The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (2007) 36.1: 21–31 doi: 10.1111/j.1095-9270.2006.00114.x

BlackwellTHEO.The Barkai TANTURA &Publishing Y. Kahanov F SHIPWRECK, Ltd ISRAELTantura F Shipwreck,

Ofra Barkai and Yaacov Kahanov Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of , Haifa 31905, Israel

Tantura F is the first wreck excavated so far in the eastern Mediterranean dated to the beginning of the 8th century AD (the local early Islamic period), based on 14C and pottery analysis. Among the finds were the remains of about 30 ceramic vessels, two anchors, food remnants, fish-bones, a needle, a spoon and a glass vessel. Tantura F was c.15 m long and 5 m wide, and hull remains comprise keel, frames, planks, stringers, mast-step, and other internal components. Construction features clearly indicate frame-based construction, considerably earlier than it is generally thought to have been first employed. © 2006 The Authors

Key words: Dor, Tantura lagoon, Tantura F, Islamic period, transition in construction, frame-based.

antura F was discovered in 1996 during a were part of the cargo or ballast. The survey at Dor (Tantura) lagoon (on the archaeological remains spread over an area of TMediterranean coast of Israel, about 30 km 12 × 3.5 m (Fig. 1). Based on 14C tests, some south of Haifa) by a combined expedition of the by the AMS method on short-lived organic Institute of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M materials,1 and ceramic analysis, the wreck was University (INA) and the Recanati Institute for dated to the beginning of the 8th century AD, Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa which is the local early Islamic Umayyad (RIMS), headed by S. Wachsmann (Wachsmann period. Excavation is still in progress, and some et al., 1997: 7). The wreck was designated ‘Trench timbers remain to be exposed, measured and 10’ or ‘Tantura 10’, and recently ‘Tantura F’. In recorded. the 2004 season it was excavated by a combined expedition of the Nautical Archaeology Society Wood analysis (NAS) of Great Britain headed by C. Brandon, and the RIMS headed by Y. Kahanov, together Wood samples were taken from every hull with K. Raveh. component for species identification by N. The wreck is orientated roughly north-west/ Liphschitz of Tel Aviv University. The hull was south-east, about 70 m offshore, a few metres made of three different species: Tamarix X5 north-west of the lagoon’s navigable channel. (frames and central longitudinal timbers), Pinus It is in 1 m of water, buried under an additional brutia (keel section, frames, planks, stringers, and 1.5 m of sand mixed with shells and stones. mast-step assemblage), and only one example Although some of the stones lay directly on of Pinus nigra (keel section). The Tamarix X5 the ship’s timbers, it is not likely that they originated in three areas of Turkey: western

Figure 1. Tantura F, top view photo mosaic. (S. Breitstein)

© 2006 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2006 The Nautical Archaeology Society. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.


(Izmir area), north-west (Edirne area), and the complete keel, frames (floor timbers, futtocks, southern Turkey (Antalya area); and the Pinus and pairs of half-frames), sections of strakes brutia originated in western (Izmir area) and from port and starboard sides, stringers, mast- southern Turkey (Antalya area). A mat that was step assemblage, central longitudinal timbers, used for protecting ceramic vessels was made of and several other internal components (Fig. 2). Phragmites communis, which also grows in Turkey. Keel The hull The keel was made of Pinus brutia and Pinus nigra. Where measurable, its average dimensions The hull survived up to the turn of the bilge, and were 95 mm sided and 160 mm moulded (Fig. 3). almost to the bow and stern. Its remains comprised No rabbet or chamfered corners for fitting the

Figure 2. Tantura F, top view. (C. Brandon and V. Shotten-Hallel)

Figure 3. The keel at the bow. (S. Breitstein)

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identified from staining patterns on planking surfaces and nail-holes. The 31 extant frame- timbers were exposed, including floor timbers, pairs of half-frames, and futtocks. They were made of Tamarix X5 and Pinus brutia. Generally, the framing pattern was of alternating floor timbers and half-frames, except under the mast-step, where a series of floor timbers and futtocks only was identified. Amidships, frames and floor timbers were flat; their angle of deadrise increasing towards the bow and stern. The angle of deadrise of the frame at the bow was 43°. The frames, of variable length, were on average 8 cm sided by 11 cm moulded, with room Figure 4. The scarf at the bow. (C. Brandon) and space of 28 cm. They were fixed by iron nails to the keel. Sections of 15 futtocks were recovered, fastened by iron nails to the floor timbers from garboards were evident, but rabbets were identified the sides. They were fitted randomly forward or at its ends. Remains of scarfs were found at the aft of their associated floor timbers (Fig. 5). bow and stern ends of the keel. It is still unclear Half-frames were scarfed to each other by side exactly which components were scarfed: the keel joinery, and were further connected by iron nails. and the stem, the stem with its extension, or Limber-holes were found 20 to 100 mm from something else (Fig. 4). An additional scarf was each side of the keel and at the turn of the bilge. found in the keel between frames F7 and F8, but They were rectangular or semi-elliptical, with its details are still hidden. The use of at least two average dimensions of 30 × 35 mm or 30 × 20 mm scarfs and two different tree-species in the keel respectively. Some of the limber-holes at the turn may perhaps hint that it was difficult to obtain of the bilge penetrated the floor timber or half- long timbers suitable for the keel. frame and futtock. Rope fragments were found in one of them. Upper surfaces of frames were Frames covered with matting, which apparently served There was evidence of 36 frame-stations, which for amphora storage and for the protection of was apparently the total number. The timbers the frames—there was no evidence of ceiling of five frames did not survive, and they were planking.

Figure 5. A futtock and a floor timber. (S. Breitstein)

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Figure 6. The planks. (S. Breitstein)

Planks frames with their flat surfaces downward, fitting Planks were made of Pinus brutia, and were the upper surfaces of the frames. Average dimensions connected to the frames by square iron nails of of the stringers were 15 cm wide by 6 cm thick. 5 mm average side, driven from the outside (Fig. 6). One or two nails connected each plank to each Central longitudinal timbers frame, depending on plank width. Planks were Two central longitudinal timbers made of 8 to 20 cm wide, and their average thickness Tamarix X5 were found at the bow and the stern was 25 mm. No planking edge-joints were found (Fig. 8). They were fastened with iron nails to anywhere, although not all the edges of the planks some of the frames from above, and notched on have been exposed at this early stage of the project. their undersides for fitting onto the frames. The Caulking was found in many places between timber at the bow, which stretched from frame 32 seams. Black staining, apparently the result of to frame 27, was 140 mm wide, 120 mm thick and some kind of fire treatment, and several resin 2.06 m long. The stern timber stretched from layers, were identified on the inside and outside frame 3 to frame 7, and was 140 mm wide, 155 surfaces of the planks. The garboards butted the mm thick and 1.42 m long. These timbers were upper sides of the keel, but were not connected to worked on all sides. it. The garboards fitted into rabbets only at the ends of the keel. So far only one plank butt scarf Mast-step under a floor timber has been identified. The mast-step assemblage comprised the mast- step itself and two lateral sisters (Fig. 9). All Stringers components were made of Pinus brutia. The Six stringers made of Pinus brutia half-logs mast-step was not nailed to the stringers beneath were found (Fig. 7). Two central stringers were it, or to the hull. Measurable dimensions were connected to the upper surfaces of the frames, 1.45 m long, 260 mm wide and 200 mm thick. with their flat surfaces upward, located on either There were two mortises in its upper surface. The side of the longitudinal axis of the ship, about smaller forward one measured 100 × 45 mm and 5 cm apart. The mast-step was installed between 55 mm deep, and probably secured a stanchion these stringers. The other four stringers, two on supporting a mast-partner. The after mortise, either side, were fixed with iron nails to the measuring 230 × 50 mm, sloped 22 mm downwards

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Figure 7. The stringers. (S. Breitstein)

Figure 8. Central longitudinal timber at the stern. (S. Breitstein)

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Figure 9. Mast-step. (S. Breitstein) towards the south-east. This mortise probably (Fig. 10). These were analysed by M. Kislev of Bar served to secure the mast heel; and its slope may Ilan University. The pottery assemblage contained hint at the direction of the bow and stern, the about 30 vessels: eight amphoras, some of them bow being towards the north-west. similar to the type found in the shipwreck at Yassi Ada (Van Doorninck, 1989: Tool-marks fig. 1: 11) and , Stratum 8, which is Saw marks were evident on the frames, planks, dated to the local early Islamic period (Arnon, central longitudinal timbers, stringers, and 2003: pl. 74.11) (Fig. 12); two juglets similar to mast-step. Plank surfaces were later planed. items found in Kellia in the Nile Delta (Borel Other saws, apparently handsaws, were used for and Cattin, 1999: fig. 491: 236, 247), which were fitting shell components, where chisel-marks produced from the end of the 7th century, after were also discernable. Drilled holes were evident the conquest (Fig. 13); and 20 storage jars on the central longitudinal timbers. (Fig. 14). The latter were of a type recorded in Caesarea, Stratum 8 (Arnon, 2003: pl. 74: 10), The finds along the Israeli coast (Zemer, 1977: pl. 22: 61–2), Pella, , from an early 8th-century deposit The finds included pottery; metal objects—nails (Smith, 1973, pl. 32: 489), Amman Citadel, and two anchors; organic materials—rope, reed Jordan (Sauer, 1986, fig. 2: 48), and Kellia in the matting, a wooden spoon, a bone needle (Fig. 11), Nile Delta (Types 187–90) from the 8th century a wooden ring, a large amount of fish-bones, and (Egloff, 1977: pl. 22: 3). The jars from the coast food-remnants (carobs, and pits of Nabali olives, of Israel and Pella were almost certainly which were common in the central mountains manufactured in the lower Nile region (Watson, of Israel and mostly known as pickled olives) 1995: 319). The jars had resinous linings and

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Figure 10. Carobs and olive pits. (A. Yurman)

Figure 11. A needle. (I. Grinberg) contained a residue of small fish-bones, which could have been a fish product. The fish remains were analysed by I. Zoar, of the Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa, and identified as Tilapia (St. Peter’s Fish). Figure 12. Amphora. (J. J. Gottlieb) Discussion The outstanding state of preservation of the sources of data gathered from any ancient ship’s hull, both in the amount of extant wood, shipwreck. It provides essential information and its high quality, as well as the large quantity about ship construction, and sheds light on of finds, makes this one of the most promising Dor and its region of the period. There is no

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Figure 14. Storage jar. (J. J. Gottlieb)

8th century AD. A vessel would not enter Dor/ Tantura lagoon unless it had detailed local Figure 13. Juglet. (J. J. Gottlieb) knowledge and a specific purpose or maybe in an emergency. This may indicate that Dor was inhabited, and this is the first evidence of the historical or archaeological evidence regarding existence of a community at Dor at this time. Dor (Tantura) and the conditions of the society Further analysis of the finds will contribute to and economy in this region in the early Islamic knowledge of the economic activity of the period. The historical references to Dor from period and the connection of Dor with nearby the 7th century AD until the Crusades in the 12th areas. century add no knowledge about Dor and its The Tantura F hull was based on a keel, region, since they are based on previous sources. frames nailed to the keel, thin planks nailed to Not a single reference by classical Arab geographers frames and later caulked, but with garboards not from the 9th to 12th centuries mentions Dor or connected to the keel, and several longitudinal Tantura (Dahl, 1915: 108–21). reinforcements. There was no trace of shell-first The abundance of finds suggests that this may or planking-orientated construction in the hull; have been a fishing vessel. The needle could specifically no plank edge-joints were found. Thus, have served for repairing fishing nets. The large this hull is clearly of frame-based construction, amount of fish remains in the hull further and not plank-based. Until recently it was support this idea. However, the existence of at accepted that the Serçe Limanı wreck found in least 20 storage jars with a residue of small southern Turkey, and dated to AD 1025, was the fish-bones, the two juglets similar to Egyptian earliest ship built according to the criteria of types, the amphoras used in maritime trade, frame-based construction. The Serçe Limanı was carobs, and the Nabali olive pits, may be evidence 15.66 m long with a 5.2 m beam. All frames of maritime connections, and, more specifically, crossed the keel and were fastened to it with iron a sailing route between and Dor in the nails. The garboards were not connected to the

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Table 1. Summary of hull construction details

Vessel Dor 2001/1 Tantura A Tantura F Tantura B

Date (AD) End of 5th C. End of 5th C. Beginning Beginning beginning of 6th C. beginning of 6th C. of 8th C. of 9th C. General construction Based on frames Based on frames Based on frames Based on frames Keel (sided × moulded, mm) 110 × 160 110 × 180 95 × 160 95 × 104 Keel rabbet No keel rabbet, No keel rabbet, Rabbet only Keel rabbet only rabbeted endpost rabbeted endpost at the ends at the ends Garboard-keel attachment Not connected Not connected Not connected Not connected Keelson (sided × moulded, mm) Central longitudinal Not found Two central 122–202 × 157–180 timber, 150 × 180 longitudinal timbers Bow: 140 × 120, 2.06 m long, Stern: 140 × 155, 1.42 m long Stringers (width × thickness, mm) Two, 125 × 85, Not found Six, 150 × 60 Two, 70 × 90 125 × 80 Wales (width × thickness, mm) Two, 210 × 105, Not found Not found One, 100 × 85 180 × 70 Frames (sided × moulded, mm) 80–85 × 96–120 90 × 95 80 × 110 90 × 94 Planking thickness (mm) 25–30 25 25 25–34 Planking scarfs Butt Butt Butt Butt, L-shaped Mortise-and-tenon No mortise or tenon No mortise or tenon No mortise or tenon No mortise or tenon Metal fasteners Iron nails Iron nails Iron nails Iron nails Seam caulking Yes Yes Yes Yes

keel except in the ends. Planking was nailed to planks, wales, ceiling planking, stringers, part the frames without planking edge-joints and of the mast-step assemblage, and a central treenailed in repairs. The hull was longitudinally longitudinal timber. The ship was built based on reinforced by three stringers and two wales, made frames. Frames were joined directly to the keel of half-logs, and a large keelson that was bolted by rectangular metal nails, and the planks were to the keel with forelock bolts. Although less attached to the frames by 6–8 mm rectangular- than 3 m of the keelson survived it has been section tapered iron nails. The garboards were assumed that it extended to the ends of the ship not connected to the keel. Planks were butt-jointed because of discoloration and pressure-marks on into strakes at frame-stations; and planking frame-tops and bolts running through the keel seams were caulked. There was no evidence of from the bow to the stern. Pitch was found on the mortise-and-tenon, or any other variant of planking inner hull surface, apparently used as caulking edge-joints. The keel, false keel, central longitudinal (Steffy, 1982: 13–34; Steffy, 1994: 85–91; timber, central stringers, foot-wales, chine strake Matthews and Steffy, 2004: 81–122; Steffy, 2004: and two wales provided the longitudinal integrity 153–69). Analyses of other ships excavated at of the hull (Mor, 2002–3; Mor, 2004; Mor, 2005). Dor lagoon: Dor 2001/1, Tantura A, and Tantura Tantura A is dated to between the 5th and the B, show that this method of building already 6th century AD. The original length of the ship existed in the second half of the 1st millennium is estimated at 12 m, and its beam at 4 m. The AD, and suggests an earlier date for the hull remains included the keel, an endpost, transition in ship construction from shell-first to frames, and planking. The general construction frame-based. was built on frames nailed to the keel. The garboards were not connected to the keel, but Comparison with other Dor lagoon were fastened, as were other planks, to the frames with iron nails. Planks were butt-jointed into wrecks strakes at frame-stations, and planking seams Dor 2001/1 is dated to between the 5th and 6th were caulked. There were no plank edge-joints centuries AD. The original length of the ship is of any kind (Kahanov and Breitstein, 1995a; estimated at 16 m, and its beam 5 m. The hull Kahanov and Breitstein, 1995b; Kahanov and remains included the keel, false keel, frames, Royal, 1996: 21–3; Wachsmann and Kahanov,

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1997: 3–15; Kahanov, 2001: 265–71; Kahanov the second half of the 1st millennium AD, and et al., 2004: 118–27). suggests an earlier date for the transition from Tantura B is dated to the 9th century AD. The shell-first to frame-based ship construction than length of the original ship is estimated at about is generally accepted. 18–23 m, and its beam at 5 m. The hull remains included the keel, frames, planks, keelson, mast- Conclusions step, and stringers. Each frame was fastened to the keel with a single nail, and further reinforced The Tantura F wreck is the first early-8th-century by the keelson from above. Rectangular iron nails vessel discovered and excavated so far in the 5 × 5 mm were used to connect planks to frames. eastern Mediterranean. The wreck was dated Planks were joined into strakes at frame-stations by AMS radiocarbon analysis. The ceramic with butt scarfs and L-shaped joints. Caulking was assemblage of the local early Islamic period from found in planking seams. No planking edge-joints the southern Levant supports this dating. The were discovered anywhere (Wachsmann et al., preservation of Tantura F and her cargo, which 1997; Kahanov, 2000; Kahanov et al., 2004). included storage jars with fish-bones and food Table 1 summarizes construction features relating remains, demonstrates that Dor lagoon served to the building methods of the four ships found as an anchorage for coastal commerce at that at Dor lagoon from the 5th to the beginning of time. Whether or not she was a fishing vessel, this the 9th centuries AD. sheds more light on the local community, The Dor 2001/1, Tantura A, Tantura F and apparently involved in these maritime activities. Tantura B hulls were designed according to the This is significant, as background information on criteria of frame-based construction. They were Dor (or Tantura) of the period is poor, and based on frames nailed to the keel, planking historical and archaeological sources are absent. nailed to the frames and butt-jointed into strakes The Tantura F hull is clearly of frame-based at frame-stations with caulking in the seams, and construction. It is new and essential archaeological there is no evidence of mortise or tenon, or any evidence for the early completion of the other planking edge-joints. This analysis shows transition in ship construction from shell-based that this method of building already existed in to frame-based in the Mediterranean.

Acknowledgements This research was supported by Lord Jacobs of London, the Israel Science Foundation, the Hecht Foundation, the Sir Maurice Hatter Fellowship for Maritime Studies, and the University of Haifa. The authors would like to thank Mr. Chris Brandon for his long-term cooperation and the drawings, and to Mr. John Tresman for reviewing the manuscript and the English editing.

Note 1. AMS radiocarbon dating was carried out by G. Bonani of the Institute of Particle Physics, Zurich. Sample numbers are (all ETH numbers, uncalibrated): ETH-31266 (1340 ± 45), 31267 (1255 ± 45), 29800 (1360 ± 40), 29801 (1280 ± 40), 29802 (1300 ± 40), 29803 (1340 ± 40), 29804 (1320 ± 40).

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