Ribicoff offers plan to end impasseon church schoolaid

\VASI{INCIIION, D.C. - Seu. Abt'ahatn Ribicollf (11,- Conn.) plesented a six-point lrlan here to the Seuate itt trn effort to encl thc controvet'sy oveL fedet'ttl aid to chut'clt- relatcd schools, onc isstte rvlticlt has hlocked pitsstrge of aucl Conglessional trid to edttcation. 'l'he folurel U.S. Secletirt'y ol' I{ealtlt, fitlucatiott :rntl "r'eli- Wclfale toltl his Scnatc colleagues it is time that the giotrsglous controveLsy"corltfovel'sy" overovcl' fetl-rL'(l- dlal aitl to ctittcatiott be

THE SENATOR wcII[ oII to note tlrat the Clonslitution places "sourc outcr lintits on tltc usc of PROVIDENCE RETIREMENT HOME-Above is fctlclal Iuntls for privaie cduca- rn exlerior view of the Providence Relirement Home " in New Albany, which will be tion. dedierfed by Arehbirhop Sehvlte en MEy 20, ($tlff phele) TN N T////TIY/AT.,IIANY tlrt ltlit.lol' r't'li- Itcpl'cscntittt o lJloutlertiltg ol fcdt'r'al as' giotts toacltinq t:otttrttttttilit'sitl lltt' sislarrcc in lolcltct' tfainintri l)l'o' At'clt

o{ lhe 'l'lte "rrtissionalies PROPOSEO PAVILtON-Above ir rn e rchitect's concepfion alttty of ol' Frenk Silva hopes lo earn $3 proposed !3 million Valican Prvilion al lhe New York World's ,lcsrrs (llrlisI n'lur scl lor.lh on llrc e week by running errandr ond A colleclion lo finance the slruciure will be laken up in all t'oatls of tlre rvor.kl not to strll. FOUNDEO lN l9:17 Ir-r' tlrc Sis. Fair. doing odd iobs. Svnday. .iugalc lurt to t.nliglrtcn, rlrt {o tols ol St. l"r'ancis. ()kkrnlrrrlg. as churches The youlh. tlivitlc llrt: u'olkl lnrong lhern. a lirttt'-l cltt collcgt' for' \\'ont(rn. who atterrds eighth ('ross. it rvrll tisc to a ltt'iIltt ttI t('ct iil ll{'i{lll. l}.r l3 tcet ill l('nxlll. sclvt's intu zon"s ol irrflttencc arrrl trllliirtt tunv hls alt rltlollrlcnt grede ai Our Lady of Loreife hr- lll fe e t in rr'rtltlr. i-s pt t'st'rtt l.t' 'l'hc It)(l li'ot antl Itt,-'itsttrtr 2t)tt tcct itt prrish school, cconrrrnir: inlclt:sls. lrrrI to scr.r.c," trI ncar'[1'8(]{} stu(lr.nts. col. REFUGEE told Faiher Vic. "tttcrrrnpalablt' WORK rirti,.r' crttlslt'tlcliolt ilt Vaticlttt is ittt .spt'ct:rcle." Ilgc hccurnc co.t'(ltrcalurnal irr l:l) li'ot ilr rlitltlt. for G, Salmaso, P.5.S,C., his It,rt{tlt:ttttl \\ofksllol)s ttttrlt't' tltt: stll)ol'\'tsll)ll prstor, ihct he wanted io make Ire sairl. It)5.1. 1\lltlcll)irlctl {torvtlr tu 1.Z{XJ its:iot:iittt'tl rlith THE PAVILION *rll lt'rtttttt'.itt ol ;tt'cltt'ologisls thc gifl so he could be assured '["tc slrttlt'ttts is r:xpoeterl b-r' r:ollegc "l)it'ta" (':\clllnlirrrls. l)opc sairl tltat rnissionrLit:s Irrklilion to lltc Iatttctl trI tltc ltislot'it: of a Calholic olficials u'itlrirr ten 1'culs. high school edu. ittt accttritlt' lttll illso l'cl)resont the irlcal of Clrlis- llit'it:rolattrlel,t. llte Vlltititrt I'itvil- crtion. Eight new Catholic "tlrrr 'l'ltt (:tttls{rttt:{' lrt atklitiotl, high in ['aviliurt rvill llc t,'plicit rrl tltt' t'scAvatitrtls tian utritf onc nnrl only r\nroug thr-' inrnrerliatc lurikling scalc cotttititt n larqt'erltibit schools rre scheduled to be plot iorr rr'ill holl', npostolic lnrl catlrolit: ttectls oi' l ht: collegr:, ttccolrlirrg crl ott rn olal.slrapctl oI lirrrtl sultttuttrlin{ tht' lontb of St. lcttttttlit, oll lht' tttt'zzattittt' trl buili with prrl of lhe campaign ('hut'rrll. 'l'ltr: Irtt'ttstttittg 5t).1)(Xls(lllitl'c Ii't'l illl(l Silcrrttrl \lll iclrr lo llsgr'. ltcirrc. nlc a ttcrr'lr- I't'l t't'. tl a clrapt'l funds. rr hit'h n ill bc locate I')crrtnt'nicirl ('uurrcil ploposirrg lllat'l rrtctt's tkurnilor'1' anrl sttt- rr il I cost altllloxi trtatell' S:i.t)01).UtX). 'l'lrc lli urth a t'apitcit)' of :l:)ll pt'rs()lts. Srtlrtrrrttnletl h5' a lttttettt atltl I t cplirrt. l lttt'lt tttca:ttt'r''s ((lotrtrntrr:tl {}n l)itlio {}) (k,ll[ (,r'iltr'f. PAGE TWO THE CRITERION, MAY ?4, 1963 TTIE CATTMON TTARKET An exclusive club for wealthy nations?

By DOUGLAS WOODRUFF tlrcnr an arlr':rntagu agairtsl. otlrr:r r:ornpcl itols. Copyrlghl,t963 'l'hey rvcrc thinking plincipally (Second ol three orticlcc) of tlrc Japalese rrntil ihey sutl- rlerrly r'ealizerl that thc r.cal lhlcat rvoul

SPEAKER AT INVESTITURE-Father Fabian Friederr, O.S.B., of 5f. Meinrad Archabbey, cenfer, ad. dressed the 96 freshmen of Holy Cross Cenlrrl School of Nursing al lhe annual cap ond clpo inverti- lure recenlly in 51. Mary'r Church of Qur Lady of Lorello, South Bend, lnd. Frther Fabian's sisler is A l{EWWAY IO SAVEI purchrre a member of the inveslilure class. Lefi lo righl, Sirier M, Nicholas, C.5.C,, director of Holy Crosr Cen- Irc Six thr'le is a stlurrg On Your Ncw Car tral; Miss Mary Ann Frieders, Plano, llf.; Frlher Fabian, Mlss Frieder's brofher; lhe Misses Rose. rle school led lly Dr'. WHEr{ THE TREATY of llonte (let'nrattl'.'l'lre-r, scr: BRAND M"r"'""d M"'v beraan to conrc into opelation itr NEW - - _":.'r" *:-:.1 l"lfil'i-1i:.]::-::1Y:-: itt tosS' lclnr-r, tlral. 53 RAfttBLER-|7086t,;il,ll,,tii1;r, .ll)58 tho Blilish cante {otrvalti trc' reprcsetttatives flom Frattccl if tttl paltir:rrlar'13, (lcr- uith llloposals for a n'itler F'rcc only 68.67Dwn. - au1'of tltcnt took att inrlcpentlent l;o fol ntanl' ulilllu- 'l'r'atL' 57.31iT CAIT DIIVAL KOT:T{IG,SVItr}W :troa in rrtartufactrrred linc he rvoukl recall thettt. IIc is tlrc lcarlittg expoltcr., rlootls of rvlticlr lttitain rvoukl be {ron, not in tlte lcast likt'ly 1o to if {hr: {he lr.sI of tlrc i"' I.ur ficltl I)ill'1. llut all tlrc Sis rcjccled i1;Yi*J;:':,ll$,'n.l'h'Jli3.f..":i';,,,1il.'.:9i1,i;l',lif rvhat the li)ttt'opcatt Iitttlct'alists !r)$,ing irt plosyrrrlitl'. tltsircd. Get the detailsi:Trti''ir'"i:il,:*'.ii"i'ii;iliiJ.\r',)"ii;gtti-'J this [)ecause it rvould havc ure- are nsking fot', dirccl. election ltr 'an orrlv rlo if tlrc lich roda-v,Noborry can sau r t,rrlt'rl thrr r_{r'orr.llrof Iiuroliaart the .lluropean t'at'liaurent, {ot ..llre political unill'. As l)r'. Ilallstcin, .Reollu ?r,nde., I{o earlv answer seen t.lrat rnight tt-reatt tltat lhe lrrotttlh- (lulrrran lltc rvho is ('lrlilrnarr of nrtn in thc I'arliatncllt \loul(l l)c (.'orrrruissi{)ll, tlrt has stalerl ntore opJ.rorrents nf ihc li'l'cttt:lt (lovct'n- u60w. r6rh lhan oncc, thc r.cal prrlpose of RQDQCKERRAMBTER ME r.5{41 nrcnt in ['aris. (joururissiorr's tlrc activitics is Wherr Scrvlcc is Prrf of the Sale tfitherlo lhelc has ltcen 1;t'"' polilicall ccorrolnics arc treinq irr Mindszenty clal Bgreenretrt llrat. tltc -[.)ttto;loatr ttst'tl {rr (tf(tlto a eollllloll ittlt't.cst case Stras' ['alliarnent shottkl ntet:t nI aurl l (:untnton r','ill. iu or.tlel to lloutg, likc tltn Assctnbly of llrc cl'L'itto il g()ntrlolt cilizenship liO.\lli- -Nri qiiick s0lulion nron on his arrival (.ua-v l{i) that rlorrilrl linuu lcdgc oI srrch :ln [initcrl l)trlopc ntovetttcltt tvhiclt parallel lo the Anrcfican. lvAs tltc fit'sl l'ntliatnettl, atttl 'l'his rs lilit'lv in tlrc casc ()i L:itr- n)un.\' Iaclor'-r ilt'c irtrollrrl irr it!t'certrtrttt ltttl a U.S. k'llrrttorr THERE lS GREAT lirlcc in tlrt: irrtcnliorr is nour.islrctl by .spokr:srnarr st;rtetl llrat lhr' l<'ga" u'hiclr still oxi-sts attd tttccts trr'ictr lltr'lrislot'icll (jrrs- rlirrirl .lozst'l ;\litrtlszcttty, zrc- (lltulch-St:rte ncgotialiorrs in ltt'

CHURCH AND THE WORLD rr,rrrnrrrurrrrlrrlrr Interior VlC\ryS = Missiorz donations -Blanshctrd of retirement home The Vaircan

in l\ew Albany crrrr'crrduIi.g the curre.t ctisis "";,,',''.'l"lf a I)oltT-o!.-sI'AIN, Triniclad _ )l;'lfll, i'n,'|lli,'.'ili: "tluec u''.","^..,i sisrershave ioincd lhc g:Jtela! strike against valicl t'egittte tras cxpcttctt ' il I)t'e.tttier. C_ltedtli Jagan's of IIaiti:s se\:en fri.friiri ^n.f leftist ollslc(l l? pr.icsts. t'egiine in llt'itish Guiana, accortl- ing to rvord receit'ed here on a O ttoti0'f'\. Colombi:l*A pliest, Iishing r,cssel front lhat country. t'tlitol criticized thc U.S, ilp- Normal communications between 'l'he ploat'h to Latin Anrcri...'s plob- l}r'itish 0 plesidc'nl of lht' ll)ti'l New Guiana and the outside lenrs antl York lVorld's Fail irrvitcd Pop<: callerl lol a lcntoval of rvorld hat'c been disrupted by ilrc Irln'icls in olrler "reach John to visil the fair'. brtt the Popc to an stlike. The striking Religious Abroad rrnrkrrslarrrlirr{ rvhiclr lcplierl tha{ il's too far for lliln rlill satisfl' atc nrenrbcls of trvo teachers' lrotlr go, b]' air. li'ail pt'ttsitlcttI r\mct'icas." l,'ather' trlalio urrions that arc nlliliaterl rrith thc to cvcn 0'lOtjltS. l,'t'artt:c-'l'he lrislrolrs 'l'rades Ilovollo-[]r'avo. e

L. G,(lements & Sons GENERAL CONTRACTORS Est.1885 Sllecinlizitrg in Light antl Ilcar,l' licprils Coturrrrrlciirl attd lttrsirk'rrtiir I

1509 Main St, (Beech Grove) ST 4"6372

I Calrlinal [liclrnlrl (.]trslring slitl in Nerv Yolk llrlt hc tvlnts lrt ittvite Cardinal Slcfan \\r1.sz1'nski, Plinrate o[ I)olanrl, to visi{ thc 'l'lrc Unitctl Statt's ncxt ,l'oar'. Alchllisholl of lloslon nrade llre rli.sclostrrc in an ad

Ilrr: Al?T llOllEIllS tll'lOW r:..rvrifyl)o(ly'sr(r1nl()(iV ltrr tr.irly rlrontir)tlblttr::;! Il yr)t.lsLrller lrottt tlls '1r,. contnton rrtornirrgrrr,ilarly. . . t;rl


I'l'ltllN'fON, N.,t.--llrr'tlr (lon. 950 ON YOUR DIAL h'01 plr)glanrs;il'o n{}t a lcgitr- nlatc afca lill'sitlrte c()nccl.n. (ir)\,. llicltartl J, llrrghcs ol licrv .ler.sttv I . I N D I A N A G.H.Herrrrn&nn, "ll I N D I A N A P O L S ctnpltasizctl ltolr'. ry6rrltl 5i' uns,isc l'or' llrc statc to atlorrt as Frrneral Hornes tk'tinilivc poli('.1,nlr' 6l tht' 1r;rrrv 5141Madison Avenue r ",7 cotrfcrcncc lrcle. ,',r :1.',;:. liKr,orr,rx tiltlU;, nrrL€ a I)a.--Alchhishou ,Iohn optrtn .=-..-:;lfl.il; l,'' rll l\lalk Gannon lras eallcrl rrrrorrllre '112,000 Catholir's ol lhc I,)r.io rlio ccsc to plal' 1,,r' tlrc 5111,gp"" 1yf thc \Vorld Conl'e r,cnr:c on I,'tilh nnrl Ot'dcr'. callctl b1'llrc \1/ullrl Council of (lhrrlclrcs (Plottstant antl O|tlrorlox ) lo nrtrct Jrrlv tl 'llrc lo 26 in I\lorrtr.r'nl, ('lrratllr. confcrencc al Ilc(iill f]nir.cr.sitv in il[ontlt'al fol rr'hir,lt Ar.chbirlrorr (lannrrn itsks l)tit\.cr.s ainrs lrr prontole {'hlis{iarr rrrritr,,

Corp, of Indiana

sT 4-4458 $$i'$$Wffi

THE CRITERION,MAY 24, I963 PAGE FIVE o 'l'Hli YAllllsil'lcK . WI{AT OF T'I{E DAY The poorest work grouP Birmingham bombshell By REV. JoHN DORAN By MSGR. GEoRGE HIGGINS l\-clfale Conference is appro. of tts at NCWC 'l'he ciated, lrul tltosc l{ol,rrIlrrI rrurr.lrrzittc t {'- ( antl our cotttttct'parts in other ccntll' tooli noticr- o[ r'..ltat ct:t'{attt n:rtional f:atholic olganizations) clrttrclt {Lrrttlts tLtr rltrirt.l to tty rvho arc ntost tlilectly inrolved tu imlrlolc tlre Lrt of nrigt'itlol'5' irr thc pt'ol;le rn of migl'atory labor flr.nr rvor.kcls in tlrc Iinitcd knorv thnt rve ltave hat'dly Sl ates. sclatchetl the sttlface of the nti' "Bcing tlu' gratol'.r' ploblent. labol Thc mass irrrportation of fot'eign constil.ttcnls of I'clhaps tlte tttost iltlpol'tant rvolkcr.s is onc of tlte Ittl.iur rca- ltr) {}n(r itt l){rr'- 'l' singlc stcp that -sltotrkl be takcn srlns rvhy r\met'ican farm rvot'k- licular," h c right arvay to intprore the lot of ers, lhc poolcsl, rvot'k gl'ott1t itt lieI)olt('l'r'(!- Profe s siortrtte set nrigt'atory l'alnr rvorkers lvotll(l be the Unitcd States, rvct'c altlc to rnirlkerl irr irtt lor the Congrcss to repeal Public earn alr avelage of only ii8ti1 in crlitoliirl nott:, "t l,arv 78 untlct' tvlticlt tens of thotts' agrieulturo tluring all of 1$61 and lt r: tnirlrattl antls of illcxican fitrm rvot'kers rverc able to obtain only li)4 tlays rr'ollit'rs rk'llettrl alc bt'ouqht into thc thtited States of farrrr rvolk in thc enlit'e 1'car. ot OurLady of Crace as mrrr'h on tlrc cl'(!l'.r' ycar in contpetition rvitlt st'l'iottsncss rr f Alihough P.L. 78 sccks to pt'o- 'rlo-r.lootl' ()ur o\vu tlutt'tcstic agricultttlal "atlvcfsc lohbios as lllc)' (kl (fll vide agairrst cflcct" to 'tIt'gtxrtl' $ ()tk0ts. llre seriottsncss of ('otr' donrestic larnt rvolke t's, iltc itn- grossrnen. ('eftlllll portation tltcir Bttl cxcr-'Jrt lr)f Represenlalives of all lhree has kcpt dorvn cltttt'clt qt'ottJ)s, l it:trlitt'ly llttl faun rvages and lintitcd tltcir cnr" l)itl ma ior religious laiths hove ('itlltllic ('ott' National Wr'llalc asked Congress lo allow Public ploynrent opportttrrities.'fhc e.x- (,:otltlcil pt'ogt'ilttl prcv0llts fclcnce arul llto \;tlirin;ll Law 78 lo expire on December istt'ttcc of the of (lhrrlchcs. atttl lilr' otlt' ol' t\\'(l the larv of strpply attd tletrand 31, 1963. They are convinced president's office nt Brebeuf Preprralory School, lndianapolis, tutions . ., nlosl. ol iltc lalrot' antl lhat the program is exlremely flom operating in setting fafnr (l{rll{} painled lhe piclure of 5t. Jean de Brebeuf which hongs in lhe social rvcllalt' lrlrlrits llttvc harmful lo American form rvagcs in the blacct'o-using at'eas, rt hetl school lobby. Shown with Mrs, Wyss above are Mrs. Roberl R" littlc ltcl otrrl tt:sliil ing workers and small ferm oper. a of the Developntent and Public Retalions Oflice and the callctl uprtn." alors. Zabawa, okirtg gt'ou'cr of- o A blacero-se u::"'--Y: o" ":' j" " g:1-- fe|s rv0r'k at pcrhaps 60 cetlts an - -T:i:i. i.1.:*:: L i.:: : - 1-f :1i hour in Arkansas. If thc rvagc is inaderlrrate to attlact farm tvot'k- ers, he does not ltavc to t'aisc tltc Arncrica eclitorial backs pay, lle sirnply tclls {hc lrcdelal Governnre nt thll ltc cannot gcti falnr labor, nntl asks for britcet',ts Irorn llcxico. lllltt: l)ovcrt-v ot crlcvclica[ franslation nolthertr .\lcxico is so gleat that J

bracclos ilro il\'ailill)lo aI thcsfi Nl,lW Y()ltli---Anl0Iicu, n n:1" slltl(,s (ludsti0ll0(l l)]' tltc ct'ilitts," lVngcs, ('allrolir: ,,Sirrcg tiotrll rveckl)', sititl ltet't: it. said. 1e cilerl rgitSorrt 'l'hc (hc result is tlrul povet't]' c{)ln- that l'ittlllislt tt'itttslatiotts avail' cllr'rI. llc \ttrtital's t'l.tlish pctcs agairrst poveltl' to pt'oduce ;rlrlt: in l.hc {1.S. of the cncyclical, v0r.siirn, it is clt,ar tlrilt ('it|rlinal "is molc povelty, A sttt'llltts of clteitp ['at't'rtt itt 1\,rt'is, a sttbstitn- Sucnells, IoL out-, is s;rtisIietl that labor is createrl, Wages lutvc liall.v lclillllc tcntlct'ittg oI tltc tlc tlisnutc<[ tlalslltiorr acpur. ltistot'ic utt's-sugt'." actrrally bccn folcetl rLlrvn h.v ['.L, I'opc's atrll' ,i,, 1 r' c 5' s I'6pe ,l,lr1's 'l'he 78. l,abor I)cpat'tntcttt, sittce ..\rr crlitolitrl in its is:;rrrt r-rf llat' tlrotilht. "rvirlt'11 lS{il, has stl'ertgthcttctl tlrt' orl- i,r tr'pliorl lo prthlir'izotl "ln fac(,,cat'clttl .otnltrtt'is.lt of hrlcerncnt of I'. L. 78 anrl nurlrt t:ritir,is'r 'l rlr. I,lrrqlisir'it:;';;i,i: ., tltt' arttlrctttic l,ali. t.xt t'itlt iltis solre reforrns ilt i{. bttl llt0 lrLo- fi.' issrrr,

lions, cyen billiorrs ol trcotllc who do a a "Intrurner. ryJt hn()w Christ. IIe lryrit{:s: '!t livcs and salrrilices of mission- Ur ablc R clturclt NTUSI,C Effi; HJrpvou alrttost *rsted be- ups aries ltavc bcen qflF 'l::.;'l3x' DailyMissal 'ilt rrot.ritrtt*i ititiari trii! l::::,*;t,i',l,"r";1: i;,:il':,1,,:it.t:". tlv (hiottal (l,nrtlt "c.l No.810. lli Ullck Cioirtrille tir ,1n appeal frorn llothcr lltargarel, 'I'rivardrtlm' SrrOfri0r (icil('rill (,f tllll l)iltlghters of rllary in In' us u ll, rJ'0lu t;ed' PITGRIMAGE LeIther. ttctl ittttl (ioltl "Al dia. rivirll.v lrit'l,rtt'r's sottlc ntissiotr harrlships' Sltt: writes: (lovcr', (ioltl llreseDt a stttall toolu,:](, by l'10lel:t, is ttsctl lof sen'ices. It can (jl/li)lrli:l,ANl) .-- A nllirrrlrlll,'- ('hlistirn rvtrlslripcLs in tho :!()tll Stampiug on th(t 'l'lrerc 'ltt hold only ::(I tlcrs(rtls. are Slsters in the Nnvifiale. lintrnrr ntttsic lr'lr:lrct' r'lassilics c0ntul']-''lrrtl I erpcr:t. tlrtr st'conrl AscuncionDay Nr'x[.vcal tlrt tttrtttltrr ryilt tte ovnr irii, Siltce therc is rto parish rilrlst ('llilr'tlh trrttsit: nort' ltt'itril It)rlges,Silk Iloolittttrllis. "rlrrll scssiott of thc ptt,scn{. \:atit:itn thurch nr:irrby lltr: ltco}lo nre cttltlittg [o our cltallcl for lloly rrscrl as lrrrl isolllctl" lnrf trorurr:il to rnllie il." {lIass attd tlt{: {rllt{'r Stcrirnletlts. lt is estrt'nrelJ necerisary lo ts frrilirrr{ lo irrvlrlc r.itlrcl rtli- ln lUlexico 'l'hc Boxed ....$8.50 havrr r t:ltattel huilt". -. A tttodtvrately-slzed one with a $inf giort ol' st't'ttlitl lilr. rrrart iu lltc 1tt's'. [)clorlrtin !argc tttou;{h (o a<'cntntttodalc thc ncitlhllorlng faithf ttl will I lr, is r\loxantlt'r' Potrrquitt oll srrirl, is not inspilctl lr-v urost ol oin*j"Tn bttiltl, l!'ill you bt: in ltellring these ['r'olirlcrrct. of lltc s299oo'l' rost 3li,{}l}{l tc 5trterotts ll.l.. corrrhtclol u'lrat lrt: [rr'als irr r:lrttlch. Ott tlrc ('holul Sist{:rs iltlil firithtlrl lo ltirue the essentials to carr.Y on their Poh)rluilt lrtrl <:lroir riit'cc' (:rlntt'-1.\'. "lrt' 'iltank lte itrl,lr'd. is rltoltt ltel;r ttow. (jnlhc- ..From $3'75 wr)rk'j' Srll(l rotlr l'tltl. lrll lrl i:S. I't'tcr lrr

lnfrrrd r! lrtond Cht! nrlflt rt Porl 0lliac, lndirnrpolk, Ind. litrtei .r...,..irr.r. PAY3I CENTS? EDITOR, Rev. nnymond T. USHER Clty .. . .. Zone .... Stlte llosler; ASSOCIA'l'E EDITOIt, Ilcv. Paul J, Courtn:yi 1\1AN. A(+Il{(} F;t)11'011, Frod W. I'ries: NII\YS UI)l'l'OR, l'attl (i. lrox; AllVl4lt'f lSlN(i I\IAN. I7un,erelHome,, ftzc. ,\GllR, Janrest'. lh'ady. C^&TIIOIIC r;t?,ei,"ilIISSI0NS Pricc $4,00| yeor, Annr c. ushor ;. ^. ushar CATHOI.IC NEAR EASI WEIFARC ASSOCIA?ION Psbllrhed Weekly Excepl Lrgt Weck in December. 6, INDIANA 480 Lcxingfon Avo. at 46fh St. Ncw Yo* l7;t{. YJ POSTOFFICE BOX 302 TNDIANAPOLIS Frank E. Johnr ooff"?.1.\@r- JACE SIX THE CRtTERtoN, MAY 24,1963 rrrr'rrrrrr,rr'rrrrrrrrrrrrrVU"";:l'Jl""".'' St. Christopher Playoffs due Classes set Father John Elford, Arch. dioceran CYO Director, this lor kickball week ennounced plans for lhc for summer formollon of an Indianapolit Division champions in CYO Deanery CYO Priests' Advisory trlalian Colktgc summer classes .lunitrl antl Carlct Kiekblll were Board. title in rvill nrccl this year lront June I? captures announccrl this playoff week as Letlor3 have been senl lo all p|cparntious got un(lcrway. to July 26, and will inelude a priest CYO moderelors in lhe variety of corrrses in Winlcls in the Junior category, lwo crpilrl city deanerles. Fa. l0 cate- gories * all rvith $.0 r'ccolds alel I)ivision lher Elford said, io defermine philosophy, education, squarely. it's clear it 'teen Pretty I, Chlisl thc King; Di,;ision II, how many would be willing fo Iristory, Ilnglish, theology, music, ?'he nreans insecrrlity anrl Rn alt.xicty Iururaculatc IIcarl; and Division :rerve on lhe proposed board, .feel' bovs'track meet circnristry, psychology, nrathe- what over .so ntany tlrings-flonr J Ill, St, Calherine. Imnraculatc Evenlually an elecfion will be think of thenr to how lit- nratics antl biohgy, By Lrwrence Carlino, 5,J. thc bo.vs Ilcalt ryon the b1'e to the linal held fo set lhe board at 12 mem. thcy have front Sistcr trlary Karen, tle confidcnce ganre and rvill nrect the senri- bers, lhe CYO Direclor indi. O.S.l-.. plrlt'rrls, l've wailed so long for school tonclrels, attrl, eet'tainll', f inal rvinner ( ga nre was playe d crled. l\lt.rian rlean, said registration lo be lhrough, Paula, I can't flonr the tc'cn.agers thcmselvcs. 'l'hrrlstlay) in thc tiilc gamc, Tenlalive rrrangemenfs crll rvill bc hcld June t.8. She an- woil no more lor you, Anxiety grips the nt on all si

Sl. Pdl(ick 5.2; lloly C.os\ 5.?; St. Jrd0 5.3; Sl. Irrl0 ?.6; 5t. Sinron ? 5; 51. Anlhorrv l-5; Sl. Rird 0./. 0iyirion 4i 5t. A\,ridchy 60; '\10uilt (nrilr!l 6.1; St, Sus,rnnl 6 l; Srcred llcdrl ,1.3; 45. \rrflfrlror 3 ,1; 51. n ild J n; lloly AngClS ? .'r; 51. llernddcllc'2.6; Sl. f.nnci5 0,8, a

cADrI tASttAtL ttAGUr tlluhe srrru)you drit:t, u sefc cur this :tunrntet'. Girc. cQI' u len-pttittt Oamcr of luerdry, Mdy l,l ,your

Diviiion lr Sl, nroril,ts l, 51. ^ilil 0; St, ClIrslol)lrer 11, Sl. |!|chncl 6; ns5urnpt,o|,/, oJ: flrt'ser St. .\loilrcd 6; lloly Jrin'ry,/, St. Antlr(,ily U Sry'trl,r Check-up el ult.r! ono J'irms, (lorlril). 0ivirion 1r Sf, Jo.rn of Arc 15, Inrnrac. ulrle ticdrl 2; Sl. l-ukc lg, St. Pius X lj (llrisl llr0 Xioq 10. Mourll CJfrilcl 5; St, nrl. rlil,vr li,5t. Mdttllcw 0. BuickInt. 8y KATHLEEN F. PARR DelfenOldsmohile lnc. 0gle 0ivirion 3: Sncre{l llcnrl 20, St, Jailos 4; '/'r) "3UlCK 51. Agner Academy lloly llililr0 /, Sl. AlJrk,l; Sl. Roch 7, Sl. l'oitr /"rtt'rr,l/r/ Olils /)r'rt/r'r' ll..r ,\,, ril ()?!')l .'lrt ()lrls and OPEL" Jud0 2; 51. Cnllrcrirrc.St. lrillri!k, ttdr|0 to Irlcrrrr llrc carlir:st rnorrastic u"oiillllur""a, 0ur Larty of tourd.! 6, sr. New Aulos Sales and Service Used Car Lol Iountlations rcligiorrs havc cxert- I'hilip tl.ri 5r Sl. ll0rn,rllfllc 13, 5t. taw. 3/ W. 38th rdnr_0 WA 6-2423 l)ilt't't crl & pon,erfrrl inllrrencc for gootl 6; sl. Fr,rnci5 | z, st. silron I I ; til. llc flowcr 13, lloly Spirit 7. 5l9j N. Keystone Avc'. -- Tc.l. Cl. 1.9271 *.5148 N. Keystone Ave. on socl{,'ty cvcn lty thcir cxist- 0rnor ol ffldry, Mry l7 "'l'II ence, I') I" :\I;t /.()i',s" 0ivitiqn l: 5t. Micl,acl ?, 5t. An.rrorry Q (fnrlHl;; Lturing thc barbar.ian invasion St. Chrislophrr 8,5t. Moil,cd ?; St, A1o /, Arsunrplron 6;5t. lhonras.floly (hevrolet of Co.Inc. Iiurope in tlra decline of lhe Irioily, p05tfoncd. LtlII K lqy S'l'lI D I,:llA h liR Johnson OUEKENERCY PIEKUP Ilrrrlvrrr l,inrlrirc, rnnrry pagan in- . 0ivlrion 2: 51. [uke 13, Clrrist the Xlnq {; 51. -Mdltlr0w 18, Inlrndc,ll,llc lleilrt ,l; St: Sllcs, Sclvicc rrntl llcgtitit's (arrncl St. . . . q lcrle lreol fhof'r lopc. vaders were hrorrght to a rtesire Jo,rn of nrc lB, Mo'rol 0; 5t. Ao,ttcw. 1035N. Meridinrr St. Piu5 X, porlDoned. Ior knorvlerlgc of thc Clut'clr anrl Good health b o reruli of .0ivkion 3: lloly f.,l0rne 9, Sl, iudc 3; rli rnln-v werc convertcrl bcc.atrse of olllor (rrtrror poilDoncd, ME 5-6s81 gotxl holiils . . . lhol'r rrtry it ftildersfrflotors Inc. sceinI 0ivirion 4r Sl, Bcrtrddette lfi, St. Iran- thc nionks going alrotrt ()'rr g, mtrker good renre cis 0; Ltrly ol Louillar Sl. Srnon lo rcrvo thcir 0; L'tlle


BY ABP. EM'LE GUERRY of thc Chulch) rve rvill rol sce IIim face to face (Entrflnce Ilytnn). Our confitlcncc for the time Attt| ol hi.s ue aII lnuc receiuerl, antl grace grace, /ullrres.s lor bcing is parl. of our faith. Antl before our lull par- (John, 1, 16) ticipation in IIis glory, rve will know the persecu- tion nrcntionerl in the Gospel antl the difficult and challenging rvitncss wltich is thc subject of the l,'irst llcading. lJut rvhatevcl rvc tlo anrl llcar, wc tlo and bear in the Spirit anrl rvith the Spirit, sharing a conr- mon life antl conr ntitrrtcnt \r,ith all the other branches of thc vinc, ncvcr in isolation. That isolation of man alienntctl ft'onr his Father antl his brothers is tlre lcal evil. So our Communion llyrrrn as rve shalc the sacralrcrtt of otrr solidarity "Not Its Cltt'istians lt:ts us singing: tllat 5tou ch6111,1 The Myslery of plenitude lake thcm oul of the rvolkl , . , but rathcr that you shicltl thcnr florn all that is evil." lVhat al;trndancc of gL:tt'c thct'tr is in the sortl ol n Saint--of a Saint John or a Saint l)aull'i Wltat an absoltttely inconceivable 'fIIrE May 27 s1'. tEDn vuNItRAIrLli, rvcalth oI grace in tlre souls of all lhe Saints tht'ottglt all thc agcsl CONtrESSOlt, DOC'|OIi. This [Iass of a gt'cat Anrl rvhat of I hr: lilcsscrl \tilgirr'1-rlltorn tltc angcl slltttcrl rvil.h tcachcl in thc (ihtrlclt annouttces as the refraitr "l"ull tltc titlc: of gtacrr." "lrr of its llnllance I.l1'rrrn: ruerlio lt)cclesiac" ("In Non', tlrc surn {)f all tltt,su gt'accs tloes not atltl a sitrglc tlegrcc lhe r\sscrnlll"v" ). Not ottly tlo rvc scc hcre thc to ihc gracc of Clu'ist; fol lhctc is not more Aracc in the rvhole (llrurch (iorl's people, 'l'he as thc assembly o[ cor'- than in ()lu'ist alone. llcatl c;rtt receive nothing l\Iysiical llorly cnautcrl connrunity--inslcatl oI thc Chttlch as a theatre rvill llternate this sott of flont Ilis rncnrbels, btrt it is florn IIirn that thc,v rcccive all. 1'ltcir "C" 'flrey selvice statiott for indivitluals. Ilut also we scc film rvith filnrs, like to holincss catr atlrl ttrrthirtg lo llts. that this asscnrl;ly is att assenrbly of scekct's, be flicnds rvith evelyonc, at least 'l'his plcrritutle oI the glace ol Clrrist as IIearl is such that it cx. lcalnels, inquilcls, constarttly gt'orviltg flonr thcil everyonc rvith a ferv niekcls left. tends lo all llre opclaliorrs u'hiclt atc acr:otttplisltctl in the ortler of shnled cxpericnce anrl in their unrlerstanding of I rccall a ctse likc this rvhere gracc in the hosonr of llrt: (llrttn'lt. No act of grace can occur cxcept by (lorl's Wolrl, listt ning eage lly to thc teachels a tlreatlc ownef lvirs most indig- the grace of (.lhlist. llis grar:t: as lltatl cxtcntls to all the superttatural 'r'otlay's (iod laiscs up iu thcit' ntitlst. June I vr(irJ,or.p!rN1'Frcosl'. ntnt fl[ orrr Sodalists" bombarrl- hLriltling up tltc llotly of "galh- efforts orrlainorl to thc oi Christ-to tha l\lnss is a baptistnal i\Iass, becattse after []re ing hinr rvith lettels gliping nbout "C" cring togetltct"'of all things in llitn. May 28 s'r'. AIJGtts'rrNl!:, RISIlop, coN. llaster Vigil lonight's vigil *'as in an ert'lier tratli- tho picttrles hc had bcan "Carr'.v pulsc, n0r tion thc next most important occasion fol thc shorving, antl hc rcarlily brouglrt I,'ItSSOR. rrcitlrcr n0r wallct, "tloing The Mystery of unity tup all ha rvns for tho sanrlals , ," ((losprll. lJnth lessons today enr- cclcblation of lha saclattrerrt of llaptisttt, ottt intto- Clturch rvith thcsc classicnl filnrs 1'hc grate ol thr lle;rrl lliv('s life lo llte ttrentbers. This is not to bc plrasizc the obligation of tlrc plcachcr' [o spcak a tlucl.ion into thc life of the Spit'it. 'l'he "l at spccial ratcs, atluritting the rrnderstoott as rncaning thaI srrt'h glacc rvorks rnerely as moral carrse, lVold rvhich is as [r'ce as it can be o{ purcly htt- 14ntrarrcc IIynrn scts thc tonc: rvill llour clclgl' flcc, and so on. Of cotrr.sc, (iorl; you its a suppliiurl inlct'r'r'ssiott tvitlt httt in tltc scttsc tltal it is a rcal rrran rrrotivcs lnrl pttlcll' httntan accLctions. cleansing wfltcr ovcr . , and I rvill ll'cathc hc was getting 'l'he 25c a hcad antl yorr ryolld conrmunication of rlrline lifr'-'l'hc,tt'at:e of thc Itead is in itself so Arrgrrstine u'as itrstnrr'tcrl lly tlte IIoly See not into a ncrv spit'it," cannot Lccog- filling his ll'catfc at times it rvould "but porvct'frrl Ihal rt. ovt'r'florls on lhc tuenrbcts to givc thert tltc pouer to to hultlen llritairr s'ith a Iull-gt'orvtt llontatt or nizc tlre Spilit, J'ou ilrc [o t'ccogttizc lrinr othclrvise havc lteen absolutely perfornt ntct'itoriotts acl iotts. i\lcrlitcllarreatr (lhlistiatrity, l)ut to plant thc sctttl (Gospel). We pt'ay thett no{ ottly fot' tlte Itt:rvly crupl.y, an(l ontr yrliest suen going Nr-rs',this lifc r:ilirrg virtttc trxcrcisetl lly Christ the IIeatl ovtrr llte of lhc (iospcl in l'lralt:vel natulally-goorl Ilritish baptized Cht'istians ltut fot' all of us, lltat out' con" into a theatlc rvill bring in at lcast tcn otlrcr dt'r'out paf ing crrs- nrenrbcrs of llis liott.v, can be cxplainerl ortly by this nlystcry of thc cultrrlal soil he cuulrl finrl. scienccs may bc sensitivc, alivc to ltis tottclt. tourcrs, but thcse rtrundane itcnts unity rrhiclr cxisls hltrt'r,r'n llirrr anrl thcrrr. (CTt,I,crl-orr p,nge 10) llvcrthin{, of cotrrsr', dt'r'ivr,.s {r'otn IIis l)ivinity, the Principal - eausc of all sttlrtrnalrtt'irl activity. Nevet'lheless, it is ttol by IIis Divin. c tr'AnIILl' {:[,[l\rIC ity that Cltrist cxclriscs llis gracc as ilt'at[; it is by Ilis llumanity tlral Ilc tloc.s so, bccausc il, is tlrlorrlth [[rs [[rruranity that flc is in contact RELl6 |0U5 rvitlr rrs arrtl that rvc nlc rnritcrl rrith Ilim. 0tCl1 RlsTIAt{ EDUCATtOl{ In spt'akirtg of {lris unity of tlrc Ilr:a

In orrlel thal. thc Saclcrl Ilurnanity of Clrlist. slroultl cxr"rcisc lhis If I'ou analyzc )'our attiturles life.giving lrctilitl'ovrr llis rnclnl)crs, it is nercssary lhat Christ shoul

Q. I.s origlinnlsiru lle only .'lin tftat c/fects rrs? 1509 Prospecf Sf. No. 1Ye in!:crit, original sin PAGE EIGHT THE CR|TERION,MAY 24, 1963

VIEWING WITH ARNOLD I BOOKS OF'THE HOT]R 'Thirteen Treud' is ra,re for Christ' film By D. B. THEALL, O.S.B. ,f sheerbrilliunce

phasis and <:ltaracterization, the dence and ovcr the opposition of great nlan seerns diminished fronr his wise collcaguc (an olfheat thc giant he was. As I toful you, role for Larry l'arks), actor Clift 1\lartha (1he uninitiated viewer doggc

Raclioand Television IAWNMOWER

INDIANAPOIISARrA Xrdlo-.$und.y tunday lrlevlrion d:15,r.rrt,-'thur of St. frdflcli SERVICEDEPT...... ,,',,lil0 8:30 a.rrr.*Clrrirloplrerr....,...... {tg} 7:4Ii o,rt.-Sacrerl llcrrl .,...... ,.|!Kttl ,y:UUJ.rrr,-5!crcd ttcarl .,...... (B) 8: l5 d.rir,-SdcrolJ llcdrl llout . ,....,VJ11AS 9r lI; d.nl..-Y0ur Cnllrolic Vi5il0r ....Yi!lA5 iii;![l:lil:l'#i,r,i "'i,1i;ii;" :.: : : : : : :i{31 /,,{5 D.rr.-Sacrcrl llc,i.l ilour,.....,VlAKY ru:Ju d.nt.-t n nt Willt Yoil ...,.,...... (13) i"30 t.nr.-Cntholic tlouf ,..,,..,..,!'JAVE TORO Mondry lhru 5.lfrd{v Sundry Rddio 10r45 u.nr.* Ilrruu,ifr lor lorruy i ,....tfxYtt 6:l-.r) r.rn.-Srcred Experienced. - , llcort ....,...... V/lSH 6:'15 n.rn,-Ro:dry llurrr ,,,...,...., .Wl fP ,UrJU D.nr.-A?e f,1,rri,t110ur,...... V/tBC p.ln.-Ldltotic Iuesdrt .v:Ju ilo'tr .,,...... ,W1R8 7r30 p,nt,-Llorrl 5i{|0 ol llo?/s .....!V}l\S JA(OBSEN lu:3{, !.tfl.-ll0rrr ol Cruclflrti ...... ,v/l0C p.nl.-ll0lir Catholic Funeral Director lui4:, o{ Sl. ltdrrul3 ...... \ft.B[,1 NITHMONO ANIA Radid--Siulrdrv frldry trdio 6rl5 a.rn..-llour ot Sl. frrnci$ ..,..,WtiBV 6r00 a.m,-Sacrerl lleart .,...... V1|MS $undny IAWNBOY '',lli e.tn.-.Sdcrcrl Mondry thru trldrt tlfilt-.....,,.....Wtitlv /,31) s,rn,-Sdclcd ll0nrt .,...... ,.,WKBV 7r{5 p,nr.-Rosary Hour ....,.,,.,..W1R[ .7rJ0.p.m.-Ihr Christoeher P.ccram- WXBY p.r1.-ly6 (onvenient (oilt{ER$v[tE ARfA 10r30. Mrri. lloilr Wcl,ftl R.dio-Sundry WHEELHORSE 3 SATTM ARTA l2:00 p.nr.-Sacred Hcarl ..,...... !!llCF ladlo-.Sundrv 9:30 d.rn.-ll0ur ot St, t'ro{icis ...... WSr,1 tval{sYil,tt AREA lu.idrv lrdlo LAWNMOWERS lunday frlevltion 9;J0 n.trt.-.West [Jirrtcrr Collc(E* [ocations ll !30 r,m,-Christoplrrrr .,...,...... ,(7t U/ords nnd rllusic-...... WS|.fti Geo, F. Usher Srtufdry sflfl.8YVtIt r attl 4rl5 p,nr,-Crcdo Sund.y Ridio GRASSSEED ...... ,...... (f ,t) l2rl5 p.rn,-llour ot St, f.drrri; ..,...y;Syt 8!dio Pfograma tundrt Irrl ctrY AntA FERTITIZER Rrdlo- 0t I ly 6:30 !.m.-Avr l,l,rrie Hout ...... V/Jps IRVINGTONNORTHSIDE 6:00 p.nr.-lhe Rosrry ...'.....,.....WICJ TAWRENCE d:4) a.m.-ilour of Sl, frdncii ,..,.,W[0A lrdlo-Sundry I rJu t.m.-Ltiltotic Hour . , , ,. , .., .WGit 534t E. Washinston 3447College Avo. g05l E. /:00 n.rn.--SacrrrthEdrl,,-...... ,WtI2 46rh St. S.luidrv /:15,',rrr.*llre ClIi5lotrllers ..,,,,.,.f,t12 5r00 D,rn.-locrl Cdtholii Prog, . ,.. .fyO0F EDSDLS 7:30 l.rrr,-.llorrr of the Cruciti.d .,.,yJtI? FL 9:30 il.D1..-nve l,'\ilria 7-ll5e wA 6.5056 Lt 7_st40 AlA0tt0lt ARra llour .,,....,,,\'/tu LAI//N EQUIPMENT I l:00 d,ttr.*Sludcrtl5 of l,/, Brdrn .,,.V;tlZ lrdlo-lurdry tltl5 a.tt.-Hout ol 51. [r0t[it .,.,.,\'JIIZ A SUPPLIES 7rl5 t.m,-Hcur of 51. F.incis ,...,,H0RX R.dio-Suf,dry t{0Rilt vaRltoil AtfA 7rl5 e.il.-Thn Clrriitcyrlreri,,,,,...'Jjlltl 2?58Carson Ave. al Troy nrdio-lundry l\Itxrre, Kirk Irtn€ ilAuIt AnfA & Usher ilr20 a,m.-Religious lli?,s lndianepolis3, lnd, :...... WoCH $ undrv-I r le vis lon IrJr) p.rtt,-Sacrrd H?arl ..,,...... VJ0C11 9r30 r.m.-'Look tlti rnrl li!c .....i/lllt.tV sT 7-5lll FUNERALHOfvlES ilrw AuAltY {RtA 9iJ0 a,ll,-lnrrD Unl0 lIv tcrl ...,,,..(10) lchvirion-Sundrv Rrdlo-Sunnrv F'rcc Plrkinrt IIr30 p.m.-Chrislo0lrcrr ....,..,,,.,','inYt 9r{5 r.m.-Rcligion,,.,.,'...,.....,V/illl .{r30 Oprn ll.ti .llorr.tlrr:rr Srrt. p.nr,-Cllholic Hour ....,..,...WAV€ fud io* Drilv p,m,-lamp +30 unto Lly fe€l .,...t!llAs 8t.15 r,rrl.-C,!lh0lic lt0ur ...... ',!Tlil THE CRITERION, MAY 24, I963 PAGE NINE

E:rhibit slated Vest Baden Tic Tacker by fuIarian artist,r,o,l.l..""iili,";l,l,llil,,lii",l,,,,,. gcneral discussion of the tnsti- INDIANApOLIS_An oxhibit of artistic works in valious rncdia glotrlr irrcltrtlos Dl'. Alvin try I\laribeth Schttbert, a senior --'l'ltis ar irarian couege,is on _rrispraylilili"];^,i1"'iii)',,.tiii,'i,' ,,I^il'""ni, on ilte secontl floor of I\latlonna T.hc So*1rcr.n Ilaptist ffreoi,,gicrii llall, rvhich houscs thc college Senrinary. Louisr,illcl l.ather. libraly antl art dcpaltmcnt. Joltn Il. L'onnel'y. S.J., Plor,incial -- articipatcd in the tlf the Clriertgo Pt'tlvincc l\liss Schubert, an art urajol 0f thc l'e, thc nerv hearl rr.omrntrianapotis, is exhlrlrng : of Nolt'r: I)ar1lt:, \ ill be honorcd by il',:,:JI{',,,,1'rjii'i];Jiiiil?.3,il'Jii 'l the works in partial fulfill'rt'nt alcil lt a tlittttct' rulstlal', Junc 20. S.r'r'acusc: r\rlnrir.al .linrcs slinir,, .lhc of requirentents fol her dr:- USN (r't,t.), inclrrdt' Nl) rthlc{ : tlilcctot' illoose 'fhe .8,A. Ilughcs Ailclait gl'ee. art rvor.ks rvill remain Cor.p.; llr. ,ler.omc ff anrl olhcl alhlcti department ofli- "l,illifiil,'liltil Spingarn. llc lrelrl in tltc 1n ianapolis r\thletic A spagheftoinn",., spo'sorcd lltl"il',il'i'-i: ljllliii,;lil,liiji;ii;l,,:''jl:'.::l:l ('ot lct: R, V, Welch, slrvation onl.r'. b.v Littlc ["[orvcl P'll\, in the lic. rtrr' Za5n. Lovotr I Ir,.. r.qilr, i. lnd. J, Earl Owens, knorvn to Irrtlianapolis antl tl r Alch

HERE AND THERE--'r\ gtottp of intttlnaliottal ,lcsttils ft'ottt West Craduatr:s Baden College lr,t:r:rlll pt('s('nto(l a tlal of cxltillits, slidcs antl talks (('ontintrcd h'om page l) Io lhc strrrk'nls uf Splittgs Vallt'1' ('otnntrrttity IIigh School in ["r'cnch 'l'ht' arrrlitoliurn. Spt:nkcr', Dr'.,1. Riclr- philosopltl' stttdents pt'esenterl l,ick. I I thcolr){} rn{l fcatttt'es itt'rl l,'r:troglio. a nrcrttlter nf tltc DREIIURYS ol intcrest flrrtn tlrt'ir lrornt'lanrls: L'Ltba, Gel'ntlrttl', Japan, lndia, lilst Sclrulte glnrluation elass of l'lrilippirrt's. l't,ru, Ulugull' :rtttl Vt'nczttt'lr.'fltc annual [ireat l!151. \'irlcrlir.trrlian. .lan [)rox, BEER Licroks Dinncr'[ol palticipants, lcarlers iln(l intelestctl pcrsons rvill S;rltrtatolrarr, Ilobr.r't [)lacr:k. {i:i}{) p,n'r.,,lrrnc ir, irt thc i\thct'ton Ccn{cr of l}utlcl Lltti- lre held at o Sl . ;\gtrt.s At'arlcrul'-l()li scn- . Itllore Flavor r.t't'sill', lrrrli:rnirpolis. A tlononsllalion tlisctts.sion of sclcclcd Ilollclt iols. {irnrrrrr'nct'nrcnl: 8 p.llr., 'l'ickets Flost lloclr'1'rlill lirllorv al 7:;Ji) p,tn. ntal'be obtaincrl ft'otu ,lrrnr,4. irt SS. l'r'lcl attrl l'aul . \l ls. I)hilrlr Illtrrnt'rr1bal. A'l'3-2{llt{l A sttrvilrg gloup at Litile ('lllrt'rllal. Spealicr'. \'('rv Ile\,, Less Filling Flower parish, lrrrlian;rpolis. lrc;rrlr'rl b1' Mrs. Ed Priller is sttllplf ing t lliclurrrl lilviutittllt. \'.1". Aartnents tol thr,r'lrilrlrr.tt ol'a Nt'tr tittilloa rttission stafft'tl ltl'the a Sl . llilr')' Acarlt'ntr'--81 sen- . More Fun ! Ststc|s {)l Sl l,r'anci-s. ol(lor}l}ul'9. Jlt's. I't'illt,t' is elgct' to t'rtlisI Rententber th.e,n in yuur prflyers iors. (irrrrrrrcttt't'rrrt'nt; 8 p.rtr., lhc aid of othfr inrlivitlrral lnrlics. ol gloups. intcleslerl in this n'ollh- .lrrnt ir. rn ,Sl. trl ar.r"s (lhttlch. (iot'rlrrtt rllrilc ucliril1. lilr' Lrsit' ittlot'ttt;rlirrtt.et)lllacl Ills. l)r'illtrt' lt ltl, {i- lN0 tA HA p0t r 3 Spt'ulilr'. llt't, littosc, Today...Tonight goorl I EDWARD Arl CUNRY,66,5!. ,oir of i'i ( ).l,'.ll.. rlilcctor of r\lr et'nit llc- ll92(). .\t lir'-sl il tlirin't s(,('1il rr)uch ural Sisler M, Benif a, (.lru'(h ,\rrd/ l/. ljoly (ross (e'rlctcfy O.S.B., a'l'rll ('it:.nalivl tt'arlrirrrlin [',vansville. rvon lilst placc in a Srrrvrvor:: ,1'rlc, [.1,tt{r 5.; ddr]athlar\, llclarl tlclrt I Iotrst', "'l'cachr,r'ol l1.l'.,il(J. lldrlrrd fuiorey, tor/r 5r1trr1 nild ore ...Tomorrow tlrt'Ycar"'{'olrlcst sponsolcrl bl art lllansville nervsl)aper, o lrrrrrracttlitlc('ottt'o pI ion Shc coulrln'I act'cJrl llrc lu'alrl-trvo rvcoks nf vacation in llarvaii. So r\(:r(l('nlJ. tlkl0ttlrttr,:-..lJlst'ttiot's. EnjoyBig D p.nl,, :lrr' lol nrrlltinq. l"irrallr', lh{'('onl('sl ipon.r{}r's t'clcnlt.tl antl arvitt'tlcrl llircclrlaulcult': ?::l() iltuy :ll. in lrrrrrr;rcrrlult' t'()necllti()n lrt'r'SS()t),rllticlr Sislcl llcrttla rlas Irlt'lsctl lo t'orttt'ilrtttc lo lret corn- ('lralrt'1. Sct'rrrott. \tct'r' Ilt'v. \titt- rrrrrrtil.r"sbrrilrijtrl crrrrrlraign al l"t'r'rlitlutrl. lttrl. It apllcals lhtrt r.orrl [(r'ogtr', O.lr.ll. (:(]lrnlt'nco- {)('('ul)ants of tlrc rtcu ;\r'r'hrliot'r'sln ollicc httiltltttg. ttnrlcr' collslfuction nr('n{: l{} rr,rn.. Ill}' :12.in (:llapel. at (;('(rlgiu antl ( aprlol Arcntrt', u'ill bc u'itlurut st:iils fol arr'lrilc. .\ Sqrt'lrlit'r',r\r'r'ltllisltop Sclrttltc. lrrlrol sllikc llrs rlt'lrt.rt,rllhc ir).tall:llion of stlil's in lhtr thlcc-sloly I EIH€t C. llAAt', / /, 5i. l.1tl,rqt'r {-lrrrrclr, 1.,f,,,.{,^i/j. r,1,!y a Orrl l,atly of (.ltitt:c :\t'arl- .iltuf tur{' r'll)l(iIl ncllinq t'otttplcIion. 18. Sj Jorellr {.rrr,rtrr-, Itrrl,ilildpolr,. survrvor;: !orlr, trdrrc,s n'r.l o n)\'. Ilclclr ( i t'or p- . l{) scttiuts. 'l'hosc llcfberl, o,rdglllcr, Doloris V/cllin(; rr-ctcr, CURTAIN CALL rr'lro rlrrln'{ \oo llt(' Marian College plcs- Dellhia (rll. R ICIIMOND llarculuult'ltt': 8:l5 il.ru. Nass, "Ilusrt MARGUtttlIt AU8lN, 65, Iorrrrcr rr..itier I of xt,ck,t'nrl opinion I ]l:rt' 2$, in Ouf [,atlt' of tilace t,ntaliott llan" lasl ntissr,d. itr tha of llre J HEI-tN M. tl0CI0R,6l,5l irrrr's flrurrir, ol R,cltrrrorttl, dl 51. l,^nf\,'t flrur(:11. [)dw A4dr, (r'nrtery. (crrelrrv. ('lr:rpel. Solnl()n, l"alhct' .loltn erlitors. tlrt' frnesl lntlianapolis rlnilt('uf thcatrical cffor'I in lhe la.l ?0. Holy fro5i Survi.ro^r Povr. [1iclt., lrlay l,/. 51. lvldry'\ soir. fhorrrd\; ristrr:, [1arv Ar_irrlill, Anir 5urvrvD[: hu5bdn{1, Arthur, !0r)i, l]roltl,tr l,llllrruc. S.\'.1). ('rlnrtttettco- l{) \'{'ills. I';rcr.rl b} stcllar yrcllirlnrltrce bv Roberl Moran rntl Jean 5lnrrrdror. ir.othrr, l,4rclr,rl Dor,,drll l:iluorr rll{'rJry, d ir,r).ic:ldry lt Bnr(,1[ldrrrl, (fltapol. Soullr n ln(a; l.rlh0r lo',fl)li Aulrrrr, ol ()Io:.o, ln(.ul: lJ p.rrr., llr5 ill. itt Sites itr llrr,lc;rrling lolcs. lht'rrrusir,al lrlrl all thc tclve:rnrl '| glcNAR0 spon. J. SWlfI, 5r, i;0, 5r. {,,,r,.,iorr"f f.licl'.; rJ,rrrqlrlIrr l,lrr I illinlr i\fUt 'irt]nll. (lle'at'r', (o'- Spr';11i1';.l"itllrt't' \\'illiattt 1 I'rrrib, il(tv ?o. Cnlvnry { crrrllerv. oi Rrr;lrronri; SrilL'r [1](li,rnl Ar)n, l) S.i., i,l How fireman's ptrrl't'ssiottal pla5.t:r's a latrt'il1 of lltt' t t't'siotts. Strgrpot'titrli hose rvr.r'e rt-tccl, v,vor): a,{r. ,1rlril; io,r:, lilillnal dil{1 Rr tt, V[]c!'!1nes, Ind,; Mrs. f,l.rry AIrir l orrrr rtarr,r. Virlcrlir'loliirtt. l'jilccrr trlttrph5'; (*'lur lurl. anrl lltl t{anurig of Jim McMrhon rlilcctctl thc rlrolr'- ,t(l l. )t. ol t.n,rrlq, Alirlr.; brolhrtr:. tLrqlrr: L{,ilpr. o{ S;rlrrlirlortan. [']l;tinc Zitttrtrcr. irwro|- Iv\ir:h.; R.yilron{l l.y'.rllpr, o{ l)(tri otl' a[]ll] ] u ir5 oillslilfl(ling. Syrct.t;rcrrlar'l1 p|orltrt,ed attd sta(r,rl, ''Jltt:it: o Slranrr llt'rtroli:rl. illarlison- \lirt i:rtt's Jlirn" tt'as onr, l{)r' l}rc rttclrrolr' lrooks. I 00R0fHY PERRY, 6:i. rlily f,r,r,jf rL'{,,ir, ,ll slruor':. li;rr,r'al;rtrlcrrlr.: llltS' washedaway Ll,iy ?2. ( fr- 5rrrlrvor\: \0,!\. |,r,)(,,) {!. l1). sclrrrol lr,v,llf; t |)'!,.. 0l I oto.,riln r i ,!rif ('{ ( ',r irr lrjgh artrlitoriuttt. ilililililililililililililililililililililil1ililililililililililil1 ({rnd; n,rn rld, ol frill,lrijrrr {,r!{, rlirrrrrrrlil.. Scllrron. lfirlhll Illrvrttottrl lkleltrrt. f,r,r5. llelril ( 'i!1, l,4r\ jrrriv COri ur,rr; I rl ('rrnrrncn<'r'nrlrrt:il Nlnv llti, 'Moral Itctircrncnt rrorl{l\. ol t l Pr,o, lr, : rr:lor, flrr Rol,r,rrl P.rn.. "500" gap' lr1t|-htll, .)l Rrr;hrrorrrl; lrrolltnr.., r,i,rrrrl Vrrr rrr arrrlilolirrnr. Speakct'. \Iet'y 'lyo.; t(]rt, ql ( drl)()r, leroy Vrrtoil, ol Ilrr ir- his 4th Iit,r, \\'illi;rtrr ,1. Schnritlt, S.,I, ! (('ontinrrcrl iront page l ) r\rrr.v ]lissi ol Ncrv Alhauy, plarrs \ ;rlt,rlilloli;rtr. Strsatt St'ltot'nslcin; lr) sl)r)ns{)r social activilies for' Sirlrrlirlnliltr.,lenrtik.r' Ilolfrttatt. :rrtrl u'illr lcsitk'rrls al lhu rttilt'. o 'l'lrc [,arl).rvrlrrrl Schrlrrl--11.1 sclt- gnrup lrt,nt lronre. has al- iols. lirtt'r:lllttt't'itlc: lt) A.ll. gil'[ leady opened an attt'arltivc ,\lnss. ll u1 :21i. itt l,ittlyrvood slrop tlrr:Le, available to thc pub' ('h;rpr'1. liolnrorr. l,'alltot' Johtt lic as rvell as lc.sidcnts. lkllkrlitrt. ('orrtntt'ttt'crttcttl: lo ,1nothe r' ()(.cupant of the lrontc ITIORR lS 'l'ltrtnras |,ll,1llttn,,l,lnlltno,',t,,,,1,'i',,ll;.,i';""'1,,1,ir,rr.. ll;rl ll?. Spolktrr, l"itIltt'r tuill Ire lltc ,\rluinas : l'irlricl< ll. lilltn rrrirrr.,\.,1..rlcirtt l,ilrralr'. Nt'u' Albanr"s inlt'r'- vrvol:: !!rle, I lortrtrlrj rldurllrlar. 1,1'. I ,1. ol rlr'n al \alicr Urtivtlt'sitl'. t',r,d iDoloil,1 [Jiarr], lr,otlr,'r,. lr,irrL, r.!,,.t. parochral lihral.r', rr'lriclr is nrar'li- ,,',,)i;d, (llloj .,rtr,r, ('onslan('r' JISrftRs0l.{vtil.I I rl:.rrri ltaylr,r' 0irrrr, Irrlt'rlir'loliurt. ('ullins; (ATHtRINE V. 8[Yt, 5r A1qr,r]re ing its silrt'r' anrrivclsaly h)' I B/ tr"r5. f/rdrrd l,ld{l\llililtf'. A,r!'trd, Olr,o Srrltttllot'urtt. ('lrt'islino Scotlcn. { ir,'rth, l,'.ry 20. 51. n 'rtitorry { ailretrry. rn{)\ Ing cnlalgcrl 't't.ttvir': lo rlttaltcLs ott ioil , lrvrn arrd lori: {lt!1. l]oll} o I.:rtitr St'lturrl ?2 scniols. lhc lilsl lkror ol thc hotne. 0pt'rr r,! lfii.f,oilylll4; d,lr{tl)trtrs, Alrr. In1r] d ( ,ilr. ra!:, i.t(, Ollie ( ol rlaill _ orrrrer, hilth lnlicr ail. l lir( ( irlil tn ('irl(r: 1) ir.nr. ,\lass, to lorvnspcoplc unrl I'roli. v!l!p, :jf i,l;rjelirrn !!atlrr n'rd l.'r,.. 1j,il. ,llrl(, ('hrtlr,lr, tlcttct, r'csirlctrls. thc Iihlalv lr;rs {lit4l Ilr(ori. Iollr ol loursvrllr; l/'r,. l{,rtro :. irr llrrlv liosar'1, fLr.rl Y,'tr.tltt, Vrrla. ( alrl.; srSlcf. l,l.'. l1.rr.ri lir,r'nrott. i\r't'ltlrrsltoll Sclrtrltc. ils ou'rr {'nlflul('(! on liast St,r.. ( Lir oy, !111;, I n1,1 ('r)nlnl(,n('(,nlcnl: cnllr ,Stlt'r'l . li l).In., Jttne 6, t ANf sv tt t-f irr lrrllr st'lrool arrrlrlolirrnt. Spolli- lllnrbt'r's rrf l't'ovr

rccerllsWilson" lkr: r,isits (('onlrrrrrt'rl p:tqc w.o.JoNrs I'r'ottt I ) I Ircfolr, llrr. rvot lrl it slt rrttgct' atttl RUG CLEANERS \\'.,\SillN(;'l'(lll--1,'ot' lltl llrilrl rrrolr. lrtlrt'llr'll rk'silo fot' trnitl' 4440N. KEYSTONE lrl('('litld u ill l;rlir' pl;rt'r. tlrrlinrl Lt 6-1504 lirttc itt hislorl' au Arnclicart plosi" Ilrs pl;rcr,rl arrrl rlill lllacc thc a lilcsirlertliitl uolliirrrl vrsrl |() Iorntrlirliorrs [rrl illr ('\'('r' ('ilt('t' 0Oirrto ottt: ol'tlte ()ne tcsfing grottntl' IIe hclped btriltl foray irtto tlre rvorltl of slatc visil in,lrrnc, lnrl it rlls / trrissionirlrt's arrrl priesls ) cnt'r'y sltort slrcctat:lcs itr Iltt: rvorltl. turotlctu polities) Ilr'. 1\[ac

AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Iif, MCClOin l'hirrl Onler unit rvill nrecr r\lay 26 INDIANAPOLIS - 'r'hc rcgular rvrro rvcre r.ccci'ctr last r\pr.il rvill Rccollection dny se (continuctl t flom pagc ?) uonthly nrceting of ilrc sacrctl nrakc thcjr pr()fcssion. f-ather for New Albany DCCW

Nlt\1' ;\l,Br\N\', Intl.-'fhc an' 0,F.ll. Conv., rvill conrlrrct the public's nrral rlal of lccollccliott sponsotcd annual lisitalion. All nrenrbcrs :lr: thc cooperation. to bt'ing b)' tht Nt'u' Albanl Dcancry ale rcrluestctl lo bc prcscnt, l'he t:, about, not thc destmction of the rr. pos- Crlunrrl of tlatholic Womcn rvill public is invitcd, film iu(hlslry, but the best gctting bc lrt'kl Suntlal', June 2, at illt. St. 1::, siblc usc of it, by thc best possible {ilms. Anrt this sort of l"r'ancis St'nrinarl , on Roa{l 150. ,:,, 'l'ht' clttsittlc takcs sonre llt'v llat'ttitbas Kannenbttrg, r:,, sncrifice, not olten qucry, "Ilorv (),lr.ll. ['onv., rvill be the retreat :.: .iust thc naive r.i far can I go rvitlrout rnaster' [or' {he dal'. cornmitlting i,' a nrortal sin?" Iicgistralion u'ill begin at l0 :,., l\Iovies, likc e\,el'ything clse, a.rtr. follou'erl bv llass at l{);30 :i,; ltavc ortly one purposc-to help us l.nr, [,rrncclron rr'ill bc sttrverl at :::,i to gct to Gotl, tlrlough thcir good rlr)(ln li)r Sl pL't' pcrson. :,,: clltcrtainlllcnt, thcil enliglrten- ,1 brrs ryrll lcar.c Cottrt and :r: nrcnt. thcir ctlification, or sinrply 11':rll l{l rocts, .llffcrsonville, at fl::ill a.nt. anrl flonr tttlt anrl Iilnr Sl r('els. N0rr' '\lhan1', at 9;45 a.rn. li1.s r('s{'r'\ali{)ns l)}a}' bc ntatlc ruillr lliss \-allrja li'('ngel'. !74? Lvrrrvnorl l)r'ive, Nerv Alllany, \\'ll 4'41;:. oI Ilt's. I.ouise Liv' ittr:slon, l;lll I'1. llat'ket St.. Ncrv ,\ihan1 , \1'll .1.1)832. Round trip HARPER'S FASHTON lrrrs falc is .75r'. I i CLEANERS CONTEST WINNERS*Waller Poff, Serra Club Essay and Poster Conlest chairman, is shown above \rt-rtffiaat I t.or llctter DrycleaninB wilh Donna Marsh, cenler. 5ih grade Holy Family school, New Albany, lirst placa winner in the Poster Corrtett; and Mary Ellen Str.rnga, Eth grade. Holy Family School, place DRUG STORE lUsc our cotN LAUNDRY New Albany, first winner in thr ph, Essay Contest. 2?4E. MainSr. ehone16 CRsrwd.3?125 HishwryI

's 'l'hrrd Wirtttcrs an: lislerI Sl . ilirt'1 Fratcf nity, L/rstrlirte oollegt: {)r'(lor'()t St. Ilancis, tvill hold its ,,,,:;Tv;;', cHlMPloN rcgul;rl nrccting in St- i\laly's itt St'l'r'n (lolltesln I - Fuel Oils _- ('lttrlch irt 2::11,p.nr.. folhtrved lly s'/ s grodrtctli,tt compteteBuitttins suppii", I :r ilrsiness rlro('ting in the selrool. Cotttrea:stn$Coirrprrrru TRI-POINT OIL flr\ ; CO. l,athr,r''l'lrorrras Acschhaekcr, h('s IIl3 W. Firsi St. Phone399' phone 675 MADISON,lND,

['r. W"alsrr

1(lontinued l'ronr pagc 7) [,)llt'tt Str';rngt' of llol1, its plofottndest atttl rlccpcst ttteatt. I'rrlish, \t'rv r\lll;rnl', rr ls ASPHALT irrg, sin is an oflcnsc against (iotl. tvittttt-t of tltc csslJ,r.ott- ortlv to pupils in tlte \Vlrot tltc fnct DRIVEWAYS Q, follouts .front ["tarrccs Schuler ol St. oJJe ttsc cgaittst Gotll' tfual, sit is nrr put'islt, e hn'[r'ston n, ., 20r !q. tt" Sirrce sin is an oflcnsc against or tor 176'??5rh sr. 372.5311 NOTHING SOWN tir-rrl, it follorvs that if Gutl docs Upto 5 Ycrr5to Pry not ruish to forgivc thc of[cttsc . SONDED O INSURED orrr sin t'cntains. llan, thcrcfore, Church and SchoolPlaygrounds is tcalll' helplcss by hintsclf ttr and Parking Lols solve this problent of sin. \lthen a nan sins he ttnleashcs lorce s D{{g/ff, SCHAFER uhich are liternlly be1'ond his rorcHRTsMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. ,Y'1i:1,,?,1":,:j::: I Also ?Sth St. Shopoing Cenler :1-'nREfD conlrol, hc starts a chain of con' -- * 4l& Wash. St. (Downtown) FL 6.908 zltNl'l'll llii),\lllrr-GAII)S | Clsthier %%%%%%%%,,i,ol?/ome Also eoncreto Drivewryr scrllcllccs rvltich extend licyotttl this rvorltl into ctcrrtity. Iiven ii 3012nd Street hc forgives ltintself, cvctr il all nren forgive lritn, his sin still t'c' OLYMPIA DAIRY NO MORE PAINT BILLS (lod forgives hirrr. nraitts until l)istlrlrrrlol for .\llrrlr.lrrnst Patron i.xe "(it'atlr, :\" [)uir'1 1't otlut:t-s Patronize 0ur I lttttto l)elrlr,r'tt's ruromsun Ncw Phone 376.6366 SIDING NEW OFFICERS Ar"lrcrl,isers 718 Pearl St. Columbrrs, Ind. the Advertisers INI)lr\NAI'(-)l,lS .. Nls. l,'rctl (llr,rnurts is tho ncrtll t:lot,tt'tl COUNCIL EXPERT pltsitlcnl. of l lol5, r\ngt'ls Alt iu' CARPENTER'SREXALL DRUG STORES Sorl;rlitr'. ollrlr \\;(lOl)S'fO('ti. llrl. -. l,;rllrlr rrlliccls irrt,lrrrir. -\lls. |)oris I'trr'lit,r, r'rt.r.plt'sirlt'nt; 5Ih & WASHINGTONST..,. ?739 CENTRAL AVE. ,folrtt (lortt'ltrr') .\lru'r'li). S..1..plrr. ,\lls. ,lrrliirrr Lt'u is, rccorrlitrJi sor'. PhOrfe l)ftrrl6Supplrt,. --. Srrlrlr.rt,: -. (iitt. PlfOne It'sstlt' ttl tltt,rrlolv ;rl \\:rrorlslor,l< lt,{ulr': }lls. I)an [[olliugtorr. 379-4427 l'fos('ntlli()t):.,- l)r'rr::s..-.(lr.llL lit.s 37?"7851 -#;i;#"iill; tlrrlltgtr. lr;rs llctr rrrrtrtrl;u) r,x- t'ot'ft'sporrrlirr;1 sct't'el.at'r'; irrrel 1tt'rl lot' lltt, Socorrrl \':rtrr.:ui l.]rt- Slt's. llobct't'l't'c;rrlut:ll SL,, tlr:lrs- il l'(,t, tttltttrlrl eorrrrril. l.lrtlrr,r'Jlrtlr.irv clift'sShoeStore 766 CLEANERS is rvitlclS, litlttrt'l l1r ltis rlts.rtr. 'liS-li.:i ('ltru'r.lt $'titi:1\l,s\SiiS:$.r-\\},ri\...urisi.,;,iiil]\i)".,,ii,1\,r ., -",ilT,: r;tott of Sl;rlc issrres :rrrrl ":.. 'i :' ,.'6,rri.tl\irN$ GE N E RA L fi'"'."' is llrc irtrtlrcf oi';ur iri.r'ilrrrnotl * r i ' \:': "\Vr' 'l 'l'r'ullrs," l\ii $ iil i:$lis i:i $ lt ":\ nN$ PHONE ME 8-3408 Irooli. Ilolrl hcsr' j\ii\rii\i'iN\\i\\i,ii1\rlig;i15i.lr1,ll\iiiSiriii\,.'.r. itttrl crli{ot' ol tltc tttrttlitzittt"l'lrco. ,,:'.\Nt\:\*\,\\\\s\ fR€E I5IIMATT5.I.I8tRAI, ITRMT logical St rr

lnRS. Pllll,0lnItlA RAAB, Edte]rillt Red fop - Old Dutch - Folstoff EAREARA 6. SlllVtLY, louisvillc, Ky. 1,,1R5,X, RtlttY, k'rrr lloutc cnd Corlings Rcd Cop Ale Ml55 lUtA tllRlllcER, Scllcrsbutq MR5. tOUISE l"lVlllcSI0ll, tlcfl Albdn/ ROBTIIT I{OSKINS t30t [, PhoneWH 4-2285 Orn6rol Monag;r $prin9 $t. Siale arrd Main Sf reels 0Fco f,vtnittrrsbY APFoinlnanl tOWCOSI wH.566i9 H0sPtrArtiltsuRAt{ct HargoOil Companyi fromour CatholicFraternal I Society (.'lcrtttcd J"rllcr rrri {'alltolic rrrclr arrrl w{}urcn ci}n save ltates arc ke p[ lrlv by excltuling ffi**$$$*ffi I turr hoslrit:rl FfscHER'S insurant:r: rrith our 82- unusunl conrlitions sttclr as ntr:ntal TellCily Federal I FUELOrL 1'cal olrl non-lrlrrlit sor.irrty *.thc ailrncnts, acts o{ rvnr, in.iuly or ('irtlrolir.r linights of S!. (icorgc, sickncss in ntilitar.l,sclvicc, rlcntal f!1{iffi|iit,iiii'uil,,1t,,il,1i'1;iitirri+tti+ffiil1ii1iit-fiLii1{iliilu.iii+ I Furnilure end Appliancer I llt'r'c's art e xlrrrrlrlr:: trcttlncnt. ol lrospital confinetncnt S,& L.Assn, I "l',;9i,l,tit'r.'rrtttlllulltql llo't;,fi':ffii l)i.strilittlot" \trilr 'u' rr027r,lar. a caurrlic ,u,,n il,li;i! lljil,,1;il".t','*r.Ttll,'lo,.."i:tl r#iiti;i.i'l]]ll'iioli,,,i,;,,,,i,,,i1,il"i'j,*f,ffi I rrrr,.llrlil $l.8ira urontlr. ;i,t,. H*ffi 602 ltloln Ph. Kt. 7-J6!6 l)l\'{.,)lrl\' 5r.ic[:t nronttiivriitiu,{-n.iiii,i.- lf+ llto al"in sr. Kr /-2lil ll Itt"s ltrrsJttlrrltrt'rllirt'ltr lccident pi,iii i..'icrr,;ri'r,llio"iitii,,'liiiil.rri'oj' "' t,',,,,tu,l,ll,,f/t,otv,tri's ol sir,lincss,lu'r'r'rcivcs Sir{r.a.,vcckilid ir}Juiol-;,iii"it"1;,ii'iitil."".' I t-- irtt'its lottlt;t. ltr"s lrosgrilllizurl.rryt flOn TELL CITY , Western Auto lli,,,"ilru'-l;"X,l,kr;;i.:;",1"iiil'",1,,,|1,?:.- carhorics. or artva.cert ases cirn Brazil Greenhouses InsuranceAgencies Irr rrrljrrr('xr, il (.usr. ,,lll|j.""lill; i,'', i NATIONAL BANK Associate Store ii,i?,,ff 15 N. Walnul Phone 2384 i ;Jl.""lill.l.J: Genaral lnsurance-Bonds "Drive.ln I ()uf 8li'J7 p;r1s BankinE Serviee" "l)tcrytltittg lllan in adrlitionto BRAZIL, lND. l5 N. Walnut Si, phonr, lor llte .ltrlo" iill) ()tll0r' in5ufiln(c. i 2201 ]'otr . can illarr.v.otlrer lorv.costplaus ,rrc FREE PARKING | Russell's \t)('rr,lll:: ,11il0('\'.ils J{ru tt'islt- avatiallleIrtrttt rlrtt.soer'clv. st,rrrl i trtt CtTv rnd CANNELToN nrr' 'lr)ilo.v (1il'{'('ll.v rs l)iu(l to }'ort. for r,otttplclcinfor.rrrirtion ilrchrclirrl i - i\('('r(|('nriiil'(' ('i)\'{'1.('(llt.oln illc rlctnilsott otrt exct,llcrrIljlc insrrr:. I'otronize CameraShop, Inc. Itn tnttr ize filrt rlirf arrrl sit'krress a{tcr J0 ancc plins. (tir] ttv itiil:[cr.-'irnfici. Theii** co. s. lions are linritetl to Catlrolit:i. l Our I'utrottize ()u ^ ^ - -t Men anrl Young Men's I Dauby's Dept. Slore r a'^' MATLTHTSCOUPONNOWT CLOTHING and 5HoE5 ()ur wH 4-6317 CATHoLIC | 1 KNTGHTSoF ST. GEORGE Tc 5.24 ll4 West Nat'l Ave. Ph.26076 I Aducrtise rs 3 Blorks Off Mein 132 E. Markct, New AlbanY, lnd' Ad u: rtisers , Gary NalionalBank, 504 Broadwry. Grry, Indirnr I in Tell Cif y Adt;ertisers Home Office: piilsburgh,pr, , ) ['lclse lrrsh ilcc tacts on , llrsuranccfor. Catholir:s. I Nunrc , ...... Age ) TheRiddell National Bank Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home l{ tlrt li'l' Arlrll'ry;;5 , ) eit)' of Brazil,Indiana - Ambulancs Service * FUNERALHOME , Statc,. ..-, l)lronc...... t I)alrsll .,.... , County .... Occupation...... I Since 1885 Member FDIC Kt 7.25n TELL CITY, lND. 708 E. SPRING Since 1856 ] ! THE CRITERION, MAY 24, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN \ 9lrou Arehdioccscamong winners in CDApoetry ,U1'TXEBIBLE 5AY5 contest COULDN,T*t,T1xif"l-lTlfft;S"lTAKE ANYI'}IING. I z<;;;*.,"'t-ilEBUl' \ I - :--. ,71\\ | | IS WORTHY Nr\l'()l,ISir\r-\rrrrs - r.\rlcNirtc /\l'cil- Alclt- Catholic 1-illllo.llc Daugltterstrauglllets ffi',**;;.fi;i; --7-*=- : T.ABORERL. / olof Alltefica.Anrelica. ederl arvattlsarvar.tls of s;.S;. Sj s altl g2 (o thc CIEANING grirtlc A GI{ANP doB 0F | oF llls HIRE." ^< atrd higlt sclxxrl llore llran 50 ,i\r'chtlioccsan lollorving sturlerrts: UP I'IIE RECTOI

llivision'fhIcc lgratL's 10. u anrl l2)-*tllrlistinc ltncsclr, .l,arl.v. ParishShoppi's List Indianapolis md rE, atrrcx LesnDre I r ! v O I {{oor sedah otr Tlrc silhtrs lncnrs $,ilt bc scilt je,vclty t$*$*'.1ffi'i*iqt**$,:,ffi O l$fiiffi:tvlcel, lincn boo$ atrd wedrcsdry ni8ht. vill dhilas rle to rno nrioii"l "iciriiiihn m. "*--_- I l slnrd. to mtrrc il lev. ln sddi atlrir (utror conrpfil{hr: ffiIfflffi!ffi|ffiI @4,[SIFIED[D8@

.,*irj:r,Tj,,i1j, "ri,t"s,".,, l====9 1,....,1",,1;l'" ri, +ttll ;*''Hrl+'t'f' .^.1;:"'",:,*'$;r-Io,'.::,',;,;"''1;'*:'i":fiiiftir,:'i ,$i,i"fl#"i' I "*.r i,:.klrf"*::",i1,,,,1[$tiiitli",lFiH$r1f;rlt':'l @.-tiiiij..*1*"."*.if"'-h.;i,''."','',.'@".q']'.'"-:',:J{^i..ij.l^ll.g:l];-l*;;Ji.,1-'ffm.'*;-|l'"]:.:*]:f|:'tli,iirJi'liiiii wl- 1 *u'i,-ofi;"ii"i.v-';;;-- ' | ii:?-liilhi: +i-ffr'"''.Flr_i;1i1+l1i;1,;.RuRALPHARj^AcYl,.,,-u;l''l$!*t'''",ll,x";iil,..,i|*'T,!i:{'jl1'||-]E"ETAR|E;*_l-l ,,,'uo.t"Lf *oi',f,1'ii,u ct 5.5881 DUGGERT.v. i IolJXl Pl!!se" I i,rn' @i-i to.rs&sERvrcELES& SERVICE r)Euvtir i. .- - i- t90l €. Mlehitrn TAPIIOL EOAI CO

f,ili''j":]T:J,'i'l.'"''.ji|.'...*unrcl-i;T6iiTrurul'-.|E'l;'fll'i|lrJffi:'fl:|l.1l,''..1i::"-.^^=*^,',o*'l".T;[lI * Uutt,r. ,',ir,rt.; .4,lallt flcltfr l.1r',)l-s t |I 3316 i. lolhlOlh srSr rrlt i'it6l I I*All M.,rrsori,,'Jj,{ilrJll'o!?"arf.arerj* ,"B;lil i ra ult|llh0,rr aAt(c$ a i 833 N. f,tcridirn BRAUN& scHorrSCHOTT _ _ rlowefs-dnq.rer Dnops I Jacr MATr{Ews& soN , ll lll cAREER OPPORTUNITy MARKET l * r.r. *on,o.Hr.rl r srr*ro srRvrrr* :Yc 56rt You Dollars bv Fdslcr a 116,l Vl.30lh 5t. rlA.6'4051 | * Fine Meals * I " ,oo,otb',1fir.,lro* -1*.--'.','.-'::-..::-:-:]:i-tE!F:[ErlqrsHELLsERv|c€iu'*o,iolEli,!n1l,**''|Patr.orrizcil^**:x*j;r,*,.|||ililll"iil"i'li].i''i...i: gl- *Tf:^";".:":o',-1ffi1 St,,'*4i*',ir.1.,',i",lut"1 ::::Pi:^:'::i::'.|,.#i:l.ij:;'-i1L;'|**iifi1i41[f^"h-'ml1lu:""lJ,."."|t*wl|*il.]}'ll::lt'

.=,i,,,;,r..l-l;.l.l,*,i],*-.liy.::i||:::,liiqilii1,,::::l"t:i']':Y:''"i'::':,:':|:o-.'|@ffiiHi'ffi'i="ffi:I*Iil:-iffi,|.:,.l'ff"'',:l'ff#:-,|i|-REALEsTATE* w =ilffii".,."d::'?::j.j'i-"-i...,';{',;;.!l''j':'-i.iji;'.i,g-5t#i BUYINGor SELLING

Real Eslole CALL ":"':"'"'',.':.1il.r."*::.l'#'i,","i.,,fi**"::iffiiffiit;*rtm||;itfr*.;;*il||',i'h.','ffi*T*.^'""1I".:HT.::' JOSEPH H, i!ir-i]el""ii. :'r-,.,| j j ME 8.656{ ,$r.."""-'-;:l,J'l;"'*""'".I cotFi ,,,,,,.,',".::,1':l ,u"."amnx.' ARGUS ry|rlr.rrrl|-,,];;,;'j,^i;'''"'..."';i'';*"|"z"jj;iIi|"lil,l'i;i"iil,ti,fPi*'*"*^*.'*.^o.,,.oo*.llnquirc rboul our lr:de' )rlErtG@l ^1:r:$ri!1iil,iitiN;;i,tirsr* ,r0?l N. x.v!lon! PhonoC[ 3{70t home,,i:":',,'ij,Tilf;,"l,E,^,- !qryl^1lj:$|'1$i,l_ERwtNB;U|!EIsrrt|'.''-.'.11']l'ji1i.'...."|,'',--.nT'***l.#,''.'",|i phn, --T:,,:Jlr|6'Til1-'.'l;:.lll''.il#;#il:r:"|T::#,,i,#5;:r|:|lli+l'Fsr||'ilz:ilim]l--:-;;;tqq;t;-:-,1-,-*jl,1i,'"""'"1*"--llin ll_-__-=:=;:-=J .',.',.*,.'''''':*..::'|m."'**""".i]'i]..|_5|';.;.l:ll';:;,n,,.l"o"=*,1.."..Jif$,".'5.i.'"-'iE ,::i1i':,"',.''i::'';fi:|-_::::""--lir:-.l#l,',,,,::'li'}{.'**-*'*.l'..'l''fi'-".";,.,j',uiP,|*.;:;fir:r'r|@ ;:ii::::::,i re i -. ^rql4,ltd^rlf!!l-Y-,,,-- |

Bennett Coal & oil Co. ,,i,l,,"Xii",tjy,'J,,,,,,il.,lf,:l:';,,illl r35rs' IAt.'r i11"",,,111 l';ljll ulioif'' u, ,'lilrriiliiit*." t-"" AT 3-637t1 l o{uRCH.scHoot-Ho[rrlE.friArNTENANCEitf ;o,ti**:,mf;;i ;'l:;l'lp,lll;$ I Contractors - - - ';;; I Suppliers Electricians Carpenters - l s:ffi:'['lpf* Plumbers - - 1c\\t'r- \\i1tt, lo!elv Plasterers Painters Fencing Besl b(y [.isl. {.ity I 3 [rcdM. l]ri{k i',jtll lJrlrrli tnflll, olld!!lL',J 2-[ i]dr + x. (. tMlrH c0 ft 6.?41/'-tl e'9450

Criteriott 4337 CARROLLTON rr'. lror'c willl 1:\tr{ lrrr. if Rcrrtdhlc J11l, lP:lri$. S! l,! Call AT 3-7?96 r\clvcrtisitg Look at them all,

SPIVEY | ,rrt --,*r r.** | f.m Homol ftoou ttullt I lcruliful, 'd:li;','ii{"ol'ii;liE I Attle. llobh Alrvirys ll?iill ad. (luttitq I l;oilJ:;,;;.:;J I ll,r't APr)l tL 6-9555' S0,UTHP0RT'S Plrrmblnt. I o' 6.1. I lrhndlY turnIcG+ ch"r,B, CamPbelt {iirrlu. I I I D llonrr norl _,:'- J E t PryharL Pays i- ea,ffi* lW l- !"*-"^*^v| I "i.,1:ll'i,l::ll A. IITIBIiR'f I ANGELOS' | :;::'."i::il]';:li':i, JilI ---tAiRor.riiiiHe -- enn and RESTAURANT .'.1,1'li'.';;;.,",1::':;';,'"''' "'' Plbg. ff ,'leahrrg Lonlrrclor i 'l',jl i ,i,,il Ail(ir:ld /15 E. Southern Ave, -. l,tli, I tral llalirn Spag . lilly firlil I ADVERTISERS sr 6.3083 I NfW fAMIY r00M I I t6l9 5c. Irrt !t. $t 9{ltra ' 1 { i* PAGE TWELVE THE CRfTER|ON, MAY 24, 1963 t I CONVICl'IONS ttEVtiR SflD Wootls gradualion High Cou,rt narucd 'sit-ins)ry)holds Dr. Jqne F. trernel Itgolity of D' o"?T"*!,$;,1{iott

'l'lte - \l'A.SIllN(i'l'ON-'l'hc U.S. cotttt ntarlc this tintlirtg IlrrJ cottriclirttr ol sttrtlcnts all i'l "asc' ltotn Nt-'tr'{)t'' rvhite-fot' Sttpt'ctlrc (lottt't ltas t'ct't't'setl :":lt illl: Ncglucs cxt't'pl lirl' onc l,::|r.: tvltt'tc tltct'c \\'as tro rilrc' ol' \'af ir)Lls ct'intinal W llrc c0rrr.icti0rrs of I tt tt c ll violaliott IIOURS: T:3G5oAILY tllil scgt'cs:tttottor countcr. sir-irr tlcnror,.tii'ij,]r'.i 1"":-',:.lltririns tlt'spass litrvs lr.t'"sittillg in" aL wEDftESDAY !:3Gl?:fit Irrnch tounlcts irt rlitttc stot'cs lntl il x, PE}I|{SYLVANIA A E 546it i' rour.soirur(,r'*'r.i;-";;;;i 'l'hc '.'coln- :i:llli,",fi:.,'"ili:'l',.'t,,,',i:111.1l];ll([cl)ilrtlncnt st{tt'r's. Iifth (:()11\'iclions lrcld thtrl tlraI s.g'cga, ',uii.o.iri"f sliorvcrl casc involvctl tltc conviction ot rilarrtlotl llt, tltc voice of city policl', althrruglr ii,,rr u.ar a trvo Nt'glo tttinistct's--the ltcvs. st'gl'egat- no conrpr:l il. thcr state tlircctittg thrrc rvrs las'to lf^ [,. Shuttlcsrvot'th atttl C. Itil- 29*ludianap. opiniotts ctl sct'r'ict:" t:attnttt slitttd.'['ltc cottt't's rtla.iolitl' Irrps-lirr' :rllt'r1ctll1' cttt'otttitgittg Civcn grant IIigh School, Grinsteiner ('orrcctlrrrg. llt'lirrc, ilt tltc scvctal cas0s \1('fc u'lilt('tl FuneralHome as il ltas strulcnts t() orlgiltlc irt a sit-itt ,Ittsticc liat'[ \Vat't'tllt' Established tlr:rt plilatc scFt't'galiott lics lte- b-r'Chicl tlcnronstratiott iu liit'ntingltant, 1854 ll' IIat'- .r'ountl llre lcarlt ol tltc l4tll Associatt: Jttstiec.loltn r\la- GEORGEN. GRINSTEINER HAROLOD. UNGER s crltral latt concttt'rctl in thc lcsttlt of tlte .\rnt'ntirlcnl l)t1)lcction :[or sltrd y AlElrore 2.537{ 160l East New york St. clausr'. llrc ('()lnl ttet'et'tltclcss Sotrth (-lat'olina sit'in casc lrttt lirurrrl thal lhc lurrch cottntct'sil-in tlisscnterl itr thc otltet'cascs' i\s' cascs--ltonr Soullt (lat'olina, I-ott- sociate Jttstir:r: \\'illialrt O. llttug' isianl..,\lalrarna antl Not'tlt Caro- las rr't'otc a sopafate cottcttrt'ing in lina-ull inuolr t'rl a slittc policy opittion in tlte I.ottisiitna c;tsc. :\[ {lrr: sarrre tirnc i{ rlecirlcrl ilrc ol srglt'gulion. FOUR OF THE cascs ittrtrlvetl RURAT sit.itt cascs. tllc colllt r'(tt'crscrl ****** llrc t'otrviction ol six Nqrgloes rvho Mixed Drinks htrl het:rr Iorrrrrlgrrilty ol l blcaclt ot tiro pcacr' [ol plafing baskct. Seesrucc issue now lxrll in a prrlrlic p;n'k in Savan- Visit Dept. trah. tiu. 'l'hc kc-v sit'in opiniort.\ \\'r.rc (.'ltallt's l lrosc irt thc {i lce lrv illc antl Ncrv fi.a{hcr' I"t'rtzec tt'i!l rll; Ollclns casc,s. lt'sc:rLrlt itt Iivc r:ilics trt contltilct in (llcck conscience'tribunul' lristor'1' ol llrt' Oltluulox a tihlrf .lrrsticc \Yllrcn's opinion Free j\ -. Chulclr tlulitrs its l{lth-ccntufy Parking l';W' \'l )liIi l"atlrcr' .lolrn sltall tkr tycll to talic uncr lcaI irr thc (lt'ccrtlille crtsc sit'cssc

HEAR THE NFW l{inlcr Snincl PIANOS "Wilh Ihdl Grand Ionc' MARION MUSICCO. 108 s. PrNRsYtv^NrA ffi Termites CHIEF JUSTICE \\'irr.r.t,rr|0ur. Roaches llt(,nt('{l: ",,\s $i,p,.:**",:Waterbugs \f(! inlt'r'1lltl llrl Nr,rr,()r,. lcltn.s t:it.r' ofltcirrls' slirl{'nt('nls, :,,':,",Mice, Etc. LQualityllYt0il Pile llrc.v lrt't'r CARPETSI tk'lt'r'rrrinr,rl tlrtrl_ lhc 'A rtl.r'rvurtlri nol pcr.rrril Ncl.ll,ots l(, sr 4.1236 s(,('li (l(,i(,1:t('AitlIrl st't.rtIr' itt r.cs" l:lltt'ilil1s. (ionsr,rltrt,ntl1.. llru rilv FIELD PEST CONTROL "MOl\lllllolt" nlusl l)(. lrcalcrl txat'tlf il,s il il, SERVICE (t,tt. harl lrr olrlinlrrrct, plohibititrg 931 [. fahor.-David Iicld-Frce rr srrclt Inspcctioo t,, '\,.rtr) eontlrr<'t, INT.SPONSORED CYO DANCE-The "Wt, lrtrrr, jrr,l ltt'lri I irr llrc * to'"/o FTLAMENT w's and Sl. Pius parishes, (ilctrrlillr X Indirnapol r,irst,l llral rlltt,r.t, ;rrl i,rrt8xrfius mp Sock Hop" on May 26 in lhc Knights ot'(lillitttc(' ttritli{,s il rtnlltrvlrrl lirI Tlst and Keyslorre Ave. Blue or white J o\!,nol's t)t' nliulill{('l.s rtl' I'cstatt- I-IIGFIAND LOW IF.XIIJREDDFSiC,i\I $|!) guired for adnrission. Co.chairmen of lhe lilllts lo,ir,trl *.lrilcs itrrrl Ncilr.ot,s Ar-l- FlRST-QUALTlYCARPEI S s(1. [{,9{'tllr't'. second fronr lefl above, and Kaihy Kels u r,otrvir.liorr rrrrrlcl thc sltrl(, s t,r'rrrrirr:rl AVn lLAlll-[ lN l2 Rr\UIANTCOLOil:; lcfl, lrd Dave Foe are presidenlr of Sl. l)t'oc(',,is(,solll- plol t'tl itr a u,irv rvhit'h crrfor.etrs WIDIHS CYO units, respectively. ( I2 FT.AND I5 FI" llrt' rlist,r'illinalion rnlrrrlatctl b;, l0.YR.UNCONDIIIOI\z\L WLAR c,Unf:$ lltt' ot'rlinirrtr,r:t.itrtttol. starttl, *'Y.NLY ARCHDIOCESAN 32SQ. YDS. CARPET ll{STALtED $t R 750 '2''q"::[ ovERHEAVY RUBBERIZED PAD Ev |

,lrrslir.cIlaliutr in lris tlisscnting rr;rirriorr --rJZ lrtrrl llr, st.rnptrllr.v lirl t'R[LIlYtt uill'sttm:OF COMING EVENTS IN lil\1s. l.r) I'crlilll(, s(.llt'{'{itt(:(lCttlillg CHURCHES,SCHOOLS ANO ORCANIZATIONS Iacililics. llc nrairrtairrctl. lrorv- br.o,rr,irr..r,r..ri'r) rlcr', tltirl llrt,sit-irr clses invtrlvt,rl "{ronll)(,lillA DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA rons{ilrrtionlrl clirirls * 100% CONTINUOUS FILAMENT d.. lrrformal Style Show - Card Party - Tea ol lr lrirtlt ot'rlt'r.: lilrt,r'l.v anrl NYLoNPrrE The Wm. H. ElockAvdilorium' crlrllil1',' D Salurday, May - p.M, MADI WITI"JCUMULO[.T.$ N Y I.O I"I 25 l:30 FtBt-R NEWCON|I:MPORARY DISIGN PILGRIMAGE lo Our Lady of Consolation I2 I-UXURIOUSCOLOR SELECT|ONS at St, Augustine Church, Leopold, Ind. Sunday, May 16 AVAILABLEIN I2 FI, 8*I5 F'I.WIDII"IS Reservationr:FL 6.3973* ME l-2I9I IO.YR.UNCONIDI.IIONIAL WEAR C'UAR^NIIII

SPAGHETTI DINNER "*i: Litfle Flower Church- l3lh and Bosarf uo';; (irtnrrrcrrlirrg Salurday,May 25-5 P.M.-9 p,M, utr tlrc rrr:r.iot,ilv o) g Sponsoredby the P.T.O. opittitrtt rrt llrt, (lr.r'crrrillt: t:asr, hc -. li:fi',lffiiTl,T,'l,illH3'gI sattl : ",\llltorrllt FASHIONS llrr' 111';11rll :r plilirlt' AND LUNCHEON 'IPAYMENTS Holy Angels,Women,r Club t'('slaul'ilnl(1ut, trr opcnrtt., if lrt: BASED ON MONTHLY PAYI'ENT PTAN AND WOOD FLOOR on ?8fh rnd Norlhwesiern ltlt:rst's, a scglt'gatt'tl b:rsis is INSTATLATION, Safurday, May 25 - | p.M. olrslt,rrsilrll lr,ll u'rtorrclrcrl, l lrc t:ouIl irr ll ullt {'l'li'(,tilitll1,rlcpIivt,s J., , r rr,r nnt'tli ., drl triritl,lrj i.rlrr0,tt I riitC lO litrn \0rj, .,r.1 Irirtt ol lhul IiXhl itl iln)'slitlr) I 14,1 j i,!nC {rf l,lrp, llt nolrrC t0 lhe l,l0rtudtl .rt trt,.l :, ;.Cr,\ 0PEilM0J{. and THURS. EUES.'til I P.M. rvlrt'r't'l larv lilic tlris Gtrrcnvilkt .ti| or(lir)iln('e t'ottlinttes to cxist.,, EALANCE OF WEEK 5:30 wA 3'3331 wA 3-{t04 CALLFL 7.II6I

JERUSALEM - A Catholic and a salesnran will bring monk left here lo take parl as samples to your home at an inviled guesl in Greek Or. your convenience, lhodox celebrafions marking fhe l,000th anniversary of lhe first monaslery on Mounf Alhos, -* Greece. He is Falher Benedict Stolr. O.S.8., prror of lhe Bene. NOW dictine ol lhe Dormilion 24.H0URPH0t{E StRVlCt on Mount . The priesl vis. "Holy iled lhe famed Moun, CALtrFL I.l l6l

>" : i llllllillllllllilllllllilillllililililililililililililililililililtl