“音乐古籍与文献保护与利用”研讨会专题报告 A Thematic Report for Music Literature Preservation Forum and Workshop

民族音乐数字化保护的研究与实践 Research and Practice of Digitalized Protection of Folk Music

谢庆生 教授 Prof. Qingsheng Xie 贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 National Music Digital Protection & Research Center of University 2012-5-21,Beijing 内容提要 Outline


Preserving the Diversity of Folk Music Makes Colorful Human Culture


Approaches to Preserve the Diversity of Folk Music


Digital Technology Makes Folk Music More Culturally Rich and Varied

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

在不同的文化生态环境中,人类创造了多样的民族文化,音乐是其中的重要组成部分。 千百年来,世界各民族不同的文化生态环境创造了多样化的民族音乐。中国有56个民族, 多样化的文化生态环境创造了历史悠久、多彩多姿的民族音乐,是人类音乐宝库中的重 要组成部分。

In different cultural and ecological environments, humans have created various folk cultures, of which music is an integral part of great significance. For thousands of years, different cultural and ecological environments all over the world have created diversified folk music. China is a large country with 56 nationalities, where a variety of cultural and ecological environments have given birth to time-honored and colorful folk music, which is regarded as an important part in the treasure trove of human music.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

以贵州为例,几十万年前就有人类居住。最早居民主要是仡佬族先民,后来苗瑶族系的 苗族、瑶族由东向西进入贵州;氐羌族系的彝族、白族从西向东进入贵州;百濮族系从 西北进入黔东北;百越族系的布依族、侗族、水族、毛南族由南向北推进。早在秦汉时 期,贵州就成为了四大族系的交汇处。

People lived in Guizhou as early as the Neolithic period, the earliest being the ancestors of the Gelao nationality. Later, other nationalities migrated to Guizhou from different locations: the Miao and the Yao moved westward from the east; the Yi and the Bai came eastward from the west; the Tujia came to northeast Guizhou from the southwest; and the Buyi, the Dong, the Shui and the Maonan moved northward from the south. Dated back to the Qin-Han Period (221 B.C.-220 A.D.), Guizhou had become a home to the four major clans.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

贵州具有独特的地理环境,喀斯特地貌为主,93%的地区为山地和丘陵,长期较为封闭。 逐步形成了苗、布依、侗、 土家、彝、仡佬等17个世居少数民族。长期历史演变中,各 民族间的不断征战、迁徙,不同部族分裂、消失和融汇。不同民族以“大分散、小聚居” 格局在全省分布,保持和发展着独特的文化,包括民族音乐。

Guizhou has its distinctive geographic characteristics of karst landform; mountains and hills constitute 93% of the total area of Guizhou. As a result, this province had been isolated from the other places and thus gradually created 17 ethnic minority groups including Miao, Buyi, Dong, Tujia, Yi, and Gelao. They live in the province in a pattern known as “large distribution but small concentration”, with each group retaining and developing its unique culture which includes its folk music.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

在元、明之前,贵州仍是“夷多汉少”。以苗族为例,82个支系分布在乌蒙山脉和苗岭 山脉,不同支系既有共性又有差异。对此,200余年前清人陈浩(清嘉庆初年曾任八寨理 苗同知)所著《八十二种苗图并说》有生动的描绘。如今,陈浩描绘的这些文化生态多样 性仍然可见。

Before the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) and the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Guizhou was a place where more ethnic nationalities outnumbered the Han nationality. Take the Miao, for instance. It comprises as much as 82 branches living along the Wumeng Mountain Ridge and the Miaoling Mountain Ridge, but all branches share both similarities and differences. Chen Hao, a county magistrate in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), commissioned a book called The Illustrated Records of Various Miaos which gives a vivid description of the Miao people’s life. Even today, the cultural diversity described by Chen Hao can still be seen.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

《八十二种苗图并说》 82 ancient picture about Miao

车寨苗﹒行歌坐月:其实并非指 苗族而是侗族 ,图中所描绘的是 侗族青年男女“行歌坐月”(侗 族男女社交活动和婚恋择偶的主 要方式)的场景。

Chezhai Miao, “Xing Ge Zuo Yue”: First mentioned in A Hundred Miao Paintings, it actually refers to the Dong instead of the Miao. The picture depicts a scene of a song party of the Dong, which is the occasion for young men and women to make friends and find their partners.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

《 八十二种苗图并说》 82 ancient picture about Miao

花苗﹒花场乐舞:盛行于小花苗 支系的跳花开场仪式,是青年男 女社交,求偶示爱的民俗文化活 动。

Hua Miao, Dance on the Flower Ground: Popular among the Small Flower branch of the Miao, it serves as the opening ceremony of “Flower Dance” as well as an occasion for the young men and women to make friends and find their partners.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

《八十二种苗图并说》 82 ancient picture about Miao 贵阳﹒布依乐舞:有不同的演 奏方式,较常见的是将铜鼓横 挂于架子上敲打,敲击不同部 位能获得不同的音色,有“战 鼓号角”的功能。

Guiyang, Buyi Copper Drum Dance: It is played in various ways, the most common of which is beating the drum hung on a shelf. Different timbres are made by beating different parts of the drum and was used as drums and horns in times of war. 贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

《八十二种苗图并说》 82 ancient picture about Miao 黑苗﹒芦笙乐舞: 芦笙乐舞重 在技艺表演,群体性踏节而舞的 芦笙,是少数芦笙歌高手才能表 演的芦笙;其形态具有一定的审 美意蕴和艺术完整性。 Hei Miao, Lusheng Dance: Lusheng dance values the skills in its performance. It is performed by the few excellent Lusheng players and the others dance to the beats of the music. It possesses certain aesthetic value and artistic integrity.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-1 特定文化生态环境形成多样性的民族音乐 Particular Cultural and Ecological Environments Gave Birth to Diverse Folk Music

实例:贵州黔东南苗族的文化生态环境《对歌对到日落坡》MV Example: Cultural and Ecological Environments of the Southeast Guizhou《 A Qingshui River Song of Love》MV

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-2 多样性的民族音乐是人类共同的精神财富 Diversified Folk Music is the Common Spiritual Wealth of Mankind

多样性的民族音乐是全人类共同的精神财富,它使得人类的精神生活变得丰富多彩。 以贵州为例,当地世居的17个少数民族音乐都各具特色,其中,苗族、侗族、布依族、 水族、仡佬、彝族、瑶族、土家族等民族的音乐十分丰富。由于特殊的自然与人文环境, 贵州民族音乐带有很强的山地农耕文化色彩。

As the common spiritual wealth of mankind, diversified folk music makes the spiritual life of man rich and colorful. The 17 ethnic minority groups in Guizhou have all created distinctive folk music of its own. In particular, the Miao, the Dong, the Buyi, the Shui, the Gelao, the Yi, the Yao and the Tujia all have a rich repertoire of folk music. Because of its special natural and human environment, folk music in Guizhou possesses features of farming culture.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-2 多样性的民族音乐是人类共同的精神财富 Diversified Folk Music is the Common Spiritual Wealth of Mankind

下面是贵州民族音乐的一些实例,充分表现了民族音乐的多样性。 The following are some instances of folk music in Guizhou, which can fully demonstrate the diversity of folk music.

苗族飞歌,音调高亢嘹亮,豪迈 奔放、情绪激昂,演唱时歌声越 过峻岭沟壑,有强烈的穿透力和 感染力。

The Flyings Songs of Miao: The songs create strong appeal with loud and clear tones as well as lively rhythm. The Miao sing flying songs on most festivals such as the New Year, the Sister Festival, the Guzang Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival.

实例:黔东南台江县桃籁乡·苗族飞歌 贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-2 多样性的民族音乐是人类共同的精神财富 Diversified Folk Music is the Common Spiritual Wealth of Mankind

实例:黔东南黎平县小黄村 侗族蝉之歌 侗族大歌:多声部、无指挥、无伴奏。利用声腔模拟鸟叫虫鸣、高山流水等自然之音,称声音大 歌,拉腔时几个歌手轮换唱高音,使高音之间此起彼伏,低音一般由其他歌手齐唱一个长音。 The Grand Song of Dong: Multi-part singing without a conductor or any musical instrument accompaniment. Singers make the sounds of birds, insects, as well as flowing water. Several singers alternate for the high pitches, making the rise and fall; where as the other singers constitute the bass with one single tune.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-2 多样性的民族音乐是人类共同的精神财富 Diversified Folk Music is the Common Spiritual Wealth of Mankind

实例:黔南 三都县 水族·单歌

水族单歌:较强的抒咏 性,多歌唱于田野山坡、 河畔树林,传统卯节谈 情说爱时应和对唱的歌 曲体裁之一。

The Shui Singing: Mainly chanting, the Shui sing in the fields and on the hillsides, by the rivers and in the woods. It is mostly sung at the Mao Festival (a courtship festival).

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-2 多样性的民族音乐是人类共同的精神财富 Diversified Folk Music is the Common Spiritual Wealth of Mankind

实例:黔西北威宁县 彝族民歌·小表妹

彝族情歌:情绪起伏跌宕, 旋律自然流畅,以浪漫委 婉的方式表达爱慕之情。

Yi Love songs: Innovations have been made in the melody, rhythm and styles. Mainly sung by the young to express their love.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

经济全球化进程推进了文化全球化,一方面增进了民族之间文化的交融与理解, 另一方面在市场化、商业化等因素作用下,文化单一化的趋势日益明显。

Economic globalization has given impetus to cultural globalization. This has enhanced the cultural blending of different nationalities. In the process, however, marketization and commercialization have resulted in cultural homogenization.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

民族文化多样性与各民族的文化传承、生存状态、社会结构、经济基础等诸多因素构成 的文化生态环境相关,是民族物质与精神文明发展在不同历史阶段的产物。文化多样性 对于人类长期生存与发展至关重要,它是人类社会进步的重要动力。

Diversity of folk cultures is closely related to the cultural and ecological environments consisting of cultural inheritance, living conditions, social structure and economic base. It is the history accumulation of the material and spiritual civilization. As such it is essential to human survival and development; as such it is an important driving force for the progress of human society.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

随着工业化、城镇化、信息化、全球化的进程加快,世界各国、各民族的传统文化生态 环境发生了显著变化,文化趋同倾向明显,民族音乐多样性正在迅速改变。在贵州可以 看到民族音乐多样性正在迅速改变的典型实例。

With the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization, informationization and globalization, significant changes have taken place in traditional cultural and ecological environments of various ethnic groups all over the world. Cultural homogenization has become an inevitable trend that rapidly changes the diversity of folk music. In Guizhou, typical examples of such changes can be found.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

实例:参阅《苗族民歌》(中国音乐研究所 编,1957年,音乐出版社),可以看到过去 55年,贵州省黔东南州台江县的苗族音乐发 生了显著变化。

Example : By referring to Folk Songs of the Miao People (Music Research Institute, 1957, Folk Songs of the Miao People. Beijing: People’s Music Publishing House.), we can see the remarkable changes that have taken place in the Miao people’s music in Taijiang county of southeast Guizhou over the past 55 years.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

在《苗族民歌》的引言中编者写到:“我们选择黔东南州台江县为调查重点。该县聚居 着苗族同胞6万余人,占全县总人口百分之九十二以上。台江县蕴藏着丰富的苗族民间 音乐,尤以民歌更为突出。长扬嘹亮的“飞歌”处处可闻。男女老少,人人善唱”。

In the Forward of Folk Songs of the Miao People, the editor wrote: “We have chosen Taijiang County of Southeast Guizhou as our major object of the survey. Over 60,000 Miao people live here, accounting for 92% of the total population. Taijiang County is a place rich in Miao folk music, represented by its folk songs. Wherever we go, we can hear people singing flying songs, loud and clear. It seems that all Miao people, male and female, old and young, are good at singing.

注:2010年,台江县人口为16万,苗族占全县总人口97%。 贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

“我们的音乐调查从1957年5月开始至8月底结束,在语言、服饰、经济生活、音乐特点 等不同的五个地区进行采访,搜集到苗族乐类约二十多种(包括古歌、牯藏歌、“游方” 歌(情歌)、酒歌、龙船歌、鬼师歌、鼓乐等),曲调约五十种,歌词267首(3224 行),录音约十四小时,写出调查文字报告约拾万字”。

Our survey lasted 4 months from May to the end of August in the year 1957. Interviews were conducted in 5 areas with different languages, costumes, economic life and music characteristics. We have identified and collected 20 categories of Miao folk music (including Miao ancient songs, sacrificing songs, love songs, toasting songs, dragon boat songs, ghost teacher songs, and drum music), 50 tunes, 267 songs with lyrics (3224 lines), 14 hours’ recording and have completed a written report of about 100,000 words.”

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

如今现状:经我们2012年1月在台江县进行了调研。随着城镇化、市场化和现代化进程 的加快,当地的文化生态环境与55年前有了很大的变化, “男女老少,人人善唱”的状 况已经有了改变,很多苗族青年不再能掌握丰富的曲调,擅长民歌演唱的主要是少数年 长歌师。当代音乐对年轻一代产生了较大影响。苗族没有文字,音乐主要靠口口传承, 一些苗族民歌已濒临消失。

In January 2012, we carried out a similar survey in Taijiang County. It is found that local cultural and ecological environments have become substantially different from 55 years ago as a result of urbanization, marketization and modernization. Many of the Miao youths, influenced by modern music, are unable to sing various folk songs or folk tunes. Only a few elderly minstrels can still sing folk songs and some Miao folk songs are on the verge of disappearing. This is also resulted by the fact that the Miao people have no written words and folk songs are mainly passed on orally.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 1-3 文化生态环境的变化使得音乐多样性改变 Changes in Cultural and Ecological Environments Lead to Changes in Music Diversity

例如,苗族古歌,是我国流传下来的唯一非宗教性史诗,较完整地记载了苗族西迁的过 程。古歌属五言体结构,押苗韵,生动地反映了苗族先民对天地、万物及人类起源的认 识和对祖先功绩的赞颂,充满了浪漫主义和理想主义色彩,被列为中国非物质文化遗产。 如今,在称之“苗疆腹地”的台江县约16万苗族同胞,能完整演唱苗族古歌已寥寥无几, 还有约二百余人还能演唱一些不完整片段,而且都是中老年人。

Take the Miao ancient song, for instance. It is the only epic song in existence which records how the Miao people migrated westward from the east. In each line there are five characters and it is rhymed in the Miao language. Full of romanticism and idealism, the Miao ancient song praises the Miao ancestors’ great achievements and vividly reflects how the ancestors understood heaven and earth, all things, as well as human origin. It has been enlisted among the “Intangible Cultural Heritage in China”. At present, however, about 200 Miao out of a total population of 130,000 in Taijiang County can sing some parts of the ancient song, and most of them are middle-aged or elderly.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 内容提要 Outline


Preserving the Diversity of Folk Music Makes Colorful Human Culture


Approaches to Preserve the Diversity of Folk Music


Digital Technology Makes Folk Music More Culturally Rich and Varied

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-1 提高全社会保护民族音乐多样性的意识 Enhance the Awareness of Preserving the Diversity of Folk Music

加强全社会保护民族音乐的法律意识。《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产法》于2011年 6月1日起施行。2012年3月30日,贵州省颁布了《贵州省非物质文化遗产保护条例》。 该条例结合贵州省的实际,加强了对各种传统文化表现形式的保护,其中包括音乐、舞 蹈、戏剧、曲艺和杂技等,还包括口头文学、传统礼仪、节庆等民俗等。

Legal consciousness of folk music preservation has been enhanced with the implementation of The Law of the People's Republic of China on Intangible Cultural Heritage. On March 30, 2012, “ Guizhou Province Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Ordinance” was enacted by the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress of Guizhou. The ordinance takes the reality of Guizhou into consideration and strengthens the protection of traditional cultural expressions including music, dance, dramas, acrobatics and other folk arts, as well as folk customs such as oral literature, traditional etiquettes and traditional festivals.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-1 提高全社会保护民族音乐多样性的意识 Enhance the Awareness of Preserving the Diversity of Folk Music

加强全社会保护民族音乐的文化自觉。通过政府机构、社会团体、新闻媒体等,大力引 导全社会重视对包括民族音乐在内的文化多样性的保护。努力让更多的人认识到,文化 多样性是人类的共同遗产,这种多样性是构成人类的各种群体和各种社会必须的基本特 性,是人类文明交流和创造的源泉,对人类社会来讲就像生物多样性对维持生物平衡一 样重要。

Cultural awareness of folk music preservation has been raised. Government agencies, together with community groups and the news media, has taken constant effort to raise public awareness of cultural diversity protection, of which folk music is an inherent part. More and more people have come to realize that cultural diversity is a common heritage of mankind and a necessary characteristic that help build various groups and societies, and that cultural diversity is the source of cultural communication and creativeness that is important to human society just as bio-diversity is to biological balance.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-2 创造民族文化生态环境,让民族音乐持续传承 Improve Culture and Ecology to Carry on Folk Music

在城镇化、工业化进程加快的情况下,积极创造民族文化生态环境,让年轻一 代能够获得良好的民族文化教育,从而加强对民族音乐传承与保护的力度。

Facing the accelerating urbanization and industrialization, positive efforts have been made to create such folk cultural and ecological environments that enable favorable culture education, which, in turn, has strengthened protection of folk music.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-2 创造民族文化生态环境,让民族音乐持续传承 Improve Culture and Ecology to Carry on Folk Music

实例:引导民族艺人推动音乐 传承。在黔南三都县,每年水 族的卯坡节上都要选拔优秀民 族歌师,由政府提供资助,负 责向年轻人传授民歌。

Example: Guide folk artists to promote folk music inheritance. In Sandu Shui Autonomous County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, outstanding minstrels are selected at the Mao Festival of Shui, who will be provided with government provincial aid to teach 三都 水族卯节盛况 young people folk songs.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-2 创造民族文化生态环境,让民族音乐持续传承 Improve Culture and Ecology to Carry on Folk Music

实例:黔东南州采取民族音乐进课堂的 方法,在当地中、小学中对本民族孩子 进行民族音乐教学。

Example: In southeast Guizhou, folk music is taught in primary schools and middle schools. (Illustration: A Dong music teacher is teaching pupils Dong Lute Songs in Chejiang Central Primary School.)

榕江县车江中心小学的侗族音乐教师,向小学生传授 侗族琵琶歌弹唱

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-3 将民间音乐提升为艺术,由专业艺人保护与传承 Make Folk Music an Art that can be Protected and Inherited by Professional Artists

随着现代社会发展进程的加快,不同区域的民族文化生态环境将不可避免会发生改变。 同样,贵州山地农耕文化生态环境正在逐渐变化。将贵州少数民族自娱自乐为主的民间 音乐提升为表演艺术,由专业艺人进行传承与表演,这是对民族音乐多样性可持续保护 的有效途径。

With the acceleration of society development, folk cultural and ecological environments in various places will inevitably undergo changes. In fact, the farming cultural and ecological environments of Guizhou are gradually changing. One effective way to enable sustainable protection of folk music diversity is to change the folk music to a performance art from a form of self-entertainment.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-3 将民间音乐提升为艺术,由专业艺人保护与传承 Make Folk Music an Art that can be Protected and Inherited by Professional Artists

实例:黔东南台江县反召乡苗族青年潘兴周、潘成增, 两位土生土长、热爱本民族音乐的小伙子,通过专业 培养已成长为杰出的专业民族歌手。毕节威宁县彝族 女孩阿鲁阿卓,经过专业学习和培养,成为总政歌舞 团独唱演员,获得中国声乐最高奖“金钟奖”金奖、 中央电视台“全国青年歌手电视大奖赛”金奖。

Example: Pan Xingzhou and Pan Chengzeng, two young men of Miao from Taijiang County in southeast Guizhou are professional folk song singers who love 苗族歌手 苗音组合 the Miao folk music. Through professional training, they have become outstanding in their skills and performance, which helps promote and popularize Miao folk music. Aluezhuo, a Yi girl from Weining Yi, Hui, and Miao Autonomous County of Bijie Prefecture, began to love Yi folk music since childhood. After professional learning, she has now become a soloist of General Political Department Song and Dance Ensemble and won gold medals at Golden Bell Award for Popular Music Contest as well as at the 11th National Young Singer TV Grand Prix. 彝族歌手 阿鲁阿卓

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-4 加强民族音乐文献的整理与研究 Strengthen Collection and Research in Folk Music Literature

自上世纪五十年代以来,贵州省先后组织大量人力,编撰出版了《中国民族民间器乐曲 集成•贵州卷》、《中国民间歌曲集成•贵州卷》、 《中国曲艺音乐集成•贵州卷》、 《中国戏曲音乐集成•贵州卷》、 《侗族大歌研究五十年》、《贵州少数民族音乐》、 《本土乐话》、《贵州少数民族音乐文化集粹》等一大批音乐专著与文献,研究贵州民 族音乐文化的传承与表现形式,整合现有文献与数字资源,建立贵州省民族音乐的资源 档案库。目前正在逐步建立多媒体数据库,有效地保护和传承了民族民间音乐。

Since the 1950s, considerable efforts have been made in compiling and publishing books on inheriting and performing folk music and culture in Guizhou province. A folk music archives has thus been established with a multimedia database under construction, which will effectively preserve and carry on folk music in Guizhou. Books published include Integration of Chinese Folk Instrumental Music-Guizhou volume, Integration of Chinese Folk Songs in China-Guizhou volume, Integration of Chinese Folk Arts-Guizhou volume, Integration of Music-Guizhou volume, Research of Dong Grand Songs in 50 Years, Ethnic Folk Music in Guizhou, Native Music of Guizhou, and A Collection of Guizhou Ethnic Folk Music Culture.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-5 采用现代技术加快民族音乐样本的保存 Apply Modern Technology to Speed up the Preservation of Folk Music Samples

当前民族文化生态环境变化迅速,多样性的民族音乐正在濒临消失。现代数字技术为保 护宝贵的民族音乐样本提供了良好条件。一方面我们积极维护民族文化生态环境,尽力 保护民族音乐的多样性。另一方面我们充分利用数字技术,以音频、视频、文字、图片 等方式,最大限度地保存民族音乐时间样本的真实性、可还原性。

Diversified folk music is on the verge of disappearing as a consequence of rapidly changing cultural and ecological environments. Fortunately, modern digital technology has provided favorable conditions for protecting folk music samples. On the one hand, we have spared no effort to maintain a good ecological environment in order to preserve the diversity of folk music. On the other hand, we are making full use of digital technology to protect the authenticity and restorability of folk music samples in forms of audio, video, words and pictures.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-5 采用现代技术加快民族音乐样本的保存 Apply Modern Technology to Speed up the Preservation of Folk Music Samples

我们建立了民族音乐数字化研究与保护的专业实验室,开展相关关键技术研究,完善了 民间音乐田野考察技术系统,构建了民间音乐多媒体海量数据库、分布式异构信息系统 等技术支撑系统。现阶段,重点开展对贵州苗族、侗族、布依族、水族、仡佬、彝族、 瑶族、土家族等8个少数民族的音乐样本进行数字化采集与保护, 加快建立贵州民族音乐 多媒体数据库。

We have established a specialized laboratory for research and protection of digitalized folk music, where relevant key technology research has been carried out, the technology system for field study of folk music has been improved, and a massive multi-media database of folk music and a distributed heterogeneous information system has been built up. At present, the major task of the laboratory is to collect and protect the music samples of 8 ethnic groups – the Miao, the Dong, the Buyi, the Shui, the Gelao, the Yi, the Yao, and the Tujia.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-5 采用现代技术加快民族音乐样本的保存 Apply Modern Technology to Speed up the Preservation of Folk Music Samples

民间音乐田野考察系统 The system of investigating folk music

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-6 加强民族音乐保护理论的研究 Promote Research in Theories of Preserving Folk Music

在推进贵州省民族音乐保护的过程中,我们开展了“民族音乐文化生态学”、“民族民 间音乐田野考察学”、“民族音乐数字化保护”、“民族文化多样性动态保护”、“贵 州世居少数民族音乐类别与形态”、“民族音乐形态模型与智能识别技术”等理论的研 究,初步形成了一套民族音乐多样性保护的理论体系。

In the process of promoting preservation of folk music in Guizhou, we have initiated researches into theories such as folk music and culture ecology, field study of folk music, digitalized protection of folk music, dynamic protection of folk culture diversity, music categories and patterns of ethnic groups in Guizhou, models of folk music patterns and intelligent recognition technology. A theoretical system of protecting folk culture diversity has gradually come into existence as a result of our efforts.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 2-7 加强民族音乐公共基础设施建设 Increase Input in Construction of Folk Music Infrastructure

整合民间与政府的相关资源,加强贵州省民间音乐数据库的建设,并在此基础积极推动 民族音乐博物馆与民族音乐数字图书馆的建设。在保护贵州民族音乐多样性的同时,大 力推动民族音乐的普及教育与高层次人才培养。

Both government resources and non-government resources have been integrated to increase input into the construction of Guizhou Folk Music Database, which will serve as the basis for constructing the Folk Music Museum and Folk Music Digital Library. At the same time of protecting folk music diversity, we have strived to promote universal education of folk music and training of high-level personnel.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 内容提要 Outline


Preserving the Diversity of Folk Music Makes Colorful Human Culture


Approaches to Preserve the Diversity of Folk Music


Digital Technology Makes Folk Music More Culturally Rich and Varied

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 3-1 数字保护为音乐创作提供了丰富素材 Digital Protection Provides Rich Material for Music Composition

民族音乐数字化保护是一项庞大的基础性工程,它为最大限度保存民族音乐多样性提供 了可能,能够便捷地实现对海量民族音乐素材的检索、体验、鉴赏、参考和利用,为现 代音乐创作提供了极其丰富和高品质的素材,为不同类型的音乐创作提供了优良的支撑 条件。

Digitalized protection of folk music is a major basic project which makes it possible to best preserve the diversity of folk music as well as to best support researching, experiencing, appreciating, referring to and making use of mass folk music material in music composition of various types.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 3-2 数字技术突破了音乐创作的时空限制 Digital Technology Breaks the Constraints of Time and Space in Music Composition

采用数字技术能够实现对多种环境、不同时间段的民族音乐样本进行采集、加工和存储, 使得数字时代的音乐家能够突破时空的限制,体验不同年代、不同区域的多样性民族文 化生态和多样性民族音乐,从而极大地激发和提升了音乐家的创作能力,为创造出更加 个性化和创新性的音乐提供了技术支撑。

Digital technology has enabled the collection, processing and storage of folk music samples of different environments and different times. It has also enabled musicians to break the constraints of time and space to experience diversified folk culture and folk music from various generations and various places. In turn it has inspired and enhanced the musicians’ creativity and as such has provided technical support for composing music which can be more personalized and more creative.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 3-3 数字技术增强了音乐作品的推广能力 Digital Technology Enhances the Promotion of Music

数字技术不仅为获取不同类别音乐的元素提供了便利,还为,为音乐作品的推 广创造了更好的传播手段和技术支撑条件。

Digital technology has not only facilitated obtaining elements of different types of music but also provided favorable means of communication and technological support to ensure successful music promotion.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 3-3 数字技术增强了音乐作品的推广能力 Digital Technology Enhances the Promotion of Music

实例:我们利用数字技术,获取了世界其它民族的音 乐元素,创作了拳击运动歌曲《永远都是英雄》(中、 英文双语)。该音乐被国际拳联(AIBA)确定为会歌, 成为我国第一首被国际体育组织采用的体育音乐,在 国际奥委会体系的所有拳击赛事(奥运会拳击赛、世 界拳击锦标赛、亚运会拳击赛等)中播唱。

Example : Applying digital technology, we composed a song “Forever Hero” (in both Chinese and English) for boxing by obtaining elements from folk music all over the world. This song has become the AIBA theme song. As the first song used by an international sports organization in Chinese music history, it is played in all boxing events organized and approved by International 《永远都是英雄》(中、英文双语) Olympics Committee.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 3-4 数字技术促进了民族音乐的交流合作 Digital Technology Promotes the Exchange and Cooperation of Folk Music

随着数字化、网络化、云技术等数字音乐技术的发展,为音乐交流与合作提供了便捷的 条件、高效的手段和高端的技术,使得不同方面的音乐人能够突破时间与空间的限制, 开展对音乐的欣赏、研讨、创作、制作等全方位的合作,极大地提高了民族音乐交流的 范围和水平。

With the development of digital music technology such as the internet and the cloud technology, the exchange and cooperation of different folk music has become more convenient and efficient. Musicians of various aspects are now able to break the constraints of time and space to advance all-round cooperation including appreciation, researching, composition and production, which has greatly improved the scope and level of folk music exchange.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 3-4 数字技术促进了民族音乐的交流合作 Digital Technology Promotes the Exchange and Cooperation of Folk Music

实例:《杜鹃花开》是采用贵州黔西北彝族音乐元素创作的一首彝族情歌。我与中央音 乐学院著名萨克斯演奏家李满龙教授、中央民族大学作曲系主任、著名作曲家张朝教授 之前未曾见过面,通过数字化技术的支撑,合作完成了彝族情歌《杜鹃花开》萨克斯曲 的创作,其中包括对原创音乐的沟通与理解、演奏编曲、萨克斯与乐队协奏、音乐合成 与制作等。

Example: Azalea in Bloom is a Yi people’s love song with elements of Yi folk music. I have never met Prof. Li Manlong, the famous saxophonist from the Central Conservatory of Music. Nor have I ever met Prof. Zhang Chao, the famous composer and Dean of Music Composition Department of Minzu University of China. However, with the support of digital technology, we were able to create the saxophone music of Azalea in Bloom. Our cooperation included communication, comprehension of the original song, playing the music arrangement, saxophone and orchestra playing, synthesizing and producing the music.

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 3-4 数字技术促进了民族音乐的交流合作 Digital Technology Promotes the Exchange and Cooperation of Folk Music

《杜鹃花开》萨克斯曲 Saxophone《Azalea in Bloom》

贵州大学民族音乐数字化保护与研究中心 数字释放人类能力 网络拉近世界距离

In Digital We Soar On Network We Feel 谢谢大家 THANKS!
