Name of Committee Area Committee

Date of Committee 23 September 2008

Report Title Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation

Summary Following formal advertisement of the speed limit review proposals, objections have been received for the following routes:- 1. Warwick Area. 2. A4189 Hampton Road. 3. A4189 Henley Road/Gannaway Road. 4. A425 Southam Road, . 5. A429 Coventry Road, Warwick (3 Sections). 6. A429 Warwick Road, Barford. 7. A429 Coventry Road, . 8. A445 Leamington Road, . 9. A452 Banbury Road, Warwick. 10. A452 Europa Way, Leamington. 11. A452 Kenilworth Road, Leamington. 12. B4087 Oakley Wood Road, Bishops Tachbrook. 13. B4100 Barford Road, Warwick. 14. B4113 Stoneleigh Hill/ Stoneleigh Road. 15. B4113 Stoneleigh Road, Blackdown. 16. B4439 Old Warwick Road, (2 Sections).

Those routes which have generated objections are summarised within the attached Appendices A-S, and officers responses have been included. Therefore, it is recommended that each objection is considered separately by this Committee and that due consideration is given to officers recommendations contained within the appendices. For further information Jo Edwards please contact Senior Road Safety Engineer Tel. 01926 412028

Would the recommended Yes/No decision be contrary to the Budget and Policy Framework?

Background Papers Objection correspondence.

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Other Committees ......

Local Member(s) ...... (With brief comments, if appropriate)

Other Elected Members ......

Cabinet Member ...... (Reports to The Cabinet, to be cleared with appropriate Cabinet Member)

Chief Executive ......

Legal X I Marriott – comments incorporated.

Finance ......

Other Chief Officers ......

District Councils ......

Health Authority ......

Police X Please see Appendices.

Other Bodies/Individuals X Parish Council, Emergency Services, Road Haulage Associations.

FINAL DECISION YES/NO (If ‘No’ complete Suggested Next Steps)

SUGGESTED NEXT STEPS : Details to be specified

Further consideration by ...... this Committee

To Council ......

To Cabinet ......

To an O & S Committee ......

To an Area Committee ......

Further Consultation ......

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Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation

Report of the Strategic Director for Environment and Economy


It is recommended that each proposal which has generated objections is considered separately by this Committee and that due consideration is given to officers’ recommendations contained within the appendices.

1. Introduction

1.1 Following the formal advertisement of the speed limit review proposals, those proposals which have generated objections are summarised within the attached Appendices A-S, and officers responses have been included. Therefore, it is recommended that each proposal is considered separately by this Committee.

2. Background

2.1 In 2007 a new Speed Management Strategy was approved by the Council. This covers 3 key areas: Education, Engineering and Enforcement. The setting of speed limits is a key element of this strategy. The Speed Limit Review on all A and B roads was developed in response to this strategy and Department for Transport (DfT) guidelines (Circular 01/2006). The review was carried out in two parts:-

(i) A technical review of all A and B class roads by officers. (ii) A consultation exercise to determine community concerns.

2.2 The technical review was completed at the end of 2007. The findings from this review were determined by using the criteria of the Councils Speed Management Strategy i.e. analysing the existing speed data to identify the mean speeds of drivers, the environment and nature of the road and any relevant injury accident data.

2.3 The Speed Management Strategy places great importance on community concerns, and refers to the environmental impact of traffic and the level of public anxiety. Therefore, in order to address this, feedback was sought through a wide range of media including, the production of a speed limit review website

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and the development of a speed limit review brochure. In addition, local radio and local newspapers have been used extensively.

3. Speed Limit Review Seminar

3.1 A seminar was held on the 11 March 2008, which consisted of Local Members and officers. The purpose of the seminar was to identify (section by section for each route), whether the consensus of views expressed by the local community supported or opposed the findings of the technical part of the review. As a result of this exercise, a number of changes were made to the proposals, to incorporate the views of the community.

3.2 Following the seminar, Warwick Area Committee (6 May, 2008), gave approval to legally advertise the speed limit changes, and to carry out a statutory consultation exercise.

4. Statutory Consultation

4.1 Legal notices advertising the speed limit review proposals were placed on the roads and in the press on the 17 July 2008, with an objection period from 17 July to the 8 August 2008.

4.2 Letters were sent inviting comments on the proposed Orders to the Local Member, Parish Council, Warwickshire Police, Emergency Services, Road Haulage Associations and other external organisations.

5. Objections

5.1 Following formal advertisement of the proposals objections have been received and these are listed in Appendices A-S.

5.2 The legal process of advertising and receiving objections is only intended to consider proposals to change speed limits, however, objections have also been received for stretches of road where no changes are proposed. Strictly speaking these objections are outside the process but it was felt Members should be informed of them and they are listed in Appendices T-U. Changes to the speed limits on new stretches of road would require new formal procedures.

6. Enforcement of Speed Limits

6.1 In making decisions on these orders Members should be aware that the Police only have very limited resources for enforcing existing or new speed limits.

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7. Conclusion

7.1 It is recommended that each proposal is considered separately. Any amendments to the proposed speed limit changes would need to meet the criteria of the Speed Management Strategy, as approved by Cabinet in September 2007.

PAUL GALLAND Strategic Director for Environment and Economy Shire Hall Warwick

8 September 2008

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Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


General Objection

1. Objector and Reasons – Mr K Brickell: Proposals are only to appease the government and the do-gooders. There are no viable reasons to reduce speed limits.

2. Objector and Reasons - Mr S Bagley: Various speed restrictions confuse people leading to congestion or sudden braking increasing the risk of accidents. Increase in revenue through speeding and fines.

3. Objector and Reasons – Mr Adrian Clayton: What cost to implement changes, better way to spend money. 20mph limit at school start and finish times is one suggestion. Biggest threat are dangerous drivers and these are not always the fast drivers.

4. Objector and Reasons – Mr P Edwards: Why is the knee jerk reaction to any kind of traffic problem to reduce the speed limit and then undoubtedly enforce it with a speed camera.

5. Objector and Reasons – Mr H Baker: The enthusiasm for this policy must be because it supports revenue gathering and unproductive employment. Lowering speed limits is unnecessary and unenforceable. More signage clutter. Speed doesn’t kill, lack of care does.

6. Objector and Reasons - Mr A Weston: Object to the speed limits being reduced. (Mr Weston provides no grounds for his objection.)

Officers Comments – Research has shown that there are many benefits in reducing speed limits, as long as they are appropriate for the environment of the road. In addition to reducing accidents and the severity of injuries, there are many environmental benefits as a result of lower speed limits. There is a legal requirement to ensure that all speed limits are signed appropriately to provide drivers with sufficient information. With regard to 20 mph speed limits at school times, this has not been approved as policy within the County and there are no plans to introduce this. There are no additional speed cameras being installed as part of the speed limit review.

Recommendation – It is recommended that the speed limit review proposals within the Warwick area are implemented as advertised.

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Appendix B of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/3 A4189 Hampton Road (Drawing No. SLR/W/3/B)

Existing Speed Limit: 40 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 30 mph

Objector and Reasons – Mr M Campaign: Object on the grounds that it should be extended further. Location of 30 mph limit does not take into account consideration the footpath a few yards before the start of the current 40 mph. This path is being used much more particularly by people using bus stops on A4189 who cross the (currently unrestricted) road to board buses just yards from the start of the speed limit.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the 30 mph limit.

Officers Comments – This section of road is very rural in nature, and extending the 30mph speed limit gateway into this environment by 150 metres would create a section that gives no cues to the driver as to a 30 mph limit. It could also reduce the level of adherence to 30 mph for vehicles passing the entrance to the Chase Meadow estate.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix C of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/3 A4189 Henley Road/Gannaway Road (Drawing No. SLR/W/3/C)

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

Objector and Reasons – Warwickshire Police: Mean speed of traffic is not currently at or below the proposed 50 mph limit. The very essence of what a road user would consider to have a national speed limit. Dft circular 1/2006 seem to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. There is currently a mobile casualty reduction camera site on this stretch. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new unserviceable enforcement burden. Reducing the speed limit alone will have little effect and should not be seen as an alternative to more costly engineering solutions. By-product of added infrastructure, sign clutter and presence or maintenance vehicles will create hazards for road users.

Officers Comments – The environment of this road is windy and undulating and mean speeds of 51.5 mph reveal that many drivers find the 60 mph inappropriate. The mobile enforcement site will provide support in aligning vehicle speeds with the new 50 mph limit. There has been strong support for this proposal from Parish councils in both Warwick and Stratford districts.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix D of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/4 A425 Southam Road, Radford Semele (Drawing No. SLR/W/4/A(i))

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

Objector and Reasons – Mr G Leeke: This important commuting route consists of well engineered sections of carriageway, few houses, good visibility. Signage would adversely affect rural route. Money could be better spent elsewhere.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50 mph limit.

Officers Comments – This section of road fulfils the criteria for a 50 mph limit outlined in circular 01/2006, with vehicle mean speeds of 49 mph. There is a legal requirement to ensure that all speed limits are signed appropriately to provide drivers with sufficient information.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix E of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/5 A429 Coventry Road, Warwick (Drawing No. SLR/W/5/A(i))

Existing Speed Limit: 40 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 30 mph

Objector and Reasons – Mr M Brown: Speed limits have little effect on traffic speed (unless rigorously enforced). The design and nature of the road, and the local environment and prevailing conditions are more significant factors contributing to a drivers choice of speed. Cannot imagine how the new speed limit will make my journey across the Coventry Road from the Woodloes Park any easier or safer.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 30 mph limit.

Officers Comments – The 30 mph section will make the speed limit more consistent as it ties-in with the existing 30 mph limit south of Nelson Lane, and is appropriate due to the urban environment and busy pedestrian usage of this stretch of road. There is a signalised crossing for pedestrian use when crossing the Coventry Road, and reducing vehicle speeds should improve crossing opportunities.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix F of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/5 A429 Coventry Road, Warwick (Drawing No. SLR/W/5/B(i))

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 40 mph

1. Objector and Reasons – Mr M Brown: Speed limits have little effect on traffic speed (unless rigorously enforced). The design and nature of the road, and the local environment and prevailing conditions are more significant factors contributing to a drivers choice of speed.

2. Objector and Reasons – Warwickshire Police: Mean speed of traffic is not currently at or below the proposed 40 mph limit. The very essence of what a road user would consider to have a national speed limit. Dft circular 1/2006 seems to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new unserviceable enforcement burden. Reducing the speed limit alone will have little effect and should not be seen as an alternative to more costly engineering solutions. By-product of added infrastructure, sign clutter and presence or maintenance vehicles will create hazards for road users.

Officers Comments –There have been strong concerns expressed to the Council from residents requesting a 40mph limit on this stretch of road. Additional engineering is being installed, including interactive signs and red surfacing to ensure vehicle speeds are in-line with the 40 mph limit. There have been 8 collisions along this 800 m stretch in the last 3 years giving a collision rate/km/year of 3.33, which far exceeds the county average. Research has shown that reducing speed limits does influence vehicle speeds, as long as they are appropriate for the environment of the road.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix G of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/5 A429 Coventry Road, Warwick (Drawing No. SLR/W/5/C(i))

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

Objector and Reasons – Mr M Brown: Speed limits have little effect on traffic speed (unless rigorously enforced). The design and nature of the road, and the local environment and prevailing conditions are more significant factors contributing to a drivers choice of speed.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50mph limit.

Officers Comments – Mean speeds of 45 mph and 85% of 50 mph fulfil circular 01/2006 criteria for a 50 mph limit and suggest that this limit would be self-regulating. There have been strong concerns expressed to the Council from residents and Councillors requesting a 50 mph limit. This will have the added effect of bringing vehicle speeds down on approach to the onset of the 40 mph limit north of the Saxon Mill public house, which will enhance compliance within the 40 mph section. Research has shown that reducing speed limits does influence vehicle speeds, as long as they are appropriate for the environment of the road.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix H of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/5 A429 Warwick Road, Barford (Drawing No. SLR/W/5/C(ii))

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

Objector and Reasons – Barford and Joint Parish Council: Welcome the news of the speed limit reduction. Regrets that the 50 mph limit is insufficient to counter all the threats on the road as far as Wasperton. Including pedestrians crossing, turning out of the village. Wasperton turning has poor sightlines and is increasingly hazardous. Recommend 40 mph from Longbridge to Wasperton turn off.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50mph limit.

Officers Comments – This stretch is not suitable for a 40 mph limit, with mean speeds currently at 50.8 mph and a lack of frontages. This would require extensive engineering to bring vehicle speeds down, and without this, the limit would be unlikely to be adhered to. Moreover, a 40 mph limit could encourage dangerous overtaking manoeuvres.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix I of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/5 A429 Coventry Road, Kenilworth (Drawing No. SLR/W/5/B(iii))

Existing Speed Limit: 40 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 30 mph

Objector and Reasons – Warwickshire Police: Mean speed of traffic is not currently at or below the proposed 30 mph limit. Is very essence of what a road user would consider to be 40 mph. Speed data confirms this with good compliance of existing limit. Dft circular 1/2006 seems to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new unserviceable enforcement burden. Reducing the speed limit alone will have little effect and should not be seen as an alternative to more costly engineering solutions. 30 mph limit will remove 40 mph repeater signs which are a regular reminder of the current limit.

Officers Comments – This proposal has strong public support from residents and Councillors. The environment of the road is heavily urban due to new housing developments towards the northern end of the section, which will indicate to drivers that the limit is 30 mph. Interactive signs are being installed to align vehicle speeds with the 30 mph limit.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix J of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/6 A445 Leamington Road, Bubbenhall (Drawing No. SLR/W/6/F)

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

Objector and Reasons – Mr and Mrs Barlow: We live a few hundred metres from Western Lane towards Leamington, outside the proposed limit. Risk our lives every time we pull into our drives especially since there is a dangerous bend with poor visibility. Traffic frequently exceeds 60 mph limit. Also, traffic should be slowed well before the junction.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50mph limit.

Officers Comments – The limit was intended to slow traffic through the village of Bubbenhall and was extended to include the junction. Extending it further could reduce the impact of the 50 mph limit at the village due to the very rural nature of the road between Weston Lane and Bubbenhall. Mean speeds of 47.7 mph suggest that traffic is not exceeding the current 60 mph limit.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix K of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/7 A452 Banbury Road, Warwick (Drawing No. SLR/W/7/A)

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

1. Objector and Reasons – Mr G Leeke: This important commuting route consists of well engineered sections of carriageway, few houses, good visibility. Signage would adversely affect rural route. Money could be better spent elsewhere.

2. Objector and Reasons – Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council: Proposal is a waste of resource. Road is wide with excellent sightlines and alignment. Majority of collisions are clustered at 2 locations. Signs will add clutter. Will encourage ‘rat-run’ through the village and higher traffic flows on roads such as Harbury Lane.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50 mph limit.

Officers Comments – Mean speeds of 47.8 mph support the proposed 50 mph and suggest that most drivers would find this limit appropriate for the environment of the road. There have been 20 collisions along this stretch in the last 3 years giving an accident rate/km/year of 3.92, which far exceeds the county average. There is a legal requirement to ensure that all speed limits are signed appropriately to provide drivers with sufficient information.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix L of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/7 A452 Europa Way, Leamington (Drawing No. SLR/W/7/B)

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

Objector and Reasons – Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council: Proposal is a waste of resource. Has excellent alignment and working width, speed limits will not be self enforcing. Signs will add clutter. Will encourage ‘rat-run’ through the village and higher traffic flows on roads such as Harbury Lane.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50 mph limit.

Officers Comments – This road fulfils criteria set out in Dft circular 01/2006 for a 50mph limit, with mean speeds of 43.6 mph. 85%ile of 50.8 suggests that the majority of traffic is already adhering to the proposal, and that it will be self enforcing. Unlikely therefore that road users use different routes.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix M of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/7 A452 Kenilworth Road, Leamington (Drawing No. SLR/W/7/G)

Existing Speed Limit: 50 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 40 mph

Objector and Reasons – Warwickshire Police: The mean speed is not currently at or below the proposed 40 mph limit. Two-way high quality rural road, with few residences and bounded by open countryside. Very essence of a national speed limit road. Dft circular 1/2006 seem to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new unserviceable enforcement burden. Reducing the speed limit alone will have little effect and should not be seen as an alternative to more costly engineering solutions. By-product of added infrastructure, sign clutter and presence or maintenance vehicles will create hazards for road users.

Officers Comments – Current mean speeds of 41 mph suggest that vehicles would find a 40 mph limit appropriate for the road. The environment includes some accesses and one severe junction with Hill Wootton which has a poor collision history. There have been 12 collisions along this stretch of road in the last 3 years, giving a collision rate/km/year of 2.48 which is well above the county average.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix N of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/8 B4087 Oakley Wood Road, Bishops Tachbrook (Drawing No.SLR/W/8/C(ii))

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

1. Objector and Reasons –. Town Council: Should have a 30 mph limit as there have been accidents on that road and vehicles do travel at excessive speeds along that section of the road.

2. Objector and Reasons – Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council: Fully support the reduction to 50 mph, however opportunity has been missed to maximise safety along the Safer Route to School on the B4087 at the crossroads with Harbury Lane.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50 mph limit.

Officers Comments – This section does not meet the criteria for a 30 mph limit, due to the environment of the road being rural and vehicle speeds being too high. Mean speeds of vehicles and road environment support a 50 mph limit.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix O of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/10 B4100 Barford Road, Warwick (Drawing No. SLR/W/10/A)

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

1. Objector and Reasons – Mr G Leeke: This important commuting route consists of well engineered sections of carriageway, few houses, good visibility. Signage would adversely affect rural route. Money could be better spent elsewhere.

2. Objector and Reasons - Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council: Proposal is a waste of resource. Road is wide with excellent sightlines and alignment. Majority of collisions are clustered at 2 locations. Signs will add clutter. Will encourage ‘rat-run’ through the village and higher traffic flows on roads such as Harbury Lane.

Police Comments – Warwickshire Police do not support the proposed 50 mph limit.

Officers Comments – This section of road meets the criteria for a 50 mph limit. There is a legal requirement to ensure that all speed limits are signed appropriately to provide drivers with sufficient information.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix P of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/14 B4113 Stoneleigh Hill/ Stoneleigh Road (Drawing No. SLR/W/14/A-B)

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 50 mph

1. Objector and Reasons – National Farmers Union: Should be 40 mph limit from Stoneleigh Abbey to Stoneleigh Hill, where 30 mph should replace the 40 mph limit. Flashing signs should be installed. Request a right turn lane to access RASE from Stoneleigh side or roundabout at junction of Stoneleigh Park and Stareton Road.

2. Objector and Reasons Warwickshire Police: Object to section 2 only (Stoneleigh Village to Berricote Roundabout). Mean speed is not at or below the proposed limit. Wide, two-way rural road with few properties and bounded by open countryside on both sides. The very essence of a 60mph road. Dft circular 1/2006 seem to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new enforcement burden. By-product of added infrastructure and presence or maintenance vehicles will create hazards for road users.

3. Officers Comments – 40 mph limit does not meet Dft criteria, due to the rural nature of the road and the speed of vehicles being too high. There is a low personal injury collision rate at the junction therefore a roundabout or right turn lane would not be cost effective in reducing casualties. High levels of public support for this proposal.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Appendix Q of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/14 B4113 Stoneleigh Road, Blackdown (Drawing No.SLR/W/14/C)

Existing Speed Limit: 60 mph Proposed Speed Limit: 40 mph

Objector and Reasons Warwickshire Police: Mean speed is not at or below the proposed 40 mph limit. Wide, two-way rural road with few residences and bounded by hedgerows on both sides. The very essence of a 60 mph road. Dft circular 1/2006 seem to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new enforcement burden. By-product of added infrastructure and presence or maintenance vehicles will create hazards for road users. There is no engineering which could reduce the mean speed enough to make this self enforcing and bring it in-line with Dft circular 01/2006 of the County Councils own speed policy.

Officers Comments – Mean speeds of 41 mph were recorded on this road. Interactive signs are being installed to bring down driver speeds to within the 40 mph limit. There have been strong concerns expressed to the Council from residents and Councillors requesting a 40 mph limit.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

areaw/0908/ww2a 2.9.08 A17 of 21 Appendix R of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation

W/16 B4439 Old Warwick Road, Lapworth (Drawing No. SLR/W/16/E(i))

Existing Speed Limit: 60mph Proposed Speed Limit: 40mph

1. Objector and Reasons – Mr R Cockayne: Proposals are unwanted and unnecessary. Excellent compliance with speed limit and traffic problems peak at less than 250/hour – hardly a recipe for danger. Few houses on the one side. You should not be ignoring your own findings on speed, traffic volume and accidents to spend some £16,000 on a scheme which in reality will not change anything and has little general support from SLOWER members.

2. Objector and Reasons – Mr M Polgreen: Your own technical review recommended 50mph on the grounds of safety, traffic volume and appearance of the road. Council have ignored this advice based on facts and cited local concern as a reason for 40mph. This local concern has been whipped up by exaggerations and untruths from a local pressure group SLOWER. I believe that most residents would consider 50mph to be reasonable.

3. Objector and Reasons – Warwickshire Police: Speed data is not anywhere near at or below the proposed 40mph limit. It is the very essence of what a road user would consider to be subject to a national speed limit. Dft circular 1/2006 seem to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new unserviceable enforcement burden. Reducing the speed limit alone will have little effect and should not be seen as an alternative to more costly engineering solutions. By-product of added infrastructure, sign clutter and presence or maintenance vehicles will create hazards for road users. There is no engineering measure that can bring it inline with Dft 01/2006 of the County Councils own speed policy.

4. Objector and Reasons – Paul Biggs: Reducing a speed limit below what is reasonable reduces compliance. Compliance is currently excellent. The Warwickshire technical team found 50mph is a safe and reasonable limit. Legitimate and important thoroughfare both locally and regionally. No evidence that speeding is a major factor in reported accidents.

Officers Comments – This proposal has very strong public support from residents, Parish Councillors, Local Member and Local MP. Interactive signs, road surfacing and markings are being installed to bring down driver mean speeds of 43mph to within the 40mph limit.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


W/16 B4439 Old Warwick Road, Lapworth (Drawing No. SLR/W/16/E(ii))

Existing Speed Limit: 60mph Proposed Speed Limit: 30mph

1. Objector and Reasons – Mr M Polgreen: This was a last minute addition by Lapworth Parish Council for which there is no supporting evidence.

2. Objector and Reasons – Warwickshire Police: No speed data available. Of 3 collisions in last 3 years, 1 involved a tree falling on a car and 2 were a result of manoeuvres. Dft circular 1/2006 seem to imply changing the speed limit should be seen as the last resort, not the first. Unlikely the new limit would be as effective in maintaining compliance and change would introduce a new unserviceable enforcement burden. Reducing the speed limit alone will have little effect and should not be seen as an alternative to more costly engineering solutions. Will move the readily identifiable gateway to Lapworth onto a section that will have no appropriate signs to a driver of a 30mph limit. Runs the risk of actually diminishing the effectiveness of the existing 30mph limit.

3. Objector and Reasons – Paul Biggs: Reducing a speed limit below what is reasonable reduces compliance. Compliance is currently excellent . Legitimate and important thoroughfare both locally and regionally. No evidence of that speeding is a major factor in reported accidents. 30mph is unsupported by the speed data.

Officers Comments – The 30 mph limit at Kingswood is being extended to encompass the entrance to the Boot Inn Public House. This proposal has received high levels of public support from local residents, the County Councillor and Parish Council, and the local MP. Gateway features including red surfacing and 30 mph roundels will be in place to ensure the start of the 30 mph limit has maximum impact on driver speeds.

Recommendation – It is recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised.

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Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


B4087 Tachbrook Road,

Existing Speed Limit: 50mph No Proposal to Change Speed Limit

Objector and Reasons – Mr G Leeke: Speeds across the Harbury Lane and Tachbrook Road junction are dangerously high, especially at rush hour. Traffic densities have increased notably. The new safer routes to school cycleway will be linking Bishops Tachbrook and Warwick Gates and it makes sense to bring the speed limit at the junction down from 50 mph to 30 mph.

Officers Comments – All A and B roads were considered during the technical review and this section does not meet the criteria for a 30 mph limit, due to the environment of the road being rural and vehicle speeds being too high.

areaw/0908/ww2a 2.9.08 A20 of 21 Appendix U of Agenda No

Warwick Area Committee - 23 September 2008

Speed Limit Review Objections to the Statutory Consultation


B4087 Oakley Wood Road, South of Bishops Tachbrook

Existing Speed Limit: 60mph No Proposal to Change Speed Limit

Objector and Reasons – Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council: South of the village is confined by hedges, sharp bends, and floods regularly. Many vulnerable road users on this stretch. Traffic uses to bypass Europa way. Worthwhile candidate for speed limit reduction.

Officers Comments – All A and B roads were considered during the technical review and this section was not recommended for a reduction in speed limit. There is a low collision rate on this section.

areaw/0908/ww2a 2.9.08 A21 of 21 Drawing No: SLR/W/3/B No: Drawing Proposed 30mph Speed Limit Speed 30mph Proposed Warwick Road, Hampton A4189 23rd September 2008 September 23rd Warwick Area Committee Area Warwick NTS KEY Proposed 30mph Limit 30mph Proposed Ref No: Ref Purser Drive Purser SLR/W/3/B Hampton Road Hampton A4189 Drawn Hampton Street JN Checked St Laurence Avenue JE Appendix B Appendix Drawing No: SLR/W/3/C No: Drawing Proposed 50mph Limit 50mph Proposed 23rd September 2008 September 23rd Warwick Area Committee Area Warwick A4189 Henley Road/ Gannaway Road Gannaway Road/ Henley A4189 NTS KEY Proposed 50 mph Limit mph 50 Proposed District Boundary District Hatton Road Hatton Ref No: SLR/W/3/C No: Ref M40 Henley Road Henley A4189 Drawn JN Warwick Checked Purser Drive Purser JE Appendix C Appendix Drawing No: SLR/W/4/A(i) No: Drawing Proposed 50mph Limit 50mph Proposed 23rd September 2008 September 23rd Warwick Area Committee Area Warwick A425 Southam Road Southam A425 NTS KEY Proposed 50mph Limit 50mph Proposed Lewis Road Lewis Radford Semele Radford Ref No: Ref SLR/W/4/A(i) SouthamRoad A425 B4455 FosseWay Drawn JN Checked Appendix D Appendix Boundary JE District Drawing No: SLR/W/5/A(i) Appendix E


Proposed 30mph Limit

Primrose Hill Roundabout

Coventry Road A429

Nelson Lane

NTS Ref No SLR/W/5/A(i) Drawn JN Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 A429 Coventry Road Proposed 30mph Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/5/B(i) Appendix F


Proposed 40mph Limit

Saxon Mill

Coventry Road A429

Primrose Hill Roundabout

NTS Ref No SLR/W/5/B(i) Drawn JN Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008

A429 Coventry Road Proposed 40mph Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/5/C(i) Appendix G

KEY Proposed 50mph Limit

Leek Wooton Roundabout


Coventry Road A429

Saxon Mill

NTS Ref No SLR/W/5/C(i) Drawn JN Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 A429 Coventry Road Proposed 50mph Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/5/C(ii) Appendix H


11 Hotel 26

The Old House 1


4 14

Issues BM 48.28m 2

LB 56.3m Sinks 48.5m Sherbourne STRATFORD ROAD B 4463 A 429

Tudor Close Brook B 4463 Longbridge Pond

49.7m Longbridge Manor Longbridge

PH The Cottage

Pond Hotel El Sub Sta


3 B4463 Longbridge STRATFORD ROAD Manor Cottages

Home Farm

Allotment Gardens


31 A 429 A

30 Depot FB

BM 49.73m29

A 46 26 LB

Track A 46 33

A 46 34

Lay-by Track


1 Old The Old Rectory Rectory 2 Cottages 7 VICARAGE GREEN


Issues Lay-by 1 Sherbourne Linden Mead Track

LANE Corner STRATFORD ROAD 6 Touchstone Pond House 48.2m

WATERY LANE Longbridge Brook

27 M 40 A 46 Sherbourne M 40 House

The 24

Stables 5

9 Sherbourne Court

1 5 Sherbourne Little Sherbourne Farm Court

Court 3


2 Sherbourne Priors Garden Pond Farm Court Sherbourne 16 Brook Sherbourne Priors Drain B 4463 Pond Sherbourne Benedict House Priors

Morville A 429




FB 14

TCB Issues

Pond Poplars Farm


B 4463 FB

Sherbourne Manor

Pump House Park Lodge Wier Sherbourne FB The Cottage



Wier BM 48.31m LB 46.6m




13 12

El Sub Sta Brook


Church Farm

47.5m 7

Church Farm 11


A429 to Warwick Drain 8

9 Pond Pond Elmscote Pond Tank


48.8m Woodnooke Tank 0.0 The Bungalow Church Farm House

Orchard Piece Pond



Longbridge Brook Longbridge Barn Cottage 100 Grooms Cottage The Cottage


Stable Cottage Sherbourne Park Track Drain

Pond 44.8m

Cattle Grid 200 Drain Cross

(remains of) BM 46.71m BM

46.6m All Saints' Church


Spring Pond 300

Weir Proposed additional flood culvert flood additional Proposed



Bridge KEY Weir

A 429




II BarfordBridge II Cassia RIVER AVON The WatersEdge Barford Weir House 3 1 2

Foot El

II Bridge Sub



II 12 Sta Proposed 50 mph Limit II



9 1 11





16 VERDON Pp Sta 25 35

15 CHURCHThe New

1 STREETMill House

600 19 20


4 49.4m 25 5a CARTER DRIVE

32 8 PLACE 23 5 21 The

20 New Mill 66

Flood C 19

17 Ho

11 11a

21 15


19 7


35 9

Surgery 12 Glebe QA Form 19 NTS Ref No: SLR/W/5/C(ii) Drawn JN Checked JE 02/96 Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 Warwickshire County Council Reproduced from the Paul Galland Ordnance Survey map Strategic Director of Environment A429 Warwick Road With the permission of the HMSO Controller Licence Number LA 076880 and Economic Strategy Proposed 50mph Limit (c) Crown Copyright Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4SX Drawing No: SLR/W/5/B(iii) No: Drawing Proposed 30mph Speed Limit Speed 30mph Proposed 23rd September 2008 September 23rd A429 Coventry Road, Kenilworth Road, Coventry A429 Committee Area Warwick NTS KEY Proposed 30mph Limit 30mph Proposed Crackley Lane Crackley Ref No SLR/W/5/B(iii) No Ref Coventry Road Coventry Southfield Drive Southfield A429 Drawn JN Checked Crackley Bridge JE AppendixI Drawing No: SLR/W/6/F No: Drawing Proposed 50mph Speed Limit Speed 50mph Proposed 23rd September 2008 September 23rd Warwick Area Committee Area Warwick A445 Leamington Road Leamington A445 NTS Ref No: Ref Leamington Road Leamington SLR/W/6/F A445 Weston Lane Weston Bubbenhall Drawn JN Drawn KEY Proposed 50mph Limit 50mph Proposed Checked JE Checked Pagets Lane Pagets AppendixJ Drawing No: SLR/W/7/A Appendix K

Greys Mallory Roundabout

A452 Banbury Road

KEY Proposed 50 mph Limit M40 Junction 13

NTS Ref No: SLR/W/7/A Drawn JN Checked JE Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 A452 Banbury Road Proposed 50 mph Drawing No: SLR/W/7/B Appendix L

Queensway Roundabout

A452 Europa Way

Greys Mallory KEY Roundabout Proposed 50 mph Limit

NTS Ref No: SLR/W/7/B Drawn JN Checked JE Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 A452 Europa Way Proposed 50 mph Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/7/G Appendix M

Bericote Road

A452 Kenilworth Road

Stoneleigh Road

Old Milverton KEY Lane Proposed 40 mph Limit

NTS Ref No: SLR/W/7/G Drawn JN Checked JE Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 A452 Kenilworth Road Proposed 40mph Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/8/C(ii) Appendix N

Harbury Lane

Oakley Wood Road B4087

Bishop's Tachbrook

KEY Proposed 50 mph Limit

NTS Ref No: SLR/W/8/C(ii) Drawn TH Checked JE Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 B4087 Oakley Wood Road Proposed 50mph Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/10/A Appendix O

KEY Proposed 50 mph Limit

NTS Ref No: SLR/W/10/A Drawn TH Checked JE Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 B4100 Barford Road Proposed 50mph Speed Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/14/A-B Appendix P

KEY Proposed 50 mph Limit

NTS Ref No: SLR/W/14/A-B Drawn TH Checked JE Warwick Area Committee 23rd September 2008 B4113 Stoneleigh Road Proposed 50 mph limit Drawing No: SLR/W/14/C Appendix Q

Bericote KEY Roundabout Proposed 40 mph Limit

Stonleigh Road B4113

Sandy Lane

Blackdown Roundabout

NTS Ref No: SLR/W/14/C Drawn JN Checked JE Warwick Area Committee 28th September 2008

B4113 Stonleigh Road Proposed 40mph Limit Drawing No: SLR/W/16/E(i) No: Drawing Proposed 40mph Limit 40mph Proposed Road Warwick Old B4439 23rd September 2008 September 23rd Warwick Area Committee Area Warwick NTS KEY Boundary County Proposed 40 mph Limit mph 40 Proposed Hockley Heath Hockley Ref No: Ref SLR/W/16/E(i) Old Warwick Road Warwick Old B4439 Drawn TH Boot Inn Boot Checked Appendix R Appendix JE Kingswood Drawing No: SLR/W/16/E(ii) No: Drawing Proposed 30mph Limit 30mph Proposed Lapworth Road, Warwick Old B4439 23rd September 2008 September 23rd Warwick Area Committee Area Warwick NTS KEY Proposed 30 mph Limit mph 30 Proposed Catesby Lane Catesby The Boot Inn Boot The Ref No: Ref SLR/W/16/E(ii) 30mph Boundary 30mph at Kingswood at Drawn JN Mill Lane Checked JE Appendix S Appendix