Published bi-monthly by the Canadian Railroad Historical Association " • • L..I:_ &_ •• _ 1 __ ..J_ ...... __ : ____ IIA ____ :_.1.: __ "' ___ -I~ ____ -I I I '~_.L_~_ ._ .. - - . - . -- - ~ - ~ - -- 130 ISSN 0008·4875 CANADIAN RAIL Poslal Perml! No. 40066621 PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY THE CANADIAN RAILROAD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION TABLE OF CONTENTS How the Interurbans Came Home to British Columbia, Robert D. Turner ...................... .... ........... 131 Montreal's Laval Metro Extension, Denis Vallieres ......... .. ......... .. ............. ............. .. ....... 139 The London & Port Stanley Railway Rembemered, Robert J. Sanduski ............ .. ...... .. ......... ...... 143 Business Car, John Godfrey ..... .............................. ......... ............................... 158 FRONT COVER: On the second to last day of electric operation, London & Port Stanley car No. 10 heads north between the two (typically Ontario) wooden over bridges of Pond Mills Road (almost 4 miles south of London, Ont.). L&PS No. 10 is preseJved at Exporail, Saint Constant, Quebec. BELOW Now back in Richmond, ex B. C. Electric intelUrban car 1220 is seen in an undated photograph at the Tidleyland ElectJic Railway near Chehalis, Washington. Photo RobeJt D. TLlIner collection. For your membership in the CRHA, which Canadian Rail is continually in need of news, stories, EDITOR: Fred F. Angus includes a subscription to Canadian Rail, historical data, photos, maps and other material. CO-EDITORS: Douglas N.W. Smith, write to: Please send all contributions to the editor: Fred F. Peter Murphy CRHA, 110 Rue St-Pierre, St. Constant, Angus, 3021 Trafalgar Avenue, Montreal, P'Q. ASSOCIATE EDITOR (Motive Power) : Que. J5A 1G7 H3Y 1H3, e-mail
[email protected] . No payment can Hugues W. Bonin be made for contributions, but the contributer will be Membership Dues for 2007: LAYOUT: Gary McMinn given credit for material submitted.