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Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - FALL 2015 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - осінь 2015 Heartwarming Celebration Ukrainian Heritage Day Touches Everyone’s Heart

Photos courtesy of Shane Jeffery with SNAPD Demonstration of gerdany making Special performance by Trio Lira The Ukrainian Heritage Day to and rebuilding his life. Politi- the Care Centre feel very privileged to celebration at the Care Centre brought cians Ivan Baker, Ted Opitz and Liberal know some of those remarkable Ukrai- together residents, their families and Candidate in Centre Borys nians. Since opening in 1996, the Care friends, tenants of St. Demetrius Resi- Wrzesnewskyj shared their insights Centre has been a home to over 700 dence, volunteers and politicians to of what it is to be Ukrainian Canadian Ukrainian – hardworking celebrate the rich Ukrainian heritage and the contributions of many remark- men and women who have made sig- and share stories of inspiring legacies. able Ukrainians to the prosperity of our nificant contributions to the founda- Care Centre’s resident Petro country and province. tion, economic and cultural life of our Wjunenko shared his story of coming “We, the staff and volunteers of .... continued on page 5 ALL-NEW FAMILY COUNCIL Executive Heitzman Baby SETS AMBITIOUS GOALS Grand Piano DRAWING INSPIRATION FROM FORMER CHAIR Finds its new Home at the Care Centre

Special thank you to Egidio and Irene Marchese 2015-2016 Family Council Executive Members (L) to (R): Ed Szpular, Anna Martyniw, Luba Kowal (Chair), for their donation of the Heitzman Baby Grand Annemarie McKay, Helen Kerekes (Treasurer), Roxanne Gural (Secretary) and George Mec Piano to the Care Centre. ... read more on page 8 ... read more on page 7 Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Volunteers Raise $3,500 to remodel the 2nd floor recreation room

was grouped in a way that encourages social interaction. Wall guards were installed on the walls to prevent from scratches and other damages from wheelchairs and assisted walking de- vices. A small space for the recreation assistant was created with a divider separating the office space from the space for relaxation and socialization. “This has been an exciting proj- ect from the start to its end and be-

L to R: Elsie Yarmol, Luda Daramanchuk and staff, Natalie Lisowiec, Helen Hodowany, Bohdan Bodnaruk, yond”, said Pauline Bahry, Care Centre’s Irene Kucherenko, Sandy Lomaszewycz, Irena Dounets, Helen Kerekes, Vivian Rico resident. “The room is so calming and Funds raised by the Care Cen- to create the best possible environ- beautiful, it sparks not only conversa- tre’s Volunteer Development Com- ment for the comfort, relaxation and tions but new activities as well. We now mittee from last year’s 2014 Christmas social interaction of our residents”, said have hours in the week for hand mas- Bazaar and yard sale combined, were Irena Dounets, Manager of Programs sage, a few of us established a beauty used to give the Recreation Room an and Volunteer Services. club as well.” anticipated facelift. The room was re- The room incorporates main The room was officially opened designed with the most current trends trending features of senior-friendly de- in September, with Bohdan Bodnaruk, in senior-friendly interior design in signs. The cool and serene green colour President of the Board of Directors con- mind by Luda Daramanchuk, profes- scheme, the prints and paintings of gratulating the Volunteer Development sional designer of Luda Z Interiors. flowers and familiar landscapes on the Committee for their hard work and re- “We wanted the room to be walls were chosen to create a calming markable commitment to the care and comfortable, stylish, safe and inviting and relaxing atmosphere. The furniture well being of our seniors. Call for Board Committee Volunteers Join our dynamic Marketing positively promote the Corporation to sign, public relations, marketing, com- and Communications Committee to current and potential stakeholders, to munications and digital media. Experi- help us promote ’s premier assist with the implementation of those ence in the not-for-profit sector would Ukrainian Canadian seniors long term activities and to provide guidance and be an asset. care centre and independent seniors expertise to staff to ensure that market- For more information, or to sub- apartment building. This is an oppor- ing and communications activities and mit your resume, please contact Sandy tunity for individuals who have lots of fund raising events support and build Lomaszewycz, Executive Director at slo- ideas and want to contribute to their brand awareness and are consistent [email protected] or call 416- community. with the vision and mission of the Cor- 243-7653. Resumes can be dropped off The Marketing and Communi- poration. The committee meets on an at the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre. cations Committee is a standing com- as-needed basis but no less than quar- Only those applicants who qualify will mittee of the Board of Directors. The terly. be contacted. Thank you for consider- primary goal of the Marketing and We are looking for volunteers ing volunteering with us! Communications Committee is to make who have expertise in one or more of recommendations on activities that will the following: advertising, graphic de- 2 Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Support Our Participants! Fundraising Continues to October 31

DONATE NOW! Help Us Reach Our Fundraising Goal of $30,000!

100% of the proceeds will go towards specialized equipment (ultrasound bladder scanning machine, shower chairs, IV pump and medical carts) for our residents!

To make a donation call 647-725-0843 or visit Proudly Sponsored by:

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will 3 Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Treasures from Grandma’s Chest Come to Life at the Vyshyvanka Fashion Show

Irena Dounet poses with volunteers Volunteers and staff showcase Ukrainian outfits Traiditonal Ukrainian shirts Authentic Vysyvanka shirts, Fashion Show at the Care Centre next Programs and Volunteer Services. It is a skirts and aprons, some of them dat- year,” enthused Solomia Yanishevsky, unique expression of our identity in the ing back to the late 19th century, were Care Centre’s volunteer. world. While for the fashion world the modelled by over 20 young and young “I’m glad that the residents saw recent interest in Ukrainian vyshyvanka at heart volunteers at the Care Centre’s how much we love vyshyvanka; we will may be just another fashion craze, for us Annual Vyshyvanka Fashion Show in continue to wear it and pass it on to the at the Care Centre the Fashion Show is July. next generation,” says Mary Klimenko an annual event that creates an instant Embroidered clothing from the another volunteer. wonderful connection between differ- regions of Bukovina, Hutsul, Zakarpa- “This place is a real treasure ent generations, and give treasures of tie, Kiev, Volyn and Poltava were show- trove for embroidery lovers,” exclaimed Grandma’s chest a new life”, said Irena cased. The Care Centre was blooming a visitor to the Care Centre and set off Dounets, Manager of Programs and with vysyhvanka colours and the intri- on a hunt for embroidery treasures, Volunteer Servcies. cate beauty of the many crosses and easily found and readily available in the stitches wove their spell over models Care Centre’s gift shop and at the ven- and audience alike. dors’ booths. “I saw tears and smiles shining The Vyshyvanka Fashion Show on the residents’ faces. The residents did not remain unnoticed by local me- were happy and they applauded us as dia. Etobicoke Snap published pictures if we were professional models. Wear- from the Care Centre’s unique show. ing a vyshyvanka from the 19th century “There is hardly anything more and knowing that it came to Canada on symbolic about Ukraine than vyshy- a boat was a unique experience for me. vanka, said Irena Dounets, Manager of This shirt that you see on me right now, was the only connection kept between a grandmother in Ukraine and a grand- daughter in Canada, the only memory of Grandma’s love. I wouldn’t trade this experience for a Vita Kit’s dress in the most high-end fashion show. I will definitely come back to the Vyshyvanka All photos courtesy of Shane Jeffery with Snapd

4 Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient ...continued from page 1 You can make a change with “Change it”

Anyone with an AIR MILES re- you buy something with your debit wards card can donate their cash miles card by automatically rounding your to the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre. purchase to the nearest dollar. This Vir- You can do this through Change tual Change™ can then be donated to It - an innovative and simple way to charities of your choice. support your organization with every Whether purchasing your province. We have residents who have purchase you make. morning coffee or picking up some gro- cleared forests and blasted through the ChangeIt™ is an automated on- ceries, ChangeIt™ enables you to help Canadian shield to create the highways line charitable giving program through others every time you make a purchase in northern . We have residents the Ukrainian Credit Union and Bank of for yourself. who have been scientists, innovators, Montreal offers a simple, automated, ChangeIt Link is available on business and community leaders, art- and secure way to donate small change the Care Centre’s Website ists, singers and musicians”, said Sandy to their favourite charitable causes with Lomaszewycz, Executive Director in her every debit transaction. opening remarks. After you enrol, ChangeIt will Accompanying the event were generate Virtual Change™ each time several other attractions including: demonstrations of gerdany making, Christ the Light of the World Celebration vyshyvanka, vendors’ booths and live musical entertainment. The beautiful Joy of Lights and touching performance of Lesia Yatsikovska, bandura player and the П р о в о д и м о н а ш е щ о р і ч н е С в я т о С в і т е л magnificent Trio Lira (Roma, Ivanka and Х р и с т о с – С в і т л о С в і т у ! Lesia) added a special touch to the cel- ebration. December 6 at 6:00 PM Freshly baked traditional Ukrai- nian desserts were served and enjoyed by everyone. The Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre extends a heartfelt thank you to our sponsor Mr. of Future Bakery for his generous contri- bution of traditional Ukrainian food. Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre 60 Richview Road, Toronto

Entertainment, blessing and lighting of the tree, traditional Ukrainian treats, door prizes and much more

To RSVP, please call 647-725-0874 by December 2

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will 5 Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Tenants at St. Demetrius Residence celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day

There were no empty seats in near and dear to the hearts of everyone. the spacious Common Room at St. De- Fr. Ivan Palisa spoke about the situation metrius Residence for the Ukrainian In- in Ukraine and the great spirit and per- dependence Day celebration. Tenants severance of Ukrainians in preserving in beautiful Ukrainian traditional blous- their culture, independence and iden- es made the room burst in colours and tity. The evening ended on a high note festivity. Musical entertainment, fresh with everyone feeling part of a great traditional Ukrainian food and sharing community that values cultural heri- of reflections and insights on Ukraine’s tage and traditions. past and present made the celebration

...continue from page 1 guest speakers on topics such as Per- to let us know to expect you. All- New Family Council Executive sonal Care, Dementia, Understanding For more information on our An all-new Family Council Exec- “Do Not Resuscitate Orders” and End goals and objectives, and for regular utive has recently been formed which of Life Planning. We will also create a updates, please see our Bulletin Board will be bigger and more active than buddy system to match volunteers up on the first floor by the coffee machine ever. We have specific goals and regu- with the family members/POAs of new or check out our link on the Care Cen- lar meetings planned, which are open residents, to help them get acquainted tre’s website. to family members and Powers of At- from the perspective of somebody who The Care Centre would like to troneys of the Care Centre residents. has “been there”. We will also help the thank Mary Kuschnir, previous Chair Our mission is to enhance each Care Centre with the promotion and or- of Family Council Executive for over 8 resident’s health and welfare, to enrich ganization of various fundraising initia- years for her dedicaton. “ Mary is an in- their quality of life and to give families a tives and events. spiration for me, says Luba Kowal, new- voice in decisions that affect them and Please feel free to reach out and ly elected Chair of the Family Council their loved ones through advocacy, ed- send us your questions, thoughts and Executive”, She did an amazing job and ucation and community service. ideas: [email protected] If I feel honored and privileged to contin- In coming months we will you are interested in attending any of ue her great work.” organize information sessions with our meetings, just send us a quick email

6 Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient ...continued from page 1 health deteriorated and she now lives in Heitzman Baby Grand Piano Finds Its New Home... Join our Monthly another nursing home, which is close to our home. But we both agreed the only Giving Club new home we want for our family piano Regular monthly gifts provide is the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre, us with a reliable source of funding to where Irene’s culture is kept alive and go that extra mile in caring for our se- dearly appreciated. niors. As a member of the “Home with I am happy that the Care Cen- a Heart” Club, you are helping seniors tre’s residents and their families and experience quality care and life enrich- the Care Centre’s community will en- ing programs and services. Egidio Marchese chose the Care joy the wonderful distinctive sounds of Your annual tax receipt will be Centre for a new home to their well- the Baby Grand just like we did. Know- consolidated and sent at the beginning loved family piano. “It is in honour of ing that the piano is at the Care Centre of the next calendar year. By donat- my wife Irene, who is Ukrainian,” says has a great personal value for me too. It ing through our “Home with a Heart” Emilio his voice filled with excitement, makes me feels that there will always monthly giving program you are mak- “and in memory of Irene’s mother who be this wonderful place that I can go ing a thoughtful and lasting investment was a Care Centre’s resident in the be- to if I need to re-live the many wonder- in seniors care and the Ukrainian Cana- ginning of the Care Centre in the late ful memories of my life with Irene, the dian Care Centre. 90s.“ Ukrainian culture and music being a This program allows you to do- Irene and I met after the Second big part of it. I enjoyed so much your nate on a monthly basis and shows your World War in Italy, continued Egidio and Wednesday afternoon concert of the continuous dedication towards seniors what followed was a wonderful touch- Ukrainian Troubadours and I will come care. ing story that made this gift even more again.” Join the “Home with a Heart” special. “We fell in love, married and im- Heintzman is widely considered Club by making your monthly donation migrated to Canada. Irene’s musical tal- to be the best pianos ever made in Can- online! Or call the Development Office ent made music a big part of our family ada and has often been referred to as at 647-725-0843. life. Music and songs accompanied fam- the Steinway of Canadian pianos. ily celebrations and weekend evenings; The Care Centre extends a and we sang a lot of Ukrainian songs as heartfelt thank you to Egidio and Irene Donate through well. Irene is a wonderful pianist but Marchese for their wonderful gift to the Charity Car she can’t play the piano any more. Her Care Centre. Make that old car live again in the form of a donation through Char- Volunteers Are Important! ity Car! is a licensed eco- Our vision for the Care Centre is Volunteers have new refresh- friendly Auto Recyclers who accept the to be a leading provider of high qual- ing ideas, knowledge and skills and donation of old vehicles on behalf of ity long-term care, residential services assist in a wide variety of roles. Volun- charities. 100% of the proceeds are do- and community programs for Ukraini- teers are oriented and trained in their nated to the Care Centre. an seniors. This can only be achieved position and in a variety of other skills. CharityCar has been trained to through the rich contributions of our For more information about the Volun- dispose of the environmentally haz- volunteers. residents, family members teer Program please call Irena Dounets, ardous materials in vehicles that have and staff benefit as volunteers bring a Manager of Programs and Volunteer reached the end of their useful lives. warm sense of community and home Services 647-725-0874 or email volun- For more information please visit www. into the Care Centre, and much need- [email protected] or call Anna 647-725- ed assistance. 0844.

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will 7 Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Resident and Family Member Gift Shop Refurbish the Dining Room Chairs We are currently accepting do- nations of gently used Ukrainian ce- ramics (plates, bowls, cups, mugs, etc), Ukrainian figurines, novels written in English, collectibles, crystal and bone china. Donations can be dropped off at the reception desk of the Care Cen- tre during business hours 8:30am - 9:00pm. All proceeds raised from the gift shop support the quality of life our residents. Thank you for your support!

Fred Bilasz (L) and Ed Szpular (R) joined forces to refurbish the dinning room chairs to look brand new. Our sincere appreciation to Fred and Ed and special thank you to Ed for donating all the supplies to get the job done.

8 Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Toronto Fire Services Commend Care Centre’s Staff for Work Well Done

The Care Centre successfully course by Emergency Management and constantly invests in staff training”, said completed its annual minimum staffing Training, a leading emergency/disaster Sandy Lomaszewycz, Executive Direc- mock evacuation (mock evacuation) preparedness consulting and training tor. this past September, in response to the company. Following the course, the Trainings at the Care Centre new Ontario Regulation 150/13 aiming trainers delivered training to the rest of have, however, one particular down- to improve fire safety in facilities that the Care Centre’s staff and participated side. Training staff on all mandatory house Ontario’s most vulnerable resi- in the mock evacuation as well. training required by government regu- dents such as seniors and people with “The benefits of this approach lations puts a surprisingly high finan- disabilities. are many,” said Marta Krywonis, Direc- cial demand on the Care Centre. As the The mock evacuation at the tor of Housing, Organizational Devel- nurses’ and personal support workers’ Care Centre required that 5 night shift opment and Quality Initiative. “Our per- jobs require constant direct contact staff evacuate 36 residents including sonal support workers are our on-site with the residents, the Care Centre’s those in walkers, wheelchairs and bed- experts on transfer of residents, which Management needs to ensure replace- ridden from the fire zone to behind the is a key component of any fire evacu- ment for staff in trainings. fire doors in 30 minutes. To conduct the ation in a long-term care home. They The Ministry of Health and mock evacuation the Care Centre man- know best how to do it in a way that is Long-Term Care mandates 26 annual agement called on 36 staff from admin- safe and secure for the residents. Creat- training courses for staff. This does not istration, program and housekeeping ing a TOT group among our personal include other mandatory or legislated departments to play the role of resi- support workers enables us to build training such as Occupational Health dents. solid capacity on site and ensure ongo- and Safety, emergency response to The Fire Inspector and two oth- ing transfer of knowledge and skills to name a few. The cost incurred by the er staff from Toronto Fire Services com- the rest of the staff. It also gives our staff Care Centre is in replacing staff to at- mended the Care Centre’s staff for their the opportunity to take on a leadership tend mandatory training is not funded competent performance and great role, share their experience and further by the Ministry. teamwork. “This is one of the best we their professional development and ex- The Care Centre relies on the donations have seen,” concluded the Toronto Fire pertise.” of many compassionate and generous Services staff unanimously. Congratulations to the Care individuals for those replacements. The Care Centre thanks per- Centre’s trainers on fire evacuation - “Our donors are our partners in quality sonal support workers Catherine Ben- personal support workers Miroslawa of care”, says Sandy. We are very grateful jamin, Eva Lebedzki, Vivian Simon, Eva Ginda, Ewa Labedzki, Wieslawa Pinczak, to the contributions of many individu- Pinchak, Jolanta Willilams, emergency Vivian Simon, Irena Szypka and Jolanta als to our Education Fund. With their captain Oksana Duda and coordina- Williams. support we can ensure that while staff tors Irena Dounets and Oleh Hursky for “They all showed amazing com- is being trained, replacements are there their excellent job. mitment to their new role and their to provide the care our residents need”. Contributing to this great suc- expertise shone during the mock evac- cess was the Care Centre’s new ap- uation and the trainings as well,” con- proach to training and capacity build- tinued Marta. ing. The Care Centre created a core “With a very vulnerable and team of trainers, comprised of 8 Care fragile population, the skills of staff in Centre’s personal support workers providing care are paramount. To keep who received a Train the Trainers (TOT) skills at a high level, the Care Centre

Please Remember the Care Centre 5with a Gift in Your Will 9 Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Fundraising is… Sweet! A week before Thanksgiving, and made fundraising… sweet. ing and appreciated our fundraising ef- Helen Kerekes and Annemarie McKay, “This was a great way to do forts.” members of the Care Centre’s new Fam- something good and at the same time In just two hours Annemarie ily Council Executive, rolled up their connect with people” said Helen. I was and Helen raised $337. sleeves to make wonderful culinary cre- able to talk with more residents and “We thank all family members, ations and help the Care Centre raise family members, get to know them bet- residents and staff who stopped by, funds for much needed specialized ter and share thoughts and ideas with chatted with us, enjoyed our baking, equipment. Pumpkin tarts, beautifully them about the Care Centre, how much encouraged us and made donations. decorated pumpkin cupcakes, coffee it means to our loved ones and us, and We also want to thank the Develop- cake and zucchini bread were all avail- the need for specialized equipment. I ment Office staff for their support with able at the Care Centre, tasted great felt happy that people enjoyed our bak- the logistics and sales”, said Annemarie. Annemarie and Helen’s Recipe for “Sweet Fundraising” in just 3 steps STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3

Fundraising in the making – “Give your After trying the delicious goodies, Luba And . . . fulfilling, concluded Ed Szpular hobby and passion a fundraising twist, Kowal decided to go big on buying. “Fun- wittily, with an ambiguous look, while i.e. a good cause to inspire you and get draising is sweet”, exclaimed both Luba getting ready to indulge in the scrump- you in the creative frenzy. You will be and Helen almost at the same time. tious tarts and cupcakes. surprised what you can achieve.

Got an idea for something creative you can do to help the Care Centre raise much needed funds?

Want to give your passion, talents, skills and hobbies a new fundraising twist and help the Care Centre?

It can be anything from hosting a party, contributing to a bake sale to designing Care Centre’s cards for special occasions, art show or memoir and memories evening, all is possible.

Fundraising can all be made easy, fulfilling and sweet, and you will be supported all the way by the Care Centre’s Development Office and Fun Committee.

Call the Development Office to discuss your ideas with Anna 647-725-0843

10 Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will City: ______City: ___ Report

❑ more. Please or payable $20 cheque all make of CanadianTax for Careissued gifts willUkrainian receipts Centre. to be __ Date: Exp. No.: Card ______❑ VISA ❑ ❑ One First Name: ______ Phone: ______Address: ______

$ Other: $250 ❑ $150 I wish my gift to remain anonymous. Unless otherwise indicated, all donations will be listed in our Community Community our in listed be will all donations indicated, otherwise Unless anonymous. remain to gift my wish I P

- L


o o A

The Care Centre is honoured to receive donations from families and ❑ MasterCard


Please charge Enclosed Cheque E

friends made in tribute to the following individuals: MM __/__

From June 2 - October 8, 2015 G I

In Memory Of Isabel Ann Massey In Honour Of V

❑ E

Mykola Boruch Markian Pylat G YY __

Luba Mytnowych $75 E

Olag Dziubaniwsky Michael Onysko The Wedding Anniversary N


Doris Fundy Joseph Perun of Walter and Yaroslawa R

Mary Glowacki Sheremeta O

Michael Puchta U S

Anastasia Gojda The Wedding Anniversary ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______

Teodor Sharko L ______Last Name: ______


Dmytro Huley of Albert and Stella Walter Soja T

_ Email: ______H

Olga Korol Anna Steicuk Wizniak I S

o Exp. Date: __ Date: Exp. No.: Card ______o ❑ Monthly Gift

Dr. Stephen Kosar Halyna Sysak F

$35 A ❑ “VOID”. month.have I enclosed a blankchequemarked ❑

Alexander Litwinchuk ❑ Anna Tkaczyk L

MasterCardthe on 15

Please charge my monthly gift to gift my monthly charge Please L Please deduct my gift on the 15 !

❑ Seniors Honoured in Seniors’ Month

Their family and friends made a donation to the Care Centre honoring $65 ❑ Other: $______MM __/__ their live, while at the same time helping the Care Centre sustain the great quality of care for seniors!

Anne Adam ______Melnyk A donation in honour of YY __ Jean Basnicki Tania Mychailycha all senior volunteers at

Rose Demchuk Sonia Sachno the Care Centre th

______month. every of Mary Fedoruk Alexandra Schur Paraska Hrycaj Mary Semanyshyn A donation in honour th

of each Olga Kurylo Dora Smilsky of all seniors at the Care ❑

Dorothy Liber Olga Taraschuk Centre VISA Andre Macko Josephine Uskoski

Anna Makey Petro Wjunenko Dcn. Leo and Mary Pauline Zahrebelny

Charitable No.: 12407 No.: Charitable ❑ ❑ C onsidering a gift in the future?

2015-2016 Board of Directors Please Centre. Care the for will my in provision made or tohave wish I St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation Bohdan Bodnaruk, President; Maxym Trojan, Vice-President; Dmytro donations. efficient tax and Giving Planned about information me send Dutka, Secretary/Treasurer; Orest Kobylansky, Past President; Freder- ick R. Babbie; Alexander Daschko; Halyna Kuchmij; Sylvia Kowal; Daria

Kowalyk; Mary Kuzyk; Alex Ochrym; Michael Tkach; Nadia Woloshyn forThank You Your Support! - Marta Yurcan - 6555 Supportive Care Services

Daniel Zadorozny, President; Lesia Dmytryzhyn, Secretary Treasurer; RR0001 Lydia Lelyk; Irene Holubiec; Orysia Perun; Walter W. Chandon; Jacob Y.

E. Krekhovetsky

Contributors: Anna Denkova, Roxanne Gural, Anna Do and Sandy Lomaszewycz Photos: Courtesy of Shane Jeffery with Snapd and Anna Do Layout: Anna Do

For more information, please contact the Development Office at 647-725-0843

Fall 2015 Fall Simply tear along the dottted line, moisten the glue strip, fold and mail. Save these Dates Date Event Location November 21 Christmas Bazaar Ukrainian Canadian 10am - 4am Care Centre December 6 Christ the Light of the Ukrainian Canadian 6pm World - Joy of Lights Care Centre

No stamp or envelope required! December 8 Silvert’s Clothing Com- Ukrainian Canadian 10am-3pm pany Care Centre Thank You! Make A Donation Today! 647-725-0843 | Charitable Reg. No. 12407/6555/RR0001