CASE STUDY School: Herstmonceux CoE Primary School Contact: Sabrina Simons Website: Focus: Implementing a Sports Committee

The School  Audited teachers to establish Partnership Work  Herstmonceux CoE Primary is a strengths and weaknesses.  School Games Organiser offer rural, one form entry school.  Utilised specialists in different competitions and training. 15 level  Based within the South Downs areas/sports to upskill teachers. 2 events across 9 different sports School Games area. were attended in 17/18.  It has just over 200 pupils on roll.  Sussex Foundation provides clubs and Chance to Shine The PE Coordinator PE lessons.  Sabrina has been PE Coordinator  Albion in the Community provides since 2010 and is also the year 2 clubs and opportunities to attend teacher. development sessions and trials  Specialises in gymnastics. (also attended by staff – even at  Coaches at the local cricket club. weekends!).

Healthy Lifestyles Premium Impact Club Links  Golden Mile currently run in  Significantly improved the  Herstmonceux Cricket Club. conjunction with Premier. profile of PE and sport across Sabrina is also a coach here and  A large variety of activities are the school. the club shares their ground with offered to engage as many pupils  Shift away from more the school ensuring a smooth as possible. traditional sports. school-to-club transition.  Change4Life club targeting least  Increase in competition.  1066 Gymnastics. active pupils. 30 pupils attended  Harriers Running Club. in 17/18 (20% from the least  Skillz Sports Academy. active population).  Alternative activities have What’s next? included: street surfing, parkour,  Maintain the high standard of KS2 boccia, new age kurling and provision, aiming for the School fencing. Games PLATINUM award in 2019.  New activities this year will be:  Focus on developing KS1 across all ultimate Frisbee and kinball. PE areas utilising the Quality Start award.

CPD & Sustainability  Aim to achieve Quality Start Gold Highlights  CPD targets individual needs. standard in 2019.  Implementation of a very  Premier are currently providing  Premier are already engaging with successful Sports Committee regular CPD to all class teachers. the local pre-school who will be (more information below).  Teachers are audited annually by invited to the school sports day for  Raised £1360 for NSPCC through a the school and termly by Premier the first time this year. sporting afternoon that every to ensure sustainability and pupil and member of staff effectiveness of spending. participated in.  100% of staff have increased  School Games GOLD for four confidence in teaching successive years. gymnastics.  Active Sussex Primary School of  5% more pupils are working at the Year 2018. greater depth for gymnastics.  14 pupils who had not engaged in First Actions any extra-curricular activity

 Focus on teacher CPD. before, attended Gym club.

Focus on implementing a Sports Committee  In November 2017, Herstmonceux Primary school were awarded ‘Primary School of the Year’ at the Sussex Sports Awards.  A large part of their success was down to the effective implementation and utilisation of their Sports Committee.

How did it begin?  Each year, pupils from years 3-6 are selected to form the school’s What impact has the Sports Sports Committee. Top Tips  Interested pupils must write a Committee had? written application and perform  Last year a third of the Sports  Begin with a committee a presentation in front of their Committee had not engaged in formed of keen KS2 children, class. extra-curricular clubs before. suitable to take on additional  Selected pupils are then voted in  By the end of the year all of responsibilities. to the Committee by their these pupils had both  Brand the committee through classmates. participated in clubs and taken provision of a uniform/badge. part in competition.  3 boys and 3 girls are selected   As a result of the parents’ Ensure the whole school are from each class to ensure a aware of their role. variety of pupils are open to the meeting a year 6 only Get Active opportunity. club was established to target  Give them a voice by allowing the least active year group. them to take ownership of the resources they buy/events What does the Sports Committee  The club was an immediate they organise. do? success with the majority of the  After training, the Sports class participating and continues  Meet regularly so they have an Committee run a variety of level to be a firm fixture on the ongoing school presence. 1 competitions and personal school’s club timetable.  Target those who are less challenges (level 0) during active and seek out their lunchtimes. Are there any other leadership opinion about how to make PE  They also attend weekly opportunities? more engaging/fun.  Pupils also have the opportunity meetings with the PE  Provide 'perks' such as taster to become Play Leaders and offer Coordinator where they act as a sessions for new clubs so that pupil voice for all things active. extra opportunities for physical there is an incentive to want  The Sports Committee have activity during playtimes. to remain an active member. decided what lunchtime  Every pupil in KS2 also gets the  Allow them to work/meet with competitions to run and what opportunity to learn to lead through their PE lessons. SLT, Governors and parents so extra-curricular clubs the school that the whole school

offers. community know who they  The Sports Committee have also More info are and what they do. held a parents’ meeting to gain  Sports Leaders UK additional feedback.  School Games Organising Crews

Active Sussex University of Brighton Sports Centre Falmer, BN1 9PH t 01273 644103 [email protected] Active Sussex is the brand name of the Sussex County Sports Partnership Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Company No. 6166961. Charity Registration No. 1122082