Cathcart​ Boulevard Public School 1219 Cathcart Blvd., , ON N7S 2H7 Office: 519.542.5651 Fax: 519.542.3774

Principal: Ms. Anita Sabatini Vice-Principal: Mrs. Ann Pharazyn Secretary: Mrs. Deanna McLaughlin

October 2019

Dear Families:

It has been a busy start-up. We currently have a student population of 565 students. It has been exciting to see everyone settle into routines, academics, and sport activities with much enthusiasm. We would like to welcome back Mrs. Deanna McLaughlin as our Cathcart School secretary. As of October 21, 2019, Mrs. Randi McDonald will be returning from her leave to her position as Vice-Principal. Join me wishing Mrs. Ann Pharazyn the very best in her role at Sir John Moore School. Mrs. Pharazyn will be missed by all of us at Cathcart.

As we enter the second month of school, I would like to acknowledge the support and participation shown by our Cathcart Community. Helping with homework, signing planners, checking google classroom, reading nightly and having conversations with your child(ren) about their day at school all contribute to improving overall student learning. Your continued support is appreciated by the entire staff. “Education” is a partnership between home and school.

What can you do to assist in your child(ren’s) education: · Show interest in your child(ren) school work and progress; · Communicate regularly with the school and teacher(s); · Ensure your child(ren) attend school regularly and on time; · Promptly report your child(ren) absence(s) or late arrival; · Become familiar with the School Code of Conduct and school rules and expectations for behaviour; · Encourage and assist your child(ren) to follow the rules of behaviour; · Assist child(ren) in being prepared for school, having the necessary learning materials with them each day, completion of homework, study for tests, etc.

RECOUNT WRITING - During the month of September students experienced opportunities to practice various styles of ​ writing and free writes. With the beginning of October, students will now shift their focus to the recount form of writing. A recount retells events that have already taken place, is written in the past tense, is in sequential order, and uses joining words that are connected to time (e.g. after, next, then). Students will be focusing on six writing forms throughout the year and will be working on recount writing from the beginning of October until approximately mid-November.


Establish a Routine. Setting a regular time and sticking to it helps children complete their homework assignments. ​ Set the Mood. Ensure the room your child studies in is quiet, has plenty of light, and has school supplies close at hand. ​ Remove distractions by turning off the television, limiting screen time on ipads/cell phones and reducing social phone calls during homework time. Show an Interest. Ask your child about school activities and talk about what was discussed in school that day. Take your ​ child to the library to check out materials for homework, and make time to read with your child as often as you can.

EQAO - The individual results from the 2018-19 EQAO assessment, written in May/June 2019 by our Grade 3 and 6 students has been sent home. Here is a snapshot of our results: ​ ​

​P.O. Box 2019, 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia, N7T 7L2 Office: 519.336.1500 Fax: 519.336.0992

Cathcart​ Boulevard Public School 1219 Cathcart Blvd., Sarnia, ON N7S 2H7 Office: 519.542.5651 Fax: 519.542.3774

Principal: Ms. Anita Sabatini Vice-Principal: Mrs. Ann Pharazyn Secretary: Mrs. Deanna McLaughlin

SCHOOL COUNCIL - We are very excited to be welcoming in another year at Cathcart Public School. School Council met on September 11th and elected the following members:

Chair: Mrs. Shanane Tsaparilis Vice-Chair: Alana Hayes ​ ​ Secretary: Leanne Browne

​P.O. Box 2019, 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7L2 Office: 519.336.1500 Fax: 519.336.0992

Cathcart​ Boulevard Public School 1219 Cathcart Blvd., Sarnia, ON N7S 2H7 Office: 519.542.5651 Fax: 519.542.3774

Principal: Ms. Anita Sabatini Vice-Principal: Mrs. Ann Pharazyn Secretary: Mrs. Deanna McLaughlin

Future meetings for School Council 2019-2020:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Wednesday, January 8, 2020 Wednesday, March 4, 2020 Wednesday, May 6, 2020

School Council meetings will be held from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Room. Meetings are open to the public and our School Council minutes will be posted on the Front Foyer Bulletin Board. School council is looking for volunteers to assist in areas such as the milk program. Please contact Shanane Tsaparilis for ​ more information.

SAFE ARRIVAL - Please let the school know if your child is going to be absent or late by calling or emailing ​ ([email protected] and or [email protected]) at the school. If you are unable to contact the school, ​ ​ ​ Mrs. Karly Watson will contact home, work, or emergency contact numbers. Should this information change during the school year, kindly let the office know. This is the only way we can reach you in case of an emergency. We have a process in place to ensure the safe arrival of all students. Parents must do their best to see that their children are regularly at school and that they arrive on time. Please call the school or text at 519-900-8731 if your child is absent in the morning or ​ ​ the afternoon (unless a note has already been sent). Our office staff will be available from 8:30 a.m. to take your calls. We also have a 24-hour answering machine so you may call any time, day or night. Calls home are made for all unexplained absences. If there is no answer, calls will be made to a parent’s/ guardian’s workplace or emergency numbers. Please help us by contacting the school before our morning or afternoon bell rings. Notes from home are needed to excuse a child ​ early from class and for any early dismissal the parent/guardian must sign out their child at the office. For last minute ​ early dismissal arrangements we kindly ask that you contact the school before 2:00 p.m.

BUS APP - Remember to sign up/download the bus app MySBI for bus updates and information on buses (lates, inclement ​ ​ weather, etc.). This will keep everyone informed!

BUS/STUDENTS/INCLEMENT WEATHER - The Board’s Transportation Department has placed schools in geographic zones for radio announcements. Our school is in ZONE “2”. When listening for cancellation of buses for fog/snow the zones will be announced for our students. Listen to: CHOK – 1070 AM, FOX FM 99.9 or CHKS – 106.7 FM, CKSY 95.1 FM and CFCO 630 AM. If you choose to transport your child to school on snow days when buses are cancelled, please make arrangements to have them picked up at dismissal time.

BUSING INFORMATION - We appreciate your support in following these guidelines to help avoid confusion and potential problems. Bus students will not be permitted to ride home on another bus, and non-bus students are never permitted to ride the bus to and from school. For the younger students, please ensure you are at the bus stop to get your child(ren) as the bus driver will NOT let them off if you are not there. Your child(ren) will be returned to the school. This can be very traumatic for your child(ren) if this is to happen. If your child(ren) will not be riding the bus, please send a note or make a phone call for that day prior to dismissal time. If a note/phone call is/are not received the child(ren) will be sent home on the bus. Busing is provided for students attending Cathcart Blvd. P.S. who live at least 1.6 km from the school, but within the school catchment area. Parents/guardians of students who are not bus eligible may apply for a courtesy seat for the 2019-2020 school year at You will require your child(ren)’s Student Number which can be provided to you by the school office upon individual request. When courtesy seats are issued it is for all 5 days of the week and students are expected to use the bus. ** Please note: It is very difficult for staff and our students to keep track

​P.O. Box 2019, 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7L2 Office: 519.336.1500 Fax: 519.336.0992

Cathcart​ Boulevard Public School 1219 Cathcart Blvd., Sarnia, ON N7S 2H7 Office: 519.542.5651 Fax: 519.542.3774

Principal: Ms. Anita Sabatini Vice-Principal: Mrs. Ann Pharazyn Secretary: Mrs. Deanna McLaughlin of students riding the bus only on certain days.

EARLY BUS PICK UP - If your child rides the bus, please inform the main office by 2:00 p.m. for early dismissal ​ ​ arrangements.

PARKING LOT - Please note that general parking is located off of Cathcart Blvd. in the east side parking lot there are a limited number of spaces. Note: This is also the area where parents/guardians are asked to pick up and drop off their child(ren). Only buses are permitted to load and unload students at the front of the school. We appreciate your ​ ​ cooperation and assistance in helping to ensure the safety of everyone in our school community.

LKDSB INFORMATION - For Lambton Kent District School Board information, please visit the website at: ​

VISITORS SIGN IN/PICK UP/DROP OFF - While we certainly welcome all parents to become actively involved with school ​ activities, the safety of students is of the utmost importance. In the interest of safety and so that classes can work free from distractions, anyone visiting during school hours for any reason is asked to first report to the school office to receive ​ a visitor badge and sign in. Visitors in the yard will be asked to report to the office. Anyone in the school without an ID badge will be asked for identification. The visitor badges will be issued by the Board and limited in number. Upon leaving the building, we require the badge returned to the office when you sign out.

FRANCO-ONTARIAN CELEBRATIONS - On September 25th, 2019, Cathcart’s French Immersion students in grades 3-8 attended Franco-Ontarian celebrations (Le levée du Drapeau et célébrations Franco-Ontariennes) with students at Ecole Les Rapides, Ecole Saint Thomas d’Aquin, Franco-Jeunesse and Saint François Xavier, as well as other members of the Sarnia community. This is the first time students in French Immersion have attended this annual event and Cathcart was warmly welcomed and pleased to be in attendance. Although quiet, Cathcart students could be seen singing “Mon beau drapeau” and “Notre place” along with other French speaking students. Mayor Mike Bradley addressed the audience. Students from Franco Jeunesse and SFX shared Franco-Ontarian flag history and lead the group in song. Students then made their way along the boardwalk to the Agora Suncor Stage and enjoyed music presented by French DJs. Bravo Cathcart! Nous sommes fiers de vous!

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY & THANKSGIVING - Monday, October 14 is Thanksgiving and Friday, October 25 is a ​ PA Day. As a result, there will be no school on these days.

EXTRACURRICULAR SPORTS - We extend a special thank you to Mrs. Lopes, Mr. Edgar and Mr. Ainsworth who have given of their time to coach the boys’ and girls’ soccer teams. The soccer tournament was held on Wednesday, September 25.

Cathcart Boys Soccer Team - The Cathcart Intermediate boy's soccer team won the LKDSB A Division North pennant on ​ Sept.25th going undefeated in tournament play. They bested Rosedale 1-0, Errol Road 5-0, King George 2-1 and Bright's Grove 8-0. The following team members are to be commended for their fine sportsmanship, teamwork and dominant play: Aidan A., Alex P., Arjen B., Cortlund T., Dominic M., Eddie G., Lincoln M., Noah S., Tyler K., Zach W., Evan I., Zach H., Jasper S., Ryder H., Kareem E.

Cathcart Girls Soccer Team - The Cathcart intermediate girls fought a hard battle and came up third overall. They ​ defeated King George 3-1, fell short to Rosedale 0-1 and finished off the tournament against Lakeroad winning 2-1. Congratulations to our girls team, who displayed excellent sportsmanship through the tournament. The following girls are to be commended for their outstanding play: Kate S, Hadleigh G., Safia D., Mackenzie S., Sadie T., Shelby N., Jessie H., ​ Avery R., Myla H., Breanna K., Aleeza A., Shannon J., Emily M., Petra A., Ally C.l, Alexis T., Alisha I. ​

​P.O. Box 2019, 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7L2 Office: 519.336.1500 Fax: 519.336.0992

Cathcart​ Boulevard Public School 1219 Cathcart Blvd., Sarnia, ON N7S 2H7 Office: 519.542.5651 Fax: 519.542.3774

Principal: Ms. Anita Sabatini Vice-Principal: Mrs. Ann Pharazyn Secretary: Mrs. Deanna McLaughlin

CROSS COUNTRY - We have many enthusiastic cross country runners this year. The team will attend the Canatara Cross ​ Country meet on Tuesday, Oct. 15 and the rain date is Thursday, Oct. 17. The District meet will be held on Wednesday, ​ Oct. 23 and the rain date is Oct. 24. Our runners have been practicing before and after school, so we wish them speed and endurance! Thanks to our coaches, Mrs. Fazio, Mme Boyle and Mrs. Evans Taylor.

TERRY FOX - We THANK everyone who donated online to the Terry Fox Foundation and to Mrs.Davies and Mrs.Kershaw for organizing the campaign and event. Our goal this year was $4000.00 and we raised $4950.00!!

NUTRITION - Remember to pack healthy snacks. A few suggestions: raw fruits or vegetables, cheese, and unsweetened ​ juices. Avoid candy, raisins, dried fruit, or fruit roll ups. If sending a food item for a celebration, fruit and vegetables are encouraged.

POPCORN - The grade 8 classes will be selling popcorn again this year to raise funds for Grade 8 Recognition Night in June. This year we have three flavours of Kernels popcorn: Butter Salt, Dill Pickle and White Cheddar. Tickets are available to purchase for $2.25 each through our School Online Cash program. The popcorn tickets will be distributed on the first school day of each month. The first set of tickets will be handed out Tuesday, October 1st. Tickets purchased throughout October will then be distributed on Friday, November 1st, and so on All purchases will be accepted only … through our “School Cash Program.” Please go to the Cathcart website to register if you have not already done so.

BLACK & ORANGE DAY & PEANUT FREE - With Hallowe’en coming up at the end of this month, we need to be extra ​ vigilant about what foods are being sent to school in lunches. We have some students with severe allergies to nuts and nut products, so reading labels is crucial. Look for items that are made in nut-free facilities. On Thursday, October 31st, we are encouraging everyone to wear something black and/or orange. The primary classes are welcome to bring a “costume in a bag.”

GRADE 7 and 8 - ONLINE MATH HELP - TVO Mathify (formerly Homework Help) is Ontario’s free, online math tutoring ​ website for students in Grades 7-10. It provides free, live one on one tutoring with Ontario certified teachers five days a week, Sunday to Thursday from 3:30 pm to 9:30 pm. as well as many other resources available 24/7 including interactives and videos. Students will register in their classrooms.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT - October is Respect month at Cathcart. Respect we treat ourselves, others, and our world ​ with high regard and dignity. This month we honour students who demonstrate Respect during our Kiwanis Terrific Kids celebration to be held October 30th at 9:30 a.m. for our Junior Intermediate students only.

ALERT! DOGS ARE NOT PERMITTED ON SCHOOL PROPERTY - Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Please ​ be advised that dog owner/walker are not allowed to bring their furry friends into the school yard area when picking up or dropping off your children at school. We have many students who are allergic to these animals.

MEDICATION AT SCHOOL - If your child requires medication while at school please contact the office regarding the ​ necessary forms to complete.

IMPORTANCE OF VISION CARE - As the new school year begins, Ontario is reminding parents to make an optometry ​ appointment for their children. Eighty percent of classroom learning is visual. An annual comprehensive eye exam can identify vision problems and treatment options to help students reach their full potential. Children who have trouble

​P.O. Box 2019, 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7L2 Office: 519.336.1500 Fax: 519.336.0992

Cathcart​ Boulevard Public School 1219 Cathcart Blvd., Sarnia, ON N7S 2H7 Office: 519.542.5651 Fax: 519.542.3774

Principal: Ms. Anita Sabatini Vice-Principal: Mrs. Ann Pharazyn Secretary: Mrs. Deanna McLaughlin seeing can encounter difficulties at school because their motor skills, social development, attention span and ability to read, write and learn may be affected. Some conditions such as lazy eye are most effectively treated at a young age. The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommends that every child have their first eye exam at 6 months of age to ensure proper vision development, again at 2 to 3, and subsequently every year thereafter.

Contact your optometrist if you have concerns about your child's vision or notice any of the following behaviour: ● Does not make eye contact ● Closes or covers one eye ● Squints or frowns when looking far or near ● Rubs or touches their eye(s) a lot ● Blinks more than usual ● Reacts strongly to light ● Turns or tilts head when viewing objects ● Trips, falls or bumps into things often.

To ensure your child gets the best start to learning, Ontario is encouraging parents to schedule their child's annual eye exam at the beginning of each school year. OHIP covers annual eye exams by an optometrist or physician for anyone under the age of 20. Ontario is increasing access to care, reducing wait times and improving the patient experience through its Patients First: Action Plan for Health Care and OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare - protecting health care ​ ​ ​ ​ today and into the future.

REMEMBRANCE DAY - Once again, we will honour our veterans on November 11th. Please send in pictures of family ​ members who have served, include a note with their name and their contribution to military service. Pictures will be scanned and returned. You may also email a jpeg to our secretary.

TICKS AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES - We are asking parents/guardians to check their child(ren) for ticks and to monitor them for signs of infection after attending any outdoor activity due to possible exposure. Note: That “not all ticks carry Lyme disease. The American dog tick, which is the most common tick found in , does not carry Lyme disease.”


COMMUNICATION - It is essential that communication between home and school be ongoing. Should you have questions, or concerns please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or Ms. Sabatini, Principal or Mrs. Pharazyn, VP or after October 21st, Mrs. McDonald, VP. Appointments for parent-teacher conferences can be arranged by contacting the office or the teacher directly.

On behalf of all the Cathcart staff, we would like to wish every Cathcart family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Ms. Anita Sabatini, Principal and Mrs. Ann Pharazyn, Vice-Principal

​P.O. Box 2019, 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7L2 Office: 519.336.1500 Fax: 519.336.0992