Former Resident Buried at Sea While Returning from European Honeymoon
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«• There’s no politics among» • S'orne AHS pupils must be -curlers. But it’s a thought. relieved to learn their teach- If we get artificial ice we The Glengarry New ers don’t hold with the slogan won’t need Frost. ONE OP CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS — “They shall not pass”. VOL. LXVÏI — No. 26 * ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1958 SINGLE COPY 7o Former Resident Buried At Sea While Business Block Curlers Reach 1958 - June Promotions -1958 Returning From European Honeymoon Lost At Lancaster $3,500 Mark Alexandria-Glengarry District High School A two-storey business block hous- Alexandria Curling Club can- Grade XIIA A honeymoon trip to Europe end- of the late Rory D. MacLeod and ing the oldest general store In Lan- vassers gathered at the clubrooms, The June promotions. resolve this GROUP C—Students who qualify caster, was totally destroyed by fire ed tragically on Sunday for a Mrs. MacLeod who now resides in Tuesday night, to review ' progress Grade into four groups, A, B, C for thb Secondary School Gradu- former resident of this area, Mrs. Rosemount, Que. She had been a New Police Chief early Sunday afternoon. The block, in their drive for funds to instal and D. ation Diploma, whose marks are all W. J. MacGillivray of Montreal, long-time employee of the. Bell owned by Denis Bergeron, was ’artificial ice. Aljnost $3,500 has been 1 GROUP A—Students who qualify between 50% and 60% and who can- When she died of a cerebral hae- Telephone Co. at Montreal until Here This Week located on the west side of Main subscribed to date, they found, and for the Secondary School Gradu- not proceed to Grade XHI. street, immediately south of the they are most optimistic for success. morrhage while on board ship en prior to her recent i marriage. ation Diploma, whose marks In all GROUP D — Students who have route home. Married at Montreal Surviving in addition to her hus- ' Kent Gilham,.'32, of Toronto, is railway line. Lancaster’s curlers have come here this week preparatory to as- subjects of Grade XII are .above made less than 50%rin one or more on May 6th, Mrs. MacGillirray was band and mother are a brother and Estimated at $45,000, the idss in- through nobly, Leonard McLachlan 60% and who may proceed to Grade suming the duties of Chief of Police cluded the store and upstairs living subjects and who must repeat buried at sea. three sisters: Donald N. MacLeod and Pete Bonneville reported. XIII and take all the subjects re- Grade XII if their plans for the when Ed. Dupuis gives up that post quarters of the Bergeron family as \ Twelve curlers there have sub- and- Miss Martha MacLeod, Rose- quired for the Honour Graduation future require their getting either She was the former Catherine S. after the July 1st holiday. His well as the shoemaker’s shop of scribed $900, and’ they report several mount, Que.; Mary, Mrs. Duncan Diploma. the Secondary School Graduation MacLeod of Glen Norman and appointment was announced by the Eddie Sonas. - others are interested in an arti- Ross, of -Valleyfield; Teena, .Mrs. GROUP B—Students who qualify Diploma or the Honour Graduation Laggan, and was aged 52. police commission early this week. The flames, which broke out ficial ice set-up und will take a George Jack, of Lachine. for the Secondary School Gradu- Diploma. This group of students Her husband, a prominent Mont- Completely bilingual, the new shortly after one p.m., for a time Her brother Was at his Laggan share if the project is proceeded ation Diploma, whose marks In some is not reported below. ... • real funeral director, reached Mont- chief comes here from Cornwall, threatened the entire northeast with. , farm when word reached him of subjects of Grade XH are 60% or Groups A, ‘H and C are reported real yesterday. where he hasriatterly been employed section of the village, as the intense Jos. Roy reported a generous $325 Mrs. MacGillivray’s tragically sud- better and who can pfoceed to according to the average mark ob- den death. as a car salesman. A native of To- heat cracked windows in the neigh- in subscriptions from the Glen feoy- Mrs. MacGillivray was a daughter Grade XIII in those subjects only. x tained. ronto, he has had police experience boring hotel and other business St. Raphaels area, and President with both the Toronto. City Police places across the street. Some 300 Joe Filion has $500 from’ Green ô Force and with the Ontario Pro- Bell telephone lines were rendered Valley, with others still to be can- « Skies Smile On Most Successful vincial Police. tempbrarily out of order when the vassed. ■t & d He is married and his wife and l ^ flames destroyed, a telephone pole Some $1,700 has been raised in iH child will join him here wdien he in front of the building. Alexandria and this from compara- GROUP A- â I Annual Fair Yet At Maxville has found suitable living quarters. Volunteer fire brigades from Mar- tively few of the ’potential buyers, !!§•§.« Constable Fern Seguin will re- The ‘best yet’ Maxville Spring tintown, Williamstown and Sum- most of whom have not yet been s s o 3? a s main as his assistant. merstown aided the Lancaster bri- approached. When this canvass is Borris, Denis 74 82 82 90 .. 70 Show goes into the records as a real o — -success, from the standpoint of at- Marking50 Years gade in the two-hour fight to bring completed, officials feel they will be MacDonald, Helen 74 78 76 79 71 71 76 tendance but even more so for the the fire under control. Assured of enough capital to pro- Roussin, Claire ' : 71 70 71 85 .. 75 56 <3uality and quantity of its entries, In Ministry* Lions And Legion Cause of the blaze is unknown. ceed with the installation. Lanthier, Jeannine 68 76 69 70 .. .. 71 .. The Bergeron family had left for Poirier, Lise 62 63 62 72 .. .. 61 .. particularly in . the horse and cattle Rev. J. J. E. Brownlee, Min- their summer cottage only shortly Laporte, Yvette 66 66 63 70 68 .. classes. “The horse classes, both ister of Zion United Church, Bid Chief Farewell before the blaze was discovered. - Emmett McCormick heavy and light, ranked with any Apple Hill, will be “At Home” to GROUP B— other*'show I have sèen”, one judge his friends on the occasion of Police Chief Ed. Dupuis was bade Dies Suddenly MacCrimmon, Robert ... 71 ..' 69 70 84 58 remarked. ' More than 350 fine the 50th year of his ordination, farewell by fellow members of Alex- Selling Small Cars McKelvy, Ralph 69 .. 65 58 86 58 71 71 cattle were in competition and the on Saturday, June 28th, from andria Lions Club at Monday’s As'the result of a cerebral haem- Robinson, Paul 63 .! 77 64 78 70 64 orrhage suffered at his home here, Holstein classes’ were particularly 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. dinner meeting, the last until Sep- .Shepherd Bros, have taken on a Fraser, Bill 71 50 77 71 56 50 .. 85 impressive ’With 164 entries. o tember rolls around. Retiring presi- small car agency in addition to their at noon yesterday, the death oc- MacPherson, Bonnie .... 66 .. 78 63 57 57 This was a success, too, at the dent Arnold Smith presented him Chrysler and Plymouth dealership. curred at 3:10 that afternoon of Macintosh, Lyle 61 52 73 5? 52 .. 80 box-office. A smiling sun beamed with ,a.pen and pencil set and also They received théir first shipment Emmett McCormick. He had been Millar, Marlene 70 71 .. 59 72 75 down on an estimated 2,000xon Fri- St. Andrews took, advantage of the occasion to of Hillman cars and Commer trucks removed to Hotel Dieu, Cornwall, Bourcier, Bruno .. 53 56 5/ 67 53 day. A heavy rain Saturday morn- present an inscribed desk set to the last week and by Saturday, had where he died an how after ad- 'Franklin, Bill ........... 71 60 53 50 73 ing failed to mar that day’s full Couple Mark club’s .charter president, Lis La- completed the sale of three Hill- mittance. He was 56. GROUP C— program. The skies cleared by noon londe, who had not been so honored mans. JV Not in the best of health for the MacGillis, Mary 50 51 50 57 77 and. the. more than 4,000 who at- on his departure from town. 0— past few years, Mr. McCormick had MacDonell, Bill 67 52 .. 53 64 71 tended found no sign of mud as Golden Date The meeting saw President Arnold been able to .be out and meet his they watched the day’s events run hand over the gavel of office to in- Farmer Postmaster friends, and word of his death came off like clockwork under a smiling, Mr. and Mrs. Allan, J. MoPhail of coming President Ray Periard, who as a shock to many relatives and Grade XIIC hot sun. The good earth of Max- St. Andrews West, celebrated the conducted the brief business meet- Receives Scroll friends. First Class Honours 90 - 100% GROUP H — Those students who ville fairgrounds had absorbed every golden anniversary of their mar- ing. Chief item of business was the Ex-Postmaster Procule Poirier’s To mourn his passing he leaves Second Class Honours .. 80 - 89% passed successfully in the subjects bit of surface water before the riage on June 7th. It Was per- decision to concentrate. On the sale long service in the local post office his wife, the former Mary St.