
Unlocking the Mysteries

Tami MacDowell, HHP, Reiki Master/Teacher Healings of the Heart

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Archangel Raziel has channeled this activation through me as the first in a series. It is a prerequisite for any further studies along this series. Understanding and unlocking the key is the foundation work that Archangel Raziel has deemed vital to your growth. If you would like further information or wish to contact me, I can be reached [email protected] or feel free to visit my websites

www.healingsoftheheart.com http://lightworkers.blogspot.com http://healingsoftheheart.blogspot.com www.myspace.com/withloveandlight


♥With Love and Light♥

Who is Archangel Raziel and what does he represent?

Take Back Your Power

Archangel Raziel: "Use your -given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life"

Additional message:

"You are a luminary: a sage, a wise one, a high~priestess/high~priest, a wizard, and a supreme manifestor. Now is the time to summon up your spiritual strength and power and put your authority into action. Lovingly and firmly transform your intentions into reality. Say prayers about your intentions, and ask for guidance and signs to shape your manifestations to the highest possible level."

Working with Archangel Raziel.

Archangel Raziel: Archangel Raziel's name means "Secrets of God", and this Archangel will help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. Call upon Raziel to assist your alchemical work - to turn ideas into gold. From Doreen Virtues Archangel Cards

Physical Associations:

Releases pain & negativity through the colors of the rainbow. Eases insomnia, bronchitis, asthma, & lung conditions. Relieves migraines & tension headaches. Overactive thyroid conditions, breaks up tumors & growths. Lowers high blood pressure and relieves back pain

Emotional and mental Associations:

Helps to focus on personal issues – self-awareness, self-understanding and self knowledge, treats obsessions and emotional stability.

Spiritual Associations:

Clears negative thought forms, aids in telepathic abilities, intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience. Increases spiritual knowledge.

Gemstone Association: Clear Crystal Quartz – Also known as a prism of light reflecting colors of the rainbow. Archangel Raziel is associated with all the colors of the rainbow. Using a crystal while meditating and working with him will only enhance the healing. Clairvoyance through dreams, images and inner sight. Helps us gain deeper spiritual understanding & apply it in practical ways. He will take you soul traveling in your dreams to discover truths & ancient wisdom that will become part of your subconscious & be with you when you wake up.

Color Association:

Raziel’s aura holds all the colors of the rainbow, like a beautiful prism of light. Working with clear quartz crystals magnifies clairvoyance and helps you feel closer to Raziel

The Key to Archangel Raziel Activation

Archangel Raziel

This is the legendary author of The Book of the Angel Raziel -- "wherein all celestial and earthly knowledge is set down." The Book of the Angel Raziel is reputed to contain the 1,500 keys to the mysteries of the universe. Unfortunately, they are written in a language so arcane and impossible to decipher (without presumably the aid of Raziel himself) that not even the greatest of heaven are able to figure it out. Raziel is also ranked as the special patron to the first human.

Archangel Raziel is one of the Seraphim, the guardian of originality and the realm of pure ideas. He is knowledgeable in several mystical arts and can explain the truth behind many occult truths in the universe. One interesting fact Archangel Raziel can give you is an understanding of the energy currents in the magickal universe and how to manipulate them to various ends. He is known as the “wizard of the archangelic realm” appearing before you in what may seem as a strong, commanding form who looks like the great wizard Gandolf from Lord of the Rings. His gift to you is to assist you work through past life issues as well as planting the seeds of manifestation.

He supposedly wrote it all down, and because of his pity for the plight of and Eve, gave the book to Adam that he might better understand God. This did not go over well with some of the other angels, and they stole the book from Adam and threw it into the sea. God, instead of punishing Raziel, retrieved the book and returned it to Adam. The book later passed to , who would become the Angel . He also was the author of the tome from which learns to build the ark. This is not to be confused with , who is the angel to give Raziel's tome to Noah, but did not write it himself.

Working with Archangel Raziel requires somewhat of a commitment to change on your part. He is not for the weak of heart. For once you agree to take this step of growth and change in your life, life will never be the same. There is no looking back or stopping the flow of energy. Do not be afraid of this commanding yet loving Archangel. He will take you to the next level of your spiritual growth and on to proceeding down the path of your life’s mission, your purpose for being. You will intensely study alchemy & manifestation, also you will be presented with the ability to unlock you subconscious knowledge & memories

How I met Archangel Raziel

I first met with this Archangel on my 18th Birthday. I was involved in a motto-cross accident. My boyfriend, at the time, was a semi-pro motto-cross racer. It was a typical Friday night race. The racetrack was comprised of a flat in-field track and 3 hills. Most of us stood at the bottom of the last downhill to watch, as the view from there was perfect, you could see everything. This one fateful Friday night, which just happened to be my 18th birthday, one of the racers lost control of his motorcycle coming down the hill and it hit me in the back of my head.

Not knowing what happened, as I didn’t see it coming, I remember waking up in the hospital with bags all around my head and my body taped to a board. Fearful that I would be in trouble, I begged the doctors to not call my parents. That night, x-rays were taken of my neck and my parents were told that my neck had been fractured in 3 places. Three days went by and I knew nothing and felt nothing.

As my injuries became less severe, I was forced into a room in a wing that left me isolated from everyone. I remember feeling scared and all alone. That’s when he first appeared to me. I was sitting up in my bed when a tall strange looking man walked past my door. I smiled at him. He stopped, moved back into my doorway and said, “You have the most beautiful smile, all is well. You will be alright, you’ll see.” And then he was gone. To my amazement & the amazement of all the doctors, technicians, and my parents, the next morning when they came to take me down for further x-rays, they showed Nothing! No breaks, fractures, cracks…..Nothing. That was the night I was first re-introduced to Angels. I can recall playing with them when I was a little girl, but until that very night, I had forgotten they are here for us.

That was 27 years ago. Moving forward, I began to have dreams again and would feel this commanding presence. It used to scare me. It was so powerful. One night I was preparing for an attunement and there he was! I saw him; felt him, just like I had that night in the hospital. Once I realized who it was, I knew immediately that my life had been spared that night so I could go out and spread the word of this warm, but powerful angel of transformation.

I am here today, to show all who seek to change and improve their lives, that it is possible. No matter what your current situation is, it can be healed and Archangel Raziel is the angel to assist you on your path. He will help open your heart and guide you and direct you along your Divine Path. The only thing that you are required to bring is your desire for change.

The Key of Archangel Raziel

Prepare yourself as you would for any meditation. Sit or lay quietly and undisturbed in a comfortable position. If you feel guided, play soft quiet music, light candles & burn incense, what ever feel comfortable to you. Begin by taking slow deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling until you reach the desired state of mind. Call in your , , Spirit Guides, and any spirit being of light, again, it is whatever you feel comfortable working with, for protection and guidance. Before you begin, thank Archangel Raziel for walking with you along the path of your Divine Mission, shedding light on the pathway in front of you so you can see it with great clarity.

You begin to feel yourself in a state of consciousness where you are here but not here, an altered state, if you will. There is light beginning to emerge from your crown chakra, it is waiting for you to offer permission, to welcome & embrace pure love and light to permeate your body, spirit & soul.

Archangel Raziel speaks to you to follow his guidance and instructions. Our journey begins in the root chakra, as this is where the foundation of life lies; the brightness of the color of red now completely envelops your entire being, feel this warm, stable energy as it begins to permeate your body/mind and spirit. It is at this place that manifestation occurs, this is the “soil” where seeds are planted and as you move up the energy channels, your seed is nourished. Now feel the energy swirl around you, staying with you as your energies move into the sacral chakra.

Bright orange now fills your body, spirit & soul. This awakens your courage center & activates your creative center, providing you with the courage to take action. Feel yourself as you begin to feel the energy rise. See yourself completely enveloped by the color of orange.

Your energies of pure light and love slowly move up into your solar plexus & permeate your entire body, spirit and soul with softness of yellow. You feel the strength of Divine Will growing within to guide you as you begin to follow your life’s purpose with enthusiasm, soaking in the pure essence of light and love as it slowly becomes enveloped by yellow. Stay with yellow until you feel you are ready to allow the energy to flow to the heart chakra.

When ready, you begin to feel the energy slowly moving into your heart chakra. You lay there bathed in the most beautiful shade of green pure light and love. As the heart chakra opens and expands, feelings of unconditional love permeates your entire body, spirit and soul. You now release all emotions tied to anger, hurt, and from this moment on, you only experience the true feelings of pure Divine love I AM. Much time is spent enveloped with the softness of green, as opening the heart chakra builds the bridge between the lower body frequencies to the upper body higher frequencies. Allowing you to begin the spiritual growth of awakening to your Divine Purpose in life.

Now that the bridge has been built, we slowly move our focus to the throat chakra, where our communication is delivered clearly & effectively as Divine wisdom is spoken from our lips. We accept the coolness of blue as it begins to permeate our entire body, spirit and soul with gratitude. This is the center where lightworkers effectively use Divine wisdom to teach and to guide others along their path of spiritual awakening.

As your energies of pure love and light move into your third eye, you become enveloped in the soft color of lavender. Slowly & gently this color permeates our entire body, spirit & soul activating our inner knowingness, our ability of clear visions, our sense of awareness our own psychic abilities. It is from this place that the visions of a new world, one free of illness, violence, greed. One that is open to pure love, peace, joy & abundance for all as we are all one with Creator, one with Universal Life Force Energy. As the color of indigo (lavender) begins to completely envelope your soul, you feel the presence of your own being & feel nothing but the pure love and light that you are.

As you gently move to the crown chakra & it begins to open, a brilliant beam of pure white light enters your crown and moves like a beam of light all the way down your spine and expands out, until it has completely enveloped your entire body, spirit & soul. It is here, in this place, where you will find your true path, your Divine purpose that you have chosen for this final journey.

It is here where you meet with Archangel Raziel, the keeper of Divine Mysteries, the Wizard of the Angelic Realm. It is here that you reach out and take the key he holds in his hand, your key, to unlock the door of the deep mysteries within. You take the key, put it in the lock; however, before you turn the key, ask yourself “Am I Fully prepared to Accept my Divine Mission I have chosen”?

Think about this for a moment for once you unlock the door and accept your mission you can never go back. If you feel resistance of any sort in unlocking the door, ask Archangel Raziel to shed some light onto what you still need to surrender to, what is holding you back. Once your resistance is brought to light, talk to it, communicate with it, understand it, embrace it, and then surrender to it. Continue doing this until you feel with complete enthusiasm the desire to unlock the door.

Now take the key, put it in the lock, turn it, open the door & walk through the door. What do you see? What do you feel? Pay close attention to that which is around you. What colors do you see? Is it clear, is it cloudy, do you feel safe, are you scared? Do you sense peace, love, and angels or do you still sense fear or resistance? Take your time; spend as much time here as is necessary, for it is here that you will receive the greatest treasures of the Universe. When you feel you have received what you need, you turn to face Archangel Raziel.

As you stand facing Archangel Raziel, you share with him the experiences you have just been witness to, he then asks you if you have any further resistance or hesitation. If so, you are asked to return to the door of Divine Light and to return once you have released all resistance. As you stand before Archangel Raziel at this time he will ask you once more if all has been surrendered to and if you are now prepared to accept the Divine mission you chose. When you are comfortable with answering YES, you ask Archangel Raziel to show you your Divine Purpose, your Divine Mission. Ask any questions you might have about how you are to fulfill this plan. Feel the presence of pure Divine love and light permeate and envelope your entire body, spirit & soul. Spend as much time here as you need.

When you are ready, turn to Archangel Raziel and state clearly and Loud:


As soon as you make this statement a Big Beautiful Rainbow appears out of nowhere, look at its beauty, it’s colors & feel the Divine energy of pure love & light. Archangel Raziel reaches out for your hand. You reach for it and now find yourself inside the rainbow completely enveloped with all the magnificent colors of the rainbow as they permeate your entire body, spirit & soul. Feel the Divine Wisdom that is within you, guiding you along your path.

Now turn and face Archangel Raziel and ask if there are any special tools you will need for your journey down your Divine path, listen carefully to what he has to tell you. Once you feel you have received all your answers, while still being bathed from the pure light and love of the rainbow within, thank Archangel Raziel for being with you.

Now begin your transcend down the rainbow, gently slide down back to the ground, feel your hair blowing in the wind as you slide and feel the sense of “being a kid” again as you need to remember to enjoy yourself while you follow your path, your mission. That Fun, must be included in all that you do. As your feet gently touch the ground you look to the sky and see the true beauty and brilliance of the rainbow and know in your heart center that every time you see a rainbow, no matter how big or how small, that Archangel Raziel is with you reminding you of your agreement to follow your Divine Path, which in truth, is truly following your dreams and it is a gentle reminder to enjoy the beauty of life along the way.

Be sure to thank Archangel Raziel for his assistance with accepting your life’s purpose, your life’s mission. As you look to the sky you quickly realize that you still hold the key that was given to you and it is filled with all the brilliance of the rainbow, when you are ready place it within your Heart chakra.

The rainbow is a symbol of dreams coming true, for all that you desire, is already yours and when you chose to follow your Divine Path, you will then truly understand that what you desire, you already possess. May all the colors of the rainbow be a gentle reminder that we are all One with Creator, One with Universal Life Force Energy.

May the spirit of love and light always be with you. Go forth and share this message with all that are drawn to it. Together we can heal the world One Heart at a Time.

Every day, Archangel Raziel stands at the peak of Mt. Horeb and proclaims the secrets of the world to humankind.

How to pass this attunement to others:

The Key of Archangel Raziel is specially designed to be passed through to others using the distant method. This can be accomplished by either setting up a specific date and time to meet your client in the “etheric” or you can prepare a Chi Ball for your client to call in to whenever they are ready to receive the activation. Keep in mind there is no right or wrong way to send an activation, the only thing that you are truly required to have is an “Intention” to send. The Universal and Archangel Raziel will see that the recipient receives it.

Personally, I feel that the Chi Ball method sends the purest form of energies to your client. When you prepare the Chi Ball, you are calling in Universal Life Force Energy and Angels to take this ball to their highest of good. There are no emotions transferred from teacher to student, healer to client, therefore, the ego does not get in the way.

When you are personally activated by me, you will receive it via the Chi Ball and included in with your course you will find the methods to activate it.

For those of you who do not wish to send or receive your activations in this manner, the only thing that you need in order to activate Archangel Raziel for someone, is Intent and contact with Higher Self, the Angels, and Archangel Raziel.

You would calmly state:

I, (State your name) hereby activate & attune (State clients name & location) to The Key of Archangel Raziel, on (State the date & time) for their highest and best good.

Then just Allow the energy to flow. The activation should take approximately 20- 30 minutes, depending on the needs of the person you are attuning, it make be longer or shorter.

The next most important part of this activation is to educate your client on the what they may feel, see, or experience, before, during and/or after. Archangel Raziel is a strong angel and with some, it may come with a punch. Making your clients aware of the various possibilities that may come with this attunement will establish a sense of comfort and trust between the two of you.

May you always see the rainbows of life in all that you do.

With love and light. Tami DISCLAIMER

As with all complimentary and alternative therapies, none of the treatments listed on my website or in the training manuals are meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care from your GP.

I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and an ordained minister. I do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medication or interfere with a GP's treatment.

If you are currently taking medication prescribed by your GP, do not stop taking it without their advice. If you have any concerns regarding your medical condition please speak with your GP first.

I do not accept responsibility if you choose to treat yourself using any information from my website or training manuals. I accept no responsibility for any loss or damages caused as a direct or indirect result of the use or misuse of any information contained on this website or through attunements.

Attunements will only be given to persons aged over 18 years