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Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-9-1914 Tucumcari News Times, 04-09-1914 The ucT umcari Print. Co.

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4 DBTUCT COURT IS GENTRY IROS. CITIZEN DIES PROMOTER HAKES AN FAMOUS SHOWS VERY SUDDENLY lit SESSION THIS WEEK EXTRA INDUCEMENT Will Be In Tucumcul On Tu4ay, tho Will Hill Falls From Wagon and Is 14th Day of April, Tot One Day Picked Up in a Dying Condition Only Dieo On Way to Town Grand Jury at Work, Judge Lieb Raises Men Mr. Quin, 40-Ac- Bond of Offers to Donate the Cottaty High School a re Charged With Cattle Larceny to $5000.00. Irrigated FrraMeans Another Experi- Buchanan Case Set For Monday It will bo glndsoino nowa to tho peo- Hnturday evening the city was con- ment .Farm for Quay County ple of Tueumcnri and surrounding coun- siderably shocked to hear of tho sud- try to lcnrn that this city is soon to ho den death of Will Hill. visited by tho Famous Gentry shows, District court commenced it's work Mr. IHII had been out in tho coun- Wo aro ready to start things thnt Monday is whoso reputation for nearly thirty years try to and dealing out justico to see about some cnttlo nnd was will plnco us In n position to compcto tho Kmbnz-zlcttan- t, TUGUMGAR MARKETS line' boon of tho highest calibre. This TUCUMCARI many candidates. Murder, returning to town when the nccident PUPILS with other counties when famous trained nnlmnl exhibition, with it comes to cnttlo stealing, divorces nud happened, llo wns accompanied by his. showing tho ndvantnges of Quay county bo-for- lto ' ac- manyothor kinds of o wonderful collection of nnlmnl enscs aro up nephew, Krick Pearson, nnd Mr. Pear- if ono muy judge from tho things that th( WEEK tors" will exhibit in Tueumcnri on Tues son PREFER THE CACTUS ijudgo for sottlotucut. GIVENJVEBlf fays that when they wore within aro happening thick nnd fast. Wo havo Monday wn u fliusy day mid tho time lny, April M, nnd tho youngsters of ii'bout two miles town Mr. Hill of fell tho resources, and p them- all It lake! to occupied g this section can hnrdly restrain forward wnaiostly by candidates from the wagon to tho ground. thorn is to work togothor, nnd y so keen is their in tho to Tuos-'ji- Local Merchants Report the selves, interest When wn-go- u Largo Voto For Tu- naturalization papers. Mr. I'earson got out of the State XTowk Shows get tho things thnt wo need to ittrnct thn nt ovont. ho cumcari to Bo Largely grand jury wni ill in session Following Prices Paid louiid his uncle on his hands in Favor others to us. Among theso is tho tho iWlth nn other exhibition can bo socn and knees ask- of tho 0acuta wh probability of continuing all for Produce trying to got up. When for each rosldont in Quny Cases such n priceless collection of beautiful ho wk. woro not for trinl nnd ed if was hurt he said 'Xo." Ho county to send his boy nnd girl to a will JnaW woro dismissed n Dio coslH Shetland jinnies ,who nre nnd ever was placed In the wngcn nnd brought high school free. Tho plnjUirfs. Tho following is a list of prices pre following letter bo, tho souI'h delight of overy llttlo boy to town, but when tho physician ar- Tho voto for Stnto Flower by the shows such n vailing on tho date mentioned below. Wo that high school in this three easoa of the state against nnd girl in tho land. Tho wonderful rived he wns found to ha dead nnd had children of tho public schools shows county will Io have endeavored to cover the ground so in addition to toachlng tho Ah Jirt Smith for larceny of uhcop luivo dogii nud comical monkey comodlanii no iloubt died onrouto to town. that the cactus has many frlonds in Tu- the farmers may bring their produco to usual brandies, havo tho facilities to 1jHi Mt for trial at this term. Tho and other features too numerous to men. Mr, Hill hnd beau suffering from eumcnri. It must bo agreed to town with n kuowledgo of what they thnt thero tcaoh each young person tho wny to ...jstlco of tho peace had ofllxod tho tlon mnkcv tho Gentry Shows stand out a tubercular kidney and this wns given nro mnny rensons hy may uxpect to receive: tho flower that cultlvfto this soil undor irrigation. f)ond (500, upon entirely In a class by tliom selves. as tho cause his sudden demise. may bo found all on at but tho application Wednesday. April 8 for He over tho atato, tho Thore is a movement all ovor tho Uni- tho K, Hem-ley- , persistent wns 3.1 old llnr-riso- n of district attorney, fleo. Maize, hulled. i.Gj. Mnny yenrs of effort on the yenrs und win born in highland and lowland, In tho dry and ted States, directed by tho Commission an county, Mo. ordor was issuod by Judge Ltob Cano Seed, 3,00 part of Gentry Dros. hnvo enabled thorn He leave n fnthnr, the irrigated districts, should bo tho cr of Education to havo an experiment raising bond to A bench brothers und nnd mnny plant is most tho $5000. Felurila Seed 2.75 to 3.25 to present nn entertainment thnt not sisters frlonds that representative of our farm connected with each school plant, Al- to warrant was forthwith issued nnd Cane, bailed, 1H.00 per ton. only pleases tho vast public but gives mourn his death. Tho funeral was stnto. Tho following is tho result of and the proposition offered to tho Quny bert Smlth will bo held in jail until Millet, baled, per Ion. It nn insight into tho superior training conducted from thn residence by Rev. tho voto taken, nnd which will bo re- county peoplo by Mr. Quin mnkes it a A. X. Miss bond is givon or uutll tho canes aro Hens and Pullets . 10 per lb. of animals almost tuiConcoivable. Rvaus, nud tho remains interred ported to Mnnotto Myers at Santa possiblo for us to got such an experi Lin disponed of by tho court. Duller .25 pir lb. It is universally known that the Gen- Wunnyside cemetery Tuosdny. l'e, as tho result of Tucumcari voto; ment farm for nothing except tbo trou- Judge Llob is using overy effort nf- - Eggs, pur dozen .13. try ehows nre of tho highest grade both Cactus, 212 ble incident to easting n voto for a jfordod by tho law to cnttlo-me- Mnio Heads per ton REGIONAL BANKS LOCATED Wild Roso, 131. protect tho 24.00 in merit and standing, nud it can rend-- 1 County High School whon tho question Droom Corn in thin district, and if ho is not pur ton O5.00 ly bo said that n genuine treat is In TWELVE CITIES NAMED Yucca, 120 is put up again. harsh enough it is because tho people After three mouths of consideration Cosmos, G3 storo for thoso who nttend cither ono There Is another phase of this ques- have not made tho laws strong enough. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL NEEDED the reserve bank organization commit- Mountain Violet, 27 or both of tho performances to bo givon tion that tome of our peoplo havo not If tho law iir tnado moro rigid ho will tinny county should havo a high tee announced that it has selected 12 Wild Sweet Pea, 25 cro next Tuesday. thought of. The government of tho certainly do nil in his powor to onforcc school comowhoro and ns proof for thl cities whoro federal reserve banks are Verbena, 18 Tt has been n Gentry custom to give United Stntos has given Quay County it to tho limit. assertion we have only to say that tho to bo located under tho new currency Mnrlpona Lily, 2 every child attending the matinee per- tho only dry farm experiment station Tho docket is said to bo n largo one county superintendent, Mr. Pack, has law, This was the first doclslvo step Alfalfa, 2 formance, which commences nt 2 o'clock in this stnte, and it will bo nu easy aad the court is pushing things as rap- been nsked to issue certificates of pro- toward the establishment of tho new in tho afternoon, a free rido on their matter to got tho faculty of thut stn-tlo- n idly as possible A wns motion to more than ono hundred pupils system. The cities chosen nro New divorce case finest trained ponies immediately nfter "QUO VADIS" HERE APRIL 20 to give all pupils lu tho county of special interest yesterday. from the eighth grades in the elty and Vork, PhilndclpMiln, Boston, Cleveland, tho show in over. This custom has won "Quo Vndis," thnt marvolout photo high school a, course of Instruction in Tho Buchanan ombeKzlomont cane is county districts of Qnny county. Kiclimnud, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, them countlesso thousands of little drnmn spectnelo that has made tho tho way to carry on dry farming in tho sot next Mondny. These pupils would bo eligible to id- - MLfni&polls, 'Knnsns City, Dallns nnd or1 for who look forward name tho producer, Mr. Goo Klelne, regions wnfcro high-schoo- friends everywhere, water Is not available The threo cases of tho state ngninst mission to tho county l. Tu San Francisco. to tho coming of Gentry Dros. with nil nirondy famous on this continent, nnd for irrigation. This will make pos- eumcnri has 11 It Homor Jonos and Travis I Hates for high school second to The organisation committee wns not the delight that the average child looks which hns thrilled vast audiences week sible for tho persons interested in dry obstructing nn oflleor wero dismissed. none in the state nnd is fully equipped nutliorled by law to provido branch forward to the dnwn of Christmas mom nfter week in Xow York, Chicago, Bus. farming to send tholr children to to handle niiything necessary to make hunks for tho fedcrnl tho Tho caso of 1'. Honry Schoolflold reserve banks, ton nnd Philadelphia and various other Quay it n county high ing or the joys of Wanta Clause. county high school, nnd lonrn charged with killing neat cattle and school without much 'but (he net stutes thnt such banks shall is morn- cities, announced nt tho Opera House both irrigation nnd dry fnrm methods additional cM to anybody. The big street pnrndo Tuesday be estnbllshed. Tucumcari is in tho Dal tho case of John T. Roceo, charged with Movies for an engagement of ono day, whllo in Tho pupils need tho chance ing is snld to bo something decidedly attendance. Not only thnt, assault with intent to murder wore con- to gain lus territory, but u branch bnnk may Mondny, April 20, nnd overyono will do well to with matinee. That but thoso who cannot send children to tinued until next term of higher education but ninny of them will unusual, be estnbllshed nt Kl Paso, which will court. u rure trent is in store for local amuse- tho school wlil hnvo tho be forced to quit school work on ac- keep track of time nud bo on hand privilege to The thrcu eases of Itlclmrd C. Moore be of grent convenionco to this part of ment seekers is n foregono conclusion promptly nt 11 o'clock to witness visit thoso plants, managed sclontificnl-ly- , for nssnult with to count of tho lack of necessnry cash to it. Vow Mexico. intent kill; and the ns such wonderful patronngo and praise nud observe tholr operation, and cases of ngainst A. 11. C. pay tuition to 11 college of city high state Dnubor, that hns been bestowed upon this at- thoroby got much bonoflt from them. C. I'owoll, W. D. Long and school. We owe It to our neighbors to llnrry traction cannot bo without merit. Tho letter from Mr. Is fol- assist in liny way possiblo to educnto Quin as Grubbs, for gambling, worn dismissed. MANY APPLICATIONS ELECT ON WAS Mnny ministers nnd priests hnvo lows. tho children. Other counties nre voting Following nre the names of the grand been nnticenblo in the audlencos par- on the proposition nud putting in the Dear Mr. Hofcr: jurors. ticularly in ew York nnd Chicago, pleases mo to noto now .1 high schools. TiiiMiiucari is willing to FOR It tho work Stevo Tyler, II Wallace, K It Orngg CITIZENSHIP WET AND DISMAL and 11 hnvo givon tho entertainment do her part towards voting for tho pro- going ou in favor of establishing ti O A Ilrlmngc, Mnurico Tnfoya, H F their unqualified approval nnd endorse- posed county high school tho rest county high school for Quny county. Groon, It Lnrltson, W C Montgomery, and ment. Some of tho pictures are moro of thn county should look Into tho mat- This is ono of tho first stops, in my Prnnk Bond, Tom Cardeu, .loso Abeyta than inspiring and imbuo tho spectator ter moro thoroughly and help support Gitlzonship Givon After They Thought City Eloctiou Tuesday Was Quiet nnd judgment, toward developing tho re- Hnll, Karl Oeorgo, n A F.ngor, C with nn unbounded rovornnco for tho thn proposition. Thoy Had Bocn Citizens of U, S. Small Voto Pollod Only Ono sources of this region. I beliovo it Fengin, K W Uoweii, H II Simmons, things thnt are sacred nnd spiritual. Many Years Ticket In tho Field will bring many into Quay county that Fellpo Snlnsuir, Wm Howe, K S lings-dal- According to nil accounts, ono of tho without n county high school will go J D Stone, Oeo Kuger. KINO BAOOOT PRODUCES AN- most striking figures nmong tho grent to soma other plnco. Tho following cases wore dismissed OTHER DETECTIVE PLAY list of actors is tho character of Potor. Threo of Quay county's well known Tho elty election wns one of tho Your corsavlttoo doubtless knows nt tho costs of plnintltTs: King Dnggott is producing another of of Montoyu, It would be hard to find nnothor play- citizens, Chns. P. Johnson, unlet affairs has taken placo thnt I am deeply Interested In bringing 1). linlinnro his stnr-ie- s, that Mnttio .Jordan vs A. mystifying thrilling detective X. Davidson of Logan, nud .Ino. er who so perfectly realizes tho goner- - Nathnu in Tiieuiucari many u day. The water to Irrigate twonty-flv- o thousand Vnnslckol vs n two-ree- l tor vtto Henry Dudley Anderson Imp entitled ''King, the be-fof- nl conception of this noble man. Tho T. Gorbor of Prnlrio Vlow, nppenrod was small ns there was but one ticket acres of Quay county land. Your nro R. .1. Kngle vs .1. H. Dell, et nl Detective in the Mnrlno Mystery." The wook nnd features of tho nctor nro perfect for the district judge this in the field. The vote polled for mayor authorized to stnto for mo thnt If Chas. C. Heed vs Willis D. Ilennett nlory revolve" nbout two brothers, the part nnd could not hnvo been chis- I asked for naturalization paper. was HI", while thnt for Messrs. Camp succoed in doing this, I shall deed for- Frank Wolmcr vs. (1. Anna Lines twins, who closely leseiifblo each other. elled nut of marble or painted special- Mr. Johnson applied for his papers bell and Gerhnrdt for clerk nnd treas ty acres of this irrlgntcd lnnd to tho Ohas. M. Gushing vs Dell dishing One is u iiii ai'coiint sailor, who finds nu ly for the production. Ills acting is nbout thirty-fiv- e yenrs ugo and thought urer respectively, was but 22:2, which Quay county high school, to bo used Iteliiken .Mere. Co. vh C C Hublott. outlet for his iiicniiucM on thn high ut nil times in keeping with tho beauty ho had them but when asked to prove is suppocd to represent the. full vote. ns a school farm, whoiiovcr tho said 'Benjamin Q Mnssngee vs. It L Digger mjiih, while the other Is nu honorable of the character nnd many critics havo his citizenship in order thnt ho might Following is the vote by wards: Quny county high school is estnbllshed. Carl F. Mrohlin vs Amelia Drnhlln business 1111111, wealthy and respected. pronounced the picture where ho is prove up on his claim, he found he had Tirst Word lteetor, UH; Campbell Tho Luna county high school nt Dom- H. Cooper vs. II. I. White A sailor is found in one of tho city's preaching to the Ohristinns in tho cave, nil proof, llo hns been n resident 100; Gerhnrdt 100; Gnllegos Of); Simp ing hns recently purchased twenty 0A. O Dunch vs Meyer Dros Drug Co. back streets of tin afternoon i nn dazm! the most nrtistle nud inspiring of tho of Now Mexico for a number of years son O'i; Fowlor .'I. ncrcs nt nbout two hundred dollars por ?fi T Adair vs Alberto Ortogn condition, lie is taken to the police whole wonderful group. And certain- has taken part in all elections, ncted ns .Second Ward lteetor fiS; Dnd Wnl- - aero for this purpose nnd Albuquorque 11. H. Jones, roc, vs II. fliirhardt station, and when questioned, seems un- ly no scono over pictured or portrayed juror, and has taken many nthor priv- luce I; Campbell W; Gerhnrdt GO; Fow plnns to purchnse n fnrm for tho Ber- Ilillmnu Wirmnn Co. vs Western able to remomlier; hit mind appears to upon tho stage Is more impressive or ileges allowed only to a citizen of this ler r.8; Taylor fi!). nalillo county high school. It is my Mercantile Company. be a blank. Various detectives at- carries stronger weight for good thnn country, (but did It in good faith. As Third Ward lteetor 22; Campbell 23 Intention to help Quny county in K. P. Dunn, et nl vh Hobt Drynn tempt to unravel the mystery of his that incident where the flguro of Christ soon ns he found out tho rcnl situation Gerhnrdt 2.'l; (loodloe 211; George 2.'l. tho snnie clnss of other progressive identity, but fail. King, the famous nppenrs to Peter nnd commands him to ho immediately set nut to obtain tho Third Ward US; Campbell counties, nnd I nm willing, therefore, JUST PAINT AND PAPER detective, is railed in. llo discovers, return to Rome, It is u splendid spe- citizenship he so much dcslrod. 10; Gerhnrdt 10; Tnte 38. Eager 39. to dnnnto the aforesaid real estnto to 'Hint's often nil t lint In needed to first, that the dazed man had a tnus-toch- o cimen of dissolving photography and Tho other gentlemen prnctlcally hnd accomplish my purpose. ront tennntloss property or to got a only recently t his from the fact only ono of a romnrkablo group. In the saino experience, nnd whllo thoy Yours vory sincerely, ' purchasor for n livu.o you want to soli. that the man continues to brush his HORSES STOLEN NEAR MURDOCH fact, it is said, thero are so many gront hnd perhaps applied for naturalization G. W. QUIN Ask mo what it will cost. hand ncross his Hp, Following up n Kniest Phillips nnd F.lmor Lnnkford scenes in this glorious photo drnmn pro- papers und received them, thoy have 2t T. S. OIIAPPKLL chain of clues King finally learns thnt were arrested by Jeff Wondnrd Tues duction of "Quo Vadls" it it difficult lost all proof and havo found Undo BODY I use Pure White Lend and Linseed tho man was not a sailor, but ono of day nud brought to the county jnll to pick out any ono to pralso more thnn H FOUND 8am n most particular real estate agent Tho body A. contrac- oOil. 2t genteel habits. Wednesdny to nwnlt tho decision of tho other. of J. Burton, a and it is his duty to protect his largo tho court. They are charged with lar-- tor for tho Lnko Charottn Land Com- Ah the Htory works out, tho snllor family of homesteaders, cenv of horses nnd mules. pany wan found this morning about TTATEMENT OP OWNERSHIP, had returned and, learning of his broth- DON'T DROWN YOUR LAWNS V or threo quarters of a mllo from his cabin MANAGEMENT, ETO er's Jargo fortune, had sought to re- 5,000 ACRES JOINS PROJECT Thn nnlmnls wero stoleu Sunday Water your lawns good about twico who n con- About two wooks ago Burton n of thn Tticumcarl News, published weok place him by stealing his identity. See Cnrlsbnd, X. M., April 2. Thp di- Hnturdny night from John Dnlloy, weok, but do not keep tho wntor left ly Tueumcnri, required by tho "lives near Murdoch, Thn was at tinually turnod on nnd on Colmor, which is 12 miles from the Char at Act this picture at tho Photoplay soon rectors of tho Pocos Vnlloy Wntor theft lot it flow otta projoct, nbout 0 o'clock In the ev- ot August 24, 1012: Users' Association hnvo npprovod tho once reported to the sheriff nnd ho set thn Inwn, but tho ttmo to water tho R. on Is ening for his home and It seonvs ho loot Editor, Irn Ftirr, Tueumcnri, admission of flOOO moro acres to wnter his deputies to wnrk tho enso with lawn or garden Into in the evening ' DON'T SEND MONEY AWAY his wny and while --wandering around In. Mnnnglng Hdltor, Irn E. Furr, under tho Cnrlsbnd Project in tho lim- tho foregoing results. or ou cloudy dnya, It does no good to for Paint or Wall Paper until you com- the darkness ho off a ellff, was Bushiest Mnnnger, Irn D. Furr " of the present cnnnl systom, The fellows woro making tholr way put the water on vegotatlon whllo tho fell lb pare my prices and qualities with those its 'I'ubllshor, Ira I'. Furr, Tueumcnri westwnrd and wero trailed for twe days sun is shining bright, because It wilts thought that he bad gone to his homo offered by entuloguo houaosj to IRA R. FUItll, Miy SIX PER CENT LOANS beforo thoy wero npprnhouded nnd nnd weakens It. Vogotntion la a great In Kansas, but inquiries made, found nothing of the convenience of buying Sworn to and subscribed beforo me Obtainable to buy, bull.l or Improvo run down ueur Abbott school doul like humanity. If a person Is that he had not reached Kansas so a bo-for- e nt homo and seeing whnt you got son-in-la- jhls :10th dny of '.March, KM I, fnrm, ranch nnd city proporty or house in Gundnlupo county. thirsty or hungroy too much water or came out here and a BMreit 0. D. HAMII1'O.V, you pay for it. Incumbrance thorofrom; HpocJnl food is worse tbau nono at all. Use a was made for htm with the result abeve Notary Public, Quay County, N. M. Come in nnd look, oven If you don St Privileges nnd Koasonnblo Terms. For little yatem tti watering tho lawn and stated. My commission expires August 20, 1017 buy, T. 8. OHAPPELL, proposition, address. Finance Depart- Don't miss the big parade you will mvo money, time and energy; Burton was 74 years of age and jpUel) Paints mixed to ordor St ment., 1527 Busch Bldg,, Dallas, Texas next Tuesday. It might also save the grass. leaves a large family, ringer TlatM THE TUCUMCARI NEWS

MISS LUCY BURLL30N MISS CATHERINE PHELAN Locigo Directory Professional Cards

EON FALLS TWELVE DISTRICT MODERN WOODMEN harry h. Mcelroy Modern Woodmon of America. Attorney-at-La- B. W. Uowon, Clerk. Tucumcari, New Mexico. Gencrnl I'rnctlce. Member of ilnr ot BUUcb, IN 18 RESERVE BANKS LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Supreme Court of United nnd United States i Meets every Tuesday evening In Mooro Stnto Courts, Hall. Lund Olllce. GEN. VILLA'S ARMY VICTORIOUS COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION Jack Lynch, Dictator. L. V. Griggs, Secretary. V. W. MOORE AFTER ELEVEN DAYS ANNOUNCES LOCATION OF Attorney-nt-La- FIQHTINQ CENTRAL BANKS . P. O. ELK8 OtTlco Israel Hulldlns,. Itooms 5 nnd 6. Meets Bccond and fourth Wednesdays Telephone 176. of each month nt Klkr' Home. TUCUMCAHI, NEW MEXICO SEVERAL THOUSAND MEN KILLED OKLAHOMA LIES IN 2 DISTRICTS If. 8. Walton, Exalted Huler. J, W. McCarty, Secretary. H. L. BOON General Vclasco Among Fualtlvei; South Belongs to Dallas nnd North to Attorney and Counselor at Law B. of L. E. Hundred of Defenderi Prison Le Kansas Main Street i City TerritoryCom Cfttnpana Dlv. No. 748, D. of h. K. Office East en; Mexico City Jutt 600 plete Territorial moots every Mondny afternoon nt 2:00 TUCUMCAHI, NEW MEXICO Miles Further South Divisions o'clock in Mnsonlc hall. J. H. McAlplnc. C. K. J. D. CUTLIP E. O. Jncobs, Scc'yTrcnB. Attorney-at-La- Washington Alter threo months of Judgo of Probnto Court, Quny County. conslderntlon the reserve hank organ G. I. A. Olllce ut Court Houso VILLA'S REPORT '' Izntlon committee nnnounced that It Pljnrltn Dlv. No. 4G8, O. I. A. meets Third St. Phono 4 hnd divided tho United States Into Ind nnd 4th Wednesdays, at 2:30 In TUCUMCAHI, NKW MEXICO "Ttirrcon, Conhulln.--"a- en twelve bunking districts Hnd selected Masonic hnll. crnl Vcnustlano Carrnnzn, bu twelve cities Mrs. J. T. Morton, Pres. for fcdornl reserve (3. Sec'y. C. H. FERGUSON promo chief of the constitution bnnks Mrs. E. Jncobs, under the new currency Inw. Mrs. II. C. Chnmbcrs.ln. Sec'y Phylclan and 8urgeon allBts: wns Thla tho first decisive step OfTlco nnd Residence, Mnln StVeet "In this moment tho rem toward tho establishment of tho new Tolephono No. 180 nants of tho federals nro lonv O, of R. T. system. The cities and districts nro: Hnllwny Trnlnmen, TUCUMCAHI, NKW MMCO Ins Torreon In night, nftor Iirothcrhood of No. 788. meets every Sunday evening eleven days of will haye capital of !...11.740. nt; terrible light Mlia Lucy Ourleton, the post- tm. In Mnsonlc hnll. DR. B. F. HERRING; lng, In ,a,,u,"!"- - Ncw which wo hnvo lost l.GOO master general's daughter, Is It. C. O'Connor, Proa. Physician and Surget" find COO SJt!;1i'iH,"1'' N'nw York Capital, 1). wounded killed and .:.i' W. Clnrk, TreiiB. 1, 2 3 HerHPR attending the sessions of the So with ITS national uiul a nutnlx-- r liiuiimiiiimiimimmiimiii iitiiii Offlco Rooms nnd Bid. tho fcdornlH, from tho onor '"' D. A. McKenzle, Sec'y. Heconti clety for the Study of Social VorP "" state of New Residence. South mous numbor of bodies burned Ism formed at George Wash- OITlco Phone 100 Residence Photf,'I3e Just 3 hll'i'lelphln-cnpl- tnl. young must hnvo had over one thou ington university, where she Is Ji'nv, mi national hanks Among the popular O. L. F. & E. 8nnd killed, nnd their number anil Kuvernl ntutu Intuits, Territory. New ladles In Washington this win It. L. V. & E. meotB every Tuesday M. H. KOCH a student. Jersey anil anil putt of Penn- of wounded I run unable to sylvania. ter has been Miss Catherine at 2:00 p. in. in tho Mnsonlc hnll. Director and Embalme H. W. Ixigglns, Pres. Funeral Our forces hnvo fully rt!,iH,'."c' '0' Cleveland riipltnl, $11,. Phelan of Lynn, Mass., who has Telephone No. 11C ,.M nutlomil ami G, C. Andrews, occupied Torreon. 1 congrat- xevenii Mate been visiting her uncle, Con ft Qt ItnitliliMlCCI lTP Imiilts. Territory. Mute of Ohio, part of Hoc. nnd Fin. Sec'y. ulate and saluto you GEN, CARRANZA ENTERS JUAREZ Pcnnsylvniiln, WoM VlrKlnla Ken- gressman Michael F. Phelan of with tucky. ami M. H. Cnrrol, Pres. pro tern. I UL.l.111. illlli ' I Massachusetts. nnd eotccin Hint hnvo Richmond Get nlwnys hnd for you. Your r.l,M.rle.l-.N"- - " lllt'linionil fniiltal. C. MAC 8TANFIL WELCOMED ENTHUSIASTICALLY nittional hanks anil u inim MASONS subordinate, her of Mate Dentist 500-MIL- hanks anil trnM ciuiiihuiIch Tucumcnrl Lotlgu No. 27, A. F. and AFTER JOURNEY Mary-Ian- . "EN. FRANSC1SCO VILLA." reirltory, llntrlct of Columbia. ltegu-lu- r Hldg. I. irclnla, ONE GUARD A. M., meets In Mnsonlc Hall, Olllce in Hector , South FREE, TWO CONVICTED Telephone No. fiG. i' Caiollna, pnrt of Vt VlrKlnla. meetings 1st nnd 3rd .Mondays Junrcz.Torreon fell completely L'LMrlt't .'Vo r'i Atlanta Capital. 4.. of each month nt 7:30 p. in. All visit- TUCUMCAHI, NKW MEXICO Stars and Stripes Carried Through i02,iM, 3,2 national into tho hnndH of tho rebels 10:20 hunks. Territory, JURY IN MUR. ing brothers welcome. at Streets Beside Rebel Banner. Alahama. tlenndii, Kloililn. part of Ten-nonxe- SUPPLY ASYLUM o'clock Thurfiduy night according to pin t of .MlHMhslppl. part of A. V. Coddlngton. W. M. Fighting Torreon Undecided DER CASE REPORTS. J. E. Whltmore, Sec'y. ROOT Ss COULTER announcement mndo hero by Nn- " Chlrnf-o-Caplta- l. aencrnl .,!'."llrU't. - II.V VcniiRtlnno Cnrrnnzn. Inl.iizr., !'M mitlonal hanks, etc. Terri- DENTIST tory, Iowa, part of Wisconsin, the south Roark and Duller of ROYAL ARCH Tho mcnger bulletins excitedly an- Junrez. When Venustlnno Cnrruti era peninsula Convicted Killing CHAPTER of Michigan, patt of till Tucumcnrl Itoyal Arch Chapter No. NKW MEXICO nouncing victory nftor the bloodiest r.a, first chief of tho revolution, en ouik, pun oi minima. Inmate. Kate Darnnrd a TUCUMCAHI, Horles of 'battles District No. . St ImiIs Cnnltal 13. Itegulnr convocations 2nd and 4th known to modern tered this city Sunday the American l.'ll national haul.s. Tcnltory, Ar Witness. Mondays of each mouth in Mnsonin Mexico said thnt Villa captured n ling wns carried by the side of the kansas. part of pnrt of Illinois, hull 7:30 p. m. All visiting com Inillatia. Kent inky. Teniiusseu nt Vie Inrgo numbor or prisoners nnd that in Mio mill puuions welcome. Portraits Mexican emblem. Americans Woodward. Okla. After dollhernt tho fleeing fcdornl remnant wns bo crowd cheered, being Joined to somo District No - , cnpltnl A. Vorenborg. II. P. SALE BROTHERS I I ing thirty-si- x ing pursued. OS" mi limit Intuits. TerrltoiA, for hours the Jury In J. E. Whltmore. Sec'y. extent by the native spectators. Montana, North luihnta. South D.ikota, tho ruse of ytato C. Mlnni-Mita- . t10 against O. Protogrnphs Kodak FlnlshlnR Whether Velnsco, tho fedornl com-mnndc- pail of Wls.-onsl- Mhh-Ikhi- i. In tho last few weeks the general anil Pollard nnd Silas Uutler, charged was enptured was not EASTERN STAR stated. has ridden horseback for fiOO miles, Oklahoma Divided. with tho murder of Frank Pomeroy Thero wns henvy (t, Uethel Chapter No. 15. East- fighting at tho Inst, nnd in the last two months ho has District No. Kiuisiin Cltv Capital. an Inmnte of Order DR. J. EDWIN MANNEY J.,..i'.i.!itt;. national hanks, etc Ter-rltor- the Fort Supply nsylum ern Mnsonlc hall every it Is understood, nnd tho end enme, way. Star, meets in traveled 2.000 miles In thu same Kiiusati, Nehraska. Colorulo. mndo its report The verdict In gu 2nd nnd nights S 00 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. nftor capturing tho threo remaining WyoiuliiK, pnrt of .Missouri, 4th Tuesday at He looked tho picture of health ami all Oklahoma case of C. (J. Pollard wuh ncrpilltnl, o'clock. Visitors cordially Invited. pnono fed-ernlu- , north of a line foiuilni; the southern jsaniinrlum phone 171. Otllco linrrncks hold In the city by tho stor- ami In vigor, n living contradiction to KMimlarles tif the follhwlm: couniles: the ense of Silas Uutler, n Mrs. Edith Clark. W. M. Sr.. Hlttson Hhlg. Homo Snnltnrlum tho rebels Cleve-lum- l. stormed tho trenches ies thnt ho wns feeble and that ho Illalne. fanaillan. verdict of guilty of manslaughter In Dr. It. S. Coulter. W. P. annex. Diseases of and bnrbod wlro entanglements rottawatomle. Seminole. Okfuskee. with Tuberculosis ol constant recourse to stimulants MuskiiKi-,- . th) second degree was Mrs. Margaret Jones, Sec'y. and throat given special canyon had Mclnlosh. ami Seouoyah. nil reported with lungs, nose del Gunrncho. in order to benr up. nnd other reports .New Aie.vlro north of a Hue formltiK tli tho recommendation of leniency by care nnd scientific treatment. Con- Tho prisoners captured nro believed Hoiiioeiii ooiiuoar oi me lollowlliK ollli Mnnney, of n similar nature. Ills appearance ths. MeKlnhy. Sn- - loval, Santa Ke, mo court. I. O. O. F. veniences modern. J. Edwin to hnvo been tho defenders of the San MIkiicI ami I. Physician in charge. also brnnded many lithographs of him t'nion The jury In the ense ngnlnst Hor- Tucumcnrl Lodge (). O. P. meets linrrncks, while the troops In the enn District No 11. DalluM -- Capllal. J.V In Mnsonlc hull every Thursday night. ns libels for they made him appear '.ll.ofil, T'.'il national hanks. Territory, ace Itoark. found him guilty of mini-slnught- yon, which forms nn ogrosB l Visiting brothers always welcome. TUCUMCARI HOSPITAL from the old and rather thin. Texas, all New .Mexico anil iklnlioiriii not In the second degree and lilll-girtc- In DWtrlct No Hi. nil Louisiana not In (!eo. .lobe, N. (i. city, were nblo to escape i llxing Modern Equipment. Largest All afternoon automobiles and car- iMstiii-- .mi. ii, Mini pan of Annum the ptinjshment at twelve W. M. Nleholcs, V. (i. Tho cnmpnlgn ngnlnst tho federal District No 12. San months In the Coil In New Mexico. , . riages streamed out the road past the 1 J penitentiary. E. Dunn. Sec'y. stronghold of Torreon, tho main ob- 5.. r,.r.l4. ulth ".II national haul. p. Graduate Nurses. ' j race track nnd along tho railroad to Teriltor. I'allfiiriila, WashltiKton. re It was shown by the testimony that T. Ridley, Trens. ject of tho rebel cnmpnlgn, began &. anticipate his arrival. The road held iron. Iilaho, Nevmla ami t'tah ami part Pollard acted merely as nn Trustee ti. A. Kngcr. DRS. NOBLE DOUGHTY suddenly two weeks ngo nftor Onornl of Arizona assistant Tucumcari, N. Mex. n straggling procession of these ve- ment for their stock In nnd that he did not directly Injure Vllln hnd spent months In making the the reserve hicles, bicycles, saddlo horses am) not authorized by law to provide for the victim in nny way. The case REDEKAH most careful preparations. If, men, women and children in gala at- branch hanks of the federal roserw against Hutler brought out thnt ho re- Huth Hebekab Lodge N'n. 4 meets Phones and 22 Notary In Ofllco Tho rebel loss In this campaign le nii-'ht- tire, each with a bit of tho native rod. bunks, hut the art specifically states leased Andrews, tho Inmate of the the 1st nnd 3rd Tuesday s of each HARDEE WYATT said to bo more than 2,000 In killed 111 In hall. wi-- l white and green. bnnlis nsylum nnd set in on Pomernv, also month Masonic Vimtors Attorney-at-La- nnd wounded. Trains that such shall be established come. loaded with that Uutler abused Pomeroy. The evi- OfUce (ippiKie in C'liumbcr nrrlvlng General .Manuel Charo, military This task will he left to the super Mrs. Snm Hlxinukes, X c. I'nstolllce wounded have been dally nt dence In the tual tended to show that of ininerce liuiltliug. Chihuahua for tho last governor of the state of Chihuahua, vision of the federal reserve hoard Miss Florence Surcin V. ;. week. at least one of . yet to be appointed by the defendants was Miss May '..-- Tucumcari, N. Mex, Tho rebel commander moved with who camo here to formally welcome President Wll I'ithukoh. Set suprema. galloped son. The organization commltte u party to the aliened murder hv ri. n rapidity hitherto unknown In Mex- the Jefe with his (Inlet- announced thnt tensing the Inmnte to assist in - ican warfare. Ho worked his men staff to a point three miles south of all Information It ,utn he Ing the alleged turbulent Pomerov; in shifts anil, ns b'hlft tho city. collected shall placed nt the dis- one became posal that guards bent the mar. with n thick exhausted, ho sunt fresh ngalnst Here General Cnrrnnzn aid his of the banks and the board hosts ' stock nntl reception when the establishment of thnt Andrews, tho lumnto We do a General Banking Busincer, tho enemy. staff and the committee branch jumped on and Solicit Your Patronage. mot, a long bunks Is considered him. from which injuries A numbor of small towns of lessor and then ousued wait for Pomeroy tiled troop bonrlng The next step to be by throe dnys Inter. importance In n military senso fell tho train the horses taken the army. organization noti- At the hearing Miss Kate Ilarnnrd, first Maplml, Noo nnd Sacramento, end men of Cnrrnnzn's committee will be fication to state commissioner of charities, who whero n bloody battle wns fought. Has Imposing Physique. bnnks entering tho system of the plans for thu districts. spent koiiic time in this section In n " First National This oponud pnth for tho main at- Visitors were eager to catch Juniiitry rein-liv- e Bank Within thirty days the law requires gntherlng Information tack. glimpse of the one man In Mexico to the Investigation of this case, thnt the bnnks must begin the pny-men- t Next camo Lordo nnd Oomor. Pnla-do- , whom General Vllln recognizes as was TUCUMCARI, NEW MEXICO. for Its stock In tine of the witnesses for tho populous suburbs of Torreon, nnd chief. He is a big man physically the reserve bunks In the districts. state She outlined tho result of her nil threo connected with n belt lino and, dosplte his 0f years, looks as If Investigations gave Tho payment of subBcripthns by nnd damaging evi- of street cars. lie could still hold his own In a wrest- dence against United States Depository. bnnks will be sprend over Horace Honrk, the Lordo wns not defended hut It took ling match or a bout with the gloves. tunny third man on trial. months, hut In the Presi- Capital and Surplus $60X00.00 threo main nssnults In which tho reb- Ills shoulders are broad mid his chest meuntlme dent Wilson Is expected to name mem- els lost heavily to take Gomez Pnla-clo- . deep. The beard nlono was true to of FORT SMITH IH WESTERN ASSN. the pictures grny nnd of medium bers tho fetlernl reserve board. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS length. He wns In uniform, splc nnd span, for tho occasion. To those who ST. AUGUSTINE IS FIRE SWEPT Springfield Bnoebnll Franchise Goes 64 SAILORS ARE LOST IN STORMS H. were presented to lilni ho stretched to Arkansas Town. E. JONES, President. .7. W. CORN' n big strong hand with n firm, warm Priceless Old Records Are Destroyed K. 11. SIMPSON, t JOSEPH ISRAEL Grand Banks Vessels Suffer Tremen grip. Tulsa. At the urgent iilondlnc of $400,000 Dlaze . D. He ndded ho had no occasion in It. Mnck, who EARL (JEOROE, Cashier noLDENHERO dous Losses that J. pressed his proposal L. V. to modify his decreo of several by telling nrgumenls nntl tho promise Moums Augustlne.--lllstorl- c 1'IIOS. N. LAWSON. Afcs't Cnshiei II. L. UOON St. Augus- I St. Johns. N. K. Dentil traveled Ii months ago wherein tie slated that St. of ample llnnnclal hacking, the orlg- - n gnln that overtook tho sonllng Hoots no net or contrnct of the Iluertn gov- tine, the oldest city in the United Innl . Kan. frnnchlse, trnns- - Status, was swept by lire which THE ONLY NATIONAL n A M kr iu a n. ., . . r.r-- . Tli e stenmor Newfoundland lost n ernment would be recognized hhoiild lelt ferred to Sprlnglleld, was awarded ti rt i.n In Bixty-fou- r tho revolutionists succeed in captur its wake the serious Injury to two to Mnck nntl Fort Smith at the meet- - lenBt of hor crew, whlla AND LARGEST BANK IN QUAY COUNTY. many more, It Is foarod, will be ing Mexico City. winter visitors, tho destruction ol Ing of tlie directors of tho Western I maimed ns a rosult of exposure. Oay of Retribution Near. records nnd curios tinting back to the association here. Tho men lost wore fnr "The time Is coming when tho days of Spanish rule in the sixteenth Fort Smith fans nlwnys hnvo been from their century Bhlps killing senls when tho storm, world enn plainly seo that the great nnd a property loss estimated keen for n Western nssoclallon frnn- nt chlse, did with blinding snow, swoopod down. cuuso of which I have the honor to but not fnvor tho original from In pint) of organizing n forty-eigh- Winter visitors tho north stock company O9oooeeatfe9ii0 They wnro oxposed for t be nt tin head Is the cause of justice. TUCUMCARI, NEW MEXICO hours before assistance The path of better things Is opening five tourist hotels which were de- by public scbscriptlnn. Mr. Mnck 0 nrrlvod, and personally In that time many succumbed. nnd the day of retribution for treach stroyed lied Into tint streets before stands behind tho Fort 0 duybrcnk, many of them leaving vulu Smith frnnchlse now. Hamilton Tho Newfoundland was oho of n ery nnd Infnmy draws closo Insurance Agency , nblo belongings With the personnel of the longuo fleet of fifteen ships, cnrrylng moro An tiltlcinl mossai;o from tin. fm, personal to be burned C. C. 0 s"vprnl ()f ""fi,H definitely determined ns Oklnhnmn HAMILTON, Manager than 2,000 mon, scnttored nmong tho states thnt fighting Is still going on "10 ''"Pod, clad 0 0,l l HK'Ir sleeping npparel City. Tulsn. Muskogeo nnd McAlester, Ve ice floes near nollo islo strnlt, Tho for the possession of Torreon. Tin write all kinds of 0 in Okln.; Joplln, Mo., nntl Fort Smith, crews were on tho floes, hunting sonls, Tho telegram sayB tho rebels now Prnonn! loss of visitors tho fire 0 H Ark., n playing schedule of 140 games 0 and tho hunt hud taken them from hold nil positions except the main i '!t 'JDWrmitifti. county was adopted. According to this sched- INSURANCE four to six miles from their Bhlps. linrrncks nntl two smaller barracks. The St. Johns courthouse, which ule tho plnylng senson will open May Don't wait until It too Tho ship's crew numborod 150 mon, It Is reported thnt deuernl Villa took contained ninny historic old I. late, but call us now. nlso wns 1 mid close September l.'l. PHONE 89 4 of whom 120 were on rho Ico. Cap- Corro do Ln Cruz nnd tho Torreon records, burned. The rec 109 E. MAIN 8TREET however, uro hnvo McAlester opens nt Oklnhnmn City, tain Wecley Koan, his ofllcers, en- foundry. ords, belloved to been saved as they were in sufes, Muskogeo nt Tulsa, and Port Smith gineers, stokers and cooka romuined Among the rebels wounded Is Oon nt Joplln. IIIMltii 90000000)000000 Aboard, ornl Tomns Urblnn. Those are as yA in the ruins. Oklahoma City wnB represented The News From Chihuahua. nt Tho wonthor Anally cloared nnd the meeting by W. ( Hollidny, Mc- Chlhunhun. Thnt Oenernl Fran- John Llnd Coming Home 'Captain Koan signaled tho ateamnrs Alester by Jerry Kuno, Muskogeo cisco Vllln, rebel lender, hnd been Washington. John Llnd. by former J. Douglns, Joplln by C. n. Hellavonturn and Stophnno ot the wounded nnd had been compelled nn Sergo, governor of Minnesota, nnd for the nnd Fort Smith by It. J. Mnck. loss of his men. These two vessels, this nccount to retire from .lie front Tucumcari Inst eight monfliB the personal rep- A, J. Rnkor, conl oporntor of Jop- Transfer Co. being fast and powerful, smashed wnB the statement of n wounded sol- resentative In Mexico for tho prosl- lln, Ib president, secretary nntl Irons-urer- , their way into tho floos in search of dier received hero, Tho informant d dent of the United States, ended from J. E. Fletcher, vice-preside- the missing mon. Lnto in tho day ho hnd seen Vllln wounded, of PHONE 190 Vorn Cruz for Washington. nn club, Ib t the captain of the Uollnvcntura sent thn nows hnd been withheld Tho tho Tulsn rommerclnl but thnt of Mr. Llnd's prospective of tho nsnocluttou. wlreloss messages here Baying ho had from rank of tho rebel nrmy on noiinceinent the wns by picked up thirty survivors and a num nccount of Its mornl effect. vIbIi mndo President Wilson Our Specialty is explanation thnt his envoy New Freight Cars. Coal ber of bodioa. Ho estimated that Such nows ns renched hero from with thn requested n vacation nnd St. Louis. An order for tho con- forty men had perished and Bait that, tho front wns unfavorable to tho rob had rest WILLIAM TROUP, from his Inborn In n tropical climate struction of 2.000 freight enrs, nt a Proprietor thirty were unaccounted Very tls. Wounded robe) soldiers con-lime- d for. cost of (2,000,000, was placod few boots' had ventured out as early to arrive by train bringing the nnd thnt ns soon ns thnt had been by the ' Cotton Dolt railroad. fa the season. aunibor now uoro to 588. ' obtained ho would return to Mexico ...... i . ...

'i f '




Afid is Glad to Do So, at She Was Denied this Privilege M For Two Years. Richmond, Ky. Mra. N. V. Willis, of BY UjIh placo, sayB: "I suffered fc over three years with womanly troublo, and trlud many different trentmonts, but nono of them seemed to do mo any JOHNBEECKENKIBGE ELLIS good, I hnd nlmost given up to die, whon n frloud of mine beggod mo to try Cardul, tho womnn's tonic. I got c 3LLTJSTO ATION S BV a bottlo, and began to fool a great deal - -- hotter after tho first fow doses. I .O- IRWIN MYEKS thon got four bottles, and aftor tak- ing thoso I waa cured. I don't know whnt n foinalo pain Is 8YN0P3I8. now, do nil of my work, eat anything ' V.v.OPykilGHT I9I2 I want, and fcol llko a 1G year old girl. faco with her bands and bont hor ho&d I never expect to bo without Cardul horn In Uttlitburx. but llnilit him abaent v)- - instinctively. in my houso ns long ns I live, as I conducting thn choir nt & camp rneotliiic. "Up!" crlod Abbott "Up, Samoon, firmly bollovo my llfo, nnd Hhe repair thither In learnh of him, imSm It saved I UuKlm OurliiK the icrvlco and li aakcd up!" will praise it to all of my Buffering laAva. ti Abbott Aahtun, eupurlntondont of AbboU Inquired I Frnn laughod hilariously, nnd lifted flchool. eacorts Kran from the tant. Ha soronoly: "Down unsteadily. "In tho superlative? could bo supported. All In all, ho Is a lady friends." tella her Orcgory la u vfoiilth man. there In tho Den?" don't seo how you enn, after that exhi- changed man." hor head. She looked at him through Cardul is n purely vcgotablo remedy, dfflplx tntcruatud In charity work, nnd a pillar "No," sho returned, "not In tho Den. bition bohlnd tho bars. Anyway, I "Thon will ho ncknowlodgo you? her llngern. Her faco was n garden of containing no harmful mineral prod- thn church. Aahton becomes blush-roses- . f;rittl. Intcrcated In Krnn and whllo You'ro no Danlol, It I am a Charmer. want you to talk about yourself. What but no, no . , ." Sho pretended to roar ucts. Its Ingredients act in n helping, of hr, hohU hrr hand and la No dons for us." mndo you go away from Hut "You Ho can't, on but tho result was not terrifying; then building wny, on womnnly consti- .btfBpphlrii Clinton, alatnr of Kob-- rt town? see? nccount of tho fnCllw.n, chalrmun of thn achool board. "Nor Hon cages?" Inquired Abbott, that's not the worst; what mndo you Mrs. Gregory. There's no futuro for Bho obediently held up her mouth. tution. It has been relieving woman- 'T".n Ormcnry alio wcwta a home Htlll stay away? And wero you doing him, or her, except to go on "Aftor all," said Frnn, speaking ly with hln..W Ornce Nolr, flrcKory'a prlvutn liiHcrutablo; "novor again?" what for living troubles for over half a century, oecretair, tnkra a violent dlallke to Kriyi "Nover ngaln," camo hor renponso, off thoro whorevor It wnB, while poor aa man and wife without thn secre- somewhat Indistinctly, "you .havon't during which tlmo It has proven of ami ir .lnra her to ko away at onco. Fran stopped beforo tho Ferris llttlo girls wero wondering themselves tary. Ue Imagines It would be a sort told why you ran nway to leave poor moro than ordinary valuo as a tonlo Krurnlnta at a twenty. year-oh- l aocret, n, OrcKory in axltntlon naks Oracn to Whool. sick about you? Hut wait I the of reparation to present me to tho Fran guessing whoro you'd gono. Do for weak women. ".'Mr thn room. Krnn n'lali-- a thn atory wheel's going down down, world as daughter, ho you know how I lovo you, Abbott?" f Klrl "Iet's tnko a rldo," sho said, a little down his thinks It You can rely on Cardul. It will do 'how Gregory married n yotmit at I npiftniinVId while attonillna; rollnun and trotnulouHly. "Won't need ticket. Hill, . . . Good thing I havo you to hold would give him happiness but It enn't "I think know." for you what It has dono for thou- "''"Jideacrtrd Kran la thn child of I up. to poor Miss Snpphlra, sho be. Grnce Nolr has found It nil out " It was a good whllo lator that Ab- of Dcgtn tntit'fniarrlHKr,. hr.Gregory had married hla stop tho wheel; want to go right can't sands others. taking It Prf"Mlt wife thrno yoara tioforc Uin death TIiIh Is a friend of mine Mr. ABhton. como now! Listen at all tho street "Thon she will tell!" Abbott bott said: "As to why I left Llttlo- today. of ft liking to "nin'a mother. Krnn takes And Abbott, Is an older criers, getting closer, and tho whistle In dismay. burg: Hob knew of a private school N. D. IVrth Advlaory - Mrs.BOrngnry, Ori-gor- explnlna that this frleud l! Ladle' Der.,Charra- )rnirig thn daughter of n very dnar friend than you Mr. Dill Smooklns." sounds I wish wo had whistles; tha "Sho would havo told but for ono that has Just been Incorporated hs a Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for In atory. fciutlntttuttitnt, and o book."! omo Treat- who drnd. Krnn agree to thn Mr. Hill oxcrod-Ingl- y squawky kind. See my elemont, Ab- thing. Shu doesn't dnro, and It's on college A teacher's nocded, ono with Mm ,iOrKiiry Inalata on her making her HmooklnH was an ment for Women," seat In plain wrapper, oa hurd-fcature- 1'vo -- own now edu- rtqueat. Adv. iom"with them nnd takes her to her d man, of no recog- bott, the air breathed all my llfo hor nccount of course. Sho has tdens of tho education tho "'4t Kran declnrea the aiorntnry must nizable ago. Hxtnrnally, ho bluo tho cnrnlvnl. Hero we aro, just nbovo been terribly well, Indiscreet. You cation that teaches us how to make ?n Oracn heglnn nagging tnctlca In an was tho clouds of confetti. . . . Now enn't think of what lengths she wns books usoful to llfo, and not life to Her Writing. .ort to drive Kran from thn Oregnry overalls and grensy tar. wrong tome. Ahtiott. while taking n walk nlonn In- we're riding through . . . protty willing to go not from coldly making books the educntlon thnt teachos "What's with you, Thomas? tell- - Abbott grasped Ultra hand, nnd t midnight, llnda Krnn on a bridge dnmp, fig- "I want to get my laundry from Ing by Bln tolls Ab- quired about bHlni!HH. these clouds nro, don't you up her mind, but becnuso she lost grip happiness na well aa words nnd her fortune rurda. tho Chinaman, and I can't toll If thoso bott Mint nhe la the fnmoua lion tamer. "Awful pore, sonso Fran lof thn think! Thoso ribbons of electric on herself, from always thinking sho ures; just tho kind thnt you didn't find Krnn Nonpareil. Hhe tired of elrcua llfn lights hnvo been the real world to mo. (.ouldn't. So sho went nwny with Hob nt my school, little rebel! Hob was on slips nro tho laundry tickets or notes nnd untight n home. (Iran ilrctriVs to asv show," was tlifi answer, accompanied from Julia." Hob Clinton to go to Springfield to Inves- by n grin that threatened to cut the Abbott thoy wero homo. . . No, Clinton she'll marry him, and they'll old chum of thn mnn who owns th tigate Kran'a atory. Krnn nfTnra lwr Hill, wo don't want to get We In- go to Chicago, out of Llttloburg his- property so hu me, nnd wervtees to Oregnry aa secretary during wenthor-beato- n faco wldo open. out. recommended to rldo you tory poor I magnifi- SAGE TEA AND thn temporary nbaenre of Orure. The In' Fran beamed. "Mr. Smooklim know tend until tnko thla wheel Hob! Itemembcr the nffcht went. It's a great chance, a SULPHUR henrlng of Krnn'a purpose, returna to pieces. And oh, by tho way, Hill he was trying to get religion? I'm cent opening. Tho man wns so pleased 1r.nnd Interrupts n touching aceno between my motlier didn't you, Dill? Ho wbb DARKENS YOUR GRAY HAIR Oregnrv Just stop this wheel, overy onco Wi a afraid he'll conclude thnt religion with tho way I talked--ho- 'a new to father nnd dntlghter Ornco tella awful good to mo whon 1 wna a kid. tho hn Intenda to marry Clinton nnd quit hla whllo, will you? whon wo'ro up nt tho Isn't what ho thought It was, living so business, so thnt must bo his excuso nervine. He declnrea thnt he cannot con- Mr. Smooklns wnH n Humnn Nymph In Look Yean Youngerl Try Grandma' very tiptop. to It now I tinue hla work without her Cnrrled nwny those days, nnd hu smoked nnd talked, All right good by." close from on." thnt am to be tho president." Recipe of Rage and 8ulphur Jy paaalnn, hu tnkea her In hla arma. And Abbott cnlled gaily, "Good-by- , "All this Interests mo greatly, dear, Fran's voice enmo faintly In on them, ho did, right down tho water rather and Nobody Will Know. T'rnn wnlka nnd declare that under Mr. It you. you onco. To sure-enoug- SmooklnB!" because Interests Still, it "Hurrah! Hut aro to bo far, far Ornco muat lenve the hotian nt remember, Hill? That was h Oregnry' constnrnntlnn he lenrn of upon question." nbovo my I suro-ououg- "I'm glad you did that, Abbott. You doesn't bear tho main reach, just aa prophesied Cllnton'a mission to Hprlngfleld. Clinton water oh, ho'a a h Hill, let Almost everyone knows that Sags homo-bod- y you why I wont you I return from Hprlngfleld nnd, nt Krnn'a mo tell you I" think you'ro somebody, when "Abbott, don't know Don't remember what said to Ton and Sulphur, properly compound- iIImoii Suro-Knoug- request. Abbott urge him not to else thinks bo, too. Now we're to thnt show to act. You thought I you during our drlvo through h what hn hn learned, On Abbott' nssur-inc- n Hilt Intimated, as ho slowed down ed, brings back tho natural color and rlBlng In d wns cnrlng for a sick friend. What do Country?" thnt Ornco will lenve Oregnrv nt tho engine, thnt tho rhoumatlsm ho tho world." Fran waa so lustro to tho hair whon faded, streaked once. Clinton agree to keep llnt. Driv- that she could not keep her body you think of such deceptions?" "And that Isn't nil," snld Abbott, o, or gray; also itching en Into a corner by thn threat of had acquired under tho wator, was Jef-fnrso- ends dandruff, "I think I Simon n I suro-enoug- from quivering. In aplto of this, sho understand. looking straight before him, and pro- Oregnry forced to dismiss h scnlp stops falling hook-toeep- er rheumntlum hnnco his nnd hair. Years Orncn. Ornee I offered the Job of fastened her oyes upon Abbott to told mo of a girl falling from n tending that ho had not hoard, "In In Clinton' grocery atorn. Oreg-or- y change of occupation. "1 waa strong ago tho only way to got thle mixture suddonly: trapeze; It waa possibly La Gonlzcttt's town Okla., I discov- Infntuntlnn lead him to 'ek Ornce enough to bo a Human Nymph," ho ask. "'Most' what?" that Tahlclah, was to make It at homo, which is n.t the grocery. He find her nlone nnd "Most adorablo," answered, dntlghter. Mrs. Jefferson told mu thai ered, out In tho suburbs, n cottage past. explained, "but Nobody Abbott mussy and troublesome. 'tell her the atory of hi Ornce not endurable. ns If Mrs. Gregory Is nursing some ono. thing na rpolnta out thnt n he tunrrlnd thn pres- can't last many years as a Human ho had boon waiting for the the dearest llttlo denr as Nowadays wo simply ask at any ent Mr. Oiygory before the denth of prompting. "Most precious. Most The snme one, I Imagine. And La Gon-Izet- tl . . . aB Mr. Smooklns; just big la not now legally mar- Nymph." drug storo for "Wyoth's Sage nnd Sul- Trnn'a mother, he unanswerably was a friend of yours, nnd you enough a girl I ried. They decide to flcn nt onen. Thoy sweet. Most for like Frnn. rented phur Hair Remedy." You will get a Attempt to eaonpe during thn excitement Abbott Indicated his companion nnd eternally took her place, so tho mother could It nt once of course, It oughn't to be ono Fran!" largo bottlo for about fiO conts. Every- of n street fair and aro forced to enter "Hero's that'll Inst my time." "And you " she whUporod. stay with tho Injured daughter." standing there Idle thero's such a thn lion tent to nvold Clinton. Abbott Tho wheel mopped. body uses this old, famous reclpo, bo-cau- so wander Into the lion tent to pnai the Ilo and Fran "And I," ho told her, "am nothing "You'ro n wonder, yourself!" Fran fragrant llowor garden I spent some tnrt, a young woman wearing n mnak woro, barred Into n seat. no ono enn possibly tell that but most wnntlng-to-be-Iovcd.- " declared, dropping her hands to ntnre time arranging tho grounds ns I think 1 inking the plnce of the regular trainer. "And now," oxclnlmod, all you darkened your hair, na It dooa It One of the llnna rebel nnd thn trnlner re- Fran "It's "It's so queer," Fran said, plaintive- at him. "Yes, that's 1U All these you'll llku them. I didn't furnish the pic-jr- o so nnturully and evenly. You dampen ups dowtm, a moving show-peopl- e move her mnak revealing the fenlure o' and Just llku ly. "You know, Abbott, how long are friends of in I no. cottage, though. Women nlwnys llko T'rnn. Bnn flnnlly overcome the brui of llfo. Why don't you Bay some- a sponge or soft brush with it nnd Oregnrv' eye nre opened to the rnnl nn-1n- you've fought against mo. You know When tho mnyor was trying to decide to select their own carpets and things, you draw this through your hair, taking of Ornce nn he nee murder In hor thing, Mr. Ashlon? Hut no, cnu I you, compnny they'd hnvo during contest with the Hon. It, nnd don't blnme not in tho what cnrnlvnl and" ono fvea Krnn'a keop still I'm excited to death, and I small strand nt a tlmo; by morn- .Ho tella her nil I over between them. lonst. There's nothing about mo to for the street fair, told him nbout Fran's fnco wna a dimpled sen of wouldn't hoar you anyway. I want to ing the gray hair disappears, and rnnko people. . . . Hut even now, this show, and Hint's why It's here. pink nnd crimson waves, with starry do nil talking I alwnys do, after another application or two, your CHAPTER XXIII. Continued. tho after how can you think you understand mo, Poor In Gonlzettl needs tho monoy lights In her black eyes for signal 1'vo been In tho cago. My Is hnlr becomes beautifully dark, thick Ilo mot hor eyes unfalteringly. "It's bruin whon I don't understand mysolf?" dreadfully for they spend It ns fnst lights. "Oh, you king of hearts!" she lilted with so this Ib tho tlmo to and glossy and you look years younger. alrondy nlno o'clock," hn said with Bin- air "I don't." ho snld, promptly. "Pvo ns It's paid in. The little darling will exclaimed. "And shnlt we hnvo a bo soaring up Into III Adv. nlno-- tho sky, Isn't given up trying to understand you havo to go to a hospital, and thero's wedding, nnd kill ocular composure. "Don't forsot i your church Just 'em?" thirty." What is brain tilled with? but Since thon, I've just loved. That's nothing laid by. Thu boys nil throw Abbott luughcd boylHhly. "No you Sometimes wo would meet a bal- rather never mind. We'll bo Just two easy." In, hut they didn't have much, them-solve- must remember that your connection mnn who would lend us n dollar than Tlion ho disappeared In tho crowd. my t you loons aren't glad wo haven't Nobody Kvorybody's poor show-lif- e Thon, to hor iimnzomcnt, nho bohold "What will pooplo think of a nuper-lntende- hns. with Is nt nn end." lond us n hand. any strings on uh supposo somo peo- In old world except you mo. Hamilton Orogory ntutnbllnR townrd of public schools caring for this and "Hut nnd then and so," cried ple had hold! I, for one, would bo Hhow-glrl- , Non-pnrnl- n even If sho la Fran l. I've tnken La Gontzettl's plnco In the Frnn rapturously, "I'm to have n homo Tinr, lookliiK nolthor to right nor loft, willing never to go down ngaln. Whori How would It affect your ca- cnge nil dny to keep her from losing nfter all, with flower gardens nnd AN cooing nono but her Hamilton Greg- Wish wo moot EASY MATTER aro tho clouds? could out; nnd If this wasn't thn last day, sure-enoug- h ory at n nhow! Hntntlton Orogory reer?" enrpots nnd things a a fow. Seo how I'm trembling I don't know whether I'd havo prom- liora, of nil places, his eyoa wldo, his "Hut you hnvo promised nover again home Abbott, a home with you! do, nfter tho lions. Now, Abbott, ised you or not. . . , SaniBon wns jBinnd thrown bnck ns If to bnro his to engnge In a show, so you uro not a Don't you know, It's been tho dream of to correct such ills as I'll loavo a small opening for just one show-girl.- pretty good, but annoyed " ?aacn to gnzo, " thnt mask my llfo to to hor startled word " you Ab- Poor Appetite, Sick "What about my mother who lived him. So see hut honestly, Abbott wns Inexpressibly touched. "Frnn!" crlnd Gregory, thrusting you," brief- "I'll stondy said Abbott, llon-tnmor- bott, doesn't all this rnnko you fool I and died aa n ? What will Just "Yes, wns Just thinking of what I Headache, Bloating, forth his nrme to tnko hor hnnds. ly, and ho took tier hand. Sho did not n wee bit mu?" you my ? different about hoard you suy, ouco to belong to "Front Kvuu now, tho bars dtvldo us. nppcar do nbout I'd nev- Heartburn, Indigestion conscious of his protecting er speak to a man who could feel "It makes mo want to kiss you, Bomebody." clnap. nshamed of my mothor. What about Frnn." Frnn slipped her nrms nbout his or Nausea if you act "I novor seo tho moon so big," sho "It makes you" sho gasped bo-lou- g my fathor who has never publicly "wnnt neck. "And whnt a somebody! To promptly the first wont on, brenthleusly, "without think- acknowledged mo? I'd not want to to do that? Why, Abbott! Nothing to you. And to know that my and at ing of night It along can save you." that when rolled have anything to do with a man who home Is our home. . . ." sign of trouble take tho pasture as If It wanted to knock who could bo proud of him." "I'm nfr.nld not," ho ngroed. Abbott, with a sober sonso of his us off tho foot-brldg- o bnlng whoro Thu car was swinging tho highest for "As to tho past, Fran, I hnvo only at ttnworthlness, embtncod hor silently. wo oughtn't. I reach of tho onglno nover could understand thla to sny: Whatover hardships It wheel. Thft From far bolow camo n sudden why you should stay on thnt bridge stopped. contained, whntovor wronga or wretch-odni'B- Bound, making Its way through tho Hosteller's eyes vory street-uproar- . with a porfect Btrangor, when your It evolved you, you, tho Fran She opened her wldo. "I'd continuity of tho It was duty to camp-mooting- ! you'd he a world-famou- s was bo usher at tho of today tho Fran of, this living think afraid of such tho chugging of the engine You weren't ushorlng mo, you hour. And It's tho Fran' of thla living " he declared, Tho wheel began to revolve, Stomach know, you woro holding my I drawing back. "Some havo been, I hand hour that I want to marry?" Down they cumo down down mean, I was holding your hand, ns assure you." Fran coverod hor faco with her Frnn looked up nt tho moon. "Good- Miss Sapphtra Haya I "I'm not nfrald," Abbott declared, by," shouldn't. What hands. n wna silence, she cnlled, gaily. "Tho world la Bitters a poor helpless mnn ns I'm holding For whllo there drawing her toward him would gooil then she said: lie enough for me!" you now, I presume! Hut I laughed In have klsBod her hut covered hor tonight." hii miK ICND meeting l'eople ought to go outdoors "Fathor was thoro, It invigorates the di- lion-show- ? Mr to smile, nnd keep their religion In a "At the Impossible! Gregory go to n a to a " house, 1 guess, I'm going to toll you gestive system, renews It Is poflslhlo even to why I laughed, for you'vo never "Yos, for him go and rebuilds health. guoasod, nnd you'vo always boon to n show. Hut to do him Justice ufrnld to ask" ho wna forced under tho tent, hu had "Afraid of you, Frnn?" no Intention of doing anything so wicked us that, ho only meant to do ''Awfully, I'm going to show you libAMkhAikuahM some tiling llku running nwny let go, bo 1 can show you. No, I'm In little Jt'. earnest you can havo mo, nftorwnrds. Hut no, I enn't speak of him with bit tornosB, now. Abbott, ho secma nil . . . Ilomomber that evangelist? There ho stood, wnvlng his hands as chnngod." MCORVMCrOOSMiA I'm doing now moving tils nrms with Abbott murmured, ns If stu polled: .Vi -. i "Mr. Gregory a Bhow!" ' ..ill his eyoa fastened upon the congrega- at PIRATE DAYS OF OLD on tho stenmor Dortmund of tho Hnm-- 1 msrem Lsnacm LIKE & Vfj.V Han-show- . burg-Amerlea- n A of it,. I "Up, Samoon, Upl" tion this wny took, Abbott." "Yes, nnd a Whon It wits lino, which wbb lying niirt. tl.l I over ho cumo to mo ho wna ho d nt the '.MniiotM,3a,kalcbrannnd "Frnnt Aa If woro not already Men Who Were Shanghaied From docks. Tho young men wore Albtrta. have produced won- - Hut oh, I ntn no glnd, so glnd and " J looking." Norfolk, Va,, Seek Satisfaction told thnt the ship wns bound for Hos- niiBWorod my prnyur and aavod so j n "So wan I," spoko up the ton. They accompanied thu ngont 'Jod "Iook Just not saying word other From Authorities, to 'from Contract ,a Nn 1 1 1 ll jou, Krun my daughter!" nn nlllce, ...4 only waving tills way and that . . "rather!" ' welched heavy nnd yUldod from 20 j And It mndo mo thing of our hypno-tlzo- r ".You didn't Bhow it. I thought Tho dnys of tho oyster pirates nnd Thoy sny that thoy mot a Swede on it CHAPTER XXIV. y; auouttne total average. Mlud Farm- - IV tho mnn thut waves people Into mnybo you wouldn't enro If I had been old wind Jammers wero recalled whon tho way and hu consented to go nlong. hi lmM mnw I. mh.U.. ..II.. - a. .V our biggest tont ho Booms to pick Vm eaten up. . . . No, no, listen, Ilo Walter McGlrth, son of a North Caro- Tho throe woro naked to sign Bhlp-pln- g able an Indmtry at urnln raUlng. The Sky. ' I Near the up bodily and carry them In Ills arms. wanted to claim mo ho cnlled mo lina farmer, and Hbert Cocran, son of pnpora, but tho Swedo DriUM- - full. rv. ri,lr4lnn., maM rofusod to tho onlv food rroiilr-v- t for Kul It was hnlf'past nlno whon Abbott peo- sign lthr Weill And If tho pooplo nro to be 'daughter' right thero beforo tho a former Pittsburg banker, told how until ho hnd read them. Thla or dairy purpoM. In 1912. and again In --i.tset Kran, according to appointment, waved Into a church, It won't tnko ple, but thoy thought it waa just a sort thoy had been changhaled nt tho point angered tho ngont, who Is allogcd to 1913. nt Chimin. M.lik. - - : - I u feoforo tho Rnnko Don. From hor hnnds much of a broozn to blow them nut. of of church name. Hut ho waa won- of a pistol and forced to work their havo drawn a rovolver and knocked lbChmplon,hlpforbf Good v.iwvi,mffiici cut.Ycf.icm, ex-- h ho had removed tho color of Italy, soul-wavin- I Swodo t.climate I bollovo in derfully moved. left way as Hamburg when they tho unconscious, don't Hut tho tent with senmun to cellent. For the homesteader, the raaa V and from hor body, tho gllttorlng rat-Dio- thnt doasn't mean that I don't bollovo him, and wo had a loug talk I enmo thought that thoy woro going to ship Tho young mon sny thoy wore who wUhea to farm extensively, or the J that ...... , of La Oonlzottt. In church doos It? do you him to you. I novor saw any- Hoston, says Philadelphia Tlmos. glvon $3 .u vwiuua wici Mia iitfjfcat Uf tho fron to tho about worth of clothing and ponunityoi sny puce on toe eoauseat. Kran camo up to tho younp; man body so chnngod." Tho Immigration authorities nro hand- put think?" aboard tho ship. Thon thoy Annlv fnr ftAti-i-irtt-j. IUamIiim mt from out tho crowdod Btreot, all quiv- "You bollovo in convictions, Frnn. "nut why?" ling tho caso and a deputy United loarnod that thoy woro bound for Ham- I reduced railway rates to ering oxcttomont In contrast with And since you'vo coma Into tho church, "You seo, ho thought I was going to States marshal, accompanied by tho burg Instead of Hoston, but were Superintendent e( tho pulsing "fo Hiat consoloHsty you don't havo to say that you bollovo bo killed right thoro beforo hla eyoa, two men, la on tho way to Norfolk forcod to work. Whon tho 1mm fntlnn steamer ' 1 from Ottawa, Canada, or to i chnngod her face, as rolltictlons In It." nnd seeing It with hla very own eyoa to arrest tho agont who shipped them, roached tho other sldo of tho Atlantic dancing Hght-polnt- IiIb composure fool Nov- of "Yos thorn's nothing on tho out- made him responsible Ha told Tho two young mon mot last tho young men wont to Consul Gen- Q. grotoBquo. woro A. OOOK owod almoBt side, and oh, sometimes thnro'a so mo, afterwards, thnt when ho found ember In Norfolk, Va. Hoth out eral flklnner at Hamburg and 129 W. 0th Street "Horn l am." alio pantod, shooting n little, so llttlo under tho roof what out who It was In thn cago, ho thought of employment and sought work ubout lodged their complaint Mr. Skinner KanaasCltr, Me In way according quizzical glanco at his faco, "aro you do you think of too, Abbott?" of mothor a dlfforont ho saw tho docks, Thoy wero met, sent them back to this country to Canadian hnd story, by allogod crow ship- ready for me? Como on, thon, and "Fran, I think you aro tho most" how his deaortton driven hor to to their an make their complaint to the lmmigrar i Government Ages ' show you tho vory pluco for us." "Out do you I" sho Lntcrpoied, still earning her llvln wlt& ihcwman, so I ping ajtont, who offered to book them tloa authorities THE TUCUMCARI NEWS

Independent Weekly Mr. Mundell worked under embarrass' Vol the pooplo that went boforo had lug conditions, their faults. The Master eggs and rab- The Tucumcari News Several other things onbi bo men- bits that you see In the stores nre the Published Every Wednesday tioned in regard to "wild cat" schemes flotsam and Jotsnm of old pagan cus- put forth to advertise (f) Tucumcnri, toms. They were originally symbols of but tho Press editor never lost night fertility. The Kuropcu'i peasant con- IRA H. FURR, lidltor ahd Publisher of his personal ambitions, oven to the nected them with the revival of spring drawing of his salary nnd oxponscs to and the planting of the seed, As his Kntercd ns second-etna- s mnltar at the ltoswell, Ainarlllo, Clovis, etc., as sec children come our to till our farms poatoflice of Tucumcnri, N. M . under the, rotary of Commercial Club, which has nnd build our rnilronds ,they bring the act of Congress of March 1879 i, now been drno awny with 011 account old symbols. The ancestors across the of "lack of funds." We might sny the water prayed 011 Master Day quite as Thursday, April i. 1914 editor of the Press still hangs on to the much for fut oxen nnd full wheat as secretary 's olllco becnuse as lie says, for the life everlasting "1 can't afford to lose the title." The old Master In Murope wns pretty WE CAN'T HELP IT We don't care to be called n knocker much of 11 frolic. It s the duty if An nrtii'lo v.t printed In tin-- Ojiny when it is our duty to mil down some- the clergy to ,ioke tin- - ' Master smile" County Press, n paper printed in Ntrn thing we think detrimental to our city, If they couldn't do It spiritual en Visa, which dragged the News tdltor and there are several things In Tucum- thioiasm, they often told humorous sto- over tin- - coals ha I fw had committed cnri that need knocking, but on account ries from a pulpit. After church, the Visit, winch drilled the News editor of our tdiort oxporlcnco la editorial exercises were fleshly, often to the over the con Ik us if we had committed work here, we wll. not try to handle it point of riotous wassail. m iitiptirdnnitlile sin, 1 lie Pre said all in one week. Today the prophet speaks with fer- S" wo spoke unjustly about the Tucumcnri We do not bulleve in leaving the Im- vor his niessnge of mini's unutterable Chamber of Commerce, when we mild pression to the outside world thnt Tu- longing nnd Hod' triumphant mission. there should he something done In the cumcnri is free from debt, when we The headgear of the wo'iien may be a wny of reorganizing nnd petting down ow( in the neighborhood of .f 11)0,000. rir-toi- and distracting "iirden of aii tfl business. It's no disgrace to bo In debt If you it v. Vet the silence of tho House of have something to show for Hod suggests that the message of .Not Ing ngo our city could boast of the Indebt the A city with a bonded pulpit Is not passed unheard. The 1m vlti a ('ommoroinl chili compiled of ednos. debt shows life nnd vitality. When get world is growing after all. 101 paying members. T(lny we nre we our present so It is supposed to take some resolution asaiunt! to tell the public how many indebtedness paid or ) much thereof thnt we can afford to own for the woman with the shabby hat to paying moinbors we now hnc. When the electric light plant or put in anoth- venture out on Master. Still, does any 9 nnmntmtlnn' membership nils off The Task of the Century er, then we should vote more bonds and one stay n home for (hit reason The is fact at it Inn during the jist vnr. add to the city's worth. A city irirl with lust year style gets soiik sug- there is a screu looso somewhere. thnt votes bond and can find n sale f gestions that help in Home mllliuerv. Tlht pridoney is hold by n uian who them, must necessarily be a live wire. t'erhnps it is the fnsln i parade that The United States Government has nearly completed the biggest hn superiors in Tiiciimenti us a I) tw The insinuation that some people lures tier to ihurcli rami by th gtfiitlr-ttia- n mitl -- job in the world 'business mini, luit there used the Press editor for an informa Miistii hat, lie may ut remain to i in the which another harrier way tion bureNii, nnd asked him the pra MiJlrt? our "if Two oceans have been wedded and a continent cut in two present ccniinorcinl ilnli Sun ' the News or the Xews the work under great dilllctiltio. Sun," does not make us mad. bceniw The total cost of the Panama Catial is $375,000,000.00 Tlfc present secretary hu no finan- we have had some people say wor-- . cial hMorusdx ut stake; he knows not things to us. Ami oven have rer Thre'e Hundred and Seventy-Fiv- e Million Dollars to dig a ditch the wine of n dollar and his political eiiouuh to a'i us if we print ;he Pre nwlrltion in the only reason he puts Now. this is the limit. That's a lot of Money, btit- - MtUMlf out a a booster for Tncunienri. Wc me determined to believe tlrit T i three-fourth- s Sy& Ha wislis to ln elected to some oflice. eillncari PNIirot support It newMiapi r . It's less than of the money the Bell Telephone WBB to the ity council, hut does not cari cannot support three ncwsjiap ' HHi) which party or set of men turn the nnd it is "tily a question of a short tern has paid in waoios to its employes in the last live years trltk. tie wants to run rr represent)! time which paper the merchants want Right in we own operatiing1 tlv fram this county and wants thn Jo kop. The Xews Iim a large list f here the Mountain States paid our ftrntoeratie party to hack him hecniiso . lefrit'ttiat subscribers, while t'n Pr employes million in ii 11 last year, over three dollars wages alono it mmii to Imve the bct h to has ! thnii hundred, sv t ic eltiet tt cuudidate. If it !( not M'e chull, who knows enough to a lv. rt,e. You see it costs a lot to make telephone service St to iMMiiiimt,. him he will originate a knows where to put his ad. Of our , vouk pint form all his own. the loci-chan- t does not care n Ion Tb inlltor of the Press asked us not uiy paper roen bis ad. i'ree---l- i to tlMil In personalities, but mnkes u little bit helps." )MMMiml attack on the Xews editor's The Vows editor anuoi )iv, in I ' fllty patriotism. He claim we have and promises but desires to pit tl mvr nttandod a Commercial Club Xews on a paviau basis, nnd to do th rttawting during the past year. In this we nsl: the ineri-haui- '' ind co The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. h in mistaken, because we have operation. STATU BArNUIt TOIt HE3T "The Corporation Different" urA only Koine of the smokers ' HPELLBIt nUIjOW IHNTII GRADE but the entertainment course, which THE POPULAU ATTITUDE I'm liaoi r Mtnr.11 I Id I U 0 1 f ! II r Was supposed r. I ti. - il-- . 1 to, 1. M. to be composed of live j When a writer tries to sell the mag- of for numbers, but on account of small at azine ediUTs an Kastor article on "Im- ! einjr th- - be-- t xpelli r the stale ill teadanee only one number was given. mortality" he is apt to far.- - but ill. ii y grade up to the eighth, has arrived The lecturer, Mr. Muudell, who i one j Hut if lu can fut up a good snappy and may be -- een in tlie front window doubt it is much more prudent and pathy of the cMiniuinity can always he RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT of the est posted men In the west, wan! story about Master eggi, rabbits, gowns of the News otlice. Tuciiincari is most much snfer to lie serving a late dinner won against him, lv the calm state- Catnpana Div. No. 718 B. of L. E. badly handicapped by the operation of he will find a ready Such con- proud of its schiols from an educational to the mistress ami her family at horn ment in mnrket. of the truth lawful wavs Wli.rci,. t mis pleased Almighty the picture inaehlnc, which wns handled siderations, particularly Master standpoint u.s it hu entered tun con-test- s but a sene of deprivation rises under the 'iod in ln his, loin, whose ways aro not by the .(tick of all where it came out with trades Press (dltor. clothes display, leads tho pessimists to recently the.c circumstances in the heart of tho i -, RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT "sir win- i; from the abundant Sometime you could fee the picture say the world is losing spiritual one of the coveted prizes. Lust week girl as she rebelliously washes her disli vmiii.iu.i uiv. ixu, in a, 01 u, ti. labor oi tin. ,(. to a well earned test, and (he next minute you couldn't, and a Tiieunicuri boy wns awarded third i's. incidentally' smashing a little china Whereas, it has pleased the Allwisc ii. tliiit home not made with hnnilJ, pii.e in the essay writing contest. Now by way of emphasis. tiod to take the soul of Alba O. Wack. Mallack, brother in Jaw of our it tlie boys win, represtMit us in the wages will be high, and lather of our brother, W. C. Wnek, of brother, P. S. Ilni., who departed this st nte uthletie meet are given tlie prop- many unemployed women will be re- this city, from his home at Pittsburg, I life March . mi , , n homo in De- er eiit'ourageineiit we may well expect luctant to enter this Held, until its .t Kansas, on March as. 10M, at the age troit, Mica., at the age f II years, tin in to acquit themselves in the same hours are more like those of a factorv. f HP years. II mnnVhs and .1 days. He it therefore resolved, that in his iiiinini'inlatory inaiiner. Tniumcari has We Have Made a Special Effort He it resolved, that in his ttn (death the lost a trim the best of material and all the boys SHOOTING UP TIIE EDITOR doatb community has i'aiail has lost n kind anil hus 'mtii loyal familv i bereft need is for the eitieiis to v'h'e them the Newspaper writers sometimes remark lovinif the for the bund and father and the community 'of a losing, true ami son, UVk proper support. in hasty geiiernlizntioii, that free press an faithful honored and up'iuht citizen. 1'iiiid an. I father and lies at the foundation of successful brother. He it further resolved, that while we ! further resolved, that wc hum- - Attiu-lie- to one of our country civil government. Vet probably in morn Ins loss we bow in humble sub- - ,lilv how to the will of him who dneth lit-t- Mexico this week we notice a h today, the editors express their iniwMou to linn who dwth all tblnca all thing well uuii over remember that sticker which contuilied the follow-tug- : opinions with much frankness, Hut well. j earth is poorer and Heaven richer by No tt grew ricli they must lie jijrepared to back Easter " ever by drink that He It Season further resolved pnaiiBfr. by a that the sym- jhi iag iiiioxii ants, How run it bring puis-pent- freedom quick resource to the hip pathy of this 1)1 v. bo tonderod to bis He it rci hed that we e.vtend to tho to a city." Now this is pretty pocket. bereaved ones, nnd we tbem not to family made ml nnd hearts made gMtd argument anyhow. Not merely free speech is needed, nk the look down to tho silent tomb, desolate by deep- - 1914 but the spirit of tolernnce of free but rath- this bereavement, our er up tr that omniscient boing who can . est sympathies and an assurance of UNEMPLOYED WOMEN speech. An editor has the right to and will give them consolation iinr t. ni nri I criticise thus,, who differ from him per- in this sorrow. It is a singular cross current of mod- ilnrk hour of trouble they He r sonally in public matters, A No h( if oaly cant it iiirtln-- resolved, that a (py h has To have the most complete up-to-da- te ern economics, that while in some their care upon IHtn. j - and stock a right to of these resolutions bo sent to the fain- have holding attach the character of his women been iim.( He it further resolved, ' ' of all the latest styles in;i- u niitiigfinistH. provided he is convinced that a eopy our broiler, nnd pnMlshcd in the meetings for tlie unemployed the past of theso )P that he resolutions KPU to UIim p 'm, iii.J a copy sprend on tho it Is ns tells the truth, and is prepared minth or two. yet n:i hard ever Wack, and published ( to submit the justice of his statements in cseb. of tao r. ur division. Suits, Coats to (Ind domestic servants. city papers, to the courts. and spread on tho rooords O. V. Kobisnn, Probably these idle women think of tho Division, K. The killing of the editor of a famous O. Jacobs, One Piece Dresses that with spring weather trade will II. 0. .Incobs, Parisian newspaper is not necessarily Cotumittco look up. and that tho factories that pre- V Iloblson, an indictment o fthe whole French peo- viously employed them wil ask for help Committee Skirts, Shirt Waists again. Apparently they would prefer ple. Slmilnr cases occur with some reg- i up livu wire paper. t Miller some immediate hardship rath- ularity in this country. Fortunately Petticoats, Muslin Underwear er than give up the independence if they grow more rare. the factr.T.vf 1) The larger people V minds grow, the also the latest patterns in Their barguiii scons to be a poor one. loss keenly they take personal contro- Be sure to see the Homestlc service would give nearly versy. The little city rouncilmen will DRESS (HMDS the siime cash wage as unskilled shop cut u rival on the street for a life tilie New work, it would save the payment of Meanwhile the great antagonists of the Disappearing Front McDougall United 8 and especially invite you to call examine board and provide better food. States Senate hurl their defi and Mut human nature is as it is. The unces nt eaoh other with Olympian ou d stock early clonists found thnt the Indinns thunders. Afterward they adjourn to would bnrtter much more corn in re- the restaurant, while their friendship turn for glass beads than they would Is repaired, and differences nro tolpj-ater- . Ins new Disappearing Kront is con-uuen- ce Yours very respectfully for tho standard gold nnd silver coins the latest ami neatest ever devised for of Murope. If working women wnnt .So It ought to 'be in newspaper con- kitchen cabinets. It takes the Place of swrnumirilonrs tho freer life that goes with shop troversy. Few editors put per-sonn- l and can l,e opened Idtter no or closed without the employing class must glvo them fouling into It. It is thnlr trade uK anything from the tahletop. ( Closes the cabinet up freedom, to express of t uh Ueepseve.7th.nt, The M. B. Goldenberg Co. that or pay a higher price points view. They would clean and sanitary. Kasy to ope.--. for control over their time, or be false to the peoplo t . d most mint that hire them in appearance. Instantly approved put up with very rn.v help, or no help did they fail in ho doing. by every housewife "THE RIGHT PLACE TO.TRADE" who sees it. ut nil. When u man shoots up or tricn to The domestic worker has her own so- "lick" tho editor, he hurts the place cial iisporntions. At certnin hours tho where ho lives. It gives tho rest of REMEMBER we still give our populak prism glrln or her sot who work in shops tlio world the Improssion thnt tho town IUM tickets with all cash purchases. have the luxurious freedom of the city belongs on tho sncinl frontior. fluch Htreets. They can meet the men of an incident turns the sympathy of tho their acquaintance and form plans for community to the assaulted man, But BARNES & RANKIN tho evening'H entortnlnment No if tho editor is in tho wrong, tho nym- - 3, .. ... -


10. Lumpce bought two 30-b- ar Mrs, Aull moved to her claim rel tanks from W. E. Mundel near town Saturday. SOCIAL CIRCLE DOINGS HAND PAINTED i! this week. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. (Red) And the little Photoplay shall Jennings, Wednesday, a boy. Mrs. W. B. Rector will be hos please them. (With apologies to Fok Salic: Two remodeled tess to Embroidery tM EASTER CARDS Dr. Coulter) the club I A GAR LOAD OF autos. Call at this office. week. Dad Wallace says the world is Are you feeling blue? Then his religion home and his is to do take a night off and see The The ladies aid of the Methodist Send gladness and cheer f good to others. Can you beat Gold Mine. church are meeting this after WINDMILLS X into the homes of your 1 that? (Sabe) E.IJ. Atwood, secretary of mis noon with Mrs. Evans. a. r Lee J friends by sending beau- - f Hamilton and Otis Alford sions, will preach at the Baptist tiful Easter Cards such wont to Id Paso Sunday to look church at 11 o'clock Sunday and Mrs. Casper Allwn entertains JUST RECEIVED at some cattle with the expecta on Sunday night will give a stere-optir-o- n the B. Y. P. U. society at as ours. A beautiful X her tion of buying a few. lecture. home this evening at 7:30. I have unloaded a of new windmills assortment toaelect from, t just car and II. C. Zillman of Nara Visa IMie Ways and Means commit will make prices down so low you can afford to come Something entirely new night to t came down Saturday tee, of the Federated Clubs will The ladies of Baptist church from anywhere to Tucumcari to buy a and novel. visit his wife who a patient is at hold a market at Miller's Drug are giving a missionary program windmill. These mills are priced as low as Don't fait to see these the Tucumcari Hospital. Store, Saturday, April 11. Come at the church this afternoon. Mt1 1 cards. Also Post Cards i Commissioners Fred Walther and see what is offered. I also handle tanks, pumps, engines and most C. anything1 and booklets. X and Thos. Collins were here Sweet potato seed at Putnam's. Mrs. U.S. Devor is entertain you want at lowest possible price. the first of the week lookingafter ing the ladies aid of the Presby Mr. Ritz has commenced the the business interests of the terian church this afternoon. work of , stuccoing the house of county. Henry Rusby. Mr. Rusby re Jacob's Eagle Cornice Works MILLER Mrs. M. A. Uutler and Mrs. cently purchased the residence Mrs. E.J. entertained DRUG Wil- - the members of the aid society J. T. WolVord have gone to of S. H. Ncafus and intends to of Christian week W. E. MUNDELL, Prop. berton, Okla., where they will otherwise improve this already the church last & BOOK STORE spend several months visiting nice place. and friends. The Sew-So- 's met with Mrs. relatives Catholic Phone 112 The mission at the Ed. Shields last week. Mrs. J. Wednesday morning was real will begin Sunday, April church M. Putman will entertain the Christmas weather and would 19, and continue during the week. Woolcott (act 2 Gold Mine) club tomorrow. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ; have been quite severe on Easter Rev. Father Molinie has secured "It is on the fourth of July that bonnets if tile storm had delayed a Redemptionist priest to preach the spread-eagl- e of America Haps ' 10CAL AND PERSONAL its coming a few days. to the faithful, and hopes that no Miss Alma Harris, correspond its wings and soars into the blue ing and field secretary of the Tho Hox of The Wavs and Means commit-- Catholic will fail to attend. ephorium. It--" Supper given by the boys R. Bryant was from Lo-- Baptist Missionary Society of the High Sclioul was n pronounced su- here tce nf t,e Federation of Clubs Help us make good. -- Photoplay Mrs. Meridith (entering) "Is New Mexico, will be in Tucum ccor, despite tho fact thnt tho bad wea- Inn this wuck. : will hold a market at Miller's Mr. Woolcott making what he It's better for spring fever week visiting E ther prevented a largo crowd being in J 11. cari this Mrs. would call a stump speech." Mrs. Wick has returned to her Drug Store Saturday, April than medicine. What is? The nttendnnco. home in Pack. This is a portion of an intense Endue. Come ami see what is offered. Gold mine, of course. Tho boxes sold well, ranging in prico ly interesting scene in Gold Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. M.j Messrs. Goodloe and Taylor, The from fifty centtt to four dollars nnd scv-entyfl- The Ways and Means commit Cards are out announcing a Mine. See ! it. cents. Tho c.ike for most Huff, Sunday, April 5, a girl. two of our newly elected council- - tee of the Federation of Clubs song the recital next Monday, April J. T. Lyons, of Chickasha, Ok popular Indy brought thirty threo dol- - mun' are Ported on the sick list will hold a 13, Hugh Swift was here from Ok- market at Miller's to be given in the High School lahoma, arrived in Tucumcari lars nnd fifty conta, and was won by wuuk- - Wu the cam- - lahoma this week on business. thi.s "PPosc Drug Store, Saturday, April 11. at 8:15 p. m., by Misses Mionette this week. He is afflicted with MIm Jewel Mnriney. Her friends sup- paign was most too strenuous for Come and see what is offered. Sandusky and Zilla Whitmore, ported her loyally ,and tho way in The local school board met in j isthma and says the first "day he them. which tho boys bid allowed I 1). plainly that I'ntrnl'ii LiiL'iinn fr..1. . ft.... John Jack, Chas. L. Wootcn, under the supervision of Mrs. arrived he noticed some improve flUfJJItlll 1HUIMIIH illll.l-- l of they wore not of tho class commonly noon. The ladies the Christian Chas. and Tuson Hutchison and J. Finegan. ment. This altitude and climate church will hold a bazaar and food known ni "tight wads." desplto tho Messrs. Brown, of the Plains are unexcelled for this disease generosity of the Man-no- J. W. Bullington is building a sale in the Flores variety store Miss Bessie Bonnie Hamilton Mends of Miss country were called before the and we are sure Mr. Lyons will she was hotly contested by Miss fine sleeping porch for H. W. to entertained a large of Saturday. Everybody invited grand jury Monday as witnesses number be restored to his former good Ktilu Street. Loggins. call and see what the ladies have her friends at a theatrical party in the Doug. Anderson murder health. In the content to decide upon tho laz- Found Pair of gold-rimm- ed on sale. given at the residence of her par- case. Eight auto loads of Tucumcar- - iest man in Tucumcari, Principal Shad-wic- k spectacles. Owner can have same . ents Saturday evening. j. F Stalkup was here from Miss Belle Parker and brother. The ians drove out to the Texas line divided honors with Hnrdeo Wy by paying for this ad. r young people had a fine time. ntt. The prize in p.,mi.m. .w,.riv :..) Charles, here from Raton this Sunday afternoon, a distance of this contest, a bar of are (Irnndpu's soap, wns forfeited by Mr, W. E. Mundcll has just com- did the proper thing by subscrib- some fifty-fiv- e miles. were week attending court. Miss There Shndwlck to his rival, Mr. Wyatt. pleted the construction of a '15 ing for the News. He says every- Mrs. Rector was hostess to Fords, Buicks, a Belle is court stenographer, and Overlands and Tho profit of the ovcnlng's entortnin-men- t barrel tank for K 10. Wingrove. thing looks mighty promising out the Bridge club last Friday. Re- Charles is visiting friends and Chalmers among the number and was ninety-on- e dollars nud fifty way. freshments were served consist- Election day went wet and that studying the workings of the dis those who took advantage of the cents. TJiis wo consider a very ing of dainty frozen pudding and gd came very near turning to a snow, Mrs. It. F. Littleton left Satur-unla- y trict court. fine afternoon and made the trip profit, considering tho small crowd in cake- - Mesdames Chenatilt, Ken-to- r attendance. but wc don't care how wet it gets. morning for her future ill report a fine time. They visit Geo. Evans was seriously and were special Fred White was home in IC1 Paso. Mr. Littleton Stansbury ed San Jon, Endee, and Revuelto. the auctioneer and C. Cisco and Paul Siegel were ast week. He had been having his work gnve entire has a good position there and the guests. satisfaction. down this week attending court some dental work done and the Dr. Clarence Merwin Buelcr When the affairs of the recent High News wishes them an abundance given pain has arrived in Tucumcari. He School Hox Supper were and shaking hands with their medicine to ease the Mrs. Wingrove was hostess to straightoned of prosperity. is an osteopath and comes out, the boys of the Athletic team, who many friends. seemed to bother his heart. We the Bay View Club Wednesday direct gave the , found Dr. A. C. Fred White is having a new ire glad to say he is coming back from Dr. Still's institute at Kirks- - supjier threo or four Shamblin's family afternoon. Most of the members dozen sandwiches yet to dispose adobe 'addition built to his resi- to his usual self and will soon be ville, Mo., where he recently of. In has arrived from Rome. Ga., and were present and the subject dis- order to prevent a waste of nil Mils moved into dence on First street. The new out again. graduated. He will be located the Currie residence. cussed was very interesting. No good eating, Chnrles Goldenberg pro-pose- d in the Herring building where he The News welcomes them to our addition will contain a bed room, Riordan (Act Two Gold Mine) special guests were present. that the boys spend Sundny on bath-roo- will practice his profession. Os city. kitchen, closet and "Una, do you think it proper for The club expects to meet at the tho (loldeuberg rnnch eating sandwiches teopathy is recognized as a dis nnd telling how they To advertise the superior qual- which will make the house mod- a young lady to keep what does High school building next week, would win tho in respect. covery worthy of consideration State field meet. Tho proposnl mot in- ity of the hand-mad- e ern every not belong to her?" Una Fox- - will have Tucumcari where they domestic stant acceptance on tho part of nlno of Sale--T- by suffering humanity. cigar management give For wo room box wood: "Certainly to by the will not." science demonstrated them the nthletes, and early Sunday morn-in- g away a box free at the opera house newly papered, city water. Riordan: "Then I'll trouble the local instructor. GRAIN PRIVILEGES they loaded Coach Shadwiek into a house movies. One block from Central school, you to let me have those kisses I MONUV IN W1IUAT wagon and joyfully drnvo to the ranch. Deputy Traveling Auditors $275 cash. Elton Dunn. tf i gave you just now." Watch our improvements. Puts and calls are the safest The boys wandered over the cllfia un- til some one thought of the big box in Guilfoil and Mossman were here Everard Fox wood: (act See and hear all of this conver- Photoplay. and surest method of trading in wheat, corn or oats. Because the wagon back by the spring, and then this week looking j sation Wednesday evening April over the books Gold Mine) "Mr. Woolcott what Want a taste of London life? your loss is absolutely limited to it was u caso of run or starve. It wns -' 22, at the opera house. mm...... mm... t:.... of the county" officials. It is use- do you mean, kneeling before rn. the amount bought. No further not recorded that nny ouo starved, how- less to say they found everything) my sister like a confounded id- - Sweet potato seed for sale A whole car load of windmills risk. ever. Positively the most profitable .After dinner tho boys again in tip top condition. , iot?" Find out at The Gold Mine. at Putnam's. arrived in Tucumcari last week. raced mm ,.r way of trading. over tho hills in search of other amuse uwy mi; wi;iv...111 n 1. i J. T. Wofford has been busy i uti i ii muni;, Open an account. You can ments, .lust whnt thoy found to amuso from six to fourteen feet in 10 10 improving his property, and it buy puts or calls on 10,000 themselves no one else will ever know, height, and will sell from $24.00 bushels grain for $10, or you can but 1 certainly looks queer to see a man it was noted that whon tho boys up. Mr. Mundell, who received buy both for $20, or as many left town they pressed nlno porfectly at work when the Mrs. is out on you mills, has been in more as wish. An advance good pair of trousers. When they ar tem- the putting Canvass and Rubber town. Jim Tom reported or decline of one cent gives you rived homo from the hills in tho many other things. the chance to $100 overl perature 100 in the shade and take profit. ing, seats were missing from nil of tho Messrs. Alldredge, Adair and A movement of 5 cents $500profit. from the way he was prespiring garments and tho little professor was Belmore attended the railroad Write for full particulars and we couldn't blame him. Bank References, Keen to linve an exceedingly wet bond. Lawn Hose meeting at Clovis last Friday Tho travolor who making many travels across those The citizens are night. They went down in Mr. R. W. NEUMANN cliffs now mny noto an vnedingly improvements needed but snow Adair's auto and when within a New First National Bank Bldg. smooth jinth down tho side of tl.o steep- ALL SIZES AND LENGTHS and cold weather has surely play- few miles of Clovis they had to COI.UMI1U3, OHIO est hill, and those who once wero boys may bo able to guess - ed havoc with spring fever. We use the mud chains on account Address all mail to Lock Box 1420 what made- it ho. hope to see Tucumcari take on We have sold nearly one half mile of hose this of the heavy rains in that vicinity the improvement spirit again and Thursday night. spring, and we expect to make it more than a mile. make it a city of beautiful trees, Come down to the opera house This surely proves we have the right kind of lawns and homes. that Wednesday evening, April 22nd hose at the right price. If it's The Gold Mine it's good. and help dispose of The Gold See it. Mine. The News Every Piece of Hose Clarence E. Gamble of this city Max Goldenberg had the mis and Miss Mae Estes, of Duran, fortune of receiving a bad injury 1 you buy of us is guaranteed, and will be replaced were married at the residence of to his left leg the first of the week. Has Moved to the Gerhardt the bride's parents in Duran anytime before October 1st. He was trying to drive some cat- Wednesday evening at seven tle into a corral when he stepped building on Second street. o'clovk. They will take a trip in a hole and suffered a broken to California after which they will tendon in his leg which makes it We invite our friends to call The Eureka Electric Vacuum Gleaner return to Tucumcari, where they necessary for him to walk with will make their future home. The the aid of a cane. and see us and don't forget joins in wishing The newest and best on the market, for sale or News them a We want views that can be long and happy journey through advertise county at we for rent by the day. used ta the that make a specialty of life. the San Diego exposition. If Wilson (Butler to Sir Everard you have anything of interest let THE AMERICAN FURNITURE GO. Foxwood) "I wonder who that us know and if possible we will gent is. I don't know 'im and I make a picture without any Good Job Printing never seen Mm 'ere before." Of to you. Call at SALE ( charge course it's from The Gold Mine. BROS. STUDIO. 27-- 2t i

. ! . .'a V.. .


DRINK LOTS OF WATER hnndlo n great deal of cheoso nnd i some other farm products. Wu Import TO FLUSH THE KIDNEYS mm m iMmrsi considerable of our cheese from Cana- da simply to meet tho demand and to Cat Lett Meat and Tnko Salts for mnku It unnecessary for those who Backache or Bladder Trouble T3sa buy of ua to go uluuwhoro. , Neutralize Acids. ibxm Keeping Up the Quality. ii us ' ,,TWMKK&tmWBKlHtli m, i,Mtniiy ii "Wo regurd tho of Uric acid In meat oxcltca tho kid standardization products ns most Important fea- noye, thoy bucomu overworked; got tho ture of In Germany so sluggish, aclio, and foci like lumps of cloudy, fnr as the marketing of It Is concern- load. Tho uriuu becomes tho ed. All thu buttor which wo la Irrltntud, nnd you tuny bo hnndlo bladder Is graded and branded. Knch producer obliged to suck relief two or three In given n most complete score shoot. W.. SSI times during tho tilKht. When tho kid-noy- a Every timo ono our subsidiary can-corn- s you help of cIok taunt them tlush get u consignment of from off body's wantu or you'll butter tho urinous a producer It Is graded as Is Indicated Btck person be a real shortly. At first on n score card." you foul n dull misery in tho kidney region, you suffer from backucho, Hick Tho score enrd Is In duplicate, tho 4 original to bo kept til thu contrnl nlllco, hoadncho, dizziness, stomach gets bout, With I nnd n carbon copy to bo tilled out nnd "Tho Lltllo Fallow ho Dlft Pull" tonguo cotitod nnd you fuel rheumatic Four 14-lr- plows, 9 In, deep, plus sub-turfs- packer In KANSAS STUBBLE twinges when tho weather Is bad. forwarded to tho producer, Tho card tho quality of tho shipment Eat less meat, drink lots of water; (Courtesy of W. ii. Hatch.) stntes that nlso got from any pharmacist four received has heon marked upon thu fol- Germany Imports Danish Cream. lowing points: (1) Goruch (smell); ounces of Jad Salts; tako a tablo-Mpoonf- ul The Sandusky Tractor (2) GcBChmnck (Flnvor); (3) Hah in a glass of water before P.-- llearbcltung (Well 13 Tract ra . 3B Brmkn II. P. n fow days and your (Salt); (I) breakfast for Worked); (5) Four Cyllntlon Motor Throe Spool Oontrol hldnoyB will then act flno. This fa- Konslstcnz (Texture); (C) Verpacklng (Packing), (7) Klnssl. mous Is mado from tho acid of salts Ilzlert (Classllled); (8) Remarks. The above photo shows a "Sandusky" doing the ..Tapes nnd lemon Julco, combined -- Co Operative Tho manngor continued: "If wo lint, work of at least 16 horses and 3 men. Sonie differ- with Hthln, nnd has been usod for Farm generations to clean cloggod kidneys a creamery Is not sending us a high-grnd- o ence in cost between doing your work this modern end stimulate them to normal activity, product wo send somcono to o way as compared with the old way. New Model "C" nlso to neutralize tho acids in urlno, Products Marketing mnko Investigation and to help quality. As things now ho It no longer Is a nourco of Irrita- tho are absolutely dust and sand proof. More convincing tion, thus ending bladder weakness. no creamery supplies any buttor of proof and other valuable information in Power on the In- How It Is Done in Europe and May Be Done a grndo less than tho highest which It Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot Farm 1914 edition. a copy today It's jure; makes a delightful effervescent in to la capable of producing. Tho scoro Write for free America the Profit of Both enrd Is of course a great help In keep- llthla-wato- r drink which ovoryona Farmer and Consumer ing up tho quality. Wo keep tho orig- ehould take now nnd then to keep tho J. J. DAUCH, Mfr., Dcpt T-- 4, Sandusky, Ohio ttldnoys clean nnd active. Druggists inal scoro card ourselves and send a By MATTHEW 3. DUDGEON. copy of It to producer who Send me 1914 edition of POWER ON FARM, hero Bay thoy soil lots of Jad Salts to carbon tho THE Is nblo to In particu- kid-no- y thus know wbnt i folks who bellevo In overcoming operate acres, planted lar h!n buttor Is less than It should bo. to Iff troublo whtlo it Is only trouble In this wny ench creamery gets a re- Adv. HOW GERMAN FARMER SELLS HIS THE BUTTER IN THE CITIES port every week upon its butter so Nemo end AddreM His Mistake. thnt It knows at onco If there Is any Berlin, Germany. Hero In Ocrmnny Ilnyfleld, Wis., In In tho midst of n "Olmmo Homu candy, Tom?" falling off In quality. Wo nro now mar- tho farmer ancccssfully sells his prod now fruit country. Thoro thoy hnvo 1 got no keting tho butter produced by from "Coiidyl nln't candy hlgh-grad- o Tho Old, Old Story. net direct to tho city retailer while In a of cherries, strawberries six to suvon hun- BOOST THAT WAS A KNOCK that's a tootlmcho." hundred thousand Hollo I hear Hilly called on you last Amorlca it Is almost Impossible for tho and other small frtilts. A small local dred thousand cows." farmer to get Into tho city. In fact cooperative society Is marketing Welt Praise of night. Important to all An Efficient Plant Critic Knew That His Mothers American cities are practically quaran- tholr stuff In Minneapolis. Wo Novel Would Inevitably Decreaso lleulnh- - Yes, ho did. Examlno carefully every bottlo of asked No American, accustomed to farmers you OASTOltIA, a tined against tho farmer so far as tho manager why ho did not sell In oth- Hello And did ho toll tho "old, safe and auro remedy for always sel- Its Sales. Infanta and children, and seo that It Boiling direct is concerned. er cities Mllwnultco, for example, who aro Individualists and old etory?" dom combine, would think from an In- Yos, tho "Tho farmer who trios to sell his where tho retailers should ho willing In popular lit- lleulnh he talked about Hears tho spection of this plant that It was a dlscueslon of tho product In tho city la up ngalUHt It," to pay good prices for good fruit. ut weather thu whole tlmo. Blgnaturo Ills owned and managed by 20,000 farmers. erary tasto Theodore Drolscr said snld tho president of a Now York cor- reply wns that ho had boon uttorly tho Century club In Now York: In Ubo For Ovor 30 Yaars. It would scetu to ho rnthur thu prop- And Stronger. poration. At tho suKKeatlon of one of unable to find any Mltwnukio retailer "Hero Is nn Illuminating eplsodo: Children Cry for Flotcher'g Castorla erty of pome captain of finance who Tenchor Johnny, for what Is Swit- our officers wo year raised a who would tako his fruit becauso they A preacher was talking to hst had spared neither expense nor scien- a critic. Tho zerland small lot cf very lino potatoes on some said that they' must deal only with preuchor snld: famous? Instead of heaping coals of flro on tific effort In order to arrive- - at tho ptl Why m'm Swiss checso. of our vacant lands. Wo thoimht we Hioho who handled a full lino of " 'I thought you didn't llko tho work lii our heads It would be better If our highest stage of efficiency. Tenchur Oh, something grander, wcro buslucsa men but soiling thoso fruits; that If thoy bought cherries Potts, tho novelist?' enemies should nil our bins. Evorywhero we found labor saving of moro Impressive, moro tremendous. potatoes wns too much for us. We and strawberries of him they would " 'Neither do I,' tho critic nnswored. found tho had contracts find thomsolvcs tinnbln to buy tho devices. Everywhere tho machinery Pupil Elmburgor. , that retailors "'Yet In your review tho othor day Dr. Pierce's Pellets, mimll, miunr-cMlcd- other fruits which ho did was carefully protected so that danger eay to take ns candy, regulate and invig- with Jobbers for tholr year's supply. not linndle, you declared that Potts' last novel was to employes did not lurk In tho power o orate stomach, liver aud bowels. Do nut Tho Jobbers ami wholesalers worn such as bannnns, peaches, plnonpphm I to Ub high Even If nn woman did machinery that was In operation. (Ger- remarkablo for purity, that gripe. Adv. shipping in their potatoes in carload and tho like. Tho name condition ex. wns n splendid chnugo look llko tho pictures In a fashion many It must bo remembered has a na- moral tone lots nnd thoy did not caro for thu fow Ists everywhere. Tho retailor will thu tainted fiction of tho day, and mngnzluo, she probably wouldn't bo Wo never mot n mnn got tional policy that requires that all from that the bushels wo had. Even tho hotels had not buy In small quantities nor will you advised tho public to turn to tmllullud. ho deserved. As a, ho goU they workmen bo fully protected). In ono that ft credit rulo cither bargained for their year's sup- buy of those who cannot sell tho moral Potts, from tho debasing o room wns an icn plant; In nnothcr wns inoro. ply or would not make a contract with them n full lino of supplies. A repro-sentntlv- vogue. If you with beautiful, clour, whlto tho electric plant producing pow- whlto slave fiction so much In nnyono who nil of tho Society of Equity of the , clothe, uoo Itcd (JroM Hill lllue. At all rould not furnish that Why, now, my frk-nd- If you dlsllko they might year. Wisconsin went to Chicago to work er used In op"rntlng the mnchlnory nnd Rood groevrH. Adv. need during tho Potts, did you talk llko that about up a trado directly with tho retailers In lighting tho establishment. i MRS, "In fact no ono in tho wholo city him?' good plan put by WILLIAMS' of that city but gavo up tho plan In de- An Outside Opinion. It's a to something wanted our potatoes. Wo wero com- did It,' tho critic answered, 'to spair. Ho concluded that either tho Naturally anxious to what a '"I for n rainy day; a little sunshine, for pelled to practically glvo them nway. hear spoil his sales.' " Instance. LONG It opened our eyes. Wo know now tnorkctlng concerns must dcnlor who was not a and SICKNESS what tho farmer In up ngnlnst In combine upon broad lines In order to had no Interest In the cooperative tho Paper Walls by Machine. city markets when ho has anything to bo nblo to protect tho retailors who movement bad to say about .1. Hlebunhnar of Oramnl, sell. Tho farmer can no longer sell bought of them, or clso tho consumers wo went to tho manager of n Christian Pink-ham- N. Y., has Invented a wall papering Yields To Lydia E. 's a product without going from houso must combine and buy cooperatively Jobbing concern dealing In dairy prod- In which nn extensible frame to houso as a peddler. As business la of tho producer. In short, the Ameri- ucts. Wo found him intelligent and machine Vegetable can is provided with meatw for extending jSli'oe Polishes now conducted his situation ia hopo-Ion- farmer cannot, unaided, Invado tho ready to talk. "This Is a wholesulo collapsing It, and a paper and FlneitflQuillty Verlety Compound. It seems to mo Hint It la larger cities. Even tho smaller co company privately owned,'' ho said. aud I.trecit paste applying mechanism aro mi marketing or nothing for tho far- organizations find themselves "I deal with many dairy i- mplied on holder, together do Elkhnrt, Ind.: " I suffered forfoar-tee-n mer." too weak to go Into tho city markets. associations. My experience with a with years from organic Inflammation, them hns been excellent. They have vices carried by tho extensible frame Colorado Peach Grower Has Federates to Invade Cities. female weakness, Trouble. better machinery, better organization, for pasting thu paper on a wall or m rr: hot- nut hero In Germany, nnd In fact pain and Irreffulari-tic- s. Nowhcro on earth do thoy ralso bettor business muthods, produce but- celling. y In many other countrloa, tho Tho pains in ter peaches than In Colorado, Rpcont-l- fnrnier tor than do private x does successfully Invndo the cities, butler creameries my sides were In- In an exceptionally good year ono nnd are altogether satisfactory. At Show. largo and small. He docs it through Thoro the creased by walking grower marketed 10,000 boxes of lino is thing which bo my boy. Don't you think tho federated association of another should not "Hero's or standing on my poaches In tho UBiial way expecting overlooked. Wo like to a I ought bo proud of a societies which thrlvo evorywhero. deal with to such line feet and I hail such big returns. When the flnnl settle- concern which enn us In largo youngster?" Theso organizations do n tremendous furnish lltllo awful bearing down ment arrived ho took It homo so that quantities In absolutely qual- "Ah. you ought to seo my lino business. They nro enormous con- uniform but feelings, ed his wlfo ami children who had helped ity. This Is what do. was cerns, capable of taking big thu little roadster!" in spirits with tho work might onjoy It with contracts No single creamery glvo nnd making good on fully could us but- him. envclopo them, ublo I and becuna thin nnd When ho opened the ho ter In such quantities ns do tho co-o- F.DGP. lk Mlrlt(Wihdmnltutpoe!-titfj- y to hold their own In competition with Have to Pull 'em. GILT palo with dull, heavy found firm a lung and detnlled state- oratlvo associations which market tho coouiai OIL. BUclu tnd nJi.h tuW d4 Our-ma- "I seo we soon to talk In gen- rut-Itln- ir. ment which ho did not fully compre- privntoly owned concerns. Tho n ato cliiUfta Ikmu 4tid t, ehlnce without eyes. I had six doc product of several federated creamer- by 25c. "French ;ioe," 10c. retailor knows that whon ho deals eral wireless." (or tors from whom I received only tempo- hend. Hut turning to thu accompany- ies. Neither can wo got such an abso- S I'AK eomUnttion clnnlaf d pcLtlune kl kiade ing ho with such a concern or organization "Hut you can't work In politics by olfuu.t ot UnihoM, I0e. "Dandy" itn 25c, rary relief. I decided to give Lydia E. letter rcud this paragraph: "I lutely uniform quality Wo "QUICK I K" (In liquid (Mm witK he can get nil ho wants whenever elsowhero. It." Will ipit Pinkhom's Vcgctnblo Compound n fair think wo aro fortunato Indeed In vlow that do say a private- quickly clceae tad whltene din? cjinvet tXow, ho wants It. not hut that at times IOc.nd25c. trial nnd also tJio Sanative Wash. I have of all tho circumstances, to find that ly owned creamory II V IvLlTP, ccmUattioa for nt!nnrti who uke Wo will produce Just All now used Uw remedies for four months no liability stands against us. If you have Just boon Investigating tho us good CLEVER WIFE find in Kevifil llirii ho look A I, Knlotrt color nd n grade of butter. It Is al all black I will your Jf.0 ' hods of ono of thoso federatod Bale Knew How to Keep Peace In Family. futti la ihot. I'oluh wilh a Utah or cloth, Oc ond cannot express my thanks for what send us draft for this ,'' ways a problem with us, however, as "Kllto ' aii 2Je. they havo done me. will nccount and no "fifties, tho United Pomeranian II youl datltr doc not tatp die kind yo wast, lead for close tho further to each creamory. Wo have to know of liability will to you." Finally Dairies, a concorn which represents It Is qutto significant, tho number aalha tKt is ilamM lor a lull tit packai. rharict paid. "If those linos will bo of any benefit attach the creamery Itself nnd hnvo to know perrons who gut well of alarming wiu n liMoiiii imo.s. v co. uu-tir- o thousands of farmers Wo found Albany you have my permission to publish It soaked la that tho result of thu tho whether or not thoy continue to lmvo heart trouble whun thoy let up on cof- St. Caintirldire. Mats. year was a loss of manager n most businesslike Individu- Tkt OtJtit anj l.artttt Manuattutirt tJ them." Mrs. Sadie Williams, 455 t;0. the samo butter maker. With thu co fee and usu Poatum us thu buvurago ut Shot VlaAai In lU H'tilJ o al with nn amazingly wido kn wledge James Street, Elkhart, Indiana. hut ho possessed hlmuelf in operative concorn, however. It Is dif meuls. ov-r- . of all with mar- It, Lydin E. Pinkham's Vegetable de anil thought It nil From matters connected the There la nothing Burprlalng nbout keting ferent. Nothing gets by them unless from native roots and herbs, Inquiry ho learned that whllit rotall of the products handled by him. It up however, becauso thu harmful alkaloid la to standard. They give us - In conuiim no narcotic or harmful drumi, prices wero good, tho poaches had Ho has at his tnnguo's end tho an- caffeine- In coffeo Is not present W.L.DOUGLAS better atuff nnd they get bettor prices. I 'oh turn, Is mado of clean, hard iind to-da- y holds passed through tho hands of six to swer to all quoKtlons, whether they which thu record of being tho Danish Dutter. wheat. SHOES moRt successful remedy for femnle ills eight persons each of whom had taken have to do with tho technicalities of product "We do not buy Danish cooporntlvo "Two years ngo I wns having bo Mss'e we know of, nnu thousands of voluntary out a pro lit. No ono porson had robbed tho Itself or with tho business my writes of butter to any extent. It is too high. much trouble with henrt," IVnman'e f? a.BO 3 tuHtimnninls on fllo in tho I'inkhnrn him. No ono had boon dishonest. No methods thu concern. The retailers a lady In Wnehlngtnn, "thnt nt times IIUIIItlH 1 A 3.4 llesldes that there Is a duty of tun Boys, laljoratory ut Lynn, Mass., seem to one had mado excosstvo profits. Each ot hesltato to deal with this eon I felt quite alarmed. My husband took Mlet, Children, mr nu v ran reiy upon It to sup- marks for a pnekngo of llfty kllogramr. my SI.BO 8l.70Saft3.BOSa provo thla fuct ono had simply looked nut for himself. crn mo to n upuclullst to have heart Dti i ply nil of their needs, nil of tho time. For example whero wo can buy Ger- examined. 01 IM If you lmvo tin? slightest doubt; Tho farmer had linen fool enough not Ml m.a., l 1 It markets tho butter nnd cheese com- man buttor for 125 marks ($2C) pot "Tho doctor said ho could find no I. 10.14, aV K LyiHu 13. IMnklmm's Vcgetiv to do tho samo thing. It. I si .avavi mi that ing from over fifty kilograms wo would havo to pay organic trouble but said my heart wae kaa mr. llo Compound will hclpyou.writo Farmer Tries to Sell Direct. half n million cowh nnd to Lydlu supplements Ibis when necessary with KI8 mnrkB ( $27.00) for Danish but- Irritable from something I had been 1,000,276 lO.l'lnklmm MmllcinuC'o. Tho next year oponlng of accustomed to, nuked mo to try I.yuii.MuHH., forad-vlc- o. at tho tho Imported products. Is through ter. Tho difference la greater than and iNr.ariar L. (confidential) It Insti- nnd disagreed li lllVUi JW. Your letter will ho opened, season tho grower went to tho Denvor tutions hucIi ns this norman tho amount of tho duty because Da- remember what with DiU law la till ntr tilt, that tho inc. Tbli U Ib rtaaon w ilv you lb rcwl nnd hy u woman, retailer who had handled his product. nish butter has a reputation; be- .tm value trr 00, 14.00 answered farmer Invades tho Gorman city. nlso ti IJ.tu. - glad II nil "I remombercd thnt coffee alwayB ami II mj nomiiwuiain- vat and held hi strict confidence. Ho was to that his peaches cause there Is a demand for Danish anortnoua wcruMia or Union of soured on my stomach nnd caused mo earner, mroi of tho previous season had arrived In Concerns. Da-rla- h uur aianoaroa oat butter everywhere Most of tho troublo from palpitation of thu henrt. Dot titao lowecd aud lite rloe 1 1 y "This Is nn of you good shape, had been road sold, and association associa- buttor goes directly to England. So I stopped uso to rtmalui ibtaaiM. Why mnnngor coffee and begni, to Aak vojr dealer to ahow rem Scratch? nnd brought a good prlco. Tho dealer tions." tho stated. "It la not Cream la admitted to Gurmuiiy Poetum. I hnvo no lBrrliTt tha kind of w. I.. Doualia abota b freo had further alllcjilar 00. iu. Il.crjaod ban-dl- o tl IJ said ho would bo glad Indeed to connected with any I.nndsohnften or of duty. Wo troublo since. .ml you mm du conviocou "Hunt'sCurc"i3 guar- havo tried to ship cream iota - If Itellfesnn hank. Our "A neighbor ours, hat W.L.Ifciulaa ahcra aia abao- anteed to stop and his peaches again possible Then associations aro from Denmark and make butter here, of an old man, uuly aa loadaanibtr make told at tho grower demonstrated with pencil formed solely to aid tho fanner in mar- but It has not succeeded. It Is too was so Irritnblo from drinking coffee hllT prlw. TbtotUy tHIttrtoc permancntlycurc that his to j nnd paper thnt tho growor by sidling keting his produce. In fact, nearly all troublesome n process. Everybody in that wife wanted him drink TAKK NO SUBSTITUTE wlUkMl W. natea terrible itching. It ia . Postum. TIiIb mndo him very nngry, failaa t. rtaalaa' uirecuy to mo retailer wouiu oouuin too shares nro held hy farmers. Wo Germany will admit thnt tho Danish aa Ua bellan. IfW, U but his wlfo secured some Postum nnd ri4 l9t rlchtliy,Uiaardaf compounded for that j own hnvo over twenty thousund aoi mi la y.vr his return, double tho retailer's Heparnto butter Is ns good ns our host German made It carofully according to direc- tl from ration. Satfwf atarrmaiBbar purpose and your money 110 ia in r ai a i tntti. it... profit and still lonvo amplo margin for members. Thorn nro associations butter; most Is Vf i.uia will be think It bettor. It Is tions. rtl. f.f llUairat.4 tatal. aairr promptly refunded all expenses Intervening. Tho Wo aro marketing our product through uecessnry I , a, mall. W, L, DOOaUS, WITHOUT QUESTION retailer for ub In hnndlo tho poorer "He drank tho PoBtum nnd did not 111 l;uk Itrwt. Imlloa, MaaaV gavo fifty-si- if Hunt's Cure falls to euro a respectful hearing but slowly storoa." grndo of butter for some of our trndo. know tho difference, nnd Is still using Itch. Ecxema. Tetter. Rlnsr shook his head. "Nothing doing," ho Thin Is n co oporntlvo concorn In tho Wo get somo Hlherlnn butter which la It to his lasting benefit. He tells his Worm or any other Skin snld. "If I buy my peaches directly truo houso of tho word. All our con considered of wlfo that tho 'coffeo' 1b bettor than it THE BEST STOCK tho second and third to Disease. 30c at your druggist's, or by mail from you tho wholesalers wi.! suggest corns nro oiwratod upon tho "ono man quality." usod bo, so she smiles with him and keeps ponce In tho family by serving SADDLES at retuuiu- - direct If he hasn't it Manufactured only by that I buy my pineapples and bannnns ono voto" plan, as aro all of tho co op- A System. MCHAftOS MEDICINE Succernful Postum Instead of coffeo." JL able prlcea, write for ire. k CO., S town, Tsui I k of you too. trlod It onco. It did not erative societies In Germany. Tho This In tho way tho Gorman fnrmor Nnmo glvon by tho PoBtum Co., llluitrated eataiofrue. tako thonT1long to got wlso. I was small farmer has ns much Influence as Bells In city. Crook, Mich, & SON PREVENTION- "- direct tho Ho unites Hattlo Sjlt A. II. IIES3 that If I ovor did thnt again I tho big man. Everybody connected with hlfl neighbor In a local PoBtum now cornea In two forms: J Trivia Su Uauiloa, Tea. better then cure. Tutt'ePrHill taken hi tla would not bo nblo to buy uny fruit In with participates In Regular rnuat bo woll arc not eat? remedy for, but will prevent ub our profits and Bocloty. TIiIb society fodoratoa Postum tho city, You can't blamo them for Is responsible If wo hnvo Iobhos. Kv with othora until thoro la a combina- boiled, Inn and 2Go packaged. SICK HEADACHE, Instant Postum Ib a soluble now est) they think they aro protecting their orybody votes, nobody votos moro than tion that 1b big enough to compoto Soda Fountain MMa.eaess, eeeiitl&tilea kindred dUeeees. dor. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly Boris Fountain t We lmvo matin up readr for business In "tho only poBslhlo way." once. Wo cliargo about tbroo per out-d- L'O with nnd nny private concern. In a cup cf hot wator and, with cream prompt liltnrnt tl, 8, 1(1, 1'J ami ft. front Inquiries of retailors In other parts cont. on tho turnover to pay tho ox Ho produces a high quality of prod- nnd sugar, makes a bevorago iriiciu, pump uttIcu outllts, ner and slightly dollclous uteri, a blir In inonttily of tho city brought tho samo answer. ponBos Involved In marketing. What uct. Ho handles It In a buslnoas-llk- GOo nt nitlntr prlco on cmr Instantly, 30c and tins. paymontt. Tuollrotmau Co., Iuo., Tuffs Pills It waB absolutely Impnsslblo for tho la loft goes to tho mombors who soil way. Naturally ho gets a fair prlco Tho coot por cup of both kinds Is DuIIh.Tihl. gtowor to In tho city through us," samo, market his fruit and makes a fair profit about tho 3Rlin Iflrs) Rtneh"ll11 tto sere fiinn. Cloere RELIEVES of Dcnror. "Tho cblof product Is buttor, but wo Boomu a "Thoro's a Reason" for Postum. SORE EYES ouccosb. n.UjO 00 ltb cattle. I'nrt caib.balanrslliu. Write sold by Grocers. UkUWi ULUli COMl'V, li HAD Y, TtUL.


While Others Deliberate, WAS MOT REVENGEFUL MAN Tucumcari Acts." Out at the Same Time Dog Owner Miracle the Meant That Hie Pet Should Have Uric Acid is Slow Poison of a Fair Show. Unseen In Ha approach, hard to de- It Is a stop to dropsy or TUCUMCARI Is but furthor the county Kent of tect In early cruelly Uright'B Quay county, la its staguB, aud dlseaso. surrounded by nil painful In Its emplro Is "I am not a revengeful man," said later forms, urio add Ilu warned by backache, by sediment of wenlth nntl In every Easter poisoning Ib In way n Blooms a Brooklyn real estate dealer, "but a dlseaso too often fatal. tho kidney hooretions, by painful, scant modern city. All of thu Drlght'tt Is ono of final churclH.'fl nro now I to got even. disease tho or too frequent pntsages. Cure thu weak represented nntl hiohI and thou do want stages of urlo acid poisoning. It kills enctl kidneys. Use Doati's Kidney Pills (hum build-Idrb- . of liavo legunt church A fow days ago I drove out an far as In our country ovory year moro men a medicine mntlu just for weak kid- Mlneola In a buggy, my In VEKY llower that blooniB horso and and and womon than any othor aliment neys, that has beuii proved good yearn SCHOOLS dog followed mo. Ho'o no fighter as except pneu- of use. In thousands of ensen tho rem- Tho schools of Tucutncnrl is an Hauler miracle. two consumption and uro to nono In a dog, waa him. monia, llrlght'a edy that Is recommended by grateful second tho State. Thorn litis been and It a bad trip for dlseaso and uric acid VVc have n modern School tho Every wo a poisoning usually start In somo kldnoy users from coast to coiutL IIIkIi denlh of a parent plant tlmo passed a farmhouse bulldlnK. costing 140,000, together dog cumo rushing out to roll my ca- wuaknusa that would not bo bard to with splendid to produco tho scud or cure, if dlncovorod early, Is well ward buildings. Tho nine In tho dust, and ho was licked 516 bo it SCREAMED ALOUD now County High School bulb. Thu semilchtir hns to know tho oarly signs of kldnoy dis- will bo different times boforo wo got homo. In Agony With Awful Kidney Ailmtnta established nntl doubtless soon a had to hide-- tho seemingly dend thing, ease and urlo poisoning. I was sorry for him and mud at thu State Notmnl. which yot contained a hidden gorm of When urlo acid Ih formed too fast Mr, Clara Ilrnnrli, 100 N ltlh fit., Leilnr-to- n. other dogs, and three or four days and tho kidneys aro weakened by a Mo a.ija. ".My whole ayatem waa niled) UTILITIES Tho city llfo. A watering by tho tears of tho with uric acid I had terrible, eharp. U suppllod wllh later I got a loan of a mnstlff and cold, or fevor, by overwork, or by s, electric llghtc, with day as well ns great Nature Mother, tho bcnuiB of a iliiMitlriK tnlr. In my hend and nmttllmra I - the acid collects, tho blood waa ao dirty, t nnd nearly fr.ll. nlRht away source woro neces- mado tho trip over again. Thoro- was and) Hcrvlce, cement walks, owns far of heat gets Impure and hoavy, thero la head- Tilt lioUonlrijt affrctud my wholn body n splendid sary. Out of very "Vnlloy fun from tho start to finish. Tho somo my hundf, nrini, llmba and anhlra wnrr awol-U- n waterworks system; tins tho of tho ache, dizziness, heart palpitation, and and tore, Th pnlna roI au bad I a fine sanitary fanners' dogs came bounding off thu 1 1 system of Bewernge, Bhndow of death" that bravery of a dull, hcavy-hoado- drowsy fooling acrramcd and lliourcht I would die. waa leu plant, cold stornKu and long dis- green fence to chew up something, and most nrrvuui and languid and at tltnta 1 had and brilliancy has come. Wo with disturbances of tho urlno. bllndlnK apHI. Itrmrdlra and phyalelana tance telophono 1 system. may not "smell tho mold nbovo tho of them got hold of tho mastiff boforo Heal torturo begins whon tho urio tirracrlptlnna did inn nn Rood. In t 1 I thoy know whether ho was a poodlo ncld In heard of Doan'a Kidney nil In and had aoma BUILDINGS Tucumcari hns two of rose." but It hns como forth from forms Into gravel or stono tho procured for m. After I had taken them a tho best bank buildings In the South tho blackness of tho dirt Into Its frn or an elopliant. Thoy saw their mis-tak- e kidney, or crystalllzos Into Jagged bits few daya. the aorenrta and pain began to In on raa up nnd I fell a little atronner. In at west, blockB of brick business grnnt beauty. too late. Ixirtl. he stayed 'em tho muscles, Joints or the norvo no time, I waa up and around. In oo4 e tubings. houses, an court houso, Tho tlmo right nnd left, lie simply loft n trail Then follow tho awful pains health. Doan'a Kidney I'llle purified my Easter hales us back to of neuralgia, gout, sciat- i whole ayatem and there I nn doubt that they U. S. Land Olllce, a modorn 140.000 of howling, limping dogs Pros- rheumatism, don't know what ails me. " ray JMM tho dayo when tho perfect Man, tho from ica, ared life. IHntt I Uhu rural, I a hotel, new Klks' Home, costing $16.-00- 0, neuritis, lumbago or kldnoy colic. turiUrtrmUM." Flowor of our rnco, was cut down pect park to Mlneola and back, nnd Tucumcari Hospital, and bun 1'vo been told somo of farm- dredn of beautiful "by tho hands of wicked men, and that tho residences. There ers along tho road have offered an haB not been a time In the last nvo crucified nnd slain." "When Your Back Is Lome Remember the Name" years that thero were not buildings It would bo an Incomplete history, high nn $20 for my scalp. Nn; I'm Jtii courso of construction. A new Judging by tho nnnlogy of nnturo, If not a revengeful man, but I want to f'ldrul bulldlnK Ih being planned It loft him thero. Tho llfo history of sea my dog havo a fair show In this onjra $50,000 union station for Tu your Illy neither begins nor ends with world, don't you know." DQ4N S KIDNEY PILLS cuhcarl; also tho Homo Sanitarium tho fntllng of tho bloom. Sott by ail Doalen. .Price 50 cenb. Fojter-Mnbor- n Co Buffalo, M Y, Prppjlclorj "Jin 'iuberculnr Annex. It wrb becauso this was the first CORN CAN BE GROWN MATE Our altitude Is 4000 above rcnl exemplification of the raising to ren level, our winters nro short "thu llfo of tho world to como," that BROUGHT HER BACK TO LIFE and mild and thu summer nights uro ON CANADIAN PRAIRIES HORSE SALE DISTEMPER Vai ways cool and refreshing. Pure ' You know whnt you noil or buy through thn snles line about ,wnter from deep wolls lb procured Remarkable Cure That Wat Effected one rhanrn In Hfty to HAI.U HTA1IU3 DIBTKMPKIC Manitoba Is now commencing to "HI'OllN'8" In your tnin protection, your only safeguard, for abundance. produco corn, chiefly by the Administration of Ar- nn sura tin you trent nit your homes with It, you will soon considerable for dlHeium, OCIETY cltlzonBhlp Is dent Spirit. bo rid of tho It nets nn ii niiro provPiitlvo no mat- Our com ' feodlng purposes. In some cases, ter how they nro "esposed." CO cents nnd tt ft bottle; poseu or ' hotth-s- , tliu best people from tho ''" where tho crop can bo mnturod Into nnd $10 dnzen nt nil good drucglitn, bono good or by tho Mat, west, north nna south and will Uio dough stage, silos could bo used On his return to his nntlvo henth hniirrx. delivered mnnufticturern. 'JJcbrnpuru favorably per- - year 8P0HN MEDICAL CO Chemliti and DactirlotogliU, GOSHEN, INO., U.S. A. with tho nntl would be a prolltablo Investment a or two ago, P. J. O'Koefo found rinnr.l nt riiiv ..I.. ,.n.i, nil tt the neighborhood vory much agitated. Ik fllitiMtil n ...... According to tho Farm and Ranch Re- Reason for Her Fad. '"hlikMU LfI invi mil VI il II ILiitliimiAlt t IU II n il-- f iliu view, a correspondent visited n field Nellie, tho oldest woman In tho parish, Mrs. Wombat says she loves to com Oklahoma Directory AT resumed and most of them have was dying. largo it'rtl growing mumberHhlps, and of corn in southern Manitoba on Sep- muno with nature." "I'm not surprised o? 28. Her friends, nrrlvlng at her homo, will you Pll PC Cored wtthontknlfs. PIMQlaand Klaaar some them art planning to build tember Tho corn tiion waa un nt thnt. Nature let do all tho without chloroform or ether and no eon homes of own. touched by It on an found her lying bnck In her easy chair, talking, nnd mnkos nn awful hit llnemntln bo, pi In I. Located 10 jerln(Jkla.(JHr. their ' frost and stood thut Hundred'w ulUnod apparently nbout to pass over tho last of rarfnilOkia. Hi RAILROADS Tucumcari has four ' average eight and nino foot in holglit. with her." Washington Herald. and no failures. Write for booklet. Dr.Ohaa. threshold. Nellie, being a good house- I. Vlcaeni. Mirm-rl- t'hltt Anf. in IH: Thornton railroads with u monthly payroll of Tho corn had developed Into tho Minor, ISauelt Hid., lIM-- i N. llruoditay, Ok la, wife, Utf f from M0.000 to gtiU.OOO. Thu shops dough stage, and tho crop would easily cnrrletl a bunch of keys nt her Couldn't Qualify. r 15. girdle thinking Hint was now uud roundhouse of thu P. ci S. W. exceed 20 tons to tho ncro. At many nnd. shu HoggsHas Younggold horso sonso? are in Is gone, ono neighbors THE HUSTLERS located thu city, and this experimental farms, tho samo favor of tho reached Spoggs No, ho only wonra a horso "'. thu freight uud pausuuger dlvlhton to find able showing of tho corn crop has under the folds of her dress blanket overcoat. Philadelphia bulle- 1 point of all four roads. Suveral sur tho key that would unlock tho closet JOHNSON & HURLEY voys havu manifested Itself. At tho lirnndon ox tin. been mutlo to tho south, where her shroud was kept. As tho LIVE STOCK COMMISSION COMPANV nnd there will soon ho another road porlmentnl fnrm this yenr sovoral va- rieties, all vory good ylcldurs, good woman was fumbling nt tho gir- Okla. City Ft. Worth Kmnaam Oltjt m lending in that direction and giving matured Red Cro Ilnll Ilhio mnkcr- - the laundress sho n Qaletmeni Oattla, J. D. STRIDLINQ. Hoei and us connections with the tlulf trado. Into good silo corn. dle felt sly pinch of her bund h.iiipy, inr.kcM clothe whiter than mow. Sheep, H. J. HURLEY, tt. ft. COLti Clovls ' Considering nnd knew by thnt that thero was still All cood grocer. Adv. Thu Santa railroad from '' tho success with which will probably bu built within tho enn a spark of llfo remaining. .' corn bo produced, nnd tho advan- For beat results ihlp next twelve months, and other roads tages to bo gained by so producing It, "Perhaps," sho suggested, "a weo Fortunately for tho avcrngo man, are contemplated. Thu proximity of should not It receive tho serious at- drop of brandy would revlvo her." few of his prayers aro answered. Dale - Stickne? Tucumonrl to tho almost luoxhmist tention western A tenspoonful of brandy wns ad- Commission Co. "MS iblu coal supply at Dawson with of tho agriculturist? tho ministered, only n flickering Un Stk Eitkaaf BetMiaf Muxli-- nunr, bring Com Is successfully grown in tho hut with Putnam Fadeless Dyes tlo not stain market should lff Stxk T.tJ., OKLAHOMA CITT northern part of in simi- response. So the friends departed sor- Adv. additional factories. Minnesota tho kctlla. Slurkpt. fnmlMiml by 'plxine lar soil nnd under thu samo climatic rowfully, forgetting, however, to or uli-grul- i whin draln-d- . SHIPPING POINT Statistics show condition, nnd tho bottle from her side. On Ono gentleman who that Tucumcari pays more freight thero does not appear calls another to bo any reason wliy their return a few hours later thoy gentleman n Is no gentleman. W. U., 14-19- 14. to thu any point u like results llnr N. Oklahoma City, No. railroads than van- Pratt, Kansas, and HI l'aso, should not bo secured In western Can- discovered that the brandy had 4" Texas. During last year 3,000 cars ada. It Is tho opinion of many Ameri- ished nnd that Nellie had completely An n matter of fact It Is of freight were unloaded to our can farmers of experience that tho recovered. Sho lived to bo more thnn Nature Never Intended her right and her claty to merchants, and over t;uo cars dally corn belt Is extending northward. Tho ono hundred years old. "Hut that," enjoy perfect health and wero handled through our yards. prnlrlo provinces must grntluully tnko snys Mr. O'Kcufo, "wns tho story of ntrenRth to ho just na Woman Sickly atronf" nnd healthy na man Thu wholesale business of thu city up with mixed farming. Moro stock Nelllu's dying." to be has gone beyond thu $1,000,000 mark, perhaps moro so In view of on the fnrms must bo raised, nnd in tho fact that it In she who brinpn into tho world tho offspring-- . tho retail business has exceeded consequence Every strong Jl.L'fto.Olin, and our banks did over It was heralded by thu Angel of tho farming must to somo rushing Up. womnn can bo and healtiiv. Don't rcsltra extent bo diverted from grain growing The other day thu II. Mobor com- yourself to a dolicnto life. $112,0(10.000 worth of business In tho Kcaurrcctiou. Tho llrat llower of hu- you ten months from January 1st to No to other necossary crops. If crops pany, among other pictures displayed If suffer from headaches, backnehen, nervousness, manity to pass Into its perfected stagu low spirits, lack of ambition, or havo lost all hope of belno vein bur 1st. of glorious fruition, was tho Man who suitable for wintering cnttlo and espe- In tho show window, had one that cially special well again H'b moro thnn nn oven chanco that you wlfl FACTORIES We have a cotton gin, enmo back from tho dead In tho mys- dairy stock aru to bo grown, attracted attention. It was a Hjocd!iy regain your health if you will try broom factory, bottling works, Ico tery of "a Spiritual Hody" on tho tlrst why should not corn he one of theso largo picture representing nn Immense plant, ico cement block factory, Sunday that evor was. crops? In Ontario nnd In tho United lioness nnd four cubs. Together with cream factory, feed mill, two fnc-torle- s States wo find It forms tho main bulky tho prnlso bestowod on this group, Eftr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for pur livery garden Is a sacramental placo thu mauufacturo of food for wintering beef dairy cat-tl- thero was somo criticism. "Whnt plan now. sluco tho Easter ilowers llrst and forntod tile for They would not bo without this fool artist got up that picture?" said (In Tablet or Liquid Form) lug mills and creamery. Tucumcari wovetl, near 1000 years ago. It Ib a sign This is prolltablo plnnt. In fact, sluco its in- an elderly observer. "Any ono ought famous remedy tho result of years of patient liTfs the best equipped postolllcu In of the Inward grace which moves amid research by n physician who has mado women's pecuiitu tho State, has two weekly papern tho dust of thu ages, preserving tho troduction almost twice ns much Btoclc to know thnt two cubs Is tho limit for ailments n life study. can bo retained on samo any lioness." This word picked up with as line as can be found tho nmount toou-aan- outfits germ lives of all who havu gono down Blnce la Introduction-mo- ra than forty jreara aro di In the Southwest. These papers aro into tho soil, resting until thu Angel of of land, besides considering Its great by n listener was taken Into the pic- of women In crery part of the itlouo havo trt.tlf.ed very liberally patronized by our valuo keoplng Is to Ita wonderful meriu. You, Urn, will find It twncflclaL tho great Resurrect Ion sets to his lips for tho land clenn. ture house. "This rnthor overdo- Try It now. Your dealer In mnllelnne will aupply you or as will bo seen by tho you ono-re- merchants tho golden trumpet, and sounds thu Somo may say thnt many crops that ing tho cub business," said this critic. can arnd M atampe for trial box. Addrcca pageH of advertisements thuy carry can bo grown In Ontario and tho "Any ono ought to know thnt two 1L V. fierce, M. U. UulTalo, N. Y. In each Issue. clarion call of tho Client springtime, Or. rtercA'a regratat garden States cannot bo grown hero, but not Hon whelps nro enough." Tho pooplo Fluuaat FeUeU atoraach, lirer, bewolti MORALS Tho mornls of Tucumcari when tho 'of Paradleo shall glvo back Its souls, and the black earth so with corn, oven now wo find scat- In tho picture houso wero greatly dis- nro good, and when this was written Holds In county jail was empty, nnd thu deep sens shall give up their tered of corn Alborta and tressed undor this criticism, until n the and this up a is not tho only tlmo Quay county has dead, and lives shall bloom again In Saskatchewan. Advertisement. friend hunted cyclopedia of had an empty Jail during tho last now beauty, and tho unfading majesty natural history and rend theso lines: I Was Neither, Nayther Nor Rheumatism, Sprains year. for which they wero created ut thy NeetherJ "From two to four whelps aro pro- A group of Scottish lawyers woro AMUSEMENTS The city has n flno first. duced at a time. Thoy nro born with opera house, pnrks nnd hall grounds, gathered round a brow of toddy one eyes open, but nro helpless for sev- two moving picture shows and other evening. Tho conversation turned upon eral weeks." Indianapolis Nows. Backache, Neuralgia amusements with a Railroad V. M. Love a question of pronunciation, When Is King I l es, daughter, that's fjood "InfT. Tho pain In C. A. planned for tho near future. "Now, always say neether," ono of 1 RINGWORM SPREAD ON HAND my back allgonc I never saxr anything work QUAY COUNTY Quay County Is i .j tho lawyers said In discussing thu pro- as quickly as Sloan's Liniment " 1 houwindi of bounded on tho east by Tuxiib. Tho nunciation of tho word "neither." grateful pcoplo volco Uio samo opinion. Ilcrc'i drainage Is from tho Canadian, tho When April winds are blowing "I sny 'nayther,' " remarked tt. F. D. No. 2, Ilox C7, Ellljay, Oa. the proof. another "My ringworm Plitzu I.argo and tho I'ajarltn Itivurs, And May Is just beyond, lawyer. son's began on tho Rellerod Pain In riacli. COST OF LAND Tills rich soil can back of his hand. A fiery red spot "I wm troubled with n ten Iad pain In my When all the hills glowing Turning to n third, ho nuked: "Whnt nek I bo bouvht at present at a low llguro, ate enmo about as largo us a dlmo and It furaomo time. went ton doctor but tin rich robes do you sny, Sandy?" Sandy, whoso ma not an mo any goon, iu I dons not look lllto a And Spring's are donned, would so badly ho would . and it business head was a little muddled by too many Itch scratch rmrchaiicd r bottlo of Sloan'a proposition for a farmer of other Why should one heart beat scdly, It till it bled. began Unlmriit, nnd now 1 nm a well It to spread till woman, I kri-- n bot- hnrd-enrne- helpings of toddy, woko up from a nlwayn states to pay all of his One soul be In dismay? It went nil over his hand. Ho would tlo f .Sloan' Liniment In the when can procure gentle doze. HaliULl Coiion. money for rent, ho scream every 1 to hotue." Jui The storms that raged so madly I Just tlmo went wash 1 GO nt-P'- of this soil for whnt one "Mo?" ho said, "oh, say whusky." Have worn themselves away. It. Tho null cumo oil on tho middle year's rent would amount to. finger. ,jgmmmmmjBmmmTO CMjftjf Sciatic Rhaumatbm. Movies In we nave LInl-tne- POULTRY AND TRUCKING Poultry The Italy. "I used nntl It got worso uni bionn'a nnd trucking pays well In this sou Mnscagnl Is writing for orcr alz yearn nnd Why should doubt come to chill us the music for n nil thn time. Tho trouble lasted two found It the Iet we ever uied. tlou. KggH bring from thirty to moving picture film representlnj the When my wife hail aciatlc ami poultry Ib always Id When bells of Easter ring or three months. Then I sent nntl got iheumittlumtheonlythlnirthat fifty cents llfo of Garibaldi, composed by tho So- some Ir- somo Cutlcurn Soap and Ointment and ' dUllicrnny koI waa Sloan' demand. Thero aro small, With gladness that should fdl us IJnlmont. Wo citnnnt pralie It cialist Deputy Ferrl. Tho libretto Is began to uso I ' rigated pardon tracts near tho. city When Love Is crowned as tfng them. would wash highly cnouRh." Ur. jvrf,., which the owners aro selling by D'AnniinzIo: It Is one act nntl Is en- his hand with tho Cutlcurn Soap XM ilolntt, Iowa. I from The the shingles and Sprained rnnro than n thousand dollara worth rain upon titled "Tho Children's Crusade." Tho dry It good and npply tho Cutlcurn AnMo ReUered. ,"! wm ,0.r ft ,on.r ,,m? .w,.,h.ft eprnlncd nnUe. 1 pot bottlo of vegetables to tho ncro. Makes music that is sweet poet vaguely tlellues his work nn fol- t "rely a of Sloan'a Ointment. Relief was found In two Unirot-n- anil now I nm ablo to be about nnd enn walk n irrent deal. I w rite UiU be- A Chamber of Commerce with 192 And on the windows jingles lows: "A pitiful nntl traglo medieval or threo dayB and tho ringworm waa came nhlnkou de.erTei.lot of credit for puttlnrf auclt n fin. Liniment on the recommend Dr. Sloan's Linluiout.,,-- a, members. A tune for dancing feet. eplBotlo Interwoven with a popular cured In two weeks after ualng Cutl- fl.y?f,""n" Iiiv The 2fi 000 acre Pnjnrlta Irrigation pro- legend which In an ago of violence nntl curn Soap and Ointment." (Signed) ject Is on foot nntl it is oxpectod that , S E. KISER heroism ended with the misfortune of Joslo Parks, Jan, i, 1013. will begin uctunl construction soon. hundreds of poor children." Cutlcurn. Soilp nnd Ointment sold For further Information address Sec- Comfort for the Downhearted. throughout tho world. Snmplo of each Tu- retary Chamber of Commerce, It is to tho beaten In llfo that Easter Kindly Notice. froo.wlth 32-p- . 8kln Hook. Address post- cumcari, Now Mexico. especially appeals. Thero Is hopu still, my k2 "Pnrtlcs that borrowed ment out card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Iloston." Adv. LOANS it shouts! Even tho dend llvu again, of thn shetl lint) better bo careful us moro you Phono news Items to No. 22. It Ib Huch will mako way out of tills hog hits cholera nnd we Intended Notable Sight. not possible to gut nround to each whatever "Slough of Despond" you to mako soap out of It and 1 don't wnnt "Now don't forgot nbout that Hun- plnco or to talk to each person, nnd liavq been wallowing In, or passing any Innocent parties exposed." At- garian goulash while you aro everyone should know somo Item which through. Kvory green blndo, forcing lanta Constitution, ubroad." would bo of Intorest nntl grontly add its way past stones and rti'jks through "No; wo hopo to seo It In session." LINIMENT to tin local features of our papor. tho hard clods Into sunlight, Ih Judgo by tho n Don't nppearanccs. Tho At aU Ddere-2t- fe. BOc aaj 1.00. Sloaa'a butraetlra sign that so long as thero Is llfo thero stlffost collars mado wouldn't enablo Tho fellow who falls In lovo at first and iroukrr aoat truit, Is hope abundant, that tho old com- somo men to hold their heads up In Bight would llko cavlaro tho drat tlmo Aiimt Dr. Earl S. Slaua. lac a Tucumcari Steam Laundry "Ho-caus- forting statement yet holds true, tho world. ho triod It under tho mnnngcmnnt of n prac- 1 llvo, yo shall llvu also." tical laiindrymnn of 20 years' ox porlrncc. Guarantees satisfaction. Easter in the Greek Church. All garments repaired and buttons Tho Hastor festival stands greatest sowed on. Cleaning and Pressing. among tho festivals of tho (Irook prlost Phono 102 nnd wo will do tho rosL church. Our ofton asserted that tho picture of tho Virgin looked vory CHARLES L. McCRAE sad on Good Friday and smiled on Manager Eastor. Tho Atlantic. ium mi m uwy, Knasft uray nur. UM LA ORKOUIm HAIR DRIMINtt. PRIOE, tlOO, tMM THE TUCUMCARI WfEWS

DR. W. LEMING AMONG THE CHURCHES Practice Limited to tho Eye, Ear, Noso r: LRailroad and Throat PXKSBYTKR1AN CHURCH ( 9 to to n. i to .1 111. kDIBLE'3TUDYOH Olhco Hours , App0,;trnenl Rev. P. B. IIeB($erllt, factor .m MESU8 HIMSELF DREW NEAR." OfDco, Hector Dldg., Main St. Morning nnd ovcnlng service, eon TUCIjMCARI Mr. and Mrs. 1). h, Frnsler wont to Luke 24:13-3- 5 April 12. Ml Paso this morning. iluetcil by tlio pastor, ovory 8unday at "It U Vhrtnl Ihit (rl. pen rnlhir, that en 11 n. in. nnd 8 p. m. raltal frnm the iJnul " Womaiw S;i. Conductor Ieo Snyder Is taking a few WELLS' CAFE . Suinliiy school nt 10 a. m. AY wo Httidy oho of Jcaan' day lay-olT- J. It. WELLS, Prop Htrllilng Junior Endoavor Society 3 p. m. 14 inanlfofltatlnun F.l service, short a specialty. COD Mrs. Henry Wlthohler went to Excellent orders TUESDAY. Ills dlsclploH after Ills reH 1 Christian Endoavor 8ocloty 7 p. ni. APRIL Paso Wednesday, We - H' pure foods. Only tho urroetloii Knrly that morning icli eggs servad. Teacher's mcotlug and prnyor er-vl- Ho bad appeared to tbo women who Mr. and Mrs, J. 11. Fish hnvo return- Wednesday 7s30. Artbl MAIN StltlUtT at ciitno to embalm Ills body. Thoy bad ed home from a trip to Kl l'nso, A cordial invitation Is oxtonded to communicated tho news to UL Voter Leo Snyder spent last week vis- nil the services of tbo church, FROM MIL OTHERS. and St John, who hastened l tbo Mr. STONE COMPANY m Kopiileber, but found It empty. The iting friends In Fl Paso, returning homo yB Transfer dlsclplcM were perplexed. Although Friday on No 8 OENTEK STREET METHODIST p.tfmmsm would be Jesus bail told them Hint He Conductor F. S. Heal has taken a pas- For reliable nnd prompt service CHURCH crucllled anil would rise from tint dead senger run on tho Dawson. IIo has call on us. A. N. Evans, Taator on tbo third day. they bad not com Resilience 1st Door East of Church tiroliended tbo teaching. been on tho Main linn nut of Fl Paso. Pilosis OS Phonos 813 That afternoon, as two of tbo com Conductor Dan Harris is back on No. puny worn walking home, discussing s Sunday 12.1 and No. PJI, Dawson lino, sov-er- their disappoint- after PHILLIP SIIAHAN t);45 n. in,, Sunday school, Edward F. months on Main lino pnssnngcr ment, Jesun over- V7W City Scavenger Drown, Superintendent. took tlioin. They rims.

1 mo general plowing 11:00 a. in., Preaching services by know T 1 in not, Orders taken for work, s- Mr., general stornkecpor of and fertilizing gardens - pastor. of 1 1 Ih res- the K. P. &, 8. W., was hero from Fl Service prompt When called on 2.30 p. m. Mission Sunday school urrection cliaiik'e. Paso several days last week on busi- Teachers meeting, north sido. St Peter tolN u I'llONK 6 WORlS He was "put ness connected with that ilopnrtineiit. .1:00 p. in, Mission Sunday school, thnt iP1 to (loath In lle-il- i. 1). W. King and Oscar Ilenton re- WAYNE, Livery ilrs. J. F. Tarpley, 9npt. but quickened In T. A. 1.00 p. Junior Choir. turned last Wednesday from Aninrlllo, in, nplrlt" This we ALL KINDS Oh FEED f 7:00 p. I.enipio. In driving over in their new cars, King in. Epworth understand the SALE. ,00. l'rnchliig services. liirlit of St. Paul's In a Chalmers and Denton in an Over H",rt " Wednesday explanation of tho ""v ' land. While they did not break any Main Strict lione 35 ChurcirH In weak- iJllO p. m. 'I'cachor Training Glass resuiTectloii. "Sown speed records from their reports the ness, raised In power; sown In dishon- "iW) p. service. trip was not in the least monotonous. in. Prnyor or, raised In dory; kowii tin iinliual CITY BARBER SHOP King says some people have trouble in body, raised a spirit 1 Cor boil." FOH THE DEST HAIK CUTS AM) BAPTIST CHURCH IntlihuiM IfH'.'-'M- . .starting their cars huUthc only thing SMOOTHEST SI I AVE Strvftfo nt th.i Dnptlst ehuroh as fob The Hiune tbniiglil Is ItiiptosMctl iifiiln that N bothr mo him is in stopping. by tho Apostlo'H statement: "We Hliall N. W. MOSELY. Prop. Tucumcari Dobert Lipscomb in Tu all bo chanced, In u moment. In the stopped over Itllilo sahool ut, n, in, twinkling of mi e.Ve"; for "llesb and cuiiicnri last Friday on his way from H n. in,, sermon; theme: "A Uood blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of Los Angeles to Pratt, his first visit to TUCUMCARI LIVERY Man tu Unit Times." . find." Tlio ebaiiKo which the Cliurcb this place in seven year-- Xot many of New 7:00 p. in. Young People's Service. Ih to experience Is the miiiiio which Jo Ids old friends remembered him as lie Brand Ritfs. Prices hum oxperleiici tl wboit He was StOU p. m. Sermon, subject: "Mini" raised was a boy In knee pants when ho left reasonable. from tlio dead, a life givlim Spirit no S:00 p. in. Wednesday prnyor meet-lug- . but old longer a Mini. all the timers will remember his W. M. HOWE, Manager Our 1. nit IV title, "Son tit .Mini." still mother, Mrs. Olive Lipscomb, who wns If ynu lire without n Church Ilntio, belongs to Iliin. ns does tho title, "the manager of the Hock island Fating ' CRANSTON OWENS, D.V.S. OM?! We can help you. 'BEffiSffiTivSKmlHiil' THAN ANY OTHER J Logos." When the l.ngtw was iiiadi' House for u number of years in the DR. Physician Surgeon I I tlosh, tho Identity was preserved; mid early days. They are now living in Vcterlnrrv and rlKflUli swmmEmn likewise when Jesus lieciune a spirit i 7"" Lo CHRISTIAN CHURCH Angeles. Graduato Ontario Veterinnrv College. being iiciiIii Ilespectlng titir Lord's O. W. Hoani, Pastor Toronto, Canada, under control Dominion BEING THE CHILDREN liumnii experiences we rend "A body Government. Sixteen years experience Hlble Hclionl !l;.fi n. in. hnst Thou prepared Mo'" for the suf The Connor's drove back from Okls treating diseases o( domesticated nnimnls. Morning service 11:00 n. in. fcrlng of tlentb (Hebrews Kcil-lO.- i homa and lauded on their claim near FREE I'llONK 35 - Tr (IMCAKl, N. Nf. Stahjoet of sermon, "Our Heuiroc RIDEA SHETlMBrW When He hid accomplished t,lmt pur .Solano last week. Thoy havo proved tinii." SftMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH posts lie mi longer bail neetl of human up and lllto to get nwy from tho claim . Cfaus-Co- mes uuturc; as bail foretnlil, Ho flvonliitf service, 7:30 p. in. AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE. "tkxtfo Santa but. lie JAS. HALL lusceiidcil to where lie was beforo to occasionally but thoy are always glad J. Subject of Sermon nro We Sioiys " "How GentryBros. tho spirit nature ami, later mi, to lleuv to get bnck. Itoy Spanish-America- CHICAGO TROUAC A I. Saved." on Itself HE ESTATE. INSURANCE GKNKK.AI. Ttmckers meeting will be elinngeil To assume tlmt Jesus is a tleslily be- DHOKKKAGE from Thursday evening to Tuesday av- ing In Heaven, bearing wounds nnd DR.. C. N. BUELER. I t nil eternity. Is to Imply ailing for the future. sow Hears that Box 595 Tucumcari, N, M the never really exulted Him Osteopathic Physician thePublicStrectsatllam.onOateof Exhibition Father IWhichTakesPlaceon to tho glory which lit! had boforo the Hours to 12 and i to .( REVUELTO j hxu-9n,- RAjN OR. world was (John 1":."), and Is tinsup if) i w i A at AnM Kooms 14 nnd Herring Duilding .1. W. Com of Tucumriiri. visited w vi iiinni.v4 vhiij uiih v ill. fj posahle. The Scriptures plainly show - n v A "r'ttndtiy m his now nuto. that tho Father highly exalted our Ite urnU JC IV IV. I I)miIV ATiirncJ I II L rvct 4 'U. I. rpohure.h wns hero Sunday. deomor "far above angels, pi liiolpiill powers " II. F. Ilollldny nnd T Ciirden visited ties anil to--Main All kind of Cold Drink, us Monday. "JeiitD Showed Himself." Moved Cnndies nnd Ice Cream Trumbull will Hceur on one of the Sat j well again After etfort, the taik St. We have the sad news from Knladitn Luke declares that Jesus showed urdays in May, when the school-hous- e j was sueeeosfully eomjileted, but as yet Himself alive after His resurrection that Mrs. Nieolaso M. Vigil, wife of will be available. Pate to be published the windmill is not in working order. (Acta 1:3). In ovory way He itianl Apolinnrio Vigil died Sunday morning fested the fact a great change bad soon. ' N'ora Jtidd is rapidly falling in that after three years of sickness of paraly Mr. taken place with Him. He appeared Street sis. W wish to join the friends of tho Kiuitor exorcises will be rendered by health and the gravest apprehensions and showed Himself not only In differ family in extending sympathy in this tbo two Sunday schools of Mountain are entertained for her recovery. cnt bodies, unlike each other, but also t ED. HALL, t View and Hudson at tho Hudson school In different clothing. When Ho sud sad hour of bereavement. My real extato transfer tho Eddy Dop Contractor houie on next Sunday at throe o'clock, denly disappeared, tho clothing tllsnp UIK HA VII MOVED TO MAIN Stlvnuo IJaon stopped at Hovuolto n ty dncu has pased into the hands of penred also Central, or time. Tho invitation is "slreot and am putting in a now F u r n i 1 li e tl Wodnesdny while on his way home to fat his brother Judmn. Tho stranger who overtook tho two J Ettimnto all. line of dried nnd canned We m huulco. to disciples en route to Ktumnus Inquired, fruits. fi. K. Idee spent two days horo last will continue our low prices for I'loreneio S. Martinez, Jr., and Julian Frank Ksipiiliel was in our village Why so sad? Astonished that Ho Old we;k with his family, being off duty know, they explained fiesh and salt moats, potatoes, ap- Hlmi loft Wednesday to with luat Wednesday, being here from I.ogHn not that the chief ciimp with the U. P. k S. W. at Tiicumcarl on priests nut! rulers had delivered up ples, etc., which will savo ynu (roin the cattle 20 miles nnrtlienHt of Hevtiel as a hiMiittxs i iiller reproittiiig the lo- leave of absence. mid criicllletl Jesus, u prophet mighty 25 to 30 per rent on your groceries, 1 1 Ml to, on account of being short of water cal mercantile company. beforo !od ami tho people. Their hope he Snyder House I Our farmers are obtaining their feter-It- n here. Three immense cars of boar grass tlmt Ho wiih Messiah had been crush seed from It. Wa&son. This is n Mr. mill Mrs. flolllday visited us were ohipped from this xtation during J. od. Then they told tho events or that t f ft trial crop with us, none having been Z Thtirsdiiy. the past week by W. T. Vork, Kmll very morning that some women of Thoroughly remodeled raised previously ill tills vicinity. their company had found Miss I'sbllto Won has been very busv and CoorL'e Flint, rospectlvuly. Ills tomb F. Co.-- 5 (J..u, empty nnd had soon unguis, who salt! J. Jackson and newly furnished this wcok with now her patterns of Each car contained about llftoun tons, that He was ullvo. Corner Main and Sts, I Room and Board noodle work. She was so nnxioiiH to S. D. Witt is ill wrestling with tho CARD OF THANKS This gave Jesus opportunity to ox First start again. Slio quit the I K V rlnv for last two pump irioMitiii on IiIm farm. 'I'hc wish to thank my friends who jnve plain quietly that their experiences nr wnalr yours on account Phone 31 of weak eye and the misrdiig pipe WHs loi'Hled during the mo their Mipport in the piano content, were part of the' Divine Plan; that'll was necessary Messiah doctor gave her the advice of tint to week, having disengaged from as given by News, that should iUelf the and take this In do nv kind of nrcdlowork. Sflie is thus s Hirer. order to become King Phono '18 Adnm St. Nonr Mnln that ovi rhead. With considerable dif- - opportunity to expre-- 4 my appreciation of (ilory and hless mankind He point vory fond and cnpablo for all kinds of (lenity a ehnln wa flimlly mu eeifiilly for the nluahle present which I ed out from Scrip work. j looped almve the joint, and drawing by from the Klk Drug Co., and I lure what Cod had RFOEIVlSUb fJOTKJE i horse-powe- r was begun. When part of himrtily thank them fur the siune. foretold respecting I am now prepnre l to in'eei' .i ( . HUDSON the hiiv out, t lit chain br.oko, allowing Youm 1 inly, Messiah's oxporl He proba- the following deseiibcil ie The lectures of Prof. Mundell and Mr the pipe to 'Irop to the bottom nf the Frances 13. Poppluo elites. pririv bly hlitiwet that by the Intnrnattntinl Mnak nt ' .u. .. when Isam was Tucumcari, N M. d up by DROUTH I1ROKBN OS off ore HES NWi, nnd SW, i..t . AT R WELL Abraham, ri he fore 2 .' 4 I . - 1 ' Rocklsland and Hcc Twp of.' t.j- M The drMitli was pretty lunlly ernek shallowed Jesus' Kill t ton , INSURANCE AND "I Wed'iexday afternoon eotith os-- taiiiinu ),, ,.tll ABSTRACTS of death unit resur- i M II. Thoiili the llrst ttirm of xpring rect loir, that the '. to a mi April 1 V from hexler south hiii 1 leu rock rep Lots 0. " nl .if !..iii.m' - 'i.i fire, Tornado and t'i I'lilxbad, wen big liiioini in resented Messiah 111 IntP I 2, :t 4 i.f Mlo. k !i Automobile Insurance there rains. At ntnirtji r who must he suilt- - - l HeMir the biggest fall is reported iri'llllil ImviiMti- (it'll !, r, . int. Kansas City ton lii order to give tho Water of Life ' Abstracts to All Lands in Quay County Tins shower reaelied heaviest proprr E mid K ('heiiiiiill Sub lih uf l to lniinanlt. : that the serpent up lifted II. 10. II 12 ut IMot'li l OT Tii.-iiu- i V ' near tlie Avis place, a mile south In the ulldoriicss typltlod Messiah's carl. St. Louis I ami a mile and n half west of Dexter criiclllxlou; ami tlmt tho passover luiuh : -- Lot 5 Dlock n UT Tartnm-i- V M j Tucumcari Abstracts Insurance Co, Lake Arthur n heavy hail fell. typified Jesus, tho Lamb of Und. which talietli away the sin of the Lot t in Dloi'k H nf Otiildile sddltioi Des Moines Phone 1)2 A.n. CAIMER. M(r. world " N'n wonder their hearts iniru to Tucumcari. In tho Probate Court of Quay Comity, ed wlthl.) them: Lots y and 10 block 8 Rock Now Mexico, In tho Mnttor of tho "They Know Him He Vanished." addition, Tiicutncari, Minneapolis Estato of Ocorgo P. Rramblo When the travelers arrived In Km Island N. Docensod matis,. Koiimthiiig In their guest's man M. of asking II H. JONL'M, Staj Notice is hereby given that I, tho ner tho blessing at supper Hiichh. Jraui reminded thorn of Jesus. Their eyes Int runtlniial Dhnk of ('imitm-.- r is undersigned, who was on the 7th day r Imitation the Sincerest Flattery of understanding began to open. Tin n. N M of July lOI.'l, by the Probate Court or r.nnif art. having fulllllcd the purpose of His mil So when you Quay county, New Mexico, appointed terlall.atlon Jesus vatilhotl clothe others tfi - administrator of the estnto Oeorge and all. and , telling- about their big values I'. Ilramble, deceased, will on Sth Unable to sleep, tho disciples return and perfect fitting- - all the and that, day of July, 1PH, mako application to cd to Jerusalem, and there learned that Intermediate Points Jesus had Just Remember they are only said Court for fl tin settlement of snid manifested Himself to Pe tor. Then they paying me a compliment estate, ami discharge ns told their experience'': nilmiiilstrntor and faith, hope and Joy began grow HARPER Through Trains of to said estate. That my Until report In all their hearts. you owe to yourself a as Mich I KENTUCKY Modern Equipment If Christmas Present, let me mala administrator now on (lie During tho forty dnys following our you the Spring Suit for Easter. with tho I'robnte Court of (vuny county Lord's resurrection, Ho only twice up Dining Car Service UnexcUti ami thnt tho sumo will be honrd on tho peared In n form similar to that which WHISKEY 8tli day of July, (i , boforo thu Pro. they had soon, hearing the murks of SAM LEHRMAN bnte court of Quay county, .Vow Mexico crucifixion. On both occasions Ho tip. Let me quottyeaiuta poarod and vnnlshod for.OcntlciMn plaa - O. O. while tho doors ad tka ta. City Cleaning and Hat Works Phone 346 Orogg, Boot Owiity AdminlHtrutor of tlio Kstato of Guorgo V. Hrnmble, deceased. O 8 DRVOtt, Agent Ai

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