Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Letters from Greenland Letters from Greenland was part of a series of 'letters' or updates about the COVID‐19 situation in the Nordic countries in 2020. Fellow authors were Andrew Newby (Finland), Peter de Souza (Sweden – works in Norway), Henrik Halkier (Denmark), Rebecca Stirzaker (Norway), Elisabeth Holm (Faroe Islands) and Ingibjorg Agustsdottir (Iceland). During the 'corona year' 2020 the updates were collected and shared regularly via the Facebook group Nordic Horizons. Nordic Horizons is an informal group of Scottish professionals who want to raise the standard of knowledge and debate about life and policy in the Nordic nations. The group facebook page has 2.900 followers and acts as a repository for information, presentations, digital media of the meetings of the group and posts of members. See for more details.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Mike Danson Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Covid‐19 Web‐publikationstype: Facebook posts Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Hjemløshed kan reduceres kraftigt frem mod 2035 Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2021 Emner: Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; PIT; Samarbejde; Hjemløsetælling Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 18

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Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Der mangler ord og visioner for Grønlands rolle i verden Forfatter: Sara Olsvig Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2021 Emner: Udenrigspolitik; Sikkerhed; Valg Navn på avis:

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Tre store spørgsmål afgør Grønlands fremtid Forfatter: Sara Olsvig Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2021 Emner: Politik; Valg Navn på avis:

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Grønland og Færøerne ‐ Rigsfællesskabets fængselsløse samfund Grønland og Færøerne markerer sig med henholdsvis et meget højt og et meget lavt fangetal, selvom der ikke er fængsler. Artiklen belyser, hvordan frihedsberøvelse fuldbyrdes i de to dele af rigsfællesskabet.

Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Editor: Emu‐redaktionen, Børne‐ og Undervisningsministeriet Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Grønland; Færøerne; Frihedsberøvelse; Anstalt; Kriminalitet Web‐publikationstype: Artikel Udgivelsessted på nettet: Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Political Economy of Greenland: From Colonialism to a Mixed Economy The long‐term economic performance of Greenland has been shaped by factors like climate change and global commodity prices but more importantly by the change and persistence of economic and political institutions. This chapter discusses the combination of these factors ranging from natural‐resource transitions, historical legacies, and state developmental policies. It provides a general overview to understand the interplay of endogenous and exogenous factors that have influenced the historical evolution of the Greenlandic economy.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Editor: Laust H. Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Political economy; Economic history; Labor market Udgivelsessted: Udgivelsesland: Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Greenland’s Economy and Labour Market Forlag: Routledge

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Conditions‐, meanings‐, and reasonings analysis The chapter introduces a method of qualitative analysis which builds on socialpsychological theory about structures and relations in social practice. Conditions‐, meanings‐ and reasoning analysis integrates societal and institutional structures in the conduct of everyday life of the citizens and in professional practice. The purpose of the analysis is to show the connections between institutional practice and the citizens’ everyday conduct of life with e.g. health problems, how the different practices influence each other, and what opportunities and challenges they include. By the use of examples from empirical research in patients’ perspectives on health practice in Greenland, it is shown how the method of analysis can be used on empirical material, what forms of knowledge and practice it analyses, and what kind of knowledge and action possibilities it generates.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Paul M.V. Hackett ; Christopher M. Hayre Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Qualitative research; Method of analysis; Social psychology; Conduct of everyday life; Patient perspectives Udgivelsessted: New York Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Handbook of ethnography in healthcare research Udgave: 1 Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 9780367336332

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Environmental Sustainability and Economic Growth in Greenland: Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis assumes there is an inverted U‐shape relationship between pollution and income per capita, implying an improvement in environmental quality when a growing economy reaches a high level of economic development. This study evaluated empirically the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve in Greenland for the period 1970–2018. Using an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach, the results show evidence of a U‐shaped EKC in Greenland instead of the hypothesized inverted U‐shape. The findings indicate that Greenland had initially experienced a decoupling transition during an early development stage associated with structural conditions of a small subsistence economy. However, once the country began to expand its industry, the trend began to reverse, creating a positive and significant relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita that are potentially detrimental to the Arctic natural environment.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut; Johanna Lidman Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Economic development and policy; Environmental economics Titel på tidsskrift: Sustainability Volume på tidsskrift: 13 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 DOI nummer:

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Greenland’s emerging social conscience – Voluntary food delivery to people experiencing homelessness in Nuuk Greenland experienced a 5‐week lockdown during the COVID‐19 crisis. The lockdown effectively took out all public social support and food supply for people experiencing homelessness in the capital Nuuk. This woke up Greenland’s social conscience in the form of a local NGO’s mobilization of voluntary social helpers. Luckily nobody in the homeless environment got infected and suffered needlessly. From a social policy perspective, we can take three experiences away from the pandemic. Firstly, a clear learning experience from this crisis was the need to redefine the broad societal understanding of Greenland a country with a universal welfare system. The second experience was that social work comes in many shapes and forms. Finally, the experience illustrated what could take place when the political and administrative system are too slow to react in times of crisis. It kickstarted the civil society step up and help fellow citizens. In the end NGO’s need to reports back and inform the public system to ensure better social emergency response in the future.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Homelessness; Social policy; Crisis; Greenland; Voluntary sector; Covid‐19 Titel på tidsskrift: Qualitative Social Work Volume på tidsskrift: 20 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1‐2 Udgiver: Sage Journals Udgivelsessted: Los Angeles Udgivelsesland: ISSN nummer: 14733250 DOI nummer: 10.1177/1473325020973209

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Media policy in Greenland This article describes the historical development of media policy in Greenland, and the shifts in the underlying normative and causal ideas that legitimise media policy. I argue that media policy reflects changes in Greenland’s political system. Specifically, under colonial rule, Greenlandic media was state run and media was seen as an instrument to educate the population. Gradually, with the introduction of home rule, a paradigm shift took place, whereby media was seen as a vital instrument to strengthen Greenlandic language and identity. At the same time, normative ideas of media independence appeared which called for institutionalisation of the arm’s length principle. Due to the influence and institutional spill‐over from Denmark, I argue, Greenlandic media policy fit rather well into the “Nordic media model” although media policy in Greenland is mostly formulated without long‐term or broad political agreements.

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Editor: Ida Willig; Lars Nord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Greenland; Media policy; Policy paradigms; Nordic media welfare state; Media history Titel på tidsskrift: Nordicom Review Volume på tidsskrift: Special Issue Udgiver: Nordicom Udgivelsessted: Gothenburg Udgivelsesland: Sweden

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Læsestrategier hos grønlandske elever I denne artikel beskrives ph.d.‐projektet "Elevers stavelses‐ og morfemiske læsestrategier på yngstetrinnet". En undersøgelse af læseundervisningen i didaktisk perspektiv i faget grønlandsk, hvor eyetracking bliver brugt som en del af empirisamling. I skrivende stund har jeg været på feltarbejde på to skoler, hvor skolernes elever i 2. og 3. klasse deltog i projektet. Forfatter: Ivalu Mathiassen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Læsning Titel på tidsskrift: Læsepædagogen Volume på tidsskrift: 69. årgang Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Covid‐19 och de nordiska nyhetsmedierna Covid‐19 drog in över Norden med full kraft under våren 2020. Ett år senare har pandemin fortfarande världen i ett starkt grepp. Både de hälsorelaterade och de ekonomiska konsekvenserna av viruset har dock varierat mellan de nordiska länderna. Samma sak gäller för den politiska responsen.

I den här rapporten görs en bred belysning av konsekvenserna av Coronapandemin för de nordiska nyhetsmedierna. Studien fokuserar på följande aspekter: reklammarknadens utveckling, publikmarknadens utveckling, politiska stödinsatser samt, avslutningsvis, de övergripande strukturella och ekonomiska konsekvenserna för de nordiska nyhetsmediemarknaderna av pandemin. Rapporten bygger på data för perioden mars till december 2020 och det redaktionella arbetet avslutades i mitten av mars 2021.

Studien har genomförts av Nordicom vid Göteborgs universitet i samarbete det nordiska medieforskarnätverket ”Nordic Media Systems Research Network”. Rapporten har initierats och finansierats av Nordiska ministerrådet.

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard; Marko Ala‐Fossi ; Heini í Skorini ; Hannu Nieminen ; Hallvard Moe ; Anna Maria Jönsson ; Valgerður Jóhannsdóttir ; Birgir Guðmundsson ; Kari Karppinen ; John Grönvall ; Ulrika Facht ; Rasmus Burkal ; Klemenz Hrafn Kristjánsson ; Rógvi Olavson ; Bia Sjøvoll Editor: Jonas Ohlsson ; Mark Blach‐ Ørsten ; Ida Willig Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2021 Emner: Covid‐19; Mediepolitik; Mediestøtte; Journalistik; Nyhedsmedier; Public service Udgivelsessted: Gothenburg Udgivelsesland: Sweden Forlag: Nordic Council of Ministers

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Particularities of media systems in the West Nordic countries This study compares the media systems of the West Nordic countries, namely the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland. All three countries are democratic welfare states with considerable institutional transfer from the larger Nordic countries. It is argued that the West Nordic media systems fit into the “Nordic model” when it comes to the perception of media as cultural institutions as well as the central role of public service media. On the other hand, the micro‐size of the media systems in the West Nordic countries makes them vulnerable, and makes editorial independence more difficult compared with their larger Nordic neighbours. In particular, media outlets within these micro‐size media systems seem more susceptible to clientelism, and journalists seem more inclined towards self‐censorship. This article highlights how interplay between small size and distinct local factors shape the media system in each of the West Nordic countries.

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard; Heini í Skorini ; Valgerður Jóhannsdóttir ; Ragnar Karlsson ; Rógvi Olavson Editor: Lars Nord ; Ida Willig Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Media systems; The Faroe Islands; Greenland; Iceland; Comparative research Titel på tidsskrift: Nordicom Review Volume på tidsskrift: 42 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Nordicom Udgivelsessted: Gothenburg Udgivelsesland: Sweden DOI nummer:‐2021‐0020

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Societal impact of climate change and new Arctic shipping routes on shipping in Greenland According to the narratives transmitted through media and political discourse, climate change reduces the ice coverage in the Arctic and enhances shipping and other forms of maritime activities. Especially, expectations of an increasing level of transit shipping between Asian, especially Chinese, ports and ports in Europe and North America is dominant. Evidence, however, tells that the numbers of transit shipping through the Arctic Ocean are very limited, and dominated by European shipping companies. For Greenland, political expectations have also been high, since Greenland has been seen as "strategically" situated in relation to new shipping routes in the Arctic, But, again, the actual development has been moderate and not related to international transits but conditions in Greenland itself.

Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen Editor: Yannis Bouland Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security; Political discourse Udgivelsessted: Paris Udgivelsesland: Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Les routes maritimes arctiques: Vers une redéfinition des axes commerciaux? Avec les contributions de Olga Alexeeva, Louis Aubert, Hervé Baudu, Uffe Jakobsen, Frédéric Lasserre & Thomas Viguer Forlag: Institut d'Études de Géopolitique Appliquée ISBN nummer: ISSN: 2739‐3283

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Psychotherapy and indigenous people in the Kingdom of Denmark Greenlanders are the indigenous people of the Kingdom of Denmark. Through the study of literature, the authors conducted a preliminary investigation into the psychological and social problems of Greenlanders as well as the status of psychotherapy. The main type of therapy offered takes a Western cultural perspective, but the prevalence of culturally sensitive psychotherapy practices is increasing. The authors examined the traditional indigenous healing practice of the angakok (shaman), concluding that it is not a living tradition but can be traced from the indigenous Inuit culture alive in Greenlanders today. Three key areas for culturally sensitive psychotherapy practices are identified: (1) global, holistic, visual and bodily ways of learning, (2) community‐based and collective practices, and (3) social values and the collective healing of broken social values (taboos). The authors concluded that more research is needed, along with the development of guidelines for culturally sensitive therapy for Greenlanders and the integration of indigenous practices and perspectives into psychotherapy.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Poul Bagge Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Cultural sensitive practices; Indigenous healing; Social values Titel på tidsskrift: Psychotherapy and Politics International Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 DOI nummer: 10.1002/ppi.1586

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

2035 tikillugu angerlarsimaffeqannginnermik annikillisitsingaatsiartoqarsinnaavoq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2021 Emner: Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; PIT; Samarbejde; Hjemløsetælling Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 18

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Empowerment and Fate Control Forfatter: Joanna Absalonsen ; Rebecca Alty ; Steven Arnfjord; Charlene Apok ; Elizabeth Biscaye ; Jessica Black ; Courtney Carothers ; Yolande Chapman ; Sara Fusco ; Firouz Gaini ; Erika A. Hayfield ; Tanja Joona ; Anna Karlsdóttir ; Mara Kimmel ; Bridget Larocque ; Kirsti Lempiäinen ; Halla Logadottir ; Liza Mack ; Samantha Michaels ; Suzanne Mills ; Päivi Naskali ; Søren Stach Nielsen ; Ivalo Olsvig ; Maria Osipova ; Aleksandra Poturaeva ; Olga Povoroznyu ; Magalie Marineau Quintal ; Lilia Vinokurova ; Nadezhda Zamyatina ; Laura Zanotti ; Bergljót Prastardóttir Editor: Marya Rozanova Smith ; Andrey Varvara ; Korkina Williams Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2021 Emner: Gender; Arctic; Politics; Empowerment; Equality Udgivelsessted: Reykjavik Udgivelsesland: Iceland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Gender Equality in the Arctic Forlag: Arctic Counsel ISBN nummer: 9789935249463

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Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Kenyapakken i Sydgrønland Forsøg med fjernundervisning i engelsk på to bygdeskoler i Sydgrønland. Elever på alle klassetrin havde i en periode ugentlige samtaler på engelsk af minimum fem minutters varighed med en lærer i Kenya. Den didaktiske rammesætning rettede sig mod, at eleverne udviklede et funktionelt mundtligt engelsk. Elever på alle niveauer udviklede deres mundtlige engelsk, samtidig med at et positivt forhold til det engelske sprog og til at anvende engelsk blev opbygget. Eleverne udviklede desuden selvforvaltning og modenhed. Forsøget skabte desuden professionsudvikling hos deltagende lærere.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2021 Emner: Fjernundervisning; Engelskundervisning; Pædagogisk udvikling; Lærerprofessionalisme Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Barndomshjem eller børnehjem? Et kvalitativt studie af 38 børns oplevelser af at blive og være anbragt på en døgninstitution i Grønland Afhandlingens formål og fokus er at give en stemme til dé grønlandske børn der er anbragt på døgninstitutioner. Spørgsmålet som afhandlingen søger at besvare, er: Hvordan oplever grønlandske børn det at blive og være anbragt på en døgninstitution?

Der findes 22 døgninstitutioner fordelt over hele landet med plads til 329 børn. Det svarer til at der på et hvert givent tidspunkt er plads til at anbringe 2,39 pct. af de grønlandske børn på en døgninstitution. Da der er børn der i løbet af et år fraflytter en døgninstitution, og nye børn der flytter ind, kan det reelle anbringelsestal være højere når alle døgninstitutionspladser anvendes. I alt bliver ca. 4,5 pct. af alle grønlandske børn anbragt uden for hjemmet, enten på døgninstitution eller i plejefamilie. Disse anbringelsestal er væsentligt højere end anbringelsestallene i sammenlignelige lande.

Det er veldokumenteret at anbragte børn klarer sig dårligere end børn der ikke har været anbragt, samt at anbringelser i stort omfang øger sandsynligheden for negative livssituationer som voksen. Undersøgelsen har derfor en betydelig samfundsmæssig relevans.

Der er ikke tidligere forsket i børnenes egne oplevelser af at blive anbragt i Grønland med udgangspunkt i børnenes livsverden. Afhandlingen belyser de aspekter og facetter af anbringelserne der ikke kan afdækkes af kvantitativ forskning eller statistik. Børnenes livsverdner vises gennem fænomenologiske samtaler med børn der har oplevet anbringelserne på egen krop og i eget liv. Oplevelserne bliver yderligere belyst gennem fænomenologiske fortællinger fra tidligere anbragte og pårørende.

Det primære empiriske materiale er samtaler med 38 børn der er fordelt på 17 af landets døgninstitutioner. Beretningerne i afhandlingen er blevet til gennem semi‐strukturerede interview og analyseret i en fænomenologisk og hermeneutisk fortolkningsramme. Der er mange aspekter af at blive anbragt og være anbragt, og det viste sig ofte at være to forskellige oplevelser for børnene. I forhold til at blive anbragt uden for hjemmet, eller flyttet mellem anbringelsesstederne (inkl. plejefamilier), er der 26 ud af 38 børn (68,4 pct.) der ikke oplever at de er blevet hørt eller inddraget i deres egen sag. Hvilket igen kan føre til at børnene får en oplevelse af lavt selvværd, lav selvtillid og magtesløshed. I forhold til at være anbragt på den nuværende institution er ca. halvdelen glade for, eller i det mindste tilfredse med, selve anbringelsesstedet mens den anden halvdel hellere ville bo et andet sted. Det er primært savn af familien der er afgørende for at børnene ikke er tilfredse med at bo på institutionerne, men også personalets pædagogiske indsats spiller en stor rolle.

Analysens resultater peger overordnet på tre ting: For det første ved børnene som regel ikke hvorfor de er anbragt, hvor længe de skal være anbragt, eller hvor længe de kan blive boende der hvor de bor. For det andet udtrykker børnene ønsker om mere engagerede medarbejdere på institutionerne. For det tredje savner børnene deres familier meget, ikke mindst fordi de oftest bliver anbragt langt væk fra hjemmet og derfor kun har mulighed for at se familien få gange om året.

Døgnanbringelser uden for hjemmet har store konsekvenser for børnene og er en særdeles indgribende foranstaltning for barnet såvel som for resten af familien. Undersøgelsens overordnede anbefaling er derfor at inddrage barnet i sin egen anbringelse – i langt højere grad end det sker i dag – både før, under og efter anbringelsen.

Forfatter: Bonnie Jensen Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2021 Emner: Børn; Unge; Anbragte; Døgninstitutioner; Børnehjem Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Grønlændernes holdninger til udenrigs‐ og sikkerhedspolitiske spørgsmål: indsigter fra en survey Hvad mener grønlænderne om de ændrede geopolitiske dynamikker i Arktis, udenrigs‐ og sikkerhedsmæssige udfordringer samt om forskellige internationale samarbejdspartnere? Disse og lignende spørgsmål bliver ofte stillet, men for første gang har vi data til at analysere et repræsentativt udsnit af den grønlandske befolknings holdninger til den omverden, der i de senere år i højere og højere grad har rettet blikket mod Arktis og Grønland. Artiklen præsenterer og diskuterer de væsentligste fund fra en survey‐undersøgelse foretaget ultimo 2020 med fokus på aktuelt trusselsbillede, grønlændernes syn på stormagterne og især internationale samarbejdspartnere og organisationer.

Forfatter: Rasmus Leander Nielsen; Maria Ackrén Editor: Marc Jacobsen ; Ulrik Pram Gad Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Grønland; Udenrigspolitik; Sikkerhedspolitik; Survey Titel på tidsskrift: Økonomi & Politik Volume på tidsskrift: 94 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Djøfs forlag Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Male‐Dominated Reindeer Herding in Greenland – A Short Story Reindeer herding and husbandry in Greenland has a short history. While the hunting tradition is much older and has always been part of the Greenlandic tradition (specifically, the hunting of indigenous Greenlandic caribou), reindeer husbandry was first established in mid‐west Greenland and later in southern Greenland in the 1950s. The introduction of semi‐domestic reindeer from Norway was established in 1952 due to a drop in the indigenous reindeer population throughout the 1920s to 1940s. This chapter outlines the story of reindeer herding in Greenland and its failures and relative successes.

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Kamrul Hossein Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Reindeer herding; Greenland; Gender issues Udgivelsessted: Rovaniemi Udgivelsesland: Finland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Indigenous Peoples and Gender Equality with Special References to Sámi Reindeer Herding Volume: 48 Udgave: Juridica Lapponica Forlag: University of Lapland ISBN nummer: 0783‐4144

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Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

The administrative context of the Greenland primary and lower secondary school system ‐ a governance system misaligned with learning Forfatter: Mitdlarak Lennert Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2021 Emner: Education; Policy analysis; Evaluation Udgivelsessted: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

The First Foreign‐ and Security Policy Opinion Poll in Greenland Forfatter: Maria Ackrén; Rasmus Leander Nielsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2021 Emner: Greenland; Foreign policy; Security policy; Opinion poll; Survey Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Forlag: University of Greenland ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐90197‐02‐5

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Imagery Rehearsal Therapy for Trauma‐affected Refugees ‐ a case series Psychotherapy for nightmares and sleep disturbances in refugees suffering from post‐traumatic stress dis‐ order (PTSD) is an unexamined area. This case study examines efficacy, acceptability, and patient experiences with Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) in 8 refugees with Middle Eastern background and PTSD‐related nightmares. The aims of the study were to examine: A. if changes before and after IRT can be detected on measures of sleep quality, PTSD, level of functioning, and quality of life, B. if IRT is acceptable to refugees with PTSD‐related nightmares, and C. patients’ individual and shared experiences through the three stages of IRT including changes in nightmare frequency on a sleep log. Qualitative (open questions) and quantitative methods (sleep‐log, structured measures, drop‐out, cancellation‐, and no‐show rates) were applied in order to create a thick description of the patients’ experiences throughout their IRT treat‐ment process. Despite relatively high drop‐out, cancellations and no‐show rates; findings indicate that IRT is acceptable for the patients included in this study. Furthermore, a reduction in nightmare frequency, improvement in sleep quality and daytime functioning was indicated for most patients. IRT seems to be a good non‐trauma‐focused alternative to trauma‐focused therapy for trauma‐affected refugees and might also be used as an add on to standard trauma‐focused treatment.

Forfatter: Ida Sophie Poschmann ; Sabine Palic ; Hinuga Sandahl ; Peter Berliner; Jessica Carlsson Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT); Trauma‐affected refugees; Post‐ traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Nightmare treatment; Psychotherapy Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Dream Research Volume på tidsskrift: Volume 14 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Sansede fællesskaber I denne tekst vil der blive taget afsæt i en beskrivelse af udendørs udstillinger af fotoportrætter i Atammik og Maniitsoq i august 2019. Denne beskrivelse vil føre til refleksioner over disse udstillinger og præsentere et udkast til en teori om betydningen af dem som fællesskabende æstetiske processer. Jeg vil starte med overvejelser omkring portrættet. Dernæst vil jeg reflektere over portrætternes særlige betydning som fællesskabende set i lyset af udvalgte teorier om fotografi.

Artiklen her er en del af forskningsprojektet Kunst og Fællesskab: Synlighed, Oprejsning, Udsyn, der handler om at undersøge betydningen af kunst mht. at skabe fællesskaber i grønlandske byer og bygder. Gennem projektet vil vi undersøge, hvordan kunst kan skabe refleksion og åbne nye perspektiver gennem fælles oplevelser – og dermed give konkrete visioner for at fremme det fællesskab og den samhørighed, som man i lokalsamfundene ønsker at videreføre og udvide på en kulturskabende og bæredygtig måde.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Fællesskaber; Kunst; Unge; Lokalsamfund Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning 2020‐2021

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Kunst og Sociale Fællesskaber – når børn og unge gennem kunst skaber nye fællesskaber i byens rum I denne artikel beskriver vi, hvordan vi i projekterne Siunissaq og Kunst og Sociale Fællesskaber sammen med børn og unge i lokalsamfund i Grønland har udformet og gennemført en række workshops, der bygger på en enhed af psykosociale aktiviteter og æstetiske processer, som vi betegner som kunst i vores omtale af dem, da ordet kunst for mange mennesker giver mening, mens æstetiske processer ofte kræver uddybende forklaringer. Det vigtige for os er at skabe social bæredygtighed og dermed social resiliens gennem den nævnte helhed af psykosocial læring og kreative, æstetiske processer. Det foregår sammen med børn i skoleklasser, oftest børn/unge i aldersgruppen 13‐15 år, men også nogle gange med yngre elever og andre gange med unge i aldersgruppen 16‐25 år. Denne artikel beskriver et forløb sammen med ældste‐trinnet i skolen i bygden Atammik (12‐14 år) og 9‐10 klasser i skolen i Maniitsoq (13‐15 år).

Vi vil her beskrive nogle af de tanker, der er blevet udviklet i løbet af projektet gennem dialog med de deltagende børn og unge.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Tina Enghoff Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Børn; Unge; Community art; Fællesskaber; Social støtte Titel på tidsskrift: Nyhedsbrev ‐ Landsforeningen børn, kunst og billeder Nummer på tidsskrift: 107

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Sumiiffitta nassaarigaangatigut / Når stedet finder os En eftertanke over Davids historie om at han som lille dreng blev sendt to år til Kysthospitalet i Danmark uden familie og egen kultur og derefter kom hjem igen til en glad modtagelse ‐ efter to års savn og længsel.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Editor: Tina Enghoff Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Forced displacement; Longing; Children Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Displaced Udgave: 1st Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik / Forlaget Vandkunsten ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7695‐655‐4

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

The genetic history of Greenlandic‐European contact The Inuit ancestors of the Greenlandic people arrived in Greenland close to 1,000 years ago.1 Since then, Eu‐ ropeans from many different countries have been present in Greenland. Consequently, the present‐day Greenlandic population has $25% of its genetic ancestry from Europe.2 In this study, we investigated to what extent different European countries have contributed to this genetic ancestry. We combined dense SNP chip data from 3,972 Greenlanders and 8,275 Europeans from 14 countries and inferred the ancestry contribution from each of these 14 countries using haplotype‐based methods. Due to the rapid increase in population size in Greenland over the past $100 years, we hypothesized that earlier European interactions, such as pre‐colonial Dutch whalers and early German and Danish‐Norwegian missionaries, as well as the later Danish colonists and post‐colonial immigrants, all contributed European genetic ancestry. However, we found that the European ancestry is almost entirely Danish and that a substantial fraction is from admix‐ ture that took place within the last few generations.

Forfatter: Ryan Waples ; Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Inge Seiding; Emil Jørsboe ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; Niels Grarup ; Mette K. Andersen ; ChristinaV. L. Larsen ; Peter Bjerregaard ; Garrett Hellenthal ; Torben Hansen ; Anders Albrechtsen ; Ida Moltke Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Genetics; Colonial history Titel på tidsskrift: Current Biology Volume på tidsskrift: 31 DOI nummer:

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

The role of a traditional and western diet on glucose homeostasis in Greenlandic Inuit carriers and non‐carriers of type 2 diabetes variant in the TBC1D4 gene: A protocol for a randomized clinical trial The lifestyle of Inuit in Greenland and worldwide is undergoing a transition from a fisher‐hunter to a westernized society and meanwhile the prevalence of type‐2 diabetes (T2D) has increased dramatically. Stud‐ ies have shown that a common nonsense p.Arg684Ter variant in TBC1D4, which is frequent in Greenland, con‐ fers genetic susceptibility towards high risk of T2D. The aim of the study is to investigate whether a traditional marine diet, with high fat and low carbohydrate, will improve glycemic control in Greenland Inuit compared to a western diet. Moreover, we want to examine if the response is more pronounced in carriers of the p.Arg684Ter variant.

Forfatter: Grith Møller ; Mads Vendelbo Lind ; Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Ninna Senftleber ; Charlotte Brandstrup Hansen ; Torben Hansen ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; Lotte Lauritzen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Diabetes; Genetics; Diet; Methodology Titel på tidsskrift: Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Volume på tidsskrift: 21 Nummer på tidsskrift: 100734 DOI nummer:

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Research | Forskning > Anthology | Antologi

Grønlandsk Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning 2020‐21 Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen; Lise Hounsgaard; Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen; Kennet Pedersen; Rosannguaq Rossen; Anders Øgaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Grønlandsk kultur; Grønlandsk samfundsforskning Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilimatusarfik og Det Grønlandske Selskab ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐ 87925‐09‐9

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Sundhedsprofessionelle perspektiver på patientinddragelse i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen Abstract

The vision of the Greenlandic healthcare system is to make healthcare accessible to all citizens and better adapted to cultural background and lifestyle. To achieve this vision and promote self‐care, there has been an increasing focus on involvement of citizens in both prevention and treatment of diseases. On this basis, we have studied health professionals’ perspectives on patient involvement.

The aim was to identify health professional and organizational drivers of and barriers to patient involvement in a hospital setting.

In 2018, three semi‐structured research interviews and 12 observations were performed with 17 health professionals from eight professional staff groups. Malterud’s text condensation was used to analyze interviews and field notes. The findings involved: 1) organization of and transitions in patient pathways; 2) perceptions of patient involvement and professional role; and 3) prerequisites for patient and family involvement.

We found that most health professionals wished to involve the patients and that they were able to identify significant and accessible opportunities for improvement. One idea identified for improvement was information to citizens about how the healthcare system works. Furthermore, a greater overview of patient pathways – both locally and at the hospital – might support these efforts, creating improvements for both professionals and patients.

Forfatter: Helle Mougaard Frederiksen ; Lene Seibæk Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Patientinddragelse; Sundhedsprofessionelle; Fokus‐gruppe interview; Patientforløb Titel på tidsskrift: Grønlandsk Kultur og Samfundsforskning

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Trosbaseret socialt arbejde i Grønland – en socialpolitisk legitimering af kristendommen Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Editor: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen; Gitte Adler Reimer; Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: "Faith Based Social Work"; Socialt arbejde; Frivillighed; Socialpolitik Udgivelsessted: Århus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Tro og samfund i Grønland i 300‐året for Hans Egedes ankomst Forlag: Aarhus Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 9788772194561

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Teaching | Undervisning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Ethnographic Research Design Intercultural research poses significant, and complex challenges for research participants, participating communities, and for the researcher. Issues of particular interest in contemporary intercultural research include ownership of data and the creation of respectful, culturally safe research protocols.

The chapter will address topics that can directly influence intercultural research design including: working with(in) Indigenous cultures as an “Other”; understanding language and its influence on design; use of Indigenous languages and intellectual property; working alongside or under the direction of Indigenous leaders, researchers, community panels, and their influence on design. The chapter presents and touches on Culture Bearers support and guidance and how their influences strengthen the relevance and validity of any community based study.

As intercultural researchers we are interested in looking beyond the sharing of knowledge, and towards the development of intercultural competencies in the creation of new knowledge.

Intercultural research collaboration between Indigenous peoples and non–Indigenous researchers is the primary focus of this book chapter. Throughout the chapter we will reflect on current collaboration practices and share personal examples of research situations we have encountered that can be understood in different ways if we critically examine our experiences in the context of intercultural collaboration; we hope to challenge each reader to reflect on the purpose of intercultural research, the reason we do research, and how we generate knowledge: Are we being of service to the communities whose knowledge we are gathering? Is it for their use or is it for our benefit?

Forfatter: Ruth Montgomery‐Andersen; Michelle Marie Doucette Editor: Paul M.W. Hackett ; Christopher M.Hayre Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Intercultural research design; Indigenous research; Cultural resiliency; Cultural safety; Community research; Research collaboration with indigenous communities; Data ownership; Collaboratory research Udgivelsessted: London & New York Udgivelsesland: UK & USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Handbook of Ethnography in Healthcare Research Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group ISBN nummer: 978‐367‐33633‐2

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Ildsjæle og aktivister ‐ bistandsværger for tvangsanbragte grønlændere i Danmark Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Editor: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen; Gitte Adler Reimer; Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Kriminallov; Forvaringsdom; Bistandsværger; Udstødelse; Anstalt; Fængsel Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Tro og samfund i Grønland ‐ i 300 året for Hans Egedes ankomst ISBN nummer: 978 87 7219 456 1

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Et selvstændigt Grønland ‐ drømmerier eller virkelighed? En samtale med Kaj Kleist Forfatter: Rasmus Leander Nielsen; Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Editor: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen; Gitte Adler Reimer; Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Selvstændighed; Hjemmestyre; Selvstyre; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Tro og samfund i Grønland ‐ i 300 året for Hans Egedes ankomst ISBN nummer: 978 87 7219 456 1

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

An in‐depth implementation study of the Greenlandic parenting program MANU’s initial stages of implementation In Greenland, the universal parenting programme MANU was developed in 2016. After documenting the initial years of MANU’s implementation, this study aimed to identify implementation determinants focusing on i) which context MANU was conceptualised in and how it was developed and ii) how MANU was implemented and initially received in the healthcare system. A qualitative in‐depth implementation study was conducted: document analysis, 38 interviews, one focus group discussion, and observations at two trainings for professionals and four parent sessions. Participants included stakeholders from both the health and social sector and from management to practitioner level. MANU was conceptualised based on a political desire to ensure children’s well‐being by providing parents with the essential parenting skills, and a desire to create a programme for the Greenlandic context. Professionals welcomed the MANU materials, but anticipated or experienced barriers in implementing MANU. The first years of MANU focused on disseminating material and training professionals. Despite political support and financial security enabling implementation, an assessment of the implementation capacity from the very beginning could have prevented some of the implementation challenges identified. Insights on parents’ perspectives and local implementation are lacking and need to be brought to the forefront of the implementation process.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Rikke Louise Kuhn ; Siv Kvernmo ; Tine Tjørnhøj‐Thomsen ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Parenting; Health promotion; Implementation ; Circumpolar Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 80 DOI nummer:

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Community health workers as a sustainable health care innovation: Introducing a conceptual model Health care delivery in the Circumpolar North is challenged by a scarcity of culturally relevant health care services, few medical providers trained in cross‐cultural care, and high costs of transportation. Community health workers (CHWs) are primarily Indigenous individuals who provide on‐the‐ground health care and health promotion services in their own communities.The CHWs’ scope of work varies from health education to clinical care and often focuses on upstream factors that impact the public’s health. Although often overlooked and underutilized, the CHW role is an innovative approach to promoting more sustainable and culturally relevant care within health systems. Investigating and understanding the potential ways that CHW‐integrated health care systems support health and wellness could allow for a clearer understanding of how to translate this approach to other regions seeking a transition to sustainability in health and wellness. Drawing on experiences with CHWs in the Circumpolar North, this article introduces a conceptual model summarizing pathways that describe how integrating CHWs supports wellness in their communities. The proposed model includes five pathways for how CHWs could support wellness: (1) the recruitment of CHWs from within a community promotes community capacity and control; (2) the CHW role allows them to advocate to address structural and systemic inequalities that contribute to ill health, if CHWs are supported to organize their communities around wellness; (3) CHWs have the potential to support and empower community members; (4) CHWs have the potential to develop culturally relevant, feasible, and effective health promotion strategies; and (5) CHWs have the potential to build on community strengths. This model allows for CHW‐integrated health care systems to be critically examined to both test and refine this proposed model, and support and empower community health workers as a transition to a more sustainable health care delivery system that reduces inequities and promotes health.

Forfatter: Katie Cueva ; Christine Ingemann; Larisa Zaitseva ; Gwen Healey Akearok ; Josée G Lavoie Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Health equity; Culture; Health promotion; Community health workers ; Theoretical model Titel på tidsskrift: Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene Volume på tidsskrift: 9 DOI nummer:

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Gendering Arctic Memory: Understanding the Legacy of Josephine Diebitsch‐Peary The study of memory cultures often foregrounds the recovery of denied historical truths, with the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past, but continue to be complicit in legitimised forms of forgetting and erasure. This article investigates the intersections between personal archives and other forms of cultural expression in acts of collective memoralization and forgetting. Using the personal archives of Josephine Diebitsch‐Peary, the research introduces the concept of coloniality to studying Arctic memory cultures by examining the role of gender in the context of Arctic exploration. The article concludes that an understanding of the coloniality of knowledge and its connections to epistemic violence is crucial to the study of memory and historical legacy in the Arctic.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2021 Emner: Arctic; Gender; History; Memory; Coloniality; Exploration literature Titel på tidsskrift: Memory Studies Volume på tidsskrift: t.b.c. Nummer på tidsskrift: Online, t.b.c. Udgiver: SAGE Journals Udgivelsessted: Online Udgivelsesland: USA ISSN nummer: 1750‐6980 DOI nummer: 10.1177/17506980211024327

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Kalaallit Nunaanni upperisaqarneq tunngavigalugu inunnik sullissisarneq kristumiuussutsimik akuerinninneq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Editor: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen; Gitte Adler Reimer; Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: "Faith based social work"; Socialt arbejde; Frivillighed; Socialpolitik Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Upperisaq inuiaqatigiillu Hans Egedep tikinneranit ukiut 300‐t qaangiunneranni Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Aarhus Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 978 87 7219 457 8

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Pædagogen som aktivist for social bæredygtighed Kapitlet beskriver og diskuterer social støtte blandt unge i forbindelse med deltagerbaseret samskabelse af social bæredygtighed.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Editor: Maria Christina Behnke ; Mads Thomsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Børn; Unge; Fællesskaber; Social støtte; Samskabelse Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Pædagogen som forandringsagent. Samskabelse og forandring i pædagogisk praksis Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Akademisk Forlag ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐500‐5789‐5

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grønland som udenrigs‐ og sikkerhedspolitisk aktør Forfatter: Sara Olsvig; Ulrik Pram Gad Editor: Camilla Tenna Nørup Sørensen ; Jon Rahbek‐Clemmensen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2021 Emner: Sikkerhedspolitik; Udenrigspolitik; Rigsfællesskabet; Selvstyre Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Sikkerhedspolitik i Arktis og Nordatlanten Udgave: 1 Forlag: Djøf Forlag ISBN nummer: 9788757449488

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Who makes the news? Greenland national report Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2021 Emner: Gender; Media; Representation; Journalism; News Udgivelsesland: Toronto Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) Forlag: WACC

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Who makes the news? Greenland national report 2020 Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2021 Emner: Gender; Media; Representation; Journalism; News Udgivelsessted: Toronto Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) Forlag: WACC

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Pres på rigsfællesskabet Forfatter: Sara Olsvig; Ulrik Pram Gad Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Foreign policy; Security; Parliamentary cooperation Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 51/52

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Naalagaaffeqatigiinneq tatineqartoq Forfatter: Sara Olsvig; Ulrik Pram Gad Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Foreign policy; Security; Parliamentary cooperation Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 51/52

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Communication | Formidling > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Attaveqaqatigiinnermut aqqutit pisoqalisut nalinginnaasumik innuttaasunit akuersaarneqarneq sanngiillisarpaat Nunat pissaanilissuit annertusiartuinnartumik Issittumik soqutiginnninnerat Kalaallit Nunaata Danmarkillu akornanni attaveqatigiinnermut aqqutinik unamminartumik inissisimatitsipput. Ilisimatusarfimmi Ph.D.‐ nngorniartoq Sara Olsvig, Ulrik Pram Gad DIIS‐imeersoq peqatigalugu periutsinik suleriaatsinillu pitsanngorsaanissamut arlalialunnik DIIS‐imit Policy Brief‐imi uani innersuussuteqarput.

Forfatter: Sara Olsvig; Ulrik Pram Gad Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Emner: Foreign policy; Security Web‐publikationstype: Policy Brief Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Communication | Formidling > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Forældede kommunikationslinjer undergraver legitimitet ‐ Når Danmark fører udenrigspolitik for Grønland … og omvendt Den øgede stormagtsinteresse for Arktis sætter kommunikationslinjerne mellem Grønland og Danmark under pres. Ph.D.‐stipendiat på Ilisimatusarfik Sara Olsvig og Ulrik Pram Gad fra DIIS en anbefaler i dette DIIS Policy Brief en række mulige forbedringer af praksis og procedurer. Forfatter: Sara Olsvig; Ulrik Pram Gad Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Emner: Foreign policy; Security Web‐publikationstype: Policy Brief Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Communication | Formidling > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Outdated lines of communication undermine legitimacy Increased great power interest in the Arctic strains the lines of communication between Greenland and Denmark. Ph.D.‐fellow Sara Olsvig from the University of Greenland, Ulrik Pram Gad from DIIS recommends a series of enhanced procedures and practices.

Forfatter: Sara Olsvig; Ulrik Pram Gad Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Emner: Foreign policy; Security Web‐publikationstype: Policy Brief Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Teaching | Undervisning > Web publication | Netpublikation

Norden's Borders, The Nordics: Narratives and Practices of a Region, Nordic Studies, Digiloikka Project The Nordic Studies Online as a part of the digi‐loikka project aims to create a digital learning platform about the Nordics. This project is a joint‐initiative of several scholars from the University of Helsinki (Department of Cultures/Centre for Nordic Studies), University of Gdansk (Scandinavian Studies) and Aarhus University (Department of History), and also cooperates with the ReNEW research hub and with the online platform,

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Recording; Webinar; Online teaching; MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Web‐publikationstype: Recording / Webinar for University of Helsinki Udgivelsessted på nettet:‐culture/nordic‐studies‐ online‐digiloikka‐project

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Befolkningen ønsker ikke en arbejdsgiver med et handicap Tilioq og Ilisimatusarfiks ny landsdækkende forskningsundersøgelse "Holdninger Til Handicap" viser, at personer med handicap har sværere ved at få et arbejde og tager i mindre grad en uddannelse end personer uden handicap. Derudover viser undersøgelser også at befolkningen ønsker ikke en arbejdsgiver som har et handicap.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Christina Johnsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fysiske handicap; Psykiske handicap; Inklusion; Tilioq Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 46

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Innuttaasut innarluutilinnik sulisitsisoqarnissaq kissaatiginngilaat Tiliup Ilisimatusarfiullu nuna tamakkerlugu ilisimatusarluni misissuinerisa nutaap takutippaa inuit innarluutillit inunnit innarluuteqanngitsunut sanilliullugu suliffeqalernissaq ajornarnerutittaraat annikinnerusumillu ilinniagaqartartut. Misissuinerup tamassuma saniatigut takutippaa innuttaasut innarluutilimmik sulisitsisoqarnissaq kissaatiginngikkaat.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Christina Johnsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fysiske handicap; Psykiske handicap; Inklusion; Tilioq Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 46

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Book review: 'Blok P – Rivning som ritual?' Blok P makes a great read for people that want to know about more than polar bears and the melting ice cap when it comes to Greenland. The book includes many positive and life affirming messages to those of us that think living in 1960s housing, in any country, was pure torture. The memories collected for this project are both nostalgic and happy ‐ about things such as running water, having a bathtub, forming new friendships and communities and having access to Nuuk’s shops and pubs. On the more serious side, the book is a useful reflection on the role of architecture in the historical and ongoing physical and social violence of Nordic colonialism. But, most of all, the book is an essential reminder about the most important part of the Arctic ‐ the people – and how they actively and continuously adapt and reimagine their worlds. With or without polar bears.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Greenland; Colonialism; History; Architecture Web‐publikationstype: Digital Book Fair Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Viden om handicap vil øge inklusionen ‐ viser ny forskning Vi er tryggest ved det handicap, vi kan se – usynlige handicap, skal vi arbejde på at forstå. Det viser en ny landsdækkende forskningsundersøgelse »Holdninger til Handicap«, som Tilioq og Ilisimatusarfik lancerer 17. november.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Christina Johnsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fysiske handicap; Psykiske handicap; Inklusion; Tilioq Navn på avis: Atuagagdliutit Volume & nummer: 46

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Peqataatitsineq ilisimasaqarnikkut annertusarneqassaaq – ilisimatusarnermi nutaami tamanna takutinneqarpoq Innarluut takusinnaasarput toqqissisimanartinneruarput – innarluutip takusinnaanngisatta paasinissaa su lissutigissavarput. Nuna tamakkerlugu ilisimatusar luni misissuinermi »Innar luu te qarnermut isummat« Tiliup Ilisimatusarfiullu 17. No vem bari saqqummertitassaani takutinneqarpoq.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Christian Johnsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fysiske handicap; Psykiske handicap; Inklusion; Tilioq Navn på avis: Atuagagdliutit Volume & nummer: 46

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Kulturhistoriker: Sådan bør vi afgøre, om statuer er bevaringsværdige For at afgøre om et monument bør bevares eller ej, må man diskutere, om det stadigvæk bidrager til fortællingen om et fælles vi, skriver lektor i kulturhistorie Ebbe Volquardsen.

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Colonialism; Memory; Cultural heritage; Greenland; Youth culture; Decolonization Navn på avis:

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Uppaftur í ferð, ja – men uppá mótstøðuføra mátan Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2020 Emner: Covid 19; Accelerationssamfundet Navn på avis: Dimmalætting

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

The impact of international law on natural resource governance in Greenland The paper demonstrates how the evolution of international law on colonial and indigenous peoples, in particular evolving rights to sovereignty over natural resources, shaped the changing relationship between Greenland and the rest of the Danish Realm. Greenland today is in a unique position in international law, enjoying an extremely high degree of self‐government. This paper explores the history, current status and future of Greenland through the lens of international law, to show how international obligations both colour its relationship with the Kingdom of Denmark and influence its approaches to resource development internally. It considers the invisibility of the Inuit population in the 1933 Eastern Greenland case that secured Danish sovereignty over the entire territory. It then turns to Denmark’s registration of Greenland as a non‐self‐ governing territory (colony) in 1946 before Greenland’s‐purported decolonisation in 1953 and the deficiencies of that process. In the second part of the 20th century, Denmark began to recognise the Greenland Inuit as an indigenous people before a gradual shift towards recognition of the Greenlanders as a people in international law, entitled to self‐determination, including the right to permanent sovereignty over their natural resources. This peaked with the Self‐Government Act of 2009. The paper will then go on to assess competing interpretations of the Self‐Government Act of 2009 according to which the Greenland self‐government is the relevant decision‐making body for an increasing number of fields of competence including, since 1 January 2010, the governance of extractive industries. Some, including members of the Greenland self‐government, argue that the Self‐Government Act constitutes full implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP 2007), but this view is not universally shared. The paper also considers the status and rights of two Greenland minorities: the North Greenlanders (Inughuit) and the East Greenlanders, each of whom has distinct histories, experiences of colonisation, dialects (or languages) and cultural traditions. While the Kingdom of Denmark accepts the existence of only one indigenous people, namely, the Inuit of Greenland, this view is increasingly being challenged in international fora, including the UN human rights treaty bodies, as the two minorities are in some cases considered distinct indigenous peoples. Their current position in Greenland as well as in a future fully independent Greenland is examined, and the rights that they hold against the Greenland self‐government as well as the Kingdom of Denmark explored. Greenland’s domestic regime for governance of non‐renewable natural resources (principally mining and hydrocarbons) is briefly analysed and compared with international standards, with a particular emphasis on public participation. The paper assesses the extent to which it complies with the standards in key international instruments.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Greenland; Natural resources; International law; Decolonization; Indigenous peoples Titel på tidsskrift: Polar Record Udgiver: Cambridge University Press

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Microbiota in foods from Inuit traditional hunting The foods we eat contain microorganisms that we ingest alongside the food. Industrialized food systems offer great advantages from a safety point of view, but have also been accused of depleting the diversity of the human microbiota with negative implications for human health. In contrast, artisanal traditional foods are potential sources of a diverse food microbiota. Traditional foods of the Greenlandic Inuit are comprised of animal‐sourced foods prepared in the natural environment and are often consumed raw. These foods, some of which are on the verge of extinction, have not previously been microbiologically character‐ ized. We mapped the microbiota of foods stemming from traditional Inuit land‐based hunting activities. The foods included in the current study are dried muskox and caribou meat, cari‐ bou rumen and intestinal content as well as larval parasites from caribou hides, all traditional Inuit foods. This study shows that traditional drying methods are efficient for limiting micro‐ bial growth through desiccation. The results also show the rumen content of the caribou to be a highly diverse source of microbes with potential for degradation of plants. Finally, a number of parasites were shown to be included in the biodiversity of the assessed traditional foods. Taken together, the results map out a diverse source of ingested microbes and para‐ sites that originate from the natural environment. These results have implications for under‐ standing the nature‐sourced traditional Inuit diet, which is in contrast to current day diet recommendations as well as modern industrialized food systems.

Forfatter: Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Petronela Paulová ; Lars Hestbjerg Hansen ; Thomas Sicheritz‐Pontén ; Gert Mulvad; Dennis S. Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Microbiota; 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing; Traditional foods; Desiccation; Animal‐sourced; Inuit; Diet Titel på tidsskrift: PLOS ONE Volume på tidsskrift: 15 Nummer på tidsskrift: e0227819 DOI nummer: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227819

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Community fokus på psykisk sundhed i Grønland Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Psykisk sundhed; Community; Selvmord; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Polarfronten ‐ Polarforskning i Perspektiv Volume på tidsskrift: 2020 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 09072322

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Practicing Legitimate Leadership in Territories of Interactions in Greenland This chapter presents results from a project about leadership in Greenland. It discusses how leaders in Greenlandic organizations legitimize decisions in territories of interactions. The research focus on how Greenlandic leaders at times are challenged by the tight relationship in the small society but also how the tightness supports close and fruitful interactions where leaders qualify and legitimize decisions related to quality, business development, and future actions. The findings demonstrate how the leaders legitimize actions and decision in their local networks and how this relates to and develops their everyday practice.

Forfatter: Mette Apollo Rasmussen Editor: Jacob Rendtorff Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Leadership; Legitimacy; Greenland; Ethnographic approach Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Handbook of Business Legitimacy Forlag: Springer, Cham ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐319‐68845‐9

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Ledelse i Grønland. COVID‐19 bryder med kendte aktiviteter og rutiner i ledelsesaktiviteten Ledelse og samarbejde diskuteres i artiklen som en kollektiv aktivitet i organisationer i Grønland. Med udgangspunkt i empirisk materiale indsamlet i 2018 og 2019 beskrives problemstillinger som ledere genkender og formulerer. I analysen diskuteres hvordan ledelse fremstår som en kollektiv aktivitet, at problematisering er en væsentlig del af ledelsesaktiviteten og hvordan ledelse udvikles i interaktionsterritorier.

I artiklen formuleres fem spørgsmål, der kan være relevante at stille i forbindelse med ledelsesaktiviteten, ikke mindst i den særlige situation organisationer befinder sig i lige nu med COVID‐19 forebyggelsen. Herudover konkluderes det, at der fortsat er behov for at udvikle den produktive ledelsesaktivitet igennem akademisk ledelsesuddannelse.

Forfatter: Mette Apollo Rasmussen; Poul Bitsch Olsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Ledelse; Samarbejde; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale

Satire as a mouthpiece in Greenland Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Kirsten Thisted ; Ann‐Sofie Nielsen Gremaud Type: Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Årstal: 2020 Emner: Greenlandic satire; Labrador Kangian; Kalak; TV Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Globalisation & the Greenlandic fashion Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Kirsten Thisted ; Ann‐Sofie Nielsen Gremaud Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fashion; Globalisation; Greenlandic culture Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Research | Forskning > Preface/postscript | Forord/efterskrift

Preface to the Second Edition Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen; Lill‐Ann Körber Editor: Lill‐Ann Körber ; Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Preface/postscript | Forord/efterskrift Årstal: 2020 Emner: Greenland; Iceland; Faroe Islands; Post‐ colonialism Udgivelsessted: Berlin Udgivelsesland: Germany Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Postcolonial North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands Udgave: 2 Forlag: Nordeuropa‐Institut der Humboldt‐Universität ISBN nummer: 978‐3932406355

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Research | Forskning > Anthology | Antologi

The Postcolonial North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands Five and a half years after its first appearance as a printed book in 2014, the transdisciplinary anthology The Postcolonial North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, edited by Professor Lill‐Ann Körber (Aarhus Universitet) and Associate Professor Ebbe Volquardsen (Ilisimatusarfik), came out in an open‐access second edition today. Stored on the document server of Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin, the book can from now on be downloaded free of charge by anyone.

Whereas a new preface, written by the editors, has been added, the articles in the volume have not been changed or amended since the first edition, and thus reflect the state of the art of the first half of the 2010s. Yet, the texts remain relevant and topical in that they provide fundamental insight into negotiations of the postcolonial status of the North Atlantic nations, and into manifestations of their interconnected, often competing, histories in literature, language, politics, art, fashion, and public discourse. They invite to comparative investigations into the region’s past and present as seen from its diverse and distinct viewpoints, and to explorations of this part of the Nordic region from a joint critical postcolonial perspective.

It is the editors’ hope that The Postcolonial North Atlantic will find many curious new readers and re‐readers among students, scholars, and the broader public; and we look forward to continued discussions and North Atlantic journeys.

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Lill‐Ann Körber ; Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Iceland; Greenland; Faroe Islands; Postcolonial studies; Post colonialism; Regionalism; North Atlantic studies; Eco‐criticism; Literature; Art; Identity; Colonialism; Empire; Arctic; History; Region building Udgivelsessted: Berlin Udgivelsesland: Germany Udgave: 2 Forlag: Nordeuropa‐Institut der Humboldt‐Universität ISBN nummer: 978‐3932406355

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Resettlement, urbanization and rural‐urban homelessness geographies in Greenland This chapter reviews historical and contemporary processes of state‐sanctioned resettlement and urbanization in the Greenlandic context, with a particular focus on the consequences of passive and overt urbanization policies on geographies of homelessness.

Forfatter: Julia Christensen ; Steven Arnfjord Editor: Isabelle Côté ; Yolande Pottie‐Sherman Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Homelessness; Urbanization; Greenland; Social research Udgivelsessted: St. John's Udgivelsesland: Canada Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Resettlement Uprooting and Rebuilding Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador and Beyond Forlag: ISER Books – Memorial University ISBN nummer: 9781894725682

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Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Qimmeq‐projektet ‐ en jagt på slædehundens sjæl Afsluttende rapport for "Qimmeq Projektet", fase 1.

Forfatter: Berg, S. ; Drud, A. ; Egevang, C. ; Feuerborn, T. ; Hansen, A.H. ; Holm, L.K. ; Houser, G. ; Ivik, O. ; Jensen, M.L. ; Lennert, N. ; Lennert, C. ; Langebæk, R. ; Lykke, P. ; Markussen, U. ; Olsen, E. ; Olsen, F. ; Papis, M. ; Peary, M. ; Andersen‐Ranberg, E. ; Sinding, M. ; Sonne, C. ; Teglhus, F.W. ; Vincent, S.d. ; Wilken, U. ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Slædehund; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Qimmeq pillugu Sulinut ‐ Qimmip qimuttup tarninganik piniarneq Forfatter: Berg, S. ; Drud, A. ; Egevang, C. ; Feuerborn, T. ; Hansen, A.H. ; Holm, L.K. ; Houser, G. ; Ivik, O. ; Jensen, M.L. ; Jensen, M. ; Lennert, N. ; Lennert, C. ; Langebæk, R. ; Lykke, P. ; Markussen, U. ; Olsen, E. ; Olsen, F. ; Papis, M. ; Peary, M. ; Andersen‐Ranberg, E. ; Sinding, M. ; Sonne, C. ; Teglhus, F.W. ; Vincent, S.D. ; Wilken,U. ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Qimmeq; Kalallit Nunaat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalallit Nunaat

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

The Qimmeq Project ‐ A search for the soul of the sled dog Forfatter: Berg, S. ; Drud, A. ; Egevang, C. ; Feuerborn, T. ; Hansen, A.J. ; Holm, L.K ; Houser, G. ; Ivik, O. ; Jensen, M. L. ; Jensen, M. ; Lennert, N. ; Lennert, C. ; Langebæk, R. ; Lykke, P. ; Markussen, U. ; Olsen, E. ; Olsen, F. ; Papis, M. ; Peary, M. ; Andersen‐Ranberg, E. ; Sinding, M. ; Sonne, C. ; Teglhus, F.W. ; Vincent, S.D. ; Wilken, U. ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Sled dog; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Qimmeq ‐ Den grønlandske slædehund Forfatter: Andersen‐Ranberg, E. ; Berg, S. ; Feuerborn, T. ; Hansen, A.J. ; Houser, G. ; Jensen, M.L. ; Langebæk, R. ; Lennert, N. ; Markussen, U. ; Morten Meldgaard; Sinding, M‐H.S. ; Sonne, C. Editor: Egevang, Carsten Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Slædehund; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Alle alle ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐971780‐0‐3

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Qimmeq ‐ The Greenland Sled Dog Forfatter: Andersen‐Ranberg, E. ; Feuerborn, T. ; Hansen, A.J. ; Houser, G. ; Jensen, M.L. ; Langebæk, R. ; Lennert, N. ; Lykke, P. ; Markussen, U. ; Morten Meldgaard; Van den Berg, S. ; Sinding, M‐H.S. ; Sonne, C. Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Sled dog; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark Forlag: Alle alle ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐ 971780‐0‐3

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Qimmeq ‐ Kalaallit qimmiat qimuttoq Forfatter: Andersen‐Ranberg, E. ; Feuerborn, T. ; Hansen, A.J. ; Houser, G. ; Jensen, M.L. ; Langebæk, R. ; Lennert, N. ; Lykke, P. ; Markussen, U. ; Morten Meldgaard; Van Den Berg, S. ; Sinding, M. H.‐S. ; Sonne, C. Editor: Egevang, Carsten Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Qimmeq; Kalaallit Nunaat Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐971780‐2‐7

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Qimmeq ‐ Kalaallit Qimmiat Qimuttoq, Den Grønlandske Slædehund Fagbog bl.a. til skolebrug ‐ lærervejledning medfølger.

Forfatter: Gjerløff, A. K. Editor: Valgreen, L. ; Gjerløff, A.K. Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Qimmeq; Slædehund; Kalaallit Nunaat; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik & Statens Naturhistoriske Museum ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐87519‐88‐5

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Arctic‐adapted dogs emerged at the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition The results indicate that the major ancestry of modern sled dogs traces back to Sibiria, where sled‐dog‐specific haplotypes of genes that potentially relate to Arctic adaptation were established by 9500 years ago.

Forfatter: Mikkel‐Holger S. Sinding ; Shyam Gopalakrishnan ; Jazmín Ramos‐Madrigal ; Marc de Manut ; Vladimir V. Pitulko ; Lukas Kuderna ; Tatiana R. Feuerborn ; Laurent A. F. Frantz ; Filipe G. Vieira ; Jonas Niemann ; Jose A. Samaniego Castruita ; Christian Carøe ; Emilie U. Andersen‐Ranberg ; Peter D. Jordan ; Elena Y. Pavlova ; Pavel A. Nikolskiy ; Aleksei K. Kasparov ; Varvara V. Ivanova ; Eske Willerslev ; Pontus Skoglund ; Merete Fredholm ; Sanne Eline Wennerberg ; Mads Peter Heide‐Jørgensen ; Rune Dietz ; Christian Sonne ; Morten Meldgaard; Love Dalén ; Greger Larson ; Bent Petersen ; Thomas Sicheritz‐Pontén ; Lutz Bachmann ; Øystein Wiig ; Tomas Marques‐Bonet ; Anders J. Hansen ; M. Thomas P. Gilbert Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Sled dog; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: SCIENCE Volume på tidsskrift: 368 Nummer på tidsskrift: 6498 Udgiver: AAAS Udgivelsessted: USA Udgivelsesland: USA DOI nummer: 10.1126/science.aaz8599

Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Iivit, Folket bag Storisen ‐ rapport om det faglige grundlag for en eventuel nominering til UNESCO Forfatter: Jensen, J.F ; Flora, J. ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Tasiilaq; UNESCO Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISBN nummer: 978 87 90197 10 1

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Iivit, Sikorsuit tunuanni Inuit ‐ UNESCO‐mut innersuunneqarsinnaaneq pillugu suliassaqarfimmi tungavissat nalunaarsusiarneqarnerat Forfatter: Jensen, J.F. ; Flora, J. ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Tasiilaq; UNESCO Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalallit Nunaat ISBN nummer: 978 87 90197 10 1

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Equality in Isolated Labour Markets: Equal opportunities for men and women in geographically isolated labour markets in Læsø (DK), Suðuroy (FO), and Narsaq (GL) This report details the findings of the EQUIL project: Equality in Isolated Areas. The project focuses on people living and working in geographically relatively isolated areas of the Nordic region, and asks how they are able to make a living and maintain ties to locality, and how questions of gender equality impact on work and family life decisions. The report addresses the questions: How is gender equality and equal participation in paid work and care for the family negotiated in communities characterised by relative geographic isolation? How do people develop working life strategies in such places? What is the basis for future work life and family life in the selected places?

Forfatter: Helene Pristed Nielsen ; Erika Anne Hayfield ; Steven Arnfjord Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2020 Emner: Entrepreneurship; Gender studies; Isolated Areas; Worklife Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark Udgave: 522 Forlag: TemaNord ‐ Nordic Council of Ministers ISBN nummer: 9789289366663

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Journalistik når alle kender alle Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Journalistik; Kilder; Interview; Kvalitative forskningsinterview; Grønland; Medier Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Nummer på tidsskrift: 68 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Research | Forskning > Anthology | Antologi

Regulation of Extractive Industries: Community Engagement in the Arctic This book intends to inform the key participants in extractive projects – namely, the communities, the host governments and the investors – about good practice for effective community engagement, based on analysis of international standards and expectations, lessons from selected case‐studies and innovations in public participation.

The extent of extractive industries varies widely around the Arctic as do governmental and social attitudes towards resource development. Whilst most Arctic communities are united in seeking investment to fund education, healthcare, housing, transport and other essential services, as well as wanting to benefit from improved employment and business opportunities, they have different views as to the role that extractive industries should play in this. Within each community, there are multiple perspectives and the goal of public participation is to draw out these perspectives and seek consensus. Part I of the book analyses the international standards that have emerged in recent years regarding public participation, in particular, in respect of indigenous peoples. Part II presents six case studies that aim to identify both good and bad practices and to reflect upon the distinct conditions, needs, expectations, strategies and results for each community examined. Part III explores the importance of meaningful participation from a corporate perspective and identifies some common themes that require consideration if Arctic voices are to shape extractive industries in Arctic communities.

In drawing together international law and standards, case studies and examples of good practice, this anthology is a timely and invaluable resource for academics, legal advisors and those working in resource development and public policy.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Anne Merrild Hansen; Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Extractive industries; Public participation; Arctic; Greenland; FPIC Udgivelsessted: Abingdon Udgivelsesland: UK Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 9780367181796

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Conference article | Konferenceartikel Hydrocarbon Development in the Arctic: Rights and Responsibilities Hydrocarbon activity can be both harmful and hazardous. It is harmful if, in the course of normal operations, it damages its surrounding environment and/or the interests of other states. States and operators should implement a number of technical measures to ensure that the impacts remain below the legally relevant threshold of ‘significant’ harm. However, hydrocarbon activities are also inherently hazardous because there is always a risk of a low probability‐high impact accident, e.g., an oil spill or an explosion. The harsh conditions of the Arctic coupled with its sensitive biodiversity mean that activities in the Arctic are more hazardous than in more temperate parts of the World.

This paper addresses three themes to clarify the rights and responsibilities of states pursuing offshore hydrocarbon development in the Arctic: international law regarding permanent sovereignty and constraints to protect the environment, the interests of other states and the rights of indigenous and other peoples; the role and limitations of the Arctic Council; and the challenge of indigenous sovereignty and indigenous rights.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Robert W Corell ; Jong Deog Kim ; Yoon Hyung Kim ; Arild Moe ; Charles E Morrison ; David L VanderZwaag ; Oran R Young Type: Conference article | Konferenceartikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Hydrocarbons; Arctic; Indigenous peoples; Environmental law; Arctic Council Titel på tidsskrift: The Arctic in World Affairs Volume på tidsskrift: 2019 Udgivelsessted: Busan Udgivelsesland: Republic of Korea ISSN nummer: 979‐11‐89226‐67‐1 Navn på konference: 2019 North Pacific Arctic Conference Global‐Arctic Interactions: The Arctic Moves from Periphery to Center Konferenceby: Hawaii Konferenceland: United States of America

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Introduction Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Anne Merrild Hansen Editor: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Anne Merrild Hansen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Extractive industries; Public participation; Arctic; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Abingdon Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Regulation of Extractive Industries: Community Engagement in the Arctic Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 9780367181796

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Comparative expectations of resource development in selected Greenland communities Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Anne Merrild Hansen Editor: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Anne Merrild Hansen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Extractive industries; Public participation; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Abingdon Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Regulation of Extractive Industries: Community Engagement in the Arctic Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 9780367181796

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

What is required for Free, Prior and Informed Consent and where does it apply? Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Anne Merrild Hansen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Free; Prior; Informed consent; Greenland; Extractive industries; Indigenous peoples Udgivelsessted: Abingdon Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Regulation of Extractive Industries: Community Engagement in the Arctic Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 9780367181796

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Arctic Voices: Strategies for Community Engagement Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Anne Merrild Hansen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Extractive industries; Public participation; Arctic; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Abingdon Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Regulation of Extractive Industries: Community Engagement in the Arctic Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 9780367181796

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

La vague nationaliste dans les îles Féroé et au Groenland Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Tudi Kernalegenn ; Joel Belliveau ; Jean‐Oliver Roy Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Nationalistic movements; Greenland; Faroe Islands Udgivelsessted: Ottawa Udgivelsesland: Canada Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: La vague nationale des années 1968 ‐ Une comparaison internationale Forlag: Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa ISBN nummer: 9782760331440

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Grønlands rolle i internationale relationer Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Internationale relationer; Grønland ; Udenrigspolitik Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 68 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsessted: Charlottenlund Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Les Régions Insulaires Autonomes et la Grammaire du Fédéralisme Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Félix Mathieu ; Dave Guénette ; Alain‐ G. Gagnon Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Island regions; Federalism; Autonomy; Self‐government Udgivelsessted: Quebec Udgivelsesland: Canada Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Cinquante Déclinaisons de Fédéralisme: Théorie, Enjeux et Études de Cas Forlag: Presses de l’Université du Québec ISBN nummer: 9782760554016

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Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Ilisimatusarfik under nedlukningen foråret 2020 Rapport om fjernundervisningen på Ilisimatusarfik under Coronakrisen foråret 2020. Rapporten er skrevet på baggrund af spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt undervisere, og et enkelt fokusgruppeinterview med studerende med grønlandsk baggrund.

Konklusionen er, at universitetet ikke har en samlet strategi, men at der har udfoldet sig en mangfoldighed af didaktiske løsninger af fjernundervisningen. En konklusion er, at der skete en polarisering af studerende: Fagligt stærke studerende tog ansvar, hvor fagligt svage studerende blev fraværende. En konklusion er, at studerende oplevede, at blød kommunikation og værenhed i tilstedeværelsesundervisning ikke optrådte i fjernundervisningen under nedlukningen.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: Anders Øgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fjernundervisning; Fjernuddannelse; Ilisimatusarfik; Coronakrisen; Covid‐19 Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Sundhedsvæsen og sundhedsøkonomi i autonome regioner Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Sundhedsvæsen; Økonomi; Autonome regioner Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ sundhed, samfund og kultur Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7204‐631‐0

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Menneske ‐ Sundhed, Samfund og Kultur Kapitlet henvender sig til studerende og andre som ved hjælp af interview ønsker indsigt i patienters eller andre brugeres hverdagsliv fra deres perspektiv. Der findes mange måder at skabe viden om patientperspektiver. Derfor diskuteres først det vidensmæssige grundlag for hverdagslivsinterview, som det fremstilles her. Der argumenteres for at patienters konkrete livsbetingelser og værdier må inddrages som rationel viden i faglig beslutningstagen, og at dette kræver særlige fremgangsmåder. Det vises herefter, gennem et praktisk eksempel fra et forskningsprojekt blandt grønlandske patienter, hvordan samtalen i interviewet kan generere viden om patientperspektiver gennem fælles udforskning af interviewpersonens konkrete livsførelse i dagligdagen. Kapitlet beskriver nogle principper for udforskning af patientperspektiver omhandlende inddragelse af subjektivitet, forskellige sundhedsopfattelser og kulturforskelle mellem forskere og interviewpersoner.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Kvalitative interviews; Videnskabsteoretisk baggrund og praktisk fremgangsmåde Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1 Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 631 0

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Stories of Life and Death in the Arctic Forfatter: Morten Meldgaard Editor: Igor Krupnik ; Aron Crowell Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Ecology; Arctic regions; History Udgivelsessted: Washington D.C. Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Crashes: people and animals in the changing north Forlag: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐944466‐34‐3

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Pædagogiske perspektiver for telemedicin ‐ et praksisfelt i Grønland under udvikling Kapitlet handler om hvordan pædagogiske perspektiver kan tænkes med, når telemedicin anvendes og i fremtiden udbredes endnu mere i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen. Ved at bygge på erfaringer og viden fra pædagogisk forskning i fjernundervisning på Institut for Læring, Ilisimatusarfik/Grønlands Universitet, vil pædagogiske forhold ved anvendelse af telemedicin blive præsenteret og diskuteret. Kapitlet henvender sig til alle med interesse for telemedicin, herunder plejepersonale og sygeplejerskestuderende, som inspiration og som pædagogisk værktøj til fortsat at udvikle og afprøve løsninger med telemedicin.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Telemedicin; Fjernundervisning; Grønland; Institut for Læring Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ sundhed, samfund og kultur Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 9788772046310

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Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Familier og velfærd ‐ mere udvikling, mindre behandling Gennem de seneste årtier er den sociale ulighed i Grønland steget. Velfærdsinstitutionerne har overtaget mange ansvarsområder som før var familiernes, hvilket kan true børns trivsel og sundhed, dels fordi der er behov for at forældre også tager ansvar, dels fordi velfærdsinstitutioners logik er at behandle sig ud af problemer. Kapitlets pointe er at institutionerne må påtage sig opgaven med at inddrage forældrene og den øvrige lokalbefolkning i løsningen af velfærdsproblemer med fokus på lokale ressourcer, det vil sige gennem sundhedsfremmende tiltag. På den måde kan institutionerne støtte befolkningen i at tage del i ansvaret for sundhed og trivsel på længere sigt. Dette kræver samarbejde mellem befolkningen, institutionerne, organisationerne og forskningen om at skabe selvforvaltning og et godt liv i lokalsamfundene.

Forfatter: Gert Mulvad; Tine Aagaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Trivsel; Sundhed; Velfærdsinstitutioner; Lokalsamfund; Borgerinddragelse; Samarbejde Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1. udgave Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 631 0

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Patientperspektiver ‐ en vidensform Grønlandsk forskning i patienters daglige livsførelse med sygdom viser at patienter risikerer at blive udelukket fra indflydelse på egen behandling, pleje og rehabilitering fordi professionelle ofte er centreret omkring deres egen faglige praksis og vurderer faglig viden højere end patienters viden om deres liv. I det der i sundhedsvæsenet kaldes ‘fælles beslutningstagen’, er det ikke nok at spørge til patienters umiddelbare præferencer i forhold til en bestemt indsats. Patienters sundhedsproblemer må forstås i relation til deres liv som er formet i bestemte sociale og kulturelle sammenhænge. Det er dét at sætte personlig livsførelse ind i sin samfundsmæssige sammenhæng der gør patientpræferencer til rationel viden – bl.a. viden om ressourcer til at klare livet med sygdom. Denne viden kan sætte de professionelle i stand til at yde en indsats som er relevant og brugbar for den enkelte patient. Når patientperspektiver forstås på den måde, går kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet og en medmenneskelig tilgang til patienterne hånd i hånd. Humanistisk sundhedsforskning kan bidrage hertil ved at afdække patient‐ og professionelle perspektiver.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Patientperspektiver; Brugerperspektiver; Vidensformer; Fælles beslutningstagen; Sundhed i kontekst; Humanistisk sundhedsforskning Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1. udgave Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 631 0 Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Rekruttering og fastholdelse i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen set fra sygeplejerskers perspektiver Kapitlet tager udgangspunkt i personalesituationen i sundhedsvæsenet som er præget af stor gennemstrømning af korttidsansatte, fortrinsvis ikke‐grønlandsksprogede sygeplejersker, på grund af sundhedsvæsenets udfordringer med rekruttering og fastholdelse af personale gennem mange år. En interviewundersøgelse viser fastansatte hospitalssygeplejerskers oplevelser af konsekvenserne i hverdagen i klinisk praksis: stor arbejdsbyrde pga. oplæring af nyt personale og tolkning mellem korttidsansatte og patienter; ekstraopgaver i forbindelse med uddannelse af elever og studerende samt ledelse og konflikthåndtering; afbrydelser og manglende tid til kerneopgaven, patientplejen. Dette medfører stress, evt. med fysiske symptomer, og overvejelser om jobskifte. Undersøgelsen peger på behov for bedre introduktionsforløb for nyansatte, bedre muligheder for faglig sparring og udvikling og generelt for ledelsesmæssigt initiativ og opbakning. Kapitlet afsluttes med nogle konkrete forslag til udvikling af praksis på de omtalte områder med henblik på at fastholde både de udefrakommende sygeplejersker og de fastansatte grønlandsksprogede sygeplejersker.

Forfatter: Helle Mougaard‐Frederiksen ; Tine Aagaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Rekruttering; Fastholdelse; Sygeplejeperspektiver; Korttidsansatte; Stress; Organisation; Ledelse Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1. udgave Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 631 0

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Videnskabsetik i sundhedsforskning i et postkolonialt samfund med en lille befolkning Sundhedsforskning i Grønland rummer udfordringer som vestlige videnskabsetiske retningslinjer har svært ved at håndtere på en måde så forskningen kan medvirke til at forbedre befolkningens sundhedstilstand. Koloniseringen i Grønland har, ligesom kolonisering blandt oprindelige befolkninger andre steder i verden, medført sociale problemer som følge af blandt andet tab af identitet og værdier samt ansvarsfratagelse. Vestligt orienterede sundhedssystemer, med deres fokus på helbred og behandling, kan vanskeligt inddrage sociokulturelle faktorers betydning for livskvalitet, og tilgangen stemmer dårligt overens med befolkningens værdier og opfattelser af et godt liv.

Ligesom sundhedsvæsenet er også sundhedsforskningen behandlingsorienteret. Derfor er der brug for at uddanne grønlandske forskere fordi de med deres kendskab til landet og befolkningen kan sætte helbredsproblemer ind i deres sociokulturelle sammenhænge og på den måde forske på et etisk forsvarligt grundlag. Denne forskningsmæssige kapacitetsopbygning foregår bl.a. i samarbejde med udenlandske forskere i regi af Grønlands Center for Sundhedsforskning ved Ilisimatusarfik.

Forfatter: Gert Mulvad; Tine Aagaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Sundhedsforskning; Videnskabsetik; Sociokulturelle faktorer; Sundhed og et godt liv; Lokal kapacitetsopbygning Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1. udgave Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 631 0

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Patienters viden og hvordan vi kan interviewe om den Dette kapitel henvender sig til studerende og andre som ved hjælp af interview ønsker indsigt i patienters eller andre brugeres hverdagsliv fra deres perspektiv. Der findes mange måder at skabe viden om patientperspektiver. Derfor diskuteres først det vidensmæssige grundlag for hverdagslivsinterview, som det fremstilles her. Der argumenteres for at patienters konkrete livsbetingelser og værdier må inddrages som rationel viden i faglig beslutningstagen, og at dette kræver særlige fremgangsmåder. Det vises herefter, gennem et praktisk eksempel fra et forskningsprojekt blandt grønlandske patienter, hvordan samtalen i interviewet kan generere viden om patientperspektiver gennem fælles udforskning af interviewpersonens konkrete livsførelse i dagligdagen. Kapitlet beskriver nogle principper for udforskning af patientperspektiver omhandlende inddragelse af subjektivitet, forskellige sundhedsopfattelser og kulturforskelle mellem forskere og interviewpersoner.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Kvalitativ interviewmetode; Patientperspektiver; Vidensformer; Daglig livsførelse; Subjektivitet; Sundhedsopfattelser; Kulturforskelle Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1. udgave Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 631 0

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Processes of value co‐creation in networks. An empirical study of local business networks in Denmark Purpose – There is no agreement in the network literature about how participating in networks is of value. This article aims to explore the underlying dynamics that form and support the process of value co‐creation in networks.

Design/methodology/approach – The article draws together symbolic interactionism and organizational ethnography to outline a research approach illustrating how participation in networks becomes valuable. The empirical data were collected through fieldwork over two in two local business networks in Denmark.

Findings – The case study illustrates how participants in local business networks struggle to make participation valuable. The article shows how networks can be considered joint spheres for value co‐creation. Three main arguments supporting value in networks stands out from the research: (1) Leadership as a collective achievement supports processes of value co‐creation; (2) Develop a shared but dynamic focus and (3) Participation is valuable when supporting participants’ daily worklife.

Originality/value – The article builds up a creative analytical framework based on symbolic interactionism making an important contribution about how participants experience value in networks.

Forfatter: Mette Apollo Rasmussen Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2020 Emner: Network; Symbolic interactionism; Value co‐creation; Local business development Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Organizational Ethnography Udgiver: Emerald Publishing Limited ISSN nummer: 2046‐6749 DOI nummer:‐06‐2019‐0026

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Holdninger til handicap – En undersøgelse af befolkningens holdninger til personer med handicap i samfundet og på arbejdsmarkedet Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Anna Ida Hallgaard Jonsson ; Drude Daverkosen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fysiske handicap; Psykiske handicap; Inklusion; Tilioq Udgivelsessted: Sisimiut Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Tilioq ISBN nummer: 9788797091531

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Innarluuteqarnermut Isummat ‐ Innuttaasut inuiaqatigiinni suliffeqarfeqarfinnilu inunnut innarluutilinnut tunngatillugu isumaannik misissuineq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Anna Ida Hallgaard Jonsson ; Drude Daverkosen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Fysiske handicap; Psykiske handicap; Inklusion; Tilioq Udgivelsessted: Sisimiut Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Tilioq ISBN nummer: 9788797091555

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Greenland’s self‐government and security matter implications in decision‐making Forfatter: Sara Olsvig Editor: Alejandro Parellada ; Lola García‐Alix ; Jens Dahl Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Foreign policy; Indigenous peoples' rights Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Building autonomies Forlag: IWGIA ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐93961‐03‐6

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Sundhedsprofessionelle perspektiver på patientinddragelse i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen Forfatter: Mougaard‐Frederiksen H ; Lene Seibæk Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Patientinddragelse Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk Kultur og Samfundsforskning

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grønlandske hjertepatienter i Danmark Forfatter: Anna Kleist Egede; Lise Hounsgaard; Lene Seibæk Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Sygepleje; Patientforløb Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ sundhed, samfund og kultur Forlag: Klim

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Patientinddragelse i klinisk hospitalspraksis Forfatter: Lene Seibæk Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Patientinddragelse Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ sundhed, samfund og kultur Forlag: Klim

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Patientinvolvering i grønlandsk hospitalspraksis ‐ et igangværende forskningsprojekt Forfatter: Lene Seibæk Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Patientinddragelse; Sundhedsvæsenet Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Non‐living resources and the Poles Colonization of the Poles was driven, as in most of the rest of the world, by the promise of resources. Living resources have long been exploited at both Poles,1 but only in the North have law, politics and economics aligned to permit exploitation of non‐living resources. Diversity amongst the Arctic states in climate, terrain, resource potential, population density, infrastructure and political economy means that no single pattern could describe accurately the entire region. This Chapter will provide only a cursory summary before focusing on the freedoms and constraints of international law on governance of non‐renewable, non‐living natural resources. It will then explain the history, current status and potential challenges to the sui generis regime in the Antarctic, according to which extractive industries are entirely prohibited. Although non‐living resources is a broad term that could cover renewable energy and ice‐harvesting, this Chapter concentrates on traditional extractive industries: mining and hydrocarbons.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Scott Joblin Editor: Karen Scott ; David VanderZwaag Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Polar law; International law ; Indigenous peoples; Natural resources Udgivelsessted: Cheltenham Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Research Handbook of Polar Law Udgave: 1 Forlag: Edward Elgar ISBN nummer: 978 1 78811 958 0

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

From the to the Arctic: What the Advisory Opinion Tells Us about Greenland On February 25, 2019, the International Court of Justice issued its advisory opinion on Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from in 1965. The judges held by a majority of 13:1 that the process of decolonisation of Mauritius is incomplete, owing to the separation of the Chagos Archipelago shortly before Mauritian independence, that the United Kingdom should end its administration of the Chagos Archipelago as rapidly as possible, and that all Member States of the United Nations should cooperate to complete the decolonisation of Mauritius.

The (partial) decolonisation of Mauritius in 1968 and the treatment of the Chagos islanders (Chagossians) have important parallels with the purported decolonisation of Greenland in 1952–54. In both cases, the consultative body of the colonised people was neither fully independent nor representative of all the people concerned. No real choice was given to either body; rather the colonial power offered only the continuation of the status quo or professed self‐determination on terms defined by the colonial power itself. Furthermore, the process of decolonisation was inherently linked to the forcible transfer of people in order to make way for a United States military facility.

Nevertheless, there are some relevant differences. First of all, Greenland was purportedly decolonised in 1953, some seven years before the UN General Assembly Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (UNGA Res. 1514(XV) 1960). Second, the UN General Assembly accepted the Danish government’s representations regarding the full decolonisation of Greenland (UNGA Res. 849 (1954), in contrast to their position regarding Mauritius that decolonisation was and remains incomplete, owing to the separation of the Chagos Archipelago (UNGA Res(XX) 1965). Third, though the Chagossians have been recognised as indigenous at the UN, the British government has continually denied this status and (mis)characterises them as a transient people, while Denmark has accepted the status of the Greenlanders as both an indigenous people and a colonial people, entitled to self‐determination.

This article examines the implications for the judgment for the Greenland case as well as broader questions of self‐determination of peoples. It concludes that the colonial boundaries continue to govern in decolonisation cases, with the consequence that the Greenlanders are likely to be held to be a single people; that the erga omnes character of the right to self‐determination means that all States must cooperate to facilitate Greenlanders’ choices for their future; and that there remain significant procedural hurdles that prevent colonial and indigenous peoples having their voices heard, even in the matters that concern them most of all.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Julia Jabour Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: International law; Decolonisation; Indigenous peoples; Greenland; Chagos Archipelago Titel på tidsskrift: Yearbook of Polar Law Volume på tidsskrift: 12 Udgiver: Brill Udgivelsessted: Leiden Udgivelsesland: Netherlands ISSN nummer: 2211‐6427 DOI nummer:

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Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

We Live in the Arctic: Inside Greenland Looking Out Forfatter: Sara Olsvig Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2020 Emner: Arctic; Resilience; Foreign policy Titel på tidsskrift: Global Asia Volume på tidsskrift: 15 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: The East Asia Foundation Udgivelsessted: Seoul Udgivelsesland: South Korea

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Commedia dell'arte Forfatter: Annemette Hejlsted Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Litteraturvidenskab; Komedie Titel på tidsskrift: Litteraturleksikon Volume på tidsskrift: Marts 2020 Udgiver: Samfundslitteratur Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2597‐0542

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Novelle Forfatter: Annemette Hejlsted Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Litteraturvidenskab; Novelle Titel på tidsskrift: Litteraturleksikon Volume på tidsskrift: September 2020 Udgiver: Samfundslitteratur Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2597‐0542

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Ugebladsnovelle Forfatter: Annemette Hejlsted Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Litteraturvidenskab; Novelle ; Ugebladsnovelle Titel på tidsskrift: Litteraturleksikon Volume på tidsskrift: August 2020 Udgiver: Samfundslitteratur Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2597‐ 0542

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Versnovelle Forfatter: Annemette Hejlsted Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Litteraturvidenskab; Novelle ; Versnovelle Titel på tidsskrift: Litteraturleksikon Volume på tidsskrift: August 2020 Udgiver: Samfundslitteratur Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2597‐ 0542 Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Fortælling (modus) Forfatter: Annemette Hejlsted Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Litteraturvidenskab; Fortælling; Modus Titel på tidsskrift: Litteraturleksikon Volume på tidsskrift: August 2020 Udgiver: Samfundslitteratur Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2597‐ 0542

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Short story Forfatter: Annemette Hejlsted Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Litteraturvidenskab; Short story; Genre Titel på tidsskrift: Litteraturleksikon Volume på tidsskrift: August 2020 Udgiver: Samfundslitteratur Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2597‐ 0542

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Sidehistorie Forfatter: Annemette Hejlsted Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Litteraturvidenskab; Sidehistorie; Fortælling; Plot Titel på tidsskrift: Litteraturleksikon Volume på tidsskrift: Marts 2020 Udgiver: Samfundslitteratur Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2597‐0542

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Communication | Formidling > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

A taste for nature in an Inuit perspective Forfatter: Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann Editor: Susanne Højlund ; Michael Bom Frøst ; Ole G. Mouritsen Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Årstal: 2020 Emner: Inuit food; Animal‐source foods Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Food Design Volume på tidsskrift: 5 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1‐2 Udgiver: Intellect

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Patient experience studies in the circumpolar region: a scoping review Objectives: Patient experiences with health systems constitute a crucial pillar of quality care. Across the Arctic, patients’ interactions with the healthcare system are influenced by challenges of access, historical inequities and social determinants. This scoping review sought to describe the range and nature of peer‐reviewed literature on patient experience studies conducted within the circumpolar region.

Design: In a partnership between Danish/Greenlandic, Canadian and American research teams, a scoping review of published research exploring patient experiences in circumpolar regions was undertaken. Data sources: Seven electronic databases were queried: MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, ‘Global Health 1910 to 2019 Week 11’, CINAHL, PsycINFO and SveMed+.

Eligibility criteria: Articles were eligible for inclusion if they (a) took place in the circumpolar region, (b) reported patients’ perspective and (c) were focussed primarily on patient experiences with care, rather than satisfaction with treatment outcome.

Data extraction and synthesis: Title and abstract screening, full‐text review and data extraction was conducted by four researchers. Bibliometric information such as publication date and country of origin was extracted, as was information regarding study design and whether or not the article contained results relevant to the themes of Indigenous values, rural and remote context, telehealth and climate change. Two researchers then synthesised and characterised results relevant to these themes.

Results: Of the 2824 articles initially found through systematic searches in seven databases, 96 articles were included for data extraction. Findings from the review included unique features related to Indigenous values, rural and remote health, telehealth and climate change.

Conclusions: The review findings provide an overview of patient experiences measures used in circumpolar nations. These findings can be used to inform health system improvement based on patient needs in the circumpolar context, as well as in other regions that share common features. This work can be further contextualized through Indigenous methodologies such as sharing circles and community based participatory methods.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Nathaniel Fox Hansen ; Nanna Lund Hansen ; Kennedy Jensen ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen ; Susan Chatwood Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Patient experience; Patient satisfaction; Circumpolar; Arctic; Scoping review; Indigenous; Rural healthcare; Tele‐health Titel på tidsskrift: BMJopen DOI nummer:‐2020‐042973

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Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Nabo–unges stemmer om social inklusion i Grønland Nabo er et projekt, der blev lanceret under det svenske formandskab i Nordisk Ministerråd 2018. Projektet ledes af den svenske Myndigheten för ungdoms‐ och civilsamhällesfrågor i perioden 2018‐2020 og sigter mod at skabe nordiske unges perspektiver på det sociale inklusion. Unges stemmer høres i spørgsmål om deres liv. og baseret på denne viden, får de muligheden for at deltage i og påvirke politiske beslutninger.

Unge mennesker bliver bedt om at beskrive deres hverdag og hvordan de oplever deres muligheder og forhindringer. Fra deres historier bygger Nabo en ramme af succesfaktorer for social integration i de nordiske lande.

Denne rapport er baseret på fokusgruppeinterviews med unge mennesker forskellige steder i Grønland. Lignende undersøgelser gennemføres i de andre nordiske lande på Færøerne og Åland.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Arnaruluk Lundblad ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Unge; Social inklusion; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nordisk Ministerråd ISBN nummer: 978‐92‐893‐6432‐4

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Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Brugernes oplevelse af det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen: En pilotundersøgelse Center for Folkesundhed i Grønland har i sommeren 2019 gennemført en kvalitativ pilotundersøgelse, der har undersøgt borgernes oplevelse af det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen.

Formålet med undersøgelsen har været at give et indblik i, hvordan adgangen til sundhedsvæsenet opleves af borgerne, og hvad der er vigtigt for borgerne, når de møder sundhedsvæsenet som brugere. Dermed giver undersøgelsen os et vigtigt grundlag for at arbejde videre med udviklingen af et langsigtet og nationalt design for øget brugerinddragelse og brugerevaluering i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen ‐ et grundlag, der tager udgangspunkt i borgernes egne perspektiver, og som er kulturel relevant.

Forfatter: Ingelise Olesen; Nanna Lund Hansen ; Christine Ingemann; Arnaruluk Lundblad ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Patient experience; Greenland; Health system Udgivelsessted: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed ISBN nummer: 9788778994967

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Alkohol og mænds vold mod kvinder i samliv Dette kapitel diskuterer mulige sammenhænge for måder at være mand på i forbindelse med alkohol og vold. På baggrund af en analyse af politiets og retsvæsenets dokumenter vedrørende 21 mænd, der i 2001 blev dømt for vold mod samlever (hustru/kæreste), kan de voldsdømte mænd karakteriseres som marginaliserede i livssituationer præget af forandringer og ofte omfattende problemer enten i arbejdslivet (arbejdsløs eller ustabil beskæftigelse og manglende uddannelse) eller i samlivsforholdet eller i begge relationer. Mændene er socialt og økonomisk belastede, og de fleste har problemer med alkoholmisbrug og nogle også med hash.

Voldshandlinger kan ved hjælp af kriminologiske narrativer og maskulinitetsteorier forstås i lyset af spændinger, som opstår når samfundsforhold forandres, som f.eks. mænds og kvinders rolle som forsørgere, og når magtrelationer mellem mænd og kvinder er under forandring. ’Black‐out’ som følge af beruselse synes at være en meget anvendt begrundelse blandt mænd, og også legitimerende for udøvelse af vold.

Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Alkohol; Mænds vold Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ sundhed, samfund og kultur Udgave: 1 Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 631 0

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Ledelse i Grønland Forfatter: Mette Apollo Rasmussen; Poul Bitsch Olsen Editor: Gestur Hovgaard; Steven Arnfjord Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Årstal: 2020 Emner: Ledelse; Samarbejde ; Organisering Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: SØJ Working Papers Volume: 1 Udgave: 1

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Laksen, Lusen og Putin. Om erhvervsøkonomisk succes, storpolitik og bæredygtighed Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Ragnheiður Bogadóttir Editor: Martin Marcussen ; Lau Øfjord Blaxkjær Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Akvakultur; Bæredygtighed; Handels‐ og undenrigspolitik Titel på tidsskrift: Økonomi & Politik Volume på tidsskrift: 93 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgivelsesland: Danmark Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The contradictory role of tourism in the northern peripheries: overcrowding, overtourism and the importance of tourism for rural development Forfatter: Rannveig Ólafsdóttir ; Seija Tuulentie ; Gestur Hovgaard; Karl Brix Zinglersen ; Marita Svartá ; Hans Holt Poulsen ; Marie Søndergaard Editor: McDonagh ; John Tuulentie ; Seija Tuulentie Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Tourism; Ower crowding; Northern peripheries Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Sharing Knowledge for Land Use Management Forlag: Edward Elgar

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Fællesskaber, trivsel og sundhed Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Paamiut Asasara; Social sundhed; Trivsel Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ Sundhed, samfund og kultur Forlag: KLIM ISBN nummer: 9788772046310

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Sustainability narratives in the Faroe Islands Forfatter: Lau Øfjord Blaxekær ; Erika Hayfield ; Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Torsten Graap ; Auður Ingólfsdóttir ; Lau Øfjord Blaxekær Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Nordic; Sustainability Udgivelsessted: Marburg Udgivelsesland: Germany Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The future of the North ‐ Sustainability in Nordic Countries Forlag: Metropolis Verlag

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Local knowledge in nature conservation management: Situation in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands Forfatter: M. Svartá ; Gestur Hovgaard; R. Bogadóttir ; M. Hytönen Editor: M. Hytönen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Local knowledge; Nature conservation management; Faroe Islands Udgivelsesland: Finland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Natural resources and bioeconomy studies Udgave: 14/2020

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Women in the Arctic: Gendering Coloniality in Travel Narratives from the Far North, 1907 ‐ 1930 This article is dedicated to the complex web of gender and colonial relationships in biographical writing. The author's main focus is on publications by two women of high society who traveled through the colonial North in the early 20th century, Danish Emilie Demant‐Hatt (1873‐1958) and Scottish Isobel Wylie Hutchison (1889‐ 1982). An analysis of these textual and visual works allows us to see how they made a contribution to the colonial project, while undermining it at the same time, and how colonial femininity combines obedience and disobedience.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Postcolonialism; Arctic; Gender; Travel writing; Biographical writing Titel på tidsskrift: NOVOE LITERATURNOE OBOZRENIE‐NEW LITERARY OBSERVER Volume på tidsskrift: 6 Nummer på tidsskrift: 166 Udgiver: Gorky Media Udgivelsessted: Moskow Udgivelsesland: Russian Federation ISSN nummer: 0869‐6365 DOI nummer: 94(48)+325+396

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Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Branding igennem moden ‐ Den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt som symbol Denne artikelbaserede ph.d.‐ afhandling omhandler hvordan den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt bliver brugt til branding og iscenesættelse i det grønlandske samfund, men også hvordan dragten gennem tiden er blevet brugt som et symbol i Grønland. Ph.d.‐ afhandlingen fokuserer på, hvordan det grønlandske samfund igennem tiden har reageret på udviklingen og moderniseringen af kvindedragten ud fra præmissen om, at denne repræsenterer en særegen grønlandskhed.

Afhandlingen er centreret omkring fire artikler, som er med til at vise den vestgrønlandske kvindedragts historie med henblik på at vise, hvordan kvindedragten både har ændret form og udseende i takt med grønlændernes kontakt med europæerne, herunder den dansk/norske mission fra 1721.

Afhandlingen belyser, hvordan den tyske brødremenigheds, herrnhuternes, tilstedeværelse i et hundrede og syvogtres år har sat dybe kulturelle spor i det grønlandske samfund. Det kan blandt andet observeres i den vestgrønlandske kvindedragts udseende og farvebrug. Desuden er det markant at se hvordan diasporadesignerne fra København anvender deres identitet til at skabe designs med nordiske/globale og grønlandske referencer, akkurat som det er tilfældet med den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt.

Afhandlingen stiller spørgsmål ved, om den grønlandske mode sker uden en ’samtale’ med fortiden og om moden forandres uden grund. Desuden stilles der spørgsmål ved, hvordan den grønlandske mode bruges i dag.

Herunder fokuseres der på inspirationer fra den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt som vi ser at det lokale, den nationale kultur, går i spil ved at bruge det som en del af ens iscenesættelse på globalt plan, for at vise ens tilhørsforhold – ens grønlandskhed gennem den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt eller gennem de kulturelle symboler i moden.

Afhandlingen argumenterer for, at den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt og den grønlandske mode gennem tiden følger strømningerne om nationsdannelsen og identitetsspørgsmålet i Grønland.

Det empiriske materiale i afhandlingen er metodisk indsamlet via de skrevne kilder fra den grønlandske litteratur, aviser, forskningsartikler og ikke mindst kvalitative interviews med forskere, designere, syersker og relevante personer med viden om dragthistorien samt den grønlandske mode.

Det skal også understreges, at deltagende observation som metode er anvendt i betydeligt omfang i f.eks. fashion week i København (2015, 2017) og Toronto (2018), projekter indenfor sælskinddesign, seminarer, paneldebat, møder, events og debatfora i de sociale medier igennem de sidste fem år.

Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2020 Emner: Branding; Mode; Kulturarv; Nationaldragt; Symboler; Kultur Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Download publikation

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Evidence‐based Nursing in Greenland: Pioneer spirit and long‐term strategies for education & research Forfatter: Lise Hounsgaard; Lene Seibæk Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Nursing; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Nordic Journal of Nursing Research Volume på tidsskrift: 38 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 DOI nummer:

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Emergency management services and safety in Greenland Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; New shipping routes; Maritime security; Emergency prevention; Prepardness and response Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Beredskab og samfundsmæssig sikkerhed i Grønland Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Arktis; Grønland; Klimaforandringer; Nye sejlruter; Maritim sikkerhed; Beredskab; Redningsaktioner; SAR Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Upalungaarsimaneq inuiaqatigiinnilu isumannaatsuuneq Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2020 Emner: Nunat immallu issittut avannarliit; Kalaallit Nunaat; Klimap allanngornera; Umiarsuit aqqutaat; Isumannaassuseq ; Ajornartoorfimmi; EPPR; SAR Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Patientinddragelse i klinisk hospitalspraksis Forfatter: Lene Seibæk Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Patientinddragelse; Sygepleje; Klinisk praksis Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ sundhed, samfund og kultur. Sundhedsarbejde og sundhedsforskning i Grønland

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grønlandske hjertepatienter i Danmark Forfatter: Anna Kleist Egede; Lise Hounsgaard; Lene Seibæk Editor: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Hjertepatienter; Overgange; Information Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneske ‐ sundhed, samfund og kultur. Sundhedsarbejde og sundhedsforskning i Grønland

Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Patientinvolvering i grønlandsk hospitalspraksis ‐ et igangværende forskningsprojekt Forfatter: Lene Seibæk Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2020 Emner: Projektbeskrivelse Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Nye sikkerhedspolitiske dynamikker i Arktis: Muligheder og udfordringer for Kongeriget Danmark Rapporten viser, at den nuværende udvikling i Arktis, der er præget af stormagtsrivalisering mellem Rusland, Kina og USA, sætter Kongeriget i en svær situation. Som en lille stat har Kongeriget draget fordel af perioden med sikkerhedspolitisk lavspænding i Arktis. Den sikkerhedspolitiske lavspænding er nu under pres. Det er i Kongerigets interesse at forsøge at værne om de arktiske fora og samarbejdsrelationer, der har gjort lavspændingen muligt. Kongeriget må imidlertid også forholde sig til de nye sikkerhedspolitiske dynamikker i Arktis. Dette skaber behov for ændrede tilgange både i forhold til stormagterne og deres interesser i Arktis og i forhold til samarbejdet i Rigsfællesskabet. Kongeriget må arbejde på at imødegå bekymrende russisk og kinesisk adfærd i Arktis. Endnu mere presserende for Kongeriget er imidlertid at håndtere de nylige amerikanske reaktioner på russisk og kinesisk adfærd i Arktis og ikke mindst de nye amerikanske krav og forventninger til dansk opgaveløsning i regionen, som følger med. Her bør Kongeriget handle hurtigt og proaktivt søge at holde kontrol med den amerikanske politik i forhold til Grønland og Færøerne. Det er i den forbindelse centralt, at Rigsfællesskabet formår at opretholde en fælles linje overfor stormagterne.

Forfatter: Mikkel Runge Olesen ; Flemming Splidsboel Hansen ; Luke Patey ; Steen Kjærgaard ; Camilla Sørensen ; Rasmus Leander Nielsen; Marc Jacobsen ; Cecilie Banke Editor: DIIS Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Arktis; Sikkerhedspolitik Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 2 Forlag: DIIS ISBN nummer: 97887‐7236‐013‐3

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Review and mapping of Indigenous knowledge concepts in the Arctic The importance of using knowledge of Indigenous peoples alongside with science in research, management and resource development is increasingly acknowledged. Despite political intentions of including the knowledge of Indigenous peoples, the extent and quality of utilizing their knowledge is uneven in the Arctic. The lack of agreed definitions of various concepts used for the knowledge of Indigenous peoples, and their interchangeable and inconsistent use, creates confusion about their meaning and implications. In this article we review the knowledge concepts and their interrelatedness, developing concept maps to visualize their similarities and differences with a view to clarify the confusion and aid to a more consistent engagement and utilization of this knowledge. We argue that Indigenous knowledge is the only concept that emphasize the identity aspect and thus imply the distinct status and collective rights of Indigenous peoples, distinguishing it from other knowledge concepts. Our review suggests that the use of concepts varies significantly in the Arctic, shaped by the colonial and political‐economic processes in Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, and Alaska. We also observe a transition in use of concepts from traditional knowledge to Indigenous knowledge.

Forfatter: Parnuna Egede Dahl; Pelle Tejsner Editor: Timo Koivurova ; Else Grete Broderstad ; Dorothée Cambou ; Dalee Dorough ; Florian Stammler Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2020 Emner: Arctic; Concept mapping; Local knowledge; Indigenous knowledge; Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit; Traditional knowledge Udgivelsessted: London Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Udgave: 1st Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 978‐0‐367‐22039‐6

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

LOVISA 2019 Workshop report – Local knowledge in environmental and social impact assessment This report presents the findings from a workshop that was held in December 2019 in Nuuk, Greenland, as part of a project that focused on inclusion of local communities and Indigenous peoples, and their knowledges and experiences, in relation to social and environmental impact assessments in the European Arctic. The project was titled: ’LOVISA’ (Lokal Viden og Oprindelig Viden i Sociale Konsekvensvurderinger i Europæisk Arktis).

Forfatter: Naja Dyrendom Graugaard ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Parnuna Egede Dahl; Rasmus Kløcker Larsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2020 Emner: Local knowledge; Indigenous Peoples; Local communities; Environmental impact assessment; Social impact assessment; European Arctic Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Denmark Forlag: AAU Arctic, Danish Center for Environmental Assessment, Department of Planning, Aalborg University ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐93541‐13‐9

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Inuit ataasiakkat ajornartorsiutat kommuninilu suliassat angerlarsimaffeqannginnermut pissutaasutuaanngillat Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2019 Emner: Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsoq; Socialpolitikki Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 48

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Hjemløshed rækker ud over individuelle problemer og kommunale opgaver Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2019 Emner: Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; §37; Sociale problemer Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: vol. 61 nr. 48 Dato: 28. november

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Demographic reconstruction from ancient DNA supports rapid extinction of the great auk The great auk was once abundant and distributed across the North Atlantic. It is now extinct, having been heavily exploited for its eggs, meat, and feathers. We investigated the impact of human hunting on its demise by integrating genetic data, GPS‐based ocean current data, and analyses of population viability. We sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes of 41 individuals from across the species’ geographic range and reconstructed population structure and population dynamics throughout the Holocene. Taken together, our data do not provide any evidence that great auks were at risk of extinction prior to the onset of intensive human hunting in the early 16th century. In addition, our population viability analyses reveal that even if the great auk had not been under threat by environmental change, human hunting alone could have been sufficient to cause its extinction. Our results emphasise the vulnerability of even abundant and widespread species to intense and localised exploitation.

Forfatter: Jessica E Thomas ; Gary R Carvalho ; James Haile ; Nicolas J Rawlence ; Michael D Martin ; Simon YW Ho ; Arnór Þ Sigfússon ; Vigfús A Jósefsson ; Morten Frederiksen ; Jannie F Linnebjerg ; Jose A Samaniego Castruita ; Jonas Niemann ; Mikkel Holger Strander Sinding; Marcela Sandoval‐Velasco ; André ER Soares ; Robert Lacy ; Christina Barilaro ; Juila Best ; Dirk Brandis ; Chiara Cavallo ; Mikelo Elorza ; Kimball L Garrett ; Maaike Groot ; Friederike Johansson ; Jan T Lifjeld ; Göran Nilson ; Dale Serjeanston ; Paul Sweet ; Errol Fuller ; Anne Karin Hufthammer ; Morten Meldgaard; Jon Fjeldså ; Beth Shapiro ; Michael Hofreiter ; John R Stewart ; M Thomas P Gilbert ; Michael Knapp Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Evolutionary biology; Genetics and genomics; Seabird exploitation; 19th century extinction; Paleogenetics; Hunting; Ancient DNA Titel på tidsskrift: eLIFE DOI nummer: 10.7554/eLife.47509

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Communication | Formidling > Paper | Paper

Student Think Pieces: Art & History in Greenland The new research project "The Art of Nordic Colonialism: Writing Transcultural Histories", is funded by the Danish Carlsberg Foundation, and brings together researchers, curators, and artists working on art and visual culture related to Nordic colonial projects in the Caribbean, West Africa, India, Greenland, Iceland, and Sápmi. Organised by the Nuuk Art Museum and hosted by Department of Cultural and Social History at the University of Greenland, the research group held a public one‐day conference at the University of Greenland during “Nuuk Nordisk Kulturfestival” 2019.

Artists took actively part in imperialist projects from the 17th century and onwards, either as participants in colonial expeditions, as »tourists« and travelers, or as onlookers from home. At the same time, colonized subjects used aesthetic practices in their resistance to colonial rule. The conference inaugurated a collective examination and discussion of the role colonialism has had on the creation and reception of art and art histories across the Nordic countries and their former colonies from the 1600s up until the present. Responding to three artworks from the Nuuk Art Museum's collection, first and second year students from the Department of Cultural and Social History presented individual "think pieces" on the connections between visual art and colonial history in Greenland to an international audience.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Art; History; Greenland Navn på konference: Student Think Pieces: Art & History ‐ the Art of Nordic Colonialism: Writing Transcultural Art Histories Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Greenland Dato: 07 October 2019

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Zeitenwende in Nuuk Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2019 Emner: Greenland; Denmark; USA; Colonial history; Geopolitics; Historiography Navn på avis: Analyse & Kritik Volume & nummer: 652

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Uvis fremtid når grønlandske Herstedvesterfanger vender hjem Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2019 Emner: Anstalt; Fængsel; Indsatte; Bistandsværgeordning; Acces to justice Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Dato: 13. september 2019

Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

A new Empire of the North: Arctic coloniality and the legacy of Ada Blackjack This paper investigates the cultural‐historical processes that connect early twentieth century Arctic colonial histories with experiences of coloniality. Ada Blackjack was the only survivor of an expedition that travelled to Wrangel Island in September 1921. An Inupiat from Nome, Blackjack had joined four Anglo‐European men recruited by the Canadian anthropologist and explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson to reclaim the island for the British Crown. Although the only member of the group remotely ‘at home’ in the Arctic environment she was consequently accused of neglecting or even murdering a male colleague, after the rest of the men had disappeared to seek help across the ice in January 1923. As she defended herself in the press, Blackjack was framed either as a heroic ‘female Robinson Crusoe’ or a questionable anti‐wife who had failed to assist the endeavor of building “A new Empire of the North”. Linking this micro‐historical episode of Arctic colonial history to the macro‐historical matrix of imperial power and expansion, the paper exposes the contested nature of Arctic historiography. While illustrating the entangled nature of cultural and social memory it also explores the transformative potential of historical research that both implicates and unsettles established global narratives.

This paper was presented as part of the panel "Varieties of colonial history" at the 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History at Tallinn University. It will be submitted for peer‐ review/publication in 2020.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Arctic; History; Imperialism Navn på konference: Global Cultural History 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History Konferenceby: Tallinn Konferenceland: Estonia

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Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Gendering memory: understanding the legacy of Josephine Diebitsch‐Peary Colonisation is a gendered enterprise, with archives both expressing and constructing the colony as masculine domain, populated by explorers, hunters and (male dominated) resource extraction. This paper explores gendered memory cultures in British/North American Arctic exploration during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Using archival material, the paper investigates the intersections of gender, race and class as they shape both tangible and intangible memorization narratives of Josephine Diebitsch‐Peary. As the wife of the Arctic explorer Robert Peary she accompanied her husband on expeditions to Greenland, giving birth to a daughter in Northern Greenland in 1893. Using papers and objects donated to the Women’s Archive in Portland, Maine, the paper traces how women are framed alternately as the ‘ideal’ wife and citizen and ‘that woman’, forming part of the many hidden histories of Arctic exploration narratives. Her archives thus allow us not only access to a woman’s perspective on an Arctic expedition, but also illustrate the gendered aspects of memory and colonialism that reach into the archive itself. The paper will demonstrate how an analysis within the context of memory studies enhances our understanding of Arctic histories and cultures by embracing the entangled nature of history and memory. This paper was presented as part of the panel 'Gendering memories: all the way from heroism to disposession' at the Memory Studies Association Conference, Complutense Universidad, Madrid and will be submitted for peer‐review/publication in 'Memory Studies' (Sage Journals).

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Arctic; History; Memory; Gender; Travel Navn på konference: 3rd Annual Memory Studies Association Conference Konferenceby: Madrid Konferenceland: Spain Åben publikation Download publikation

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Grønlandsk socialpolitik skal være sexet Kan grønlandsk socialpolitik være sexet? Mit oplæg i kronikken er ja. Det er sexet at arbejde for at gode minder bliver til positive fremtider. Det er sexet, at der er en gennemgående tanke fra politik til handling ‐ således at det arbejde der udføres rundt om i kommunerne hænger sammen med langsigtede socialpolitiske visioner.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2019 Emner: Socialpolitik; Grønland Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 25

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Kalaallit Nunaanni isumaginninnermut politikki alutornaateqassaaq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2019 Emner: Socialpolitikki; Kalaallit Nunaat Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 25

Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Women in the Arctic: Gendering Coloniality in Travel Narratives from the Far North, 1907‐ 1930 This paper focuses on historical travel writing by women in order to investigate the construction of gendered geographies in the Far North. Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines history, territorial discourses and gender studies, the paper examines travel literature as part of the construction and performance of gendered coloniality in Greenland and Northern Sweden.

The conference paper was presented as part of a special panel "Investigating the Politics of Gender History, Coloniality, Decoloniality and Indigeneity in the Greenlandic Archive (Pre‐proposed Panel)" at NORA 2019, Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics at the University of Iceland (Programme attached).

It is now available as part of a special issue "Nordic Colonialisms and Scandinavian Studies", see Höglund, J., & Burnett, L. (2019). Introduction: Nordic Colonialisms and Scandinavian Studies. Scandinavian Studies, 91(1‐2), 1‐ 12. Retrieved from‐2.0001.

Direct link> Reeploeg, S. (2019). Women in the Arctic: Gendering Coloniality in Travel Narratives from the Far North, 1907‐1930. Scandinavian Studies, 91(1‐2), 182‐204. Retrieved from‐2.0182.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Arctic; History; Human geography; Gender; Travel Navn på konference: NORA (Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research) 2019, Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics Konferenceby: Reykjavik Konferenceland: Icleand

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Grønlands teaterhistorie gennem 200 år: 1820‐2020 Forfatter: Birgit Kleist Pedersen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Teater; Historie; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Grønlandske unge som influencers – taking Nuuk City to the world Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Grønlandske unge; Influencers; Nuuk Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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De første ti år med landsdækkende tv i Grønland Forfatter: Aviaq Fleischer Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Grønland; TV Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Teologiens verden i Vesten Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Teologi Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Giv os i dag vor daglige sæl – om den grønlandske version af Fader Vor Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Teologi; Grønland; Fader Vor Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Selvstyre, paradiplomati og uddannelse i Arktis Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Selvstyre; Arktis; Paradiplomati; Uddannelse Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel At være anbragt på døgninstitution Forfatter: Bonnie Jensen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Døgninstitution; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Udenrigsnyheder i Grønland Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Udenrigsnyheder; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Særligt meningsfulde naturvidenskabelige undervisningsaktiviteter Forfatter: Lars Demant‐Poort Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Undervisning; Naturvidenskab; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Fjernundervisning i en østgrønlandsk bygdeskole Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Fjernundervisning; Østgrønland; Bygdeskole Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

“Man bliver glad af at lære” Forfatter: Lars Demant‐Poort; Louise Andersen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Undervisning; Uddannelse; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Udearealer ved ældreboliger i Sisimiut Forfatter: Kamilla Nørtoft ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tenna Jensen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Udearealer; Ældreboliger; Sisimiut Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Skikke som kan støtte de fødende i Grønland Forfatter: Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Fødsler; Skikke; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimarusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Perspektiver på livet som gammel i Nuuk Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Liv; Alderdom; Nuuk Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Nunatsinni isiginnaartitsisarneq ukiuni 200‐ni: 1820‐2020 Forfatter: Birgit Kleist Pedersen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Nunatsinni; Isiginnaartitsisarneq Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Kalaallit inuusuttut maligassiuisut – taking Nuuk City to the world Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Kalaallit inuusuttut maligassiuisut; Nuuk Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Nunamut tamarmut atuuttumik tv‐qarnerup ukiui siulliit qulit Forfatter: Aviaq Fleischer Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Nunamut tamarmut atuuttumik tv‐qarnerup ukiui siulliit qulit Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Nunani killerni teologiip silarsuaa Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Nunani killerni teologiip silarsuaa Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat Åben publikation

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Puisiminertugassatsinnik ullumi tunisigut – Ataatarpooq pillugu Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Puisiminertugassatsinnik ullumi tunisigut Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Namminersorneq, paradiplomatii aamma Issittumi ilinniartitaaneq Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Namminersorneq; Paradiplomatii; Issittumi ilinniartitaaneq Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Ulloq unnuarlu paaqqinnittarfimmut inissinneqarneq Forfatter: Bonnie Jensen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Ulloq unnuarlu paaqqinnittarfimmut inissinneqarneq Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Nunanit allanit nutaarsiassat Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Kalaallit Nunaat; Nutaarsiassat Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Pinngortitalerinermik ilinniartitsinerit imaqarluartut Forfatter: Lars Demant‐Poort Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Pinngortitalerinermik ilinniartitsinerit imaqarluartut Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Tunumi nunaqarfimmiuaqqanik ungasianit atuartitsineq Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Tunumi nunaqarfimmiuaqqanik ungasianit atuartitsineq Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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”Ilikkagaqarneq nuannaalersitsisarpoq” Forfatter: Lars Demant‐Poort; Louise Andersen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Ilinniakkat Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Sisimiuni utoqqarnut inissiat eqqaanni aneerfissat Forfatter: Kamilla Nørtoft ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tenna Jensen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Sisimiuni utoqqarnut inissiat eqqaanni aneerfissat Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Ileqqut naartusunut iluaqusersuisinnaasut Forfatter: Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Ileqqut naartusunut iluaqusersuisinnaasut Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Nuummi utoqqaat periarfissaat Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Nuummi utoqqaat periarfissaat Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat

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Greenland’s theatre history through 200 years: 1820–2020 Forfatter: Birgit Kleist Pedersen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Greenland; Theatre; History Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Young Greenlanders as Influencers – taking Nuuk City to the world Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Greenlanders; Influencers; Nuuk Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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The first ten years of nationwide television in Greenland Forfatter: Aviaq Fleischer Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Television; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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The world of theology in the West Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Theology; West Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Give us this day our daily seal – the Greenlandic version of the Lord’s Prayer Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Greenland; Lord’s Prayer Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Self‐rule government, para‐diplomacy and education in the Arctic Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Self‐ rule government; Para‐diplomacy; Education; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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To be placed in a 24‐hour care centre Forfatter: Bonnie Jensen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: 24‐ hour care centre; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel Foreign news in Greenland Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Foreign news; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Particularly meaningful teaching activities in natural science Forfatter: Lars Demant‐Poort Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Teaching activities; Natural science Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Distance learning at a school in an East Greenlandic settlement Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Distance learning; East Greenlandic settlement Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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“Being happy about learning” Forfatter: Lars Demant‐Poort; Louise Andersen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Learning; Education Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Outdoor areas at sheltered housing units for the elderly in Sisimiut Forfatter: Kamilla Nørtoft ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tenna Jensen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Outdoor areas; Sheltered housing; Elderly; Sisimiut Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Customs that can support women in labour in Greenland Forfatter: Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Customs; Women in labour; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Perspectives on life as a senior citizen in Nuuk Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Life; Senior citizen; Nuuk Titel på tidsskrift: Ilisimatusaat Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Skal kriminalitetsproblemet overvindes ved at flere tabes? Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2019 Emner: Grønland; Kriminallov; Anstalter; Fængsler; Forvaring; Udstødelse; Strafferammer Navn på avis: AG Dato: 13. marts 2019

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Web publication | Netpublikation

Form and Function: The Future of the Arctic Council Forfatter: Heather Exner‐Pirot ; Maria Ackrén; Natalia Loukacheva ; Heather Nicol ; Annika E. Nilsson ; Jennifer Spencer Editor: The Arctic Institute ‐ Center for Circumpolar Security Studies Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Article; Law; Governance Dato: 05 February 2019 Web‐publikationstype: Article Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Research | Forskning > Book | Bog

Arctic Governance in a Changing World This comprehensive text explains the relationship between the Arctic and the wider world through the lenses of international relations, international law, and political economy. It is an essential resource for any student or scholar seeking a clear and succinct account of a region of ever‐growing importance to the international community. Highlights include:

Broad coverage of national and human security, Arctic economies, international political economy, human rights, the rights of indigenous people, the law of the sea, navigation, and environmental governance.

A clear review of current climate‐related change.

Emphasis on the sources of cooperation in the Arctic through international relations theory and law.

Examination of the Arctic in the broader global context, illustrating its inextricable links to global processes.

Forfatter: Mary Durfee ; Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2019 Emner: Arctic; Governance; International relations; International law; Indigenous peoples; Law of the sea; Environment; Human rights; Security Udgivelsessted: Lanham, MD Udgivelsesland: USA Udgave: 1 Forlag: Rowman and Littlefield, inc ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐4422‐3562‐5

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel In the Shadow of the Mountain: Assessing early impacts on community development from two mining prospects in South Greenland The study presented in this paper explored how people in South Greenland perceive their future prospects and the role of mining in this regard. This region hosts two important mining projects still in relatively early stages. The study further investigated how mining projects influence local decisions about individual and community development. The study is based on qualitative interviews with people from the towns of Narsaq and Qaqortoq and from a sheep farm near Narsaq, during a fieldtrip in May 2017. The authors found that the mining projects, even though they are still in the exploration phase, have already had great impact on local expectations for future development and on decision‐making and planning in people’s daily lives and thereby the development of the communities. Further, although located relatively close together in the same region, there are significant differences between the towns and their relations to the neighboring mining projects. There is both support and opposition towards the projects, which triggers division between individuals, between groups and between the towns. However, all agree on a need for more transparent processes and for timelines to inform people of when they can expect decisions to be made and activities to take place.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: South Greenland; Mining; Social impact assessment; Uranium Titel på tidsskrift: The Extractive Industries and Society ISSN nummer: 2214‐790X

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Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiuutinik atuineq inuillu tusagassiornermi sullinniakkat Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Editor: Mariia Simonsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Tusagassiorneq; Tusagassiuutinik atuineq Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Tusagassiornerup tunngavii Forlag: Forlaget Ajour ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐934353‐51‐7

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grønlændernes deltagelse i socialforskningen i Grønland Den dansk dirigerede grønlandske samfundsforskning i Grønland tog for alvor fart i tiden efter Anden Verdenskrig. Det skete sideløbende med det nyligt oprettede FN’s kritik af forholdene i de danske kolonier. Retsforhold, vedfærdsforhold og andre sociologiske emner som f.eks. samarbejdet mellem grønlændere og danskere skulle undersøges. Man startede med at studere betingelserne for oprettelsen af en specifik grønlandsk lovgivning. Senere oprettede Grønlandsministeriet Udvalget for samfundsvidenskabelig forskning i Grønland (USG) .

Dette igangsætter en tradition omkring samfundsforskning i Grønland med et dansk perspektiv. Verner Goldschmidt gjorde en del for inddrage blandt Guldborg Chemnitz i det analytiske arbejde. Dog hører det til sjældenhederne at grønlænderne deltog i forskningsarbejdet i deres eget land. Der er siden opstået en diskurs om at samfundsvidenskabelig forskning om Grønland i overvejende grad begås af danske forskningsinstitutioner, hvilket også gør sig gældende for øvrige videnskaber. En tendens der forstærket af Selvstyrets fortsatte rekvirering af denne forskning. Denne tendens har forskere som Linda Tuhiwai Schmidt har gjort meget for at påpege. Der arbejdes med en moddiskurs kaldet decolonizing methodology. Herhjemme har vi få men centrale reaktioner fra grønlandske forskere, embedsmænd og politikere omkring dette. Heri blandt Ilisimatusarfiks første rektor Robert Petersen, ministrene Stephen Heilmann og Henriette Rasmussen. Endvidere har vi kritiske bemærkninger fra forskningskoordinatorer som Mogens Holm mv. Alle beklager den herskende distancerede diskurs, som tilmed skaber et udefraskuende perspektiv på samfundet. Dette afsnit vil summarisk forholde sig til dele af denne udvikling, diskutere modreaktioner, vise tendenser og modtendenser samt illustrere med et par cases, hvordan der med enkle ændringer i forskningsdesigns kan laves mere inddragende og vedblivende forskning herhjemme.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Editor: Ole Høiris ; Ole Marquardt ; Gitte Adler Reimer Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Forskningshistorie; Videnssociologi; Grønland; Socialforskning; Deltagelse Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlændernes syn på danskere ‐ historiske, kulturelle og sproglige perspektiver Forlag: Aarhus Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 9788771845624

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Tolkning i det grønlandske retsvæsen ‐ Kalaallit Nunaanni eqqrtuussivinni nutserisarneq Denne undersøgelse ser på om retterne i Grønland lever op til Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions krav om tolkning. Undersøgelsen dækker tolkning i kriminalsager i grønlandsk dansk, men også i begrænset omfang andre sprog. Der sættes fokus på følgende forhold:

1. De rammer, som det grønlandske retsvæsen tilbyder for at sikre den rette tolkebistand.

2. I hvilket omfang der tages hensyn til nord‐ og østgrønlandske brugere af retten.

3. Tolkenes kompetencer med hensyn til sprog, tolketekning og professionalisme.

Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Grønland; Tolkning; Retsvæsen; Menneskerettigheder Udgivelsesland: Danmark, Grønland Forlag: Institut for Menneskerettigheder & Ilisimatusarfik ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐93605‐61‐9

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Fjernundervisning i matematik i Østgrønland A research project on distance teaching in math in the school in East Greenland is presented. Results show severe challenges for distance teaching coming from lack of digital infrastructure in East Greenland. Results also show challenges in terms of sharing responibility and roles among teachers and staff when it comes to teaching school children at distance.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Fjernundervisning; Grønlands skolesystem; Østgrønland; Matematik; Didaktik; Uddannelse Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Pædagogisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Foreningen Dansk Pædagogisk Tidsskrift Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0904‐2393

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Hjemløshed i Grønland – og socialpolitiske perspektiver I Grønland oplever vi som i flere lande i Europa, Canada og Nordamerika en stigning i hjemløs‐ hed. De sidste fire år har Ilisimatusarfik og Memorial University i Canada arbejdet med at afdække de komplekse sociale problemstillinger, som viser sig i praksis. Gennem en bred metodisk tilgang har vi nærmet os en forståelse af hjemløshed i Grønland. Projektet er begyndt at få lidt politisk opmærksomhed. Hjemløshed fik f.eks. sin egen overskrift i koalitionsaftalen i den grønlandske regering i 2018. Forsknings‐ mæssigt tillader vi os derfor at påstå, at noget i forskningen er rigtigere end noget andet. Det er først og fremmest et handlingsorienteret fokus på politikernes opgave med at formulere sociallovgivning og socialpolitik på det grøn‐ landske område omkring udsatte voksne.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Socialpolitik; Grønland; Hjemløshed; Social retfærdighed Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 67 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 00174556

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Hjemløshed og alkoholmisbrug i et grønlandsk socialpolitisk perspektiv Problemstillingerne omkring hjemløshed og misbrug er velkendte i den socialpolitiske debat i Grønland. Alligevel er der et mærkbart behov for ny socialpolitik på området.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Socialpolitik; Grønland; Hjemløshed; NoINI Titel på tidsskrift: STOF ‐ Viden Om Rusmidler og Samfund Volume på tidsskrift: Sommer Nummer på tidsskrift: 22 Udgiver: Center for Rusmiddelforskning Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 1397‐338X

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review | Anmeldelse

Modernitetens gennembrud på Færøerne. Debatanmeldelse: Charlotte Langkilde, Færøerne. En nation fødes Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Hans Andrias Sølvará Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2019 Emner: Færøerne; Modernitet; Modernisering Titel på tidsskrift: Historisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 119 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Den danske historiske forening Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Medier og selvstændighed i Grønland This article discusses the potential impact of Greenlandic independence on Greenland’s media system and suggests initiatives necessary for maintaining strong Greenlandic media in the future. Using Manuel Puppis' (2009) theory of the characteristics of small media systems, the Greenlandic media system is described. It is shown that it is built with the following aim in mind: the media should support the Greenlandic society by being independent and diverse, strengthening the Greenlandic language, and providing quality journalism that can heighten the public debate. However, as a small media system it is vulnerable to global tendencies where legacy media lose users and advertisers to digital platforms like Facebook and streaming services. The article argues that the vulnerability of the Greenlandic media system could increase if independence leads to a tighter public economy, impeding the media's ability to support Greenlandic society and culture. An interventionist media regulation could, therefore, be a prerequisite for a strong Greenlandic media system that can act as a unifying and nation‐building institution.

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Grønland; Medier; Offentlig økonomi; Grønlands selvstændighed Titel på tidsskrift: Politik Volume på tidsskrift: 22 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Institut for statskundskab Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2446‐0893 DOI nummer:

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Women in the Arctic: Gendering Coloniality in Travel Narratives from the Far North, 1907‐1930 Recognising the diverse roles that women have played in the history of the Arctic, both as colonisers and colonised, this article uses travel writing or Arctic biographies by women writers to explore female colonisation strategies within the context of Scandinavian colonialism. Inspired by Maria Lugone’s use of the concept of “coloniality of gender” (2008) the article investigates how gendered coloniality is produced and mediated through travel writing by women in the Arctic. While Lugones’ critique primarily addresses the racism and violence inherent in modern/colonial gender systems, the analysis uses her understanding of coloniality as a lived experience of Eurocentric domination in order to illuminate the gendered nature of complicity by white, elite women. Using the work of Emilie Demantt (1873‐1958), later Demantt‐Hatt, and Isobel Wylie Hutchison (1889‐1982) the article analyses both ‘Nordic’ and ‘transnational’ female strategies of colonisation as they are performed and articulated through biographical writing. Both in form and content, these texts demonstrate the many ways in which global and imperial power intersected with local hierarchies and systems of knowledge as part of multiple and concurring representations of reality over time.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Johan Höglund ; Linda Andersson Burnett Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Arctic; History; Colonialism; Gender; Travel Titel på tidsskrift: Scandinavian Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 91 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1‐2 Udgiver: University of Illinois Press on behalf of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study Udgivelsessted: Illinois Udgivelsesland: United States of America ISSN nummer: 00365637 DOI nummer: 10.5406/scanstud.91.1‐2.0182

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

The microbial composition of dried fish prepared according to Greenlandic Inuit traditions and industrial counterparts The practices of preparing traditional foods in the Arctic are rapidly disappearing. Traditional foods of the Arctic represent a rarity among food studies in that they are meat‐sourced and prepared in non‐industrial settings. These foods, generally consumed without any heating step prior to consumption, harbor an insofar undescribed microbiome. The food‐associated microbiomes have implications not only with respect to disease risk, but might also positively influence host health by transferring a yet unknown diversity of live microbes to the human gastrointestinal tract. Here we report the first study of the microbial composition of traditionally dried fish prepared according to Greenlandic traditions and their industrial counterparts. We show that dried capelin prepared according to traditional methods have microbiomes clearly different from industrially prepared capelin, which also have more homogenous microbiomes than traditionally prepared capelin. Interestingly, the locally preferred type of traditionally dried capelin, described to be tastier than other traditionally dried capelin, contains bacteria that potentially confer distinct taste. Finally, we show that dried cod have comparably more homogenous microbiomes when compared to capelin and that in general, the environment of drying is a major determinant of the microbial composition of these indigenous food products.

Forfatter: Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Petronela Paulová ; Josué Castro‐Mejía ; Lars H. Hansen ; Thomas Sicheritz‐Pontén ; Gert Mulvad; Dennis S. Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Microbiota; 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing; Traditional foods; Desiccation; Animal‐sourced; Inuit; Diet Titel på tidsskrift: Food Microbiology Volume på tidsskrift: 85 Nummer på tidsskrift: 103305 DOI nummer:

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Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Theory and Practice Introducing relations between theory and practice to teacher students. Referring to Gene Lave & Etienne Wenger, Pierre Bourdieu and Donald Schön.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: ; Karina Hofmann ; Anders Øgaard Type: Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Årstal: 2019 Emner: Theoretical discussing relations between theory and practice Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Atagu! Introductory texts for teacher training Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institute of Learning

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Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale

Educational Psychology Through examples from life in Greenland learning psychology is introduced. References to Lev Vygotskij and Jean Piaget.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: ; Karina Hofmann ; Anders Øgaard Type: Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Årstal: 2019 Emner: Introduction to learning psychology Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Atagu! Introductory texts for teacher training Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institute of Learning

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Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale

Critical Thinking Discussing critical thinking in a Greenlandic context. References to Karl Marx, Karsten Schnack, Greenlandic legislation.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: ; Karina Hofmann ; Anders Øgaard Type: Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Årstal: 2019 Emner: Discussing critical thinking in a Greenlandic context Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Atagu! Introductory texts for teacher training Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institute of Learning

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Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale

Evaluation Introduction to the purpose, character and use of evaluation in teaching and education. Introduction to methods for evaluation. References to Ulrich Beck, John Hattie, John Krejsler.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: ; Karina Hofmann ; Anders Øgaard Type: Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Årstal: 2019 Emner: Introduction to the purpose and use of evaluation in teaching Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Atagu! Introductory texts for teacher training Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institute of Learning

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Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale

Research and Development Work Discussing the responsibility as developer when teaching in school. Introducing methods for action research. Reference to Greenlandic legislation.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: ; Karina Hofmann ; Anders Øgaard Type: Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Årstal: 2019 Emner: Discussing teacher professionalism Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Atagu! Introductory texts for teacher training Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institute of Learning

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Teaching | Undervisning > Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale

IT and Digital Media in Education Basic definition of digitalisation. Discussion of possibilites for progressive teaching from using digital media. References to Birgitte Holm Sørensen, Karin Levinsen and Helle Marie Skovbjerg, and to Marc Prensky.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Editor: ; Karina Hofmann ; Anders Øgaard Type: Contribution to compendium/lecture notes | Bidrag til kompendium/undervisningsmateriale Årstal: 2019 Emner: Introduction to digitalisation and uses of digital technology in teaching Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Atagu! Introductory texts for teacher training Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institute of Learning

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Greenland The four Nordic island societies of the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and the Åland Islands have great differences both culturally and historically as to how, and to what extent, they have achieved autonomy/independence. At the same time, in some areas they have more in common with each other than with the other Nordic countries: Living conditions, with a dependence on nature. Small communities, with a prominent visibility and dependence on each other, where daily life is subject to strong traditions. And, to various degrees, the struggle for autonomy and independence.

Despite the four island societies being more or less independent parts of Nordic society, two of these, the Faroe Islands and the Åland Islands, have hardly been mentioned within criminological contexts. And no attempts have been made to look at these four areas collectively. In order to more closely investigate the Nordic island societies within a criminological context, a group of researchers decided to focus on crime, incarceration and control in the four Nordic island societies. This report is the first result of the working group’s work.

The Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology has supported the working group both in the publication of this report and in connection with travels to three of the four island societies. Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Editor: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Greenland; Criminology; Detention; Small societies; Number of prisoners Udgivelsessted: Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology Udgivelsesland: Aarhus Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Crime and Crime Control in Four Nordic Island Societies: The Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and the Åland Islands ISBN nummer: 978‐82‐7688‐050‐2

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Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Historical sources, coloniality of power and gender in Greenland: new data and persistent issues In this paper I analyse historical interpretations and elements of the coloniality of power and gender in the historiography of Greenland. I discuss new uses and methods of analysis looking to describe historical documents without reinforcing the Eurocentric view within them. Moreover, I employ Protestant church’s historical registers of marriages of various Greenlandic towns (Nuuk, Qaqortoq, Qeqertasuaq and Aasiaat) to explore issues of gender inequality during the colonial period seeking to disentangle modern presumptions of colonial gender relations in Greenland.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Årstal: 2019 Emner: Economic history Navn på konference: NORA ‐ Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research Konferenceby: Reykjavik Konferenceland: Iceland

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

From Bilateral to Trilateral Agreement: The Case of Thule Air Base Pituffik or Thule in Greenland has always been controversial within foreign and security policy between three parties: Denmark,Greenland and the USA. The Thule‐base in Greenland has had an important role during the Cold War as part of the US military sphere in the North. The role of the base has changed over time to become a radar station, but it is still part of the overall US defense system. Recent tensions around the base regarding the contract and subcontractor’s role have intensified discussions about the existence of the base and who actually has power over the base. The Greenlandic government has had awish to be more influential on what is going on in the far north, but things have been held secret from the public and local politicians. This has resulted in some skepticism between Greenland and Denmark on the one hand, but also between Greenland and the USA on the other. This paper will shed light on the development from the bilateral to the trilateral relationship outplayed between the three major actors and how this relates to foreign and security policy within the Kingdom of Denmark and the relationship towards the USA.

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Lassi Heininen ; Heather Exner‐Pirot ; Justin Barnes Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Foreign policy; Security policy; Greenland; Thule Air Base Udgivelsessted: Akureyri Udgivelsesland: Iceland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Yearbook 2019: Redefining Arctic Security Forlag: Arctic Portal ISBN nummer: ISSN: 2298‐2418

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Referendums in Greenland ‐ From Home Rule to Self‐Government Greenland is a case of a delegation model, where powers from the state have been delegated in a step‐wise manner from time to time. The model used by Denmark and Greenland in their relationship is based on negotiations between the two governments. Usually commissions are established with an equal number of representatives from each side. This is illustrated by the two autonomy referendums, which this article focuses on. In a time of a political awakening period from the 1960s through the 1970s voices for more autonomy was on the agenda, which led to the first autonomy referendum back in 1979. After 20 years of Home Rule, while Greenland had fulfilled the Home Rule Act new negotiations were taken place in order to enhance the self‐ government. This led to the second autonomy referendum in 2008 with the implementation of the Self‐ Government Act in 2009. Greenland is now in a process towards further autonomy or even outright independence.

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Home Rule; Self‐Government; Greenland; Referendum Titel på tidsskrift: Fédéralisme Régionalisme Volume på tidsskrift: 19 Udgivelsessted: Liège Université Udgivelsesland: Belgium ISSN nummer: 1374‐3864

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Research | Forskning > Other things | Andet

A toolkit for Community Based Participatory Research in Greenland This toolkit is written as a guide for communities and researchers who would like to conduct research in Greenland through a collaborative and equitable partnership. It is also a resource for anyone conducting research projects in Greenland to educate them on the relationship between research that takes place in Greenland and its impact on communities. Additionally, this toolkit is a guide for Greenlanders who want to gather more information about research and how research partnerships may benefit their communities.

Forfatter: Elizabeth Rink ; Gitte Adler Reimer Type: Other things | Andet Årstal: 2019 Emner: Toolkit; Community Based Participatory Research; Greenland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Palliation i Grønland Grønlands sundhedsvæsen er som helhed udfordret af både geografi og sociale forhold i en meget lille befolkning spredt over verdens største og måske mest ufremkommelige ø. Udfordringerne gælder derfor også den palliative indsats. Officielle planer og dokumenter for palliation tager ofte afsæt i danske og internationale dokumenter. Palliation er stort set forbeholdt kræftpatienter, som både kan få palliativ behandling i Danmark og i Grønland. Der findes ikke døgnsygepleje og kun døgnpleje få steder i Grønland og derfor må patienter indlægges, hvis pleje og omsorg ikke kan varetages af pårørende aften og nat.

I denne artikel beskrives kort centrale dokumenter vedrørende palliation i Grønland. Forskning og dokumentation vedrørende palliative behov og palliativ indsats i Grønland er sparsom og vi har derfor valgt kort at opsummere hovedresultaterne fra to ph.d.‐projekter, der med forskellige metoder har dokumenteret vilkårene for alvorligt kræftsyge (og andre kronisk syge) samt deres pårørende i Grønland.

Forfatter: Helle Timm ; Tine Aagaard; Mikaela Augustussen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Palliation; Grønland; Kræftpatienters symptomatologi; Patienters og pårørendes og professionelles erfaringer Titel på tidsskrift: Omsorg ‐ Nordisk tidsskrift for palliativ medicin Volume på tidsskrift: 36 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Fagbokforlaget Udgivelsessted: Bergen Udgivelsesland: Norge ISSN nummer: 0800‐7489

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Sociologiske perspektiver på psykisk sundhed Psykisk sundhed perspektiveres i denne artikel socialvidenskabeligt, og temaet behandles i relation til selvmordsproblematikken, som er vedvarende i Grønland. Derfor ser vi på, hvad et socialt orienteret blik kan bidrage til i forståelserne fra noget af den seneste socialpsykologiske og antropologiske viden på området. Kan en community orienteret tilgang supplere det nuværende forebyggelsesarbejde? Denne overvejelse er væsentlig at inddrage i betragtningerne, da effekten af de hidtidige indsatser ikke tilstrækkeligt kan aflæses i statistikken omkring selvmord. Det kan ses som et vægtigt supplement i samspil med arbejdet omkring at styrke den refleksive samtale og understøtte, at især unge i langt højere grad lærer at sætte ord på, hvordan de har det med deres psykiske sundhed.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Sociologi; Selvmord; Nuussuaq; Nuuk; Lokalsamfundsindsats Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 67 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsessted: Charlottenlund Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 00174556

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Der er langt fra Tasiilaq til Nuuk – perspektiver på socialt arbejde på distancen En udsendelse fra Danmarks Radio fremhævede i år alvorlige sociale problemer blandt børn og unge i Tasiilaq i Østgrønland – og udsendelsen fremhævede også alvorlige mangler i den sociale indsats. I udsendelsen hævdes det, at kommunen og dens ansatte ikke reagerede eller ikke reagerede tilstrækkeligt nok, når de modtog underretninger fra fagfolk. I denne artikel tager vi udgangspunkt i situationen i Tasiilaq gennem DR’s udsendelse ”Byen hvor børn forsvinder” – og med afsæt i en række kvalitative interviews med offentligt ansatte i byen. Vi anlægger et socialpolitisk perspektiv på temaet som en case ved bl.a. at se på situationen fra de offentlige ansattes perspektiv – og gennem analyser af mulige udfordringer i en del af en offentlig socialadministration, som dels skal udføres lokalt i Tasiilaq, og dernæst en distanceret efterbehandling på den anden side af Indlandsisen i Nuuk. Hvilke udfordringer giver det i den fremtidige beskyttelse af byens børn og unge?

Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Tasiilaq; Østgrønland; Socialt arbejde; Kommunesammenlægning Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 4 Nummer på tidsskrift: 68 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsessted: Charlottenlund Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 00174556

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Exploring the Role of Regional Parties in the Nordic Autonomies: Why Entrenched Self‐ Government Matters In this article we combine two traditions within political science: regional party research and selfgovernment research. The reason behind this rationale is to show that mobilization of the electorate is solely in the hands of regional parties in the three autonomous islands under investigation: the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Åland Islands. We use most similar systems design as an approach to look at how the different party systems have evolved over time. The degree of entrenched self‐rule has been different over time but is now on a similar level. The background variables that have been held constant in this context are the population size and the degree of a distinct culture and language, which emanates from a homogenous population on the islands. A distinct party system can evolve exclusively around a national parliament and an entrenched regional assembly. In our study regional parties are members of both. Self‐government has a severe impact on the birth of regional parties, and their incumbents serve in the first instance as agents for the regional government in national parliaments. In this study we have chosen to look at the impact of entrenched self‐government on regional parties and regional party systems. Self‐government facilitates birth of new parties, and when the devolved government is well consolidated it gives fuel to the emergence of a distinct full‐scale party system.

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén; Jan Sundberg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Regional parties; Self‐government; Population size; Language and cultural homogeneity; Faroe Islands; Greenland; Åland Islands Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Autonomy and Security Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 3 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Självständighetstanken i Grönland ‐ fiktion eller verklighet? Grönland har en politisk vilja att nå självständighet, då de flesta politiska partier är för självständighet. Självständighetstanken är inte ny, men den har blivit mer aktuell under senare decennier. De nationalistiska strömningarna startade redan under 1960‐talet, då välutbildade grönlänningar i Danmark startade proteströrelser emot den danska statens sätt att hantera sin forna koloni. Artikeln kommer att se på den politiska dimensionen från starten av de nationalistiska strömningarna till våra dagar. Hur har den politiska dimensionen förändrats över tid? Vilka alternativ till fullständig självständighet finner vi i den grönländska debatten? Artikeln behandlar endast den politiska dimensionen och kommer därför inte in på ekonomiska förutsättningar eller eventuellt andra förhållanden.

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Självständighet; Grönland; Nationalism; Framtida scenarier Titel på tidsskrift: Politica Volume på tidsskrift: 51 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Procedurer for patientinddragelse og medmenneskelighed Formålet med artiklen er at diskutere procedurer i institutionel praksis og deres betydning for at inddrage patienter og pårørende som medmennesker i pleje, behandling og rehabilitering. Artiklen sluttes af med et konkret forslag til en procedure for samtale, som kan inddrage patienter og pårørende i et gensidigt samarbejde mellem dem og de professionelle. Artiklen er en bearbejdelse af et oplæg holdt på temasessionen Patient og Familie på Nunamed konferencen i Nuuk 5. ‐7. oktober 2019.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Patientperspektiv; Pårørende; Inddragelse; Institutioner; Procedurer Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 27 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Orpigaq – Evalueringsrapport Evaluering af døgninstitututionen Orpigaq i Kangerlussuaq for Villumfonden

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Nana Mørch Christensen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Evaluering; Socialpædagogikpædagogik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel Når ude ikke altid er godt, og hjemme ikke er bedst Artiklens form er et fiktivt brev fra et anbragt barn til hendes mor. Artiklen er sammenfattet af over 14 timers kvalitative interviews med nuværende anbragte børn, samt 21 timers interview med tidligere anbragte, forældre, forstandere og andre fagfolk.

Forfatter: Bonnie Jensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Anbringelser; Børn; Grønland; Børnehjem; Døgninstitutioner Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Does Indigenous Knowledge Occur in and Influence Impact Assessment Reports? Exploring Consultation Remarks in Three Cases of Mining Projects in Greenland Mineral extraction is pursued in Greenland to strengthen the national economy. In order that new industries promote sustainable development, environmental impact assessments and social impact assessments are legally required and undertaken by companies prior to license approval to inform decision‐making. Knowledge systems in Arctic indigenous communities have evolved through adaptive processes over generations, and indigenous knowledge (IK) is considered a great source of information on local environments and related ecosystem services. In Greenland the Inuit are in the majority, and Greenlanders are still considered indigenous. The Inuit Circumpolar Council stresses that utilizing IK is highly relevant in the Greenland context. Impact assessment processes involve stakeholder engagement and public participation, and hence offer arenas for potential knowledge sharing and thereby the utilization of IK. Based on the assumption that IK is a valuable knowledge resource, which can supplement and improve impact assessments in Greenland thus supporting sustainable development, this paper presents an investigation of how IK is utilized in the last stages of an impact assessment process when the final report is subject to a hearing in three recent mining projects in Greenland.

Forfatter: Parnuna Egede Dahl; Anne Merrild Hansen Editor: Noor Johnson Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Arctic; Greenland; EIA; SIA; Extractive industries; Indigenous knowledge; Traditional knowledge; Impact assessment Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic Review on Law and Politics Volume på tidsskrift: 10 Udgiver: Cappelen Damm ISSN nummer: 2387‐4562

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Conference article | Konferenceartikel

Distance Education in the Teacher Education in Greenland Presentation of work in progress: Research project about new solutions for teacher education as distance education in Greenland.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Conference article | Konferenceartikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Distance education; Teacher education; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Learning and Teaching Volume på tidsskrift: 5 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: International Journal of Learning and Teaching DOI nummer: 10.18178/ijlt.5.4.308‐312 Navn på konference: International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL) Konferenceby: Barcelona Konferenceland: Spain

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to conference in proceedings | Konferencebidrag i proceedings The Path Toward Independence The paper focusses on potential political and economic future Greenland scenarios and raises the question whether a ‘Free association’ is a way for Greenland to explore?

The paper further analyses challenges for a sustainably developing ‐ and independent ‐ Greenland such as economic aspects – including the question ‘can Greenland benefit from abstaining to exploit some of its natural resources?’.

Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: R. W. Corell ; J. D. Kim ; Y. H. Kim ; A. Moe ; C. E. Morrisin ; D. L. Van der Zwaag ; O.R. Young Type: Contribution to conference in proceedings | Konferencebidrag i proceedings Årstal: 2019 Emner: Future of Greenland: political and economic Udgivelsesland: Republic of Korea Navn på konference: 2019 North Pacific Arctic Conference (NPAC) Konferenceby: Honolulu, Hawai'i Konferenceland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Arctic in World Affairs. A North Pacific Dialogue on Global‐Arctic Interactions: The Arctic Moves from Periphery to Center Udgave: First Forlag: KMI Press ISBN nummer: 979‐11‐89964‐67‐2

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grønlændernes globalisering gennem den danske mode – Den grønlandske diaspora i Danmark Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Gitte Adler Reimer; Ole Høiris ; Ole Marquardt Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Mode; Diaspora; Design; Grønlandske designere; Danmark Udgivelsessted: Århus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlændernes syn på Danmark ‐ Historiske og sproglige perspektiver Forlag: Aarhus Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 978 87 7184 562 4

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Inklusion i børnehøjde ‐ Børneperspektiver på læring og trivsel Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Iben Jensen ; Niels‐Henrik M. Hansen ; Pernille Ahrong Editor: Kevin Perry; Iben Jensen ; Niels‐Henrik M. Hansen ; Pernille Ahrong Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2019 Emner: Børn; Børneperspektiver; Læring; Trivsel Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 9788772100128

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Forskningsprojektets formål og baggrund Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Iben Jensen ; Niels‐Henrik M. Hansen ; Pernille Ahrong Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Intro; Projektformål Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Inklusion i børnehøjde – børneperspektiver på læring og trivsel Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 9788772100128

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Marte Meo‐forløb i Greve kommune – et udviklingsprojekt Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Iben Jensen Editor: Kevin Perry; Iben Jensen ; Niels‐Henrik M. Hansen ; Pernille Ahrong Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Kommunalt samarbejde; Metodeudvikling; Marte Meo Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Inklusion i børnehøjde ‐ Børneperspektiver på læring og trivsel Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7210‐012‐8

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Børn og unge gør en forskel – en pædagogisk intervention Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Pernille Ahrong ; Iben Jensen Editor: Kevin Perry; Iben Jensen ; Niels‐Henrik M. Hansen ; Pernille Ahrong Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Børn; Unge; Pædagogik; Intervention Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Inklusion i børnehøjde ‐ Børneperspektiver på læring og trivsel Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 9788772100128

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Synlig social læring via øget forældreinvolvering – en pædagogisk intervention Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Niels‐Henrik Møller Hansen ; Iben Jensen Editor: Kevin Perry ; Iben Jensen ; Niels‐ Henrik M. Hansen ; Pernille Ahrong Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Forældre; Involvering; Pædagogik læring Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Inklusion i børnehøjde ‐ Børneperspektiver på læring og trivsel Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 9788772100128

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

William of Saint‐Thierry On The Soul Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: History; Theology Udgivelsessted: Leiden Udgivelsesland: The Netherlands Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: A Companion to William of Saint‐Thierry ‐ Brill's Companion to the Christian Tradition Forlag: Brill ISBN nummer: 978‐90‐04‐31355‐2

Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Da Trump ville købe Grønland Forfatter: Sara Olsvig; Rasmus Leander Nielsen Editor: Charlotte Flindt Pedersen ; Marcus Rubin Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2019 Emner: Udenrigspolitik; Trump Titel på tidsskrift: Udenrigs Volume på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 1395‐3818

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Evolving Self‐Governance, the Rights if the Child and the Future of Greenland Forfatter: Sara Olsvig Editor: Robert W. Corell ; Jong Deong Kim ; Yoon Hyung Kim ; Arild Moe ; Charles E. Morrisson ; David L. VanderZwaag ; Oran Young Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2019 Emner: Arctic Udgivelsessted: Seoul Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on The Arctic Moves from Periphery to Center Forlag: Korea Maritime Institute ISBN nummer: 979‐11‐89964‐67‐2

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Patient og familie Forfatter: Lene Seibæk Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Patientperspektivet Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 2

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Conference article | Konferenceartikel

Symposium on “parental education” at the ICCH17 This symposium report provides a brief overview of the six programmes and studies on parental education and maternal health services within the circumpolar region presented in the symposium “parental education” at the 17th International Congress of Circumpolar Health in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2018.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Siv Kvernmo ; Helle Møller ; Pertice M Moffitt ; Shirley Tagalik ; Rikke L Kuhn ; Siv E Nilsen ; Rebecca Rich ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Conference article | Konferenceartikel Årstal: 2019 Emner: Parental education; Perinatal; Maternity; Traditional knowledge; Indigenous; Arctic; Circumpolar health Udgiver: International Journal of Circumpolar Health DOI nummer: Navn på konference: 17th International Congress of Circumpolar Health 2018 Konferenceby: Copenhagen Konferenceland: Denmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Befolkningsundersøgelsen i Grønland 2018. Levevilkår, livsstil og helbred ‐ Oversigt over indikatorer for folkesundheden Befolkningsundersøgelsen i 2018 er den seneste i en række af fem landsdækkende sundhedsundersøgelser, der er gennemført siden 1993. Befolkningsundersøgelsen i 2018 omfatter 19 af de 38 indikatorer for folkesundheden i Grønland relateret til de indsatsområder som er beskrevet i folkesundhedsprogrammet Inuuneritta II. Disse dækker over befolkningens brug af alkohol og hash, rygevaner, kostmønstre og fysisk aktivitet samt en række forhold i opvæksten med betydning for helbredet langt ind i voksenlivet. Undersøgelsen handler i høj grad også om mental sundhed og trivsel, og der er som noget nyt et særligt fokus på unge og ældre.

Forfatter: Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen ; Charlotte Brandstrup Hansen ; Christine Ingemann; Marit Eika Jørgensen; Ingelise Olesen; Ivalu Katajavaara Sørensen ; Anders Koch; Vibeke Backer ; Peter Bjerregaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Health survey; Greenland; Public health Udgivelsessted: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: SIF's Grønlandsskrifter ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7899‐456‐1

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Report | Rapport

Kortlægning af rygestoptilbud: Undersøgelse af borgernes adgang til rygestop i kommuner og sundhedsvæsenet i Grønland Undersøgelsens formål er at få et tydeligt overblik over, i hvilket omfang borgerne i Grønland (både børn og voksne) har adgang til rygestoptilbud i regi af sundhedsvæsenet og kommunerne, herunder hvilke typer af rygestoptilbud, der udbydes, og i hvilket omfang.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Astrid Beck ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Smoking; Greenland; Public health; Prevention Udgivelsessted: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed

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Research | Forskning > Book | Bog

Collaboration, Dialogue and Trust Thanks to everyone in the towns and villages of Greenland we have visited from 2015‐2019. It is their experiences we try to communicate to others, their creativity, input and intelligence that are at the heart of this book.

We write about what we have experienced and learned. About the collaborations, storytelling and creation of shared knowledge that has taken us on an enlightening journey into landscapes of warmth, joy, and shared goals.

We have seen what freedom, art and research can mean for individuals, whole communities and the society they are part of, a society that is ready to stand up for its rights and dreams for the future. This is an open book.

It has a beginning, but no end ..

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Tina Enghoff Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2019 Emner: Social resilience; Youth; Transformation; Community art Udgivelsessted: Nuuk and Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Greenland and Denmark ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐971714‐0‐0

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Udearealer ved ældreboliger i Sisimiut ‐ et samskabelsesprojekt i Arktisk Aldring Forfatter: Kamilla Pernille Johansen Nørtoft ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tenna Jensen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Information om forskningsprojekt Udgivelsesland: Grønland

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Ældre menneskers liv og helbred i Grønland: En rapport fra forsknings‐ og udviklingsprojektet Arktisk Aldring (AgeArc) Forfatter: Kamilla Nørtoft ; Peter Bjerregaard ; Lise Hounsgaard; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen ; Ingelise Olesen; Tenna Jensen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Rapportering fra forskningsprojektet AgeArc Udgivelsesland: Danmark Volume: 31 Forlag: Syddansk Universitet. Statens Institut for Folkesundhed ISBN nummer: 1601‐7765

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Research | Forskning > Letter | Letter

Picturing Pikialasorsuaq – Ethics and effectiveness of representing Inuit knowledge in an online atlas The Pikialasorsuaq Atlas is an attempt to bridge and represent both scientific knowledge and Inuit knowledge about a critically important Arctic sea ice feature. The Atlas consists of a web‐based platform containing a variety of datasets, allowing the viewer to develop a comprehensive understanding of the ecological and cultural importance of the North Water Polynya (Pikialasorsuaq). A collaboration between the Inuit Circumpolar Council's Pikialasorsuaq Commission, Dalhousie University, KNAPK (The Association of Fishers and Hunters in Greenland) and WWF, the Atlas was released in 2017. This paper will describe the methodology used for documenting Inuit knowledge, discuss the structure of the Atlas, and explore the implications of using Inuit knowledge datasets in the context of a broader integrated, web‐based platform. More specifically, this paper will explore the following questions: 1) What are the main challenges of representing and using Inuit knowledge data with other types of data; and 2) What are the consequences of decontextualization and reconstruction of knowledge implicit in the Atlas? The authors will argue that Inuit data, if carefully curated and presented, can be employed in the co‐production of knowledge by Indigenous Peoples and researchers challenging prevailing cartographic representations with counter‐mapping practices.

Forfatter: Clive Tesar ; Parnuna Egede Dahl; Claudio Aporta Editor: David Molyneux ; Katleen Robert ; Dawn Roche Type: Letter | Letter Årstal: 2019 Emner: Inuit knowledge; North Water polynya; Pikialasorsuaq; Co‐production of knowledge Titel på tidsskrift: The Journal of Ocean Technology Volume på tidsskrift: 14 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Marine Institute & Memorial University of Newfoundland Udgivelsessted: St. John’s Udgivelsesland: Canada ISSN nummer: 1718‐3200

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Report | Rapport

Guidance Note on Indigenous and Local Community Participation in Environmental Impact This Guidance Note on Indigenous and Local Community Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment in the Arctic seeks to contribute to the existing field of guidance and regulatory documents by highlighting good practices and lessons learnt. Its aim is to encourage and support public and private project proponents active in the European Arctic in their efforts to engage with local and indigenous communities.

Forfatter: Sanne Vammen Larsen ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Parnuna Egede Dahl; Alberto Huerta Morales Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2019 Emner: Environmental impact assessment; European Arctic; Indigenous participation; Local community participation; Guidance; Good practices Udgivelsessted: Luxembourg Udgivelsesland: Luxembourg Forlag: European Investment Bank

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Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Medier i Grønland 2018 Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2018 Emner: Medier; Grønland; Tusagassiuutit 2018 Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 46 Dato: 16. november 2018

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Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Kaalallit Nunaanni tusagassiuutit 2018 Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2018 Emner: Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiuutit Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 46 Dato: 16. november

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Population genomics of grey wolves and wolf‐like canids in North America North America is currently home to a number of grey wolf (Canis lupus) and wolf‐like canid populations, including the coyote (Canis latrans) and the taxonomically controversial red, Eastern timber and Great Lakes wolves. We explored their population structure and regional gene flow using a dataset of 40 full genome sequences that represent the extant diversity of North American wolves and wolf‐like canid populations. This included 15 new genomes (13 North American grey wolves, 1 red wolf and 1 Eastern timber/Great Lakes wolf), ranging from 0.4 to 15x coverage. In addition to providing full genome support for the previously proposed coyote‐wolf admixture origin for the taxonomically controversial red, Eastern timber and Great Lakes wolves, the discriminatory power offered by our dataset suggests all North American grey wolves, including the Mexican form, are monophyletic, and thus share a common ancestor to the exclusion of all other wolves. Furthermore, we identify three distinct populations in the high arctic, one being a previously unidentified “Polar wolf” population endemic to Ellesmere Island and Greenland. Genetic diversity analyses reveal particularly high inbreeding and low heterozygosity in these Polar wolves, consistent with long‐term isolation from the other North American wolves.

Forfatter: Mikkel Holger Strander Sinding; Shyam Gopalakrishan ; Filipe G. Vieira ; Jose A. Samaniego Castruita ; Katrine Raundrup ; Mads Peter Heide Jørgensen ; Morten Meldgaard; Bent Petersen ; Thomas Sicheritz‐Ponten ; Johan Brus Mikkelsen ; Ulf Marquard‐Petersen ; Rune Dietz ; Christian Sonne ; Love Dalén ; Lutz Bachmann ; Øystein Wiig ; Anders J. Hansen ; M. Thomas P. Gilbert Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Population; Genomics; Wolves; North America Titel på tidsskrift: PLOS Genetics

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

§37‐volapyk hjælper slet ikke de hjemløse Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2018 Emner: Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; Boligpolitik Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 45 Dato: 9. november

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§37‐imik paasiuminaatsuliorneq angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunut iluaqutaanngilaq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2018 Emner: Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsoq; Socialpolitikki; Inissarsiortoq Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 45

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Fra »GRØXIT« – Grønlands exit af EF ‐ til partnerskab med EU Grønland og EU har et helt specielt partnerskab, gentog begge parter i sommer under en række møder, hvor bl.a. Partnerskabsaftalen vedrørende uddannelse blev behandlet. Forholdet startede dog knap så smidigt, og i første halvdel af 1980’erne var skilsmissen en realitet.

Forfatter: Nauja Bianco ; Rasmus Leander Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: GRØXIT; EF; EU; Partnerskab; Grønland Navn på avis: AG Volume & nummer: 41 Dato: 10. oktober

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

»GRØXIT«‐imiit – Kalaallit Nunaata EF‐imiit anineraniit – EU‐mik suleqatiginninnialerneranut Kalaallit Nunaat aamma EU immikkuullarissumik suleqatigiipput, aasaanerani ataatsimiinnerni assigiinngitsuni tamanna suleqatigiilluarneq uteqqinneqarpoq, ilaatigut ilinniartitaanermut tunngasut suleqatigiissutiginissaanut isumaqatigiissut suliarineqarpoq. Pissutsit eqaatsumik aallartipput, 1980‐ikkullu qiteqqunneranni katissimasut avissinnaanerat piviusunngortinneqarluni.

Forfatter: Naja Bianco ; Rasmus Leander Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: GRØXIT; Kalaallit Nunaat; EF; EU Navn på avis: AG Volume & nummer: 41 Dato: 10 oktobari

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Web publication | Netpublikation

Inclusiveness for a strong Arctic Forfatter: Sara Olsvig Editor: Eirik Sivertsen Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Arctic; Parliamentary cooperation

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Fra Tuberkulose til sociale problemer Forfatter: Bonnie Jensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Anbringelser; Børnehjem Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

50 years of Arctic social policy and social work education – the Greenlandic case Greenland is on the one hand a unique case of independent Arctic social policy development and social work education. On the other hand, severe social challenges are still evident in the form of violence towards women, youth suicide (perhaps the highest in the world), and low levels of child welfare.

This paper presents, for the first time, a coherent 50‐year historical timeline starting with the National Council’s (Landsrådet) administration of social and labour market affairs in 1968, before the Home Rule Act of 1979 ‐ concluding by examining current social policies anno 2018. It is discussed how social challenges, as listed above, can be linked to previous administration’s struggle to anchor the social work profession to social policy development.

In Greenland, the social work education began in 1985. Today, social workers are graduating with a bachelor‐ degree in accordance with The Bologna Process. However, as a profession, the Greenlandic social workers are still not organized in a labour union. This poses an essential problem in terms of being able to express a voice from a professional point of view in the social political debate.

Across the Arctic the Greenlandic case is rare in regards to the historic formation of an indigenous people’s administration of social policies. This is only in the making in neighboring countries.

Finally, the paper discusses the relation between an independent social work education, the necessity for a social worker labour union and the forming of future Arctic social policies. Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Social work history; Social policy; Arctic Navn på konference: Social Work Education & Social Development Konferenceby: Dublin Konferenceland: Ireland Dato: 6. juli 2018

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

The evolutionary history of dogs in the Americas Dogs were present in the Americas before the arrival of European colonists, but the origin and fate of these precontact dogs are largely unknown. We sequenced 71 mitochondrial and 7 nuclear genomes from ancient North American and Siberian dogs from time frames spanning ~9000 years. Our analysis indicates that American dogs were not derived from North American wolves. Instead, American dogs form a monophyletic lineage that likely originated in Siberia and dispersed into the Americas alongside people. After the arrival of Europeans, native American dogs almost completely disappeared, leaving a minimal genetic legacy in modern dog populations. The closest detectable extant lineage to precontact American dogs is the canine transmissible venereal tumor, a contagious cancer clone derived from an individual dog that lived up to 8000 years ago.

Forfatter: Máire Ní Leathlobhair ; Angela R. Perri ; Evan K. Irving‐Pease ; Kelsey E. Witt ; Anna Linderholm ; James Haile ; Ophelie Lebrasseur ; Carly Ameen ; Jeffrey Blick ; Adam R. Boyko ; Selina Brace ; Yahaira Nunes Cortes ; Susan J. Crockford ; Alison Devault ; Evangelos A. Dimopoulos ; Morley Eldridge ; Jacob Enk ; Shyam Gopalakrishnan ; Kevin Gori ; Vaughan Grimes ; Eric Guiry ; Anders J. Hansen ; Ardern Hulme‐Beaman ; John Johnson ; Andrew Kitchen ; Aleksei K. Kasparov ; Young‐Mi Kwon ; Pavel A. Nikolskiy ; Carlos Peraza Lope ; Aurélie Manin ; Terrance Martin ; Michael Meyer ; Kelsey Noack Myers ; Mark Omura ; Jean‐Marie Rouillard ; Elena Y. Pavlova ; Paul Sciulli ; Mikkel Holger Strander Sinding; Andrea Strakova ; Varvara V. Ivanova ; Christopher Widga ; Eske Willerslev ; Vladimir V. Pitulko ; Ian Barnes ; M. Thomas P. Gilbert ; Keith M. Dobney ; Ripan S. Malhi ; Elizabeth P. Murchison ; Greger Larson ; Laurent A. F. Frantz Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Evolution; Dogs; Amercias Titel på tidsskrift: Science Volume på tidsskrift: 361 Nummer på tidsskrift: 6397 DOI nummer: 10.1101/208330

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Vulnerability and social change in Greenland: How can the Greenlandic Red Cross’ national vulnerability study informs future social action Previous social and public health research has documented a range of issues concerning vulnerability in different groups that could be target groups for vulnerability prevention actions. A research collaboration between Red Cross Greenland (Kalaallit Røde Korsiat), Red Cross Iceland and the University of Greenland has partnered to, through mixed methods studies, identify potential vulnerable groups in Greenland. Red Cross Greenland will use the study as an indication of where to proceed with future social action. From a research point of view, we get a national perspective of which groups the geographically wide spread Greenlandic population across social classes perceive as the main vulnerable groups.

MIXED METHODS The main research instrument of the vulnerability study is a questionnaire which was applied to a representative study including 1.000 respondents (total adult population: 40.000). This was combined with focus group interviews: 8 different focus groups across the country. Finally, we reached out, nationwide, to formal and informal experts to get their perspectives on vulnerable groups.

The joint research effort has accumulated a substantial amount of data on ‘vulnerability’ in different formats (including both quantitative and qualitative data), and gathered by applying different research methods. The data enable us to identify, analyse conditions and perceptions of vulnerability and, furthermore, discuss public as well as volunteer sector strategies and approaches towards vulnerable groups.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Vulnerability; Mixed methods; Greenland; Red Cross Navn på konference: Social Work Education & Social Development Konferenceby: Dublin Konferenceland: Ireland Dato: 5. juli 2018

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Poster | Poster

An illustration of 50 years of social administration & social work in Greenland By 2018, Greenland has officially had an independent controlled social and labour administration for 50 years.

The realization in 1968 took place 12 years before the signing of the Greenlandic home rule act in 1979.

The taking over of the social and labour administration became a historical turning point for the introduction of a more organized and democratic social welfare system.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Poster | Poster Emner: Social work history; Social policy; Education Navn på konference: SWSD ‐ Social Work, Education and Social Development Konferenceby: Dublin Konferenceland: Ireland Dato: 04 July 2018

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Greenland sled dogs at risk of extinction Forfatter: Christian Sonne ; Rikke Langebæk ; Rune Dietz ; Emilie Andersen‐Ranberg ; Geoff Houser ; Anders J. Hansen ; Mikkel Holger Strander Sinding; Morten Tange Olsen ; Carsten Egevang ; Thomas P. Gilbert ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland; Sled dog; Extinction Titel på tidsskrift: Science Volume på tidsskrift: 360 Nummer på tidsskrift: 6393 DOI nummer: 10.1186/s13028‐017‐0353‐5

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Ufaglig social arv Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Kevin Perry Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2018 Emner: Social arv; Fattigdom; Chanceulighed; Menneskelig handlen Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 11 Dato: 16. marts

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Inuttut atukkatigut kingornussisarnermik isuma tunngavissaqanngitsoq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Kevin Perry Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2018 Emner: Inunnguuserisaq; Piitsuussuseq; Assigiinngissuseq Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 11

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Indigenous Rights in the Marine Arctic Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: International law; Oil and gas; Arctic studies; Indigenous rights Udgivelsessted: Oxford Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Forlag: Routledge

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Iceland’s Accession to the Antarctic Treaty On 13th October 2015, Iceland quietly submitted its instrument of accession to the Antarctic Treaty to the US Department of State (the depositary for the Antarctic Treaty). Iceland’s accession was not accompanied by any official declaration or public discussion in Iceland or elsewhere. This paper investigates some of the factors that are likely to have spurred the decision to join the Antarctic treaty system, examines current Icelandic interests in the Antarctic and proposes constructive policies to enhance Icelandic involvement in Antarctic governance and cooperation following the accession. The authors conclude that logistical operations and adventure tourism involving Icelandic companies in the Antarctic are the most likely triggers for the accession and they propose that Iceland consider ratification of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol).

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Sune Tamm ; Julia Jabour Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Antarctic treaty system; Iceland; Environmental protection; Logistics; Adventure tourism; Polar law Titel på tidsskrift: Yearbook of Polar Law Volume på tidsskrift: 9

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Grønlandsk politisk neokonservatisme overskygger for åbne socialpolitikker Det problematiseres at det politiske fokus herhjemme handler om middelklassens ve og vel. Man kunne skabe mere rummelige grønlandske socialpolitkker og fokusere på det brede samfund. Et kritiske modtryk til hvad der her kaldes neokonservatisme bør skabes.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Socialpolitik; Hjemløshed; Grønland; Urbanisering; Klassesamfund Titel på tidsskrift: Social Kritik ‐ Tidsskrift for social analyse & debat Nummer på tidsskrift: 153 Udgiver: Selskabet til Fremme af Social Debat Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0904‐3535

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Patient Participation in Healthcare Practice in Greenland: Local Challenges and Global Reflections Various kinds of user and patient involvement are spreading in healthcare in most Western countries. The purpose of this study is to critically assess the actual conditions for patients’ involvement in healthcare practice in Greenland and to point to possibilities for development. Patients’ perspectives on their own conduct of everyday life with illness and their possibilities for participation when hospitalized are examined in relation to the conditions in a hospital setting dominated by biomedical practice. On a theoretical level, it is argued that the concept of ‘participation’ is preferable to the concept ‘involvement’ in healthcare. The study shows that there are several interconnected areas for development: the structural frames of hospital practice, including professionals’ possibilities for handling patient participation, and the agency of the patients conducting their everyday lives when hospitalized. Consequences of the biomedical hegemony are discussed in relation to WHO´s broader approach to disease, illness and health and the still existing postcolonial traces of power and hierarchy. Finally it is argued that patient participation during hospitalization will promote the patients´ conduct of everyday life, the cultural knowledge of the professionals, and the democratization of the healthcare sector. Such changes might be connected to a more encompassing democratic societal development – in Greenland as well as globally.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard; Tove Borg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Patient participation; Patient involvement; Conduct of everyday life; Biomedical hegemony; Chronic illness; Rehabilitation; Democratization and Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Outlines ‐ Critical Practice Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 19 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: The Outlines Association Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark ISSN nummer: 1904‐0210

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Education Forfatter: Maria Ackrén; Merete Watt Boolsen ; Thierry Rodon ; Fiona Walton Editor: AMAP Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Education; Greenland; Nunavut Udgivelsessted: Oslo Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region Forlag: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

Greenland Providing an in‐depth look at the lives of women and girls in approximately 150 countries, this multivolume reference set offers readers transnational and postcolonial analysis of the many issues that are critical to the survival and success of women and girls.

For millennia, women around the world have shouldered the responsibility of caring for their families. But in recent decades, women have emerged as a major part of the global work force, balancing careers and family life. How did this change happen? And how are societies in developing countries responding and adapting to women's newer roles in society? This four‐volume encyclopedia examine the lives of women around the world, with coverage that includes the education of girls and teens; the key roles women play in their families, careers, religions, and cultures; how issues for women intersect with colonialism, transnationalism, feminism, and established norms of power and control.

Organized geographically, each volume presents detailed entries about the lives of women in particular countries. Additionally, each volume offers sidebars that spotlight topics related to women and girls in specific regions or focus on individual women's lives and contributions. Primary source documents include sections of countries' constitutions that are relevant to women and girls, United Nations resolutions and national resolutions regarding women and girls, and religious statements and proclamations about women and girls. The organization of the set enables readers to take an in‐depth look at individual countries as well as to make comparisons across countries.

Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel; Tuperna Kristensen ; Rosa Lynge Lorentzen Editor: Susan M. Shaw ; Nancy Staton Barbour ; Patti Duncan ; Kryn Freehling‐Burton ; Jane Nichols Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Women; Girls; Lives; World; Conditions; World cultures; Geography Udgivelsessted: Santa Barbara Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Women's Lives around the World ‐ A Global Encyclopedia Forlag: ABC­‐CLIO ISBN nummer: 9781610697125

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Sårbare grupper i Grønland ‐ Kalaallit Røde Korsiats Sårbarhedsanalyse 2017‐18 Sårbarhedsundersøgelsen har identificeret, hvilke grupper i landet der ifølge en befolksningsundersøgelse, fokusgrupper , litteraturstudier og eksperter var dårligst stillede. En af samfundets vigtigste roller er at arbejde med og for dem som er identificeret som sårbare. Resultaterne skal hjælpe foreningen (Røde Kors) og dens afdelinger rundt om i landet (Island) med at identificere de mest presserende behov, og dermed bedre prioritere foreningens aktiviteter.

Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel; Steven Arnfjord; Birger Poppel Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Sårbarhed; Mixed methods; Børn; Udsatte voksne; Røde Kors Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Everyday life with chronic illness: developing a democratic and culture‐sensitive healthcare practice The growing incidence of chronic diseases and an ageing population, worldwide as well as in Greenland, call for an intensified focus on health promotion and rehabilitation. However, research shows that the existing disease‐oriented healthcare system is not geared to manage the psychosocial problems of chronically ill or disabled citizens. The problem is related to the prevailing biomedical institutional structures where expert‐ and professional knowledge trumps the knowledge and perspectives of the users of the institutions. Speaking about health in the broad sense of WHO, there is a need for an intensified focus on wellbeing, not only physical health. The chapter presents the visions for an ongoing research project in Sermersooq Municipality.

The research aims at developing knowledge about the citizens’ everyday lives with illness or disabilities, their cultural values and perspectives. Involving this kind of knowledge in professional practice requires the professionals’ reflection on means and ends in a welfare institution like home care. Welfare‐professional contributions are meant to support citizen participation in social living. Therefore, professionals must learn about citizens’ social and cultural conditions for managing their lives.

Furthermore, the project aims at revealing and describing the conditions for professional practice as a contribution to the professionals’ abilities to analyze their practice.

The material is developed through participant observations in the municipality and the citizens’ homes, and qualitative interviews with citizens, care personnel, therapists, and leaders on different levels.

The expected outcome is a set of tools for professional practice reflection following the principles described above.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard; Lise Hounsgaard Editor: Jeffrey Braithwaite et al. Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Chronic illness; Ageing; Wellfare; Social justice; Practice reflection Udgivelsessted: Boca Raton Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Health care systems: future predictions for global care Forlag: Taylor and Francis ISBN nummer: 9781315167688 (eBook)

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Conventional classroom teaching through ICT and distance teaching. A case study from Greenland This paper presents a case study on distance teaching in a school in Greenland. Data from work on Grounded Theory is used to investigate ways of utilizing distance teaching in the school. The analysis draws on a prevalent perspective on distance teaching as providing access to education. The perspective combines with Michel Foucault’s concept of “governmentality”.

I will show how progressive possibilities are not necessarily to be found in ICT‐driven distance teaching. Pedagogical drivers operate behind the choices of ICT equipment and ICT solutions which, in this case, brings ICT under the command of a less progressive pedagogical agenda.

As I will show, the commitment from the municipality and from the teachers was to use distance teaching and ICT for conventional schooling. The case lays the ground for a discussion on the progressivity of distance teaching and the use of advanced ICT solutions in schools. My aim with the paper is to add to the understanding of the scope of distance teaching in schools. Does ICT and distance teaching serve progressive ends per se? What do we learn about distance teaching from this setup in the school in Greenland?

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Classroom teaching; ICT; Distance teaching; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (NJDL) Volume på tidsskrift: 13 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Universitetsforlaget Udgivelsesland: Norway ISSN nummer: 1891‐943x‐2018‐01‐02 DOI nummer: 10.18261

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Rehabilitering i hverdagslivet: Borgerperspektiver på livet som gammel i Nuuk The article reports some results from a study about an Everyday rehabilitation‐project in Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq. Everyday rehabilitation in home care has spread rapidly in Scandinavia through the last few years and is part of a worldwide focus on ‘active ageing’ because of a growing share of people 65+ years. Many citizens benefit from rehabilitative services, but research shows that those in most need often are excluded from home care services because of a one‐sided focus on ‘growth’. This can bring along conflicts between professionals and citizens and a lack of relevant support for citizens. The purpose of this study was to investigate citizens’ perspectives on a good life as old in Nuuk and how rehabilitation can support them in conducting a meaningful life from their own perspectives.

The study was conducted as an ethnographic field study. The methods were participant observations, qualitative interviews and document analysis.

The study shows that home care and rehabilitation services are concentrated on practical and instrumental help, disconnected from the citizens’ everyday life, their resources and values. This has a passivating and demotivating effect. Old people are proud of their achievements in life, they are actively managing their lives on a daily basis, and they have dreams for the future. But they do need professional assistance. Their everyday life‐knowledge and perspectives have to be integrated in professional practice in order to improve the quality of home care services through cooperation between citizens and professionals. An action possibility is proposed, namely a certain approach to ‘life stories’ as an instrument to involve the citizens as participants in home care and rehabilitation.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Hverdagsrehabilitering; Brugerperspektiver; Hjemmepleje; Ældrepolitik; Ensomhed; Livshistorier Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 26 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Kristendom i Grønland Artiklerne i denne bog belyser aspekter af kristendommens religiøse, kulturelle og samfundsmæssige betydning i Grønland.

Forfatter: Oluf Schönbeck ; Niels Holger Petersen ; Aqqaluk Lynge ; Sven Rune Havsteen ; Søren T. Thuesen ; Henrik Wilhjelm ; Niels H. Frandsen ; Ole Marquardt; Karen Langgård ; Robert Petersen ; Birgitte Sonne ; Kennet Pedersen; Karen Thisted ; Christina Petterson ; Sofie Petersen ; Kristian Mørch ; Richard Petersen ; Hans Anton Lynge ; Magnus Larsen ; Bendt Frederiksen ; Hans Siimuuaraq Mikaelsen ; Ulrik Møller ; Margrethe Jeremiassen ; Theodor Jørgensen Editor: Sven Rune Havsteen ; Karen Langgård ; Sofie Petersen ; Hans Anton Lynge ; Kennet Pedersen; Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Kristendom; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Eksistensen

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Sustainable Development and Sustainability in Arctic Political Discourses The Routledge Handbook of the Polar Regions is an authoritative guide to the Arctic and the Antarctic through an exploration of key areas of research in the physical and natural sciences and the social sciences and humanities. It presents 38 new and original contributions from leading figures and voices in polar research, policy and practice, as well as work from emerging scholars.

This handbook aims to approach and understand the Polar Regions as places that are at the forefront of global conversations about some of the most pressing contemporary issues and research questions of our age. The volume provides a discussion of the similarities and differences between the two regions to help deepen understanding and knowledge. Major themes and issues are integrated in the comprehensive introduction chapter by the editors, who are top researchers in their respective fields. The contributions show how polar researchers engage with contemporary debates and use interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to address new developments as well as map out exciting trajectories for future work in the Arctic and the Antarctic.

The handbook provides an easy access to key items of scholarly literature and material otherwise inaccessible or scattered throughout a variety of specialist journals and books. A unique one‐stop research resource for researchers and policymakers with an interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, it is also a comprehensive reference work for graduate and advanced undergraduate students.

Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Mark Nuttall; T. Christensen ; M. Siegert Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Sustainable development; Arctic; Political discourse Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Routledge Handbook of the Polar Regions Forlag: Routledge

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Social and Environmental Impact Assessments in the Arctic The Routledge Handbook of the Polar Regions is an authoritative guide to the Arctic and the Antarctic through an exploration of key areas of research in the physical and natural sciences and the social sciences and humanities. It presents 38 new and original contributions from leading figures and voices in polar research, policy and practice, as well as work from emerging scholars. This handbook aims to approach and understand the Polar Regions as places that are at the forefront of global conversations about some of the most pressing contemporary issues and research questions of our age. The volume provides a discussion of the similarities and differences between the two regions to help deepen understanding and knowledge. Major themes and issues are integrated in the comprehensive introduction chapter by the editors, who are top researchers in their respective fields. The contributions show how polar researchers engage with contemporary debates and use interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to address new developments as well as map out exciting trajectories for future work in the Arctic and the Antarctic.

The handbook provides an easy access to key items of scholarly literature and material otherwise inaccessible or scattered throughout a variety of specialist journals and books. A unique one‐stop research resource for researchers and policymakers with an interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, it is also a comprehensive reference work for graduate and advanced undergraduate students.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Sanne Vamme Larsen ; Bram Noble Editor: Mark Nuttall; T. Christensen ; M. Siegert Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Social; Environment; Arctic; Impact assessments Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Routledge Handbook of the Polar Regions Forlag: Routledge

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Conservation and Environmental Governance in the Polar Regions The Routledge Handbook of the Polar Regions is an authoritative guide to the Arctic and the Antarctic through an exploration of key areas of research in the physical and natural sciences and the social sciences and humanities. It presents 38 new and original contributions from leading figures and voices in polar research, policy and practice, as well as work from emerging scholars.

This handbook aims to approach and understand the Polar Regions as places that are at the forefront of global conversations about some of the most pressing contemporary issues and research questions of our age. The volume provides a discussion of the similarities and differences between the two regions to help deepen understanding and knowledge. Major themes and issues are integrated in the comprehensive introduction chapter by the editors, who are top researchers in their respective fields. The contributions show how polar researchers engage with contemporary debates and use interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to address new developments as well as map out exciting trajectories for future work in the Arctic and the Antarctic.

The handbook provides an easy access to key items of scholarly literature and material otherwise inaccessible or scattered throughout a variety of specialist journals and books. A unique one‐stop research resource for researchers and policymakers with an interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, it is also a comprehensive reference work for graduate and advanced undergraduate students.

Forfatter: Mark Nuttall Editor: Mark Nuttall; T. Christensen ; M. Siegert Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Environment; Arctic; Governance Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Routledge Handbook of the Polar Regions Forlag: Routledge

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Greenland. The formal institutional framework and governance structures within the maritime preparedness system in Greenland Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Ingvill Elgsaas ; Kristine Offerdal Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland; Preparedness; Maritime; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Bodø Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Maritime preparedness systems in the Arctic – institutional arrangements and potential for collaboration Udgave: 3 Forlag: Nord University ISBN nummer: 978‐82‐7456‐787‐0

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Diplomacy and Paradiplomacy in the North Atlantic and the Arctic ‐ A Comparative Approach Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Matthias Finger ; Lassi Heininen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Diplomacy; Paradiplomacy; Greenland; Svalbard; Nunavut; Faroe Islands Udgivelsessted: Springer International Publishing Udgivelsesland: Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Global Arctic Handbook Forlag: Springer ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐319‐91994‐2

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review | Anmeldelse

Greenland and the International Politics of a Changing Arctic ‐ Postcolonial Paradiplomacy between High and Low Politics Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic politics; Paradiplomacy; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Polar Record Volume på tidsskrift: 54 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Cambridge University Press Udgivelsessted: Cambridge Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom DOI nummer: 10.1017/S0032247418000116

Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Fjernundervisning i matematik i Østgrønland Rapport fra forsøg med fjernundervisning i faget matematik i mellem skolen i Tasiilaq og en bygdeskole i østgrønland. Fjernundervisningen lykkedes ikke, primært fordi internetforbindelsen var for lille og ustabil.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Fjernundervisning; Matematik; Østgrønland; E‐læring Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Uden udsigt? Forvaringsdømt i Grønland – i dag og fremover I 2019 forventes Grønlands første fængsel eller lukkede anstalt, som er den officielle betegnelse, at blive taget i brug. Den grønlandske kriminallov bygger på principper om resocialisering af lovbrydere og at undgå indespærringens skadelige virkninger. Hidtil har afsoning fundet sted i såkaldte åbne anstalter, hvor hensigten var, at domfældte skulle være beskæftiget i byen mens de afsonede. Med den nye anstalt bliver Grønland som ”landet uden fængsel”, officielt fortid. Desuden slutter en lang tradition med at sende grønlandske forvaringsdømte til afsoning i Danmark. Forvaring er kriminallovens strengeste foranstaltning. Forvaringsdommen kan fuldbyrdes i en grønlandsk anstalt eller ”en psykiatrisk ledet anstalt under Kriminalforsorgen i Danmark”, Herstedvester Fængsel. Næsten en fjerdedel af Grønlands indsatte afsoner en forvaringsdom, og ca. en femtedel af alle indsatte er sendt ud af landet til afsoning i Herstedvester. Denne artikel vil kaste lys på den grønlandske forvaringsdom og dens konsekvenser for de dømte. Desuden vil forventninger til Grønlands nye lukkede anstalt blive undersøgt.

Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Grønland; Kriminallov; Anstalter; Fængsler; Forvaring; Udstødelse Titel på tidsskrift: Retfærd ‐ Nordic Journal of Law and Justice Nummer på tidsskrift: 01/160 – 2018 Udgiver: Djøf Forlag Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Health and well‐being Residents across the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait (BBDS) region have experienced common challenges in relation to rapid development and changes in living conditions, and they continue to adapt to the legacy of colonization. However, there are still significant symptoms of social problems and mental vulnerability. The strong relation to nature and the importance of artistic creativity and cohesion remain central to the life of Inuit. These factors are of great importance for mental health and well‐being.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Linnea Ingebrigtson ; Sharon Edmunds‐Potvin Editor: Anders Mosbech ; Mickaël Lemay ; Malene Simon ; Flemming Ravn Merkel ; Tom Christensen ; Rikke Becker Jacobsen ; Parnuna Egede Dahl; Knud Falk Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Health; Well‐being; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Oslo Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: AMAP 2017 Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region Forlag: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) ISBN nummer: 978‐82‐7971‐ 105‐6

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Non‐living resources Commodity prices, together with extraction prices and technology development – not climate change effects – are the main drivers of change in the Baffin Bay/ Davis Strait (BBDS) non‐living resources sector. The commodity prices of mineral resources are expected to decline in the coming years.

Forfatter: Susse Wegeberg ; Chris Southcott ; Peter Aastrup ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Pelle Tejsner Editor: Anders Mosbech ; Mickaël Lemay ; Malene Simon ; Flemming Ravn Merkel ; Tom Christensen ; Rikke Becker Jacobsen ; Parnuna Egede Dahl; Knud Falk Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Non‐living resources; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Oslo Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: AMAP 2017 Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region Forlag: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) ISBN nummer: 978‐82‐7971‐105‐6

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Summary of adaptation options for the BBDS region The following sections summarize the main adaptation options from this report, consider and consolidate the sectoral responses outlined in previous chapters, and add relevant adaptation options from other sources, including Arctic Council reports.

Forfatter: Clive Tesar ; Knud Falk ; James Ford ; Maria Ackrén; Merete Watt Boolsen ; Sharon Edmunds‐Potvin ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Linnea Ingebrigtson ; Thomas Ingeman‐Nielsen ; Mickaël Lemay ; Flemming Ravn Merkel ; Thierry Rodon ; Chris Southcott ; Jean‐Éric Tremblay ; Susse Wegeberg Editor: Anders Mosbech ; Mickaël Lemay ; Malene Simon ; Flemming Ravn Merkel ; Tom Christensen ; Rikke Becker Jacobsen ; Parnuna Egede Dahl; Knud Falk Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: BBDS region; Arctic; Adaptation Udgivelsessted: Oslo Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: AMAP 2017 Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region Forlag: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) ISBN nummer: 978‐82‐7971‐ 105‐6

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Improving Public Participation in Greenland Extractive Industries This contribution is based on a seminar and workshop on public participation processes related to extractive industries in the Arctic, organized by the Arctic Oil and Gas Research Centre at Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland) on October 17th and 18th 2017. The seminar was led by experts on extractive industries, indigenous peoples, impact assessments, law, and public participation. They came from Greenland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Russia, , and Brazil. The seminar was open to the public and was well attended by representatives from the ministries, municipal governments, academic and research institutes, NGOs and others. A select group of invited experts and a group of graduate students from Ilisimatusarfik took part in the workshop.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Kamrul Hossain ; Anna Petrétei Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Public participation; Greenland; Arctic; Extractive industries Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Current Developments in Arctic Law Volume: 5 Forlag: University of Lapland

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Mexican Real Wages Before the Revolution: A Reappraisal Seminal literature has documented broadly the living conditions of Mexican workers before the Revolution of 1910. Various authors argue that a continuous deterioration of real wages in the preceding years of the Mexican revolution contributed to the social unrest that lead to the armed conflict. Yet, most of the quantitative evidence has focused on aggregate estimates overlooking the regional wage dynamics. Through regional historical data, this article reevaluates quantitatively the patterns of Mexican regional real wages providing new estimates for the period 1877‐c.1910. The analysis reveals that a divergent pattern between sectors and regions emerged during these years. However, the study also shows that in general, locally‐ adjusted regional real wages remained relatively stable throughout the period.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Economic history; Mexico Titel på tidsskrift: Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Volume på tidsskrift: 47 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Stockholm University Press Udgivelsesland: Sweden DOI nummer:

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Everyday life with chronic illness: physical health or well‐being? The background of the study reported in this chapter was the growing number of chronically ill patients. The purpose was to explore patients’ perspectives on life with chronic illness and how it relates to healthcare practice. The research was conducted as an ethnographic field study. A conclusion of the study is that the disease‐oriented healthcare system is not geared to deal with rehabilitation because of a narrow focus on disease and treatment, and the exclusion of patients’ knowledge. However, knowledge about patients’ everyday life and perspectives hold potentials for rehabilitative and health promotional professional interventions.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Exner‐Pirot, Heather et al. Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Chronic illness; Rehabilitation; Health promotion; Patient involvement; Well‐being; Everyday life; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Udgivelsesland: Canada Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Northern and Indigenous Health and Health Care Forlag: University of Saskatchewan

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Little Fish, Big Pond: Icelandic Interests and Influence in Arctic Governance On pretty much any measure of international comparison, Iceland is a little fish. Nevertheless, its geographical location next to the Big Pond that is the Arctic Ocean has put it in a position of influence in a region of growing international importance.

In this paper, we explore Iceland’s influence in the Arctic region based on international relations considerations such as its political alliances; and based on international law: Iceland’s rights and responsibilities.

The paper presents the Arctic Council and Iceland’s role within it before turning to issues that are governed outside of the Arctic Council system, in particular, Arctic fisheries and maritime boundaries. The paper explains Iceland’s approach to Arctic cooperation in light of its published policy documents and explores the tools available to Iceland to defend its interests.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Hjalti Ómar Ágústsson Editor: Giorgio Baruchello ; Kristín Margrét Jóhannsdóttir ; Jakob Þór Kristjánsson ; Skafti Ingimarsson Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic cooperation; Iceland; Arctic Council Udgivelsessted: Cambridge Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: No‐one is an Island: an Icelandic Perspective Forlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN nummer: 978‐1527513921

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Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Boganmeldelse: Det er jo mennesker Anmeldelse af bogen: Det er jo mennesker ‐ skæbner fra fængslet, Dorte Kvist i samarbejde med Carl og Ingeborg Lomholt

Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2018 Emner: Fængsel; Afsoning; Forsoning; Udstødelse Titel på tidsskrift: Nordisk Tisdsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab Nummer på tidsskrift: September 2018 ‐ 105. årgang nr. 2 Udgiver: De Nordiske Kriminalistforeninger Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0029‐1528

Teaching | Undervisning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Kvalitative analysemetoder i sundhedsforskning Kapitlet introducerer til en analysemetode, som bygger på socialpsykologisk teori om strukturer og relationer i social praksis. Betingelses‐, betydnings‐ og begrundelsesanalysen integrerer samfundsmæssige og institutionelle strukturer i brugernes daglige livsførelse og i professionel praksis. Formålet med analysen er at vise sammenhængen mellem institutionel praksis og brugernes daglige livsførelse med fx sundhedsproblemer, hvordan de forskellige praksisser påvirker hinanden, og hvilke muligheder og problemer, de rummer. Ved hjælp af eksempler fra empirisk forskning i patientperspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland vises det, hvordan analysemetoden kan bruges på empirisk materiale, hvilke former for viden og praksis den analyserer, og hvilken viden og hvilke handlemuligheder, den kan generere.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Lise Hounsgaard; Frederik Alkier Gildberg Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Kvalitativ forskning; Analysemetode; Socialpsykologi; Praksisviden; Sammenhænge Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Kvalitative analysemetoder i sundhedsforskning Udgave: 1. udgave Forlag: Klim ISBN nummer: 978 87 7204 235 0

Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Tusagassiuutit 2018 ‐ en kortlægning af de grønlandske medier Første del af rapporten beskriver det grønlandske medielandskab, og giver et billede af de nyhedsmedier der findes og de journalister, der arbejder der.

Anden del af rapporten beskriver forbruget af nyhedsmedier hos befolkningen i Grønland, og giver et billede af hvilke nyhedsmedier der benyttes hvor og af hvem.

Tredje del af rapporten er en analyse af indholdet i grønlandske nyhedsmedier, der blandt andet viser hvilke kilder der typisk kommer til orde i medierne.

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard; Ida Willig; Mariia Simonsen; Naja Paulsen; Naimah Hussain Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Medier; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik

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Tusagassiuutit 2018 ‐ Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiuutinik misissuineq Nalunaarusiap immikkoortuani siullermi Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiuuteqarnerup qanoq issusia oqaluttuarineqarpoq, tusagassiuutit nutaarsiassaqartitsisut tusagassiortullu taakkunani sulisut eqqartorneqarlutik.

Immikkoortup aappaani innuttaasut tusagassiuutinik atuinerat allaaserineqarpoq, tusagassiuutit nutaarsiassaqartitsisut suut, sumi kikkunnillu atorneqarnerat oqaluttuarineqarluni.

Immikkoortut pingajuat Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiuutit nutaarsiassaqartitsiviusut imarisaasa misissorneqarneranni paasisanik imaqarpoq, soorlu tusarfiit kikkut tusagassiuutini oqaaseqartitaagajunnerannik.

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard; Ida Willig; Naja Paulsen; Mariia Simonsen; Naimah Hussain Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiuutit Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi スススススススススススススススス (Environmental Governance through the Arctic Council) Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Osamu Inagaki ; Akiho Shibata Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic Council; Environmental Law and Policy Udgivelsessted: Tokyo Udgivelsesland: Japan Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: 洋洋 洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋洋(Towards an International Legal Order for the Arctic: Science, Environment and the Ocean) Forlag: Toshindo ISBN nummer: 978‐4‐7989‐1508‐1

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Underholdende og dramatiserende bog om Grønlands fremtid Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2018 Emner: anmeldelse; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Social Kritik Volume på tidsskrift: 30 Nummer på tidsskrift: 155 Udgiver: Selskabet til Fremme af Social Debat Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Denmark ISSN nummer: 09043535

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Livline til verden Udredning af bistandsværgeordningen for forvaringsdømte og psykisk syge foranstaltningsdømte grønlændere i Danmark og Grønland

Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Forvaring; Retspsykiatri; Bistandsværger; Kriminallov; Fængsel; Institutioner; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Det Grønlandske Hus, København ‐ Kalaallit Illuutaat ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐987435‐1‐4

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Trivsel & udbrændthed i det socialfaglige arbejdsliv I rapporten undersøges forekomsten af trivsel og udbrændthed blandt ansatte i Grønlands sociale sektor ved hjælp af et online spørgeskema.

Undersøgelsen er den første af sin slags i mere end 10 år. Ud af 348 adspurgte svarede omkring 200 ansatte inden for socialområdet på spørgsmål om trivsel i arbejdslivet med afsæt i en række baggrundsspørgsmål om køn, løn, arbejdssted, kommune osv. Undersøgelsen er udformet som et åbent spørgeskema med en indlagt test om det psykiske arbejdsmiljø, som er baseret på en Maslach Burnout Inventory. Langt størstedelen af de adspurgte inden for det sociale område oplever at de trives i deres arbejde. Det forekommer dog for ca. 1 ud af 4 at de føler sig udkørte når arbejdsdagen er ovre. Undersøgelsen peger endvidere på en lav anciennitet på området og det kan vække bekymring. Lav anciennitet kan resultere i en lav organisationshukommelse og kan kobles til med udfordringer inden for socialområdet omkring kontinuitet i sagsbehandlingen og et for lavt niveau af opfølgninger på socialklienters handleplaner. Anciennitetsniveauet kan være et tegn at man på disse offentlige arbejdspladser må fastholde et fokus på at sikre et godt psykiske arbejdsmiljø til gavn for de ansatte. Fremadrettet er det vigtigt løbende at få undersøgt arbejdsmiljøet inden for det sociale område, da man særligt i børne‐ og familieforvaltningerne møder ansatte, som til tider arbejder under i et meget omfattende arbejdspres. Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Socialt arbejde; Psykisk arbejdsmiljø; Grønland; Arbejdsliv; Online survey Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Arctic Oil & Gas Development: The Case of Greenland Despite the fact that not a single barrel of Greenlandic oil was ever extracted, refined and consumed in or exported from Greenland, hydrocarbon has nevertheless played a significant role in contemporary economical, environmental, and political. discourses. Not least as a key political issue in Greenland as well as between Greenland and Denmark is the discourse about Greenland’s development from a colony to Self‐Governance (2009) via status as a Danish county (1953) and Home Rule (1979). One of the article’s foci is how the discourse about and the gradual acknowledgement of the Greenlanders’ rights to the Greenland subsurface has been an important part of Greenlandic nation building. Furthermore, visions for an independent Greenland have been fuelled by the hopes for ‘a shortcut’ via discoveries of oil and gas that eventually could compensate for the Danish block grant and pave the way for an independent Greenland. In 2012 Greenland Self‐Governance took over the full authority of mineral resources including oil and gas. 2012 was also the year following explorative drillings of eight wells that were all dry. The following years were characterised by a rapidly declining interest from the oil industry in developing hydrocarbon activities in Greenland waters and demonstrated Greenland’s dependency on the international market for oil. Greenland being part of a globalised world also became apparent when Greenland was confronted with, for instance, environmental concerns caused by Greenland’s wish to be an oil‐producing country. Conflicting interests internationally were also reflected in the results based on a national survey on attitudes to, perceptions of as well as hopes and concerns related to oil development. Some results are presented in the article.

Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Lassi Heininen ; Heather Exner‐Pirot Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland subsurface rights; Greenland oil activities; Self‐Governance; Greenland independency Udgivelsessted: Akureyri Udgivelsesland: Iceland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Yearbook 2018. Arctic Development In Theory & In Practice Forlag: Northern Research Forum

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The Far Islands and other Cold Places: Women Travelers in the Arctic, 1850–1935 This article uses historical travel writing by Anglo‐European Women to investigate the construction of gendered geographies in the Far North. Applying an interdisciplinary approach that combines history, literary analysis and gender studies, the paper examines the gendered aspects of travel, and the intersectionality of gender, class and race. Using examples from two published travel accounts and personal archives, the paper will demonstrate the historical processes of gender differences and representations, as well as capture the intersectionality of literature and the construction of place in real, imaginary and symbolic terms.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: History; Travel; Literature; Gender Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Arts and Sciences Volume på tidsskrift: 10 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Udgivelsessted: Connecticut Udgivelsesland: USA ISSN nummer: 1943‐ 6114

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The Future of Hydrocarbon Development in Greenland: Perspectives from Residents of the North Slope of Alaska Although Greenland has pursued hydrocarbon development over the last four decades, no viable reserves have been found to date. Therefore, local Greenland communities have little experience or knowledge of how such development might affect their way of life or how to influence project development and outcomes should a significant reserve be found. On the North Slope of Alaska, in contrast, hydrocarbon extraction was commercialized in the 1970s, and the industry is now highly developed. North Slope residents have experienced dramatic influences on their everyday lives and well‐being as a result of large‐scale hydrocarbon projects. Some consequences have been welcomed, such as economic development and higher employment rates; however, other impacts are harmful, such as reduced ability of local peoples to maintain subsistence hunting practices. The villages on Alaska’s North Slope share many features in common with settlements in Greenland, such as small size, isolation, and limited political influence. In this study, we explore how Greenlanders might learn from the Alaska experience by examining the comments of North Slope residents. We propose that increased local‐to‐local recommendation‐ sharing across the Arctic would better guide sustainable development practices and benefits into potential future projects in Greenland. We conclude that an Arctic “Community Guide” and the process to create one could improve planning and implementation of hydrocarbon projects across the Arctic and promote locally appropriate sustainable development in the affected communities.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Ross A. Virginia Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Hydrocarbon; Oil and gas; Sustainable development; Arctic; FPIC; Public participation; Community guide Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic Volume på tidsskrift: 71 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Arctic Institute of North America Udgivelsesland: USA DOI nummer:

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Petroleum as a challenge to arctic societies: Ontological security and the oil‐ driven ‘push to the north’ This paper uses the 2014–2015 plunge in oil prices as a linchpin for understanding how petroleum development represents a challenge to Arctic societies. Analysis of media discourses, grey literature and fieldwork material from 2013 to 2017 compared with previous work in the region shows that the 75% price decrease in oil price brings into stark relief the perceived level of ontological security that future petroleum economies in Northern Norway, Alaska and Greenland provides. The findings reveal that while the communities in each location find themselves along different timelines of the petroleum economy, there are transferable insights that can benefit other communities influenced by (the potential for) petroleum development in both the Arctic and beyond, in particular concerning the way in which specific ideas about oil and oils future features as contributing to or diminishes ontological security perceptions on the ground. The goal of this paper is to deepen the comparative analysis of research on tensions in Arctic communities as petroleum is perceived as either strengthening or threatening future ontological security in the region. The discussion considers the consequences of path de‐ pendent petroleum economies, and how perceptions on alternative futures can fruitfully be introduced into petroleum‐dominated narratives about viable Arctic futures.

Forfatter: Brigt Dale ; Siri Veland ; Anne Merrild Hansen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Ontological security; Arctic futures; Offshore oil; Alaska; Greenland; Norway; Path dependency Titel på tidsskrift: The Extractive Industries and Society DOI nummer:

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Den ufærdige fremtid – aktionsforskningens potentialer og udfordringer Forfatter: John Andersen ; Martin Frandsen ; Gestur Hovgaard; Anna Katrin Matras Editor: Annette Bilfeldt ; John Andersen ; Michael Jørgensen ; Kevin Perry Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Aktionsforskning; Højere uddannelse; Planlægning Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag

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Den ufærdige fremtid – aktionsforskningens potentialer og udfordringer Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Ragnheiður Bogadóttir Editor: Annette Bilfeldt ; John Andersen ; Michael Jørgensen ; Kevin Perry Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Geografiske Informationssystemer; Planlægning; Færøerne; Sandoy Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag

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No One is an Island. An Icelandic Perspective Forfatter: Gretar Thór Eythórsson ; Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Giorgio Baruchello ; Jakob Thor Kristjánsson ; Kristín Margrét Jóhannsdóttir ; Skafti Ingimarsson Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Iceland; West Nordic; Faroe Islands; Greenland; Foreign Policy Forlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐5275‐1392‐1

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Seroprevalence for Brucella spp. in Baltic ringed seals (Phoca hispida) and East Greenland harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded (Cystophora cristata) seals Zoonotic infections transmitted from marine mammals to humans in the Baltic and European Arctic are of unknown significance, despite given considerable potential for transmission due to local hunt. Here we present results of an initial screening for Brucella spp. in Arctic and Baltic seal species. Baltic ringed seals (Pusa hispida, n = 12) sampled in October 2015 and Greenland Sea harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus, n = 6) and hooded seals (Cystophora cristata, n = 3) sampled in March 2015 were serologically analysed for antibodies against Brucella spp. The serological analyses were performed using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) followed by a confirmatory testing of RBT‐positive samples by a competitive‐enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (C‐ELISA). Two of the Baltic ringed seals (a juvenile male and a juvenile female) were seropositive thus indicating previous exposure to a Brucella spp. The findings indicate that ringed seals in the Baltic ecosystem may be exposed to and possibly infected by Brucella spp. No seropositive individuals were detected among the Greenland harp and hooded seals. Although our initial screening shows a zoonotic hazard to Baltic locals, a more in‐depth epidemiological investigation is needed in order to determine the human risk associated with this.

Forfatter: C. Sonne ; E. Andersen‐Ranberg ; E.L. Rajala ; J.S. Agerholm ; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen; J.P. Desforges ; I. Eulaers ; B.M. Jenssen ; Anders Koch; A. Rosing‐Asvid ; U. Siebert ; M. Tyrland ; Gert Mulvad; T. Härkönen ; M. Acquarone ; E.S. Nordøy ; R. Dietz ; U. Magnusson Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic; Humans; One health; Zoonosis Titel på tidsskrift: Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Volume på tidsskrift: 198 Udgiver: Elsevier DOI nummer: Åben publikation

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Patient Participation in Healthcare Practice in Greenland: Local Challenges and Global Reflections Various kinds of user and patient involvement are spreading in healthcare in most Western countries. The purpose of this study is to critically assess the actual conditions for patients’involvement in healthcare practice in Greenland and to point to possibilities for development. Patients’ perspectives on their own conduct of everyday life with illness and their possibilities for participation when hospitalized are examined in relation to the conditions in a hospital setting dominated by biomedical practice. On a theoretical level, it is argued that the concept of ‘participation’ is preferable to the concept ‘involvement’ in healthcare. The study shows that there are several interconnected areas for development: the structural frames of hospital practice,including professionals’ possibilities for handling patient participation, and the agency of the patients conducting their everyday lives when hospitalized. Consequences of the biomedical hegemony are discussed in relation to WHO ́s broader approach to disease, illness and health and the still existing postcolonial traces of power and hierarchy. Finally it is argued that patient participation during hospitalization will promote the patients ́ conduct of everyday life, the cultural knowledge of the professionals, and the democratization of the healthcare sector. Such changes might be connected to a more encompassing democratic societal development – in Greenland as well as globally.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard; T. Borg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Patient participation; Patient involvement; Conduct of everyday life; Biomedical hegemony; Chronic illness; Rehabilitation; Democratization; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Outlines ‐ Critical Practice Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 19 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgivelsesland: Denmark ISSN nummer: 1904‐0210

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Future directions for monitoring and human health research for the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme For the last two and a half decades, a network of human health experts under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) has produced several human health assessment reports. These reports have provided a base of scientific knowledge regarding environmental contaminants and their impact on human health in the Arctic. These reports provide scientific information and policy‐relevant recommendations to Arctic governments. They also support international agreements such as the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Key topics discussed in this paper regarding future human health research in the circumpolar Arctic are continued contaminant biomonitoring, health effects research and risk communication. The objective of this paper is to describe knowledge gaps and future priorities for these fields.

Forfatter: B. Adlard ; S.G. Donaldson ; J.O. Odland ; P. Weihe ; J. Berner ; A. Carlsen ; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐ Jørgensen; A.A. Dudarev ; J.C. Gibson ; E.M. Krümmel ; K. Olafsdottir ; K. Abass ; A. Rautio ; I.A. Bergdahl ; Gert Mulvad Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic; Human health; Biomonitoring; Environmental contaminants Titel på tidsskrift: Global Health Action Volume på tidsskrift: 11 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Online DOI nummer:

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Immunisation rates among children in Nuuk The children immunisation programme in Greenland correlates to the one in Denmark with the addition of the Bacille Calmette–Guerin (BCG)‐vaccine and the immunisation against Hepatitis B (HBV). The immunisation rate among children in Greenland has been and is currently unknown and this study aims to estimate the immunisation rates among children in Nuuk from 1 July 2015 until 30 June 2016. We did an observational cross‐sectional study based on a statistical extraction identifying all children in Nuuk eligible for an immunization in the children immunisation programme from 1 July 2015 until 30 June 2016 and a review of their medical records. We found acceptable coverage rates among children younger than 12 months, but coverage rates lower than recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) among older children. Among children between 15 months and 4 years the coverage dropped as low as 33.9 %. Increased awareness of child immunisation rates is suggested including continuously monitoring and adjusting of the organisation of the immunisation programme.

Forfatter: N. Albertsen ; I.M. Fencker ; H.E. Noasen ; Michael Lynge Pedersen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Vaccinations; Immunisations; Arctic; WHO; Measles; Greenland; Infectious diseases Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Online DOI nummer:

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Serum 25‐hydroxyvitamin D, calcium and parathyroid hormone levels in Native and European populations in Greenland Ca homoeostasis is important to human health and tightly controlled by powerful hormonal mechanisms that display ethnic variation. Ethnic variations could occur also in Arctic populations where the traditional Inuit diet is low in Ca and sun exposure is limited. We aimed to assess factors important to parathyroid hormone (PTH) and Ca in serum in Arctic populations. We included Inuit and Caucasians aged 50–69 years living in the capital city in West or in rural East Greenland. Lifestyle factors were assessed by questionnaires. The intake of Inuit diet was assessed from a FFQ. 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD2 and 25OHD3) levels were measured in serum as was albumin, Ca and PTH. The participation rate was 95 %, with 101 Caucasians and 434 Inuit. Median serum 25OHD (99·7 % was 25OHD3) in Caucasians/Inuit was 42/64 nmol/l (25, 75 percentiles 25, 54/51, 81) (P Forfatter: Stig Andersen; Paneeraq Noahsen; Karsten Rex; I. Fleischer ; N. Albertsen ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; L.K. Schaebel ; M.B. Laursen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Parathyroid hormone; Calcium; Vitamin D; Ethnicity; Inuit; 25‐hydroxyvitamin D; Parathyroid hormone Titel på tidsskrift: British Journal of Nutrition Volume på tidsskrift: 119 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Cambridge University Press DOI nummer:

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Genetic determinants of glycated hemoglobin levels in the Greenlandic Inuit population We previously showed that a common genetic variant leads to a remarkably increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in the small and historically isolated Greenlandic population. Motivated by this, we aimed at discovering novel genetic determinants for glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and at estimating the effect of known HbA1C‐ associated loci in the Greenlandic population. We analyzed genotype data from 4049 Greenlanders generated using the Illumina Cardio‐Metabochip. We performed the discovery association analysis by an additive linear mixed model. To estimate the effect of known HbA1C‐associated loci, we modeled the effect in the European and Inuit ancestry proportions of the Greenlandic genome (EAPGG and IAPGG, respectively). After correcting for multiple testing, we found no novel significant associations. When we investigated loci known to associate with HbA1C levels, we found that the lead variant in the GCK locus associated significantly with HbA1C levels in the IAPGG (PIAPGG=4.8×10−6,βIAPGG=0.13SD). Furthermore, for 10 of 15 known HbA1C loci, the effects in IAPGG were similar to the previously reported effects. Interestingly, the ANK1 locus showed a statistically significant ancestral population differential effect, with opposing directions of effect in the two ancestral populations. In conclusion, we found only 1 of the 15 known HbA1C loci to be significantly associated with HbA1C levels in the IAPGG and that two‐thirds of the loci showed similar effects in Inuit as previously found in European and East Asian populations. Our results shed light on the genetic effects across ethnicities.

Forfatter: E.V.R. Appel ; I. Moltke ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; A. Linneberg ; O. Pedersen ; A. Albrechtsen ; T. Hansen ; N. Grarup Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Diabetes; Inuit; Arctic; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: European Journal of Human Genetics Volume på tidsskrift: 26

Åben publikation

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Development of health‐related quality of life and symptoms in patients with advanced cancer in Greenland A prospective national cohort study assessed the development of health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) and symptoms in adult patients undergoing treatment and care for advanced cancer in Greenland. HRQol was examined by EORTC QLQ‐C30 version 3.0 questionnaire monthly for 4 months. Changes over time and between‐group comparisons were examined. Of 58 patients included in the study, 47% completed the questionnaire four times. Functioning was generally high, and improved social functioning was observed after 1 and 2 months. The highest symptom score was for fatigue followed by pain and nausea/vomiting. A high score for financial problems remained unchanged during the entire period. Patients with higher income had reduced pain intensity (p = .03) and diarrhoea (p = .05) than patients with income below the poverty line. After 1 month, reduction in pain intensity was observed for Nuuk citizens compared with non‐Nuuk citizens (p = .05). After 2 months, non‐Nuuk citizens reported improved social functioning compared with Nuuk citizens (p = .05). After 3 months, Global Health in Nuuk citizens was improved compared with non‐Nuuk citizens (p = .05). An important clinical finding was that patients’ needs for support are related to social status, and geographical factors should be taken into account when planning palliative care.

Forfatter: Michael Lynge Pedersen; Lise Hounsgaard; H. Timm ; P. Sjøgren Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Health‐related quality of life; Palliative care; Prospective study; Remote areas; Symptom management Titel på tidsskrift: European Journal of Cancer Care Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons Ltd DOI nummer:

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Measuring social inequality in health amongst indigenous peoples in the Arctic. A comparison of different indicators of social disparity among the Inuit in Greenland The purpose of the article is to compare different indicators of social position as measures of social inequality in health in a population sample from an indigenous arctic people, the Inuit in Greenland. Data was collected during 2005–2015 and consisted of information from 3967 adult Inuit from towns and villages in all parts of Greenland. Social inequalities for smoking and central obesity were analysed in relation to seven indicators of social disparity in four dimensions, i.e. education and employment, economic status, sociocultural position, and place of residence. For each indicator we calculated age‐adjusted prevalence by social group, rate ratio and the concentration index. The indicators were correlated with Pearson’s r ranging from 0.24 to 0.82. Concentration indices ranged from 0.01 to 0.17. We could not conclude that one indicator was superior to others. Most of the indicators were traditional socioeconomic indicators used extensively in research in western countries and these seemed to be useful among the Inuit too, in particular household assets and job. Two sociocultural indicators developed for use among the Inuit and which included parameters specific to the indigenous peoples in the transition from a traditional to a modern life style proved to be equally useful but not superior to the traditional socioeconomic indicators. The choice of indicator must depend on what it is realistic to collect in the actual research setting and the use of more than one indicator is recommended. It is suggested to further develop culture specific indicators of social position for indigenous peoples.

Forfatter: I.K. Dahl‐Petersen ; C.V.L. Larsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Social inequality; Socioeconomic conditions; Cultural transition; Smoking; Obesity; Inuit Titel på tidsskrift: SSM Population Health Volume på tidsskrift: 6 Udgiver: Elsevier DOI nummer:

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Three lifestyle‐related issues of major significance for public health among the Inuit in contemporary Greenland: a review of adverse childhood conditions, obesity, and smoking in a period of social transition Greenland is a country in transition from a colonial past with subsistence hunting and fishing to an urban Nordic welfare state. Epidemiological transition from infectious to chronic diseases has been evident since the 1950s. Ninety percent of the population is Inuit.

We studied three public health issues based on published literature, namely adverse childhood experiences, addictive behavior, and suicide; diet and obesity; and smoking. Alcohol consumption was high in the 1970s and 1980s with accompanying family and social disruption. This is still a cause of poor mental health and suicides in the generations most affected. The diet is changing from a traditional diet of fish and marine mammals to imported food including food items rich in sugar and fat from domestic animals, and the level of physical activity is decreasing with an ensuing epidemic rise in obesity. The prevalence of smoking is high at around 60% among both men and women and is only slowly decreasing. Smoking shows large social variation, and tobacco‐related diseases are widespread.

The diseases and conditions outlined above all contribute towards a low life expectancy at birth—69 years for men and 74 years for women in 2011–2015—compared with 78 and 84 years for men and women, respectively, on average in the European countries. The translation of government public health programs into local activities needs strengthening, and it must be realized that the improvement of public health is a long‐term process.

Forfatter: C.V.L. Larsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Inuit; Greenland; Alcohol; Suicide; Diet; Obesity; Smoking Titel på tidsskrift: Public Health Reviews Volume på tidsskrift: 39 Nummer på tidsskrift: 5 Udgiver: BMC DOI nummer:‐018‐0085‐8

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Prevalence of Diabetic Neuropathy in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes and the Association with Insulin Pump Therapy Aims: The aim was to investigate the prevalence of diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSPN) and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in a Danish population of young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) using both established and novel measuring modalities. Furthermore, to investigate the association between continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) treatment and these complications.

Materials and Methods: CAN was assessed by cardiovascular autonomic reflex tests. DSPN was assessed not only by perception of light touch and pain, vibration perception threshold (VPT), Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), and Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument questionnaires but also by novel modalities: electrochemical skin conductance (ESC), sural nerve conduction velocity (SNCV), and sural nerve amplitude potential (SNAP).

Results: The study comprised 156 young adults with a mean age of 22 years (standard deviation 1.6). The prevalence of CAN and early CAN was 9% and 28.1%, respectively. Subclinical DSPN was 55.1% and confirmed DSPN was 2.6%. Prevalence of abnormal SNAP was 23.8%, SNCV was 37.1%, ESC on the hands and feet was 4% and 8%, respectively, VPT was 1.3%, and BPI questionnaire was 1.9%. No association was found between CSII treatment and the measures of DSPN and CAN.

Conclusion: DSPN and CAN are prevalent in young adults with T1D with no association found with CSII treatment. The use of novel measuring modalities identified a higher number of subjects with DSPN compared with established measures. Screening for diabetic neuropathy in young adults may be beneficial to detect and prevent nerve damages at early stages.

Forfatter: M.M.B. Christensen ; E.E. Hommel ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; B.J. von Scholten ; J. Fleischer ; C.S. Hansen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Type 1 diabetes; Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy; Diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy; Young adults; Electrochemical skin conductance; Sural nerve conduction velocity; Sural nerve amplitude potential Titel på tidsskrift: Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics Volume på tidsskrift: 20 Nummer på tidsskrift: 12 Udgiver: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI nummer:

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RISING SUN: Prioritized Outcomes for Suicide Prevention in the Arctic The Arctic Council, a collaborative forum among governments and Arctic communities, has highlighted the problem of suicide and potential solutions. The mental health initiative during the United States chairmanship, Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups: Strengths United Through Networks (RISING SUN), used a Delphi methodology complemented by face‐to‐face stakeholder discussions to identify outcomes to evaluate suicide prevention interventions. RISING SUN underscored that multilevel suicide prevention initiatives require mobilizing resources and enacting policies that promote the capacity for wellness, for example, by reducing adverse childhood experiences, increasing social equity, and mitigating the effects of colonization and poverty.

Forfatter: PY Collins ; RA Jr Delgado ; C Apok ; L Baez ; S Chatwood ; C Chipp ; A Crawford ; A Crosby ; D Dillard ; H Ericksen ; J Hicks ; CVL Larsen ; R McKeon ; PJ Partapuoli ; A Phillips ; B Pringle ; S Rasmus ; S Sigurðardóttir ; A Silviken ; JP Stoor ; Y Sumarokov ; L Wexler Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Cross‐cultural issues; Global mental health; Suicide prevention; Indigenous mental health; Arctic health Titel på tidsskrift: Psychiatric Services DOI nummer:

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Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990‐2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Background: Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for death and disability, but its overall association with health remains complex given the possible protective effects of moderate alcohol consumption on some conditions. With our comprehensive approach to health accounting within the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016, we generated improved estimates of alcohol use and alcohol‐attributable deaths and disability‐adjusted life‐years (DALYs) for 195 locations from 1990 to 2016, for both sexes and for 5‐year age groups between the ages of 15 years and 95 years and older.

Methods: Using 694 data sources of individual and population‐level alcohol consumption, along with 592 prospective and retrospective studies on the risk of alcohol use, we produced estimates of the prevalence of current drinking, abstention, the distribution of alcohol consumption among current drinkers in standard drinks daily (defined as 10 g of pure ethyl alcohol), and alcohol‐attributable deaths and DALYs. We made several methodological improvements compared with previous estimates: first, we adjusted alcohol sales estimates to take into account tourist and unrecorded consumption; second, we did a new meta‐analysis of relative risks for 23 health outcomes associated with alcohol use; and third, we developed a new method to quantify the level of alcohol consumption that minimises the overall risk to individual health.

Findings: Globally, alcohol use was the seventh leading risk factor for both deaths and DALYs in 2016, accounting for 2·2% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 1·5–3·0) of age‐standardised female deaths and 6·8% (5·8–8·0) of age‐standardised male deaths. Among the population aged 15–49 years, alcohol use was the leading risk factor globally in 2016, with 3·8% (95% UI 3·2–4·3) of female deaths and 12·2% (10·8–13·6) of male deaths attributable to alcohol use. For the population aged 15–49 years, female attributable DALYs were 2·3% (95% UI 2·0–2·6) and male attributable DALYs were 8·9% (7·8–9·9). The three leading causes of attributable deaths in this age group were tuberculosis (1·4% [95% UI 1·0–1·7] of total deaths), road injuries (1·2% [0·7–1·9]), and self‐harm (1·1% [0·6–1·5]). For populations aged 50 years and older, cancers accounted for a large proportion of total alcohol‐attributable deaths in 2016, constituting 27·1% (95% UI 21·2–33·3) of total alcohol‐ attributable female deaths and 18·9% (15·3–22·6) of male deaths. The level of alcohol consumption that minimised harm across health outcomes was zero (95% UI 0·0–0·8) standard drinks per week.

Interpretation: Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for global disease burden and causes substantial health loss. We found that the risk of all‐cause mortality, and of cancers specifically, rises with increasing levels of consumption, and the level of consumption that minimises health loss is zero. These results suggest that alcohol control policies might need to be revised worldwide, refocusing on efforts to lower overall population‐ level consumption.

Forfatter: Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Alcohol; Global burden of disease Titel på tidsskrift: The Lancet Volume på tidsskrift: 392 Nummer på tidsskrift: 10152 DOI nummer: doi: 10.1016/S0140‐6736(18)31310‐2

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Associations between vitamin D status and atherosclerosis among Inuit in Greenland Background and aims: Low levels of vitamin D are suspected to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis among Inuit in Greenland, and to evaluate the association with vitamin D status. We hypothesized that low vitamin D status could be associated with higher carotid intima‐media thickness (IMT) as a marker of atherosclerosis.

Methods: 756 adults from the Inuit Health in Transition (IHIT) study carried out in Greenland in the period 2005–2010 were included. A blood sample donated in 1987 was available for a sub‐sample of 102 individuals. Serum 25(OH)D3 from the IHIT study and the 1987 survey was used as a measure of vitamin D status. IMT measurements were conducted by ultrasound scanning. The prevalence of atherosclerosis was estimated, and the association between serum 25(OH)D3 and IMT measurements was examined by linear regression.

Results: The overall prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis was 20.1% (n = 152). The linear regression analyses indicated a weak positive association between serum 25(OH)D3 level and IMT measurements from the IHIT study, though not statistically significant after adjustment for potential confounders (β = 0.35% per 10 nmoL/L 25(OH)D3, p = 0.06). Linear regression analyses of the association between serum 25(OH)D3 level in the 1987 survey and IMT measurements also indicated a positive, though not statistically significant, association after adjustment (β = 0.07% per 10 nmoL/L 25(OH)D3, p = 0.86).

Conclusions: Our findings did not support the hypothesis of an association between low vitamin D levels and risk of atherosclerosis.

Forfatter: CU Gjødesen ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; IK Dahl‐Petersen ; CVL Larsen ; M Noël ; M Melbye ; AS Cohen ; M Lundqvist ; DM Hougaard ; JW Helge ; NO Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Atherosclerosis; Carotid intima media thickness; Vitamin D; Inuit; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Atherosclerosis Volume på tidsskrift: 268 Udgiver: Elsevier DOI nummer:

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Loss‐of‐function variants in ADCY3 increase risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes We have identified a variant in ADCY3 (encoding adenylate cyclase 3) associated with markedly increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the Greenlandic population. The variant disrupts a splice acceptor site, and carriers have decreased ADCY3 RNA expression. Additionally, we observe an enrichment of rare ADCY3 loss‐of‐ function variants among individuals with type 2 diabetes in trans‐ancestry cohorts. These findings provide new information on disease etiology relevant for future treatment strategies.

Forfatter: N Grarup ; I Moltke ; MK Andersen ; M Dalby ; K Vitting‐Seerup ; T Kern ; Y Mahendran ; E Jørsboe ; CVL Larsen ; IK Dahl‐Petersen ; A Gilly ; D Suveges ; G Dedoussis ; E Zeggini ; O Pedersen ; R Andersson ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; A Albrechtsen ; T Hansen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: ADCY3; Diabetes; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Nature Genetics Volume på tidsskrift: 50 DOI nummer: doi: 10.1038/s41588‐017‐0022‐7

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Identification of novel high‐impact recessively inherited type 2 diabetes risk variants in the Greenlandic population Aims/hypothesis: In a recent study using a standard additive genetic model, we identified a TBC1D4 loss‐of‐ function variant with a large recessive impact on risk of type 2 diabetes in Greenlanders. The aim of the current study was to identify additional genetic variation underlying type 2 diabetes using a recessive genetic model, thereby increasing the power to detect variants with recessive effects.

Methods: We investigated three cohorts of Greenlanders (B99, n = 1401; IHIT, n = 3115; and BBH, n = 547), which were genotyped using Illumina MetaboChip. Of the 4674 genotyped individuals passing quality control, 4648 had phenotype data available, and type 2 diabetes association analyses were performed for 317 individuals with type 2 diabetes and 2631 participants with normal glucose tolerance. Statistical association analyses were performed using a linear mixed model.

Results: Using a recessive genetic model, we identified two novel loci associated with type 2 diabetes in Greenlanders, namely rs870992 in ITGA1 on chromosome 5 (OR 2.79, p = 1.8 × 10−8), and rs16993330 upstream of LARGE1 on chromosome 22 (OR 3.52, p = 1.3 × 10−7). The LARGE1 variant did not reach the conventional threshold for genome‐wide significance (p 5 × 10−8) but did withstand a study‐wide Bonferroni‐ corrected significance threshold. Both variants were common in Greenlanders, with minor allele frequencies of 23% and 16%, respectively, and were estimated to have large recessive effects on risk of type 2 diabetes in Greenlanders, compared with additively inherited variants previously observed in European populations.

Conclusions/interpretation: We demonstrate the value of using a recessive genetic model in a historically small and isolated population to identify genetic risk variants. Our findings give new insights into the genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes, and further support the existence of high‐effect genetic risk factors of potential clinical relevance, particularly in isolated populations.

Forfatter: N Grarup ; I Moltke ; MK Andersen ; CVL Larsen ; IK Dahl‐Petersen ; E Jørsboe ; HK Tiwari ; SE Hopkins ; HW Wiener ; BB Boyer ; A Linneberg ; O Pedersen ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; A Albrechtsen ; T Hansen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Genetic association; Genome‐wide association study; Greenlanders; Inuit; ITGA1; LARGE1; Recessive genetic model; Type 2 diabetes Titel på tidsskrift: Diabetologia Volume på tidsskrift: 61 Nummer på tidsskrift: 9 Udgiver: Springer DOI nummer: doi: 10.1007/s00125‐018‐4659‐2.

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Gonorrhoea in Greenland: geographic differences in diagnostic activity and incidence of gonorrhoea in 2015 For decades the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been a health concern in Greenland, especially within the age group of 15–34 year olds. However, no overview exists of the potential differences in regional incidence and management of STIs. This study investigates the age, gender and region specific diagnostic activity and incidence of gonorrhoea in Greenland in 2015. The study design was an observational cross sectional register study with inclusion of patients tested for gonorrhoea in 2015. Patients above 15 years of age were included. Data was obtained from the laboratory system used at The Central Laboratory at Queen Ingrid’s Hospital in Nuuk. We found, in 2015, a total of 17,911 tests for gonorrhoea were performed on both men and women. Women accounted for 68% of the tests, while men accounted for 32%. The positivity rate was 7,878 pr. 100,000 of which 56% were women and 44% were men. The regional distribution showed a disparity of the testing rate and the rate of positive gonorrhoea tests.. Thus, we have documented a high diagnostic activity and high incidence of gonorrhoea in Greenland in 2015 among both women and men. We also found significant regional differences in both diagnostic activity and gonorrhoea incidence.

Forfatter: AS Homøe ; S Berntsen ; Michael Lynge Pedersen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Neisseria gonorrhoea; Incidence; Diagnostic activity; Venereal disease Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer:

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Evidence‐based nursing in Greenland: Pioneer spirit and long‐term strategies for education and research While healthcare in many Nordic countries is increasingly centralized, some nurses are working very much on their own. This applies to nurses in Greenland, who provide care for patients in some of the world’s most rural and remote areas. Still, they share the same ambition of evidence‐based care as their colleagues around the world.

Forfatter: Lise Hounsgaard; Lene Seibæk Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Nordic Journal of Nursing Research Volume på tidsskrift: 38 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Sage DOI nummer:

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Growth of children in Greenland exceeds the World Health Organization growth charts Aim: Previous studies have found high rates of stunted linear growth in Greenlandic children. We measured growth patterns in Greenland and compared them with international growth charts.

Methods: The study cohort comprised 279 healthy children aged 6–10 years in 2012. They participated in two pregnancy and birth cohorts in Greenland and longitudinal growth data as birth was extracted from their medical records. Growth reference ranges were estimated with the lambda‐mu‐sigma (LMS) method and compared with growth charts from Denmark and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Results: The children's mean length, weight and head circumference were significantly larger than the WHO growth charts (p 0.001). We found that 21–28% of the children aged zero to one years exceeded the WHO growth chart for length by more than two standard deviations. For weight and head circumference, 9–16% of the children aged 0–10 years and 9–11% of the children from zero to two years exceeded the WHO charts by more than two standard deviations. The Danish references were exceeded to a lesser degree.

Conclusion: This study showed that the growth of Greenlandic children up to 10 years was no longer stunted. Major determining factors suggested are genetic admixture, maternal overweight, changes in nutrition and improved health.

Forfatter: M Kløvgaard ; NO Nielsen ; TL Sørensen ; B Olsen ; PB Júlíusson ; M Roelants ; HT Chistesen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland; Growth references; Growth standards; Inuit; Linear growth Titel på tidsskrift: Acta Pædiatrica Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons Ltd DOI nummer:

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Whole blood mercury and the risk of cardiovascular disease among the Greenlandic population Background: Studies have found mercury to be associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), however, primarily in populations with low exposure. The highest levels, and variations in the levels, of whole blood mercury (WBM) worldwide have been found in Greenland. We prospectively assessed the association between WBM and the risk of developing CVD in the Greenlandic population.

Methods: We assessed the effects of WBM levels on incident CVD among 3083 Greenlandic Inuit, participating in a population‐based cohort study conducted from 2005 to 2010. WBM was measured at baseline. Participants were followed in the National Patient Registries for Denmark and Greenland and in the causes of death register for CVD events from inclusion in the study until CVD event, emigration, death or end of follow‐ up (30/9–2013). Using Cox regression analyses, we calculated the incidence rates and the hazard ratio of CVD events according to WBM levels. Potential interactions with sex were also investigated.

Results: The highest levels of WBM were found in men, who had a significantly higher median level (19 μg/L (IQR:1–44)), compared with women (15 μg/L (IQR: 1–32), (p 0.001)). The crude hazard ratio (HR) for incident CVD was 1.00 (95% CI 1.00–1.00) for 5 µg/l increase in WBM. After adjusting for several potential confounders, there was still no association between WBM and incident CVD (HR 0.99; 95%CI:0.99–1.00). We found no interactions with sex.

Conclusions: In a population with high levels of WBM, we found no association between WBM and the risk of developing CVD in Greenland.

Forfatter: TJ Larsen ; Marit Eika Jørgensen; CVL Larsen ; IK Dahl‐Petersen ; PF Rønn ; S Byberg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Whole blood mercury; Cardiovascular disease; Inuit; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Environmental Research Volume på tidsskrift: 146 Udgiver: Elsevier DOI nummer:

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Improved survival of head and neck cancer patients in Greenland Previously, head and neck cancer (HNC) patients in Greenland have had significant diagnostic delay and poor survival rates. From 2005‐2009 several initiatives have been made to ensure faster diagnosis and better survival. The aim of this study was to compare the prognosis before and after these initiatives were introduced.

All Greenlandic patients diagnosed with HNC between 2005 and 2012 were included. Data were retrieved from medical records and national databases and compared with the period 1994‐2003.

A total of 98 patients were identified. Diagnostic delay was significantly lower compared to the period 1994–2004 (p=0.048). The 3‐year overall survival was 56% for all HNC and 47% for nasopharyngeal carcinomas. We found that patients with HNC between 1994 and 2003 had a higher risk of death from all reasons compared with the period 2005–2012 (HR 2.17; CI 1.46–3.23) after adjustments for stage and diagnostic delay.

Patients with head HNC in Greenland from 2005‐2012 were diagnosed earlier and had a better overall survival compared to the period 1994–2003. The change in survival is more likely to be due to improvement in treatment rather than the initiated interventions. Although survival has improved in Greenland, demographic problems and lack of specialists remain a challenge.

Forfatter: M Lawaetz ; RG Jensen ; J Friborg ; L Herlow ; S Brofeldt ; JG Fleischer ; Preben Homøe Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Head and neck cancer; Inuit; Survival; Delay Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer:

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Prevalence of patients treated with anti‐diabetic medicine in Greenland and Denmark. A cross‐ sectional register study Diabetes mellitus is a large and growing worldwide health issue. Prior to this publication, a direct comparison of the prevalence of persons treated with anti‐diabetic medicine in Greenland and Denmark has not been found. Therefore, the aim of this study is to estimate and compare the age‐ and gender‐specific prevalence of patients treated with anti‐diabetic medicine comparing Greenland and Denmark. The study was performed as a cross‐sectional register study using data from population and medical registers in Greenland and Denmark. A total of 784 Greenlandic and 215,580 Danish patients treated with anti‐diabetic medicine were included. The prevalence of patients aged 20–79 years treated with anti‐diabetic medicine in Greenland was 2.6% (95% CI 2.4–2.8), much lower (p 0.001) compared to Denmark with 5.2% (95% CI 5.2–5.2). The difference was less pronounced after excluding those treated with insulin and women below 45 years treated with metformin. In conclusion, this study showed a lower prevalence of patients treated with anti‐diabetic medicine in Greenland than Denmark. The main reason may be a much higher prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes in Greenland, particularly among the middle‐aged. Differences in awareness of diabetes and access to continued primary healthcare may be contributing factors.

Forfatter: I Meklenborg ; Michael Lynge Pedersen; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Diabetes mellitus; Prevalence; Greenland; Inuit; Denmark Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer:

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Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: a pooled analysis of 1018 population‐based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants Background: Change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure could be due to both shifts in the entire distribution of blood pressure (representing the combined effects of public health interventions and secular trends) and changes in its high‐blood‐pressure tail (representing successful clinical interventions to control blood pressure in the hypertensive population). Our aim was to quantify the contributions of these two phenomena to the worldwide trends in the prevalence of raised blood pressure.

Methods: We pooled 1018 population‐based studies with blood pressure measurements on 88.6 million participants from 1985 to 2016. We first calculated mean systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and prevalence of raised blood pressure by sex and 10‐year age group from 20–29 years to 70–79 years in each study, taking into account complex survey design and survey sample weights, where relevant. We used a linear mixed effect model to quantify the association between (probit‐transformed) prevalence of raised blood pressure and age‐group‐ and sex‐specific mean blood pressure. We calculated the contributions of change in mean SBP and DBP, and of change in the prevalence‐mean association, to the change in prevalence of raised blood pressure.

Results: In 2005–16, at the same level of population mean SBP and DBP, men and women in South Asia and in Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa would have the highest prevalence of raised blood pressure, and men and women in the high‐income Asia Pacific and high‐income Western regions would have the lowest. In most region‐sex‐age groups where the prevalence of raised blood pressure declined, one half or more of the decline was due to the decline in mean blood pressure. Where prevalence of raised blood pressure has increased, the change was entirely driven by increasing mean blood pressure, offset partly by the change in the prevalence‐mean association.

Conclusions: Change in mean blood pressure is the main driver of the worldwide change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure, but change in the high‐blood‐pressure tail of the distribution has also contributed to the change in prevalence, especially in older age groups.

Forfatter: NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD‐RisC) Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Blood pressure; Hypertension; Population health; Global health; Non‐communicable disease Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Epidemiology Volume på tidsskrift: 47 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Oxford Academic DOI nummer: doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy016

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Awareness of diabetes in the population of Greenland Objective: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) may develop slowly with few symptoms and may remain undetected for many years, leading to severe complications that potentially could have been prevented with timely diagnosis and treatment. Undiagnosed diabetes has been reported high in Greenland. However, awareness and knowledges about diabetes in the general population remains unexplored.

Methods: This study was performed as an observational cross sectional study based on telephone interview among a random sample of Greenlanders. The interview was performed in Greenlandic or Danish according to participant’ preference and included information about age, gender, place of birth, place of residence, medical history of diabetes, awareness of the diabetes, risk factors, symptoms, complications, and local possibilities to get tested for diabetes.

Results: In total, telephone contact was established with 196 adults. Of those, 161 participants completed the interview while 35 were unwilling to participate in the interview corresponding to a response rate of 82% (161/196). The majority of responders, 85.7%, were aware of diabetes and local testing possibilities. However, only around 65% were aware of risk factors of diabetes. Also, the knowledge about common symptoms of diabetes was quite low, around 50%, and in particular low, around 40%, among males and inhabitants in settlements.

Conclusions: The vast majority of the population was aware of diabetes. However, the present study revealed shortage of knowledge of common risk factors, symptoms, and complications to diabetes. This is challenging the effort to prevent diabetes and new alternative information strategies are needed. Furthermore, the shortage of knowledges of risk factors may not be isolated to diabetes and further studies on health literacy in Greenland are recommended.

Forfatter: Michael Lynge Pedersen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Diabetes; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Clinical Nursing studies Volume på tidsskrift: 7 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: SCIEDU DOI nummer:

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Microvascular complications in Nuuk, Greenland, among Greenlanders and non‐Greenlanders diagnosed with type 2 diabetes Aim: The objective of this study was to estimate and compare between Greenlanders and non‐Greenlanders living in Nuuk the proportion of patients with type 2 diabetes with microvascular complications.

Methods: This study was performed as a cross‐sectional register study based on information in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR). All patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and with permanent addresses in Nuuk were included. Patients born in Greenland were considered to be Greenlanders, while patients born outside Greenland were considered as non‐Greenlanders. Proportions of patients with retinopathy, microalbuminuria, nephropathy and neuropathy were estimated based on information from the EMR.

Results: A total of 393 patients (295 Greenlanders and 98 non‐Greenlanders) were included. In total 83.0% of all patients have been screened for retinopathy, while 66.4% were screened for microalbuminuria and 64.6% for neuropathy within a two year period. The most frequent microvascular complication was neuropathy, which was observed among half (49.6%) of all patients followed by microalbuminuria (28.4%), retinopathy (10.7%) and nephropathy (7.3%). Retinopathy was observed among 21.4% of the non‐Greenlanders compared to only 7.0% of the Greenlanders (p = .001). Microalbuminuria was also observed more frequently (p = .047) among non‐Greenlanders (37.5%) than among Greenlanders (24.9%).

Conclusion: Greenlanders seem to be less prone to especially retinopathy than are non‐Greenlanders.

Forfatter: Michael Lynge Pedersen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Type 2 diabetes; Complications; Greenlanders; Inuit; Ethnicity Titel på tidsskrift: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Volume på tidsskrift: 136 Udgiver: Elsevier DOI nummer:

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Gestational diabetes and macrosomia among Greenlanders. Time to change diagnostic strategy? Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a serious condition associated to both maternal and offspring complications. Yet, no globally accepted consensus exists on how to test and diagnose GDM. In Greenland, the clinical criteria for testing and diagnosing GDM are adapted from Danish guidelines. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of GDM among Greenlanders using both the current clinical GDM criteria and the recent WHO 2013 criteria and, further, to study the association between GDM, pre‐pregnant overweight or obesity and macrosomia. A cross‐sectional study of all 450 Greenlandic women who gave birth to a singleton in Nuuk within 1 year was performed. Based on an oral glucose tolerance test measuring capillary whole blood glucose, 119 women were categorised as having clinical GDM, WHO 2013 GDM or not GDM. Macrosomia defined as birth weight above 4,000 g was used as outcome variable. The prevalence of clinical GDM and WHO 2013 GDM was 0.4% (95% CI; 0–1.1) and 6.9% (95% CI; 4.5–9.2). WHO 2013 GDM, fasting blood glucose, pre‐ pregnant maternal overweight and obesity were associated with macrosomia. WHO 2013 GDM criteria were superior to clinical criteria in predicting macrosomia indicating that it may be time to consider the diagnostic strategy used in Greenland. Pre‐pregnant overweight may also need more intensified lifestyle‐intervention.

Forfatter: Michael Lynge Pedersen; O Lind ; T Abelsen ; J Olesen ; Marit Eika Jørgensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Gestational diabetes; Diagnostic; Prevalence; Macrosomia; Overweight; Inuit; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer:

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Validation of cardiovascular diagnoses in the Greenlandic Hospital Discharge Register for epidemiological use Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In Greenland, valid estimates of prevalence and incidence of CVD do not exist and can only be calculated if diagnoses of CVD in the Greenlandic Hospital Discharge Register (GHDR) are correct. Diagnoses of CVD in GHDR have not previously been validated specifically. The objective of the study was to validate diagnoses of CVD in GHDR. The study was conducted as a validation study with primary investigator comparing information in GHDR with information in medical records. Diagnoses in GHDR were considered correct and thus valid if they matched the diagnoses or the medical information in the medical records. A total of 432 online accessible medical records with a cardiovascular diagnosis according to GHDR from Queen Ingrid’s Hospital from 2001 to 2013 (n=291) and from local health care centres from 2007 to 2013 (n=141) were reviewed. Ninety‐nine and ninety‐two percent of discharge diagnosis in GHDR from Queen Ingrid’s Hospital and local health care centres were correct in comparison with diagnoses in the medical record indicating valid registration practice. The correctness of cardiovascular diagnoses in GHDR was considered high in terms of acceptable agreement between medical records and diagnoses in GHDR. Cardiovascular diagnoses are valid for epidemiological use.

Forfatter: M Tvermosegaard ; PF Rønn ; Michael Lynge Pedersen; IK Dahl Pedersen ; CVL Larsen ; Marit Eika Jørgensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Cardiovascular disease; Diagnoses; Inuit; Greenland; Register Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer:

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Reproductive factors, lifestyle and dietary habits among pregnant women in Greenland: The ACCEPT sub‐study 2013–2015 Background: During past decades the formerly active lifestyle in Greenland has become sedentary, and the intake of traditional food has gradually been replaced with imported food. These lifestyle and dietary habits may affect pregnant women. Aim: To describe age and regional differences in reproductive factors, lifestyle and diet among Greenlandic pregnant women in their first trimester. Methods: A cross‐sectional study during 2013–2015 including 373 pregnant women was conducted in five Greenlandic regions (West, Disko Bay, South, North and East). Interview‐based questionnaires on reproductive factors, lifestyle and dietary habits were compared in relation to two age groups (median age ≤28 years and >28 years). Results: In total, 72.4% were Inuit, 46.6% had BMI >25.0 kg/m2, 29.0% were smoking during pregnancy and 54.6% had used hashish. BMI, educational level, personal income, previous pregnancies and planned breastfeeding period were significantly higher in the age group >28 years of age compared to the age group ≤28 years of age. In region Disko Bay, 90.9% were Inuit, in region South more had a university degree (37.9%) and region East had the highest number of previous pregnancies, the highest number of smokers during pregnancy and the most frequent intake of sauce with hot meals and fast‐food. Conclusions: Overall a high BMI and a high smoking frequency were found. Age differences were found for BMI and planned breastfeeding period, while regional differences were found for smoking and intake of sauce with hot meals and fast‐food. Future recommendations aimed at pregnant women in Greenland should focus on these health issues.

Forfatter: AS Terkelsen ; M Long ; Lise Hounsgaard; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Pregnant women; Greenland – reproductive health; Lifestyle; Dietary habits; Traditional food; Imported food; POPs Titel på tidsskrift: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Volume på tidsskrift: 46 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: SAGE DOI nummer:

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Comparing health care workforce in circumpolar regions: patterns, trends and challenges Background: The eight Arctic States exhibit substantial health disparities between their remote northernmost regions and the rest of the country. This study reports on the trends and patterns in the supply and distribution of physicians, dentists and nurses in these 8 countries and 25 regions and addresses issues of comparability, data gaps and policy implications.

Methods: We accessed publicly available databases and performed three types of comparisons: (1) among the 8 Arctic States; (2) within each Arctic State, between the northern regions and the rest of the country; (3) among the 25 northern regions. The unit of comparison was density of health workers per 100,000 inhabitants, and the means of three 5‐year periods from 2000 to 2014 were computed.

Results: The Nordic countries consistently exceed North America in the density of all three categories of health professionals, whereas Russia reports the highest density of physicians but among the lowest in terms of dentists and nurses.

The largest disparities between “north” and “south” are observed in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut of Canada for physicians, and in Greenland for all three categories. The disparity is much less pronounced in the northern regions of Nordic countries, while Arctic Russia tends to be oversupplied in all categories.

Conclusions: Despite efforts and standardisation of definitions by international organisations such as OECD, it is difficult to obtain an accurate and comparable estimate of the health workforce even in the basic categories of physicians, dentists and nurses . The use of head counts is particularly problematic in jurisdictions that rely on short‐term visiting staff. Comparing statistics also needs to take into account the health care system, especially where primary health care is nurse‐based.

List of Abbreviations ADA: American Dental Association; AHRF: Area Health Resource File; AMA: American Medical Association; AO: Autonomous Okrug; AVI: Aluehallintovirasto; CHA: Community Health Aide; CHR: Community Health Representative; CHW: Community Health Worker; CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information; DO: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; FTE: Full Time Equivalent; HPDB: Health Personnel Database; MD: Doctor of Medicine; NOMESCO: Nordic Medico‐Statistical Committee; NOSOSCO: Nordic Social Statistical Committee; NOWBASE: Nordic Welfare Database; NWT: Northwest Territories; OECD: Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development; RN: Registered Nurse; SMDB: Scott’s Medical Database; WHO: World Health Organization.

Forfatter: TK Young ; N Fedkina ; S Chatwood Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Health workforce; Physicians; Dentists; Nurses; Arctic; North; Circumpolar Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer:

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Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Greenland 1983–2014 – Including Comparison With the Other Nordic Countries Background: During the last decades, social and life‐style changes in Greenland have led to an increase in the incidence of several non‐communicable diseases. Our aim is to present the cancer incidence and mortality in Greenland and compare the results with the other Nordic countries.

Methods: The data stems from The Danish Cancer Registry and The Danish Register of Causes of Death. Comparable data on cancer incidence and mortality in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Greenland are available through collaboration between Nordic Cancer Registries (NORDCAN). We included all individuals residing in Greenland and diagnosed with or died of a cancer from 1983 to 2014.

Findings: The total number of cancer cases in Greenland for the study period was 4716 and there were 3231 cancer deaths. Respiratory and gastrointestinal cancers had the highest incidence as well as mortality in Greenland for the entire time period and for both sexes. Compared to the other Nordic countries, Greenland had significantly higher incidence and mortality rates for several cancers. Cancer of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx, respiratory cancer, and cancer of unknown sites had the highest incidence rate ratios (2.3–3.9) and mortality rate ratios (2.7–9.9) for both sexes. The time trend from 1983 to 2014 showed a significant increase in cancer incidence in Greenland with nearly the same incidence level as the other Nordic countries. While the cancer mortality decreased in the other Nordic countries during the time period studied, there was no change in the cancer‐specific mortality in Greenland.

Interpretations: The trends in cancer incidence and mortality in Greenland compared to the other Nordic countries have not been reported earlier. These data underline a need to focus on cancer‐specific mortality in Greenland and prevention of high‐incidence cancers related to well‐established risk factors. Forfatter: U Yousaf ; G Engholm ; H Storm ; N Christensen ; E Zetlitz ; H Trykker ; F Sejersen ; LC Thygesen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Cancer incidence; Cancer mortality; Greenland; Inuit; Arctic; Cancer; Carcinoma; Nordic countries; Epidemiology Titel på tidsskrift: EClinicalMedicine Volume på tidsskrift: 2‐3 Udgiver: The Lancet DOI nummer:

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Biorefining and Biotechnology Opportunities in the West Nordic Region Forfatter: B Björnsdóttir ; M Geirsdóttir ; EE Guðmundsdóttir ; G Þorkelsson ; R Jónsdóttir ; G Þórðarson ; R Groben ; S Knobloch ; J Vang ; I Gunnarsdóttir ; R Jóhannsson ; LD Schönemann‐Paul ; SE Smáradóttir Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Biorefining; Biotechnology Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Matís Technical Report ISBN nummer: ISSN 1670‐7192

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Prevalence of antibodies against Brucella spp. in West Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and East Greenland muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) Zoonotic infections transmitted from terrestrial and marine mammals to humans in European Arctic are of unknown significance, despite considerable potential for transmission due to local hunt and a rapidly changing environment. As an example, infection with Brucella bacteria may have significant impact on human health due to consumption of raw meat or otherwise contact with tissues and fluids of infected game species such as muskoxen and polar bears. Here, we present serological results for Baffin Bay polar bears (Ursus maritimus) (n = 96) and North East Greenland muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) (n = 32) for antibodies against Brucella spp. The analysis was a two‐step trial initially using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT), followed by confirmative competitive enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays of RBT‐positive samples. No muskoxen had antibodies against Brucella spp., while antibodies were detected in six polar bears (6.25%) rendering a seroprevalence in line with previous findings in other Arctic regions. Seropositivity was not related to sex, age or biometrics i.e. size and body condition. Whether Brucella spp. antibodies found in polar bears were due to either prey spill over or true recurrent Brucella spp. infections is unknown. Our results therefore highlight the importance of further research into the zoonotic aspects of Brucella spp. infections, and the impact on wildlife and human health in the Arctic region.

Forfatter: C Sonne ; E Andersen‐Ranberg ; EL Rajala ; JS Agerholm ; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen; JP Desforges ; I Eulaers ; BM Jenssen ; Anders Koch; A Rosing‐Asvid ; U Siebert ; M Tryland ; Gert Mulvad; T Härkönen ; M Acquarone ; ES Nordøy ; R Dietz ; U Magnusson Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic; Humans; One health; Zoonosis Titel på tidsskrift: Polar Biology Volume på tidsskrift: 41 Nummer på tidsskrift: 9 Udgiver: Springer

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Study of correlation between the NAT2 phenotype and genotype status among Greenlandic Inuit N‐acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) is the main enzyme metabolizing isoniazid and genotype‐based treatment has been studied for years without becoming common practice. To investigate whether genotype‐based isoniazid treatment is feasible in Greenland, we sequenced the coding sequence of NAT2 and determined the NAT2 enzyme‐activity by caffeine test.

No additional genetic variants were identified in the coding sequence of NAT2, so that genotype status in 260 study participants could be assessed by a well‐established 7‐SNP panel. Studying the enzyme activity by the ratio of the two caffeine metabolites AFMU and 1X in 260 participants showed a high rate of slow phenotypes with intermediate or rapid genotype. These misclassifications were mainly observed in urine samples with pH3, we observed a moderate level of discrepancies (19 of the 116 individuals with intermediate or rapid genotype status having a slow phenotype). Further investigation showed that drinking coffee and not tea or cola was the most important factor for high levels of both metabolites.

The concordance between phenotype and genotype status with regard to slow metabolism supported the recommendation of lower isoniazid doses in individuals with slow genotype status in order to avoid liver injury, a frequent side effect. The phenotypical variation observed for individuals with intermediate or rapid genotype status warrants further research before increased dosing of isoniazid can be recommended.

Forfatter: E Birch Kristensen ; V Yakimov ; Karen Bjørn Mortensen; B Soborg ; Anders Koch; K Birch Kristensen ; L Skotte ; A Ahrendt Bjerregaard ; M Blaszkewicz ; K Golka ; JG Hengstler ; B Feenstra ; M Melbye ; F Geller Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: N‐acetyltransferase 2; Greenland; NAT2 genotype status; NAT2 enzyme activity; Caffeine test; Isoniazid Titel på tidsskrift: EXCLI Journal Volume på tidsskrift: 17 DOI nummer:‐1671

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Summary of available surveillance data on hepatitis C virus infection from eight Arctic countries, 2012 to 2014 We summarised available hepatitis C virus (HCV) surveillance data for 2012–14 from Arctic/sub‐Arctic countries/regions. We sent a HCV data collection template by email to public health authorities in all jurisdictions. Population statistics obtained from census sources for each country were used to estimate rates of reported acute and chronic/undifferentiated HCV cases. Seven countries with Arctic regions (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Norway, Sweden and the United States, represented by the state of Alaska), including three Canadian territories and one province, as well as 11 Russian subnational Arctic regions, completed the data collection template. Data on acute HCV infection during 2014 was available from three Arctic countries and all Russian Arctic regions (rate range 0/100,000 population in Greenland, as well as Nenets and Chukotka Automous Okrugs (Russian subnational Arctic regions) to 3.7/100,000 in the Russian Republic of Komi). The rate of people with chronic/undifferentiated HCV infection in 2014 ranged from 0/100,000 in Greenland to 171.2/100,000 in Alaska. In most countries/regions, the majority of HCV‐infected people were male and aged 19–64 years. Differences in surveillance methods preclude direct comparisons of HCV surveillance data between Arctic countries/regions. Our data can inform future efforts to develop standardised approaches to HCV surveillance in the Arctic countries/regions by identifying similarities/differences between the surveillance data collected.

Forfatter: PP Gounder ; Anders Koch; G Provo ; A Lovlie ; JL Ederth ; M Axelsson ; CP Archibald ; B Hanley ; A Mullen ; M Matheson ; D Allison ; H Trykker ; TW Hennessy ; M Kuusi ; V Chulanov ; BJ McMahon Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Viral hepatitis; Surveillance; Prevention and control; Indigenous populations; North America; Northern Europe Titel på tidsskrift: Euro Surveillance Volume på tidsskrift: 23 Nummer på tidsskrift: 40 DOI nummer:‐ 7917.ES.2018.23.40.1700408

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Tuberculosis in the Circumpolar Region, 2006–2012 SETTING: The northern circumpolar jurisdictions Canada (Northwest Territories, Nunavik, Nunavut, Yukon), Finland, Greenland, Norway, Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk), Sweden and the United States (Alaska).

OBJECTIVE: To describe and compare demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics, including drug resistance and treatment completion, of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the northern circumpolar populations. DESIGN: Descriptive analysis of all active TB cases reported from 2006 to 2012 for incidence rate (IR), age and sex distribution, sputum smear and diagnostic site characteristics, drug resistance and treatment completion rates.

RESULTS: The annual IR of TB disease ranged from a low of 4.3 per 100 000 population in Northern Sweden to a high of 199.5/100 000 in Nunavik, QC, Canada. For all jurisdictions, IR was higher for males than for females. Yukon had the highest proportion of new cases compared with retreatment cases (96.6%). Alaska reported the highest percentage of laboratory‐confirmed cases (87.4%). Smear‐positive pulmonary cases ranged from 25.8% to 65.2%. Multidrug‐resistant cases ranged from 0% (Northern Canada) to 46.3% (Arkhangelsk). Treatment outcome data, available up to 2011, demonstrated >80% treatment completion for four of the 10 jurisdictions.

CONCLUSION: TB remains a serious public health issue in the circumpolar regions. Surveillance data contribute toward a better understanding and improved control of TB in the north.

Forfatter: AC Bourgeois ; T Zulz ; MG Bruce ; F Stenz ; Anders Koch; A Parkinson ; T Hennessy ; M Cooper ; C Newberry ; E Randell ; JF Proulx ; BE Hanley ; H Soini ; TM Arnesen ; A Mariandyshev ; J Jonsson ; B Søborg ; J Wolfe ; G Balancev ; R Bruun de Neergaard ; CP Archibald Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic; Epidemiology; Northern; Surveillance; Treatment Titel på tidsskrift: The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Volume på tidsskrift: 22 Nummer på tidsskrift: 6 Udgiver: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease DOI nummer:

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Enhancing Well‐Being Among Older People in Greenland through Partnerships of Research, Practice and Civil Society This article focuses on the methodology of the project Ageing in the Arctic (AgeArc) – Wellbeing, Quality of Life and Health Promotion among Older People in Greenland, and how the use of a collaborative approach aims at integrating ageing research, practices and policies to the benefit of the Greenlandic society. Thus, the aim of the article is to discuss how collaboration between research and practice can be an important factor in sustainable development of welfare solutions for older people in Greenland. In the project we study ageing policy, homecare, institutions, professional practices and municipal administration of these as well as older people’s health, well‐being, everyday life and historical perceptions of the roles of older people in Greenland. Moreover, researchers and municipalities collaborate on developing policies, initiatives within municipalities and civil society as well as creating network across the municipalities and between municipal administrations and civil society. In addition to this, we develop educational material for healthcare workers and professionals and work to create more public awareness about ageing in Greenland. We present three examples of our collaborative methods and discuss how the approach influences development and implementation of specific co‐creation projects involving researchers, professionals and citizens on equal terms.

Forfatter: K Nørtoft ; S Carroll ; A Siren ; CVL Larsen ; M Brædder ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tenna Jensen Editor: L Heininen ; H Exner‐Pirot Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland; Arctic; Well‐being; Elderly Udgivelsessted: Akureyri Udgivelsesland: Iceland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Yearbook 2018 Forlag: Northern Research Forum Åben publikation

Research | Forskning > Conference article | Konferenceartikel

Begreber om rehabilitering Under indtryk af en stigende andel af ældre i befolkningen er rehabilitering på vej til at blive en del af kommunernes tilbud. Ikke kun som en opgave for ergo‐ og fysioterapeuter, men som en tværfaglig opgave, også for det omsorgsfaglige personale. Denne artikel diskuterer forskellige tilgange til rehabilitering og deres konsekvenser for brugerne. Artiklen er en bearbejdning af et oplæg holdt på ICCH‐konferencen i august i år og bygger på materiale fra et projekt om rehabilitering i hjemmeplejen i Nuuk, som blev gennemført i 2017.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Tine Aagaard Type: Conference article | Konferenceartikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Aktiv aldring; Hverdagsrehabilitering; Brugerdeltagelse; Brugerperspektiv Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 26 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576 Navn på konference: ICCH 2018 Konferenceby: København Konferenceland: Danmark

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Interspecific Gene Flow Shaped the Evolution of the Genus Canis The evolutionary history of the wolf‐like canids of the genus Canis has been heavily debated, especially regarding the number of distinct species and their re‐ lationships at the population and species level [1–6]. We assembled a dataset of 48 resequenced ge‐ nomes spanning all members of the genus Canis except the black‐ backed and side‐striped jackals, encompassing the global diversity of seven extant canid lineages. This includes eight new genomes, including the first resequenced Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis), one dhole (Cuon alpinus), two East African hunting dogs (Lycaon pictus), two Eurasian golden jackals (Canis aureus), and two Middle Eastern gray wolves (Canis lupus). The relationships between the Ethiopian wolf, African golden wolf, and golden jackal were resolved. We highlight the role of interspecific hybridization in the evolution of this charismatic group. Specifically, we find gene flow between the ancestors of the dhole and African hunting dog and admixture between the gray wolf, coyote (Canis latrans), golden jackal, and African golden wolf. Additionally, we report gene flow from gray and Ethiopian wolves to the African golden wolf, suggest‐ ing that the African golden wolf originated through hybridization between these species. Finally, we hypothesize that coyotes and gray wolves carry genetic material derived from a ‘‘ghost’’ basal canid lineage.

Forfatter: Shyam Gopalakrishnan ; Mikkel‐Holger S. Sinding ; Jazm ́ın Ramos‐Madrigal ; Jonas Niemann ; Jose A. Samaniego Castruita ; Filipe G. Vieira ; Christian Carøe ; Marc de Manuel Montero ; Lukas Kuderna ; Aitor Serres ; V ́ıctor Manuel Gonza ́ lez‐Basallote ; Yan‐Hu Liu ; Guo‐Dong Wang ; Tomas Marques‐Bonet ; Siavash Mirarab ; Carlos Fernandes ; Philippe Gaubert ; Klaus‐Peter Koepfli ; Jane Budd ; Eli Knispel Rueness ; Mads Peter Heide‐Jørgensen ; Bent Petersen ; Thomas Sicheritz‐Ponten ; Lutz Bachmann ; Øystein Wiig ; Anders J. Hansen ; M. Thomas P. Gilbert Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Genes; Evolution Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Current Biology

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Arctic Yearbook A solid primary school is an important part of the foundation for creating a strong and sustainable society. Almost every country has undertaken school system reforms during the past two decades, but very few have succeeded in improving their systems from poor to fair to good to great to excellent (Mourshed et al., 2010). History, culture, and context matter for understanding applicability, if any, of one educational innovation over another. This can be said to have been the case in Greenland. One of the fundamental objectives after the introduction of Home Rule in 1979 was to adapt the Danish structures and systems to the Greenlandic conditions and culture. This article aims to analyze the Greenlandic education governance system and how the central level design, organizes and steers education systems across complex multilevel governance arrangements. In governing educational systems, how the central and the decentralized levels interact and communicate and how this affects trust, cooperation and negotiation of conflicts, and ultimately the outcomes of reform, will be discussed.

Forfatter: Mitdlarak Lennert Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Education governance; Complexity theory; Education policy

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Greenland (Denmark) Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Kristine Offerdal ; Ingvill Elgsaas Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland; MARPART Udgivelsessted: Bodø Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Maritime Preparedness Systems in the Arctic: Institutional Arrangements and Potential for Collaboration, MARPART project report 3 Forlag: Nord Universitetet

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Greenland’s Preparedness Capacities, Challenges and Need for Cooperation Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen Editor: Natalia Andreassen ; Odd Jarl Borch ; Johannes Schmied Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland; MARPART; Preparedness; Cooperation Udgivelsessted: Bodø Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Maritime Emergency Preparedness Resources in the Arctic ‐ Capacity, Challenges and the Benefits of Cross‐Border Cooperation between Norway, Russia, Iceland and Greenland, MARPART project report 4 Forlag: Nord Universitetet

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Greenland (Denmark) Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen Editor: Kristine Offerdal ; Ingvill Elgsaas Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Greenland; MARPART Udgivelsessted: Bodø Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Maritime Preparedness Systems in the Arctic: Institutional Arrangements and Potential for Collaboration, MARPART project report 3 Forlag: Nord Universitetet

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Genetic variations, exposure to persistent organic pollutants, and breast cancer risk: A Greenlandic case‐control study This study investigated the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in xenobiotic and steroid hormone‐metabolizing genes in relation to breast cancer risk and explored possible effect modifications on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and breast cancer associations. The study also assessed effects of Greenlandic BRCA1 founder mutations. Greenlandic Inuit women (77 cases and 84 controls) were included. We determined two founder mutations in BRCA1: Cys39Gly (rs80357164) and 4684delCC, and five SNPs in xenobiotic and oestrogen‐metabolizing genes: CYP17A1 ‐34T>C (rs743572), CYP19A1 *19C>T (rs10046), CYP1A1 Ile462Val (rs1048943), CYP1B Leu432Val (rs1056836) and COMT Val158Met (rs4680). We used chi‐square test for comparison of categorical variables between groups. Odds ratio (OR) estimates with 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were obtained using logistic regression models. The variant allele of BRCA1 Cys39Gly increased breast cancer risk (Gly/Cys versus Cys/Cys, OR: 12.2, 95%CI: 1.53; 98.1), and carriers of the variant allele of CYP17A1 ‐34T>C had reduced risk (CT+CC versus TT, OR: 0.44, 95%CI: 0.21; 0.93). CYP17A1 ‐34T>C was an effect modifier on the association between perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) and breast cancer risk (∑PFAA, ratio of OR: 0.18, 95%CI: 0.03; 0.97). Non‐significant modifying tendencies were seen for the other SNPs on the effect of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides and PFAAs. In summary, the BRCA1 Cys39Gly and CYP17A1 ‐34T>C genetic variations were associated with breast cancer risk. Our results indicate that the evaluated genetic variants modify the effects of POP exposure on breast cancer risk; however, further studies are needed to document the data from the relatively small sample size.

Forfatter: M. Wielsøe ; H. Eiberg ; P. Kern ; O. Lind ; M. Ghisari ; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Arctic; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: BCPT Volume på tidsskrift: 123 DOI nummer:

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Persistent organic pollutants and hematological markers in Greenlandic pregnant women: The ACCEPT sub‐study The Arctic populations have high blood concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Exposure to POPs was related to adverse health effects e.g. immune, neurological and reproductive systems. This study investigates associations between serum POP levels and haematological markers in Greenlandic pregnant women. This cross‐sectional study included 189 women enrolled in 2010–2011 at the Greenlandic West coast by the inclusion criteria ≥18 years of age and had lived for 50% or more of their life in Greenland. The associations between the sum of the POP variables polychlorinated biphenyls (sumPCBs), organochlorine pesticides (sumOCPs), perfluoroalkylated substances (sumPFASs) and 24 haematological markers were analysed using linear regression adjusted for age, pre‐pregnancy BMI, parity, gestation week, plasma‐cotinine and alcohol intake. It showed a significantly inverse association between several haematological markers (eosinophil, lymphocyte, neutrophil and white blood cells) and sumPCBs, sumOCPs and sumPFASs. In addition, the monocyte, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, plateletcrit and platelet count markers were significantly inversely associated with sumPFASs, but the haematocrit and mean erythrocyte corpuscular volume were positively associated with sumPFASs. In conclusion, exposure to POPs influenced several haematological markers, especially cell count parameters, suggesting immunosuppressive potential of POPs in Greenlandic pregnant women. The data need further investigations.

Forfatter: AKS Knudsen ; M Long ; H Sloth Pedersen ; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Persistent organic pollutants; Blood samples; Haematological markers; Inuit; Pregnancy Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 77 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer:

Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Journalistik i små samfund: Et studie af journalistisk praksis på grønlandske nyhedsmedier Little research has been conducted to examine Greenlandic media and journalism. This thesis initially outlines the Greenlandic media landscape as a small media system which ‐ despite some mutual differences ‐ shares many similarities with the Danish media system. It is, however, also characterized by certain highly important vulnerabilities. The thesis therefore goes on to suggest the concept of “small society journalism”. The primary empirical data is collected through observation studies and qualitative interviews with practicing and former journalists, editors, interns and journalism teachers. By entering into a dialogue with journalists in Greenland, the study of the data sheds light on a range of issues that are related to journalism practice in Greenlandic news media. Theoretically, the thesis draws on Bourdieu’s field theory and the application of field theory by other journalism and media researchers in the study of journalistic practice. The application of field theory, however, requires a specific national context, and in the case of Greenland, a post‐colonial prism is key in order to grasp the reality that unfolds in the editorial room as an analytical field. As a consequence, the thesis also draws on concepts from postcolonial studies.

The analysis gives an ethnographic description of the routines and the structural framework surrounding the editorial work, and of how the production of news takes place. Subsequently, an analysis of the critical significance of the sources and of the challenges that are related to finding qualified and accessible sources, which is a crucial instrument in journalistic practice, follows. This is followed by a discussion of the ‐ in a Greenlandic setting ‐ inevitable question of language which partly determines much of the daily journalistic work procedure, for example by the central editorial role given to the translator.

The thesis shows that journalism and media is a much debated and disputed field in Greenland and that Greenlandic journalists struggle with geographic, economic and structural vulnerabilities that exist in small media systems. Furthermore, a number of dilemmas relating to language and culture exist which are of vital importance to how the journalists work.

Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiuutit tusagassiornerlu pillugit ilisimatusarneq annikitsuinnaammat ilisimatuutut allaaserisami matumani aallarniutigineqassaaq Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiornerup misissuiffigineqarnera, tusagassiorfeeqqatut systemi qanoq ittuunersoq misissuiffigalugu taannalu assigiinngissuteqartaraluarluni sananeqaatimigut inatsisiliorneqarnermigullu danskit tusagassiuuteqarnermi systemiannut assinguvoq, kisiannili Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiorfeeqqatut systemip ilisarnaatigai immikkut ittumik eqqoruminassuseqartuuneq.

Taamaattumik ilisimatuutut allaaserisami siunnersuutigineqarpoq oqariartaaseq inuiaqatigiinni inukitsuni tusagassiorneq Hallinip Mancinillu tusagassiuuteqarnermi systemimut teoriannut ilisimaneqarluartumut ilassutigineqassasoq.

Ilisimatuutut allaaserisami misilittakkat pingaarnerit katersorneqarsimasut alaatsinaattuunermit aalajangersimasumillu amerlassusilikkanik siornatigut maannalu tusagassiortunik, aaqqissuisunik, ilinniartunik ilinniartitsisunillu apersuinertigut ingerlanneqarput. Misilittakkanik misissueqqissaarnerup takutippaa ajornartorsiutinik arlaqartunik peqartoq Kalaallit Nunaanni nutaarsiassaqartitsinermut ingerlanneqartumut tunngasunik. Ilisimatuutut allaaserisami tunngavigineqarpoq Bourdieup misissuinermut teoria kiisalu tusagassiornermik tusagassiuutinillu ilisimatuut allat Bourdieup teoria atorlugu tusagassiornermik atuuttumik misissueriaasii. Teorip misissuinermi atorneqartup piumasaraa nunami pissutsit atuuttut isiginiarneqassasut Kalaallillu Nunaat pineqartillugu nunasiaataasimanerup kingunerisa sunniutai oqaluttuarisaanerlu pissusiviusunut atuuttunut pingaaruteqarput, aaqqissuisoqarfinni misissuiffiusuni atuuttut taamaattumillu ilisimatuutut allaaserisami oqariartaatsit nunasiaataasimanerup kingunerinut tunngasut misissuinermut ilaapput.

Misissueqqissaarneq aaqqissuisoqarfinni sulinermi inuiattut kinaassuseq aallaavigalugu suleriaatsinik tamatumalu sinaakkutaanik takutitsivoq kiisalu takutilluguttaaq ulluinnarni nutaarsiassalerisarneq qanoq ingerlasarnersoq. Tamatumuma kingorna misissuiffigineqarput tusarfiit qanoq pingaaruteqartiginersut, tusagassioriaaseq qanoq ittoq ingerlanneqartarnersoq kiisalu tusarfinnik atorsinnaassusilinnik nassaassaasunillu nassaarsiortarnermi suut unamminartuusarnersut, tassalu tusagassiuinermi sakkut pingaaruteqarluinnartut pineqarlutik.

Tulliullugu oqallisigineqarpoq – kalaallinut atatillugu – apeqqutit sammiuiminaatsut oqaatsinut tunngasut tassalu ulluinnarni tusagassiortutut sulinermi tunngaviusumik anguniarneqartartut aammalu imminni isumalerujussuit. Tusagassiornermut ingerlatamut tunngaannaratik aammali avatangiisigisat tusagassiorfinni oqaatsinik atuinermi naatsorsuutigisaannut tunngasut taamalu aamma kalaallinik kinaassusiliisut.

Ilisimatuutut allaaserisap takutippaa tusagassiorneq tusagassiorfiillu Kalaallit Nunaanni annertuumik oqallisaasut kiisalu kalaallit tusagassiortut akiorniagassaat nunamut, aningaasaqarnermut aaqqissuussaanermullu tunngasutigut eqqoruminassuseqaannaratik aammali arlalitsigut oqaatsitigut kulturikkullu akunnattoorutinik nalaanneqartarnermut tunngasartut, tusagassiortutut qanoq suleriaaseqarnermut pingaaruteqartorujussuarnik.

Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2018 Emner: Journalistik; Medier; Sprog; Kilder; Etik; Kvalitative metoder; Små samfund; Mediepolitik Udgivelsessted: Roskilde Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Roskilde Universitet

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Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Kommenteret bibliografi – 2018 befolkningsundersøgelser, levevilkårsundersøgelser samt undersøgelser af udvalgte gruppers sociale problemer, udfordringer m.m. i Grønland – herunder sårbarhed og sårbare grupper Litteraturgennemgangen vil i oversigtsform bidrage med korte beskrivelser af en række af undersøgelserne og i nogle tilfælde tilføje kortere eller længere uddrag/sammendrag af undersøgelsernes resultater/konklusioner:

1. Befolkningsundersøgelserne (sundhedsprofilundersøgelser og undersøgelser med relation til de landsdækkende sundhedsprogrammer)

2. Levevilkårsundersøgelser

3. Betænkninger og undersøgelser gennemført på foranledning af offentlige myndigheder

4. Undersøgelser af særlige grupper – herunder antologier

Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Other things | Andet Årstal: 2018 Emner: Befolkningsundersøgelser; Levevilkårsundersøgelser; Undersøgelser; Sårbarhed; Sårbare grupper

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Kultoori: Atisatoqqaniit ullumimut ‐ Kitaamiut kalaallisuuisa allanngoriartorsimaneri Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Maren Louise Poulsen Kristensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Kultur; Dragter; Historie Navn på avis: Anu Una Volume & nummer: 2 Dato: 2018

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Kultur: Fra hverdagstøj til i dag ‐ Udviklingen af den vestgrønlandske nationaldragt Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Maren Louise Poulsen Kristensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Kultur; Dragter; Historie; Udvikling Navn på avis: Anu Una Volume & nummer: 2 Dato: 2018 Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Kultoori: Nuummi nuilarmioqaqqaartuusimasoq ‐ Doorti, Boorsimaap Pania Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Maren Louise Poulsen Kristensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Kultoori; Atisat; Nuilarmiut Navn på avis: Anu Una Volume & nummer: 3 Dato: 2018

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Kultur: Dorthe, Bådsmand Rasmussens datter ‐ Den første der bar perlekraven i Nuuk Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Maren Louise Poulsen Kristensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Perler; Historie; Kultur Navn på avis: Anu Una Volume & nummer: 3 Dato: 2018

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Uluer, isbjørne & Nuuk Posse – de grønlandske politikeres brug af symboler i moden og de unges modreaktion på det Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Uffe Wilken Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Politik; Mode; Inatsisartut‐valg 2018; Branding Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Nummer på tidsskrift: 66. Årgang Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

"SuperStikkerPatruljen" ‐ tillid og mistillid som udtryk for kulturel indramning Forfatter: Kevin Perry Editor: Holger Kjærgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2018 Emner: Tillid; Socialpædagogik; Feltarbejde; Kultur Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Social‐ og specialpædagogik Udgave: 2 Forlag: Akademisk Forlag ISBN nummer: 9788750051282

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

William of Saint‐Thierry V. Peter Abélard Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: History; Theology Titel på tidsskrift: Cîteaux ‐ Comentarii Cistercienses Volume på tidsskrift: 69, 1‐4

Research | Forskning > Editorial | Leder (editorial)

Evidence based nursing in Greenland ‐ Pioneer spirit and long term strategies for education and research Forfatter: Lise Hounsgaard; Lene Seibæk Type: Editorial | Leder (editorial) Årstal: 2018 Emner: Evidence based health care Titel på tidsskrift: Nordic Journal of Nursing Research

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Determinants of an integrated public health approach: the implementation process of Greenland’s second public health program Background: Greenland struggles with a high prevalence of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. In response to the increasing need for preventive initiatives, the first public health program Inuuneritta was introduced in 2007. Internationally, frameworks focus primarily on the implementation of a single, well‐described intervention or program. However, with the increasing need and emergence of more holistic, integrated approaches, a need for research investigating the process of policy implementation from launch to action arises. This paper aims to augment the empirical evidence on the implementation of integrated health promotion programs within a governmental setting using the case of Inuuneritta II. In this study, the constraining and enabling determinants of the implementation processes within and across levels and sectors were examined.

Methods: Qualitative methods with a transdisciplinary approach were applied. Data collection consisted of six phases with different qualitative methods applied to gain a comprehensive overview and understanding of Inuuneritta II’s implementation process. These methods included: observations and focus group discussions at the community health worker (CHW) conference, telephone interviews, document analysis, and a workshop on results dissemination.

Results: Enabling determinants influencing the implementation process of Inuuneritta II positively were high motivation among adopters, local prevention committees supporting community health workers, and the initiation of the central prevention committee. In contrast, constraining determinants were ambiguous program aims, high turnovers, siloed budgets and work environments, and an inconsistent and neglected central prevention committee.

Conclusion: Inuuneritta II provided a substantial framework for an integrated health policy approach. However, having a holistic and comprehensive program enabling an integrated approach is not sufficient. Inuuneritta II’s integrated approach does not harmonise with the government’s inflexible organisational structure resulting in insufficient implementation.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Barbara J Regeer ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2018 Emner: Public health program; Health promotion; Integrated approach; Determinants; Implementation process; Evaluation; Greenland; Inuit; Circumpolar health; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: BMC Public Health DOI nummer:‐018‐6253‐4

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Report | Rapport

Evaluering af Grønlands Sundhedsreform: Oplevede og målbare effekter 2017 Formålet med denne evaluering af Sundhedsreformen er at gøre status på den ledelsesmæssige oplevelse af organiseringen af sundhedsvæsenet efter den fulde implementering af regionaliseringen. Dette er gjort dels gennem dokumentanalyse af en stor mængde rapporter, notater og oversigter fra Sundhedsledelsen, og dels gennem 17 kvalitative interviews med repræsentanter fra regions‐, område‐ og sundhedsledelse, der har været med til at gennemføre regionaliseringen, samt med enkelte medarbejdere fra forskellige sektorer og regioner med erfaring fra før og efter reformen.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Public health; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed ISBN nummer: 978‐ 87‐7899‐408‐0

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Report | Rapport

A scoping review: Well‐being among indigenous children and youth in the Arctic – with a focus on Sami and Greenland Inuit Children and young people from the Inuit and Sami populations in the Nordic countries can be identified as a vulnerable group. Young Sami and Inuit experience a higher degree of violence, abuse, suicidal thoughts and suicide rates compared to their peers in the majority populations in the Nordic countries. Their living conditions are in most cases influenced by a limited access to welfare benefits such as the healthcare system, social services and educational opportunities. Career prospects in the Arctic region are also narrow compared to the more densely populated and central regions in the Nordic countries. In order to understand and act upon the challenges the populations face, an in‐depth and systematic review of the existing literature and experiences of children’s and youth’s well‐being and their existing living conditions in the Arctic Region is essential.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Youth; Mental health; Circumpolar; Inuit; Sami Udgivelsessted: Nordisk Ministerråd ISBN nummer: 978‐92‐893‐5387‐8

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Development of health‐related quality of life and symptoms in patients with advanced cancer in Greenland A prospective national cohort study assessed the development of health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) and symptoms in adult patients undergoing treatment and care for advanced cancer in Greenland. HRQol was examined by EORTC QLQ‐C30 version 3.0 questionnaire monthly for 4 months. Changes over time and between‐group comparisons were examined. Of 58 patients included in the study, 47% completed the questionnaire four times. Functioning was generally high, and improved social functioning was observed after 1 and 2 months. The highest symptom score was for fatigue followed by pain and nausea/vomiting. A high score for financial problems remained unchanged during the entire period. Patients with higher income had reduced pain intensity (p = .03) and diarrhoea (p = .05) than patients with income below the poverty line. After 1 month, reduction in pain intensity was observed for Nuuk citizens compared with non‐Nuuk citizens (p = .05). After 2 months, non‐Nuuk citizens reported improved social functioning compared with Nuuk citizens (p = .05). After 3 months, Global Health in Nuuk citizens was improved compared with non‐Nuuk citizens (p = .05). An important clinical finding was that patients' needs for support are related to social status, and geographical factors should be taken into account when planning palliative care.

Forfatter: Mikela Augustussen ; Michael Lynge Pedersen; Lise Hounsgaard; H Timm ; Anne Lise Kappel; P Sjøgren Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Helbredsrelateret livskvalitet; Symptomer; Grønlandske patienter Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: European Journal of Cancer Care Volume: 27 Udgave: 3 ISBN nummer: 0961‐5423

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Enhancing Well‐Being Among Older People in Greenland through Partnerships of Research, Practice & Civil Society This article focuses on the methodology of the project Ageing in the Arctic (AgeArc) – Wellbeing, Quality of Life and Health Promotion among Older People in Greenland, and how the use of a collaborative approach aims at integrating ageing research, practices and policies to the benefit of the Greenlandic society. Thus, the aim of the article is to discuss how collaboration between research and practice can be an important factor in sustainable development of welfare solutions for older people in Greenland. In the project we study ageing policy, homecare, institutions, professional practices and municipal administration of these as well as older people’s health, well‐being, everyday life and historical perceptions of the roles of older people in Greenland. Moreover, researchers and municipalities collaborate on developing policies, initiatives within municipalities and civil society as well as creating network across the municipalities and between municipal administrations and civil society. In addition to this, we develop educational material for healthcare workers and professionals and work to create more public awareness about ageing in Greenland. We present three examples of our collaborative methods and discuss how the approach influences development and implementation of specific co‐creation projects involving researchers, professionals and citizens on equal terms.

Forfatter: Kamilla Pernille Johansen Nørtoft ; Susan Carroll ; Anu Kristine Siren ; Peter Bjerregaard ; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen ; Merete Brædder ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tenna Jensen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Sundhed blandt ældre i Grønland Forlag: Arctic Yearbook ISBN nummer: 2298‐2418

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Palliation til kræftpatienter i Grønland: set fra sundhedsprofessionelles perspektiv Forfatter: Mikaela Augustussen ; Helle Ussing Timm ; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Palliation til grønlandske kræftpatienter Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning Volume: 8 Udgave: 3

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Reproductive factors, lifestyle and dietary habits among pregnant women in Greenland: The ACCEPT sub‐study 2013 – 2015 Background: During past decades the formerly active lifestyle in Greenland has become sedentary, and the intake of traditional food has gradually been replaced with imported food. These lifestyle and dietary habits may affect pregnant women. Aim: To describe age and regional differences in reproductive factors, lifestyle and diet among Greenlandic pregnant women in their first trimester. Methods: A cross‐sectional study during 2013–2015 including 373 pregnant women was conducted in five Greenlandic regions (West, Disko Bay, South, North and East). Interview‐based questionnaires on reproductive factors, lifestyle and dietary habits were compared in relation to two age groups (median age ≤28 years and >28 years). Results: In total, 72.4% were Inuit, 46.6% had BMI >25.0 kg/m2, 29.0% were smoking during pregnancy and 54.6% had used hashish. BMI, educational level, personal income, previous pregnancies and planned breastfeeding period were significantly higher in the age group >28 years of age compared to the age group ≤28 years of age. In region Disko Bay, 90.9% were Inuit, in region South more had a university degree (37.9%) and region East had the highest number of previous pregnancies, the highest number of smokers during pregnancy and the most frequent intake of sauce with hot meals and fast‐food. Conclusions: Overall a high BMI and a high smoking frequency were found. Age differences were found for BMI and planned breastfeeding period, while regional differences were found for smoking and intake of sauce with hot meals and fast‐food. Future recommendations aimed at pregnant women in Greenland should focus on these health issues. Forfatter: Anne Seneca Terkelsen ; Manhai Long ; Lise Hounsgaard; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Livstil; Gravide kvinder; Grønland Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Volume: 46 Udgave: 2 ISBN nummer: 1403‐4948

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Telemedicin i Grønland, borgernes perspektiv Forfatter: Lasse Overballe Nielsen ; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2018 Emner: Grønlandske perspektiver på telemedicin Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Best Practice Sygeplejersken ISBN nummer: 1903‐6582

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Hvem bestemmer, hvad der skal stå i avisen »Avisen er uafhængig af politiske og økonomiske særinteresser« står der ofte i Sermitsiaq og AG’s tillægsaviser. Alligevel kan virksomheder og myndigheder betale for at bestemme, hvad journalisterne skal skrive i dem. I resten af avisen skal selv samme journalister forholde sig kritisk til samme virksomheder. Formår de det?

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2017 Emner: Medier; Grønland; Media; Greenland; Medieøkonomi; Journalistik; Journalism Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 48 Dato: 01. december 2017

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Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Aviisimi suut sammineqassanersut kia aalajangissavaa »Aviisi politikkikkut aningaasarsiornikkulluunniit arlaannaannullunniit attuumassuteqanngilaq«. Taamak Sermitsiaq AG‐llu aviisini ilannguttagaanni allaqqasoqartarpoq. Taamaakkaluartoq suliffeqar‐ fiit pisortallu tusagassiortut sunik allaaserisaqarnissaanik inassinnaasarpaat. Aviisip sinnerani tusagassiortut taak‐ koqqissaat suliffeqarfinnut taakkununnga isornartorsiui‐ sussaapput. Sapinngilaat?

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2017 Emner: Tusagassiorneq; Tusagassiutit Navn på avis: Sermitiaq Volume & nummer: 48 Dato: 01 decembari 2017

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Oplæg til folkemøde om hjemløshed i Nuuk – november 2017 Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Hjemløshed; Grønland; Socialpolitik Dato: 15. november 2017 Web‐publikationstype: Blog ‐ oplæg Udgivelsessted på nettet: http://www.socialpolitisk‐

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Communication | Formidling > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Unge plagierer i protest mod et forældet uddannelsessystem Uddannelsessystemet reagerer med vrede, fornærmelse og straf, når studerende plagierer sig gennem eksamen. I stedet burde det se indad. For de unges adfærd drives frem af et system, der har en gammeldags instrumentel holdning til viden og vidensdeling.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2017 Emner: Plagiat; Uddannelsessystem Navn på avis: Information Dato: 19. juni

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Naalakkersuisoq vil nedlægge socialrådgiveruddannelsen på Ilisimatusarfik uden faglig begrundelse Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Mariekathrine Poppel; Sara Abelsen; Peter Berliner; Jeanette Sandy Shalmi Type: Feature article | Kronik Emner: Socialrådgiveruddannelsen; Tvangsflytning; Nedlæggelse; Faglighed Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 13 Dato: 31. marts 2017

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Ilisimatusarfimmi Isumaginninnermut siunnersortinngorniarneq suliamut tunngaviit misissuiffigeqqaarnagit Naalakkersuisumit matuneqalerpoq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Mariekathrine Poppel; Sara Abelsen ; Peter Berliner; Jeanette Sandy Shalmi Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2017 Emner: Isumaginninnermut Siunnersorti; Pinngitsaalillugu nuutippaa; Suliassamut pikkorissuseq Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 13

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Socialrådgiveruddannelsen er igen truet Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Mariekathrine Poppel; Sara Abelsen; Peter Berliner; Jeanette Sandy Shalmi Type: Feature article | Kronik Emner: Socialrådgiveruddannelsen; Tvangsflytning; Nedlæggelse; Faglighed Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 10 Dato: 10. marts 2017

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Isumaginninnermut siunnersortinngorniarneq kingumut aarlerinartorsiorteqqinneqarpoq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Mariekathrine Poppel; Sara Abelsen ; Peter Berliner; Jeanette Sandy Shalmi Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2017 Emner: Isumaginninnermut Siunnersorti; Pinngitsaalillugu nuutippaa; Suliassamut pikkorissuseq Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 10

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Who are our vulnerables? Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Vulnerability Navn på konference: Kalaallit Røde Korsiat Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Greenland Dato: 11 February 2017 Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to answers to questions/hearings | Bidrag til besvarelse af spørgsmål/høringer

Written Evidence to the Scottish Affairs Committee, House of Commons, Scotland and the High north Inquiry (follow up to oral evidence) Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Contribution to answers to questions/hearings | Bidrag til besvarelse af spørgsmål/høringer Emner: Arctic shipping; Northern forum; Economic development; Indigenous peoples

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to answers to questions/hearings | Bidrag til besvarelse af spørgsmål/høringer

UK House of Commons, Scottish Affairs Committee, Scotland and the High North Inquiry (oral evidence) Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Contribution to answers to questions/hearings | Bidrag til besvarelse af spørgsmål/høringer Emner: Arctic governance; Geopolitics; Indigenous peoples; Hydrocarbons ; Environmental stewardship; Shipping; Economic development

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to answers to questions/hearings | Bidrag til besvarelse af spørgsmål/høringer

Written Evidence to the Scottish Affairs Committee, House of Commons, Scotland and the High North Inquiry Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Contribution to answers to questions/hearings | Bidrag til besvarelse af spørgsmål/høringer Emner: Arctic governance; Geopolitics; Indigenous peoples; Economic development; Security

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Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

Skandinavische Literaturen Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Dirk Göttsche ; Axel Dunker ; Gabriele Dürbeck Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Literature; Postcolonialism; Nordic region Udgivelsessted: Stuttgart Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur Forlag: Metzler ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐476‐02551‐7

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

Deutsche und europäische Kolonialgeschichte im Überblick: Skandinavien Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Dirk Göttsche ; Axel Dunker ; Gabriele Dürbeck Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: History; Colonial history; Colonialism; Postcolonialism; Nordic region Udgivelsessted: Stuttgart Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur Forlag: Metzler ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐476‐02551‐7

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel How three key factors are driving and challenging implementation of renewable energy systems in remote Arctic communities Challenges related to access and supply of fossil fuel generated energy in Arctic communities, together with a global agenda to fight the climate change, including through promoting renewable energy systems as alternatives to fossil fuels, are motivating implementation of renewables in the Arctic Region, as in the rest of the world. Various benefits are anticipated in relation to implementation of renewables in Arctic communities, a fact that is driving interest in an appraisal of the state of energy production in the Arctic toward a transition from fossil fuel generated electricity and heating, to an Arctic energy system based on renewable energy sources. To understand and promote the potential for increased implementation of renewable energy solutions, it is important to investigate the role of key factors such as the economy, infrastructure and technology for the transition process. This article is based on an explorative study and analysis of how these three key factors are driving and challenging implementation of renewables. It aims at contributing to the debate on how to promote renewables in the four Arctic areas: Alaska, Canadian Arctic, Greenland and Russian Arctic. Key findings are discussed and recommendations to tackle some of the identified challenges are provided.

Forfatter: Lucia Mortensen ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Alexander Shestakov Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Renewable energy; Arctic; Remote communities; Sustainable development Titel på tidsskrift: Polar Geography Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer: 10.1080/1088937X.2017.1329758

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Research | Forskning > Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat

Images of the Greenlandic Prison Population – An Expanded Suicide? Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Comment/debate | Kommentar/debat Årstal: 2017 Emner: Greenland; Prisons Titel på tidsskrift: European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control Volume på tidsskrift: 1

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grönland – das Land ohne Gefängnis Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Editor: Frank Sowa Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Grönland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grönland Kontinuitäten und Brüche im Leben der grönländischen Inuit

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Well‐being of Circumpolar Arctic Peoples: The Quest for Continuity Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: R. J. Estes ; M. J. Sirgy Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgivelsesland: Switzerland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Pursuit of Well‐Being: The Untold Global History Forlag: Springer International Publishing ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐319‐39100‐7

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Interdependency of subsistence and market economies in the Arctic Forfatter: D. Holen ; D. Gerkey ; E. Høydal ; D. Natcher ; M.R. Nielsen ; Birger Poppel; P.I. Severeide ; H.T. Snyder ; M. Stappleton ; E.I. Turi ; I Aslaksen Editor: Solveig Glomsrød ; Gérard Duhaime ; Iulie Aslaksen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: The Economy of the North 2015 Udgivelsesland: Statistics Norway

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Arctic as a ’hotspot’ for natural resource extraction and global warming Forfatter: Birger Poppel; M. Fægteborg ; M.O. Siegstad ; H.T. Snyder Editor: Solveig Glomsrød ; Gérard Duhaime ; Iulie Aslaksen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: The Economy of the North 2015 Udgiver: Statistics Norway

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

50 år med socialadministration og socialfaglighed – del 1 I år har Grønland haft en central socialadministration i 50 år. Den blev et historisk vendepunkt for indførelsen af en mere systematisk social forsorg. Denne artikelserie, som er delt i to, beskæftiger sig i den første del med forløbet op til etableringen af den sociale administration, og hvorfor det var så vigtigt at få dette bureaukratiske led i forsorgen. I Grønland havde man på daværende tidspunkt ikke en systematisk eller ligeligt fordelt social indsats, hvilket skulle sikres med en socialadministration. Der kastes også et historisk tilbageblik på de ministerielle og politiske overvejelser, der lå bag formålet med at oprette den tidlige socialfaglige indsats, som ledte frem til uddannelsen af de første grønlandske socialhjælpere i 1966. I anden del af artikelserien (Tidsskriftet Grønland 4, 2017) er fokus på tiden efter hjemmestyrets indførelse med socialreformkommissioner, socialforskning og nutidens BA‐uddannede socialrådgivere.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Social administration; Grønland; Socialpolitik; Historie Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 65 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selvskab Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 00174556

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Øger en manglende grønlandsk hjemløsestrategi antallet af lykkerejser? Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2017 Emner: Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; Grønland; Danmark; Lykkerejser Web‐publikationstype: Artikel Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Participatory Action Research with social workers in Greenland Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; John Andersen Editor: Colin Bradley Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Social work; Empowerment; Action research; Participation; Greenland; Participatory action research Udgivelsessted: Sydney Udgivelsesland: Australia Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Collaborative and Sustainable Learning for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality Forlag: Sydney University Press ISBN nummer: 9780987118127

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Reached Greenlandic youth through Facebook Forfatter: Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2017 Emner: Facebook; Greenland Web‐publikationstype: Article Udgivelsessted på nettet: Nordlandsforskning

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Hjemløshed i Nuuk – et kritisk sociologisk‐ og planlægningsperspektiv Homelessness in Nuuk is a social issue that has been known for several years. In the 1970s Nuuk got it’s first shelter for women. In the 2010s some attention in the field has emerged with the establishment of a municipal night shelter and the opening of the Salvation Army day shelter and a Kofoeds Skole in Nuuk. Homelessness has not nearly gotten the same social policy focus as has children and their families. The lack of political attention to this topic is one of the reasons why there are yet large public planning challenges to be solved. In research based on prolonged fieldwork we can observe several challenges when homeless citizens try to engage with public agencies. The article draws on fieldwork and data from interviews in the field of social welfare and health care since 2010. A critical sociological perspective can create a new understanding of the challenges that lie in process of strengthening disempowered citizens’ autonomy. The article brings excerpts from interviews regarding the direct experience of the encounter between disempowered citizens and public systems. It points to some solutions through an enhanced crosssectorial and communicative action. Public systems can, without losing function and power, hand over sovereignty to the citizens. Such efforts may in the long run create a more equal Greenlandic society.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Editor: Birgit Kleist Pedersen; Flemming Nielsen; Karen Langgård ; Jette Rygaard; Kennet Pedersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Hjemløshed; Nuuk; Social planlægning; Sociologi; Feminisme Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat ISBN nummer: 9788792554932

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

"Vis mig dine fanger" ‐ et indblik i Grønlands indsattepopulation I 2018 får Grønland sin første lukkede anstalt, og med dette bliver Grønland som ”landet uden fængsel” endeligt fortid. Allerede før det første lukkede anstalt slår dørene op, bringer landet sig ind på en førende plads, som det mest straffende land i Skandinavien. På baggrund af journalstudier giver artiklen et indtryk af sociale kendetegn ved den grønlandske fangebefolkning. Ligesom det analyseres, hvorledes det grønlandske velfærdssamfunds håndterer den del af befolkningen som anbringes i anstalterne.

Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Kriminologi; Indsatte; Fangetal; Anstalter Titel på tidsskrift: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab Volume på tidsskrift: 104 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: De Nordiske Kriminalistforeninger ISSN nummer: 0029‐1528

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Robin Hood i samfundstjeneste ‐ de første erfaringer med den grønlandske samfundstjenestedom 1st of January 2010 a new Greenlandic criminal code came in to force. The new criminal code also opened for a brand new sanction; community service, which never had been used in the Greenlandic society. The paper will describe the purpose of community service, the elements which make the sanction specific attractive in a Greenlandic context, and enforcement of the sanction in practice. Furthermore the paper will present results from a qualitative study about the first experiences with community service in Greenland.

Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Foranstaltninger; Samfundstjeneste; Kriminologi; Social antropologi; Kriminallov Udgivelsessted: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsesland: Nuuk Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk kultur‐ og samfundsforskning 2015‐17 Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐93‐2

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Island Autonomies ‐ Constitutional and Political Developments This chapter elucidates the Nordic islands: the Åland Islands, Faroe Islands and Greenland in comparison with the Portuguese autonomous islands of Azores and Madeira. The questions answered are what kind of constitutional and political development these island autonomies have been encountering and what their characteristic features are regarding their relationship with their respective metropolitan state.

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Ferdinand Karlhofer ; Günther Pallaver Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Federalism; Devolution; Asymmetric federalism; Island autonomies Udgivelsessted: Baden‐Baden Udgivelsesland: Germany Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Federal Power‐Sharing in Europe Udgave: 1 Forlag: Nomos ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐8487‐4043‐7

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Patientperspektiver: Oplevelser af professionel praksis eller håndtering af eget liv? Ligesom i Europa og andre dele af den vestlige verden er brugerinddragelse kommet på dagsordenen i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen. Det kræver, at den grønlandske sundhedsforskning suppleres med humanistiske tilgange, som kan udforske patientperspektiver. Humanistisk sundhedsforskning rummer forskellige teoretiske tilgange. Artiklen diskuterer en fænomenologisk tilgang, som er udbredt i humanistisk sundhedsforskning, og dens muligheder og begrænsninger i forhold til at inddrage patientperspektiver som rationel viden og patienter som subjekter for deres eget liv. Diskussionen relateres til et grønlandsk forskningsprojekt med en kritisk psykologisk tilgang, og hvad tilgangen kan tilføre nøglebegreber i humanistisk sundhedsforskning som kontekst, situation, forståelse og etik. Samtidig peges på udviklingsmuligheder i praksis.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Humanistisk sundhedsforskning; Fænomenologi; Kritisk psykologi; Patientperspektiv; Sygepleje Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 25 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Did structural change account for productivity growth within manufacturing during the import substitution era? A historical appraisal of Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil The long‐term productivity dynamics of Latin America have been the focus of vast research looking to understand the origins of the growth underperformance of the region. Based on new estimates from official industrial censuses from 1935 to 1975, this paper reassesses whether there was a process of structural change within the manufacturing industries of Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. It presents a quantitative reassessment of the dynamics of productivity in these industries providing a new decomposition of labor productivity growth at a more disaggregated level. The overall results from a shift‐share analysis are unable to find substantial evidence of structural change within manufacturing in these countries over the period.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Economic development; Economic history; Productivity growth Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development DOI nummer:

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Was Colonialism Fiscally Sustainable? An Empirical Examination of the Colonial Finances of Spanish America This paper examines the long‐run fiscal sustainability of the colonial finances of Spanish America. Using econometric tests of intertemporal stability and a macroeconomic budget constraint framework, the analysis revisits how the long‐run fiscal dynamics of the colonial treasuries adjusted for inflation changed over time. Findings suggest that in spite of historical breakpoints associated to major financial difficulties during wartime, in general the treasuries achieved sustainable fiscal balances. However, there was a shifting pattern of fiscal sustainability between the treasuries across the colonial period.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Economic history Titel på tidsskrift: Spanish Association of Economic History ‐ Working Paper Series Nummer på tidsskrift: 1703 Udgivelsessted: Madrid Udgivelsesland: Spain

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Domestic violence in Greenland: violent men's life stories Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2017 Emner: Domestic violence; Greenland Navn på konference: ICASS lX Konferenceby: Umeå Konferenceland: Sweden

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Web publication | Netpublikation

Greenland Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2017 Emner: Self‐ government system Dato: November Web‐publikationstype: Online compendium Udgivelsessted på nettet:‐

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Patient involvement in healthcare professional practice – a question about knowledge The concept of patient involvement is ambiguous and contested in the healthcare systems in Western Europe and North America. Current research indicates that patients only feel moderately involved in their treatment and care. This article builds on a study of chronically ill patients’ perspectives on healthcare practice in Greenland. It discusses the significance of including in healthcare practice knowledge of patients’ everyday lives with illness and their own views on their situations. Research was qualitative and ethnographic. Participants were followed with participant observations and qualitative interviews for 2.5 years during hospital stay in the capital Nuuk and in their homes in towns and settlements during 2010–2013. Results show that patients are concerned about how to manage their life with illness on a daily basis. Their everyday life activities demonstrate the resources they have to live with illness. However, procedures for healthcare practice concentrate on treatment of the physical disease. Knowledge about psychosocial needs for care and rehabilitation tend to be excluded. The study points to potential for improving professional practice through healthcare professionals’ active investigation of patients’ everyday lives and values, integration of this knowledge into their professional practice and developing structures for this kind of involvement.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Patients; Patient involvement; Healthcare; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 76 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis DOI nummer: 10.1080/22423982.2017.1403258

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

50 år med socialadministration og socialfaglighed: 2. del – socialpolitik, kommissioner og socialrådgivere med BA Efter første artikels (TG 2/2017) fokus på Grønlands overtagelse af det socialt administrative område ser vi i denne anden del på nutidens forhold. Nutiden kommer til at handle overvejdende om 1980'erne og 1990'erne. Store tiltag såsom den første socialreformkommission og en egentlig grønlandsk socialrådgiveruddannelse blev centrale faktorer i forståelsen af det socialpolitiske landskab. Sen‐90'ernes sparetider og manglende socialpolitisk handlekraft skabte en stilstand, som kom til udtryk i et noget stillestående lovarbejde på det sociale område. 2000'erne handlede om at rette Grønland ind på sporet af et moderne velfærdssamfund blandt andet med en meget professionaliseret socialreformkommission. Her ses nye organisationer som MiO, men også en ny socialstyrelse og en revitaliseret socialrådgiverforening. Artiklen afrundes med en problematisering af de fortsatte sociale udfordringer samt bud på fremtidige løsninger.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Socialpolitik; Socialadministration; Socialt arbejde; Uddannelse Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 65 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsessted: København, Charlottenlund Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 00174556

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Indledning ‐ Om Psykologi i Grønland Artiklen diskuteres, hvorledes psykologien i Grønland indgår i den generelle udvikling af samfundet, der er med i en rivende udvikling i Arktis, har en stor og produktiv kultur, og som samtidigt er praeget af en stadig befolkningsvandring mod byerne og øget ulighed mellem rig og relativt fattig. Det vises, at rigtigt mange børn og unge trives og opnår uddannelse, men at der samtidigt er en del unge, der ikke opnår samme grad af adgang til basale rettigheder såsom tryghed, uddannelse og udviklingsmuligheder som andre. Det diskuteres, hvordan psykologien i høj grad følger udviklingen i de skandinaviske lande, men at den kunne omfatte mere community‐baserede metoder for at kunne bidrage til forebyggelse af de sociale udfordringer, der skaber baggrund for mental traumatisering og mistrivsel. Behovet for en social forskning, der rummer løsninger og ikke blot beskrivelser af velkendte sociale udfordringer, påpeges og diskuteres.

Forfatter: Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim ; Steven Arnfjord; Mette Sonniks ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Psykologi; Grønland; Forskning Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Nummer på tidsskrift: 38 Udgiver: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 22462449 Åben publikation Download publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Psykologi i Grønland ‐ En refleksion I artiklen diskuteres, hvorledes psykologien i Grønland indgår i den generelle udvikling af samfundet, der er med i en rivende udvikling i Arktis, har en stor og produktiv kultur, og som samtidigt er præget af en stadig befolkningsvandring mod byerne og øget ulighed mellem rig og relativt fattig. Det vises, at rigtigt mange børn og unge trives og opnår uddannelse, men at der samtidigt er en del unge, der ikke opnår samme grad af adgang til basale rettigheder såsom tryghed, uddannelse og udviklingsmuligheder som andre. Det diskuteres, hvordan psykologien i høj grad følger udviklingen i de skandinaviske lande, men at den kunne omfatte mere community‐baserede metoder for at kunne bidrage til forebyggelse af de sociale udfordringer, der skaber baggrund for mental traumatisering og mistrivsel. Behovet for en social forskning, der rummer løsninger og ikke blot beskrivelser af velkendte sociale udfordringer, påpeges og diskuteres.

Forfatter: Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim ; Steven Arnfjord; Mette Sonniks ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Psykologi; Grønland; Forskning; Community‐basering; Metoder; Socialforskning Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Nummer på tidsskrift: 38 Udgiver: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 22462449

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

"De Søger Trygheden" ‐ Kvinder Ramt af Hjemløshed i Nuuk Artiklen tager afsæt i et feministisk perspektiv på kvinder, som er ramt af hjemløshed. Med afsæt i et litteraturstudie og en inspiration fra nordcanadisk forskning i hjemløshed blandt kvinder analyseres situationen i Nuuk. Vi inddrager empiri fra et længerevarende feltarbejde i Nuuk og med interviews omkring kvindernes situation fra kilder i miljøet. I artiklen problematiseres det, at det offentlige sociale system forekommer meget lidt forberedt på, at Nuuk i dag har over 200 borgere, som er ramt af hjemløshed. Der eksisterer ikke indtil i dag et særskilt fokus på kvinderne i denne situation. Kvinder er blandt andet omfattet af begrebet “skjult hjemløshed”, som hidtil har været anvendt i begrænset omfang i den offentlige debat. I artiklen viser vi blandt andet, at man dels har kendt til hjemløshed i flere årtier – også til kvindernes hjemløshed. Kvindernes manglende stemme i socialpolitikken kan hænge sammen med, at kvindekampen i Grønland er gået lidt i dvale. Artiklen afrundes med strategiforslag til en mulig videre proces med inspiration fra nordcanadiske tiltag.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Julia Christensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Hjemløshed; Feminisme; Nuuk; Canada; Kvindehistorie Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Nummer på tidsskrift: 38 Udgiver: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 22462449

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Homelessness across Alaska, the Canadian North and Greenland: A Review of the Literature on a Developing Social Phenomenon in the Circumpolar North Over the past three decades, homelessness has become an area of significant social concern in Alaska, the Canadian North, and most recently, Greenland. These three geographical contexts show both similarities and contrasts, but no effort has yet been made to review the research literature on homelessness from these three regions or to highlight key themes or gaps in current knowledge. We reviewed the literature in order to 1) understand the current state of knowledge of the dynamics of homelessness in Alaska, the Canadian North (here including Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut), and Greenland and 2) conceptualize a northern geography of homelessness. The research literature identifies common themes across these contexts, which include chronic housing insecurity, overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples among those living homeless, and the significance of gendered experiences of homelessness. It identifies key interconnections between hidden homelessness and visible homelessness as the dynamics of urbanization in northern towns and cities reveal the social consequences of chronic housing insecurity in settlements. Across these northern regions, the high rates of chronic homelessness reflect the prevalence of northern housing insecurity and the lack of both adequate, appropriate support for people experiencing mental health or addiction problems and supportive or public housing options. Strategies that aim to diversify housing stock at various critical points along the housing spectrum are needed in northern regions, an idea that is promoted by Housing First and transitional housing programs in Alaska and the Canadian North.

Forfatter: Julia Christensen ; Steven Arnfjord; Sally Carraher ; Travis Hedwig Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Homelessness; Housing; Urbanization; Health; Alaska; Yukon; Nunavut; Northwest Territories; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic Volume på tidsskrift: 70 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: The Arctic Institute of North America Udgivelsessted: Calgary Udgivelsesland: Canada ISSN nummer: 00040843 DOI nummer: 10.14430/arctic4680

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Rehabilitering i hverdagslivet: Borgerperspektiver på livet som gammel – muligheder og udfordringer i den faglige støtte Rapporten formidler resultaterne af en undersøgelse af hverdagsrehabilitering i Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, Forvaltningen for Arbejdsmarked og Velfærd, Ældreområdet og Voksenomsorgsservice. Hverdagsrehabiliteringskonceptet er overtaget fra Danmark, og som i Danmark er praksis udtryk for en instrumentel og fragmenteret tilgang til støtten til ældre og kronisk syge, dvs et ensidigt fokus på fysisk træning og ADL. Dette fokus er dikteret af økonomiske overvejelser. Indsigten i borgernes perspektiver på livet som ældre/kronisk syg viser, at mål for støtten må forholde sig til ældres behov og ønsker i forhold til et meningsfuldt liv i fællesskab med andre. Hjemmehjælpergruppen, som skal være den bærende kraft i hverdagsrehabilitering, har gode muligheder for at inddrage borgernes perspektiver i indsatserne, men det kræver en professionalisering af hjemmehjælpernes opsøgen af borgernes perspektiver, og det kræver et opgør med en hierarkisk vidensopfattelse blandt de forskellige faggrupper i hjemmeplejen. Ift et udbredt problem blandt ældre/kronisk syge, nemlig ensomhed og perspektivløshed, diskuteres muligheder for relevante og meningsfulde aktiviteter, der muliggør ældres deltagelse som synlige og bidragende medlemmer af lokalsamfundet (ikke publiceret).

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2017 Emner: Rehabilitering; Hverdagsrehabilitering; Borgerperspektiver; Medarbejderperspektiver; Tværfagligt samarbejde; Hjemmepleje Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Institut for Sygepleje og Sundhedsvidenskab, Ilisimatusarfik

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Autonomy in Denmark: Greenland and the Faroe Islands Greenland and the Faroes are autonomous jurisdictions within the Danish Realm, having undertaken a continuous process of extended self‐determination in the post‐WWII era. In both jurisdictions there are strong movements of secession and counter‐secession, whose respective strengths are largely achieved through external relations. This paper will first provide an introduction to the historical background and the formal relationship between the two jurisdictions and their metropolitan state. We will then extend the two cases with a description of how increased internal autonomy has evolved in a dynamic interaction with changes in international affairs. Whether the two jurisdictions may move towards full secession or new forms of unity is difficult to predict, but external relations keep on pushing at the formal structures and limits of the realm, which we will briefly reflect upon in the final section.

Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Maria Ackrén Editor: Diego Muro ; Eckart Woertz Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Autonomy; Denmark; Greenland; Faroe Islands Udgivelsessted: Barcelona Udgivelsesland: Spain Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Secession and Counter‐secession. An International Relations Perspective Forlag: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs ISBN nummer: 978‐84‐92511‐53‐2

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Familieklasser i Nuuk ‐ en problemopløsende praksis Kapitlet undersøger og diskuterer virksomme processer i familieklasserne i Nuuk og peger især på tryghed, dialog, kollektiv læring, ligeværd og fælles refleksion ‐ samt lyst og fælles latter ‐ som problemopløsende udviklingsveje.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Rita Thomsen ; Rikke Toftgaard Rossen ; Lærke Jensen ; Mette Sonniks Editor: Birgit Kleist Pedersen; Flemming Nielsen; Karen Langgård ; Kennet Pedersen; Jette Rygaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Familieklasser; Tryghed; Dialog; Kollektiv læring; Ligeværd; Problemopløsning Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning 2015‐17 Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐93‐2

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Familieklasser i Nuuk ‐ at skabe fredelige løsninger midt i skolen I artiklen beskrive forældres fortællinger om deres og deres barns deltagelse i familieklassen i Kangillinnguit Atuarfiat I Nuussuaq i Nuuk. Vores formål her er at forstå, hvordan forældrene oplever deltagelse i familieklassen. Igennem kvalitative interviews fortæller forældrene om dette. Deres fortællinger viser, at de var glade for at deltage i familieklassen – og at det, de værdsatte, og som de fandt hjælpsomt i at støtte deres barn i skolen og I hjemmet, var: social støtte og gensidig anerkendelse i form af (1) Genkendelighed, dvs. at kunne se ligheder imellem familierne; (2) Ikke at føle sig alene, idet man føler sig forstået som forældre; (3) Fællesskabsfølelse gennem åbenhed om udfordringer og løsninger og gennem at opmuntre, rose, støtte og bakke hinanden op samt ved at kunne have det sjovt sammen; (4) Erfaringsdeling, der giver inspiration til sammen at finde løsninger samt gennem at give og lytte til hinandens råd og ideer); (5) Spejling ved at kunne se sig selv med andres øjne helt konkret); (6) Refleksivitet ved at tale om og vise forskellige løsninger og forståelser forældrene og forældre og børn imellem); (8) Snakke sammen (tale med hinanden, tiltro og accept, åbenhed); (9) Lytning (nærhed); (10) At rose og at blive rost (være anerkendende i hverdagen og have tiltro til barnet); (11) Accept; (12) Åbenhed; (13) Ro; (14) Selvtillid. Den fælles læring handler om at finde gode løsninger sammen igennem aktiviteter, der udføres sammen i klassen og derefter reflekteres over – ligeledes – i en fælles proces.

Forfatter: Rikke Rossen ; Lærke Jensen ; Rita Thomsen ; Mette Sonniks ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Familieklasse; Skolen i Grønland; Livsglæde; Fælles læring Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 38 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Man skal kunne se glæden – familieklassen i Nuuk: tryghed, åbenhed og fælles læring I denne artikel undersøger vi familieklassen som metode i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) som en mulighed for at støtte og styrke børn til at trives i skolen. Vi gør dette ved at fremlægge og analysere familieklasselærerens fortælling om familieklassen, idet netop den professionelles fortælling ses som særdeles betydningsfuld i forståelsen af, hvilke processer, der gør at familieklassen når gode resultater mht. de deltagende familiers oplevelse af barnets trivsel i skolen. Endvidere sammenligner vi familieklasselærerens og forældrenes fortællinger og diskuterer disse i forhold til den særlige kulturelle kontekst, som familieklassemetoden anvendes i. Resultaterne er, at familieklasselæreren beskriver, at det gennem fælles oplevelser, anerkendelse, fælles refleksion, succesoplevelser, tryghed og glæde er muligt at skabe nye valgmuligheder og løsninger i og overfor tidligere gentagende, problemfokuserede adfærdsmønstre. Forældre og familieklasselærer peger sammen på, at det virksomme i familieklassen er, at der skabes et rum, hvor deltagerne (1) ikke føler sig alene og forkerte, men som forældre med muligheder, hvorved der skabes håb og handlemuligheder; (2) skaber glæde sammen og derved oplever at have ressourcer og muligheder; (3) kan se sig selv med andre(s) øjne og derved skabe nye fortællinger om familien og barnet; (4) kan dele erfaringer med hinanden både verbalt og i praksis; (5) anerkender og bliver anerkendt gensidigt; (5) bygger selvtillid i familien gennem succesoplevelser i klassen og i familien; (6) i praksis styrker åbenhed ved i praksis at skabe trygge rammer at udtrykke sig i; og (7) lærer ved at være sammen med andre, dvs. ved at indgå i en fælles læringsproces, hvor alles bidrag har værdi.

Forfatter: Lærke Jensen ; Rikke Toftgaard Rossen ; Rita Thomsen ; Mette Sonniks ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Familieklasse; Nuuk; Fælles læring; Tillid; Social læring Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Paedagogisk Tidsskrift Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0904‐2393

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Resiliens: om at have definitionsmagten over et begreb En diskussion af resiliensbegrebet.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Hans Månsson Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Resiliens; Vidensproduktion; Definitionsmagt Titel på tidsskrift: Kognition & Paedagogik Volume på tidsskrift: 27 Nummer på tidsskrift: 103 Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0906‐6225

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Social resiliens: forandringsressourcer i to byer i Grønland Vi starter ud med at give en oversigt over aktuel teori om resiliens og viser, at disse teorier peger på, at resiliens handler om netværk og forbindelser i komplekse systemer. Derefter beskriver vi fortællinger om social resiliens i to byer i Grønland, Nanortalik og Tasiilaq. Ud fra de beskrivelser diskuterer vi, hvad der kendetegner social resiliens i Grønland og hvordan det kan fremmes gennem konkrete projekter båret af lokale kræfter som et bidrag til den stærke og innovative kultur, der i disse år udvikler sig i Grønland som en del af den globale verden.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Ellen Bang Bourup ; Jeppe Kiel Christensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Børnerettigheder; Grønland; Social Resiliens Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 38 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Social resiliens i Nanortalik Artikel handler om social resiliens blandt unge i Nanortalik. Dette undersøges dels gennem en spørgeskemaundersøgelse og dels gennem interviews. Denne artikel fokuserer på spørgeskemaundersøgelsen. Formålet med undersøgelsen er at pege på områder i de unges liv, som med fordel kan styrkes for at øge trivsel og fælles styrke til at forebygge, møde og komme sig over modgang i livet. Det sidste er det, vi her kalder social resiliens. Seks klasser deltog i spørgeskema undersøgelsen (8.‐ 10. klasse samt Majoriaq). Det blev til 68 udfyldte spørgeskemaer. Samlet set viser resultaterne, at omkring 20 % af de unge aldrig eller sjældent er tilfredse med sig selv og ligeledes omkring 20 % føler sig aldrig eller sjældent glade. Cirka 20 % svarer, at de aldrig eller sjældent føler sig rolige. Vi så endvidere, at kun lidt over halvdelen af de unge har nogle som de ofte eller altid kan betro sig til samt at de kan have svært ved at slappe af sammen med andre. De unge mener selv at respekt for hinanden, tryghed og er de vigtigste værdier for dem – sammen med kærlighed til børn og samarbejde. De mener også, at der generelt er tillid, tryghed og respekt i lokalsamfundet, men især respekt og tryghed ligger lidt lavere i lokalsamfundet end i de unges egne værdier. Undersøgelsen peger på, at der generelt er en høj grad af trivsel og social resiliens blandt unge, men at det er vigtigt at styrke dette, således at det omfatter alle unge og ikke blot 4 ud af 5. Denne styrkelse kan tage afsæt i det høje niveau for tillid, respekt og sikkerhed/tryghed, som lokalsamfundet ifølge de unge allerede rummer i høj grad. Man kan fokusere på at være endnu mere respektfuld og tillidsfulde og derved skabe endnu flere områder med tryghed for alle.

Forfatter: Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Social resiliens; Nanortalik; Unge i Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 38 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Syv forundringer over resiliensbegrebet Der præsenteres syv forundringer over resiliensbegrebet og peges på muligheden for at udvikle et begreb om social resiliens i stedet for blot den individuelle resiliens, der adskiller mennesker i stedet for at bygge socialt bæredygtige resiliente netværk. Der gives konkrete eksempler på det sidste ‐ fra Mexico og fra Grønland.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Jeppe Kiel Christensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Social resiliens; Siunissaq uagut pigaarput; Social læring; Lyst; Lighed Titel på tidsskrift: Kognition & pædagogik: tidsskrift om gode læringsmiljøer Volume på tidsskrift: 27 Nummer på tidsskrift: 103 ISSN nummer: 0906‐6225

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Unges fortællinger om resiliens i Nanortalik I artiklen præsenteres og diskuteres resultaterne af en kvalitativ, semistruktureret interview undersøgelse af 10 unges fortællinger om sociale relationer, værdier og trivsel, men med et særligt fokus på resiliens ved at spørge ind til, hvordan informanterne selv og/eller personer, som de kender, har mødt modgang i livet. Alderen på de interviewede er mellem 14 og 18 år med et gennemsnit på 16,2 år. Resultaterne er, at de unge ser social støtte i form af samvær og dialog som ressourcegivende. Alle informanterne snakker om samvær som nøglen til deres glæde. Næsten alle informanterne nævner dialog som en god problemløsningsmåde. Dialog og samvær er derved redskaber til at fremme resiliens. Man kan endog argumentere for, at de er resiliens. De er endvidere social resiliens, fordi de omfatter flere end én person – ofte mange – og kun kan skabes af flere sammen. Død, alkoholisme, vold, tab og kedsomhed bliver nævnt som de former for modgang i livet, som de unge har mødt. De unge foreslår en række aktive løsninger, der både kan forebygge modgang i livet og som kan hjælpe til at komme sig over modgang. Disse løsninger omfatter fire kategorier: (1) godt forældreskab, der skaber trygge rammer for børnene, idet det åbner for dialog, tillid til at tale med hinanden og gensidig respekt, (2) generelle værdier og holdninger, der lægger vægt på især kærlighed, omsorg, tryghed, respekt, accept af hinanden, glæde og tillid til både andre og sig selv, (3) flere muligheder for fælles aktiviteter i lokalsamfundet i form af sport, arbejdspladser.

Forfatter: Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Unges fortællinger; Resiliens; Nanortalik Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 38 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel Forty years of research concerning children and youth in Greenland: a mapping review Forfatter: Mia Glendøs ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Children; Youth; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 76 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 DOI nummer: 10.1080/22423982.2017.1323526

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Reproductive factors, lifestyle and dietary habits among pregnant women in Greenland Background: During past decades the formerly active lifestyle in Greenland has become sedentary, and the intake of traditional food has gradually been replaced with imported food. These lifestyle and dietary habits may affect pregnant women. Aim: To describe age and regional differences in reproductive factors, lifestyle and diet among Greenlandic pregnant women in their first trimester. Methods: A cross‐sectional study during 2013–2015 including 373 pregnant women was conducted in five Greenlandic regions (West, Disko Bay, South, North and East). Interview‐based questionnaires on reproductive factors, lifestyle and dietary habits were compared in relation to two age groups (median age ≤28 years and >28 years). Results: In total, 72.4% were Inuit, 46.6% had BMI >25.0 kg/m2, 29.0% were smoking during pregnancy and 54.6% had used hashish. BMI, educational level, personal income, previous pregnancies and planned breastfeeding period were significantly higher in the age group >28 years of age compared to the age group ≤28 years of age. In region Disko Bay, 90.9% were Inuit, in region South more had a university degree (37.9%) and region East had the highest number of previous pregnancies, the highest number of smokers during pregnancy and the most frequent intake of sauce with hot meals and fast‐food. Conclusions: Overall a high BMI and a high smoking frequency were found. Age differences were found for BMI and planned breastfeeding period, while regional differences were found for smoking and intake of sauce with hot meals and fast‐food. Future recommendations aimed at pregnant women in Greenland should focus on these health issues.

Forfatter: Anne Seneca Terkelsen ; Manhai Long ; Lise Hounsgaard; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld‐Jørgensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Dietary habits; Greenland; Reproductive health; Imported food; Lifestyle; POPs; Pregnant women Titel på tidsskrift: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Nummer på tidsskrift: 1403‐4948 ISSN nummer: 14034948 DOI nummer: 10.1177/1403494817714188

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Contamination of the Arctic reflected in microbial metagenomes from the Greenland ice sheet Globally emitted contaminants accumulate in the Arctic and are stored in the frozen environments of the cryosphere. Climate change influences the release of these contaminants through elevated melt rates, resulting in increased contamination locally. Our understanding of how biological processes interact with contamination in the Arctic is limited. Through shotgun metagenomic data and binned genomes from metagenomes we show that microbial communities, sampled from multiple surface ice locations on the Greenland ice sheet, have the potential for resistance to and degradation of contaminants. The microbial potential to degrade anthropogenic contaminants, such as toxic and persistent polychlorinated biphenyls, was found to be spatially variable and not limited to regions close to human activities. Binned genomes showed close resemblance to microorganisms isolated from contaminated habitats. These results indicate that, from a microbiological perspective, the Greenland ice sheet cannot be seen as a pristine environment.

Forfatter: Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Thomas Sicheritz‐Pontén ; Karen A. Cameron ; Jacob Bælum ; Damian R. Plichta ; Marlene Dalgaard ; Marek Stibal Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Microbial metagenomics; Contaminants; Cryosphere; Greenland ice sheet Titel på tidsskrift: Enviromental Research Letters Volume på tidsskrift: 12 DOI nummer:‐9326/aa7445

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Mediespejlet ‐ kvantitative og kvalitative undersøgelser over 12 ‐ 25 årige unges liv med medier i grønlandske byer 1996 ‐ 2016: Ittoqqortoormiit, Tasiilaq, Aasiaat, Upernavik, Sisimiut, Qaqortoq & Nuuk Nysgerrighed omkring børn og unges fritids‐ og medievaner i et Grønland, hvor ikke engang hovedstaden Nuuk i midten af 1990’ern havde en biograf og hvor cafeer, ungdomsklubber og andre af de unges fritidssteder var begrænsede, fik mig til at spekulerer over, hvad de unge egentlig lavede i deres fritid. Der var selvfølgelig sportshaller og mange muligheder for udendørs aktiviteter afhængig af årstiden, men var det også medierne, der fyldte fritiden ud for de unge i Grønland? Og hvis ja, så med hvad?

Eftersom medieforskning om unge i Grønland i 90’erne nærmest var ikke‐eksisterende, måtte der startes fra bunden. Med basis i humaniora blev inspirationen fra grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1965) og induktiv forskning et startpunkt for en bred interesse for empiriske data om unges medievaner. Baseret først på ”convenience” etnografiske observationer (Bryman, 2012: 201‐202) i hjembyen Nuuk, der kunne danne grundlag for relevante spørgsmål til et spørgeskema, blev det første kvantitative pilotprojekt omkring børn og unges medievaner distribueret i papirform til skoler i Nuuk i 1996. Inspiration fra andre landes medie‐ ungdomsforskning og især fra forskningsprojektet BUM (Børn, Unge og Medier, finansieret fra NorFa fra 1997‐ 1999) i Danmark, som jeg blev tilknyttet, gjorde en bred deduktiv teoridannelse om unge og medier til et sæt løse formodninger om de unges medieliv, snarere en end egentligt hypotese, der skulle testes, som det ofte er tilfælde i kvantitativ forskning (Bryman, 2012: 161). Hensigten var hurtigt at få en bred kortlægning af fritidssituationen, især med henblik på mediebrug og ‐vaner.

Den første pilot‐spørgeskemaundersøgelse i Nuuk blev startskuddet til flere spørgeskemaundersøgelser i 1997 og 2004 i papirform, og i 2015 som webbaseret survey i Relationswise. Alle disse spørgeskema‐undersøgelser var landsdækkende.

Inspiration fra grounded theory om at se ungdomslivet fra så mange vinkler som muligt og for at skabe ”rich‐ data” (Geertz, 2000), blev hurtigt til interessen for mixed methods og triangulering. I de følgende år kom derfor også indimellem kvalitative undersøgelser i 1997og 2001 som opfølgning på spørgeskemaundersøgelserne og i 2000 en visuel antropologisk undersøgelse, der gentoges som undervisning i studenterprojekter i 2003 og 2006. Indimellem var mindre forskningsprojekter og forskning omkring film, medieforekomster som sociale medier og dele af ungdomskulturer – alle relaterede til undervisning på et lille universitet med få ansatte, der krævede stadig fornyelse for at de studerende kunne have valgmuligheder.

Metodemæssigt udviklede hele projektet: Mediespejlet: Medier, ungdom, identitet og globalisering i Grønland ‐ kvantitative og kvalitative undersøgelser over 12‐25‐åriges liv med medier i grønlandske byer 1996‐2016 sig i løbet af disse 20 år fra at være et projekt baseret på grounded theory over mixed methods (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2010), triangulering (Denzin, 1970; Bryman, 2012), transgressive methods og post‐feminisme (Lather, 1991, Staunæs & Petersen, 2000), indigenous methods (Denzin, Lincoln & Smith, 2008, Smith, 1999) til visuel antropologi (Pink, 2006; Mitchell, 2011; Rose, 2011). Det er denne både teoretiske og metodemæssige rejse, som denne afhandling vil søge at dække med 17 artikler fordelt på de temaer der manifesterede sig i løbet af forskningen, som grounded theory dekreterer og som løbende blev til forskningsspørgsmål eller ”kategorier” (Bryman, 2012: 570). Alle handlede de om unges mediebrug i bred forstand: Hvilke medier bruger de unge i deres hverdag? Hvad interesserer dem? Hvad er hovedudfordringen for de unge i relation til deres medieforbrug som for eksempel ’adgang’? Hvordan forsøger de at få så meget som muligt ud af deres medieliv/ungdomsliv, hvor end de end bor? Andre spørgsmål var: Hvordan bruger disse unge mennesker medier til at optimere deres identitet og deres livsvilkår som unge lokale i en globaliseret verden? Hvordan er deres hverdagsliv i urbane centre så vel som i små byer med hensyn til familieliv, ungdomsliv, medier og fritidsmuligheder?

Temaerne udmøntede sig til det, der nu, på basis af artiklerne, er blevet kapitler i denne afhandling: En visuel kultur i et globalt perspektiv (kapitel 4.1); KNR2 ‐ Public service i Grønland (kapitel 5); Unge, medier og urbanisering og postkolonialisme (kapitel 6); Unge, medier og identitet (kapitel 7); Unge medier og globalisering (kapitel 8). Kapitlerne 1, 2 og 3 giver en Præsentation af afhandlingen og artiklerne (kapitel 1), af Børn, medier og socialisering (kapitel 2) og af Perspektiver på grønlandske byer (kapitel 3). Kapitel 4 beskriver Metodiske og videnskabsteoretiske refleksioner og endelig er kapitel 9 et forsøg på at trække de store linjer og give et overblik over Ungdom og medieforbrug fra 1996‐2016.

Grønland har nu fået biografer, TV‐situationen har bedret sig i byerne og Internettet i mange af de store byer har betydet et helt nyt liv: Muligheder for virkeligt at være globale unge, for at købe ting på nettet, som byerne ikke umiddelbart har på lager og muligheder for nu på afstand at holde kontakt med venner og familie som aldrig før med mobiltelefoner, IPads, face time, sociale medier og Skype, uanset en dyr og besværlig infrastruktur. Sådan er det mange steder! Som mine undersøgelser imidlertid vil vise er Grønland stadig et land præget af geografiske forskelle, som selv ikke en digital revolution endnu har udbedret – helt!

Forfatter: Jette Rygaard Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2017 Emner: Kvantitativ; Kvalitativ; Unges liv; Medier; Medieforbrug; Ittoqqortoormiit; Tasiilaq; Aasiaat; Upernavik; Sisimiut; Qaqortoq; Nuuk Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Aalborg University Press

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Patientperspektiver: Ikke kun 'præferencer', men en vidensform Forskning i patienters daglige livsførelse med sygdom viser hvordan patienter bliver udelukket fra indflydelse på egen behandling, pleje og rehabilitering, fordi professionelle er centreret omkring deres egen faglige praksis og vurderer faglig viden højere end patienters viden om deres liv. I det, der i sundhedsvæsenet kaldes 'fælles beslutningstagen', er det ikke nok at spørge til patienters umiddelbare præferencer i forhold til en bestemt indsats. Patienters sundhedsproblemer må forstås i relation til deres liv, som er formet i bestemte sociale og kulturelle sammenhænge, og som rummer ressourcer til at klare livet med sygdom. Denne viden kan sætte de professionelle i stand til at yde en indsats, som er relevant og brugbar for den enkelte patient. På den måde går kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet og en medmenneskelig tilgang til patienterne hånd i hånd.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Patientinddragelse; Fælles beslutningstagen; Sundhedsstrategier; Kvalitet; Hverdagsliv Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 25 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Arcticness insights Climate change and globalisation are opening up the Arctic for exploitation by the world – or so we are told. But what about the views, interests, and needs of the peoples who live in the region? What about the myriad of other factors affecting the Arctic and its peoples? This book explores opportunities and limitations in engaging with the Arctic under change, and the Arctic peoples experiencing the change, through the lens of understanding Arcticness: what the Arctic means to Arctic peoples socially and physically. The chapters bring together a variety of disciplines, such as law, politics, geography and the arts, to examine what Arctic peoples could learn from and teach elsewhere, across disciplines and across locations. The authors reflect on philosophies of change in tandem with philosophies of the Arctic, particularly as represented by everyday experiences, memories and geographical imaginations.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen Editor: Ilan Kelman Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Arctic; Climate Change Udgivelsessted: London Udgivelsesland: England Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arcticness: Power and Voice from the North Forlag: UCL Press ISBN nummer: 978–1–787350–13–7

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Imagining the future: Local perceptions of Arctic extractive projects that didn’t happen External imaginings of the future Arctic range from protected wilder‐ ness to booming oil and gas province, and proponents of different visions frequently clash in global public arenas. At the same time, external per‐ ceptions, whether pro‐development or pro‐conservation, frequently fail to reflect the realities of living in the Arctic, or to incorporate the views (and imaginings) of local inhabitants – those most affected by Arctic resource projects. The Arctic region does have significant resource potential. The United States Geological Survey estimated that 25 per cent of the world’s undiscovered petroleum reserves were to be found in the Arctic.1 The Arctic also represents around 10 per cent of the global nickel, cobalt and tungsten markets, 26 per cent of diamond gem stones and up to 40 per cent of the global production of palladium.2 Yet uncer‐ tainty about the viability of natural resource projects is ever‐present. Companies may be highly visible and a project intensely debated long before it is clear whether natural resource deposits, national‐level negotiations and global markets will result in actual extraction for the market. Often local communities have very little information availa‐ ble at this point and yet the very prospect of an industrial project can transform the way a local community imagines – and prepares for – its own future.

Forfatter: Emma Wilson ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Elana Wilson Rowe Editor: Ilan Kelman Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Arctic; Climate Change; Extractive Udgivelsessted: London Udgivelsesland: England Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arcticness: Power and Voice from the North Forlag: UCL Press ISBN nummer: 978–1–787350–13–7

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

How three key factors are driving and challenging implementation of renewable energy systems in remote Arctic communities Challenges related to access and supply of fossil fuel generated energy in Arctic communities, together with a global agenda to fight the climate change, including through promoting renewable energy systems as alternatives to fossil fuels, are motivating implementation of renewables in the Arctic Region, as in the rest of the world. Various benefits are anticipated in relation to implementation of renewables in Arctic communities, a fact that is driving interest in an appraisal of the state of energy production in the Arctic toward a transition from fossil fuel generated electricity and heating, to an Arctic energy system based on renewable energy sources. To understand and promote the potential for increased implementation of renewable energy solutions, it is important to investigate the role of key factors such as the economy, infrastructure and technology for the transition process. This article is based on an explorative study and analysis of how these three key factors are driving and challenging implementation of renewables. It aims at contributing to the debate on how to promote renewables in the four Arctic areas: Alaska, Canadian Arctic, Greenland and Russian Arctic. Key findings are discussed and recommendations to tackle some of the identified challenges are provided.

Forfatter: Lucia Mortensen ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Alexander Shestakov Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Arctic; Renewable energy Titel på tidsskrift: Polar Geography Volume på tidsskrift: 40 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3

Åben publikation Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Indigenous Rights in the Marine Arctic Global energy problems will remain a challenge in the coming decades. The impact of climate change and the melting of polar sea ice opening up access to offshore hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic Ocean, raises questions for both civil society and the scientific community over drilling opportunities in Arctic marine areas.

Disparities in approach to the governance of oil and gas extraction in the Arctic arise from fundamental differences in histories, cultures, domestic constraints and substantive values and attitudes in the Arctic coastal states and sub‐states. Differing political systems, legal traditions and societal beliefs with regard to energy security and economic development, environmental protection, legitimacy of decision making, and the ownership and respect of the rights of indigenous people, all affect how governance systems of oil and gas extraction are designed.

Using a multidisciplinary approach and case studies from the USA, Norway, Russia, Canada, Greenland/Denmark and the EU, this book both examines the current governance of extraction and its effects and considers ways to enhance the efficiency of environmental management and public participation in this system.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Ellen Margrethe Basse ; Cécile Pelaudeix Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Indigenous rights; Marine; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Why cumulative impacts assessments of hydrocarbon activities in the Arctic fail to meet their purpose The Arctic Region is characterised by vulnerable ecosystems and residing indigenous people, dependent on nature for subsistence fishing and hunting. The Arctic also contains a wealth of non‐living natural resources such as minerals and hydrocarbons. Synergies between increased access and growing global demand for the Arctic resources influence the level and nature of human activity and its influence on the environment. It is therefore essential to assess and mitigate the cumulative impacts from these activities. Environmental Assessment (EA) is a common tool applied by the Arctic nations to secure that environmental considerations are included in decision‐making when new plans and projects are implemented. However, recent research has indicated that assessment of cumulative impacts in EAs is inconsistent and the practises ambiguous. This article explores this phenomenon further by reviewing and analysing current practices of assessing cumulative impacts in EAs in relation to offshore oil and gas activities in the Arctic. It is found that cumulative impacts assessments are generally lacking. The practitioners involved explain this with reference to the challenge of addressing and assessing cumulative impacts due to their complex nature. They further point at lacking methodological guidelines as well as lack of resources during the impact assessment process.

Forfatter: Trine Skovgaard Kirkfeldt ; Anne Merrild Hansen; Pernille Olesen ; Lucia Mortensen ; Kameliya Hristova ; Alexander Welsch Editor: James Ford Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Environmental; Impact; Assessment; Strategic; Cumulative impacts; Offshore oil and gas; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: Regional Environmental Change Volume på tidsskrift: 17 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Regional Environmental Change

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel Peripheral Visions: Engaging Nordic Literary Traditions on Orkney and This article examines the reception of Old Norse literature and culture in the literatures of the Scottish islands of Orkney and Shetland. It compares in particular the work of Shetland author James John Haldane Burgess (1862‐1927) and the Orcadian author George Mackay Brown (1921‐1996) and it evaluates the ways in which these two figures use their geographically peripheral positions as unique vantage points from which to reframe Nordic identity in their writing. By re‐orientating the Scottish Islands from the periphery of Britain to the centre of important scenes in Nordic history, Haldane Burgess and Mackay Brown each construct a distinctive sense of geographical and cultural place. This approach allows the boundaries of the Nordic cultural sphere to be extended, and for a new and complex third space to emerge, in which the islands connect the Nordic and Anglo‐Celtic realms and situate them within world literature.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Timothy Saunders Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Peripheries; Literatures; Nordic; Orkney; Shetland Titel på tidsskrift: Scandinavica ‐ International Journal of Scandinavian Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 56 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Norvik Press Udgivelsessted: London Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom ISSN nummer: ISSN 0036‐5653

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Northern Atlantic Islands and the Sea: Seascapes and Dreamscapes Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Orkney, Shetland and, to some extent, the Hebrides, share both a Nordic cultural and linguistic heritage, and the experience of being surrounded by the ever‐present North Atlantic Ocean. This has been a constant in the islanders’ history, forging their unique way of life, influencing their customs and traditions, and has been instrumental in moulding their identities.

This volume is an exploration of a rich, intimate and, at times, terrifying relationship. It is the result of an international conference held in April 2014, when scholars from across the North Atlantic rim congregated in Lerwick, Shetland, to discuss maritime traditions, islands in Old Norse literature, insular archaeology, folklore, and traditional belief. The chapters reflect the varied origins of the contributors. Icelanders are well represented, as are scholars based in Orkney and Shetland, indicating the strength of scholarship in these seemingly isolated archipelagos. Peripheral they may be to the UK, but they lie at the heart of the North Atlantic, at the intersection of British and Nordic cultures.

This book will be of interest to scholars of a wide range of disciplines, such as those involved in island studies, cultural studies, Old Norse literature, Icelandic studies, maritime heritage, oceanography, linguistics, folklore, British studies, ethnology, and archaeology. Similarly, it will also appeal to researchers from a wide geographical area, particularly the UK, and Scandinavia, and indeed anywhere where there is an interest in the study of islands or the North Atlantic.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Andrew Jennings ; Silke Reeploeg; Angela Watt Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Area studies; Cultural history; Scotland; North Atlantic; Geography Udgivelsessted: Newcastle upon Tyne Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐4438‐5512‐9 (print)

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Staðbundnar dygdarvørur. Hugskotlisti til Fiskimálaráðið Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Ragnheiður Bogadóttir Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2017 Emner: Landbrug; Fødevarer; Færøerne Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Bourdieu in Greenland Elaborating the Field Dependencies of Post‐colonial Journalism The scarcely populated island of Greenland offers a unique opportunity both to study the complex dependencies and tensions of contemporary “global” or “transnational” journalism and to test and develop the explanation power of one key theoretical framework, field theory. With only one (national and public) broadcaster and two weekly newspapers, the journalistic field in Greenland is small, exposed and vulnerable. It is embedded in the broader political, economic and professional field dynamics of Denmark, the former colonial power. For instance, the legislation and the organizational structure of the media are inherited and a flow of Danish visiting journalists and editors keep up the norms and the value system of the field. At the same time, Greenlandic journalism operates in a nation of its own with distinct characteristics: small size, politics of the bilingualism, tight local networks with a small elite and close ties between reporters and possible sources shape the field practically, professionally and socially (in a specific, local way). These tensions between the “global‐colonial” and “local” capitals and capacities are negotiated and managed in the everyday practices of newsrooms. There is almost no previous research on Greenlandic media in general and journalism practice in particular. Mapping this small but contested field allows us to highlight some of the key analytical strengths of Bourdieu’s field theory and its ability to capture the dynamic actor relationships in such a complex, structured space. At the same time, however, the “post‐colonial” realities of Greenlandic journalism can help us to pose some questions about the limits – or the need for further development – of Bourdieu’s initial sketch about the journalistic field. This chapter tests the analytical concepts of capital and habitus by putting them to empirical work through an ethnographic study of practices and structures of news making in Greenland.

Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Journalism; Media; Greenland; Bourdieu; Field analysis; Post colonialism; Language Udgivelsessted: Bremen Udgivelsesland: Germany Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement Forlag: Edition Lumiere ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐943245‐72‐1

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Communication | Formidling > Anthology | Antologi

Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiornermik ilinniartitsineq 1982‐2017 | Journalistuddannelsen i Grønland 1982‐2017 Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Editor: Naimah Hussain; Mariia Simonsen; Naja Paulsen Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Journalistuddannelsen; Journalistik; Medier; Uddannelsespolitik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik / Atuagkat ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐94‐9

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Skismaet om størrelse ‐ hvad skal vi med en grønlandsk journalistuddannelse? Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Editor: Naimah Hussain; Mariia Simonsen; Naja Paulsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Journalistik; Journalistuddannelse; Uddannelsespolitik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiornermik ilinniartitsineq 1982‐2017 | Journalistuddannelsen i Grønland 1982‐2017 Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik / Atuagkat ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐94‐9

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Jeg ringer efter politiet! Sådan kan I ikke behandle den grønlandske nationaldragt!” – Uenigheder om identitet og kulturelle udtryk i grønlandsk mode Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Flemming Nielsen; Jette Rygaard; Birgit Kleist Pedersen; Karen Langgård ; Kennet Pedersen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Mode; Revitalisering; Kalaallisuut; Den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt; Diaspora; Design Titel på tidsskrift: Grønlandsk Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning 2015‐17 Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik / Forlaget Atuagkat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐93‐2

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Debat: Tillidsfulde relationer er afgørende for elevers læring og trivsel Vi skal udvikle folkeskolen for børnenes skyld – ikke for lærernes, forældrenes, forvaltningen eller politikernes skyld. Derfor skal vi have mere fokus på at skabe tillidsfulde relationer, skriver Gitte Løvgren fra Odsherred Kommune og Kevin Perry fra AAU.

Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Gitte Løvgren Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: Folkeskole; Forældre; Tillid Navn på avis: Dato: 9. august

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Inpeccantia ‐ Sinlessness ‐ According to William of Saint‐Thierry Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2017 Emner: History; Theology Titel på tidsskrift: Analecta Cisterciensia Volume på tidsskrift: 67

Consultancy | Rådgivning > Report | Rapport

Midtvejsevaluering af Inuuneritta II: Gennemført i 2017 Rapporten er en midtvejsevaluering af folkesundhedsprogrammet Inuuneritta II. Der er tale om en procesevaluering, der fokuserer på, hvordan det er gået med at føre programmet ud i praksis.

Formålet med rapporten er at give konstruktive input, mens det stadig er muligt at justere og tilpasse programmet. Ved udgangen af 2016 havde alle 4 programområder i Inuuneritta II haft hvert deres indsatsår, og alle områder bør derfor ifølge planen være overgået til drift. Det derfor et oplagt tidspunkt at gøre status på implementeringen af programmet fra 2013‐2016, det vil sige de første 4 år af programmets levetid på i alt 7 år.

Forfatter: Christine Ingemann; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2017 Emner: Public health; Health promotion; Health policy; Greenland; Implementation Udgivelsessted: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Relatives' level of satisfaction with advanced cancer care in Greenland: a mixed methods study Palliative cancer care in Greenland is provided by health professionals at local level, the national Queen Ingrid's Hospital and at Rigshospitalet in Denmark. To improve and develop care for relatives of patients with advanced cancer, we conducted a mixed method study examining relatives' level of satisfaction with care and treatment and their current main concerns. The aim was to investigate relatives' level of satisfaction with advanced cancer care and bring to light their current main concerns. The FAMCARE‐20 questionnaire was translated to Greenlandic and pilot tested. The questionnaire was supplemented by open‐ended questions about relative's current main concerns and analyzed with a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. Greenlandic patients with advanced cancer who were previously participating in a prospective study were asked if their closest adult relative would participate in the study. Telephone interviews were conducted and relatives responded to the questionnaire. A total of thirty‐two relatives were contacted by telephone and 30 (94%) completed the FAMCARE‐20 questionnaire and answered open‐ended questions. The highest rate of satisfaction was with the availability of a hospital bed (66%) and relatives were the most dissatisfied with the lack of inclusion in decision making related to treatment and care (71%) and the length of time required to diagnose cancer (70%). Responses to the open‐ended questions revealed that relatives faced challenges in gaining access to information from health professionals. They experienced a lack of security, worries about the future and a lack of support at home. The study showed a substantial level of dissatisfaction among relatives of patients with advanced cancer. We strongly recommend a focus on psychosocial care, more access to information and to include relatives in decision making and in the future planning of palliative care services. An assessment of relatives' needs is essential to develop an adequate palliative care in a range of settings.

Forfatter: Mikaela Augustussen ; Lise Hounsgaard; Michael Lynge Pedersen; Per Sjogren ; Helle Timm Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Avanceret cancer behandling i Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume: 76 Udgave: 1 ISBN nummer: 1239‐9736

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Symptoms and health‐related quality of life in patients with advanced cancer: A population‐ based study in Greenland Purpose The aims were to describe symptoms and health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) in Greenlandic patients with advanced cancer and to assess the applicability and internal consistency of the Greenlandic version of the EORTC‐QLQ‐C30 core version 3.0. Methods A Greenlandic version of the EORTC QLQ‐C30 v.3.0 was developed. The translation process included independent forward translation, reconciliation and independent back translation by native Greenlandic‐speaking translators who were fluent in English. After pilot testing, a population‐based cross‐sectional study of patients with advanced cancer receiving palliative treatment was conducted. Internal consistency was examined by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficients for five function scales and three symptom scales. Results Of the 58 patients who participated in the study, 47% had reduced social functioning, 36% had reduced physical and role functioning and 19% had reduced emotional and cognitive functioning. Furthermore, 48% reported fatigue, and 33% reported financial problems. The Greenlandic version of the EORTC had good applicability in the assessment of symptoms and quality of life. Acceptable Cronbach's alpha coefficients (above 0.70) were observed for the physical, role and social functioning scales, the fatigue scale and the global health status scale. Conclusions Patients with undergoing palliative treatment in Greenland for advanced cancer reported high levels of social and financial problems and reduced physical functioning. This indicates a potential for improving palliative care service and increasing the focus on symptom management. The Greenlandic version of the EORTC‐QLQ‐C30 represents an applicable and reliable tool to describe symptoms and health‐related quality of life among Greenlandic patients with advanced cancer.

Forfatter: Mikaela Augustussen ; Per Sjøgren ; Helle Timm ; Lise Hounsgaard; Michael Lynge Pedersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Helbredsrelateret livskvalitet; Grønlandske kræftpatienter Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: European Journal of Oncology Nursing Volume: 28 ISBN nummer: 1462‐3889

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Telemedicine in Greenland: Citizens' Perspectives BACKGROUND: Telemedicine may have the possibility to provide better access to healthcare delivery for the citizens. Telemedicine in arctic remote areas must be tailored according to the needs of the local population. Therefore, we need more knowledge about their needs and their view of telemedicine.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study has been to explore how citizens living in the Greenlandic settlements experience the possibilities and challenges of telemedicine when receiving healthcare delivery in everyday life.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case study design was chosen as the overall research design. Qualitative interviews (n = 14) were performed and participant observations (n = 80 h) carried out in the local healthcare center in the settlements and towns. A logbook was kept and updated each day during the field research in Greenland. Observations were made of activities in the settlements.

FINDINGS: Data collected on citizens' views about the possibilities of using telemedicine in Greenland revealed the following findings: Greenlandic citizens are positive toward telemedicine, and telemedicine can help facilitate improved access to healthcare for residents in these Greenlandic settlements. Regarding challenges in using telemedicine in Greenland, the geographical and cultural context hinders accessibility to the Greenlandic healthcare system, and telemedicine equipment is not sufficiently mobile.

CONCLUSION: Greenlandic citizens are positive toward telemedicine and regard telemedicine as a facilitator for improved access for healthcare in the Greenlandic settlements. We have identified challenges, such as geographical and cultural context, that hinder accessibility to the Greenlandic healthcare system.

Forfatter: Lasse Overballe Nielsen ; Hans Jørgen Krebs ; Nancy M. Albert ; Nick Andersen ; sheryl Catz ; Timothy M. Hale ; John Hansen ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tae Youn Kim ; David Lindemann ; Helle Spindler ; James P. Marcin ; Thomas Nesbitt ; Heather M. Young ; Birthe Dinesen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2017 Emner: Telemedicin i Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Tidsskrift Telemedicine and e‐Health Volume: 23 Udgave: 5 ISBN nummer: 1530‐5627

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Men's violence against women: interviews with inmates Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Violence; Inmates; Domestic Navn på konference: Confronting gendered violence: Focus on Perpetrators Konferenceby: Helsinki Konferenceland: Finland Dato: 30 November 2016

Research | Forskning > Web publication | Netpublikation

Civilising the North: British Identities and the European ideal This week’s blog comes from Silke Reeploeg, a lecturer with the University of the Highlands and Islands based in the Shetland Islands. She has taught history and literature on a s200_silke.reeploegvariety of programmes including Orkney and Shetland Studies, Island Studies and Highlands and Islands Culture, and has recently completed a PhD thesis on the historical and cultural links between Scotland and Norway in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Jim MacPherson ; Kristin Lindfield‐Ott Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: History; Literature Dato: 17.11.2016 Web‐publikationstype: Blog Udgivelsessted på nettet: Blog of the Journal of British Identities (Hub for the Study of British Identities)

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel DNA evidence of bowhead whale exploitation by Greenlandic Paleo‐Inuit 4,000 years ago The demographic history of Greenland is characterized by recurrent migrations and extinctions since the first humans arrived 4,500 years ago. Our current understanding of these extinct cultures relies primarily on preserved fossils found in their archaeological deposits, which hold valuable information on past subsistence practices. However, some exploited taxa, though economically important, comprise only a small fraction of these sub‐fossil assemblages. Here we reconstruct a comprehensive record of past subsistence economies in Greenland by sequencing ancient DNA from four well‐described midden deposits. Our results confirm that the species found in the fossil record, like harp seal and ringed seal, were a vital part of Inuit subsistence, but also add a new dimension with evidence that caribou, walrus and whale species played a more prominent role for the survival of Paleo‐Inuit cultures than previously reported. Most notably, we report evidence of bowhead whale exploitation by the Saqqaq culture 4,000 years ago.

Forfatter: Frederik Valeur Seersholm ; Mikkel Winther Pedersen ; Martin Jensen Søe ; Hussein Shokry ; Sarah Siu Tze Mak ; Anthony Ruter ; Maanasa Raghavan ; William Fitzhugh ; Kurt H. Kjær ; Eske Willerslev ; Morten Meldgaard; Christian M.O. Kapel ; Anders Johannes Hansen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: DNA; Whale; Greenland; Paleo‐Inuit Titel på tidsskrift: Nature Volume på tidsskrift: 7

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Forskning i hjemløshed ‐ er det politisk videnskab? Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2016 Emner: Hjemløshed Web‐publikationstype: Nyhedsbrev Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Angerlarsimaffeqannginneq pillugu misissuineq ‐ politikkikkut ilisimatusarnerua? Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2016 Emner: Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsoq; Socialpolitikki Web‐publikationstype: Newsletter Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunut inissianit 100‐niit Kalaallit Nunaanni ineqarneq pillugu politikkimut nalinginnaasuunngitsunik inissiartalimmut Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2016 Emner: Socialpolitikki; Najugaq; Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsoq; Kalaallit Nunaat; Nuuk Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 42

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Ingen går ram forbi Anmeldelse af Josef ”Tarrak” Petrussens album: Fxgxs.

Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Jette Andersen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2016 Emner: Rapmusik Navn på avis: Atuagagdliutit Volume & nummer: 37 Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Little Fish, Big Pond: Icelandic Interests and Influence in Arctic Governance This paper explores the interests and influence of Iceland in the Arctic. Iceland’s position as a member of the Arctic Council is the starting point, examining how this high level intergovernmental forum enables Iceland to exercise influence that belies the size of its population, economy or security capacity. This is contrasted with the exclusion of Iceland from the closer “Arctic Five” talks on Central Arctic Ocean governance and what steps Iceland can take to ensure its legal and economic interests in the seas are protected. The paper reviews the Icelandic Arctic policy, based on Hagsmunir Íslands á norðurslóðum, in light of the two earlier Arctic policy statements, Ísland á norðurslóðum (Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2008) and the Parliamentary Resolution on Iceland’s Arctic Policy (2011), the interests of different Icelandic stakeholders, and the objectives of other Arctic participants (Arctic and non‐Arctic States, indigenous peoples, environmental NGOs and business). The approach is interdisciplinary, drawing from international relations scholarship, international law, development economics and broader research in Arctic Studies.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Iceland; Arctic governance; Arctic Council; Maritime boundaries; Fishing; Shipping Navn på konference: No one is an Island: Iceland and the International Community Konferenceby: Akureyri Konferenceland: Iceland Dato: 19 March 2016

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Sociale udfordringer hos et mindretal af grønlandske kvinder i Danmark skal håndteres i (Rigs)fælleskab Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2016 Emner: Rigsfælleskab ; Kvinder; Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik Web‐publikationstype: Debat Udgivelsessted på nettet: http://socialpolitisk‐

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Inselautonomien – Konstitutionelle und politische Entwicklungen Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Anna Gamper Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Federalism; Autonomi; Politisk og konstitutionel udvikling Udgivelsessted: Baden‐Baden Udgivelsesland: Deutschland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Föderale Kompetenzverteilung in Europa Forlag: Nomos ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐8487‐1611

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Greenland – a country without prisons: Images of the Greenlandic Institutions of delinquents and its population Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Greenland; Prisons Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic‐Antarctic, International Journal of Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues Volume på tidsskrift: 10 Nummer på tidsskrift: 10

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Den grønlandske fangebefolkning Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2016 Emner: Grønland; Indsatte Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: NSfK Volume: 58

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Humanism of William of Saint‐Thierry Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Editor: J. P. Bequette ; Leiden Brill Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: William of Saint‐Thierry Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: A Companion to Medieval Christian Humanism

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Les défis économiques du Groenland Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: V. Masson‐Delmotte ; É. Gauthier ; D. Gremillet ; J.‐M. Huctin ; D. Swingedouw Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Greenland Unveiled ISBN nummer: 978‐2‐271‐08170‐4

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

TB og udsathed i Nuuk Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Anne Birgitte Jensen ; Rikke Neergaard ; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Tuberkulose; Hjemløshed; Nuuk Titel på tidsskrift: Nakorsanut ‐ Meddelelser fra Grønlands Lægekredsforening Volume på tidsskrift: 41 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Grønlands Lægekredsforening Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 09042954

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Understanding the social dynamics of homelessness in Nuuk Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Julia Christensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Homelessness ; Nuuk; Social research Titel på tidsskrift: Northern Notes Volume på tidsskrift: 45 Nummer på tidsskrift: Spring/Summer Udgiver: International Arctic Social Sciences Association Udgivelsessted: Umeå Udgivelsesland: Sweden

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Sociale forhold og socialpolitik i Grønland Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Editor: Iver Hornemann Møller ; Jørgen Elm Larsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Sociale forhold; Socialpolitik; Sociologi; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Socialpolitik Udgave: 4 Forlag: Hans Reitzels Forlag ISBN nummer: 9788741259529

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Social planning around homelessness in Nuuk (Greenland) through Intersectoral collaboration ‐ a rural/arctic case Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2016 Emner: Rurality; Social planning; Homelessness; Greenland; Nuuk Navn på konference: Nordic Ruralities: Crisis and Resilience 4th Nordic Conference for Rural Research Konferenceby: Akureyr Konferenceland: Iceland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Social Innovation, Planning and Community in a Nordic/Arctic context Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; John Andersen ; Jørgen Amdam ; Grétar Eythórsson Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2016 Emner: Social planning; West Nordic; Social research Navn på konference: Nordic Ruralities: Crisis and Resilience 4th Nordic Conference for Rural Research Konferenceby: Akureyri Konferenceland: Iceland

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Poster | Poster

Angerlarsimaffeqannginnerup kingunerinut Nuummi paasisimasaqarneq Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Julia Christensen Type: Poster | Poster Årstal: 2016 Emner: Homelessness; Nuuk; Social research; Greenland Navn på konference: Nunamed Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Forskning i Hjemløshed Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2016 Emner: Hjemløshed; Nuuk; Grønland; Tværfaglighed Navn på konference: Nunamed Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland Dato: 2016

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Fra 100 hjemløseboliger til en grønlandsk boligpolitik med skæve boliger Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2016 Emner: Socialpolitik; Boligpolitik ; Hjemløshed; Grønland; Nuuk Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 42 Dato: 2016

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Researching homelessness ‐ is that politicising science? Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Homelessness; Nuuk; Social research Navn på avis: Ilisimatusarfik news ‐ shaping the Arctic Volume & nummer: November Dato: 2016

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Grønlandsk socialt arbejde i et empowermentperspektiv Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; John Andersen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Socialt arbejde; Aktionsforskning; Organisering; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Uden For Nummer Volume på tidsskrift: 16 Nummer på tidsskrift: 33 Udgiver: Dansk Socialrådgiverforening Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 1600‐888x

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Public Consultation Processes in Greenland Regarding the Mining Industry Since the Greenland Self‐Government Act came into force in 2009, economic development and the right to utilize natural resources in Greenland lies in the hands of the Self‐Government. Earlier efforts to establish this authority were made back in the 1970s, when discussions on Home Rule were first on the agenda. Mining industries are not a new activity in Greenland. During the Second World War, Greenlandic cryolite was used to produce aluminum for the North American aircraft industry. Other essential natural resources, such as gold and gemstones, have also recieved international interest over the years. Greenland's new development aim is to build up a large‐scale mining industry. This article elucidates the form of public consultation processes followed in Greenland in connection to two large‐scale mining projects and the different views various actors have regarding these events. How did the deliberative democratic process unfold in Greenland regarding these projects? Was the process followed and effective way to manage these kinds of projects? The article shows that two projects that received a lot of media attention: the 2005 iron ore mine project Isukasia, and the 2001 TANBREEZ‐project to extract rare earth elements, used highly different approaches when it comes to deliberative democracy. In the former case, a limited degree of deliberative democracy was used, while in the latter case, the opposite applies.

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Public consultation processes; Deliberative democracy; Mining; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic Review on Law and Politics Volume på tidsskrift: 7 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Cappelen Damm Akademisk Udgivelsessted: Oslo Udgivelsesland: Norway ISSN nummer: 2387‐4562 DOI nummer:

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Teaching | Undervisning > Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser)

Hverdagslivsinterview ‐ videnskabsteoretisk baggrund I denne video diskuteres vidensformer i praksis, og hvordan de værdisættes i forskellige tilgange til sundhedsforskning. Der argumenteres for, at viden om personlige betydninger af at leve med sygdom må sidestilles med eksperimentel viden om effekten af medicinske indsatser. Det vises, hvordan viden om patienternes perspektiver ligger i den daglige livsførelse.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: University College Lillebælt Type: Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser) Årstal: 2016 Emner: Kvalitative interview

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Teaching | Undervisning > Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser)

Hverdagslivsinterview ‐ erfaringer fra et kvalitativt studie Videoen præsenterer nogle fremgangsmåder til generering af viden om patientperspektiver gennem interview om den daglige livsførelse. Der gives praktiske eksempler fra et kvalitativt forskningsprojekt om patientperspektiver på sundhedspraksis.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: University College Lillebælt Type: Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser) Årstal: 2016 Emner: Kvalitative interview; Metode

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Communication | Formidling > Book | Bog

Nappaateqarluni ulluinnarni inuuneq – Kalaallit Nunaanni peqqissutsikkut sullisseriaaseq pillugu napparsimasut kulturi aallaavigalugu isumaat Naak peqqinneq WHO‐p peqqinnermi isumasiuutaani ’inuunerinneq’ inuiaqatigiilerinermi isumasiutaasoq, peqqinnissaqarfimmi sullisseriaaseq suli peqqinnermit najuutinngitsutut nappaateqarnermit paasinnittariaaseq annertuneruvoq. Nakorsiartut isumaanit nappaateqarnermit nakorsartinnermillu kingunerani inuuneq qanoq misigigaat atuakkap misissorpaa qanorlu ulluinnarni inooriaaseqarnersut. Napparsimasut arlallit napparsimavinni uninnganerini angerlarsimanerinilu illoqarfinni nunaqarfinnilu apersuinermi misissuinermilu malinnaaffigineqarput. Peqqinnissaqarfini pikkorissut suleriaatsit qanorlu napparsimasut ulluinnarni inuunermi periarfissaat ataqatigiinnersut erseqqissarneqarpoq. Peqqinnissaqarfini suleriaaseq napparsimasullu ulluinnarni inooriaasiat katiternerat, peqqinnissaqarfimmiit ikiuutit aaqqissuunneqarneranni nakorsiartut isumaat ilanngunnissaa pingaaruteqarnera takutippaa. Napparsimasut ilisimasaat pingaartinnerunissaa atuagaq aamma tikkuartorpaa, pingaaruteqartutullu pitsaassummik peqqissutsikkut sullisseriaammit ineriartortitsinissamut. Atuagaq annertunerusumik peqqinnissaqarfinni pikkorissunut, peqqissaanermik ilinniartitaanerni ilinniartunut, atorfilinnullu peqqissaanermi ilisimatuunut aalajangiisartunullu peqqinnermillu inuiaqatigiilerinermilu soqutiginnittunut saaffiginnippoq.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Issittumi Ilisimatusarnermik Atuagassiaq Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2016 Emner: Nappaat sivisooq Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Kalaallit Nunaat Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Naalakkersuisut ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐87‐1

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Patienter og pårørende føler sig ikke hørt Brugerinddragelse er et omstridt begreb i dagens sundhedsvæsen. Samtidig fremgår det af undersøgelser, at patienter og pårørende ofte ikke føler sig inddraget i professionel praksis. En undersøgelse af patientperspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland har peget på, at inddragelsen må omfatte patienternes egen viden om deres vanskeligheder med at få livet med sygdom til at hænge sammen i hverdagen og deres perspektiver på mulighederne for at håndtere det. Hvis professionelle indsatser begrænser sig til den kropslige sygdom og behandling, falder de ofte til jorden. Derfor må patienterne inddrages som deltagere med betydningsfuld viden for professionel praksis. Barriererne for inddragelse af patienterne handler både om praktiske rammer og professionelle forståelser af kultur og viden. Sygeplejersker har en gunstig position i forhold til at inddrage patienterne som deltagere. Det kræver refleksion over egen praksis som del af et almennyttigt sundhedsvæsen.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Kronisk sygdom; Patient‐ og pårørendeperspektiver; Vidensformer; Kulturforståelse Titel på tidsskrift: Sygeplejersken ‐ Fag og Forskning Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Dansk Sygeplejeråd Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 2445‐9461

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Patientperspektiver og demokratisk deltagelse i sundhedspraksis På baggrund af et forskningsprojekt i patientperspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland vises betydningen af samspillet mellem professionel praksis og patienternes muligheder for at håndtere hverdagen med sygdom. Kulturforskelle mellem professionelle og patienter og deres betydning for inddragelse af patienterne i professionel praksis vises. Endelig diskuteres problematikken omkring overtagelse af sundhedsstrategier fra Danmark, hvordan strategierne er domineret af en biomedicinsk tilgang, og hvordan Grønland kan bruge danske sundhedsstrategier på den grønlandske befolknings egne præmisser.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Kronisk sygdom; Hverdagsliv; Professionel praksis; Biomedicinsk dominans; Sundhedsstrategier Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 24 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Patientinddragelse og kulturforståelse På baggrund af et resume af resultaterne fra projektet 'Hverdagsliv med sygdom ‐ patienters kulturelle perspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland' fremhæves de professionelles mangelfulde muligheder for at inddrage patienterne i professionel praksis trods hensigter om det modsatte. Ud fra projektets teoretiske tilgang til 'hverdagsliv' skitseres en model for, hvad en professionel samtale må indeholde, hvis patienterne skal inddrages i praksis på deres egne præmisser.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Årstal: 2016 Emner: Patientinddragelse; Kultur; Den professionelle samtale Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 24 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576 Navn på konference: NUNAMED ‐ en grønlandsmedicinsk konference 2016 Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Unge på vej: netværk, deltagelse og lokalsamfund Kapitlet undersøger udsatte unges adgang til netværk, deltagelse og lokalsamfund og på, hvad det betyder for socialt arbejde med unge, hvis det aktivt skal fokusere på relationer, netværk og deltagelse i de lokalsamfund, de unge lever i. Kapitlet udfordrer en traditionel, professionel hjælperrolle og peger i retning af netværksarbejde og brobygning som nødvendige faglige styrker, der må udvikles.

Forfatter: Reidun Follesø ; Agnete Neidel ; Peter Berliner Editor: Trine Wulf‐Andersen ; Reidun Follesø ; Terje Olsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Unge; Community psykologi; Socialt arbejde; Sociale netværk; Inklusion; Social støtte Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Unge, udenforskab og social forandring : nordiske perspektiver Forlag: Frydenlund Academic ISBN nummer: 9788771186987

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Fra lukket til åben dialog: udviklingsmuligheder for socialt arbejde i Grønland Artiklen peger – med fokus på børn og unge – på potentielle udviklingsmuligheder for community‐baseret socialt arbejde i Grønland. Der er i øjeblikket et øget fokus på at vende interessen hen mod strukturelle og lokalsamfunds‐orienterede metoder i det sociale arbejde. Nogle af disse metoder henter inspiration i oprindelige folks viden om og former for social støtte.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Mette Sonniks Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Grønland; Socialt arbejde; Inuit; Community psykologi Titel på tidsskrift: Uden for Nummer Nummer på tidsskrift: 33 Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 1600‐888X

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Fremtiden tilhører os: om det smukke og forunderlige i Nanortalik og Tasiilaq Bogen beskriver og diskuterer de historiske og videnskabsteoretiske baggrunde for at udforme en refleksiv baseline for interventioner, der støtter og styrker social resiliens i to byer i Kalaallit Nunaat/Grønland. Det vises og dokumenteres, hvordan en refleksiv baseline kan tilbyde en måde at forske på, der aktivt styrker sociale ressourcer og derved virker tranformativ i sin udførelse.

Projektets forsknings‐del, som specifikt omtales i kapitlerne 2 og 3, er central for en forståelse af hele projektet, er udført af professor, Peter Berliner og er blevet til på baggrund af Peter Berliners mange års forskning i grønlandske forhold og projekt Siunissaq´s konkrete aktiviteter og udførelse.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Tina Enghoff ; Anette Molbech Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2016 Emner: Social resiliens; Indigenous methods; Refleksiv baseline; Grønland; Community mobilisering; Lokalsamfund; Inuit; Oprindelige folks rettigheder; Social læring Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Siunissaq ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐998583‐3‐0

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Community psykologi Kapitlet giver en introduktion til community psykologien ud fra teori og ud fra forfatterens egen forskning.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Editor: Thomas Koester ; Kim Frandsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Community psykologi; Fællesskab; Social støtte; Resiliens; Social resiliens; Lokalsamfund Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Introduktion til psykologi: teori, anvendelse, praksis Udgave: 3 Forlag: Frydenlund ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7118‐481‐5

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Krise‐ og traumepsykologi Kapitlet giver en introduktion til krise‐ og traumepsykologi dels på baggrund af teorier dels ud fra forfatterens egen forskning.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Editor: Thomas Koester ; Kim Frandsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Psykisk krise; Psykotraumatologi; Mentalt traume; Social støtte; Fredspsykologi; Psykosocial støtte Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Introduktion til psykologi: teori, anvendelse, praksis Forlag: Frydenlund ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7118‐481‐5

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Læringspsykologi Kapitlet præsenterer og diskuterer klassiske og moderne psykologiske teorier om læring, deres grundforståelser og de forskningsmetoder, der gennem tiden er benyttet til at undersøge læring.

Forfatter: Anne Maj Nielsen ; Peter Berliner Editor: Thomas Koester ; Kim Frandsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Læring; Psykologiske læringsteorier; Psykologisk forskning i læring Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Introduktion til psykologi: teori, anvendelse, praksis Udgave: 3 Forlag: Frydenlund Academic ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7118‐481‐5

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Mental and social health in disasters: Relating the Sphere standards to post‐tsunami psychosocial interventions in Asia The article presents a study of important themes in relation to the Sphere standards of psycho‐social interventions in disasters.

Forfatter: Silja Henderson ; Peter Elsass ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Disaster mental health; Psychosocial support; Local participation Titel på tidsskrift: Disasters Volume på tidsskrift: 40 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 ISSN nummer: 0361‐3666 DOI nummer:

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Pædagogisk psykologi Psykologisk forskning i pædagogisk psykologi præsenteres og diskuteres. Kapitlet omfatter den pædagogiske psykologis historiske udvikling, forskellige grundforståelser gennem tiden og aktuelle spørgsmål, der kan belyses gennem pædagogisk psykologi.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Anne Maj Nielsen Editor: Thomas Koester ; Kim Frandsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Pædagogisk psykologi; Psykologi; Pædagogik; Læring Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Introduktion til psykologi: teori, anvendelse, praksis Forlag: Frydenlund Academic ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7118‐481‐5

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Respectful Neighbourliness: the United Kingdom’s Arctic Approach This paper examines recent developments in British policies towards the Arctic from the Environmental Audit Committee of the House of Commons, the Government, and the House of Lords Arctic Committee. It concludes that while the United Kingdom may be geographically the Arctic’s nearest neighbour, the former has too many competing demands for its attention to prioritise the Arctic in its international relations.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Arctic strategy; United Kingdom; Arctic; Geopolitics Titel på tidsskrift: Yearbook of Polar Law Volume på tidsskrift: 8

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Environmental Governance through the Arctic Council: the Arctic Council as Initiator of Norms of International Environmental Law In this paper, Professor Johnstone explores the potential for the Arctic Council to initiate norms of international environmental law. The hypothesis to be explored is whether the Arctic Council can be equally or even more effective by developing non‐binding standards in the Arctic as it can by pursuing ‘hard law’, for example, through binding treaty agreements. Challenges facing the Arctic Council as an institution in establishing binding norms will be discussed, including international and domestic political barriers to treaty‐making and the difficulties of opening binding instruments to States outside of the Arctic. On the other hand, the vulnerability of non‐binding standards to political wind‐changes means that non‐binding standards may not be sufficient to protect the Arctic environment and there may still be a role for treaty‐based norms.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: International environmental law; Arctic Council Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of International Cooperation Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 24(1)

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The Principle of "Full Reparation" for Environmental Damage and Very Small States Greenland’s independence to some extent pivots on the exploitation of natural resources, including offshore hydrocarbon resources. The exploitation of oil and gas is inherently hazardous and offshore activities and marine oil transports bring a risk of a serious pollution incident affecting the interests of other States. The long‐established principle of full reparation for injuries indicates that should a major accident occur under an independent Greenland’s watch, Greenland would bear a potentially unlimited liability to compensate affected parties. However, for a post‐colonial State of under 60,000 souls, an overwhelming compensation claim could be disastrous: indeed, it could be sufficiently overwhelming as to compromise the rights of the Greenlandic people to self‐determination and permanent sovereignty over their own resources, as well as a number of fundamental human rights found in international customary and conventional law. This chapter examines how such a conflict between the principle of full reparation and the rights of peoples to self‐determination might be resolved in practice in light of the ILC Articles on State Responsibility, international customary law and ius cogens, international human rights treaties and the few pertinent, though limited and distinguishable, cases that have been decided to date. The chapter concludes by finding that the principle of self‐determination has a peremptory status and thus in the event of conflict with the principle of full reparation, the latter must be considered subservient. However, there may be scope for greater flexibility in the mode and timescale of reparation than in its quantum.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Vibe Ulfbeck ; Anders Møllmann ; Bent Ole Gram Mortensen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: State responsibility; Hydrocarbons; Hazardous activities; International law Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Responsibilities and Liabilities for Commercial Activity in the Arctic: The Example of Greenland Forlag: Routledge

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Little Italy: Seeking a Niche in Arctic International Relations In December 2015, The Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation published Verso una strategia italiana per l‘artico (Towards an Italian Strategy for the Arctic). In this article, the authors explain and evaluate the document in light of Italy’s connections to and interests in the Arctic, the Kiruna rules for observers at the Arctic Council, and the Arctic policies of other observers. They conclude that the intended audience for Verso una strategia is the Arctic States. Therefore, the document emphasises relevant Italian scientific efforts and promotes Italy’s oil and gas industry while downplaying the rights of indigenous peoples and avoiding issues of controversy. Publication of the document as a work in progress indicates the ministry’s willingness to listen to feedback and adapt its approaches as it develops a more comprehensive and nuanced strategy. Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Federica Scarpa Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Arctic Council; Observer states; Italy Titel på tidsskrift: Nordicum‐Mediterraneum Volume på tidsskrift: 11

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Upstream freshwater and terrestrial sources are differentially reflected in the bacterial community structure along a small Arctic river and its estuary Forfatter: Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Thor N. Markussen ; Marek Stibal ; Nikoline M. Olsen ; Bo Elberling ; Jacob Bælum ; Thomas Sicheritz‐Pontén ; Carsten S. Jacobsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Microbial metagenomics; Microbial community composition; Arctic freshwater ecosystems; Disko Bay; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Frontiers in Microbiology Volume på tidsskrift: 7 DOI nummer: DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2016.01474

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Environmental Governance through the Arctic Council: the Arctic Council as Initiator of Norms of International Environmental Law Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Environmental governance; Arctic Council; Arctic; International environmental law Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of International Cooperation Studies

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Benchmarking af miljøvurderingslovgivning for olieaktiviteter i Grønland ‐ Bilagsrapport 1 ‐ Opsamling fra Workshop 1 Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Sanne Vammen Larsen Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Årstal: 2016 Emner: Benchmarking; Miljøvurderingslovgivning; Olieaktiviteter; Grønland Udgiver: Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Benchmarking af miljøvurderingslovgivning for olieaktiviteter i Grønland ‐ Bilagsrapport 1 ‐ Opsamling fra Workshop 2 Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Sanne Vammen Larsen Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Årstal: 2016 Emner: Benchmarking; Miljøvurderingslovgivning; Olieaktiviteter; Grønland Udgiver: Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Traditional Knowledge and Industrial Development There is currently a growing interest in industrial initiatives and development in the general Greenlandic population. Numerous scenarios for the establishment of industries that are based on natural resources such as minerals, fish and oil are pursued in this regard. In considering the growing activities in the area of industrial development, existing informal knowledge in Greenland may become a useful human resource and a societal institution in the gradual process of transition from traditional to modern industries. This chapter acknowledges and examines the potential benefits of informal knowledge in relation to capacity building, sustainable development and employment opportunities within industry in Greenland. In acknowledging such potential, we will discuss if possessing traditional knowledge (also called local knowledge and here from referred to as TK), can be viewed as complementary qualifications and useful competences when it comes to proposed industrial development in Greenland. The chapter will focus on how TK can be used to access relevant competences in the development and ongoing transitions that are taking place in Greenlandic society today, by emphasising the possibility of either promoting local content or securing local benefits through derived opportunities. We perceive these transitions ‐ not necessarily according to a western model of society – but, rather as a unique course towards a modern Inuit society where activities may be combined without compromising the opportunity to continue traditional activities.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen; Pelle Tejsner ; Parnuna Egede Dahl Editor: R. Knudsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2016 Emner: Traditional knowledge; Industrial development; Arctic; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Perspectives on skills ‐ an anthology on informally acquired skills in Greenland Forlag: Greenland Perspective ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐87519‐84‐7

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Offshore oil exploration and impact assessment in Greenland According to the United States Geological Survey, the Greenland basin is estimated to contain 17 billion barrels of oil and potentially138 billion cubic feet of natural gas (Bird et al. 2008). Other, more moderate, models predict that Greenland contains “substantial reserves” (see eg. Cavallo 2002, Geuns 2012). Oil development is therefore high on the agenda in Greeland. It is being pursued both as the means to grow the economy and as a path to increased economic and political independence from Denmark (Østhagen 2012).

Oil projects are expected to produce benefits for Greenlanders, but these benefits cannot be achieved without careful planning and project management. To ensure that negative impacts are mitigated and that positive outcomes are achieved, Impact Assessments (IA) have been implemented to promote sustainable development in the sector. Additional Impact Benefit Agreements (IBA) have to be negotiated between the affected communities, the government, and oil companies to ensure that social investments are made to secure long‐ term benefits for local communities.

Forfatter: Anne Merrild Hansen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Offshore oil exploration; Impact assessment; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Northern Public Affairs

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Environmental Governance through the Arctic Council: the Arctic Council as Initiator of Norms of International Environmental Law Explores the role of the Arctic Council in developing environmental law in the Arctic Region.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Årstal: 2016 Emner: Environmental governance; Arctic Council; Arctic Udgiver: PCRC Working Paper Series Udgivelsesland: Japan

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Little Italy: Seeking a Niche in International Arctic Relations In December 2015, The Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation published its latest policy on the Arctic.[1] It is humbly entitled Towards an Italian Strategy for the Arctic (Verso una strategia italiana per l‘artico) indicating that the Ministry considers this a work in progress and not a final word on Italian‐Arctic relations.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone; Federica Scarpa Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Årstal: 2016 Emner: Arctic relations; Arctic Udgiver: Nordicum Mediterraneum Udgivelsesland: Italy

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Principle of ‘Full Reparation’ for Environmental Damage and Very Small States Given the magnitude of the risks associated with commercial activities in the Arctic arising as a result of the milder climate, new business opportunities raise important questions of responsibility and liability. This book analyses the issues of responsibility and liability connected with the exploitation of natural resources, marine transport and other activities in the Arctic. Applying a combined private and public law perspective on these issues, it considers both the business and societal interests related to Arctic development using Greenland as an example. The book focuses on problems that are specific to Greenland and wider issues that affect all Arctic states.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Editor: Vibe Ulfbeck ; Anders Møllmann ; Bent Ole Gram Mortensen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Environmental Damage; Small states; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Responsibilities and Liabilities for Commercial Activity in the Arctic ‐ The Example of Greenland Forlag: Routledge

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Educational possibilities in digital communication and infrastructure The chapter discuss educational conditions in Greenland in perspective of ICT as basic infrastructure in modern societies. Cloud computing utilizing online programs, platforms and knowledge ressources is taking over from paper and pen, books and offline stationary computers. Research is presented showing how Cloud computing is supportive of learning goals decided by politicians. In the chapter it is discussed how Greenland is lacking behind in providing pivotal educational possibilities for the population.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Skills; Informally acquired skills; Greenland Udgivelsessted: University of Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Perspectives on skills ‐ an anthology on informally acquired skills in Greenland Forlag: Greenland Perspective, University of Copenhagen ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐87519‐84‐7

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Coastal Cultures in Scotland and Norway: Narratives, Affinity, Contact This book chapter investigates transnational cultural encounters that cross the established research areas of Northern European, Nordic, and Scandinavian Studies. Using approaches from Scandinavian research on coastal communities and cultural spaces, the article examines cultural transfer between Norway and Scotland through trade and exchange during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The interdisciplinary and transnational approach adopted throughout the paper suggests new perspectives in researching coastal communities in Britain, as part of a wider understanding of cultural encounters between the communities of the North.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Ian Giles, Laura Chapot, Christian Cooijmans, Ryan Foster, Barbara Tesio Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: History; Human geography; Cultural studies Udgivelsessted: London Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Beyond Borealism: New Perspectives on the North Volume: 1 Forlag: Norvik Press ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐909408‐33‐3

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Des bateaux et des hommes: Objets interculturels et identite regionale en Norvege Occidentale et dans les Illes Shetland Cet article porte sur le rôle du bateau en tant que médiateur des cultures tangible et intangible dans la région de l’Atlantique nord, en comparant la représentation des bateaux et les collections maritimes conservées dans les musées dédiés aux folklores écossais et norvégien. Il explore les similarités et les différences des définitions de la côte comme « lieu maritime » par le biais d’objets, et s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux récits et aux aspects d’une mémoire commune influençant la formation de traditions culturelles régionales et nationales. En liant la théorie du transfert culturel aux études sur la culture matérielle, et à l’aide de l’approche microhistorique de l’Alltagsgeschichte, nous comparerons la façon dont les habitants des Shetland et les Norvégiens occidentaux ont participé à la construction et à leur identification à la culture côtière [kystkultur] par l’entremise d’objets maritimes et narratifs.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Andringa, Kim, Harry, Frederique, Mareuge, Agathe, Terrisse, Benedicte Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: History; Cultural studies; Material culture Udgivelsessted: Paris Udgivelsesland: France Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Ding, ding, ting: Objets médiateurs de culture Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: L'Harmattan ISBN nummer: 978‐2‐343‐07788‐8

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Nordic Border Crossings: Coastal Communities and Connected Cultures in Eighteenth‐Century Norway, Scotland, and Canada Coastal cultures form a complex area of research, offering new opportunities to investigate and understand the history of cultural encounters and transnational “regions of culture” across the Northern peripheries. This article investigates the connected cultures of coastal communities of Norway, Scotland, and Canada after 1700. A shared, diverse, but similarly sea‐focused cultural landscape exists across the North that informs the way in which regional cultural identities are formed and maintained. Using new methodologies of cultural transfer such as entangled histories or histoire croisée, this article pays particular attention to the creation of transient cross‐cultural networks and regions stimulated by trade and related contacts across the North Sea and the North Atlantic. Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Helga Thorson Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: History ; Human geography Titel på tidsskrift: Scandinavian Canadian Studies / Études Scandinaves au Canada Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Nummer på tidsskrift: 23 Udgiver: Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada Udgivelsesland: Canada ISSN nummer: 0823‐1796

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Master‐Learning: a Way to Manage Tertiary Education in Small Island States Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2016 Emner: Small island states; Higher education; Master learning; Education planning Titel på tidsskrift: Higher Education. The International Journal of Higher Education Research Volume på tidsskrift: 72 Nummer på tidsskrift: 5 Udgiver: Springer DOI nummer: 10.1007/s10734‐015‐9968‐5

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Research | Forskning > Book | Bog

Fremtiden tilhører os ‐ Om det smukke og forunderlige i Nanortalik og Tasiilaq Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Tina Enghoff ; Anette Molbech Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2016 Emner: Fremtiden; Social; Nanortalik; Tasiilaq; Familie; Selvværd; Historier Udgivelsessted: Odder Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Narayana Press

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Research | Forskning > Book | Bog

Siunissaq uaguut pigaarput Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Niviaq Korneliussen Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2016 Emner: Siunissaq uaguut pigaarput Udgivelsessted: Odder Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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The Greenlandic sea areas and activity level up to 2025 Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen; Birita í Dali Editor: Odd Jarl Borch ; Natalia Andreassen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2016 Emner: Greenland; MARPART; Sea Udgivelsessted: Bodø Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Maritime Activity in the High North ‐ Current and Estimated Level up to 2025, MARPART project report 1 Forlag: Nord Universitetet

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Maritime activity risk patterns and types of unwanted incidents: The Greenlandic sea areas Forfatter: Uffe Jakobsen; Bolette Kern Editor: Odd Jarl Borch ; Natalia Andreassen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2016 Emner: Maritime; Risk; Incidents; MARPART; Sea Udgivelsessted: Bodø Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Maritime activity and risk patterns in the High North, MARPART project report 2 Forlag: Nord Universitetet Åben publikation

Teaching | Undervisning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Trust and Distrust as Cultural Frames One view on trust that has largely gone unexamined in the literature is the process perspective. The process perspective advances the view that trust develops over time in the local context through a history of interaction between knowledgeable social actors. The term ‘knowledgeable social actor’ implies that individuals respond actively to unfolding events in the context and modify their responses to meet changes in circumstances. Within a process perspective, this chapter looks closely at the relationships between a group of young men with minority ethnic backgrounds, a team of youth workers, a job consultant and a police officer, to shed light on trust‐ and distrust‐building processes. This chapter addresses the frames used by the young men to organize public sector employees, either as trusting or distrusting, together with some of the cultural tools used to construct these frames. The key question that the chapter considers is: how can trust and distrust be understood as cultural frames? The research reveals that both trust and distrust can be influenced and manipulated through social interaction over time and through the subsequent sense‐making processes in the particular context. The chapter contributes towards understanding of the micro‐processes at play in trust‐ and distrust‐building processes.

Forfatter: Kevin Perry Editor: Søren Jagd ; Lars Fuglsang Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2016 Emner: Trust; Culture; Research Udgivelsessted: Cheltenham Udgivelsesland: England Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction : Studying Trust as Process within and between Organizations Forlag: Edward Elgar Publishing ISBN nummer: 9781783476190

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Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Naturfagsdidaktik i folkeskolen i Grønland ‐ et multipelt casestudie om natur, sprog og undervisning PH.D. afhandlingen har som fokus at afdække tre forhold for naturfagsundervisningen og naturfagsdidaktikken i den grønlandske folkeskole.

Feltarbejdet der ligger til grund for analyserne er gennemført på to byskoler og en bygdeskole. Analyserne leder frem til fire overordnede analysekapitler ‐ afhandlingens resultater.

Det første analysekapitel afdækker et naturbegreb, og hvordan elevers begreber om natur har betydning for hvordan de forstår den natur der er en del af undervisningen.

Det andet analysekapitel afdækker undervisningen i naturfag ‐ set fra både elevens og lærerens perspektiv. Det tredje analysekapitel afdækker rammeforudsætningerne for lærernes undervisning i naturfag. Det fjerde og sidste analysekapitel afdækker hvordan det naturfaglige sprog bliver en del af naturfagsundervisningen.

Forfatter: Lars Demant‐Poort Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2016 Emner: Naturfag; Didaktik; Folkeskolen Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik

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Socioeconomic conditions related to addiction and assaults Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Addiction; Assaults; Socioeconomic Navn på konference: Conference on women, addiction, trauma and treatment Konferenceby: Reykjavík Konferenceland: Iceland Dato: 01 September 2015

Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Fjernundervisning i skolen i Grønland Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2015 Emner: Fjernundervisning; E‐læring; Skole; Grounded theory; Casestudier; Ø‐skoler; ASK Kapisillit projektet; IKT Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Bibelen og det alimentære kulturmøde i Grønland Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Finn Damgaard ; Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Bibelen; Kulturmøde; Grønland Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Mad og drikke i bibelsk litteratur Forlag: Københavns Universitet og Forlaget Anis

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Litterær shamanisme i Kongebøgerne – sagaen om Elias og Elisa Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Litterær shamanisme; Kongebøgerne; Elias; Elisa Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 78 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3

Research | Forskning > Comment | Kommentar

Indledning og kommentarer til Samuelsbøgerne, Kongebøgerne og Krønikebøgerne Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Bodil Ejrnæs ; Geert Hallbäck ; Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen Type: Comment | Kommentar Årstal: 2015 Emner: Samuelsbøgerne; Kongebøgerne; Krønikebøgerne Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Bibelselskabet

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Grønlands skyggeside – myten om landet uden fængsler Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2015 Emner: Grønland; Fængsler Udgivelsesland: Færøerne Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Kriminalitet frihedsberøvelse og kontrol i nordiske ø‐samfund

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Way of Descent – The Christology of William of Saint Thierry Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Editor: F. Tyler Sergent ; Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen; Marsha L. Dutton Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: William of Saint‐ Thierry Udgivelsessted: Minnesota Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Unity of Spirit, Studies on William of Saint‐Thierry In Honor of E. Rozanne Elder Forlag: Liturgical Press Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

SLiCA: Arctic living conditions. Living conditions and quality of life among Inuit, Sami and indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Birger Poppel Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2015 Emner: Arctic living conditions

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Living Conditions and Perceived Quality of Life among Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: W. Glatzer ; L. Camfield ; V. Møller ; M. Rojas Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Global Handbook of Quality of Life ‐ Exploration of Well‐ Being of Nations and Continents Forlag: Springer

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Introduction to SLiCA – Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula – From Reseach Question to Knowledge: Why? What? How? & Some main Results Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: SLiCA: Arctic Living Conditions. Living conditions and quality of life among Inuit, Sami and indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula Forlag: Nordic Council of Ministers ISBN nummer: 978‐92‐893‐3895‐0

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Human Health and Well being Forfatter: A. Rautio ; Birger Poppel; K. Young Editor: J. N. Larsen ; G. Fondahl Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Human health; Well being Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic Human Development Report II Udgiver: Nordic Council of Ministers Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen DOI nummer: 10.6027/TN2014‐567

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Inuit Nunaat – The Inuit World: Measuring living conditions & subjective wellbeing – monitoring human development using the Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic (SLiCA) to augment ASI for the Inuit World Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: J. N. Larsen ; P. Schweitzer ; A. Petrov ; G. Fondahl Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic Social Indicators II ‐ Implementation Udgiver: Nordic Council of Ministers Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen DOI nummer: 10.6027/TN2014‐568

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Problems of Professional Disempowerment: An Initial Study of Social Work Conditions in Greenland This study explores social workers’ experiences in a social service department in Greenland. The social workers described limiting factors, such as an absence of management and a dysfunctional interdisciplinary network. They described feelings of frustration and individualization, which are known stressors. We found that the social workers were in a disempowered position that hindered their management of key welfare services. Serious problems were found that could have consequences for professional social work with clients. By drawing upon the traditions behind critical social work in our discussion of the findings, we have furthered our understanding of the workers’ conditions. We point to issues at local, interdisciplinary, and societal levels. One solution will be to work collaboratively with social workers by using empowerment strategies to strengthen a critical consciousness within the profession. The development of a critical capacity is essential if social workers are to organize anti‐oppressive practices and interdisciplinary co‐operation, and to engage proactively in the future development of the Greenlandic welfare system. This can be accomplished by working with educated social workers in a union and by introducing more critical understandings at the student level.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Social work; Disempowerment; Action research; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice Volume på tidsskrift: 4 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: School of Social Work ‐ Memorial University of Newfoundland Udgivelsessted: St. John Udgivelsesland: Canada ISSN nummer: 1925‐1270

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Socialpolitikken i Grønland – empowermentopråb ‐ vi kan hjælpe os selv Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Empowerment; Socialpolitik; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Social Politik Volume på tidsskrift: 6 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Socialpolitisk Forening Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Socialpolitikken i Grønland skal udvikles med socialarbejderne og have et mere socialt blik Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2015 Emner: Socialpolitik; Grønland; Socialrådgivere Web‐publikationstype: Debatindlæg Udgivelsessted på nettet: http://socialpolitisk‐

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Social udsathed og tuberkulose i Nuuk Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Tuberkulose; Nuuk; Socialforskning Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 23 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

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Forskning i Williamscafe Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Fattigdom; Hjemløshed; Nuuk; Sociologi; Frelsens hær Titel på tidsskrift: Visionmission Nummer på tidsskrift: 55 Udgiver: Frelsens Hær Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Greenland

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Skolen og skoletrivsel Forfatter: Birgit Niclasen ; Steven Arnfjord Editor: Birgit Niclasen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2015 Emner: Trivsel; Folkeskole; Elever Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Trivsel og sundhed blandt folkesskoleelever i Grønland ‐ resultater fra skolebørnsundersøgelsen HBSC Greenland i 2014 Forlag: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed ISBN nummer: 9788778993007

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Deltagerorienteret aktionsforskning som et demokratisk udgangspunkt Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2015 Emner: Aktionsforskning; Demokrati; Deltagelse; Grønland Navn på konference: Untold Stories: Adventures In Methodology Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Greenland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

PAR as a way of organising a social workers labour union in Greenland Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; John Andersen Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Årstal: 2015 Emner: Social work; Empowerment; Action research; Greenland Navn på konference: ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress Konferenceby: Johannesburg Konferenceland: South Africa

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Mødet som udgangspunkt for deltagelse og empowerment ‐ Social udsat og tuberkulose Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2015 Emner: Empowerment; Fænomenologi; Deltagelse Navn på konference: Forskellige teoretiske perspektiv på kulturbegrebet – implikationer for sundhedsfaglig forskning og praksis Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Political Parties in Greenland and Their Development This article will give an overview of the Greenlandic parliamentarian elections from the advent of home rule to today's self‐government. The point of departure will be to look at the party mobilization throughout the years and the electoral results with voter turnout and candidate nominations. The article will be placed within the framework of theories regarding voter behaviour and electoral systems. Questions to be answered are e.g.: Can we draw a trend of change of party positions throughout the years? Have the parties changed their ideology throughout time? Is there a specific pattern in Greenlandic politics regarding mobilization in politics in comparison to other sub‐national jurisdictions? What can be said about voter behaviour amongst the people?

Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Eva Maria Belser ; Alexandra Fang‐Bär ; Nina Massüger ; Rekha Oleschak Pillai Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Greenland; Political parties; Elections Udgivelsessted: Bern Udgivelsesland: Switzerland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: States Falling Apart? Secessionist and Autonomy Movements in Europe Volume: 10 Forlag: Stämpfli Verlag ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐7272‐5989‐0

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Greenland as a Self‐Governing Sub‐National Territory in International Relations – Past, Current and Future Perspectives Forfatter: Maria Ackrén; Uffe Jakobsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Greenland; Security and foreign policy; Climate change Titel på tidsskrift: Polar Record Volume på tidsskrift: 51 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Cambridge University Press Udgivelsessted: Cambridge Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom ISSN nummer: 0032‐2474 DOI nummer:

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Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Hverdagsliv med sygdom ‐ patienters kulturelle perspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland Selv om sundhed siden midten af sidste århundrede gennem WHO’s sundhedsdefinition er begrebssat som ’det gode liv’ i en samfundsmæssig sammenhæng, så er praksis i sundhedsvæsenet stadig domineret af en opfattelse af sundhed som fravær af sygdom. Bogen undersøger, hvordan det fra patienters perspektiver opleves at leve et liv med følger af sygdom og behandling, og hvordan de håndterer det i hverdagen. Gennem interviews og observationer følges et antal patienter under indlæggelse og i deres hjemlige sammenhænge i byer og bygder, og det belyses, hvordan de sundhedsprofessionelle indsatser hænger sammen med patienternes muligheder i den daglige livsførelse. Koblingen mellem sundhedspraksis og patienternes hverdagsliv viser betydningen af at inddrage patienternes perspektiver i tilrettelæggelsen af sundhedsydelser, hvis de skal opleves som relevante og brugbare af patienterne. Bogen peger således også på behovet for at opprioritere patienters viden som et vigtigt bidrag til kvalitetsudvikling af sundhedspraksis. Bogen henvender sig til bredt til professionelle i sundhedsvæsenet, studerende ved sundhedsuddannelserne, sundhedsforskere og beslutningstagere og i øvrigt til alle med interesse for sundhed og samfund.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Inussuk ‐ arktisk forskningsjournal Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2015 Emner: Kronisk sygdom; Patientperspektiv; Hverdagsliv; Rehabilitering Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Naalakkersuisut ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐ 92554‐84‐0

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Hverdagsliv med sygdom ‐ resultater Artiklen dokumenterer gennem et empirisk projekt om patienters perspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland, at alle indsatser i sundhedsvæsenet, fra diagnosticering og behandling til pleje og rehabilitering, har betydning for patienters og pårørendes muligheder for at håndtere livet med sygdom i hverdagen. Bl.a. pga kulturelle og sproglige barrierer overses dette ofte af de professionelle. Forskningen viser også de mange ressourcer, patienter og pårørende besidder, men som sjældent bliver inddraget i professionel praksis. Der gives forslag til, hvordan dialogen mellem patienter og professionelle må foregå mhp inddragelse af patienternes perspektiver.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Kronisk sygdom; Patientperspektiv ; Rehabilitering Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 23 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Etik, kultur og viden Artiklen refererer til et etiktræf mellem de sygeplejeetiske råd i Norden i efteråret 2015. De emner, der var oppe på træffet, diskuteres ud fra en tilgang til etik som gensidig anerkendelse af forskellige kulturelle former for livsførelse og viden, ikke som følge af etniske og nationale kendetegn, men som følge af hverdagslivet, som det føres under forskellige samfundsmæssige betingelser i forhold til at skabe et eksistensgrundlag. I denne ramme forstås etisk forsvarlige måder at møde patienter i sundhedsvæsenet på.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Sygepleje; Etik; Kulturforskelle; Livsformer; Vidensformer Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 23 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grönlands politiska utveckling efter andra världskriget till våra dagar Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark ; Gunilla Herolf Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Grönland; Politisk utveckling; Självstyrelse; Partier Udgivelsessted: Mariehamn Udgivelsesland: Finland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Självstyrelser i Norden i ett fredsperspektiv – Färöarna, Grönland och Åland Forlag: Nordiska Rådet och Ålands Fredsinstitut ISBN nummer: 9789525265774

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Are women taking over power and labour from men? Gender relations in pre‐ and post‐ colonial Greenland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Gender relations; Greenland; Power; Women Titel på tidsskrift: NORA Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research Volume på tidsskrift: 23 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Denmark ISSN nummer: 0803‐8740

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Changes in gender roles in Greenland and perceived contribution to the household ​

Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Gender roles; Greenland; Household Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark DOI nummer: 10.6027/TN2015‐501 Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: SLiCA: Arctic Living Conditions. Living conditions and quality of life among Inuit, Sami and indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula Forlag: Nordic Council of Ministers

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Conceiving and applying the self‐culture‐mind triangle Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Tia B. Hansen ; Kristine Jensen de López Editor: Tia G.B. Hansen ; Kristine Jensen de López ; Peter Berliner Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Self‐culture Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Denmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Conceptual and applied approaches to self in culture and mind Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7112‐101‐8

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Disaster mental health: research and implications for intervention In this chapter we focus on disaster mental health, particularly theoretical and research‐based implications for intervention. The field of disaster mental health research is vast and impossible to cover in a single chapter, but we will visit central research, concepts, and understandings within disaster mental health and intervention, and refer to further literature where meaningful. We conclude the chapter with recommendations for further research.

Forfatter: Silja Henderson ; Peter Berliner; Peter Elsass Editor: Rasmus Dahlberg ; Olivier Rubin ; Morten Thanning Vendelø Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: PTSD; Psychosocial intervention; Disaster mental health; Forskningsmetode Udgivelsessted: London Udgivelsesland: England Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Disaster research: multidisciplinary and international perspectives Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐138‐85066‐8

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Fra anstalt til samfund: nye veje for domfældte unge i Grønland I denne artikel beskrives, hvordan der i øjeblikket sker en markant udvikling i behandlingen af dømte i Kalallit Nunaat/Grønland (KN).

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Community psykologi; Social resiliens; Ungdomskriminalitet; Unge i Grønland; Bande & kriminalitet Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 36 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgivelsesland: Danmark ISSN nummer: 0107‐ 1211

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Fredspsykologi ‐ en begrundelse for et vigtigt område i psykologien En beskrivelse af fredspsykologiens udvikling og aktualitet ‐og en argumentation for betydningen af en øget indsats på området.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Fredspsykologi; Fredsuddannelse; Konfliktløsning; Dannelse; Demokrati; Værdier Titel på tidsskrift: Psykologisk Set Volume på tidsskrift: 35 Nummer på tidsskrift: 99‐100 ISSN nummer: 0906‐2483

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Social ulighed ‐ den skæve fordeling Forfatter: Cecilia Petrine Molander Pedersen Editor: Birgit Niclasen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2015 Emner: Social ulighed; Skoleelever; Trivsel; Sundhed Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Trivsel og sundhed blandt folkeskoleelever i Grønland ‐ resultater fra skolebørnsundersøgelsen HBSC Greenland i 2014 Volume: SIF’s Grønlandsskrifter nr. 27 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, Syddansk Universitet ISBN nummer: 9788778993007

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Vold i elevernes liv ‐ mobning og slagsmål Forfatter: Cecilia Petrine Molander Pedersen; Birgit Niclasen Editor: Birgit Niclasen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2015 Emner: Vold; Mobning; Skoleelever; Mistrivsel Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Trivsel og sundhed blandt folkesskoleelever i Grønland ‐ resultater fra skolebørnsundersøgelsen HBSC Greenland i 2014 Volume: SIF’s Grønlandsskrifter nr. 27 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, Syddansk Universitet ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7899‐300‐7

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Northern Maps: Re‐negotiating space and place in the Northern Isles and Norway in the eighteenth century This article argues that cartography and topographical description played a significant role in the way in which areas of the Scottish Northern Isles were represented and visualised, as a regional space, after the political union of England and Scotland in 1707, and, alongside that, the development of the concept of a British state and nation. Not only did topographical literature become more professionalised and commercially‐oriented during the eighteenth century, but the visual representations of territories created in maps and charts became part of a network of cultural practices that both linked and divided historical regions across the British Isles. On the one hand, map‐making re‐negotiated national spaces in order to contribute to the formation the United Kingdom or Great Britain (itself a complex national entity) and, on the other hand, it provided an opportunity to re‐create a sense of place or Northern regional identity, continuing to be part of an intercultural Northern European maritime region linked by the North Sea. As can be seen in the following case studies from the Shetland Islands and Western Norway, at ‘image level’, the change in perceptions about a region's identity (or one's own, within that region), often follows a long process, ‘since shifts in the attitudes of mental mapping tend to slowly follow changes in political and social conditions, mixing with philosophical and aesthetic conventions of the time’.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: History; Cartography; Cultural transfer; Scotland; Norway; Orkney; Shetland; Maritime travel Titel på tidsskrift: Northern Scotland Volume på tidsskrift: 6 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Edinburgh University Press Udgivelsessted: Edinburgh Udgivelsesland: Scotland ISSN nummer: 0306‐5278 DOI nummer: 10.3366

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Being Away, Being at Home, Being Both: the Case of Faroese Maritime Workers Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Stine Faber ; Helene Pristed Nielsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Maritime workers; Mobility; Nordic welfare system Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Remapping Gender, Place and Mobility. Global Confluences and Local Particularities in Nordic Peripheries Forlag: Ashgate

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Aquaculture in the Faroes Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Aquaculture; Faroe Islands; Entrepreneurship; Innovation Udgivelsessted: New York Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Entrepreneurship in Small Island States and Territories Forlag: Routledge

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Education in Greenland 1973‐2004/06 – an analysis based on three living conditions surveys The chapter looks at the transition from traditional to formal education and the expansion of the Greenlandic school system as well as the prioritization of education and political goals from the Danish State and Home Rule government of Greenland. By looking at the tradition of education and comparing educational data in Greenland over the span of over 30 years, the rapid development of the education level measured by the proportion of the population having a formal education (i.e. a formal education beyond the primary school) of the Greenlandic population has increased from 28 percent to 47 percent, indicating that the Greenland Home Rule and Self Government – despite challenges, setbacks and a lack of tradition for formal education beyond the public school – is on the right track.

Forfatter: Mitdlarak Lennert Editor: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2015 Emner: Level of education; Survey data; Transitions; Education policy Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: SLiCA: Arctic Living Conditions. Living Conditions and Quality of Life among Inuit, Saami, and Indigenous peoples of Chukotka and Kola Peninsula. Forlag: Nordic Council of Ministers

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

The Redemption of the Washington Consensus in Latin America This article revisits the key developments of the experience of Latin American countries with structural economic reforms since the decade of the 1980s. It discusses the historical and policy dilemmas that these countries have faced upon the economic consequences of the policy prescriptions from the so‐called ‘Washington Consensus’. It is argued that despite the initial meager benefits from these policies, recent economic progress can be seen as redemption for the region.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: Institutions; Reforms; Latin America Titel på tidsskrift: Groniek / Historical Journal Nummer på tidsskrift: 199 (2013) Udgivelsesland: The Netherlands

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Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel At granska søguna. Hví er 1800‐talið áhugavert? Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2015 Emner: 1800‐tallet; Historieskrivning Titel på tidsskrift: Frøði Volume på tidsskrift: 19 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Fróðskaparfelag Føroya Udgivelsessted: Tórshavn Udgivelsesland: Føroyar

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Klassenkampf auf Grönländisch Seit 2009 ist Grönland selbstverwaltete Nation im dänischen Königreich. Die jüngsten Parlamentswahlen standen im Zeichen eines Konflikts zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie.

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Grønland; Selvstyre; Valg; Politiske partier; Råstoffer; Sprogdebat Navn på avis: Der Freitag Dato: 13. december

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Alment innlit og alment stress og press Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Innlit Navn på avis: Sosialurin Volume & nummer: 37

Research | Forskning > Anthology | Antologi

The Postcolonial North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands have in common their history as Danish dependencies within a historically and geographically coherent region. The complex aftermaths of Denmark’s sovereignty over its North Atlantic territories and their ongoing nation building processes lie at the core of this book. Today, we are witnessing region building processes beyond bilateral links to Denmark. How do the countries position themselves, individually and collectively, vis‐à‐vis the European metropolitan centres, a larger transcontinental North Atlantic region, the 'hot' Arctic, and global histories of colonialism and decolonisation? By examining the region from cultural, literary, historical, political, anthropological and linguistic perspectives, the articles in this book shed light on Nordic colonialism and its understanding as 'exceptional', and challenge and modify established notions of postcolonialism. Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands are shown to be both the (former) subjects as well as the producers of cultural hierarchisations in an entangled world.

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Lill‐Ann Körber ; Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Iceland; Greenland; Faroe Islands; Postcolonial studies; Postcolonialism; Regionalism; North Atlantic studies; Eco‐criticism; Literature; Art; Identity; Colonialism; Empire; Arctic; History; Region building Udgivelsessted: Berlin Forlag: Nordeuropa‐Institut der Humboldt‐Universität ISBN nummer: 978‐3932406355

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From Objects to Actors: Knud Rasmussen’s Ethnographic Feature Film “The Wedding of Palo” Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Anna Westerståhl Stenport ; Scott MacKenzie Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Anthropology; Colonialism; Ethnographic film; Greenland; Scandinavian cinema; Knud Rasmussen Udgivelsessted: Edinburgh Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Films on Ice: Cinemas of the Arctic Forlag: Edinburgh University Press ISBN nummer: 978‐1474409018

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Nuuk underground – Musical change and cosmopolitan nationalism in Greenland In Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, there have been a significant number of musical events in recent years that have been called ‘underground’. These have formed an underground scene that offered a cosmopolitan alternative to established ‘greenlandificated’ popular music. This paper accounts for the building of this underground scene by Nuuk youth, and asks why these young people valued musical change informed by a cosmopolitan outlook, while at the same time holding firmly to the conviction that their activities were a part of the dominant Greenlandic nation‐building project. Social agents, which played key roles in building the Nuuk underground scene, described their activities as attempts to come to terms with a history in which Greenland has been perceived as a subaltern nation. This enquiry explains the nationalist logic behind a concern with performing similarity with Western nations in the Nuuk underground scene, as opposed to the more widespread romantic nationalist logic concerned with expressing a distinguishable national character. This further leads to an expansion of a position of cosmopolitan nationalism.

Forfatter: Andreas Otte Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Underground music; Nationalism; Cosmopolitanism; Youth; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Popular Music Volume på tidsskrift: 34 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Cambridge Journals

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Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Popular music from Greenland – Globalization, nationalism and performance of place Forfatter: Andreas Otte Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2014 Emner: Music; Greenland; Globalization; Agency; Cosmopolitanism; Ethnomusicology; Nationalism; Performance studies; Place; Human geography Udgivelsessted: Copenhagen Udgivelsesland: Denmark Forlag: University of Copenhagen

Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

The music in Greenland and Greenland in the music ‐ Globalization and performance of place Forfatter: Andreas Otte Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2014 Emner: Music; Greenland; History; Frame drum; Qilaat; Kalattuut; Choir; Vaigat; Rock'n'Roll; Pop; Rock; Globalization; Performing place Web‐publikationstype: Online article Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Israel, the antithesis of Hellas: enslavement, exile and return in the Greek Solon tradition and the Hebrew Bible Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Thomas L. Thompson ; Philippe Wajdenbaum Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Israel; Antithesis of Hellas; Enslavement; Exile; Greek Solon tradition; Hebrew Bible; Hebrew Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Bible and Hellenism. Greek Influence on Jewish and Early Christian Literature

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel Fire gammelgrønlandske sange Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Grønland; Teologi; Sange Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 62

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Pathological Escapists, Passing and the Perpetual Ice: Old and New Trends in Danish‐ Greenlandic Migration Literature Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Ebbe Volquardsen; Lill‐Ann Körber Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Postcolonial studies; Migration; Literature; Documentary film; Passing; Denmark; Arctic; Greenland; Center and periphery Udgivelsessted: Berlin Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Postcolonial North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands Forlag: Nordeuropa‐Institut der Humboldt‐Universität ISBN nummer: 978‐3932406355

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Halvfems spørgsmål til missionæren på Håbets Ø Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Håbets ø; Missionær Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 62

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Postcolonial North Atlantic: An Introduction Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen; Lill‐Ann Körber Editor: Ebbe Volquardsen; Lill‐Ann Körber Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Postcolonial studies; Nationalism; Colonialism; Postcolonialism; National identity; Regionalism; Iceland; Denmark; Arctic; Greenland; North Atlantic studies; Faroe Islands Udgivelsessted: Berlin Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Postcolonial North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands Forlag: Nordeuropa‐Institut der Humboldt‐Universität ISBN nummer: 978‐3932406355

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En ukendt grønlandsk katekismus fra 1724 Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Katekismus; Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk kultur‐ og samfundsforskning

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Scandinavia and “the Land of UnSwedish Freedom”: Jonathan Franzen, Susanne Bier and Self‐ conceptions of Exceptionalism in Crisis The chapter deals with self‐conceptions of exceptionalism in the United States and in Northern Europe. The notion that one nation, one region or one group is exceptional, conflicts with globalization theory. Because of migrating people, goods and ideas, the world is understood to become more homogeneous (Appadurai 2008; Comaroff & Comaroff 2012). However, globalization incorporates a globalization of risks, conflict (Beck 2007) and uncertainty (Bauman 2000), too. As contemporary Western societies are increasingly characterized by crisis and insecurity, there appears to emerge a need to highlight the unique features of the "Self". Phrases like »American Exceptionalism« and »Nordic Exceptionalism« have become common in political discourses from the 2000s, and are at once subject to a critical negotiation within popular culture, literature and film. In the following discussion, I will show how the American and the Scandinavian self‐conceptions of exceptionalism iare interdependent. The analysis starts in America with an examination of a satirical television show by American stand‐up comedian, Wyatt Cenac. Together with Jonathan Franzen’s novel "Freedom", it serves as an example of artistic approaches to a discursive strategy, which uses images of Scandinavia as a category of distinction in order to consolidate the libertarian idea of »American Exceptionalism«. The second part of the chapter concerns Scandinavian visual arts’ current reevaluation of the narratives, which form the basis for notions of »Nordic Exceptionalism«. Here, I will demonstrate how Susanne Bier’s feature films "Efter Brylluppet" (»After the Wedding«) and "Hævnen" (»In a Better World«) contribute to the critical negotiation of a Nordic self‐conception, characterized by altruism and ethical and moral superiority.

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Lars Jensen ; Kristín Loftsdóttir Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Popular culture; Postcolonial studies; Postcolonialism; National identity; Neoliberalism; Imagology; Scandinavian studies; Sweden; Denmark; USA; Theories of Exceptionalism; Nordic cinema; Nordic welfare state; Neo‐Conservatism Udgivelsessted: Aldershot Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Crisis in the Nordic Nations and Beyond: At the Intersection of Environment, Finance and Multiculturalism Forlag: Ashgate ISBN nummer: 978‐ 1472425386

Communication | Formidling > Book | Bog

Vestgrønlandsk grammatik Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2014 Emner: Vestgrønlandsk grammatik

Communication | Formidling > Book | Bog

Bibelsk hebraisk grammatik Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen; Martin Ehrensvärd Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2014 Emner: Hebraisk grammatik Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 2 Forlag: Anis

Communication | Formidling > Book | Bog

Ilisimatusarfik 1984‐2014 Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2014 Emner: Ilisimatusarfik Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Den store grønlandske indespærring Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Grønland; Indsatte; Anstalter Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Sociologi Volume på tidsskrift: 4

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Samfundstjeneste i Grønland – de første erfaringer Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2014 Emner: Grønland; Samfundstjeneste Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: NSfK Volume: 56

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Fredløs – kvindelige indsatte i Grønlands anstalter Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Editor: Liv Finstad ; Heidi Mork Lomell Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Grønland; Kvindelige indsatte; Anstalter Udgivelsessted: Oslo Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Motmæle – en antologi til Kjersti Ericsson, Cecilie Høigård og Guri Larsen Forlag: Novus Forlag

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Culture et société ‐ changement culturel et identités inuit Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Editor: Gitte Adler Reimer; Inge Høst Seiding ; Yvon Csonka Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Identités inuit; Culture et société Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Traduction Yvon Csonka

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Anthony N. S. Lane, Bernhard of Clairvaux – Theologian of the Cross Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2014 Emner: Anthony N. S. Lane; Bernhard of Clairvaux; Theologian of the cross Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Det ny Ilisimatusarfik Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Ilisimatusarfik Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning 2013‐14 Volume: 2

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Hideki Nakamura, "Amor invisibilium": Die Liebe im Denken Richards von Sankt Viktor Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2014 Emner: Hideki Nakamura; Richard of Saint‐Victor Titel på tidsskrift: Speculum

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Pioneer in Greenlandic and Arctic Quality of Life Research Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: Applied Research in Quality of Life DOI nummer: 10.1007/s11482‐013‐ 9294‐y

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

SLiCA, Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: A. C. Michalos Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgiver: Springer Udgivelsessted: Dordrecht Udgivelsesland: Netherlands ISSN nummer: 978‐94‐007‐0752‐8 Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well‐Being Research

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

Subsistence in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: A. C. Michalos Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgiver: Springer Udgivelsessted: Dordrecht Udgivelsesland: Netherlands ISSN nummer: 978‐94‐007‐0752‐8 Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well‐Being Research

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Mining in Greenland – Current State and Plans for the Future Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: L Heininen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Mining; Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Yearbook 2014 ISBN nummer: 2298–2418

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Socialt arbejde og aktionsforskning i Grønland Socialforskningen i Grønland har gennem årtier dokumenteret sociale problemer. Populært sagt har socialforskningen i Grønland indtil for nylig kun bestået af beskrivende, kvantitativ elendighedsforskning. Der eksisterer således (modsat fx socialforskning med canadisk inuit) stort set ikke nogen kvalitativ eller deltagerorienteret forskning om vilkår for indsatser og praksis i forhold til at håndtere de sociale udfordringer. Der har således manglet sociologisk og handlingsorienteret praksisviden, der kan understøtte professionel og organisatorisk kapacitetsopbygning i det socialpolitiske felt. Denne artikel handler om empowerment og aktionsforskning med socialarbejdere i Grønland og bygger på Steven Arnfjords ph.d. projekt fra 2014.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; John Andersen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Grønland; Aktionsforskning; Empowerment; Socialt arbejde; Profession; Marxisme Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Sociologi Volume på tidsskrift: 25 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Dansk Sociologisk Forening Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Social work and action research ‐ in an arctic context Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2014 Emner: Social work; Greenland; Action research; Empowerment Navn på konference: International Action Research Conference ‐ Action Research for Democracy Konferenceby: Roskilde Konferenceland: Danmark

Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Deltagende Aktionsforskning med Socialrådgivere ‐ Empowerment af Grønlands oversete velfærdsprofession Ph.d.‐projektet er sagt med en kort sætning: ‐ et deltagende aktionsforskningsprojekt om socialrådgiverprofessionens muligheder og forudsætninger for at lave socialt arbejde samt deres positionering i det socialpolitiske felt. I projektet arbejdes der med socialrådgiverprofessionens faglige vilkår. Faglighed indbefatter dels socialrådgivernes mulighed for at arbejde fagligt og dels deres muligheder for at organisere sig som en profession, hvor professionsbegrebet her anvendes bredt. Vi har ingen tidligere professionsstudier, som giver et indblik i arbejdsgrundlaget for at de store velfærdsprofessioner (socialrådgivere, skolelærer, pædagoger og sygeplejesker). Dermed eksisterer der et manglende indblik i, hvilken faglig og organisatorisk kapacitet velfærdssamfundet har i forhold til den omfattende mængde af sociale udfordringer, som vi står overfor. Projektet er undervejs blevet todelt i et etnografisk‐ og delvist deltagerorienteret studie og i et deltagende aktionsforskningsstudie om en begyndende landsdækkende faglig organisering af socialrådgivere. Projektets første del var et etnografisk feltarbejde med 15 socialrådgivere i Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq’s afdeling for børn‐ og familier. Det var landets største. Socialrådgiverne deltog, forud for en række møder, i kvalitative interviews, observationer, en temadag om anerkendelse, to fokusgrupper og et fremtidsværksted. Analyserne fra denne første del viste tegn på en engageret men disorganiseret og disempoweret profession. Selvom om planen hos mig oprindeligt var at skride direkte til empowerment‐tiltag var det nødvendigt med en konkret analyse, en baseline, som kunne fremskrive tingenes tilstand. Der var tale om en gruppe socialrådgivere, som beskrev kaotiske tilstande i sagsbehandlingen af børnesager, en høj personaleomsætning, flere indikatorer på stress og en generel mangel på anerkendelse fra deres ledelse og fra de tværfaglige netværk. Det blev vurderet, at det ville være vanskeligt alene at fokusere på problemløsningsmetoder i afdelingen da flere af problematikkerne berørte temaer, som hørte til på et overordnet fagligt organisatorisk (meso) niveau. Det etnografiske feltarbejde blev konkluderet med en artikel, hvor jeg fremstillede de ovenstående problematikker og foreslog kommende aktiviteter omkring øget faglig organisering og fokus på empowerment af socialrådgiverprofessionen som et overordnet tiltag. Socialrådgiverne er den eneste af de fire velfærdsprofessioner, som for tiden ikke er fagligt organiseret med egen forhandlingsret. Projektets anden del er en operationalisering af disse forslag. Der blev indledt et samarbejde med en gruppe socialrådgivere, som var gået sammen om at danne en landsdækkende socialrådgiverforening NIISIP (Nunatsinni Inunnik Isumaginninermi Siunnersortit Ilinniarsimasut Peqatigiiffiat). Samarbejdet har været efter alle kunstens regler i deltagende aktionsforskning. Indledningsvist spurgte jeg "Er der noget I vil kunne bruge mig til?" Efterfølgende har vi holdt en række koordinationsmøder, hvor jeg har fungeret dels som facilitator, som naiv spørger og som ekspert. Foreningen havde ambitioner om at øge deres medlemstal og opnå selvstændig forhandlingsret samt at være en tydelig stemme i den socialpolitiske debat, som har været ført fra et politisk synspunkt, et NGO synspunkt og et civilsamfundssynspunkt men kun i et meget begrænset omfang fra et fagligt perspektiv. Gennem aktionsforskningsforløbet har foreningen fået formuleret fem mærkesager. De har fået en hjemmeside, været i medierne og har fået udvidet deres medlemstal fra 8 til 43. Vi har gennem bestyrelsesmedlemmerne fået indblik i, hvor mange socialrådgiver‐stillinger der er på landsbasis (Estimatet er lige under 100. Det besværliggøres ved, at mange stillinger er besat af folk med en kontoruddannelse). I aktionsforskningsprojekter vil det være illoyalt overfor en kritisk aktionsforskningsepistemologi at konkludere ud fra en deduktiv argumentationslogik. Projektets konklusioner kommer derfor til at dreje som om beskrivelser af de empowerment‐processer og den aktion, som der er dokumentation for. Når aktionsforskningsprocessen i sin epistemologi er ufærdig skyldes det en konstant bevægelse mod ny erkendelse. Denne bevægelse vil i projektets analyse blive til refleksioner over, hvorledes projektets teoretiske udgangspunkt, som i overvejende grad er sociologisk marxisme, har bidraget analytisk til at realisere det metodiske arbejde med praksis for at forandre praksis. Konkluderende har projektet bidraget på tre niveauer: Det videnskabelige som er aktionsforskning, det praktiske som er socialrådgiverprofessionen og det socialpolitiske niveau. Aktionsforskningen har målrettet fokuseret på forandrings‐ og frigørende processer. Det har ført til, at der i forskningsforløbet er arbejdet med empowerment på et vertikalt og et horisontalt niveau. Socialrådgiverne har gennem forskningssamarbejdet fået styrket deres muligheder for at øge organiseringen af det socialfaglige arbejde. Det har skabt forandringsprocesser på et demokratisk grundlag. Endvidere har dette bidraget til en grad af tillid til forskningsprocessen som kan føre til øget forskning i fremtiden. Det socialpolitiske niveau kan i sidste ende blive styrket positivt ved at modtage indlæg fra en bedre organiseret aktør, som kan indgå i debatten om udviklingen af fremtidens velfærdssamfund.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2014 Emner: Empowerment; Socialt arbejde; Socialrådgivere; Grønland; Aktionsforskning Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Institut for Sygepleje og Sundhedsvidenska ISBN nummer: 9788799748808

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Greenland’s Electoral Results from 1979‐2013 – An Overview Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Greenland; Political parties; Elections Titel på tidsskrift: Grønlands Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning 2013‐14 Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Ilisimatusarfik / Forlaget Atuagkat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐71‐0

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Grønlandsk mad på hospitalsmenuen ‐ ernæring, livskvalitet og bæredygtighed Artiklen formidler et interview med den tidligere økonoma ved Qaqortoq Sygehus, Lena P. Fisker, som indførte Nyt Nordisk Køkken for Mange. Det betød sundere, overvejende økologisk, og mere velsmagende mad til patienterne, brug af lokale råvarer og et meningsfuldt arbejde for de ansatte i køkkenet ‐ inden for de økonomiske rammer.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Hospitalskøkken; Grønlandsk mad; Bæredygtig hospitalsmad Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 22 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Greenlandic Paradiplomatic Relations Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Lassi Heininen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Greenland; International relations; Paradiplomacy Udgivelsessted: Basingstoke & New York Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom & USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Security and Sovereignty in the North Atlantic Forlag: Palgrave Macmillan ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐137‐47071‐3

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Grönland och Åland ‐ Två skilda världar? Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Gestur Hovgaard ; Beinta í Jákupsstovu ; Hans Andrias Sølvará Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Grönland; Åland; Självstyrelse; Suveränitet Udgivelsessted: Tórshavn Udgivelsesland: Faroe Islands Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Vestnorden ‐ nye roller i det internationale samfund Forlag: Faroe University Press ISBN nummer: 978‐99918‐65‐63‐8

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Paradiplomacy in Greenland Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Günther Dauwen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Paradiplomacy; Greenland; International relations Udgivelsessted: Brussels Udgivelsesland: Belgium Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Paradiplomacy Volume: 9 Forlag: Centre Maurits Coppieters Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Disputes in Nuuk ‐ 2012 Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2014 Emner: Nuuk; Disputes; Greenland Navn på konference: IASSA Konferenceby: University of Prince George Konferenceland: Canada

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Citizenship of Indigenous Greenlanders in a European Nation State – And excluded offenders of domestic violence Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Lena Dominelli ; Mehmoona Moosa‐Mitha Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Citizenship; Indigenous; Greenland; Domestic violence Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Reconfiguring Citizenship Forlag: Ashgate

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Motivation, læring og udvikling i et nutidigt læringsmiljø Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Elena De Casas Editor: Ole Løw ; Else Skibsted Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Motivation; Begær; Vision; Læring; Læring; Læringsmiljøer Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Elevers læring og udvikling ‐ også i komplicerede læringssituationer Forlag: Akademisk Forlag ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐500‐4416‐1

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Utopi i praksis: læring som et rum for fred Artiklen fremlægger en analyse af læring i et fredspsykologisk undervisningsforløb i Mexico som en del af opbygning af demokratiske og social resiliente læringsmiljøer fra børnehave til universitet.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Elena De Casas ; Jeppe Høj Christensen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Fredspædagogik; Fredspsykologi; Transformativ læring; Læring Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 35 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Bacterial diversity in snow on North Pole ice floes The microbial abundance and diversity in snow on ice floes at three sites near the North Pole was assessed using quantitative PCR and 454 pyrosequencing. Abundance of 16S rRNA genes in the samples ranged between 43 and 248 gene copies per millilitre of melted snow. A total of 291,331 sequences were obtained through 454 pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes, resulting in 984 OTUs at 97 % identity. Two sites were dominated by Cyanobacteria (72 and 61 %, respectively), including chloroplasts. The third site differed by consisting of 95 % Proteobacteria. Principal component analysis showed that the three sites clustered together when compared to the underlying environments of sea ice and ocean water. The Shannon indices ranged from 2.226 to 3.758, and the Chao1 indices showed species richness between 293 and 353 for the three samples. The relatively low abundances and diversity found in the samples indicate a lower rate of microbial input to this snow habitat compared to snow in the proximity of terrestrial and anthropogenic sources of microorganisms. The differences in species composition and diversity between the sites show that apparently similar snow habitats contain a large variation in biodiversity, although the differences were smaller than the differences to the underlying environment. The results support the idea that a globally distributed community exists in snow and that the global snow community can in part be attributed to microbial input from the atmosphere. Forfatter: Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Marek Stibal ; Jacob Bælum ; Thomas Sicheritz‐Pontén ; Søren Brunak ; Jeff S. Bowman ; Lars H. Hansen ; Carsten S. Jacobsen ; Nikolaj Blom Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2014 Emner: Microbial metagenomics; Microbial community composition; Snow; North Pole ice floes Titel på tidsskrift: Extremophiles Volume på tidsskrift: 18 DOI nummer: 10.1007/s00792‐014‐0660‐y

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Research | Forskning > Review | Anmeldelse

Book Review: John H. Ballantyne (ed). Naught but Trouble: The Hays in Yell 1755‐1824. Lerwick: Shetland Times Ltd., 2014 Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2014 Emner: Local history; Shetland; Scotland Titel på tidsskrift: Northern Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 46 Udgiver: The Journal of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies Udgivelsessted: Edinburgh Udgivelsesland: Scotland ISSN nummer: 0305‐506X

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Tertiær uddannelse i færøsk/vestnordisk perspektiv Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Gestur Hovgaard; Beinta í Jákupsstovu ; Hans Andrias Sølvará Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Vestnorden; Tertiær uddannelse; Mesterlære Udgivelsessted: Tórshavn Udgivelsesland: Føroyar Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Vestnorden i det 21. århundrede Forlag: Fróðskapur

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Arctic Tourism: Realities & Possibilities Forfatter: Maher. P.T. ; Gelter, H. ; Hillmer‐Pegram, K. ; Gestur Hovgaard; Hull, J., Jóhannesson ; G.Þ., Karlsdóttir ; A., Rantala, O ; Pashkevich, A. Editor: Lassi Heininen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2014 Emner: Arctic; Tourism Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Yearbook

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Kvinnuhúsið 1990‐2015 Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2014 Emner: Kvindehjem; Vold mod kvinder Udgivelsessted: Tórshavn Udgivelsesland: Føroyar

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Indledning: Vestnordisk samfundsforskning ‐ med særligt blik på Færøerne Forfatter: Beinta í Jákupsstovu ; Gestur Hovgaard; Hans Andrias Sølvará Editor: Gestur Hovgaard; Beinta í Jákupsstovu ; Hans Andrias Sølvará Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Vestnorden; Forskning; Uddannelse Udgivelsessted: Tórshavn Udgivelsesland: Færøerne Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Vestnorden. Nye roller i det internationale samfund Forlag: Faroe University Press Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Trust Matters in Ethnography Forfatter: Kevin Perry Editor: Annette Bilfeldt; Iben Jensen ; John Andersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2014 Emner: Trust; Ethnography Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Denmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Rettigheder, empowerment og læring Volume: 5 Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 9788771122190

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Kendetegn ved sygeplejepraksis i mindre byer og bygder i Grønland Forfatter: Lise Hounsgaard; A.B. Jensen ; J.P: Wilche ; I. Dolmer Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2014 Emner: Kendetegn for sygepleje i Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Sygeplejersken ISBN nummer: ISSN 0106‐8350

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Grønlandsk mad på menuen Artiklen formidler et interview med den tidligere økonoma ved Qaqortoq Sygehus, Lena P. Fisker, som indførte Nyt Nordisk Køkken for Mange. Det betød sundere, overvejende økologisk, og mere velsmagende mad til patienterne, brug af lokale råvarer og et meningsfuldt arbejde for de ansatte i køkkenet.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Editor: Sermitsiaq Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Grønlandsk mad; Hospitalsmad; Nyt nordisk køkken Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 49 Dato: 09. december

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Communication | Formidling > Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser)

Lær at bruge Mac E‐bog til dig der lige har fået din første Mac ‐ og som gerne vil blive bedre til at bruge den.

Forfatter: Per Arnfjord Type: Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser) Årstal: 2013 Emner: Mac; iMac; Apple; iPad; iPhone

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Communication | Formidling > Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser)

International Økonomi E‐bogen om International Økonomi, niveau B er mit forsøg på at gøre pensum lidt mere levende.

Den indeholder alle mine egne undervisningsvideoer og noter & andre videoer og podcast.

Forhåbentlig kan du gøre brug af den ‐ enten under hele din uddannelse eller som et rigtigt godt supplement til din eksamensforberedelse. Forfatter: Per Arnfjord Type: Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser) Årstal: 2013 Emner: International Økonomi

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Polar Bears, Eskimos, and Indie Music – Using Greenland and the Arctic as a co‐brand for popular music Certain Greenlandic popular music artists use the Greenlandic nation brand as a co‐brand for their music when attempting to gain attention on the international music mar‐ ket. By examining various strategies for co‐ branding music together with the Greenlandic nation, this article discusses how the two bands Nive Nielsen and the Deer Children, and Nanook, articulate connections between their music, and Greenland and the Arctic, through narratives, symbols and sounds. Using existing narratives and stereotypes means acting within existing discursive fields, as well as the expectations of international music audiences, and though this may open up new opportunities for the artist, it may also limit the artist’s agency, because the artist may then be expected to act in accordance with these expectations. But in terms of changing the Greenlandic nation brand image, which is very much caught up in narratives from the past, co‐branding Greenland and modern popular music could be a strategy with great potential.

Forfatter: Andreas Otte Editor: ; Kennet Pedersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Music; Greenland; Nation‐branding; Nive Nielsen and the Deer Children; Nanook; Ethnicity Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Modernization and heritage: How to combine the two in Inuit societies Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Atuagkat

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Translating the Ten Commandments into the Native Language of Greenland Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Mark Roncace ; Joseph Weaver Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Ten commandments; Greenlandic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Global Perspectives on the Bible Forlag: Pearson

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Ryan P. Freeburn, Hugh of Amiens and the Twelfth‐Century Renaissance Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2013 Emner: Ryan P. Freeburn; Hugh of amiens; Twelfth‐century renaissance Titel på tidsskrift: Speculum

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser)

SLiCA tables Forfatter: Birger Poppel; C. O. Jensen Type: Sound and/or images (digital products, recordings) | Lyd og/eller billeder (digitale produkter, optagelser) Årstal: 2013 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic

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Positiv Magt ‐ deltagende aktionsforskning som empowerment af socialarbejdere i Grønland Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Empowerment; Socialt arbejde; Folkeskole; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Social Kritik Volume på tidsskrift: 135 Nummer på tidsskrift: 25 Udgiver: Selskabet til fremme af Social Debat Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Transforming a disempowered social worker profession using participatory action research in Greenland The social worker profession in Greenland has to some extent been overlooked in Greenlandic social research the last 50 years. Perhaps it is because the professionals have not had a voice in the social political debate, or it may be due to the fact that the majority of social research conducted in Greenland has a traditional approach to research as an objectifying activity. To counter‐act these hypotheses, this research project is inspired by the work of Paulo Freire, modern Marxism, and critical theory. An analysis of how current working conditions and structures disempower the possibility of doing what social workers in Greenland view as good social work is followed by a discussion of how we have designed this study as a participatory action research project. Participation is about inviting social workers to collaborate with us during the project ‐ a process we believe will result in democratic sustainable research. Moving from problem identification via participatory collaboration and on to problem solving through the transformative methodologies of focus groups and workshops, the empirical findings will guide the next steps of the research process towards creating a better understanding of social workers’ working conditions.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Lise Hounsgaard Editor: Kennet Pedersen; Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Disempowerment; Empowerment; Social work; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Modernization and Heritage ‐ How to combine the two in Inuit societies Forlag: Atuagkat ISBN nummer: 9788792554505

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Conceptualizing and contextualizing food insecurity among Greenlandic children Objective: To review the context of food insecurity in Greenlandic children, to review and compare the outcomes related to food insecurity in Greenlandic children, in other Arctic child populations and in other western societies, and to explore the measure used by the Health Behaviour in School‐aged Children (HBSC) study.

Design: The study includes literature reviews, focus group interviews with children and analyses of data from the HBSC study. HBSC is an international cross‐national school‐based survey on child and adolescent health and health behaviour in the age groups 11, 13 and 15 years and performed in more than 40 countries. The item on food insecurity is “Some young people go to school or to bed hungry because there is not enough food in the home. How often does this happen to you?” (with the response options: “Always”, “Often”, “Sometimes”, or “Never”).

Results: The context to food security among Inuit in Arctic regions was found to be very similar and connected to a westernization of the diet and contamination of the traditional diet. The major challenges are contamination, economic access to healthy food and socio‐demographic differences in having a healthy diet. The literature on outcomes related to food insecurity in children in Western societies was reviewed and grouped based on 8 domains. Using data from the Greenlandic HBSC data from 2010, the item on food security showed negative associations on central items in all these domains. Focus group interviews with children revealed face and content validity of the HBSC item.

Conclusion: Triangulation of the above‐mentioned findings indicates that the HBSC measure of food shortage is a reliable indicator of food insecurity in Greenlandic schoolchildren. However, more research is needed, especially on explanatory and mediating factors.

Forfatter: Birgit Niclasen ; Michael Mocho ; Steven Arnfjord; Christina Schnohr Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Inuit; Greenland; Food insecurity Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 72 Nummer på tidsskrift: 19928 Udgiver: Tayloy & Francis Udgivelsessted: Alaska Udgivelsesland: United Stated of America DOI nummer: 10.3402/ijch.v72i0.19928

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Hverdagsliv med sygdom ‐ nogle resultater Artiklen viser ved hjælp af et analyseeksempel fra et ph.d.‐projekt, hvordan professionel praksis på hospital overser patienters og pårørendes egne bestræbelser på at få livet med sygdom til at hænge sammen, og hvilke problemer det giver dem. Udelukkelsen af denne viden medfører mangelfuld støtte til patienter i sundhedsvæsenet.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Patientperspektiv; pårørende; kulturforskelle Titel på tidsskrift: Tikiusaaq Volume på tidsskrift: 21 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland ISSN nummer: 0909‐0576

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Autonomy Development, Irredentism and Secessionism in a Nordic Context Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Eve Hepburn ; Godfrey Baldacchino Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Åland Islands; Faroe Islands; Greenland; Autonomy; Irredentism; Secessionism Udgivelsessted: London & New York Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom & USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Independence Movements in Subnational Island Jurisdictions Forlag: Routledge ISBN nummer: 978‐0415505857

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Die Åland‐Inseln als ein erfolgreiches Beispiel für Minderheitenschutz Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Robert Schweitzer ; Uta‐Maria Liertz Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Åland Inseln; Minderheitensschutz; Autonomie Udgivelsessted: Helsinki Udgivelsesland: Finland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Autonomie ‐ Hoffnungsschimmer oder Illussion? Volume: 8 Forlag: Aue‐Stiftung ISBN nummer: 978‐952‐68042‐0‐0

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel At være i verden som en krop, der løber ind i samfundet: et community psykologisk perspektiv Artiklen beskriver tre aspekter ved social, kropslig og rumslig læring og belyser disse ud fra data fra MATU projektet i Grønland.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Community psykologi; Inuit; Udsatte unge; Social læring; Social udsathed; Social arv; Ungdomskultur; Ungdomsforskning Titel på tidsskrift: Paedagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 50 Nummer på tidsskrift: 5 ISSN nummer: 1903‐0002

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Fredsopbygning som social og materiel læring I denne artikel beskriver vi den lokale befolknings skabelsen af et fredsområde (Space for Peace) midt i borgerkrigen på øen Mindanao i Filippinerne. Fredsopbygning er en social læringsproces, der omfatter en transformation og restoration af det social‐økologiske system, der omfatter såvel det spirituelle, det diskursive, det sociale, og fordelingen af materielle ressourcer. Det sociale aspekt er dermed blot ét element i denne proces – og det argumenteres derfor for at denne læringsproces omfatter langt mere end blot det sociale. Fredsopbygningen er en kontinuerlig læreproces, som forener folk i fælles respekt for mangfoldighed. Det fælles grundlag for denne respekt findes i den fælleshed som de tre grupper, der lever sammen i Mindanao, lumads, muslimer og katolikker, har fundet igennem lighederne i deres religioners værdier. Religionen forener på denne måde – men giver derved samtidigt rum for respekten for diversiteten. Efter analysen sammenlignes fredsprocessen med Magis’ teori om social resiliens og Ungars teori om den social‐økologiske indlejring af den individuelle resiliens. Det konkluderes, at fredsopbygning i Space for Peace er bygget op omkring en helheds‐ eller systemforståelse, der omfatter diskursive, sociale og materielle komponenter; en stærk religiøs tro, som forener folk i stedet at adskille dem i gensidigt fjendtlige grupper; og en socialt praktiseret respekt for mangfoldighed. Disse tre aspekter kan bidrage til yderligere udvikling af vores forståelse af social og individuel modstandskraft, ved at bygge videre på Magis’ og Ungars teorier.

Forfatter: Jeppe Høj Christensen ; Peter Berliner Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Resiliens; Social læring; Fred; Community Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Psyke & Logos: Psykologisk forskning i social læring Volume: 34 Forlag: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7706‐953‐6

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Glæde og styrke: en undersøgelse af ældre menneskers værdier i Paamiut Artiklen præsenterer resultaterne af en undersøgelse af ældre menneskers fortællinger om værdier og resiliens ‐ i Paamiut i Grønland.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Anne‐Kristine Stender Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Resiliens; Community mobilisation; Værdier; Paamiut Asasara; Dannelse; Demokrati; Værdier; Trivsel Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & logos Volume på tidsskrift: 23 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 ISSN nummer: 0107‐ 1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Unges fortællinger om resiliens Artiklen præsenterer resultaterne af en undersøgelse af unges fortællinger om resiliens ‐ i Paamiut i Grønland.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Karen Hagedorn Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Resiliens; Kvalitativ ungdomsforskning; Unge i Grønland; Paamiut Asasara Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & logos Volume på tidsskrift: 34 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211 Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Draft Genome Sequence of the Psychrophilic and Alkaliphilic Rhodonellum psychrophilum Strain GCM71T Rhodonellum psychrophilum GCM71(T), isolated from the cold and alkaline submarine ikaite columns in the Ikka Fjord in Greenland, displays optimal growth at 5 to 10°C and pH 10. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of this strain, which may provide insight into the mechanisms of adaptation to these extreme conditions.

Forfatter: Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Mikkel A. Glaring ; Peter F. Hallin ; Anders Priemé ; Peter Stougaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Microbial genomics; Extremophiles; Ikka fjord; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Genome Announcements Volume på tidsskrift: 5 DOI nummer: 10.1128/genomeA.01014‐13

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Reading Material Culture in the North Atlantic: Traditional wooden boxes as intercultural objects This article explores intercultural links between the coastal communities of the North Atlantic region by discussing the cultural and social history of Norwegian objects displayed in regional heritage collections in Orkney and Shetland. The relationship between Norway and the Northern Isles of Scotland during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, especially trading links, is considered using the bentwood box as a way of accessing both tangible and intangible knowledge. Different types of traditional wooden boxes from Shetland, Orkney, Norway, and Iceland are compared using a microhistorical approach, which enables us to consider Norway and Scotland both as individual “ethno‐territories” and as part of continuously changing networks of social and cultural contact across the North Atlantic.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Alexandra Sanmark ; Andrew Jennings Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: History; Archaeology; Cultural studies Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of the North Atlantic Volume på tidsskrift: 4 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Eagle Hill Institute Udgivelsessted: Maine Udgivelsesland: USA ISSN nummer: E‐ISSN 1935‐1933 DOI nummer: 10.3721/037.004.sp417

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Vestnorden. A functional region? Forfatter: Grétar Thór Eythórsson ; Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Vestnorden; Region; Regional co‐operation Titel på tidsskrift: Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration Volume på tidsskrift: 9 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Opni heimurin Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2013 Emner: Globalisering; Arbejdsmarked Navn på avis: Mið & Rák Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Building Resilient Communities in the Arctic ‐ Greenland perspective Forfatter: Sara Olsvig Editor: Oran R. Young ; Jong Deog Kim ; Yoon Hyung Kim Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Arctic; Resilience; Foreign policy Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Arctic in world affairs: a North Pacific dialogue on the future of the Arctic. 2013 North Pacific Arctic conference proceedings Forlag: Korea Maritime Institute ISBN nummer: 978‐89‐7998‐939‐7 93300

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

I only smoke when I have nothing to do: A qualitative study on how smoking is part of everyday life in a Greenlandic village Background: Smoking‐related illnesses, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease and lung cancer, are common in Greenland. Factors such as age, gender, cigarette use, restricted smoking at home and socio‐economic determinants are well‐known predictors for smoking and smoking cessation. In 2005, 66% of the adult population in were Greenland smokers, despite widespread smoking cessation campaigns. It is therefore imperative to identify the factors that influence the low levels of smoking cessation to be able to offer cessation interventions of high quality.

Aim: To develop knowledge about how smoking forms an incorporated part of a social and cultural context in the daily lives of unskilled residents of a small town in northern Greenland.

Design: An ethnographic field study was carried out in 2010, including participant observation, informal conversation with health professionals and semi‐structured interviews with 4 smokers (2 women and 2 men). Data were analysed with a phenomenological hermeneutic approach.

Results: All informants were daily smokers. During work hours, they smoked fewer cigarettes due to control policy as well as having something to do. At home, they smoke more during leisure time. Having time on one's hands can be a factor in smokers remaining as smokers. It appears that smokers seem to consider themselves to be stigmatised. This may be one reason for wanting to stop smoking. Smokers ask how to quit and also ask for help to give up smoking with regard to medical treatment for withdrawal symptoms. Serious illness and pregnancy both appear to be triggers to consider giving up smoking. Severe withdrawal symptoms and lack of knowledge about how to give up smoking are barriers to participants achieving their goal.

Conclusion: Prevention initiatives should be targeted at all smokers and a smoking cessation service should be developed, where smokers are supervised and receive medical treatment for withdrawal symptoms.

Forfatter: A.B. Jensen ; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2013 Emner: Et kvalitativt studie af rygning i Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: TidsskriftInternational Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume: 72 Udgave: 21657 ISBN nummer: 1239‐9736

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The nature of nursing practice in rural and remote areas of Greenland Background: The Greenlandic Healthcare Reform (2010) required improved quality of services for health promotion, prevention of infectious and lifestyle diseases, family nursing and evidence‐based clinical nursing. Aim. To investigate current nursing practice in Greenland and to identify whether it meets the requirements of healthcare reform. Design. This ethnographic study utilised documentary analysis, participant observation and qualitative interviewing carried out in remote areas of Greenland during 2011‐2012. Eight registered nurses, four women and four men, aged between 35 and 55, participated in this study. Four were working at healthcare centres in towns and four were working at nursing stations in villages. The nurses were educated in Greenland or a Nordic country and had been practicing nursing for at least 2 years in an Arctic region. They were observed for 15 days, and subsequently interviewed. Interviews included in‐depth questioning, based on emerging outcomes from observation. Interviews were recorded and transcribed; they were analysed within a phenomenologicalhermeneutic approach. Results. Nurses in rural and remote areas navigate their health promotion and preventive work with conflict between health strategies and everyday realities, where unpredictable tasks often lead to prioritisation of urgent, acute work. There is interaction between personal and professional skills. Everyday life is characterised by opportunities and challenges in the grey areas, namely nursing, medical and social work. Conclusion. The nature of nursing practice in rural and remote Greenland is characterised by a high degree of variability and complexity, with a requirement for a wide range of knowledge and skills. Nurses need to be better prepared with regard to acute medical care, preventive care, social work, humanistic approaches and information technology to implement the ideology of health strategies.

Forfatter: Lise Hounsgaard; A.B.Jensen ; J. Præst Wilche Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2013 Emner: Sygepleje i Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume: 72 ISBN nummer: 1239‐9736

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Nýskapan má til, eisini innan útbúgving Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Innovation; Højere uddannelse ; Masterlære Navn på avis: Sosialurin Volume & nummer: 134

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Obama er bedst for os Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Grønland; Obama Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Dato: 06. november 2012

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En bæredygtig udvikling af bygderne er mulig Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Grønland; Bygder; Bæredygtig Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 38 Dato: 21. september 2012

Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Indsatte i Grønlands anstalter lades i stikken Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2012 Emner: Grønland; Anstalter; Indsatte Navn på avis: Politiken Dato: 14. maj

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Vælferð á vandakós Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Velfærd Navn på avis: Sosialurin Volume & nummer: No. 39

Research | Forskning > Review | Anmeldelse

The Åland Example and Its Components – Relevance for International Conflict Resolution Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Sia Spiliopoulou‐Åkermark Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2012 Emner: International conflict resolution; Åland Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights Volume på tidsskrift: 19 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Populærmusik fra Nuuk – Alternativer til en essensbaseret grønlandsk identitet Grønlandiseringen under Hjemmestyret har resulteret i forestillinger om en essensbaseret ’rigtig’ grønlandsk identitet i identitetsdiskursen i Grønland. Igennem mit feltarbejde i populærmusikscenen i Nuuk har jeg oplevet en anden identitetsdiskurs basseret på forestillinger om grønlandsk identitet som noget mere inkluderende, komplekst og erfaringsbaseret. Med fokus på rockbandet Chilly Friday og sangerinden Nina Kreutzmann og med referencer til anden forskning indenfor området forsøger jeg her at identificere denne diskurs, for at påvise at essensbaserede forestillinger om grønlandsk identitet bliver udfordret i populærmusikscenen i Nuuk.

Forfatter: Andreas Otte Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Musik; Identitet; Grønlandisering; Nina Kreutzmann Jørgensen; Chilly Friday Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Volume på tidsskrift: 60 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Det Grønlandske Selskab Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Earliest Greenlandic Bible: A Study of the Ur‐Text from 1725 Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Scott S. Elliott ; Roland Boer Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2012 Emner: Greenlandic bible; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Atlanta Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Ideology, Culture, and Translation Forlag: Society of Biblical Literature

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Da apokalyptikken kom til Grønland – de første grønlandske tekster og hvad deraf fulgte Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2012 Emner: Apokalyptik; Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk kultur‐ og samfundsforskning

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Bibelen som magisk bog i Grønland Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Bibelen; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Bibliana Volume på tidsskrift: 13 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Greenlands’s Open Institution – imprisonment in a Land without Prisons Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Greenland; Open institutions; Prisons Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention Volume på tidsskrift: 13 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Den grønlandske anstalt Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Grønland; Anstalter Titel på tidsskrift: Materialisten – Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt Volume på tidsskrift: 2/3 Nummer på tidsskrift: 39

Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Anstalten ‐ frihedsberøvelse i Grønland Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2012 Emner: Grønland; Anstalter; Frihedsberøvelse Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

Anstalt, fængsel eller en bastardinstitution? Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2012 Emner: Grønland; Anstalter; Fængsler Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 12

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Den moderne grønlandske familie Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Editor: Evy Frantzsen ; Cecilie Høigård Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Den moderne grønlandske familie Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt Volume på tidsskrift: 2/3

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Role of Personal Responsibility, trust relationships, and Family Communication in the Prevention of Sexuality Transmitted Infections Among Greenlandic Youth: Focus Group Results From Inuulluataarneq Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer; Elizabeth Rink ; Dionne Gesink ; Louise Lennert Sandsgaard ; Navarana Kotalawala Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2012 Emner: Personal responsibility; Trust relationships; Family communication; Prevention of sexuality transmitted infections; Inuulluataarneq Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk kultur‐ og samfundsforskning 2010‐2012 Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Navn og navngivning – en grønlandsk identitetsmarkør Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Editor: Ole Høiris ; Ole Marquardt Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2012 Emner: Grønlandsk identitetsmarkør; Navngivning Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Fra vild til verdensborger. Grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitet Forlag: Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Verena Postel, Arbeit und Willensfreiheit im Mittelalter Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2012 Emner: Verena Postel; Arbeit und Willensfreiheit im Mittelalter Titel på tidsskrift: Speculum

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Design and Methods in a Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic – the SLiCA study Forfatter: B‐M Eliassen ; M. Melhus ; J. Kruse ; Birger Poppel; A. R. Broderstad Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Circumpolar Health Volume på tidsskrift: 71 DOI nummer: 103402/IJCH.v71i0.17229

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Autonomy Development, Irredentism and Secessionism in a Nordic Context Forfatter: Maria Ackrén; Bjarne Lindström Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Åland Islands; Faroe Islands; Greenland; Autonomy; Irredentism; Secessionism Titel på tidsskrift: Commonwealth & Comparative Politics Volume på tidsskrift: 50 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Routledge Journals / Taylor & Francis Group Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom ISSN nummer: 1466‐2043

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

The Globalization of the Arctic: Negotiating Sovereignty and Building Communities in Svalbard, Norway Forfatter: Adam Grydehøj ; Anne Grydehøj ; Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Arctic; China; Governance; International relations; Islands; Norway; Russia; Sovereignty; Spitsbergen; Svalbard Titel på tidsskrift: Island Studies Journal Volume på tidsskrift: 7 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: University of Prince Edward Island Udgivelsessted: Charlottetown Udgivelsesland: Canada ISSN nummer: 1715 – 2593

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Hverdagsliv og daglig livsførelse The theoretical concept of 'everyday life' is ambiguous. Different theoretic approaches offer different epistemological comprehensions of the concept. These have implications for research in everyday life. For the purpose of clarifying the analytical perspective in a Ph.D.‐project carried out in and around a hospital ward in Dr. Ingrids Hospital in Nuuk, the concept of everyday life is discussed from two different angles: a sociological‐ phaenomenological approach and an approach to everyday life based on a critical psychological theory of practice. Questions of subjectivity, practice and social change are put on the agenda in order to discuss how change can be brought about through humanistic health research.

Forfatter: Tine Aagaard; Tove Borg ; Lise Hounsgaard Editor: Birgit Kleist Pedersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2012 Emner: Hverdagsliv; Daglig livsførelse; Humanistisk sundhedsforskning Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning 2010‐12 Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik / Atuagkat ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐92554‐41‐3

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

"Nogle vælger døden. Jeg vælger livet, drømmene og troen på fremtiden": om kunst, billeder og unge i Paamiut The article presents and analyses 20 photographs taken by ten young people in Paamiut, Greenland. The photographs were taken as a part of workshop facilitated by photographer Tina Enghoff and journalist Anette Molbech and later published as part of a book. The workshop was one of the many activities in the community mobilization program Paamiut Asasara. The photos, their titles and narrative texts are analyzed, using the method of a close reading with a clear focus on the photos themselves, combined with a contextual analysis of the photos. Transparency into the step‐by‐step analysis is used to secure plausibility of the results. The study shows that the photographs present the following themes: (1) searching for strength; (2) moving forward (to be on the move); (3) the will to choose and to make changes; (4) a longing for close relationship; and (5) valuing love, i.e. to love and to be loved. These themes are understood in the context of traditional Inuit story‐telling and in the present situation of the young people in Paamiut as part of the Paamiut Asasara program.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Unge; Inuit; Fotografier; Community psykologi; Ungdomskultur; Ungdomsforskning; Eksistens Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & logos Volume på tidsskrift: 33 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Så rejser jeg mig op og vandrer tilbage til Paamiut: om monologer i unges teater i Paamiut Asasara I denne artikel undersøges indhold i og betydningen af unges teater monologer – som de fandt sted i forbindelse med C:ntact’s teater‐opsætning med en gruppe unge i Paamiut. Forestillingen bestod af 8 monologer, der blev fremsat af de unge. Da der var tale om monologer undersøges det, hvad der er det specifikke i netop monologen som udtryksform i denne bestemte kontekst. Det undersøges her, hvordan monologen i form af fortælling har indgået i Inuits kultur i fortællinger af myter, sagn og eventyr. Dernæst undersøges indholdet i de unges nutidige dialoger. Der afsluttes med en refleksion over betydningen af de unges dialoger i den konkrete kontekst samt mere generelt som en bestemt udtryksform. Artiklen bygger på interviews med de unge deltagere og med andre borgere i Paamiut samt på et spørgeskema og statistik om udviklingen i Paamiut.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Unge; Inuit; Teater; Community resilience; Ungdomskultur; Resiliens Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke & logos Volume på tidsskrift: 33 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Bæredygtig pædagogik og fælles læring som community resiliens Med afsæt i læringsprocesser i Fisker‐ og fangerakademiet i Paamiut i Grønland vises det, hvordan man kæder social ansvarlighed sammen med økologisk ansvarlighed. På denne måde knytter læringsprocessen an til community resiliens. Der gives derefter en kort sammenstilling af denne undersøgelses resultater med andre undersøgelser af læring, livskvalitet og resiliens i inuit samfund. Derefter diskuteres dette i forhold til teorier om social økologi og undervisning i bæredygtig udvikling. Metoden er en form for dokument‐collage, hvor der bruges både interviews og dokumenter til at belyse den bæredygtige pædagogik i både dens konkrete og dens globale sammenhæng. Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Inuit; Bæredygtig pædagogik; Læring i praksis; Naturpædagogik; Community resiliens; Resiliens; Læring; Miljø‐ & klimapædagogik Titel på tidsskrift: Kognition & Paedagogik Volume på tidsskrift: 22 Nummer på tidsskrift: 86 ISSN nummer: 0906‐6225

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Case study: Promoting community resilience with local values – Greenland's Paamiut Asasara. The chapter describes the programme Paamiut Asasara. The programme mobilised the local community from locally defined values and promoted shared community resilience as well as individual and family resilience.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Line Natascha Larsen ; Elena de Casas Soberón Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2012 Emner: Social resilience; Pamiut Asasara; Community mobilisation Udgivelsessted: New York Udgivelsesland: USA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The social ecology of resilience : a handbook of theory and practice Udgave: 1 Forlag: Springer ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐4614‐0585‐6

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Challenges of youth participation in participatory action research: methodological considerations of the Paamiut Youth Voice research project Paamiut Youth Voice (PYV) is a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project, exploring youth perceptions, experiences, and the promotion of well‐being in Paamiut, Greenland. Active youth participation remained a key challenge in the development of the local community through the locally initiated community mobilisation programme Paamiut Asasara. The challenges of youth participation in PYV are investigated in order to explore the implications of youth participation in PAR projects. The discussion of challenges is based on a methodological account of experiences from the research process clarifying how youth participation in the PYV project took place. Results are presented, concerning the young people’s understandings and experiences of engagement and participation.

Forfatter: Laila Wattar ; Sandrine Fanous ; Peter Berliner Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2012 Emner: Resilience; Young people; Inuit; Participatory action research; Collective identity; Ungdomskultur; Ungdomsforskning; Forskningsmetode; Resiliens Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal of Action Research Volume på tidsskrift: 8 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 ISSN nummer: 1861‐1303

Research | Forskning > Review | Anmeldelse

Phasing out the Colonial Status of Greenland, 1945‐1954: A Historical Study.Erik Beukel, Frede P. Jensen and Jens Elo Rytter, translated by Nancy E. Ake Aen Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2012 Emner: Greenland; History Titel på tidsskrift: Northern Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 44 Udgiver: The Journal of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies Udgivelsessted: Edinburgh Udgivelsesland: Scotland ISSN nummer: 0305‐506X

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Research | Forskning > Review | Anmeldelse

Stefanie Stockhorst (ed.) (2010) Cultural Transfer Through Translation: The Circulation of Enlightened Thought in Europe by Means of Translation Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2012 Emner: Cultural history Titel på tidsskrift: Cultural History Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Edinburgh University Press Udgivelsessted: Edinburgh Udgivelsesland: Scotland ISSN nummer: E‐ISSN 2045‐ 2918 DOI nummer: 10.3366/cult.2012.0027

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Uttermost Part of the Earth: Islands on the edge ... and in the centre of the North Atlantic The Shetland Islands are a good example of what island cultures and societies can tell us about the construction and maintenance of national identities, as well as the way in which historical perspectives and internalised ideas influence how we locate parts of Britain. How do these ‐ other islands become part of the national mental map? And how do islanders themselves incorporate ‐ Britishness into their cultural identity?

For the ―Northern Isles‖ of Orkney and Shetland, their geographical position has historically meant being an outpost of the British Isles, at its Northern ―edge,‖ as noted by Sandy Cluness, Convenor of the Shetland Islands Council, in an interview with The Journal: ―We are on the periphery and have all the higher costs that come with that and not many of the advantages. This chapter demonstates that the cultural heritage of the Scottish Northern Islands actually insists on being ―other, often resisting, and sometimes opposing, the dominant, national historical and political narratives. The Northern Isles of Orkney and Shetland are therefore of real interest in terms of exploring the complex and adaptable nature of representing ―otherness‖ within British identity, and the way islanders actively utilise their economic, political and cultural‐historical environment to create a multiplicity of localised island identities within the national narrative.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Editor: Matthews, Jodie, Travers, Daniel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2012 Emner: Islands studies; Britishness; Shetland; Identity; Borders; Historiography Udgivelsessted: Newcastle upon Tyne Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Islands and Britishness: A Global Perspective Volume: 1 Udgave: 1 Forlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN nummer: 978‐1‐4438‐3516‐9 (print)

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review (summary) | Review (oversigtsartikel)

Kristín Loftsdóttir, Lars Jensen (eds.): Whiteness and Postcolonialism in the Nordic Region; Lars Jensen: Danmark ‐ Rigsfællesskab, tropekolonier og den postkoloniale arv Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Review (summary) | Review (oversigtsartikel) Årstal: 2012 Emner: Review; Postcolonialism; Nordic exceptionalism; Scandinavia Titel på tidsskrift: NORDEUROPAforum ‐ Journal for the Study of Culture Volume på tidsskrift: 22 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1‐2 Udgivelsessted: Berlin Udgivelsesland: Germany ISSN nummer: 1863‐639X

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review | Anmeldelse

Firouz Gaini (ed.): Among the Islanders of the North: An Anthropology of the Faroe Islands Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2012 Emner: Review; Faroe Islands; Anthropology Titel på tidsskrift: NORDEUROPAforum ‐ Journal for the Study of Culture Volume på tidsskrift: 22 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1‐2 Udgivelsessted: Berlin Udgivelsesland: Germany ISSN nummer: 1863‐639X

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Framing trust at the street level: an empirical interprevative study of distrust and trust between frontline public sector employees and young men with minority ethnic backgrounds in Denmark This thesis deals with the phenomenon of distrust and trust between young men with minority ethnic backgrounds and public sector employees at the face‐to‐face level of interaction. The focus is on trust and distrust which can be understood as cultural resources – a valuable approach to researching trust and distrust largely under‐represented in the trust literature. A common source of conflict is often a lack of confidence or distrust in the authorities; therefore, winning the confidence of minority ethnic groups in these communities is essential to easing tensions, along with reducing civil unrest, antisocial behaviour, crime and unnecessary public spending.

The purpose of this in‐depth study, based on nine months of ethnographic fieldwork in and around two residential housing estates, is to contribute towards understanding the microprocesses at play in distrust and trust building processes between public sector employees and young men with minority ethnic backgrounds, an under‐researched and often misunderstood area. The central focus is on the relationship between the young men with minority ethnic backgrounds, a team of youth workers, a job consultant and a police officer. This study explores the relationships from the perspectives of some of the young men and the aforementioned professionals, thus exploring the relationship from both sides of the coin.

The thesis draws primarily on data gathered during fieldwork i.e. in‐depth and ethnographic interviews, observations and artefacts such as media and local authority reports. In addition to the empirical material, the study explores a key governmental policy to investigate how the (previous) government names and frames people with minority ethnic backgrounds. Analysing this policy helps to locate the fieldwork and interactants into the wider cultural and structural context, while at the same time, contributes towards explaining why some local authority actors use certain frames and not others when talking about the young men with minority ethnic backgrounds. A number of research questions have guided the process which revolves around the experiences of the young men with minority ethnic backgrounds and the aforementioned professionals. The problem formulation is: How can trust (and distrust) be understood as a cultural resource and what are the implications for public sector employees who work with young men with minority ethnic backgrounds in the community?

The thesis offers a discussion of the theoretical framework, methodological and ethical considerations along with issues pertaining to reliability and validity. Thereafter follow five analytical sections, the first of which offers a unique insight into the dynamics and mechanisms at play when a researcher (outsider) first enters a field setting. Amongst other methodological issues, this chapter presents a theoretical discussion about the significance of trust in relation to the researcher entering the field. Subsequently, the thesis reports finding one: Governmental Distrust Frames, which derives from analysing the aforementioned key government policy document. Next the thesis reports finding two: local authority institutionalised distrust frames. Through focusing on the ethnographic, this section explores the attitudes of some local authority actors towards a group of young men with minority ethnic backgrounds who reside in and hang out in a local residential housing estate.

The main focus of this chapter is on the relationship between a team of youth workers and the young men, which can be described best as highly distrustful. Following this, the thesis reports finding three: trust and distrust as cultural frames or resources. The fieldwork data suggest that the young men with minority ethnic backgrounds use trust and distrust as cultural frames (resources) to organise their relationships with public sector employees. During this process, they rely upon a number of cultural tools such as injustice and justice to create both distrust and trust frames around individual employees. The last analytical chapter reports finding four: negotiating cultural frames. The last part of the chapter looks closer at the relationship between the young men with minority ethnic backgrounds, the job consultant and the police officer to consider how they negotiate cultural frames to achieve and maintain trust. The final chapter sets out the conclusions and implications for theory, research and practice and proposes some recommendations for practice based on the findings and conclusions of the study. This chapter outlines the overall contributions of the thesis along with the limitations and recommendations for future research.

Forfatter: Kevin Perry Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2012 Emner: Ethnographic field work; Street level; Qualitative study; Trust Udgivelsessted: Roskilde Udgivelsesland: Denmark Forlag: Roskilde University

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Framing Trust at the Street Level Forfatter: Kevin Perry Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2012 Emner: Trust; Social work; Youth; Street level Udgivelsessted: Saarbrücken Udgivelsesland: Germany Udgave: 1 Forlag: Scholars Press ISBN nummer: 9783639512175

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Communication | Formidling > Feature article | Kronik

E‐læring rykker for alvor i Grønland ‐ men hvor skal vi hen nu? Forfatter: Per Arnfjord ; Lasse Ziska Type: Feature article | Kronik Årstal: 2011 Emner: IKT; Fjernundervisning; E‐læring; Informationsteknologi; Uddannelse; Grønland Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 43 Dato: 28. oktober 2011

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Gender and welfare in Greenland ‐ Status and Challenges Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Gender; Welfare; Greenland; Status; Challenges Navn på konference: Citizenship Practices. Transnational Identities, Human Rights and Social Justice in a Globalising World Konferenceby: Durham Konferenceland: England Dato: 26 September 2011

Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Virtuelt læringsmiljø fastholder elever på EUD Det var en fedt at arbejde med koblingsopgaver. Der var tæt kontakt med læreren. Det styrkede relationen mellem den praktikansvarlige og mig (eleven). Og vi elever kommunikerede en masse (under praktikopholdet). Sådan siger en grønlandsk tømrerelev, der har fulgt et særligt forløb, der udspringer af projektet COMBAR. Som svar på et markant frafald, ikke mindst i praktikperioden, har man i projektet arbejdet fokuseret på at skabe sammenhæng mellem skole og praktik ved at benytte såkaldte koblingsopgaver, der løses af eleven i dialog med netværket: læreren, den praktikpladsansvarlige og andre elever. Som citatet antyder, så bærer det frugt.

Forfatter: Jens Jørgen Jørgensen ; Per Arnfjord ; Lasse Ziska ; Johan Plambek Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2011 Emner: IKT; Fjernundervisning; E‐læring; Informationsteknologi; Uddannelse; Grønland Dato: 01. juni 2011 Web‐publikationstype: Debat Udgivelsessted på nettet: Itai

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Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation Jøder, manikæere og kristne fra Xinjiang til Rom – godbidder fra et eksegetisk værksted Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2011 Emner: Jøder; Manikæere; Kristendom; Xinjiang; Rom Dato: 27. februar Web‐publikationstype: Elektronisk nyhedsbrev Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Sund fornuft eller liberalistisk autopilot? Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2011 Emner: Grønland; Økonomi; Liberalisme Navn på avis: AG Dato: 26. januar 2011

Research | Forskning > Book | Bog

Die Anfänge des grönländischen Romans: Nation, Identität und subalterne Artikulation in einer arktischen Kolonie Grönland Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein koloniales und von Machtasymmetrien geprägtes Land. Zeitgleich mit den ersten Ausbildungsreisen junger Grönländer nach Dänemark kann sich in der bis nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg abgeriegelten dänischen Kolonie eine eigene Romanliteratur herausbilden. Ebbe Volquardsen begibt sich auf die Spur der Vertreter einer frühen grönländischen Bildungselite, der die Autoren angehören. Er fragt: Wie kann literarisches Schreiben und Publizieren in dieser Konstellation gelingen? Welche Machtmechanismen müssen Grönländer umgehen, um sich als Akteure im literarischen Diskurs zu etablieren? Der Autor analysiert die ersten vier zwischen 1914 und 1938 erschienenen Romane grönländischer Autoren und stellt sie in einen kulturhistorischen Kontext. Welche Bedeutung kommt diesen Romanen im Diskurs um Nationsbildung und Identitätsfindung zu?

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2011 Emner: Postcolonial studies; Identity; Nationalism; Colonialism; Arctic discourses; National identity; Literature; Imperialism; Greenland; Denmark Udgivelsessted: Marburg Forlag: Tectum ISBN nummer: 978‐3‐8288‐2812‐4

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Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Den ældste grønlandske Bibel – et sprogligt og kulturelt møde Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: Ole Høiris ; Ole Marquardt Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2011 Emner: Grønlandsk bibel; Teologi; Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Fra vild til verdensborger. Grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitet Forlag: Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Open Prisons and Civil Security: Enforcement of Prison Sentences in Greenland Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Editor: Daveluy ; Lévesque ; Ferguson Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2011 Emner: Greenland; Prisons; Civil security Udgivelsessted: Alberta Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Humanizing Security in the Arctic Forlag: CCI Press

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel Theology Becoming Humanism Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2011 Emner: Theology; Humanism Titel på tidsskrift: American Benedictine Review Volume på tidsskrift: 62

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

B. Taylor Coolman and D. M. Coulter eds., Trinity and Creation Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2011 Emner: Trinity; Creation Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 74

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Arctic Social Sciences – Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007‐2008 Era and Beyond Forfatter: Et al. Editor: Birger Poppel; Y. Csonka Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2011 Emner: International Polar Year 2007

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Arctic living conditions. Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2011 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på konference: Arctic Council Ministerial meeting

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Arctic societies, cultures and peoples in a changing cryosphere Forfatter: G. Hovelsrud ; Birger Poppel; B. van Oort ; J. Reist Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2011 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: AMBIO Volume på tidsskrift: 40 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Arctic societies, cultures and peoples in a changing cryosphere Forfatter: G. Hovelsrud ; Birger Poppel; B. van Oort ; J. Reist Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2011 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgivelsesland: Norway Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA)

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Social, Economic, and Institutional State of the Circum‐Arctic Coast Forfatter: E. Mikkelsen ; A. H. Hoel ; L. Hacquebord ; Birger Poppel; J. N. Larsen Editor: D. L. Forbes Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2011 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: Scientific Review and Outlook Udgiver: Helmholtz‐ Zentrum Udgivelsessted: Geesthacht Udgivelsesland: Germany

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Communication | Formidling > Interactive productions | Interaktive produktioner COMBAR II Teaching Concept Take a tour in our animated presentation of the COMBAR II Teaching Concept ‐ and get introduced to its various elements, methods, tools, and a lot of good stories to illustrated its usability.

Forfatter: Per Arnfjord ; Lasse Ziska ; Jens Jørgen Jørgensen Type: Interactive productions | Interaktive produktioner Årstal: 2011 Emner: ICT; Distance laerning; E‐learning; Information technology; Education; Greenland

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Poster | Poster

Empowerment evaluation and social work in Greenland Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Poster | Poster Årstal: 2011 Emner: Empowerment; Social work; Evaluation; Greenland Navn på konference: Polar Worlds Konferenceby: Paris Konferenceland: France

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Empowering social work through critical participatory action research in Greenland Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2011 Emner: Participatory action research; Greenland; Social work; Participation Navn på konference: Power and Participation: The 25th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association Konferenceby: Oslo Konferenceland: Norway

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Det Sunde Sexliv Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Birgit Niclasen Editor: Birgit Niclasen ; Peter Bjerregaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2011 Emner: Skolebørn; Unge; Sundhed; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Folkesundhed blandt skolebørn ‐ resultater fra HBSC Greenland undersøgelsen 2010 Forlag: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7899‐199‐4

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review | Anmeldelse

The World’s Modern Autonomy Systems. Concepts and Experiences of Regional Territorial Autonomy Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Thomas Benedikter Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2011 Emner: Territorial autonomy; Comparative approach; Regional autonomy Titel på tidsskrift: Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism Volume på tidsskrift: 11 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Wiley‐ Blackwell Udgivelsessted: London School of Economics Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom ISSN nummer: 1754‐9469

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review | Anmeldelse

Nationalism in Stateless Nations: Selves and Others in Scotland and Newfoundland Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Robert C. Thomsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2011 Emner: Nationalism; Stateless nations; Scotland; Newfoundland Titel på tidsskrift: Nations and Nationlism Volume på tidsskrift: 17 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Wiley‐Blackwell Udgivelsessted: London School of Economics Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom ISSN nummer: 1469‐8129

Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Successful Examples of Minority Governance – The Cases of the Åland Islands and South Tyrol Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2011 Emner: Minority governance; Åland; South Tyrol Udgivelsessted: Mariehamn Udgivelsesland: Åland Volume: 1 Forlag: Ålands fredsinstitut ISBN nummer: 978‐952‐5265‐58‐3

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

A social action learning approach to community resilience: “Our sharing of thoughts and feelings, our respect and trust should be passed on to the next generation” In Paamiut in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) a community mobilisation programme has been launched as a response to a history of violence, suicides, drug abuse, and child neglect. The overall goal of the programme is to strengthen community resilience, psychosocial well‐being and revitalisation of the culture through promotion of locally formulated values and resources, shared activities, mobilisation of social networks, job opportunities and options for entrepreneurship. One of the main goals is to prevent child neglect through a specific programme for young mothers. The chapter describes and analyses the development of concepts, interaction, and social action in the group pf young mothers.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Line Natascha Larsen ; María Elena de Casas Soberón Editor: Kristine Jensen de Lopéz ; Tia Hansen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2011 Emner: Young mother; Community resilience; Inuit; Resilience; Resiliens; Læring; Fællesskab Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Denmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Development of self in culture Forlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7112‐009‐7

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Inklusion i foranderlige fællesskaber: et communitypsykologisk perspektiv Artiklen beskriver, hvordan inklusion udvikles gennem systemer, der sætter muligheder for deltagelse i fællesskaber, der skaber trivsel og vækstmuligheder. Disse fællesskaber har bestemte kendetegn, som vi først nu er ved at kunne beskrive og dermed kunne fremme. Det er i samspillet mellem mennesker i et stort system med mange deltagende over‐ og subsystemer at muligheden for inklusion findes. Inklusion er indlejret i sociale systemer, der ikke blot taler om, men også praktiserer måder at være sammen på, der skaber ressourcefremmende grupper. Artiklen fremlægger resultaterne af undersøgelser af sådanne gruppers oplevede kendetegn.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Elena de Casas Soberón Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2011 Emner: Resiliens; Fællesskaber; Social støtte Titel på tidsskrift: Paedagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 48 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 ISSN nummer: 1903‐0002

Communication | Formidling > Report | Rapport

Lokale værdier og social styrke: rapport om projekt Paamiut Asasara 2011 Den seneste evalueringsrapport om projekt Paamiut Asasara fremlægger konkrete tal, der viser virkningen af projektet. Projektet er formuleret ud fra lokale værdier og visioner samt er lokalt forankret og gennemført af befolkningen og lokale ildsjæle i Paamiut. Det er opbygget omkring et godt og produktivt samarbejde med de kommunale institutioner og lokale forretningsdrivende i Paamiut samt en befolkning, der aktivt støtter projektet. Igennem en række kulturelle, sportslige og sociale aktiviteter har projektet opnået, at folk oplever at byen er blevet revitaliseret og at den er et godt sted at bo, ikke mindst for børnefamilier og unge. Paamiut Asasara er støttet af BikubenFonden samt udført i et tæt samarbejde med Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq. Igennem de senere år har projektet iværksat en række teater‐, foto‐ og sportsaktiviteter for unge og resultaterne viser sig nu ved, at de unge i interview giver udtryk for, at byen er blevet et bedre sted at være ung i ‐ samt at de unge føler sig mere aktivt engagerede i byens udvikling. Der er nu over 35 studerende på Piareersarfik i Paamiut – en udvikling, som mange forhold og aktive indsatser har ført til, herunder også Paamiut Asasara’s satsning på de unge. Kriminaliteten er siden projektets start i begyndelsen af 2008 faldet med 45 % ‐ i hele Grønland er faldet på 3 %. Antal husspektakler er faldet med 47 % ‐ i hele Grønland er faldet på 17 %. Paamiut fremhæves i Politidirektøren for Grønlands årsstatistik for 2010 pga. denne gode udvikling. Det kan konkluderes, at faldet i kriminaliteten er markant i Paamiut og at projektets mål om et fald på 50 % over fem år næsten er nået indenfor de første tre år ved en fælles indsats af politi og borgere, hjulpet på vej også af de aktiviteter, som Paamiut Asasara har sat i værk omkring styrkelse af børnefamilier og unge mødre, samt for unge og børn i byen. Både borgere og professionelle i institutionerne nævner i de kvalitative interviews at Paamiut Asasara har medvirket til denne gode udvikling og at Paamiut opleves som et fredeligere sted at bo i nu – og som et godt sted at bo. Dette hænger også sammen med at det sociale netværk opleves som meget bedre nu end ved projektets start. Især omtalte folk dengang ved borgermøder og i aktiviteterne i Paamiut Asasara, at de kunne føle sig alene, når de havde problemer eller sorger i livet. En stikprøveundersøgelse omfattende 34 tilfældigt udvalgte borgere i Paamiut viser, at dette har forandret sig. I forhold til en lignende undersøgelse i 2006 er antallet af positive svar mht. at have nogen, man kan betro sig til, nogen, der vil lytte til én og prøve at hjælpe én med gode råd, steget med 84 % fra 2006 til 2011. Dette viser, at der er sket en stor stigning i oplevelsen af at have adgang til social støtte – dvs. medmenneskelig omsorg – når man har brug for det. Paamiut er blevet et godt sted at være – 91 % svarer at de altid eller som oftest har adgang til en person, der viser dem kærlighed – i 2006 svarede blot 76 % ja til dette. Familiehuset Tilioq har for mange familier betydet en mulighed for gennem mødet med andre familier at åbne for gensidig social støtte og har gennem fokus på de mange ressourcer, familierne har, givet større trivsel, tryghed og livsglæde. Paamiut Asasara er et projekt, der er bygget på lokale værdier og visioner, og som nu kan dokumentere de gode resultater gennem konkrete tal om uddannelse, faldende kriminalitet og gensidig social støtte.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2011 Emner: Paamiut Asasara; Social støtte; Social mobilisering Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7684‐997‐9

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Communication | Formidling > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

In beherrschten Gewässern: Streifzüge durch den kreativen Archipel des Malers und Autors Jürgen Hoffmann Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Jürgen Hoffmann Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2011 Emner: Art; Literature; Cultural interventions Udgivelsessted: Keitum/Sylt Udgivelsesland: Germany Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Hoffmanns Bilderbuch Forlag: Victoria Verlag

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Grønlandsk Orientalisme ‐ repræsentation og stereotyper om Grønland og grønlændere i nyere tid Kim Leines erindringsroman Kalak vakte stor opsigt på den skandinaviske litterære arena med sin fortælling om Grønland. Bogen fremhæver kulturmødet mellem den grønlandske og danske kultur og kategoriserer "danskerne" og "grønlænderne" i Grønland fra et dansk synspunkt. Kulturelle elementer, som f.eks. fanger‐ bygdelivet, har været med til at opbygge den grønlandske kultur, som den bliver fremstillet i romanen.

Forfatter: Ivalu Mathiassen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2011 Emner: Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Tidsskriftet Grønland Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Tidsskriftet Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Communication | Formidling > Web publication | Netpublikation

Den kristne grundfortælling som sangtekst Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2010 Emner: Kristendom; Grundfortælling Dato: 08. december Web‐publikationstype: Elektronisk nyhedsbrev Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Die Orange im Turban: Über die Funktionen von Orientrepräsentationen in der dänischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Romanticism; Postcolonial studies; Nationalism; National identity; Danish literature; Orientalism; Hans Christian Andersen Titel på tidsskrift: Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek Volume på tidsskrift: 31 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 ISSN nummer: 1875‐9505

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Frihedsberøvelse i et land uden fængsel – det grønlandske foranstaltningssystem i historisk perspektiv Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Årstal: 2010 Emner: Grønland; Frihedsberøvelse; Fængsler Udgiver: Politihistorisk selskab

Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Slægtskab og køn i grønlandske bysamfund – følelser af forbundethed Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2010 Emner: Slægtskab; Kønsforskning; Køn; Grønlandske bysamfund

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Kinship in Greenland – Emotions of Relatedness Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Kinship; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: Acta Borelia Volume på tidsskrift: 27 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Routledge

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Grønlandsk adoption – et vigtigt element i grønlandsk slægtskab Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Grønlandsk adoption; Slægtskab Titel på tidsskrift: Social Kritik Volume på tidsskrift: 123 Nummer på tidsskrift: 22

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Adoption i Grønland – en historisk gennemgang Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2010 Emner: Adoption i Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Kultur‐ og Samfundsforskning Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Recent Research on Aelred of Rievaulx’s Augustinianism – and Aelred’s Use of Augustine in His De Anima Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Aelred of Rievaulx’s Augustinianism Titel på tidsskrift: Analecta Cisterciensia Volume på tidsskrift: 60

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

The Human Person in the Trinity – William of Saint Thierry’s Trinitarian Mysticism Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Trinity; William of Saint‐Thierry; Trinitarian mysticism Titel på tidsskrift: American Benedictine Review Volume på tidsskrift: 61

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Are subsistence activities in the Arctic a part of the reality of the market economy, or is the market economy a part of a subsistence based mixed economy? Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2010 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Cultural and Social Research in Greenland – selected essays 1992‐ 2010 Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Health and Population Forfatter: Birger Poppel; L. Hamilton ; P. Bjerregaard Editor: Joan Nymand Larsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2010 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic; Health Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Social Indicators – A follow‐up to the Arctic Human Development Report Forlag: Nordic Council of Ministers

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Some data sources on people, peoples, communities, regions and human activities in Greenland Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Gorm Winther Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2010 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Political Economy of Northern Regional Development Forlag: Nordic Council of Ministers

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Skal fødestedskriteriet genindføres? Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Fødestedskriterie; Grønland Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 13

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Bygdernes fremtid Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Grønland; Bygder; Fremtid Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 48

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Anvendelsesorienteret forskning i socialt arbejde Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord; Christina Schnohr Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2010 Emner: Socialt arbejde ; Deltagerorienteret forskning; Grønland Navn på konference: NunaMed Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Køn og Ligestilling i Grønland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2010 Emner: Køn; Ligestilling; Grønland Navn på konference: Køn og ligestilling Konferenceby: Reykjavik Konferenceland: Island

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Kvinder og velfærd i Grønland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Gudbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2010 Emner: Kvinder; Velfærd; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Kvinder og velfærd i Vestnorden Forlag: Nordisk Ministerråd

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Religious Diversity as Peacebuilding: the Space for Peace Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Ernesto Anasarias ; Elena de Casas Soberón Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Religion; Diversity; Peace building Titel på tidsskrift: Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace Volume på tidsskrift: 4 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Man er mere fri: community psykologiske programmer for psykosocial trivsel Artiklen belyser community psykologisk praksis gennem en præsentation af det community psykologiske perspektiv i psyko‐sociale programmer, der iværksættes for at fremme mental og social trivsel hos individer,i familier og i lokalsamfund og netværk. Der gives en beskrivelse og analyse af projektet Paamiut Asasara i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland).

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Line Natascha Larsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Community; Psykologi; Inuit; Social; Mobilisering Titel på tidsskrift: Uden for Nummer Volume på tidsskrift: 11 Nummer på tidsskrift: 20 ISSN nummer: 1600‐888X

Communication | Formidling > Report | Rapport

Rapport om Projekt Paamiut Asasara: 2010 Rapporten beskriver resultaterne af community mobiliseringsprogrammet Paamiut Asasara i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) gennem beskrivelse af formål, indikatorer og resultater.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2010 Emner: Community; Fællesskab; Kriminalitet; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: 1 Forlag: Institut for Læring, DPU ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐7430‐203‐2

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Som at noget lettede: strukturel vold og unge i Paamiut i Kalaallit Nunaat Den høje voldsrate i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) forklares ofte ud fra alkoholmisbrug og affektive handlinger. I denne artikel vises det gennem en kvantitativ og kvalitativ undersøgelse, at den episodiske vold må forstås som symptomer på strukturel vold. Den strukturelle vold er en kontekst, der fremmer følelser af magtesløshed, social isolation, undgåelse af konflikter og undertrykkelse af følelser ‐ indtil de eksploderer i konkret vold. Den strukturelle vold både legitimerer og forstår den konkrete vold, men den åbner også for interventioner, der kan ændre netop den strukturelle vold. Den strukturelle vold er skadelig for unge, da den fremmer og legitimerer vold ‐ men lokal funderede interventioner kan modvirke dette på en virkningsfuld måde.

Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Mia Glendøs Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Vold; Inuit; Deltagelse; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke og Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 31 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Unges liv og muligheder: deltagende aktionsforskning i Paamiut Paamiut Youth Voice (PYV) er et deltagende aktions forskningprojekt (Participatory Action Research, PAR), gennemført med de unge i Paamiut, Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland). Målet med projektet er at undersøge de unges visioner om og ønsker til hvordan trivsel og deltagelse kan øges. Projektet blev udviklet og iværksat som en del af det overordnende community mobiliseringsprojekt, Paamiut Asasara, og blev baseret på et lokalt formuleret ønske om viden om ‐ og inddragelse af ‐ de unge. Der blev efterspurgt forskning i, hvordan man bedre kan integrere de unge i samfundet, øge deres generelle trivsel, mindske social eksklusion, samt øge deres oplevelse af samhørighed i samfundet. 61 unge i alderen 12‐24 deltog i forskningsprojektet. De unges opfattelse og oplevelse af trivsel blev undersøgt, med særlig fokus på individuelle og community styrker og ressourcer, samt deres ideer og drømme om hvordan trivsel og deltagelse kan øges. De unge deltog i fokusgruppeinterviews, individuelle interviews, udfyldelse af et spørgeskema, arrangering af et borgermøde samt i overvejelser omkring undersøgelsens metode og design og analysen af data. Analysen af data pegede på en række vigtige betingelser for at øge de unges trivsel, og de unges ønsker om social samhørighed, social støtte og åben kommunikation, samt fritidsaktiviteter. Desuden udtrykte de unge ønsker om muligheder for rådgivning, samt bedre muligheder for arbejde og uddannelse lokalt. Manglende deltagelse blev begrundet af de unge med manglende erfaring, støtte, færdigheder og selvtillid og manglende synlig ledelse og initiativ blandt de voksne. Forfatter: Peter Berliner; Sandrine Fanous ; Laila Wattar Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: Unge; Deltagelse; Inuit Titel på tidsskrift: Psyke og Logos Volume på tidsskrift: 31 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 ISSN nummer: 0107‐1211

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Intercultural Opportunities and Regional Identity: Nordic Voices in Scottish Literature Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: History; Literature Titel på tidsskrift: eSharp International Online Journal for Postgraduate Research Volume på tidsskrift: 15 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1 Udgiver: Glasgow University Udgivelsessted: Glasgow Udgivelsesland: Scotland DOI nummer: E‐ISSN 1742‐4542

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Nordic Regions of Culture: Intercultural links between Norway and Shetland after 1770 Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2010 Emner: History; Area studies Titel på tidsskrift: Scandinavica ‐ International Journal of Scandinavian Studies Volume på tidsskrift: 49 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Norvik Press Udgivelsessted: London Udgivelsesland: United Kingdom ISSN nummer: 0036‐5653

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Levevilkår i Grønland: Tryghed, tillid og familiebånd – nogle elementer i den ’sociale sammenhængskraft’ i Grønland og andre områder af Arktis Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 36 Dato: 04. september 2009

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Den enkeltes bidrag til husholdningen ‐ illustreret ved resultater fra SLiCA Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Husholdningen; Økonomi; Arktis; SLiCA Navn på konference: Utviklingstrekk og spenninger i de Nordiske velferdsstater – utfordringer og muligheter for utdanningene i sosialt arbeid Konferenceby: Bodø Konferenceland: Norge Dato: 06 August 2009

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Levevilkår i Grønland: Det grønlandske sprog – en status ved Selvstyrets indførelse Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 27 Dato: 03. juli 2009

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Levevilkår i Grønland: Fordeling af indkomster og fattigdom – en omfattende politisk opgave Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 24 Dato: 12. juni 2009

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel Levevilkår i Grønland: Befolkningens opfattelse af væsentlige sociale og miljømæssige problemer Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 22 Dato: 29. maj 2009

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Drum songs and conflict resolution in Greenland in 1800 and 1900 Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Drum songs; Conflict resolution; Greenland; 1800; 1900 Navn på konference: More conciliation – less punishment. Possibilities and obstacles for an extended use of restorative justice Konferenceby: Oñati Konferenceland: Spain Dato: 21 May 2009

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Levevilkår I Grønland: Befolkningens viden om politik og opfattelse af politikkens betydning Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 18 Dato: 30. april 2009

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Levevilkår i Grønland: Et signalement af levevilkår i bygderne Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 15 Dato: 08. april 2009

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Levevilkår i Grønland: Individuel velfærd og tilfredshed med livet eller: hvordan synes vi selv det går? Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 08 Dato: 20. februar 2009

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Hvad kan en teolog lære af at lære grønlandsk? Om et objektsmærke og et muligt ergativt islæt i bibelsk hebraisk Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2009 Emner: Teologi; Grønlandsk; Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk kultur‐ og samfundsforskning

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Moses’ Throne Vision: A Hebrew Fragment of Ezekiel the Tragedian and the Question of its Origin Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Moses; Hebrew; Ezekiel Titel på tidsskrift: Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Volume på tidsskrift: 19 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

The Templeless Age. An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the Exile Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2009 Emner: Templeless age; Theology

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Lov og åbenbaring. Moses på Guds trone hos tragediedigteren Ezekiel Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Moses; Ezekiel Titel på tidsskrift: Bibliana Volume på tidsskrift: 10 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Research on William of Saint‐Thierry from 1998 to 2008 Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: William of Saint‐Thierry Titel på tidsskrift: Analecta Cisterciensia Volume på tidsskrift: 58

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The importance of a mixed cash‐ and harvest herding based economy to living in the Arctic – an analysis based on Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic (SLiCA) Forfatter: Birger Poppel; J. Kruse Editor: Valerie Møller ; Dennis Huscka Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Quality of Life and the Millennium Challenge: Advances in Quality‐of‐Life Studies, Theory and Research

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Interdependency of subsistence and market economies in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel; I. Aslaksen ; W. Dallmann ; D. L. Holen ; E. Høydahl ; J. Kruse ; Mary Stappleton ; Ellen Inga Turi Editor: Solveig Glomsråd ; Iulie Aslaksen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2009 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Economy of the North 2008 Forlag: Statistics Norway

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Den grønlandske arbejdsstyrkes uddannelsesniveau – endnu en gang! Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Uddannelse; Grønland Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 03

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Federalism, asymmetrisk federalism och territoriell autonomi Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Federalism; Asymmetrisk federalism; Territoriell autonomi Titel på tidsskrift: Politiikka Volume på tidsskrift: 51 Nummer på tidsskrift: 4 Udgiver: Statsvetenskapliga föreningen r.f. Udgivelsessted: Rovaniemi Udgivelsesland: Finland ISSN nummer: 0032‐3365

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Questions Strategique et Autonomie. Quelques elements de comparison entre les Îles Åland, les Îles Feroe et le Groenland Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Matthieu Chillaud Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2009 Emner: Îles Åland; Lés Îles Feroe; Le Groenland Udgivelsessted: Paris Udgivelsesland: France Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Les Îles Åland en mer Baltique: Héritage et actualité d'un régime original Forlag: L'Harmattan ISBN nummer: 978‐2‐296‐11257‐5

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Køn og Magt i Grønland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2009 Emner: Køn; Magt; Grønland Navn på konference: Køn og magt i erhvervsliv og politik Konferenceby: Reykjavik Konferenceland: Island

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Fysisk og psykisk vold i nærrelationer Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2009 Emner: Fysisk vold; Psykisk vold; Nærrelationer Navn på konference: Anbefalinger angående børns og familiers trivsel Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland

Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

Conditions for Different Autonomy Regimes in the World – A Fuzzy‐Set Application Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2009 Emner: Autonomy regimes; Fuzzy‐set QCA; Conditions Udgivelsessted: Åbo Udgivelsesland: Finland Forlag: Åbo Akademi University Press ISBN nummer: 978‐951‐765‐486‐9

Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Resilience and Governance Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2009 Emner: Resilience; Governance Udgivelsessted: Mariehamn Udgivelsesland: Åland Volume: 2 Forlag: Åland International Institute of Comparative Island Studies

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Køn og magt i politik og erhvervsliv i Grønland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel; ​Janus Kleist Editor: Kirsti Niskanen ; Anita Nyberg Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2009 Emner: Køn; Magt; Erhvervsliv; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Kön og Makt i Norden. Del I Landsrapporter Forlag: Nordisk Ministerråd

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review | Anmeldelse Bernd Henningsen: Dänemark (Die Deutschen und ihre Nachbarn) Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2009 Emner: Denmark; Cultural history; Political history– Titel på tidsskrift: NORDEUROPAforum ‐ Journal for the Study of Culture Volume på tidsskrift: 19 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgivelsessted: Berlin Udgivelsesland: Germany ISSN nummer: 1863‐639X

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Die Inseln der frommen Heteros: Von der Diskriminierung Homosexuelelr auf den Färöern Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2009 Emner: Faroe Islands; Politics; Cultural history; Discrimination; Social movements; Gender Titel på tidsskrift: Norrøna ‐ Zeitschrift für Kultur, Geschichte und Politik der nordischen Länder Volume på tidsskrift: 24 Nummer på tidsskrift: 43 Udgivelsessted: Berlin Udgivelsesland: Germany

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Relationships between violence and different living conditions – An analysis based on the Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic, SLiCA Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Violence; Living conditions; SLiCA; Arctic Navn på konference: 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI) Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Greenland Dato: 22 August 2008

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Aluminiumssmelteværk i Grønland – realiteter og idealforestillinger Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2008 Emner: Aluminiumssmelteværker; Grønland Navn på avis: AG Dato: 06. maj 2008

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Er subsistensaktiviteter i Arktis en del af den markedsøkonomiske virkelighed eller er markedsøkonomien en del af en subsistensbaseret blandingsøkonomi? Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2008 Emner: Subsistensaktiviteter; Arktis; Markedsøkonomi Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk Kultur og Samfundsforskning 2006‐07 Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat

Åben publikation

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Measuring Ways of Life and Living Conditions of the Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel; T. Andersen ; P. Lyster Editor: Mikaela Engell ; Jørgen S. Søndergaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2008 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Menneskesjæl. Festskrift til Finn Lynge

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi A Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Mariekathrine Poppel; J. Kruse ; L. Abryutina ; G. Duhaime ; S. Martin ; M. Kruse ; E. Ward ; P. Cochran ; V. Hanna Editor: Valerie Møller Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2008 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Barometers of Quality of Life around the Globe

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Living Conditions in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel; T. Andersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2008 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgivelsesland: Philippines Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Indicators Relevant to Indigenous Peoples, A Resource Book Forlag: Tebtebba Foundation

Communication | Formidling > Book | Bog

COMBAR manual Many learners in remote regions face communicative barriers to Vocational Education and Training (VET). The barriers can be such as geographical distance, cultural challenges and language.

The COMBAR Teaching Concept tackles three issues:

What kind of pedagogical concepts or tools could help overcoming the communicative barriers?

How could vocational educators reach learners by using methods utilising modern technology?

How to approach the problem of updating the qualifications of low skilled workers in remote areas?

Forfatter: Per Arnfjord ; Lasse Ziska Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2008 Emner: ICT; Distance laerning; E‐ learning; Information technology; Education; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Greenland Forlag: E‐forum ISBN nummer: 978‐87‐92482‐00‐6

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Condition(s) for Island Autonomy Forfatter: Maria Ackrén; Pär M. Olausson Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2008 Emner: Island autonomy; Geographical distance; Ethnicity; Economy; Population size; Multi‐value QCA Titel på tidsskrift: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights Volume på tidsskrift: 15 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2‐3 Udgiver: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Udgivelsessted: Leiden Udgivelsesland: The Netherlands ISSN nummer: 1385‐4879 DOI nummer: 10.1163/157181108X332613

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Italiens regionalisering med fokus på Friulia‐Venezia Giulia Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Editor: Pontus Tallberg Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2008 Emner: Italiens regionalisering; Friulia‐Venezia Giulia Udgivelsessted: Region Skåne Udgivelsesland: Sweden Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Regioner i Europa Forlag: Region Skåne, Västra Götalandsregionen och Regionplane‐ och trafikkontoret ISBN nummer: 978‐ 91‐7261‐145‐0 Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Åland och EU Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2008 Emner: Åland; EU; Internationella relationer Titel på tidsskrift: Finsk Tidskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 5 Udgiver: Föreningen Granskaren r.f. Udgivelsessted: Åbo Udgivelsesland: Finland ISSN nummer: 0015‐248X

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic (SLiCA) Forfatter: Jack Kruse ; ​Larissa Abryutina ; ​Gerard Duhaime ; Birger Poppel; Mariekathrine Poppel; ​Stephanie Martin ; ​Margaret Kruse ; ​Ed Ward ; ​Patricia Cochran ; ​Virgene Hanna Editor: Valerie Møller ; Denis Huschka ; Alex C. Michalos Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2008 Emner: Survey of living conditions; Arctic; SLiCA Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Barometers of Quality of Life around the Globe How are We Doing Forlag: Springer

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Article | Artikel

7‐9‐13 .. Hvorfor fik vi en ny karakterskala? Kritisk introduktion til 7‐trinsskalaen, og generelt til karakterers funktion i uddannelsessystemet.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2008 Emner: Eksamen som læringssted Titel på tidsskrift: Unge Pædagoger Nummer på tidsskrift: Nr. 5 Udgiver: Unge Pædagoger Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

From the Planning of Innovation to Innovation Planning Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Lars Fuglsang Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2008 Emner: Innovation; Planning; Dairy industri; Denmark; Protein; Biotechnology Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Innovation and the Creative Process Forlag: Edward Elgar

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Faroese Villages on the Move Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Sámal M. Kristiansen Editor: Jørgen O. Bærenholdt ; Brynhild Granås Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2008 Emner: Mobility; Place; Villages; Faroe Islands; Planning Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Mobility and Place. Enacting Northern European Peripheries Forlag: Ashgate

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Islands on the margins. Coping with global restructuring Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2008 Emner: Local development; Globalisation Navn på avis: Id21. Institute of Development Studies.

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel Die zweite Revolte am Öresund Article about political youth protests in Denmark around 1968 and in the early 2000s in a special issue on occasion of the exhibition "berlin68 ‐ Sichten einer Revolte", Ephraim‐Palais Berlin (9.06.‐02.11.2008).

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Editor: Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2008 Emner: Denmark; Copenhagen; Youth protests; Poltical movements Navn på avis: Politikorange ‐ Mythos 68

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Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Uddannelsesdebat på et reelt grundlag og med respekt – tak! Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2007 Emner: Grønland; Uddannelse Navn på avis: AG Dato: 04. oktober 2007

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Grønland ved en korsvej – endnu en gang eller hvor er de kritiske spørgsmål? Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2007 Emner: Grønland; Økonomi; Korsvej Navn på avis: AG Dato: 15. marts 2007

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

William of Saint Thierry's Use of Origen in His Commentary on Romans Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2007 Emner: William of Saint‐Thierry Titel på tidsskrift: Cistercian Studies Quarterly Volume på tidsskrift: 42 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Nogle forskelle mellem levevilkår i byer og bygder – og input til en diskussion om bygdernes fremtid Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2007 Emner: Levevilkår; Byer; Bygder; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Samfundsøkonomen

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Web publication | Netpublikation

Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: SLiCA Results Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Jack Kruse ; Gérard Duhaime ; Larissa Abryutina Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2007 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Anchorage Forlag: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska Anchorage

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Kønsbaseret arbejdsmarkedsudvikling og mænds vold Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Gudbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2007 Emner: Køn; Arbejdsmarked; Udvikling; Vold Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arbejde, helse og velfærd Forlag: Háskólaútgáfan Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Metodekombination med sociologisk fantasi Forfatter: John Andersen ; Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Lars Fuglsang ; Peter Hagedorn‐Rasmussen ; Poul B. Olsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2007 Emner: Metode; Metodekombination; Case‐studier Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Teknikker i samfundsvidenskaberne Forlag: Roskilde Universitetsforlag

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Dänische Kulturproduzenten in Berlin: Community, Netzwerk, Szene Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2007 Emner: Art; Denmark; Berlin; Diaspora; Urban studies; Migration studies; Ethnography Titel på tidsskrift: Berliner Blätter: Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge Nummer på tidsskrift: 44 Udgivelsesland: Germany

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Hvem kan sove i Berlin? Dänische Kulturschaffende in Berlin Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2007 Emner: Art; Berlin; Denmark; Diaspora; Urban studies; Migration Titel på tidsskrift: Norrøna ‐ Zeitschrift für Kultur, Geschichte und Politik der nordischen Länder Volume på tidsskrift: 22 Nummer på tidsskrift: 40 Udgivelsessted: Berlin Udgivelsesland: Germany

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

To what extent are social work students in England and Denmark equipped to deal with child sexual abuse? A comparative discourse analysis between English and Danish social work education in relation to child sexual abuse Forfatter: Kevin Perry Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2007 Emner: Social work; Children; Sexual abuse Titel på tidsskrift: European Journal of Social Work Volume på tidsskrift: 9 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Udgivelsessted: England Udgivelsesland: England ISSN nummer: 14682664 DOI nummer: 10.1080/13691450600828457

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Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Brøndens erotik Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen; Jesper Tang Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2006 Emner: Teologi Titel på tidsskrift: Bibliana Volume på tidsskrift: 7 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Philipp W. Rosemann, Peter Lombard Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2006 Emner: Philipp W. Rosemann; Peter Lombard Titel på tidsskrift: Speculum Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Den arktiske Levevilkårsundersøgelse, SLiCA – et komparativt og transnationalt projekt Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Hanne Petersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2006 Emner: Arktisk levevilkårsundersøgelse Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønland i verdenssamfundet

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Interdependency of subsistence and market economies in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Solveig Glomsråd ; Iulie Aslaksen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2006 Emner: Interdependency; Subsistence; Market economy; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Economy of the North Forlag: Statistics Norway

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Privatisering. Endnu en gang uden vision, målsætninger og konsekvensberegninger Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2006 Emner: Privatisering; Grønland Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 43

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Om over‐, fejl og anden fortolkning Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2006 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 49

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

The Faroe Islands’ Option for Independence Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2006 Emner: Nationalism; Sovereignty; Free association; Confederation; Faroe Islands Titel på tidsskrift: Island Studies Journal Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: University of Prince Edward Island Udgivelsessted: Charlottetown Udgivelsesland: Canada

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Grønlandske graver Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2006 Emner: Grønland; Graver Titel på tidsskrift: Materialisten Volume på tidsskrift: 1‐06 Nummer på tidsskrift: 34 Udgiver: Tidsskrift for Forskning, Fagkritikk og Teoretisk Debat Udgivelsessted: Oslo Udgivelsesland: Norge

Research | Forskning > Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint

Comparing Comparisons: Territorial Autonomies in the Light of Alternative Methods Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Working paper/preprint | Working paper/arbejdspapir/preprint Årstal: 2006 Emner: Comparative methodology; Territorial autonomies Udgiver: Åbo Akademi Udgivelsessted: Åbo Udgivelsesland: Finland Volume: Serie A: 549 Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Mænds vold mod kvinder i Grønland i nordisk og arktisk perspektiv Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Hanne Petersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2006 Emner: Vold; Kvinder; Grønland; Arktis Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønland i Verdenssamfundet Forlag: Atuagkat

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Deepening the value chain: salmon farming and seafood networks in Austevoll, Norway Forfatter: John Phyne ; Gestur Hovgaard; Gard H. Hansen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2006 Emner: Aqua culture; Salmon; Global commodity chains; Norway; Austevoll Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Journal of Rural Studies Volume: 22

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Food Safety and Farmed Salmon: Some Implications of The European Union’s Food Policy for Coastal Communities Forfatter: Richard Apostle ; John Phyne ; Gestur Hovgaard Editor: David L. VanderZwaag ; Gloria Chao Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2006 Emner: Food; Salmon; Security; Safety; Planning; Coastal communities Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Aquaculture Law and Policy: Towards Principled Access and Operation Forlag: Routledge

Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse

Menning av proteinkonsentrati úr avlopstilfari frá fiskivinnuni Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Gunvør Balle Type: Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse Årstal: 2006 Emner: Fisk; Proteiner

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Udvikling af proteinkoncentrater, pepton / peptider, fra marine råvarer Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2006 Emner: Fisk; Proteiner

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Jahves kamp mod sin udsending Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: M. Müller ; T.L. Thompson Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2005 Emner: Jahve; Teologi Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Historie og konstruktion. Festskrift til Niels Peter Lemche Volume: 14 Forlag: Museum Tusculanums Forlag

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Kollektiv død og opstandelse i Esajas’ Bog Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2005 Emner: Kollektiv død; Esajas’ bog Titel på tidsskrift: Bibliana Volume på tidsskrift: 6 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Kønsforskning i Grønland Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Editor: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2005 Emner: Kønsforskning; Køn; Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Køn og vold i Grønland Forlag: Forlaget Atuagkat

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

Birthplace criteria Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Marianne Stenbæk Editor: Mark Nuttall Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2005 Emner: Birthplace criteria Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Udgivelsessted: London Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Encyclopedia of the Arctic Forlag: Routledge

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

G‐50 Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Mark Nuttall Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2005 Emner: G‐50 Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Routledge Udgivelsessted: London Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Encyclopedia of the Arctic

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel

G‐60 Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Mark Nuttall Type: Encyclopedia article | Encyklopædiartikel Årstal: 2005 Emner: G‐60 Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Routledge Udgivelsessted: London Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Encyclopedia of the Arctic

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Human Dimensions: Research programs Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Marianne Stenbæk Editor: Mark Nuttall Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2005 Emner: Research programs; Human dimensions Titel på tidsskrift: Encyclopedia of the Arctic Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: Routledge Udgivelsessted: London

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Hunting and Fishing Society in Greenland Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Ludger Müller‐Wille ; M. Kingsley ; S. Stach Nielsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2005 Emner: Hunting; Fishing; Society; Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Socio‐economic Research on Management Systems of Living Resources

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The socio‐economic challenges in Greenland Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Rasmus Ole Rasmussen ; Gorm Winther Editor: Ludger Müller‐Wille ; M. Kingsley ; S. Stach Nielsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2005 Emner: Socio‐economic challenges; Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Socio‐economic Research on Management Systems of Living Resources

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Social Sciences and Humanities in the International Polar Year 2007‐2008: An Integrating Mission Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Igor Krupnik ; Michael Bravo ; Yvon Csonka ; Grete Hovelsrud‐Broda ; Ludger Müller‐ Wille ; Peter Schweitzer ; Sverker Sörlin Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2005 Emner: Social Sciences; Humanities; International Polar Year 2007 Titel på tidsskrift: ARCTIC Volume på tidsskrift: 58 Nummer på tidsskrift: 1

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Grønland 2005 – 26 års Hjemmestyre, status og aktuelle udfordringer Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2005 Emner: Hjemmestyre; Grønland Titel på tidsskrift: Geografisk Orientering, Tidsskrift for Geografforbundet Volume på tidsskrift: 6 Nummer på tidsskrift: 35

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Territoriella autonomier i världen – En empirisk studie över de självstyrda områdena i världen Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2005 Emner: Territoriell autonomi; Självstyrelse; Komparativ studie Udgivelsessted: Mariehamn Udgivelsesland: Åland Forlag: Ålands fredsinstitut ISBN nummer: 952‐5265‐15‐3

Research | Forskning > Web publication | Netpublikation

Island Database 2005 Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Årstal: 2005 Emner: Microstates; Autonomies; Statistics Web‐publikationstype: Database Udgivelsessted på nettet:

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Køn og Vold i Grønland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2005 Emner: Køn; Vold; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Forlag: Atuagkat

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Køn og vold under kulturelle forandringer i det koloniale Grønland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2005 Emner: Køn; Vold; Kultur; Koloni; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Køn og Vold i Grønland Forlag: Atuagkat Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Barrierer For Grønlandske Mænd På Arbejdsmarkedet Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: Aksel V. Carlsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2005 Emner: Arbejdsmarked; Mænd; ​ Barrierer; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Nuuk Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arbejdsmarkedet i Grønland ‐ fortid, nutid og fremtid Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Stovnar og nýskapan á norðurleiðum: Tvørvísindaleg rannsókn á leiklut kummunanna í nýskapan Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson Editor: Magnus Snædal ; Anfinn Johansen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2005 Emner: Kommuner; Innovation; Island; Færøerne Udgivelsessted: Reykjavík Udgivelsesland: Iceland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Frændafundur 5 Forlag: Háskólaútgáfan

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Nordisk kystfiskeri i det nye århundrede? Forfatter: Anne‐Sofie Christensen ; Gestur Hovgaard; Geir R. Karlsson ; Carl Rova Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2005 Emner: Norden; Kystfiskeri Udgiver: Nordisk Ministerråd

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Et socialt eksperiment Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2004 Emner: Grønland; Anstalter; Eksperimenter Titel på tidsskrift: Assimilationens poler – Grønland og aboriginalt Australien i et postkolonialt perspektiv

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Kinship in contemporary urban settings Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Editor: Michéle Therrien Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2004 Emner: Kinship; Contemporary urban settings Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Dynamics and Shifting Perspectives Arctic Societies and Research

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

The flexibility of Greenlandic women Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2004 Emner: Flexibility of Greenlandic women Titel på tidsskrift: Indigenous women ‐ Indigenous Affairs Volume på tidsskrift: 1‐2

Communication | Formidling > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Kinship in urban Greenland Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Editor: Peter Schweitzer ; Yvon Csonka Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2004 Emner: Kinship; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Akureyri Udgivelsesland: Iceland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Societies and cultures: change and persistence Forlag: Stefansson Arctic Institute

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Augustinian Bernard of Clairvaux: A Reading of De gratia et libero arbitrio Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Editor: Marsha L. Dutton Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2004 Emner: Bernhard of Clairvaux; De gratia et libero arbitrio Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Truth as Gift: Studies in Honor of John R. Sommerfeldt Forlag: Cistercian Publications

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Farvel til solidariteten Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2004 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 33

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Gender Issues Forfatter: Karla Jessen Williamson ; Gunhild Hoogensen ; Ann Therese Lotherington ; Lawrence H. Hamilton ; Sarah Savage ; Natalia Koukarenko ; Marina Kalinina ; Ingunn Limstrand ; Marit Stemland ; Stephanie Irlbacher Fox ; Joanna Kafarowski ; Lindis Sloan ; Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2004 Emner: Gender Udgivelsessted: Akureyri Udgivelsesland: Iceland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arctic Human Deveplopment Report Forlag: Stefansson Arctic Institute

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Future Challenges to Small Municipalities. The cases of Iceland, Faroe Islands and Åland Islands Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Grétar Th. Eythórsson ; Katarina Fellman Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2004 Emner: Municipalities; Structural challenges; Leadership; Åland; Faroe Islands; Iceland Udgivelsessted: Stockholm Udgivelsesland: Sweden Volume: Nordregio Report 2004:5 Forlag: Nordregio

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

The Most Dangerous Men of Greenland Forfatter: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2003 Emner: Greenland; Prisons Titel på tidsskrift: Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Alcohol and Drug Use Among Students in Greenland – A preliminary Comparison between the 1999 and 2003 ESPAD Data Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2003 Emner: Alcohol and drug use; Students; Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Proceedings from the 12th International Congress on Circumpolar Health Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Domestic Violence ‐ Violence against Women. Preliminary Results from the Analyses of Police Reports from Greenland 2001 Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2003 Emner: Violence; Women; Greenland Udgivelsessted: Helsinki Udgivelsesland: Finland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Crime and Crime Control in an Integrating Europe

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Welfare and urban planning in transition – A Copenhagen case study Forfatter: John Andersen ; Gestur Hovgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2003 Emner: Velfærd; Planlægning; København Udgivelsessted: Roskilde Udgivelsesland: Danmark Volume: 8/03 Forlag: Research papers from the Department of Social Sciences

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Rekruttering av høgt útbúnari arbeiðsmegi til fiskivinnuna Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Hallbera Vest Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2003 Emner: Fiskivinna; Rekruttering Udgivelsessted: Klaksvík Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arbeiðsrit Udgave: 3/2003 Forlag: Granskingardepilin fyri Økismenning ISBN nummer: 99918‐971‐0‐ 0

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Eksilet og det dynamiske ellevetal – numerisk teologi i Kongebøgerne Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2002 Emner: Kongebøgerne; Numerisk teologi Titel på tidsskrift: Forum for Bibelsk Eksegese Volume på tidsskrift: 12 Udgiver: Museum Tusculanums Forlag

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

»Københavnerskolen« – et moderne syn på bibelhistorien Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2002 Emner: Københavnerskolen; Bibelhistorien Titel på tidsskrift: Bibliana Volume på tidsskrift: 3 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Dansk og grønlandsk etnisk identitet i Grønland Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Editor: Magnus Berg Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2002 Emner: Etnisk identitet; Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Etnisk kompleksitet – Nordliga länder, Kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv

Research | Forskning > Doctoral thesis | Doktordisputats

The Gracious God. Gratia in Augustine and the Twelfth Century Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Doctoral thesis | Doktordisputats Årstal: 2002 Emner: Gratia in Augustine; The gracious God Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Akademisk Forlag

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Den Nådige Gud Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2002 Emner: Gud; Nådig Titel på tidsskrift: Teol‐Information

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Essay on SLICA Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Thomas Andersen ; Jack Kruse Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2002 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Titel på tidsskrift: Arctic – Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America Volume på tidsskrift: 55 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2 Udgiver: University of Calgary

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Living Conditions in the Arctic Forfatter: Birger Poppel; T. Andersen Editor: Michael R. Hagerty ; J. Vogel ; V. Møller Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2002 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Assessing Quality of Life and Living Conditions to Guide National Policy. The State of the Art Volume: 11 Forlag: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Vold i historisk perspektiv ‐ verbal vold og traditionel konfliktløsning in Grønland Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2002 Emner: Vold; Konfliktløsning; Grønland Udgivelsessted: Stockholm Udgivelsesland: Sverige Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Perspektiv på vold Nordiska Samarbejdsrådet for Kriminologi

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Domestic violence – violence against women by men Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Editor: M. Therrien Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2002 Emner: Violence; Women; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: International Ph.D. School for Studies of Arctic Societies (IPSSAS)

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

The Restructuration of the Faroese Economy: The Significance of the Inner Periphery Forfatter: Richard Apostle ; Dennis Holm ; Gestur Hovgaard; Ólavur W. Høgnesen ; Bjarni Mortensen Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 2002 Emner: Faroe Islands; Crisis; Economy; Aquaculture; Local development; Planning Udgivelsessted: Frederiksberg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Samfundslitteratur

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

Coping Strategies and Regional Policies – Social Capital in the Nordic Peripheries – Faroe Islands Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2002 Emner: Coping; Regional policy; Social capital; Faroe Island; Local development Udgivelsessted: Stockholm Udgivelsesland: Sweden Volume: Nordregio Working paper 2002/8 Forlag: Nordregio

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Tørvur á Kollegium í Klaksvík – Hvat halda tey ungu? Granskingardepilin fyri økismenning Forfatter: Olga Biskopstø ; Dennis Holm ; Gestur Hovgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2002 Emner: Kollegium; Klaksvík Udgivelsessted: Klaksvík Udgivelsesland: Føroyar Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arbeiðsrit Udgave: 3/2002

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Septuaginta: den græske oversættelse Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: J.A.P. Herbener Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2001 Emner: Septuaginta; Græsk Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Ny bibeloversættelse – på videnskabeligt grundlag: Introduktion Forlag: C.A. Reitzel

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

En kvittering fra kong Salomos tempel? Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2001 Emner: Kong Salomos tempel Titel på tidsskrift: Bibliana Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Tragediedigteren Ezekiel og Exodus‐manuskripterne fra Qumran Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2001 Emner: Ezekiel; Exodus‐ manuskripterne Titel på tidsskrift: TEOL‐information Volume på tidsskrift: 23

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Ny bog om teologien i Det Gamle Testamente Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2001 Emner: Det Gamle Testamente; Teologi Titel på tidsskrift: Bibliana Volume på tidsskrift: 2 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Dansk integration og kultur i Grønland Forfatter: Gitte Adler Reimer Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2001 Emner: Dansk integration og kultur i Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønlandsk kultur‐ og samfunds forskning Forlag: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Eternity in Time: William of Saint‐Thierry on the Immanent God Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 2001 Emner: Eternity in time; William of Saint‐Thierry; Immanent god Titel på tidsskrift: A Journal of Historical Studies

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Augustins Filosofiske Dialoger bind 2, oversat til danske af Torben Damsholt Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 2001 Emner: Augustins filosofiske dialoger Titel på tidsskrift: Fønix

Research | Forskning > Doctoral thesis | Doktordisputats

Globalization, embeddedness and local coping strategies – a comparative and qualitative study of local dynamics in contemporary social change Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Doctoral thesis | Doktordisputats Årstal: 2001 Emner: Globalization; Embeddednes; Coping strategies; Local development; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Klaksvík; Båtsfjord Udgivelsessted: Roskilde Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Forlaget Samfundsøkonomi & Planlægning

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Økismenning á beina kós Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2001 Emner: Økismenning; Regional udvikling Udgivelsessted: Klaksvík Udgivelsesland: Føroyar Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Arbeiðsrit Udgave: 1/2001 Forlag: Granskingardepilin fyri Økismenning

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Domestic violence – violence against women by men Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Domestic violence; Violence against women Navn på konference: ISQOLS (International Studies for Quality of Life Studies) Konferenceby: Grahamstown Konferenceland: South Africa Dato: 17 July 2000

Research | Forskning > PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling

The exodus story according to Ezekiel the Tragedian and the Exodus manuscripts from Qumran: A study of the early text history of the Book of Exodus Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: PhD thesis | Ph.d.‐afhandling Årstal: 2000 Emner: Exodus; Ezekiel; Qumran

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

La grâce, l’amour et le Saint Esprit selon Guillaume de SaintThierry Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Editor: N. Boucher Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 2000 Emner: Saint esprit selon guillaume de SaintThierry Udgivelsesland: France Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Signy l’Abbaye et Guillaume de Saint‐Thierry. Actes du Colloque international d’Études cisterciennes 9, 10, 11 septembre 1998, Les Vieilles Forges (Ardennes) Forlag: Signy L’Abbaye

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper Measuring Ways of Living and Living Conditions of Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic – The Greenland Inuit as an example Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Thomas Andersen ; Per Lyster Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 2000 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på konference: International Association of Official Statistics Conference Konferenceby: Montreux Konferenceland: Switzerland

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Report | Rapport

The Politics of Gambling and Ambivalence in Copenhagen Forfatter: John Andersen ; Gestur Hovgaard; Søren H. Jensen Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 2000 Emner: Politics; Planning; Copenhagen; Welfare Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Volume: 3‐2000 Forlag: GEP Report Series (The Research Programme: Gender, Empowerment and Politics)

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

The politics of ambivalence and gambling in Copenhagen Forfatter: John Andersen ; Gestur Hovgaard; Søren H. Jensen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 2000 Emner: Copenhagen; Urban development; Planning Udgivelsessted: Aalborg Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Second Annual Report for the URSPIC project Forlag: Aalborg Universitet

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Det deuteronomistiske og det kronistiske historieværk som historieskrivning Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Editor: G. Hallbäck ; J. Strange Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1999 Emner: Deuteronomistisme; Teologi Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Bibel og historieskrivning Forlag: Museum Tusculanums Forlag

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Tragediedigteren Ezekiel: Introduktion og oversættelse Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1999 Emner: Ezekiel; Exodus Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 62

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

The Augustinian Tradition, ed. Gareth B. Matthews Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 1999 Emner: Augustinian tradition Titel på tidsskrift: The Medieval Review

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Befolkningseksplosionen ‐ Sundhedsforhold omkring 1959 og siden Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1999 Emner: Sundhedsforhold; Grønland Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Gyldendals Håndbog om Grønland

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Drugs (ESPAD) Forfatter: Mariekathrine Poppel; Paw M.K. Gyldenkærne Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 1999 Emner: Survey; Alcohol; Drugs Udgivelsessted: Ilulissat Udgivelsesland: Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Grønland på vej mod et nyt straffesystem? Forlag: Nordisk Samarbejdsråd for kriminologi

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Dependency, Autonomy and Sustainability in the Arctic Forfatter: Et al. Editor: Hanne Petersen ; Birger Poppel Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 1998 Emner: Dependency; Autonomy; Sustainability; Arctic Udgivelsessted: Aldershot Udgivelsesland: England Forlag: Ashgate Publishing Group

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Economic Conditions and Migration in Greenland ‐ A Preliminary Study on Migration to and from Greenlandic Settlements 1988‐1995 Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1998 Emner: Economy; Migration; Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Proceedings from Nordic Arctic Research Forum Symposium

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Den grønlandske økonomi – nogle hovedtræk i udviklingen siden Hjemmestyrets indførelse Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1998 Emner: Grønlands økonomi; Hjemmestyre Titel på tidsskrift: Samfundsøkonomen

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 1998 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på konference: Co‐operation Projects on Education and Small/medium sized Enterprises between Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Greenland, Canada and USA Konferenceby: Kirkenes Konferenceland: Norway Dato: June

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Skrøbelige argumenter Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1998 Emner: Living conditions; Indigenous people; Arctic Navn på avis: Sermitsiaq Volume & nummer: 50

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Coping with Exclusion – A North Atlantic Perspective Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1998 Emner: Coping; Exclusion; North Atlantic; Polanyi; Globalization; Local development Udgivelsessted: Nordic Council of Ministers Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Coping Strategies in the North: Local Practices in the Context of Global Restructuring Volume: ISN 1998:303 Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

At lesa seg av bygdini. Um leiklut skúlans í nútíðar samfelagnum Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Árni Dahl Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1998 Emner: Public school; Local development Udgivelsessted: Tórshavn Udgivelsesland: Føroyar Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Føroya Lærarafelag 100 ár. Forlag: Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Review | Anmeldelse

Fragmented Societies Forfatter: Nils Aarsæther ; Gestur Hovgaard Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 1998 Emner: Sociology; Fragmentation; Reciprocity Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Sociologi Volume på tidsskrift: 9 Nummer på tidsskrift: 3 Udgiver: Dansk Sociologforening

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Føroyar og Framtíðin. Frá útjaðara til lokalt heimssamfelag Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Ronnie Thomassen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1998 Emner: Færøerne Navn på avis: Sosialurin Volume & nummer: 222 Dato: 14. november

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Føroyar og Framtíðin. Broytingar uttan samskipan Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Ronnie Thomassen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1998 Emner: Føroyar; Forvaltning; Kommunal omstilling Navn på avis: Sosialurin Volume & nummer: 227 Dato: 28. november

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Føroyar og Framtíðin. Gamlar avbjóðingar, nýggjar loysnir Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Ronnie Thomassen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1998 Emner: Føroyar; Udvikling; Erhverv Navn på avis: Sosialurin Volume & nummer: 232 Dato: 05. december

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

The Tragedy in History: Herodotus and the Deuteronomistic History Forfatter: Flemming Nielsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1997 Emner: Herodotus; Deuteronomistisme Titel på tidsskrift: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series Volume på tidsskrift: 251 Udgiver: JSOT Press

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Informationsteknologien i statistikkens tjeneste dataindsamling, ‐bearbejdning og ‐formidling i Grønland status og vision Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1997 Emner: Informationsteknologi; Dataindsamling; Data; Statistik; Grønland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Final Report from the IT‐working group of the Greenland Home Rule Government Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Distribution of Income and Changes in the Purchasing Power in Greenland from 1979 to 1993/94 ‐ Some Consequences of 2 Decades of Income Policy Forfatter: Birger Poppel Editor: Lise Lyck Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1997 Emner: Distribution of income; Purchasing power; Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Socio‐economic Developments in Greenland and in other Small Nordic Jurisdictions

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Article | Artikel

Greenland’s Road to Recovery and the Pattern of Settlement Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1997 Emner: Recovery; Settlement; Greenland Titel på tidsskrift: North, The Nordic Journal of Regional Development and Territorial Policy Volume på tidsskrift: 8 Nummer på tidsskrift: 2

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Fiskeres og fangeres levevilkår. Signalement af en fisker/fanger og en fisker‐ /fangerhusholdning Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Thomas Andersen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1997 Emner: Fiskeres og fangeres levevilkår Volume på tidsskrift: 1 Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Kalaalimernit, INUSSUK ‐ Arktisk forskningsjournal

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Udredning om forsknings‐ og udviklingsaktiviteter i og om Grønland Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 1997 Emner: Forskningsaktiviteter; Udviklingsaktiviteter; Grønland

Research | Forskning > Report | Rapport

Mellem økonomi og politik. Om regionale integrationsprocesser i den norske velfærdsmodel Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Type: Report | Rapport Årstal: 1997 Emner: Norge; Nord‐Norge; Modernisering; Lokal udvikling; Regionalpolitik Udgivelsessted: Roskilde Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: Arbejdspapir: Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhvervsøkonomi, Roskilde Universitetscenter

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

IT og Uddannelse Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 1996 Emner: IT; Uddannelse Navn på konference: INUTEK’s Minikonference om informationsteknologi og uddannelse Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland Dato: 10. februar

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Informationsteknologi og Uddannelse i Grønland Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Paper | Paper Årstal: 1996 Emner: Informationsteknologi; Uddannelse; Grønland Navn på konference: INUTEK Conference on Information technology and Education Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland Dato: Maj

Communication | Formidling > Article | Artikel

Stormin' Norman in action. En kritisk analyse af omstruktureringsplanerne for den færøske forvaltning Forfatter: Ronnie Thomassen ; Gestur Hovgaard Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1996 Emner: Færøerne; Forvaltning; Forvaltningsreform Navn på avis: Dimmalætting Dato: 08. Juni

Communication | Formidling ‐ peer review > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

The Collection, Processing and Communication of Data in Greenland Forfatter: Birger Poppel; Keun Hwang Editor: Peter Friis Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1995 Emner: Data; Processing; Greenland Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: The Internationalization Process and the Arctic ‐ Proceedings from Nordic Arctic Research Forum Symposium 1994

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport

Kan den offentlige sektor bidrage til en stabilere samfundsudvikling på Færøerne? Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard Editor: Sámal T. F. Johansen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 1995 Emner: Færøerne; Offentlig sektor; Krise; Forvaltning; Planlægning Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Nordiske Fiskersamfund i Fremtiden Volume: 2 Udgave: TemaNord: 1995:586 Forlag: Nordisk Ministerråd

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Den saliggørende nåde hos Bernhard af Clairvaux, Wilhelm af Saint‐Thierry og Peter Lombarderen Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1994 Emner: Bernhard of Clairvaux; William of Saint‐Thierry; Peter Lombarderen Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrif Volume på tidsskrift: 57

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Kærligheden og gudsbilledet Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1994 Emner: Kærlighed; Gudsbillede; Gud Titel på tidsskrift: Humaniora Volume på tidsskrift: 8

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Samfundskonflikter eller sygehuskonflikter. Om konflikt og magt i den færøske selvforvaltning Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Rógvi F. Johansen Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 1994 Emner: Færøerne; Planlægning; Sygehusvæsen; Konflikt; Magt Udgivelsessted: Roskilde Udgivelsesland: Danmark Volume: Studieserien nr. 12 (speciale) Forlag: Roskilde Universitetscenter

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning > Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Projekt Kongehal.‐ In: Kongehallen fra Lejre. Symposium om rekonstruktionen af Vikingehallen fra Gl. Lejre og et vikingetidsmiljø, Lejre Rapport fra et symposium med arkæologer, historikere, arkitekter mfl med fokus på rekonstruktion af "Kongehallen" fra Gl. Lejre og et vikingetidsmiljø i Sagnlandet Lejre.

Forfatter: Morten Meldgaard; Anne Larsen Editor: Anne Larsen Type: Contribution to report | Bidrag til rapport Årstal: 1994 Emner: Vikingetid; Rekonstruktion; Kongehal; Sagnlandet Lejre Udgivelsessted: Sagnlandet Lejre Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Teknisk Rapport Volume: 1 Forlag: Sagnlandet Lejre ISBN nummer: 87‐87567‐35‐0

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Ut gratia sit gratia. Om nåden og askesen hos Wilhelm af SaintThierry Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1993 Emner: Ut gratia sit gratia; William of Saint‐Thierry Udgivelsessted: Aarhus Udgivelsesland: Danmark Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Ordet, kirken og kulturen. Afhandlinger om kristendomshistorie tilegnet Jakob Balling Forlag: Aarhus Universitets Forlag

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Anthology | Antologi

Krisen på Færøerne. Problemstillinger og perspektiver Forfatter: Sámal T. F. Johansen ; Rógvi F. Johansen ; Gestur Hovgaard Type: Anthology | Antologi Årstal: 1993 Emner: Færøerne Udgivelsessted: Roskilde Udgivelsesland: Danmark Udgave: NORS skrifter no. 26 Forlag: Roskilde Universitetscenter

Communication | Formidling > Review | Anmeldelse

Visdommens veje. Fire skrifter af Bonaventura. Oversat med et indførende essay af Jørgen Pedersen Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Review | Anmeldelse Årstal: 1992 Emner: Visdommens veje Titel på tidsskrift: Platonselskabets Skriftserie Volume på tidsskrift: 11

Communication | Formidling > Book | Bog

Richard af Saint‐Victor: Om Treenigheden. Introduktion og oversættelse Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Book | Bog Årstal: 1986 Emner: Richard of Saint‐Victor; Treenighed Udgivelsessted: København Udgivelsesland: Danmark Forlag: C.A. Reitzels Forlag

Research | Forskning > Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi

Åndserfaring og teologi hos Wilhelm af Saint‐Thierry Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Contribution to book/anthology | Bidrag til bog/antologi Årstal: 1985 Emner: Åndserfaring; Teologi; William of Saint‐Thierry Værtpublikationens hoved‐ & undertitel: Spiritualitet. Festskrift til Anna Marie Aagaard

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Kærlighed og Treenighed. Et hovedtema i Richard af St. Victors De Trinitate Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1984 Emner: Kærlighed; Treenighed; St. Victors de trinitate Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 47

Research | Forskning > Article | Artikel

Tro, fornuft og erfaring. Richard af St. Victors teologiske metode Forfatter: Aage Rydstrøm‐Poulsen Type: Article | Artikel Årstal: 1984 Emner: Tro; Fornuft; Richard of Saint‐Victor Titel på tidsskrift: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift Volume på tidsskrift: 47

Communication | Formidling > Poster | Poster

Exploring challenges and possibilities in providing welfare among the elderly in Southern Greenland ‐ an exploratory Study Forfatter: Trine Jul Larsen; Mette Mørup Schlütter; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Poster | Poster Emner: Welfare; Challenges; Elderly; Southern Greenland

Åben publikation

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Book | Bog

Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the Arctic under International Law: Risk and Responsibility Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the Arctic under International Law explores the international legal framework for hydrocarbon development in the marine Arctic. It presents an assessment of the careful balance between States’ sovereign rights to their resources, their obligations to uphold the rights of Arctic inhabitants and their duty to prevent injury to other States. It examines the rights of indigenous and other Arctic populations, the precautionary approach, the environmental impact assessment and the duty to monitor offshore hydrocarbon activities. It also analyses the application of the international law of responsibility in the event that the State fails to meet its primary obligations in the absence of a State’s wrongful conduct.

Forfatter: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Type: Book | Bog Emner: Law; Arctic studies; Hydrocarbons; Environmental law; State responsibility; Indigenous peoples

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Research | Forskning > Web publication | Netpublikation

Telemedicin i Grønland – borgernes perspektiv Forfatter: Lasse Overballe Nielsen ; Lise Hounsgaard Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Telemedicin; Borgernes perspektiv Dato: januar 2018 Web‐publikationstype: Artikel Udgivelsessted på nettet:

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Consultancy | Rådgivning > Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse

Biorefining and Biotechnology Opportunities in the West Nordic Region The West Nordic region holds promising opportunities to improve utilisation, sustainability and value from its biological resources. The region’s major bioresources available for biorefining and biotechnological applications are the focus of this report. It identifies valuable ingredients in the different resources, processing technologies which are or may be applied, and possible end products obtained from further processing the raw material. An overview of the current operations and products which are being produced within the region is given. The report divides the available bioresources into biodegradable residues of aquatic or land origin and underutilised biomass. High‐north specific opportunities and obstacles are highlighted.

Forfatter: Bryndís Björnsdóttir ; Margrét Geirsdóttir ; Elísabet Eik Guðmundsdóttir ; Guðjón Þorkelsson ; Rósa Jónsdóttir ; Gunnar Þórðarson ; René Groben ; Stephen Knobloch ; Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Janus Vang ; Ingunn Gunnarsdóttir ; Ragnar Jóhannsson ; Lisbeth Due Schönemann ‐Paul ; Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir Type: Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse Emner: Bioeconomy; West Nordic Region; Biotechnology; Innovation

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Consultancy | Rådgivning ‐ peer review > Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse

Aasivissuit ‐ Nipisat: inuit hunting ground between ice and sea Forfatter: J. F. Jensen ; C. Andreasen ; P. Fleischer‐Lyberth ; L. Løgstrup ; H. H. Poulsen ; O. R. Ólafsson ; A. C. Løventoft‐Jessen ; S. Barr ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse Emner: Aasivissuit; Nipisat; Inuit; Hunting Afslutningsdato: January 2017 Rekvirent: Qeqqata Municipality

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Web publication | Netpublikation

Autonomous Island Regions Forfatter: Maria Ackrén Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Autonomy; Islands; Definitions Dato: 2018 Web‐publikationstype: Short article Udgivelsessted på nettet:‐studies/autonomous‐island‐regions/

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Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Unfreezing Colonial Accounts: New Evidence on Social Mobility in Nineteenth‐Century Greenland The Danish colonial project in Greenland during the nineteenth century has been subject to a polarizing debate in the current Danish and Greenlandic public sphere. On the one hand, there are observers depicting the colonial administration as a benevolent and socially‐inclusive, whereas others regard it as a socially‐exclusive regime. Using a newly collected dataset of Protestant mission’s marriage registers from four West Greenlandic towns (Nuuk, Qaqortoq, Qeqertasuaq and Aasiaat) this paper investigates empirically the hypothesis whether Greenlanders experienced an upward intergenerational occupational mobility over the colonial period. The analysis identifies fathers and sons (grooms) occupational attainment to document quantitatively how the structure of the labor market changed over time. We discuss how the colonial labor market became a key ladder for social mobility after the introduction of administrative reforms and a new institutional agenda in the second half of the nineteenth century. We add to the literature by providing further evidence on the link between historical social mobility and the emergence of inclusive institutions in an arctic indigenous society.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut; Tina Kûitse Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Economic history Navn på konference: XIXth World Economic History Congress Konferenceby: Boston Konferenceland: United States Dato: July 2018

Consultancy | Rådgivning ‐ peer review > Professional statement | Faglig redegørelse

Aasivissuit – Nipisat. Inuit Hunting Ground between Ice and Sea Climate and topography in West Greenland along a vast west‐to‐east transect from the ocean and fjords to the ice sheet contains evidence of 4200 years of human history. Fisher‐hunter‐gatherer cultures have created an organically evolved and continuing cultural landscape based on hunting of land and sea animals, seasonal migrations and settlement patterns, and a rich and well‐preserved material and intangible cultural heritage. Large communal winter houses and evidence of communal hunting of caribou via hides and drive systems are distinctive characteristics, along with archaeological sites from the Saqqaq (2500‐700 BC), Dorset (800 BC‐1 AD), Thule Inuit (from the 13th century) and colonial periods (from the 18th century). The cultural landscape is presented through the histories and landscapes of seven key localities from Nipisat in the west, to Aasivissuit, near the ice cap, in the east. The attributes of the property include buildings, structures, archaeological sites and artefacts associated with the history of the human occupation of the landscape; the landforms and ecosystems of the ice cap, fjords, lakes; natural resources, such as caribou, and other plant and animal species that support the hunting and fishing cultural practices; and the Inuit intangible cultural heritage and traditional knowledge of the environment, weather, navigation, shelter, foods and medicines.

Forfatter: J. F. Jensen ; C. Andreasen ; P. Fleischer‐Lyberth ; L. Løgstrup ; H. H. Poulsen ; Ó. R. Ólafsson ; A. C. Løventoft‐Jessen ; S. Barr ; Morten Meldgaard Type: Professional statement | Faglig redegørelse Emner: Aasivissuit; Nipisat; World Heritage Centre Afslutningsdato: 2017 Rekvirent: Qeqqata Municipality

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Consultancy | Rådgivning ‐ peer review > Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse

Nomination of Aasivissuit‐Nipisat ‐ inuit hunting ground between ice and sea ‐ for inclusion on the World Heritage List: Annex 2: management plan Forfatter: H. H. Poulsen ; C. Andreasen ; P. Fleischer‐Lyberth ; L. Løgstrup ; J. F. Jensen ; Ó. R. Ólafsson ; A. C. Løventoft‐Jessen ; Morten Meldgaard; S. Barr ; K. Wûrtz Poulsen Type: Contribution to professional statement | Bidrag til faglig redegørelse Emner: Aasivissuit; Nipisat; World Heritage Centre Afslutningsdato: 2017 Rekvirent: Qeqqata Municipality

Consultancy | Rådgivning > Professional statement | Faglig redegørelse

Masterlæra ‐ evalueringsrapport 1. semester Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Elisabeth S. Olsen ; Lív Patursson ; Anna P. L. Olsen Type: Professional statement | Faglig redegørelse Emner: Masterlære; Evaluering

Consultancy | Rådgivning > Professional statement | Faglig redegørelse

Kortlægning af mobilitet: Geografisk mobilitet på Færøerne, Island og Nordnorge Forfatter: Gestur Hovgaard; Karin J. L. Knudsen Type: Professional statement | Faglig redegørelse Emner: NORA; Vestnorden; GIS

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Medier og selvstændighed i Grønland Dette seminar undersøger, hvor Grønland er på vej hen – og kaster lys over de muligheder, udfordringer og dilemmaer, som Grønland står over for på her på 10 året for selvstyre.

Seks stemmer fra Grønland til at give deres vurdering af, hvad introduktionen af Selvstyre har betydet for Grønland og til at diskutere, hvad selvstændighed vil betyde for de enkelte samfundsområder og for Grønland som helhed. Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Grønlands Selvstyre fylder 10 år

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Sources in Greenlandic news media Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Journalism; News media; Greenland Navn på konference: Nordmedia Konferenceby: Malmö Konferenceland: Sweden Dato: August 2019

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Recent development in the Greenlandic media system and its challenges Presentation on conference on media system in the Nordic countries. Nordic media systems research network.

Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Media systems

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Distance education in the teacher education in Greenland The teacher education has been offering correspondence education for two decades. But didactical possibilities from digital solutions has yet to be explored and taken advantage of. Distance education is expected to show more potential in the Greenlandic educational system in the future. From fall 2017 a fresh start has been launched utilizing a hybrid educational format.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Distance education; Teacher education; Hybrid classroom; Decentral teacher education Navn på konference: International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL) Konferenceby: Barcelona Konferenceland: Spain Dato: 18 ‐ 20 December 2018

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Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Sloyd as distance teaching in the scool in Greenland As part of research based on Øgaards ph.d. dissertation (Øgaard 2015) on distance teaching in school, pupils in a small settlement in the Disko Bay where connected with an educated sloyd teacher working in the nearest town. Assignments, projects and results from the pupils where distributed through the use of iPads and internet. An important part of the didactical design was small workbenches and selected tools developed for the project to frame and support sloyd as distance teaching.

The teaching took place october‐ december 2018. The didactical design has been working very well. On request from the local headteacher the sloyd distance teaching will continue. Following Øgaards research, distance teaching in schools is studied for progressive and didactical developmental components. Distance teaching is usually associated with high priority school subjects like math and language. Choosing sloyd as a subject for distance teaching is, beside support of sloyd as a school subject, also an effort to stretch and challenge the possibilities with distance teaching in schools, for its support of didactical and pedagogical development.

Forfatter: Anders Øgaard Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Distance teaching; Distance education; Teacher education; Crafting and design; Sloyd; Håndværk og design; Peter Hersted Navn på konference: Make&Learn Konferenceby: Göteborg Konferenceland: Sweden Dato: 17 ‐ 20 September 2019

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Reconciliation and the Legacy of Colonialism in Self‐Governing Greenland Since Greenland in 2009 became a self‐governing nation within the Danish kingdom, steps towards national self‐determination and an independent state have been at the core of discussions. A reconciliation commission has recently submitted its final report. Initially thought as process involving former colony and colonial power, the commission’s work, after Denmark’s refusal to participate, focused on internal tensions, language and ethnicity issues and center‐periphery conflicts: all challenges of a society deeply marked by postcoloniality. The paper discusses the political implications of the process and the commission’s recommendations in the context of theories of internalized oppression, mental decolonization and post‐colonial nostalgia.

Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Reconciliation commission; Self‐ government; Postcolonialism; Historiography; Decolonization Navn på konference: Recognition, Reparatin, Reconciliation: the Light and Shadow of Historical Trauma Konferenceby: Stellenbosch Konferenceland: South Africa Dato: 05 ‐ 09 December 2018

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Affekt og artikulation – privilegerede og prekære positioner inden for de grønlandske debatter om sprog, forsoning og selvstændighed Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Affect theory; Reconcilition; Sovereignty; Language; Memory; Discourse analysis Navn på konference: 23. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik Konferenceby: Kiel Konferenceland: Germany Dato: 27 ‐ 29 September 2017

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Grønlandsk samtidslitteratur mellem global populærkultur og lokal socialrealisme Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Contemporary literature Navn på konference: 31st Congress of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) Konferenceby: Groningen Konferenceland: Netherlands Dato: 13 August 2016

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Colonized of Countrymen? Denmark’s National Self‐Perception, Colonial Guilt and the Prerogative of Representing History Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Denmark; Historiography; Affect; Postcolonial discourse; Nostalgia Navn på konference: SASS 2015: First Nations and Indigenous Discourses, Methodologies, and Histories Konferenceby: Columbus, Ohio Konferenceland: USA Dato: 08 May 2015

Åben publikation Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Swedish in the Brain: Charges of Censorship and Totalitarianism against Sweden in Contemporary Danish Debate Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Denmark; Sweden; Right‐wing populism; Freedom of speech; Art; Political discourse Navn på konference: Material Matters in Times of Crisis Capitalism Konferenceby: Giessen Konferenceland: Germany Dato: 15 November 2014

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Jonathan Franzen, Susanne Bier and Self‐conceptions of Exceptionalism in Crisis Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Nordic exceptionalism; American exceptionalism; Postcolonialism; National identities; Literature Navn på konference: Yale Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Studies Konferenceby: Yale, New Haven, CT Konferenceland: USA Dato: 13 ‐ 15 March 2014

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

Etik, moral og det koloniale kulturmøde: Nationale selvbilleder i dansk Vestindien‐litteratur Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Literature; Denmark; Danish West Indies; Colonial history; Nordic exceptionalism Navn på konference: 21. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik (ATDS) Konferenceby: Freiburg Konferenceland: Germany Dato: 25 September 2013

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Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

North Atlantic Region Building, Whiteness and Fanonian Thought in the Works of Augo Lynge Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Literature; Postcolonialism; Nation building; Frantz Fanon; Augo Lynge Navn på konference: 103rd SASS Conference Konferenceby: San Francisco / Berkeley Konferenceland: USA

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Escapism, Cartharsis and the Inversion of Mimikry in Henrik Pontoppidan's "Isbjørnen" and Kim Leine's "Kalak" Forfatter: Ebbe Volquardsen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Denmark; Literature; Arctic discourses; Colonial discourse; Postcolonial theory Navn på konference: 20. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik Konferenceby: Vienna Konferenceland: Austria Dato: 28 September 2011

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Indigenous female agency in colonial Greenland During the early‐modern period, women in Western European countries began to marry at an older age. This historical observation is known as the (Western) European Marriage Pattern (EMP). As a result, the position and agency of women arose by enhancing human capital formation and by encouraging women and girls access to wage labor. These developments coincided with the arrival of Christian missionaries to colonized areas and the diffusion of European cultural traits. Only a few historical studies have found whether the characteristics of the EMP ‘traveled’ outside of North‐Western Europe. While existing literature on this phenomenon has typically focused on European countries and peripheries, regions in the Arctic have been neglected. This paper uses the Protestant church’s historical records of marriages of various Greenlandic towns (Nuuk, Qaqortoq, Qeqertasuaq, and Aasiaat) to explore whether the marriage patterns in colonial Greenland exhibited characteristics of the EMP. It discusses how the gender division of society changed with the creation of the Danish trade monopoly and how the subsequent development of colonial labor markets may have affected the marriage decisions of Greenlandic women. It concludes analyzing the potential underlying mechanisms and causes of the existence (or absence) of the EMP in colonial Greenland.

Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Economic history; Sociology; Gender studies Navn på konference: Inuit Studies Conference Konferenceby: Montreal Konferenceland: Canada Dato: October 2019

Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Catching up in Greenland: Pathways for knowledge transfer in the Arctic Forfatter: Javier L. Arnaut Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Innovation; Economic development; Economic policy Navn på konference: Arctic Circle Assembly Konferenceby: Reykjavik Konferenceland: Iceland Dato: October 2019

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Paper | Paper

In search of security ‐ women’s homelessness in Nuuk, Greenland The paper explores women’s experiences of homelessness in Nuuk, Greenland from a feminist theoretical perspective. By engaging with empirical evidence from an ongoing research project in Nuuk, including ethnographic interviews with support providers and women who identify as homeless, the paper examines the contributing factors to and experiences of housing insecurity and homelessness among women in Greenland’s capital city. Furthermore, the literature concerning women’s homelessness in northern Canada and Greenlandic women’s homelessness in Denmark to link the empirical evidence to broader themes of gendered patterns of social service dependency, rural‐urban migration and discrimination in northern social policy is looked upon. In this paper it is argued that not only is the public social system in Greenland ill‐prepared for the rising number of people without secure accommodation and the related social and health problems in Nuuk, but women are especially sidelined in this policy gap. It is clear from research in other contexts that women are more susceptible to hidden homelessness, and are also marginalized in services for the visibly homeless. In Greenland, and in Nuuk, there are currently no specialized programs for women experiencing homelessness, despite the fact that women’s homelessness is often framed by intimate partner violence, the loss of custody of one’s children, and sexual violence. In the paper it is demonstrated that, among other things, that women’s homelessness and the factors that contribute to it in Greenland are nothing new, and yet remain largely absent in Greenlandic social policy. This oversight continues to marginalize women experiencing homelessness in myriad ways.

Forfatter: Steven Arnfjord Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Homelessness; Women; Nuuk; Security; Social policy Navn på konference: Nordic Geographers Meeting Konferenceby: Trondheim Konferenceland: Norway Dato: 16 ‐ 19 June 2019

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Communication | Formidling > Paper | Paper Mediernes rolle i den politiske proces ‐ en diskussion af mediernes output Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Medier; Mediepolitik; Indholdsanalyse Navn på konference: Future Greenland Konferenceby: Nuuk Konferenceland: Grønland Dato: 2013

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Kommenteret oversigt over undersøgelser med fokus på Grønlandske børn og unge Bibliografien er et lettere revideret uddrag af en kommenteret bibliografi: ’Befolkningsundersøgelser, levevilkårsundersøgelser, samt undersøgelser af udvalgte gruppers sociale problemer, udfordringer m.m. i Grønland – herunder sårbarhed og sårbare grupper’, som blev udarbejdet til Kalaallit Røde Korsiats Sårbarhedsundersøgelse (maj 2018) og til BUFFI, Ilisimatusar¬fiks Børne‐ og Ungeprojekt (november 2018). Denne version (juni 2019) er målrettet Ilinniarfissuaq, Institut for Lærings undervisning om grønlandske børn og unges vilkår og livskvalitet.

Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Børn; Unge; Vilkår; Livskvalitet

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Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Annoteret bibliografi ‐ Kommenteret oversigt over undersøgelser med fokus på grønlandske børn og unge Nærværende bibliografi er et lettere revideret uddrag af en kommenteret bibliografi: ’Befolkningsundersøgelser, levevevilkårsundersøgelser, samt undersøgelser af udvalgte gruppers sociale problemer, udfordringer m.m. i Grønland – herunder sårbarhed og sårbare grupper’, som blev udarbejdet til Kalaallit Røde Korsiats Sårbarhedsundersøgelse (maj 2018) og til BUFFI, Ilisimatusarfiks Børne‐ og Ungeprojekt (november 2018). Denne version (juni 2019) er målrettet Ilinniarfissuaq, Institut for Lærings undervisning om grønlandske børn og unges vilkår og livskvalitet.

Forfatter: Birger Poppel Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Undersøgelser; Børn; Unge; Vilkår; Livskvalitet

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Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Her er Grønlands trændsættere Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Martine Lind Krebs Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Mode; Trendsættere; Grønland; Influencers

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Aajuku nunatsinni nutaaliortartut Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Martine Lind Krebs Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Atisat; Sunniisartut; Inuusuttut

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Kulturen i moden under Arctic Winter Games 2016 Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Nivi Christensen Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Arctic Winter Games 2016; Fashion; Grønland; Bibi Chemnitz; Nuuk Couture Research | Forskning > Other things | Andet

Nuilarmiut ‐ Namminiussusermut ilisarnaatit atoqqusaanngitsut Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Katja Vahl Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Nuilarmiut; Sapangat; Kalaallisuut

Research | Forskning > Other things | Andet

Perlekraven ‐ Det hellige symbol på individualisme og anderledeshed Iskrystalprinsessen vol. II ‐ Bæredygtig kulturarv. NAPA. Nordens Institut

Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Katja Vahl Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Perlekrave; Perler; Den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt; Design

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Aajuku nunatsinni nutaaliortartut Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Martine Lind Krebs Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Mode; Design; Sunniisartut

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Da perlerne blev en del af den grønlandske kultur ‐ og den sociale kontrol? Perler på snor‐udstillingen. 2018. Den Nordatlantiske Brygge. København

Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Udstilling; Kunst; Perler; Historie

Communication | Formidling > Other things | Andet

Grønlands ansigt udadtil ‐ Modedesignerne fra Arktis Nordatlantiske strejftog. Billedkunst og mode fra Grønland, Island og Færøerne. Kunstetagerne Hobro.

Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Modedesignere; Design; Mode; Udstilling

Research | Forskning > Web publication | Netpublikation

Grønlandske unge som influencers – Taking Nuuk City to the World Forfatter: Rosannguaq Rossen Editor: Flemming Nielsen Type: Web publication | Netpublikation Emner: Mode; Design; Influensers Web‐publikationstype: Artikel Udgivelsessted på nettet: Ilisimatusaat

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Teaching | Undervisning > Other things | Andet

Critical approaches to cultural heritage course description & reading list Course description and reading list of new graduate level course "Critical perspectives on cultural heritage".

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Other things | Andet Emner: Heritage; Museum studies; Art history; Greenland

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Innovation in the 'Public Sector': Putting it into Perspective Governments around the world advance innovation as a significant means to improving public services (Walker, 2006:311). Within this discussion the word innovation seems to be used habitually by policy makers where there are high expectations in relation to reviving, boosting and renewing the flagging economies and the public sector services. Within this context, innovation in the public sector is recognized as a vital factor in meeting the challenges of globalization and demographic changes, and simultaneously sustaining a high level of public services to citizens and businesses.

However, there is ambiguity and disagreement in the ‘literature’ with no universally accepted definition (National Audit Office 2006; Becheikh, N. et al 2007) about what innovation is, And about what deserves to be classified as an ‘innovation’ (Hartley 2005; Moore and Hartley 2008; Osborne 2008). Through reviewing the literature concerning innovation theory and the more recent literature on innovation in the public sector this paper compares and contrasts both definitions and classifications of innovation in an effort to shed more light on this complex area.

Forfatter: Kevin Perry Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Innovation; Public sector Navn på konference: ICE‐Project Konferenceby: Göteborg Konferenceland: Sweden Dato: 2010

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Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Patient involvement in Greenland hospital care: a clinical research project Forfatter: Lene Seibæk Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Patient involvement Navn på konference: International Conference on Circumpolar Health Konferenceby: Copenhagen Dato: 2018

Research | Forskning > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Whose voice? A Greenlandic perspective on gender representation in the news Gender equality and representation matters are rarely discussed in the Greenlandic public debate, and there hasn’t been conducted research on the matter of representation in contemporary Greenlandic news media. For the first time, Greenland is participating in the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP), which seeks to highlight the significance of gender equality as stressed in arctic as well as global human development goals. The project also has an activist approach with a focus on giving voice and be a catalyst towards change within public debate as well as media institutions.

Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Media; Journalism practice; Gender; Gender relations; Representation Navn på konference: Nordmedia 2021: Crisis and Resilience: Nordic Media Research on the Frontline Konferenceby: Reykjavik Konferenceland: Iceland Dato: 18. ‐ 20. august 2021

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Gendered news media: the Nordics in a Global Context This panel aims at bringing an overview and discuss the Nordic results of the GMMP 2020 in a local and global context. The Nordic countries traditionally have had much in common in terms of news media culture and traditions, but at the same time each country has its distinct local and historical characteristics, which also come to light in these quantitative data sets on use of sources, gender representation in the news content and in the newsroom organizations.

The panel invites a joint Nordic discussion on gender representation in use of sources, gendered framing in the news, demographics of journalists/editors as well as specific topics such as covid‐19 in the media coverage during GMMP 2020. The specific national empirical findings together with the global results can contribute to a joint discussion on future methodological and analytical questions on both national and cross‐national comparative studies on gender and media. Cross‐national studies can qualify and highlight both causes and effects of gender equality in news media and contribute to a better understanding of gendered media practices.

Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Gender; Media; Nordics; Representation; Journalism Navn på konference: Nordmedia 2021: Crisis and Resilience: Nordic Media Research on the Frontline Konferenceby: Reykjavik Konferenceland: Iceland Dato: 18. ‐ 20. august 2021

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

The question of language vitality and sustainability through empirical examples from Greenlandic Media All national Greenlandic media are bilingual and focuses on the use of both Greenlandic (the “indigenous”) and Danish (the “colonial”) language. Even though the Greenlandic language is highly used and sustainable as well as highlighted in policymaking, research has shown that in some areas the Danish language is still dominant. This presentation wishes to discuss the use of Danish as the primary language in editorial work at the national media and what the long‐term consequences this can have on the vitality and sustainability of the Greenlandic language. Through empirical examples we will discuss and highlight some key issues that are imminent in a bilingual society as the Greenlandic, for instance the extensive (and expensive) use of (simultaneous) interpretations and the barriers this can create in both public and civic life.

Forfatter: Naimah Hussain; Naja Paulsen Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Journalism; Media; Language; Bilingualism Navn på konference: International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS X) Konferenceby: Arkhangelsk Konferenceland: Russia Dato: 15/06/2021 ‐ 19/06/2021

Research | Forskning ‐ peer review > Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt

Gender Equality and Representation in Greenlandic Media Forfatter: Naimah Hussain Type: Conference abstract | Konference abstrakt Emner: Gender; Media; Representation; Journalism Navn på konference: StatusUdgivet ‐ 2021 BegivenhedInternational Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS X) Konferenceby: Arkhangelsk Konferenceland: Russia Dato: 15/06/2021 ‐ 19/06/2021

Communication | Formidling > Paper | Paper

Gendering Arctic Memory: Understanding the Legacy of Josephine Diebitsch‐Peary The study of memory cultures often foregrounds the recovery of denied historical truths, with the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past, but continue to be complicit in legitimised forms of forgetting and erasure. This paper investigates the intersections between personal archives and other forms of cultural expression in acts of collective memoralization and forgetting. Using the personal archives of Josephine Diebitsch‐Peary, the research introduces the concept of coloniality to studying Arctic memory cultures by examining the role of gender in the context of Arctic exploration literature. The paper concludes that an understanding of the coloniality of knowledge and its connections to epistemic violence is crucial to the study of memory and historical legacy in the Arctic.

Forfatter: Silke Reeploeg Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Arctic; Gender; History; Memory; Exploration literature Navn på konference: Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 Konferenceby: Online, Lisbon Konferenceland: Portugal Dato: 19. ‐ 26.03.2021

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Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

The Curious Stranger ‐ 'thinking on your feet' This paper explores the interactions and processes that empower researchers to qualify and change research questions during fieldwork. Turning to the concepts of reflexivity, reflection‐in‐action, reflection‐on‐action gives a valuable understanding of the processes that qualify research projects while they are happening. Reporting on two separate fieldwork studies in Greenland, the paper explores how the researchers respond to unfolding events in the two different Greenlandic contexts. Study A) investigated homelessness in Tasiilaq but changed direction to embrace new national and local developments. A unique opportunity arose due to a broadcast sent via Denmark’s Radio. Consequently, the researcher in the field responded by broadening the interview guide and scope of the study. Study B) discusses how leadership unfolds in fish processing factories in Nuuk and Maniitsoq. The researcher emerged in everyday organisational life, observing day‐to‐day activities based on participant observations, shadowing, conversations, and interviews.

Forfatter: Kevin Perry; Mette Apollo Rasmussen Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Fieldwork; Reflexivity Navn på konference: Greenland ‐ Denmark 1721‐2021 Konferenceby: Copenhagen Konferenceland: Denmark

Research | Forskning > Paper | Paper

Micro media systems Forfatter: Signe Ravn‐Højgaard Type: Paper | Paper Emner: Greenland; Media system; Micro states; Small states Navn på konference: Nordmedia Konferenceland: Iceland Dato: 2021