family.

INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING... If you are interested in volunteering please pick up a volunteer form outside the office, where various forms/ newsletters are available. The form will show us the areas you are interested in helping with. Please re- member that you must have a Police Check on file in order to volunteer. Once we have a Police Check on file we only need you to complete a declaration annually for the next 4 that time a new Police Check will be required. We thank you for your interest and look forward to working with you.


Congratulaons to our Intermediate girls volleyball team on their tremendous effort and represenng Forest View proudly at playdowns. All the girls played well winning their first 2 games against College Hill and came out strong winning 25-12 in their first game against Saywell, but fell short spling the set in the sec- ond game. The girls then split with SJ Phillips which set up a 3-way e for first in our pool. Unfortunately due to points against the team was forced to play a e breaker game against Saywell and came up short losing 15-11. The girls showed huge improvements throughout the season and played some of their best volleyball of the season. Mr. Broughton is extremely proud of each team member and their determinaon and commitment this season. Way to go la- dies!!! A BIG thank you as well to all of our volunteer drivers that helped get us to and from all of our games. Much appreciated! Looking forward to our Juniors starng in November! Go Phoenix!!

Congratulaons to our Co-Ed Soccer Team for a great season! Although it was short, our teams’ skill set developed substanally. Great passing, free kicks, and overall team

spirit were evident at every game! We faced many tough competors but persevered and connued to play hard. Special acknowledgement goes out to our outstanding goalies; Lukas, Nathan and Reece. You were challenged, but connued to put in one hundred percent effort and had many great saves! Thanks for a great season Phoenix, you represented Forest View well, and made us proud!

Congratulaons to both the Junior and Intermediate Co-ed Flag Football teams who competed in the Durham Flag Football Championships. The teams were up against some very tough compeon, but both had amazing days and came out with a win in their final game of the tournament in both Junior and Intermedi- ate. Well done Phoenix!! Special shout out to Sienna A., Reece R., Xander H. and Faith W. on their MVP performances!! Way to go Phoenix!!

Congratulaons to the Intermediate Boys Volleyball team who travelled to Vincent Massey at the end of October for their Area Playdowns. The boys took 5 out of 6 sets which had them ed for first in their pool. This put them in the Semi-Finals versus Clara Hughes. In the Semi Finals, the boys faced Clara Hughes and took the first set 25 to 19 but dropped the 2nd set in extra points 26- 24. This put them into a 15 point e-breaker match. Unfortunately the boys came up a bit short losing 15 - 11. This put the boys in the 3rd Place match versus Vincent Massey. The boys totally redeemed themselves dominang Vincent Massey beang them in straight sets to advance to the Round of 24, Best in Durham Finals!! On November 5th, the boys played a strong match against a very tough team from SA Cawker. Although the boys lost the game, it was sll a good end to a great season. Making the Round of 24 is always a fantasc accomplishment. Amazing job boys!!


RETAKE DAY PLEASE REMEMBER...If your child requires a retakes, on No- vember 14th, you need to send back the proofs with a note stating that you would like them to have a retake. Without permission directly given by the parent/guardian we will not be able to have your child’s photo redone.


Bus Cancellation Last year Durham Student Transportaon Services updated weather cancellaons procedures. In an effort to beer address inclement weather cancellaons, DSTS introduced weather zones. Oshawa is considered Zone 4. DSTS encourages you to review the new zones on our website at In case of extreme weather, you can also listen to one of the local radio stations below for notices of transportation cancellations: CKDO-AM 1350, KX96-FM 95.9, CFRB-AM 1010, CBC/CBL 99.1, Q107-FM 107.1, CHFI-FM 98.1, CHUM-FM 104.5, Y92-FM 91.9, EZ ROCK 97.3, CICX 105.9, CKLY-AM 91.0 Information can also be found at

Attendance Tips… Arriving on Time for School Attendance at school is important for student success as lessons taught in the classroom often can- not be replicated through the use of a worksheet at home. Arriving on time for the start of school also has an impact of student achievement. Teachers start lessons right away and arriving late often leads to confusion on the child’s part as they miss important parts of the lesson. We recognize that there are times that being late cannot be avoided but here are some tips that may help:  Check weather forecast before bed  Select and lay out your clothing for the next day  Students set their own alarm clock  Prepare lunch and snacks in the evening  Place coats, gloves, hats, boots, backpack at front door  Have breakfast set out for the morning  Post a morning routine checklist;  NO TV until everything is completed  Allow enough time to walk and meet friends on yard before bell time  Getting a drive? — leave enough time for the kiss and ride loop, more time will be needed in inclement weath- er

How You Can Help with Math at Home A lot of the time, math is about attitude and having a growth mindset. It’s also about resilience, working through questions when we don’t immediately know the answer. Here’s a few things that you can do to help your child with their math thinking:  Talk about math in a positive way. A positive attitude about math is infectious.  Encourage persistence. Some problems take time to solve.  Encourage your child to experiment with different approaches to mathematics. There is often more than one way to solve a math problem.  Encourage your child to talk about and show a math problem in a way that makes sense (i.e., draw a picture or use material like macaroni).  Connect math to everyday life and help your child understand how math influences them (i.e. shapes of traffic signs, walking distance to school, telling time).  Play family math games together that add excitement such as checkers, junior monopoly, math bingo and uno.  Technology + math = Fun! There are a number of great websites and apps that are engaging for stu- dents but also teach important math skills. You can ask your student’s teacher for ideas.



Aer Halloween, your children will have col- lected candy (gum, chocolates, chips, so and hard candy) that you don't want them to eat. Instead of throwing the candy out, have your child bring them to school where it will be col- lected and sent to communies in Northern via Northern Canada Mini Projects. They partner with communies in Northern Canada who have scarce access to many items, including coveted Halloween treats. Items in our northern communies are also very expen- sive so you would be bringing joy to a child who may not otherwise get a treat that our kids take for granted. Please have your children bring their donated items to the office. Please note that we can accept treats that have nuts in them as they will not be opened in the school.

Kindergarten STEM

Kindergarten students love to build – they enjoy taking things apart and putting things together. When faced with a challenge, children look to solve it without the same reservations as we adults place on ourselves. Our class feels that nothing is impossible and the children use a variety of materials to create and invent. At the beginning of each year we directly teach each step. We explicit- ly model expected language we should hear when students are work- ing collaboratively, showing children where to find materials and how to use the different materials safely. We demonstrate how to be a good audience during the test and presentation time. They work together, they learn and practice good collaboration skills, and together we develop their communication skills All STEM challenges occur over many days. We have set aside a block of time during our day for STEM challenges and tasks. Over the course of a week (or two!) we read the story that the chal- lenge is based on. We find the same story written by different authors, which helps to further en- gage children’s interest in the fairy tale. Once the challenge has been established we spend one day talking about the materials we could use. This allows for students to become aware of what materials can be found in the classroom and which materials might be suita- ble for the different challenges. During this process, students activate sci- ence knowledge and math skills. Here we can discuss any relevant math and science concepts that might be needed to further help students imple- ment their design. The planning stage is often the most challenging for students. Drawings are crude and often do not make sense to the observer. We encourage children to describe their plan orally at this level to ensure they understand the chal- lenge and what steps they need to create their design.


Geng started with OverDrive on a computer

1. Visit DDSB OverDrive at 2. Sign in using DDSB login 3. Borrow ebooks or audiobooks. Borrowed tles will appear on your checkouts page on the Over- Drive website. Read or listen to a tle right in your browser. 4. Highlight important informaon and make notes that can be exported to google notes in my drive.