Newsletter the American Society of University Composers
NEWSLETTER THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF UNIVERSITY COMPOSERS .. SUMMER, 1970 /VOL. 3 NO. '2 Program Chairman Carlton Gamer (Colorado Col lege) and Concert Chairman John Rogers (University SUMMER INSTITUTE of New Hampshire) brought together composers from The 1970 ASUC Summer Institute of New Music throughout the country to serve as panelists, lecturers, for students of composition will be held August 9-14 and moderators-and also to prepare and present their at Allerton House, Allerton Park, University of Illi music to the Conference. Friday morning saw the first nois, Monticello, Illinois. Students of composition official event of the Society's weekend as ·the final may participate in a series of events including a semi round of judging in the Electronic Music Competition nar, "Computer as Composer," a workshop on "Con was opened :to the members. The final six pieces were temporary Percussive Resources: a comprehensive sur played for Competition Judges Frarn;ois Bayle (Groupe vey," readings in open rehearsal by the Contemporary de Recherches Musicales, Radiodiffusion-Television Chamber Players of the University of Hlinois, a con Fram;aise), J ames K. R andall (Princeton University), cert series, lectures, and private conferences with com and Salvatore Martirano (University of Illionis). The posers. The teaching personnel consists of James two winning pieces were played the following eve Beauchamp, Charles Braugham, Ben Johnston, Ed ning as part of the second concert of the weekend, ward Kobrin, Edwin London, and Thomas Siwe; com enabling those members who had heard the final posers in residence are David Burge, George Burt, judging .to indulge in the pleasant past;time of "judg Barney Childs, Randolph Coleman, Sydney Hodkin ing the judges." (The results of the Competition are son, M.
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