Peak Hill Weston Weston Hills

Apr/May 2021 Serving our community for 6 years!

Elloe Oracle

Community Contacts

Cowbit Village Hall 01406 821836 Darren Harper , [email protected]

Weston Village Hall 07745 577517 Anne Temple

Weston Hills Village Hall 01406 380717 Maralyn Surman

Cowbit Parish Council 01945 700417 Dominique Leedham [email protected]

Weston Parish Council 01406 371231 Graham French [email protected]

Police 0797 3845396 PCSO Tracy Mason

Police (non urgent) 101

Victim Support 01205 315905

Weston Shop and PO 01406 370744 Open Mon—Sat 7am to 7.30pm ,Sun 8am-2pm

Moulton Medical Centre 01406 370265 8am—6pm

Registration of Births, 01522 782244 Mon—Fri 8am to 6pm, Sat 9am to 4pm, For Deaths, Marriages booking appointments at Spalding, Long Sutton, Boston, Bourne or Stamford.

Pilgrim Hospital 01205 364801

Johnson Hospital 01775 652000

Peterborough City 01733 678000 Hospital

NHS Direct 111

Weston Hills Church Rev. Charles Brown , 01733 211763 , [email protected]. Rev. Annie Billson—01733 211648, [email protected]. Sally Wilson ,01775 760352 , [email protected] Churchwardens - Paul Bellamy , 01775 724929 - Christine Woolsey , 01775 769345

Weston Church Rev. Charles Brown, 01733 211763 , Churchwardens—Martin Pattenden 0771569500 , Colin Robinson 07414826202

Cowbit Church Rev. Charles Brown, 01733 211763 , [email protected] Rev. Annie Billson—01733 211648, [email protected]. Churchwardens –Dinah Fairbanks ,01406 380692 -Pauline Start , 01406 380599

Methodist Church Rev Alan Barker,01406 423270, [email protected] 2

Anglian Water emergency 0800 771881( 24hrs)

Electricity—Loss of supply 0800 0568090

Flood line 08459 881188

Environment Agency 0800 807060

Action Fraud 0300 123 2040

AgeUK 03455 564 144 Mon-Fri 9am-4pm 0800 4708090 out of hours Advice line 0800 1696565

Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 9177 650

Alzheimer's Society 01522 437069

Boston Women's Aid 01205 311272

Call Connect—Bus Service 0845234334

Child and Adolescent Mental 0303 123 4000 Health Services [email protected]

ChildLine 0800 1111 0800 3895272

Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444

County Care Independent Living 01754 611153 [email protected]

Dementia Support Service 0303 123 4000

Domestic Abuse 01205 318600

Lincolnshire Carers Partnership 01522 554214

Lincolnshire County Council 01522 310010

Macmillan Cancer Support 0800 8080000

National Drugs Helpline 0800776600

NHS Direct 111

Parent line 01733 312457

Relate and Bereavement support 01205 315920

RSPCA 0300 1234 999 ( 24hrs)

Samaritans 0845 790 9090

South Holland District Council 01775 761161

Volunteer Car Service 01775 719290 Pat Preston


Welcome to The Elloe Oracle Magazine

Dear Friends and Neighbours Hopefully this edition will see us all starting to emerge from lockdown and return to some sense of normal life– whatever that may be! I must compliment all those locally and nationally that have been involved in the vaccination programme. I was lucky enough to attend the venue in Boston and found the whole process very straight forward and extremely well organised. As I write this we have hit the 25 million figure and are close to achieving over 96% of all those in the vulnerable categories of 1—9. Every one a step closer to the end of lockdown. We welcome our new volunteers in Weston who will be delivering your magazine this month. We rely on our volunteers and our sponsors to keep this free magazine coming into your homes. A big thank you to Anthony and Linda who have been covering Weston—much appreciated! Stay safe! Janet

South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Service Check out what’s new in this edition If you need transport to Doctors,

Dentist, Chiropodist, Hospital etc. Call Pat Preston on 01775 719290 Features Would you like to be one of our Page 5—Thursday Murder Club! Voluntary Car Drivers? Page 7—Cowbit Village Yard Sale No set hours, drive to fit in with you. Page 14 ,15,16—Weston Parish Council You get a payment of 45p per mile and Annual Meeting free DBS check. Page 20—When will lockdown restrictions end Ring Sharon on 01406 366820 or Greg on 07754580656 New Advertisers for more information. Page 20—10% off your Fish and Chips

Copy deadline for next edition

Wednesday 12th May


New releases for Apr/May 2021

In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders.

But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club find themselves in the middle of their first live case.

Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron might be pushing eighty but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves.

Can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer before it's too late?


South Holland District Council

Significant changes have taken place at SHDC as it looks toward future of the shape of Local Government. The first of the changes is after 10 years of working with Breckland District Council, it has been agreed to end the relationship and explore different options. The partnership, which has saved the Council millions of pounds through it’s shared management structure, was one of the first arrangements to be done nationally. The second change is Boston Borough Council joining Public Sector Partnership Services (PSPS) which is a company owned by SHDC and District Council and provides IT, HR, finance, customer contact and revenues and benefits services. Both changes will allow SHDC to make further savings and continue to be in a strong position going forward. Despite a year which nobody could predict, at it’s meeting in early March, Councillors approved a Council Tax increase equivalent to £4.95 based on a Band D property. The Budget process takes a few months to put together and goes through several scrutiny processes which also include public consultation. While nobody likes an increase, Andrew, Anthony and Rodney believe and support that less than 10p per week extra to ensure weekly refuge and recycling collections remain as well as maintaining all other SHDC services is good value for money, especially in light of having to also deal with a Pandemic. As we have now passed the anniversary since the country was placed into various restrictions due to the Pandemic, there have been many “heroes and heroines” who have continued to work through as normal as possible. Within this group are the SHDC Refuge and Recycling Team who have ensured your black bag waste and green bag recycling are collected every week. That’s over 41,500 properties receiving collections twice a week! Not only this, but the garden waste service has also continued without disruption to the public. Andrew, Anthony and Rodney have always held our refuge teams in high regard. Without their dedicated service, the area would not be as pleasant as it is. Next time you see the team collecting, give them a thumbs up and thank them for what they do. Please remember if you require and assistance during the Pandemic, the Street Ambassadors are still operating within the ward and continue help households and those who have been shielding during the Pandemic by shopping, collecting prescriptions and checking on that those who are unable to get out. If you require assistance, please contact your Member of Parliament for Ambassador or Andrew. As we enter a period of South Holland and lockdown restrictions starting to ease, please The Deepings: continue to stay safe and follow the Government John Hayes guidelines. Should you have any issues, please feel House of Commons, free to contact your councilors on: Westminster ,.SW1A 0AA Andrew Woolf 01406 373008, 07868 701659, [email protected] Anthony Casson 01775 723965, 07889 811845, Constituency Office 24-25 Westlode Street, [email protected] Spalding,PE11 2AF Rodney Grocock 01775 713989, Tel: 01775 711534 [email protected]


Lamb Stew

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 120C/250F/Gas ½. 2. Season the lamb and dust with the flour. Place a heavy-bottom casserole dish over a medium heat, add the olive oil and butter then the lamb. Fry until golden-brown. Remove the lamb and keep to one side. 3. Reduce the heat and fry the onions, carrots and swede until caramelised. Add the wine and simmer until the volume of liquid has reduced by half, then add the Ingredients lamb back in with the lamb stock. Bring the  750g lamb neck fillet cut into stew to a simmer then add the bay leaf cubes and rosemary. Cover with a lid, transfer  25g plain flour the pan to the oven and bake for one hour.  1 tbsp. olive oil 4. For the dumplings, mix the flour, suet, baking powder and a pinch of salt in a  50g butter bowl. Add the rosemary then gradually stir  12 baby onions , peeled in 3–5 tablespoons of cold water, or  2 med carrots, diced enough to form a sticky dough. Flour your  1 medium swede, diced hands and then roll the dough into 12  50ml whicte wine small balls. Place on a plate in the fridge to  2 sprigs rosemary chill. 5. When the lamb stew is ready, place the  4 bay leaves dumplings on the top of the stew and put  1.25 litres lamb stock the lid back on. Return the stew to the  3 tbsp. flatleaf parsley, oven for 10 minutes or until the dumplings chopped. are fluffy and cooked through. Dumplings (Alternatively, if you are short of space in  125g plain flour your casserole dish, place 500ml/18fl oz  65g suet lamb stock into a separate pan and bring to a simmer. Add the dumplings and  1.2 tsp baking powder simmer for 6–8 minutes. Discard the stock  Pinch salt when the dumplings are cooked and set  1 tbsp. rosemary, chopped them aside to rest for a minute.)  500ml lamb stock 6. Add the parsley to the stew and serve equally between four shallow bowls with the dumplings.

If you have a favourite recipe you would like to share on this page contact [email protected] 7


Cowbit Village Hall

Celebrating Village Hall Week Cowbit Village hall celebrated Village Hall week in January by having our outdoor storage lodge built. This will be used by the Cowbit School, Cowbit Tiny Tots, the village hall, & community. Donations was given to us by lotto funding, Cowbit Parish council , Village Hall and SHDC councillors (Cllrs. Anthony Casson, Andrew Woolf & Rodney Grocock) charity budget. It was installed by Hallgate Timber of Long Sutton. The storage is part of the bigger project to improve the outdoor facilities at the Village Hall; it started last year with the construction of 2 disabled parking bays, re-gravel the car park, installing new drainage and a base for the new lodge. AGM -We held our AGM via zoom this year with the committee being re-elected. We hope in the near future we will be able to start opening up the hall and are currently working with organisations to see when it is safe to do so. Darren - Chair, Cowbit Village Hall


Darren—01406 821836

[email protected]

QUEEN'S PLATINUM JUBILEE 2022—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Cowbit Village social Group are hoping to organise another Jubilee celebration to be held June 2022 to mark the 70th year of the Queen's accession to the throne. We will need the help of as many of the villagers as possible, whether this is on the day or to prepare for our fun day out. We hope to have plenty of stalls, so those of you who have things to sell, make or advertise let us know as spaces for stalls will be available. We hope to have a fancy dress competition for the kids, we will need organisers, judges and prizes for the kids so maybe have a think about helping there. There will be races etc. and maybe a tug of war for all you fit youngsters out there. Adjudicators are needed there. We are able to fund most of this but donations will never be turned away. There will be a bar, a band and a Punt Gun salute. There are so many new faces in the village and we would like to get your ideas as well as your help. This is a chance for all of us to get out there and forget about the rubbish year we have all had and have a bit of fun. Get in touch with Darren with your name and contact details and let's show everyone what a community we have. Email at [email protected]



Dear Friends, I suspect that for most of us spring is the best time of year. After the cold, cloud, and darkness of winter the sun is most welcome and with it the flowers, the fresh green of trees and grass, and the birds’ dawn chorus. All of this makes us feel renewed. For Christians spring brings the most important day in the year: Easter, the day when Jesus came to life again after his agonizing death on the cross. This event, which we call the resurrection, is important not just for Jesus, but for us as well. Just as God gave Jesus new life after his death, so God wants to do the same for us. God wants to do this because of God’s love for us. As God loves Jesus, so God loves us as well. Love is at the very heart of God. You may well be thinking now of the Covid-19 pandemic or of the Holocaust or of a loved one who died a cruel death. And you may well be wondering how these tragedies accord with a loving Creator. As I consider these things in the context of a world created in love, the only way I can account for them is by saying that God, having created all that is, has set his creation free. We are not God’s puppets or marionettes and neither is the natural world we inhabit. We humans and the natural world are free to go our own imperfect way. God does not use force to make us obey him. I think we see this reflected in the life of Jesus. His followers thought that Jesus was going to be a world-conquering political leader, someone who was going in some mysterious way to set everything in the world to rights. But Jesus didn’t do this. He didn’t use his divinity to force people to do his will. On the contrary, when he was arrested he let himself be put to death in a horrible, agonizing way. In the midst of the beauty of a Jerusalem spring he experienced a wretched death. This death of Jesus on the cross also tells me that God is with us in our suffering and pain, since God in Jesus has experienced terrible suffering. God in Jesus fully knows and understands our suffering, in whatever form it may be. I believe God is actually closest to us when we are suffering, if we can but know it. Jesus once said, ‘ “ Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick” ̀ (Luke 5: 31). The cross therefore tells me that Easter joy is for all seasons, especially those seasons that are trying and hard for us. This joy that God wants to give us is true and lasting precisely because it arises in the wake of suffering. The Christian faith acknowledges the full reality of evil and suffering. In Jesus’ resurrection, however, it shows us what the final outcome will be: new life. Death and suffering will not have the last word: the last word belongs to God. And God’s word for us is life, life rooted in love, God’s love for us. So let us rejoice anew this Easter, knowing that the springtime beauty we see around us is not a sham, not a will-o’-the’wisp, but a symbol of the ultimate truth of God: new life in all its transforming power. Yours in Christ, Charles Brown

Funding Our Churches -All of our churches are very much in need of funds, as we have been unable to hold our normal fund-raising events such as quiz nights, flower festivals, craft fairs, or coffee mornings. If you would like to help us with a donation, please contact one of our church treasurers: Mrs. D. Fairbanks (tel. 01406 380692) for Cowbit, Mrs. V. Prescott (tel. 01775 766907) for Weston Hills, or Mr. M. Pattenden (07715 679500) for Weston. Your contributions are vital if we are to maintain these buildings for the good of all in our villages. Thank you for any help you are able to give us. Charles Brown


N.B. If we are able to re-open our Churches in April and May then the service times will be as below. Church notice boards will display up to date information of opening restrictions. When we have re-opened , our Zoom service will switch from Holy Communion at 11am to Evening Prayer at 8pm. If you wish to attend a Zoom service , please email Charles at [email protected] by the Friday preceding the Sunday service. In the meantime please know that we are praying for everyone in our communities at this difficult time. Cowbit , St. Mary’s Church Date Time Service Venue 4 Apr 9:15 Holy Communion (Easter Day) St Mary’s Church 11 Apr 9:15 Holy Communion St Mary’s Church 25 Apr 9:15 Holy Communion St Mary’s Church 9 May 9:15 Holy Communion St Mary’s Church 13 May 11:00 Holy Communion (Ascension Day) St John’s Church 23 May 9:15 Holy Communion (Whitsunday) St Mary’s Church 30 May 9:15 Holy Communion (Trinity Sunday) St Mary’s Church Weston Hills , St. John’s Church

Date Time Service Venue 4 Apr 9:15 Holy Communion (Easter Day) St John’s Church 11 Apr 9:15 Morning Prayer St John’s Church 18 Apr 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church 25 Apr 9:15 Morning Prayer St John’s Church 2 May 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church 9 May 9:15 Morning Prayer St John’s Church 13 May 11:00 Holy Communion (Ascension Day) St John’s Church 16 May 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church 23 May 9:15 Holy Communion (Whitsunday) St John’s Church 30 May 9:15 Holy Communion (Trinity Sunday) St John’s Church

Weston , St. Mary’s Church - is open for baptisms, weddings, funerals, special services and community events. For Sunday worship please go to Weston Hills or Cowbit.



Mobile Library Service Starts Back!

1st April 29th April 27th May

Household Recycling Spalding West Marsh Road, Opening Hours Mar -Oct 8am to 4pm every day Nov to March Closed Tues, Weds, Thurs

MOULTON CHAPEL St John’s Church Xmas METHODIST CHURCH Raffle- Weston Hills Latest News. As Lincolnshire has been put in Tier 4 by the latest government restrictions and the Methodist Church has advised that our church cannot re-open at present. Sadly we must comply with this advice. We will keep you informed. Also more bad news. As it is unlikely restrictions will be lifted in time and for us to guarantee to be safe for visitors and helpers. Raised £1175—A BIG thank you to all Along with other churches in the area who helped make this happen – we will NOT be holding a Christine Woolsey, Linda and Anthony Flower Festival his year. Casson for organising it, all who Stay aware and safe. donated prizes and bought tickets. A God’s Blessing to you all. big boost to church funds! THANK YOU The Church Stewards. 13




Dear Parishioners

This will be my first actual annual report since becoming Chairman, as COVID put a stop to previous face to face meetings, so this report combines the last two years. I would like to thank all our councillors for all their hard work and support for me, especially during this difficult period. We have continued the Parish Council meetings via Zoom and has been well attended by councillors and on occasions by members of the public, who are always welcome, who have raised issues affecting them. Our first task in 2019 was the implementation of the partial closure of Broadgate at its junction with Beggars Bush Lane in order to reduce in the first instance the number of road collisions and secondly to prevent injuries of any nature. Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) will now complete the infrastructure required to make the temporary order a permanent one, this work should take place by end of April. The Community Speed Watch group continue their good work and have been commended by LRSP for being one of the most active groups within Lincolnshire, and my personal thanks go to all those who participated. A big thank you as well to residents of Weston who quite recently and on their own initiative arranged several litter picks collecting a huge number of bags of litter etc.. Most residents are aware of several building applications which if allowed would increase Weston village by more than 60%, with no infrastructure being planned by either the developers or South Holland District Council. The Council will continue to fight on behalf of the residents of both villages against any of these proposed developments. In early 2020 we said farewell to our Clerk Susan Wilson, who had served on the council for over 16 years, and after a recruitment drive welcomed Graham French as the new Clerk and all would agree has made a significant impact since joining us. Lastly , some success with speed limits, having lobbied LCC Highways, they have agreed to change the 40mph “buffer” zones in Weston Hills village to 30mph limits. We are now pushing LCC Highways for a reduction of the 40mph speed limit on Austendyke Rd to a 30mph limit, and in order to gather sufficient evidence, the Council have purchased a new Speed Indicator Device (S.I.D.) which will be placed on Austendyke Rd on a fortnightly basis. The Council look forward to returning to normal meetings as restrictions are eased and would encourage residents to attend if they have any issues they need assistance with. Chris Dicks Chairman ,Weston Parish Council.


Hello to all! It was so nice to see all of the children return to school on Monday 8th March after the lockdown. You don’t realise how much you miss their smiling faces and laughter and chatter in the playground. Even though we have only been back a week the children have all got back into the swing of things and are really enjoying being back working hard and seeing their friends. During the first week it was National Science Week and we had a WOW day! on the Friday. A crime was committed and the children had to become detectives and complete different investigations to work out who had done it! There was finger printing completed, staff interrogations and questioning, looking at foot- prints and casting their own, handwriting analysis and a chromatography experiment to work out what pen had been used. At the end of the day there was a court proceeding held in the hall to see who was going to be deemed innocent or be cast as the guilty party. So much fun was had by all and the children didn’t feel as if they were learning. However, there was so many different Science techniques and scientific enquiry skills used throughout the day developing previous knowledge but also introducing new that it was amazing to see. The day made them think and problem solve using different investigations and experiments and then put all of the information that they had and could find together to find the answer that they were looking for. A definite well done to all! As we get closer to Easter we will start look- ing at and thinking about the celebration of Easter and how it all started and why we celebrate it the way that we do.


Weston Hills C of E Primary School School Office—01406 380309

Following the national school closure, it was wonderful to welcome everyone back to school on 8th March. It was fantastic for school to be full of life again and reassuring to see how well the children settled back into the school routine. As the pandemic continues things are still a little different for us in school due to the measures put into place to ensure that all members of our school community remain as safe as possible. We continue to operate in our separate ‘bubbles’ with staged times to start and finish the school day and have lunch and breaks. We are grateful for the cooperation of our parents and carers in meeting the staggered drop off and pick up times to ensure everyone can enter and leave school safely. On our return to classrooms, the spring term has included some immersive, hands on learning, with the children in Holly Class learning about friction with the help of ice lollies and races moving jelly cubes with chopsticks covered in cooking oil. The children also showcased their wind turbines in class. In literacy, the children have been developing their passion for reading by carrying out an author study, working in groups with different authors including Roald Dahl, Eric Carle and Allen Ahlberg. As part of our links to the wider community our school has been involved with Fenchurch House Care Home in a Pen Pal project. The children in Oak Class wrote to the residents there when the residents were unable to have visits from family and friends. The children have really enjoyed doing this and have developed their skills in writing for a purpose. To receive a reply was a very exciting moment for everyone in Oak Class. We are proud to be an inclusive and caring Church of school and our Christian values of Faith, Hope and Love underpin everything we do; ‘Learning for life in a Community that cares’. This term we are focussing on the Christian value of ‘Wisdom’ and reflecting on how we can learn wisdom from others, including children from parents and parents from chil- dren. We are also thinking about making wise choices and the consequences of our words and actions, learning from our mistakes and becom- ing wiser through them. As we stay in our bub- bles we continue to embrace the power of tech- nology to come together for our Collective Wor- ship. We are pleased to welcome our local vicar and our Bishop’s Visitor weekly to deliver col- lective worship, in a virtual, online format.


Weston Hills Community News

WESTON HILLS VILLAGE HALL POST OFFICE Hall bookings please contact WESTON HILLS Maralyn Surman 01406 380717 VILLAGE HALL Please note that it is with Residents £9 /hr, Non residents £10/hr, regret that we are unable to Local Organisations £6/hr, Small Meeting Room £6/hr. offer this service until Other enquiries contact Government Restrictions Anthony Casson 07889811845 allow. Until that time there are Post Office Services Pam Grummitt 01406 380548 Our Village Hall will open for the upcoming County available at : Council and PCC Elections on 6th May. Part of the Moulton Chapel Stores main hall will be cordoned off due to a problem Weston Stores with the floor as a result of flood damage during Moulton Stores lockdown. The floor will be replaced following the Low Fulney Nisa elections and ready for the re-opening of the Hall Co-op later in the summer if Government rules allow. Spalding Post Office

WESTON CONSOLIDATED CHARITY The Charity owns several wheelchairs that are available for either short or long term loan to residents of Weston Parish. To arrange for the free loan of a chair please contact either

Anthony Casson 01775 723965 or Julian Bellamy 07831


10% DISCOUNT VOUCHER MOULTON MILL NEWS www. T: 01406 373237 Open 10am-4pm

In line with the latest Government restrictions the Mill remains closed until further notice. As that advice changes we will notify everyone via our website our opening dates, expected to be end of May 2021. We have a tearoom, mill shop and offer tours so please watch out for the latest news on openings! We look forward to welcoming customers old and new to the Mill as lockdown is ended. In the meantime stay safe!


Local Listings

Accountancy Services If you use an advertiser Bulley Davey, Hol 01406 423166 Sp 0 1775 please tell them you found 766633 Chartered cert, tax advisers, audit, a/cs, personal & business, rental accounts, them here in the capital gains. Elloe Oracle Garden & Property Services LSF Contractors Landscaping, Surfacing and Fencing , No obligation quote, Fully insured, DBS Checked. Qualified CSCS Cardholder. 07903 894762, 07568 089879, 01775 761426, email [email protected] Reflections Exterior Cleaning, Exterior cleaning of windows, doors, conservatories, fascia, gutters. For a free quote 01406 371472/07545774126 D G Gardening and Handyman, From complete garden maintenance to one off, we offer a large range of services to suit your needs. Hedge trimming/shaping, tree topping or felling, fencing, patios, laying gravel, grass cutting, borders, weeding and green waste clearance. Reasonable rates and Elloe Oracle a friendly service 01406 380927 Elloe Oracle is a community newsletter, run Housework and Home Care by a volunteer committee of local people. Cleaner– Home Care 07377 545235 Competitively-priced advertising is available Meticulous, hard-working, reliable cleaner in sizes ranging from full page right down available for house work and home care, to ‘classified’. It is an extremely ironing collected and delivered. Reasonable cost-effective way of getting your message rates and full DBS check, BVS care certified to local people. As well as conventional and insured. Help where it is needed with advertising we are also able to offer everyday tasks and care support. sponsorship opportunities, our ‘featured Contact Clare 07377 545235. ad’ opportunity, and we can also arrange Plumbing, Heating & Electrical for your ‘flyers’ to be delivered with the Eco-Plumbing Ltd 07933 104331 magazine, again at very competitive cost. Bathroom & kitchen installation, design to As well as the printed magazine we have fully fitted & tiled. CH installation & oil boiler our own Facebook page and Twitter servicing. General plumbing maintenance account, and the whole magazine is available online so it can be seen by people To advertise please outside our delivery area . To find out more about the many contact commercial opportunities Darren available, call Darren Harper on 0790 3209126 0790 3209126 or after 6.00pm, or email [email protected] [email protected] 21


White Knight Honeypot Locksmiths & Day Nursery Security & Pre-School Services [email protected] (24 hour service) 07985 535208 01406 380380

The Old Primary School inc. Spalding Locksmiths 230 Broad Gate,,Weston Hills, Spalding,Lincs PE12 6DQ UPVC, wood & aluminium 01406 380803

Bill Williams Building & Bricklaying Service

New Builds/Extensions/ Renovations Call Bill on 01406 373081 07941450836


Coffee Break

Word Wheel 15—Good 20—Excellent 25+ - Outstanding!



R A Hall Decorating Services Interior & Exterior Domestic & Commercial

01775 760023 07525 150159 [email protected]

26 FOUR STAR RATING E: [email protected] Tele: 01775 724159 Mob: 07497 366731 Swindler’s Drove, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 6BS.

Maggie’s Mobile Foot Care Fully qualified Foot Care Practitioner Sac Dips RFHP Reg No A310126

Nails trimmed, corns, callus and fungal nails reduced. Diabetic foot care. Local Domiciliary service in your own home.


[email protected]