Asian Cheers

Designe 01

ASIAN BASEBALL CHEERS 亞棒風采 N BASEBALL CHE ASIA ERS ASIAN BASEBALL CHEERS Newsletter Designe 02 Volume 2 • May 2014 ABC ABC President’s Message 會長的話 President Tom Peng 彭誠浩會長

I would like to express my apologies to all member countries for 由於大部份亞洲棒球賽事及活動在2014年的 the delay in the publication of this issue’s Asian Baseball Cheers 第一季度尚處於休戰期間,所以第二期的《亞 (ABC) due to a rather quiet winter-break in the first quarter. I 棒風采 Asian Baseball Cheers》稍為延遲出刊, promise you the Baseball Federation of Asia (BFA) and I will try to 在此謹向各會員國表示歉意。本人及BFA一眾 ensure the timely publishing of ABC in the future. 成員未來仍會不斷努力,力求爭取《亞棒風采 Asian Baseball Cheers》繼續按時、按季作業及 BFA officials have dedicated much time and energy over the 出刋。 past six months to review and plan for the organization’s future direction, including event application, event-hosting 近半年以來,為了新BFA的運作,幹事部確實 requirements and operation models of various BFA tournaments, 用了不少時間與及精力去了解、規劃BFA的未 as well as the future cooperation with 來發展。當中包括研究及檢視賽事活動的申請 (MLB) and Nippon (NPB). At this stage, 辦法、舉辦規定、作業模式,以及有關與日 we can already see a clear progression on our various projects 本職棒聯盟(NPB)和美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)在協 and BFA officials will continuously push these projects forward 助、合作上的商談等等。在這等項目上,我們 under their watchful guidance. I sincerely hope that all member 大致已經取得顯著的成效,並期望在幹事部同 countries can share further fruitful achievements with us in the 事的繼續努力之下,能讓BFA一步一步地往前 very near future. 走。同時,也讓各會員國在不久的將來能夠感 受到其甜美的成效。 Looking ahead, there will be several major events in 2014, including the MLB Coach Clinic in Taipei in May, the BFA 12U 在賽事方面,今年五月份在台北將會有一場由 Championship in the Philippines, and the 18U Championship in MLB擔任講師的教練講習會;八、九月在菲律 Thailand in September. 賓及泰國亦相繼有12U、18U的錦標賽。另一 方面,九月中旬展開的韓國仁川亞運更廣受亞 However, the most exciting event of the year is the upcoming 洲各國棒球迷所期待,實在令人興奮莫名! 至 Asian Games in Incheon, Korea in September. Lastly, the Asian 於11月再度於菲律賓上演的亞洲盃東區賽事亦 Cup (East tournament) that is scheduled for the Philippines in 屬年度好戲,勢必引起棒球迷關注。 November should also turn out to be a thrilling competition. 以上各項精彩賽事皆為2014的亞洲棒壇添上豐 All of these events should make 2014 a plentiful and colorful 富而燦爛奪目的色彩! 就讓我們一同拭目以待 year for Asian Baseball. Let’s enjoy! 吧! Asian Baseball Cheers

Designe 01 02 April 2014 • Volume 2 Asian Baseball Cheers 03 ASIAN BASEBALL CHEERS 亞棒風采 N BASEBALL CHE ASIA ERS Member Designe 02 Countries ContentsABC 亞洲棒球總會 President’s Message 會長ABC的話 01 會員國成員 Contents Index and Editorial Information 02 BFA Member Countries / Regions East Asia Name of Organization Website 亞洲棒球總會 會員國成員 03 CHINESE TAIPEI CHINESE TAIPEI BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Baseball Cheers 亞棒風采 JAPAN BASEBALL FEDERATION OF JAPAN KOREA KOREAN BASEBALL ASSOCIATION — BFA Coaching Clinic 亞洲棒球總會教練工作坊 04 CHINA CHINESE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION — IBAF Hong Kong Phoenix Cup 2014 香港《鳳凰盃》2014 05 HONG KONG HONG KONG BASEBALL ASSOCIATION BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION OF DPR — Phoenix Cup Tournament Review 《鳳凰盃》賽事總結 DPR OF KOREA 06 KOREA Baseball in Pakistan 巴基斯坦的棒球活動 08 MONGOLIA MONGOLIAN BASEBALL NATIONAL FEDERATION South-West Asia Name of Organization Website Big Success for the 56th BFA / JABA Umpire School 09 IRAN IRAN BASEBALL ASSOCIATION 裁判學校受訓報告書 2014 BFA and JABA 10 IRAQ IRAQI BASEBALL FEDERATION Baseball Development in Thailand 泰國棒球發展 12 AFGHANISTAN To be advised HKBA 20th Anniversary 香港棒球總會20周年 14 Central Asia Name of Organization Website BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL FEDERATION OF THE KAZAKHSTHAN IBAF Hong Kong International Baseball Open 2013 15 REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN 香港國際棒球公開賽 UZBEKISTAN UZBEKISTAN BASEBALL FEDERATION 2014 Asia Umpire Training in Hong Kong 15 South-East Asia Name of Organization Website BFA & Related Event Calendar 2014 & 2015 THAILAND AMATEUR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION OF THAILAND 亞洲棒球總會及大型賽事時間表 16 INDONESIA AMATEUR BASEBALL & INDONESIA SOFTBALL FEDERATION MYANMAR MYANMAR BASEBALL FEDERATION BRUNEI AMATEUR SOFTBALL & BASEBALL BRUNEI ASSOCIATION Editorial Team PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE AMATEUR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION 編輯小組 SINGAPORE SINGAPORE BASEBALL & SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Advisory Board 顧問團 CAMBODIA To be advised BFA Executive Committee HKBA “RUN” Editorial Committee MALAYSIA FEDERATION OF BASEBALL MALAYSIA Working Group 工作小組 Convenor 召集人 Editors 編輯 Secretary 秘書 Production 製作 South Asia Name of Organization Website Mr. Allan Mak (Editor-in-Chief) Mr. Irving Chao Ms Josephine Fuh Inmedia Design Ltd. INDIA AMATEUR BASEBALL FEDERATION OF INDIA 麥年豐先生(主編) 趙耀靈先生 傅宏美女士 正媒體創作有限公司 NEPAL NEPAL BASEBALL FEDERATION Dr. Jennifer Eagleton 珍妮花 • 伊格爾頓博士 PAKISTAN PAKISTAN FEDERATION BASEBALL Ms Nicky To SRI LANKA AMATEUR BASEBALL & SOFTBALL SRI LANKA 杜佩錡小姐 ASSOCIATION 04 April 2014 • Volume 2 Asian Baseball Cheers 05

IBAF Hong Kong Coaching Clinic International Women’s 17-19 January 2014 The Baseball Federation of Asia (BFA) Coaching Clinic took Baseball Tournament place on the baseball diamond of Sai Tso Wan Recreation 14-17 February 2014 Ground from the 17 to 19 January, 2014. More than The Asia Insurance Phoenix Cup 2014 was held in Hong Kong from the 14 to 17 thirty local baseball coaches received quality coaching February 2014. from veteran coaches under the Chinese Taipei Baseball Association, Jong Yeu-Jeng, Wang Chen-Hao, and Chou The tournament received great support from both the government and private Cheng-Hsiung. sector with Mr. Jonathan McKinley, Deputy Secretary for the Home Affairs Bureau, “Defender Cup” that was representing the Hong Kong government at the Opening Ceremony. “From the donated by International Baseball Federation (IBAF) opening ceremony and the excitement that I have witnessed, I can tell this year’s event is shaping up to be a wonderful tournament,” Mr. McKinley observed. “I wish the home and visiting teams all the very best in this year’s tournament.”

Osaka University of Health and Sports Science emerged as the eventual winner in this year’s tournament, with Hong Kong Allies as the runner-up. 06 April 2014 • Volume 2 Asian Baseball Cheers 07

tournament,” said the well-rounded first baseman. “I am very 的是能夠與亞洲地區的其他棒球隊及其選手互相交 happy to see baseball being played in different parts of the world 流,真正體驗到以球會友的樂趣。」 and thoroughly enjoyed using this tournament to communicate with baseball lovers from all parts of Asia.”

Hong Kong Allies, who defeated Far East Bloomers from Japan to Hong Kong Allies在準決賽中擊敗來自日本的Far East book their ticket for the final, was completely shutout by Osaka Bloomers而躋身總決賽,最終在關鍵性的一戰被大 University of Health and Sports Sciences in the championship game. 阪體育大學擊退。Hong Kong Allies總教練區頴良承 Head Coach Au Wing-Leung believed his side could have done 認球隊在總決賽的發揮是尚有進步空間:「我們在總 better in the finale. “We were okay defensively for the final game 決賽的一役中,防守上是做得不俗但攻擊力則發揮 but offensively, we could have done more,” said the Hong Kong 欠佳。我們本屆在鳳凰盃的目標是要打入四強,現 Allies tactician. “We came here aiming to get into the semi-final 在能夠躋身於決賽之中亦全靠一眾隊員在整個鳳凰 and we pushed ourselves to the final. In that sense, the girls have 盃賽事中的落力演出。」 already exceeded our original target.”

Pitcher Lau Tsz-chin, who started for Hong Kong Allies in the 替Hong Kong Allies於總決賽中擔任先發投手的劉 championship game, hopes the team can use the Phoenix Cup 芷芊則希望隊友能夠乘著於本屆鳳凰盃所締造的佳 as motivation for the upcoming Women’s Baseball World Cup 績,在九月份的女子世界盃棒球賽中創做歷史:「我 in September. “We will definitely try to use this as a learning 希望自己及其他隊友能夠好好牢記這次鳳凰盃的寶 experience to prepare for the upcoming Women’s Baseball World 貴比賽經驗,在九月份的世界盃力爭香港女子棒球 Osaka University of Health and Sports Science Cup in September, trying our outmost to seek our first win in the 隊在世界盃賽事中的第一勝。」 World Cup tournament.” Claim Phoenix Cup 2014 with Hong Kong Allies Coming Second

勇挫Hong Kong Allies捧走《亞洲保險鳳凰盃》2014 Official rankings of the Phoenix Cup 2014 are listed below: 大阪體育大學 其他隊伍在本屆鳳凰盃的排名如下: Tournament Result 賽果: Filed by Graeme Chan 陳正德報導 | 18. 2. 2014 1st Osaka University of Health and Sports Sciences (Japan) 第一名 大阪體育大學 (日本) php?link_id=99986 2nd Hong Kong Allies (Hong Kong) Tournament Website 賽事專輯網頁: 《亞洲保險鳳凰盃》早前在香港晒草灣棒球場完滿結 The Asia Insurance Phoenix Cup 2014 took place in Hong Kong in 第二名 Hong Kong Allies (香港) mid-February, putting on a wonderful baseball spectacle for Hong 束,為本地及來自亞洲各地的棒球迷獻上一場接一 3rd Team Australia (Australia) Phoenix Cup Facebook Page 鳳凰盃Facebook: Kong and Asian baseball lovers. 場的精彩賽事。 第三名 澳洲隊 (澳洲); 4th Far East Bloomers (Japan) Gallery 圖片集: Eight competing teams hailing from Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, 本年度的鳳凰盃賽事邀請到來自澳洲、香港、日 第四名 Far East Bloomers (日本 本、韓國、星加坡及台灣的球隊參賽,最終由日 Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan took part in the tournament. Osaka 5th Guri-City NineVics (Korea) sets/72157641155810304/ University of Health and Sports Sciences eventually came out on 本的大阪體育大學在總決賽中以8:0力克主隊Hong 第五名 Guri-City NineVics (韓國) Enquiries 查詢: top, triumphing over Hong Kong Allies in the championship game Kong Allies,成功奪得冠軍殊榮。 6th Taipei Vanguards (Taiwan) 第六名 台北先鋒 (台灣) Hong Kong Baseball Association in an 8:0 victory, taking home the coveted Phoenix Cup crown. 香港棒球總會 7th Hong Kong Development Team (Hong Kong) 2504 8330 第七名 Hong Kong Development Team (香港) [email protected] 8th Singapore Panthers (Singapore) Yokoi Mitsuharu, Head Coach of the victorious team, voiced 大阪體育大學的總教練Yokoi Mitsuharu對於球隊能 第八名 Singapore Panthers (星加坡) his great pleasure in leading his team to this year’s Phoenix Cup 夠在本屆鳳凰盃中摘下桂冠感到欣喜:「我非常滿 crown. “I am very satisfied with the team’s overall performance,” 意球隊在是次賽事的整體演出。先發投手Morikawa the Japanese Head Coach said. “Our starting pitcher in the final Mei在總決賽中投得非常出色,其他的隊員亦能作出 game (Morikawa Mei) pitched very well and the team responded 相應的配合。」 accordingly.”

Morikawa Mei, who was named Best Pitcher in the Phoenix Cup, 在總決賽一役於投手丘上指揮若定的Morikawa Mei was delighted with her performance in the Phoenix Cup finale. “I 則表示非常滿意自己的演出,這名大學三年級生 need to thank my defense for helping me throughout the game,” 說:「我需要多謝隊友在守備上一直給予我的幫助。 said the 3rd year student pitcher. “I am very surprised to receive the 對於能夠拿到鳳凰盃的最佳投手獎項我是感到有點 Best Pitcher award for the tournament but this will motivate me to 受寵若驚。但這個獎項會鞭策我在未來的賽事中更 do better in future competitions.” 加努力。」

Sasaki Ayano, Captain of the winning side, also felt great 大阪體育大學隊長,一壘手Sasaki Ayano亦喜見球 satisfaction with the team’s triumph. “I think our team performed 隊能夠捧盃而回:「球隊在賽事中充份發揮了本身的 up to our potential and put on a decent showing in the 能力,這點實在令人感到非常滿意。但我更加高興 08 April 2014 • Volume 2 Asian Baseball Cheers 09

The 3rd HEC Intervarsity Baseball The final match was played between The Japan Amateur Baseball and to update themselves on all of Championship took place at the the University of Central Punjab Association (JABA), together with the the new umpiring rules. Sports Complex University of Central and Superior University, with the support of the Baseball Federation of Punjab Lahore, Pakistan during former coming out on top with a Asia (BFA), hosted the 56th Umpire The five overseas guests who March 23-25, 2014. 9-1 victory. For UCP, Rauf-ur-Rahim School in Japan from 14 February to participated in the event were scored two runs, while Hassan Arif, 16 February. The Panasonic Baseball Guo Yushi (China), Salvador Dacal This year’s tournament was Zeeshan, Afraz Malik, Faza-ur- Club in Osaka and the NTT West Junio (Philippines), Priyantha Peiris conducted under the supervision Rahman, Mohsin Jamil, Muzammal Japan in Kyoto provided lodging and Thelge (Sri Lanka), Lien Yung-Shao Baseball in of the University of Central Punjab Hussain and Tehseenullah scored one training facilities for the long-standing (Taiwan), and Pongpun Yoopongpitak (UCP) and Pakistan Federation run each. Adil Sardar was declared event this year. (Thailand). Baseball. Seven teams participated in Man of the Final for his outstanding Big Pakistan the tournament with the University performance on the pitching mount. For the first time, all of the training Sujeewa Wijayanayake (Sri Lanka), of Central Punjab claiming the Success sessions had to be held indoors due a qualified umpire and resident of championship trophy. Chief Guest Syed Khawar Shah, to heavy snowfall. Nevertheless, 64 Japan, also joined the 22 Japanese HEC Executive Director of West Asia student umpires, including five guests instructors in order to make his Baseball Federation of Asia and for the from South Asia, braved the inclement overseas colleagues feel at home Intervarsity Secretary General of the Pakistan weather to improve their judging skills during the three-day umpire school. Federation Baseball, awarded Baseball the trophy to the Captain of the 56th BFA / Championship University of Central Punjab. Mr. Arshad Sattar, Director Sports UCP/ JABA 2013-2014 Organizing Secretary was also on hand for the Closing Ceremony of the HEC Intervarsity Baseball Umpire Championship. School

Heavy Snowfall in Japan was an Unusual Experience for Guest Umpires from Southern Asia 10 April 2014 • Volume 2 Asian Baseball Cheers 11

活動內容 日期: 基本動作訓練 夜間-規則講解 地點: 松下企業棒球訓練中心 參加人數: 55人(日本裁判49人外籍裁判6人) 上課概況: 開訓、熱身跑步、基本宣告與手勢、好壞球界定與練習宣告、封殺與滾地雙殺練習。 夜間規則測驗與研討 日期: 基本動作訓練、封殺與觸殺判定 夜間-規則講解 地點: 松下企業棒球場 參加人數: 55人(日本裁判49人外籍裁判6人) 上課概況: 熱身跑步、各方向行進間(快走)宣告與手勢、投守規則講解與演練、主審好壞球演練、 各壘職責狀況演練、觸殺與本壘封殺演練、三壘至本壘夾殺練習。夜間規則測驗與研討 日期: 日間-好壞球演練、比賽妨礙時執法演練 地點: 電力公司棒球訓練中心 2014年JABA棒球 參加人數: 55人(日本裁判49人外籍裁判6人) 上課概況: 熱身運動(足部加強運動)、行進間(快跑)宣告與手勢、主審好壞球演練、各壘狀況演練、 裁判學校受訓報告書 打擊妨礙與守備妨礙處理方式與術語、分組執行比賽執法狀況。結訓

前言: 研習心得 帶著學習的心態前往 課程編排 師資培育 日本參加棒球裁判學校 豐富緊湊老師很累需要很多人輪流 有好老師才會有好學生,期待每年 研習,因東西方棒球 上場但要有專業與一致性。 指派準師資前往美日受訓。 文化略有不同而 遇到多年老友真開心,國際裁判 全日本喝飲料最強的國際裁判小山克仁 台北城市盃日本隨隊裁判中島先生,跟我 感謝亞洲棒總麻生老師指導。 專業師資 延續傳承 林清一先生,本次講習會的講師。 先生,本次講習會的講師。 一樣是學員。 裁判文化也是一樣, 指導老師的專業能力強及授課態度 我參加的是第56屆JABA棒球裁判學 總希望多學習多了解, 認真、熱情、氣氛活潑。 校研習會,羅馬不是一天造成的。 能融合東西方知識 並將正確的訊息快速的 整齊劃一 行囊滿載 感謝亞洲棒球總會指派本人參加研 轉達給本國裁判, 宣告、手勢、術語、移位、皆一 致,雖與美式動作有些許差異,但 習,此行收穫比預期還多。 提升水準然可與世界 本國內所看到的裁判動作大多相 開訓由裁判長中本先生致詞並介 違規擊球與違規守備分組演練。 外籍學員依序是菲律賓、泰國、斯里蘭卡 主審好壞球與口令氣勢演練。 紹講師團。 2名、中國、台灣共6名。 同步並和國際接軌。 同,選手對裁判會有相當大的認同 感,值得我們學習。

結訓大合照大家笑哈哈。 行進間基本演練 室外老師個別指導。 受訓結束取得證照。 12 April 2014 • Volume 2 Asian Baseball Cheers 13

Baseball in Thailand began when 1. Yo u t h D e v e l o p m e n t Expand Baseball Facilities in the Amateur Baseball Association Program Thailand of Thailand (ABAT) was officially That ABAT plans to add baseball ABAT led fund-raising efforts to build established in January 1992. The to the 10 of the 12 national Thailand’s first baseball stadium, ABAT is sanctioned by the Thai sports schools that do not have resulting in the construction of National Culture Commission a baseball program. This shows the Queen Sirikit 60th Anniversary and Sport Authority of Thailand, the government’s commitment Stadium which opened in 1998 in and is recognized by the Olympic to the sport and signifies a great the Bangkok suburb of Patumtanee Baseball in Committee of Thailand as the sole leap in establishing a feeder to support that year’s Asian Games. organization responsible for Thai system to the national team. The stadium is similar to a U.S. minor- baseball. Thai Baseball and ABAT Last year, ABAT successfully league stadium with seating for 3,000 Thailand developed steadily during the past negotiated with the government and a grass field. It is used for local twenty years with support of the to establish a baseball field in and international tournaments as well Thai Baseball and Sports Authority of Thailand, National Chiengmai Province in northern as for Thai National Baseball Team Olympic Committee in Thailand, Thailand and to introduce a training. Two practice fields are also ABAT developed and the continuing assistance of the baseball program at Chiengmai located adjacent to the stadium. during the past Japan-based Minebea Group, which Sports School in 2014. twenty years with operates factories in Thailand and 3. Network with Other Competition Additionally, a developed baseball other countries, as well as sponsoring 2. Develop a Program for Organizations for the To support participation in field is located in Cha-Am, support of the the Thai National Baseball Team. Players, Coaches, and Betterment of Baseball international tournaments, ABAT Phetchaburi Province approximately Sports Authority of Officials in Thailand in Thailand enabled the Thai National Baseball 123 kms south of Bangkok. This field Like all national sporting In 2013, we have a good During the past twenty years, Team to compete internationally in is privately owned and had been Thailand organizations, it is a priority when cooperation with MLB for ABAT has consistently developed the 1990s. They competed in their previously rented by visiting Korean developing a strategic plan to look at baseball development as below. Thai baseball by cooperating first Asian Games in 1994, and baseball teams. However, the field the strengths and challenges presently with the Baseball Federation of reached the final Southeast Asia has not been used in recent years. existing within the organization. We • Sending MLB coaches and Asia and the Baseball Federation qualifying game for the 1996 Atlanta have set the program of development envoys to Thailand to work of Japan to arrange training Olympics. In the Southeast Asian The International School of Bangkok, and competition for local leagues and with ABAT in establishing camps in Thailand and Japan. Games competition, Thailand won located in a northern suburb, association members in the latest year standard curriculums. gold in 2007 and was placed third in maintains a baseball field which is as below. In addition, we have the backing 2011. Thailand participated in the used primarily by international high • Involving current coaches of Major League Baseball in 2012 World Baseball Classic Qualifier school teams located in the Bangkok 1. Youth Baseball Development Program. and potential candidates providing support for an envoy in Taipei, placing fourth. All baseball metropolitan area. A number of 2. Develop programs for players, coaches, to fill the positions at program for players and coaches in Thailand is played at the amateur softball fields also exist throughout and officials in Thailand. the additional ten sports in Thailand, as well as a Baseball level. Thailand, typically at universities and 3. Network with other organizations for the schools adopting baseball. Training Center in China and colleges. betterment of baseball in Thailand. Chinese Taipei. In addition, ABAT has been entrusted • C o n d u c t i n g b a s e b a l l to organize international tournaments, In 2014, a baseball field will be and strength evaluations such as the Asian Cup, the BFA “AAA” constructed at Chiengmai Sport t o d e t e r m i n e a r e a s Asian Championship, and the latest, School in north Thailand. This is that require immediate the BFA U18 Baseball Championship one of our commitments to expand improvement and then 2014 in September 1-7, in Thailand. baseball in Thailand. i m p l e m e n t r e l e v a n t development strategies and goals. 14 April 2014 • Volume 2 Asian Baseball Cheers 15

IBAF HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL HKIBO BASEBALL OPEN 2013 IBAF 香港國際棒球公開賽 20-23 December 2013 HKBA 20th After four days of exciting baseball action, Team Japan took home the championship trophy by defeating Team Taiwan in the final, while the Hong Kong Red Team secured the 2nd runner-up position Anniversary Dinner by overcoming the HKIS Team. Team Singapore finished the tournament in the fifth position, followed by Team China, the Hong Kong Blue Team, Team USA, and Team Russia. 12 January 2014 Nine teams from China, Japan, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, USA, and Hong Kong (which had 3 teams) The Hong Kong Baseball Association celebrated its 20th competed in this year’s tournament. The Opening Ceremony was officiated by Mr. Laurence Lee, President Anniversary on 12 January with a celebratory dinner gala. of Hong Kong Baseball Association, Mr. Philip Li, Chairman of Hong Kong Baseball Association, Mr. Kelvin Leung, Chief Leisure Manager of Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong Special The event was well-supported with honorable guests including Administration Region Government, Mr. Brian Chen, Deputy Director, Liaison Division of Taipei Economic Ms. Hui Hiu Fai Florence, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Cultural Office, and Dr. Felix Yip, Chairperson of this tournament’s Organizing Committee. Affairs, Hon Ma Fung Kwok, SBS, JP, Member of LegCo, Mr. Pang Chung, SBS, BBS, Hon Secretary General of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, Asia Umpire Training with CPBL Mr. Sze Wing Yuen, Forever, Assistant Director of Radio 10-12 January 2014 嘉賓及名譽顧問同來祝賀 Television Hong Kong, and Ms. Fu Lai Chun Joanne, Chief The Hong Kong Baseball Association (HKBA) proudly hosted the Asia Umpire Camp Leisure Manager of Leisure and Cultural Services Department. 2014 in Hong Kong from 10 January to 12 January 2014.

The training was well-attended with umpires from China, Indonesia, Singapore, and Taiwan who all flew into the city to take part in the workshop.

The camp was the first professional umpire training camp held in the city and was organized with the support of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL).

2012/2014年度董事局成員 2014-2015 BFA and Major Tournament Schedule 亞洲棒球總會及大型賽事時間表

Date日期 Event活動 Place地點 BFA 12U Baseball Championship Manila, Philippines 2014. 8. 27 ~ 2014. 8. 31 亞洲少棒錦標賽 菲律賓馬尼拉 BFA 18U Baseball Championship Bangkok, Thailand 2014. 9. 1 ~ 2014. 9. 7 亞洲青棒錦標賽 泰國曼谷 BFA Asian Cup - East Philippines 2014 亞洲盃東區賽 菲律賓 17th Asian Games Incheon, Korea 2014. 9. 19 ~ 2014. 10. 4 第17屆亞洲運動會 韓國仁川 IBAF 15U Baseball World Cup IBAF Baja California Sur, Mexico 2014 世界盃青少棒錦標賽 墨西哥南下加利福尼亞州 IBAF 21U Baseball World Cup Taichung, Taiwan 2014 IBAF 21U世界盃棒球錦標賽 台灣台中 IBAF Women’s Baseball World Cup Miyazaki, Japan 2014 女子世界盃棒球錦標賽 日本宮崎 BFA Asian Championship China 2015 亞洲錦標賽 中國 BFA 15U Baseball Championship Japan 2015 亞洲青少棒錦標賽 日本 IBAF 12U Baseball World Cup IBAF Tainan, Taiwan 2015 世界盃少棒錦標賽 台灣台南 IBAF 18U Baseball World Cup IBAF Japan 2015 世界盃青棒錦標賽 日本

Asian Baseball Cheers

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