BANKING & GOVERNMENT EXAMS Important Gulfs of the World Free static e-book

Static GK is an integral part of the general awareness section. Questions related to Important Gulfs of the World are common in the general awareness section of Government exams like SSC CGL, SSC CPO, RRB ALP, RRB Group D, UPSC and more.

In competitive exams, as little as 1 mark can make a lot of difference. For your assistance, we bring to you a Free eBook on Important Gulfs of the World. The following pages of the eBook lists down all you need to know about: Important Gulfs of the World.

Here’s a Sample Question:

Q. The biggest oil spill in world history took place in the? (SSC CHSL 2015)

(a) Persian

(b) Caspian



Answer: Option A - Important Gulfs of the World Free static e-book

What is a Gulf?

A gulf is a portion of the that penetrates land. Gulfs vary greatly in size, shape, and depth. They are generally larger and more deeply indented than bays. Like bays, they often make excellent harbours. Many important trading centres are located on gulfs. (source - Major Gulfs of the World 1) Persian Gulf

This is located between the Arabian and Iran. It has great geographical and economic importance, as major crude oil trade passes through this . The total depth of the Persian Gulf is 300ft and it total area is 2,51,00 Persian Gulf has witnessed the biggest ever oil spill in the history of the world which happened in 1991 during the US-Iraq Gulf war. 2)

It is located between the and the western part African (also called as Horn of ). The Gulf is named after the city of Aden in Yemen. It is one of the busiest sea routes as it connects with the . 2) Gulf of

It is surrounded by the of USA and Mexico. The is connected with by the Florida . This is infamous for the 2010 BP Oil spill. It is a busy sea route as most of the transatlantic sea trade with USA happen this this gulf. It is approximately 810 nautical miles (1,500 km) wide. 4)

It is situated on the of state of Gujrat near the Kutch region. It is an into the Arabian Sea from the west coast of . Maximum depth of Gulf of Kutch is 402 ft and it width is around 150 to 160 Kms. First Coral garden will be set up in the Gulf of Kutch. 4) Gulf of

This is located south of Gulf of Kutch and is also an extension of the Arabian sea along the western coast of India around the state of Gujrat’s region. India’s major east flowing rivers – Narmada and Tapti flow into the . It also known as the Gulf of Cambay. 5)

This gulf is located between the west coast of Sri Lanka and southern tip of India. It is a part of the Laccadive (Lakshadweep) Sea. It separates the Indian Peninsula with the of Sri Lanka. The Ram Sethu (Adam’s Bridge) is located in the Gulf of Mannar and it separates it from the Palk towards the north

Important Gulfs of the World Free static e-book


This is situated between the west coast of Arabian Peninsula and east coast of Sinai Peninsula. The coastline of Gulf of Aqaba is shared by 4 nations – Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It is an extension of the Red Sea. It is a hub for marine diving tourism. 7)

It separates the Mexican mainland and the Peninsula in the . It is also known as the Sea of Cortez. The gulf is known to be the home of one of the most diverse marine ecosystems on the planet because of more than 5000 species of micro invertebrates who live in the Gulf. 8)

It is a part of the in northern (). The Gulf of Bothnia separate the east coast of Sweden with the west coast of Finland. The average depth of the gulf is around 60 metres, but the deepest point is at 295 metres. The gulf is the major driver of sea trade traffic in the Scandinavian region. 9)

The gulf is part of the South China Sea. It is surrounded by the coastlines of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. It has a width of 560 kms and a length of approximately 800 kms. It is the home to many coral reefs, however, due to global warming there has been coral bleaching in the region. 10)

This is an extension of the Red sea in the north. It located between the west coast of Sinai Peninsula and East coast of African Mainland. It is the home to the famous Suez Canal, hence is a very busy sea route for international trade. The Suez Canal is located on the northern tip of the Gulf.