1 Preparation of this data base was made possible in part by the financial support of the National Institute of Chiropractic Research 2950 North Seventh Street, Suite 200, Phoenix AZ 85014 USA (602) 224-0296; www.nicr.org Definitions of Chiropractic word count: 16,993 filename: Chirodefinitions 03/09/28 Joseph C. Keating, Jr., Ph.D. Color Code: 6135 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85012 USA Red & Magenta: questionable or uncertain information (602) 264-3182;
[email protected] Green: for emphasis Definitions: medics fifty votes. The chiropractic law was enacted during that session. 1910: D.D. Palmer’s The Science, Art & Philosophy of Chiropractic: the Chiropractor’s Adjuster includes (p. undated (circa 1920): “Questions of Interst to Prospective 223): Students of Chiropractic and Their Answers”; published by Chiropractic is a name I originated to designate the science and the National College of Chiropractic, 20 N. Ashland art of adjusting vertebrae. It does not relate to the study of Boulevard, Chicago (pamphlet); includes: etiology, or any branch of medicine. Chiropractic includes the 1. What is chiropractic? science and art of adjusting vertebrae – the know how and the Chiropractic is the science and art of removing the cause of doing. disease by the adjustment of displaced vertebrae thereby relieving -(p. 539): impingement upon the nerves passing through the intervertebral Chiropractic is defined as being the science of adjusting by foramina. The word “Chiropractic” is derived from two Greek hand any or all luxations of the 300 articular joints of the human words, “cheir,” hand, and “praktikos,” efficient. (For further body: more especially the 52 articulations of the spinal column, for information in answer to this question, read the “Chiropractic the mission of freeing any or all impinged nerves which cause Catechism.”) deranged functions.