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Presidential Files; Folder: 3/15/79; Container 109 3/15/79 Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 3/15/79; Container 109 To See Complete Finding Aid: :-1-111·: \\'JliTJ·: JIOI'SJ·: \:.. March 15, ,:t979 · · To Dr. Claud e· Fra�ier · .. '· I�osalynn ·apd, I. apprec;iate. your .· · · · 1;J1oughtful iet.:be:t. Bi'lly � s physician .' i.s Dr ... Paul Broun, Jr � ., and he· can be . · · . I ·-:.contacted· a t i102 East Lamar· street,·· s /:Gebr.gia � 31709. · y.ou "' -. Americu Thank · f:ot: your int�:n�st. ' · ... '. Sinqerely, ' .,f' · _- , · . ·· · . ·.··.· � '· . l • ' . ' . 0 , ·. '· . ': 7.' ' A.'.· Ftirz"ier.� claude .M >n·. .Bu.�lding·· 4. '· . :.··. o0ctors -Park :·. As.hevi 11�, : No:r:t:li. carolina i8801 l' ' . ·�. '• ·'·• / I . ' \ / .·.·',; ,dt ' /') . ( /_.(.. ·,j /! �. )./ j \. /I(..:..<, ·' . ,./(: .. {('. I ', . ·p ,) . · /'1 /, . j ' ! /.' .. /. (/ ;. _ . ·: ·. .- ·'mi::·�: . ·; ::.l:?�'t,::·.-::•·�:. t::t:� � - _t . : : f\· -.��"'.::; · . ' 1 y · : • :. .. .. ,; ... �- s. ·�-r·. : :}�: :· .� ··- .. _,,. , .....� ...�· . ·' . ;,�.:;I);�,� ·. ;r: ; ,., ;Z� i;:;S;;;;.:�f'·f '; · ·. , 1 .,.. ' ; I '· . ·'·: ·.ft· . .· � ·.��·; I!' : ' '."�; ;• ·�.�:�: • • • • _... ... ·�- :··-· :_, " .1D-!\J,:.�.L· :J:.-j.j .:,2 __ i..:.· _.;;� �"_.. \; __·.: ...,.;... · ..lll.,:l!Oio;�';'�' �;...;!l:;;. ': '"ld. ·.; F-,:_, � ..... .........,..;...... ;.;..;�---: � . .•�.· . WI. ::;:= .... -- �7""··�--·. ·� . T0: � \, ·:: ·:· . , ·.>.· . �. · ,,( •' .i';. ·. ' : ·.. .I . ... .:.., . ,: .• .. :-- ' . I ·t;-•.: .. ': '; i .'•'.. ' : ;. t: i. _.i;: .·, � · �-� �; .. f ,7. :-:· �· ' .)1, _- : I. ··. -� ;:· . .. -� � .. ). .. "�:. ; ·;, � .. � •' . 1' ' .� . p : . •.• . !.i· . � · , ,,.:;�_"';,�.·l(;f_::L�,: j_ • _f ·� < " . ·.;_ , . ..:;-.::r�:; ,;�.��.:: . ' . , ' ...... ..:> ,I -� ·. ; ;;i .. ....: :•. ( .. 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I also heard a little of his past history on Paul Harvey. Many times bronchitis is due to an allergy therefore an allergy work-up is necessary to know how to treat the patient. I do not know all of Billy's history or his doctor's findings however if he has such symptoms as wheezing and shortness of breath and it is not treated it will become worse. If it is at all possible I would like to know exactly what his symptoms are and who his physician is. I would like to offer my services tb both the physician and to Billy in any way that I can be of help. Thank you for your time and consideration of my requests. Sincerely,,? . f--l�./-. I _.I .• lc::...v .· ' ii1 �Gde A. Frazier, M.D. CAF:psy Electrostatic Copy Made for Preservation Purposes · · .·-����-�-·�;,�JI:;::;¥·'eJ�.Ji�e··ii-'t . ! -�---a��Li·a�!..L , ��JL�re1�fei1lUa Jl) i l ·w. ' · ,·' �' . ' ; ··� . -! :·���·:···�· ':·.-· · . : ·· I '· - � . • ' ·.:�2�:: ;· ::�: .,·; . l;! .. .. J , . 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I· · 1.. ;'i•1&1;;1it>lf and 'm:(.I.Jrother,''Billy, from' ani:: ;_ · . r:_,,�\:;�·;nlle�nti{lns" of. remarks·.. thaL·;mlght'' ; ..• ! �:.�\���=:::b� n�li-Semitl· c In nature."'·':;::···;�(-'····· : the first ti the presi· ·. _tlzat riot · wn§. me that . he ani :! ;,:\•;tr�'"lt. - ;�;>\>;!\.<··'I. .. -... ... is . ;:;�_i:lii':;.,.denl' hn�· publicly. commented .on tlie ; :<�;"�.J'!.. ��·: .·:·. ·.: ,, . _ .'i· )' ·.' ·�{;,,\\ . - ·. .I ··''i'·'·-·-... n b c exploitsy9f his,!-�;\ �;, \.· .• 'critical rl:ni ar:k .1 ·�r,��;J:::7!';rcce t,\)�·ell;�u li izt;,� . · t ,against: ]eii. · · . · · ;}ii�!,f5������fs�.�;��6h�-����e�-���J;��-j����-�:i�;�; _. j - : · :-�-�.�:. :.�;: ·;�·:.: :_�__! �e_-_._ .·:�.-.- , . ___:· . _��.--�_.:�-t7·.··,__a·t_, · :· a· .7·ty_::::_ . _·,. : . ·. _.fe . .. _ _ . ._ . & : : � . : _ · _•.:o.·.f i�'-:�'�.,'.!_·;'s: . .:. ��� . _.: _ � _ . _ . · · · . _ I Wif.H���:r:���;;:;:K���t[,';;.�;�j_i:��;(:;,��:::: i ·�:;_�f.. -:� :i. �eriainiy do r�(�gree. and· rJ, :� ; b:r ���e��·�ost . -� :·:, · . �t��f:tt���a�(�-��-� te�· � , ; �-·:::)\�:� '(:{;;§;;�i·:?<?!ij,_'.·:f_4;< ':.�;'�· ;:.. � . .•· . : i Y · �r�ther:�.:�!. · t·:t ·: : � : 'fY. ? ([�� :·acfo���;�nf'; :;:.·:�. '/ �l : � · !tr�·e :�pt��''thnn',Jherc:,;;::?� fs ..•Je\VS;",;Late(• I inl,ention, �\ Jnll.rks SliCh! a�: th:\� �ad.' Tt�·��-::o·· ..o/�llr·. ' : , , . .. ,.:, : · . rrom · - Clsrn .rr.ivish gro . t .· i �Varr�u e.d, _ , . ·• ··:rt don't: hinh �: t �� · •• · . .' · ;_- brother, �� :y� dl·· ' L:�s :. � Carterr,; . · · D_illy;frqm: � � � l )' · :.:..:)�d;w�����1�::��:� ·�\�"-�\::�· week' � BillY��·�;:�i;; ;tWi\S . · . · · · · . ·.· _ ·. .: .�.:.":t'cd to·6urr\ter.c:;oi.rnt)ri�Toiq1lt:�l'irL . ., . :'.Semitic in 1iatr'tre�. .. _,,;f _,. , ,�:cdcus: ca.;'!or\vhatil1is 1'1-h:is'i�:1at1,' . " . · ti · _ ' '- ·· . .: · � i . -�.; · ·\-::J:��;,.�:PnulC:'BrrJllt l, said:wa.s·• hit\�.. · ::: •, · "t� ::1��:1·.-. : ,. ·.·. · : .,f;· ...(.� ... · ......-:- . '. .· , ,: . · -� !.. ,_-· , •.• _ ri\:�1/:l;:;� llowe\:er,;.lt";:�ns n9t clca�;:(�CS�t'l'!,.il . �- . .· ... ·:?:iJ;;':t.,·whcther the ·_president. wa.:? -r,efcrr_rng,��-- .. -.:: · . , . thtit- a!fllc_tlo?• �r t.o :h}s ·y?tr.�g�t··: ::-�· .:.... .;.;..� � --,..;- ...,.., ,f-t}M�to ����:.,... ��... -:" ��-.-::'-7���+�-...,.-�----...:..----�-� ·r:·�··.:;-brothcr's heavy dnukmg 'habtt;.:and,: . '.:"'.. ,- . , , , . , .. , �''• . ·i o h '• '. <:;;�emotional c_onditi n, .V.· e.ri -� h.V:?�:.,,;f Art'e·r the queition :about .:,!..: ;-, .•. D escribed as "counterpro_ductive" . 'ion protl" · BillY,·. , .as · , to' . · ;:-�·��cribeu · "ser��usly ,l_ll,,'�)V t te: his brother;} th_�: ;.pres de?t :·'IV��:'vi.Sibl�;; _:i/, some asp:c s of the demons rati�ns ·_ sidents .. Ca1 \� h , fy i .t _ t by' \-J'·}.����!ouse, P,ress secretary Jody. Po)�el! I�-. .,: relieve9,'to turn ' his attention-to: other: · farmers m. Washmgton and · smd he · "completely . ·, , i · ' e}a orate �n· t pr_ est e,nt s que ti ns nf� c ,. ., . · �'deplored" t m t · .: .J·j.::fusedj,to b h_�1 d :·'•' s o .._a t the,, news co ren e On. the damage done to he en hai's n: __;;;l\�::;:�stat. errient.' )�·-X.:·:'· ·-'�"i'-'• ;', · ·,.,,_ ; ;,·, ,, ;.;,,, .. �:·.·';·/_ ther· topi s''·he·:::·!':;; ·-=.;. .:,_,,: ;'i•i<·::�j;;J';. .. �,,..;_ · ---':,··. , 'citv -iwthe' demonstrations .. The presi- advised." " · . · o c · t t ' o ·, · e o . de�t defended the right ofthe '· ·:�;_..:_;.; In 'a' tel�ph�ne in ·i�w. y s �rday, �� '.· Fb� '::the.: first: ti��: ., p�nly al" farm- The pre� "':�_.•'Broun disagreed· that. Billy, Carter. is.-.: thou•'h·· carefully opposed the· call of . e rs to demonstrate peacefully, but general co. · . · • · ,· · · · · · ry) possi i y h :�t:seriously ilL . ·l, · • ' · '.. , Calif�rrlia:. Gov. ' Edmund G.' (Jer said he sees "no b lit " that t ey against chn means·.: n t o a amend-·. wi gai he kind ?f higher _ -. n . :;";�'!Seriously ill it could lead. to ··.Brown Jr. for ;co s ituti n l· ll � t price sup certai ty ::-;• n · · · a :r,:.iiis , dewjse.'.' Broun �a!d. "That's not : -- ment' ·requiring· a balanGed . fedei·al , po rts they are seeki g. ; . · Calling; h Billy: a si ,·, . :· ' t a q en e," I ::;.:true: with I wouldn't :cl s fy it_' budget - Carter said the issue should :o Sides epped . uestion . on why .. prud c _a. ":;-)is :'seriously
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