
m The Suffixes -phile and -,

The two suffixes -phile and -phobia are very nearly opposite in meaning. The suffix --phile is from the Greek wordphilia, meaning WORD LIST friendship. A word ending in -phile indicates someone having great acrophobia fondness or preference for something. For example, a hippophile agoraphobia (from the Greek hippos, meaning "horse," and -phile) is someone who is interested in or fond of horses. In contrast to -phile, -phobia indicates a strong, unreasonable, Anglophile or abnormal fear or dislike of something. Hippophobia is an in- audiophile tense fear of horses. Phobia is also a word in itself, meaning any bibliophile strong or irrational fear. In the following lesson, you will learn claustrophobia words ending in -phile and -phobia. \ hydrophobia xenophobia zoophobia


After you have studied the definitions and example for each word, write the vocabulary word in the blank to the right. 1. acrophobia (ak'ra-fo'be-a) noun Intense fear of high places. 1. (From the Greek word akros, meaning "high," and -phobia, meaning "fear") RELATED WORD acrophobic adjective EXAMPLE Roger's acrophobia prevented him from going up to the observation deck of the skyscraper.

2. agoraphobia (ag'a-ra-fo'be-a) noun Strong fear of open places. 2. (From the Greek word agora, meaning "open space," and SEE claustrophobia. -phobia) RELATED WORD agoraphobic adjective EXAMPLE People with severe agoraphobia may be afraid to leave their houses. 3. ailurophobia (I-loor'a-io'be-a) noun A great fear or hatred of 3. . (From the Greek word ailuros, meaning "," and SEE zoophobia. -phobia) RELATED WORD ailurophobic adjective EXAMPLE Even a fluffy little can be cause for alarm to someone suffering from ailurophobia.

Convriulil & I'J88 Iloimhluti Milllin Comounv- All liu'his rvscnvtj. The Suffixes -phile and -phobia 67 4. Anglophile (ang'gla-fil') noun One who has strong admiration 4. or affection for England, the English, or English goods. (From the Medieval word Angli, meaning "the English people," and -phile, meaning "enthusiast") RELATED WORD Anglophilia noun EXAMPLE Reginald is such an Anglophile that he speaks with an English accent even though he is American.

5. audtophile (o'df^fir) noun One, keenly interested in recorded 5. sound. (From the Latin word audire, meaning "to hear/' and -phile) EXAMPLE Elizabeth was such an audiophile that she spent more on her stereo than on the rest of her furniture.

6. bibliophile (bib'le-a-fll') noun One devoted to the collection 6. and preservation of books, particularly old and rare books. (From the Greek word biblion, meaning "book," and -phile) EXAMPLE Tatiana is a bibliophile with a beautiful collection of books, but she does not like to read.

7. claustrophobia (klo'stre-fo'be-s) noun Strong fear of small or 7. _ : enclosed places. (From the Latin word claustrum, meaning MEMORY CUE Agoraphobia "enclosure," and -phobia) and claustrophobia are opposites. RELATED WORD claustrophobic adjective EXAMPLE A person with claustrophobia would probably fear going into a closet or elevator.

8. hydrophobia (hl'dra-fo'be-s) noun a. Intense fear of water. 8. b. The disease . (From the Greek hydro-, meaning "water," and -phobia) RELATED WORD hydrophobic adjective EXAMPLE Both Pierre and Lupe refused to travel by boat because they suffered from hydrophobia.

9. xenophobia (zen'a-fo'be-s) noun Intense fear or hatred of 9. strangers or foreigners. (From the Greek word xenos, meaning "stranger," and -phobia) RELATED WORDS xenophobe noun; xenophobic adjective EXAMPLE People with xenophobia might not enjoy traveling abroad or meeting new people.

10. zoophobia (zo's-fo'be-s) noun A strong fear of animals. (From 10 the Greek word zoion, meaning "living being," and -phobia) MEMORY CUE Someone with zoophobia would surely RELATED WORD zoophobic adjective suffer from ailurophobia. EXAMPLE Someone with zoophobia would not enjoy having .

68 The Suffixes -phile and -phobia Copyright © 1988 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Mame

Exercise 1 Completing Definitions

On the answer line, write the word from the vocabulary list that best completes each definition. 1. Fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners is ? . 1. 2. Fear of high places is ? 2. 3. One who loves line old books is a(n) ? . 3. 4. Fear of open places is ? . ..-,-. 4. 5. A person who strongly admires the English is a(n) __L_. 5. 6. Fear or hatred of cats is ? . 6. 7. Fear of small or enclosed places is __Z . 7. 8. Fear of water is —I 8. 9. Fear of animals is —L_ . 9. 10. A lover of .fine recordings is a(n). ? 10.

Exercise 2 Using Words Correctly

Each of the following questions contains an italicized vocabulary word. Decide the answer to the'question, and write Yes or No on the answer line. 1. Would someone with acrophobia be likely to work as a window 1. washer on a skyscraper? 2. Would someone with hydrophobia be interested in being a lifeguard? 2. 3. Is an Anglophile likely to admire Shakespeare, Churchill, and Queen 3. Victoria? 4. If you had agoraphobia, would you enjoy going camping and sleeping 4. out at night under the stars? 5. Would someone with xenophobia be likely to welcome new neighbors 5. from a foreign countt7? 6. Would you expect an animal trainer lo suffer from zoophobia? 6. 7. If you had ailurophpbia, would you avoid leopards and panthers? 7. 8. If you were a bibliophile, would you collect fine books? 8. .* 9. Would someone with claustrophobia enjoy spending ihre'e weeks on a 9. submarine? 10. Do audiophiles like stereos? 10.

ConvriBli! O I9KS Iliuinliion MifDin CoitifMnv. All rights reserved. The Suffixes -pJlJJe and - Exercise 3 Choosing the Best Definition

For each italicized vocabulary word in the following sentences, write the letter of the best definition on the answer line. 1. Because Neal has hydrophobia, he has not learned to swim. a. fear of darkness c. fear of water b. fear of crowds d. fear of drowning 2. Juliana lias to avoid some exhibits at the 7.00 because of her ailurophobia. .. 5 a. fear of all animals c. fear of crowds b. fear of open spaces d. fear of cats 3. Michael's collection of rare books shows that he is a bibliophile. a. librarian c. lover of records b. lover of fine books d. lover of the theater 4. Loretta turned down a good job offer in the desert town because of 4. _ the caused by her agoraphobia. a. fear of crowds c. fear of air b. fear of open places d. fear of disease 5. Douglas did not go to the top of the Empire State Building because 5- .—: of his acrophobia. a. fear of darkness c. fear of high places b. fear of storms d. fear of light 6. Gregory is working hard to overcome his xenophobia. 6. _— a. fear of strangers c. fear of animals b. fear of conversation d. fear of storms 7. An Anglophile would enjoy eating a steak-and-kidney pie. . 7. _I—— a. lover of French cooking c. admirer of the English b. one afraid of foreigners d. admirer of the Slavs 8. Tamara's claustrophobia kept her from visiting the pharaohs' tombs 8. in Egypt. a. fear of the dead c. fear of fields b. fear of enclosed spaces d. fear of disease 9. Steven and Sheila wanted a , but their father suffered from 9. __ zoophobia. a. fear of cats c. fear of happy children b. fear of zoos • d. fear of animals 10. An audiophile might spend more than five thousand dollars for a tape 10. _ recorder. a. one interested in tapes c. one interested.in spending b. one interested in music d. one interested fn recorded sound

Exercise 4 Choosing the Best Word

Decide which vocabulary word or related form best expresses the meaning of each italicized word or. phrase. On the answer line, write the letter of that word. I. Dictators sometimes encourage hatred of foreigners among their '• . - . people. a. xenophobia b. Anglophilia c. ailurophobia d. claustrophobia

70 Tile Suffixes -phile and -phobia Copyright O 1988 llo»glil»n Mifflin Company. All riglils rcwrrvcd Name Date

2. developed a successful treatment for rabies. 2. a. zoophobia b. ailurophobia c. hydrophobia d. xenophobia 3. The Morgan Library in New York is a mecca for lovers of fine books. 3. a. Anglophiles b. xenophobes c. audiophiles d. bibliophiles 4. The Lorenzinis have ocelots for pets;, they have no fear of animals. 4. a. ailurophobia b. acrophobia V t. agoraphobia d. zoophobia 5. I think we shall get fear of enclosed spaces in this liny classroom. 5- a. claustrophobia b. agoraphobia c. hydrophobia d. xenophobia 6. If an AngJophobe dislikes the English and a Slavophile admires the 6. Slavs, what do you suppose we call an admirer of the English? a. xenophobe b. Anglophile c. audiophile d. bibliophile 7. Gina never goes shopping because of her fear of public places. 7. a. acrophobia c. claustrophobia b. ailurophobia d. agoraphobia 8. Melanie knows a lot about electronics and acoustics because she is a 8. person interested in recorded sound. a. agoraphobe b. audiophile c. bibliophile d. Anglophile 9. Winston overcame a fear of heights and then climbed Mount Whitney, 9. a. agoraphobia b. aihirophobia c. acrophobia d. hydrophobia 10. Rita sneezes whenever she sees Boots because she has a fear of cats. 10. a. claustrophobia b. hydrophobia c. ailurophobia d. acrophobia

Each numbered sentence in the following passage contains an ital- icized vocabulary word. At the end of the passage, you will complete an exercise. Travel — Nightmare or Delight? For many people, traveling claustrophobia and wish to cation with opportunities for is one of life's most reward- escape for a while. (4) Pro- listening to recordings. (8) ing experiences. (1) Consider, vided they do not have Someone with hydrophobia for instance, the Anglophile agoraphobia, they may find would certainly not choose a in Albuquerque, New Mex- a few weeks in the Arizona boating vacation! ico, who spends every vaca- desert to be a welcome The rewards of traveling tion exploring the British change. (5) They might also are as varied as the tastes of countryside. (2) Of course, enjoy camping in the Ad- travelers. For some people, right next door in Albuquer- irondack Mountains of New photographing animals in que" there may be a neighbor York if they do not suffer or is tremen- who, because of xenophobia,, . from acrophobia.. dously exciting. (9) For one would not enjoy traveling in (6) In contrast, a bibJiOr . with zoophobia, however, a Britain. phile from a rural area safari would be a nightmare. One appealing aspect of might travel to a city with. (.16) Imagine how a person traveling is the change of notable libraries so that he with ailurophobia would re- surroundings it offers. (3) or she could look at fine act to being awakened by the Sooner or later most city books. (7) An audiophile roar of lions! dwellers get a touch of would probably choose a va- Please turn to the next page.

Onvrtetit <5 1988 llmiglitmi Milflin Company. AH iicfil« reserved. The Suffixes -phile and -phobia 71 Reading Comprehension Exercise

Each of the following statements corresponds to a numbered sentence in the passage. Each statemenl contains a blank and i followed by four answer choices. Decide which choice fits best in the blank. The word or phrase that you choose must express roughly the sam--. meaning as the italicized word in the passage. Write the letter of you: choice on the answer line. 1. The ? in Albuquerque travels abroad. 1. '.— a. person fond of the English c. person afraid '.»f angles b. person fond .of royalty d. person fond ot the French 2. The neighbor suffers from a ? . 2. —'. a. fear of foreigners c. fear of neighbors b. fear of cats d. fear of English

3. Eventually, some city dwellers get a slight __L_. • ; 3. a. fear of traffic jams c. fear of heights b. fear of enclosed places d. fear of neighbors 4. People without a ? may enjoy the desert. 4. : a,: fear of open spaces c. fear of heat b. fear of snakes d. fear of heights 5. If they do nol have a ? , city dwellers may enjoy the mountains. 5. _ a. fear of heights c. fear of snow b. fear of d. fear of isolation j. 6. A person ? would find museums and libraries interesting. 6. a. fond of studying c. fond of books b. fond of paintings d. fond of records 7. A person ? would choose to vacation where he or she could 7. listen to cassettes and discs. a. interested in recorded sound c. interested in movies b. interested in open spaces . d. interested in cats 8. A person with a ? certainly would not choose sailing for a vaca- 8. —.— tion activity. a. fear of boats c. fear of water b. fear of swimming d. fear of open spaces 9. Safaris are not fun for people with a —L_.' 9 . a. fear of zoos c. fear of animals b. fear of cats d. fear of cameras 10. The roar of Hons would greatly frighten someone with a ? 10. '•—— a. fear of animals c. fear of Africa ^ .... b. fear of the jungle d. fear of cats

e four un- common wors . Choose one of the words, find or encyclopedia, and write a

72 The Suffixes -phile and -phobia Copyright O 1988 lloughlon Mif(Uu Company. AH rights reserved.