V ol ume VII No. 1 September 2012 From the Dance Notation Bureau IN SIDE THIS ISSUE Labanotation Translated into Chinese • La banotation Translated into << 拉班記譜法 >> C hinese • Labanotation – The Textbook by Mei-Chen Lu • Preface to Chinese Labanotation Text The first foreign edition of Labanotation is to be published by the end of 2012 in China. We congratulate Bing-Yu Luo, the head translator, who completed this Dance Notation Bureau Library exciting project. Up to now, the study of Labanotation outside of English- Monda y - Friday 10 am – 5 pm speaking countries has been a difficult task, especially when there are very Advan ce Notification by Phone/Email limited notation materials available in other languages. In China, for example, Recommended besides Mme. Dai Ai-Lian, author of Eight Chinese Ethnic Folk Dance Series, and Li-Xue Ma, editor of Chinese Minjian [Folk] Dance: Teaching Materials 111 Jo hn Street, Suite 704 and Teaching Methodology, only Ming-Da Guo, a n elder Labanotation scholar, New York, NY 10038 had translated some Labanotation articles and published them in Chinese dance Phone: 212/571-7011 research journals. Fax: 212/571-7012 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.dancenotation.org Currently there are two dance departments in China offering Labanotation regularly in their curriculum – one is at Beijing Normal University and the other Library News is published twice a year at Shanghai Normal University. Because there is no standard notation textbook in New York available commercially in China, the teachers write or prepare their own textbooks and handouts according to their course description.