Self David Ungar & Randall B. Smith

1 Self timeline

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee Ungar PARC Smith


2 Before Self

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee UCB Ungar PARC Smith


3 Randy & Dave Randy: Theoretical Physics simple models w/ broad explanatory power moves to PARC in 1984 Dave: EE/CS (Susan Graham taught me programming languages) object-oriented language implementation moves to Stanford in 1985, consults at PARC

4 SOAR: on a RISC

330 ns micro beats 70 ns ECL Dorado mini The lesson: compilation load a load b add a, b, c add store c


5 Smalltalk

To be a Creative Medium Usable by children E.g.: Kay’s Pure Object-Oriented language Invented -menu-mouse paradigm Had evolved ST-72, ST-76, ST-80 What is Smith to do there?

6 Alternate Reality Kit (ARK)

7 Key ideas in ARK

Objects seem real Uniformity: everything a physical object Messages instead of variables ...and...

8 Key ideas in ARK

... Prototypes


Randy talks over the video

10 Inventing the Language

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee Ungar PARC Smith


11 Smalltalk group: ST 72, 76, 80, What to do in 85?

Split up into small teams to create strawmen for next language

12 Ungar meets Smith

ARK and Dancing CPUs tangible, physical, can do unexpected Ungar suggests attaching CPU to job Join forces to devise strawman w/ objects as real as in ARK

ca. 1986

13 Match language to mental models

We drew objects with names and contents

14 Smalltalk didn’t q uite

+ names “x, y”

Instances vs. Classes 3 4

Why not put names, + contents, even code in x 3 the object? y 4

15 Smalltalk fantastic, but... Emphasized classes not objects:

Emphasized tools not objects:

Set the standard for today; e.g. Eclipse

16 Classes & Metaclasses in Smalltalk (from Goldberg & Robson, p. 272)

SmallInteger Integer Number class class class

SmallInteger Integer Number


ClassDescription Behavior Object

Class class

ClassDescription Behavior Object class class class Metaclass

Metaclass Legend class instantiation (is a) inheritance (is a kind of)

7/21/92 12

17 We threw out

Classes Metaclasses Class, Pool, Global variables Dave: inspired by lunch w/ Peter Deutsch Randy’s reasons: (Robson on Pascal) Access/assignment syntax everything “runs” magic assignment primitive

18 We added implicit “self” self a: self b + self c a: b + c slot list syntax instanceVariableNames: ‘x y’ new (| x <- 0. y <- 0 |) x <- 0. y <- 0. parent slots objects inherit from objects “global” state for free

19 Pushing Simplicity

number story slot name story

20 Changing state to behavior

parent* deposit: amt (balance: balance + amt) withdraw: amt (balance: balance - amt)

parent* balance (pricePerShare * nShares) parent* balance 124 balance: amt (nShares: amt / balance: <- pricePerShare) pricePerShare 22 pricePerShare: p <- nShares 100 nShares: n <- Self talk for BTL 1/12/94 21


Self talk for BTL 5/5 January 12, 1994 The Self paper

Self: The Power of Simplicity Ungar & Smith OOPSLA’87

Today >700 citations A “most influential” paper in first decade of OOPSLA

22 The Danish Connection

OOPSLA’89 - virtual classes - Ole Lehrmann-Madsen Ole Agesen Lars Bak Krysten Nygaard (not Danish) ECOOP’95

23 Doing the impossible: the VM

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee Ungar PARC Smith


24 Self-89 Summary

1988-1989: Aspired to Smalltalk performance 33,000 lines C++, Chambers, Ungar, Lee 2-10 MIPS machines then, ~1,000 MIPS today 1st implementation of maps customization message splitting type prediction dependency lists

25 Maps video OOPSLA’89

26 Craig’s compilation video


27 OOPSLA’89

28 OOPSLA’89

29 OOPSLA’89

30 Crazy Trip Not to scale

Agile lazyness

PICs, compile speed CFG deferred

y uncommon cases

Clunk Slow run speed Fast

Self-89 Self-90 Self-91 Self-93

31 Goodbye Stanford

One year before tenure, Ungar approached by Sun Choose between Apple & Sun Wayne Rosing & Bill Joy recruit us to Sun We started at Sun Jan. 1991

32 Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages With Polymorphic Inline Caches

Urs Hölzle Craig Chambers David Ungar

Stanford University

5/31/92 1 of 32 From Hölzle PLDI-92 PIC talk

33 Our Solution: Polymorphic Inline Caches

system lookup handler

call squPIC_stubare_area "area" PIC

calling method receiver = ? receiver = ?

method body method body

area method for circles area method for squares

5/31/92 12 of 32 From Hölzle PLDI-92 PIC talk

34 Future Work: Adaptive Compilation

• problem: optimizations are expensive - compilation at run-time makes compile time more visible to user • solution: optimize only critical parts - 80/20 rule of thumb - recompilation can take advantage of PICs to generate better code • could minimize compile pauses - can use very fast initial compiler - recompilation in background or during think pauses • we are currently implementing such a system

5/31/92 From Hölzle PLDI-92 PIC talk 30 of 32

35 Self-93: Urs Gets Lazy

Breakthrough: combines speed w/ agility Machine: 28.5 MIPS Speed: 1.5x Self-91 (i.e. 50% opt. C++) Agility: startup time reduced from 90 to 30 secs. pauses while interacting under 0.1 sec

36 Self has a big runtime (See “A Third-Generation Self Implementation,” Hölzle, Ungar) • Self 4.0 needs a 32MB mach. (incl Solaris & X) • Big runtime buys performance: – 40% of optimized C, – same as C++ with many virtuals • Big runtime buys responsiveness – can make large changes made in a second • Big runtime buys programming time – full source-level debugging, fix & continue on optimized code • Big runtime buys uniformity – all arithmetic & control via message passing – can “subclass” 17, redefine “+”, add “maybe” • & many ways to shrink Self: – interpreter for unopt. code, hardwire control

David Ungar, Laboratories OOPSLA’94 Prototypes Panel, - - 10/25/94 37 Modularity: Monolithic image: Hard to deliver small applications?

Transporter: does suport modules – fine granularity Sifting Out the Gold: Delivering Compact Applications from an Exploratory Object-Oriented Programming Environment -- Ole Agesen & D. Ungar

Extracto 5 minutes Full image with Shrinkwrapped diff: 10 Mb image diff: 0.8Mb image

David Ungar, Sun Microsystems Laboratories OOPSLA’94 Prototypes Panel, - - 10/25/94 38 Animated Objects

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee Ungar PARC Smith


39 Make Objects Real

Disneyland ride: Objects, not browsers Exploits bigger screens Each object has own representation on the screen one and only one Global prototypes just slots in objects Kept “categories” from Smalltalk

40 Challenge: Hardware

Started w/ Monochrome, direct-mapped framebuffer (1989) Pixrects library Then 8-bit frame buffer, grayscale colormap tricks for 30 fps 8-bit color (by 1993)

41 ConeTrees

Cone Trees: animated 3d visualizations. . . Robertson, Mackinlay, Card, CHI’91

42 Cartoon Animation

David & four-year-old son Leo watched cartoons Fancy Sony VCR with exceptional jog-shuttle Read “Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life” Thomas & Johnston Watched Tiny Tunes w/ Randy every day at 4:00 1991

43 Motion is not just a series of still pictures!

Motion Blur (stutter or streak) slow medium fast blur

x x x x

time time time time


Slow in/Slow out F = ma 12-20-93 UIST



David Ungar 1 December 20, 1992 Best Christmas

Sat in office day after day getting motion blur right, then follow-through Could have only done it in Self

1991 or 1992

45 UIST’93 Demo

46 UI2 & Outliner

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee Ungar PARC Smith


47 UI2 (Morphic) Key Concepts

Direct UI Construction Use / Mention Unified Layout as object

48 Inspired by MORE, showed objects as outlines

49 Self 4 (1995) Demo

50 Kansas a large flat space with several people in it

51 Kansas

Actually used for distributed work Embodied WYSIWITYS principle Importance often not appreciated in collaborative systems.

52 Selling Self to Sun

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee Ungar PARC Smith


53 1 B

Self as an Investment

Randy Smith & David Ungar

John Maloney

Ole Agesen, Craig Chambers, Bay-Wei Chang, Urs Hoelzle


May 12, 1991

Self business presentation 54

54 2 B

Significance of success to Sun

• Sun ships powerful, cheap, hardware • that no one can • set up • turn on • receive mail on • We hope to make it easier for you to use and adapt to your purposes • Significance: • opens the way to down-market expansion • makes specialized applications much cheaper • puts Sun in the language business

• OK? or not OK? May 12, 1991


55 5 B

Reminder of Cost to SunLabs

• 6 lunatics • state-of-the-art machines • 5 years

May 12, 1991


56 Watch Demo for Look and Feel Who are the customers?

• Today’s interfaces startle and confuse customers Self • With sudden flashes and teleportation

apppropriateness Visual Basic • Self harnesses cartoon animation tricks to clarify and Clarity calm events on the screen • Can reduce comprehension time C++ • Reinforces the illusion that Self objects are concrete and real • Result: • A pleasant and productive experience for the customer 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 number of lines in typical program button adders scripters telescope aimers user interface Framemaker builders makers

57 Self talk for Scott, 6-18-93 57

Self How Can Self Help Sun Make Money?

• Self could be application builder for DOE • Self scripts tie together DOE objects • Self could be easy source of DOE objects • Rapid construction of lots of DOE objects to put in DOE world


a DOE application Self

David Ungar 3 June 18, 1993 Self is for casual programmers who get serious

Quick, easy, & fun Runs fast


Uniform, expressive

Self @ Language Day, Smith & Ungar, 8/18/94 Sun Microsystems Laboratories, pp.

58 Production quality applications?

• Footprint is an issue: – full system takes 20Mb real memory » close to fitting on 32MB machine » will fit by December • Recent type inference work of Agesen et. al. very hopeful about extracting only relevant objects from the web of objects comprising the Self system. – Example: » diff • in 5 five minutes, extracted 7,000 lines of source from full environment » diff runs in 3Mb virtual space


Self @ Language Day, Smith & Ungar, 8/18/94 Sun Microsystems Laboratories, pp.

59 Result: Memory vs. Productivity

• Memory Overhead

! Costs: about 16Mb (" $250?) (maybe even $500) • Execution Speed: fast enough for animated UI

! 3x - 6x slower than optimized C

! 20% faster than fully virtual C++ ! 2.5x faster than Smalltalk • First-time Compilation Speed (80K line program)

! Self: 3 mins, C++: 1.5 hrs (debug) • Recompilation Speed after adding a slot

! Self: 1 sec C++: 1 5 hours

Schmidt/Kanagaard slides 9-9-93

David Ungar 2 4 November 18, 1993 60

60 You know it’s bad when Last manager gives us a book about marketing Last manager interprets lab director’s remarks for us:



61 Project Cancelled!

Bert Sutherland, lab director, gives us “the letter” Toughest moment in Dave’s career Project was complete, on-time, under budget Nicest possible cancellation nine months to wrap it up

62 At DevPro’s request, worked on A Smalltalk Product • Researched market: in Object Oriented Strategies V(3), pg 5: – Smalltalk = 19% of total = $71M (up 30%) – Predict ST will continue to be fastest growing OOL

– PPS Sun ST revenues ~ $10M in 1994

• Built World’s Fastest Smalltalk System (in 1 week) – Can read in Smalltalk program, browse like Smalltalk, run • No other Smalltalk system can match these – >2x faster than ParcPlace – can shrinkwrap standalone application • DevPro declined in favor of other projects • Question: Is there some real money here? – Should we keep this warm?


63 Two of us vanish mysteriously

Like Craig, hoped that Urs would consult after his Ph.D. but he refused and would not say what he was doing After a vacation, Dave came back to find Lars gone! would not say what he was doing Later Dave & Randy poked heads into nearby building; later found out Lars, Urs were hiding

64 HotSpot JVM

Urs, Lars go to Animorphic Join others do Smalltalk w/ optional types Interpreter instead of dumb compiler (footprint) Do Java VM as insurance Acquired by Sun supersedes Exact VM (Wolczko, Agesen) SPARC port (familiar code)

65 Looking back

1985 1990 1995 2000

Bak Maloney Wolczko Sun

Agesen Hoezle Stanford Chang Chambers Lee Ungar PARC Smith


66 We published

Over 30 refereed publications 4 Stanford dissertations Two “most influential paper” awards Over 2,000 total citations (

67 Self influenced almost every Java Virtual Machine NewtonScript, JavaScript look of animated interfaces & Flair UI architecture object-oriented language research Klein & Maxwell metacircular VM research

68 Kept Self Alive

Port to Mac Port to OS X Port to Intel Mac Replaced QuickDraw with Quartz (email [email protected] for newer files)

69 Fostering Creativity At the time, it was about making programming easier Now, I think about creativity Instant feedback to conserve demands on memory Space & arrows offload cognitive burden Automatic inlining methods & blocks frees programmer from performance worries Live objects let programmer try things easily Language simplicity, uniformity fosters unanticipated reuse

70 Conclusion

Self a success in marketplace of ideas What else was needed? Most programmers just want to solve a problem “What new thing can I do?” “Do I really have to learn a new way to think?”

71 The Unpopularity of Simplicity?

Simple base language + first-class extensibility Has not caught on Java: keeps growing in complexity JavaScript: keeps growing in complexity PERL, Ruby: complex and growing in complexity Why?

72 Conclusions Designed impractical, pure language Made it practical Built object-centric animated environment Built direct-manipulation UI construction Built collaborative programming environment Built type-inferencer for dynamic types Not considered product-worthy Nothing quite like it today