


August 2016

Oregon Biodiversity Information Center Institute for Natural Resources Portland State University P.O. Box 751, Mail Stop: INR Portland, OR 97207-0751 (503) 725-9950 http://inr.oregonstate.edu/orbic

With assistance from:

U.S. Forest Service Bureau of Land Management U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NatureServe Oregon Flora Project at Oregon State University The Nature Conservancy Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Oregon Department of State Lands Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Oregon Department of Agriculture Native Society of Oregon

Compiled and published by the following staff at the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center: Jimmy Kagan, Director/Ecologist Sue Vrilakas, Botanist/Data Manager John Christy, Wetlands Ecologist/Bryologist Eleanor Gaines, Zoologist Lindsey Wise, Botanist/Data Manager Cameron Pahl, Data Specialist Kathy Howell, Volunteer

Cover Photo: pumicola (Pumice grape-) at Crater Lake National Park. Photo by Dan Mathews.

ORBIC Street Address: Portland State University, Science and Education Center, 2112 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 140, Portland, Oregon, 97201

ORBIC Mailing Address: Portland State University, Mail Stop: INR, P.O. Box 751, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

Bibliographic reference to this publication should read: Oregon Biodiversity Information Center. 2016. Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. 130 pp. CONTENTS Introduction ...... 1 Distribution Information ...... 3 Oregon Map with Ecoregions and Counties ...... 4 Definitions ...... 5 Special ...... 7 Summary List ...... 10 Fish ...... 10 Amphibians ...... 14 Reptiles ...... 15 Birds...... 15 Mammals ...... 20 Invertebrates ...... 24 Animals Arranged by Status ...... 37 Federal Endangered Species Act Status ...... 37 USFWS Species of Concern ...... 38 State Endangered Species Act Status ...... 39 ODFW Sensitive Species ...... 39 ODFW Conservation Strategy Species………………………………………………………………………………………………42 Drops and Name Changes ...... 46 Special ...... 48 Summary List ...... 52 Vascular Plants ...... 52 Marine Algae ...... 98 Liverworts and Hornworts ...... 99 ...... 102 Lichens ...... 107 Fungi ...... 111 Plants Arranged by Status ...... 122 Federal Endangered Species Act Status ...... 122 USFWS Species of Concern ...... 122 State Endangered Species Act Status ...... 123 Drops and Name Changes ...... 125 Plant Field Survey Form ...... 127 Field Survey Form ...... 128 Acknowledgments ...... 129 Codes and Abbreviations ...... 130

INTRODUCTION______Extinction is a natural process. Today, however, More information on the state endangered species plant and animal species are disappearing world-wide programs can be found at the beginning of the at an accelerated pace. Based on current trends, animal and plant sections of this book. almost half of the species on earth could be extinct within the next 100 years. The major reasons for this Oregon Biodiversity Information Center are human caused changes to the environment, which The Oregon Biodiversity Information Center (ORBIC) continue to increase - in Oregon and throughout the is part of the Institute for Natural Resources (INR) world. located at Portland State University (PSU). ORBIC Once lost, a species can never be recovered, and maintains extensive databases of Oregon biodiversity, there is no way of knowing how useful it may have concentrating on rare and endangered plants, been. We do know that human beings and many of animals and ecosystems. ORBIC is affiliated with the their industries depend on plant and animal products. Natural Heritage network with standard information About 50% of all pharmaceuticals have a natural being coordinated by the NatureServe organization component as an active ingredient, yet less than one across the U.S., , and much of Latin America. percent of the world's species have been chemically ORBIC is managed by PSU, but has been a analyzed and tested. Many and plants contain cooperative program with significant support or undescribed and highly functional compounds. assistance from Oregon State University, The Nature Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora, or big-flowered Conservancy in Oregon, the Bureau of Land woolly meadowfoam, a rare plant that grows in Management (BLM), the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), southwest Oregon, has been found to produce a the Department of State Lands, USFWS, OPRD, and with the more common member of the , ODFW. Biologists working for these agencies, Limnanthes alba. This hybrid grows well in the poorly together with the state's herbaria and museums, drained soils of the Willamette Valley and produces a provide most of the information that comprise valuable oil used for soaps, plastic and rubber ORBIC's databases. ORBIC also manages the state production. In addition, the new hybrid meadowfoam Natural Areas Program with OPRD, Section 6 does not require the field burning necessary for other invertebrate program for OPRD, and tracks invasive crops. This species, and many other Oregon natives, species data through the Oregon iMapInvasives will be lost without intervention. The purpose of this program. publication is to provide land managers, owners and This book has been compiled using the most interested parties with a list of those species in current information available on the distribution and Oregon which are in greatest jeopardy. abundance of plants and animals native to Oregon. Taxonomic experts who were consulted for this Oregon State Endangered Species Programs edition are listed in the Acknowledgments section. In 1987, the Oregon Legislature passed an Although based on a large volume of information, it is Endangered Species Act which gave the Oregon by no means complete. Much is known about some Department of Agriculture (ODA) responsibility and species, very little about others. ORBIC welcomes jurisdiction over threatened and endangered plants, additional information or recommendations regarding and reaffirmed the Oregon Department of Fish and any of the taxa listed herein. Such information, as well Wildlife's (ODFW) responsibility for threatened and as data requests, should be directed to: endangered fish and wildlife. Both of these agencies Oregon Biodiversity Information Center have entered into cooperative (Section 6) agreements Institute for Natural Resources with the Fish and Wildlife Service Portland State University (USFWS) for the purpose of carrying out research and Mail Stop: INR conservation programs for animals and plants under PO Box 751 the auspices of the federal Endangered Species Act. Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) has Or send an email to [email protected]. Online versions a similar agreement with USFWS for invertebrates. of this book are at http://inr.oregonstate.edu/orbic.


Outline Criteria and Definitions This book is divided into animal and plant (including Inclusion of any given taxon on these lists is based lichen and fungi) sections. The sections begin with a on several specific criteria. The most important factors description of the animal and plant programs in the are the total number of known, extant populations in state and are followed by the main list of animals and Oregon and world-wide, and the degree to which plants. they are potentially or actively threatened with For animals, the list is first divided into major groups destruction. Other criteria include the number of (fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, and known populations considered to be securely invertebrates) and then arranged alphabetically by protected, the size of the various populations, and the scientific name. Invertebrates are further divided by ability of the taxon to persist at known sites. class and order. is first divided into four The taxonomic distinctness of each species also has groups (vascular plants, non-vascular plants, lichens been considered. Hybrids and questionable or and fungi) and then alphabetized by scientific name. undescribed species have not been included, The information for each taxa includes: the scientific although undescribed taxa that are recognized by the and common names with authorities for plants; scientific community in Oregon are included, county, ecoregion, and adjacent state distribution particularly for fish and invertebrates. These criteria information; the state and federal status; the are also used in development of NatureServe/Natural NatureServe/Heritage Network Global and State Heritage Network species ranks. ranks; and the ORBIC list number. Distribution Definitions and explanations of the various ranks abbreviations are explained below. and federal and state statuses are provided in the Definitions section and summarized on the back inside cover along with a list of abbreviations. A number of definitions and criteria specific to animals (e.g., wintering or breeding ranks in birds) are discussed in detail at the beginning of the animal section of this book.



Distribution Information Counties The distribution information included on the lists Oregon has thirty-six counties. The abbreviations represents both the current and historic, documented used in the book are made from the first four letters distribution of the taxa. of each county name. The county names are: Baker, Distributions for each taxa are listed in the Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, summary species lists in the following format: Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Ecoregions; States (and/or Canadian Provinces); and Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Counties. Out-of-state distribution information is Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, complete for plant and animal taxa on ORBIC List 1 Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, (which are usually Oregon or regional endemics). For Union, Wallowa, Wasco, , Wheeler, and all other taxa, all adjacent states or the closest state Yamhill. The county information included is based on with occurrences will be listed; a plus sign (+) signifies data in the ORBIC database. Please notify us of that the taxa is found in additional states. Taxa with mistakes or omissions. no other states noted are Oregon endemics. For the most part, the Ecoregion, County and State States and Canadian Provinces and Territories distribution is based on both historic and current State, provincial, and territorial distribution is information. Any additional input on distribution will included on the lists primarily to alert biologists to be incorporated in future updates of this publication. the distribution of these rare, threatened, and endangered taxa in adjacent states. The distribution Ecoregions for the more wide ranging species in states not ORBIC divides the state into nine distinct regions adjacent to Oregon is based on published based on geologic and vegetative patterns. The map information and may not be complete. Two-letter and the regions are based on the Environmental postal abbreviations are used to identify these Protection Agency’s Level 3 ecoregions. The regions. States adjacent to Oregon are: Ecoregions are: BM = Blue Mountains, BR = Northern CA = , ID = , NV = , and WA = Basin and Range, CB = Columbia Basin, CR = Coast Washington. Other state and province abbreviations Range, EC = East Cascade Range, KM = Klamath can be found in the "Codes and Abbreviations" Mountains, ME=Marine and Estuarine, WC = West section. Cascade Range and Crest, and WV = Willamette Valley.


4 DEFINITIONS Endangered. Taxa which are in danger of becoming The criteria for the ORBIC lists are as follows: extinct within the foreseeable future throughout all List 1: Threatened or Endangered Throughout Range or a significant portion of their range. contains taxa that are threatened with or Threatened. Taxa which are likely to become presumed to be extinct throughout their entire endangered within the foreseeable future. range. Includes many rare Oregon endemic species. LE = Listed Endangered. Taxa listed by the USFWS or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA List 2: Threatened or Endangered in Oregon but Fisheries) as Endangered under the Endangered Secure Elsewhere Species Act (ESA), or by the ODA or ODFW under contains taxa that are threatened with extirpation or the Oregon Endangered Species Act of 1987 presumed to be extirpated from the state of (OESA). Oregon, but are secure or abundant elsewhere. LT = Listed Threatened. Taxa listed by the USFWS, These are often peripheral or disjunct species which NOAA Fisheries, ODA, or ODFW as Threatened. are of concern when considering species diversity PE = Proposed Endangered. Taxa proposed by the within Oregon's borders. They can be very USFWS or NOAA Fisheries to be listed as significant when protecting the genetic diversity of a Endangered under the ESA or by ODFW or ODA taxon. ORBIC regards extreme rarity as a significant under the OESA. threat and has included species which are very rare PT = Proposed Threatened. Taxa proposed by the in Oregon but secure elsewhere on this list. USFWS or NOAA Fisheries to be listed as List 3: Review Threatened under the ESA or by ODFW or ODA contains taxa for which more information is needed under the OESA. before status can be determined, but for which C = Candidate. Taxa for which NOAA Fisheries or there is reason to believe they may be threatened USFWS have sufficient information to support a or endangered in Oregon or throughout their proposal to list under the ESA, or which is a range. candidate for listing by the ODA under the OESA. List 4: Watch SOC = Species of Concern. Taxa which the USFWS is contains taxa which are of conservation concern but reviewing for consideration as Candidates for listing are not currently threatened or endangered. This under the ESA. includes taxa which are very rare but are currently PS = Partial Status. Taxa for which some but not all secure in Oregon, as well as taxa which are populations have status. declining in numbers or habitat but are still too common to be proposed as threatened or Lists Following Animal and Plant Sections endangered. While these taxa may not currently In addition to the main lists summarizing need the same active management attention as information on animals and plants, this book includes threatened or endangered taxa, they do require the agency lists compiled from the most recent continued monitoring. information available: . Federal and State, listed and proposed animals Drops and Name Changes contains taxa removed (USFWS, NOAA Fisheries, ODFW) from the ORBIC lists or which have had their names . Federal candidate (USFWS, NOAA Fisheries) and changed from the previous edition published in July species of concern (USFWS) animals 2013. . State sensitive animals and Oregon Conservation Strategy species, including designated ecoregions NatureServe/Heritage Network Ranks (ODFW) ORBIC participates in an international system for . Federal listed, proposed and candidate plants, ranking rare, threatened and endangered species and species of concern (USFWS) throughout the world. It was developed by The . State listed and candidate plants (ODA) Nature Conservancy and is now maintained by

5 NatureServe in cooperation with Natural Heritage X = Presumed Extirpated or Extinct. Species not Programs and Conservation Data Centers in all fifty located despite intensive searches and virtually no U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Navajo Nation, likelihood of rediscovery. Tennessee Valley Authority, Puerto Rico, all nine H = Historical, Possibly Extinct. Known from only provinces of Canada, and many Latin American historical occurrences but still some hope of countries. rediscovery. There is evidence that the species may be extinct or the ecosystem may be eliminated NatureServe Rank Definitions throughout its range, but not enough to state this NatureServe network ranks use a 1-5 scale from with certainty. imperiled to secure, based on the number of known U = Unrankable. Currently unrankable due to lack of occurrences, threats, trends, sensitivity, area occupied, information or substantially conflicting information and other biological factors. In this book, the ranks about status and trends. occupy two lines. The Global Rank begins with a "G" NR = Not yet ranked. Status not yet assessed. and represents the status for the taxon’s entire range. NatureServe Rank Qualifiers If the taxon has a trinomial (a subspecies, variety or Q = Questionable . Global ranks sometimes recognized race), the global rank is followed by a "T" have a "Q" at the end. This indicates that there are rank indicator. The State Rank represents the status of questions related to the taxonomic validity of the the taxon in Oregon and begins with the letter "S". taxon. The rank values are summarized below (see Animal ? = Inexact Numeric Rank. Taxa that can be ranked, section for migratory bird ranks): but for which the rank is not certain. Ranks with a

"?" indicate that the rank is probably correct, but 1 = Critically Imperiled. At high risk of extinction due that either documentation is lacking or there is still to extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer populations), some uncertainty. Such ranks are always provisional. very steep declines, or other factors. Range Ranks. A numeric range rank is used to 2 = Imperiled. At high risk of extinction due to very indicate uncertainty about the exact status of a restricted range, very few populations, steep taxon. These can be G1G3, S2S3, etc. Ranges declines, or other factors, often with 6-20 indicate that the predicted final rank would be occurrences. within the range, but with no indication of 3 = Vulnerable. At moderate risk of extinction due to preference among the possibilities. Large ranges a restricted range, relatively few populations, recent (e.g., G1G4) are assigned as Unrankable. and widespread declines, or other factors, often

with 21-100 occurrences. More details on the Natural Heritage Ranking system 4 = Apparently Secure. Uncommon but not rare; and status factors can be found at the NatureServe some cause for long-term concern due to declines web site: http://www.natureserve.org/conservation- or other factors, often with more than 100 tools/conservation-status-assessment occurrences. 5 = Secure. Demonstrably common, widespread and abundant.

6 SPECIAL ANIMALS______Information on Oregon's rare, threatened and normal range, effort is better spent on species which endangered animal species is presented in two are part of Oregon's usual fauna. Additionally, ORBIC formats. The first is a list summarizing the distribution, maintains manual files and observation data for all federal and state status, and Heritage Network rank of animal species in this book. the species. The second format breaks the species ORBIC encourages everyone to send in any into lists based on their status. information, reports or observations for the special In both formats, the special animals are divided into animal species listed. Forms and information on major groups (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, submitting digital reports or location information to mammals, invertebrates), then listed alphabetically by ORBIC can be found at scientific name. The invertebrate summary list is http://inr.oregonstate.edu/orbic/submit-data. unique in being further subdivided into class and order. Animal Lists and Wildlife State Ranks The animals included in this book are those rare, threatened and endangered vertebrate and Fish invertebrate species that are native to Oregon and All vertebrate taxa in this book have published or have (or have had) sustained breeding populations soon to be published valid names, except for some within the state. Open-ocean mammals or sea turtles fish taxa. These fish are represented on the lists by which generally occur offshore and do not breed in their Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) or Distinct Oregon are not included. Wintering bird species and Population Segment (DPS) designations as defined by those which occur on an accidental or occasional NOAA Fisheries or USFWS respectively, under their basis present special problems which are described in ESA responsibility. ORBIC tracks and ranks all listed, the bird section below. proposed and candidate ESUs for anadromous fish. For listed or proposed anadromous fish, spawning Animal Species Tracked and rearing areas are mapped as well as, but ORBIC strives to serve as a clearinghouse of separately from, migratory corridors. As a result, there information on locations of rare, threatened and are a few listed salmon tracked which may never have endangered species in Oregon. The goal is to obtain spawned in Oregon, but which travel through the and computerize information for all locations of all waters of the state. ODFW evaluates and manages state and federally listed animal species. Location data anadromous and freshwater fish populations within is also computerized for other animal species that are areas defined as Species Management Units (SMU). rare (of limited abundance or restricted distribution), For salmonids, these areas generally align with ESUs threatened, endangered or otherwise vulnerable in and DPSs identified by NOAA and USFWS. In cases of Oregon, based on the NatureServe/Natural Heritage sensitive fish species which have no NOAA-identified Network ranks. ESU or USFWS-identified DPS, we track the SMU as Ranking decisions are made based on the best identified by ODFW. available information. Comments on ranks or on the Birds inclusion or exclusion of taxa are welcome. Funds are Avian species are usually placed on the ORBIC Lists not currently available to comprehensively track based on breeding populations. Some species may be locations of all species of concern, ODFW Sensitive common in winter or migration but rare as breeders Species, and Conservation Strategy species, although in Oregon. In these instances it is only the breeding ORBIC tracks as many of these as possible. populations that are of concern (e.g., horned grebe, ORBIC maintains computerized information for all bufflehead). Species that occur in Oregon in animal species on ORBIC Lists 1 and 2. There are migration or as winter residents only are generally not several accidental or occasional breeding birds that considered here, except for especially sensitive are not tracked, even though they rank as vulnerable. species with critical staging or wintering locations in Since most of these species are well outside their Oregon (e.g., Aleutian cackling goose, California

7 brown pelican). There are several bird species that granted limited authority to assist in conserving have nested in Oregon on occasion (e.g., invertebrates through a cooperative agreement with semipalmated plover, black-chinned sparrow) but are the USFWS via Section 6 of the ESA. ORBIC provides not yet considered established breeders. For now, staff to help manage this program. It is hoped that these species are not included on the list, pending with the cooperation of conservation organizations, more accurate determination of their breeding status. state agencies and federal agencies, additional Species of accidental occurrence are also not information can be gathered to help understand and included. conserve rare, threatened and endangered The NatureServe/ORBIC state ranks for migratory invertebrates in Oregon. species (mainly birds) require further explanation. State ranks for long-distance migrants are separated Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s by the breeding and nonbreeding components of the Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive population. State ranks followed by a 'B' refer to breeding populations, while ranks followed by an 'N' Species Program refer to a nonbreeding (often wintering) population. Martin Nugent, Threatened, Endangered and Thus a state rank of S1B, S2N indicates that the Sensitive Species Coordinator, ODFW breeding portion of the population is extremely rare ODFW maintains a list of threatened and and the wintering portion is slightly more common. If endangered species under the authority of ORS a species occurs in the state only during the breeding 496.172, the Oregon Endangered Species Act, 1987. season it will only have an S#B rank. Similarly, if a The list included in this book reflects ODFW's species only occurs in Oregon during the revisions as of October 2016. There are currently 33 nonbreeding season it will have an S#N rank. Species taxa on the list. The list includes 12 marine animals that are not long-distance migrants are ranked (i.e., whales, sea turtles, pelagic birds) that are not without the B or N modifier. included in this book. The Act requires particular state agencies to develop plans for the management and Invertebrates protection of endangered species, and requires Compilation of the invertebrate lists has been agencies to comply with ‘survival guidelines’ adopted especially challenging. Little is known about the status by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission for and distribution of most invertebrate taxa found in threatened species. The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oregon, especially those which appear to be rare, Commission has adopted administrative rules, OAR threatened or otherwise vulnerable. Most invertebrate 635-100-100 to 130, which clarify the Act and provide groups are under-collected and under-reported. As a criteria for listing, delisting and protection of listed result state ranks may not accurately reflect the true species. population status for some species. Currently ORBIC ODFW maintains a Sensitive Species list in assigns these species a state ranking number but the accordance with OAR 635-100-0040 which is "?" modifier is occasionally used to indicate species designed to provide a positive, proactive approach to that may be rarely collected as opposed to truly rare. species conservation. The Sensitive Species list Many invertebrate taxa have not been fully focuses fish and wildlife management and research described in the literature. These include endemics activities on species that need conservation attention. with extremely limited ranges, poor dispersal abilities, Although the intent of the Sensitive Species list is to or environmental threats. We include these prevent species from declining to the point of undescribed species in our lists when experts suggest qualifying as threatened or endangered, this list is not they are likely to be of conservation concern and it is used as a "candidate" list for species to be considered anticipated that they will be distinct species once for listing under the Oregon Threatened and described. As taxonomic work on these undescribed Endangered Species rules. The Sensitive Species list species progresses, taxa may be removed from our serves as an early warning system for biologists, land lists or re-ranked. managers, policy makers, and the public. It helps The Natural Areas Program of OPRD has been ensure that conservation actions are prioritized, cost-

8 efficient, and effective. The Sensitive Species list was Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife last revised in 2008. 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE "Sensitive species" are those naturally-reproducing Salem, OR 97302 fish and wildlife species, subspecies, or populations which are facing one or more threats to their Oregon Conservation Strategy populations and/or habitats. Implementation of The 2016 Oregon Conservation Strategy is an appropriate conservation measures to address the overarching state strategy for conserving fish and threats may prevent them from declining to the point wildlife. It provides a shared set of priorities for of qualifying for threatened or endangered status. addressing Oregon’s conservation needs. The Conservation Strategy brings together the best Sensitive species categories are defined as follows: available scientific information, and presents a menu SC = Critical. Critically sensitive species are of recommended voluntary actions and tools for all imperiled with extirpation from a specific geographic Oregonians to define their own conservation role. area of the state because of small population sizes, The goals of the Conservation Strategy are to habitat loss or degradation, and/or immediate maintain healthy fish and wildlife populations by threats. Critical species may decline to point of maintaining and restoring functioning habitats, qualifying for threatened or endangered status if preventing declines of at-risk species, and reversing conservation actions are not taken. declines in these resources where possible. Conservation Strategy Species are species of SV = Vulnerable. Vulnerable sensitive species are greatest conservation need that include wildlife, fish, facing one or more threats to their populations or invertebrates, plants, and algae. Information about habitats. Vulnerable species are not currently special needs, limiting factors, data gaps, conservation imperiled with extirpation from a specific geographic actions, and available resources are provided for each area or the state but could become so with continued of the 295 Strategy Species. or increased threats to populations or habitats. We identify animal and invertebrate Conservation All efforts towards management and protection of Strategy species in the summary lists by a “CS” on the threatened, endangered and sensitive species in second line of the species’ ODFW Status. Oregon will be coordinated with other state and Conservation Strategy species are designated by federal agencies and private conservation ecoregions based on conservation need and organizations. The current threatened, endangered opportunity, rather than on a statewide basis, but and sensitive species lists, copies of the Oregon space limitations prevent us from specifying the Endangered Species Act or administrative rules, and designated ecoregions in the summary animal lists. A the Sensitive Species rule are available on ODFW’s separate list of the Conservation Strategy species, website at: including their designated ecoregions, is included http://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/diversity/species/th with the status-specific lists following the summary reatened_endangered_species.asp animal section. Originally published in 2006, the Oregon Copies of these lists and rules may also be Conservation Strategy was updated in 2016 and will requested from the department by writing to: be available on the ODFW website when released. The Oregon Conservation Strategy is the official State Wildlife Action Plan for Oregon.

9 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List FISH Acipenser medirostris CR, ME, WV?; CA, WA+ G3 SOC -- 4 Green sturgeon (Northern DPS) Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Mult?, Till S3 CS

Acipenser medirostris CR, ME, WV?; CA, WA+ GNR LT -- 3 Green sturgeon (Southern DPS) Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Mult?, Till? S2?N CS

Catostomus microps EC; CA G2 -- SC 1 Modoc sucker Lake S1 CS

Catostomus occidentalis lacusanserinus EC; CA G5T2Q SOC SV 1 Goose Lake sucker Lake S2 CS

Catostomus rimiculus EC, KM, WC; CA G5T2Q SOC -- 1 Jenny Creek sucker Jack S2

Catostomus snyderi EC; CA G3 SOC -- 4 Klamath largescale sucker Klam, Lake S3

Catostomus tahoensis BR; CA, NV G5 -- -- 2 Tahoe sucker Malh S1

Catostomus warnerensis BR; NV G1 LT LT 1 Warner sucker Lake S1 CS

Chasmistes brevirostris EC; CA G1 LE LE 1 Shortnose sucker Klam, Lake S1 CS

Cottus bendirei BM, BR, CR, WC, WV; WA + G4Q SOC -- 4 Malheur mottled sculpin Colu, Gran, Harn, Lane, Linn, Wash S4

Cottus marginatus BM, CB; WA G3 SOC -- 4 Margined sculpin Morr, Umat S3

Cottus pitensis EC; CA G4 -- -- 2 Pit sculpin Lake S1 CS

Cottus tenuis EC G3 SOC -- 3 Slender sculpin Klam, Lake S3

Deltistes luxatus EC; CA G1 LE LE 1 Lost River sucker Klam S1 CS

Entosphenus lethophagus EC; CA G3G4 -- -- 4 Pit-Klamath brook lamprey Jack, Klam, Lake S3

Entosphenus minimus EC, WC G3 SOC SV 1 Miller Lake lamprey Klam, Lake S2 CS

Entosphenus tridentatus BM, CB, CR, EC, KM, ME, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G4 SOC SV 2 Pacific lamprey Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Doug, S1S2 CS Gill, Gran, Hood, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Entosphenus tridentatus ssp. EC; CA G4T1 SOC -- 1 Goose Lake lamprey Lake S1

Lampetra ayresii CR, ME; CA, WA + G4 SOC -- 3 River lamprey Clat, Colu, Coos, Doug, Linc, Till S3? CS

10 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Lampetra richardsoni BM, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, AK, BC G4G5 --SV 4 Western brook lamprey Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Gill, Hood, Jack, S4 CS Jose, Lane, Linc, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Lavinia symmetricus mitrulus EC; CA G4T2 SOC-- 2 Pit roach Lake S2

Oncorhynchus clarkii CR, KM, ME, WC, WV G4T3Q SOC-- 4 Coastal cutthroat trout (Oregon Coast ESU) Bent, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Polk, S3 Till, Wash, Yamh Oncorhynchus clarkii CR, KM, ME, WC; CA G4TNRQ SOC-- 4 Coastal cutthroat trout (Southern Curr, Jack, Jose S3? Oregon/California Coasts ESU)

Oncorhynchus clarkii CB, CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G4T3Q SOCSV 1 Coastal cutthroat trout (Southwestern Clac, Clat, Colu, Hood, Mari, Mult, Wasc, Wash S2 CS Washington/Columbia River ESU)

Oncorhynchus clarkii CR, ME, WC, WV G4TNRQ SOC-- 4 Coastal cutthroat trout (Upper Willamette River Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, S3? ESU) Polk, Wash, Yamh

Oncorhynchus clarkii alvordensis BR; NV G4TX ---- 1-X Alvord cutthroat trout Harn SX

Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi BR; CA, NV G4T3 LTLT 2 Lahontan cutthroat trout Harn, Malh S1 CS

Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi BM; ID, WA + G4T4 SOCSC 2 Westslope cutthroat trout Gran S2 CS (SC in Upper John Day Basin only) Oncorhynchus keta CR, ME, WC, WV; WA G5T2Q LTSC 1 Chum salmon (Columbia River ESU) Clat, Colu, Mult S2 CS

Oncorhynchus keta CR, ME; CA, WA G5T3Q -- SC 2 Chum salmon (Pacific Coast ESU) Clat, Coos, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S2 CS

Oncorhynchus kisutch CB, CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G4T2Q LT LE 1 Coho salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) Clac, Clat, Colu, Hood, Mari, Mult, Wasc S2 CS

Oncorhynchus kisutch CR, KM, ME, WC, WV G4T2Q LT SV 1 Coho salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) Bent, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Polk, S2 CS Till, Wash, Yamh Oncorhynchus kisutch CR, KM, ME, WC; CA G4T2Q LT SV 1 Coho salmon (Southern Oregon/Northern Curr, Jack, Jose S2 CS California Coasts ESU)

Oncorhynchus mykiss EC, WC; CA G5T3T4Q -- SV 4 Klamath Basin redband trout Jack, Klam, Lake S3 CS

Oncorhynchus mykiss BM, BR, EC; CA, NV G5T3Q SOC SC/SV 1 Oregon Great Basin redband trout Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake S2S3 CS

Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, KM, ME, WC; CA G5T2T3Q -- SC/SV 2 Steelhead (Klamath Mountains Province ESU, Curr, Jack, Jose S2S3 CS summer run) (SV in KM ecoregion; SC in Upper Klamth) Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, KM, ME, WC; CA G5T3Q -- -- 2 Steelhead (Klamath Mountains Province ESU, Curr, Jack, Jose S2S3 winter run)

Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G5T2Q LT SC 1 Steelhead (Lower Columbia River ESU, summer Clac, Clat, Colu, Hood, Mari, Mult S2 CS run)

11 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G5T2Q LTSC 1 Steelhead (Lower Columbia River ESU, winter Clac, Clat, Colu, Hood, Mari, Mult S2 CS run)

Oncorhynchus mykiss BM, CB, CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G5T2Q LTSC 1 Steelhead (Middle Columbia River ESU, summer Clat, Colu, Croo, Gill, Gran, Hood, Jeff, Morr, Mult, S2 CS run) Sher, Umat, Wasc, Whee

Oncorhynchus mykiss BM, CB, CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G5T2Q LT-- 1 Steelhead (Middle Columbia River ESU, winter Clat, Colu, Croo, Gill, Gran, Hood, Jeff, Morr, Mult, S2 run) Sher, Umat, Wasc, Whee

Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, KM, ME, WC, WV G5T2T3Q SOCSV 1 Steelhead (Oregon Coast ESU, summer run) Bent, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Polk, S2S3 CS Till, Wash, Yamh Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, KM, ME, WC, WV G5T2T3Q SOCSV 1 Steelhead (Oregon Coast ESU, winter run) Bent, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Polk, S2S3 Till, Wash, Yamh Oncorhynchus mykiss BM; WA, ID G5T2T3Q LTSV 1 Steelhead (Snake River Basin ESU) Umat, Unio, Wall S2S3 CS

Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, ME, WV; WA G5T3Q --SC 2 Steelhead (Southwest Washington ESU, winter Clat, Colu S2 CS run)

Oncorhynchus mykiss CR, ME, WC, WV G5T2Q LTSV 1 Steelhead (Upper Willamette River ESU, winter Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Wash, S2 CS run) Yamh

Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri BM, BR, CB, EC; ID, WA + G5T4 SOCSV 2 Inland Columbia Basin redband trout Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Malh, S2S3 Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc Oncorhynchus nerka BM; ID (migratory/non-breeder in OR, WA) G5T1Q LE-- 1-ex Sockeye salmon (Snake River ESU) Unio, Wall SXB,S1M

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha BM, CB, ME G5T3Q -- SV 1 Chinook salmon (Deschutes River ESU, Jeff, Sher, Wasc S2S3 CS summer/fall run)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G5T2Q LT SC 1 Chinook salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU, fall Clac, Clat, Colu, Hood, Mult S2 CS run)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; WA G5T2Q LT SC 1 Chinook salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU, Clac, Clat, Colu, Hood, Mult S2 CS spring run)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha BM, CB, EC, WC G5TNRQ -- SV 3 Chinook salmon (Middle Columbia River ESU, Gill, Gran, Hood, Jeff, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Wasc, SNR fall run) Whee

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha BM, CB, EC, ME, WC G5T3Q -- SV 4 Chinook salmon (Middle Columbia River ESU, Gill, Gran, Hood, Jeff, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Wasc, S3 CS spring run) Whee

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha CR, ME G5T3Q -- SC 4 Chinook salmon (Oregon Coast ESU, spring run) Coos, Doug, Linc, Polk, Till, Wash S3 CS

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha BM, CB, CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; ID, WA G5T1Q LT LT 1 Chinook salmon (Snake River ESU, fall run) Clat, Colu, Gill, Hood, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Wall, S1 CS Wasc Oncorhynchus tshawytscha BM, CB, CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; ID, WA G5T1Q LT LT 1 Chinook salmon (Snake River ESU, Clat, Colu, Gill, Hood, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Unio, S1 CS spring/summer run) Wall, Wasc

12 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Oncorhynchus tshawytscha CR, KM, ME, WC; CA G5T3Q --SV 2 Chinook salmon (Southern Oregon/Northern Curr, Jack, Jose S2 California Coast ESU, fall run)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha CR, KM, ME, WC; CA G5T4Q --SV 3 Chinook salmon (Southern Oregon/Northern Curr, Jack, Jose S4 CS California Coast ESU, spring run)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha CR, ME, WC, WV G5T2Q LTSC 1 Chinook salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, S2 CS spring run) Yamh

Oregonichthys crameri WC, WV G3 --SC 1 Oregon chub Bent, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Yamh S3 CS

Oregonichthys kalawatseti CR, KM, WC G2G3 SOCSC 1 Umpqua chub Doug S2S3 CS

Rhinichthys cataractae ssp. CR G5T2 SOCSV 1 Millicoma dace Coos, Doug S2 CS

Rhinichthys osculus ssp. BR G5T1 LTLT 1 Foskett Spring speckled dace Lake S1 CS

Richardsonius egregius BR; CA, NV G5 ---- 2 Lahontan redside Malh S2

Salvelinus confluentus BM, CB, EC, WC, WV; WA, BC G4T3T4 LTSC/SV 2 Bull trout (Coastal population) Clac, Croo, Desc, Hood, Jeff, Klam, Lane, Linn, Mari, S2 CS (SV in Deschutes SMU; SC elsewhere) Sher, Wasc Salvelinus confluentus EC, WC G4TNR LTSC 1 Bull trout (Klamath population) Klam, Lake S2 CS

Salvelinus confluentus BM, CB; ID, MT, WA G4T3T4Q LT SC 2 Bull trout (Mid-Columbia population) Bake, Gran, Umat, Unio, Wall, Whee S2 CS

Salvelinus confluentus BM, BR; ID, NV G4T2Q LT SC 1 Bull trout (Upper Snake population) Bake, Gran, Harn, Malh S2 CS

Siphateles alvordensis BR; NV G2 SOC SV 1 Alvord chub Harn S2 CS

Siphateles bicolor ssp. BR G4T1 SOC -- 1 Catlow tui chub Harn, Lake S1

Siphateles bicolor ssp. BR G4T1T2 LT LT 1 Hutton tui chub Lake S1 CS

Siphateles bicolor ssp. BR G4T1 SOC SC 1 Summer Basin tui chub Lake S1

Siphateles bicolor ssp. BR G4T2Q -- -- 1 Warner Basin tui chub Lake S2

Siphateles bicolor eurysoma BR; NV G4T1 SOC -- 1 Sheldon tui chub Lake S1

Siphateles bicolor oregonensis BR, EC G4T2 SOC -- 1 Oregon Lakes tui chub Lake S2

Siphateles bicolor thalassinus EC; CA G4T2T3 -- -- 1 Goose Lake tui chub Lake S2

13 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Siphateles boraxobius BR G1 LELE 1 Harn S1 CS

Thaleichthys pacificus CR, KM, ME, WV; CA, WA, AK, BC G5 LT-- 2 Eulachon Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Mult, Till S3? CS

AMPHIBIANS Ambystoma mavortium melanostictum BM, BR, EC; ID, WA + G5T4 -- -- 3 Blotched tiger salamander Desc, Harn, Klam, Malh, Wasc S2?

Anaxyrus boreas BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 -- SV 4 Western toad Bake, Clac, Clat?, Colu?, Coos?, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4 CS Doug?, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff?, Jose, Klam, Lake?, Lane, Linc?, Linn, Malh, Morr, Mult, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio?, Wall, Wasc, Wash?, Whee, Yamh? Anaxyrus woodhousii BR, CB; ID, NV, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Woodhouse's toad Malh, Morr, Umat S2

Aneides ferreus CR, KM, WC, WV; CA G3G4 -- SV 4 Clouded salamander Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Desc, Doug, Hood, S3S4 CS Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Aneides flavipunctatus KM; CA G4 -- SV 2 Black salamander Jack S2

Ascaphus montanus BM; ID, MT, WA, BC G4 SOC SV 2 Rocky Mountain tailed frog Bake, Unio, Wall S2 CS

Ascaphus truei CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, WA, BC G4 SOC SV 4 Coastal tailed frog Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Desc, Doug, Hood, S3 CS Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Batrachoseps attenuatus CR, KM; CA G5 -- -- 4 California slender salamander Coos, Curr S3

Batrachoseps wrighti EC, WC, WV G3 SOC SV 4 Oregon slender salamander Clac, Desc?, Doug, Hood, Jeff?, Klam?, Lane, Linn, S3 CS Mari, Mult, Wasc Dicamptodon copei CR, EC, WC; WA G3G4 -- SV 2 Cope's giant salamander Clac, Clat, Colu, Hood, Mult, Till, Wasc, Wash S2 CS

Lithobates pipiens BM, BR, CB, EC, KM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SC 2 Northern leopard frog Bake, Croo, Gill, Gran, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Malh, S1S2 Morr, Sher, Umat, Wasc Plethodon elongatus CR, KM; CA G4 SOC SV 4 Del Norte salamander Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S4 CS

Plethodon larselli WC; WA G3 SOC SV 2 Larch Mountain salamander Clac, Hood, Mult S2 CS

Plethodon stormi KM; CA G2G3 SOC SV 1 Siskiyou Mountains salamander Jack, Jose S2 CS

Rana aurora CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA + G4 SOC SV 4 Northern red-legged frog Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, S3S4 CS (SV in WV and KM ecoregions only) Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Rana boylii CR, KM, WC, WV; CA G3 SOC SC/SV 2 Foothill yellow-legged frog Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linn, Mari S2S3 CS (SC in WV ecoregion; SV elsewhere) Rana cascadae EC, KM, WC; CA, WA G3G4 SOC SV 4 Cascades frog Clac, Desc, Doug, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lane, Linn, S3S4 CS Mari, Mult, Wasc

14 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Rana luteiventris BM, BR, CB; ID, NV, WA + G4 --SC/SV 2 Columbia spotted frog Bake, Croo, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Lake, Malh, Umat, Unio, S2S3 CS (SC in BR and CB ecoregions; SV elsewhere) Wall, Whee Rana pretiosa EC, WC, WV; CA, WA G2 LTSC 1 Oregon spotted frog Bent, Clac, Colu, Croo, Desc, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Klam, S1 CS Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Rhyacotriton cascadae WC, WV; WA G3 --SV 4 Cascade torrent salamander Clac, Hood, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult S3 CS

Rhyacotriton kezeri CR; WA G3 --SV 4 Columbia torrent salamander Clat, Colu, Polk, Till, Wash, Yamh S3 CS

Rhyacotriton variegatus CR, KM, WC, WV; CA G3G4 SOCSV 4 Southern torrent salamander Bent, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linc, Polk, Till, S3 CS Yamh Taricha granulosa mazamae EC G5T1Q ---- 1 Crater Lake newt Klam S1

REPTILES Actinemys marmorata CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, NV, WA G3G4 SOC SC 2 Western pond turtle Bent, Clac, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, Jose, S2 CS Klam, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Chrysemys picta BM, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; ID, WA + G5 -- SC 2 Painted turtle Bake, Bent, Clac, Colu, Gran, Hood, Lane, Linn, Mari, S2 CS (only C. p. bellii SC) Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Crotalus oreganus BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- SC 4 Western rattlesnake Bake, Bent, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gill, Gran, S5 CS (SC in WV ecoregion only) Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Lampropeltis californiae EC, KM, WC; CA, NV + G5 SOC SV 4 California kingsnake Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S3

Lampropeltis zonata CB, CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, WA, G4G5 SOC SV 4 California mountain kingsnake Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S3S4 CS

Sceloporus graciosus graciosus BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 SOC SV 4 Northern sagebrush lizard Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S5 CS (SV in CB ecoregion only) Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Wasc, Whee semiannulata BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 -- -- 4 Ground snake Harn, Malh S3

BIRDS Accipiter gentilis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 SOC SV 4 Northern goshawk Bake, Bent, Clac, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gran, S3S4 CS Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Aechmophorus clarkii BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, ME; CA, NV, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Clark's grebe Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Harn, Jack, Klam, Lake, S3B,S2N Lane, Linc, Till Aechmophorus occidentalis BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, ME, WC, WV; CA, NV, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Western grebe Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Desc, Harn, Jack, Klam, Lake, S4B,S2S3 Lane, Linc, Linn, Mult, Polk, Till, Wash Aegolius funereus BM, EC, WC; ID, WA + G5 -- -- 3 Boreal owl Bake, Clac, Desc, Gran, Hood, Jeff, Klam, Lane, Linn, S3? Mari, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Agelaius tricolor BM, CB, EC, KM, WV; CA G1G2 SOC -- 2 Tricolored blackbird Doug, Jack, Klam, Lake, Mult, Umat, Wasc, Whee S2B

15 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Ammodramus savannarum BM, BR, CB, KM, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 --SV 2 Grasshopper sparrow Bake, Doug, Gill, Harn, Jack, Lane, Linn, Malh, Morr, S2B CS Polk, Sher, Umat, Wall, Wasc Amphispiza bilineata BM, BR, CB, CR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 4 Black-throated sparrow Croo, Desc, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Morr, Wall, Whee S3B

Anser albifrons elgasi BR, EC; WA G5T3 ---- 1 Tule goose Harn, Klam, Lake S2S3N

Antigone canadensis canadensis BR, WV; ID, NV G5T4 ---- 4 Lesser sandhill crane Harn, Malh, Mult S3N

Antigone canadensis rowani WV; WA + G5T3T4 ---- 3 Canadian sandhill crane Mult S2?N

Antigone canadensis tabida BM, BR, EC, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 --SV 4 Greater sandhill crane Bake, Clac, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, S3S4B CS (SV breeding populations only) Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc Aquila chrysaetos BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 4 Golden eagle Bake, Clac, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gill, Gran, S3 Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Artemisiospiza nevadensis BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 --SC 4 Sagebrush sparrow Bake, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Malh, S4B CS (SC in CB ecoregion only) Morr, Umat, Unio, Whee Asio flammeus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Short-eared owl Bake, Bent, Clac?, Clat?, Colu?, Coos?, Croo, Curr, S3 CS Desc, Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood?, Jack?, Jeff, Jose?, Klam?, Lake, Lane, Linc?, Linn, Malh, Mari?, Morr, Mult, Polk?, Sher, Till?, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash?, Whee, Yamh? Athene cunicularia hypugaea BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4T4 SOCSC/SV 4 Western burrowing owl Bake, Bent, Coos, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, S3B CS (SV in BR ecoregion; SC elsewhere) Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Baeolophus ridgwayi BR, EC?; CA, ID, NV + G5 -- -- 4 Juniper titmouse Harn?, Klam?, Lake, Malh S3 CS

Bartramia longicauda BM, EC; ID, WA + G5 SOC SC 2 Upland sandpiper Croo, Gran, Klam, Lake, Umat, Unio S1B CS

Brachyramphus marmoratus CR, KM, ME; CA, WA + G3 LT LT 2 Marbled murrelet Bent, Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Polk, Till S2 CS

Branta bernicla BR, CB, CR, KM, ME, WV; CA, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Brant Clat, Coos, Curr, Desc, Doug, Harn, Klam, Lake, Lane, S2N CS Linc, Sher, Till, Umat Branta canadensis occidentalis CR, WV; WA + G5T3 -- -- 2 Dusky Canada goose Bent, Colu, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wash, S3N CS Yamh Branta hutchinsii leucopareia CR, KM, WV; AK, CA, WA, BC G5T3 -- -- 2 Aleutian cackling goose Bent, Colu, Coos, Curr, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wash, S3N Yamh Bucephala albeola BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, ME, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Bufflehead Bake, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, S2B,S5N Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Till, Umat, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Bucephala islandica BM, BR, CB, EC, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Barrow's goldeneye Bake, Clac, Desc, Doug, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S3B,S3N Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Umat, Wall, Wasc

16 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Buteo regalis BM, BR, CB; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOCSC/SV 4 Ferruginous hawk Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Lake, Malh, Morr, S3B CS (SC in CB ecoregion; SV elsewhere) Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Buteo swainsoni BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 --SV 4 Swainson's hawk Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Harn, Jeff, Lake, Malh, Morr, S3B CS Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Calidris ptilocnemis CR, ME; CA, WA + G5 ---- 4 Rock sandpiper Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S3N CS

Centrocercus urophasianus BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, NV, WA G3G4 --SV 2 Greater sage-grouse Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, S3 CS (SV in EC, CB and BM ecoregions only) Unio, Wasc, Whee Cerorhinca monocerata CR, ME; CA, WA + G5 --SV 2 Rhinoceros auklet Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S2B

Charadrius nivosus nivosus BR, CR, EC, ME; CA, NV, WA + G3T3 PS:LTLT 2 Western snowy plover Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Harn, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, S2 CS (LT (Federal) for coastal pops. only) Till Chlidonias niger BM, BR, EC, WV; ID, NV, WA + G4G5 SOC-- 4 Black tern Bent, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, S3B Malh, Polk Chordeiles minor BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 --SC 4 Common nighthawk Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S5B CS (SC in WV ecoregion only) Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Coccyzus americanus BM, BR, EC, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 LTSC 2 Yellow-billed cuckoo Bake, Clac, Desc, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake, Linn, Malh, SHB Mult, Umat, Unio, Wall Contopus cooperi BM, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOCSV 4 Olive-sided flycatcher Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S2S3B CS Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Coturnicops noveboracensis EC; CA + G4 SOC SC 2 Yellow rail Klam, Lake S2B CS

Cygnus buccinator BM, BR, CR, EC, ME, WV; NV, ID, WA + G4 -- -- 2 Trumpeter swan Clat, Colu, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Mult, Polk S1?B,S3N CS

Cypseloides niger WC; CA, ID, WA + G4 -- -- 2 Black swift Doug, Hood, Jack, Lane S2?B CS

Dolichonyx oryzivorus BM, BR; ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SV 2 Bobolink Bake, Croo, Gran, Harn, Lake, Malh, Umat, Unio, Wall S2B CS

Dryocopus pileatus BM, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- SV 4 Pileated woodpecker Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4 CS (SV in BM, EC and KM ecoregions only) Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Egretta thula BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SV 2 Snowy egret Harn, Klam, Lake S2B CS

Elanus leucurus CR, EC, KM, WV; CA + G5 -- -- 4 White-tailed kite Bent, Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lake, S3 Lane, Linc, Polk, Till Empidonax traillii adastus BM, BR, CB, EC, KM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 SOC SV 4 Willow flycatcher Bake, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S3B CS (SV in BM, BR, CB and EC ecoregions only) Malh, Morr, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Empidonax traillii brewsteri CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, BC G5T3T4 -- SV 4 Little willow flycatcher Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, S3B CS Jose, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wash, Yamh

17 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Eremophila alpestris strigata CR, KM, WV; WA + G5T2 LTSC 1 Streaked horned lark Bent, Clac, Clat, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Linn, Mari, S2 CS Mult, Polk, Wash, Yamh Falcipennis canadensis BM; ID, WA + G5 --SV 3 Spruce grouse Bake, Unio, Wall S3

Falco columbarius BR, CB, EC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2-ex Merlin Gill, Harn, Klam, Morr SHB

Falco peregrinus anatum BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4T4 --SV 4 American peregrine falcon Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S3 CS Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Falco peregrinus tundrius BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; ID, NV, WA + G4T3 --SV 2 Arctic peregrine falcon Bake?, Bent?, Clac?, Clat?, Colu?, Coos?, Croo?, S3?N Curr?, Desc?, Doug?, Gill?, Gran?, Harn?, Hood?, Jack?, Jeff?, Jose?, Klam?, Lake?, Lane?, Linc?, Linn?, Malh?, Mari?, Morr?, Mult?, Polk?, Sher?, Till?, Umat?, Unio?, Wall?, Wasc?, Wash?, Whee?, Yamh? Fratercula cirrhata CR, ME; CA, WA + G5 --SV 2 Tufted puffin Clat, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Till S1B CS

Gymnogyps californianus CR, KM, WC, WV; CA G1 LE-- 1-ex California condor SX

Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 4 Pinyon jay Croo, Desc, Gran, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Malh, Whee S3

Haematopus bachmani CR, ME; CA, WA + G5 SOCSV 4 Black oystercatcher Clat, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Till S3 CS

Haliaeetus leucocephalus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 --SV 4 Bald eagle Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4B,S4N Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Himantopus mexicanus BR, CR, EC, ME; CA, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Black-necked stilt Clat, Coos, Curr, Harn, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Till S4 CS

Histrionicus histrionicus BM, CR, EC, ME, WC; ID, WA + G4 SOC -- 2 Harlequin duck Clac, Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Klam, Lane, Linc, S2B,S3N CS Linn, Mari, Mult, Till, Wall Hydroprogne caspia BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, ME, WC, WV; CA, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Caspian tern Bake, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gill, Harn, S4? CS Hood, Jack, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Malh, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Wasc Icteria virens BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 SOC SC 4 Yellow-breasted chat Bake, Bent, Clac, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, S4B CS (SC in WV ecoregion only) Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Ixobrychus exilis BR, EC; CA + G5 -- -- 3 Least bittern Harn, Klam S1B

Lanius ludovicianus BM, BR, CB, EC, KM, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 -- SV 4 Loggerhead shrike Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Klam, S3B,S2N CS (SV in BM, CB, EC ecoregions only) Lake, Lane, Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Leucophaeus pipixcan BR; CA, ID + G5 -- SV 2 Franklin's gull Harn S2B CS

Leucosticte atrata BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 -- -- 2 Black rosy-finch Harn S2B

18 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Leucosticte tephrocotis wallowa BM G5T2T3 ---- 1 Wallowa rosy-finch Wall S2B,S2?N

Melanerpes formicivorus CR, EC, KM, WV; CA, WA + G5 SOCSV 4 Acorn woodpecker Bent, Clac, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, S3 CS (SV in WV ecoregion only) Linn, Mari, Polk, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Melanerpes lewis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOCSC 2 Lewis's woodpecker Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S2B,S2?N CS Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Numenius americanus BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 --SV 3 Long-billed curlew Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S3B CS (SV in BM, CB and EC ecoregions only) Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Oceanodroma furcata CR, ME; CA, WA + G5 ---- 2 Fork-tailed storm-petrel Clat, Curr, Till S2B CS

Oceanodroma leucorhoa CR, ME; CA, WA + G5 ---- 4 Leach's storm-petrel Clat, Curr, Till S4 CS

Oreortyx pictus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 SOCSV 4 Mountain quail Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S3S4 CS (SV in BR ecoregion only) Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Oreoscoptes montanus BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 ---- 4 Sage thrasher Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S3S4B Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Parkesia noveboracensis BM, EC, WC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Northern waterthrush Desc, Klam, Lane, Unio, Wall S2B

Patagioenas fasciata CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOC-- 4 Band-tailed pigeon Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, S3B Jose, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Pelecanus erythrorhynchos BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 -- SV 2 American white pelican Harn, Klam, Lake S2B CS (SV breeding populations only) Pelecanus occidentalis californicus CR, ME; CA, WA + G4T3 -- LE 2 California brown pelican Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S2N CS

Phalacrocorax pelagicus CR, KM, ME; CA, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Pelagic cormorant Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S3

Picoides albolarvatus BM, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOC SC 2 White-headed woodpecker Bake, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, S2 CS Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Morr, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Picoides arcticus BM, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SV 4 Black-backed woodpecker Bake, Clac, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, S3 CS Jeff, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Mari, Morr, Mult, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Picoides dorsalis BM, EC, WC; ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SV 4 American three-toed woodpecker Bake, Clac, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gran, Jack, Jeff, Klam, S3 CS Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc Pinicola enucleator BM, EC, WC?; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- -- 3 grosbeak Bake, Desc, Gran, Jeff, Unio, Wall S2?

Plegadis chihi BR, EC; CA, NV + G5 SOC -- 4 White-faced ibis Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh S3B

Podiceps auritus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, ME, WC, WV; ID, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Horned grebe Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Harn, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, S2B,S5N Linn, Till, Wall

19 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Podiceps grisegena CR, EC, ME, WC; ID, WA + G5 --SC 2 Red-necked grebe Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Klam, Lane, Linc, Mult, S1B,S4N CS (SC breeding populations only) Till Pooecetes gramineus affinis CR, KM, WV; WA + G5T3? SOCSC 2 Oregon vesper sparrow Bent, Clac, Colu, Coos, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Linn, S2B,S2N CS (SC in KM and WV ecoregions only) Mari, Mult, Polk, Wash, Yamh Progne subis CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 SOCSC 2 Purple martin Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, S2B CS Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Psiloscops flammeolus BM, BR, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 --SV 4 Flammulated owl Bake, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S3B CS Morr, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Ptychoramphus aleuticus CR, ME; CA, WA + G4 --SV 2 Cassin's auklet Clat, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Till S2B

Regulus satrapa BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV G5 ---- 4 Golden-crowned kinglet Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S3 Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Selasphorus platycercus BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Broad-tailed hummingbird Harn, Lake, Malh, Unio, Wall S2?B

Sialia mexicana BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 --SV 4 Western bluebird Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4B,S4N CS (SV in CR, WV, KM and WC ecoregions only) Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Sitta carolinensis aculeata CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, BC, Mexico G5TU --SV 3 Slender-billed nuthatch Bent, Clac, Colu, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, S3 CS Linn, Mari, Polk, Wash, Yamh Spizella breweri BM, BR, CB, EC G5 -- -- 4 Brewer's sparrow Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S3B CS Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Spizella passerina BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Chipping sparrow Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4B CS Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Sterna forsteri BR, CB, EC, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Forster's tern Desc, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Morr S3B

Strix nebulosa BM, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- SV 3 Great gray owl Bake, Clac, Desc, Doug, Gran, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S3 CS Lane, Linn, Mari, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Strix occidentalis caurina CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, BC G3G4T3 LT LT 1 Northern spotted owl Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Desc, Doug, Hood, S2 CS Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Sturnella neglecta BM, BR, CB, EC, KM, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SC 4 Western meadowlark Bake, Bent, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, S4 CS (SC in WV ecoregion) Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, MT, NV, WA, BC G4T3 SOC SC 2 Columbian sharp-tailed grouse Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jeff, Klam, S1 CS Lake, Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee

MAMMALS Ammospermophilus leucurus BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 -- -- 3 White-tailed antelope squirrel Harn, Lake, Malh S4?

Antrozous pallidus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOC SV 2 Pallid bat Bake, Croo, Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Jose, S2 CS Klam, Lake, Lane, Malh, Mult, Umat, Wasc, Whee

20 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Arborimus albipes CR, KM, WC, WV; CA G3G4 SOC-- 4 White-footed vole Bent, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linc, S3S4 Linn, Polk, Till, Wash, Yamh Arborimus longicaudus CR, KM, WC, WV; CA? G3G4 PS:CSV 4 Red tree vole Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, S3 CS (SV in CR ecoregion only) Jose, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wash, Yamh Bassariscus astutus CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, NV + G5 --SV 4 Ringtail Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane S3 CS

Brachylagus idahoensis BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOCSV 2 Pygmy rabbit Bake, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Malh, S2 CS Unio, Wasc, Whee Canis lupus BM, BR?, CB, CR, EC?, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA G5 PS:LE-- 2 Gray wolf + S1S2 CS Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack?, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Corynorhinus townsendii BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOCSC 2 Townsend's big-eared bat Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, S2 CS Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Malh, Mari, Mult, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee Enhydra lutris ME; CA, WA + G4 --LT 2 Sea otter Coos, Curr, Linc S1

Euderma maculatum BM, BR, CB; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOCSV 2 Spotted bat Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Lake, Malh, Morr, S2 CS Sher, Wall, Wasc, Whee Eumetopias jubatus CR, ME; CA, WA G3 ---- 2 Northern sea lion Clat, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Till S2 CS

Gulo gulo BM, BR, CB, CR, EC G4 --LT 2 Wolverine Bake, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, S1 CS Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Lasionycteris noctivagans BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G3G4 SOC SV 4 Silver-haired bat Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, S3S4 CS Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee Lasiurus cinereus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G3G4 -- SV 4 Hoary bat Bake, Clac, Clat, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, S3 CS Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Mult, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Lepus californicus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- SV 4 Black-tailed jack rabbit Bake, Bent, Clac, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, S4 (SV in WV ecoregion only) Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Lepus townsendii BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SV 3 White-tailed jackrabbit Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, S4? CS Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Lynx canadensis BM, BR, CB, EC, KM, WC, WV; ID, NV, WA + G5 LT -- 2 Canada lynx Bake, Bent, Clac, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, S1? Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc Martes caurina BM, EC, KM, WC G4G5T4T5 -- SV 4 Pacific Marten - Interior Population Bake, Clat, Desc, Doug, Gran, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, S3S4 CS Linn, Mari, Mult, Unio, Wall, Wasc Martes caurina humboldtensis CR, KM?; CA, WA G4G5T1 -- SV 1 Pacific Marten - Coastal Population Clat?, Colu?, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack?, Jose?, Lane, S1 CS Wash?, Yamh? Myotis californicus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 -- SV 4 California myotis Bake, Coos, Curr, Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Jose, S3 CS Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee, Yamh

21 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Myotis ciliolabrum BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 SOC-- 4 Western small-footed myotis Bake, Croo, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jeff, Klam, S3S4 Lake, Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Myotis evotis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 SOC-- 4 Long-eared myotis Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4 Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee, Yamh Myotis lucifugus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G3 ---- 4 Little brown myotis Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S3 Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Myotis thysanodes BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOCSV 2 Fringed myotis Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Gran, S2 CS Harn, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Till, Unio, Wall, Wash Myotis volans BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4G5 SOCSV 4 Long-legged myotis Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S3 CS Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Mult, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee Myotis yumanensis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 SOC-- 4 Yuma myotis Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S3 Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Ochotona princeps BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 4 American pika Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S3? CS Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Odocoileus virginianus leucurus CR, KM, WV; WA G5T2Q PS:LESV 1 Columbian white-tailed deer Clat, Colu, Doug, Lane, Mult S2 CS (LE for Columbia River DPS only; SV in CR ecoregion only) Ovis canadensis canadensis BM; ID, WA + G4T4 ---- 2 Rocky Mountain Bake, Unio, Wall S2 CS

Ovis canadensis nelsoni BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, NV G4T4 -- -- 2-ex Desert bighorn sheep Bake, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Lake, Malh, Morr, Sher, SX Wasc, Whee Parastrellus hesperus BM, BR, CB, EC G5 -- -- 4 Canyon bat Bake, Croo, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Lake, Malh, Morr, S3 Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Pekania pennanti BM, CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA G5 -- SC 2 Fisher Bake, Clac, Coos, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gran, Jack, Jose, S1S2 CS Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Morr, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Yamh Sciurus griseus CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, NV, WA G5 -- SV 4 Western gray squirrel Bent, Clac, Colu, Coos, Curr, Desc, Doug, Hood, Jack, S4 CS (SV in WV ecoregion only) Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Sorex preblei BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 SOC -- 3 Preble's shrew Bake, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Umat, S3? Unio, Wall Tadarida brasiliensis EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, NV+ G5 -- -- 4 Brazilian free-tailed bat Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Wash S4

Thomomys bottae detumidus CR G5T2Q SOC -- 1 Pistol River pocket gopher Curr S2

Thomomys bulbivorus WV G3G4 SOC -- 4 Camas pocket gopher Bent, Clac, Colu, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Wash, S3S4 Yamh

22 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Thomomys mazama helleri CR G4T1T2 SOC-- 1 Gold Beach pocket gopher Curr S1S2

Urocitellus elegans nevadensis BR; ID, NV + G5T4 ---- 2-ex ground squirrel Malh SH

Urocitellus washingtoni CB; WA G2 C1LE Washington ground squirrel Gill, Morr, Umat S2 CS

Ursus arctos horribilis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4T3T4 LT-- 2-ex Grizzly bear Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, SX Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Vulpes macrotis BR, EC; CA, ID, NV + G4 --LT 2 Kit fox Desc, Harn, Klam, Malh S1 CS

Vulpes vulpes necator EC, WC; CA G5T1T2 ---- 1 Sierra Nevada red fox Clac, Desc, Doug, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Lane, S1 CS Linn, Mari, Wasc

23 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List INVERTEBRATES Class Turbellaria - Flatworms Order Tricladida Kenkia rhynchida BR G1G2 SOC-- 1 A flatworm (planarian) Harn S1S2 CS

Class Bivalvia - Clams, Oysters and Mussels Order Ostreoida Ostrea conchaphila CR, ME; WA G5 -- 3-- Native oyster Linc, Till SNR

Order Unionoida Anodonta californiensis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G3Q SOC-- 3 California floater (mussel) Clat, Colu, Coos?, Desc, Gran, Harn, Klam, Linn, Malh, S2 CS Mult, Sher, Wasc, Wash Anodonta nuttalliana BM, BR, CB, CR, EC?, KM, WC, WV; BC, CA, ID, NV, G4Q -- 3-- Winged floater (mussel) WA + S1? CS Bake, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Morr, Mult, Umat, Wasc?, Wash, Whee Anodonta oregonensis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; AK, BC, CA, ID, G5Q -- 2-- Oregon floater (mussel) NV, UT, WA S3? Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Sher, Umat, Wasc, Wash, Yamh Gonidea angulata BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; BC, CA, ID, NV, G3 -- 2-- Western ridged mussel WA + S2S3 CS Bake, Bent, Clac, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Margaritifera falcata BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; AK, BC, CA, ID, G5 -- 2-- Western pearlshell (mussel) NV, WA + S3 Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Order Veneroida Pisidium sp. nov. EC; CA G1 -- 1-- Modoc peaclam Klam S1

Pisidium ultramontanum EC; CA G1 SOC-- 1 Montane peaclam Klam S1

Class Gastropoda - Snails and Slugs Order Neotaenioglossa Colligyrus depressus BM, BR, EC G1 -- 1-- Harney Basin duskysnail Harn, Lake S1

Colligyrus greggi CB, EC, WC, WV; ID, MT, UT, WA, WY G4 -- 2-- Rocky Mountain duskysnail Clac, Hood, Mult, Wasc S2

Colligyrus sp. nov. BM G1 -- 1-- Blue Mountains duskysnail Bake, Gran S1

Colligyrus sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Klamath duskysnail Klam S1

Colligyrus sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Mare's egg duskysnail Klam S1

Colligyrus sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Nodose duskysnail Klam S1

Fluminicola fuscus BM, CB, EC, WC, WV; BC, ID, MT, WA, WY G2 SOC-- 1 Columbia pebblesnail Clat, Hood, Jeff, Mult, Sher, Wall, Wasc S1

24 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Fluminicola insolitus BR G1 -- 1-- Donner und Blitzen pebblesnail Harn S1

Fluminicola modoci EC G1 -- 1-- Modoc pebblesnail Lake S1

Fluminicola nuttallianus WV GH -- 1-- Dusky pebblesnail Lane, Linn SH

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Metolius pebblesnail Jeff S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Nerite pebblesnail Jack S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Odessa pebblesnail Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Ouxy Spring pebblesnail Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Tall pebblesnail Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC, WC G1 -- 1-- Tiger lily pebblesnail Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Toothed pebblesnail Jack S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. CB G1 -- 1-- Tuscan pebblesnail Wasc S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Wood River pebblesnail Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC, KM, WC G1 -- 1-- Keene Creek pebblesnail Jack, Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Casebeer pebblesnail Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G2 -- 1-- Crooked Creek pebblesnail Klam S2

Fluminicola sp. nov. WC G1 -- 1-- Pinhead pebblesnail Clac S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Diminutive pebblesnail Jack S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC, WC G1 -- 1-- Fall Creek pebblesnail Jack S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC; CA G2 -- 1-- Klamath pebblesnail Klam, Lake S1S2

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Klamath Rim pebblesnail Klam S1

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC, WC G1G2 -- 1-- Lake of the Woods pebblesnail Klam S1S2

Fluminicola sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Lost River pebblesnail Klam S1

25 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Fluminicola sp. nov. BR G1 -- 1-- Malheur pebblesnail Harn, Malh S1

Fluminicola turbiniformis BR, EC; CA, NV G3 -- 1-- Turban pebblesnail Harn, Lake S1 CS

Fluminicola virens CR, WV; WA G2 -- 2-- Olympia pebblesnail Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Doug, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, S2 Polk, Till, Wash, Yamh Juga acutifilosa EC; CA G2 -- 1-- Scalloped juga (snail) Jack S1 CS

Juga bulbosa BM, CB G1 -- 1-- juga (snail) Jeff, Sher, Wasc S1 CS

Juga hemphilli dallesensis CB, EC, WC; WA G2T1 -- 1-- Dalles juga (snail) Hood, Wasc S1

Juga hemphilli hemphilli WC?, WV; WA G2T1 -- 1-- Barren juga (snail) Bent, Lane, Mult S1

Juga hemphilli maupinensis BM, CB G2T1 -- 1-- Purple-lipped juga (snail) Jeff, Sher, Wasc S1 CS

Juga hemphilli ssp. nov. EC G2T1 -- 1-- Indian Ford juga (snail) Desc S1

Juga newberryi BM, CB G1 -- 1-- A freshwater snail Jeff, Wasc S1

Juga orickensis CR; CA G2 -- 2-- Redwood juga (snail) Curr S2?

Juga sp. nov. CB, EC, WC; WA G2 -- 1-- Basalt juga (snail) Hood, Sher, Wasc S1S2

Juga sp. nov. BM, EC, KM G1 -- 1-- Blue Mountains juga (snail) Doug, Gran, Klam S1

Juga sp. nov. CR, KM, WC, WV; WA G1 -- 1-- Brown juga (snail) Doug, Hood, Jack, Jose, Lane, Mult S1

Juga sp. nov. BM, CB G1 -- 1-- Opal Springs (Crooked River) juga (snail) Jeff, Wasc S1

Juga sp. nov. CB G1 -- 1-- Purple juga (snail) Wasc S1

Juga sp. nov. CB, EC, WC; WA G1 -- 1-- Three-band juga (snail) Gill, Hood, Sher, Wasc S1

Juga sp. nov. CR, EC, KM, WC, WV G4 -- 4-- Shasta juga (snail) Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Sher, Wasc S4?

Littorina subrotundata CR, ME; CA, WA G5 SOC-- 2 Newcomb's littorine snail Coos, Linc S1

Pomatiopsis binneyi CR, KM; CA G1 -- 1-- Robust walker (snail) Coos, Curr, Jack S1 CS

Pomatiopsis californica CR; CA G1 -- 1-- Pacific walker (snail) Coos, Lane S1 CS

Pomatiopsis chacei CR, KM; CA G1 -- 1-- Marsh walker (snail) Curr SH

26 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Pristinicola hemphilli BM, BR, CB, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA G3 -- 4-- Pristine springsnail Bake, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Morr, Mult, S3 Sher, Umat, Unio, Wasc Pyrgulopsis archimedis EC; CA G1G2 -- 1-- Archimedis springsnail Klam S1 CS

Pyrgulopsis fresti BR G1 -- 1-- Owyhee hot springsnail Malh S1

Pyrgulopsis intermedia BR; CA G1G2 -- 1-- Crooked Creek springsnail Malh S1S2

Pyrgulopsis owyheensis BR G1G2 -- 1-- A springsnail Malh S1S2

Pyrgulopsis robusta BR, CB; ID, WA, WY G5 -- 2-- Jackson Lake springsnail Harn, Lake, Sher, Umat, Wasc S2S3

Pyrgulopsis sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Lost River springsnail Klam S1

Pyrgulopsis sp. nov. EC G1 -- 1-- Klamath Lake springsnail Klam S1

Taylorconcha insperata BM, BR; ID G1 -- 1-- A freshwater snail Malh, Wall S1

Order Basommatophora Fisherola nuttalli BM, BR, CB, WV; ID, MT, WA, BC G2 -- 1-- Shortface lanx (=Giant Columbia River limpet) Gill, Jeff, Malh, Mult, Sher, Wall, Wasc S1S2 CS

Helisoma newberryi BR, EC; CA G1 -- 1-- Great Basin ramshorn Klam, Lake S1 CS

Lanx alta EC, KM; CA G2 -- 2-- Highcap lanx (snail) Curr, Jack, Jose, Klam S1 CS

Lanx klamathensis EC; CA G1 -- 1-- Scale lanx (snail) Klam S1 CS

Lanx subrotunda CR, KM, WC G2 -- 1-- Rotund lanx (snail) Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S2 CS

Petrophysa sp. nov. BR G1 -- 1-- Hotspring physa (snail) Malh S1

Physa megalochlamys BR; ID + G3G4 -- 2-- Large-mantle physa (snail) Harn S1

Physella columbiana CR, WC, WV; WA + G3 -- 1-- Rotund physa (snail) Clat, Colu, Hood, Mult, Wasc SH

Physella hordacea CR, WC, WV; BC, WA G1Q -- 1-- Grain physa (snail) Coos, Lake, Lane, Mult S1

Physella virginea EC; BC, CA, ID, WA G5Q -- 3-- Sunset physa (snail) Klam S1S2

Planorbella oregonensis BR, EC; NV, UT G1 -- 1-- Borax Lake ramshorn (snail) Harn, Klam S1 CS

Vorticifex effusa dalli EC G3T1 -- 1-- Dall's ramshorn (snail) Klam S1 CS

Vorticifex effusa diagonalis EC G3T1 -- 1-- Lined ramshorn (snail) Klam S1 CS

27 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Vorticifex klamathensis klamathensis EC; CA G1T1Q -- 1-- Klamath ramshorn (snail) Klam S1 CS

Vorticifex klamathensis sinitsini EC G1T1Q -- 1-- Sinitsin ramshorn (snail) Klam S1 CS

Vorticifex neritoides CR, WC, WV; WA G1Q -- 1-- Nerite ramshorn (snail) Clat, Colu, Hood, Mult SH

Order Stylommatophora Carinacauda stormi WC G2G3 -- 1-- Cascades axetail slug Clac, Lane, Linn, Mari S2

Cryptomastix devia EC, WC, WV; WA G3 -- 2-- Puget oregonian (snail) Clac, Colu, Mult, Wasc, Wash?, Yamh S1

Cryptomastix hendersoni BM, CB, EC, WC; ID, WA G1G2Q -- 1-- Columbia Gorge oregonian (snail) Clac, Hood, Sher, Umat, Wasc S1S2

Cryptomastix populi BM; ID, WA G2 -- 1-- Poplar oregonian (snail) Wall S1

Cryptomastix sp. nov. BM; ID, WA G2 -- 1-- Disc oregonian (snail) Wall S1

Gliabates oregonius CR GHQ -- 1-- Salamander slug Lane SH

Helicodiscus salmonaceus BM; ID, WA G2 -- 3-- Salmon coil Wall S2?

Helminthoglypta hertleini KM, WC; CA G1 -- 1-- Oregon shoulderband (snail) Doug, Jack, Jose S1 CS

Hemphillia burringtoni CR, WV; WA G1G2 -- 3-- Keeled jumping-slug Bent, Linc, Till, Yamh S1S2

Hemphillia glandulosa CR; WA G3G4 -- 3-- Warty jumping-slug Clat S1?

Hemphillia malonei CR, WC G3 -- 4-- Malone jumping-slug Bent, Clac, Hood, Mari, Mult S3

Hesperarion mariae CR G3 -- 4-- Tillamook westernslug Doug, Lane, Linc, Till, Wash, Yamh S3

Hochbergellus hirsutus CR G1 -- 1-- Sisters hesperian (snail) Curr S1 CS

Megomphix hemphilli CR, KM, WC, WV; WA G3 -- 4-- Oregon megomphix (snail) Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Doug, Lane, Linn, Mari, S3 Mult, Till, Wash, Yamh Megomphix lutarius BM; WA G1 -- 1-- Umatilla megomphix (snail) Umat, Wall? S1

Monadenia chaceana EC, KM, WC; CA G2G3Q -- 3-- Chace sideband (snail) Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S2S3

Monadenia fidelis celeuthia KM, WC; CA G4G5T2Q -- 3-- Traveling sideband (snail) Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S2

Monadenia fidelis columbiana WC, WV; WA G4G5T2Q -- 3-- Columbia sideband (snail) Clac, Hood, Mult, Yamh S2

Monadenia fidelis flava CR, KM G4G5T2Q -- 1-- Green sideband (snail) Curr, Doug S1S2

28 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Monadenia fidelis minor CB, EC, WC; WA G4G5T2Q SOC-- 1 Oregon snail (Dalles sideband) Clac, Hood, Sher, Wasc S1S2

Monadenia fidelis ssp. nov. BM, CB G4G5T1Q -- 3-- Deschutes sideband (snail) Sher, Wasc S1

Monadenia fidelis ssp. nov. EC G4G5T1Q -- 3-- Modoc Rim sideband (snail) Klam S1

Monadenia fidelis ssp. nov. WC G4G5T2Q -- 3-- Duncan sideband (snail) Doug S2

Ogaridiscus subrupicola BM; ID, UT G1 -- 1-- Southern tightcoil (snail) Umat, Wall S1

Oreohelix sp. nov. BM; ID, WA G2 -- 1-- Hells Canyon mountainsnail Wall S1?

Oreohelix strigosa delicata BM G5T1 -- 1-- Blue mountainsnail Umat S1

Oreohelix variabilis CB G2Q -- 1-- Dalles mountainsnail Sher, Wasc S2 CS

Oreohelix variabilis ssp. nov. CB G2T1Q -- 1-- Deschutes mountainsnail Sher, Wasc S1

Polygyrella polygyrella BM; ID, MT, WA G3 -- 2-- Humped coin (snail) Umat S1

Pristiloma arcticum WC; AK, BC, ID, WA G3G4 -- 3-- Northern Tightcoil Linn S1S2

Pristiloma crateris EC, WC G2 -- 1-- Crater Lake tightcoil (snail) Clac, Desc, Doug, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lane, Wasc S2 CS

Pristiloma idahoense BM; ID, WA G2G3 -- 2-- Thinlip tightcoil Umat S1?

Pristiloma johnsoni CR, WC; WA, BC G3 -- 3-- Broadwhorl tightcoil (snail) Clac, Clat, Curr, Doug?, Lane, Mult S3

Pristiloma pilsbryi CR, WV; WA G1 -- 1-- Crowned tightcoil (snail) Clat, Mult, Till S1

Pristiloma wascoense BM, CB, EC, WC, WV; ID, WA G3 -- 2-- Shiny tightcoil (snail) Clac, Desc, Hood, Mari, Polk, Wall, Wasc S2

Prophysaon sp. nov. EC, KM, WC; CA G2Q -- 3-- Klamath tail-dropper (slug) Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S2

Radiodiscus abietum BM; ID, MT, WA G4 -- 2-- Fir pinwheel (snail) Umat S1

Vertigo andrusiana KM, WC, WV; CA, WA + G2G3 -- 1-- Pcific vertigo Clac, Doug, Klam S1

Vertigo dalliana EC, KM; CA G1 -- 3-- Horseshoe vertigo (snail) Jack, Lake S1

Vespericola depressa CB, EC, WC; WA G2Q -- 1-- Columbia Gorge hesperian (snail) Hood, Mult, Sher, Wasc S2 CS

Vespericola sierranus EC, KM, WC; CA G2 -- 1-- Siskiyou hesperian (snail) Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S2? CS

29 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Vespericola sp. nov. CB G1 -- 1-- Oak Springs hesperian (snail) Wasc S1

Vespericola sp. nov. WV G1 -- 1-- Bald hesperian (snail) Lane S1

Class Oligochaeta - Earthworms Order Haplotaxida Driloleirus macelfreshi CR, WV G1 SOC-- 1 Oregon giant earthworm Bent, Clac, Linc, Linn, Mari, Polk, Yamh S1

Class Arachnida - Spiders, Scorpions, Mites and Ticks Order Pseudoscorpiones Apochthonius malheuri BR G1G2 SOC-- 1 Malheur pseudoscorpion Harn S1S2 CS

Class Branchiopoda - Crustaceans Order Anostraca Branchinecta lynchi KM; CA G3 LT-- 1 Vernal pool fairy shrimp Jack S2S3 CS

Order Diplostraca Dumontia oregonensis KM, WV; CA G1G3 -- 2-- A water flea Bent, Jack, Linn, Polk S1

Class Malacostraca - Crustaceans Order Isopoda Amerigoniscus malheurensis BR G1 -- 1-- Malheur isopod Harn S1 CS

Order Amphipoda Stygobromus hubbsi BR G1G2 SOC-- 1 Malheur Cave amphipod Harn S1S2 CS

Stygobromus oregonensis KM G1G2 -- 1-- Oregon Cave amphipod Doug S1S2

Class Elliplura - Springtails and Proturans Order Collembola Oncopodura mala BR; CA? G2G3 -- 1-- Malheur Cave springtail Harn S1 CS

Class Insecta - Insects Order sitchensis WC; BC, ID, WA + G5 -- 2-- Zigzag Darner Clac, Desc, Lane S2

Aeshna subarctica WC; AK, BC, WA + G5 -- 2-- Subarctic darner Clac, Wasc S2?

Gomphus lynnae BM, BR, CB; WA G2 SOC-- 4 Columbia clubtail () Gill, Gran, Malh, Whee S2 CS

Tanypteryx hageni CR, KM, WC; BC, CA, WA G4 -- 4-- Black petaltail Clac, Clat, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, Klam, Mari, Till S3? CS

Order Orthoptera Chloealtis aspasma KM, WC, WV G1 SOC-- 1 Siskiyou short-horned grasshopper Bent, Jack S1

Order Grylloblattodea Grylloblatta chintimini CR G1? -- 3-- Marys peak ice cricket Bent S1?

Grylloblatta newberryensis EC G1? -- 3-- Newberry ice crawler Desc S1?

30 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Grylloblatta oregonensis KM G1? -- 3-- An ice crawler Jose S1?

Grylloblatta siskiyouensis KM G1? -- 3-- An ice crawler Jose S1?

Order Plecoptera Capnia kersti WV G1G2 -- 1-- A stonefly Lane S1 CS

Isocapnia mogila KM; CA G1 -- 3-- Irregular stonefly Doug, Jose SH

Isoperla muir WC G1G2 -- 3-- Muir Creek stonefly Doug S1S2

Nanonemoura wahkeena WC G2 SOC-- 1 Wahkeena Falls flightless stonefly Mult S1

Order Acalypta cooleyi BM, WC; CA G2 -- 3-- Cooley's lace bug Harn, Jack S2

Acalypta lillianis WC; AR + G5 -- 3-- Lillian's lace bug Lane S1?

Acetropis americana WV G1 SOC-- 1 American grass bug Bent, Yamh S1

Boreostolus americanus KM, WC; WA + GNR -- 4-- American unique-headed bug Jack, Lane, Linn S3S4

Cardiastethus borealis BM, EC; BC + G4 -- 3-- Boreal minute pirate bug Croo, Klam S2

Criocoris saliens CR, WV; WA, CA + G4 -- 3-- Salien plant bug Bent, Till S3

Dendrocoris arizonensis WV; CA G4 -- 3-- stink bug Bent, Jack S3?

Derephysia foliacea CR, WC, WV G2 -- 3-- Foliaceous lace bug Bent, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk S2

Hebrus buenoi BR G4 -- 3-- Bueno's velvet water bug Harn, Lane S2

Hoplistoscelis heidemanni KM, WV; BC, CA, ID G4 -- 3-- Heidemann's damsel bug Bent, Curr S2S3

Lygus oregonae CR; CA, WA G2 -- 1-- Oregon plant bug Curr, Linc, Till S2

Macrotylus essigi WC; CA G3 -- 3-- Essig's plant bug Lane S2

Malezonotus obrieni WC; CA G3 -- 3-- Obrien's seed bug Lane S2

Micracanthia fennica BR; BC + G5 -- 4-- Harney Hot Spring shore bug Harn SU

Micracanthia schuhi WC G3 -- 3-- Schuh's shore bug Clac S2

Nabicula propinqua CR; BC + G5 -- 3-- Marsh damsel bug Coos, Till S2

31 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Nabicula subcoleoptrata BM G5 -- 3-- Black damsel bug Wall S2

Orectoderus schuhi BR G3 -- 3-- Schuh's plant bug Klam S2

Pinalitus solivagus CR, KM, WC; BC G5 -- 3-- True fir plant bug Bent, Hood, Jose, Lane S2S3

Platylygus pseudotsugae CR, WC; BC, WA G5 -- 3-- Douglas-fir plant bug Bent, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Linn, Till, Yamh S3

Pronotocrepis clavicornis BR G2 -- 3-- Thick-antennaed plant bug Lake S2

Saldula villosa CR, ME; CA G3 -- 3-- Hairy shore bug Coos S1?

Sixeonotus sp. nov. WC G2 -- 3-- A plant bug Desc S1?

Teratocoris paludum CR G4 -- 3-- Pale plant bug Coos S1?

Vanduzeeina borealis californica WC; CA G3T3 -- 2-- California shield-backed bug Hood, Lane SH

Order Coleoptera Acupalpus punctulatus BR, WV G2? -- 1-- Marsh ground Bent, Harn, Wash S2

Agonum belleri EC, WC; BC, WA G3 SOC-- 2 Beller's Clac, Wasc S1 CS

Bembidion tigrinum CR, ME; CA, WA G5 -- 3-- Cryptic beach carabid beetle Clat, Coos, Till S4

Cicindela columbica BM, CB, EC; ID, WA G2 ---- 1-ex Columbia River tiger beetle Gill, Hood, Sher, Umat, Wasc SH

Cicindela hirticollis couleensis BM, CB, CR, EC, WV; ID, WA G5T3 -- 2-- Hairy-necked tiger beetle Bake, Bent, Gill, Mult, Sher, Umat, Wasc S2?

Cicindela hirticollis siuslawensis CR; WA G5T1T2 -- 1-- Siuslaw sand tiger beetle Coos, Lane, Linc, Till S1S2

Cicindela purpurea hatchi KM, WV; BC, CA, WA G5T3T4 -- 3-- A tiger beetle Bent, Jack, Jose, Linn, Mari, Wash, Yamh S2S3

Conisattus rectus CB?; WA GNR -- 3-- Sand darkling beetle Gill, Wasc? SH

Nebria gebleri fragariae BM G4G5T3? -- 4-- Strawberry Mountains gazelle beetle Gran S3?

Nebria gebleri siskiyouensis CR, KM; CA G4G5T4 SOC-- 3 Siskiyou gazelle beetle Curr, Jack, Jose S4

Nebria piperi WC; WA, BC + G5 -- 3-- Piper's gazelle beetle Lane S3?

Pterostichus johnsoni WC; WA GNR -- 4-- Johnson's waterfall carabid beetle Clac, Hood, Lane?, Linn, Mari, Mult S3

Pterostichus rothi CR G2? SOC-- 4 Roth's blind ground beetle Bent, Linc S2?

32 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Scaphinotus hatchi WC G3 -- 4-- Hatch's carabid beetle Doug, Klam, Lane S3?

Scaphinotus mannii BM; WA G1G2 -- 1-- Mann's mollusk-eating ground beetle Wall S1

Order Trichoptera Agapetus denningi WC GH SOC-- 3 Denning's agapetus caddisfly Doug, Jack SH

Allomyia scotti WC G1 SOC-- 1 Scott's apatanian caddisfly Clac, Hood S1

Apatania tavala BM, EC, WC; WA G3 SOC-- 4 Cascades apatanian caddisfly Clac, Croo, Doug, Jeff, Klam, Linn S3

Cryptochia neosa BM; WA G4 SOC-- 4 Blue Mountains cryptochian caddisfly Bake, Colu, Gran, Unio S4

Eobrachycentrus gelidae WC; BC G3 SOC-- 4 Mt. Hood brachycentrid caddisfly Clac, Doug, Hood, Linn, Mult S3

Farula constricta WC G1G2 -- 1-- A caddisfly Hood, Mult S1S2

Farula davisi WC GH SOC-- 3 Green Springs Mountain farulan caddisfly Jack SH

Farula jewetti EC, WC G3 SOC-- 4 Mt. Hood farulan caddisfly Clac, Hood, Mult S3

Farula reapiri WC G3 SOC-- 4 Tombstone Prairie farulan caddisfly Doug, Lane, Linn S3

Goeracea oregona WC; CA G3 SOC-- 3 Sagehen Creek goeracean caddisfly Doug, Jack SNR

Homoplectra schuhi CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA? G3Q SOC-- 3 Schuh's homoplectran caddisfly Bent, Curr, Jack, Klam, Lane, Linn, Till, Yamh S3?

Lepania cascada CR, WC; WA + G3 -- 3-- A caddisfly Bent, Hood, Linc, Mult S3

Lepidostoma astanea CR; CA G2 SOC-- 2 Goeden's lepidostoman caddisfly Linc S2?

Moselyana comosa CR, WC; WA G3 -- 3-- A caddisfly Bent, Clac, Doug, Hood, Jack, Klam, Lane S3

Namamyia plutonis CR, WC; CA G3 -- 3-- A caddisfly Bent, Curr, Hood, Jack, Jose, Lane, Mari S3

Neophylax smithi WC; WA G1G3 -- 3-- A caddisfly Hood S1S3

Neothremma andersoni WC G1 SOC-- 1 Columbia Gorge caddisfly Mult S1 CS

Neothremma prolata WC G1G2 -- 1-- A Caddisfly Hood S1

Oligophlebodes mostbento WC; BC, MT G3 SOC-- 3 Tombstone Prairie caddisfly Lane, Linn S3

Rhyacophila chandleri WC; CA G3 -- 2-- A caddisfly Desc, Doug, Jeff, Lane, Linn S3

33 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Rhyacophila colonus KM; CA G1 SOC-- 1 O'Brien rhyacophilan caddisfly Jose SH

Rhyacophila haddocki CR G1 SOC-- 1 Haddock's rhyacophilan caddisfly Bent, Curr, Doug S1

Rhyacophila kincaidi EC, WC; BC, WA + G4G5 -- 3-- A caddisfly Desc S1S2

Rhyacophila leechi KM, WC; CA G3 -- 2-- A caddisfly Jack, Lane S3

Rhyacophila rickeri EC, WC; BC, WA + G3G4 -- 3-- A caddisfly Clac, Desc, Hood S1S2

Rhyacophila unipunctata WC; WA? G3 SOC-- 3 One-spot rhyacophilan caddisfly Hood, Lane S3

Rhyacophila viquaea WC G1G2 -- 1-- A caddisfly Hood, Mult S1

Order Boloria bellona BM; ID, WA + G5 -- 2-- fritillary () Umat SH

Boloria selene BM; ID, WA + G5 -- 2-- Silver-bordered fritillary (butterfly) Bake, Croo, Gran S2

Callophrys johnsoni BM, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA + G3G4 -- 2-- Johnson's hairstreak (butterfly) Bake, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, S3 Lake, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Wall, Wasc polios maritima CR; CA G5T2T3 -- 1-- Seaside hoary elfin (butterfly) Curr, Linc S1 CS

Colias christina pseudochristina BM; ID, WA G4T2T4 -- 2-- Intermountain sulphur (butterfly) Bake, Unio, Wall S2

Colias christina sullivani BR; NV G5T2T3 -- 1-- Sullivan's sulphur (butterfly) Harn, Malh S2

Danaus plexippus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, ID + G4 -- 4-- Monarch Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4B CS Doug, Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Euphydryas editha taylori WV; WA, BC G5T1 LE-- 1 Taylor's checkerspot (butterfly) Bent, Lane, Polk S1 CS

Euphydryas gillettii BM; BC, ID, WY + G3 -- 2-- Gillett's checkerspot (butterfly) Wall S1

Hesperia oregonia KM, WC; CA G5T2 -- 2-- Oregon branded skipper (butterfly) Jack, Jose S2

Ochlodes yuma BM, BR; CA, NV, WA + G5 -- 2-- Yuma skipper (butterfly) Lake, Wall S1?

Philotiella leona EC, WC G1 -- 1-- Leona's little blue (butterfly) Klam S1 CS

Plebejus icarioides fenderi WV G5T1 LE-- 1 Fender's blue (butterfly) Bent, Lane, Polk, Yamh S1 CS

Plebejus podarce klamathensis EC, KM, WC; CA G3G4T3 -- 2-- Gray blue (butterfly) Doug, Jack, Klam S2

34 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Plebejus saepiolus littoralis CR; CA G5T1T3 SOC-- 1 Coastal greenish blue (butterfly) Curr, Lane S1 CS

Polites mardon CR, KM, WC; CA, WA G2G3 -- 1-- Mardon skipper (butterfly) Curr, Jack, Klam S2 CS

Polites sonora siris CR, WV; WA G4T3 -- 3-- Sonora skipper (butterfly) Clat, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Yamh S3?

Speyeria callippe ssp. nov. WV G5TH ---- 1-ex Willamette callippe fritillary (butterfly) Bent SX

Speyeria coronis coronis KM, WC; CA G5T3T4 -- 2-- Coronis fritillary (butterfly) Jack, Jose S2

Speyeria cybele BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- 4-- Great spangled fritillary Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Croo, Curr, Desc, S4 CS Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malh, Mari, Morr, Mult, Polk, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Speyeria zerene bremnerii CR, WV; WA, BC G5T3T4 ---- 2-ex Valley silverspot (butterfly) Bent, Polk SH

Speyeria zerene hippolyta CR; CA, WA G5T1 LT-- 1 Oregon silverspot (butterfly) Clat, Lane, Linc, Till, Yamh S1 CS

Order Hymenoptera Andrena winnemuccana BM, BR; NV G1? -- 3-- A miner bee Malh S2?

Ashmeadiella sculleni BM, BR; NV GNR -- 2-- A -cutter bee Bake, Harn S1?

Bombus caliginosus CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA G3G4 -- 3-- Obscure bumblebee Bent, Clac, Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Hood, Jack, Jeff, S3 Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mult, Till, Wash, Yamh Bombus fervidus BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA + G4? -- 3-- Yellow bumblebee Bake, Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Coos, Curr, Desc, Doug, S4? Gill, Gran, Harn, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Mari, Mult, Polk, Sher, Till, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Wash, Whee, Yamh Bombus franklini KM, WC; CA G1 SOC-- 1 Franklin's bumblebee Desc, Doug, Jack, Jose S1 CS

Bombus morrisoni BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA + G4G5 -- 2-- Morrison Bumblebee Doug, Gill, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Lane, Malh, Umat, S1S2 Wall Bombus occidentalis occidentalis BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; BC, CA, ID, NV, G4T1T3 -- 2-- Western bumblebee WA + S1S2 CS Bake, Clac, Coos?, Desc, Doug, Gill, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Polk?, Unio Bombus suckleyi BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G1G3 -- 1-- Suckley's cuckoo bumblebee Bake, Bent, Clat, Desc, Hood, Jack, Klam, Lane, Linn, S1? Unio, Wall Calliopsis barri BM, BR, CB, EC; ID GNR -- 2-- A miner bee Desc S1

Osmia ashmeadii CB GH -- 1-- A mason bee Wasc SH

Perdita accepta BM, EC GNR -- 1-- A miner bee Desc S1?

Perdita salicis euxantha BM, BR, CB, EC, WC, WV; ID G5TNR -- 3-- A miner bee Bent SU

35 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODFW ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Perdita salicis sublaeta CB, EC G5T1? -- 1-- A miner bee Hood, Wasc S1?


Fish Mammals Chasmistes brevirostris – Shortnose sucker Canis lupus – Gray wolf (Western Oregon) Deltistes luxatus – Lost River sucker Odocoileus virginianus leucurus – Columbian white‐tailed Oncorhynchus nerka – Sockeye salmon (Snake River ESU) deer (Columbia River population) Siphateles (Gila) boraxobius – Borax Lake chub Invertebrates Birds Euphydryas editha taylori – Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly Gymnogyps californianus – California condor (extirpated) Plebejus (Icaricia) icarioides fenderi – Fender's blue butterfly

Animals Listed as Threatened

Fish Acipenser medirostris – Green sturgeon (Southern DPS) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Snake River Catostomus warnerensis – Warner sucker ESU, fall run) Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi – Lahontan cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Lower Oncorhynchus keta – Chum salmon (Columbia River ESU) Columbia River ESU, spring run) Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon (Lower Columbia River Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Lower ESU) Columbia River ESU, fall run) Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon (Southern Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Upper Oregon/Northern California Coasts ESU) Willamette River ESU, spring run) Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Snake River Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Snake River Basin ESU) ESU, spring/summer run) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Lower Columbia River Rhinichthys osculus ssp. – Foskett Spring speckled dace ESU, summer run) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Klamath population) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Lower Columbia River Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Mid‐Columbia ESU, winter run) population) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Middle Columbia River Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Upper Snake population) ESU, summer run) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Coastal population) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Middle Columbia River Siphateles (Gila) bicolor ssp. – Hutton tui chub ESU, winter run) Thaleichthys pacificus – Eulachon Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Upper Willamette River ESU, winter run)

Birds Brachyramphus marmoratus – Marbled murrelet Mammals Charadrius nivosus nivosus – Western snowy plover (coastal Lynx canadensis – Canada lynx population) Ursus arctos horribilis – Grizzly bear (extirpated) Coccyzus americanus – Yellow‐billed cuckoo Eremophila alpestris strigata – Streaked horned lark Invertebrates Strix occidentalis caurina – Northern spotted owl Branchinecta lynchi – Vernal pool fairy shrimp Speyeria zerene hippolyta – Oregon silverspot butterfly Amphibians Rana pretiosa – Oregon spotted frog

Candidates for Listing

Amphibians Mammals Rana luteiventris – Columbia spotted frog Arborimus longicaudus – Red tree vole (North Oregon Coast) Urocitellus washingtoni – Washington ground squirrel

*Does not include sea turtles, whales, or accidental species


USFWS SPECIES OF CONCERN______Fish Acipenser medirostris – Green sturgeon (Northern DPS) Birds Catostomus occidentalis lacusanserinus – Goose Lake sucker Accipiter gentilis – Northern goshawk Catostomus rimiculus – Jenny Creek sucker Agelaius tricolor – Tricolored blackbird Catostomus snyderi – Klamath largescale sucker Athene cunicularia hypugaea – Western burrowing owl Cottus bendirei – Malheur mottled sculpin Bartramia longicauda – Upland sandpiper Cottus marginatus – Margined sculpin Buteo regalis – Ferruginous hawk Cottus tenuis – Slender sculpin Chlidonias niger – Black tern Entosphenus tridentatus – Pacific lamprey Contopus cooperi – Olive‐sided flycatcher Entosphenus tridentatus ssp. – Goose Lake lamprey Coturnicops noveboracensis – Yellow rail Lampetra ayresi – River lamprey Empidonax traillii adastus – Willow flycatcher Lavinia symmetricus mitrulus – Pit roach Haematopus bachmani – Black oystercatcher Oncorhynchus clarki – Coastal cutthroat trout (OR Coast ESU) Histrionicus histrionicus – Harlequin duck Oncorhynchus clarki – Coastal cutthroat trout Icteria virens – Yellow‐breasted chat (Upper Willamette River ESU) Melanerpes formicivorus – Acorn woodpecker Oncorhynchus clarki – Coastal cutthroat trout Melanerpes lewis – Lewis's woodpecker (Southwestern WA/Columbia River ESU) Oreortyx pictus – Mountain quail Oncorhynchus clarki – Coastal cutthroat trout Patagioenas fasciata – Band‐tailed pigeon (Southern Oregon/California Coasts ESU) Picoides albolarvatus – White‐headed woodpecker Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi – Westslope cutthroat trout Plegadis chihi – White‐faced ibis Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (OR Coast ESU, summer run) Pooecetes gramineus affinis – Oregon vesper sparrow Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (OR Coast ESU, winter run) Progne subis – Purple martin Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri (= O. m. gibbsi) – Inland Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus – Columbian sharp‐ Columbia Basin/Great Basin redband trout tailed grouse Oncorhynchus mykiss – Oregon Great Basin redband trout Oregonichthys kalawatseti – Umpqua chub Mammals Rhinichthys cataractae ssp. – Millicoma dace Antrozous pallidus – Pallid bat Siphateles (Gila) alvordensis – Alvord chub Arborimus albipes – White‐footed vole Siphateles (Gila) bicolor eurysoma – Sheldon tui chub Brachylagus idahoensis – Pygmy rabbit Siphateles (Gila) bicolor oregonensis – Oregon Lakes tui chub Corynorhinus townsendii – Townsend's big‐eared bat Siphateles (Gila) bicolor ssp. – Summer Basin tui chub Euderma maculatum – Spotted bat Siphateles (Gila) bicolor ssp. – Catlow tui chub Lasionycteris noctivagans – Silver‐haired bat Myotis ciliolabrum – Western small‐footed myotis Amphibians Myotis evotis – Long‐eared myotis Ascaphus montanus – Rocky Mountain tailed frog Myotis thysanodes – Fringed myotis Ascaphus truei – Coastal tailed frog Myotis volans – Long‐legged myotis Batrachoseps wrighti – Oregon slender salamander Myotis yumanensis – Yuma myotis Plethodon elongatus – Del Norte salamander Sorex preblei – Preble's shrew Plethodon larselli – Larch Mountain salamander Thomomys bottae detumidus – Pistol River pocket gopher Plethodon stormi – Siskiyou Mountains salamander Thomomys bulbivorus – Camas pocket gopher Rana aurora – Northern red‐legged frog Thomomys mazama helleri – Gold Beach pocket gopher Rana boylii – Foothill yellow‐legged frog Rana cascadae – Cascades frog Invertebrates Rhyacotriton variegatus – Southern torrent salamander americana – American grass bug Agapetus denningi – Denning's agapetus caddisfly Reptiles Agonum belleri – Beller's ground beetle Actinemys marmorata – Western pond turtle Allomyia scotti – Scott's apatanian caddisfly Lampropeltis californiae – California kingsnake Anodonta californiensis – California floater (mussel) Lampropeltis zonata – California mountain kingsnake Apatania tavala – Cascades apatanian caddisfly Sceloporus graciosus graciosus – Northern sagebrush lizard Apochthonius malheuri – Malheur pseudoscorpion


USFWS SPECIES OF CONCERN continued______Bombus franklini – Franklin's bumblebee Littorina subrotundata (=Algamorda newcombiana) – Chloealtis aspasma – Siskiyou short‐horned grasshopper Newcomb's littorine snail Cryptochia neosa – Blue Mountains cryptochian caddisfly Monadenia fidelis minor – Oregon snail (Dalles sideband) Driloleirus (=Megascolides) macelfreshi – Oregon giant Nanonemoura (=Zapada) wahkeena – Wahkeena Falls earthworm flightless stonefly Eobrachycentrus gelidae – Mt. Hood brachycentrid caddisfly Nebria gebleri siskiyouensis – Siskiyou gazelle beetle Farula davisi – Green Springs Mountain farulan caddisfly Neothremma andersoni – Columbia Gorge caddisfly Farula jewetti – Mt. Hood farulan caddisfly Oligophlebodes mostbento – Tombstone Prairie caddisfly Farula reapiri – Tombstone Prairie farulan caddisfly Pisidium ultramontanum – Montane peaclam Fluminicola fuscus – Columbia pebblesnail or spire snail Plebeius saepiolus littoralis – Insular blue/Coastal greenish blue Goeracea oregona – Sagehen Creek goeracean caddisfly butterfly Gomphus lynnae – Columbia clubtail dragonfly Pterostichus rothi – Roth's blind ground beetle Homoplectra schuhi – Schuh's homoplectran caddisfly Rhyacophila colonus – O'Brien rhyacophilan caddisfly Kenkia rhynchida – A flatworm (planarian) Rhyacophila haddocki – Haddock's rhyacophilan caddisfly Lepidostoma astanea (=L. goedeni) – Goeden's lepidostoman Rhyacophila unipunctata – One‐spot rhyacophilan caddisfly caddisfly Stygobromus hubbsi – Malheur Cave amphipod STATE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT STATUS Animals Listed as Endangered

Fish Birds Chasmistes brevirostris – Shortnose sucker Pelecanus occidentalis californicus – California brown pelican Deltistes luxatus – Lost River sucker Mammals Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon (Lower Columbia River Urocitellus washingtoni – Washington ground squirrel ESU) Siphateles (Gila) boraxobius – Borax Lake chub

Animals Listed as Threatened

Fish Catostomus warnerensis – Warner sucker Birds Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi – Lahontan cutthroat trout Brachyramphus marmoratus – Marbled murrelet Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Snake River Charadrius nivosus nivosus – Western snowy plover ESU, fall run) Strix occidentalis caurina – Northern spotted owl Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Snake River ESU, spring/summer run) Mammals Enhydra lutris – Sea otter Rhinichthys osculus ssp. – Foskett Spring speckled dace Gulo gulo – Wolverine Siphateles (Gila) bicolor ssp. – Hutton tui chub Vulpes macrotis – Kit fox

ODFW SENSITIVE SPECIES Fish Oncorhynchus clarki – Coastal cutthroat trout (Southwestern Catostomus microps – Modoc sucker (C) Washington/Columbia River ESU) (V) Catostomus occidentalis lacusanserinus – Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi – Westslope cutthroat trout Goose Lake sucker (V) (C in Upper John Day Basin only) Entosphenus minimus – Miller Lake lamprey (V) Oncorhynchus keta – Chum salmon (Columbia River ESU) (C) Entosphenus tridentatus – Pacific lamprey (V) Oncorhynchus keta – Chum salmon (Pacific Coast ESU) (C) Lampetra richardsonii – Western brook lamprey (V) Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon (Southern Oregon/Northern California Coasts ESU) (V)


ODFW SENSITIVE SPECIES continued Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) (V) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Klamath River population) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Snake River Basin ESU) (V) (C), = Klamath Bull trout population Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Klamath Mountains Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Deschutes SMU) (V), part of Province ESU, summer run) (V in KM ecoregion; C in Upper Coastal Bull trout population Klamath) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Grande Ronde SMU) (C), Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Lower Columbia River ESU, part of Mid‐Columbia Bull trout population summer run) (C) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Hells Canyon SMU) (C), part Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Lower Columbia River ESU, of Mid‐Columbia Bull trout population winter run) (C) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Hood River SMU) (C), part Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Middle Columbia River ESU, of Coastal Bull trout population summer run) (C) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Imnaha SMU) (C), part of Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Oregon Coast ESU, summer Mid‐Columbia Bull trout population run) (V) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (John Day SMU) (C), part of Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Oregon Coast ESU, winter Mid‐Columbia Bull trout population run) (V) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Malheur SMU) (C), part of Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead (Upper Willamette River Upper Snake Bull trout population ESU, winter run) (V) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Odell Lake SMU) (C), part of Oncorhynchus mykiss – Catlow Valley redband trout (C), part of Coastal Bull trout population Oregon Great Basin redband trout Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Umatilla SMU) (C), part of Oncorhynchus mykiss – Chewaucan redband trout (V), part of Mid‐Columbia Bull trout population Oregon Great Basin redband trout Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout (Willamette SMU) (C), part Oncorhynchus mykiss – Fort Rock redband trout (C), part of of Coastal Bull trout population Oregon Great Basin redband trout Siphateles (Gila) alvordensis – Alvord chub (V) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Goose Lake redband trout (C), part of Siphateles (Gila) bicolor ssp. – Summer Basin tui chub (C) Oregon Great Basin redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss – Klamath Basin redband trout (V) Amphibians Oncorhynchus mykiss – Malheur Lakes redband trout (V), part Anaxyrus boreas – Western toad (V) of Oregon Great Basin redband trout Aneides ferreus – Clouded salamander (V) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Warner Valley redband trout (C), part Aneides flavipunctatus – Black salamander (V) of Oregon Great Basin redband trout Ascaphus montanus – Rocky Mountain tailed frog (V) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri – Inland Columbia Basin Ascaphus truei – Coastal tailed frog (V) redband trout (V) Batrachoseps wrighti – Oregon slender salamander (V) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Lower Columbia Dicamptodon copei – Cope's giant salamander (V) River ESU, spring run) (C) Lithobates pipiens – Northern leopard frog (C) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Lower Columbia Plethodon elongatus – Del Norte salamander (V) River ESU, fall run) (C) Plethodon larselli – Larch Mountain salamander (V) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Middle Plethodon stormi – Siskiyou Mountains salamander (V) Columbia River ESU, spring run) (V) Rana aurora – Northern red‐legged frog (V in KM and WV Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Middle ecoregions only) Columbia River ESU, fall run) (V) Rana boylii – Foothill yellow‐legged frog (C in WV ecoregion; V Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Oregon Coast elsewhere) ESU, spring run) (C) Rana cascadae – Cascades frog (V) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast ESU, fall run) (V) Rana luteiventris – Columbia spotted frog (C in BR and CB ecoregions; V elsewhere) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast ESU, spring run) (V) Rana pretiosa – Oregon spotted frog (C) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon (Upper Rhyacotriton cascadae – Cascade torrent salamander (V) Willamette River ESU, spring run) (C) Rhyacotriton kezeri – Columbia torrent salamander (V) Oregonichthys crameri – Oregon chub (C) Rhyacotriton variegatus – Southern torrent salamander (V) Oregonichthys kalawatseti – Umpqua chub (C)

Rhinichthys cataractae ssp. – Millicoma dace (V)


ODFW SENSITIVE SPECIES continued Reptiles Numenius americanus – Long‐billed curlew (V in BM, CB, and Actinemys marmorata – Western pond turtle (C) EC ecoregions only) Chrysemys picta – Painted turtle (C) Oreortyx pictus – Mountain quail (V in BR ecoregion only) Crotalus oreganus (= C. viridis) – Western rattlesnake (C in WV Pelecanus erythrorhynchos – American white pelican (V – ecoregion only) breeding population only) Lampropeltis californiae – California kingsnake (V) Picoides albolarvatus – White‐headed woodpecker (C) Lampropeltis zonata – California mountain kingsnake (V) Picoides arcticus – Black‐backed woodpecker (V) Sceloporus graciosus graciosus – Northern sagebrush lizard (V Picoides dorsalis – American three‐toed woodpecker (V) in CB ecoregion only) Podiceps grisegena – Red‐necked grebe (C – breeding population only) Birds Pooecetes gramineus affinis – Oregon vesper sparrow (C in KM Accipiter gentilis – Northern goshawk (V) and WV ecoregions only) Ammodramus savannarum – Grasshopper sparrow (V) Progne subis – Purple martin (C) Antigone (Grus) canadensis tabida – Greater sandhill crane Psiloscops flammeolus (=Otus flammeolus) – Flammulated owl (V, breeding population only) (V) Artemisiospiza nevadensis (= A. belli) – Sage sparrow (C) Ptychoramphus aleuticus – Cassin’s auklet (V) Athene cunicularia hypugaea – Western burrowing owl (V in Sialia mexicana – Western bluebird (V in CR, KM, WC, and WV BR ecoregion; C elsewhere) ecoregions only) Bartramia longicauda – Upland sandpiper (C) Sitta carolinensis aculeata – Slender‐billed nuthatch (V) Buteo regalis – Ferruginous hawk (C in CB ecoregion; V Strix nebulosa – Great gray owl (V) elsewhere) Sturnella neglecta – Western meadowlark (C in WV ecoregion Buteo swainsoni – Swainson's hawk (V) only) Centrocercus urophasianus – Greater sage‐grouse (V in BM, CB Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus – Columbian sharp‐ and EC ecoregions only) tailed grouse (C) Cerorhinca monocerata – Rhinoceros auklet (V) Chordeiles minor – Common nighthawk (C in WV ecoregion Mammals only) Antrozous pallidus – Pallid bat (V) Coccyzus americanus – Yellow‐billed cuckoo (C) Arborimus longicaudus – Red tree vole (V in CR ecoregion only) Contopus cooperi – Olive‐sided flycatcher (V) Bassariscus astutus – Ringtail (V) Coturnicops noveboracensis – Yellow rail (C) Brachylagus idahoensis – Pygmy rabbit (V) Dolichonyx oryzivorus – Bobolink (V) Corynorhinus townsendii – Townsend's big‐eared bat (C) Dryocopus pileatus – Pileated woodpecker (V in BM, EC, and Euderma maculatum – Spotted bat (V) KM ecoregions only) Lasionycteris noctivagans – Silver‐haired bat (V) Egretta thula – Snowy egret (V) Lasiurus cinereus – Hoary bat (V) Empidonax traillii adastus – Willow flycatcher (V in BM, BR, CB, Lepus californicus – Black‐tailed jack rabbit (V in WV ecoregion and EC ecoregions only) only) Empidonax traillii brewsteri – Little willow flycatcher (V) Lepus townsendii – White‐tailed jackrabbit (V) Eremophila alpestris strigata – Streaked horned lark (C) Martes caurina – Pacific marten (V) Falcipennis canadensis – Spruce grouse (V) Myotis californicus – California myotis (V) Falco peregrinus anatum – American peregrine falcon (V) Myotis thysanodes – Fringed myotis (V) Falco peregrinus tundrius – Arctic peregrine falcon (V) Myotis volans – Long‐legged myotis (V) Fratercula cirrhata – Tufted puffin (V) Odocoileus virginianus leucurus – Columbian white‐tailed deer Haliaeetus leucocephalus – Bald eagle (V) (V in CR ecoregion only) Haematopus bachmani – Black oystercatcher (V) Pekania pennanti – Fisher (C) Icteria virens – Yellow‐breasted chat (C in WV ecoregion only) Sciurus griseus – Western gray squirrel (V in WV ecoregion Lanius ludovicianus – Loggerhead shrike (V in BM, CB, EC only) ecoregions only) Leucophaeus (= Larus) pipixcan – Franklin's gull (V) Melanerpes formicivorus – Acorn woodpecker (V in WV C = Critical V = Vulnerable ecoregion only) Melanerpes lewis – Lewis's woodpecker (C) 41

ODFW CONSERVATION STRATEGY SPECIES Fish Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead, Snake River Basin ESU Acipenser medirostris – Green sturgeon, Northern DPS (BM) (CR, ME) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead, Klamath Mountains Acipenser medirostris – Green sturgeon, Southern DPS Province ESU, summer run (CR, KM, WC) (CR, KM, ME) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead, Lower Columbia River Catostomus microps – Modoc sucker (EC) ESU, summer run (CR, WC, WV) Catostomus occidentalis lacusanserinus – Goose Lake sucker Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead, Lower Columbia River (EC) ESU, winter run (CR, WC, WV) Catostomus warnerensis – Warner sucker (BR) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead, Middle Columbia River Chasmistes brevirostis – Shortnose sucker (EC) ESU, summer run (BM, CB, EC) Cottus pitensis – Pit sculpin (BR, EC) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead, Oregon Coast ESU, Deltistes luxatus – Lost River sculpin (EC) summer run (CR, KM, WC) Entosphenus minimus – Miller Lake lamprey (EC) Oncorhynchus mykiss – Steelhead, Upper Willamette River ESU, winter run (WC, WV) Entosphenus tridentatus – Pacific lamprey (CB, CR, EC, KM, ME, WC, WV) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Lower Columbia River ESU, spring run (ME, WC, WV) Lampetra ayresii – River lamprey (CB, CR, WV) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Lower Lampetra richardsonii – Western brook lamprey (BM, CB, CR, Columbia River ESU, fall run (CR, ME, WC, WV) WC, WV) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Middle Oncorhynchus clarki – Coastal cutthroat trout (Southwestern Columbia River ESU, spring run (BM, CB, EC, ME) Washington/Columbia River ESU) (CR, ME, WC, WV) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Middle Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi – Lahontan cutthroat trout Columbia River ESU, fall run (BM, CB, EC, ME) (BR) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Oregon Coast Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi – Westslope cutthroat trout ESU, spring run (CR, KM, ME, WC) (BM, CB) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Upper Snake Oncorhynchus keta – Chum salmon, Columbia River ESU River ESU, spring run (BM, BR, ME) (CR, ME, WV) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Snake River Oncorhynchus keta – Chum salmon, Pacific Coast ESU ESU, fall run (BM, ME) (CR, ME) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Lower Snake Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon, Rogue SMU/Southern River ESU, spring run (BM, ME) Oregon/Northern California Coasts ESU (CR, KM, ME, WC) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Southern Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon, Klamath Oregon/Northern California Coast ESU, spring run (CR, SMU/Southern Oregon/Northern California Coasts ESU KM, ME, WC) (EC, KM, ME) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha – Chinook salmon, Upper Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon, Lower Columbia River Willamette River ESU, spring run (ME, WC, WV) ESU (CR, ME, WC, WV) Oregonichthys crameri – Oregon chub (WC, WV) Oncorhynchus kisutch – Coho salmon, Oregon Coast ESU (CR, ME) Oregonichthys kalawatseti – Umpqua chub (CR, KM, WC) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri/newberrii – Oregon Great Rhinichthys cataractae ssp. – Millicoma dace (CR) Basin redband trout, Catlow Valley SMU (BR) Rhinichthys osculus ssp. – Foskett Spring speckled dace (BR) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri/newberrii – Oregon Great Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Klamath Lake SMU, Basin redband trout, Malheur Lakes SMU (BM, BR) Klamath population (EC, WC) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri/newberrii – Oregon Great Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Deschutes SMU, part of Basin redband trout, Fort Rock SMU (BR) Coastal population (BM, EC, WC) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri/newberrii – Oregon Great Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Grande Ronde SMU, part Basin redband trout, Chewaucan SMU (BR) of Mid‐Columbia population (BM) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri/stonei – Oregon Great Basin Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Hells Canyon SMU, part redband trout, Warner Lakes SMU (BR) of Mid‐Columbia population (BM) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri/stonei – Oregon Great Basin Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Hood River SMU, part of redband trout, Goose Lake SMU (EC) Coastal population (WC) Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri/newberrii – Klamath Basin Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Imnaha SMU, part of Mid‐ redband trout (EC, WC) Columbia population (BM)


ODFW CONSERVATION STRATEGY SPECIES continued Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, John Day SMU, part of Ammodramus savannarum – Grasshopper sparrow (CB, KM, Mid‐Columbia population (BM, CB) WV) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Malheur SMU, part of Antigone (Grus) canadensis tabida – Greater sandhill crane Upper Snake population (BM, BR) (BR, EC, WC) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout, Odell Lake SMU, part of Artemisiospiza belli – Bell's sparrow, = A. nevadensis – Coastal population (EC, WC) Sagebrush sparrow (CB) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout Umatilla SMU, part of Asio flammeus flammeus – Short‐eared owl (WV) Mid‐Columbia population (BM, CB) Athene cunicularia hypugaea – Western burrowing owl (BM, Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout Willamette SMU, part of BR, CB) Coastal population (WC, WV) Baeolophus ridgwayi – Juniper titmouse (BR) Salvelinus confluentus – Bull trout Walla Walla SMU part of Bartramia longicauda – Upland sandpiper (BM) Mid‐Columbia population (BM) Brachyramphus marmoratus – Marbled murrelet (CR, KM, Siphateles alvordensis – Alvord chub (BR) ME) Siphateles bicolor oregonensis – Hutton Spring tui chub (BR) Branta bernicla – Black brant (CR, ME) Siphateles boraxobius – Borax Lake chub (BR) Branta canadensis occidentalis – Dusky Canada goose (WV) Thaleichthys pacificus – Eulachon (CR, KM, ME, WV) Buteo regalis – Ferruginous hawk (BM, BR, CB) Buteo swainsoni – Swainson’s hawk (BM, BR, CB, EC) Amphibians Calidris ptilocnemis tschuktschorum – Rock sandpiper (ME) Anaxyrus boreas – Western toad (BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, WC) Centrocercus urophasianus – Greater sage‐grouse (BM, BR) Aneides ferreus – Clouded salamander (CR, KM, WC, WV) Charadrius nivosus nivosus – Western snowy plover (BR, CR, Ascaphus montanus – Rocky Mountain tailed frog (BM) ME) Ascaphus truei – Coastal tailed frog (CR, KM, WC) Chordeiles minor – Common nighthawk (CB, KM, WV) Batrachoseps wrighti – Oregon slender salamander (WC, Contopus cooperi – Olive‐sided flycatcher (BM, CR, EC, WC, WV) WV) Dicamptodon copei – Cope's giant salamander (CR, EC, WC) Coturnicops noveboracensis – Yellow rail (EC) Plethodon elongatus – Del Norte salamander (CR, KM) Cygnus buccinators – Trumpeter swan (BM, BR, EC) Plethodon larselli – Larch Mountain salamander (WC) Cypseloides niger – Black swift (WC ) Plethodon stormi – Siskiyou Mountains salamander (KM) Dolichonyx oryzivorus – Bobolink (BM, BR) Rana aurora – Northern red‐legged frog (CR, KM, WC, WV) Dryocopus pileatus – Pileated woodpecker (BM) Rana boylii – Foothill yellow‐legged frog (CR, KM, WC, WV) Egretta thula – Snowy egret (BR) Rana cascadae – Cascades frog (EC, WC) Empidonax traillii – Willow flycatcher (BR, WV) Rana luteiventris – Columbia spotted frog (BM, BR) Eremophila alpestris strigata – Streaked horned lark (WV) Rana pretiosa – Oregon spotted frog (EC, WC) Falco peregrinus anatum – American peregrine falcon (BR, Rhyacotriton cascadae – Cascade torrent salamander (WC, CR) WV) Fratercula cirrhata – Tufted puffin (CR, ME) Rhyacotriton kezeri – Columbia torrent salamander (CR, WV) Haematopus bachmani – Black oystercatcher Rhyacotriton variegatus – Southern torrent salamander (CR, (ME) KM, WV) Himantopus mexicanus – Black‐necked stilt (BR)

Reptiles Histrionicus histrionicus – Harlequin duck (CR, WC) Actinemys marmorata – Western pond turtle (CR, EC, KM, Hydroprogne caspia – Caspian tern (BR, CR, EC, ME) WC, WV) Icteria virens – Yellow‐breasted chat (KM, WV) Chrysemys picta – Painted turtle (CB, CR, EC, WC, WV) Lanius ludovicianus – Loggerhead shrike (BM, CB) Crotalus oreganus – Western rattlesnake (WV) Leucophaeus pipixcan – Franklin's gull (BR) Lampropeltis zonata – California mountain kingsnake (CB, Melanerpes formicivorus – Acorn woodpecker (KM, WV) CR, EC, KM, WC) Melanerpes lewis – Lewis’s woodpecker (BM, CB, EC, KM, Sceloporus graciosus graciosus – Northern sagebrush lizard WC) (CB) Numenius americanus – Long‐billed curlew (BM, BR, CB, EC) Oceanodroma furcata – Fork‐tailed storm‐petrel (ME) Birds Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa – Leach's storm‐petrel Accipiter gentilis – Northern goshawk (EC, WC) (ME)


ODFW CONSERVATION STRATEGY SPECIES continued Oreortyx pictus – Mountain quail (BR) Odocoileus virginianus leucurus – Columbian white‐tailed Pelecanus erythrorhynchos – American white pelican (BR, deer (CR, WV) EC) Ovis canadensis – Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (BM) Pelecanus occidentalis californicus – California brown pelican Pekania pennanti – Fisher (CR, KM, WC) (ME) Sciurus griseus – Western gray squirrel (WV) Picoides albolarvatus – White‐headed woodpecker (BM, EC, Urocitellus (=Spermophilus) washingtoni – Washington KM) ground squirrel (CB) Picoides arcticus – Black‐backed woodpecker (BM, EC) Vulpes macrotis – Kit fox (BR) Picoides dorsalis – American three‐toed woodpecker (BM, Vulpes vulpes necator – Sierra Nevada red fox (EC, KM, WC) EC) Podiceps grisegena – Red‐necked grebe (EC) Invertebrates Pooecetes gramineus affinis – Oregon vesper sparrow (KM, Agonum belleri – Beller's ground beetle (EC, WC) WV) Amerigoniscus malheurensis – Malheur isopod (BR) Progne subis arboricola – Purple martin (CR, KM, WC, WV) Anodonta californiensis – California floater mussel (WV) Psiloscops flammeolus – Flammulated owl (BM, EC, KM, WC) Anodonta nuttalliana – Winged floater mussel (WV) Sialia mexicana – Western bluebird (WV) Apochthonius malheuri – Malheur pseudoscorpian (BR) Sitta carolinensis aculeata – Slender‐billed nuthatch (WV) Bombus franklini – Franklin's bumblebee (KM, WC) Spizella breweri – Brewer's sparrow (CB) Bombus occidentalis occidentalis – Western bumblebee (BM, Spizella passerina – Chipping sparrow (WV) BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV) Strix nebulosa – Great gray owl (BM, EC, KM, WC) Branchinecta lynchi – Vernal pool fairy shrimp (KM) Strix occidentalis caurina – Northern spotted owl (CR, EC, Capnia kersti – A stonefly (WV) KM, WC, WV) Danaus plexippus – Monarch butterfly (BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, Sturnella neglecta – Western meadowlark (WV) KM, WC, WV) Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus – Columbian sharp‐ Euphydryas editha taylori – Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly tailed grouse (BM) (WV) Fisherola nuttalli – Shortface lanx (CB) Mammals Fluminicola turbiniformis – Turban pebblesnail (EC) Antrozous pallidus – Pallid bat (BM, BR, CB, EC, KM) Gomphus lynnae – Columbia clubtail dragonfly (BM, BR) Arborimus longicaudus – Red tree vole (CR, KM, WC) Gonidea angulata – Western ridged mussel (BM, CR, KM, Bassariscus astutus – Ringtail (CR, KM, WC,) WV) Brachylagus idahoensis – Pygmy rabbit (BR) Helisoma newberryi – Great Basin ramshorn (EC) Canis lupus – Gray wolf (BM, BR, EC, KM, WC) Helminthoglypta hertleini – Oregon shoulderband (KM, WC) Corynorhinus townsendii – Townsend's big‐eared bat (BM, Hochbergellus hirsutus – Sister’s hesperian (CR) BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV) Icaricia (Plebejus) icarioides fender – Fender’s blue butterfly Euderma maculatum – Spotted bat (BM, BR, CB, EC, KM) (WV) Eumetopias jubatus – Steller sea lion (ME) Incisalia polia maritima (= Callophrys polios martima) – Gulo gulo – Wolverine (BM) Hoary elfin butterfly (CR) Lasionycteris noctivagans – Silver‐haired bat (BM, BR, CB, Juga acutifilosa – Scalloped juga (EC) CR, EC, KM, WC, WV) Juga bulbosa – Bulb juga (BM, CB) Lasiurus cinereus – Hoary bat (BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, Juga hemphilli maupinensis – Purple‐lipped juga (BM, CB) WV) Kenkia rhynchida – Malheur cave flatworm (BR) Lepus townsendii – White‐tailed jackrabbit (BR) Lanx alta – Highcap lanx (EC) Martes americana – American marten (BM, CR, EC, KM, WC) Lanx klamathensis – Scale lanx (EC) Myotis californicus – California myotis (BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, Lanx subrotunda – Rotund lanx (KM) WC, WV) Neothremma andersoni – Columbia Gorge caddisfly (WC) Myotis thysanodes – Fringed myotis (BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, Oncopodura mala – Malheur Cave springtail (BR) WC, WV) Oreohelix variabilis variabilis – Dalles mountainsnail (CB) Myotis volans – Long‐legged myotis (BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, Philotiella leona – Leona's little blue butterfly (EC, WC) WC) Planorbella oregonensis – Borax Lake ramshorn (BR) Ochotona princeps – American pika (BM, BR, EC, WC)


ODFW CONSERVATION STRATEGY SPECIES continued Plebejus saepiolus littoralis – Insular blue/Coastal greenish Stygobromus hubbsi – Malheur Cave amphipod (BR) blue butterfly (CR) Tanypteryx hageni – Black petaltail (CR, EC, WC) Polites mardon – Mardon skipper butterfly (KM) Vespericola depressa – Columbia Gorge hesperian (WC) Pomatiopsis binneyi – Robust walker (CR) Vespericola sierranus – Siskiyou hesperian (EC, KM) Pomatiopsis californica – Pacific walker (CR) Vorticifex effusa dalli – Dall's ramshorn (EC) Pristiloma crateris – Crater Lake tightcoil (EC) Vorticifex effusa diagonalis – Lined ramshorn (EC) Pyrgulopsis archimedis – Archimedes springsnail (EC) Vorticifex klamathensis klamathensis – Klamath ramshorn Speyeria cybele – Great spangled fritillary (WC, WV) (EC) Speyeria zerene hippolyta – Oregon silverspot butterfly (CR) Vorticifex klamathensis sinitsini – Sinitsin ramshorn (EC)

Ecoregion Codes: BM = Blue Mountains; BR = Northern Basin and Range; CB = Columbia Basin; CR = Coast Range; EC = East Cascades; KM = Klamath Mountains; ME = Marine and Estuarine; WC = West Cascades and Crest; WV = Willamette Valley

See Oregon Conservation Strategy for marine and plant Strategy Species


DROPS AND NAME CHANGES since July 2013 list Fish Gila alvordensis (Alvord chub) Name change, now called Siphateles alvordensis Gila bicolor eurysoma (Sheldon tui chub) Name change, now called Siphateles bicolor eurysoma Gila bicolor oregonensis (Oregon Lakes tui chub) Name change, now called Siphateles bicolor oregonensis Gila bicolor ssp. (Catlow tui chub) Name change, now called Siphateles bicolor ssp. Gila bicolor ssp. (Hutton tui chub) Name change, now called Siphateles bicolor ssp. Gila bicolor ssp. (Summer Basin tui chub) Name change, now called Siphateles bicolor ssp. Gila bicolor ssp. (Warner Basin tui chub) Name change, now called Siphateles bicolor ssp. Gila bicolor thalassina (Goose Lake tui chub) Name change, now called Siphateles bicolor thalassinus Gila boraxobius (Borax Lake chub) Name change, now called Siphateles boraxobius Oncorhynchus mykiss (Catlow Valley redband trout) Population definition change, now O.mykiss (Oregon Great Basin redband trout) Oncorhynchus mykiss (Chewaucan redband trout) Population definition change, now O.mykiss (Oregon Great Basin redband trout) Oncorhynchus mykiss (Fort Rock redband trout) Population definition change, now O.mykiss (Oregon Great Basin redband trout) Oncorhynchus mykiss (Goose Lake redband trout) Population definition change, now O.mykiss (Oregon Great Basin redband trout) Oncorhynchus mykiss (Malheur Lakes redband trout) Population definition change, now O.mykiss (Oregon Great Basin redband trout) Oncorhynchus mykiss (Redband trout Warner Population definition change, now O.mykiss Valley/Warner Lakes SMU) (Oregon Great Basin redband trout) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Deschutes SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Coastal population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Grande Ronde SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Mid‐Columbia population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Hells Canyon SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Mid‐Columbia population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Hood River SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Coastal population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Imnaha SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Mid‐Columbia population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (John Day SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Mid‐Columbia population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Klamath River Population definition change, now S. confluentus population) (Klamath population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Malheur River SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Upper Snake population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Odell Lake SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Coastal population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Umatilla SMU) Population definition change, now S. confluentus (Mid‐Columbia population) Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) (Willamette SMU) Population definition change, now S.confluentus (Coastal population)

Reptiles Lampropeltis getula (Common kingsnake) Name change, now called Lampropeltis californiae (California kingsnake)

Birds Artemisiospiza belli (Sage sparrow) Name change, now called A. nevadensis (Sagebrush sparrow) Branta hutchinsii leucopareia (Aleutian Canada goose) Common name change, now Aluetian cackling goose Grus canadensis canadensis (Lesser sandhill crane) Name change, now called Antigone canadensis canadensis Grus canadensis rowani (Canadian sandhill crane) Name change, now called Antigone canadensis rowani Grus canadensis tabida (Greater sandhill crane) Name change, now called Antigone canadensis tabida Otus flammeolus (Flammulated owl) Name change, now called Psiloscops flammeolus


DROPS AND NAME CHANGES since July 2013 list continued Mammals Martes caurina (Pacific Marten – Coastal Population) Name change, now called Martes caurina humboldtensis

Invertebrates Acalypta lillianus (Lillian’s lace bug) Name correction, Acalypta lillianis Atrazonotus umbrosus (Umbrose seed bug) Dropped, too common Bombus occidentalis (Western bumblebee) Name change, now called Bombus occidentalis occidentalis Colligyrus sp. nov (Columbia duskysnail) Name change, now called Colligyrus greggi (Rocky Mountain dusky snail) Erpetogomphus compositus (White‐belted ringtail [dragonfly]) Dropped, too common Eusattus rectus (Sandbar darkling beetle) Name change, now called Conisattus rectus (Sand darkling beetle) Helisoma newberryi newberryi (Great Basin ramshorn snail) Name change, now called Helisoma newberryi (Great Basin ramshorn) Herperocimex coloradensis (Colorado bed bug) Dropped, too common Hydrometra martini (Martin’s water‐measurer) Dropped, too common Lepidostoma astaneum (Goedens’s lepidostoman caddisfly) Name correction, Lepidostoma astanea Mesovelia mulsanti (Mulsant’s water treader) Dropped, too common Monadenia fidelis beryllica (Green sideband) Name change, now called Monadenia fidelis flava Zapada wahkeena (Wahkeena Falls flightless stonefly) Name change, now called Nanonemoura wahkenna


SPECIAL PLANTS AND FUNGI______Nomenclature generally less certain than for other vascular and non- Ongoing research has resulted in a number of vascular species. We hope their inclusion here will recent changes which have been included in this stimulate more research and survey, since many of version of the book. Whenever possible, for vascular these taxa may be among Oregon’s rarest. plants we have used names and authorities provided ORBIC is interested in obtaining and databasing by the Oregon Flora Project at the Oregon State information for all locations of taxa on Lists 1 and 2. University Herbarium. More information on this Files are maintained for locations of those on List 3 project is provided at the end of this section. and 4 but these are generally not included in our rare species database. Lists It is critical that additional information be obtained This plant list is an update of the 2013 edition of this for List 3 taxa so accurate status determinations can publication. All status changes for specific taxa reflect be made. Distribution information is based on new information obtained since then. List and status historical and current reports and is included to aid in definitions can be found in the Definitions section. searches and to increase knowledge of these taxa. Species that have been dropped from the list or The submission of additional information on status have had name changes are not included within the or occurrences of any species included on these lists main body of the lists. These are listed separately in would be appreciated. Forms and information on the "Drops and Name Changes" section. If you do not submitting digital reports or location information to see a species name that had been in the 2013 edition ORBIC can be found at of the book, please refer to that section. http://inr.oregonstate.edu/orbic/submit-data. The lists are arranged by category then alphabetically by scientific name. State distribution is State Endangered Plant Protection included for all taxa in this edition. Native Plant Conservation Program Distribution information for the non-vascular plants Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and fungi is not complete. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology At the end of the main list, taxa are listed again by 2082 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University status. These include: a) the USFWS Federal Corvallis, OR 97331-2902 Endangered Species Act Listed Species, Candidates, and Species of Concern; and b) the ODA State Dr. Robert Meinke, Program Lead (OSU Graduate Endangered Listed and Candidate taxa. Faculty, Adjunct) - (541) 737-2317 Other Information Kelly Amsberry, Plant Conservation Research Coordinator (OSU Research Associate) - ORBIC recognizes that fungi are not plants and (541) 737-4333 should be recognized as a distinct kingdom. However, Jordan Brown, Staff Plant Conservation Biologist, Field for this book they are included in the plant section. As Team Leader - (541) 737-2346 (OSU Research in previous editions, information on the fungi in the Associate) lists is not as complete as other groups of species. As Cameron Metzler, Natural Resource Specialist a result, most remain on the Review List (List 3). Laura Kentnesse, Graduate Student in Conservation Information on fungi species has been summarized Biology (Botany Dept., OSU) from work which included extensive herbaria searches and fieldwork from federal agency biologists as well In 1987, Oregon legislators passed Senate Bill 533 as from OSU faculty and staff. Much of the fungi work (unofficially the "Oregon Endangered Species Act") at builds on the efforts by the USFS and BLM in the urging of the Native Plant Society of Oregon and implementing the Survey and Manage program of the the state's botanical community. This bill, and its Northwest Forest Plan. The heritage ranks are the accompanying statutes (ORS 564.100 through best determination of a species’ status, but due to 564.135), directed ODA to conserve and protect those their limited inventory, heritage ranks for fungi are native plant species facing the greatest threats to

48 their survival. The resulting Endangered Species by the department during follow-up permit reviews, Program (now integrated into the Native Plant report evaluations, or for special services. Contact Bob Conservation Program in ODA's Plant Program Area) Meinke or Jordan Brown if you have any questions was initiated in 1988. The most current state list of regarding permits. threatened and endangered plant species and related With the exception of the state’s ability to regulate administrative rules can be accessed at the import, export, and commercial trafficking of http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/pages/rules/oars_600/oa threatened and endangered plants, Oregon’s r_603/603_073.html conservation authority regarding state-listed plants extends only to non-federal public lands (e.g., state, These administrative rules also describe city, and county lands, public schools and utilities). departmental procedures for the listing, Managers of these lands are required to follow the reclassification, or delisting of plant species as conservation management protocols specified under threatened or endangered; how to go about OAR 603-073. petitioning ODA for the listing or delisting of a Although state regulations do not require private or species; and the regulations and programs designed federal agencies to safeguard species protected to assist and direct state land management agencies under state law on their lands, ODA is willing to in their important roles involving native plant cooperate with anyone in plant conservation efforts if protection. they request assistance, to the extent that ODA has The Native Plant Conservation Program works with staff available to help. Since 1988, ODA has governmental agencies, non-governmental collaborated with federal agencies such as USFWS, organizations, universities, businesses, and individuals the USFS, and the BLM, as well as with various state to conserve Oregon’s rich natural heritage of native and local agencies, private organizations, and plant diversity. This is achieved through two avenues: individuals, on over 250 plant conservation research research and regulation. The research conducted by and recovery projects statewide. program staff focuses on taxonomic questions, For additional information about the Native Plant reproductive biology, disturbance ecology, population Conservation Program, please visit the program’s augmentation and creation, and providing data in website at support of listing or delisting species. Such http://www.oregon.gov/oda/plant/conservation. biologically-based projects are critical to the development of accurate status determinations for many rare plants, including formally listed species, Native Plant Society of Oregon (NPSO) candidate taxa, and species of concern. Plant Protection and Education Programs On the regulatory side, ODA is responsible for NPSO has had a long history of working to increase setting the guidelines on listing, reclassification, and the knowledge and protection of rare plants in delisting plant species as threatened or endangered. Oregon. From involvement in the original Oregon In addition, the program is charged with developing Rare and Endangered Plant Project (1972-1982), to and administering a permit system which regulates writing and passage of the Oregon Endangered commercial and research actions involving state-listed Species Act of 1987, NPSO members have been at the plant species. Any person or organization planning to forefront of plant conservation in our state. study, collect, cultivate, transplant, reintroduce, or In addition to sponsoring and supporting otherwise work with or impact a listed species for endangered species legislation, NPSO carries on its commercial or research purposes must first apply in own rare plant protection program. Members in 13 advance for a written permit from ODA. If the chapters across the state monitor rare plants in each application is approved, the permittee then provides area, and report findings to our state Rare & an annual summary describing completed or ongoing Endangered (R&E) chair. This information is then activities for each listed species (see OAR 603-073- incorporated into ORBIC's databases. In addition, 0100 and -0110). Regular permits are currently issued each chapter has an active schedule of programs, free of charge, though ODA may request reasonable workshops, and field trips. The NPSO Bulletin reimbursement from applicants for any costs incurred

49 newsletter and Kalmiopsis journal feature articles on Oregon was published in September 2015; it covers Oregon R&E species. New members are always the 1,054 taxa within the pteridophytes, welcome. Please visit our website below for more gymnosperms, and monocots. The dicots will be information about NPSO’s Rare & Endangered Plant treated in Volume 2 (Adoxaceae – Fagaceae; Program. For information contact us at: publication in 2017) and Volume 3 (Garryaceae – Native Plant Society of Oregon Zygophyllaceae; publication in 2019). P.O. Box 902 Each Flora volume has dichotomous keys to families Eugene, OR 97440-0902 as well as to terminal taxon (species or subtaxon). www.npsoregon.org Each taxon description is accompanied by a distribution dot map. There are pen and ink Oregon Flora Project illustrations of every genus; when more than 4 species The mission of the Oregon Flora Project (OFP) is to of any genus are treated approximately 25% will have serve as steward of Oregon's botanical information an illustration. Each volume also has a glossary, and to support its use and application. The OFP appendices, and front chapters with color focuses on the native and naturalized vascular plants photographs presenting topics of general interest. of the state that grow in the wild without cultivation. The Flora of Oregon can be purchased directly from Information is communicated in print via the Flora of the publisher, BRIT Press, at Oregon and digitally through the OFP website http://shop.brit.org/products/floraoforegon1. (http://oregonflora.org) and a plant identification Descriptive visual data are exemplified by the online mobile app. Three basic types of data are provided Photo Gallery. Currently there are over 44,000 for all the approximately 4,620 plant taxa (species, searchable images representing about 93% of the subspecies, and varieties) in Oregon: taxonomic, taxa in the flora. These are primarily field photographs descriptive visual, and spatial. depicting flowers as well as plant habitat, general Taxonomic knowledge of the state’s flora is habit, and details of key characters. Images of summarized in the Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist. representative herbarium specimens are included. The The Checklist is a standardized, documented OFP is pleased to accept contributed digital images of reference for Oregon vascular plants which allows plants that are accompanied by an identification and users to effectively communicate taxonomic concepts locality data. across diverse datasets. The Checklist is updated Oregon Wildflowers, a wildflower identification app continuously to reflect the most recent research, with for mobile digital devices, is an image-based virtually all changes being immediately reflected in interactive key to 1,054 herbs, , and vines the OFP website tools. A snapshot of the Checklist is statewide. It can be downloaded from published annually; this serves as a milepost to cite as http://www.highcountryapps.com/OregonWildflowers. a reference for nomenclature of taxonomic concepts aspx. Of the included plant forms, approximately 35% used in reports, projects, and publications. The of the taxa within 502 genera are represented. There Checklist tracks all native and exotic taxa confirmed to are multiple photos, a written description, and a grow in Oregon without cultivation, either currently or distribution map for each taxon. The app can be run historically. Each taxon entry lists the accepted without an internet connection, making it a useful scientific name, synonyms, common name, plant resource in remote areas. origin (native or exotic), location of a voucher Spatial data gathered and curated by OFP are specimen (if other than the OSU Herbaria), date of available for mapping through the Oregon Vascular most recent collection, and key bibliographic Plant Atlas. This interactive mapping tool creates references. Names are also cross-referenced to nine distribution maps of any combination of plant taxa. key floras and field guides that cover portions of the More than 540,000 mappable records are derived state. from herbarium specimens from 39 herbaria and The Flora of Oregon is the first comprehensive unvouchered observations from images, species lists, floristic reference addressing all of Oregon that has research, and survey projects. Details about each been initiated in over 50 years. Volume 1 of Flora of plant occurrence (excluding sensitive plant localities)

50 are available and can be downloaded in spreadsheet the OR/WA Bureau of Land Management and the format. John & Betty Soreng Environmental Fund of the The Oregon Flora Project is housed in the Botany & Oregon Community Foundation. Plant Pathology (BPP) Department of Oregon State To access the resources described, visit the OFP University and is closely associated with the OSU web site at http://oregonflora.org. A redesigned Herbarium. Five staff members (totaling 3.6 FTE), website will be launched in early 2017 with new student workers, and volunteers comprise the OFP features to augment the current content. team. An eight member advisory council supports the Contact information: OFP mission, as does a Native Plant Society of Linda K. Hardison, Ph.D. Oregon liaison. Director, Oregon Flora Project Since its inception in 1994, 100% of the salaries and Department of Botany and Plant Pathology direct operating expenses of the OFP are derived Oregon State University from charitable donations, sponsorship by the Native Corvallis, OR 97331-2902 Plant Society of Oregon, and competitive grants. [email protected] Indirect support as office space and HR services are http://oregonflora.org provided by BPP. Sustained funding is provided by

51 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List Vascular Plants Abronia latifolia Eschsch. CR; CA, WA G5 ---- 4 Yellow sandverbena Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S3

Abronia mellifera Dougl. ex Hook. BR, CB, EC; ID, WA + G4 ---- 3 White sandverbena Gill, Harn, Hood, Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Wasc SNR

Abronia turbinata Torr. ex S. Wats. BR; CA, ID, NV, AZ G5 ---- 2 Trans montane abronia Harn, Malh S1

Abronia umbellata Lam. var. breviflora (Standl.) CR; CA, WA, BC G4G5T2 SOC LE 1 L.A. Galloway Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S1 Pink sandverbena

Achnatherum hendersonii (Vasey) Barkworth BM, CB; WA G3 SOC 1C Henderson ricegrass Croo, Gran, Sher, Wasc S2

Achnatherum nevadense (B.L. Johnson) BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 2 Barkworth Bake, Harn, Malh S2 Nevada needlegrass

Achnatherum pinetorum (M.E. Jones) Barkworth BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 3 Pine needlegrass Harn SNR

Achnatherum richardsonii (Link) Barkworth BM; WA + G5 ---- 2 Richardson's needlegrass Umat, Unio S2?

Achnatherum wallowaense J.R. Maze & K.A. BM G2G3 SOC -- 1 Robson Croo, Wall S2S3 Wallowa ricegrass

Achnatherum webberi (Thurb.) Barkworth BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 4 Webber needlegrass Harn, Lake, Malh S3

Adiantum jordanii C. Muell. CR, KM; CA G4G5 ---- 2 California maiden-hair Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S2

Adiantum shastense Huiet & A.R. Sm. KM; CA G3 ---- 2 Shasta maidenhair Jose S1

Agastache cusickii (Greenm.) Heller BR; ID, MT, NV G3G4 ---- 2 Cusick's giant-hyssop Harn, Lake, Malh S2

Agoseris elata (Nutt.) Greene EC, WC; CA,WA G4 ---- 2 Tall agoseris Clac, Desc, Hood, Jeff, Wasc S1

Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. KM, WC, WV; CA, WA + G5 ---- 3 Tall hairy groovebur Doug, Jack, Jose, Mult SNR

Agrostis densiflora Vasey CR; CA G3G4 ---- 3 California bentgrass Curr, Lane, Linc, Till SNR

Agrostis hendersonii A.S. Hitchc. KM; CA G2Q SOC -- 1-ex Henderson's bentgrass Jack SH

Agrostis howellii Scribn. WC G2 SOC 1C Howell's bentgrass Hood, Mult S2

Aliciella triodon (Eastw.) Brand BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Coyote gilia Malh S2

52 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Allenrolfea occidentalis (S. Wats.) Kuntze BR; CA, ID, NV+ G4 ---- 2 Iodine bush Harn, Malh S2

Allium bisceptrum S. Wats. BM, BR; CA, ID+ G4G5 ---- 4 Two-stemmed onion Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh S4

Allium bolanderi S. Wats. var. bolanderi KM; CA G4T3? ---- 3 Bolander onion Curr, Jack, Jose SNR

Allium dictuon St. John BM; WA G2 SOC -- 1 Blue Mt. onion Wall S2

Allium geyeri S. Wats. var. geyeri BM; ID, NV, WA+ G4G5T4 ---- 2 Geyer's onion Wall S1

Allium nevii S. Wats. CB, EC; WA G3G4 ---- 3 Nevius' onion Hood, Wasc S3?

Allium peninsulare J.G. Lemmon ex Greene KM, WC; CA G5 ---- 2 Peninsular onion Jack S1

Allium punctum L.F. Hend. BR; CA, NV G3 ---- 3 Dotted onion Harn, Lake, Malh SNR

Allium robinsonii Henderson CB; WA G3 SOC -- 2-ex Robinson's onion Gill, Morr, Sher, Umat SX

Allium sanbornii Wood var. sanbornii KM; CA G3T4? ---- 3 Sanborn's onion Jack SNR

Allium unifolium Kellogg WV; CA G4G5 ---- 4 One-leaved onion Polk, Yamh S4

Allophyllum gilioides (Benth.) A.& V. Grant EC, KM; CA, NV + G4G5 ---- 3 Straggling gilia Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam SNR

Ammannia robusta Heer & Regel BM, CB, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 An ammannia Bent, Mult, Sher, Unio, Wasc SNR

Amsinckia carinata A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. BR G2 SOC LT 1 Malheur Valley fiddleneck Malh S2

Amsinckia spectabilis Fisch. & C.A. Mey. var. CR; WA, BC G4G5TNR ---- 3 spectabilis Linc, Till SNR Seaside amsinckia

Androsace elongata L. ssp. acuta (Greene) G.T. KM; CA G5?T3T4 ---- 2-ex Robbins Jack SH Long-stemmed androsace

Anemone multifida Poir. var. tetonensis (Porter ex BM; ID, NV+ G5T4T5 ---- 3 Britt.) C.L. Hitchc. Unio, Wall SNR Cliff anemone

Anemone oregana Gray var. felix (M.E. Peck) CR, WC; WA G4T3 SOC -- 2 C.L. Hitchc. Linc, Linn, Polk, Till, Yamh S1 Bog anemone

Angelica tomentosa S. Wats. CR; CA G4G5 ---- 3 Woolly angelica Coos, Curr, Jose SNR

Antennaria aromatica Evert BM; MT, WY G4 ---- 4 Aromatic antennaria Wall S3

53 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Antirrhinum kingii S. Wats. BR; CA, NV+ G4 ---- 2 King snapdragon Harn, Malh S2

Antirrhinum vexillo-calyculatum Kellogg ssp. KM, WC; CA G4G5T4T5 ---- 3 breweri (Gray) D. Thompson Doug, Jack, Jose SNR Brewer's snapdragon

Arabis furcata S. Wats. EC, WC; WA G4 ---- 4 Cascade rockcress Clac?, Hood, Jeff, Mari?, Wasc S3

Arabis koehleri T.J. Howell var. koehleri KM G3T1Q SOC 1C Koehler's rockcress Doug S1

Arabis koehleri T.J. Howell var. stipitata Rollins KM; CA G3T3Q ---- 4 Koehler's stipitate rockcress Curr, Jack, Jose S3

Arabis macdonaldiana Eastw. KM; CA G3 LE LE 1 Red Mountain rockcress Curr, Jose S1

Arabis modesta Rollins KM; CA G3 SOC -- 2 Rogue Canyon rockcress Jack, Jose S2

Arctostaphylos hispidula T.J. Howell CR, KM; CA G4 SOC -- 2 Gasquet manzanita Curr, Doug, Jose S2

Argemone munita Dur. & Hilg. BR; NV G4 ---- 2 Prickly-poppy Harn, Malh S2

Arnica viscosa A. Gray WC; CA G4 ---- 2 Shasta Desc, Doug, Klam S2

Artemisia campestris L. var. wormskioldii (Bess. CB, WC; WA G5T1 C LE 1-ex ex Hook.) Cronq. Mult, Sher, Umat, Wasc SX Northern wormwood

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. estesii Chambers BM, EC G5T3 SOC -- 4 Estes' artemisia Croo, Desc, Jeff S3

Artemisia packardiae J. Grimes & Ertter BR; ID, NV G3 ---- 4 Packard's artemisia Malh S3

Artemisia papposa Blake & Cronq. BR; ID, NV G4 ---- 2 Owyhee sagebrush Malh S2

Artemisia pycnocephala (Less.) DC. CR; CA G4G5 ---- 2 Coastal sagewort Coos, Curr S1

Asarum wagneri Lu & Mesler EC, WC G3 -- 4C Green-flowered wild-ginger Doug, Jack, Klam, Lane S3

Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffmann EC, WC; CA G5 ---- 2 Grass-fern Doug, Jack, Klam S1

Asplenium viride Huds. BM; CA, ID, NV, WA+ G4 ---- 2 Green spleenwort Bake, Unio, Wall S1

Astragalus alvordensis M.E. Jones BR; NV G4 ---- 4 Alvord milk-vetch Harn, Malh S4

54 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Astragalus applegatei M.E. Peck EC G1 LE LE 1 Applegate's milk-vetch Klam S1

Astragalus atratus S. Wats. var. owyheensis (A. BM, BR; ID, NV G4G5T3 ---- 4 Nels. & J.F. Macbr.) M.E. Jones Bake, Malh S3 Owyhee milk-vetch

Astragalus californicus (Gray) Greene EC, KM; CA G3 ---- 2 California milk-vetch Jack, Klam S1

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats. BR; CA, ID, NV+ G5 ---- 2 King's rattleweed Malh S1

Astragalus collinus (Hook.) Dougl. ex G. Don var. CB G5T1 SOC LT 1 laurentii (Rydb.) Barneby Gill, Morr, Sher, Umat S1 Laurence's milk-vetch

Astragalus conjunctus S. Wats. var. conjunctus BM, BR, CB; ID, WA, WY G4TNR ---- 3 Idaho milk-vetch Bake, Croo, Desc, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Malh, Morr, SNR Sher, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee

Astragalus conjunctus S. Wats. var. rickardii CB; WA G4T3 ---- 3 Welsh, K. Beck & F. Caplow Gill, Sher, Wasc, Whee SNR Rickard's milk-vetch

Astragalus cusickii Gray var. sterilis (Barneby) BR; ID G5T2 -- LT 1 Barneby Malh S2 Sterile milk-vetch

Astragalus diaphanus Dougl. ex Hook. var. BM G4T2Q -- LT 1 diurnus (S. Wats.) Barneby ex M.E. Peck Gran S2 South John Day milk-vetch

Astragalus gambelianus Sheldon KM; CA G5 ---- 2 Gambel milk-vetch Jack S1

Astragalus geyeri Gray var. geyeri BR, CB; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4T4 ---- 2 Geyer's milk-vetch Harn, Malh, Umat S2?

Astragalus hoodianus T.J. Howell CB, EC; WA G4 ---- 2 Hood River milk-vetch Hood, Wasc S3

Astragalus lemmonii A. Gray BR, EC; CA, NV G2 ---- 1 Lemmon's milk-vetch Croo, Desc, Gran, Klam, Lake S1

Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl. ex Hook. var. BR; CA, NV G5T3T4 ---- 3 floribundus Gray Lake SNR Floriferous freckled milkvetch

Astragalus misellus S. Wats. var. misellus BM, BR?, EC G3T2? ---- 1 Pauper milk-vetch Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn?, Jeff, Whee S2?

Astragalus mulfordiae M.E. Jones BR; ID G2 SOC LE 1 Mulford's milk-vetch Malh S1

Astragalus peckii Piper BM, EC G3 -- LT 1 Peck's milk-vetch Desc, Jeff, Klam S3

Astragalus platytropis A. Gray BR; CA, ID, NV, UT G5 ---- 2 Broad-keeled milk-vetch Malh S1

Astragalus reventiformis (Rydb.) Barneby CB; WA G5 ---- 3 Long-leaved milk-vetch Sher SNR

Astragalus robbinsii (Oakes) Gray var. BM G5T3 ---- 4 alpiniformis (Rydb.) Barneby ex C.L. Hitchc. Wall S3 Wallowa milk-vetch 55 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Astragalus sclerocarpus Gray BM, CB; WA, BC G5 ---- 3 Stalked-pod milk-vetch Gill, Morr, Sher, Umat, Wasc SNR

Astragalus succumbens Dougl. ex Hook. CB; WA G4G5 ---- 4 Columbia milk-vetch Gill, Morr, Umat, Wasc S4

Astragalus tegetarioides M.E. Jones BM, BR G3 SOC 1C Bastard kentrophyta Croo, Harn S3

Astragalus tenellus Pursh BR; ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Loose flower milk-vetch Malh S1?

Astragalus tyghensis M.E. Peck CB G2 -- LT 1 Tygh Valley milk-vetch Wasc S2

Astragalus umbraticus Sheldon CR, KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 4 Woodland milk-vetch Curr, Doug, Jose, Lane S3

Athysanus unilateralis (M.E. Jones) Jepson KM; CA G4? ---- 3 Spreading athysanus Jack SNR

Atriplex gmelinii C.A. Mey. ex Bong. var. gmelinii CR, ME; CA, WA, AK G5TNR ---- 2 Gmelin's saltbush Lane, Linc, Till S1

Atriplex leucophylla (Moq.) D. Dietr. CR; CA + G4G5 ---- 3 Beach saltbush Coos, Linc SNR

Atriplex powellii S. Wats. BR; AZ + G4 ---- 3 Powell's saltbush Malh SNR

Baccharis douglasii DC. CR; CA G5 ---- 2 Marsh baccharis Curr S1?

Balsamorhiza hookeri (Hook.) Nutt. var. BM; ID G5T3? ---- 3 idahoensis (Sharp) Cronq. Bake SNR Hooker's balsamroot

Balsamorhiza hookeri (Hook.) Nutt. var. lanata KM; CA G5T3Q ---- 1 Sharp Jack S1 Woolly balsamroot

Balsamorhiza rosea A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. CB; WA G4G5 ---- 2 Rosy balsamroot Umat S1

Balsamorhiza sericea W.A. Weber KM; CA G4Q ---- 4 Silky balsamroot Jose S3

Bensoniella oregana (Abrams & Bacig.) Morton CR, KM; CA G3 SOC 1C Bensonia Coos, Curr, Doug, Jose S3

Bergia texana (Hook.) Seub. ex Walp. BR, WV; CA, NV, WA + G5 ---- 4 bergia Colu?, Malh, Mult S3?

Boechera atrorubens (Suksdorf ex Greene) EC, WC; WA G3 ---- 2 Windham & Al-Shehbaz Hood, Wasc S2 Sickle-pod rockcress

Boechera breweri ssp. shastaensis Windham & BR, KM; CA G4?T4? ---- 3 Al-Shehbaz Desc, Jose SNR Brewer's rockcress

56 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Boechera cascadensis Windham & Al-Shehbaz BM; WA G1Q ---- 3 Cascade rockcress Bake SNR

Boechera cobrensis (M. E. Jones) Dorn BM, BR, KM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Cobre rockcress Croo, Desc, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Lake, Malh SNR

Boechera covillei (Greene) Windham & WC; CA, NV GNR ---- 3 Al-Shehbaz Jack, Klam, Lake SNR Coville's rockcress

Boechera cusickii (S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz BM, BR, CB, EC; ID, NV, WA G4 ---- 3 Cusick's rockcress Croo, Gill, Gran, Jeff, Malh, Morr, Umat, Unio, Wall, SNR Wasc, Whee

Boechera davidsonii (Greene) N. H. Holmgren BM; CA+ G4? ---- 2 Davidson's rockcress Bake, Wall S1

Boechera hastatula (Greene) Al-Shehbaz BM, WC G2 SOC -- 1 Hells Canyon rockcress Gran, Linn, Wall S2

Boechera horizontalis (Greene) Windham & WC G1 SOC 1C Al-Shehbaz Jack?, Klam S1 Crater Lake rockcress

Boechera paddoensis (Rollins) Windham & BM; WA, BC G3? ---- 1 Al-Shehbaz Gran, Wall S1 Mt. Adams rockcress

Boechera rollei (Rollins) Al-Shehbaz KM; CA G1 ---- 3 Klamath River rockcress Jack SNR

Bolandra oregana S. Wats. BM, WC, WV; ID, WA G3 -- 4C Oregon bolandra Bake, Clac, Hood, Mult, Umat, Unio, Wall S3

Botrychium ascendens W.H. Wagner BM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G3 SOC 1C Upward-lobed moonwort Bake, Gran, Wall, Whee S2

Botrychium campestre W.H. Wagner & Farrar ex BM; AB, SK, ND + G3G4 SOC -- 2 W.H. & F. Wagner Wall S1 Prairie moonwort

Botrychium crenulatum W.H. Wagner BM, BR; AZ, CA, ID, MT, NV, UT, WA, WY G3 SOC 1C Crenulate grape-fern Bake, Croo, Gran, Harn, Lake, Umat, Unio, Wall, Whee S2

Botrychium hesperium (Maxon & Clausen) W.H. BM; WA + G4 ---- 2 Wagner & Lellinger Umat, Unio, Wall S1 Western moonwort

Botrychium lanceolatum (Gmel.) Angstr. BM, BR, WC; WA, ID + G5 ---- 4 Lance-leaved grape-fern Bake, Gran, Harn, Hood, Klam, Umat, Unio, Wall S3

Botrychium lineare W.H. Wagner BM; CA, CO, ID, MT, NB, QC G2G3 ---- 1 Skinny moonwort Wall S1

Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. BM, BR; NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Moonwort Gran, Harn, Unio, Wall S2

Botrychium minganense Victorin BM, BR, EC, WC; CA, ID, WA + G4G5 ---- 4 Gray moonwort Bake, Croo, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, Linn, Morr, Umat, S3 Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee

Botrychium montanum W.H. Wagner BM, EC, WC; CA, MT, WA, BC + G3 SOC -- 2 Mountain grape-fern Bake, Croo, Gran, Hood, Linn, Mari, Unio, Wall, Wasc, S2 Whee

Botrychium paradoxum W.H. Wagner BM; MT, UT, WA, AB, BC, SK G3G4 SOC 2C Twin-spike moonwort Bake, Gran, Unio, Wall, Whee S1

57 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Botrychium pedunculosum W.H. Wagner BM; MT, WA, AB, BC, SK G3 SOC 1C Stalked moonwort Bake, Gran, Unio, Wall S1

Botrychium pinnatum St. John BM, BR, EC; CA, WA, ID + G4? ---- 4 Pinnate grape-fern Bake, Gran, Harn, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee S3

Botrychium pumicola Coville ex Underwood EC, WC; CA G3 -- LT 1 Pumice grape-fern Desc, Klam, Lake S3

Brodiaea californica Lindl. KM; CA G4? ---- 3 California brodiaea Jack SNR

Brodiaea terrestris Kellogg CR; CA G4G5 ---- 2 Dwarf brodiaea Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc S2

Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth ex C.B. Clarke KM; CA + G5 ---- 2-ex Densetuft hairsedge Jose SH

Bupleurum americanum Coult. & Rose BM; ID + G5 ---- 2 Bupleurum Bake, Wall S1

Calamagrostis breweri Thurb. WC; CA G3 ---- 2 Brewer reedgrass Clac, Hood, Jeff, Linn, Mari S2

Calamagrostis tweedyi (Scribn.) Scribn. ex Vasey BM, WC; ID, NV, WA, MT G3 -- -- 2 Tweedy's reedgrass Klam, Umat S1

California macrophylla (Hook. & Arn.) J.J. KM; CA + G2 ---- 1 Aldasoro, C. Navarro, P. Vargas, L. Sáez & C. Jack S1 Aedo Large-leaved filaree Callitriche fassettii Schotsman BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, WC, WV G1Q ---- 3 Fassett's water-starwort Bent, Clat, Colu, Coos, Desc, Doug, Gran, Harn, Klam, SNR Lake, Malh, Polk, Wall, Wasc

Callitriche marginata Torr. CB, KM; BC, CA G4 ---- 2 Winged water-starwort Jack, Jose, Wasc S2

Callitriche trochlearis Fassett EC, KM, WC G3? ---- 3 Wheel fruited water-starwort Bent, Jack, Klam, Linn SNR

Calochortus coxii M. Godfrey & F. Callahan KM G1 SOC LE 1 Cox's mariposa-lily Doug S1

Calochortus greenei S. Wats. EC, KM; CA G3 SOC 1C Greene's mariposa-lily Jack, Klam S3

Calochortus howellii S. Wats. KM G3 SOC LT 1 Howell's mariposa-lily Curr, Jose S3

Calochortus indecorus Ownbey & M.E. Peck KM GX -- LE 1-X Sexton Mt. mariposa-lily Jose SX

Calochortus longebarbatus S. Wats. var. BM, EC; CA, WA G4T3 ---- 4 longebarbatus Klam, Lake, Umat, Unio, Wasc S3 Long-bearded mariposa-lily

Calochortus longebarbatus S. Wats. var. peckii BM G4T3 SOC 1C Ownbey Croo, Gran, Harn, Whee S3 Peck's mariposa-lily

58 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Calochortus macrocarpus Dougl. var. maculosus BM; ID, WA G5T2 SOC -- 1 (A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. Wall S2 Green-band mariposa-lily

Calochortus monophyllus (Lindl.) Lem. WC; CA G3G4 ---- 2 One-leaved calochortus Jack S1

Calochortus nitidus Dougl. WC; ID G3 SOC -- 2 Broad-fruit mariposa-lily Jack S1

Calochortus nudus S. Wats. KM; CA G3G4 ---- 2 Shasta star-tulip Jack S2

Calochortus persistens Ownbey KM; CA G2 -- 1C Siskiyou mariposa lily Jack S1

Calochortus umpquaensis N.A. Fredricks ssp. KM, WC? G3T2 SOC LE 1 confertus Callahan Doug S2 Callahan mariposa lily

Calochortus umpquaensis N.A. Fredricks ssp. KM G3T1 SOC LE 1 flavicomus Callahan Doug S2 Yellow-haired Umpqua mariposa lily

Calochortus umpquaensis N.A. Fredricks ssp. KM G3T2 SO CLE 1 umpquaensis Doug S2 Umpqua mariposa lily

Calyptridium roseum S. Wats. BM, BR; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Rosy pussypaws Harn, Lake, Malh S1

Camassia howellii S. Wats. KM G2 SOC 1C Howell's Jack, Jose S2

Camissonia parvula (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) Raven BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Lewis' River suncup Harn, Lake, Malh S2

Camissonia pusilla Raven BR; CA, ID, NV, UT G3G4 ---- 2 Washoe suncup Desc, Harn, Lake, Malh S2

Cardamine holmgrenii Al-Shehbaz BM G1? ---- 3 Holmgren's bittercress Bake SNR

Cardamine nuttallii Greene var. gemmata KM; CA G5T3Q -- 4C (Greene) Rollins Curr, Jose S3 Purple toothwort

Cardamine pattersonii Henderson CR G2 SOC 1C Saddle Mt. bittercress Clat, Till S2

Carex abrupta Mackenzie BM, BR, KM, WC; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 4 Abrupt-beaked sedge Curr, Doug, Harn, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Wall S3

Carex atherodes Spreng. BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Awned sedge Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Unio, Wall S2?

Carex atrosquama Mackenzie BM, BR; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Blackened sedge Malh, Wall S1

Carex barbarae Dewey CR, KM; CA G4G5Q ---- 4 Santa Barbara sedge Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S3?

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern. BM; WA + G5 ---- 4 Bebb's sedge Desc, Jeff, Unio, Wall S4

59 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Carex brevicaulis Mackenzie CR; WA, CA G5 ---- 2 Short-stemmed sedge Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Linc, Till S2

Carex capillaris L. BM; ID, NV + G5 ---- 2 Capillary sedge Wall S2

Carex capitata L. BR, EC, WC; ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Capitate sedge Desc, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake S2

Carex comosa Boott EC, KM, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Bristly sedge Colu?, Jack, Jose, Klam, Mult S1

Carex concinna R. Br. BM; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Low northern sedge Gran, Wall S1

Carex cordillerana Saarela and B. A. Ford BM, BR; AB G3G4 ---- 2 Cordilleran sedge Bake, Gran, Harn, Malh, Morr, Umat, Unio, Wall S2

Carex crawfordii Fern. WC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Crawford's sedge Jack S1

Carex davyi Mackenzie EC; CA, WA G3 ---- 1 Dry-spike sedge Lake S1

Carex diandra Schrank EC, WC; CA, NV, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Lesser panicled sedge Desc, Jack, Klam, Lake, Lane S1

Carex duriuscula C.A. Mey. BM, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2-ex Involute-leaved sedge Bake, Klam SH

Carex gynocrates Wormsk. ex Drej. BM; NV + G5 ---- 2 Yellow bog sedge Wall S1

Carex gynodynama Olney CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA G4G5 ---- 4 Hairy sedge Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane S3

Carex haydeniana Olney BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4G5 ---- 4 Hayden's sedge Bake, Gran, Harn, Wall S4

Carex heteroneura W. Boott BM, BR, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 4 Different-nerve sedge Bake, Doug, Gran, Harn, Klam, Wall S3

Carex idahoa Bailey BM; ID, CA + G2G3 SOC -- 1 Idaho sedge Gran S1

Carex infirminervia Naczi BM, EC, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Weak-veined sedge Gran, Klam, Lake, Lane, Morr, Unio, Wall SNR

Carex klamathensis B.L. Wilson & L.P. Janeway KM; CA G2 ---- 1 Klamath sedge Jose S2

Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. var. americana Fern. BM, EC, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5T5 ---- 2 Slender sedge Bake?, Desc, Klam, Lake, Unio, Wall, Wasc S2

Carex livida (Wahlenb.) Willd. CR, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Pale sedge Clac, Lane, Linc, Mult S2

60 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Carex macrocephala Willd. ex Spreng. CR; WA, AK, BC G5 ---- 2 Bighead sedge Clat, Coos, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S2

Carex macrochaeta C.A. Mey. CR, WC; WA + G5 ---- 2 Alaska long-awned sedge Clat, Mult S2

Carex media R. Br. BM; WA + G5 ---- 2 Intermediate sedge Wall S1

Carex micropoda C.A. Mey. BM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4G5 ---- 2 Small-footed sedge Bake?, Unio?, Wall S1

Carex nardina Fries BM, WC; ID, NV, WA + G4G5 ---- 2 Spikenard sedge Doug, Gran, Wall S2?

Carex nervina Bailey KM; CA, NV G5 ---- 2 Sierra nerved sedge Jack, Jose S1

Carex pelocarpa F.J. Herm. BM, BR; ID, NV + G4G5 ---- 2 Dusky-seed sedge Harn, Wall S1

Carex pluriflora Hulten CR; WA, BC + G5 ---- 2 Many flowered sedge Clat S1

Carex praeceptorum Mackenzie BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4G5 -- -- 4 Teacher's sedge Bake, Gran, Harn, Unio, Wall S3

Carex retrorsa Schwein. BM, CB, WC, WV; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Retrorse sedge Bake, Colu, Lane, Mult, Umat S1

Carex saxatilis L. BM, BR; ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Russet sedge Gran, Lake, Wall S1

Carex scabriuscula Mackenzie KM, WC; CA G3G4 ---- 4 Siskiyou sedge Curr, Jack?, Jose S3

Carex scirpoidea Michx. ssp. stenochlaena BM, BR, WC; ID, WA, MT + G5T4T5 ---- 2 (Holm) A. & D. Love Gran, Harn, Lane S1? Alaskan single-spiked sedge

Carex serratodens W. Boott KM, WC; CA G5 ---- 4 Saw-tooth sedge Doug, Jack, Jose S3

Carex subbracteata Mackenzie CR, KM; CA G5 ---- 3 Small- sedge Coos, Jose SNR

Carex subnigricans Stacey BM, BR; CA, NV, ID + G5 ---- 2 Dark alpine sedge Harn, Wall S1

Carex sychnocephala Carey BR; ID, WA + G4 ---- 3 Many-headed sedge Harn SNR

Carex tahoensis Smiley BM, BR; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Tahoe sedge Bake, Gran, Harn, Wall S1S2

Carex tiogana D. Taylor & J. Mastrogiuseppe BR; CA G1Q ---- 1 Tioga Pass sedge Harn S1

Carex vernacula Bailey BM, BR, EC, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Native sedge Bake, Harn, Hood, Lake, Wall S2

61 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Castilleja brevilobata Piper KM; CA G3 ---- 4 Short-lobed red-paintbrush Curr, Jack, Jose S3

Castilleja chambersii J.M. Egger & R.J. Meinke CR G1 SOC -- 1 Chambers' paintbrush Clat S1

Castilleja chlorotica Piper BM, EC, WC G3 ---- 1 Green-tinged paintbrush Croo, Desc, Klam, Lake S3

Castilleja collegiorum J.M. Egger & S. Malaby EC G1 ---- 1 Collegial paintbrush Klam S1

Castilleja flava S. Wats. var. rustica (Piper) N. BM; ID, MT G4G5T3T4 ---- 2 Holmgren Bake, Wall S1 Rustic paintbrush

Castilleja fraterna Greenm. BM G2 SOC -- 1 Fraternal paintbrush Unio, Wall S2

Castilleja levisecta Greenm. WV; WA, BC G1 LT LE 1-ex Golden paintbrush Linn, Mari, Mult SX

Castilleja lutea Heller BM; ID, WA G2? ---- 1 Yellow paintbrush Unio, Wall S2?

Castilleja mendocinensis (Eastw.) Pennell CR; CA G2 SOC -- 1 Mendocino coast paintbrush Curr S1

Castilleja oresbia Greenm. BM G3G4 ---- 3 Pale Wallowa paintbrush Bake, Croo, Gran, Malh, Umat?, Unio, Wall, Whee S2S3

Castilleja rubida Piper BM G2 SOC -- 1 Purple alpine paintbrush Wall S2

Castilleja rupicola Piper ex Fern. WC; WA, BC G3G4 SOC -- 4 Cliff paintbrush Clac?, Desc, Doug, Hood?, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult S3

Castilleja schizotricha Greenm. KM; CA G3 ---- 2 Split-hair paintbrush Jack, Jose S2

Castilleja thompsonii Pennell EC, WC; WA, BC G4 ---- 2 Thompson's paintbrush Wasc S1

Castilleja viscidula Gray BM, BR; ID, NV G4G5 ---- 2 Sticky paintbrush Bake, Gran, Harn, Malh, Unio, Wall S2

Castilleja wightii Elmer CR; CA G2G3Q ---- 3 Wight's paintbrush Curr SH

Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torr.) S. Wats. var. BR; NV G4G5T3T5 ---- 4 crassicaulis Harn, Lake, Malh S4 Thick-stemmed wild cabbage

Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torr.) S. Wats. var. BR; CA, NV, UT G4G5T2T4 ---- 2 glaber M.E. Jones Malh S1 Smooth wild cabbage

Caulanthus major (M.E. Jones) Payson var. BR; CA, NV G4T3? SOC 2C nevadensis Rollins Harn, Malh S1 Slender wild cabbage

62 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Caulanthus pilosus S. Wats. BM, BR; CA, ID, NV G4 ---- 2 Hairy wild cabbage Bake, Harn, Malh S2

Cerastium beeringianum Cham. & Schlecht. BR G5 ---- 3 Alpine chickweed Harn SNR

Ceratophyllum echinatum Gray CR; WA + G4? ---- 2-ex Prickly hornwort Lane SH

Chaenactis cusickii Gray BR; ID G3 ---- 4 Cusick's chaenactis Malh S3

Chaenactis macrantha D.C. Eat. BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 4 Large-flowered chaenactis Harn, Malh S3

Chaenactis nevii Gray BM G4 ---- 4 Nevius' chaenactis Gill, Gran, Jeff, Wasc, Whee S4

Chaenactis suffrutescens A. Gray KM; CA G3 ---- 1 Shasta pincushion Jack S1

Chaenactis xantiana Gray BR; CA, NV, AZ G4G5 ---- 2 Desert pincushion Harn, Lake, Malh S1?

Chaetadelpha wheeleri A. Gray ex S. Watson BR; CA, NV G4 -- -- 2 Wheeler's skeleton-weed Harn, Malh S2

Chamerion latifolium (L.) Holub BM, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 4 Broad-leaved willow-herb Desc, Gran, Linn, Wall S3

Cheilanthes covillei Maxon KM, WC; CA, NV + G4? ---- 2 Coville's lipfern Jack S1

Cheilanthes feei T. Moore BM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Fee's lipfern Wall S2

Cheilanthes intertexta (Maxon) Maxon KM; CA G5 ---- 2 Coastal lipfern Doug, Jack S1

Chenopodium nevadense Standl. BR; CA, NV G3G4 ---- 3 Nevada goosefoot Harn SNR

Chlorocrambe hastata (S. Wats.) Rydb. BM G3? ---- 1 Spearhead Bake, Wall S1

Chlorogalum angustifolium Kellogg KM; CA G4G5 ---- 2 Narrow-leaved amole Jack, Jose S1

Chloropyron maritimum (Nutt. ex Benth.) A. Heller ME; CA G4?T2 SOC LE 1 ssp. palustre (Behr) Tank & J.M. Egger Coos, Linc, Till S2 Pt. Reyes bird's-beak

Chorizanthe brevicornu Torr. var. spathulata BR; CA, ID, NV G5T2T4 ---- 3 (Small ex Rydb.) C.L. Hitchc. Harn, Lake, Malh SNR Brittle spineflower

Chylismiella pterosperma (S. Watson) W.L. BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 3 Wagner & Hoch Lake, Malh SNR Wing seeded evening primrose

Cicendia quadrangularis (Lam.) Griseb. CR, KM, WC, WV; CA + G4 ---- 2 Timwort Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linn S2

63 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Cicuta bulbifera L. EC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2-ex Bulb-bearing water-hemlock Klam SH

Cimicifuga elata Nutt. var. alpestris Lee & Park CR, KM, WC G4T4 -- 4C Mountain tall bugbane Doug, Jack, Jose S4

Cimicifuga elata Nutt. var. elata CR, KM, WC, WV; WA, BC G4T4 -- 4C Tall bugbane Bent, Clac, Colu, Doug, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, S4 Wash, Yamh

Cirsium ciliolatum (Henderson) J.T. Howell EC, KM, WC; CA G3 ---- 4 Ashland thistle Jack S3

Cirsium cymosum (Greene) J.T. Howell var. BR, EC; CA G4T4 ---- 3 cymosum Harn, Klam, Lake SNR Peregrine thistle

Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jepson var. venustum KM; CA G3G4T3T4 ---- 3 (Greene) Jepson Doug, Jose SNR Venus thistle

Cirsium scariosum Nutt. var. robustum D.J. Keil EC; CA G5TNR ---- 3 Stemless thistle Klam, Lake SNR

Clarkia heterandra (Torr.) Lewis & Raven KM; CA G4? -- -- 4 Small-fruit clarkia Doug, Jack, Jose S3

Claytonia nevadensis S. Wats. BR; CA, NV G4 ---- 4 Sierra spring-beauty Harn S3

Clintonia andrewsiana Torr. CR; CA G4 ---- 2-ex Andrew's bead-lily Curr SH

Cochlearia groenlandica L. CR; CA, WA + G4? ---- 2 Scurvygrass Coos, Curr S1

Coleanthus subtilis (Tratt.) Seidel WV G3G5 ---- 3 grass Mult SNR

Collomia larsenii (Gray) Payson WC; CA, WA G4 ---- 4 Talus collomia Clac, Desc, Hood, Jeff, Lane S4

Collomia mazama Coville WC G3 ---- 1 Mt. Mazama collomia Doug, Jack, Klam S3

Collomia renacta E. Joyal BR; NV G1 SOC 1C Barren Valley collomia Malh S1

Collomia tenella Gray BM, KM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4? ---- 3 Diffuse collomia Bake, Gran, Jose, Malh SNR

Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. WC; BC + G5 ---- 2 Three-leaf goldthread Clac, Wasc S1

Corallorhiza wisteriana Conrad KM; ID + G5 ---- 3 Spring coral-root Jack SNR

Corydalis aquae-gelidae M.E. Peck & Wilson KM, WC; WA G3 SOC 1C Cold-water corydalis Clac, Jose, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult S3

64 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Crassula connata (Ruiz & Pavon) Berger CR, KM; CA, WA + G5 ---- 3 Sand pygmyweed Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose SNR

Crassula solieri (C. Gay) Meigen BR, EC; CA, NV + G4G5 ---- 3 Solieri's pygmyweed Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh S1?

Cressa truxillensis Kunth BR; CA, NV + G5 ---- 3 Spreading alkali weed Lake SNR

Cryptantha echinella Greene BR G4 ---- 3 Prickly cryptantha Harn SNR

Cryptantha gracilis Osterhout BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Narrow-stem cat's-eye Harn, Malh S2

Cryptantha grandiflora Rydb. BM; ID, WA G3? ---- 1 Clearwater cryptantha Gran, Whee? S2

Cryptantha humilis (Gray) Payson BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G4? ---- 3 Low cryptantha Harn, Malh, Wall SNR

Cryptantha leiocarpa (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Greene CR; CA G3G4 ---- 2 Seaside cryptantha Curr S1

Cryptantha milo-bakeri I.M. Johnston KM; CA G3G4 -- -- 2 Milo Baker's cryptantha Jack, Jose S1

Cryptantha rostellata (Greene) Greene BM, BR, CB, EC, KM; CA, WA G4 ---- 3 Beaked cryptantha Croo, Gill, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Malh, Sher, Umat, SNR Wasc, Whee

Cryptantha simulans Greene BM, BR, EC, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA G4 ---- 2 Pine woods cryptantha Bake, Harn, Jack, Klam S2

Cryptantha thompsonii I.M. Johnston BM; WA G3 ---- 3 Thompson's cryptantha Bake S1

Cryptogramma stelleri (Gmel.) Prantl BM; NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Steller's rock-brake Bake?, Wall S1

Cuscuta cephalanthi Engelm. EC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Buttonbush dodder Hood, Klam, Lane SNR

Cymopterus glomeratus (Nutt.) DC. var. BR; ID G5T2 SOC -- 1 greeleyorum J.W. Grimes & P.L. Packard Malh S1 Greeley's cymopterus

Cymopterus longipes S. Wats. var. ibapensis BR; ID, NV + G4T4 ---- 2 (M.E. Jones) Cronq. Malh S2? Ibapah wavewing

Cymopterus nivalis S. Wats. BM, BR; ID, NV + G5 ---- 2 Snowline cymopterus Gran, Harn, Lake S2

Cymopterus purpurascens (Gray) M.E. Jones BR; CA, ID, NV G4 ---- 2 Purple cymopterus Harn S2

Cyperus acuminatus Torr. & Hook. ex Torr. EC, KM, WV; CA, WA + G5 ---- 2 Short-pointed cyperus Desc, Jack, Jose, Linn, Mari S1

Cyperus bipartitus Torr. BR, CB, CR, KM, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Shining cyperus Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Malh, Umat, Wasc SNR

65 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Cyperus lupulinus (Spreng.) Marcks ssp. BM; ID, WA + G5T5? ---- 2 lupulinus Wall S1 Great Plains flatsedge

Cypripedium californicum Gray CR, KM; CA G3 ---- 4 California lady's-slipper Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S3

Cypripedium fasciculatum Kellogg ex S. Wats. BM, EC, KM, WC; CA, CO, ID, MT, WA, WY G4 SOC 2C Clustered lady's-slipper Bake, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S2

Cypripedium montanum Dougl. ex Lindl. BM, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G4 ---- 4 Mountain lady's-slipper Bake, Bent, Clac, Croo, Desc?, Doug, Gran, Hood, Jack, S3S4 Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Mari, Morr?, Mult, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc, Whee Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. ex Roemer & J.A. WC, WV; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Schultes Clac, Lane SNR Poverty oatgrass

Darlingtonia californica Torr. CR, KM; CA G3G4 ---- 4 California pitcher-plant Coos, Curr, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linc, Till S3S4

Delphinium leucophaeum Greene WV; WA G2 SOC LE 1 White rock larkspur Clac, Mari, Mult, Wash, Yamh S2

Delphinium nudicaule Torr. & Gray KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Red larkspur Doug, Jack, Jose S2

Delphinium nuttallii Gray EC, KM, WC, WV; WA, BC G4 ---- 2 Nuttall's larkspur Clac, Hood, Jack, Mult, Wasc, Yamh S1

Delphinium oreganum T.J. Howell CR, WC, WV G3Q SOC 1C Willamette Valley larkspur Clat, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Yamh S1

Delphinium pavonaceum Ewan CR?, WC?, WV G1Q SOC LE 1 Peacock larkspur Bent, Clac, Lane, Mari, Mult, Polk S1

Dicentra formosa (Andr.) Walp. ssp. oregana KM; CA G5T4 ---- 4 (Eastw.) Munz Curr, Jose S4 Oregon bleedingheart

Dicentra pauciflora S. Wats. KM; CA G3? SOC -- 2 Few-flowered bleedingheart Jose S1

Dichelostemma ida-maia (Wood) Greene CR, KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 4 Firecracker flower Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S4

Diphasiastrum complanatum (L.) Holub BM, WC; ID, WA G5 ---- 2 Ground cedar Clac, Jeff, Linn, Mari, Unio S2

Diplacus aurantiacus (W. Curtis) Jepson CR; CA G5 ---- 3 Bush monkeyflower Curr SNR

Diplacus bolanderi (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Bolander's monkeyflower Jack S1

Diplacus clivicola (Greenm.) G.L. Nesom BM; ID, WA G4 ---- 4 Bank monkeyflower Bake, Wall S3

Diplacus congdonii (B.L. Rob.) G.L. Nesom KM; CA G4G5 ---- 2 Congdon's monkeyflower Jack S1?

66 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Diplacus douglasii (Benth.) G.L. Nesom KM; CA G4G5 ---- 4 Douglas' monkeyflower Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S3

Diplacus jepsonii (A.L. Grant) G.L. Nesom EC, KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 4 Jepson's monkeyflower Desc, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lake S3

Diplacus kelloggii (Curran ex Greene) G.L. KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Nesom Doug, Jack, Jose S3 Kellogg's monkeyflower

Diplacus tricolor (Hartweg ex Lindl.) G.L. Nesom BR, EC, WV; CA G4 ---- 2 Three-colored monkeyflower Bent, Klam, Lake, Linn, Mari S2

Dodecatheon austrofrigidum K.L. Chambers CR; WA G2 SOC -- 1 Frigid shootingstar Clat, Till S2

Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr. var. BR; CA, ID, NV, UT G5TNR ---- 2 shoshonense (A. Nels.) Reveal Malh S2 Darkthroat shootingstar

Douglasia laevigata Gray CR, WC; WA + G3 ---- 3 Smooth-leaved douglasia Clac, Clat, Desc, Doug, Hood, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Till SNR

Draba aureola S. Wats. WC; CA, WA G4 ---- 4 Golden alpine draba Clac, Desc, Klam, Lane S4

Draba cusickii B.L. Robins. ex O.E. Schulz var. BR G4T3 ---- 4 cusickii Harn S3 Cusick's draba

Draba cyclomorpha Payson BM G3 ---- 4 Wallowa draba Unio, Wall S3

Draba howellii S. Wats. KM; CA G4 -- 2C Howell's whitlow-grass Curr, Jose S2

Draba incerta Payson var. incerta BM, BR; ID, NV, WA + G5TNR ---- 3 Yellowstone draba Harn, Wall SNR

Draba oligosperma Hook. BM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Few-seed whitlow-grass Unio, Wall SNR

Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt. BM, BR G5 ---- 2 American dragonhead Harn, Unio S2?

Dryas drummondii Richards. ex Hook. BM; WA + G5 ---- 4 Yellow mountain-avens Wall S4

Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott BM, BR, CR, EC, WC; CA, WA, ID + G5 ---- 4 Male fern Bake, Colu, Malh, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wasc S3

Eatonella nivea (D.C. Eat.) Gray BR; CA, ID, NV, WA G4G5 ---- 4 White eatonella Harn, Lake, Malh S3

Elatine brachysperma Gray BM, BR; CA, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Short-seeded waterwort Croo?, Desc, Harn, Lake, Malh S1

Eleocharis bolanderi Gray BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 2 Bolander's spikerush Bake, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Morr, Umat, Unio, S2 Wall, Whee

Eleocharis decumbens C.B. Clarke KM; CA G3? ---- 3 Decumbent spikerush Jack SNR

67 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Elmera racemosa (S. Wats.) Rydb. var. racemosa WC; WA + G4G5T4 ---- 4 Yellow coralbells Desc, Doug, Jeff, Klam, Lane S4

Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John BR, CR, EC, WC, WV; CA, WA, ID + G5 ---- 3 Nuttall's waterweed Clat, Colu, Desc, Harn, Klam, Lake, Lane, Mult SNR

Elymus canadensis L. var. canadensis BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5TNR ---- 3 Canada wildrye Bake, Malh, Wall SNR

Elymus glaucus Buckl. ssp. virescens (Piper) CR; CA, WA, AK, BC G5T4? ---- 3 Gould Coos, Curr, Linc SNR Smooth wildrye

Elymus hirsutus J. Presl CR G5 ---- 3 Hairy wildrye Clat, Till SNR

Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould CB G5T3 ---- 3 ssp. psammophilus (Gillett & Senn) A. Love Gill, Morr, Sher SNR Sand-dune wild-rye

Enemion occidentale (Hook. & Arn.) Drumm. & KM G3? ---- 2 Hutchinson Jose S1? Western false rue-anemone

Enemion stipitatum (Gray) Drumm. & Hutchinson CR?, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA G4? ---- 4 Dwarf isopyrum Bent, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Polk, Yamh S3

Epilobium leptocarpum Hausskn. BM, EC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Low willowherb Gran, Klam, Wall SNR

Epilobium luteum Pursh BM, WC; CA, WA + G5 ---- 4 Yellow willow-herb Clac, Desc, Doug, Hood, Jack, Lane, Linn S3

Epilobium oreganum Greene KM; CA G2 SOC 1C Oregon willow-herb Jose S2

Epilobium palustre L. BM, WC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 Swamp willow-herb Doug, Gran?, Hood?, Klam, Umat, Unio, Wall, Wash?, S2? Whee?

Epilobium rigidum Hausskn. KM; CA G3G4 ---- 4 Rigid willow-herb Curr, Jose S3

Epilobium siskiyouense (Munz) Hoch & Raven KM; CA G3 SOC 1C Siskiyou willow-herb Jack, Jose S2

Eragrostis lutescens Scribn. BR, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 ---- 3 Yellow lovegrass Malh, Mult SNR

Eremothera boothii (Douglas) W.L. Wagner & BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA, AZ G5T4 ---- 4 Hoch ssp. boothii Bake, Gran, Malh, Wall? S3 Booth evening-primrose

Eremothera minor (A. Nelson) W.L. Wagner & BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 ---- 3 Hoch Harn, Lake, Malh SNR Small flowered evening primrose

Eremothera pygmaea (Dougl.) W.L. Wagner & BM, BR, CB; WA G3 SOC 1C Hoch Gill?, Gran, Harn, Umat?, Wasc, Whee S1 Dwarf evening-primrose

Ericameria arborescens (Gray) Greene CR, KM; CA, NV G4 ---- 2 Golden fleece Curr S1

68 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Ericameria discoidea (Nutt.) Nesom BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 4 Discoid goldenweed Harn, Lake S3?

Erigeron cascadensis Heller WC G4 ---- 4 Cascade daisy Clac?, Desc?, Doug, Klam, Lane, Linn, Mari S4

Erigeron cervinus Greene KM; CA G3 SOC -- 2 Siskiyou daisy Curr, Jose S2

Erigeron davisii (Cronquist) G. L. Nesom BM; ID G3 SOC -- 2 Engelmann's daisy Wall S1

Erigeron decumbens Nutt. WV G1 LE LE 1 Willamette Valley daisy Bent, Clac, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Wash, Yamh S1

Erigeron disparipilus Cronq. BM; WA, CA G5 ---- 2 White cushion erigeron Wall S2

Erigeron howellii Gray WC; WA G2 SOC 1C Howell's daisy Clac, Hood, Mult S2

Erigeron klamathensis (Nesom) Nesom CR; CA G2G4 ---- 3 Klamath daisy Curr, Jose SNR

Erigeron latus (A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.) Cronq. BR; ID, NV G3 -- -- 2 Broad fleabane Malh S1?

Erigeron oreganus Gray EC, WC; WA G3 SOC 1C Oregon daisy Hood, Mult, Wasc? S3

Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene CR; WA G5T4Q ---- 2 var. peregrinus Clat, Till S1 Wandering daisy

Erigeron petrophilus Greene KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Cliff daisy Jack, Jose S2

Erigeron stanselliae K.L. Chambers KM G1 ---- 1 Stansell's daisy Curr S1

Erigeron tener Gray BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 3 Tender fleabane Bake, Harn SNR

Erigeron vagus Payson BM; CA, NV + G4 ---- 3 Rambling fleabane Bake, Wall SNR

Eriodictyon lobbii (A. Gray) Greene EC, WC; CA, NV G4 ---- 4 Lobb's nama Doug, Jack, Klam S4

Eriogonum brachyanthum Coville BR; CA, NV G5 ---- 2 Short-flowered eriogonum Harn S1

Eriogonum calcareum (S.Stokes) Grady & Reveal BM, BR; ID G3 ---- 4 Ochre-flowered buckwheat Bake, Harn, Malh S2S3

Eriogonum chrysops Rydb. BR G2 SO CLT 1 Golden buckwheat Malh S2

Eriogonum crosbyae Reveal var. crosbyae BR; NV G3T3 SOC LT 1 Crosby's buckwheat Harn, Lake S2

69 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Eriogonum crosbyae Reveal var. mystrium BR; ID, NV G4T2T3 SOC LT 1 (Reveal) Grady & Reveal Harn, Malh S2 Pueblo Mountains Buckwheat

Eriogonum cusickii M.E. Jones BM, BR G2 SOC 1C Cusick's eriogonum Harn, Lake S2

Eriogonum diclinum Reveal KM; CA G3 ---- 4 Jaynes Canyon buckwheat Jack, Jose S3

Eriogonum douglasii Benth. var. meridionale KM; CA G5TNR ---- 3 Reveal Jack SNR Southern wild buckwheat

Eriogonum elatum Dougl. ex Benth. var. villosum EC, KM; CA, NV G5T2T4 ---- 3 Jepson Doug, Jack, Klam SNR Tall wooly buckwheat

Eriogonum hookeri S. Wats. BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 2 Hooker's wild buckwheat Malh S1

Eriogonum lobbii Torr. & Gray KM; CA, NV G4 ---- 2 Lobb's buckwheat Curr, Jose S2

Eriogonum nudum Dougl. ex Benth. var. CR; CA G5T2T4 ---- 3 paralinum Reveal Curr SNR Del Norte buckwheat

Eriogonum nutans Torr. & Gray BR; CA, NV G5 ---- 3 Spreading eriogonum Harn SNR

Eriogonum pendulum S. Wats. KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Waldo buckwheat Curr, Jose S4

Eriogonum prociduum Reveal BR, EC; CA, ID, NV G3 SOC 1C Prostrate buckwheat Klam, Lake S1?

Eriogonum pyrolifolium Hook. var. pyrolifolium WC; CA, ID, WA G4T4 ---- 3 Shasta buckwheat Doug, Klam SNR

Eriogonum roseum Dur. & Hilg. KM; CA G5 ---- 3 Wand buckwheat Jack, Jose SNR

Eriogonum salicornioides Gandog. BR; ID, NV G3G4 ---- 2 Playa buckwheat Harn, Malh S2

Eriogonum scopulorum Reveal BM G3 ---- 4 Cliff buckwheat Wall S3

Eriogonum thymoides Benth. BM, CB; ID, WA G4 ---- 3 Thyme-leaved buckwheat Bake, Gill?, Harn, Malh, Sher?, Unio, Wasc, Whee SNR

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. glaberrimum EC; CA G5T2? SOC -- 1 (Gandog.) Reveal Lake S1? Green buckwheat

Eriogonum villosissimum Reveal & D.A. York WC G1 ---- 1 Acker Rock wild buckwheat Doug S1

Eriophorum angustifolium Honckeny WC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 4 Many-spiked cotton-grass Clac, Jeff, Linn, Mari S3

70 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Eriophorum chamissonis C.A. Mey. CR; BC G5 ---- 2 Russet cotton-grass Coos, Lane, Linc, Till S1

Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) Forbes var. KM; CA G5T3T4 ---- 3 grandiflorum (Gray) Jepson Coos, Curr, Jack SNR Large-flower eriophyllum

Eritrichium nanum (Vill.) Schrad. ex Gaudin var. BM; ID, WA + G5T4 ---- 4 elongatum (Rydb.) Cronq. Wall S4 Pale alpine-forget-me-not

Eryngium alismifolium Greene BM, BR, EC, WC; CA, ID, NV G4 ---- 4 Inland coyote-thistle Croo, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Unio S3

Erysimum concinnum Eastw. CR; CA G3 SOC -- 2 Pacific wallflower Curr S1

Erysimum inconspicuum (S. Wats.) MacM. var. BM, BR; ID, NV, WA, + G5T5 ---- 3 inconspicuum Harn, Jeff, Lake, Malh, Wall, Wasc SNR Small wallflower

Erythranthe hymenophylla (Meinke) G.L. Nesom BM; ID, MT G2 SOC 1C Membrane-leaved monkeyflower Wall S1S2

Erythranthe inflatula (Suksdorf) Nesom BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA G3 SOC 1C Disappearing monkeyflower Croo, Gill, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Wasc S2

Erythranthe jungermannioides (Suksdorf) G.L. BM, CB; WA G3 -- 4C Nesom Gill, Jeff, Sher, Umat, Wasc S3 Hepatic monkeyflower

Erythranthe latidens (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom BR; CA, NV G4 ---- 2 Broad-toothed monkeyflower Lake S1

Erythranthe patula (Pennell) G.L. Nesom BM; ID, WA G3? -- 3C Stalked-leaved monkeyflower Bake, Wall S2S3

Erythronium elegans Hammond & Chambers CR G2 SOC LT 1 Coast Range fawn-lily Linc, Polk, Till, Yamh S2

Erythronium howellii S. Wats. KM; CA G3G4 ---- 1 Howell's adder's-tongue Curr, Jack, Jose S3

Erythronium revolutum Sm. CR, KM; WA, BC G4G5 ---- 4 Pink fawn-lily Bent, Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S4

Eschscholzia caespitosa Benth. KM; CA G5 ---- 2 Gold poppy Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S1

Eucephalus breweri (Gray) Nesom KM; CA, NV G4 ---- 3 Brewer's aster Jack, Jose SNR

Eucephalus gormanii Piper WC G3 ---- 1 Gorman's aster Clac, Jeff, Linn, Mari S3

Eucephalus vialis Bradshaw KM, WC, WV; CA G3 SOC LT 1 Wayside aster Doug, Lane, Linn S3

Euonymus occidentalis Nutt. ex Torr. KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, BC G5 ---- 4 Western wahoo Clac, Colu, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Mari, S3 Mult, Polk, Yamh

Eurybia merita (A. Nels.) Nesom BM; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Arctic aster Wall, Whee SNR

71 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Festuca brachyphylla J.A. Schultes ex J.A. & J.H. BM, BR; ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Schultes Harn, Wall SNR Alpine fescue

Festuca elmeri Scribn. & Merr. KM; CA G5 ---- 4 Elmer's fescue Doug, Jack, Jose S3

Festuca rubra L. ssp. mediana (Pavlick) Pavlick ME; BC G5TNR ---- 3 Median red fescue Curr, Lane SNR

Festuca rubra L. ssp. secunda (J. Presl) Pavlick ME; WA + G5TNR ---- 3 Leaning red fescue Till SNR

Filipendula occidentalis (S. Wats.) T.J. Howell CR; WA G2G3 SOC 1C Queen-of-the-forest Clat, Linc, Polk, Till S2

Frasera fastigiata (Pursh) Heller BM; ID, WA G4? ---- 3 Clustered green-gentian Bake? SNR

Frasera umpquaensis Peck & Applegate CR, KM, WC; CA G3Q -- 1C Umpqua swertia Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane S3

Fritillaria camschatcensis (L.) Ker-Gawl. CR, WC; WA + G5 ---- 2 Indian rice Linc, Mult, Polk? S1

Fritillaria eastwoodiae Macfarlane KM; CA G3Q ---- 3 Butte County fritillaria Jack SNR

Fritillaria gentneri Gilkey KM, WC; CA G1 LE LE 1 Gentner's fritillaria Jack, Jose S1

Fritillaria glauca Greene KM, WC; CA G3G4 ---- 4 Siskiyou fritillaria Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane S3

Fritillaria purdyi Eastw. KM; CA G3 SOC -- 2 Purdy's fritillaria Jose S1

Gagea serotina (L.) Ker Gawl. BM, BR, CR; WA, NV + G5 ---- 3 Alp lily Bake?, Clat, Harn, Wall SNR

Galium californicum Hook. & Arn. ssp. KM; CA G5T4? ---- 3 californicum Curr, Jack? SNR California bedstraw

Galium grayanum Ehrend. var. nanum Dempster WC; CA, NV G4TNR ---- 3 & Ehrend. Doug SNR Gray's bedstraw

Galium muricatum W. Wight KM; CA G2? ---- 3 Humboldt bedstraw Coos, Curr, Jack, Jose SNR

Galium porrigens Dempster var. porrigens KM; CA G4G5T3T5 ---- 3 Climbing bedstraw Jack, Jose SNR

Galium serpenticum Dempster ssp. warnerense BR, EC; CA G4G5T2T3 SOC -- 1 Dempster & Ehrend. Lake S2 Warner Mountain bedstraw

Gentiana newberryi Gray var. newberryi EC, WC; CA G4T3T4 ---- 2 Newberry's gentian Desc, Klam, Lane S2

72 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Gentiana plurisetosa C.T. Mason KM; CA G2G3 SOC -- 1 Bristly gentian Jose S1

Gentiana prostrata Haenke BR; CA, ID, MT, NV G4G5 ---- 2 Moss gentian Harn S2

Gentiana setigera Gray KM; CA G2 SOC 1C Waldo gentian Curr, Jose S2

Gentianella propinqua (Richards.) J. Gillett BM; ID + G5 ---- 2 Four-part gentian Wall S1?

Gentianella tenella (Rottb.) Boerner ssp. tenella BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4G5T4 ---- 2 Slender gentian Harn S1

Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser. var. turbinatum (Rydb.) BM; ID, NV + G5T4 ---- 2 C.L. Hitchc. Bake S2 Slender-stemmed avens

Geum triflorum Pursh var. campanulatum CR; WA G5T4 ---- 2 (Greene) C.L. Hitchc. Clat S1 Western red avens

Gilia millefoliata Fisch. & C.A. Mey. CR; CA G2 SOC -- 1 Seaside gilia Curr, Linc S1

Glyptopleura marginata D.C. Eat. BR; CA, ID, NV + G4G5 ---- 4 White-margined waxplant Harn, Lake, Malh S3

Gnaphalium californicum DC. CR, KM, WV; CA, WA G5 ---- 3 California cudweed Clat, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till SNR

Gnaphalium macounii Greene BM; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Winged cudweed Bake SNR

Gratiola heterosepala Mason & Bacig. BR, EC; CA G2 SOC LT 1 Boggs Lake hedge-hyssop Klam, Lake S1

Grindelia nana Nutt. var. discoidea (Nutt.) Gray EC; ID, WA G3T3? ---- 3 Columbia gumplant Hood, Wasc SNR

Hackelia bella (J.F. Macbr.) I.M. Johnston KM, WC; CA G3? ---- 2 Beautiful stickseed Jack S1

Hackelia cronquistii J.L. Gentry BR; ID G3 SOC LT 1 Cronquist's stickseed Bake, Malh S3

Hackelia diffusa (Lehm.) I.M. Johnston var. CB, EC; WA G4T4 ---- 4 cottonii (Piper) R.L. Carr Gill, Hood, Jeff, Sher, Wasc S3 Creamy stickseed

Hackelia diffusa (Lehm.) I.M. Johnston var. BM, CB, WC; WA, BC G4T3 -- 4C diffusa Hood, Mult, Wall, Wasc S3 Diffuse stickseed

Hackelia mundula (Jepson) Ferris KM; CA G3G4 ---- 3 Pink stickseed Jack SNR

Hackelia ophiobia R.L. Carr BR; ID, NV G3 SOC -- 2 Three Forks stickseed Malh S1

Hackelia patens (Nutt.) I.M. Johnston var. patens BR, WC; NV, ID + G5T5 ---- 4 Spreading stickseed Harn, Malh, Mult S3

73 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Hastingsia bracteosa S. Wats. var. atropurpurea KM G2T2 SOC LT 1 (Becking) F. Lang & P. Zika Jose S2 Purple flowered rush-lily

Hastingsia bracteosa S. Wats. var. bracteosa KM G2T2 SOC LT 1 Large-flowered rush-lily Jose S2

Hazardia whitneyi (Gray) Greene var. discoidea KM, WC; CA G4G5T4 ---- 4 (J.T. Howell) W.D. Clark Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S3 Whitney's haplopappus

Helenium puberulum DC. KM; CA G5 ---- 3 Rosilla Jose SNR

Helianthella californica Gray var. nevadensis CR; CA, NV G4TNR ---- 2-ex (Greene) Jepson Doug SH California helianthella

Helianthella quinquenervis (Hook.) Gray BR; ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Nodding helianthella Lake SNR

Helianthella uniflora (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray var. BR; ID, NV, + G5T4T5 ---- 3 uniflora Harn, Malh SNR Rocky Mountain helianthella

Helianthus bolanderi Gray EC, KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Bolander's sunflower Jack, Jose, Klam S2

Helianthus nuttallii Torr. & Gray BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Nuttall's sunflower Bake, Lake, Malh, Morr?, Umat?, Unio, Whee? SNR

Heliotropium curassavicum L. BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, NV, + G5 ---- 2 Salt heliotrope Bake, Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, S2 Unio

Hesperevax sparsiflora (Gray) Greene var. CR; CA G4T2T3 ---- 3 brevifolia (Gray) Morefield Coos, Curr SNR Short-leaved evax

Hesperocyparis bakeri (Jeps.) Bartel KM, WC; CA G3 SOC -- 2 Baker's cypress Jack, Jose S1

Heuchera grossulariifolia Rydb. var. tenuifolia EC; WA G4T3T4 ---- 4 (Wheelock) C.L. Hitchc. Hood, Wasc S3 Thin-leaved alumroot

Heuchera merriamii Eastw. KM, WC; CA G3 ---- 4 Merriam alumroot Desc, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linn S3

Hieracium greenei Gray KM, WC; CA G3G4 ---- 3 Greene's hawkweed Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linn SNR

Hieracium horridum Fries KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 2 Shaggy hawkweed Curr, Desc, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane S1

Hieracium longiberbe T.J. Howell WC; WA G4G5 ---- 4 Long-bearded hawkweed Hood, Mult S3

Hieracium umbellatum L. WC, WV?; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Umbellate hawkweed Linn, Mari, Mult? SNR

Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv. BM, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA + G5 ---- 4 Holy grass Clac, Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, S3 Mult, Unio, Wall

74 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Horkelia congesta Dougl. ex Hook. ssp. congesta KM, WC?, WV G4T2 SOC 1C Shaggy horkelia Bent, Doug, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Wash S2

Horkelia daucifolia (Greene) Rydb. ssp. daucifolia EC; CA G4T4 ---- 3 Carrotleaf horkelia Klam SNR

Horkelia hendersonii T.J. Howell KM; CA G1G2 SOC -- 1 Henderson's horkelia Jack S1S2

Horkelia tridentata Torr. ssp. flavescens (Rydb.) KM; CA, NV G4G5T4? ---- 3 Keck Curr SNR Pale horkelia

Horkelia tridentata Torr. ssp. tridentata KM; CA G4G5T4? ---- 2 Three-toothed horkelia Jack S1

Howellia aquatilis Gray WV; CA, ID, MT, WA G3 LT LT 1 Howellia Bent, Clac, Mari, Mult S1

Hulsea algida Gray BM; ID G4G5 ---- 4 Alpine hulsea Unio, Wall S3

Huperzia miyoshiana (Makino) Ching CR; WA, BC + G4 ---- 2 Pacific fir-moss Clat S1

Huperzia occidentalis (Clute) Kartesz & Gandhi BM, WC; ID + G5 ---- 4 Fir club-moss Clac, Hood, Linn, Mari, Mult, Wall, Wasc S3

Hydrocotyle verticillata Thunb. CR, WV; CA + G5 ---- 2 Whorled marsh pennywort Bent, Coos, Curr, Doug S1

Hymenoxys cooperi (Gray) Cockerell var. BR; CA, NV G4G5T4 SOC -- 2 canescens (D.C. Eat.) Parker Harn, Lake, Malh S1 Cooper's goldflower

Iliamna bakeri (Jepson) Wiggins BR, EC, KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 4 Baker's globe-mallow Jack, Klam, Lake S4

Iliamna latibracteata Wiggins CR, KM, WC; CA G2G3 ---- 1 California globe-mallow Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Linn S2

Impatiens ecornuta Gerry Moore, Zika & CR; ID, WA + G3G4 ---- 2 Rushworth Clat, Colu, Till S2? Spurless jewelweed

Ipomopsis tenuituba (Rydb.) V. Grant BM; CA, NV + GNR ---- 2 Rydberg's gilia Bake, Croo, Gran S1?

Iris tenax Dougl. ex Lindl. var. gormanii (Piper) WV G4G5T1 ---- 1 R.C. Foster Wash S1 Gorman's iris

Isoetes minima A.A. Eat. BM; WA, BC G1G2 ---- 3 Midget quillwort Wall S1?

Ivesia rhypara Ertter & Reveal var. rhypara BR; NV G2T2 SOC LE 1 Grimy ivesia Lake, Malh S1

Ivesia rhypara Ertter & Reveal var. shellyi Ertter BR; CA G2T1T2 SOC -- 1 Shelly's ivesia Harn, Lake S1S2

Ivesia shockleyi S. Wats. BR, EC; CA, NV G3G4 ---- 2 Shockley's ivesia Lake, Malh S1

75 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Juncus bryoides F.J. Herm. BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 2 Mosslike dwarf rush Harn S2?

Juncus capillaris F.J. Herm. BR; CA G4 ---- 3 Hairstemmed rush Harn SNR

Juncus hemiendytus F.J. Herm. var. abjectus BR, EC; CA, ID, NV G5T5 ---- 2 (F.J. Herm.) Ertter Harn, Lake S2? Least rush

Juncus interior Wieg. CB; CA, ID, WA + G4 ---- 3 Interior rush Morr SNR

Juncus kelloggii Engelm. EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA + G3? ---- 2 Kellogg's dwarf rush Colu, Hood, Jose, Klam, Lake, Linn, Mari S2?

Juncus mexicanus Willd. ex J.A. & J.H. Schultes CB; CA, NV + G4G5 ---- 3 Mexican rush Sher SNR

Juncus tiehmii Ertter BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA G4 ---- 2 Tiehm's rush Harn, Klam S1?

Juncus triglumis L. var. albescens Lange BM; MT, CO, WY, BC + G5T5 ---- 2 Three-flowered rush Wall S1

Juncus uncialis Greene BR, CB, EC, KM; CA, NV, WA G3G4 ---- 3 Inch-high rush Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Wasc SNR

Kalmiopsis fragrans Meinke & Kaye WC G2 SOC 1C North Umpqua kalmiopsis Doug S2

Kalmiopsis leachiana (Henderson) Rehd. KM G3 ---- 4 Kalmiopsis Curr, Jose S3

Keckiella lemmonii (Gray) Straw KM; CA, NV G4 ---- 2 Bush beardtongue Jack, Jose S1

Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori BM, BR; CA + G5 ---- 2 Bellard's kobresia Harn, Wall S1

Kobresia simpliciuscula (Wahlenb.) Mackenzie BM; ID, BC + G5 ---- 2 Simple kobresia Wall S1

Langloisia setosissima (Torr. & Gray ex Torr.) BR; CA, ID NV G4G5T3T5 ---- 3 Greene ssp. punctata (Gray ex Coville) Timbrook Malh SNR Punctate langloisa

Lasthenia ornduffii R. Chan CR G2 SOC 1C Large-flowered goldfields Curr S2

Lathrocasis tenerrima (Gray) L.A. Johnson BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Delicate gilia Gran, Harn, Lake, Malh, Wall SNR

Lathyrus holochlorus (Piper) C.L. Hitchc. WC, WV; WA G2? SOC -- 1 Thin-leaved peavine Bent, Clac, Doug?, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Wash, Yamh S2

Lathyrus lanszwertii Kellogg var. tracyi EC, KM; CA G4G5T3? ---- 4 (Bradshaw) Isley Jack S3 Tracy's peavine

76 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Lathyrus littoralis (Nutt.) Endl. CR; CA, WA, BC G3G4 ---- 3 Beach peavine Clat, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Till SNR

Lemna valdiviana Phil. BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Valdivia duckweed Harn, Malh SNR

Lepidium acutidens (Gray) Howell BM, KM; CA, WA GNR ---- 3 Veiny peppergrass Jack, Umat SNR

Lepidium davisii Rollins BR; ID G3 SOC LT 1 Davis' peppergrass Malh S1

Lepidium dictyotum Gray BR; CA, ID, NV, UT, WA G3G5 ---- 2 Alkali peppergrass Bake?, Harn?, Lake?, Malh, Morr?, Umat?, Wasc? SNR

Lepidium montanum Nutt. var. nevadense Rollins BR; NV G5?T1? ---- 3 Nevada peppergrass Harn SNR

Leucopoa kingii (S. Wats.) W.A. Weber BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Spike fescue Harn SNR

Leucothoe davisiae Torr. ex Gray KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Sierra laurel Curr, Jose S3

Lewisia columbiana (T.J. Howell ex Gray) B.L. WC; WA + G4T4 ---- 2 Robins. var. columbiana Doug, Hood, Lane, Mult S2 Columbia lewisia

Lewisia columbiana (T.J. Howell ex Gray) B.L. CR; WA G4T4 ---- 2 Robins. var. rupicola (English) C.L. Hitchc. Clat, Linc, Till S2 Rosy lewisia

Lewisia cotyledon (S. Wats.) B.L. Robins. var. KM; CA G4T4Q ---- 4 howellii (S. Wats.) Jepson Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S3 Howell's lewisia

Lewisia leeana (Porter) B.L. Robins. KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Lee's lewisia Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose S2

Lewisia oppositifolia (S. Wats.) B.L. Robins. KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Opposite-leaved lewisia Curr, Jack, Jose S4

Leymus flavescens (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Pilger BR, CB, CR; ID, MT, WA G4 ---- 3 Sand wildrye Clat, Malh, Morr, Umat, Wasc SNR

Lilium kelloggii Purdy CR, KM; CA G3 SOC -- 2-ex Kellogg's lily Curr, Jose, Klam? SH

Lilium occidentale Purdy CR; CA G1G2 LE LE 1 Western lily Coos, Curr S1

Limnanthes alba Hartw. ex Benth. ssp. gracilis KM, WC G4T3 -- 1C (Howell) Morin Doug, Jack, Jose S3 Slender meadow-foam

Limnanthes floccosa T.J. Howell ssp. EC, KM, WC; CA G4T3 SOC 1C bellingeriana (M.E. Peck) Arroyo Jack, Klam S2 Bellinger's meadow-foam

Limnanthes pumila Howell ssp. grandiflora KM G4T1 LE LE 1 (Arroyo) S.C. Meyers & K.L. Chambers Jack S1 Big-flowered wooly meadow-foam

Limnanthes pumila Howell ssp. pumila KM G4T1 SOC LT 1 Dwarf wooly meadow-foam Jack S1

77 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Limonium californicum (Boiss.) Heller ME; CA G4 ---- 2 Western marsh-rosemary Coos, Linc S1

Limosella acaulis Sesse & Moc. BR?, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Owyhee mudwort Doug, Harn? SNR

Lipocarpha aristulata (Coville) G. Tucker BM, BR, CB, EC; CA, ID, WA + G5? ---- 2 Aristulate lipocarpha Malh, Umat, Wall S1

Lipocarpha micrantha (Vahl) G. Tucker KM, WV; ID, WA, CA + G5 ---- 2 Small-flowered lipocarpha Bent, Jose, Mult S1?

Listera borealis Morong BM; ID, WA + G4 ---- 2 Northern twayblade Bake, Gran, Wall S1

Lobelia dortmanna L. EC, WC; WA + G4G5 ---- 2 Water lobelia Jeff S1

Loeflingia squarrosa Nutt. BR, KM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G2G3 ---- 3 Spreading-leaved loeflingia Jack, Malh SNR

Lomatium bentonitum K. Carlson and D. BR G1G2 ---- 1 Mansfield Malh S1 Bentonite biscuitroot

Lomatium bradshawii (Rose ex Mathias) Mathias WV; WA G2 LE LE 1 & Constance Bent, Lane, Linn, Mari S2 Bradshaw's lomatium

Lomatium cookii J.S. Kagan KM G1 LE LE 1 Agate Desert lomatium Jack, Jose S1

Lomatium engelmannii Mathias KM; CA G3 ---- 2 Engelmann's desert-parsley Curr, Jose S1

Lomatium erythrocarpum Meinke & Constance BM G1G2 SOC LE 1 Red-fruited lomatium Bake S1S2

Lomatium farinosum (Hook.) Coult. & Rose var. BM, CB; WA G4G5T4 ---- 4 hambleniae (Mathias & Constance) Schlessman Wasc S3 Hamblen's lomatium

Lomatium foeniculaceum (Nutt.) Coult. & Rose BR; CA, NV, UT G5T2T4 ---- 2 var. fimbriatum (Theobald) J. Boivin Malh S1 Fringed desert-parsley

Lomatium greenmanii Mathias BM G1 SOC LT 1 Greenman's lomatium Wall S1

Lomatium laevigatum (Nutt.) Coult. & Rose CB; WA G3 ---- 4 Smooth desert parsley Sher, Wasc S3

Lomatium ochocense Helliwell & Constance ex BM G2 SOC -- 1 Helliwell Croo S2 Ochoco lomatium

Lomatium packardiae Cronq. BR; NV, ID G2 ---- 3 Packard's lomatium Harn, Lake, Malh SNR

Lomatium pastorale Darrach & D.H. Wagner BM G1G2 ---- 1 Meadow lomatium Umat, Unio S1

78 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Lomatium rollinsii Mathias & Constance BM; ID, WA G3 ---- 4 Rollins' lomatium Bake, Wall S3

Lomatium roseanum Cronq. BR; CA, NV G2G3 ---- 1 Rose's lomatium Harn, Malh S1

Lomatium sp. BM GNR ---- 3 Desert parsley (undescribed species, what has Bake, Wall SNR been identified as L. brunsfeldianum)

Lomatium suksdorfii (S. Wats.) Coult. & Rose EC; WA G3 SOC 1C Suksdorf's lomatium Hood, Wasc S2

Lomatium tarantuloides Darrach & Hinchliff BM G1 ---- 1 Spider biscuitroot Gran S1

Lomatium watsonii (Coult. & Rose) Coult. & Rose BM, CB, EC; WA G4 ---- 2 Watson's desert-parsley Gill, Hood, Jeff, Wasc S1

Lotus stipularis (Benth.) Greene KM; CA G5 ---- 2 Stipuled trefoil Jose S2

Luina serpentina Cronq. BM G3 SOC 1C Colonial luina Gran S3

Lupinus andersonii S. Wats. EC, KM, WC; CA, NV G5 ---- 3 Anderson's lupine Jack, Klam SNR

Lupinus biddlei Henderson ex C.P. Sm. BR G3 ---- 4 Biddle's lupine Harn, Malh S3

Lupinus breweri Gray var. breweri KM; CA, NV G5T4? ---- 4 Brewer's lupine Jack S3

Lupinus lepidus Dougl. ex Lindl. var. ashlandensis KM G5T1 SOC 1C ( B.J.Cox ) Isely Jack S1 Mt. Ashland lupine

Lupinus lepidus Dougl. ex Lindl. var. cusickii (S. BM G1T1 SOC LE 1 Wats.) C.L. Hitchc. Bake S1 Cusick's lupine

Lupinus nevadensis Heller BR; CA, NV G3G4 ---- 2 Nevada lupine Harn, Malh S1?

Lupinus oreganus Heller KM, WC, WV; WA G2 LT LT 1 Kincaid's lupine Bent, Doug, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Wash, Yamh S2

Lupinus tracyi Eastw. KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Tracy's lupine Curr, Jose S2

Luzula orestera C.W. Sharsmith BM; CA G2G4 ---- 3 Sierra woodrush Unio, Wall S1

Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub CR, EC, WC; CA, ID, MT G5 ---- 2 Northern bog clubmoss Clac, Coos, Doug, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mult S2

Lycopodium annotinum L. BM, WC; ID, WA G5 ---- 4 Stiff clubmoss Bake, Clac, Desc, Doug, Gran, Hood, Jeff, Klam, Lane, S3 Mari, Mult, Unio, Wall, Wasc

Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hook. BM, CB; WA, ID + G5 ---- 3 Rush skeleton plant Bake, Umat SNR

79 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Lysimachia ciliata L. BM, WC, WV; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Fringed loosestrife Bake, Hood, Mult, Unio SNR

Malacothrix glabrata (D.C. Eat. ex Gray) Gray BR; CA, ID, NV G5 ---- 4 Smooth malacothrix Harn, Lake, Malh S4

Malacothrix sonchoides (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray BR; CA, ID, NV + G5 ---- 2 Sow-thistle desert-dandelion Harn, Malh S1

Malacothrix stebbinsii W.S. Davis & Raven BM; CA, NV + G3? ---- 2 Stebbins desert-dandelion Whee S2?

Malacothrix torreyi Gray BR; CA, ID, NV, MT G4 ---- 4 Torrey's malacothrix Harn, Lake, Malh S4

Marsilea vestita Hook. & Grev. BM, BR, CB, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Hairy water-fern Bake, Clac, Colu?, Curr?, Doug, Harn, Jack, Jeff, Klam, SNR Lake, Lane, Malh, Morr, Mult, Sher, Umat, Unio, Wasc, Whee Matricaria occidentalis Greene BR, EC; CA G5 ---- 3 Valley pineapple weed Harn, Klam, Lake SNR

Meconella oregana Nutt. EC, KM, WC; WA, BC G2G3 SOC 1C White meconella Doug, Hood, Jack, Jose, Wasc S1

Melica smithii (Porter ex Gray) Vasey BM; ID, WA + G4 ---- 3 Smith's melicgrass Bake, Gran?, Umat? SNR

Melica stricta Boland. BR, EC; CA, NV G4 ---- 2 Nodding melicgrass Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh S3

Mentzelia congesta Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray BR; CA, ID, NV G5 ---- 2 United blazingstar Harn, Malh S1

Mentzelia mollis M.E. Peck BR; ID, NV G2 SOC LE 1 Smooth mentzelia Malh S2

Mentzelia packardiae Glad. BR; NV G2Q SOC LT 1 Packard's mentzelia Malh S2

Micranthes hitchcockiana (Elvander) Brouillet & CR G1 SOC 1C Gornall Clat, Till S1 Saddle Mt. saxifrage

Microseris bigelovii (Gray) Schultz-Bip. CR; CA, WA + G4 ---- 2 Coast microseris Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc S2

Microseris douglasii (DC.) Schultz-Bip. ssp. KM; CA G4T4 ---- 2-ex douglasii Jack SH Douglas' microseris

Microseris howellii Gray KM G3 -- LT 4 Howell's microseris Curr, Jose S3

Microseris laciniata (Hook.) Schultz-Bip. ssp. KM, WC; CA G4T3 SOC -- 4 detlingii Chambers Jack S3 Detling's microseris

Minuartia austromontana S.J. Wolf & Packer BM; ID + G4 ---- 3 Southern mountain sandwort Wall SNR

80 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Minuartia californica (Gray) Mattf. KM; CA G4 ---- 4 California sandwort Doug, Jack, Jose S4

Minuartia pusilla (S. Wats.) Mattf. var. pusilla BM, BR, CB, KM, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T3T5 ---- 3 Dwarf stitchwort Clac, Gran, Jack, Jose, Malh, Wasc SNR

Mirabilis laevis (Benth.) Curran var. retrorsa BR; CA, NV + G4G5T4 ---- 2 (Heller) Jepson Harn, Malh S3 Bigelow's four-o'clock

Mirabilis macfarlanei Constance & Rollins BM; ID G2 LT LE 1 Macfarlane's four-o'clock Wall S1

Monardella angustifolia Elvin, Ertter & Mansfield BR; ID G1 ---- 1 Narrow-leaved monardella Malh S1

Monardella purpurea T.J. Howell CR, KM; CA G3Q SOC -- 2 Siskiyou monardella Curr, Jack, Jose S3

Montia howellii S. Wats. CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, BC G3G4 -- 4C Howell's montia Bent, Clac, Colu, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, S3S4 Mult, Till

Muhlenbergia minutissima (Steud.) Swallen BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Annual dropseed Malh S2

Munroa squarrosa (Nutt.) Torr. BR; CA, NV + G5 ---- 3 False buffalograss Malh SNR

Myosurus sessilis S. Wats. BM, CB; CA G2 SOC 1C Sessile mousetail Gill, Jeff, Umat, Wasc S1

Myrica gale L. CR, WC; WA + G5 ---- 3 Sweet gale Clat, Curr, Linc, Mult S1?

Myriophyllum sibiricum Komarov BM, BR, CR, EC, WC; CA, WA + G5 ---- 4 Common water-milfoil Croo, Curr, Desc, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Malh, Till, Wall, Whee S3

Myriophyllum ussuriense (Regel) Maxim. ME; BC + G3 ---- 3 Russian water-milfoil Clat S1?

Najas guadalupensis (Spreng.) Magnus BR, CR?; CA, WA, ID + G5 ---- 3 Common water-nymph Colu?, Malh, Mult? SNR

Nama densum J.G. Lemmon var. parviflorum BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 (Greenm.) C.L. Hitchc. Desc, Harn, Lake, Malh SNR Compact fiddleleaf

Navarretia atractyloides (Benth.) Hook. & Arn. KM; CA G5 ---- 3 Hollyleaf navarretia Jack, Jose SNR

Navarretia heterandra Mason KM; CA G3 ---- 4 Tehama navarretia Jack S3

Navarretia leptalea (Gray) L.A. Johnson ssp. EC, WC; CA G4TNR ---- 3 leptalea Jack, Klam SNR Bridges' gilia

Navarretia leucocephala Benth. ssp. BM, BR, CB, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA G4T4? ---- 4 leucocephala Croo, Desc, Doug, Harn, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, S4 White-flowered navarretia Malh, Sher, Wasc

Navarretia sinistra (M.E. Jones) L.A. Johnson BM, BR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, NV, CO G4G5T4T5 ---- 4 ssp. sinistra Bake, Croo, Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, S4 Alva Day's gilia Malh, Unio, Wall 81 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Navarretia willamettensis Spencer WV G1 ---- 1 Willamette navarretia Bent, Lane S1

Nemacladus capillaris Greene KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 2 Slender nemacladus Jack S1

Nephrophyllidium crista-galli (Menzies ex Hook.) WC; WA, AK, BC G5 ---- 3 Gilg Linn SNR Deer-cabbage

Nicotiana quadrivalvis Pursh CR; CA, NV G5 ---- 2 Indian tobacco Doug S1

Noccaea fendleri (A. Gray) Holub ssp. KM, WC G5T3 ---- 4 siskiyouense (P. Holmgren) Al-Shebaz & M. Curr, Doug, Jose S3 Koch Siskiyou Mountain pennycress Oenothera wolfii (Munz) Raven, W. Dietr. & CR; CA G2 SOC LT 1 Stubbe Curr S1 Wolf's evening-primrose

Ophioglossum pusillum Raf. BM, CR, WC; CA, ID, WA+ G5 ---- 2 Adder's-tongue Bake, Clac, Coos, Doug, Gran, Jack, Lane, Linn S1

Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) Haw. var. fragilis BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4G5T4T5 ---- 3 Brittle prickly- Bake, Jack, Lake, Whee SNR

Orobanche californica Cham. & Schlecht. ssp. WV; CA, WA, BC G4T4 ---- 3 californica Lane S2? California broom-rape

Orobanche californica Cham. & Schlecht. ssp. BM, BR, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA G4T3T4 ---- 3 grayana (G. Beck) Heckard Bake, Croo, Harn, Jeff, Klam, Lake, Lane, Malh SNR Gray's broomrape

Orobanche ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. ludoviciana BM, BR, CB, CR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 Louisiana broomrape Bake, Doug, Lake, Sher?, Umat, Wasc? SNR

Oxytheca dendroidea Nutt. BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 ---- 3 Tree-lined oxytheca Harn, Lake, Malh SNR

Oxytropis sericea Nutt. var. sericea BR; ID, NV+ G5T5 ---- 2 White locoweed Malh S1

Packera flettii (Wieg.) W.A. Weber & A. Love CR; WA G4 ---- 2 Flett's groundsel Clat, Till, Wash S2

Packera hesperia (Greene) W.A. Weber & A. KM; CA G3 SOC 4C Love Jose S3 Western senecio

Packera porteri Greene (C. Jeffrey) BM; CO, WY G4 ---- 2-ex Porter's butterweed Wall SH

Pappostipa speciosa (Trin. & Rupr.) BR; CA, NV + G5 ---- 2 Romaschenko Harn S2 Desert needlegrass

Pedicularis howellii Gray KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Howell's lousewort Jose S3

Pediocactus nigrispinus (Hochstätter) Hochstätter BM, BR, CB; ID, WA+ G4 ---- 4 Snowball cactus Croo, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Malh, Sher, Wall, Wasc, Whee S4

82 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Pellaea andromedifolia (Kaulfuss) Fee CR, KM, WV; CA G4 ---- 2 Coffee fern Coos, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane S2

Pellaea bridgesii Hook. BM; CA, ID G4 ---- 2 Bridges' cliff-brake Bake, Gran, Unio S2

Pellaea mucronata (D.C. Eat.) D.C. Eat. ssp. KM; CA G5T5 ---- 2 californica (Lemmon) Windham Jose S1 California bird's-foot cliffbrake

Penstemon acuminatus Dougl. ex Lindl. var. BM, BR, CB; NV, WA G5T2T4 ---- 3 acuminatus Gill, Gran, Malh, Morr, Sher, Unio, Wall, Wasc SNR Sand dune penstemon

Penstemon barrettiae Gray EC, WC; WA G2 SOC 1C Barrett's penstemon Hood, Mult, Wasc S2

Penstemon davidsonii Greene var. praeteritus BR; NV G4G5T4 ---- 4 Cronq. Harn S3 Davidson's penstemon

Penstemon deustus Dougl. ex Lindl. var. variabilis BM, BR, CB; WA G5T1T2 ---- 1 (Suksdorf) Cronq. Croo, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Malh, Morr, Sher, Umat, Unio, S1S2 Hot-rock penstemon Wall, Wasc, Whee

Penstemon glandulosus Dougl. var. chelanensis CB, EC; WA G4T1T3 ---- 3 (Keck) Cronq. Wasc SNR Chelan penstemon

Penstemon glaucinus Pennell EC G3 SOC -- 1 Blue-leaved penstemon Klam, Lake S3

Penstemon hesperius M.E. Peck WV; WA G1? ---- 1 Tall western penstemon Clac, Wash S1?

Penstemon janishiae N. Holmgren BR; CA, ID, NV G4 ---- 3 Janish's penstemon Harn, Malh SNR

Penstemon kingii S. Wats. BR; NV G4 ---- 3 King's beardtongue Malh SNR

Penstemon miser Gray BM, BR; ID G3? ---- 4 Golden-tongue beardtongue Bake, Malh S3?

Penstemon peckii Pennell BM, EC, WC G3 SOC -- 1 Peck's penstemon Desc, Jeff S3

Penstemon pennellianus Keck BM; WA G3 ---- 1 Blue Mountain penstemon Bake, Gran, Umat, Unio, Wall S2?

Penstemon perpulcher A. Nels. BR; ID G3? ---- 1 Beautiful penstemon Malh S1

Penstemon pratensis Greene BR; NV, ID G4? ---- 3 White-flowered penstemon Harn, Lake, Malh SNR

Penstemon seorsus (A. Nels.) Keck BM, BR, EC; ID G4? ---- 4 Short-lobed beardtongue Bake, Croo, Gran, Harn, Jeff, Lake, Malh, Wasc S3

Penstemon spatulatus Pennell BM G4 ---- 4 Wallowa penstemon Bake, Gran, Unio, Wall S4

Perideridia erythrorhiza (Piper) Chuang & EC, KM, WC G2 SOC 1C Constance Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam S2 Red-root yampah 83 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Perideridia lemmonii (Coult. & Rose) Chuang & BR; CA, NV G4? ---- 3 Constance Harn, Lake SNR Lemmon's false-caraway

Persicaria punctata Small BM, CB?, CR, EC, WC, WV; CA, WA+ G5 ---- 3 Dotted smartweed Bake, Clac, Clat, Curr, Klam, Lane, Morr?, Mult, Till, Umat SNR

Phacelia adenophora J.T. Howell BR; CA, NV, UT G3? ---- 3 Great Basin phacelia Harn, Lake SNR

Phacelia argentea A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. CR; CA G2 SOC LT 1 Silvery phacelia Coos, Curr S2

Phacelia bicolor Torr. ex S. Wats. var. bicolor BR; CA, NV G4T4 ---- 3 Two color phacelia Harn, Lake SNR

Phacelia egena (Greene ex Brand) Greene ex CR, KM; CA + G4 ---- 3 J.T. Howell Curr, Jack, Jose SNR Kaweah River scorpionweed

Phacelia gymnoclada Torr. ex S. Wats. BR; CA, NV G4 ---- 4 Naked-stemmed phacelia Harn, Malh S3

Phacelia inundata J.T. Howell BR, EC; CA, NV G3 SOC -- 1 Playa phacelia Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh S2

Phacelia leonis J.T. Howell KM; CA G3 SOC -- 1 Siskiyou phacelia Jose S1

Phacelia lutea (Hook. & Arn.) J.T. Howell var. BR; ID, NV G4T3 ---- 2 calva Cronq. Lake, Malh S2? Owyhee phacelia

Phacelia lutea (Hook. & Arn.) J.T. Howell var. BR G4T1 SOC -- 1 mackenzieorum J. Grimes & Packard Malh S1 Mackenzie's phacelia

Phacelia malvifolia Cham. CR; CA G4 ---- 2-ex Mallow-leaved phacelia Curr SH

Phacelia minutissima Henderson BM; ID, NV, WA G3 SOC 1C Least phacelia Gran, Harn, Unio, Wall S1

Phacelia procera Gray BM, CB, KM; CA, ID, NV, WA G4 ---- 3 Tall phacelia Hood, Jack, Jose, Unio, Wasc SNR

Phacelia tetramera J.T. Howell BM, BR, EC; CA, NV, WA + G4 ---- 2 Dwarf phacelia Harn, Lake, Malh, Unio, Wall S2

Phacelia thermalis Greene BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G3G4 ---- 3 Hot spring phacelia Harn, Lake, Malh SNR

Phacelia verna T.J. Howell CR, KM, WC G3 ---- 4 Spring phacelia Coos, Doug, Jose, Lane S3

Phalaris angusta Nees ex Trin. CR; CA + G5 ---- 3 Narrow canarygrass Curr SNR

Phalaris californica Hook. & Arn. CR; CA G4G5 ---- 3 California canarygrass Curr SNR

84 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Phemeranthus spinescens (Torr.) Hershkovitz BM, BR, CB; WA G4 ---- 2 Spiny flame-flower Jeff, Malh, Wasc S2

Phlox hendersonii (E. Nels.) Cronq. BM, WC; WA G4 ---- 2 Henderson phlox Hood, Wall S1

Phlox multiflora A. Nels. BM; ID G4 ---- 2 Many-flowered phlox Unio S1

Phyllospadix serrulatus Rupr. ex Aschers. ME; WA + G4 ---- 3 Serrulate surf-grass Coos, Curr SNR

Physaria chambersii Rollins BR; CA, NV G4 ---- 2 Chambers' bladder-pod Bake, Harn, Malh S2

Physaria douglasii (S. Wats.) O'Kane & BM, CB; ID, WA + GNRT4? ---- 3 Al-Shehbaz ssp. douglasii Gill, Gran, Morr, Sher, Wasc SNR Columbia bladderpod

Physaria geyeri (Hook.) Gray var. geyeri BM; WA, MT G4TNR ---- 3 Geyer's twinpod Gill?, Whee SNR

Physaria kingii (S. Wats.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz BR; ID, NV G5T3T4 ---- 2 ssp. cobrensis (Rollins & Shaw) O'Kane & Malh S2 Al-Shehbaz Cobre bladderpod Physaria kingii (S. Wats.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz BM G5T3 ---- 4 ssp. diversifolia (Greene) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz Bake, Wall S3 King's bladderpod

Physostegia parviflora Nutt. ex Gray WV; ID, WA + G4G5 ---- 3 Purple dragonhead Colu, Mult SNR

Pilularia americana A. Braun BM?, BR, EC, KM; CA+ G5 ---- 2 American pillwort Croo, Desc, Jack, Klam, Lake S2

Pinus albicaulis Engelm. BM, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G3G4 C -- 4 Whitebark pine Bake, Desc, Doug, Gran, Hood, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, S3? Lake, Lane, Linn, Mari, Unio, Wall

Pinus flexilis James BM; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 2 Limber pine Bake, Wall S2?

Pinus sabiniana Dougl. ex Dougl. KM; CA G4 ---- 3 Gray pine Jack S1

Piperia candida Morgan & Ackerman CR, KM, WC; CA, WA + G3? ---- 3 White piperia Coos, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane SNR

Piperia elongata Rydb. BM, CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA + G3G5 ---- 3 Dense-flower rein orchid Curr, Doug, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam, Lane, Umat SNR

Piptatheropsis exigua (Thurb.) Romasch., P.M. BM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Peterson & Soreng Bake, Gran, Wall S2? Little ricegrass

Plagiobothrys austiniae (Greene) I.M. Johnston KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Austin's plagiobothrys Jack S2?

Plagiobothrys figuratus (Piper) I.M. Johnston ex KM, WC G4T1 SOC 1C M.E. Peck ssp. corallicarpus (Piper) Chambers Jack, Jose S1 Coral seeded allocarya

85 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Plagiobothrys glyptocarpus (Piper) I.M. Johnston KM; CA G3 ---- 4 Sculptured allocarya Jack S3

Plagiobothrys greenei (Gray) I.M. Johnston KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 2 Greene's popcorn flower Jack, Jose S2?

Plagiobothrys hirtus (Greene) I.M. Johnston KM G1 LE LE 1 Rough popcorn flower Doug S1

Plagiobothrys lamprocarpus (Piper) I.M. Johnston KM GX -- LE 1-X Shiny-fruited popcorn flower Jose SX

Plagiobothrys reticulatus (Piper) I.M. Johnston KM; CA G5 ---- 3 Netted plagiobothrys Coos, Curr SNR

Plagiobothrys salsus (Brandeg.) I.M. Johnston BR, EC; CA, NV, MT G2G3 SOC -- 2 Desert allocarya Klam, Lake S1

Plagiobothrys stipitatus (Greene) I.M. Johnston BM, BR, KM; CA, NV G4T3T4 ---- 3 var. micranthus (Piper) I.M. Johnston Harn, Jack, Jose, Lake, Malh, Wasc SNR Stalked plagiobothrys

Plantago eriopoda Torr. BR, CR; CA, ID, NV+ G5 ---- 3 Hairy-foot plantain Coos, Linc, Malh SNR

Plantago macrocarpa Cham. & Schlecht. CR; WA G4 ---- 2 North pacific plantain Linc S1

Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak BM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Northern green bog orchid Wall SNR

Platanthera obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Lindl. BM; ID, WA+ G5 ---- 2 Small northern bog-orchid Wall S1

Plectritis ciliosa (Greene) Jepson ssp. insignis CB, KM; CA, WA, AZ G4TNR ---- 3 (Suksdorf) Morey Jose, Wasc SNR Longspur seablush

Pleuropogon oregonus Chase BM, BR, EC G1 SOC LT 1 Oregon semaphore grass Lake, Unio S1

Poa bolanderi Vasey BM, BR, KM, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA, UT G5 ---- 4 Bolander's bluegrass Bake, Croo, Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jose, Klam, Wall S3

Poa chambersii Soreng BR, WC GNR ---- 3 Chambers' bluegrass Clac, Harn, Klam, Lane, Mari SNR

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey ssp. longiligula BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5TNR ---- 3 (Scribn. & Williams) Soreng Harn, Lake SNR Long tongue muttongrass

Poa glauca Vahl ssp. rupicola (Nash ex Rydb.) BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 W.A. Weber Harn, Wall SNR Timberline bluegrass

Poa laxiflora Buckl. CR, WC; WA+ G3G4 ---- 4 Loose-flowered bluegrass Bent, Clac, Coos, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, S3 Wash, Yamh

Poa lettermanii Vasey WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4 ---- 3 Letterman's bluegrass Desc, Lane SNR

Poa marcida A.S. Hitchc. CR, WC; WA+ G4G5 ---- 4 Weak bluegrass Clac, Clat, Linc, Mari, Mult, Polk, Till, Yamh S4

86 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Poa piperi A.S. Hitchc. CR, KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Piper's bluegrass Coos, Curr, Jose S3

Poa reflexa Vasey & Scribn. ex Vasey BM; ID, NV + G5 ---- 3 Nodding bluegrass Wall SNR

Poa rhizomata A.S. Hitchc. KM, WC; CA G3G4 ---- 2 Timber bluegrass Jack S1?

Poa stenantha Trin. BM, CR, WC, WV; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Narrow-flower bluegrass Bake, Clac, Clat, Curr, Desc, Doug, Hood, Klam, Lane, SNR Mari, Polk, Till, Wall

Poa suksdorfii (Beal) Vasey ex Piper BM, WC; CA, WA+ G4 ---- 3 Suksdorf's bluegrass Desc, Hood, Lane, Unio, Wall SNR

Poa unilateralis Scribn. ssp. pachypholis (Piper) CR; WA G4TNR ---- 1 Keck ex Soreng Linc, Till S1 Ocean bluff grass

Poa unilateralis Scribn. ssp. unilateralis CR; CA G4TNR ---- 4 San Francisco bluegrass Coos, Curr S4

Pogogyne floribunda Jokerst BR, EC; CA, ID G4 SOC -- 2 Profuse-flowered pogogyne Klam, Lake, Malh S1

Polanisia dodecandra (L.) DC. ssp. trachysperma BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5? ---- 3 (Torr. & Gray) Iltis Malh SNR Clammyweed

Polemonium viscosum Nutt. BM, BR; ID, NV, WA+ G5 ---- 4 Skunk polemonium Bake, Harn, Unio, Wall S4

Polygonum gabrielae Costea & Tardif BM GNR ---- 3 Gabriela's knotweed Gran SNR

Polygonum polygaloides Meisn. ssp. esotericum BR, EC; CA G4G5T3 ---- 3 (L.C. Wheeler) Hickman Harn, Klam, Malh, Wasc SNR Water knotweed

Polypodium calirhiza Whitmore CR; CA+ G4? ---- 3 Hotroot polypody Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc SNR

Polystichum californicum (D.C. Eat.) Diels CR, KM, WC; CA, WA+ G4 ---- 2 California sword-fern Coos, Curr, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linn S2

Polystichum kruckebergii W.H. Wagner BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, WA+ G4 ---- 4 Kruckeberg's sword-fern Bake, Desc, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lane, Umat, Wall, Wasc S4

Polystichum lemmonii Underwood BM, KM; CA, WA+ G4 ---- 4 Shasta fern Gran, Jack, Jose S4

Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber BM, BR, CR, EC, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 4 Slender pondweed Bake, Clac, Coos, Croo, Desc, Doug, Harn, Jack, Klam, S3? Lane, Linc, Linn, Malh, Wall, Wasc, Whee

Potamogeton diversifolius Raf. BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA+ G5 -- -- 2 Rafinesque's pondweed Harn, Klam, Lake, Malh S1

Potamogeton fibrillosus Fernald BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G2G4 ---- 2-ex Fibrous pondweed Harn, Klam SH

87 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen BM, CR, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 White-stem pondweed Doug, Lane, Wall SNR

Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes BM, CR, EC, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Flatleaf pondweed Bent, Gran, Klam, Lane, Linn, Mari, Umat SNR

Potentilla jepsonii Ertter BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G4G5 ---- 3 Jepson's cinquefoil Harn SNR

Potentilla sp. BM G1? ---- 1 Potentilla "darrachii" (soon-to-be-described Gran S1? species)

Potentilla supina L. ssp. paradoxa (Nutt.) Sojak BR, EC, WC; ID, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 Bushy cinquefoil Lake, Linn, Malh, Wasc SNR

Potentilla villosa Pallas ex Pursh WC; WA+ G5 ---- 2 Villous cinquefoil Hood, Lane S1

Prenanthella exigua (Gray) Rydb. BR; CA, NV + G5? ---- 2 Desert prenanthella Malh S1

Primula cusickiana (Gray) Gray BM, BR; ID G4 ---- 2 Wallowa primrose Malh, Wall S3

Prosartes parvifolia S. Wats. KM; CA G2? ---- 1 Siskiyou fairy bells Curr, Jose S1

Psilocarphus oregonus Nutt. BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, WV; CA, ID, WA G4 ---- 3 Oregon woollyheads Coos, Doug, Gran, Harn, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lake, Malh, SNR Mari

Puccinellia nutkaensis (J. Presl) Fern. & ME G4? ---- 3 Weatherby Clat, Coos, Lane, Linc, Till SNR Pacific alkaligrass

Puccinellia pumila (Vasey) A.S. Hitchc. ME; WA G4? ---- 3 Dwarf alkali grass Coos, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till SNR

Pyrola elliptica Nutt. BM; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Shinleaf Gran, Morr SNR

Pyrrocoma linearis (Keck) Kartesz & Gandhi BR; NV G4? ---- 4 One-flowered goldenweed Harn, Malh S4

Pyrrocoma racemosa (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray var. BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, UT G5T4 ---- 2 paniculata (Nutt.) Kartesz & Gandhi Harn?, Jack, Klam, Lake, Unio S2? Panicled goldenweed

Pyrrocoma racemosa (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray var. WV; CA G5T3T4 ---- 2 racemosa Bent, Lane, Mari S1 Racemose pyrrocoma

Pyrrocoma radiata Nutt. BM, BR; ID G3 SOC LE 1 Snake River goldenweed Bake, Malh S3

Pyrrocoma scaberula Greene BM; ID, WA G2 ---- 1 Rough pyrrocoma Wall S1

Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook. var. semota EC; CA G5T4 ---- 3 Jepson Klam SNR Jepson's Oregon white oak

Rafinesquia californica Nutt. BM?, BR?, KM; CA, NV + G5 ---- 2 California chicory Jack, Jose, Malh? S2

88 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Ranunculus acriformis Gray var. montanensis BM; ID, WA, MT, WY G5T5? ---- 3 (Rydb.) L. Benson Unio, Wall SNR Montane sharpleaf buttercup

Ranunculus austrooreganus L. Benson KM, WC G2 -- 1C Southern Oregon buttercup Jack S2

Ranunculus orthorhynchus Hook. var. bloomeri EC; CA G5T2T4 ---- 3 (S. Wats.) L. Benson Lake SNR Bloomer's buttercup

Ranunculus triternatus Gray EC; ID, NV, WA G2 SOC -- 1 Dalles Mt. buttercup Hood, Wasc S1

Rhamnus ilicifolia Kellogg KM; CA+ G5 ---- 2 Redberry Jack S1

Rhinanthus crista-galli L. CR; WA+ G4G5Q ---- 4 Yellow rattle Clat, Till S4

Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl CR, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 2 White beakrush Clac, Jack, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult? S2

Rhynchospora capitellata (Michx.) Vahl CR; CA+ G5 ---- 2 Brownish beakrush Curr S1

Ribes acerifolium T.J. Howell EC?, WC; ID, WA, BC G4 ---- 3 Mapleleaf currant Clac, Desc, Hood, Jack, Klam, Linn, Wasc? SNR

Ribes cereum Dougl. var. colubrinum C.L. Hitchc. BM; ID, WA G5T3 ---- 4 Wax currant Bake, Wall S3

Ribes divaricatum Dougl. var. pubiflorum Koehne KM, WC; CA G4T4? ---- 2 Straggly gooseberry Jose, Lane S2

Ribes inerme Rydb. var. klamathense (Coville) BM, CR, EC, KM, WC; CA G5T3? ---- 4 Jepson Doug, Jack, Jeff, Jose, Klam S3 Klamath gooseberry

Ribes laxiflorum Pursh CR, EC, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Trailing blackberry Clat, Coos, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linc, Linn SNR

Ribes triste Pallas BM, WC; WA + G5 ---- 3 Western red currant Clac, Doug, Lane, Linn, Unio SNR

Ribes wolfii Rothrock BM; ID, WA+ G4 ---- 3 Wolf currant Wall SNR

Romanzoffia suksdorfii Greene WC; WA G3G4 ---- 3 Suksdorf's mistmaiden Hood, Mult S3?

Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala CR, KM, WC, WV G3 ---- 1 Thompson mistmaiden Doug, Jack, Lane, Linn, Mari S3

Rorippa columbiae Suksdorf ex T.J. Howell BM, BR, CB, EC, WC, WV; CA, WA G3 -- C 1 Columbia cress Bake, Croo, Harn, Klam, Lake, Mult, Umat S3

Rorippa curvipes Greene var. curvipes BR, CB; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5? ---- 3 Rocky Mt. yellowcress Harn, Lake, Umat, Unio SNR

89 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Rosa pisocarpa Gray ssp. ahartii Ertter and W. H. EC, KM; CA G5TNR ---- 3 Lewis Jose, Lake SNR Ahart's rose

Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne BR, EC, WC, WV; CA, WA+ G5 ---- 2 Toothcup Bent, Colu?, Harn, Hood?, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Wash? S2

Rubus bartonianus M.E. Peck BM; ID G2 SOC 1C Bartonberry Wall S2

Rubus glaucifolius Kellogg KM; CA G5 ---- 3 Cuyamaca raspberry Jack SNR

Rumex persicarioides L. CR; CA, BC + G3?Q ---- 3 Seashore dock Clat, Linc SNR

Rumex salicifolius Weinm. var. lacustris (Greene) BR; CA, NV G5TNR ---- 3 Hickman Harn, Lake, Malh S1? Willow dock

Sagittaria montevidensis Cham. & Schlecht. ssp. BR, EC; CA + G5T5? ---- 3 calycina (Engelm.) Bogin Harn?, Klam, Lake?, Malh? S2? Long-lobe arrowhead

Salicornia rubra A. Nels. BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Red glasswort Harn, Klam SNR

Salix brachycarpa Nutt. BM, BR; CA, ID, WA+ G5 ---- 4 Short-fruit willow Harn, Wall S4

Salix delnortensis Schneid. KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Del Norte willow Curr, Jose S3

Salix drummondiana Barratt ex Hook. BM, BR, WC; CA, ID, NV, WA+ G5 ---- 4 Drummond's willow Bake, Gran, Harn, Unio, Wall S4

Salix farriae Ball BM; ID + G4 ---- 2 Farr's willow Unio, Wall S2

Salix glauca L. var. villosa (D. Don ex Hook.) BR; ID, NV, WA + G5T5? ---- 3 Anderss. Harn SNR Shaggy leaf willow

Salix laevigata Bebb EC, KM; CA, NV + G5 ---- 2 Polished willow Jack, Klam S1?

Salix ligulifolia (Ball) Ball ex Schneid. EC, KM, WC; CA + G5 ---- 3 Strapleaf willow Jose, Klam, Lane SNR

Salix nivalis Hook. BM, BR, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Snow willow Gran, Harn, Lake, Wall S2S3

Salix tracyi Ball KM; CA G3G4 ---- 3 Tracy willow Curr, Jose SNR

Salix wolfii Bebb BM; ID, NV + G5? ---- 2 Wolf's willow Wall S2

Samolus parviflorus Raf. CR, ME; CA, WA+ G5 ---- 3 Water-pimpernel Clat, Coos?, Doug SNR

Sanicula peckiana J.F. Macbr. KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Peck's sanicle Curr, Jose S3

90 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Saxifraga adscendens L. ssp. oregonensis (Raf.) BM, BR; WA, ID+ G5T4T5 ---- 2 Bacig. Harn, Wall S1 Wedge-leaf saxifrage

Saxifragopsis fragarioides (Greene) Small KM; CA, WA G3? ---- 2 Strawberry saxifrage Curr, Jose S1

Scheuchzeria palustris L. ssp. americana (Fern.) EC, WC; CA, ID, WA+ G5T5 ---- 2 Hulten Clac, Desc, Doug, Klam, Lane, Linn, Mult S2 Scheuchzeria

Schoenoplectus heterochaetus (Chase) Soják EC; CA, WA+ G5 ---- 3 Slender bulrush Klam SH

Schoenoplectus subterminalis (Torr.) Sojak CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA+ G5 ---- 2 Water clubrush Coos, Curr, Doug, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Wasc S2

Scirpus pallidus (Britt.) Fern. BM, BR, WV; WA, ID + G5 ---- 3 Pale bulrush Bake, Harn, Lane, Mult, Wall S3

Scirpus pendulus Muhl. EC, KM, WC, WV; CA + G5 ---- 2 Drooping bulrush Clac, Curr, Jack, Jose, Lane, Linn, Mari S1

Sclerolinon digynum (Gray) Rogers EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA G5 ---- 3 Northwestern yellow flax Bent, Jack, Jose, Klam, Linn, Mari SNR

Scoliopus bigelovii Torr. CR; CA G4? ---- 2 California fetid adder's-tongue Curr S1

Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link BM, BR; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Common rivergrass Harn, Wall SNR

Sedella pumila (Benth.) Britt. & Rose KM, WV; CA G3? ---- 2 Sierra mock-stonecrop Jack, Mult? S1

Sedum debile S. Wats. BR; CA, ID, NV+ G4G5 ---- 4 Weak-stemmed stonecrop Harn, Malh S4

Sedum lanceolatum Torr. ssp. nesioticum (G.N. WV; BC, WA G5T4? ---- 3 Jones) Clausen Colu SNR Lanceleaved stonecrop

Sedum laxum (Britt.) Berger ssp. heckneri (M.E. KM; CA G5T4Q ---- 4 Peck) Clausen Curr?, Doug?, Jack, Jose S3 Heckner's stonecrop

Sedum moranii Clausen KM G2 -- 1C Rogue River stonecrop Jose S2

Sedum oblanceolatum Clausen KM; CA G3 -- 4C Applegate stonecrop Jack S3

Sedum rosea (L.) Scop. ssp. integrifolium (Raf.) BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 Berger Bake, Gran, Harn, Umat, Wall SNR Alpine sedum

Sedum spathulifolium Hook. ssp. purdyi (Jepson) KM; CA G5T4Q ---- 4 Clausen Doug, Jack, Jose S3 Purdy's stonecrop

Selaginella watsonii Underwood BM, BR; CA, NV+ G4 ---- 4 Watson's spike-moss Bake, Harn, Unio?, Wall S4

91 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Senecio ertterae T.M. Barkl. BR G2 SOC 1C Ertter's senecio Malh S2

Senecio sphaerocephalus Greene BM; ID, NV + G4G5 ---- 3 Mountain-marsh butterweed Gran, Wall S1?

Senecio triangularis Hook. var. angustifolius G.N. CR; WA, BC G5TNR ---- 3 Jones Coos, Curr S1? Bog groundsel

Sericocarpus rigidus Lindl. WV; WA, BC G3 SOC LT 1 White-topped aster Clac, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult? S2

Sesuvium verrucosum Raf. BR; ID, NV, CA+ G5 ---- 2 Verrucose sea-purslane Harn, Lake S2

Sidalcea campestris Greene CR, WV G4 -- 4C Meadow checker-mallow Bent, Clac, Lane, Linn, Mari, Mult, Polk, Wash, Yamh S4

Sidalcea cusickii Piper CR, KM, WC, WV G4 ---- 4 Cusick's mallow Coos, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Linn S4

Sidalcea hendersonii S. Wats. CR, ME; WA, BC G3 SOC -- 1 Henderson's sidalcea Clat, Doug, Lane, Till S1

Sidalcea hickmanii Greene ssp. petraea S.R. Hill KM G3T1 ---- 1 & R. Halse Jack S1 Hickman's southern Oregon sidalcea

Sidalcea hirtipes C.L. Hitchc. CR, WV; WA G2 SOC 1C Bristly-stemmed sidalcea Clat, Colu, Linc, Till S2

Sidalcea malachroides (Hook. & Arn.) Gray CR, KM; CA G3G4 SOC -- 2-ex Maple-leaved sidalcea Coos, Curr, Jack, Jose SH

Sidalcea malviflora (DC.) Gray ex Benth. ssp. CR, KM; CA G5T2 SOC 1C patula C.L. Hitchc. Coos, Curr S1 Coast checker bloom

Sidalcea nelsoniana Piper CR, WV; WA G2G3 LT LT 1 Nelson's sidalcea Bent, Clac, Clat, Colu, Linn, Mari, Polk, Till, Wash, Yamh S2

Sidalcea neomexicana Gray BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G4? ---- 3 Rocky Mountain sidalcea Bake, Gran, Malh SNR

Silene bolanderi A. Gray KM; CA G4? ---- 2 Bolander's catchfly Curr, Jack, Jose S1

Silene bridgesii Rohrb. KM; CA G4G5 ---- 3 Bridges' catchfly Jack SNR

Silene douglasii Hook. var. oraria (M.E. Peck) CR G4T1 SOC LT 1 C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire Clat, Till S1 Cascade Head catchfly

Silene hookeri Nutt. ssp. serpentinicola (T.W. KM; CA G4T2 ---- 1 Nelson & J.P. Nelson ) K.L. Chambers & S.C. Curr S1 Meyers Serpentine catchfly Silene lemmonii S. Wats. KM; CA G5 ---- 4 Lemmon's catchfly Curr, Jack, Jose S3

92 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Silene nuda (S. Wats.) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire EC; CA G4G5T4 ---- 4 ssp. insectivora (Henderson) C.L. Hitchc. & Klam, Lake S3 Maguire Fringed campion Silene spaldingii S. Wats. BM; ID, MT, WA G2 LT LE 1 Spalding's campion Wall S2

Silene suksdorfii B.L. Robins. WC; CA, WA G4 ---- 4 Suksdorf's campion Desc, Doug, Hood, Jeff, Klam, Lane, Mari S4

Sisyrinchium halophilum Greene BR; CA, ID, NV G4G5 ---- 2 Nevada blue-eyed grass Harn SNR

Sisyrinchium hitchcockii D. Henderson KM, WV; CA G2 SOC 1C Hitchcock's blue-eyed grass Bent, Doug, Lane, Linn S1

Sisyrinchium sarmentosum Suksdorf ex Greene WC; WA G2 SOC 1C Pale blue-eyed grass Clac, Mari S1

Smelowskia ovalis M.E. Jones var. ovalis WC; WA+ G5T4 ---- 4 Shortfruited smelowskia Desc, Hood, Lane S4

Smilax californica (A. DC.) Gray KM; CA G4 ---- 4 California smilax Curr, Jack, Jose S3

Solanum parishii Heller KM, WC; CA G4 ---- 2 Parish's horse-nettle Curr, Jack, Jose S2

Sophora leachiana M.E. Peck KM G2 SOC 1C Western necklace Jose S2

Sorbus californica Greene WC; NV, CA G5 ---- 3 California mountain ash Klam SNR

Spartina pectinata Link BM, BR, CB; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Prairie cordgrass Bake, Desc, Harn, Sher, Unio, Wall SNR

Sphaeromeria cana (D.C. Eat.) Heller BR; CA, NV G3G4 ---- 3 Gray tansy Harn SNR

Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn. BM, CB, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Prairie wedgegrass Desc, Harn, Unio, Wall, Wasc SNR

Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr. BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 3 Hairgrass dropseed Harn, Malh SNR

Stanleya confertiflora (B.L. Robins.) T.J. Howell BM, BR; ID G2 SOC 1C Biennial stanleya Bake, Harn, Malh S2

Stanleya viridiflora Nutt. BM, BR; CA, ID, NV + G4 ---- 3 Perennial stanleya Bake, Harn, Malh, Unio SNR

Stellaria borealis Bigelow ssp. borealis BM; ID, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 Boreal starwort Bake SNR

Stellaria humifusa Rottb. ME; WA+ G5? ---- 2 Creeping starwort Lane, Linc, Till S1

93 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Stephanomeria malheurensis Gottlieb BR G1 LE LE 1 Malheur wire-lettuce Harn S1

Streptanthus cordatus Nutt. var. cordatus BM, BR, EC, KM; CA, ID, NV + G5T4T5 ---- 2 Perennial twistflower Gran, Harn, Jose, Lake, Malh, Morr SNR

Streptanthus glandulosus Hook. ssp. KM; CA G4T1 ---- 1 josephinensis Al-Shehbaz & M.S. Mayer Jose S1 Josephine jewel flower

Streptanthus howellii S. Wats. KM; CA G2G3 -- 1C Howell's streptanthus Curr, Jose S2

Streptopus streptopoides (Ledeb.) Frye & Rigg WC; BC+ G5 ---- 2 Kruhsea Clac, Hood, Mult S2

Stuckenia filiformis (Pers) Boerner ssp. alpina BM, EC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 (Blytt) Haynes, D.H. Les, & M. Kral Desc, Wall SNR Northern slender-leaved pondweed

Stuckenia filiformis (Pers) Boerner ssp. G5T5 ---- 4 occidentalis (J.W. Robbins) Haynes, D.H. Les, & Desc, Harn, Klam, Malh S3 M. Kral Western slender-leaved pondweed Stuckenia striata (Ruiz & Pavón) Holub BR; CA, NV + G3G4Q -- -- 2 Nevada pondweed Lake, Malh S1?

Stylocline psilocarphoides M.E. Peck BR; CA, NV + G4 ---- 2-ex Malheur stylocline Malh SH

Subularia aquatica L. var. americana (Mulligan & WC; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5T5 ---- 3 Calder) Boivin Desc, Klam SNR Awlwort

Suksdorfia ranunculifolia (Hook.) Engl. BM, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Buttercup-leaved suksdorfia Bake, Doug, Hood, Jose, Wall SNR

Suksdorfia violacea Gray BM, EC, WC; WA G4 ---- 2 Violet suksdorfia Hood, Wall, Wasc S1

Sullivantia oregana S. Wats. WC, WV; WA G2 SOC 1C Oregon sullivantia Clac, Colu, Hood, Mult S2

Swertia perennis L. BM, BR; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Felwort Bake, Gran, Harn, Wall S2

Symphoricarpos longiflorus Gray BR; CA, NV+ G5 ---- 2 Long-flowered snowberry Harn, Lake, Malh S2

Symphyotrichum ericoides (L.) Nesom var. BM, CB, EC?; ID, WA G5T5 ---- 3 pansum (Blake) Nesom Desc, Umat, Unio SNR Tufted white prairie aster

Synthyris missurica (Raf.) Pennell ssp. stellata WC; WA G4T4 ---- 4 (Pennell) Kartesz & Gandhi Hood, Mult S3 Columbia kittentails

Synthyris schizantha Piper CR; WA G4 ---- 3 Fringed kittentail Clat, Till SU

Taraxacum ceratophorum (Ledeb.) DC. BM; ID, CA+ G5 ---- 3 Horned dandelion Wall SNR

94 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Taraxia ovata (Nutt.) Small KM, WV; CA G3G4 ---- 2 Golden eggs Bent, Doug, Jose, Lane S1

Tauschia howellii (Coult. & Rose) J.F. Macbr. KM; CA G2 SOC 1C Howell's tauschia Jack S1

Tauschia stricklandii (Coult. & Rose) Mathias & CR, WC; WA G4 ---- 2 Constance Linc, Mult S1 Strickland's tauschia

Tetrapteron graciliflorum (Hook. & Arn.) W.L. KM; CA G4 ---- 2 Wagner & Hoch Jack, Jose S2 Slender-flowered evening-primrose

Tetrapteron palmeri (S. Wats.) W.L. Wagner & BR; CA, ID, NV G3G4 ---- 3 Hoch Malh SNR Palmer's evening-primrose

Thalictrum alpinum L. BM; CA, ID, NV+ G5 ---- 2 Alpine meadow-rue Wall S2

Thelypodium brachycarpum Torr. BR?, EC; CA G3 SOC -- 2 Short-podded thelypody Klam, Lake S2

Thelypodium eucosmum B.L. Robins. BM G2 SOC LT 1 Arrow-leaf thelypody Bake, Gran, Whee S2

Thelypodium howellii S. Wats. ssp. howellii BM, BR, EC; CA G2T2 SOC -- 1 Howell's thelypody Croo, Desc, Gran, Harn, Klam, Lake S1

Thelypodium howellii S. Wats. ssp. spectabilis BM G2T1 LT LE 1 (M.E. Peck) Al-Shehbaz Bake, Malh, Unio S1 Howell's spectacular thelypody

Thelypodium integrifolium (Nutt.) Endl. ex Walp. BR; CA, NV, UT G5T5 ---- 3 ssp. complanatum Al-Shehbaz Croo, Harn, Malh SNR Entire-leaved thelypody

Thelypodium integrifolium (Nutt.) Endl. ex Walp. BM, BR; ID, WA + G5T5? ---- 3 ssp. integrifolium Croo, Harn SNR Entire-leaved thelypody

Thelypodium sagittatum (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) BM, KM; ID, NV, WA + G4T4 ---- 3 Endl. ex Walp. ssp. sagittatum Bake, Jack, Umat SNR Slender thelypody

Torreyochloa erecta (A.S. Hitchc.) Church EC, KM, WC; CA, NV G4G5 ---- 3 Narrow mannagrass Jack, Jose, Klam, Mari S3

Townsendia M.E. Jones BM; ID+ G4 ---- 2 Mountain townsendia Wall S1

Townsendia parryi D.C. Eat. BM; CA, WA+ G4? ---- 2 Parry's townsendia Wall S1

Townsendia scapigera D.C. Eat. BR; CA, ID, NV, UT G4G5 ---- 2 Tufted Townsend daisy Malh S2

Trichophorum cespitosum (L.) Hartman BM, WC; ID, WA + G5 ---- 3 Tufted clubrush Clac, Gran, Hood, Lane, Linn SNR

Trifolium douglasii House BM; ID, WA G2 SOC -- 1 Douglas clover Umat, Unio S2

Trifolium eriocephalum Nutt. ssp. martinii J. Gillett BM; ID G5T2T4Q ---- 3 Martin's clover Bake SNR

95 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Trifolium leibergii A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. BR; NV G3 SOC 1C Leiberg's clover Harn, Malh S2

Trifolium owyheense Gilkey BR; ID G2 SOC LE 1 Owyhee clover Malh S2

Trifolium siskiyouense J. Gillett KM; CA GHQ ---- 3 Siskiyou clover Doug, Jack, Jose SNR

Triglochin palustris L. BM; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5 ---- 2 Slender bog arrowgrass Bake, Gran, Unio S2

Triglochin scilloides (Poir.) Mering & Kadereit BR, CB?, CR, EC, ME; CA, ID, NV, WA + G5? ---- 4 Flowering quillwort Clat, Desc, Doug, Harn, Klam, Lake, Lane, Malh, Sher? S3?

Triglochin striata Ruiz & Pavon CR; CA + G5 ---- 3 Three-ribbed arrow-grass Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till SNR

Trillium kurabayashii J.D. Freeman CR, KM; CA G4G5 ---- 2 Giant purple trillium Curr S1

Trillium parviflorum Soukup WV; WA G2G3 ---- 1 Small-flowered trillium Clac, Colu, Mari, Polk, Wash, Yamh S2S3

Triodanis biflora (Ruiz & Pavon) Fisch. & C.A. BM, CR, KM, WC, WV; CA + G5 ---- 3 Mey. Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Wall, Yamh SNR Small Venus'-looking glass

Triteleia crocea (Wood) Greene var. crocea KM; CA G4T4 ---- 4 Yellow triteleia Jack, Jose S4

Triteleia hendersonii Greene var. leachiae (M.E. CR, KM G4T3 SOC 4C Peck) Hoover Coos, Curr S3 Leach's brodiaea

Triteleia ixioides (Ait. f.) Greene ssp. anilina KM; CA G5T4 ---- 2-ex (Greene) Lenz Jack SH Sierra brodiaea

Triteleia ixioides (Ait. f.) Greene ssp. scabra KM; CA G5T3? ---- 3 (Greene) Lenz Jack SNR Golden triteleia

Triteleia laxa Benth. CR, KM?; CA G4 ---- 2 Ithuriel's spear Curr, Jack? S1

Trollius albiflorus (Gray) Rydb. BM; ID, WA+ G5 ---- 2 American globeflower Wall S1

Utricularia gibba L. CR, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA+ G5 ---- 2 Humped bladderwort Bent, Clac, Coos, Doug, Lane, Linn, Wash S1

Utricularia minor L. BM, BR, CR, EC, WC, WV; CA, ID, NV, WA+ G5 ---- 2 Lesser bladderwort Bake?, Clac, Coos, Desc, Doug, Gran?, Harn, Jack, S4 Klam, Lane, Linn, Mari, Wall?, Wasc

Utricularia ochroleuca R.W. Hartman WC; CA, WA, BC+ G4? -- -- 2 Northern bladderwort Clac, Lane S1

Vaccinium oxycoccos L. CR, WC; WA, ID+ G5 ---- 4 Wild bog cranberry Clac, Clat, Doug, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult, Till, Wasc S4

96 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Vancouveria chrysantha Greene KM; CA G4 ---- 4 Yellow vancouveria Curr, Jose S4

Vicia hassei S. Wats. KM; ID G5 ---- 3 Hass' vetch Jack SNR

Viola langsdorfii Fisch. ex Gingins CR; WA+ G4 ---- 3 Aleutian viola Coos, Curr, Linc SNR

Viola praemorsa Dougl. ex Lindl. ssp. praemorsa BM, BR, CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, MT, BC G5T3T5 ---- 3 Upland yellow violet Bent, Clac, Colu, Coos, Croo, Doug, Gran, Harn, Hood, SNR Jack, Jose, Klam, Lake, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Wall, Wash Viola primulifolia L. ssp. occidentalis (Gray) L.E. KM; CA G5T2 SOC 1C McKinney & R.J. Little Curr, Jose S2 Western bog violet

Viola purpurea Kellogg ssp. dimorpha M.S. Baker EC, WC; CA G5TNR ---- 3 & J.C. Clausen Klam SNR Goosefoot violet

Wolffia borealis (Engelm. ex Hegelm.) Landolt ex EC, WC, WV; WA+ G5 ---- 2 Landolt & Wildi Bent?, Doug, Jack, Klam, Lane, Linn, Polk S1 Dotted water-meal

Wolffia brasiliensis Weddell CR, WV; CA, WA + G5 ---- 3 Brazilian water meal Bent, Colu, Lane, Yamh SNR

Wolffia columbiana Karst. CR, KM, WC, WV; CA+ G5 ---- 2 Columbia water-meal Bent, Clac, Clat, Doug, Jack, Lane, Linn, Mult, Yamh S1

Zigadenus fontanus Eastw. KM; CA G3 SOC -- 2 Small-flowered death camas Jack S1

Zizia aptera (Gray) Fern. BM, WV; NV, WA+ G5 ---- 3 Golden alexanders Clac, Colu, Mult, Wall, Wash SNR

97 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List MARINE ALGAE Ahnfeltiopsis leptophylla (J. Agardh) P.C. Silva & ME; CA, WA, BC, AK, Mexico G3G4 -- -- 3 DeCew Coos, Linc, Till S2 Red marine alga

Alaria nana H.F. Schrader ME; WA, AK, BC, Japan G5 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Clat, Linc S2

Arthrocardia silvae Johansen ME; CA, WA, BC, AK G3 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Clat, Curr, Linc S2

Coilodesme bulligera Strömfelt ME; AK, Europe, Russian Far East G5 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Coos S1

Cryptonemia borealis Kylin ME; CA, WA, BC, China G5 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Coos S1

Cryptopleura peltata (Montagne) M. J. Wynne ME; CA, WA, BC, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Hawaii G3 -- -- 3 Marine red alga Curr S1

Desmarestia foliacea V.A. Pease ME; WA, BC G3G4 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Curr S1

Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus (Hudson) Greville ME; WA, BC, AK, E , Europe, China, G5 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Russian Far East S1 Curr, Till Dictyota binghamiae J. Agardh ME; CA, WA, BC, Mexico G3G4 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Coos, Curr, Linc S2

Erythroglossum californicum (J. Agardh) J. Agardh ME; CA, Mexico G3 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Coos, Linc S1

Farlowia compressa J. Agardh ME; CA, WA, BC, AK G3G4 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Curr, Linc S2

Farlowia conferta (Setchell) I.A. Abbott ME; CA G2G3 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Coos, Linc S2

Gloiocladia laciniata (J. Agardh) Sánchez et ME; CA, WA, BC, AK, Mexico G3 -- -- 3 Rodríguez-Prieto Coos S1 Red marine alga

Heterosiphonia densiuscula Kylin ME; WA, BC, AK G3 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Linc S1

Hollenbergia nigricans (Gardner) Wollaston ME; CA, WA, BC, AK G3 -- -- 3 Marine red alga Curr S1

Hollenbergia subulata (Harvey) E.M. Wollaston ME; CA, WA, BC, AK G3G4 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Coos, Linc S2

Hymenena smithii Kylin ME; CA, WA, BC G3Q -- -- 3 Red marine alga Coos S1

Laminaria ephemera Setchell ME; CA, WA, AK G3 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Coos, Linc S2

Laminaria longipes Bory ME; WA, BC, AK, Russian Far East G4 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Curr S1

Loranthophycus californica Dawson ME; CA, WA, BC G3 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Curr S1

Macrocystis integrifolia Bory ME; CA, WA, AK, BC, Mexico, Chile G5 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Coos S2

98 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Mazzaella californica (J. Agardh) De Toni ME; CA, WA, BC, Mexico G3G4 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Curr, Linc S2

Microcladia coulteri Harvey ME; CA, WA, BC, Mexico G3G4Q -- -- 3 Red marine alga Curr, Linc S2

Neogastroclonium subarticulatum (Turner) L. Le ME; CA, WA, BC, AK, UK, Yemen G5 -- -- 3 Gall, Dalen & G.W. Saunders Till S1 Red marine alga

Nitophyllum dotyi I.A. Abbott ME G1 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Coos S1

Pikea pinnata Setchell ME; CA G2G3 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Clat, Coos, Curr, Linc S2

Porphyra torta V. Krishnamurthy ME; WA, BC, AK, Russian Far East G4 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Curr, Linc S2

Porphyropsis coccinea (J. Agardh ex Areschoug) ME; CA, WA, BC, E North America, Chile, Europe, Japan G5 -- -- 3 Rosenvinge Curr S1 Red marine alga

Prasiola linearis C.C. Jao ME; WA, BC G3 -- -- 3 Green marine alga Linc, Till S1

Pterocladiella caloglossoides (M. Howe) ME; CA, WA, BC, AK, Mexico, S America, S Africa G5 -- -- 3 Santelices Coos, Linc S1 Red marine alga

Pylaiella unilateralis Setchell & N.L.Gardner ME G2 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Coos, Linc S2

Saundersella simplex (D.A. Saunders) Kylin ME; BC, AK, Japan G4 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Linc S1

Schimmelmannia plumosa (Setchell) I.A. Abbott ME; CA, S America, Japan G5 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Coos, Curr S1

Scinaia confusa (Setchell) Huisman ME; CA, WA, BC, AK, Mexico, Costa Rica, Galapagos, G5 -- -- 3 Red marine alga Peru, Korea S2 Curr, Linc Scytosiphon gracilis Kogame ME; AK, Japan, Chile G5 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Coos, Curr S1

Scytothamnus fasciculatus (J.D. Hooker & Harvey) ME; BC, Mexico, Chile, Australia, Subantarctic Islands G5 -- -- 3 A.D. Cotton Linc S1 Brown marine alga

Sparlingia pertusa (Postels & Ruprecht) G.W. ME; WA, BC, AK, Russian Far East, Greenland, G5 -- -- 3 Saunders, Strachan & Kraft Spitsbergen S2 Red marine alga Coos

Sphacelaria plumigera Holmes ME; E North America, Europe, India, Japan G5 -- -- 3 Brown marine alga Linc S1

Ulvaria obscura (Kützing) P.Gayral var. blyttii (J.E. ME; CA, WA, BC, AK, Japan G5T4 -- -- 3 Areschoug) C. Bliding Coos, Linc S2 Green marine alga

BRYOPHYTES - Liverworts and Hornworts Anastrophyllum minutum (Schreb.) Schust. WC; ID, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Hood S1

99 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Anthelia julacea (L.) Dum. BM, WC; WA + G3G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Clac, Hood, Wall S1

Asterella bolanderi (Aust.) Underw. BR, KM; CA, TX? G3G4 -- -- 3 Liverwort Curr, Lake S1

Barbilophozia barbata (Schmid. ex Schreb.) CR; ID, WA +, Europe, Asia G5 -- -- 2 Loeske Clat S1 Liverwort

Barbilophozia lycopodioides (Wallroth) Loeske BM; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Bake S1

Blepharostoma arachnoideum M.A.Howe CR, WC; CA, WA, BC G3G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Bent, Doug, Lane, Linn, Mult S2

Calypogeia sphagnicola (H. Arnell & J. Perss.) CR, KM, WC; WA + G4 -- -- 2 Warnst. & Loeske Clac, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Lane, Linc, Linn, Till S2 Liverwort

Cephaloziella hampeana (Nees) Schiffn. BM, CR, EC, KM; WA, ID, MT, BC + G5 -- -- 3 Liverwort Harn, Jack, Klam, Lane SNR

Cephaloziella spinigera (Lindberg) Jörgensen CR, EC, WC; CA, WA + G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Jack, Klam, Lane S1

Cryptomitrium tenerum (Hook.) Aust. KM; CA, Mexico G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Curr S1

Gymnomitrion concinnatum (Lightfoot) Corda WC; ID, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Hood, Mari, Mult S1

Haplomitrium hookeri (Smith) Nees CR, WC; WA + G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Lane S1

Harpanthus flotovianus (Nees) Nees BM, WC; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Desc, Doug, Gran, Klam, Lane S1

Herbertus aduncus (Dickson) S.F. Gray ssp. CR, WC; WA + G5T5 -- -- 2 aduncus Clat, Mult S2 Liverwort

Herbertus dicranus (Tayl.) Trev. CR; WA, AK, BC, Oceania, Asia G4G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Clat S1

Hygrobiella laxifolia (Hook.) Spruce WC; WA, ID, MT, BC, AB, E North America, Russian Far G5 -- -- 3 Liverwort East, Asia, Europe, Greenland S1 Mari Jamesoniella autumnalis (De Candolle) Stephani WC; QC + G5T1Q -- -- 1 var. heterostipa (A. Evans) Frye & L. Clark Lane S1 Liverwort

Jungermannia polaris Lindberg BM, WC; BC + G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Bake, Klam, Lane S1

Kurzia makinoana (Steph.) Grolle CR; CA, WA +, Asia G2G4Q -- -- 2 Liverwort Coos S1

Marsupella condensata (Ångstr.) Schiffn. WC; WA, BC, QC, Europe, Asia G3 -- -- 2 Liverwort Hood, Linn S1

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrhart) Dumortier var. WC; WA + G5T3 -- -- 2 aquatica (Lindenberg) Dumortier Lane S1 Liverwort

100 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Marsupella sparsifolia (Lindberg) Dumortier WC; CA, WA + G3G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Hood S1

Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) Bernet CR; BC, QC; UK, Europe, Eurasia, New Zealand, S G3G5 -- -- 3 Liverwort America S1 Doug Mesoptychia gillmanii (Austin) L. Söderstr. & Vána BM; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Bake, Gran S1

Metzgeria violacea (Ach.) Dumort. CR; CA, WA, BC?, AK?, Europe, Asia G4 -- -- 4 Liverwort Coos, Lane, Linc, Till S3

Nardia japonica Stephani WC; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Desc, Hood S2

Peltolepis quadrata (Saut.) K. Mull. BM; BC + G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Bake, Croo, Gran S1

Phymatoceros bulbiculosus (Brot.) Stotler, W.T. WV; CA, Mexico, S Europe, S America G5 -- -- 3 Doyle & Crand.-Stot. Lane S1 Hornwort

Phymatoceros phymatodes (M. Howe) Duff, CR, KM, WV; CA G2G3 -- -- 2 Villarreal, Cargill, & Renzaglia Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane S1 Hornwort

Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehmann & CR; WA + G4G5T4? -- -- 2 Lindenberg) Lehmann & Lindenberg var. Clat SNR semidecurrens Liverwort

Porella arboris-vitae (With.) Grolle WC; Eurasia, N Africa, Iceland G3 -- -- 2-ex Liverwort Mult SH

Porella bolanderi (Austin) Pearson KM, WC; CA, UT G3 -- -- 2 Liverwort Doug, Jack, Jose, Linn S1

Preissia quadrata (Scop.) Nees BM, WC, WV; ID, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Bake, Clac, Jeff, Mult, Wall S2

Ptilidium pulcherrimum (G. Weber) Hampe BM; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Bake S1

Radula brunnea Stephani CR; Asia G3 -- -- 2 Liverwort Clat S1

Radula obtusiloba Steph. ssp. polyclada (Evans) CR; WA, BC, AK, Russian Far East G3G5T2T4 -- -- 2 Hatt. Clat S1 Liverwort

Riccia californica Aust. KM; CA, TX G1G2 -- -- 3 Liverwort Curr S1

Rivulariella gemmipara (A. Evans) D.H. Wagner KM, WC; CA, WA, AK, UT G2 -- -- 1 Liverwort Desc, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Mari S2

Scapania gymnostomophila Kaalaas WC; ID, WA + G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Mult S1

Scapania obscura (H. Arnell & C. Jens.) Schiffn. WC; BC + G3Q -- -- 2 Liverwort Lane S1

Schistochilopsis laxa (Lindb.) Konstant. CR, WC; WA + G4 -- -- 2 Liverwort Doug, Lane, Linn, Till S2

101 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Schofieldia monticola J.D. Godfrey WC; WA + G3 -- -- 2 Liverwort Lane S1

Sphaerocarpos hians Haynes WV; ID, WA + G1 -- -- 1 Liverwort Bent S1

Tritomaria exsecta (Schrad.) Loeske BM; MT +, BC, AB + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Gran S1

Tritomaria quinquedentata (Hudson) Buch CR; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Liverwort Clat S1

BRYOPHYTES - Mosses Aloina bifrons (De Not.) Delg. CB; CA, ID, WA + G3G4 -- -- 2 Moss Morr, Umat S1

Andreaea nivalis Hook. WC; BC + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Clac, Lane S1

Andreaea schofieldiana B. Murr. KM, WC; CA, BC G2G3 -- -- 2 Moss Curr, Jack, Linn S1

Anoectangium aestivum (Hedw.) Mitt. BM, KM; AZ, CO, WA +, Europe, Asia, Africa G4G5 -- -- 3 Moss Gran, Jack, Jose, Unio S1

Anomobryum julaceum (Schrad. ex P. Gaertn., B. BM, CR; CA, BC +, E North America, Eurasia G4G5 -- -- 3 Mey. & Scherb.) Schimp. Bake, Clat S1 Moss

Barbula unguiculata Hedw. WV; CA, WA, ID, BC, AB, MT + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Lane SNR

Brachydontium olympicum (Britt.) McIntosh & WC; WA + G2G3 -- -- 2 Spence Clac S1 Moss

Bruchia bolanderi Lesq. BM, WC; CA, NV, UT, BC G3 -- -- 3 Moss Clac, Desc, Klam, Lane, Unio S2

Bruchia flexuosa (Sw. ex Schwaegr.) C. Mull. WV; CA, WI +, Europe G4 -- -- 2 Moss Bent, Lane S1

Bryum calobryoides Spence BM, CR, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA + G3 -- -- 2 Moss Curr, Gran, Jack, Jose, Lane, Malh S2

Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw. BM, CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, WA, ID + G4G5 -- -- 3 Moss Desc, Doug, Gran, Jose, Klam, Lane, Unio, Wall S3

Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. in Warnst. BM; BC, AK, MT, AB, Europe, Asia G5 -- -- 2 Moss Whee S1

Campylium stellatum (Hedw.) C. Jens. BM, KM, WC; WA, ID, MT, BC, AB + G5 -- -- 2 Moss Doug, Gran, Jack S1

Campylopodiella flagellacea (Müll. Hal.) J.-P. KM; CA, Mexico, Central and South America G5 -- -- 3 Frahm & Isov. Jack S1 Moss

Campylopus schmidii (Mull. Hal.) A. Jaeger CR, KM; CA, HI, Australasia G4 -- -- 4 Moss Doug, Klam, Lane, Linc S3

Campylopus subulatus Schimp. in Rabenh. CR, KM; CA, Europe, Asia G4 -- -- 3 Moss Doug, Jack, Jose, Linc S2

102 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Conostomum tetragonum (Hedw.) Lindb. WC; NV, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Moss Desc, Hood S1

Cynodontium jenneri (Schimp. in Howie) Stirt. CR; BC + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Clat S1

Dichodontium olympicum Ren. & Card. BM; WA, ID, MT, WY, AB, BC G3G5 -- -- 3 Moss Gran S1

Didymodon eckeliae R.H. Zander CB; CA, BC G3 -- -- 3 Moss Umat S1

Didymodon norrisii R.H. Zander CB, KM; CA G4 -- -- 2 Moss Jack, Umat S1

Ditrichum flexicaule (Schwaegr.) Hampe CR, KM; NV, WA, MT, BC, AB + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Clat, Jack SNR

Elodium blandowii (F. Weber and D. Mohr) Eckel BM, EC, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Moss Desc, Doug, Gran, Jack, Klam, Umat, Whee S3

Encalypta brevicollis (Bruch & Schimper) CR, KM; WA to AK, E to Ontario, Europe, Asia G4 -- -- 2 Åongström Coos, Curr S1 Moss

Encalypta brevipes Schljak. CR, KM; BC, AB +, Iceland, Europe, Asia G3 -- -- 2 Moss Clat, Coos, Curr S1

Entosthodon californicus (Sull. & Lesq.) Crum & KM; CA G3 -- -- 3 Anderson Doug, Jack S1 Moss

Entosthodon fascicularis (Hedw.) C. Mull. EC, KM, WC; ID, WA, BC, Europe, N. Africa G4G5 -- -- 2 Moss Jack, Klam, Linn S1

Ephemerum crassinervium (Schwaegr.) Hampe BR, KM, WV; KS +, New Zealand G4 -- -- 2 Moss Jack, Jose, Lake, Lane S1

Ephemerum serratum (Hedw.) Hampe WV; CA, SK +, New Zealand, Europe, Africa G4 -- -- 2 Moss Bent, Lane S1

Eucladium verticillatum (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp. in CR, KM; CA, WA + G4 -- -- 3 B.S.G. Jack, Jose, Linc S3 Moss

Fissidens fontanus (B. Pyl.) Steud. CR, WV; WA, BC + G5 -- -- 4 Moss Clac, Curr, Doug, Lane, Mari, Mult S3

Gemmabryum barnesii (J.B. Wood ex Schimper) CR, WV GNR -- -- 3 J.R. Spence Lane SNR Moss

Grimmia lisae De Not. CR, KM; CA, WA, BC, HI, Mexico, Eurasia, Africa G3G5 -- -- 3 Moss Doug, Jose, Polk S1

Gymnostomum viridulum Brid. KM; CA, Eurasia; Africa GNR -- -- 3 Moss Jose SNR

Homalothecium californicum Hedenas, Huttunen, KM; CA GNR -- -- 3 Shevock & D.H. Norris Jose SNR Moss

Hygrohypnum alpinum (Lindb.) Loeske WC; CA, WA+, Europe, Scandinavia G4G5 -- -- 3 Moss Jack, Klam S1

103 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Hygrohypnum cochleariifolium (Venturi) Brotherus BM; MT, AB, CO, AK, Europe G4 -- -- 3 Moss Gran S1

Hygrohypnum styriacum (Limpr.) Broth. WC; CA, ID, WA, MT, UT, WY, Europe G5 -- -- 3 Moss Jack S1

Hypnum lindbergii Mitt. BM, WC; CA, NV, MT, WA +, AB, BC +, E North America, G5 -- -- 3 Moss Europe, Asia S1 Gran, Mult Hypnum pratense (Rabenh.) W. Koch ex Spruce BM; MT, AB, BC, E North America, Europe, Asia G5 -- -- 3 Moss Gran S1

Iwatsukiella leucotricha (Mitt.) Buck & Crum CR; WA, AK, BC, Asia G4G5 -- -- 2 Moss Clat S1

Limbella fryei (Williams) Ochyra CR G1 SOC C 1 Moss Coos, Curr, Lane S1

Meesia uliginosa Hedw. BM, KM, WC; CA, WA + G5 -- -- 4 Moss Gran, Jack S3

Micromitrium synoicum (James) Aust. WV; E North America G4 -- -- 2 Moss Bent, Linn S1

Mielichhoferia elongata (Hoppe & Hornsch. ex BM; CA, BC, CO+, Europe, Scandinavia G4TNR -- -- 3 Hook.) Nees & Hornsch. Bake S1 Moss

Mnium blyttii Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. BM; CA, WA + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Bake, Unio, Wall S1

Myurella julacea (Schwaegr.) Schimp. in B.S.G. WC; CA, WA, MT, CO +, BC, AB +, Europe, Asia G5 -- -- 3 Moss Mari SNR

Orthodontium gracile (Wils. in Sm. & Sowerby) CR; CA, England, France, Australia G5 -- -- 2 Schwaegr. ex B.S.G. Curr S1 Moss

Orthodontium pellucens (Hook.) Bruch & Schimp. CR; CA, HI, TN, NC, Central and South America G5 -- -- 2 in B.S.G. Curr S1 Moss

Orthotrichum bolanderi Sull. KM; CA, WA, Mexico G2G4 -- -- 3 Moss Jack S1

Orthotrichum euryphyllum Vent. BM, BR, EC, KM; CA, WA G3 -- -- 3 Moss Gran, Harn, Jack, Unio S1

Orthotrichum hallii Sull. & Lesq. in Sull. KM, WC; CA, ID, WA, AB, BC, WY to NM, Asia G4 -- -- 2 Moss Jack, Linn S1

Orthotrichum holzingeri Ren. & Card. in Holz. BM, EC; CA, ID, WA, WY G3 -- -- 3 Moss Gran, Harn, Jeff, Lake, Unio S1

Orthotrichum pallens Bruch ex Brid. BM; CA, UT, CO +, BC +, Mexico, Europe G5 -- -- 3 Moss Gran, Harn SNR

Orthotrichum pellucidum Lindb. BM; CA, BC, NV + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Bake S1

Philonotis yezoana Besch. & Card. in Card. KM; CA, ID, WA, MT + G3 -- -- 3 Moss Jack, Jose SNR

104 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. in WV; CA, BC, MB +, Europe, Siberia G4 -- -- 2 B.S.G. Bent, Mult S1 Moss

Physcomitrium immersum Sull. CR, WV; CA, WA, BC, MB + G4 -- -- 3 Moss Bent, Linc, Linn S1

Plagiobryum zieri (Hedw.) Lindb. CR, WC; ID, WA, BC + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Clat, Linn, Mult S1

Plagiopus oederianus (Swartz) H. A. Crum and L. WC; WA, CO +, E North America, Europe, Asia G5 -- -- 3 E. Anderson Mult S1 Moss

Plagiothecium cavifolium (Brid.) Iwats. CR, WC; CA, WA, BC+, CO+ G5 -- -- 3 Moss Clat, Lane, Mult S2

Plagiothecium piliferum (Sw. ex Hartm.) Schimp. in CR, KM, WC; CA, WA, ID, MT +, Europe, Asia G5 -- -- 3 B.S.G. Bent, Clat, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Linn, Polk, Till S3 Moss

Pohlia bolanderi (Lesq.) Broth. WC; CA, WA, NV +, Europe, Asia G3G4 -- -- 3 Moss Clac, Lane S1

Pohlia cardotii (Ren. in Ren. & Card.) Broth. WC; CA, WA, BC, AK, Kamchatka G2G3 -- -- 3 Moss Clac, Lane S1

Pohlia ludwigii (Spreng. ex Schwaegr.) Broth. WC; CA, CO, WY, UK, Europe, Scandinavia G4 -- -- 3 Moss Linn S1

Pohlia obtusifolia (Brid.) L. Koch WC; CA, NV, WA, BC, AB, MT, CO, E North America, G2G4 -- -- 3 Moss Europe, Asia S1 Jack Pohlia tundrae Shaw WC; CA, BC, CO, Greenland G2G3 -- -- 3 Moss Clac S1

Polytrichastrum sexangulare (Brid.) G. L. Sm. var. WC; CA, WA + G4G5 -- -- 3 sexangulare Clac, Desc, Lane S1 Moss

Polytrichastrum sexangulare (Brid.) G. L. Sm. var. WC; CA, WA, BC, Iceland, Asia G3G4 -- -- 2 vulcanicum (C. Jens.) G. L. Sm. Hood S1 Moss

Polytrichum strictum Brid. CR; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Hummock haircap moss Clat S1

Pseudephemerum nitidum (Hedw.) Loeske WV; BC, Mexico, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, G4 -- -- 3 Moss New Zealand S1 Lane Pseudocalliergon trifarium (F. Weber & D. Mohr) EC, WC; MT, BC + G5 -- -- 2 Loeske Klam, Lake S1 Moss

Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum (Schultz) KM; BC, MA, Eurasia, Africa, Australia G3G5 -- -- 3 Zand. Jack S1 Moss

Pseudoleskeella tectorum (Funck ex Brid.) Kindb. BM, EC; ID, NV, BC +, NE North America, Greenland, G5 -- -- 3 in Broth. Europe, Scandinavia, Asia S2 Moss Gran, Klam

Ptilium crista-castrensis (Hedw.) De Not. BM; ID, WA + G5 -- -- 3 Moss Unio S1

105 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Ptychostomum cyclophyllum (Schwägr.) J.R. WC; CA, WA, WY+, Europe, Asia G4G5 -- -- 3 Spence Jack S1 Moss

Ptychostomum pacificum J. R. Spence & Shevock KM, WC; CA, NV GNR -- -- 3 Moss Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane SNR

Racomitrium brevipes Kindb. in Mac BM, CR, KM, WC; CA, WA, MT, BC, AK GNR -- -- 3 Moss Bent, Clac, Doug, Gran, Jack, Mult SNR

Racomitrium depressum Lesq. WC; CA, NV G3? -- -- 2 Moss Jack S1

Racomitrium molle Cardot WC; AK, BC GNR -- -- 3 Moss Jack, Klam SNR

Racomitrium pygmaeum Frisv. WC; WA, MT, BC G5 -- -- 3 Moss Clac S1

Racomitrium ryszardii Bednarek-Ochyra CR, WC; CA, WA, AK, BC G4G5 -- -- 3 Moss Linc, Mult S2

Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus (Lindb.) T. Kop. CR, WC; WA, ID, BC, AK, E North America, Europe, Asia G5 -- -- 3 Moss Clat, Doug, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult S2

Rhytidium rugosum (Hedw.) Kindb. CR; WA + G5 -- -- 2 Moss Clat S1

Rosulabryum gemmascens (Kindberg) J.R. CB, WC; CA, WA, BC G3G5 -- -- 3 Spence Linn, Umat SNR Moss

Schistidium cinclidodonteum (C. Mull.) Bremer BM, EC, KM; CA, ID, WA G2G3 -- -- 2 Moss Gran, Harn, Jack, Klam, Unio S2

Schistidium flaccidum (De Notaris) Ochyra BM, BR; ID, CA, NV, WA, CO, AB, Eurasia, Africa, GNR -- -- 3 Moss Atlantic Islands, Pacific Islands SNR Harn, Lake, Malh Schistidium heterophyllum (Kindb. in Mac. & BM, CB; ID, WA, BC G3G4 -- -- 3 Kindb.) McIntosh Desc, Gran, Harn, Unio, Wasc SNR Moss

Schistidium tenerum (Zett.) Nyh. BM, KM; CA, WA+, MT to CO, Scandinavia, Russia G5? -- -- 3 Moss Gran, Harn, Jose S2

Scouleria marginata Britt. BM, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA, BC, MT, E Asia G3 -- -- 3 Moss Clac, Doug, Jack, Whee S2

Sphagnum oregonense R.E. Andrus WC G1 -- -- 3 Moss Lane S1

Splachnum ampullaceum Hedw. EC; WA, BC + G5 -- -- 4 Moss Klam S3

Splachnum sphaericum Hedw. BM; WA, MT, WY, CO + G4G5 -- -- 2 Moss Gran S1

Tayloria serrata (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. in CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G4 -- -- 3 B.S.G. Clac, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn S3 Moss

Tetraphis geniculata Girg. ex Milde CR, WC; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Moss Clac, Hood, Polk, Till S1

106 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Tetraplodon mnioides (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. in CR, KM, WC; WA + G5 -- -- 3 B.S.G. Bent, Clac, Doug, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Polk, Till S3 Moss

Thamnobryum neckeroides (Hook.) Lawt. KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA + G4 -- -- 3 Moss Doug, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mult S2

Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske BM, EC, WC; WA, MT +, NE North America, Europe, UK, G5 -- -- 4 Moss Scandinavia S3 Desc, Doug, Gran, Jack, Klam, Lake, Lane, Whee Tortella fragilis (Hook. & Wils. in Drumm.) Limpr. CR, KM, WC; WA, NV, MT +, NE North America G5 -- -- 3 Moss Jack, Linc S1

Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. var. tortuosa BM, CR, KM G5T5 -- -- 3 Moss Bake, Clat, Jose S1

Tortula inermis (Brid.) Mont. CB; CA, NV +, Europe, S Asia, N Africa G5? -- -- 3 Moss Umat S1?

Tortula mucronifolia Schwaegr. BM, BR, KM; CA, ID, WA + G5 -- -- 2 Moss Harn, Jack, Whee S2

Tortula protobryoides R.H. Zander CB; CA, CO +, BC, Europe, SW Asia G5? -- -- 3 Moss Umat S1?

Trematodon asanoi Tuzibe WC; BC, CA, Newfoundland, Labrador, Japan G2G3 -- -- 2 Moss Lane S1

Trichostomum crispulum Bruch in F. Muell. KM, WC; CA+, MB+, FL, West Indies, Eurasia, Africa, G4G5 -- -- 3 Moss Oceania S1 Jack, Lane, Linn Trichostomum tenuirostre (Hook. & Tayl.) Lindb. CR, KM, WC; BC, MT, AB G5TU -- -- 3 var. tenuirostre (Hooker & Taylor) Lindberg Clat, Jack, Lane S1 Moss

Triquetrella californica (Lesq.) Grout CR; CA G1 -- -- 1 Moss Curr S1

LICHENS Anaptychia crinalis (Schaerer) Vezda CR; CA, WA +, Eurasia G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Clat, Coos, Curr S1

Bryoria bicolor (Ehrh.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. CR; WA, BC +, Eurasia G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Clat, Coos, Doug, Linc, Till, Yamh S2

Buellia oidalea (Nyl.) Tuck. CR, WC; CA, WA, Mexico G3? -- -- 3 Lichen Curr, Doug, Jack S1

Calicium abietinum Pers. CR, KM, WC; CA, ID, WA+, AB, boreal N America, G4G5 -- -- 4 Lichen Mexico, S America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia. S3 Bent, Clac, Coos, Desc, Jeff, Lane, Linc, Polk, Till, Wasc Calicium adspersum Pers. CR, WV; CA+, WA, BC, E North America, UK, Europe, S G3G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Hemisphere S1 Bent, Polk Calicium quercinum Pers. WV; CA, WA, E North America, Eurasia, UK, Scandinavia G3G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Bent S1

Cetraria subalpina Imshaug WC; WA, ID, BC, AK, AB, MT G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Clac, Lane, Linn S2

Chaenotheca balsamconensis J.L. Allen & WC; WA, BC, E North America G5 -- -- 3 McMullin Linn S1 Lichen

107 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Chaenothecopsis rubescens Vainio WC, WV; E North America, Europe, Eurasia, Asia GNR -- -- 3 Lichen Bent, Wasc SNR

Chaenothecopsis vainioana (Nádv.) Tibell CR, WC, WV; WA, South America, Scandinavia, Europe; G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Lane, Linn, Polk S1

Circinaria rogeri (Sohrabi) Sohrabi BM, BR; ID, NV, MT, CO, UT, WY G2G3 -- -- 3 Lichen Gran, Harn, Malh, Wall S1

Cladidium bolanderi (Tuck.) B. D. Ryan CR; CA, AK G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Bent, Curr, Desc, Linc S1

Cladonia concinna Ahti & Goward CR; CA, WA, BC G2 -- -- 3 Lichen Doug, Lane S2

Cladonia poroscypha S. Hammer KM; CA, WA, BC G1 -- -- 3 Lichen Doug S1

Cladonia prolifica Ahti & S. Hammer CR; CA, WA, ID, BC, Eurasia. G2 -- -- 3 Lichen Coos, Linc, Till S2

Collema curtisporum Degel. BM, WC; ID, WA, MT, AK, Europe G3 -- -- 3 Lichen Jeff, Linn, Umat, Wall S1

Collema quadrifidum D.F. Stone & McCune BM, KM, WC; CA, WA, BC G2? -- -- 3 Lichen Doug, Jack, Jose, Umat S2

Collema undulatum Laurer ex Flotow var. KM; AZ, BC+, WY, Greenland, Iceland, Eurasia G5T5 -- -- 3 granulosum Degel. Jose S1? Lichen

Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum (Nyl.) Blomb. & BM; CA, AZ, MT, BC +, Eurasia, Antarctica G3G4 -- -- 3 Forssell Wall S1 Lichen

Ephebe solida Bornet CR, WC; CA, WA, MT, BC, E North America, Eurasia G3G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Linn, Polk S1?

Fuscopannaria laceratula (Hue) P. M. Jorg. CR; CA, WA, BC, AK, Asia G4? -- -- 3 Lichen Clat, Lane S1

Gyalolechia stantonii (W.A. Weber ex Arup) CR; CA, Mexico G2G3 -- -- 3 Søchting, Frödén & Arup Coos S1 Lichen

Heterodermia japonica (Sato) Swinscow & Krog CR; CA+, BC+, CO, Eurasia, Mexico, S America, G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Australia S1 Lane, Till Heterodermia sitchensis Goward & Noble CR; BC, AK G3? -- -- 2 Lichen Doug, Till S1

Heterodermia speciosa (Wulfen) Trevisan CR; WA, BC, AK, E North America, W Eurasia. G5? -- -- 3 Lichen Till S1

Hypogymnia pulverata (Nyl. ex Crombie) Elix CR; AK, BC, QC, Eurasia, Australasia, S America G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Till S1

Hypogymnia subphysodes (Kremp.) Filson CR; Asia, Australasia, S America G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Lane S1

Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke) Hale CR, WC, WV; CA, WA, AZ, BC, Rocky Mts., E North G3G4 -- -- 4 Lichen America, S America, Eurasia, Africa S3 Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Mari, Till Hypotrachyna riparia McCune WC, WV G1 -- -- 1 Lichen Clac, Lane, Linn S1

108 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Lecanora caesiorubella Ach. ssp. merrillii Imshaug CR, KM; CA +, Mexico G4G5T3T4 -- -- 3 & Brodo Curr, Lane S1 Lichen

Leioderma sorediatum D. Galloway & P. Jørg. CR; WA, AK, BC, HI, S America, Asia, Australasia, Japan G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Coos, Doug, Lane, Linc S1

Leptogium cyanescens (Rabenh.) Körber CR, WC; CA, ID, WA, CO, AK, BC +, Eurasia, S America G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Curr, Lane, Linc S1

Leptogium platynum (Tuck.) Herre CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, BC, AZ+, Mexico, Asia G3G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Coos, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari S2

Leptogium plicatile (Ach.) Leighton CR, KM; WA, CA, AZ, SD, CO, E North America, UK, G3? -- -- 3 Lichen Europe, Scandinavia, New Zealand S1 Coos, Jack, Jose Leptogium siskiyouensis D. Stone & A. Ruchty KM; CA G2G3 -- -- 3 Lichen Jack, Jose S1

Letharia gracilis Kroken ex McCune & Altermann KM, WC; CA G2 -- -- 3 Lichen Doug, Jose, Klam S1

Lobaria linita (Ach.) Rabenh. CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA +, Eurasia G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Clac, Doug, Jack, Lane, Linn, Mari, Polk, Yamh S2

Melanelia commixta (Nyl.) Thell WC; ID, WA, CO, Canada, Greenland, N Europe G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Mari S1

Microcalicium arenarium (Hampe ex Massal.) CR, WC; WA, BC, S America, UK, Scandinavia, Eurasia, G4G5 -- -- 2 Tibell Australasia S1 Lichen Coos, Lane, Mult

Nephroma occultum Wetm. WC; WA, AK, BC G4 -- -- 4 Lichen Clac, Doug, Jack, Lane, Linn, Mari S3

Niebla cephalota (Tuck.) Rundel & Bowler CR; CA, WA, AK, Mexico, S America G3G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Till S2

Ochrolechia subplicans (Nyl.) Brodo ssp. CR; BC, AK, Asia G3TNR -- -- 3 subplicans Clat S1 Lichen

Pannaria rubiginella P.M. Jørg. & Sipman CR, WC, WV; CA, BC, AK, S America G3G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Coos, Lane, Mari S1

Pannaria rubiginosa (Ach.) Bory CR, WC; CA, BC, NM +, Eurasia, Africa, S America G4G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Coos, Lane, Linc S2

Peltigera cinnamomea Goward BM, KM, WC; WA, MT, BC, AB G3 -- -- 3 Lichen Clac, Jack, Jose, Wall S1

Peltigera hymenina (Ach.) Delise CR; WA, BC, Europe, Africa G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Lane S2

Peltula euploca (Ach.) Poelt BM, BR, EC, KM, WC; CA +, Eurasia, Australia G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Jack, Jeff, Klam, Lake S1S2

Pilophorus nigricaulis Sato CR, WC; WA +, Japan G3G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Clat, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Mult S2

Pseudocyphellaria hawaiiensis H. Magn. CR, WC; CA, WA, AK, E North America, Asia G4 -- -- 4 Lichen Bent, Clat, Coos, Doug, Lane, Linc, Linn, Till S3

109 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Pseudocyphellaria mallota (Tuckerman) H. CR, WC; WA +, South America G4 -- -- 2 Magnusson Bent, Doug, Lane, Linc, Linn, Yamh S3 Lichen

Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis Imshaug CR, WC; WA, BC G3G4 -- -- 4 Lichen Clac, Doug, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari, Polk, Till S3

Pyrrhospora quernea (Dickson) Körber CR; CA, WA, AK, BC, Eurasia, Oceania G4 -- -- 4 Lichen Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S3

Ramalina intermedia (Del. ex Nyl.) Nyl. KM; CA, AZ +, AK, BC, AB +, E North America, Europe G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Jose S1

Ramalina pollinaria (Westr.) Ach. CR, WC; CA, WA, AZ, NM +, Eurasia, New Zealand G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Clat, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Mari, Till S1S2

Schaereria dolodes (Nyl.) Schmull & T. Sprib. KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA, MT, AZ G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Bent, Doug, Jose, Lane, Linn S1

Sclerophora amabilis (Tibell) Tibell KM, WC; BC, MT, E North America, Eurasia, New G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Zealand S1 Clac, Doug, Jack Sclerophora peronella (Ach.) Tibell CR, KM, WC, WV; BC, WY, E North America, Europe G3G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Bent, Clac, Doug, Jack, Lane, Linn, Mult, Polk, Till, Wasc, S2 Yamh Sigridea californica (Tuck.) Tehler CR; CA G3 -- -- 3 Lichen Curr S1

Solorina spongiosa (Ach.) Anzi BM; CA, AZ, NV, UT, BC, AK, MT, CO, Europe, Japan, G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Southern Hemisphere S1 Wall Stereocaulon spathuliferum Vainio WC; Asia G4G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Lane, Linn S1

Sticta arctica Degel. CR; WA, BC, AK, Siberia, Kamchatka G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Clat S1

Sticta weigelii (Ach.) Vainio CR, WC, WV; CA, WA, BC, AK, Asia, S America, Africa, G5 -- -- 4 Lichen Australia S3 Doug, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari Teloschistes flavicans (Swartz) Norman CR; CA, NV +, E North America, Eurasia, S Hemisphere G4G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Coos, Curr, Linc, Till S1

Texosporium sancti-jacobi (Tuck.) Nadv. BM, CB; CA, ID, WA G3 SOC -- 2 Woven-spored lichen Gill, Jeff, Morr, Sher, Wasc S2

Thelenella muscorum (Fr.) Vain. var. octospora BM; CA, Eurasia G4G5T4T5 -- -- 3 (Nyl.) Coppins & Fryday Gran, Jeff S2 Lichen

Thelomma mammosum (Hepp) A. Massal. CR; CA, BC, Mexico, Europe G3G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Linc S1

Tholurna dissimilis (Norman) Norman EC, WC; CA, WA, BC, Scandinavia, Eurasia G4G5 -- -- 2 Lichen Clac, Jeff, Lane, Linn, Mari S2

Umbilicaria hirsuta (Sw. ex Westr.) Hoffm. KM, WC; CA, WA, AK, MT, CO, Eurasia, Scandinavia G2G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Jack S1

Umbilicaria nodulospora McCune, Di Meglio BM, EC; CA + G3? -- -- 3 & M.J. Curtis Croo, Klam, Lake S2 Lichen

110 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Umbilicaria phaea Tuck. var. coccinea Llano EC, KM; CA, WA G5?T3Q -- -- 4 Lichen Jack, Klam S3

Umbilicaria proboscidea (L.) Schrader BM; CA, WA, WY, AK, BC +, Greenland, Europe, G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Scandinavia S1? Bake, Jack Umbilicaria rigida (Du Rietz) Frey EC, WC; CA, WA, AK, BC +, Greenland, Scandinavia, G4? -- -- 3 Lichen Eurasia S1 Jack, Lake, Mari Usnea ceratina Ach. CR; BC, CA, Mexico, Eurasia, South America, Australia G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Curr S1

Usnea lambii (Imshaug) Wirtz & Lumbsch WC; WA +, Mexico, E North America, S America, Iceland, G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen New Zealand, Antarctica S1 Desc, Doug, Hood, Klam Usnea nidulans Motyka CR; WA, BC, South America G3G4 -- -- 2 Lichen Till S1

Usnea rubicunda Stirton CR, WC; CA, WA, BC, E North America G4G5 -- -- 3 Lichen Bent, Clac, Coos, Curr, Lane, Linc, Till S3

Usnea subgracilis Vainio CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, AK, SE US, Mexico, Eurasia, N. G4G5 -- -- 4 Lichen Africa S3 Bent, Clat, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jack, Lane, Linn, Till Vezdaea stipitata Poelt & Dobbeler WC, WV; Europe G4 -- -- 3 Lichen Doug, Lane S1

FUNGI Acanthophysium farlowii (Burt) Ginns & Lefebvre WC; ID, WA, BC + G3? -- -- 3 Linn S1?

Albatrellus avellaneus Pouzar CR; CA, ID, WA, CO G2 -- -- 1 Fungus Coos, Curr, Till S1?

Albatrellus caeruleoporus (Peck) Pouzar CR, WC; CA, WA, BC, E North America, E Asia G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Coos, Doug, Klam, Lane S1

Albatrellus dispansus (Lloyd) Canf. & Gilb. EC, KM, WC; ID, AZ, E Asia G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Jack, Klam, Mari S1

Albatrellus ellisii (Berk.) Pouzar CR, EC, WC; CA, ID, WA +, E Asia G4 -- -- 4 Greening goat's foot Doug, Jack, Klam, Lane, Linn, Wasc S3

Albatrellus skamanius (Murrill) Pouzar WC; WA, E Asia G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Mari S1

Alpova alexsmithii Trappe WC; WA, BC G2 -- -- 1 Fungus Clac, Desc, Jeff, Lane, Mari S2

Alpova olivaceotinctus (A.H. Sm.) Trappe KM; CA G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Jack S1

Amanita armillariiformis Trueblood & D.T. Jenkins BR; ID, CO G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Malh S2

Amanita novinupta Tullosss & Lindgr. CR, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA, BC G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Clac, Coos, Lane, Wash S1

Amanita prairiicola Peck BR; ID, AZ, CO, KS, WY G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Malh S1

Amogaster viridigleba Castellano WC G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Doug S1

111 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Arcangeliella camphorata (Singer & A.H. Sm.) CR, KM; WA, BC G2 -- -- 1 Pegler & T.W.K. Young Bent, Coos, Curr, Doug, Jose, Lane, Polk S2 Fungus

Arcangeliella crassa Singer & A.H. Sm. CR, EC, WC; CA G2G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Coos, Doug, Klam, Wasc S1

Arcangeliella lactarioides Zeller EC; CA G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Hood, Jeff S1

Arrhenia lobata (Pers.) Kühner & Lamoure ex BM, EC; CA, CO, BC, Europe, S Hemisphere G5 -- -- 3 Redhead Klam, Wall S1 Fungus

Balsamia alba Harkn. CR; CA G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Colu, Doug S1

Balsamia nigrans Harkn. CR, KM, WC, WV; CA G2G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Jack, Jose, Yamh S2

Balsamia platyspora Berk. EC; Europe, Scandinavia, UK G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Jeff, Wasc S1

Boletus regius Krombh. CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA, Asia, Europe G5 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Coos, Jack, Lane, Wasc S2?

Brauniellula albipes (Zeller) A.H. Sm. & Singer EC, KM, WC; CA, WA, ID, AB, CO G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Desc, Hood, Jose, Klam S1

Bryoglossum gracile (P. Karst.) Redhead WC; WA, Canada, Scandinavia, Europe, Japan G4 -- -- 2 Fungus Lane S1

Catathelasma ventricosum (Peck) Singer CR, WC; CA, WA, BC + G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Coos, Linn, Till S2S4

Catinella olivacea (Batsch) Boud. CR; TX, E North America GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Lane SNR

Cazia flexiascus Trappe KM; CA G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Doug, Jack, Jose S1

Chamonixia caespitosa Rolland CR, WC; CA, WA, NY, Europe G5 -- -- 2 Fungus Jack, Klam, Linc, Till S1

Choiromyces alveolatus (Harkn.) Trappe CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Doug, Jack, Jeff, Klam, Linn, Yamh S2

Choiromyces venosus (Fr.) Th. Fr. WC; CA, WV, Europe, Scandinavia G4G5 -- -- 2 Fungus Lane S1

Chroogomphus loculatus Miller & Trappe WC G3 -- -- 4 Fungus Jack, Klam, Lane, Mari S3

Chrysomphalina grossula (Pers.) Norvell, CR, WC; CA, WA + G3G4 -- -- 3 Redhead, Ammirati Bent, Clac, Coos, Desc, Lane, Mari, Mult, Till S1? Fungus

Clavariadelphus subfastigiatus V.L. Wells & KM, WC; CA, ID, WA G3? -- -- 3 Kempton Bent, Clac, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane S2? Fungus

Clavulina castaneopes (G.F. Atk.) Corner var. CR; CA, WA, ID, BC GNRT3 -- -- 3 lignicola R.H. Petersen Lane, Till, Yamh S2? Fungus

112 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Clavulinopsis fusiformis (Sow.:Fr.) KM; WA, BC, E North America, Europe, E Asia GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Jose S1?

Climacocystis borealis (Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar KM, WC; E North America, Europe G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Jack, Klam S1

Clitocybe senilis (Fr.) Gillet CR; CA, WA, E North America, Scandinavia G3G4Q -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Polk, Till S3?

Clitocybe subditopoda Peck WC; CA, WA, E North America G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac S1S3

Conocybe subnuda Kühner WC; Europe G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Mult S1

Cordyceps ophioglossoides (Ehrh.) Link CR, WC; CA, WA, E North America, Canada, Europe, G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus U.K., Scandinavia, Japan S3S4 Clac, Lane, Linc Cortinarius barlowensis Ammirati & Moser, sp. CR, WC; CA, WA G3? -- -- 2 nov. ined. Clac, Doug, Lane, Mari, Polk S2 Fungus

Cortinarius boulderensis A.H. Sm. WC; WA G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Doug, Lane, Linn, Wasc S2S4

Cortinarius cyanites Fr. CR; CA, WA + G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent S2S3

Cortinarius depauperatus (J.E. Lange) Rob. Henry CR; CA, WA + G3G4Q -- -- 3 Fungus Linc, Polk, Till S1S3

Cortinarius magnivelatus Dearn. ex Fogel EC, KM, WC; CA, NV, UT G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Jack, Klam S3

Cortinarius valgus Fr. CR, KM, WC; CA, WA + G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Doug, Jose, Lane?, Linn? S3

Cortinarius verrucisporus Thiers & A.H. Sm. EC, WC; CA + G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Klam S2S3

Cortinarius wiebeae Thiers & A.H. Sm. EC, WC G2 -- -- 3 Fungus Desc, Jeff, Wasc S2

Cudoniella clavus (Alb. & Schwein.) Dennis WC; CA, WA, BC, North America, Europe GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Mari S1?

Cystangium idahoensis (Singer & A.H. Sm.) CR, WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 1 Trappe, T. Lebel & Castellano Bent, Lane S1 Fungus

Dermocybe humboldtensis (Ammirati & A.H. Sm.) KM; CA G1G2 -- -- 1-ex Ammirati Doug SH Fungus

Destuntzia fusca Fogel & Trappe WC; CA G2 -- -- 3 Fungus Lane S1

Destuntzia rubra (Harkn.) Fogel & Trappe WC; CA G3 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Linn SH

Elaphomyces anthracinus Vittad. EC; ID, E North America, Europe, Scandinavia G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Jeff S1

Elaphomyces asperulus Vittad. CR; Europe, Scandinavia G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Polk S1

113 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Elaphomyces decipiens Vittad. CR, EC, WV; CA, LA, MS, Europe G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Jose, Linc, Polk, Wasc, Yamh S1

Elaphomyces reticulatus Vittad. CR, KM; Europe, Scandinavia, Japan G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Jose, Lane S1

Elaphomyces subviscidus Trappe & Guzman CR, WC; ID, AZ, Mexico G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Desc, Doug, Jack S1S2

Endogone oregonensis Gerd. & Trappe CR G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Doug, Linc, Polk, Till S2

Exobasidium parvifolii Hotson CR; CA, WA + GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Coos, Linc SNR

Fevansia aurantiaca Trappe & Castellano WC G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Desc, Linn S1

Galerina fuscobrunnea A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Wasc SH

Gamundia leucophylla (Gillet) H.E. Bigelow BM; Europe G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Desc, Umat S1

Gastroboletus imbellus Trappe WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Clac, Lane SH

Gastroboletus ruber (Zeller) Cázares & Trappe CR, WC; CA, WA G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Desc, Hood, Jeff, Lane S3

Gastroboletus vividus Trappe & Castellano KM, WC; CA G2? -- -- 1 Fungus Jack, Klam, Lane S1

Gautieria magnicellaris (Pilát) E.L. Stewart & WC; CA, E North America, Europe, Mexico G5? -- -- 3 Trappe Desc S1 Fungus

Gautieria otthii Trog KM; CA, AK, Europe, Scandinavia G4G5 -- -- 3 Fungus Jose S1

Gelatinodiscus flavidus Kanouse & A.H. Sm. WC; WA, BC G3 -- -- 4 Fungus Doug, Jack, Lane, Linn, Mari S3

Genea compacta Harkn. WV; CA, Mexico G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Polk S1

Glomus pubescens (Sacc. & Ellis) Trappe & Gerd. CR; NJ, Japan G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Coos, Doug S1

Glomus radiatum (Thaxt.) Trappe & Gerd. WC; CA, E North America G3G5 -- -- 3 Fungus Lane S1S3

Gymnomyces californicus (Singer & A.H. Sm.) KM, WC; CA, Mexico G4? -- -- 3 Trappe, T. Lebel & Castellano Jack, Lane S1? Fungus

Gymnomyces compactus Singer & A.H. Sm. WC, WV; CA GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Doug, Yamh SNR

Gymnomyces cremeus (Zeller & C.W. Dodge) WV GNR -- -- 3 Trappe, T. Lebel & Castellano Bent, Doug SNR Fungus

114 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Gymnomyces foetens (Singer & A.H. Sm.) Trappe, KM; ID, WA GNR -- -- 3 T. Lebel & Castellano Jose SNR Fungus

Gymnomyces fragrans (A.H. Sm.) Trappe, T. KM, WC; CA, ID G2G3 -- -- 1 Lebel & Castellano Jack, Lane S1S3 Fungus

Gymnomyces monosporus E.L. Stewart & Trappe CR, KM, WC, WV?; AZ G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Doug S1

Gymnomyces nondistincta Trappe & Castellano WC; CA G1 -- -- 1 Fungus Clac, Hood, Klam S1

Gymnomyces parksii Singer & A.H. Sm. KM; ID GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Jose SNR

Gymnomyces setigerus (Zeller) Trappe, T. Lebel & WC; WA GNR -- -- 3 Castellano Lane S1? Fungus

Hebeloma occidentale A.H. Sm., V.S. Evenson & WC GH -- -- 1-X Mitchel Clac, Wasc SH Fungus

Hebeloma oregonense A.H. Sm., V.S. Evenson & WC; CO G3TH -- -- 2-ex Mitchel var. oregonense Clac, Wasc SH Fungus

Hebeloma parcivelum A.H. Sm., V.S. Evenson & WC GH -- -- 1-X Mitchel Wasc SH Fungus

Hebeloma pungens A.H. Sm., V.S. Evenson & KM, WC GH -- -- 1-X Mitchel Jeff, Jose, Wasc SH Fungus

Helvella crassitunicata N.S. Weber WC; WA G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Desc, Hood, Lane S2

Hemimycena pseudocrispula (Kuehner) Singer WC; Europe, Scandinavia G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Lane S1

Hydnellum geogenium (Fr.) Banker BM, CR; CO, AK, E North America, Europe GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Bake, Coos, Doug SNR

Hydnotrya inordinata Trappe & Castellano WC; CA G2 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Desc, Mari S2

Hydnotrya michaelis (E. Fisch.) Trappe BM, WC; WA, AK, CO, Europe, U.K., Scandinavia, G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Russia S1 Bake, Linn Hydropus marginellus (Pers.) Singer CR, WC; CA, WA, BC + G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Clac, Lane, Mari, Till S2

Hygrocybe rainierensis (Hesler & A.H. Sm.) WC; WA GNR -- -- 3 Malloch Doug SNR Fungus

Hygrocybe virescens (Hesler & A.H. Sm.) Montoya CR, KM; CA, WA GNR -- -- 3 & Bandala Curr, Doug SNR Fungus

Hygrophorus albicarneus Hesler & A.H. Sm. WC G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Hood, Klam, Lane S1

115 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Hygrophorus albiflavus Hesler & A.H. Sm. WC; CA, WA G3? -- -- 2-ex Fungus Clac SH

Hygrophorus goetzii Hesler & Smith WC; CA, WA GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Lane, Mari SNR

Hypomyces luteovirens (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul. WC; CA, WA, BC + G5 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Klam S3

Hysterangium velatisporum Castellano, Cázares, KM; Mexico GNR -- -- 3 & Guevara Jack SNR Fungus

Imaia gigantea (S. Imai) Trappe & Kovacs WC; E US, Japan GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Doug S1

Ionomidotis irregularis (Schwein.) E.J. Durand WC; WA, E North America, Russia G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Lane S1

Leptonia caesiocincta (Kuehner) P.D. Orton WC; CA, WA, UK G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Mult S1

Leptonia exalbida Largent KM; CA, WA, BC GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Doug SNR

Leptonia foliocontusa Largent var. discolor KM; CA, WA, BC GNRTNR -- -- 3 Fungus Doug SNR

Leptonia occidentalis Murrill var. occidentalis CR, WV G1T1 -- -- 1 Fungus Bent, Jose, Mari S1

Leptonia rectangula Largent CR; CA, WA + GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Jack SNR

Leptonia rosea Longyear var. marginata Largent WC; CA, WA G3T3 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Lane SH

Leptonia striatula (Hesler) Largent KM; WA, E North America GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Doug, Jose SNR

Leptonia subeuchroa Kauffman WC; CA, WA G2? -- -- 2-ex Fungus Clac SH

Leptonia violaceonigra Largent KM, WC; CA, WA G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Jack, Jose, Linn S1

Leucogaster candidus (Harkn.) Fogel WC, WV; WA GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Lane, Linn S1?

Leucogaster microsporus Fogel nom. prov. CR, WC; CA, WA G3 -- -- 4 Fungus Bent, Clac, Curr, Lane, Linn, Mari, Wasc S3

Leucogaster odoratus (Harkn.) Zeller & C.W. WC, WV; CA G2 -- -- 3 Dodge Lane, Linn S1 Fungus

Lindtneria thujatsugina M.J. Larsen CR; ID + GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Curr, Jack SNR

Lyophyllum acutipes Clemencon & A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Clac SH

Lyophyllum chamaeleon Clemencon & A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Wasc SH

116 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Lyophyllum conoideospermum Clemencon & A.H. WC GH -- -- 1-X Sm. Jeff SH Fungus

Lyophyllum furfurellum Clemencon & A.H. Sm. WC; CA G3? -- -- 2-ex Fungus Clac SH

Lyophyllum gracile Clemencon & A.H. Sm. WC; QC G2G3 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Wasc SH

Lyophyllum lubricum Clemencon & A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Clac SH

Lyophyllum pallidum Clemencon & A.H. Sm. WC G1 -- -- 1 Fungus Doug, Jeff?, Mari S1

Lyophyllum piceum Clemencon & A.H. Sm. EC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Jeff?, Mari SH

Lyophyllum solidipes Clemencon & A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Clac SH

Macowanites chlorinosmus A.H. Sm. & Trappe CR; CA, WA, AK G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Curr, Lane, Till S3

Macowanites mollis Singer & A.H. Sm. WC; WA G1G2 -- -- 1 Fungus Mult S1

Martellia medlockii Trappe & Castellano WC G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Linn S1

Melanogaster natsii Y. Wang, K. Tao & B. Liu CR, WC; CA, WA GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac SNR

Mycena gaultheri A.H. Sm. WC G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac S1

Mycena hudsoniana A.H. Sm. WC; WA G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Lane S1S2

Mycena quiniaultensis Kauffman KM, WC; CA, WA G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Jose, Lane S2S4

Mycena tenax A.H. Sm. CR, WC, WV; CA, WA, NY, ON, NS G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Doug, Lane, Linc, Polk S2S3

Mythicomyces corneipes (Fr.) Redhead & A.H. WC; WA + G3G4 -- -- 2 Sm. Clac, Lane S2? Fungus

Nolanea edulis (Peck) Largent var. concentrica CR G3?T1 -- -- 3 Largent Linc S1 Fungus

Nolanea verna (S. Lundell) Kotl. & Pouzar var. WC; ID, WY G2?T1 -- -- 3 isodiametrica Largent Doug S1 Fungus

Octaviania cyanescens Trappe & Castellano WC; CA G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Lane S1S2

Octaviania macrospora Singer & A.H. Smith WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Clac SH

117 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Omphalina isabellina A.H. Sm. & D.E. Stuntz WC G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac S1

Otidea smithii Kanouse CR, KM, WC; CA, WA, BC + G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Bent, Clac, Doug, Jack, Mari S2

Phaeocollybia dissiliens A.H. Sm. & Trappe CR, WC, WV; CA G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Coos, Doug, Lane, Linc, Till S2S3

Phaeocollybia gregaria A.H. Sm. & Trappe CR, WC, WV? G1G2 -- -- 1 Fungus Bent, Linc, Linn, Polk, Till S1S2

Phaeocollybia lilacifolia A.H. Sm. CR, WC; CA, WA G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Coos, Doug, Lane, Linc, Mult, Till S1

Phaeocollybia oregonensis A.H. Sm. & Trappe CR, WC; WA, BC G2? -- -- 1 Fungus Clac, Coos, Doug, Lane, Mult, Polk S2?

Phaeocollybia radicata (Murrill) Singer CR, WC, WV; CA G2 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Coos, Doug, Lane S1

Podostroma alutaceum (Pers.) Atk. CR, WC; CA, WA G3G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Lane S2

Polyozellus multiplex Underw. (Murrill) BM, WC; CA, ID, WA +, E North America, Japan G4G5 -- -- 4 Fungus Bake, Clac, Desc, Gran, Lane, Linn, Mari, Wasc S3

Psathyrella aquatica J.L. Frank, Coffan, & WC G1 -- -- 3 South-worth Jack S1 Fungus

Psathyrella gruberi A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Clac SH

Psathyrella oregonensis A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Clac SH

Psathyrella quercicola A.H. Sm. KM GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Jack, Jose SH

Psathyrella subcaespitosa A.H. Sm. WC GH -- -- 1-X Fungus Wasc SH

Psathyrella wapinitaensis Kempton & A.H. Sm. WC; ID, AK G2G4 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Wasc SH

Pseudaleuria quinaultiana Lusk CR, WC; WA G2 -- -- 3 Fungus Linc, Linn, Mari S2

Pseudorhizina californica (W. Phillips) Harmaja CR, EC, KM, WC, WV; CA, ID, WA, BC + G4 -- -- 2 Fungus Clac, Desc, Doug, Hood, Jack, Klam, Lane, Linn, Mult S2

Radiigera bushnellii L.S. Domingues & Castellano CR G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Till, Yamh S1

Ramaria abietina (Pers.) Quel. CR, KM, WV; CA, ID, WA, Scandinavia, Europe G4G5 -- -- 2 Fungus Bent, Doug, Jack, Jose, Lane, Polk S2

Ramaria aurantiisiccescens Marr & Stuntz CR, WC; CA, WA G3 -- -- 4 Fungus Bent, Coos, Lane, Linc, Linn, Mari S3

Ramaria botrytis (Pers.) Ricken var. CR, WC; WA GNRT3 -- -- 3 aurantiiramosa Marr & D.E. Stuntz Coos, Doug, Klam S2? Fungus

118 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Ramaria conjunctipes (Coker) Corner var. CR, KM, WC; WA, CA GNRT3 -- -- 3 sparsiramosa Marr & D.E. Stuntz Clac, Coos, Doug, Lane S2? Fungus

Ramaria gelatiniaurantia Marr & Stuntz CR, WC; CA, WA G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Doug, Linn S2?

Ramaria gracilis (Pers. ex Fries) Quelet WC, WV; CA, WA, NY, Europe, Scandinavia, UK G4G5 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Jack S2?

Ramaria largentii Marr & Stuntz KM, WC; CA, WA G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linn S2?

Ramaria maculatipes Marr & Stuntz CB, CR, KM, WC; CA, WA G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane, Linc, Linn, Wasc S2?

Ramaria rainierensis Marr & Stuntz CR, KM; CA, ID, WA G2 -- -- 3 Fungus Coos, Jose S2

Ramaria rubella (Schaeff.) R.H. Petersen CR, KM; CA, WA, BC, TN G3G4T3 -- -- 2 Fungus (forma blanda) Coos, Curr, Doug, Lane, Till, Yamh S1?

Ramaria rubribrunnescens Marr & Stuntz CR, KM, WC; CA, WA G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Coos, Doug, Jose, Linc, Polk S2?

Ramaria suecica (Fr.) Donk CR, KM, WC; CA, WA, BC + G5 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Doug, Lane S2?

Ramaria thiersii R.H. Petersen & Scates CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, ID G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Coos, Jack, Jose, Klam, Linn S2?

Ramaria tsugina (Peck) Marr & D.E. Stuntz CR; WA, NY GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Coos S2?

Rhizopogon abietis A.H. Sm. BM, WC; CA, ID, WY, E North America G2G4 -- -- 3 Fungus Gran, Jeff, Lane, Mari S1S3

Rhizopogon bacillisporus A.H. Sm. BM, EC, WC; ID, WY G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Harn, Hood, Klam, Wasc S1

Rhizopogon brunneifibrillosus A.H. Sm. EC, WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Clac, Wasc S1

Rhizopogon brunneiniger A.H. Sm. CR, WC; CA G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Doug S1S3

Rhizopogon chamaleontinus K.A. Harrison & A.H. KM; ID G2G3 -- -- 2 Sm. Jose S1S2 Fungus

Rhizopogon clavitisporus A.H. Sm. CR, KM, WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Clac, Jack, Jose, Linc S1S2

Rhizopogon ellipsosporus Trappe, Castellano & KM, WC; CA G2G3 -- -- 2 Amar. Clac, Jack, Jose, Mari S1S2 Fungus

Rhizopogon exiguus Zeller CR, KM; WA G2G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Bent, Jose, Lane S1S2

Rhizopogon flavofibrillosus A.H. Sm. EC, KM, WC; CA, ID, MT G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Curr, Desc, Doug, Jose, Lane S2

Rhizopogon hysterangioides A.H. Sm. EC; CA, ID, CO GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Jeff S1?

119 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Rhizopogon inquinatus A.H. Sm. WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 2 Fungus Linn S1S2

Rhizopogon masoniae A.H. Sm. WC G1 -- -- 1 Fungus Clac, Jack S1

Rhizopogon oregonensis A.H. Sm. KM; CA GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Jose S1?

Rhizopogon oswaldii A.H. Sm. EC; WA G2G3 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Wasc SH

Rhizopogon quercicola A.H. Sm. EC, WC; ID, WA G2G3 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Clac, Wasc SH

Rhizopogon rogersii A.H. Sm. BM, CR, KM, WC; ID, WA G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Jack, Polk, Wall S3

Rhizopogon semireticulatus A.H. Sm. CR, EC, KM, WC; CA, WA, ID, CO G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Desc, Doug, Jose, Lake, Linc, Linn S3

Rhizopogon semitectus A.H. Sm. WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Jeff S1

Rhizopogon subcinnamomeus A.H. Sm. CR, WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Lane, Linn S1

Rhizopogon subclavitisporus A.H. Sm. BM, WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Lane, Unio S1

Rhizopogon subpurpurascens A.H. Sm. EC, WC; ID, WY G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Desc, Hood, Jeff, Klam, Lane S2S3

Rhizopogon subradicatus A.H. Sm. WV; WA G2G3 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Bent SH

Rhizopogon truncatus Linder KM, WC; CA, E North America G4 -- -- 4 Fungus Clac, Curr, Doug, Jack, Jose, Klam, Lane S4

Rhizopogon variabilisporus A.H. Sm. WC; ID G2G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Jack S1

Sarcodon fuscoindicus (K.A. Harrison) Maas CR, KM, WC, WV; CA, WA G3 -- -- 2 Geest. Clac, Doug, Hood, Jack, Jose, Lane, Linn, Mult S2 Fungus

Sclerotinia veratri E.K. Cash & R.W. Davidson BM; CA, CO G2? -- -- 3 Fungus Umat S1

Sedecula pulvinata Zeller EC, WC; CA, ID, AZ, CO G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Jack, Klam, Lake S1

Squamanita paradoxa (A.H. Sm. & Singer) Bas WC; Europe, Scandinavia G2? -- -- 2-ex Fungus Clac SH

Stagnicola perplexa (P.D. Orton) Redhead & A.H. WC; ID, WA, BC, E Canada, Europe G3G4 -- -- 2 Sm. Clac, Doug S1S2 Fungus

Stephensia bynumii Trappe, Bushnell & Castellano WC G1 -- -- 3 Fungus Clac, Mari S1

Stropharia albovelata (Murrill) Norvell & Redhead CR, WC, WV; CA, WA G3? -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Clac, Coos, Lane, Linc S3?

120 Scientific Name Ecoregion; Adjacent States Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC Common Name Oregon Counties Rank Status Status List

Thaxterogaster pavelekii Trappe, Castellano & P. CR; CA, WA G2 -- -- 1 Rawl. Linc, Till S2 Fungus

Tricholomopsis fulvescens A.H. Sm. WC; CA, WA G2G3 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Clac SH

Tuber asa Tulasne & Tulasne CR, WC; E North America, Europe G3 -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Lane, Till S1

Tuber pacificum Trappe, Castellano & Bushnell CR G2 -- -- 3 Fungus Coos, Lane, Polk S1

Tuber quercicola J.L. Frank, Southworth, & Trappe KM, WC, WV; CA GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Bent, Doug, Jack, Linn, Mari, Polk, Yamh SNR

Tuber whetstonense J.L. Frank, Southworth & KM GNR -- -- 3 Trappe Jack SNR Fungus

Urnula craterium (Schwein.:Fr.) Fr. KM, WV; E North America, Europe, Asia G4 -- -- 2-ex Fungus Bent, Jack, Wash SH

Vibrissea filisporia (Bonord.) Korf & A. Sanchez WC; E North America, Europe, Scandinavia GNR -- -- 3 Fungus Mari SNR

Vibrissea truncorum Albertini & Schwein.:Fr. CR, WC; WA, ID, BC, AK, E North America, Europe, Asia, G5 -- -- 3 Fungus Southern Hemisphere S1S2 Lane, Linn

121 FEDERAL ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT STATUS Plants Listed as Endangered Arabis macdonaldiana Lilium occidentale Plagiobothrys hirtus Astragalus applegatei Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora Stephanomeria malheurensis Erigeron decumbens Lomatium bradshawii Fritillaria gentneri Lomatium cookii

Plants Listed as Threatened Castilleja levisecta Mirabilis macfarlanei Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis Howellia aquatilis Sidalcea nelsoniana Lupinus oreganus Silene spaldingii

Candidates for Listing Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii Pinus albicaulis

USFWS SPECIES OF CONCERN______Abronia umbellata ssp. breviflora Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. flavicomus Eriogonum crosbyae var. mystrium Achnatherum hendersonii Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. Eriogonum cusickii Achnatherum wallowaense umpquaensis Eriogonum prociduum Agrostis hendersonii Camassia howellii Eriogonum umbellatum var. glaberrimum Agrostis howellii Cardamine pattersonii Erysimum concinnum Allium dictuon Carex idahoa Erythranthe inflatula (Mimulus evanescens) Allium robinsonii Castilleja chambersii Erythranthe hymenophylla (Mimulus Amsinckia carinata Castilleja fraterna hymenophyllus) Anemone oregana var. felix Castilleja mendocinensis Erythronium elegans Arabis koehleri var. koehleri Castilleja rubida Eucephalus vialis Arabis modesta Castilleja rupicola Filipendula occidentalis Arctostaphylos hispidula Caulanthus major var. nevadensis Fritillaria purdyi Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. estesii Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre Galium serpenticum ssp. warnerense Astragalus collinus var. laurentii Collomia renacta Gentiana plurisetosa Astragalus mulfordiae Corydalis aquae‐gelidae Gentiana setigera Astragalus tegetarioides Cymopterus glomeratus (acaulis) var. Gilia millefoliata Bensoniella oregana greeleyorum Gratiola heterosepala Boechera hastatula Cypripedium fasciculatum Hackelia cronquistii Boechera horizontalis Delphinium leucophaeum Hackelia ophiobia Botrychium ascendens Delphinium oreganum Hastingsia bracteosa var. atropurpurea Botrychium campestre Delphinium pavonaceum Hastingsia bracteosa var. bracteosa Botrychium crenulatum Dicentra pauciflora Hesperocyparis bakeri Dodecatheon austrofrigidum Horkelia congesta ssp. congesta Botrychium paradoxum Epilobium oreganum Horkelia hendersonii Botrychium pedunculosum Epilobium siskiyouense Hymenoxys cooperi var. canescens Calochortus coxii Eremothera pygmaea Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara Calochortus greenei Erigeron cervinus Ivesia rhypara var. shellyi Calochortus howellii Erigeron davisii Kalmiopsis fragrans Calochortus longebarbatus var. peckii Erigeron howellii Lasthenia ornduffii Calochortus macrocarpus var. maculosus Erigeron oreganus Lathyrus holochlorus Calochortus nitidus Eriogonum chrysops Lepidium davisii Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. confertus Eriogonum crosbyae var. crosbyae Lilium kelloggii

122 USFWS SPECIES OF CONCERN continued______Limbella fryei (moss) Penstemon glaucinus Sidalcea malviflora ssp. patula Limnanthes floccosa ssp. bellingeriana Penstemon peckii Silene douglasii var. oraria Limnanthes pumila ssp. pumila Perideridia erythrorhiza Sisyrinchium hitchcockii Lomatium erythrocarpum Phacelia argentea Sisyrinchium sarmentosum Lomatium greenmanii Phacelia inundata Sophora leachiana Lomatium ochocense Phacelia leonis Stanleya confertiflora Lomatium suksdorfii Phacelia lutea var. mackenzieorum Sullivantia oregana Luina serpentina Phacelia minutissima Tauschia howellii Lupinus lepidus var. ashlandensis Plagiobothrys figuratus ssp. corallicarpus Texosporium sancti‐jacobi (lichen) Lupinus lepidus var. cusickii Plagiobothrys salsus Thelypodium brachycarpum Meconella oregana Pleuropogon oregonus Thelypodium eucosmum Mentzelia mollis Pogogyne floribunda Thelypodium howellii ssp. howellii Mentzelia packardiae Pyrrocoma radiata Trifolium douglasii Micranthes hitchcockiana Ranunculus triternatus Microseris laciniata ssp. detlingii Rubus bartonianus Trifolium owyheense Monardella purpurea Senecio ertterae Triteleia hendersonii var. leachiae Myosurus sessilis Sericocarpus rigidus Viola primulifolia ssp. occidentalis Oenothera wolfii Sidalcea hendersonii Zigadenus fontanus Packera hesperia Sidalcea hirtipes Penstemon barrettiae Sidalcea malachroides

STATE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT STATUS______Plants Listed as Endangered Abronia umbellata ssp. breviflora Castilleja levisecta Lomatium erythrocarpum Arabis macdonaldiana Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre Lupinus lepidus var. cusickii Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii Delphinium leucophaeum Mentzelia mollis Astragalus applegatei Delphinium pavonaceum Mirabilis macfarlanei Astragalus mulfordiae Erigeron decumbens Plagiobothrys hirtus Calochortus coxii Fritillaria gentneri Plagiobothrys lamprocarpus Calochortus indecorus Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara Pyrrocoma radiata Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. confertus Lilium occidentale Silene spaldingii Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. flavicomus Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora Stephanomeria malheurensis Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. Lomatium bradshawii Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis umpquaensis Lomatium cookii Trifolium owyheense

Plants Listed as Threatened Amsinckia carinata Erythronium elegans Mentzelia packardiae Astragalus collinus var. laurentii Eucephalus vialis Microseris howellii Astragalus cusickii var. sterilis Gratiola heterosepala Oenothera wolfii Astragalus diaphanus var. diurnus Hackelia cronquistii Phacelia argentea Astragalus peckii Hastingsia bracteosa var. bracteosa Pleuropogon oregonus Astragalus tyghensis Hastingsia bracteosa var. atropurpurea Sericocarpus rigidus Howellia aquatilis Sidalcea nelsoniana Calochortus howellii Lepidium davisii Silene douglasii var. oraria Eriogonum chrysops Limnanthes pumila ssp. pumila Thelypodium eucosmum Eriogonum crosbyae var. crosbyae Lomatium greenmanii Eriogonum crosbyae var. mystrium Lupinus oreganus

123 STATE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT STATUS continued______State Candidate Taxa Achnatherum hendersonii Epilobium siskiyouense Montia howellii Agrostis howellii Eremothera pygmaea Myosurus sessilis Arabis koehleri var. koehleri Erigeron howellii Packera hesperia Asarum wagneri Erigeron oreganus Penstemon barrettiae Astragalus tegetarioides Eriogonum cusickii Perideridia erythrorhiza Bensoniella oregana Eriogonum prociduum Phacelia minutissima Boechera horizontalis Erythranthe inflatula Plagiobothrys figuratus ssp. Bolandra oregana (Mimulus evanescens) corallicarpus Botrychium ascendens Erythranthe hymenophylla (Mimulus Ranunculus austrooreganus Botrychium crenulatum hymenophyllus) Rorippa columbiae Botrychium paradoxum Erythranthe jungermannioides (Mimulus Rubus bartonianus jungermannioides) Botrychium pedunculosum Sedum moranii Erythranthe patula (Mimulus patulus) Calochortus greenei Sedum oblanceolatum Filipendula occidentalis Calochortus longebarbatus var. peckii Senecio ertterae Frasera umpquaensis Calochortus persistens Sidalcea campestris Gentiana setigera Camassia howellii Sidalcea hirtipes Hackelia diffusa var. diffusa Cardamine nuttallii var. gemmata Sidalcea malviflora ssp. patula Horkelia congesta ssp. congesta Cardamine pattersonii Sisyrinchium hitchcockii Kalmiopsis fragrans Caulanthus major var. nevadensis Sisyrinchium sarmentosum Lasthenia ornduffii Cimicifuga elata var. alpestris Sophora leachiana Limbella fryei (moss) Cimicifuga elata var. elata Stanleya confertiflora Limnanthes alba var. gracilis Collomia renacta Streptanthus howellii Limnanthes floccosa ssp. bellingeriana Corydalis aquae‐gelidae Sullivantia oregana Lomatium suksdorfii Cypripedium fasciculatum Tauschia howellii Luina serpentina Delphinium oreganum Trifolium leibergii Lupinus lepidus var. ashlandensis Draba howellii Triteleia hendersonii var. leachiae Meconella oregana Epilobium oreganum Viola primulifolia ssp. occidentalis Micranthes hitchcockiana

124 DROPS AND NAME CHANGES since July 2013 list Vascular Plants Abronia umbellata ssp. breviflora Name change, now called Abronia umbellata var. breviflora Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longicaulis Dropped, too common Calochortus umpquaensis Name change, now called Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. confertus, Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. flavicomus, Calochortus umpquaensis ssp. umpquaensis Coryphantha vivipara var. vivipara Dropped, not documented from the state Cryptantha leucophaea Dropped, not documented from the state Cymopterus acaulis var. greeleyorum Name change, now called Cymopterus glomeratus var. greeleyorum Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium Dropped, too common Equisetum pratense Dropped, not documented from the state Erodium macrophyllum Name change, now called California macrophylla Fauria crista‐galli Name change, now called Nephrophyllidum crista‐galli Horkelia sericata Dropped, too common Kobresia bellardii Name change, now called Kabresia myosuroides Lilaea scilloides Name change, now called Triglochin scilloides Lomatium idahoense Dropped, not documented from the state Lomatium tamanitchii Dropped, not documented from the state Mimulus aurantiacus Name change, now called Diplacus aurantiacus Mimulus bolanderi Name change, now called Diplacus bolanderi Mimulus clivicola Name change, now called Diplacus clivicola Mimulus congdonii Name change, now called Diplacus congdonii Mimulus douglasii Name change, now called Diplacus douglasii Mimulus evanescens Name change, now called Erythranthe inflatula Mimulus hymenophyllus Name change, now called Erythranthe hymenophylla Mimulus jepsonii Name change, now called Diplacus jepsonii Mimulus jungermannioides Name change, now called Erythranthe jungermannioides Mimulus kelloggii Name change, now called Diplacus kelloggii Mimulus latidens Name change, now called Erythranthe latidens Mimulus patulus Name change, now called Erythranthe patula Mimulus tricolor Name change, now called Diplacus tricolor Piptatherum exiguum Name change, now called Piptatheropsis exigua Polyctenium fremontii var. bisulcatum Dropped, taxonomic issues, invalid variety Polyctenium williamsiae Dropped, taxonomic issues, of Polyctenium fremontii Pyrola dentata Dropped, too common Rosa gymnocarpa var. serpentina Dropped, too common Sidalcea hickmanii ssp. nov. Name change, now called Sidalcea hickmanii ssp. petraea Streptanthus glandulosus Name change, now called Sidalcea glandulosus ssp. josephinensis Trollius laxus ssp. albiflorus Name change, now called Trollius albiflorus

Fungi Amanita malheurensis Name change, now called Amanita prairiicola Boletus pulcherrimus Dropped, too common Bridgeoporus nobilissimus Dropped, too common Clavariadelphus sachalinensis Dropped, too common Dendrocollybia racemose Dropped, too common Hebeloma oregonense Name change, now called Hebeloma oregonense var. oregonense Helvella elastic Dropped, too common Phaeocollybia californica Dropped, too common

125 DROPS AND NAME CHANGES since July 2013 list continued Phaeocollybia pseudofestiva Dropped, too common Ramaria amyloidea Dropped, too common Ramaria coulterae Dropped, too common Rhizopogon atroviolaceus Dropped, taxonomic issues, synonym of Rhizopogon subpurpurascens Rickenella swartzii Dropped, too common Sowerbyella rhenana Dropped, too common

Lichens Aspicilia rogeri Name change, now called Circinaria rogeri Bryoria pseudocapillaris Taxonomic issues, synonym of Sulcaria spiralifera Bryoria subcana Dropped, too common Caloplaca stantonii Name change, now called Gyalolechia stantonii Leptogium burnetiae Dropped, not documented from the state Pseudocyphellaria perpetua Name change, now called Pseudocyphellaria hawaiiensis Stenocybe clavata Dropped, too common Stenocybe major Dropped, too common Usnea schadenbergiana Name change, now called Usnea subgracilis

Liverworts Lophozia gillmanii Name change, now called Mesoptychia gillmannii Lophozia laxa Name change, now called Schistochilopsis laxa Plagiochila semidecurrens var. alaskana Name change, now called Plagiochila semidecurrens var. semidecurrens Porella vernicosa ssp. fauriei Name change, ours is Porella arboris‐vitae

Mosses Bartramia stricta Dropped, not documented from the state Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum Dropped, too common Encalypta brevicolla Name change, now called Encalypta brevicollis Grimmia anomala Dropped, too common Grimmia donniana Dropped, taxonomic issues Helodium blandowii Name change, now called Elodium blandowii Plagiopus oederiana Name change, now called Plagiopus oederianus Pohlia sphagnicola Dropped, taxonomic issues, synonym of Pohlia nutans Pseudoleskeella serpentinensis Dropped, too common

126 OREGON BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION CENTER RARE PLANT FIELD SURVEY FORM Digital versions of this form and information on submitting other data are available at http://inr.oregonstate.edu/orbic/submit-data. Please complete all entries in the top section, and as much as possible in the more detailed numbered sections. If attaching a map of the location, we prefer something similar to a USGS 7.5’ map.

Scientific Name:

Date of Field Work: County: Collection: Yes ( ), No mo. day year coll # , herbarium Directions:

Reporter: Phone: ______Address: 1. LOCATION - Attach separate map or sketch a map indicating exact site, scale and proximity to prominent features. A. Plant found? Yes No If no, reason:______B. Location: T R Sec 1/4 of 1/4 (use back for more TRS) C. Source of GPS coordinates (circle one): GPS (make & model ) or map ( & scale ) GPS accuracy distance: (circle: feet or meters) Datum (circle): Nad 27, Nad 83, other______. Easting/Longitude______Northing/Latitude______Coordinate System (circle): UTM (Zone 10), UTM (Zone 11) or Latitude/Longitude D. Owner/Manager: ______2. SPECIES BIOLOGY A. Phenology: % in flower, % in fruit, % in leaf B. Population size: Number of plants: Area occupied: C. Age Class: % seedlings, % immature, % 1st year, % mature, % senescent 3. HABITAT A. Plant communities/Habitat Description/Associated species:

B. Aspect: (enter compass direction(s) or degrees) C. Slope: slight (0-20), moderate (20-45), extreme (45+), vertical D. Topographic position: crest, upper slope, mid-slope, lower slope, bottom E. Light: open, filtered, shade F. Moisture: inundated, saturated, moist, dry G. Elevation range: to (choose unit: feet or meters) H. Substrate/soil: ______I. Visible threats/potential disturbance:

4. DETERMINATION - How was plant identified? (choose one or more, please fill in the source for each choice) keyed in flora , compared with specimen, compared with photo/drawing, identified by someone else, other . Source (name of flora/which specimen/which drawing/name of identifier):

5. PHOTOGRAPHS Did you take a photo: Yes, ______No. May we obtain duplicates at our cost? Yes No

ORBIC-INR / Portland State University / Mail Stop INR/ PO Box 751 / Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 / 503-725-9950


Digital versions of this form and information on submitting other data are available at http://inr.oregonstate.edu/orbic/submit-data. If possible, please attach a map of the location, preferably something of the same quality as a USGS 7.5' map. Also please include any photos or sketches and measurements when appropriate.

Basic Data

Scientific Name: ______

Date of Field Work: ______County: ______

Observer: ______Phone/E-mail: ______

Affiliation/Address: ______

Locality Data Site Name: ______Directions: ______



Township ______Range ______Section ______¼ of ______¼

Datum (circle): Nad 27, Nad 83, other Easting/Longitude Northing/Latitude Source of GPS coordinates (circle one): GPS (make & model ) or map (type & scale______) GPS accuracy distance: (circle: feet or meters) Coordinate System (circle): UTM (Zone 10), UTM (Zone 11) or Latitude/Longitude Ownership: ______

Species Biology Approximate # Animals: ______Sex/Age:______

Site Function for Species: ______

Population trends at Site: ______

Habitat General Description: ______


Associated Plants/Animals: ______

Disturbance/Threats: ______

Other knowledgeable individuals/Comments: ______



ORBIC-INR / Portland State University / Mail Stop INR/ PO Box 751 / Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 / 503-725-9950

128 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS______Animals Revisions to the current edition included status changes made by ODFW, USFWS and NOAA Fisheries. Our thanks to these agencies for their continued efforts to protect and study Oregon’s fauna. Our appreciation goes, as always, to the many vertebrate and invertebrate biologists who contributed directly or indirectly and whose comments and criticisms were incorporated into this book. In 2016, the following biologists contributed to this effort: John Abbott, Bob Altman, Keith Aubry, James Bergdahl, Emilie Blevins, Barb Bresson, Tom Burke, Jim Capurso, Christina Donehower, Candace Fallon, John Fleckenstein, Sarah Foltz Jordan, Elizabeth Gayner, Andrea Hanson, Rich Hatfield, Katie Hietala-Henschell, Kendra Hoekzema, Rob Huff, Carol Hughes, Sarina Jepsen, Jim Johnson, Cary Kerst, Jim LaBonte, Ron Lyons, Doug Markle, Chris Marshall, Pat Matthews, Bruce Newhouse, Martin Nugent, Mark Penninger, Charlie Quinn, Brandon Reishus, Arty Rodriguez, Dana Ross, Barry Roth, Nicole Sears, Brian Sidlauskas, Alan St. John, Wayne Steffens, Kelli Van Norman, and Robert Wisseman. Plants and Fungi Many of the changes made since the last edition of this book in 2013 resulted from the Rare and Endangered Plant Conference held at Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon in October 2015. We thank all conference participants and others who have contributed to this project. Many of the improvements in the information included in this book came from botanists of the Oregon Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, private consultants, the Native Plant Society of Oregon, and other organizations. Special thanks go to Stephen Meyers at Oregon State University, who serves as the Taxonomic Director for the Oregon Flora Project and the nomenclatural arbiter for ORBIC and for this publication. We also would like to continue to recognize the years of help and support from Ken and Henny Chambers and from Peter Zika in providing us with taxonomic guidance and assistance. Michael Castellano (USFS) compiled the original list of fungi in 1998, to which additions have been recommended by agency and university mycologists, private consultants, and the Oregon Mycological Society. Early contributors included Efren Cazares, Janet Lindgren, Randy Molina, Lorelei Norvell, Judy Roger, James Trappe, and Nancy Weber. Primary sources of expertise for changes made in the 2016 edition include: Historical Collections Review: Several additions to the vascular plant list were recommended by Barbara Wilson and Nick Otting of the Carex Working Group, after reviewing Oregon Flora Project collection records. Several species that have not been collected in Oregon in the last 50 years or more have been added to List 3. Liverworts: John Christy, Clint Emerson, Ron Exeter, Amanda Hardman, Christina Veverka, and David Wagner. Mosses: John Christy, Rick Dewey, Clint Emerson, Ron Exeter, Roger Ferriel, Phil Gaddis, Doug Goldenberg, Amanda Hardman, Judith Harpel, David Kofranek, Scot Loring, Darci Rivers-Pankratz, Wayne Rolle, Daphne Stone, Duncan Thomas, Christina Veverka, David Wagner, Kelli Van Norman, and Rob Weiss. Fungi: Tom Carlberg, John Christy, Doug Goldenberg, Clint Emerson, Ron Exeter, Ron Hamill, Jenny Lippert, Scot Loring, Darlene Southworth, Kelli Van Norman, Darci Rivers-Pankratz, and Darlene Southworth. Lichens: Clint Emerson, Ron Exeter, Doug Goldenberg, Ron Hamill, Amanda Hardman, Jenny Lippert, Scot Loring, Cheshire Mayrsohn, Bruce McCune, Darci Rivers-Pankratz, Tim Rodenkirk, Daphne Stone, and John Villela.


FEDERAL STATUS NATURESERVE/NATURAL HERITAGE RANKS LE Listed as an Endangered Species G1 Critically imperiled throughout its range LT Listed as a Threatened Species G2 Imperiled throughout its range PE Proposed as an Endangered Species G3 Vulnerable throughout its range PT Proposed as a Threatened Species G4 Apparently secure, uncommon but not rare C Candidate for Listing as Threatened or Endangered G5 Secure, common, abundant and widespread SOC Species of Concern - Taxa for which additional S1 Critically imperiled in Oregon information is needed to support a proposal to list S2 Imperiled in Oregon under the ESA S3 Vulnerable, rare, threatened or uncommon in Oregon S4 Apparently secure, not rare in Oregon STATE STATUS – ANIMALS S5 Widespread, abundant and secure in Oregon LE Listed as an Endangered Species T Rank for a subspecies, variety, or race LT Listed as a Threatened Species Q Taxonomic questions PE Proposed as an Endangered Species H Historical, formerly part of the native biota with the PT Proposed as a Threatened Species implied expectation that it may be rediscovered SC Sensitive – Critical X Presumed extirpated or extinct SV Sensitive – Vulnerable U Unrankable due to lack of or conflicting information CS Conservation Strategy Species NR Not yet ranked B Rank of the breeding population (migratory birds) STATE STATUS – PLANTS N Rank of the wintering population (migratory birds) LE Listed as an Endangered Species LT Listed as a Threatened Species MISCELLANEOUS PE Proposed as an Endangered Species BLM Bureau of Land Management PT Proposed as a Threatened Species ESA Endangered Species Act C Candidate for Listing as Threatened or Endangered EPA Environmental Protection Agency FED Federal ECOREGIONS NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration BM Blue Mountains (includes High Lava Plains) ODA Oregon Department of Agriculture BR Northern Basin and Range (includes Owyhee ODFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Uplands) OESA Oregon Endangered Species Act CB Columbia Basin OPRD Oregon Parks and Recreation Department CR Coast Range ORBIC Oregon Biodiversity Information Center EC East Cascades sp. nov. species novum (new species) - in the process of KM Klamath Mountains being described in the literature ME Marine and Estuarine ssp. subspecies WC West Cascades and Crest ssp. nov. subspecies novum (new subspecies) - in the WV Willamette Valley process of being described in the literature TNC The Nature Conservancy STATES AND PROVINCES USFS United States Forest Service AB Alberta NV Nevada USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service AK Alaska NJ New Jersey var. variety AZ Arizona NM + taxon occurs in additional states AR Arkansas NY New York BC NC North Carolina CA California NT NW Territories ORBIC LISTS CO Colorado NS Nova Scotia 1 Threatened or Endangered Throughout Range HI Hawaii ON Ontario 2 Threatened, Endangered or Extirpated from Oregon, but ID Idaho QC Quebec Secure or Abundant Elsewhere KS Kansas SK Saskatchewan 3 Review LA Louisiana TN Tennessee 4 Watch MB Manitoba UT 1-ex Extirpated in Oregon MA Massachusetts WA Washington 2-ex Extirpated in Oregon MS Mississippi WI Wisconsin 1-X Presumed extinct MT Montana WY Wyoming