YOUR VOICE. OUR VOICE. ONE VOICE. WEEK OF APRIL 16, 2009 Los Angeles EDITION VOL 1 No 11 Printed with Explicit permission From Each Content Provider

Michael Roberts |

Los Angeles

6. FESTIVAL IN YOUR TOWN? Offer to let people stay with you. They get a deal, you get a unique music festivals: traveling experience waking up to Heinz from Berlin on your couch, and when you head to Germany you will have a place to stay as well. Again: Google is your friend, and check out as well. to the beats on a budget 7. FLYING TO A FESTIVAL? Book ahead, at least a month for domestic travel. Check sites like Kayak, Mobissimo or Sidestep to compare prices, and when you get ready to purchase your tickets, CLEAR By dancefever5000 | 4/7/09 | DANCEFEVER5000 THE COOKIES on your internet browser. If you don’t, travel websites will remember you have already DEMF. Mutek. Coachella. Decibel. Earthdance. Esthetic Evolution. Prosperity. High Sierra. been there and jack up the price of your ticket. Once you find the lowest price, then book directly Photosynthesis. Joshua Tree. Shambhala. Operation Apex. Bobolink. Harmony. Sonic Bloom. with the airline’s website for the best protection in case some bullshit comes up. If you are checking Emerge-N-See. Hempfest. Burning Man! luggage, read the airline’s baggage allowance- some domestic airlines are charging $15 per bag. You With so many bad-ass music festivals right outside your door, up and down the West Coast, may be better off with another airline whose ticket price is $10 more. across our beautiful country and around the globe, it is enough to put a music-loving freak in a deliciously lingering state of euphoria! 8. EAT CHEAP. When you travel it is easy to become tired or rushed and opt for a pricey meal or snack Combining my love of travel and dancing makes me happier than a hippie in a hot tub: a at an airport lounge or crappy restaurant close to the festival. Plan ahead. Bring granola bars if you rainbow of music varieties, friends from all over the world, lots of screaming and laughing and get hungry and ornery like me, and know that there ain’t NO shame in PB&J- that’s one more show Tecate, campsites with shag carpet and clubs with lasers- I live for music and art festivals and you get to hear! want to go to every single one! 9. DRINK CHEAP. AKA: PBR & Tecate. Or get your buzz on with your own bottle of vodka BEFORE But how do you get to all these festivals when money is tight? And when isn’t it? Most you’re in the venue where drinks are eight bucks a pop. Sneak in a flask and order a lemonade- bar- people are stretching their budgets and cutting back these days. Maybe you’re broke. Maybe tenders will often give free refills! you’re hella broke. Maybe you were laid off from your job writing for a website and decided the best course of action in this lame economy was to relocate across the country and try to make it 10. JUST DO IT. The awesome thing about money is that it’s printed on paper that comes out of ma- as a freelance music writer. chines mounted on walls and you trade this colored paper for life experiences! What a freaking deal! Either way, you still want to party your rocks off, right? Here are some tips to help you Your bills will be there next month. The supersweet festival of your dreams with you on the dance get to those music festivals, whether you want to go to a city party requiring flights and hotels floor surrounded by your friends, face hurting from smiling so much, a growth-inducing experience or outdoor festies with tents and dogs. Or both. LIFE IS SHORT, people, and if we are lucky we that becomes part of you as a person? Not so much. Quit worrying and buy your damn tickets will all be old and wrinkly before we know it. Don’t let the summer pass without getting down already. proper like you know you want to. “LIFE IS EITHER A DARING ADVENTURE OR NOTHING.” -Helen Keller 1. PLAN AHEAD. Buying presale tickets will save you cash at almost every festival, and if you are flying anywhere, purchasing domestic air tickets at least one month in advance is highly recommended. See you on the dance floor! Planning on DEMF or another Memorial Weekend festival? Buy your air tickets and book your hotel Advertising room yesterday.

2. PICK AND CHOOSE. This part sucks. I want to go to every festival, every weekend, every year! But in order to get to the parties you really want to go to, you have to pass up some of the festivals you aren’t too keen on. Having trouble deciding? Do what I do, and go where the good music is. Compare the lineups, and see which artists are really gonna do it for you. Factor in distance, make a decision, and stick to it.

3. GO WITH FRIENDS. This part rocks! When you share expenses like hotel rooms, food and gas, it becomes cheaper for everybody. Pack your cars and hotel rooms full of friends and you will save money! Are you the only one of your tribe intent on getting to Shambhala but you live in San Diego? Hop online and meet new people who want to carpool and save money as much as you. They are out there.

4. STAY THE WHOLE TIME. It seems counter-intuitive, but since a big part of festie expenses is travel and pass-type tickets, the longer you can stay, the better value it will be.

5. DON’T BUY EXTRA SHIT. Yeah yeah, I know you want a cute new outfit for the dance floor or a swank-ass pimp tent that all your friends can hotbox, but you don’t NEED this stuff. What you already own will work, and no one is even gonna notice that new purple skirt when you are dripping sweat in Advertise with the Printed Blog. the club. Ever returned from a campout with a cooler full of food you didn’t eat? Yeah. You have. Don’t buy shit you don’t need. Call 312-305-1000

Views expressed in Content do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or the printed blog inc. Politics in article on new climate change data, washington post takes a shot at its own columnist. gay marriage legal in iowa By Ryan Powers | 4/7/09 | Think Progress By Monica Dimperio | 4/3/09 | The MidWasteland In February, Washington Post columnist George Will wrote a column calling global warming a “hypothetical” calamity. Among the various uninformed claims he made in his column, Will argued that because global sea ice remained near its 1979 levels, that global warming was not occurring. Despite Will’s widely documented errors, Washington Post’s editorial page editor, Fred Hiatt, did not believe Will’s column merited any corrections. Today, however, in an article regarding new Arctic sea ice data released yesterday by NASA, Washington Post reporters Juliet Eilperin and Mary Beth Sheridan attempted to correct the record:

The Arctic sea ice cover continues to shrink and become thinner, according to satellite measurements and other data released yesterday, providing further evidence that the region is warming more rapidly than scientists had expected.

The new evidence — including satellite data showing that the average multiyear wintertime sea ice cover in the Arctic in 2005 and 2006 was nine feet thick, a significant decline from the 1980s — contra- dicts data cited in widely circulated reports by Washington Post columnist George F. Will that sea ice in the Arctic has not significantly declined since 1979.

Will’s specious claims were specifically about “global sea ice,” not Arctic sea ice. Yet, the See-ming Lee | overarching point is still true: Will is woefully uninformed about the science of climate change.

Today, the high courts of Iowa declared gay marriage legal. You heard right. I-O-W-A. UPDATE: Yglesias asks why The Washington Post intends to “keep using their brand to enhance the cred- Being a born and bred Midwesterner, I was shocked to hear that this law was passed within ibility of Will’s misrepresentations? It’s unfathomable. Why would you expect anyone to pay money to our conservative region. We are a long ways away from shedding our “traditional” viewpoints. read a newspaper that publishes willfully misleading information?” Regardless, it is truly inspiring to witness the change that is taking place in our country. Little UPDATE: The Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang Blog also takes on Will today. Surveying Will’s re- by little. cent writing, Andrew Freedman concludes, “George Will’s recent columns demonstrate a very troubling Iowa joins Massachusetts and Connecticut as the only U.S. states to permit gay marriage. pattern of misrepresentation of climate science.” Submitted by Abbie (not verified) on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 12:24. PHOTOS I’m an Iowan, and I’m shocked that people are surprised by the court’s decision. We are far from a conservative place. Historically Iowa has lead the country in extending the rights and liberties of groups being discriminated against. Iowa was the first state to admit women to the bar and allow them to practice law. We are a nation of farmers, yet 26 years before the the Civil War the Iowa Supreme Court rejected slavery, 85 years before the Supreme Court of the U.S. Iowa desegregated schools and preceded the Supreme Court by 91 years in desegregating public accommodations. The decision in Varnum v. Brien was unanimous - a testament that there is no debate, rather a firm statement has been made which affirms Iowa’s position as a progressive protector of the individual rights and civil liberties of its citizens. hate spam text messages? a senate bill could put a stop to them By Heather Wood | 4/3/09 | Gadgetell Until now, the government has not intervened in order to prevent companies from sending spam text messages. However, several senators are attempting to pass a bill that would prohibit sending commercial text messages to cell phone numbers listed on the national Do Not Call registry. Those Viagra and extend your car warranty text messages could be a thing of the past. Although bills have been passed that prohibit spam email messages, text messages have not been addressed. The senators released a statement which details the reasoning behind the bill, which includes the effect on cell phone users’ monthly bill as well as the possibility of contracting viruses or malicious spyware. Consumers have also been the target of phishing attacks from spam text messages and have given out sensitive personal information. It is estimated that annually over one billion spam text messages are sent, according to data collected by Ferris Research. In order to benefit from the bill, add your cell phone number to the Do Not Call registry now. The process only takes a few minutes and can be done through the National Do Not Call website. PHOTOS

Maruan |

Politics xx rated By Neal Boulton | 3/31/09 | Bastard Life Chromosomal differences. Ok, we’ll chalk this up to that post pregnant hormonal thing. But whether you have children or not, or like porn or not, Porn for New Moms is a hoot. The Daniel Glazer | book is a collection of beautifully photographed scenes of men—engaging in acts of domestic kindness. Things like doing the dishes, instead of laying around drinking Bud and watching the game; vacuuming, instead of sitting with the guys at the local pub eating wings and telling fart jokes; and changing the baby’s diaper, instead of feigning sleep while you, the new mom, do this at 2 A.M. As for the money shots? They are white, and they do spill, but in Porn, they come from a baby bottle—and your man dutifully cleans everything up nice and tidy for you while you luxuriate in peace and calm.—M.T. five blogs that should become books By Carolyn Stanley | 3/31/09 | Flavorwire You remember when the Bacon Explosion people landed that insane book deal earlier this month? And then a few weeks later, we found out that the people behind This Is Why You’re Fat had inked a deal, too. (Also: As we were writing this, we almost knocked over the review copy of Love, Mom — the new book from the gals.) This all got us thinking about our favorite blogs, and which ones we’d like to see make the leap into book form. You know, unlike something like Stuff White People Like. Our short list after the jump; please add to it in the comments.

1. Why the F*** Do You Have a Kid? 2. People Who Sit In The Disability Seats When I’m Standing On My Crutches 3. Songs about buildings and food 4. Advanced Style 5. J.Cruel 2 The Printed Blog Politics changing media By Stephanie Helena Larkin | 3/8/09 | Wax in the City will the a.p. try to stop The internet is taking over. We all know this. Bloggers especially. Social networking has become a successful supplement to job hunting, colleague gathering, bloggers from using their opinion formation, and real-life human interaction. We saw it first with chat rooms and AIM. It then moved to sites solely devoted to networking--MySpace and Facebook being some of the content? first and most highly trafficked. And these still remain the most popular of the SN sites among By Justin Gardner | 4/6/09 | Donklephant North Americans. A while back, the A.P. targeted a site called the Drudge Retort for using excerpts of its News is changing too. According to 2008 polls (see links below), nearly 70% of Americans stories on the site. This caused quite an uproar among bloggers because they felt that excerpting believe traditional journalism is out of touch, over half of Americans are getting most of their portions of a story’s copy was considered “fair use,” and I let my feelings be known as well. news online, and over 60% believe the internet is now a more important source of information The A.P. subsequently backed off from any legal action and looked a bit silly in the process. than television, radio, and newspapers. Newspapers are scrambling and attempting to revamp Well, they’re back and now they have their sights set on bigger targets. business strategies (see additional links), but will it help? From the NY Times: We all know that news is a business and stations and outlets need advertising revenue to create their product. The economy is strugging, businesses are spending less on advertising, blah Taking aim at the way news is spread across the Internet, The Associated Press said on Monday that blah blah. But is that the only reason newspapers are struggling? Or is it also that traditional Web sites that used the work of news organizations must obtain permission and share revenue with news outlets are losing touch? them, and that it would take legal action against those that did not. Television news stations and tabloid-like magazines strive to bring readers ridiculous “breaking news” headlines. These are lost on me. I am over the TV news stations and their A.P. executives said they were concerned about a variety of news forums around the Web, including repetition of the same five stories every morning. I mean really, am I supposed to care that major search engines like Google and Yahoo and aggregators like the Drudge Report that link to news Britney Spears hired K-Fed to babysit while she’s on tour, or that Michelle Obama bought a new articles, smaller sites that sometimes reproduce articles whole, and companies that sell packaged news dress? Although Michelle is rocking the classy first lady style...and with a lil Carrie Bradshaw feeds. influence (see photo below, borrowed from a fellow-femme’s blog). Fine, maybe sometimes I

They said they did not want to stop the appearance of articles around the Web, but to exercise some care. But this is not relevant breaking news. These outlets need to focus and realize that with control over the practice and to profit from it. only a few minutes to report, there are much more important things that need to be conveyed to the American people. But these are my issues with tabloids and television news...back to Here’s part of the A.P.’s new policy… newspapers. Some say newspapers are struggling because they cannot provide the content that young As part of the initiative, AP will develop a system to track content distributed online to determine if it is readers want. I would agree to some extent, but also offer another explanation: newspapers are being legally used. AP President Tom Curley said the initiative would also include the development of inherently unable to keep up with the content we desire. We want international and domestic new search pages that point users to the latest and most authoritative sources of breaking news. news, entrepreneurial business insights, new technology commentary and reviews, celeb gossip, They’ve provided no details apart from that so the implications could be far reaching. and oh so much more. With the internet, we can get it all, read it all, and know it all in under and hour or so. (This I have learned from my internet proficient boyfriend who manages to See, a lot of blogging I see these days starts off by reading a story from the mainstream know everything about everything by spending a few hours on the computer.) In the end, all of media, excerpting a small portion of it and responding to it. That’s what we do here at that doesn’t fit in a newspaper. Donklephant, with the exception of a few essays and video reports. But, by and large, the So far, these papers have perished: Rocky Mountain News, Baltimore Examiner, Kentucky Post, business of blogging is about quickly sharing information with our readers and providing Cincinnati Post, King County Journal, Union City Register-Tribune, Capital Times, Halifax Daily News, commentary along with it. Albuquerque Tribune, South Idaho Press, and San Juan Star. I try my best to only include the most salient points and I discourage reprinting full articles I am sure there are more to come. because that’s clearly not fair use, but it has happened from time to time here. So this site could Can the newspaper industry recover? Will they develop some new strategies to compete be in the A.P.’s crosshairs at some point. But we won’t know until they reveal what they do or with the booming internet? And will Headline News stop talking about a rescued cat for five do not think is fair use. minutes and one day speak about female gential mutilation abroad or what action is being Now, if the A.P. really cracks down, what will most likely happen is bloggers will stop taken to combat genocide? excerpting their stories and start excerpting somebody else’s. Or they’ll simply rewrite the I have a feeling I’ll talk about this subject much more in the future, so to get the content they found via an A.P. source. There will probably still be attribution of some sort, but conversation going, are there any comments? Do you want the newspaper industry to crash and the A.P. runs the risk of losing a lot of links back to its content and thus it could seriously fall in burn? Are we bloggers and independent online news outlets the future of news? What say you? the search engine rankings since one of the ways Google determines authority is the amount of PHOTOS links a certain story gets. In any event, it’s a slippery slope for them, so I hope they find a common sense way to work with bloggers. Otherwise I guarantee they won’t like the results. PHOTOS

Olivia Locher |


Chris Knight |

Views expressed in Content do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or the printed blog inc. 3 Business Advertising The Joy of Woz By Guy Kawasaki | 4/7/09 | Open Forum by American Express Our favorite engineer, Steve Wozniak, is getting a lot of attention because of his Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window. ~ Woz dancing these days. Lest we forget, he is an engineering legend, and there is no better way to gain insights into his previous career than Gina Smith’s book, Woz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It (W. W. Norton, 2007). I liked the book so much that I gave her this blurb for it:

Every engineer—and certainly every engineering student—should read this book. It is about the thrill of invention, the process of making the world a better place, and the purity of entrepreneurship. I, Woz is Tech the personal computer generation’s version of The Soul of a New Machine. It is, in a nutshell, the engi- neer’s manifesto. I hope that the so-called “innovation experts” and MBAs choke when they read it. top searches on twitter search The book is powerful because it isn’t the typical theoretical drivel written by an expert By Heather Dougherty | 4/7/09 | Hitwise Intelligence (that is, someone who can’t do but can write). Instead, the book takes you inside the mind of What do people search for on Twitter? We collected search terms that took place within someone who was truly instrumental in one of the great revolutions of our time. After reading Twitter’s search engine to identify the topics that are being searched most often on Twitter it, I was even more proud of having worked for Apple. For your enjoyment, here’s a list of the for the week ending March 21, 2009. Searches for the vampire series ‘twilight’ were the top ten things that I learned by reading I, Woz. most popular for the week overall fueled by the US release of the DVD, followed by ‘redco,’ and ‘parkersburg.’ The NCAA tournament was also getting underway and teams such as the 1. In the sixth grade Woz scammed gubernatorial candidate Richard Nixon with a certificate from Georgetown Hoyas and Maryland made appearances in the Top 25. Two news outlets, MSNBC the school’s ham radio club. The certificate was made with crayons just before the ceremony, and E! news were also included in the Top 25 search terms on and Woz was the only “member” of the club. Among the top 75 search terms on, entertainment-related ones were among the most popular and represented 29% of the share of searches. Celebrity personalities 2. The Apple IPO made the most millionaires in one single day in history up to that point in time. were the biggest sub-category within Entertainment being searched, with Paris Hilton and 3. Woz and Jobs worked as Alice in Wonderland characters at a shopping mall in San Jose. [Steve Oprah Winfrey topping the list. Jeremy Davies ranked 3rd along with his character Daniel Jobs doing this boggles my mind.] Faraday from ABC’s Lost at #4. John Mayer rounded out the top 5, not surprisingly the same 4. Woz didn’t return to the University of Colorado after his first year because he ran up too much week that his Twitter habits were implicated in the break-up with Jennifer Aniston. The most computer timesharing costs. popular television shows being searched for the week on Twitter’s search were NBC’s The Biggest Loser, NBC’s Saturday Night Live, and The SciFi Network’s Battlestar Galactica (#BSG). 5. Woz tried to call the Pope by impersonating Dr. Henry Kissinger. He almost got through except that the Vatican called the real Dr. Kissinger to verify the call. touch tablet: palm to beat apple to it? 6. An armed robber stole a blue box from Woz and Jobs in Sunnyvale. By JG Mason | 3/30/09 | Gadgetell smdwt1 Every time Apple has an event, rumors of a tablet netbook pop up. The idea of a larger 7. Allen Baum alleviated Woz’s concern about leaving Hewlett Packard to start Apple by telling iPhone with a bigger screen and connectivity has been drawing techies like moths to a flame, him, “You can be an engineer and become a manager and get rich, or you can be an engineer yet Apple stays on the sidelines. Now, an interesting discussion about Palm’s new WebOS on and stay an engineer and get rich.” a netbook is laying out the case for the company to spin its wares to netbooks. I’ll take it one 8. Woz lost approximately $12 million in each of the two US Festivals that he put on. step further, it could make a touch-based netbook and beat Apple to the punch. 9. Woz taught computer technology to elementary school students for ten years. At CES this year at the Pre introduction, Palm was careful about saying they expect the WebOS to migrate to other devices. Editor-in-chief of LAPTOP Mark Spoonauer wrote a post 10. The book ends with Woz’s thoughts on being a great engineer: why a Palm-Dell marriage might make lots of sense. • Don’t waiver. “This week the hot rumor is that a Dell-Palm marriage could be on the horizon, and I do think the idea • See things in gray-scale. has merit. Although the eagerly anticipated Pre device would certainly give street cred to any potential • Work alone. suitor, it’s the WebOS itself and its potential beyond smart phones that makes Palm an especially • Trust your instincts. tempting target.” Spoonauer goes on to list five reason why WebOS would shake up the netbook world: most Remember the joy of Woz when an “expert” tells you that you need to conduct market attractive Linux build, ever; touch friendly, integrated with the cloud, ARM processor friendly, research, run your design past focus groups, and set up offshore development. His advice is and it supports Flash. applicable to any small business, and if you listen to him, you’ll be fine—if not dancing with Building on Spoonauer, I’d add that Palm has already done the leg-work in the netbook joy. world with its attempt known as the Foleo. The company delved into pseudo-netbook territory before so building again would not only make sense, it might help a bunch of the bruised egos with the implosion of Foleo. Having a laptop form factor, the Foleo was nothing more than a Staff at The Printed Blog Treo assistant that connected through the phone. Amanda Nyren / Assistant Editor/Music Editor I believe Palm is not just looking to pull even with anyone; clearly, it sees the value in Since graduating from Northwestern in ‘08, Amanda has juggled roles at Center- creating a category. The touch-enabled Eee PC or HP laptops have left me wanting. Their OS, Chicago Examiner and Time Out Chicago. In addition to local touch controls are little more than sideshow effects. Not until an OS built touch-specific will arts and entertainment (especially music), she’s interested in cloning herself, since trying to attend every great concert and event in our fair city has left her tired and touch make much sense on a netbook. Palm could pull this together and make a compelling cranky. offering, something its Pre has done as well. Can Palm build this fast enough?

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Ian Porter |

4 The Printed Blog Personal PHOTOS my biggest qualification for writing an advice column is the fact that someone gave me an advice column By The Bloggess | 3/30/09 | Holy crap, y’all. I have my first real writing gig. Writing an advice column. That just happened. It’s for this company called PNN and I think it’s like CNN for chicks. I’m afraid to ask what the P stands for. All I know is that in spite of many, many emails letting them know what a horrible mistake they were making they were still all “Meh. What’s the worst you could do?”

Me: Hey! I made a banner for the advice column:

PNN: Wow. Let’s hold off on that one for a week or so.

Me: I’m working on my first post. Y ou’re probably going to get sued.

PNN: We scoff at lawsuits.

Me: I’d like to get paid in monkeys.

PNN: We will give you several t-shirts with your face on them.

Me: Can I have one with a big picture of me on it and it’ll just say ”Why yes, actually. I *am* wearing my own shirt.”?

PNN: You are very weird. Surprisingly, we still want to work with you.

This is probably going to be a disaster awesome. Now someone please come over here and ask me for advice or else I will stab one of you in the ankle. weiners By Black Hockey Jesus | 4/1/09 | The Wind In Your Vagina My daughter is obssessed with weiners. That was not the easiest sentence to write. But we must stare headlong at the truth. It won’t be denied. My daughter is completely thrilled, overjoyed, and enamored by weiners. And you know what? It’s probably not a phase she’ll soon grow out of - it’ll get worse, I’m sure (but then she’ll get married and that seems to cure it). In the Greek restaurant she points at a statue and asks “Who’s that funny man, Daddy?” and I say “That’s no man. That’s Apollo, the God of Music and Poe-” “LOOK AT HIS WEINER, DADDY! HIS WEINER’S HANGING OUT! HEY LADY! COME AND Dewey Tann | SEE APOLLO’S CRAZY WEINER! PUT YOUR WEINER AWAY AT THE DINNER TABLE, APOLLO!” She stops for a moment here to dry laugh - her eyes are slammed closed, her jaw is locked, sils: gogirl and her wide open elated mouth makes no sound. The waiter appears. She breathes and By Vagina Drum | 4/5/09 | Vagina Drum resumes. I’ve peed on a lot of different things. The beach, the street, “I SAW GOD’S WEINER! HOW COME THERE’S WEINERS IN YOUR RESTAURANT? MY and right next to the “Welcome to Colorado” sign (which has DADDY HAS A WEINER! BUT IT’S IN HIS PANTS! I CAN’T BELIEVE APOLLO’S CRAZY WEINER! unfortunately been documented in photos). In each case, I had HA HA HA AHHHH HA HA HA HA HA!” to pull my pants as far forward as I could, hope that I wouldn’t My wife shushes to no avail. I gaze at grape leaves. Wonder how I got here. And mutter wet myself, and deal with the inevitable disappointment upon “Check please.” realizing that I had…wet myself. I don’t want to be a stereotypical Dad who refuses to acknowledge that his daughter is a Luckily, GoGirl recently sent me a sample of their product, which means that my pants are being with sexual facets. I don’t intend to lock her up and not let her date and point shotguns now free from the threat of being soaked with urine. at her suitors. But in spite of what I want and what I don’t intend, I’ll admit that hearing my I was impressed enough with the GoGirl packaging that I decided to take a few photos to daughter scream with glee about weiners is vaguely menacing. It feels like a storm coming. It’s share. I didn’t expect it to be so complete, but in the compact tube pictured above, there is the way off in the future. But it’s coming. GoGirl itself, a piece of toilet paper (such a nice touch), and a plastic bag for disposal printed I thought diapers and crying were hard. But now, appearing on the distant horizon and with instructions. sure to complicate things beyond my wildest imaginings: weiners. There may be an assumption that the GoGirl is for hairy bull dykes who will stop at nothing to obtain a penis. Well, not really (although I’m sure that could be one of its uses). PHOTOS Instead, the GoGirl is useful for hiking, camping, traveling, or when you step into a public bathroom and realize that someone with the bladder control of an elderly German Shepherd has just preceded you. The GoGirl is made of medical grade silicon, which means it can be washed and re-used, and has a convenient splash guard that prevents spilling. When I used the GoGirl for the first time, I peed all over myself. This is more of a testament to my inability to read and follow directions than the product itself, but I do recommend a few test runs in the bathtub before taking it out in a place where you don’t have a fresh change of underwear. It worked perfectly for me the second time around, once I got the hang of how I needed to press the GoGirl up against my body. All it takes is a steady hand in order to keep the flat (larger) part up against your snatch, and the stream flows through the spout and onto as many surfaces as you care to mark. This summer, I’m taking a cross-country road trip, and I feel good knowing my GoGirl is coming along. I regret to tell you that I didn’t take any pictures of me actually using the GoGirl, but that is mostly because this isn’t Piss Drinkers Magazine.


Dewey Tann |

Views expressed in Content do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or the printed blog inc. 5 Entertainment ten plot suggestions for sex and the city 2 By Caroline Stanley | 4/7/09 | Flavorwire heath ledger According to Vulture, Sex And The City 2 has a release date (May 28, 2010, if you must know) and as much as it pains us to admit this, we’re not excited. (If you’ve been reading this to make a cameo appearance site for a while, you might remember that WE HATED IT.) But, in the spirit of second chances and because we’re still the proud owners of Seasons One, Two and Three on VHS and the in next batman movie following three on DVD, we’re not writing it off just yet. (Remember: Sometimes franchises get By SoSickWitItYo | 4/2/09 | Tha Good Live Reviews better.) After the jump, ten things we hope happen in the sequel; no surprise, they all involve Heath Ledger was truly an amazing actor, one Samantha, the only character who’s still single and presumably still having lots of sex in the who really took on some tough roles and faced a city. (As Sarah Jessica has said she wants this one to be a romp, so we like to think that she’d lot of speculation as to whether or not he was able agree. In fact, SJP, if you’re reading this, hire us as screenwriters. Jenny Bicks don’t know from to play certain parts in movies. There were many funny.) who, when finding out Heath Ledger would be the next Joker, said that he did not have what it takes 1. Samantha should seduce another doorman. To give this an “in this economy” twist, maybe to play the role, and that the movie would bomb it’s in lieu of a traditional holiday tip. (Before you write in and say that the first doorman was because of him. Well, he proved them all wrong, Charlotte’s and that Sam doesn’t have a doorman, think about it: Would she really be living in with an Academy Award-winning performance the Meatpacking District now? Even the trannies have relocated.) that blew so many people away. 2. Samantha should have pity ex-sex with The Turtle. Again, “in this economy” Wall Street guru Now, I have not heard this from a truly Bernie Turtletaub has likely had a fall from grace. And maybe he’s done something to fix that credible source, but from what I understand, the bad breath problem by now. person who has made the past two Batman movies has made the technology to re-create a character 3. Samantha should accidentally sleep with that same guy for a third time. without the character even being present. It is 4. And then, because she feels guilty about it, she should sleep with the really old guy again. hard to explain in writing, but I am going to do He’s probably an octogenarian by now, which would be a first for her. It’s always good to break my best. The character that we see on screen new ground and we all know she enjoys sharing Viagra. when acting can be manipulated and duplicated to do other things. The people that work this 5. Sam runs into Sum, who inherited all of super rich Mr. Harvey’s money. Catfight! technology can get the character to move and 6. Samantha dates Chivon again — mostly because we enjoy the way she looks in hoops. act certain ways, just like the real actor can! On top of that, they can add voice sounds and track tapes to it, allowing for a character to be played by a computer, rather than a person! 7. Samantha meets someone who trumps funky spunk. Swears off oral sex until she runs into The talk (from what I have heard), is that Heath Ledger will be making a cameo appearance in Mr. Pussy, who is still going at it. the next Batman movie. This whole concept this is a bit over my head, but it definitely will 8. Samantha admits that the whole fling with Maria was just a ploy to get free art. She sells it be interesting to see what they do with the movie. If Heath is in it, and there is a computer all at Christie’s and is rich enough to quit her job and open an amateur wrestling studio where playing it, I would be very impressed and awed that the creators of the movie were able to do Richard Wright, whose hotels have all gone bankrupt, is a towel boy. that. 9. Samantha cures cancer.

my diva anthology out now 10. And because all good chick flicks end with a wedding, Sam Jones marries Sam Jones. Friar By Collin Kelley | 4/3/09 | Collin Kelley: Modern Confessional Fuck officiates. We always knew she’d end up with a younger guy and we always knew it My Diva: 65 Gay Men On the Women Who Inspire Them (University of Wisconsin Press) is would never be Smith. already racking up some good reviews. This is the anthology that includes my essay on the great PHOTOS French actress Jeanne Moreau. It’s out now and available at Amazon, B&N, and should be in many bookstores. Editor Michael Montlack is setting up a reading during the Saints & Sinners Literary Festival and we’re hoping to get him down to Atlanta as well. Kirkus Reviews Gay male writers-including Mark Doty, Wayne Koestenbaum, Cyrus Cassells and others-pay homage to their divas. In the introduction to this revealing study of secular devotion, fanatic fandom, heroine-worship-call it what you will-poet Montlack (English/Berkeley Coll.) says that within two weeks of announcing his idea, more than 40 contributors had signed on. The list is quite a cornucopia of female cultural icons, ranging from Sappho to Princess Leia. “[T]here seems still to be a particular type of fandom, or devotion, that only gay guys can deliver,” writes the author. “[W]e show up for the ladies like no one else and usually stick with them for life.” Such fervor and steadfast loyalty blaze through these diverse accounts, whether in depicting an icon, admitting what she means to the devotee or exploring the nature of devotion itself. Poignant and colorful description dominates: Queen Elizabeth I, “undeniably a nerd’s diva,” that “crusty, white-faced Gloriana”; Nina Simone, with her “velvety voice” so “slow, so full, so processional it could pull a ship of lonely sailors to shore”; Elizabeth Taylor in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, whose “disheveled hair falling onto her bloated face and into those famed eyes physically transformed her to a gorgon”; Julia Child, “crowned everlastingly in a brown helmet of bedroom hair.” Such splendid portraiture traces the outlines of the writer’s immediate, breathless relation to his diva, for whom she may have paved a route out of repression or a confining home life (Joan Sutherland, Auntie Mame), acted as a tangential, sympathetic witness to the author’s budding sexuality or take-no-prisoners attitude (Kate Bush, Sade, Bjork) or continues to serve asa catalyst for an evolving sense of self (Lucille Ball, Mahalia Jackson). A delightful essay collection. Publishers Weekly In very short, very tender essays, a variety of gay male writers, from poets to playwrights to a standup comic, pay homage to an even wider variety of women who have inspired them. Peter Dubé writes how the photography of Claude Cahun suggested “a delirious world of possibilities”; Jeff Oaks recalls a childhood of wearing wristbands fashioned from paper cups to emulate his “model of power,” Wonder Woman; Christopher Lee Nutter looks back on his closeted teenage years and how Sade taught him “that there was a world somewhere that suited them better than the world they’d been born into.” While a few essays are disappointingly shallow (“More than smart and fabulous, Parker Posey is fall-on-the-floor ridiculous”), such standout pieces as Mark Doty on Grace Paley are elegant and affectionate tributes to how these muses have been “fairy godmothers” and “older sisters,” as Montlack’s introduction explains, and illustrate how complex, sustaining and lifelong are the bonds between gay men and their divas. Olivia Locher |


Christine Sanderson

Chicago artist Christine ‘Star’ Sanderson laces her work with untamed color and surrealism, juxtaposing fluid landscapes with figures that reflect issues in modern society. Using oil and spray paint, her raw innovative painting style has been greatly shaped by a degree in visual communications from the University of Kansas, her studies in art and design at Instituto Europeo di Design in Milan, and American artists Norman Rockwell and Frederic Edwin Church.

In the past ten years Sanderson has shown in various galleries, lounges, contests and events throughout Chicago. Her latest series of vigorous and stimulating oil paintings labeled “Love, Life and Liberty” is a reflection of the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans. “I want to remind everyone that we are a country with many privileges and freedoms that we take for granted. Yes, we have problems, but in the past we have been innovators of moving forward from our biggest mistakes.”

For Christine, “being a visual artist is an escape from reality, where I can create a new world or an abstract vision. The part I love the most is to be able to share my paintings with the viewer, who for a few seconds looks at my work and is immersed in what I created.”

6 The Printed Blog PHOTOS why newspaper and music comparisons are no longer relevant By Mark Cuban | 4/7/09 | Blog Maverick Every argument has its “go to” comparison. Talk to anyone about what is going to happen with the future of TV, and inevitably there will be a reference to “look what happened to the newspapers” or “Look what happened to the music industry.” Can we just set aside those arguments for all things media going forward and say that such arugments are INCREDIBLY STUPID? Yes, they are INCREDIBLY STUPID. In a digital era, it makes absolutely no sense to compare industries that were trying to protect and serve products that were and are PHYSICALLY DISTRIBUTED and by far the biggest source of their revenues vs industries that distribute their products completely digitally or for whom physical products are in the minority. The music industry made the mistake of trying to destroy digital distribution in order to protect the physical distribution of CDs. Not only did they not have an answer to digitally distribute music in the Napster era, but they STILL DO NOT! Fortunately for them, they have finally recognized that for the most part the CD is dead, but where revenue is being generated by their music, they deserve their cut. Imagine if they had established a digital distribution portal for audio and video, ala Hulu, that could at least attempt to compete with iTunes and YouTube. They would be in far better shape. Instead they are reinventing their business model. The CD was doomed to die, no matter what happened. Trying to protect it was a mistake. The newspaper industry tried to protect the physical distribution of their papers. That was a mistake. Their problem was not only that they lost their ability to differentiate from content on the net, but they also lost their ability to differentiate their value to advertisers from the net. There is no inherent advantage to reading the news or advertisements via the paper vs the internet, it has become a personal or business preference. Unfortunately for the local newspaper industry, it doesn’t appear any of their publishers are creative enough to come up with options to attack digital. Comparing Cable, Telco and Satellite TV vs Online Video and referencing music or newspapers is a mistake. The internet, digital cable (which is becoming more ubiquitous, even to the point of Switched Digital), Telco video and of course satellite video are all already digitally distributed. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. None will be the winner to the complete exclusion of another. They all will complement each other. The only real outstanding issue is with the big content producers. The question is what happens with DVD sales ? Is the decline in sales due to the economy, the impact of downloads, the impact of VOD from cable, telco and satellite and internet, or maybe even the impact of people choosing to pay $10 to go to the movies rather than paying $15 to $20 for a DVD ? I’m not sure that we know the answer yet. As you might guess, I have an opinion on this. I think people are choosing out of home entertainment. They are watching more TV and things on TV, and with limited disposable income, they are choosing inexpensive out of home entertainment. If it costs less than $10 per person and its outside the house, its probably a business that is doing well. From movies to restaurants. I think there is another issue as well. There is a critical business distinction between the digital distribution of movies via download vs the physical distribution of DVDs. When DVDs resellers and retailers buy quantities of the physical product, they take the responsibility of selling them. They write a check for the products they sell net of returns for the smaller movies, and with out returns for the biggest movies. That is real money in the bank within 90 days of shipment. On the digital download side, its purely consignment. No cash, no certainty until after the fact. Why do you think Netflix gets so much product once it hits their window and YouTube/ Florencia Belen | Google don’t? Because Netflix will offer minimum guarantees of revenue. YouTube/Google

Entertainment and other online sites pay purely on consignment. That is the key problem for movie and tv download sites. They have so little confidence in their ability to sell downloads for any given title, they are terrified of having to offer guarantees. fresh squeezed: The content companies are happy to offer any and all shows/movies/content that is not generating revenue in physical form to any and all download sites. But that is what separates the rumble strips them from the music industry. They have the ability to distribute through any and all types By Jason | 4/7/09 | WHAT TO WEAR DURING AN ORANGE ALERT? of distribution, as well as to offer downloads on their own. Its just a question of managing Childhood friends,The Rumble Strips, have a sound and style and optimizing the allocation of product to different distribution outlets rather than trying to that is instantly familiar and enjoyable. Theirs is a clean and catchy completely shut down digital outlets ala the music industry. pop sound, that has already found them on movie soundtracks and PHOTOS on stages around the world. The vocals of Charlie Waller are at the center of this sound and on their debut album Girls and Weather he sang his way into homes across the UK and around the world. Waller has a style and swagger that is unique and captivating, and fans have been awaiting his next move for the last two years. The new album ‘Welcome To The Walk Alone’ was produced by Mark Ronson, and is due to be released in the UK on June 8th 2009. However, they are giving the world a sneak peak now by giving away their vibrant new single “London” for free. Check it out! one... two... By mookie | 3/30/09 | in ALL caps Are you ready to rock? If you haven’t played Guitar Hero World Tour yet, where exactly have you been? Guitar Hero World Tour transforms music gaming by expanding Guitar Hero’s signature guitar gameplay into a cooperative band experience that combines advanced wireless instruments with online and offline gameplay modes including online Band Career and 8-player “Battle of the Bands,” which allows two full bands to compete head-to-head online. The game features a slick redesigned guitar, an authentic electronic drum kit, and a microphone, as well as a Music Studio music creator that lets players compose, record, edit and share their own rock ‘n’ roll anthems. It’s great fun...and probably good for you too. I can get a sort of workout from the game....or at least an increased level of flexibility and hand-eye coordination. ...and if you are like me, this might be your first taste of what it’s like to participate in Rafael Bonilla | Karaoke in the privacy and safety of your own home! Chirp Off Sunday, my brother and his girlfriend Boopsy, and me and the Little One got down for a @theprintedblog asked: what is the first thing you would do if “gig” or two. Boopsy had a tough time on the drums, but The Little One jumped in to cover you owned the new two-person gm-segway vehicle? drums while Boopsy got sent to the front of the band to sing. TLO even got a 555 note streak @thursdayschild Well, if it’s anything like it sounds, the answer probably isn’t two chicks during a song! We all stopped to congratulate her on that amazing skin session. [Note from at the same time. TLO: you did?!] [Reply Note from Mookie: you might have been too busy basking in your own awesomeness to hear us?!] @bradbretz I’d drive around town showing it off. Then after the stares, glares and The fun and shenanigans began when my brother decided he wanted to give singing a go laughter, park it and never ride it again. ;) with the punk fueled anthem“ Prisoner of Society” by . @justjptweet I would ride it off a skate ramp trying to jump over people. Well, even on easy, the drums proved difficult for the seasoned drummer that TLO has @phampants Tag all the Chicago parking meters. One person drives while the other become over the months. Even after three or four attempts at it. spray paint the displays black. Mookie to the rescue. I rocked this song. It was damn fun! You really had to internalize the rhythm to hit the @CJArabia drive-in movie. very fast notes on the snare and cymbals. @mominreallife I would start a lazy man’s rickshaw business 555 note streak my ass! @sascomeditor First thing I’d have to do: pave my driveway. LOL @cavy_fc i’d build an obstacle course and host races. honor of that fun time we share with you that song from that game. The Living End are from , Australia. It’s off their self titled album released in @todderfodder I’d find the tiniest parallel parking space just because. 1995 and made it #23 on the American Billboard’s Modern Rock Tracks chart. @RIOTbyAngel I would pull up to night clubs in that two wheeler then find some My brother loved singing it, maybe you would too? ramps. Actually maybe get full coverage on it.

Views expressed in Content do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or the printed blog inc. 7 Food PHOTOS behold, the goddess of pizza at two boots By Chal Pivik | 4/5/09 | Los Angeles Metblogs Two months into their Los Angeles residence, I finally made it to Two Boots Pizza on Sunset in Echo Park and had a mini- epiphany involving a slice with pepperoni. It was the most perfect pizza I’ve had in a long time. I’m a purist, in the pizza sense, and I usually stick to what I know I like– but something must have happened because I found myself ordering a second slice called Bayou Beast with BBQ shrimp, crawfish, andouille, jalapenos and mozzarella at the suggestion of the counter guy. (”My wife loves it.”) This is so not me, I thought, until I bit into it. A delicate balance was struck between the flinty sweet shell fish and the salty spice of the sausage cosseted by the tangy sauce and smooth cheese. Within the culinary Steven Karl Metzer | boundaries of the two boots of Italy and Louisiana, from which this pizza joint’s name rip troy springs, I was shaken free of my old thinking By dancefever5000 | 4/4/09 | DANCEFEVER5000 of what a proper slice entails. And here’s A friend of mine died last night. His name was Troy Duncan. He was beat to death outside a the thing: it all comes down to the yielding nightclub in Seattle. He had been holding on since last weekend in ICU. Now he is gone. chewiness of the perfect thin crust that this NYC-based outfit has mastered. Somehow, it makes I met Troy at The Loft. You guys know what loft. He hit on me. Tried to get me to leave and disparate flavors get along and play nicely together, like a yeasty nanny you don’t want to tick go to the beach with him. Maybe I should have gone. off. The last time I saw Troy was at my surprise going-away party in Seattle. He walked in, and As I sat slowly savoring these two triangles of temptation to the jukebox’s low thump, I like always I thought: “Hell yes, Troy is here.” Troy walked into a room and the energy lifted. read through their take-out/delivery menu with its jumble of topping options and pies named People smiled. The party started. to honor cultural touchstones from my middle class American youth (Larry Tate, Cleopatra “Live & Die in LA. Kick it. WIN. DO. Love ya Shilo, Troy” was what he wrote on my big Jones, Dr. John, Bette Midler, etc.). I took relief in discovering I’m within the boundaries of their signed poster from that party. I read it every day. delivery map. I danced my face off last night. Harder than I have in months. For Troy. I must have said On my way out, sated, I asked the counter guy if it was OK to BYOB or wine when I return his name 500 times, screaming it into the speakers, yelling it into the night. I kept telling with friends in the near future. He motioned to a woman cooing at her cute infant daughter in random people about my friend who just died. Real hit of the party. a stroller, telling me she was an owner and it was up to her. You might think it’s weird that I was partying my ass off last night. I don’t. All I could “Sure,” she said, laughing. “Just bring a little extra.” picture was Troy right beside me on the dance floor, where he had been so many times. And Deal. then I danced a little harder. And I screamed a little more. And I felt more helpless that I have Two Boots, 1818 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 90026 ever felt before in my life. I can’t even wrap my head around this. hollywood bowl season tickets go on sale Is it right to post this blog? To write about it? What do I do? Writing and music are how I deal with this fucked-up world. I find it hard to even care about what happens to the two fucks By Chal Pivik | 4/3/09 | Los Angeles Metblogs who are responsible. What does it matter? It doesn’t matter to Troy. Yes, it’s only April, but now is the time to start planning your outdoor summer FUCK VIOLENCE. Violence is not okay. It is never okay. Evolve already, humans. QUIT entertainment in Los Angeles. The Hollywood Bowl, the Greek Theater and the John Ford KILLING EACH OTHER. Ampitheater have all announced their 2009 season schedules. I have had friends die before, but never in such a senseless, malicious way. I live for my The grande dame venue is, of course, the Bowl, and, as Jodi recently pointed out on dead friends, and I will live for Troy now. We all have to. We all have to dance a little harder, Metblogs, until May 2nd when the Bowl box office opens and individual tickets go on sale, the sing a bit louder, laugh even more. For Troy. best way to get in now is to buy a subscription to five or more performances, which also entitles What do I do? I guess there is only one answer to that question: you to two free tickets to an additional concert. The advantage to buying a subscription now is “Live & Die in LA. Kick it. WIN. DO.” that Ticketmaster is not charging their usual exorbitant service charges, just a flat “5 or more Rest in peace my dancing friend. My heart is with you, Seattle. processing fee” for all tickets purchased. It borders on actual decency; for what I ordered, it averaged $1.33 per ticket. Highlights, at least for me this season, include shows by Adele and Death Cab for Cutie, LOS ANGELES each with the LA Philharmonic Orchestra; an evening with Ray LaMontagne and Jenny Lewis; a screening of Koyaanisqatsi, the wordless 1983 film (which was kind of the artsy An Inconvenient Truth of its day) with Philip Glass’s original soundtrack performed live by the LA Phil, The The Apple Pan Philip Glass Ensemble (this will be Glass’s Bowl debut) and the Los Angeles Master Chorale; a performance of the three iconic jazz albums by Miles Davis and Gil Evans: Porgy and Bess, Sketches of Spain and Miles Ahead, with Terence Blanchard and Nicholas Payton; two evenings Categories: Burgers, Diners with Diana Krall and the LA Phil dipping into her fine, lush new album, Quiet Nights; the Location: 10801 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064 unstoppable Liza Minelli, who, considering her star power and preternatural ability to wow audiences, rarely plays venues as large as the Bowl– and who was one of several opening night Aaron H. says, “The workers at The Apple Pan are not your friend. The workers at The Apple Pan performers last season, so it’s nice to see her get two nights all to herself; and Pink Martini, don't know what the internet or Yelp or the 21st century is. The workers at The Apple Pan don't Portland’s “little orchestra” of lounge, samba, tango and beyond that they describe as perfect know what your plastic card is. The workers at The Apple Pan do not know in which order you for everything from “background music of a love affair to vacuuming around the house.” Or a came in, where you are going to sit, what you're going to do without napkins, or why you got night at the Hollywood Bowl. those neck tattoos. The workers at The Apple Pan do not know the total of your bill at the time The Hollywood Bowl schedule is here. The Greek line-up can be viewed here. And the Ford they hand it to you. What they do know is how to make the best god damned greasy cheese- burger and the best god damned flakey banana cream pie in West LA. schedule is here. PHOTOS You don't need the hickory burger. You need the original. You love that whole pound of slightly wet, crispy, monster-fresh lettuce on your burger. Your girlfriend broke up with you because you are getting fat from The Apple Pan but you don't care.

Edit: I took a star off just after I wrote this review. I got so hungry for Apple Pan that I went and actually got it and it was great but it just wasn't 5 stars.”

See all Los Angeles reviews at


APR Los Angeles United Film APR Los Angeles Antiques Show Festival The Barker Hangar at Santa 17 Fine Arts Theatre 22 Monica Air Center

APR pawsTRONOMICAL Pet CPR APR Common Event House of Blues - Anaheim 18 Woodbury University 23

APR Beats for Eats: Rock out for APR Black Kids a Good Cause The Music Box at Henry Fonda Singer Music Theater Dewey Tann | 18 23

Events APR Britney Spears APR Shark Lagoon Nights OnHollywood, April 27-29, 2009 Honda Center Aquarium of the Pacific This two-and-a-half-day executive event features high-level debates on which forces are dis- 20 24 rupting user behavior and creating new opportunities, content strategies and monetization schemes in the video, music, gaming, search, and mobile industries. The Sofitel. See what is happening in Los Angeles at

8 The Printed Blog