Section 11(4) Chief Executive's Report Volume Two B 28Th August 2020
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Cork County Development Plan Review Section 11(4) Chief Executive’s Report th Volume Two B: Appendices 28 August 2020 Page | 358 Page | 359 Contents Appendix A Submision from the Office of the Planning Regulator See Volume Two A Appendix B Submission from the Southern Regional Assembly See Volume Two A Appendix C All Valid Submissions Under Section 11(4) (K-Z) 362 (See Volume Two A for Interested Party A – J) Appendix D Full list of Submitters by Interested Party (A-Z) 654 Appendix E Issues Raised at Public Consultation Events 678 Appendix F List of Submissions received which included a request or proposal for zoning of particular land for any purpose 680 Appendix G List of Prescribed Authorities and other Bodies notified of commencement of Development Plan Review 686 Appendix H List of Environmental Authorities 688 Appendix I Submissions from Environmental Authorities to SEA Draft Scoping Report 690 Appendix J List of Special Planning Policy Requirements (SPPRs) 698 Page | 360 Page | 361 Appendix C: All Valid Submissions under Section 11(4) (K-Z) Name of Unique PPU Submission Summary Principal Issues Raised under Section 11(4) Chief Executive’s Opinion Interested Reference (b)(iii) 11(4)(b)(iii) Party Number Karen C A Gunn. PDP222748568 The submission supports the proposed Lee2Sea greenway Seeks delivery of Lee to Sea Greenway See discussion of this issue in MISCP stating that it matches many aspects of the New referenced in CMATS. Transport and Mobility Volume Governments Strategic plan for Ireland. Submits, One Section 2of this report. informed by past involvement in HSE Strategic Planning Highlights environmental, economic and well- teams, that to have facilities for exercise in beautiful being benefits of the greenway. environments will promote long term well being for the population and will be cost effective. It also points to the tourism benefit of the greenway. A subsequent submission, PDP222851741, comprises an attachment to be linked to this submission. It recommends that the County Development Plan identify and map the most suitable and feasible route for the Lee to Sea Greenway; support and safeguard the greenway in 2 phases - phase 1, Passage West to Crosshaven, and, Phase 2, Inniscarra Dam to Ballincollig Regional Park; and create an action plan for phasing, funding and associated delivery. It references support for the greenway in CMATS. Karen C A Gunn. PDP223238157 This is a duplication of submission PDP222851741 which See PDP222851741 See PDP222851741 MISCP contains a supplementary attachment to submission PDP222748568. See summary of submission PDP222748568. Karen CA Gunn PDP222851741 This is additional information relating to submission See PDP2227448568 See PDP2227448568 PDP2227448568. See summary of that submission. Kenneth PDP222994639 Submission seeks support for and further Need to protect/prioritise pedestrian rights The issue raised in this Kennedy protection/prioritisation of pedestrian rights on the on the Glenbrook to Lower Monkstown Slí na submission is noted. Glenbrook to Lower Monkstown Slí na Slainte outlining its Slainte. See Transport and Mobility, long standing amenity provision to the elderly, families Section 2, Vol. 1 of this report. and others; its health and well being benefits; and the Page | 362 Name of Unique PPU Submission Summary Principal Issues Raised under Section 11(4) Chief Executive’s Opinion Interested Reference (b)(iii) 11(4)(b)(iii) Party Number need for its use to be preserved for pedestrians only. It requests a number of measures including 'no cycling' signage, provision of bins and increased car parking provision. Kerry County PDP198373899 Kerry County Council notes Cork County Councils No issues raised. Noted. Council intention to review its existing County Development Plan and prepare a new plan. Kerry County Council have no observation to make at this stage of the process. Keta Products PDP223301825 Requests that Cork County Council designate a Raises issue of appropriate location, quantum The settlement hierarchy and the Ltd. Town/Village Core for the Key village of Glounthaune, in and scale of growth in individual settlements. appropriate level of growth in order to ensure adequate service provision, in a individual settlements will be consolidated manner, for a settlement which has been Raises the issues of the County’s settlement given consideration during the subject to significant population growth in recent years, hierarchy and the appropriate future growth preparation of the Core Strategy while also responding to the overall requirement to target for individual settlements, specifically of the draft plan in alignment advance the compact growth of existing settlements as Glounthaune. with NPF objectives. See Core set out in national and regional policy. Strategy, Volume One Section 2 of this report. Describes the settlement and sets out the national, regional and local planning policy context to its request and also makes reference to CDP review Background Documents - Population and Housing, and Settlements and Placemaking. Gives an overview of recent permissions for residential development in Glounthaune and sets out a comparison with the scale of growth envisaged for key villages that have town centre zoning objectives. Kevin Creedon - PDP223877862 This submission refers to the need to protect scenic Seeking to protect scenic landscapes from The issues in this submission have Community landscapes from wind farm and solar farm developments. wind farm and solar farm developments. been noted and will be Council The submission requests a turbine setback of 15 times the considered further in the Representative height of the turbine from all scenic roads and a distance Requests that a turbine be set back of 15 preparation of the draft plan as of two kms from any solar farm. times the height of the turbine from all scenic part of the update of the wind roads or 2kms from any solar farm. energy strategy. Page | 363 Name of Unique PPU Submission Summary Principal Issues Raised under Section 11(4) Chief Executive’s Opinion Interested Reference (b)(iii) 11(4)(b)(iii) Party Number The submission suggests the increased height of the turbines can cause a distraction to road users and are Seeking to protect Bottlehill road to unappealing to the eye. The submission has concerns with Killavullen from any proposed large scale the glare/reflection from solar farms on road users along development. Footpaths and cycle lanes scenic routes. should be considered along the route Submission is seeking to protect the Bottlehill road to Killavullen from any proposed large scale development and the route should be considered for footpaths/cycle lanes to support the increased demand from these types of recreational users. Kevin O’Leary PDP223736715 The submission highlights that brownfield Group The submission sets out the strategic planning policy lands in Bandon are currently underutilised This issue will be addressed at a issues relevant to Ring Towns, retailing and the and suitable for densification and settlement level as part of the regeneration of brownfield lands. It outlines the National redevelopment, including town centre uses. review of the County Planning Framework targets a significant proportion of Development Plan. future urban development on infill/brownfield development sites within the built footprint of existing urban areas to deliver compact growth and more sustainable transport patterns. In terms of the NPF’s strategy for more rural areas, an essential element is reversing town/village and rural population decline, by encouraging new roles and functions for buildings, streets and sites. Regarding this, the NPF notes that there are many areas in our cities, towns and villages that contain lands and buildings not developed or used to their full potential. In discussing the region’s settlement structure, the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) notes that there are a number of well-established networks of Page | 364 Name of Unique PPU Submission Summary Principal Issues Raised under Section 11(4) Chief Executive’s Opinion Interested Reference (b)(iii) 11(4)(b)(iii) Party Number settlements that are strategically driving sub-regional growth and opportunities for further potential networks. Included in this is the Cork Ring Network, of which Bandon forms part: As an anchor town for its rural hinterland, Bandon provides important commercial, social and administrative functions to its rural hinterland. It has a significant employment base relative to its population and is therefore a major provider of employment for this part of the county. The town has, in contrast to some other towns in the county, has the latent potential to grow further and enhance its function as the key anchor town for its rural hinterland, which, it is acknowledged, demonstrates an extremely poor settlement structure. Kevin O'Leary PDP223735236 The purpose of this submission is to highlight the strategic Recognise the strategic importance of These issues will be given Group importance of Charleville to the settlement structure of Charleville within its Municipal District and to consideration in the drafting of its Municipal District and request supportive policies and encourage supportive policies to accelerate the Plan. See Volume One, objectives to help accelerate development in the town development. Section 2 Population and Core over the period of the Plan. Submission requests that a Strategy and Housing Density and review of the extent of the existing and proposed town Need for a coherent approach to allocating Placemaking. centre should be carried out to better reflect the nature land uses in our town centres of existing uses on the ground and help to place the town in a position to properly fulfil its function as service provider for its rural hinterland. As an anchor town for its rural hinterland, Charleville provides important commercial, social and administrative Need to support the redevelopment of key functions to its rural hinterland. The town has, in contrast opportunity /brownfield sites within our town to some other towns in the county, the latent potential to centres. grow further and enhance its function as the key anchor town for its rural hinterland.