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§ 8165 TITLE 40—PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PROPERTY, AND WORKS Page 156 District of Columbia, shall be designated and known as § 8302. Necessity for coordination in the develop- the ‘E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse’. ment of the Washington metropolitan region ‘‘SEC. 2. REFERENCES. ‘‘Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, Because the District of Columbia is the seat of paper, or other record of the United States to the the Federal Government and has become the United States courthouse referred to in section 1 shall urban center of a rapidly expanding Washington be deemed to be a reference to the ‘E. Barrett Pretty- metropolitan region, the necessity for the con- man United States Courthouse’.’’ tinued and effective performance of the func- § 8165. Services for Office of Personnel Manage- tions of the Government in the District of Co- ment lumbia, the general welfare of the District of Co- lumbia, the health and living standards of the For carrying out the work of the Director of people residing or working in the District of Co- the Office of Personnel Management and the ex- lumbia, and the conduct of industry, trade, and aminations provided for in sections 3304 and 3305 commerce in the District of Columbia require of title 5, the Administrator of General Services that to the fullest extent possible the develop- shall— ment of the District of Columbia and the man- (1) assign or provide suitable and convenient agement of its public affairs, and the activities rooms and accommodations, which are fur- of the departments, agencies, and instrumental- nished, heated, and lighted, in Washington, ities of the Government which may be carried D.C.; out in, or in relation to, the other areas of the (2) supply necessary stationery and other ar- Washington metropolitan region, shall be coor- ticles; and dinated with the development of those other (3) arrange for or provide necessary printing. areas and with the management of their public (Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1210.) affairs so that, with the cooperation and assist- ance of those other areas, all of the areas in the HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES Washington metropolitan area shall be devel- Revised oped and their public affairs shall be managed so Section Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) as to contribute effectively toward the solution 8165 ............ 40:42. Jan. 16, 1883, ch. 27, § 4, 22 of the community development problems of the Stat. 405. Washington metropolitan region on a unified metropolitan basis. In this section, the words ‘‘the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the examinations pro- (Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1210.) vided for in sections 3304 and 3305 of title 5’’ are sub- stituted for ‘‘said commission and said examinations’’ HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES in section 4 of the Act of January 16, 1883, because of Revised section 102 of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978 (eff. Section Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) Jan. 1, 1979, 92 Stat. 3783) and section 7(b) of the Act of September 6, 1966 (Public Law 89–554, 80 Stat. 631), the 8302 ............ 40:131. Pub. L. 86–527, § 2, June 27, first section of which enacted Title 5, United States 1960, 74 Stat. 223. Code. The words ‘‘Administrator of General Services’’ are substituted for ‘‘Secretary of the Interior’’ [subse- The words ‘‘The Congress hereby declares that’’ are quently changed to ‘‘Civil Service Commission’’ be- omitted as obsolete. The words ‘‘at the seat of said cause of section 1 (1st complete par. on p. 642) of the Government’’ are omitted as unnecessary. Act of May 29, 1920 (ch. 214, 41 Stat. 642)] because of sec- tions 1 and 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 18 of 1950 (eff. July 1, 1950, 64 Stat. 1270). § 8303. Declaration of policy of coordinated de- velopment and management CHAPTER 83—WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN REGION DEVELOPMENT The policy to be followed for the attainment of the objective established by section 8302 of Sec. this title, and for the more effective exercise by 8301. Definition. Congress, the executive branch of the Federal 8302. Necessity for coordination in the develop- ment of the Washington metropolitan re- Government, the Mayor of the District of Co- gion. lumbia, and all other officers, agencies, and in- 8303. Declaration of policy of coordinated develop- strumentalities of the District of Columbia of ment and management. their respective functions, powers, and duties in 8304. Priority projects. respect of the Washington metropolitan region, § 8301. Definition shall be that the functions, powers, and duties shall be exercised and carried out in a manner In this chapter, the term ‘‘Washington metro- that (with proper recognition of the sovereignty politan region’’ includes the District of Colum- of Maryland and Virginia in respect of those bia, the counties of Montgomery and Prince areas of the Washington metropolitan region Georges in Maryland, and the counties of Ar- that are located within their respective jurisdic- lington and Fairfax and the cities of Alexandria tions) will best facilitate the attainment of the and Falls Church in Virginia. coordinated development of the areas of the (Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1210.) Washington metropolitan area and the coordi- nated management of their public affairs so as HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES to contribute effectively to the solution of the community development problems of the Wash- Revised Section Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) ington metropolitan region on a unified metro- politan basis. 8301 ............ 40:135. Pub. L. 86–527, § 6, June 27, 1960, 74 Stat. 224. (Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1210.) Page 157 TITLE 40—PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PROPERTY, AND WORKS § 8501 HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES thence east on Pennsylvania Avenue to Jackson Place Northwest; Revised Section Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) thence north on Jackson Place to H Street Northwest; 8303 ............ 40:132. Pub. L. 86–527, § 3, June 27, 1960, 74 Stat. 223. thence east on H Street Northwest to Madison Place Northwest; The words ‘‘The Congress further declares that’’ are thence south on Madison Place Northwest omitted as obsolete. The word ‘‘Mayor’’ is substituted to Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest; for ‘‘Board of Commissioners’’ [subsequently changed thence east on Pennsylvania Avenue to ‘‘Commissioner’’ because of section 401 of Reorga- Northwest to Fifteenth Street Northwest; nization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (eff. Nov. 3, 1967, 81 Stat. thence south on Fifteenth Street North- 951)] because of section 421 of the District of Columbia Self–Government and Governmental Reorganization west to Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest; Act (Public Law 93–198, 87 Stat. 789.) thence southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest to John Marshall Place North- § 8304. Priority projects west; thence north on John Marshall Place In carrying out the policy pursuant to section Northwest to C Street Northwest; 8303 of this title for the attainment of the objec- thence east on C Street Northwest to tive established by section 8302 of this title, pri- Third Street Northwest; ority should be given to the solution, on a uni- thence north on Third Street Northwest to fied metropolitan basis, of the problems of water D Street Northwest; supply, sewage disposal, and water pollution and thence east on D Street Northwest to Sec- transportation. ond Street Northwest; (Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1211.) thence south on Second Street Northwest to the intersection of Constitution Avenue HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES Northwest and Louisiana Avenue Northwest; Revised thence northeast on Louisiana Avenue Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) Section Northwest to North Capitol Street; 8304 ............ 40:133. Pub. L. 86–527, § 4, June 27, thence north on North Capitol Street to 1960, 74 Stat. 223. Massachusetts Avenue Northwest; thence southeast on Massachusetts Avenue The words ‘‘The Congress further declares that’’ are Northwest so as to encompass Union Square; omitted as obsolete. thence following Union Square to F Street CHAPTER 85—NATIONAL CAPITAL SERVICE Northeast; AREA AND DIRECTOR thence east on F Street Northeast to Sec- ond Street Northeast; Sec. thence south on Second Street Northeast 8501. National Capital Service Area. to D Street Northeast; 8502. National Capital Service Director. thence west on D Street Northeast to First § 8501. National Capital Service Area Street Northeast; thence south on First Street Northeast to (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— Maryland Avenue Northeast; (1) BOUNDARIES.—The National Capital Serv- thence generally north and east on Mary- ice Area is in the District of Columbia and in- land Avenue to Second Street Northeast; cludes the principal federal monuments, the thence south on Second Street Northeast White House, the Capitol Building, the United to C Street Southeast; States Supreme Court Building, and the fed- thence west on C Street Southeast to New eral executive, legislative, and judicial office Jersey Avenue Southeast; buildings located adjacent to the Mall and the thence south on New Jersey Avenue Capitol Building, and is more particularly de- Southeast to D Street Southeast; scribed as the area bounded as follows: thence west on D Street Southeast to Beginning at that point on the present Canal Street Parkway; Virginia-District of Columbia boundary due thence southeast on Canal Street Parkway west of the northernmost point of Theodore to E Street Southeast; Roosevelt Island and running due east to the thence west on E