The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials
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Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials 12-5-1879 The Waterville Mail (Vol. 33, No. 25): December 5, 1879 Maxham & Wing Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Agriculture Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 33, No. 25): December 5, 1879" (1879). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 849. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. grand old stars and et'ripos gracefully . adorns the main building. Hark!—tint nsincss ^atba. 1 crowti cheers I Wo hear muaic 1 They 'are coming 1 i Willi tired eyes wo watch the grand G. S. PALMER, 1 prooes.sion. it is divided Into five divi sions. j fi lore our correspondent gives plcas- ovor Ahlon r*roV Jt-w’ftln Stor I ant details of tho acvcriU divisions; but opposite l*fio))le*a i\’jtt‘l Hftnk. JLnsinKNofe- -corner Goilegn und Gctchell Sts. as Congress has crowdetl ilaoll into Wasli- iiigton Inlnreats since slio wrote, wo give { mn now 'prepnrrd to administer pure JifilrOfifi Oxifle 6’fU', which 1 ihall constantly her the room for “ wliip-snaps" at them, keep pivhand for those who wish for thU aosss- in future letters.-—A’d.j Cbetw wbcu having teeth eztraoteu. 0. S. PALMER. Presidciil Hayes reviewed tho proces Watcrvllle, Jan. 1, 1878. sion ns it passed tlio While House, wliicli • was gaily decorated with -flags. All^y TIIK VOl,. XXXIII. WATEItVILLE, ME.............EKIDAY, pECEMIJEll 6, 1871). NO. 25. tlio review, the immense throng made it ■ grand rush for tho lltli street “circle,” Liverpool & London wliere the unviiillug ceremonies ot the said Stella; “but what 1 liavo lieard vituperation, blaming iter for all .she OUR TABLE. lutcrbllle Mull. Thomas statue were to take place. &.Globe li«ceUttu|i. tl;em cbiellv extolled for is their uiialfect- lia<l been obliged to undergo. Every hotly went, and thinking “logo ’’ INSUKANCE CO , OF ENGLAND. cdncBs and gimd sense. Though they In time, however, she thought belter National Repository.—The De niiiat bo llic proper llii’jg to do, wc went. El’H. MAXHAM. DAN'L It. WING. U. S. Office, 48 William Street, Nc,» York. are really tlin leaders of society liuro, of it. Finding that her quiet litllu cousin cember number conUin» a i<ii|uTiiirliKt iit arti To say llicro was Foiiielliing of a crowd cles; and we mito umouR them an iilnstraterl KOlTOns AND rtlOrlllKTORS. Aaieta, f3o,oou,00o. Losaes paid, (70,t)00,uoo ttiey are as quiet and unassuming us—well, liad the cnfrcc’into society, sho consented wonltl 1)0 blit a fnliil description of tho DECRESCENDO. ns true noliility ot clinracter makes one, aketdh lit • The Upper Sloliawk Valley,' by llcv. 6 CHAS. K. MATHEWai Ageiit. to treat Iter upon more eqiiiil terms ; but (). T. Mom; a deeply inlcrcatinR nurrativo ot sen t)f liunRui beings which packed every I suppose. I am glad they liavo called site never forgot tho huniilialion, or the tho life of ■ I’Idlip William Uttcrbein.’ by foot of gniiind for squares iu the vicinity BT LAUNCEraOT. Du. Frku II. Fai.ks Is tlio first occti- F. A. WAl.l>R09r. upon Oarnel. It may really be consid lesson ol that day’s defeat. Itiahop ,t. Weaver; the ‘ llomance of Obriot- ol tlie “ eirele.” By tho way, we enjoy mna.’ Frof. F. Colby; ' Mailamo do la Thbhr ia nn aplendor nn tho nhadowy failln, ered quite nn honor." by JI. | p.aut of Dunn Illoek, liaving been driven a “good liiiggiiig.” under eortaln cir- Their getidn of gold tho wood.<i no lunger “They have seen her, and she Boston in 1780.—Boston, a town con- IVochofoiioanld ' fa aeoond paper.) by M™. .Ma- j. j j j j ATTORHEY AND COUNSELLOR ry I.. Dickinaon; nod ‘ Tlie Queen of El Doiie qu;ulet's by a leaky root, eumstanees, but wlioii n great brawny wear; is 80 pretty 1’’said the gratified mother. mining about cigliteen jlnmsnnd iiiliabi- •' fellow,” taking advaiilage of the jam, -A.T LA.W, A dreamy base the empty welkin filla, do,* by It. I’’. DeCoata, in wliieli tlio author lie is now ])lo;isaiitly loenled inj neat *• Yes, Garnet Is beautiful,” replied taiits, is built on a aerai-i.slaiitl wbieb is proven that by Klilorado waa aiRiiilicd a peraoll pretends be has " no room to pul his riltBNlX BLOCK. And mgnaa ntrango,fuul silence everywhere. greater in length Ilian in Ijreadth. I and coiuiuodioiis rooms in tlie N, W. end W ATB^VIIiXiE, JS/IA.IITE. Estelle; adding in her lioart, “if only and not a place. Tho intereatinR atory ' My arms,” dellhorately llirows them nroim 1 Soto fur the lonely bittern's wistful cry tlie mind corresponded to tho outer lliink tli'it it is largor than Geneva.— I.and of Iteulab' obwea autiafactorily, tliongu of the elegant new block, second story, rather abrnptiv. Tw'i or three noleotiona aro our, nearly liugoing the breath of Fmm fondless marshes floating drearily; slirine.” There are gardens, meailows and orch where lie will he pleased to .see his old lilo out of tlie hotly—lliai is quite another MISS EMILIE S. PHILLIPS, Or pluver's fltful plaint borne shrilly by; Meanwhile, Garnet, gratified and trl- ards in the centre of the town, and each timely and well prepared. I'bc nanal Editori Or wail of wares blown from the far-off sea. al Miacollany olo«c8 thin excellent number ot frieud.s iiud alt wlio desire his profession , , Teacher of Instrumental Music. nmphant, entered the handsome parlor family has generally a house to itself. the lleiamitory, From afar, wo get a good view of tho Onn yon bleak sh»pc. by sl<|||rly freezing spring. of ibu hotel. Here and there ingroups Those liotises are seldom liigher lliau one rnblinhod by llitcbciwk & Walden, Cincin al servicc.s. Uesiuknof. on Sherwin Street. Toe quivering geese by sudden instinct fired, benulllullv decorated " circle;” but the eat visitoit, ladies and gentlemen, and or two stories. They are of brick or nati. at $3 H year. seeiie. when Ike largo flags which vailetl Wave wide with clamoruns criea their windy wood, covered with boards and slale.s, PuKRi.o, Colorado, luust be a pl;ice of wirigs, tlie young girl was delighted at tho sen Goi.dkn Hours, wliose briglit pages the statue, graeeftiily dropped to the Btferencet__E. ToonjKS, Dr, of Muaio, and liaving Hat roofs and in nmny places cousidenitdo imporianee, willi a largo tRor. Bt. a. Emkbt, of N. E. Cona. of Muaic, As if t4> summer realms they fain aspired. sation caused by her appearance. For munt be a deliglit U; young rcadere. in the De ground, disclosing llie beautiful statue fioaton. 0110 little moment Garnet was confused, lightning conductors, nearly all of which cember muiiber aurp.-iaaea even iU former bril- and tliriviug pupidation about it, for 2'hr. crowned wltli bay and olive, cannot bo And in tho pasture, comfortless and bare, as approaching a small and well-dressed arc tliree pointed. Tliere an; one or two iiant numbers and gives pnimiae tif even bet Where shelter scant the shuddering birches ChU'ftain, the local paper, a copy of wliieb described. group of people, she said, speaking to a slraiglit streets; there arc no remarkable ter thinga for the coming year. 'I'hcre are al- J. K. SOULE, yield; wayn the beat of atorioa in tbia magazine, it ia is sent us by our old friend, John A. Just as tlic last sound of cheering died Patbetio in their patience, dumbly stare lady, “ Mrs. May. I presume.” public buildings. There is a very spa readable and iiiatructivc in the beat aeiiae of away, a grand eliorus of male voices, Teaciier of ]VL-a;-:ic. The huddling sheep across the snow-fiocked ’• O, no, tliat is Mrs. May by tho win cious harbor, protected by tislands, which thoao terma, and ;iitogctUer one of the very Ithodes, is a haud;omo slieet of thiity- aceoiiipauietl with tlio roll ot drums, WATEBVILLE, WE. field. dow,” responded the lady, pointing to leave only two narrow channels, a slate beat pnblicationa for the children. Hitcbc»wk A Walden, putdiahera, Cincinnati. Subacrip- six columns, with a half slieet supplement oiHinou and bands of music, sang the Where orewhile lisped the willow all the day another circle with her Ian. of things renderiug the town impregna Pupils esn leave tlilr nddrees at Hendrick tioii price <i!i.tiO, of eighteen coluiiiiis. Four coliiniiis d “ Grand Hymniis ” coniposetl for the ik'- %an'a Bookatore. In sweetest mystery to the impassioned ‘‘ Mercy, mamma,’’ exclaimed Annie ble if fortified. This is all that I have to CBiinon aeeonipaiiitlicut stream; slock hramls ii. the ailverlisiiig—sliowiiig easion. Tlie pro May, ns the ovtir-drcssed Garnet came tell you about Boston. The inhabitants duced a grand eflect, and was perfectly DEALER IN FIRST CLASS A shivering skeleton stands stark and gcay» are devoid of delicacy, lionor and knowl SfK.Ni) Yocit Money at Home.—It is The phantom of a once delicious dream. toward them, “ wo have evoked a rain the,aiiimals in silluiucttc, with tlie marks eoiidiieled. PIANOM AND ORUANS. bow !" edge, and there is nut mucli to be said your home; you eatiuui impiovi- it mucli hy taking yoitr muiiey awiiy to spend or in white—have ft fanny look.