SUMMERLÀND, B.C., AUGUST 2, 1918. $2.00, payable in ad^ Voi. 11, No. 1. Whole No. 522. Silver Mining Good Money In The Best For The Soldiers Giving Attention Added Industry Fruit & Vegetables! To Live Stock Cattle and Sheep Raising Third Prospective Mine to be For the Man.Who is Equip- ' Now Attractive. Developed Here. ' ped and Knows Business. One Herd of 250. Promises Well. Some Figures. Many Fertile Valleys Wait• New Proposition on Trout Summerland Cantaloupes win ing to.be Grazed. Sheep. Creek and Garnêtt Valley Against Odds. Grower Man Trying Out District. Claims to be Worked. Developing New Variety.. There are; probably, few peopia • With a silver mining claim on A crop return of eight hundred dol• in, Summerland who have any con• the south-west corner of the muni• lars per acre on a nine acre fruit lot ception, of the number of domestic cipality and another, of which the looks pretty good "to the town man, animals, to be found in the valleys owners are hoping much, up. Gar- and perhaps even to many of our and on the hill sides within a rad• nett Valley, Summerland now has fruit" growers.. Yet this is the ius of but a few miles of their : a third prospective "silver mine. amount of sales, gross, made off I homes. Cattle, ^horses, and sheep Like - the; other two this one is one Summerland lot with nine acres | in numbers that would surprise within easy access,. as it can now under cultivation^ After deduct• many are to be found on the pre• be reached by motor, so that there ing-wages paid, the amount paid emptions and on the free range ; are not the transportation; difficul• for Boxes,; nails, etc., taxes, water | land of the hills: behind Summer- ;> ties, .common to so many claims, rates; horse" feed purchased, the land. The breeding of horses is to stand in the way of' develop-; cost of fertilizer and manure,' and not now receiving' the; same atten• ment. vY. sundries incidental .expenses the tion, nor; is it, perhaps, as profit- ;-; While aware, for some years, of balance sheet of this :irui^l'ot shows able as the raising of beef cattley the. existence of silver bearing ore net return from thé nine acres of and of sheep.. Still there are not a V; in .that vicinity," Wrri. Brent had $550 per acre. , •:* few horses,on our :ranges. - One not been able to locate the ore These are the results that were The Xlth Century Chateau of Passy, near Sena, France, which has been turned into rancher in the Trout Creek valley body until he: recently obtained the obtained -last season by J; L.. Hil• the "Hospital Français de New York." still holds quite a few head of -assistance of-a mineralogist. The born on his JonesVFlat lot. v young horses of- good - quality for • expert, Mr. Byrd, who is just now The sale 6f vegetables, including | which - he expects to obtain good in the north country, commissioned $67 worth of plants, made a gross Theatre Man Fruit Shipments, Boosting prices within a short time. . by the government, was. not - long return - of $5,729.55^ The veget- Perhaps the largest single herd ; in ascertaining the direction of the ables grown included .cantaloupes, Extends Circuit. Growing Heavier. Summerland. of cattle in this vicinity is that metal bearing vein of ore, and the eggplant, sweet peppers, tomatoes, of Jos. Brent, who has 250 head-: report of the assayist. on a sample and cucumbers, the latter being.the grazing on his extensive "range ^ Another theatre = has been, added Summerland:will be better known sent out thatthe value of the. silver heaviest ;of -any single "item.- rThe Shippers All Busy With m land; Most of these animals will and copper ran to $480 per.ton of total - receipts from tree and bush to the group, of amusement houses to hundreds,' yes, thousands of peo• be ready to market this fall, and fruits was $1,465.55, apples being under-the control of the well-known; Larger Staffs. ple on; the prairies, or wherever our we are told that the- herd will be-. ore has further .encouraged Mr theatre Brent"' and his associates that^they, the largest item .in these,, with man, J. C. Berry, who has fruit goes, because of a leaflet be• worth $18,000 then. It is the in• apricots coming next, and red cur- for years 'operated the Empress ing put in fruit packages .by the tention of'Mr Brent to carry over have a claim worth developing. - Four heavily laden, cars of -fruit : ants third. r~ - . . Theatre at Vernon. His latest ac• various fruit; shippers "of ;the.dis• the "best animals - of his herd, so Mr Brent, his wife, and Jos. Brent,- were started roiling from here on quisition is the • Empire Theatre, trict. These leaflets, which were that little more^than the half of his brother, and Mr Byrd have each The total receipts were $7,195.10, Wednesday night. It is estimated staked claims. The property is on and^the . expenses deducted were , of which Mr Berry,-has prepared,and supplied-by the Board the herd will be put on the market thatrthesei four cars; together- with 1 taken a long term ; lease from Mrs ! off-Trade, assisted financially- by this fall. the south side of Trput Greek on $2,237.85, leaving a net balance of the the numerous express trucks loaded These figures are from Stew'ar'di\-^'vTo..;:conforni' with"- the municipality, ^convey, to,. .the Not,* only is, Mr Brent able to;..' the side of a hill running-up from'i $4,957.25 that evening, contained fruit to. the 1 names of his other houses Mr Berry jreader in concise .form much -infor-- graze this large herd, but he also a bench above the meadows back of I the balance sheet as furnished the value"of from $8,0.00 to $10,000.: has changed the name to "Empress. ' nrati oh - regard i ng;* Summer land,un-- I -produces -hundreds of .tens of :hay. the municipal reservoir. Department,of Agriculture,a copy !The increase in the "volume of fruitl -Further additionsare likely to be der the three >headi ngs :• - Summer- Some: of' this•••• he feeds to stock, ; Upon- the- return ol Mr "Byrd," Mr off which.Mr Hilborn,,. upon request, being, shipped from" hereis very made soon;-to^ the chain of theatres land; where" it is; twhat it is;• and, but much - of it will-be sold and ;' Brent says further--work will be" gave The.Review^ . - marked, and, especially 'has the now controlled by Mr.Berry and his what it has. An invitation is^ ex• the animals driven "down to bottom arranged for. It is not - his desire Two further items that the inter• fruit goi ng out by express shown a associates. Therold:"Empire" has tended to the recipient to* come to lands where they can graze through to hold the property but, "rather, .if viewer suggested, might have been heavy increase., 'Further evidence, v been. considerably remodelled, es Summerland "and help us grow most of the winter. the ore is found to be there in pay• included:in the 'expenses'/ were the of the larger crop is in the number salary of the owner-manager, and pecially.. in the operating room, "stilw."l more" suc-~h fruit-..«i as was con these days.of good prices more ing quality and quantity, to turn of packers required to prepare the r n interest on the capital investment, which has been rebuilt and enlarged tained in the package with the leaf- tention'is being given to the rais- it over to some corporation with the fruit for shipment. We are told at and is being equipped with two up- et means to operate.it to the • best ad• i Mr Hilborn explained, however, that last year .the Union was em• * ing of sheep. One flock of several that the living obtained.for him• to-date- projectors so that the per• hundred we learned of just the vantage.. > • . • formances may bo carried through ploying nine packers at this season, ••' Seen this week with regard to the self and family off the, place and whereas, this year there are. twenty Fruit PirirAft ArA ••' other day. These are the property the annual growth in the .orchard without, the delays of reloading. of an Garnett Valley'claim in which he kept busy.;at the ~Union building; ii un . VJp t r. \ American, Mr'Barrass, who Mr Berry makes a,formal announce Not be Fixed came int0 is interested, G. N. Gartrell stated largely offset these items. In any The Steuart Fruit Co. is also em• TO the. Valley but a few case, there are few who would not ment of the change of management 1 months ago, and With his two sons that work would be resumed there in another column, and also gives ploying a larger- staff, a consider• in a small way within a few,days. be satisfied to take the above net able extension to its packing house ..and a herder is-herding over four profit bf practically $5,000 as ample his program fcr th.e first few per Sugar-Supply Shorter But hundred head of sheep|in the Bath and a re-arrahgement of - the: interr 1 I'salary and return on invested cap- formances, ior being.necessary to accommodate No Present Restrictions. field district." Mr Barrass, we are Naramata Will ital. • '• ., ..... the larger business. Including his informed, i is trying out what he Of equal interest were the figuresjand larger.varieties; but the 'Hop considers a most promising sheep Organize Water staff of pickers and other helpers,. Toronto;-rBecause fruit- is not a v showing the gross 'and net returns doo" so excels in other features T. J. Garnett has more than twenty district, and will, probably main• from the different plots. One test that the other varieties.should not necessity of life, and ;.ltwould be tain a flock of several thousand ani• District. employees. Tho' Co-operative Or• unfair, to the grower, fruit priceB plot of one-eighth of an acre plant- be attempted here. chard Co,, W. T. Broad, and others mals next year. led to tomatoes gave a gross, return A very interesting .story of the are not fixed, II. B. Thomson, Food The grazing larid in the num• are employing considerable-help. Controller, stated-here. Besides, The fruit growers of Naramata of $161, the actual net proceeds propagation , of what might be erous fertile valleys and mountain The apricot shipping season is he declared,; it would discourage are going to organize for irrigation being $87, or at the rate of $700 i termed an improved- "Hoodoo," sides in this vicinity are capable wblch Mr Hilborn has, undertaken, now reaching its height, and early production to the detriment of the of maintaining many thousands of purposes under the Dyking and | per" acre. For some of the other apples, plums; tomatoes, and cu, lines, which would be considered was' told by him. He aims to have country if ,a low 'price were fixed head of sheep and cattle. Drainage Act. This decision was lines, which would ne consmorea was torn ny aims wniivB 7 aro now comlng in in in mm.vna c mberB on fruits, ' . reached at a public, meeting hold a specialties, in which-only men of in the newvH.^^ creasing volume. There m ahead 1100 Tlie.Food Controller said that ex• few days ago. An acting com- experience specially equipped could all the good qualities of ^° y busy weeks in which every man periments are Ijoing made at tlie mittee. consisting of G. W. Wol- present time to ascertain the hdvis- stencroft, F. W. Rolt, and Harr~ •y succeed,- even, higher results per a0o," but with larger size and mag^ nusy w abllltyiof going in for tho dehydra• Hook were appointed, and are in acre were obtained. . maturing earl or... In.the produc- ^^S' the'SopB ot.our'.or W- L D'Aeth It wa presumed that the profits tion of this a cross was made largwithe nnchardu s ranrKecan d truc1,10k gardens, tion of .vegetables on an extenslvo correspondence with Victoria." made froB m -thcBö and probably all the "Hamilton : Market?' a scale. '•• •* \; Another proposal, which. KBB a lines were above the 'average, and early variety! this variety being The 'country's Bugar supply, he Succumbs to good, many arguments in.It. s favor,. Mr. Hilborn WBB asked to what .ho used as tho malb plant. Tho fruit First White Woman was the organizing of the district would attribute the bettor results, from this cross-breeding is fairly said, is,: getting shorter, but no into a regular municipality, but His reply was that the production uniform in color, flavor, nnd qual- To Cross Rockies. further restrictions aro nt present SevereWounds tho meeting finally decided in favor of n really good article was half ity of flesh, favoring the "Hoo contemplated. of tho more limited form. , tho market. To do thls.it was doo." By selecting the fruit of A prcsBing heed .that (must have necossary that the'grower bo pro- "Hoodoo"" typo, from tho earliest Methodists Organize Valley Resident Meets VVith v The donth of Mrs Catherine Schu• immcdiato attention if increased perly equipped,' Only good plantB maturing- plants producing large bert nfc hor" Armstrong homo, on Soldier's Death. water supply IB to bo providdd for grown from selected seed, gormln- fruit, Mr Hilborn oxpocts In time Thursday,' July 18, removed from ; noxt year, is the building of a ated and grown undor rightcoridl- to have established a now and dls After fifty or moro Methodists of tho community tho first ,whlto wo• West Summerland and vicinity had ..The news rocoivod^bb tho 14th Btorago dam back, in tlio hills. If tions and properly "hardened" bo« tlnct varloty with all the most do- man to cross tho Rock I os' from East• done at nil,,this work must bo com- foro being sot out would bo profit- slrablo foaturoB. It tako sovoral signod n paper. circulated by S. B. instant by cablegram to tho effect B ern to British Col umbin. plotod boforo many weeks. able. For this experience and tho yonra to' establish n varloty of unl Snldorv signifying tholr doslro for that Mr W. L. D'Aeth of Kolowna Tho party sho camo west with Buch an organization, thoy mot at had boon dangorously,wounded was It would now appear that the right equipment aro ossontlnl, form typo, numbered 200 mon nnd,only tho one tho homo of Mrs Harrison last-wook supplemented on Wcdnosdoy ovon- government intends to mnko tho Of tho B.C. cantaloupo Mr Hll- The Roviow felt froo to ask Mr woman, nnd tholr doBtlnntlon waB and formed tho Methodist Associa• ing by tho sad Information that ho water rights and tho distributing born said that whon ho camo west Hilborn for a statement of his re tho Cariboo country in a soarch for tion, with Prof. W. T. Broad as had succumbed to his injurios, Mr system as woll appurtorinnt to tho none of the fruit mon on the prnl- colpts ohd oxponsoB .because of tho' gold, Tho deceased was 88 years president, and J, L. Logio, socro*. D'Aeth left horo In tho spring of land, In which caso tho company Hes could bo Intorostod in molons relation ho has held with tho Do ofngo, and camo tn B.C. in 1800, Cory. • *' , 1916 to sorvo his Empire in tho which built the systom and has from this provlnco. Thoy woro fnr partmont of Agriculture, Thoro Sho sottlod nt Armstrong In, 1884, NogotiatlonB wore lntor oponod ovorsoas forcoR, Ho joinod tho En• slnco boon operating It will rocolvo from satisfactory, nnd tho doalors nro many others, wo know, who ore Sho wns Irish by birth, and tonic with tho Prosbytorlnns with tho gineers, nnd WOB soon busily en• nothing for tho plant, Tho com- could not bo inducod to buy, Ho making mbnoy on fivo, ton or more g up residence In Wjnnipog,' thon rosult that tho association mombors gaged In warfare near tho fighting pany will havo one compensation, had not boon long InSummorland acres, and wo would bo very glad Fort Garry, in 1857. havo boon given all tho privileges linos, Although no pnrtlculnrs oro howovor, In that anything doho to boforo ho was nblo to'convlnco thoBO to have dotalls to further demon* of membership in tho church and to hnnd, it is believed that ho was Improve tho water supply and Its samo men that no batter molons strnto tho poaslbllltioa of tho fruit Injured by machine gun firo, ns tho Mrs. J. W. .Tones yoMorday ro» representation on tho board of man• distribution will ;ndd to tho , value could bo produced nnywhoro. than and vogotablo Industry horo, The wire stated that ho was Injured In colvod a lottor from hor son, Flight agement. of tho land under the system which right horo. Samplo shipments other day wo woro told of n ranch several places, tho most serious of "Officer Clnronco A, Jonos, who was it still has for sale and will rondor brought ordorB fo.r more, Thoy had of n littlo ovor .ton ncros tlmt-pro- which was a gunshot wound In the Injured by a fall ,Bomo tlmo ago,, Whllo moving a donkey onglno It moro saleable. novor hod such fruit, ducod a crop laStydnr worth $8,500, nock, Mr Hilborn Is convinced ^hnt too Another nnd smaller lot, onoratod to tho offoct that ho has boon mak• up on to tho Coppor Mountain rail• way grado last Tuosday ovonihg, Tho docoasod soldier was a notivo A country,editor out In Missouri many growers aro not planting tho with llttlo or no hired help by tho ing good progress, and oxpocts to .Tnok. Wintorbottom, tho onglnoor, of Iroland. Ho was well-known In rocontly retired with a comfortablo right varieties, Another troublo la ownor roturnod him $2,200. Still bo on his ymy homo to Kolowna was Itlllod Instantly by bolng crush• Kolowna, whoro.ho ownod property, fortuno of $50,000; , Ilia siiccdssor that molons, and also cuoumbors another, of over twenty acres, pro- by tho tlmo his mother received ed botwoon his onglno and a troo. Ho IIIBO had Interests at Wostbarik explains-that tho money wan nc« and other such vegetables, nro not ducod almost a throo thousand dollar tho lottor, Tho lottor WOH written Tho onglno started to backdown nnd other parts of tho Volloy, bolng "quired by Industry, economy, con• picked ot tho right atltgo In tholr crop, Thoso woro all fruit lots, from England. Tho wntor rogrot- tho grado, and Wintorbottom evi• well-known on account of his long scientious effort to glyo full yaluo, development,* Still another, a fivo riorjp placo on fully anticipated that ho" would dently lost his head and jumped associations hero. Ho loaves n Indomltablo porsovoronco, and tho Tho "Hoodoo" is tho ono varloty -which oarly vegetables woro grown; still bo wearing a splint on his jaw without nny necessity for doing so. wlfo and throo children.—Kolowna doath of nn undo who loft tho edi• of melon that Mr Hilborn rocom- must havo notted tho ownor qui to when ho reached homo.—Kolowna —•Princeton .Star. Courlor, tor ^10,01)9.50. mends. Thoro aro other earlier $2,500, Courlor, 1

PAGE TWO THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 Cijc ^ummerlanb l\cbtcu) PUBLISHED BY THE REVIEW PRINTING & PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED, RALPH E. WHITE. MANAGING DIRECTOR O. ATKINS ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS SUBSCRIPTION RATES : $2.00 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE. SIX MONTHS $1.00. STORAGE BATTERY SPECIALIST, Advertising Rates : Banking by Mail SUMMERLAND LEGAL NOTICES.—Twelve Cents per line for the first insertion : Bight Cents per line for each sub• sequent insertion. * lor Fanners LAND NOTICES.-$7,00 for 60 days, »5.00 for 80 days. WATER NOTICES.-30 days, 150 words and under. $8.00; each additional 50 words, $1.00. Farmers thoroughly appre• THEATRICAL, ETC.—50c. per inch for first insertion, and 25c per inch each subsequent insertion. LOCAL NOTICES or Readers. Immediately following regular locals, 20c per counted line: 10c per ciate the convenience of our line each subsequent insertion. Half these rates when accompanying display advertisements. system of Banking By Mail. LODGE NOTICES Etc.. 25c. per week, per column inch. Deposits may be made and FOR SALE Advertisements, Etc., 2c. per word first week; lc. per word each subseauent wek. , Transient Advertisements payable In advance. , •* riARyPlCKFOBD withdrawn with the same- Rates for Contract Advertisements furnished on application, am ease and safety as though, Copy for change of contract advertising must be in the hands of the printer not later than Tues• „ Gebecca day noon to insure publication in the next issue. attended to in person. ofSunnybróokErrn an Arfcraft Picture HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1918. D. R. CLARKE, E.B.May,Maugcr,WeitSummerlandBranch. Supt. Branches. BRANCHES IN DISTRICT Aroutroaf, Ktlowna, THE PRICE OUR GROWERS will obtain for their fruit is almost . V . •fc j Princeton, Enderbj, Penticton, • Vernon. certain to be more or less reduced from that which otherwise might , have been expected by the rationing of sugar in the United States. From now till, the endof the year citizens of that country will be limited to one pound of sugar per person each month for the household schedule. An extra pound each will be allowed for cooking purposes. One effect of this reduction in sugar available to the housekeeper will likely be a lessening of the quantity of preserved fruits put up in the homes causing a lowering of fruit prices, and perhaps in driving fruit into Western Canada to seek a better market. America is now on the same basis as regards sugar as is Britain. As the sugar supply is con ^ \ trolled by an international sugar board the supply of sugar for consump- ; :x tion in Canada is sure to be curtailed in the near future.

: • ' " ' § § § § § ~ Retreading and Section Work . DRIED FRUITS such as prunes and evaporated peaches, which At Empress Theatre, Penticton, have always been imported into Canada in large quantiies from Cali• Saturday^ Afternoon and Evening, Aug. 3rd, a Specialty. fornia, will not be available to the Canadian trade this year. The We Repair Anything in Rubber United States Governent has prohibited the exportation of these com• modities. California canned fruits are sure to be equally short in ALL WORK GUARANTEED our markets. The southern canning companies report that they already have all the orders they can fill. - Canada will have to depend on her Save Your Old Tires: . own resources for canned an,d dried fruits. NOTIGE They are valuable for Reliners. ' ' § § § § § v- •'• ••••' Penticton Tire Hospital THE MOTOR TRUCK was recently approved of for widest pos We take pleasure in introducing to the citizens of.the South• ern Okanagan the EMPRESS THEATRE, Penticton, formerly the NEXT TO EMPIRE THEATRE sible use by the~government of the United States. At a recent meeting Empire. We have leased the theatre from Mrs Steward for a of the United States Council of National Defence, the following resolu number of years and will give you the benefit of our-long experi• tion was passed: "Resolved that the Council of National Defence ence in the^Motion Picture business. •ÒDC 3Ö0Q approves the widest possible use of the motor, truck as a transportation In adding this theatre to our chain of Empress Theatres, we agency, and requests the state councils of defence and other state auth• are bringing to you the same policy that has won success for Us orities to take all necessary steps to facilitate such means of transporta• in all the,other theatres of our chain. This policy consists of tion,'removing any regulations that tend to restrict arid discourage such giving you the latest and best .photo-plays at the lowest prices, use." The motor has become as integral a part of our every day appropriate music, clearly defined pictures;: and courteous treat• ment, and we invite your criticisms and suggestions at all times. Waste No Food Products business life as has the telephone or electric power, and*the motor In- the program we will present to you, you will) find all the truck is proving a most iridispensible member of the motor family. : x popular actors and actresses under the management'of the most In War § § . § § § ' ^ famous producers such as Artcraft, Paramount, First National Exhibitors' Association, Goldwyns, Fox and many others, assur-,, AIDS TO PROGRESS. ing you of the strongest dramas, the most pleasing farces, hum• OF COURSE, any man in business can get along without a tele• orous comedy dramas,. and last but not least, clean, laughable phone in his store. He can also get along without show cases and show _ comedies, with such stars as Chaplin, Arbuckle, and Fairbanks. Currants, Blackberries.Raspberries Remember, it is only because we are able to book these pictures windows, shelves, counters, etc. He can, no doubt, sell goods from 4 for a number of towns that enables us to''pay the price for them Plums, Prunes, Peaches & Apricots i . y pile on the floor. But few men would care to do so. A town can get while they are fresh, clean, and not three and four years old, as along without sidewalks and graded streets; it can get along without is usual in'towns under the ten thousand population mark. Prices according to Condition and Quality. tie posts or watering places and a rest room for tired shoppers. It can It would be frjolish for us to obtain these high-priced photo• get along without these thing3." It can get along without a newspaper; plays and then throw them,on the screen before you in the usual it can get along without advertising; it can get along without a lot of way. Our way.necessitates heavy expenditure in the best projec• other things. But it can get along a great deal better with these things tion machines, lenses, and screens obtainable. We use all the Occidental Fruit Compy., Ld. best methods and appliances for removing that "annoy ing flicker Leopold Hayes, Manager. v:~ ', B.C. than without them. "And it is well to note that towns which get along so usual in the smaller, towns. We pride ourselves that there is without these modern aids to business arid civilization, do so much as a not avtheatre anwyhere that gives their patrons the clear cut, piece of driftwood floating down stream gets along. It is well to note, life-like pictures that you see at the EMPRESS.

(al80, that this kind of . "getting along" is not the kind of "getting We have the theatre thoroughly cleaned, and disinfected and along" that wide awake, developing towns follow. It is well to note, painted throughout, and our genial, obliging staff will welcome ; further, that a progressive business man or community would as soon your valued patronage. Give Us Your Order for the think of "getting along" without a stock of gopds as without local We will open Saturday, August 8, with the splendid photo• newspaper advertising or the local telephone. .Fact is, business men can play "REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM," featuring MARY get along without a lot of things—but theydon't. They prefer to pay PICKFORD, the world's favorite star, in the leading role; sup- , ported' by a very strong cast, and an amusing Mac Sennett a little extra and get .the added benefit and increased business facilities. comedy. And you will notice that it is the business man or tho community paying Matinee, 8.80; admisajon 10c. and 20c. Evening, 7.80; the extra that leads in business and in bank roll.—Okanogau Commoner. admission, 15c. and 25c. You may heed this Season. § § § § § The above is not a feature bought specially for our opening day, but is one of our regular programs as you will see if you will read tho following; ' ' FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA to Mesopotamia is a long way to ship Monday and Tuesday, August 5 and 6—"THE SLACKER, "i Easy* Seal Jars box shooks, but a conBidernblo quantity is being sent to that far-off a picture that is sure to pleaBe. land for use by the transport columns of the British army. J. C. BERRY, Manager. '< In Pints, Quarts and Half-Gallons § 8 8 § 8 Economy Jars "JANEY CANUCK" is very much opposed to raffles. Speaking recently in support of a^resolution to the govornment to forbid tho hold* In Quart size only ingof rafllloB aho said: "It is most demoralizing for raffles to bo conducted in tho name of patriotism by churches and othors, and 1 Improved Gem Jars recommend that tho government should stamp out tho abuso by outlaw• Butter Wrappers ing raffles." , '. . In Pints and Quarts

Pure Vegetable Parchment Printed Use Fresh RUBBERS : With a Special Alkali Ink we sell them. Wanted We can Bupply those in any quantity.

If you mako Rood buttor you will want your namo on the Stenographer - and wnappor. A. B. ELLIOTT Assistant Book-keeper Wo can now do this at very Httlo extra cost. The Man who Saves You $'s Permanent Position The Law Forbids the Sale of Summerland and West Summerland

Enqulro Manner, Review PubllBhlng Co,, Ld. Butter in Plain Wrappers VISITING "REVIEW" Thick LINEN 'Fabric REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY CARDS - Luteal - Blyll.li -- Artl.ll. — - Offices. PAGE THREE THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 {far better protected from disease Where Italian Victories Were Won than if they were at home. The writer of the article in ques• J. R. BARCLAY tion gives figures to show that in Twelve Sound Reasons former wars less than four in a Practical Painter hundred were killed in action or and Decorator died from wounds. In the present For Home Buying war, owing to the more efficient Special attention to Interior weapons used, the percentage is Decoration. Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act.) somewhat higher, notwithstanding Color Schemes and Estimates Free. the surgical advances and the im•

provement in the care of the ' PHONE 322 ARTICLE No. XII. wounded which save many lives. Office-West Summerland 1. Because loyalty to a commun In unity there is strength," and If you want to Sell, you nuut Advertise ity by its men and women is the united home buying builds up a first essential to national patriot community bulwark that will wea• ism. ther the severest economic storms 10.. Because it is a duty you owe 2. Because the interests of. the to yourself, to your family, and to Summerland Garage home dealer and the home'consumer posterity to build up your commun• are mutual—what hurts one must ity so that it has a wholesome at• hurt the other. mosphere and is advancing with the 3. Because the home business times instead of drifting into the man pays his share of assessment habits of sloth, ruin and decay. MCLAUGHLIN CARS rates and all public welfare dona 11. Because you must send cash tions—whereas the foreign dealer in advance to the big city dealer LITTLE GIANT TRUCKS contributes nothing and has absol• and you have no opportunity to in• utely no interest in your commun spect the goods. Apart from the ity other than the cash he takes out hundred and one good, sound rea• Specialties: Goodyear and Michelin of it. sons for home buying, it never pays Tires; Bailey Ball Thrusts and 4. Because prices of farm and to buy a pig in a bag or a suit of town property and local markets go clothes in thev dark. Cork Transmission Linings down to zero where there is" no 12. Because continued patronage healthy, progressive community of the big city .catalogue concerns for Fords. trading. is a short-sighted., unprogressive, 5. Because the fundamental law and in the long run economically Veedol Oil. Wolf's Head Grease. of 'commonwealth -economy is to suicidal practice. spend your money where you have earned it» High up in the mountains the Italian army has fought its way 6. Because your home business I - , - V> T to victory under the leadership of General Cadorna (insert). McLaughlin Service man-is entitled to your cash...... He] I helnlernflientLdnip The photo shows Italian outposts watching the Austrians. stands behind . the goods he sells, while you have no redress from (Vernon News.) ' being "stung" by outside dealers. Some weeks ago the News pro• 7. Because spending your money duced an article from>the Winni• Death||ate In War away from home is like-sowing peg Telegram* giving some figures grain in a sranger's field so that relating to the expense entailed in he may reap the harvest. connection with alien internment Compared with Life Insurance Figures 8. Because when you drain your camps.. It is only fair to state that A Request community by diverting the legiti• in a recent interview Major-Generai mate channels of trade, you also Sir William Otter informed the the Prudential Insurance Company' drain it of its young men and A writer in an American maga• News that this statement was mis• zine compares the mortality per• of London, England, is 30 per| young women and of all energy and leading. He drew attention to the 1,000 per annum. The article esti• THE VOLUME of business trans• substance for development. centages in.various wars with the fact that the figures given to the death rate in peace times. Taking* mates that the ordinary death rate 9. Because the more money cir• Senate embraced payments for sup• the ten million men between the among these policy holders in peace acted over our wires is steadily grow- • culating in a community the more plies that may be termed "lux• ages of 21 and 31, registered for times was at least 10 per 1,000 per valuable property becomes, the uries," but which are not paid for war service in the United States, as annum. ... • , ing, and for several hours each day our higher are wages, and the better by the people of Canada. Intern- an example, he shows from life.in• The British death rate,in the| the general conditions that prevail. .ment prisoners, he said, were reci• surance computations. that the Boer war was 14 per 1,000 per an• Switchboard is as busy as any switch• pients of money from various sour• average death rate among these num for those killed in battle or ces which is deposited with the men in time of peace is 8 per. 1,000 died of wounds., In trie Russo-Jap• board can be. Home Made Sun Government and checked out as re• annually.. Actuaries' figures show anese war the Russian death rate quired. Hence it followed that Drier. that they die at the rate of 6666 was.35 per 1,000 per annum killed IN ORDER that an efficient ser• vouchers signed for such articles as I per month or 220 per day. in action or died of wounds. The asparagus tips, tinned lobster, etc., Japanese death rate in the same The writer quotes from an article vice may be maintained, "Patrons' are It Is For Fruits and Consists while passing through the Auditor- war from casualties was 54 per, iGeneral's accounts were not paid published in the Eeonomic World of 1,000 per annum. The deaths from Of Shallow Box With for by public ..funds, but were pro• August 4, 1917, in which it "is disease in these wars are not given,'] asked to kindly make their conversa• Glass Top.- - vided from private sources.' Gen• shown that the total death rate per as in the present war there are very eral Otter further stated that-the 1,1)00 per annum; among 2,000,000 few deaths from that cause among I tions as brief as possible during busi- food of prisoners in the Vernon men who have taken part in the the Allied troops. The soldiers are| Sun drying is undoubtedly the present war, who were {insured by simple and most inexpensive method I camp cost the Government: only 22 ness hours.' of preparing fruits and vegetables cents per. day, any "extras" over for winter storing. A simple dryer, this amount being provided by the that can be made at small cost con• prisoners themselves. He also wish• sists of a.shallow box with a sash ed to make it known that neither or piece of glass fitted over the top. he nor the Canadian Government is ORDER 1 N.B.—Any Subscriber who has not received the New Bore holes in the sides and near the responsible for the regulations gov• Telephone Directory please notify Central, when one top and bottom for ventilation, but erning these camps, which are . ., will immediately be sent. cover them carefully with netting conducted in accordance withjn- to keep out flies and mosquitoes. structions.',issued by the Imperial This is the advice being given by our Government. . Set the box at an angle so that Government and based upon rules We have been advised that,Goal is now almost unobtainable, the sun's rays "fall directly ion the laid down at the Hague Tribunal. but we have been so fortunate as to arrange tor a Summerland Telephone Ço. glass. Apples; peaches, apricots, As the News has . occasionally made limited supply for early delivery. cherries, raspberries, and almost reference to these matters from Limited. all fruits can be dried in this way another point of view it is only satisfactorily. First wash the fruit right that we should publish Gen- Book Your Order at once: $10.00 carefully discarding- any that show I eral Otter's statement which throws Bigns of being overripe or decaying, Ir—----- , Per Ton Delivered. ANNOUNCEMENT Slice thin, and lay out in the boxlnew Ha*t uP°n the situation, without overlapping the slices. «| will accept no orders for dejivory after September First THE PRINTERS ARE NOW AT WORK ON Turn the slices occasionally and WRI GLEY'S take them out as they dry. The New Prices only things to guard against in this ON type of dryer are dust and insects, BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY —Popular Science Monthly. G. R. Hookham & Co. Compiled and Printed in British Columbia—Endorsed by B.C. Government, Boards of Trade, Manufacturers'- Association unci other bodies. Flour, Feed, ALEX. SMITH, Manager 'Phones—Offlco : 18. House: B88 IN FIVE MAIN SECTIONS DOCTOR GETTING DOCTORED. BRITISH COLUMBIA YEAR BOOK-One hundred pages of offi• Grains, &c. cial data, covering Agriculture, Lands, Timber, Mining, A medical, journal vouches for Fisheries, Shipbuilding, and Public Works, prepared by tho this story: A distinguished surgeon July 10th, 1918. ". various Departments. This section will cover fully tho de• while making his rounds through HOW ABOUT THAT velopment in British Columbia. a hospital, was momentarily dazed GAZETEER, describing over 1,900 cities, towns, villages, and when a wounded soldier inquired lbs. prico settlements within tho Province, showing, location, distance querulously. "Say, doctor, when 98 5.75 from larger points, how reached, and by what lines, synopsis ono doctor doctors anothor doctor, FLOUR of local resources, population, etc. does the doctor doing tho doctoring BR^N 100 2.00 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY of all business and, professional doctor tho other doctor like tho 100 2.15 ? 7 mon, Farmers, Stock RniBors, Fruit Growers, etc., 'in all doctor wants to bo doctored, or SHORTS towns and districts. docs tho doctor doing tho doctoring WHEAT 100 4.501 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY of Manufacturers, Retailors, Produ- doctor tho other doctor like tho „ , ,v mnrr Arpa 100 8.55 doctor doing tho doctoring wants WIlULfc OA1H cors, Doalors, and Consumers, listing all products from tho to doctor him?" FLATTENED OATS 100 8.051 raw material to tho finished nrtlclo, TRADE NAMES AND TRADE MARKS—A list of popular trade 4.00 OAT GROATS 100 nnmos alphabotlcnlly. If you want to know tho manufacturer 40 2.75 or soiling agont of a trndo-namo nrtlclo, look up this section, KETTLE VALLEY RAILWAY POLLED OATS We have them 20 1.80 INCORPORATED CITIES—All gazotocr information in tho Dir- octory of tho Incorporated cities of tho Provlnco will bo pro- TIME TABLE HAY ton 87.00 • in - parod by either tho City Council or tho Boord of Trado, I GREEN BONE 100 8.25 thoroby official, - WESTBOUND - ALL SIZES 100 2.50 ADVERTISING BRITISH COLUMBIA-It Is necessary to con- MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY OYSTER SHELL tinuo to ndvortiso British Columbia outsldo of tho Provlnco, No. 8, Wost Summerland - 8,48 a,m, BEEF SCRAP 100 7.60 In order that tourists and settlors will contlnuo to como, Arrive Vancouvor -10,05 p.m. With this aim In viow, a copy of tho Directory will bo placed [Lnanl from I'onUoton to Vnncouvor] You will find our lino of No, 0, Woat Summorlnnd - 0,88 p.m. in tho leading Libraries and,Boards of Trado throughout tho Arrlvo Vnncouvor - 10.15 n.m, Wo Stock Canadian Prairies, Eastern Canada, tho United States, nnd [Through Train from Noliion] Photographic Supplies abroad, . Tho Directory will bo used by prospective tourists Pratt's Chicken Remedies in compioto and sottlors as an official guido of tho Provlnco, -EASTBOUND - Tho subscription prlco of tho Directory Is $10, express prrid, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SAT• URDAY. Address your ordor to No. 10, Wont Summorlnnd - 7.28 a.m. Summerland Drug Co. [Through Trnln for Nolnon, nil nqlntfl Summerland WRIGLEY DIRECTORIES, LIMITED Mn»l nml South l .-(Eatabllshod 1004)-- 'Phono 17 210-ata METROPOLITAN BUILDING VANCOUVER No, 4, West Summerland - 8.01 p.m..! P.O. Box 28 tLoenl Vnncouvor to ronlloton onlyl Fruit Union T, A. OLIVER, Agont. PAGE FOUR - THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW FRIDAY, AUGUST 2

holiday here with his grandparents', Mrs C. Laffin kindly accompan• Mr and Mrs W. J. Moore. ied. Peachland Doings Commissioner Heneage, after a A Weekly Chronicle Furnished Mr R. J. McDougall and F. Boy Scout Column brief talk on Scout work,; unveiled- By Our Local Representative. Lome Roe of Penticton paid a fly• the Roll, containing thirty-one ing visit to town, calling on Mrs names, a list of which appeared in CHAS. P. NELSON Mr and Mrs Spackman (nee Miss H. McDougall and Mrs P. N. Dor- SUMMERLAND TROOP BOY The.Review a few weeks ago, after Alice Harrington) with their two land. They motored up on Satur• SCOUTS. which "The King" was heartily PHOTOGRAPHER. children, accompanied by a lady day evening and returned on Sun• sung by all present. day evening. friend from the prairie, came in on 0. F. Zimmerman, Scoutmaster. Since the honor roll ?was com• Wednesday night's boat to visit Mr and Mrs Spackman, with Headquarters, College Gymnasium. pleted another name has been Sittings by Appointment. Mrs Spaekman's parents, Mr and their friend, Miss Greta Starley handed in, this being that of Wil• Mrs R. Harrington. were passengers to Kelowna on Meets Friday evening at liam Gordon Campbell, grandson of every Mrs M. Campbell,' who was a mem• These summer days are the. days for taking Miss Marie Phillips came from Monday, returning in the evening. ... 7 .30 p.m. Calgary by Wednesday's boat to ber of the Troop since its organiza• Home Groups and Orchard pictures. visit with her grandparents, Mr Mrs Burkett Robinson of West- tion in 1911; until the time of his bank, with her four children, came The Patrol Leaders have decided leaving Summerland a couple of and Mrs G. Keyes. She will prob on the names of their patrols, ably remain for some time. down on Monday evening to visit years ago. His name will be add• Mrs H. McDougall, and meet her which are as follows: ed to the Roll immediately. Mr J. G. Robison enjoyed a visit other aunts, Mrs E. P. Roe and No. 1, Leader J. Gayton, Lions. • The local Scouts wish to thank of a few days from a cousin, Mr Mrs Woodley, who are also visiting No. 2, Leader A. Smith, Beavers. all those who kindly helped out W. Greer, who came in from the here. . " No. 3, Leader, B. Taylor, Wood with the program at so short not• Pigeons. Coast, on Wednesday morning, and Mr Hards, who with his family ice, also Mr E. B. May, who; pre• stayed the week-end, going on to At our last regular meeting we sented the Troop with a Union Hotel ^ummerlanb have been spending a holiday here, - Vernon by Monday's boat. unveiled the Honor Roll of our Jack, which we hope to have flying returned to Vancouver on Monday Scouts who.are at present on active .Overlooking the Beautiful night. The family remain here for soon outside our headquarters. • • - Mr Loveday, Dominion Fruit In• service. To-night Dr Andrew gives a fur-" spector for the Okanagan district, a longer holiday. An open invitation-had been ex• ther demonstration of First Aid, who has his headquarters at Ver• Mr J. Tait of Summerland, Fruit tended to all, and, considering that and will take alL- those ready for MEALS at usual Hotel hours. non, paid a visit to town last week• Pests'Inspector, paid an official only two days' notice had been exmination on this subject.' • - end. given, there was an exceptionally visit to Peachland on' Monday and .As we are now fixing up the new Lunches served at any time between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m/ Tuesday good audience. library room, we would be grate-: • Mr J. M. Robinson of Naramata A short impromptu program was ful indeed, if any party, having came up on Thursday morning to Mrs D. J. White received word carried out prior to the unvei 1 ing. story books that they have finished Good Cuisine Good Service spend the day here, returning again on Monday that her son Roy had Rev. H. A. Solly, president of with, would kindly, communicate in the evening. been wounded. v We are pleased to the local association, acted as chair• with Mr. Zimmerman at the Bank — Mrs Cutler, who has been visit• note that the word apparently did man, and delivered a fine address of Montreal as arrangements would ing with Mrs E. House and Mrs E. not signify a serious wound. The. on the work of the Boy Scout move• be made to get "them. A Librarian We aim to cater for the public, giving the best possible service,, Howell, went on down to Penticton same was reported to be about the ment. is to be appointed to-night. and to make our guests comfortable and contented. ••• on Thursday night where she spent leg. . . Mr J. 0. Smith sang, "The Vet• the'week-end with friends there, Miss May. Berch and her friend eran Song," with the whole troop returning,, on Monday morning to Hilda Duggin of Kelowna, who joining in the chorus-, after which CANADIAN finish outher visit in Peachland vice-president Dr Andrew delivered have been visiting Miss May's aunt, a stirring address on "Our Sol• PACI FIC Mr. & Mrs. J. Downton Mrs R. E. Taylor and "children Mrs J. L. Elliott, for a few days, diers and Sailors" with' her niece, Miss Taylor of Win• returned to Kelowna on Tuesday Daily* - Except Sunday morning. A short exhibition of tumbling] nipeg, who have been visiting at was then given by several Scouts, —BRANCH— - the Kirkby's in Penticton, returned Mr Spackman, who brought his to be succeeded by a vocal solo by SOUTH NORTH West Summerland Garage to Peachland on Thursday morning. wife and children here for a vaca• Mrs E. N. Rowley, and a dance by 10.15 •-. .17.46 11.20 Eriderby 16.29 tion, was able to stay here for only Miss Chapin, both of whom motored] 11.45 Armstrong 16.00 Miss Moule, who has been spend• up from Penticton for the occasion. ing part of her holiday here, at Mrs a few days, as farm duties necessi• 12.06 Vernon 15.15 Mills, returned to Salmon Arm on tated his returning on Tuesday 12.55 15.00 1 ..;ÜV:V . morning. The family will remain FORD CARS, Friday morning. • AKE— V >.• for some time. GEO. WEAVER, • —L Miss Maudie Kincaid returned to 13.15 Okanagan Landing ' 12.00 Kelowna on Friday morning after Mr and... Mrs W. Fulton were CERTIFICATED PIANO TUNER 15.30 Kelowna .8.15 Trucks and Parts passengers to Kelowna on Tuesday. Kelowna, B.C. P.O. Box 637.'.' 17.00 Peachland 7.15 : her holiday win friends here. Miss Bcfcrence: Bowes' Piano House. Ld., Vancouver 18.00 SUMMERLAND , , . 6.15 They were accompanied by Mr Ful• ! "~'J * Lilian Town accompanied her home Daily Naramata v ^ • ~ Daily General Auto" Repairs. for a return visit. ton's brother, Who is visiting here. All parte of Okanagan Valley visited regularly. 19.15 Penticton ; 5.30 They all returned the same evening^ - Send me a post card for prompt call. H. W. BKODIE, Mr J. E. Kerr, who has been Day or Nicht. 'Phone 39 Penticton A. E. SH^RPE, -visiting friends at down-the-lake Mrs E. F. Smith was a passenger I G.P.A. Vancouver. Agent Summerland. Tires, Batteries, Grease, Motor OilS- points, returned home on Friday down the lake on Tuesday night. "Best "money will buy." morning. He was accompanied REGISTERED home by his aunts, Mrs E. P. Roe ATENTS of Naramata and Mrs Woodley of 'Cíe engten*' JERSEY BULL Give the old tire pump a rest. 8®° Use our Vancouver, who came to visit for a 0\ù ROMPTLY SECURED! few days with their sister, Mrs H : ^o.'L;5ïîîJÎSte?i Ask f0,i our INVEN- • JULIUS W. A. BLOCK, - •' ' TOR'S ADVTSEE,wlHch will ba sentlttee* McDougall. KEREMEOS KING'. n 3 t FREE AIR NARAMATAÌ B.C. •• • .YJli: ; ••• • '•..,..<•.: ;„,„. . .-il.. . MARION & MARION* ^ . Mr J. Mclntyre, a Vancouver Now'at my Barn; :\ 864 Uriivertlty 6t„''Worttr«al„'' merchant, came in on Friday morn ing to join his wife "who has been Gentlemen's Outfitter, etc. spending the summer here. Mrs Chiefly British Goods Imported Mclntyre has been residing at the Direct. THOS. B. YOUNG New Townsite, and Mr Mclntyre expects to remain here for a month's holiday. Supply Hardware Department. Mr and Mrs Adam and son, who have been holidaying here for a couple of weeks, left by Saturday Motor Service. morning's boat for their home in We have just opened a new shipment of Calgary. If You nywhere Call Mr .0. Keating was a passenger Want A On to Kelowna on Saturday morning, To Go returning the same day. ny time, Us. ALUMINUM Mr W. D. Miller came up on We have added a Motor Car to our equipment, and Saturday morning to pay his week• end visit with his family here. - are always at your service. Rates moderate. WARE Mrs Lee Mills was a visitor to Car meets all Eastbound Trains at K.V.R. Station, W. Summerland. Oarage - Kelowna on Saturday, returning •PHONES 41. Including a Large Range of Kitchen Requisites home the same evening. i Residence 951. TT We shall be glad to have you call and-inspect this ware. Mr J. G. and Mrs Robison mot ored up to Vernon on Saturday Pioneer Livery Stables Several lines are specially .useful in the preserving season. evening to spend the week-end with friends there, They, were accom R. H. ENGLISH, Proprietor. panied by Mr RobiBorl's cousin, Mr W. Greer, and on their return trip Economise in time, and food by using brought Mr Robison's sister, Miss Robison of Vernon, down, She re turned by boat on Monday, Master Charlie Vorey come down from Okanagan Landing on Satur AUCTION day night to spend a part of his

At tho Vacant Lot, noxt the Koller Block, Real Estate KELOWNA Utensils 1H starting to movo, so List Your Properties On Saturday, Aug. 3rd, Food Choppers, Bread and with mo now. at 3 p.m. Cake Mixers, I have boon instructed by ERIC DART, Esq., to Roll without roacrvo and many other tools to save time and food, are to be had here. W. J. ROBINSON 23 HEAD OF HORSES Wfl8hera Summerland B.C. Including tho following: Asktosee Imported Hackney Stallion "AGITATOR" our Washing Machines : $11 and up, BERT HARVEY, Imported Thoroughbred Mare "Merry Maid" ArchilecturnI Denlßns and Specifications Thoroughbred Stallion "Quicksilver," 3 years Prepared, by Brockhampton, ox "Morry Maid." Tho above horooii nro roglntorod in Mr. Durt'o name, and tho papore oro in ordor for transfer. Summerland Supply Comp'y, Ltd. WEST -SUMMERLAMD, B.C. Balanco of Slock included: HEAVY HORSES, BROOD MARES and FOALS, All are young, and aro probably tho boat not up buneli that BEN PRIEST it linn boen my prlvilogo to stll. TERMS—CASH OR APPROVED NOTES. Funeral Director and Embalmer, Perfeot Funeral Service, Summerland and West Summerland J. C. STOCKWELL, Auctioneer. SUMMERLAND nnd PENTICTON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW PAGE FIVE

When in' Vancouver put up at • Hotel Bunsmutv PaSStng Events: Social, Personal, &c. ommunity - MILK - 'Vancouver's Newest and - most complete Hotel - alendar of Mrs Gunn of Edmonton arrived A Patriotic and. Nourishing Food 250 ROOMS - 100 with Private Baths. . Several hemitite iron deposits T. B. Young is at present at his from the Coast a few days ago to have been located in the vicinity of Alberta ranch, where he has gone visit her sister, Mrs A. H. Steven. oming Events We have made arrangements with the EUROPEAN PLAN $1.00 per day up the city of Merritt. to attend to the gathering of hay. SUMMERLAND SUPPLY CO. Advance notices under this heading will be Electric. Auto Bus Meets all Boats Miss Evelyn Brown returned on Mrs Ian Brown has joined, her Principal Mcintosh of the Surn- charged for at two cents a word. Minimum to deliver to them Bottled Milk daily and Trains free, v Saturday morning from a visit to husband here, and they are now merland High School went down to charge 25c. first insertion. Each repeat one (except Sunday) for aey who may wish cent a word. Minimum 10 cents. to become' regular customers and call Port Moody and other Coast points. boarding at the Carter home'. the Coast last week for a short for the. milk at their West Summerland 1 Cor. Duntmuir and Richards Sts. visit. ' • Mrs Neth will address a union Store, where it will be kept on ice. tf Mr Henderson, Manager of the Coun. Johnston and several citi• congregation at St Andrew's Church If you desire to take advantage of this zens are planning on making a trip service, leave your name with them or Bank of Montreal, Vernon, was a The head office of the Canada at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday morninR, with us. visitor to Summerland on Saturday to the headwaters'of Trout Creek Copper Corporation was last week and also the congregation in the early next week. moved from Greenwood to the Mill Classified Advts. last.; Lakeside Church, meeting at 7.30 BALCOMO RANCH. R.V. Agur, Mgr. • y- ...... • \ ... ' •'[ . . - . •• ... Site near Princeton. p.m. GirlB' supper at 6.30 Monday, RATES: Mrs Jesse Smith of Brandon ar• Miss Stewart, whose home is in and boys' supper at 6.30 Tuesday. rived here recently, and is now liv• the State of Rhode Island, is spend• Roy White, whose parents reside Both in Baptist Church. C FIRST INSERTION — 2 cents per ing the summer here with her uncle in Peachland, but for some time word : minimum charge 25 ing in Aï H. Steven's cottage on the Prairie Valley road. and aunt, Mr and Mrs R. Pollock, previous to his enlisting had him• Home Seekers • cents' senr. ' V - self been resident-in Summerland, Federal Control Of All EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION— has been wounded, according to a Doctors in United States. 1 cent per word: minimum Don't postpone ordering fruit or Investors trees for Spring 1919 delivery,- un• In order to reach its former message received this week. charge 10 cents. haunts and freedom a horse which Would do well to consult In estimating the cost of an adver til Fall; ORDER NOW. B.C. Nur• The United States Government is series Co., Ltd., Vancouver. - tf was taken off her range near West-; Mrs Gordon, wife of Dr A. .J. tisement, subject to the minimum bank and put to work at Kelo'wna, Gordon of Vancouver, who has been about to assume control of the en• K. I). COOPER, charge as stated above, each initial, tire medical profession in the Unit• abbreviation or group of figures counts swam across the lake. visiting at the home of Dr and Mrs as one word. E. W. A. Cooper received word Telford at KeloWna, and Mrs Tel• ed States to obtain sufficient doc• Real Estate Broker, If so desired, advertisers may have this week of the death of his sister ford, were this week guests at the tors for the army, and at the same in Halifax. She-, was one of the Mr. and Mrs Marshall of Nanton, time to distribute those remaining Peach Orchard, replies addressed DO a box number, Alberta, .came in on Wednesday Robinson home in Naramata and of care of the "Review," and forwarded sufferers in the Halifax disaster, Dr and Mrs Lipsett, Summerland. to the localities or services where Summerland. to their private address. For this ser• and her death was due to shock and evening's boat, and are the guests they are most needed for civilian vice, add 10 cents to cover postage. exposure suffered at that time. of Mr and Mrs H. C. Mellor. They work. This mobilization is. to be No responsibility accepted for cor• are friends of long standing of Mrs Miss Amy Brown, now a graduate nurse of Toronto General Hospital, accomplished either by enrolling all rectness of telephoned advertisements. Mellor. > doctors in a voluntary service corps Rev. W. J. Scott, who recently accompanied by a sister, nurse, left AT resigned the pastorate of the Peach- Toronto some days ago for Summer- under pledge to accept whatever For Sale. land Baptist Church, will preach in Miss Madeline Elsey, who until service," military or civilian, as the close of the school year taught land, and are making the journey the Ruth Morton Memorial Church, via Prince Rupert and Vancouver. signed, them, or, if the voluntary FOR SALE—Good gentle Grade at Upper Trout Creek; last night re plan is not successful, by legisla• The RIALTO Vancouver,, during the absence of Holstein cow, about to freshen; ceived a wire informing her that They are expected to reach here to• the regular pastor, Rev. J. W night or to-morrow. tion providing for drafting them second calf. Mrs M. M. Allen, Leitch, throughout this month. her application for the position, of into service. Medical officers ,of. Naramata. principal of the Hammond School at the government believe compulsory1 Port Haney had been accepted. Claude W. Monro, the eldest son conscription will not be necessary. FOR SALE—Bay mare, 6 years Summerland now boasts six motor of Mr and Mr3 R. S. Monro, Peach SATURDAY, Aug. 3. bid, weight 1,100 lbs. B. J. Colk, trucks of the larger size, beside an In some unexplainable manner a Valley, is now in the United States Mineóla, B.C. 52,4 number of Ford and other smaller black mare, the property, of Gran army. Before leaving hereabout In The it The Old-fashioned FOR SALE—One share Summer• trucks. These small trucks are prov ville Morgan, broke its fore leg four years ago he was a student at -Young Man" s-land Telephone Co. Price $100 ing very serviceable in moving fruit while being ridden home by Mr . For some time Public School cash,, including accumulated divi• from' orchard to packinghouse, but Morgan's young son. The accident he has been working in New York, dends. No. 885 Review Office, tf the larger trucks are the more econ• occurred on the Lakeshore road, and it was there that he. joined the Featuring omical where many packages are close to the entrance to the Lake 53rd Pioneer Infantry. The,local board of education has ROBERT HARRON FOR SALE—At a bargain, .22 to be moved any distance.V side farm. The animal was shot. decided to re-introduce, thè teach• automatic Winchester rifle. Worth Clarence Phinney has been wound• ing of-music in the public schools to-day at least $30. Will sell for Evidences of the. progress being Jas. Ritchie returned from the ed, according to an official wire re• of the city. less than half price. May be seen made in the extending of the Koo- Coast on Saturday last, and is likely ceived by his parents on Monday. Better late than never; but as it THURSDAY, Aug. 8, The wire stated that Gunner Phin• is the Woodstock schools are very at Review Office. . 51tf tenay power line across the. Valley to spend a good deal of his time Fourteenth Episode of are contained in the fact that sites here during the summer and fall at ney had been admitted to hospital far behind in this respect, far be• FOR SALE—Fire wood. T. B. are now being arranged for the with gunshot wounds in the. left hind the Woodstock standard of Young. 49tf least. . A marked revival in the de The Mystery Ship " delivery of the - poles along the mand for fruit lands is making it arm "and right leg. Gunner Clar• years ago, as, well as far behind ence Phinney and Gunner Ralph the standard of other places. It FOR SALE- -Horses, all kinds route crossing this Valley, and in a necessary that he give more of his T. B. Young. call received by Indian Agent J. R time to_ this, part of his varied Brown, also of Summerland, are may be accepted as an evidence of 49tf members of the same" battery. either -ignorance or indifference Brown, who has gone to Fairview activities. SATURDAY, Aug. 10, , FOR SALE — De Laval Cream to-day to disscuss with the engineer, that -so little value has been placed Separators. T. B. Toung. 43tf on music in the work of our the carrying of the line across the Mention was made last week o: Having learned by wire of the reserve- at that point. ~- death of his nephew, William J. schools... In this respect the people the granting of teachers' certificates of Canada are far behind the people "In Slumber Land" For Rent. to several Summer land c applicants Elder, .at his ranch home near Kam loops, Mr J. L. Logie, accompani• of the United States. It is nothing FOR RENT.—Dr Smith cottage. A motor truck which hauls five The list was not complete, however short of astonishing to learn what i Featuring as we have since been informed that ed by Mrs Logie, motored with Mr For particulars apply to H. E. tons to a load is bringing down K. S.. Hogg on Thursday of last up-to-date schools in the United THELMA SLATER McCall, Peachland. 52tf coal from the mines at Coalmont to Miss Madeline Elsey was granted a States are doing, and then compare first-class certificate, and Misses week to the North Thompson River the railway, and shipments are be• home, where his deceased relative their work with what our own ing made at the rate of about a Gertrude Harrison and Marion Har- schools are doing. • a. jr. & a. ¿w. Miscellaneous wood each a third class certificate. had lived for years making a brave carload a day. The coal finds a fight against tuberculosis contract• The simple fact is that for years &umimrlanb MOWING and Raking by Day or ready market in Vancouver;, and ÎB ed on the Prairies. Accompanying the educational system in Ontario ïobge, Mo. 56 Hour. G. R. Hookham & Co., used largely on the Great Northern ,'M. Steuart went up to Vernon Meets on *o Thursdoj the trio on the return journey was has been suffering from dry rot. on or before tho full 'Phone 18. 43tf locomotives between Princeton and on Tuesday to attend a meeting of Mrs Jos. Callin, a Bister of the However, let us hope for better moon. Spokane. Some SO men are em• the larger fruit shippers of the deceased. things in the future. There is Rev. H. A. Solly, OUR BEST FLOUR, $6.00 per. ployed in. the mine. ~ Princeton x w.M. hundred pounds. T. B. Young, tf Valley. It is understood that mat• much that is very good" about our Star. Several car loads of this ters relating' to'shipping and also system, and in one way or another •K. S. Hògg, SEC. coal will be brought to Summerland the'important question of prices Scott Darkis, who has been man• it is producing some excellent re• for retailing. ' 1 aging tHe Rialto Theatre for several Cows for Sale were up for consideration. Mrs weeks, has purchased from D. F. sults; but there is room for a great Steuart and little son, Buster, ac• Brewer_The Rialto building, and improvement. — Woodstock Senti• Hon. T. D. Patullo, Minister of companied Mr Steuart, the return nel-Review. 1. Grade JERSEY, due to fresh• has already arranged fo> the adding Lands, and W. Young, Water Comp• trip being made on Wednesday. of a thirty foot extension. This en in December; gentle, good troller, are to visit Summerland to• milker; $85. additional length will add greatly Smile. day, and a special meeting of the Mr arid'Mrs C, E. Hurd of Van• to the comfort of the patrons, and 2. Grade HOLSTEIN Heifer, fresh- Municipal Council has been called! couver have been spending the week is necessary to provide for the in• ened in April; heavy milker; to meet them and to lay before them here with their daughters, Mrs C. J. creasing number of citizens who The time honored saying, "The ' ' $95. ' local phases of the all-important Duncan and Mrs A. S. Peck, Mr find recreation and pleasure in the man worth while is the man with 8. Grade HOLSTEIN-AYRSHIRE; water question. Messrs Pattullo Hurd, who hnB seen much of. this movies. Every night pictures are a smile, when everything goes dead freshened in May; $110. and Young, Bince, the close of the continent, "expresses, great delight shown seating accommodation is at wrong," may seem far-fetched. It Irrigation Convention at Nelson, with Summerland and its climate. a premium. Next year, according may appear that this particular have been visiting the different cen• The much-boasted climate of south• to present plans, the building will group of words are nice to rend and c. W. LEES tres in the Okanngnn looking fur• ern California does not surpass the be widened. think about now and then, but it 'Phone 661 ther into irrigation matters. wonderful climate of the Okanngnn. seems to be impracticable. To tho majority of us it may be. SORRY HE SPOKE. One does not find many folk who Milk can smile, or who do smile, when "Before I became an author I things break badly. It soems wo Classified "For Sale" or "Want" Ads. Order Form had more money-than brains; but want to stow and fret,, which sim• worBe. m now I have more brains than ply makes matters Tho fellows who .really smile when this Uso this blank on which to write out 'your còndenBod ad., one word In each space. money, " said tho speaker at a mooting. thing wo call luck, goes against Bottle Enclose money order or cheque, and mall direct to THE REVIEW, Summorland, B.C. him, truly is worth whilo. RATE: Two cents n word first Inaortlon, minimum price 25 cents; subsoquont Insor- "How Is It with those who have noithor?" inquired ono of tho aud• It may not soom prnctlcnblo to * tlons, one conta word, minimum 10 conta. ience - most of us, but tho next timo some "If tho gontloman doslros to re• trivial little Incldont hnppons to late his oxporionce I will choorfully nrouBo you a little, try that smil• glvo way," was tho quick rosponao. ing procoBB and BOO if it doesn't Caps work. "If It dooB, go after tho • • bigger things. If you find Bmillng Thoro aro many places where you worth while in tho unfortunnto affairs of littlo conaoquonco you will can leave n thing but In only ono Stock Caps of Best Quality can you find It. find It worth whilo In tho moro lm« portnnt onos too. At Lowest CASH Prices.


A witty judgo declared rocontly that "a patriot wna a man who re- fuaod to button his wife's blouso. Review Quiice . A martyr," ho wont on, 'MB ono Plonso publish tho above advortisomont.... , times, for which I encloso $ who attempts nnd falls, whilo a horo trios nnd succeeds." . Then what Is n coward?" asked An oxchnngo anys: A certain man N fUWQ MIMMHIIIfMMIM)nilMMMHMMIMMMMtHIMMHMMIMIMMIIIMIMnHMItHIMnHMI(iUIMM(tM n curious byBtnndor. Bald to us tho othor dny, "Why "Oh, n cownrd," replied tho don't you givo so and BO tho Addross IIMIIIIHIMIIIMMIIIMIHIMIIMIMIIIMHIMIMIIMM judgo, "is a man who remains dovil?" Wo replied by nflklng him elnglo BO that ho won't hnvo to why ho did not do tho vory samo try." thing. Ho came back by saying, If desired, replies may )*o addroBsed to Box at Rovlow Office If replies nro "Oh, If 1 said nnything it would to ho mnilod enclose 10 conts oxtrn to covor cost of postage Wo novcr soo ourselves ns wo hurt my business, but It ,don't ronlly nro unless wo hnvo learned count with a newspaper." Strnngo tho loBson of humility. ideas aomo pcoplo have I

2 THE : SUMMERLAND REVIEW FRIDAY,., AUGUST PAGE Six ^Production would be useless with• out, an outlet through "trade and the War and More Business commerce—except as a means of and sustaining individual life,:or bare The Sabbath. existence. . Better Business We want more out of life than a By Dr. C. H. Huestis. bare existence. We want 'educa• An American writer in a current OPENING :. (Registered in accordance with- tional "and social advantages, and magazine asks the question, "What the Copyright Act.) congenial companions that make life Shall We Win With The War?" and worth/ while. We want and must endeavors to answer the same. He | Article No. .13. • v have many, many things, that only does not mean what material gains a heartyy interdependent commun More trade, means more money the United States may expect as its I ATTRACTIONS ity spirit and activity can give us. reward for participation,in the fight j for the merchant.. • ^ "One for all; .all for one," is More money for the merchant for freedom, but what spiritual the natural motto that should in gains may be be expected. This is means better buying for the con• spire all- normal humans ; seeking sumer, because the merchant can a question every nation engaged.in the ideal existence. this world-struggle may well ask,' Saturdays August 3rd afford to cut prices closer by reason To keep our community intact we of his- increased volume of business and the purpose of this article is to must live and let live. We. must point out that out of the war there done. a "v v patronize one another, and see that has come anew appreciation of the I More business means better busi• all worthy going concerns are kept ness—both for.merchant and con- purpose and the supreme value of going, adding riew ones as occasion the weekly: rest-day. And curious• " Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," v :• sumer. s_ _ Jdemands . - "...... _ Obviously, the merchant can only ly this new appreciation has not I If all the businessipeople were to come as the result of any sense of get - more trade by getting more combine and send their printing out : satisfied customers,: and the way to repentance and need of observing Featuring of town the community would very the laws of God, but as a by-pro• get more satisfied customers-is to shortly lose the printery —one of its be able to sell good goods at the duct of the very struggle itself.! most important, progressive func• Out of the terrific industrial strain most, reasonable.•: prices—at - prices tions. Jf the farmers of the com• that are as low as .possible,: This,; and stress of these days there is munity boycott the merchants of coming a" strong appeal .for more and a prompt, obliging store ser• the town, every live business man vice, r teaching upon the great thought MARY would be forced to get out of the v The merchant has got to have his that lies at the heart of the Fourth town—and so on until' there would Commandnment, a recognition that profit—he's got to have his per- be no town, and no community . centage, just as the farmer and the it is' not an arbitrary law but a! The Favorite Actress worthy of the name. great-intuition of the race." - blacksmith have got. to;have ¿heir Keep every dollar's' -;worth of percentage. Some people: 'act. as There appeared in the London trade possible within the commun• Times:in September 1915 a thought• This is a good Comedy-Drama with a pleasing story, well directed though the merchant should have no ity and there will be; work and busi• profit at all—but this belief is, of ful and arresting letter by Lord and staged, which all will- enjoy. ness for each arid every one, and Sydenham. ; ." At ~ this time" of course, nonsensical. . . . . the hundred and one accessory ad• If the merchant does not get his supreme national effort," he wrote, vantages that only live, enterprise "it is vital that the conditions of | - legitimate percentage of profit he can supply. . ' cannot stay in business; Neither labor—of brains and muscle alike MATINEE 3.30-10c. and 20c. EVENING 7.30—15c. and 25c. It is not live -enterprise to help can the farmer or the blacksmith or —should be such as to prevent kill/.your home, institutions—it is Including War Tax. .the printer or the undertaker. ¿ cumulative fatigue, which may be | And we all want to stay in busi- fbut a plank for your own commer• palliated by spirits, to conserve the . ness¿ don't we? ":••• - cial and social coffin. energies of the workman and enable! If we are put out, of -.business; him to give his best to the service.J our town dies. - It is business that British Columbia is now produc• of the State without mental. or phy• •makes a town.and keeps.the:contig- ing and shipping more aeroplane sical deterioration. In the more Monday & Tuesday, Aug. 3rd & 4th ;vdous district alive and flourishing. spruce every:month than was sent difficult time which: will : follow.the | - Streets, houses, trees, churches, from this province from": the time war the need' i or "increasing econ; and automobiles ;do not make a the war commenced right up to last omic production, and at the same November, when the-Imperial Mun• timS for: jealously>guarding . the ( town.: Trade isthe important fac• itions Board instituted its. produc• public health, will be forced upon "THE SLACKER," tor. Trade means that production and labor are the-vital forces be• tion department for aeronautical- the natiph by.inexorable necessity; hind. supplies here last November. The great principle of compulsory I A big Seven Act Patriotic Picture. rest which Moses taught to man• kind calls for scientific application What German Aerial Bombs Did to lives- far more strenuous and more complex than those of the One of the latest Photo Plays, in the same class as " Intolerance," and Israelites." A Never has man Jived in such a " Birth of a Nation." state vb'fpermanentand-growihg• exf crtement-: and .... activity. '•, We - are witnessing to -day the' most f ormidg No-Matinee. EVENING 7.30. 15c. and 25c. All our prices include War Tax able, explosion of' hh.man.-. energy v that has;ever occurfed: on t^ net. ...Th'at thi3 tension of vworld fe» soul and" body has^its limits:;and cannot be permitted to increase in• definitely has been proved by the investigation of the munition . in• dustry "in England, and the warning of Lord Sydenham-has^ been heeded. In the earlier stages of the war, men were widely employed on Sun* day with the hope_of increasing the! output. It was found, however, on careful investigation- by a commit• tee appointed by Mr Lloyd George at that.time/Mjnjster of Munitions, with the concurrence of the Home Is An Evidence of Community Loyalty Secretary, that not only were men and women.workers and; machinery breaking d<%n under the constant as well as Good Business strain of toTl; but the output was far from satisfactory. "Time gained on Sunday is largely lost," says the report, "by bad time* keeping on tho other doyB of the DVJERTISING will'do more than build your business, week." On the question of Sunday It will build your community. work by exhausted men, one fore- A The photograph comes from the littlo undefended town of man said he did not bolievo in "a Padula'in Italy, which the Austro-German army bombarded holiday on double pay." Another apparently without cause, unless to give another demonstration remarked that Sunday work gave it will encourage the people in your Community to buy at of its methods of frightfulness. Tho people shown In the pic• "six days' output for seven dayB' ture are searching the ruins for paperB and valuables, work on eight days' pay,," As a home more. result of this investigation and ro- port Sunday work in munition It will counteract the effect of outside advertising and keep plants was discontinued except in mattors of sudden emergencies and so much more money in the district. Building for repairs, furnaces, certain con• tinuous ptocoBses,.otc. ltho workers And your community, after all, is only the aggregation of so employed boing given a Corros. ponding period of rost during ano- yourself and the rest of us. " Wo now have u COMPLETE STOCK thor part of tho,week. (Sco Roport jot Everything You Nood in this lino : on Sunday Labor, T. Fishor Unwin, Advertising to-day is, therefore, the business and the patrio• London, 1915, Price Id. Also Pine and Fir Siding Health of tho Munition Worker, tic duty of the business men in this community. Cedar awd Pine Shiplap same publisher, 10.17, Prico la, fid, Trimming and Finishing- Still another testimony to this Material Always in Stock. now appreciation of tho value of And the logical medium is your home paper, as it reaches tho Sabbath as a law of physical ofllcioney has appeared lately in tho every buyer in the whole district, Phone 28 addroBB of Sir Francis Cox to the WM. RITCHIE. Royul Googrnphical Soeioty upon tho proposed tunnel I rig of tho En• glish Channel aftor tho war. Near tho CIOBQ of tho address thoao words: "It was nnticipntod that tho daily Your patronage respectfully solicited,rnt p ol! progress would bo such as - I heKevieto hnB never boon nttninod hlthorto in Tho undersigned is now conducting in bis own namo tliq any tunnol, To Bocuro this no work hUHlnoHfl which ho hnu hoerrmnwifrlnff for would bo pormittod on Sundays ox* Mil,.J. R, CAMPBELL. ' copt for ventilation, pumping, and Summerland casou of urgont ropnir." Thua from A full stoak of "FRESH and CURED1 MEATS and Pish Bcionco and Industry thoro ia com• ing to-day an nppoal for n bottor will be carried, and every effort made to maintain Sabbath obHorvanco, a good service., Your orders will be appreciated, Weekly Do you know of any oxcoptions to tlio rulo that all successful mer• C| chants nro advertisers? And havo 'Phone 39, and our Representative you noticod that tho mostaucc'osBful .. /. DOWNTON. merchants make tho largest UBO of will call newspaper spaco,