History and Directory of Motherwell
M£. /.A«c%'-'$ m&& zMm * * % This Popular Pianoforte is the Surprise of all who see it. In Walnut. Rosewood, and Ebonised Cases. Double Frame, Iron Frame, and Wocden Frame, giving double strengtli Brass Pin Plate, good Check Action, Pinned Hammers (English Felt), Full Trichord, Half Top, Incised Panels with Flower Centre and Bracket, Trusses, Swiss Pine Sounding Board, Reeded Checks, Brass Sconces, Full Compass, Seven Octaves (A to A), Height 4- feet, Light and Easy Touch, Excellent Tone. Warranted for five years. List Price, 30 Guineas. Delivered Carriage Free on payment of 12s 6d. This Pianoforte can only be had from J. MARR, WOOD, & CO., LD., Piano Makers to H.M. the Queen, and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 42 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. JUST READ THIS! WHY? BECAUSE YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. THE GLASGOW m* BOOK AND STATIONERY wfiT WAREHOUSE, 177 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. of Literature, BOOKS]! BOOKS ! BOOKS ! in all departments at 3d per Is discount. HYMNARIES, in Cloth Binding, from 3d to 2s each — words also in Staff Notation, only ; Sol-fah, 8d, lOd, ami 2s 6d ; 2s 6d. HYMNARIES—A Large Stock always oa hand of Fancy Leather Bindings. 3d per Is discount allowed on these. BIBLE and HYMNARY Combined together. Large Stock to choose from— Is upwards. SCHOOL BOOKS—A Well-assorted Stock on hand at 3d per Is discount. Others not in stock procured on shortest notice. FAMILY STATIONERY a Specialty, 120 Sheets Superfine Note Paper, either Silurian or White, Printed with your Address, for Is 6d complete. Envelopes to suit, 6d per 100.
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