Hon. Mr. Semple.



Title. Heavy Tramc. 1. Short Title. 13. Abolishing minimum limit for heavy-traffic license fees, and providing for refunds and PART I. remissions. MOTOR-. 14. Minister may prohibit closing

2. This Part to be read wit 11 of to heavy traffic. Motor-vehicles Act, 1924. 15. Provisions as to extraordinary 3. Interpretation. trafiie. Repeals.

Motor-drivers' Liceises. Regulations.

4. Motor-drivers' licenses to be 16. Extending power to make regulations. issued by Registrar or Post- masters. Repeals. Commence- ment. PART II. Application of Fees. LICENSING. 5. Application of fees for motor- 17. This Part to be read with drivers' licenses. Repeal. Transport Aet, Commencement. Licensing 1931. 6. Application of other fees and 18. Interpretation. charges. Repeals. Com- mencement. 19. Applying principal Act to town carriers and taxieabs. Com- mencement. Intoxicated Drifers. 20. Certain services declared to be 7. Disqualilication of intoxicated goods-services. Commence- drivers. ment. 8. Names of intoxicated drivers 21. Defining proper Lieensing not to be suppressed. Authority to grant - 9. Offence to take intoxieant in service licenses or exercise public . jurisdiction in respect thereof. 10. Arrest of intoxieated drivers. Repeals. Repeal. 22. Addit.ional matters to be eon- sidered before determining Trallic. applications for passenger- 11. Traffic districts. service licenses. 12. Borough Councils may arrange 23. Extending power to make for enforcement of traffie regulations. laws by Transport Depai·t- 24. Provisions that may be applied ment, to goods-services, No. 35--1. 2 Transport Lam imendment


Title. AN AcT to amend the Law relating to Motor-vehicles and Road Transport Services. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority 5 o E the same, as follows:-

Short Title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Transport Law Amendment Act, 1939.



This Part to 2. This Part of this Aet shall be read together with be read with and deemed part of the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924 (in Motor-vehicles Aet, 1924. this Part referred to as the principal Act). See Reprint 3. Section two of the principal Act is hereby of , amended as follows:- 15 Vol. VIII, p. 800 (a) By repealing the definition of the term " motor-

Interpretation. vehicle ", and substituting the following definitions :- Motor-vehicle ' means a vehicle weigh- ing more than one hundredweight unladen 20 that is drawn or propelled by mechanical power; and includes a trailer; but does not include a vehicle running on rails, or an invalid carriage, or a trailer that is designed exclusively for agricultural purposes and is 25 not used on any road or street except when proceeding to or from a farm: 66 6 Invalid carriage ' means a vehicle weighing not more than five hundredweight unladen that is drawn or propelled by 30 mechanical power, and is specially designed and constructed, and not merely adapted, for the use of persons suffering from a physical defect or disability, and is used exclusively by such persons ": 35 ( b) By repealing the definition of the term " owner ", and substituting the following definition :- 44 6 Owner ', in relation to a motor-vehicle, means the person lawfully entitled to pos- 40 session thereof, except where the motor-vehicle is subject to a bailment that is not for a period exceeding twentv-eight days, in which Transport Law Amendment 3

case c owner ' means the person who, but for the bailment, would be lawfully entitled to possession of the motor-vehicle ": (c) By inserting, after the definition of the term 5 " trade motor ", the following definition:- " , Traffic Inspector ' means a Traffic Inspector who is an officer of the Transport Department or of a City Council; and in- eludes any other person whose appointment 10 as a Trafie Inspector is approved by the Minister of Transport."

Motor-drivers' Licenses.

4. (1) The Registrar or any Deputy Registrar, or Motor-drivers' any Postmaster authorized in that behalf by the licenses to be issued by 15 Registrar, may, on payment of a fee of /ive shillings, Registrar or issue a motor-driver's license to any person who Postmasters. satisfies him that he is qualified, in accordance with the principal Act and with any regulations made under that Act, to be the holder of a motor-driver's 20 license. The holder of a motor-driver's license shall not apply for or be qualifed to obtain another license under this section while the license held by him is in force. (2) A motor-driver's license shall not be issued to 25 any person who is under the age of Bfteen years. (3) Except as may be otherwise provided by the principal Act or by regulations made under that Act. a motor-driver's license shall be operative throughout New Zealand, and shall remain in force until the 30 thirty-/irst day of May next after the date when it takes effect, and shall then expire. (4) The person driving any motor-vehicle shall produce his motor-driver's license for inspection whenever required so to do by any constable or Traffic 35 Inspector. ( 5) This section is in substitution for section Repeals twenty-one of the principal Aet and section twelve of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1927, and those sections are hereby accordingly repealed. No motor- 40 driver's license issued by a local authority under the said section twenty-one shall remain or be in force after the commencement of this section.

(6) This section shall come into force on the #Tst Commencement. day of June, nineteen hundred and forty. 4 Tragisport Law Amendment

Application of Fees.

Application of 5. (1) All fees received under the last preceding fees for motor-drivers' section in respect of the issue of motor-drivers' licenses licenses. shall be paid into the Post Office Account. After the deduction of such amounts as may from time to 5 time be directed by the Minister of Transport in respect of administration expenses, the residue of the money so paid into the Post Office Account shall from time to time, without further appropriation than this section, be paid into the Consolidated Fund. 10 Subject to the provisions of subsection iiI of section eleven of this Act, fifty per centum of the moneys so paid into the Consolidated Fund shall from time to time, without further appropriation than this section, be apportioned among the Councils of those 15 boroughs in which there is a population of not less than six thousand, in amounts bearing to each other approximately the same proportions as exist for the tinie being between the populations of the several boroughs. 20 (2) For the purposes of this seetion the certificate of the Government Statistieian as to the population 01' any borough at any date shall be eonelusive thereof. (3) The Minister of Transport shall determine the 25 amount to be at any time paid to any Borough Council in accordance with this section, and the decision of the Minister shall be final. (4) All moneys received by any Borough Council under this section shall be applied by it for the purposes 30 of regulating or controlling traffic on streets. Repeal (5) This section is in substitution for section twenty-three of the principal Act, and that section is hereby accordingly repealed. Commencement. (6) This section shall come into force on the #rst 35 day of June, nineteen hundred and forty. Applieation 6. (1) Except as provided in the last preceding of other fees section and in subsection two of this section, all fees and charges. and charges received on behalf of the Crown under the principal Act shall be paid into the Consolidated Fund. 40 Transport Law Amendment 5

(2) There shall be paid into the Post Office Account- (a) All moneys received in respeet of charges made for supplying registration plates or marks 5 or devices to denote the registration or annual licensing of motor-vehicles or of bicycles: ( b) All fees received in respect of applications for certificates as to the particulars recorded in any register kept under the principal Act: 10 (c) The sum of one shilling and sixpenee out of the moneys received in respect of every set of registration plates issued under the principal Act: ( d) The sum of one shilling and sixpenee out of 15 the moneys received in respect of every notice of change of ownership of a motor-vehicle received by a Deputy Registrar under the principal Act: ( e) Such sums as may be preseribed by regulations 20 made under the principal Act out of the moneys received in respect of the registration of bicycles and the notification of changes of ownership of bicycles. ( 3) All moneys paid into the Consolidated Fund 25 under this section in respect of the registration or licensing of motor-vehicles, the issue of registration plates, or the notification of changes of ownership of motor-vehicles shall, without further appropriation than this section, be transferred to the Main Highways 30 Account. (4) This section is in substitution for section Repeats. twenty-four of the principal Aet, section twenty-seven of the Finance Act, 1926, and section twenty-three of See Reprint the Finance Aet, 1929, and those sections are hereby of Statutes, Vol. VII, 35 accordingly repealed. pA 811, 831; (5) Section twenty-four of the Finance Act, 1927 Vol. III, p. 714 (No. 2), as amended by section twenty-eight of the Finance Act, 1928, is hereby further amended by omitting from subsection one the words " or section 40 twenty-four of the Motor-vehicles Aet, 1924 ". (6) This section shall come into force on the #rst Commencement. day of June, nineteen hundred and forty. 6 Transport Law Amendment

Intoxicated Driters.

Disqualification 7. ( 1) Upon the first conviction of any person for of intoxicated drivers. an offence against section twenty-seven or section twenty-eight of the principal Aet committed by him after the passing of this Act while in a state of 5 intoxication, unless for special reasons the thinks fit to order otherwise, and without prejudice to the power of the Court to order a longer period of disqualification, the Court shall make an order under section twenty-two of the principal Act cancelling his 10 motor-driver's license (if any) and disqualifying him from obtaining any motor-driver's license for a period of one year from the date of the conviction. (2) Upon a second or subsequent conviction of any person for any sueh offence, unless for special reasons 15 the Court thinks fit to order otherwise, and without prejudice to the power of the Court to order a longer period of disqualification, the Court shall make an order under section twenty-two of the principal Act eaneelling his motor-driver's license ( if any) and 20 disqualifying him from obtaining any motor-driver's license for a period of three years from the date of the conviction and thereafter until the Court, upon application made after the expiration of that period, orders the removal of the disqualification. 25 Names of 8. The power of prohibiting the publication of the intoxicated drivers not names of accused persons or of reports or accounts to be of their arrest, trial, conviction, or release on probation suppressed. conferred upon any Court by section nine of the See Reprint of Statutes, Offenders Probation Act, 1920, or by any other 30 Vol. II, p. 495 enactment shall not be exercisable in respeet of any person who is convicted of an offence against section twenty-seven or section twenty-eight of the principal Act committed by him while in a state of intoxication. Offence to take 9. Every person commits an offence who, while 35 intoxicant in a public vehicle. he is in a motor-omnibus or a public motor-ear, takes any intoxicant or offers any intoxicant to the driver of the vehicle or to any other person in the vehicle. Arrest of 10. (1) Any constable or Traffic Inspector who on intoxieated drivers. reasonable and probable grounds believes that any 40 person, while in a state of intoxication, has committed Transport Law Amendment 7

an offence against seetion twenty-seven or section twenty-eight of the principal Act may arrest that person without warrant. (2) Subsection two of section twenty-eight of the Repeal. 5 principal Act is hereby repealed.

Road Tra8ic. 11. (1) The Minister may from time to time, by Tramc districts. notice published in the Gazette, declare that any area described in the notice, and including at least one 10 borough, shall be a traffic district, with such name as he thinks fit, and that the Council of any borough that is included in the district shall he the enforcement authority for the traffic district. ( 2) Any notice under this section may provide for 15 the appointment of a committee to assist the enforce- ment authority in an advisory capacity as occasion may require, and to consist of representatives of the local authorities of which the districts or any parts thereof are included in the traffic district and of 20 representatives of such other bodies as may be speeified in the notice. ( 3) Every notice under this section shall have effect according to its tenor, and shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Gazette, or on such 25 later date as may be specified in that behalf in tile notice. (4) Any notice under this section may be at any time in like manner varied or revoked. (5) Subject to the provisions of this section, but 30 notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other statutory provision or in any regulation or by-law, the enforcement authority for any trame district under this section shall be charged with the sole responsibility for the enforcement within the district of the provisions 35 of all Acts, regulations, and by-laws for the time being in force in the district, in so far as they relate to any traffic on any road or street, in the same manner in all respeets as if the whole of the traffic district were included in the borough of which the enforcement 40 authority is the Council; and the enforcement authority shall have all such powers as are reasonably necessary for that purpose. Nothing in this subsection shall be 8 Transport Lau; Amendment

construed to affect the powers or duties of any officers of the Government service in relation to the enforcement of any such provision. (6) For the purposes of section five of this Act the borough of the enforcement authority of any traffic 5 district shall be deemed to include the whole of the traffic district, and no part of the district shall be deemed to be included in any other borough. Borough 12. The Council of any borough may from time to Councils may time arrange for the enforcement within the borough 10 arrange for enforcement by offieers of the Transport Department at the expense of trame of the Council of the provisions of any Acts, regulations, laws by Transport or by-laws for the time being in force in the borough Department. in so far as they relate to any traffic on any road or street. 15

Heavy Trafjic.

Abolishing 13.(1) Section one hundred and sixty-six of the minimum limit Public Works Act, 1928, is hereby amended by repealing for heavy- tranic license paragraph (d) of subsection two, and substituting the fees, and following paragraph:- 20 providing for refunds and "' (d) Fixing the license fees payable for heavy- remissions. traffic licenses, but so that the maximum fee See Reprint of Statutes, in respect of any vehicle shall be not more Vol. VII, p. 708 than seventy-/ive pounds; and authorizing the refund or remission of license fees in 25 such circumstances as may be prescribed by the regulations." (2) Regulations ten and eleven of the Heavy Motor- vehicle Regulations 1932, published in the Gazette of the sixteenth day of February, nineteen hundred and 30 thirty-two, are hereby declared to be and to have always been valid. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to affect any judgment heretofore given by any Court. Minister may 14. (1) Where under section one hundred and 35 prohibit closing of roads to fifty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, or under any heavy trafne. other Act or under any regulation or by-law, any local Ibid., p. 704 authority, not being a Borough Council, has closed or proposes to close any road to heavy traffic or to any class of heavy traffie, the Minister of Transport may 40 cause inquiry to be made whether, having regard to all the relevant circumstances, it is reasonable that the road should be so closed. Transport Law Amendment 9

(2) If as a result of the inquiry the Minister is of the opinion that it is unreasonable that the road should be closed to heavy traffic or to any class of heavy traffic, he may, by notice in writing given to the 5 local authority (whether by post or by telegraph or otherwise), prohibit the closing of the road to heavy traffic or to that class of heavy traffic, as the ease may be, or, where the road is so closed, revoke the closing thereof as from the date of the notice or from such 10 later date as may be specified in that behalf in the notice. (3) Any notice given under this section may be at any time in like manner revoked or varied. Every notice under this section shall have effect according to 15 its tenor. (4) The fact that any notice has been given under this section shall not affect the liability of any person under the wert succeeding section. 15. (1) Where the local authority that is liable Provisions as to extraordinary 20 or has undertaken to repair any road, whether a main trame road or not, receives a certificate from an engineer Cf 20 & 21, employed or engaged by it (being registered as an Geo. v, c. 43, s. 54 (Imp.) engineer under the Engineers Registration Act, 1924) See Reprint to the effect that, having regard to the average expense of statutes, 25 of repairing the road or other similar roads in the Vol. I, p. 381 neighbourhood, extraordinary expenses have been incurred by the local authority in repairing the road by reason of the damage caused by excessive weight passing along the road or by other extraordinary traffic 30 thereon, the local authority may recover from any person (hereinafter referred to as the owner) by or in consequence of whose order the traffic has been conducted the amount of such expenses as may be proved to the satisfaction of the Court having 35 cognizance of the ease to have been incurred by the local authority by reason of the damage arising from the extraordinary traffic: Provided that if before any traffic that may cause such damage commenees the owner admits liability 40 in respect of that traffic, the owner and the local authority may agree for the payment by the owner to the loeal authority of a sum by way of a composition of. the liability, or either party may require that the sum to he so paid shall be determined by arbitration;

2 10 Transport La*, Amendment

and where a sum has been so agreed on or determined the owner shall be liable to pay that sum to the local authority, and shall not be liable to proceedings for the recovery of expenses under this section. (2) Proceedings for the recovery of any expenses 5 under this section shall be commenced within one year after the time when the damage is done. (3) All moneys received by any local authority under this section in respect of any road shall be expended by it on the repair, maintenance, or recon- 10 struction of that road. All such moneys that are not so expended within one year after their receipt shall at the expiration of that period, unless the Minister of Transport otherwise directs, be paid into the Public Account to the credit of the Consolidated Fund. 15 ( 4) This section shall not apply with respect to boroughs. Repeals. (5) This sect.ion is in substitution for sections one hundred and seventy-three and one hundred and See Reprint seventy-four of the Public Works Act, 1928, and those 20 of Statutes, sections are hereby accordingly repealed. Vol. VII, p. 714


Extending 16. Without limiting the general power conferred power to make regulations. by section thirty-six of the principal Act to make regulations making provision for all matters deemed 25 necessary for the due administration of and for giving full effect to that Act, it is hereby declared that regulations may be inade under that section for all or any of the following purposes:- (a) Providing for the special examination and 30 testing of holders of motor-drivers' licenses in ally ease where it is considered by the Commissioner of Transport to be necessary in the interests of public safety, and for the revocation of their licenses if the holders 35 refuse or neglect to submit to the examination or testing, or if they are found, whether as a result of examination or testing or otherwise, to be for any reason unfit to continue to hold their licenses, subject to a 40 right of appeal against every such revocation to a Stipendiary , whose decision shall be final ; and prescribing the time and the manner in which appeals may be made: Transport Lam Almendment 11

(b) Requiring the registration of bicycles and the carrying of prescribed identification marks by registered bicycles, prohibiting the use on roads or streets of unregistered bicycles and 5 of bicycles not carrying the prescribed identification marks, providing for the notifi- cation of changes of ownership of registered bicycles, prescribing fees, not exceeding one shilling in any ease, to be payable by the 10 prescribed persons in respect of the registra- tion of bicycles and in respect of the notification of changes of ownership of bicycles, and prescribing charges, not exceeding sixpence in any case, to be made 15 for identification marks or sets of indentifica- tion marks: ( c) Providing generally for facilitating the identi- fication of bicycles, and in particular requiring numbers or other distinguishing 20 marks to be stamped, engraved, or otherwise marked on any specified part or parts thereof.



17. This Part of this Act shall be read together This Part to be read with 25 with and deemed part of the Transport Licensing Act, Transport 11_931 (in this Part referred to as the principal Act). Lieensing Aet, 1931. 18. Section two of the principal Act is hereby See Reprint amended as follows:- of Statutes, ( a) By omitting from subsection one the definition Vol. VIII, p. 832 30 of the term " owner ", and substituting the following defmition:- Interpretation. Owner,' in relation to a motor-vehicle, means the person lawfully entitled to pos- session thereof, except where the motor-vehicle 35 is subject to a bailment that is not for a period exceeding twenty-eight days, in which ease 4 owner ' means the person who, but for the bailment, would be lawfully entitled to possession of the motor-vehicle ": 40 ( b) By inserting in subsection one, after the definition of the term " passenger-service vehicle ", the following definitions:- 12 Transport Law Amendment

Taxicab ' means a motor-vehicle which- " (a) Is designed exclusively or principally for the carriage of persons not exceeding eight in number inclusive of 5 the driver; and " (b) Is used for hire or reward for the carriage of otherwise than on defined routes; and 10 (c) Is available for hire to any member of the public on terms that do not expressly or impliedly require the pay- ment of separate fares by 15 each passenger: -service ' means a passenger- service carried on by means of a taxieab or taxieabs used as such. " Applying 19.(1) Section two of the principal Aet is hereby 20 principal further amended as follows:- Aet to town carriers and (a) By omitting from the definition of the term . " goods-service ", in subsection one, the words unless the service is such that it is carried on entirely within the boundaries of a single 25 borough or town district ": ( b) By omitting from the definition of the term " passenger-service vehicle ", in subsection one, all words after the words " trackless trolly-omnibus ". 30 Commencement. (2) This section shall come into force on the Brst day of June, nineteen hundred and fortu. Certain 20. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, services declared to be the carriage of any goods from one place to another goods-services. (whether for hire or reward or not) by a motor- 35 vehicle that is designed exclusively or principally for the carriage of goods and with its maximum load weighs more than two tons shall be deemed for the purposes of the principal Act to be a goods-service within the meaning of that Aet if there is between 40 those places an available route for the carriage of goods that includes not less than thirty miles of open Government railway. Transport Lam *mendme#t 13

( 2) The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply- Where the route that includes the railway is longer by niore than one-third than the 5 shortest road route available between the two places: (b) Where the owner of the motor-vehicle is carrying on business as a farmer or market- gardener, and the goods are carried for him 10 in connection with that business: (c) Where the owner of the motor-vehicle is the Crown or a local authority or public body.

(3) This section shall eome into force on the #rst Commencement. day of November, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine. 15 21. (1) For the purposes of the principal Act the Defining proper proper Licensing Authority to grant a passenger- Licensing Authority serviee lieense or otherwise to exercise jurisdiction in to grant respect of any such license shall be-- passenger- service licenses (a) In the case of a passenger-service proposed to or exercise 20 be carried on or being earried on wholly jurisdiction in respect within any transport district, the Licensing thereof. Authority for that distriet: (b) In the ease of a passenger-service proposed to be carried on or being carried on wholly 25 within the district of a Metropolitan Authority and any one contiguous transport district, the Licensing Authority for that contiguous district: (c) In the ease of a passenger-service proposed to 30 be carried on or being carried on within two or more transport districts (not being a service to which the last preceding paragraph applies), such one of the Licensing Authorities for those districts as the Commissioner 35 appoints. (2) If any question arises under this section as to the proper Licensing Authority to grant any license or otherwise to exercise jurisdiction in respect thereof, whether by reason of any alteration made or proposed 40 to be made in the terms or conditions of the license (whether on renewal thereof or otherwise), or by reason of any change made or proposed to be made in any district or in the Licensing Authority for any 14 Transport Law Amendment district, or by reason of any other special circumstances or conditions whatsoever, it shall be determined by the Commissioner, whose decision shall be final. (3) In any case where a passenger-service is being carried on or is proposed to be carried on within two 5 or more districts the proper Licensing Authority shall not, except in the ease of a temporary license, make any decision in respect of a license or an application for a license for the serviee without first consulting, whether personally or by correspondence or otherwise, 10 every other Licensing Authority in whose district the service is being carried on or is proposed to be carried on. (4) Where the proper Licensing Authority to grant a passenger-service license or otherwise to exercise 15 jurisdiction in respect thereof is not a Metropolitan Authority it shall not, except with the consent of the Metropolitan Authority concerned, grant any license. or make any amendment of a license, authorizing the carriage of passengers whose journey is wholly or 20 substantially within any transport district of which the Licensing Authority is a Metropolitan Authority. Nothing in this subsection shall apply with respect to any license for a taxieab-service. (5) For the purposes of this section a service that 25 is exclusively or principally a taxicab-service shall be deemed to be carried on wholly within the transport district in which is situated the stand or other place of hiring of the taxicab or taxicabs used in connection with the service. If any question arises under this subsection 30 as to whether any service is exclusively or principally a taxicab-service, or if, whether by reason of there being two or more stands or otherwise, any question arises as to the transport district within which any such service is to be deemed to be wholly carried on, 35 the question shall be determined by the Commissioner. whose deeision shall be final. (6) For the purposes of paragraph (b) of sub- section one of this section a district shall be deemed to be contiguous to the Auckland Transport District 40 notwithstanding that it may be separated therefrom by any part of the Waitemata Harbour. Transport Lam Ame*dme#t 15

(7) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the principal Aet or in any other Aet, the Auckland Transport Board shall from time to time pay to the Auckland City Council the prescribed proportion of all 5 fees received by the Board in respect of services that are exclusively or principally taxicab-services or in respect of applications for such services. For the purposes of this subsection the prescribed proportion of such fees shall be one-half, or such greater or smaller 10 proportion as may from time to time be prescribed by regulations made under the principal Aet. If any question arises under this subsection as to whether any service is exclusively or principally a taxicab-service, it shall be determined by the Commissioner, whose 15 deeision shall be linal. (8) This section is in substitution for section live Repeals of the Transport Licensing Amendment Act, 1936,1936, No. 9 subsection four of section twenty-six of the principal Aet, and subsections six and seven of section fifteen of 20 the Transport Law Amendment Act, 1933; and the 1933, No. 25 said section five and subsections four, six, and seven are hereby aeeordingly repealed. 22. Section twenty-six of the principal Act is hereby Additional matters to be amended by adding to subsection two the following considered 25 paragraph:- before " (k) The desirability of providing and maintaining determining applications a reasonable standard of living and SatiS- for passenger- factory working conditions in the transport service licenses. industry." 30 23. Without limiting the general power conferred Extending by section fifty-nine of the principal Act to make ff*112ake regulations prescribing such matters as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of giving full effect to that Act, it is hereby declared that 35 regulations may be made under that section for all or any of the following purposes:- (a) Prescribing any matters that may be deemed necessary with respect to stands and other places of hiring for taxieabs, and telephones 40 for use in connection therewith, and with respect to the hiring of taxicabs, and the payment of the fares therefor: 16 Transport Lau; Amendment

(b) Providing for and regulating the issue by local authorities and by Superintendents and Inspectors of of permits for drivers of taxicabs, prohibiting persons not holding such permits from driving taxicabs 5 in connection with taxicab-services, and pro- viding for and regulating the duration, con- ditions, and revoeation of permits, subject to a right of appeal to a Stipendiary Magistrate (whose decision shall be final) 10 against every refusal to issue a permit and against every revocation of a permit, and preseribing the time and the manner in which appeals may be made. Provisions 24. For the purposes of section forty-seven of the 15 that may be principal Act, sections tu,enty/-one and tuenty-two of applied to goods-services. this Act shall be deemed to form part of Part II of the principal Act.

By Authority: E. V. PAUL, Government Printer, Wellington.-1939.