RANK, PAUL & CINDY HC 78 BOX 227 WVHC Past-President NON-PROm ORG. ROCK CAVE WV 28234-9738 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2831 CHAS., WV 25301

P11blished by the Highlands Conservancy Vol. 30, No. 7- November 1997


THE WEST VIRGINIA HIGHLANDS CONSERVANCY COMMITMENT By Mike Withers, Coordinator, the Blackwater Coalition

Highland·Conservancy's "Save the Blackwater Canyon Project"

We are developing and In a letter, West Virginia Ma.xey's(Forestry Division LAND SWAP implementing a four pronged Highlands Conservancy Director) comparison of approach; a political strategy, President, John McFerrin asked preserving public lands to a Detai Is of the a legal strategy, a grassroots Governor Underwood to join the spreading cancer, I infer that he negotiations have not been made strategy and the use ofthe battle by cooperating with does not." public. However, it is known media in all strategies. Senator Rockefeller in his At this point it looks that A WP owner. John Crites. efforts to save the BC, and by like the Governor is taking sides insists that hi~ company is only POLITICAL STRATEGY using his personal influence with with Commerce Secretary interested in trading land. not in AWP to put a moratorium upon Reitsema. Last week Reintscma a cash settlement. Mr. Crites To save the Blackwater logging there while discussions participated in a meeting that says h1s main interest is securing Canyon (BC) we need to enlist continue. McFerrin also pointed included Lane Bailey (Senator a sustainable supply of lumber the help of elected officials. At out recently published Rockefeller's top aide), AWP , for his wood products mill. this point Senator Jay comments from Underwood and Forest Service officials. The When asked to comment on the Rockefeller has taken the administration officials who Governor's Press Secretary, Dan possible land swap reported by initiative by meeting with differ on what the state's role in Page, later commented that the Gazette Ken Ward in the Allegheny Wood Products the controversy should be. Governor would not seek a Gazette, I responded by saying, (A WP) and the owner, John "From (Commerc~ Secretary moratoriwn as he was optimistic Crites. by facilitating Robert) Reitsema's comments ... that an agreement would be soon See CANYON on page 5 negotiations between the Forest it appears that he seeks to reached. Time wiJl tell. Service and A WP. protect the Canyon. From Mr. Pagel November 1997 The Highlands Voice Roster of Officers, Board Members and Committee Chairs BOARD OF DIRECTORS

PRESIDENT: Jobn McFerrin ---~tie~~ de~--- 114 Beckley Ave., Beckley, WV 25801 252-8733 by John Mcferrin SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT· Frank Young Rt. I, Box 108, Ripley, WV 25271 372-9329 VICE PRESIDENT FOR STATE AFF AJRS: Norm Steenstra Our Sacred Duty 1324 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25301 W- 346-5891 H-344-0150 VICE PRESIDENT FOR FEDERAL AFFFAIRS: Vacant SECRETARY: Jacqueline A. Hallinan We had to do something. The West Virginia 1120 Swan Rd . Charleston. WV 25314 345-3718 Highlands are in our name. Conserving them is what we TREASURER: Tom Michael do. Our bylaws say that one of our purposes is "To Rl 2, Box 217, Lost Creek, WV 26385 623-3447 PAST PRESIDENT: Cindy Rank preserve and protect areas of particular scenic, geologic, HC 78. Box 227, Rock Cave. WV 26234 924-5802 biologic, historic, wilderness and/or recreational importance in West Virginia." DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE (Terms expire October 1998) William P. McNeel, 1118 Second Ave., Marlinton, WV 24954 799-4369 Blackwater Canyon is fundamental to our purposes. Andrew Maier. Rt I, Box 27, Hinton, WV 25952 466-3864 · There is no place in West Virginia that is of more scenic, Mary Pal Peck, 36 Meade St. Buckhannon, WV 26201 472-3049 geologic, biologic, historic, wilderness and/or recreational Joe ~farshall, 108 Jill St., Elkms. WV 26241 636-9555 .) importance than is Blackwater Canyon. Both as Hugh Rogers. Moon Run, Kerens, WV 26276 636-2662 individuals and as a group we have had outings there. It is DIRECTORS-AT- LARGE truly a special place. We can't sit still and let it be (Terms expire October 1997) timbered. We can't sit still and let someone build vacation Sayre Rodman, 32 Crystal Dr., Oakmont, PA 15139 (4 12) 828-8983 Carroll Jett. Rt. l, Box 2,2, Sherman, WV 26173 273-5247 houses there. Don Garvin, PO Box 436, Buckhannon. WV 26201 472-8716 Carter Zerbe, !6 Arlington Ct .• Charleston, WV 25301 343-3175 The something we decided to do was hire Mike Bob Marshall201 Virginia St W. Charleston. WV 25302 345-5518 Withers to coordinate our efforts and run an aggressive ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECTORS campaign to save the Canyon. NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Virginia Region· Judy fjshcr PO Box 276. Berkeley Springs. WV 264 11 258-4974 By today's standards he doesn't have much of a PITTSBURGH CLIMBERS: Jean Rodman 32 Crystal Dr., Oakmont, PA 15139 (412) 828-8983 . budget.· The whole thing wouldn't get you a cup of day old WEST VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN STREAM MONITORS: Jason Huber coffee at the White House. For us it is a lot of money. The lOS Capitol St.. Charleston. WV 25301 1-800-377-2878 Board decided to spend it because we needed to take a BROOKS B!JW CLUB~ Mary Moon: Riffcobu~Kcr Rt I. Box 253, Elkins, WV 26241 636-4559 strong step to save the Canyon. It is too important to our MOUNTAINEER CHAPTER TROliT UNLIMITED: Phil Rossano fundamental purposes to let go without a fight. Rt. 2, Box 375, Buckhannon. WV 26201 472-0942 WEST VIRGINIA RIVERS COALITION Pam Moe:· Merritt 49 W. Mam St.. Buckhannon. WV 26201 472-0025 In this fight we have a single goal: public ownership DOWNSTREAM ALLIANCE: Joan Sims of the entire Canyon. The land in controversy lies between Rt 5, Box 31()-Jn. Morgantown, WV 26505 296-8860 Blackwater State Park and the Monongahela National VIRGINIANS FOR WILDERNESS: Bob Mueller, Rt. I, Box 250 Staunton, VA 2440 I http.//atlas.comet.net/- gus/forestsl Forest. There are rumors of a compromise, a half­ measure to preserve a slice of the Canyon while the rest of COMMITTEE CHAIRS it is timbered and otherwise developed. That is not good MINlNG COMMITIEE: Cindy Rank HC 78. Box 227, Rock Cave, WV 26234 924-5802 enough. The Canyon is too important to be sliced into bits PUBLIC LANDS MANAGEMENT COMMITIEE: Sayre Rodman so that the Governor can issue a press release announcing 32 Cl')'stal Dr.• Oakmont. PA 15139 (4 12) 828-8983 that he has "saved" Blackwater Canyon. If we are to save Bill Rageue', 144 Trace Fork Rd., Culloden, WV 25510 824-3571 PUBLICATIONS COMMITIEE: Judy Rodd the Canyon, we must save it all. Rt. I, Box 178. Moatsville. WV 26405 265-0018 ENDOWMENT FUND COMMJnEE: David Elkinton A fight of this magnitude is never easy. We may not 609 fanns Dr., Fairmont, WV 26554 366-5906 RIVERS COMMJTfEE: Mary Pat Peck achieve our goal. Even if we don't, however, we will still 49 W. Matn St., Buckhannon, WV 26201 472-0025 have been true to our purposes. We will have done our all HIGHWAYS COMMITIEE: Hugh Rogers to preserve a place of overwhelming scenic, geologic, Moon Run, Kerens. WV 26276 636-2662 biologic, historic, wilderness and/or recreational MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Carroll Jett Rt. I, Box 22, Sherman. WV 26173 273-5247 importance. We will have remained true to our purposes. We will have done what needed to be done. ADMINISTRATJVE OFFICES Administrative Assistant: Richard diPrctoro Voice Editor: Bill Reed 1157 Uptegraf St. 350 Bucks Branch Pittsburgh, PA 15218-11 33 Beckley, WV 25801 1-888-201-6252 (toll free) 934-5828 email: Richard diPretorofa':wnpb.wvnel.edu Biii_Reed@wnpb. wvnet.edu

The Highlands Voice is published monthly by the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, PO Box 306, Charleston, WV 25321. Articles, letters to the editor, graphics, photos, poetry or other infonnation for publication should be sent to the editor via WISe or 3-1/2 floppy disk by the 25th ofeach month.

The Highlands Voice is always printed on recycled paper. Our printer uses I 000/o post consumer recycled paper when available. The Highlands Voite November 1m Page3

Breakthrough in Solar Tradeoff: Blackwater Canyon for TP Solar Energy Energy Technology or by Don Gasper True Confessions: Yes, I Use Toilet Paper! Soar energy has almost 1 have a number of beautiful By Jim Sconyers everything going for it. picture· books on natural Sunlight beans down in history. One is the little pocket unlimited supply, generating no I'm having a discussion with book "Geology" of the famous And, of course, private pollution and is free. So why another guy about the "Golden Guide" series. Just ownership doesn't in any way aren't e using photovoltaic Blackwater Canyon and some permit an owner to "do after a page or two of tiny technology more? Well, in the of the issues there. Issues like: anything he wants." illustrations on the expanding past it has been more expensive The endangered species there. universe, the sun and our to convert solar energy to The recreation values of the OG: Well, we need jobs in atmosphere, I noted on page 13 West Virginia. electricity as compared to other Canyon for hunters, anglers, the following sentence. "ln energy sources. However, kayakers, hikers, bikers, and one hour the earth receives Me: Right! And the there has been a breakthrough more. The potential of the more that 20 billion tons of Blackwater Canyon is a key that could make solar power Canyon as a sustainable base coal, and this is only half of element of the natural resources abundant and inexpensive. for the burgeoning Tucker one billionth of the sun's that already draw $40 million Scientists have found that by County tourism industry. The radiation." scenic, esthetic, and spiritual in tourism annually to Tucker applying a thin film of copper County alone. And tourism is indiri-selenium on to a glass values of this Canyon, J would guess this to mean, in unrivaled in the East. The growing fast there. These jobs backing it cah become a semi­ one hour the earth can receive state's investment in restoring are in more entrepreneurial, conductor. When the semi­ solar energy equivalent to the the health of the river. The "home grown" businesses that conductor IS exposed to energy contained in more that state's commitment to keep the money right there. sunlight it becomes active and 20 bilhon tons of coal. 1 promotion of tourism. The converts the sunlight to thought;·wowr· Let's get impact on the public's OG: We need logging jobs. electncJt). E\en better. this enjoyment of Blackwater Falls some of this truly free energy. new technology costs up to ten Stale Par:k. The \\'8)' \iStas Me: IA>gging and, just as times less that the crystalline -.il.ia"IBIIII!!IIli"ltl.-•• Pfrl••••rl•pl•llill ... ti~MII~·H;. ,;J!;~f~ .. .J £1 A16allfti*--.,.l~S""e"'J. s1licon based cells now on the contribute greatly to our picture book on the earth. It is Pomt, and other locations market. econom~. esJX"Cially if ~e start lilies ··The Visual DictionaJ) of epitomize West Virginia in the These new cells could be use

A Few Comments from Your Editor Editorial real problems to our landscapes of The human species, so successful in evolutionary history, and I welcome letters, especially those forests and mountains. I also want seemingly at its pinnacle of success, seems to be in the process of self which comment on prior Voice articles material more in the natural and destruction. Mother Nature always has the last word, and she can be a or letters. [ts nice to get some cross cultural realm if it is apropos to the tough task mistress on her charges. It may be that humankind, who has fire, er- debate, going here, on the purposes of our publication - poetry, so "successfully " dealt with those balancing forces that would hold issues that face us all. nature study and experiences in the out-of-doors. Art work, sketches, down population and influence, being short of natural enemies, has What are your views on Blackwater cartoons are important, too. been hijacked by the Mother for her balancing act. Canyon (no pun intended!)? Should we just sit back and allow this gem of a Last but not least - I would like to Perhaps Mother Nature has to use the very species, the human one. to natural area be ravaged for greed? have a pretty complete calendar to go out in the Voice each month. Try and bring itself back into some semblance of balance on the Earth. Could it Should we allow access to be cut off for tourist and local folks who' ve been get the dates and descriptions of be that the greed and/or the obvious shortsightedness of the current enjoying the area for so long (as well planned events to me at least a month main thrust of human endeavor is none other than the biological as deprive our state of the big touristS ahead of time. There is no point in workings of the Earth Mother, herself, using Man to control Man? This that the tourists bring in)? telling me of a meeting to take place on may always have been true to some small extent-- after all, human the tenth of the month for a Voice that How about mountain top removal in comes out the first of that month. I beings have lived on the planet for thousands of years without doing southern West Virginia? You must would like to take in a broad sweep of anything like the terrible damage to other species and the earth's have seen Penny Loeb's article in the meetings, events, benefits and fun surface as they have done in more recent history (and at a current August II issue of the US News and things both in West Virginia and accelerating pace). Jt would be the height of irony that a Ronald World Repor1; if not you should find it neighboring states. Think of things which relate not only to environmental Reagan, who seemingly so despised nature, was in service to nature's in the library and read it. Even I was horrified and r live only a few miles issues dead on. but also those things requirement for balance. from these operations. related to that - peace and justice, health, grassroots organizations and Similar examples that could be cited from recent history are so Re solid waste? If we're not careful Appalachian cultural happenings. we'll be getting a 1000 tons a day of numerous that one has to concede that this notion must have merit. The I prefer text material to be submitted the stinky garbage from New York or on either 3-1/2 floppy disk, or on the very existence of a 104th Congress, the paving over of so much of the Philadelphia, or toxic waste from some WISe network so it can be downloaded earth, the destruction of rain forest and indigenous peoples, who have humongous manufacturer, just waiting (I am a terrible typist). Right now I to get the green light from our " fifth lived for millennia in a balance situation. are only a few of these prefer graphic materiaJs as they are - 1 coiWJUl ~ ~o~r ithm, to pounce on our examples. can geubc poaiOSiPIQj~...,_.,..L.!;iiii•,f green West Virginia hills with train the artwork, cartoons, tables or loads of poison stuff. The cult of the individual that we' ve eventually manifest as a species diagrams. r have a policy of returning photos and floppy disks. gets no sympathy from Mother Nature -- her interest is only in species And why do the National Forests give Constder the 25~ of each month to be away so much of our forest to the rich preservation. The cult of the individual that has led to the subcults of the deadline for materials. Anything cats in the logging industry? Let us competitiveness and unbridled capitalism. which. in turn, have led to later than that, give me a call at 934- hear your views! uncontrolled exploitation of unsustainable earth resources and other life 5828. Maybe I will be able to squeeze something in at the last minute. fonns (and of each other), and which ultimately find flower in social I welcome articles, either written by disorganization through a general paranoia and mistrust of each other -­ you, the reader, or submitted from If you submit materials and then you can it be that Mother Nature (am I allowed some anthropomorphizing?) another source. I am usually in need don't fmd them in the next Voice, looks at her human creation in these manifestations with the enigmatic of good photos, either of nature scenes don't feel bad. I've got some of my or wildlife, or photos showing some smile of the Mona Lisa? 8 own stuff that I've not been able to get into the Voice as yet! Seems like there is always a hot situation that needs to be focused on each month.

I will be in Florida until December 3: When I return it will be full speed ahead to get the December Voice out as soon as possible. You can help out if you send me materials to this address in Florida: c/o Betsy Hoffman, 4307 NW 5'h Ave, Boca Raton, FL 33431 . I can borrow my hostess' computer and put material on floppy disk to be printed out when I get back. Have a good Thanksgiving and don't forget to give thanks to the turkey!

Oh, I almost forgot - it would be nice to have a short bio sketch of those submitting articles so that readers would have some idea of the person and her/his life experience.

And l give thanks to not only the turkey but also you folks who help me out in various ways. • The Highlands Voice November 1997 PageS


Photo taken circa 1918 after clear cut from U.S. survey ofWV; appeared in Tucker County report of 1923. ·~ THEN ...... AND Now to maintain their separate corporate status. The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy ground that can be attained, and attorney. Tom Michael, was I encourage both parties to given until Monday, Nov. 3, realize that goal." Wise went on 1997. to file a response. to say "Blackwater Canyon is one of the crown jewels that A check with the attract Jl)ally visitors each y~ar. '' Secretary of States Corporate 1.'he politfeal strategy office reveals that the name would be helped by contacting "Allegheny Energy. Inc." has the respective offices of Senator been reserved by Monongahela ? Rockefeller. Governor Power Company until January, Underwood and Representative • !998. Monongahela Power is Wise to thank them for their clearly under the jurisdiction of efforts and at the same time the PSC. We also found these encourage them to work towards rather peculiar coincidences: the acquisition of the entire,;,LI./'_) Allegheny Power Service Blackwater Canyon. ~ THE FUTURE? IT'S UP TO YOU! Corp. and West Virginia Power & Transmission Co. both with LEGAL STRATEGY CANYON (Continued from page J) the identical addresses of; 800 Cabin Hill Drive There is an update on the Greensburg, PA. 15601 Government of the State of West "We are cautiously optimistic, Public Service Commission and both with identical names of Virginia have adequate but we need to see the entire (PSC) complaint. The PSC staff presidents, namely; resources to reimburse scope of the proposal. We will Mr. bas filed a report supporting Alan J. Noia, and both Crites for the million dollars not rest comfortably until the 5 Allegheny Energy's (AE) with identical names of Vice purchase price. Plus, in the true entire canyon is public "Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Presidents, namely; spirit of capitalism, allow him property." It is important that Commission Jurisdiction". They J. S. Pifer to earn a profit by offering an the negotiators get that message contend that AE is an holding and, the names of both Secretary additional $500,000. From the loud and clear. We don't want company, and does not engage and Treasurer being Eileen stand point of protecting the the Senator or Governor to fold in any acts that would qualify as Beck and Nancy Campbell, growing tourism business, it their negotiating tents, and try to a public utility. They also respectively! declare victory after securing would still be a bargain. contend that regardless of the only a small portion of the fact that AE's subsidiaries Since they obviously From the latest reports, Canyon land. operate under one tradename share common officers it would Congressman Wise bas entered does not alter the separate not be a surprise if that common If A WP was willing, an the fray. In a letter to AWP corporate status of the • thread extended to their released yesterday, out right cash purchase would companies. AE claims that their respective boards of directors. I Representative Bob Wise urged simplify the matter. There is a subsidiaries all keep separate have not seen any evidence to concern as to what lands are a compromise to resolve the records and have separate boards being considered as a trade controversy over logging in the of directors. In short, AE CANYON concluded on page 6 offer. Surely, the United States scenic Blackwater Canyon. "I insists that each subsidiary Government and the am sure that there is middle complies with all requirements Page6 November 1997 The Highlands Voice

McFerrin Letter to GRASSROOTS STRATEGY Governor Underwood CANYON concluded (from page 5) We are looking for groups to sign on the Blackwater Box 306 support their assertion that they Coalition which has a very Charleston, WV 25321 maintain separate boards of simple and straight forward directors. Possibly this is some­ mission statement. The goal of October 23, 1997 thing an administrative law the Coalition is to achieve the judge might look into. Since the public ownership of the Hon. Cecil Underwood officers of both companies Blackwater Canyon. We are State Capitol Complex share a common office, I would also asking the leaders and Charleston, WV 25305 question their assertion that they membership of each supporting keep separate all expenses. Who group to write letters to Senator Dear Governor Underwood: pays the electric bill at that Rockefeller and Governor office? Which company pays Underwood thanking them for I am writing because we for the basic phone bill? Which their support, while asking that need your help. As you know, company pays the water and they not stop until all of the the sale of the Blackwater sewage bill ? Maybe they have Blackwater Canyon is public Canyon and the recently begun seperate restrooms for each land. We also encourage the timbering in the area have been company. Imagine the record supporting group leaders and the source of considerable keeping dilemma that must arise members to write letters to the controversy. From newspaper when A. J . Noia goes to the editors of their local newspapers reports, it appears that even men's room and washes his on this subject These letters within your own cabinet there hands. Which company was he need to he sent as soon as is disagreement about what working for at that moment? possible. • should be done. It is time for you to step forward.

Blackwater Canyon is Now that treasure is preserve the canyon. Now that any decision we make will be universally recognized as one threatened by logging and other he has indicated his interest. we meaningful. of West Virginia's truly development. We are faced cannot afford to decline his wonderful spots. One cannot with loss of this place of peace offer of help. Thank you for your attention pick up a tourism brochure and beauty. to this matter. without seeing a picture of it. 2. Use your personal It is a joy to natives and visitors Apparently state officials influence with the O\\ners of Sincerely yours, alike. For longer than anyone differ on what is to be done. Allegheny Wood Products to can remember it has been a From Mr. Reintsema's put a moratorium upon the place of pe!lce and beauty. comments in last Sunday's logging while discussions John McFerrin Even if we ignore the Charleston Gazette, it appears continue. As governor you President, West Virginia aesthetic and even spiritual that he seeks to protect the must, of course, consider the Highlands Conservancy wealth that comes from canyon. From Mr. Maxey's interests of all involved. You a place such as Blackwater comparison of preservation of cannot ignore the interest of Canyon, we would still have public lands to a spreading any citizen. cc: Charleston Gazette. the considerable financial cancer, I infer that he does not. Neither can you, however, Beckley Register Herald. wealth that comes to the state sit still and allow the decision from such a place. It is one of This issue is too important of what wilJ the state's most valuable tourist to ignore. We can't allow state happen to Blackwater Canyon attr~ctions. As such it is a officials to dither while trees to be made by default If you substantial financial resource fall. It is time for you to do allow the timbering to go both for Tucker County and for something. ahead, then by the time the whole state. Disneyland is negotiations are complete, there not in West Virginia. People We request that you do the will be nothing to negotiate who want that kind of following: over. The trees will be gone, recreation will not come here. the canyon ruined. In order to Blackwater Canyon is in West 1. Cooperate with Senator reach a sensible resolution of Virginia, offering an Rockefeller in his efforts to this controversy, we need a experience that Disneyland .. resolve this matter. The timbering moratorium while cannot hope to match. If we Sunday Gazette reported that negotiations continue. want those people who want a he wants to "do what he can to wild and wonderful experience preserve the area, or at least That is why it is important to continue to come here, we facilitate the negotiations." that you use whatever influence must ensure that places like Senator Rockefeller could be a you have to stop the timbering. Blackwater Canyon continue to powerful ally in any effort to It is the only way to ensure that be here. The Highlands Voice November 1997 Page 7

TP (Cont. from page 3) ENERGY (Continued from page 3) Harper's Index from October 97

Me: When I talk to people, increases "greenhouse" gel$es there is no alternative to Average change in the federal including those in the logging and effects. reducing carbon em1ssions. taxes an American earning less community, I get the feeling than $22,600 will pay that nearly all of them, though The "State of the World, 1996" "The Union of Concerned under new tax law: +$19 committed to their way of life, by the WorldWatch Institute Scientists," a long established still recognize that there are describes warming very briefly and sizable group of eminent Average change in the special places, the Crown and precisely. scientists (many with Nobel federal taxes an American Jewels of Wild West Virginia, prizes) have been clarming earning more than $246,000 will that we ought to save. "Fossil fuel burning is now releasing advances in the photovoltaic pay: - $16,157 about 6 billion tons of carbon imo the air each year, adding 3 billion tons solar cell field. They say solar OG: (He's quiet for a second. Ratio of Americans annually to the I 70 billion tons that cells now convert sunlight to I'm thinking, "Hey - maybe I have accumulated since the Industrial electricity with three times the earning less than $22.600 to got through to this guy after all! those earning more than Revolution. To allow the earth's efficiency ofjust five years climate to return to equilibrium over ago. IT now costs about 10 $246,000: Then .... ) the next few centuries, carbon cents a kilowatt-hour. It may 40 to 1 Well, YOU USE TOILET emissions will have to be reduced to cost half this much by the year PAPER, DON'T YOU? the rate of which the oceans and Percentage of 2020. (they note wmd forests can absorb them · I to 2 Americans earning more than billion tons a year, or as much as 800/o generated electricity is already Uh-oh. He's right. He's got me $246,600 who met Bill below today's rate." down to 5 cents a kw-hr). The now. Abjectly, I admit that, Clinton last )ear: 11 yes, I do use toilet paper. photovoltaic cell itself does not We have, however, been wear out. It is particularly Judging by his reaction, I infer increasing these emissions at Estimated number of that the "discussion" is now usefuJ in developing countries 2% a year. The United States people who could be fed: for one over. Case closed, end of where a central power grid leads wJth I ,3 71 tons a year, year with the food Amencans story: This guy uses toilet docs not reach many people. It Chma with 835 million tons, waste in one day: 240,183 paper - nuff sed! may enable these regions to Russia widt 4~ mtttion tons leap past the polluting Number of America·s and all others under 300 Now the full scale of the petroleum coal age that \\C m1lhon tons a year. The US poorest children who "ill not Blackwater Canyon conflict must \I.Ork our way out of. benefit from the new $500 child­ emissions per person are 5.26 comes into sharp focus. I see tax credit: 11,336,731 • tons; all others are under 3.00 what it's really about. Life is We· must all see to it that this except Australia which is about full of tradeoffs. technology is encouraged, and 4.00 per person. All the great support our government's emitters have large houses, use We must sacrifice the course set by the Climate automobiles heavily and have Blackwater Canyon, with all its Change Convention in Rio in low energy prices that do not scenic, natural, recreational, 1992. It \\;II take a lot of reflect environmental costs. and economic treasures, for attention and support to bring Germany, the fifth largest toilet paper! Why didn't I about the needed change realize that before? producer of carbon, has chosen against an entrenched status­ to face reality, and will reduce quo to use this clean, free Some of history's great swaps their emissions 30% from the technology for our buildings came to mind: 1990 level by 2005. Denmark, and our cars. It is a way to gain Switzerland and the .. for ourselves a little more time ''My kingdom for a NetherJands have refonns. The in the face of our increasing horse." US proposals thus far are not numbers and demands. • "Your birthright for a impressive because of pot of greens." automaker opposition and "$24 worth of trinkets others, and the weakening of for Manhattan Island." efficiency standards, relying on Now add "The voluntary programs. As a Blackwater Canyon for toilet result the US carbon emissions paper.'' • will exceed 1990 levels by as much as 10% . This is not what is required for the US if we are to take any kind of environmental leadership role. WorldWatch also says that the consensus of the mainstream scientific community is that PageS November 1997 The HighJands Voice

OSM Oversight

Submitted by Roger Calhoun

agreement with 10 other First, let me thank Bill Reed Ret:ulatorv Pro~:ram * AMD Prevention- We are agencies to cooperate in for inviting me to write an going to review a sample of identifying and correcting article for the Highlands Voice. In this program the West sites where AMD has occurred problems on a watershed basis. J am currently seeking input Virginia Division of despite predictions that it into areas for oversight for the Environmental Protection would not, and try to determine We are participating in the upcoming year. I have been (WVDEP) has full authority to what the problem was. This planning team and may be called upon for further the Director of the Office of administer the environmental wiU include a review of the Surface Mining's Charleston protection requirements of the permitting decision as activities as the program is Field Office for a little over ten Surface Mining Control and necessary. fully implemented. months. During this time I Reclamation Act. The Office ' have mainly been trying to of Surface Mining (OSM) is to * Bond Release- We will * Bond Release Sites with learn about the State and carry provide oversight of the State emphasize OSM participation Non-Complying Water out the oversight plans that by looking for trends or in bond releases in areas where Discharges - As we participate in reviews of watersheds, sites were already established for systemic problems. OSM AMD has historically been a the evaluation year that ended maintains some enforcement problem. This may include may be identi1ied which have September 30, 1997. An authorit} if the State is found some aerial inspections in been released from State jurisdiction but associated annual report on those to have abused its discretion. these regions. are with water quality problems. If activities is in the works. Now Potential oversight and the discharge is significant, is the time to put together a technical assistance activities * Bond Adequacy - The new plan with your input. being considered follow. Charleston Field Office is OSM wiLl promptlycretermine participating on a National ifFcderal or State action is The Charleston f-ield Office Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) team which is attempting to necessary to reassert has developed a list of possible resolve the issue of how to jurisdiction. oversight topics based, at least We have several activities provide financial assurances in part. on concerns \\e have ongoing and planned for this that AMD can be treated in the * Mon. River Underground heard from citizens to date. effort. These include: event a company forfeits its Mine Pools- We are . continuing to work with other Some of these efforts involve permit and bond. We are also OSM and State offices in our Regional Office in * AMD Inventory - We will participating in a review of the tr};ng to access the potential Pittsburgh or other Field continue to work with West Virginia Bond Pool with Offices with similar issues. WVDEP to assure all \rt the West Virginia Division of Topics we are considering discharges from post 1~ Environmental Protection. include: mining which may require See OSM on page /3 treatment are identitied and * Watershed Framework properly categorized. Activities - OSM signed an

Notes from Fall 97 Amicus Journal

emissions standards, and as a We as taxpayer "donate" as much pennanently because the land is Clinton is an envirorunental yo­ result the Northeast and Upper to cotton growing corporations as yo. By politicizing everything ­ Mine and you are but My tenants Midwest are getting a continuing we spend on our National Parks. good, bad or indifferent he has ... ' (Lev.25:17.23). When we blast of polluted air which creates Also, of the revenue~ that are already earned his place in history clearcut a forest, we are breaking health problems for forests, fish biblical law." earned by National Parks as mediocre at best. It is not what in lakes and streams and, yes, (entrance fees, concessions, etc.) is right or wrong with him, but • human beings, in those regions. Less than a third is allowed to be more how it will"play in Peoria.'' spent for the parks. The almost So he signs off on the new Clean A ten percent reduction in meat Air standards. then ten days later 70% of this income goes for consumption in the United States completely wimps out on the things like the military, corporate would free enough grain to feed welfare, stuff like that. Is our overriding necessity for all the world's starving people. current government outrageous, or committing to reductions in global what? . wanning pollution. Dr. John M. Whitney, a California veterinarian, offers the following The Land and Conservation fund American Electric Power, the opinions concerning Christianity - which takes in nearly a billion $ Southern Company and TV A are vs. the environment. "God did a year from the extraction of oil, among fifty other large utility not, according to the Bible, 'give· gas and other resources - was companies that create 75% of the Earth to Man. Land designated to be spent on National electric utility emissions that fonn ownership by Man is a Western Parks. Congress, with Clinton's smog and other air pollution civilization falsehood widely approval. has seen fit to use these problems. Older and dirtier accepted by pseudo-Christian, funds for tax cuts for the more plants, particularly in the exploitative businessmen. 'Do not affluent in our society, and the Southeast and Midwest, have take advantage of each other ... military. been exempted from modem the land must not be sold .. Tbe Highlands Voice November 1997 Page9


An address to the W.V. Highlands Conservancy's 30th Anniversary meeting- October 11, 1997, by J. Rick Webb

Submitted by Don Gasper

Rick Webb, now at the Rick states in further University of Virginia, explanation in his report: g gathered and organized ius Q. "The most important surface 0 volunteer help to collect water ct • 0.80 samples on May 23, 1994 in water constituents that directly ~ - ~Creet the Otter Creek and Dolly Sods influence biological responses ~us• --Doltyeon Wilderness Areas for the U.S. to changes in acid-base :t u Forest Service. They sampled chemistry are pH, inorganic o.oo~~.:...... _...... J 99 stream (running water) sites monomeric aluminum, and ·200 · 100 0 100 200 300 400 and 26 ponded sites. The flows calcium ion (Baker et a/., ANC (~q L.,, were normal for the date. He 1990b) .... Dissolved calcium had a superb laboratory has the effect of mitigating the standing by to receive the physiological responses of fish samples where 16 very careful to acidity and dissolved tests were made on each. The aluminum (Baker et a/, 0.11 acid to base comparison that 1990b)." 0.80 results in a pH, or hydrogen or - OfterCtMII --Deily .... acid value, was thoroughly "Surface water pH has O.IS defined - as were the amounts probably received the most of calciwn dissolved in the attention with respect to effects water, and toxic aluminum and on fish. A literature review by dissolved organic carbon Baker eta/. (1990b) revealed pH (color). All these last three that the pH range of 6.0-5.5 is have something to do with associated with loss of ( 1990b), the toxicity of logging and fires that followed. suitability for fish, along with sensitive fish species (e.g., dissolved aluminum fractions No one knows what existed in the pH value (or acidity itself). black nose dace) and the pH differ. Aluminum that is the original forest before that, range of5.0-4.5 is associated complexed with organi«S is but it was never rich. The chemistry indicated · with loss of tolerant fish relatively nontoxic; so waters there were only a few areas species (e.g., brook trout). with high organic content may The water chemistry was where fish could be expected - Recent studies in the Blue contain little toxic aluminum. related to the very infertile The inorganic monomeric geology and the soils formed where it was rich enough in Ridge mountains of Virginia aluminum fraction is generally from it. There was a nutrients to support them. have demonstrated significant regarded as the toxic particularly strong relationship There were only 27% of the mortality of brook trout fry at component. with between the infertile reaches that indicate a episodic pH values of 5.0 concentrations in the range of Pennsylvanian (Allegheny and moderate to high probability of (MacAvoy and Bulger, 1995) 30-50 ug!L associated with Kanawha) geological strata and fish presence. There were half and sublethal effects on adverse biological effects. the most acidic and sterile (51%) of these waters that had blacknose dace at chronic pH values of 6.0 (Dennis and Much of the dissolved reaches of the wilderness areas. no ANC (acid neutralizing aluminum is complexed with capacity which is alkaline or Buler, 1995). Note the figures organics and, as expected, this Though it may have been basic components) left. Clearly which provide plots of pH with component is closely suitable in the original forest no fish could be present. ANC for surface waters in both OCW and DSW. The critical associated with concentrations for native brook trout, the pH value of 5.0 and the critical of dissolved organic carbon. thriftiest and most acid tolerant At normal flows for May 23 However, concentrations of fish, it clearly never could have in the spring of 1994, half the ANC value of 0 ueq/L correspond well. As indicated, inorganic monomeric been very rich. Soil samples stations in both streams (50%) produced values of base the pH and ANC of most aluminum greatly exceed the had zero A.N.C. Half of the saturation (or available alkaline sample sites in both areas were biologically critical value of 50 stations had a pH of 4.5, and nutrients) of only 7.1 and 4.2% less than these critical values." ug!L at many of the sites." about 75% had a pH of 5.0 -whereas 9.1% was the median which at normal flow occurs The acidity of the water and of 36 central Appalachian often enough to prevent fish "Another factor that effects the scarcity of fish was noted in habitation. Rick notes that pH fish population status is the a 1935 report. Probably this 5.0 and zero A.N.C. correlate presence of elevated aluminum condition existed since the first See WEBB on page 12 well in these streams. concentrations. As summarized by Baker et a/. Page 10 November 1997 The Highlands Voice


By David B. McMahon

Part II

In Part I in the October issue of the Highlands Voice, David discussed mountain biking in West Virginia, and presented the basis for the reasons for his proposals for action which ore set forth in this second and final part of his article

PROPOSED POLICIES AND 2. CLOSE SOME Many mountain bikers Roods that are ACTIONS know this. Many do not. Even maintained for vehicles are TRAILS AND SOME AREAS those who do are uncertain of fine to ride even in the mud. What follows is a TO MOUNTAIN BIKERS the proper standard to apply. Of those roods. the roads that proposed set of policies and How is "too wet'' defined. are generally gated to Some forest areas management practices that vehicles ore much. much more should be preserved should govern mountain biking Right now there ore not desirable. But roods that are untouched for scientific. in West Virginia. To the extent easily observable standards for good to ride have to be aesthetic and preservationist these polices are policies that bikers to apply. Most bikers catalogued and publicized. individual mountain bikers or reasons. Some trails ore too really do not understand the All maps and guidebooks mountain bike businesses poorly designed. ore too mechanics of trail wear and published about Mountain steep, or are in areas which should follow, management is tear. They do not see the Biking should indicate good required for these policies to are swampy or have poor soils. impact over several years that wet weather roads to ride and be followed. "Management" Other forest users not irresponsible riding has on trails. note this designation. employing mechanized means several things. It is The effects occur over months education of mountain bikers transportation should have and years. and they just do not A few singretrack trails about the appropriate areas isolated for their use discern these long term could be highly maintained for behaviors. enlistment of without the intrusion of changes. wet weather riding in popular mountain bikes. support for mountain bikers to areas. One section of foster compliance by their Bikers hate not to be Plantation Trail on Canaan fellow mountain bikers, 3. PROHIBIT able to bike singletrack. If one Mountain has been rocked in incentives for compliance MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDING biker or bike resort owners a way that might be where possible, and ON WET TRAILS adopts one protective adequate. Rocking. plus good enforcement if necessary standard. and another biker or drainage might, I say might. resort owner adopts a less make this possible. Trails which against those who ore 4. DEVELOP recolcitra nt. protective standard. the are already severely CONSISTENT GUIDELINES pressures to go to the lowest damaged, like Props Run near FOR 'TOO WET" TO RIDE common denominator ore Slatyfork might be candidates 1. MANDATE irresistible. I've done it myself. for experimentation. EDUCATION FOR 5.EDUCATE Giving mud road riding MOUNTAIN BIKERS MOUNTAIN BIKERS ABOUT The standard should be "If your tire leaves indentations the same glory as "gnarly THE STANDARDS Mountain bikers need along the trail. not just in on downhill" cold help. to know when not to occasional puddle. stay off singletrock and un-maintoined ride on single track trails. 6. DEVELOP LISTS 9. PROMOTE TRAIL roads. If you ore leaving ruts They need to know 1} the trail OF ROADS, AND MAYBE MAINTENANCE BY RIDERS along the trail. turn around conditions that make SPECIAL TRAILS, THAT CAN AS THEY RIDE AND AT mountain bike riding and walk your bike out. If your BE RIDDEN IN WET ruts are on a slope, stop and ORGANIZED EVENTS BY environmentally irresponsible. WEATHER 2) the tire skidding techniques use your foot to eliminate the EDUCATION rut to prevent erosion before and practices that damage you walk out." trails in any conditions and 3) 7. ENLIST 10. ORGANIZE Any mountain bike rider the behavior that is MOUNTAIN BIKERS' HELP IN TRAIL MAINTENANCE considerate of other users. The GETTING OTHERS TO is excited about heading for DAYS sport is growing too quickly for COMPlY the trails. If the biker gets there voluntary efforts and word of and the trails are questionable mouth to have enough 11. AWARD POINTS 8. ENFORCE THE the temptation is irresistible. impact. The mechanism for That is just for local people. FOR TRAIL MAINTENANCE education is probably a STANDARDS Think of the people who drive IN RACING SERIES permit/license/decal system to the Elk River Touring Center for mountain bikers using Mountain bikes should from Indiana. It rains. It is public lands that private trail not be ridden on singletrack asking too much to tell them to MT BIKE cont. on next page developers will mimic. trails that are too wet. Simple sit and read. to soy, but there are complex problems. The Highlands Voice November 1997 Page 11

MT BIKE (continued from preceding page)

is good healthy recreation. group might make changes. 12. WORK TO FUND bikers do not like these rock There are almost certainly garden trails ("baby heads'' in Government should TRAIL CONSTRUCTION contribute. But these are not other versions of policies that AND MAINTENANCE the parlance) because they would be improvements and make riding very difficult. But the best of times to suggest odditional government other possibilities for policies. 13. PROMOTE WEST most do not understand that The important need is to start the trail did not used to be like spending. Some "general VIRGINIA AS THE PLACE revenue" tax money should be now to implement the that. TO FIND "PRIMITIVE TRAILS" dedicated, but other money management necessary to get TO MOUNTAIN BIKE (AND needs to be raised. some form of these policies The difficulty is that into effect. THEREFORE THE MOST most trails in West Virginia were NEEDY OF RESPONSIBLE something else before they User fees are a CONCLUSION .-, TRAIL RIDING) became even hiking trails. possibility. Such fees run There were logging roads etc. against the grain of mountain which were constructed bikers' ethos. But people who The winds of change 14. INSIST THAT ANYONE before people care about fish. swim and golf do not do are blowing in the forest PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE erosion. They were made so for free. recreation. Hunting and fishing MOUNTAIN BIKING IN steady and straight because have been forms of forest straight roads were easy to use Another possibility recreation since the beginning. WEST VIRGINIA PROMOTE Both of them are now RESPONSIBLE TRAIL RIDING and easy to make. follows the model that is now used for hunting and is being controlled. Their control AND OFFER RAINY These trails therefore proposed for bird watching. A frequently arose as a reaction to the resource being WEATHER ALTERNATIVES need maintenance work to small tax is imposed on the create swerves and dips and purchase of mountain biking overused. Those resources are An environmentally water bars. There are a few equipment with the proceeds now controlled and relatively sound mountain bike trail mountain bikers who on their dedicated to trail stable. Camping. and backpacking are also would have features that own commit hours to trail maintenance and mountain relatively stable now and have prevent trail erosion. It would maintenance. but very few. bike management. twist and turn. Straight trails some limitations. Hiking and encourage speed and Mountain bikers should Promote West Virginia cross country skiing may be growing slowly and do not braking. Twisty turn trails be educated about trail as the place where the replaC(e speed with erosion problems and mountain biking is good impact the resource. maneuvering as the interesting encouraged to do small things because we preserve our feature. pristine traits by responsible Mountain biking i.s as they ride. A number do this. already picking up to gale and more could be riding - tell the people who The uphill and downhill force growth. And we are just encouraged. They should also come here that they can be sections of trails would side now starting up the growth be encouraged to do part of it. slope away from the hill side curve. For all the good organized trail maintenance. and toward the drop off side reasons already set out in this All of the businesses principally The State should insist so water does not gather and article. West Virginia should bike shops, should organize on this latter goal for anyone form a ditch on the hill side. promoting the sport. deal with these issues and get trail maintenance evenings or ahead of the curve this time. days on this principle. plus to particularly with state Most importantly, trails t . comply with the next idea. assistance. would not go steadily down ·Action needs to be hill. Even a trail that gradually taken now, if it is not too late Mountain bike races 16. OTHER descends down the side of a already, to balance the ore frequently organized into hill becomes an eroded flume interests of the forest. other "point series" like professional Some additional rules unless it dips and rises on its forest users and the mountain car racing. tennis tours. etc. A about races may be wise. like way down. The low dips cause biking citizenry and businesses. certain number of points are requiring an alternative course places for the wear to run off. prepared in the event of rain. If not, mountain biking will awarded based on the order overuse the trail resources, and of finish. The rider with the best Some ideas were If dips to not exist then create hostility among other total at the end of the considered that ore probably where possible the trail should forest users. The result will be year/series gets a big prize. impractical or too late start be altered to include dips. proposals for banning Some states have started now. For example, outlaw the Where that is not practical. mountain bikes on trails. and awarding points for doing front and now rear suspension then angled water bars made hours of trail maintenance up systems on bikes that allow the parties will go to war out of used rubber conveyor to the number of points for a riders to do more difficult trails politically. No matter who belt buried edgewise. or rocks first place finish. and do them faster. Front wins. forest users who should or logs lin descending order of suspension is almost universal be working together for the preference and durability) 15. FIND FUNDING with those bikers who actually forests and their common should be installed. do go into the woods. and rear good will fight each other. If Volunteer work is suspension used more and the mountain bikers win, most If water is not diverted important, but it will not keep more - being held back only likely in the current political off the trial by dips or water up with the need. by the cost. climate, the forests trails will bars then the next heavy Government provides parks. thunder storm turns the trail land and resources to people As stated elsewhere the MT BIKE concluded on page 13 into a stream bed that soon who like to swim, people who author believes the views washes the trail down to its like to fish. people who like to expressed are well considered. rocks. Even most mountain play golf etc. Mountain biking Consideration by a larger ... Page 12 November 1997 The Highlands Voice

WEBB from page 9 watersheds considered to be Dolly Sods relatively at high risk from r Wilderness l. acidification by the earlier .. National Acid Precipitation ~ • Assessment Program. This I could only produce flows (streams) that were the purest ' of the pure - too nutrient poor to support fish in most of these N •, reaches. Rick Webb states "Most of this surface water resource .. .is highly acidic and A unsuitable or marginally suitable for fish and other aquati<; fauna"

For the last fifty years the greatest amount of acid rain (or acid deposition in the form of dust) has fallen into this region, that he defines as the most easily acidified (low ANC and un-buffered). From the forests this acidity makes its way into the streams and rivers. Sulfuric acid dominates these surface waters and it makes up as much as 80% of the region's acid 0 Sti1tam water sites - deposition. The causal A Still water sites relationship is clear, particularly in light of the "notably low" base saturation of the soils. In his report Rick Km writes: 0 1 2 "The supply of base cations in watersheds can be external supply of exchangeable base roughly the amount dissolved In such a thorough study old or internal. External sources cations in the soil. However, out. It is fortunate that no mine openings were noted - include atmospheric deposition the size of this supply and the harvests will be made in these perhaps 23 in Otter Creek and 7 in both precipitation and dry degree to which soil and Wilderness Areas. Trees do in Dolly Sods. The water (aerosol) forms. As indicated surface water acidification not generally grow well here. chemistry revealed there was by ion-enrichment analysis, occurs are ultimately no impact from them .. The only internal watershed sources are determined by the availability In response to a question, he other potentially water quality the main source of base cations of base cations in watershed remarked that harvests are an altering influence is the in most upland surface waters bedrock. As reflected in the impoverishment as nutrients DepartmentofNanrral of the eastern United States low ANC and low base-cation leave the site. When asked ifa Resources liming station on the (see Baker et al., 1991 b). The concentrations of stream whole-tree clear-cur harvest head of Otter Creek. It was primary .internal sources of waters, most of the central occurs, can it impoverish the found to maintain suitable base cations in most Appalachian mountain ridges site as much as the effect of50 water quality throughout the watersheds are mineral are underlain by base-poor years ofAcid Rain - he replied, main-stem and a fish weathering and soil exchange. bedrock (Webb et al., 1989; "Roughly. " The comment was population of many native Church eta/, 1992; Herlihy et made, that Acid Rain had brook trout. Also a very By comparison with exchange al., 1993)." dissolved nutrients from the unusual amount of standing reactions, mineral weathering entire Eastern Forest equal to water was present, and many occurs at relatively slow and Such strong acid inputs to a whole-tree clearcut ofthe reaches were occupied by -· constant rates (Turner et a/., the forest ecosystem dissolves entire Eastern forest - a beaver. 1990; Munson and Gherini, out nutrients leaving it more harvest foregone (lost). There 1991 ). Thus, the main source impoverished. Trees, though was a silence. [Italics and they accumulate nutrients in of base cations for acid bold added by the editor for WEBB concluded on page 14 neutralization in most their biomass reduce available emphasis] watersheds is the accumulated nutrients. This amount is The Highlands Voice November 1997 Page 13

OSM from page 8

impact that can occur as the Customer Service * Show Cause Procedures * Post Mining Land Use - In large underground mines in the response to citizen concerns During our random inspections Pittsburgh seam discontinue * Resolution of Prohibited we will review the approved pumping and treatment we plan to review the files to Interests post mining land use on the activities uport mine closures. assure that the State is properly large operations. This review handling citizen complaints. We are trying to be proactive * Grant Time Reporting will be delayed until OSM to prevent major AMD We will also continue to makes a final determination on respond to complaints filed discharges. * Implementation of Program a State program amendment with our office by offering the Revisions Prior to Approval which would change the Offsite Impacts WVDEP the opportunit) to available post mining land uses resolve the complaint during a Mountain Top · for Mountain Top removal , ... One ofOSM's national joint visit with OSM. Removal/Large Multiple operations. measurements is offsite Seam Operations impacts. However, to measure Blasting Random Inspections the success of the State We are planning several program OSM only counts WVDEP has requested our activities related to large Charleston Field Office impacts that would be a assistance in reviewing operations. These will include: Reclamation Specialists will violation of the State program. blasting plans to determine if continue to make random In other words. the nuisance of something more can be done to * Drainage Control - inspections. Emphasis will be vibration and noise from a minimize the nuisances Concerns have been raised on areas that are still active and nearby operation is not associated with blasting. The about the drainage control and have not been reviewed counted. There is one change Charleston Field Office is also increased flooding potential recently by OSM. Special from last year in that we will participating in a team with from large operations. We concerns from citizens can also be counting offsite impacts that other State and OSM offices to intend to work with WVDEP be emphasized during our are continuing from bond look at blasting issues on a to ensure that the best inspection sampling program. forfeiture sites that have not nationwide basis. management practices are been fully reclaimed. employed to minimize offsite Program Documentation \Vater Replacement and ' impact from large operations. Reclamation Success Subsidence Evaluation Although OSM has placed * Stream Mitigation - We will review some of the OSM is measuring reclamation emphasis on measurable WVDEP has requested OSM ground results in oversight we complaints received by the success on a national level by and the Envirorunental will complete occasional WVDEP to ensure they are counting acres of bond release. Protection Agency to review reviews of certain State properly meeting requirements We will also be considering State practices on mitigation processes. Plans for this year placed into Federal law in this acreage against the total for stream damage. The may include: 1992. bonded since the beginning of Charleston Field Office is also the program. OSM coordinating with other offices reclamation specialists will * Civil Penalty Documentation to determine OSM's position review samples of State bond on the general issue of mines OSM cone/. on page 16 releases to assure all * Permit Renewals affecting intermittent or requirements are being met. perennial streams.

I' .-----.._ _:::(2-- "--..

WVHC FALL REVIEW I") --. - .•. - MT BIKE cone/. (from page I i; \,f~; ~ ,)~ ·''\J.I•,,:\•'\\ The Fall Review was held at '~-- ~~ .~~-·,;\V~ I ) Camp Kidd near Parsons in TuclCer County on October 10- 1 12. We had beautiful weather JJ ;;·11 ( suffer. If those who would bon /1 \\ II for it with the fall foliage near \._..-(' mountain biking win. as its peak coloring. Hi&l1lights ·--"' happened out West. a were a hike in tfie Blackwater of the WVHC from the OSM potentially profitable tourist Canyon area - the .P.Osting of the with Roger Calhoun.. WV OSM actual CanY.on, itserf, j?revented Director, presenting the award industry will be lost. us from a liike in the Canyon. see photo, Roger Calhoun on environmentalists will hove feft doing the presenting and mode new enemies at a time On Saturday evening, there was Frank on the nght receiving) . a lecture by Rick Wel>b on his they need friends, and on study on tlie acidity on the Dolly The Board the next day decided activity that will be supportive SodS and Otter Creek to hire Mike Withers to use his of the environment and give Wildernesses, respectively. At considerable skills and that time also, Frank Young, experience for the purpose of quality recreation an exercise Senior VIce President ·of saving the Blackwater Canyon to a Iorge number of people WVHC, accepted an award to preserve its beauty for ail the will be greatly diminished. • (with reservations Qrimarily people rather than to allow it to because of Federa1 lailure to b~ exploited for a select wealthy ehte. enforce the SMCRA) on behalf • Photo credit - Roger Calhoun Page 14 November 1997 The Highlands Voice

WEBB concluded (from page 12) The U.S. Forest Service had the responsibility to carry out Otter Creek this assessment and to consider a monitoring program, and Wilderness commissioned Rick to do this work. Both are to be commended for such fine and thorough work. that enables managers, and citizens to understand for the first time some of the watershed status and processes and process rates. Both Acid Rain and this infertile geology extend through western Maryland and N into Pennsylvania; it is clear in these special Wilderness Areas A and throughout the Mid­ Atlantic Highlands that sulfur emissions and its Acid Rain must he reduced. [Italics added - Ed. Also a note - add to this a big reduction in clearcuts!] •

0 Stream water sites 0 Treated stream s1tes A Still water sites



Through our woods TREES Two ma.nmal·~ pass the fourfooted following the twofooted. Will my mistress go uphill toward distant deer or down, where groundhogs sleep? DOG Where she goes I follow.

I walk in these woods alone, awash in beauty. HUMAN I am the only one here. (I dare not sense these countless lives on my every side because I OWN IT)

Poem by Mary Wildfire The Highlands Voice November 1997 Page 15 Land Swap Procedures by Jim Sconyers

This is a condensed summary of d. attempt to resolve concerns Exclusion.) the Primary Steps in Processing at the local level before an Exchange. That is a proceeding 5. Have the appraisal approved. document outlining steps to follow in the National Forest 4. National Environmental 6. Complete surveys, title work, system in undertaking a land Policy Act requirements must be etc. exchange, such as the swap met being discussed for a small part a. EIS is seldom needed. 7. Submit the case to the of the Blackwater Canyon. b. Environmental Assessment Washington Office for is normally used. Emphasize congressional oversight (may the case, saying that the other defendants could represent their 1. Jointly develop a mutually impacts, including change in involve Secretary of Agriculture interests. The DEP claims that it beneficial exchange proposal. county taxes and distribution of or Senate and/or House did, and will, represent the Both sides must gain something. FS receipts to counties Agriculture Committees). land uses SWAs. The fact is that the 2. Preliminary evaluation of the impact on permits and 8. Obtain deed. DEP's defense of those statutes proposal to determine feasibility. leases was minimal. Further, the DEP The proposal must meet Forest loss of federal control of 9. Obtain Final Title Policy from is the only defendant that has not Service goals and be in the TES, cultural resources, the landowner. decided to appeal. If the DEP public interest. wetlands, etc. does not appeal, there will be effects on other resources 10. Accept title. nob~dy arguing in defense of the 3. Early public involvement will such as timber, recreation, etc. referendum or the other two reduce the likelihood of appeals economic impacts to state 1 J • Post records, notify the local control provisions. And of and will eliminate unpopular and local economies. (Often county, close the case. course, the landftll industry is proposals before major natural resource impacts are not lobbying to prevent any strategy investments are made in time the major concern in APPEALS that may result in mooting the and ~Y· To encourage early exchanges). Exchanges are subject to USDA case. pubtlc involvement, c. Use Categorical Exclusions review (appeal) procedures. 36 a. publish a notice in noncontroversial exchanges CFR217; 36 CFR251 Subpart The legislature has to have the b. explain the benefits of the with no public objections. C: FSM 1570. political will to resist the will of ' - exehapge to state and local the landfill industry, which is officials and the (NOTE: Ifthe case becomes most likely a heavy contributor congressional delegation controversial, it is easier to to their campaigns. It is up to the c. discuss the exchange with document an Environmental voters to create the political will adjacent landowners, users, key Assessment WASTE cone!. (Fr. Page 15) by letting the agencies, the members of the public than to defend a Categorical governor, and the legislators the three local control provisions know what they want. One of (site approval, siting plans, and the purposes of the November 8 referendum), but not have to pay Blackwater Swap solid waste forum at Jacksons . the plaintiffs the $500,000 Mill is to provide citizens the The rumor mill is churning. Indications are: they are talking attorney fees the state has spent opportunity to express their Everyone from Underwood and about a trade for the Rail-Trail so far. It should be pointed out concerns directly to these Rockefeller on down seems to strip (aka the northside strip, the that the local preference statutes people. want to claim credit for being beauty strip), nothing more. A have never been use


As a result of the lawsuit approximately seven TMDLs for sources) are using the best recreational resource, and the brought by the West Virginia the list of 46 each year between available technology, the South Branch of the Conservancy, the Ohio 1997 and 2002. The 500 AMD cumulative impact of point which has been impacted by the Valley Environmental Coalition impacted streams will have sources and non-point sources of increase in the poultry industry. and three individuals (including TMDLs by 2006. pollution may result in a violation There will be public former Voice editor Bill Ragette), of water quality standards on a hearings: November 18 at 7:00 the U.S. Environmental The Conservancy and particular stream segment. The p.m. in the Spruce Room at the Protection Agency has issued the OVEC were represented in the TMDL approach to pollution lodge at State Park initial draft "total maximum daily lawsuit b) Conservancy member control is more holistic; it covers (for the Blackwater TMDL); load'' (TMDL) requirements for Perry McDaniel \Vho worked in all sources in any watershed. If November 19 at 7:00p.m. at the public review and comment. The concert with counsel for the the water does not meet water South Branch Inn in Moorefield TMDLs are for the Upper individuals, Ryan Alexander of qualit} ··exceeds" standards, (for the South Branch of the Blackwater River, North and the Appalachian Research and TMDLs can be used to force Potomac TMDLs). The public South Forks of the South Branch Defense Fund and Jim K.ringlen reduction of pollutants. comment period is open until of the , South of the Legal Aid Society of The TMDL process is November 26. If you have any Branch of the Potomac River, Charleston. In addition to critical in that it forces EPA, and questions, call Perry McDaniel at Lunice Creek, Anderson Run and agreeing to finally draft the , indirectly the West Virginia 1-800-750-1900. • Mill Creek. TMDLs. which were first Division of Environmental required in 1978, EPA has agreed Protection, to analyze stream The lawsuit was settled to pay$ 122.000 in attorney fees conditions, and list any stream earlier this year; it requires that and litigation costs. for which a particular pollutant EPA draft TMDLs for 46 rivers It is important to exceeds water quality standards. and lakes damaged by a variety of emphasize that TMDLs are "total pollutants and over 500 stream maximum daily loads. " Even if The draft TMDLs are segments damaged by acid mine discrete, defmed sources of important in that they cover the drainage. EPA will draft pollution (known as point Blackwater River, an important

' ,.

OSM concluded (fr. Page 13)

Remining Abandoned Mined Land officials to develop a training watershed organizations in Prorram program to assure consistency coordinating activities related Charleston Field Office Staff in WVDEP decisions on to correcting AMD conditions. are participating on a regional This program primarily emergencies among their We will also participate in r team to identify ways to involves making grants to the various staff in the State. discussions with State officials t encourage remining of areas State to reclaim sites to assure that AMD correction abandoned without abandoned before the Federal Contract Administration activities are reasonably.. reclamation. We also intend to law came into effect in 1977. successful considering future work with the State to identify Oversight activities involve We will review a sample of maintenance. specific sites where a remining ensuring Federal funds are projects to assure that contract project could be encouraged. properly spent, completing the requirements are being met. All of the above will take good Federal requirements that planning and lots of dedication Program Amendments ~ot be delegated to the Required Permits to complete. Some projects are State, and providing technical likely to continue beyond a one West Virginia normally assistance. Activities for this We will review a sample of year period. Ifyou have any attempts to modify its year may include the projects to assure that all questions or suggestions on approved program once a year. following: required permits are obtained OSM oversight please send a Charleston Field Office prior to initiating construction. note to the Charleston Field ! participates with the Emergency Declarations This will include a review of Office at [email protected] or ~ Appalachian Regional the State's NEPA information. 1027 Virginia Street, East, Coordinating Center in the Although WVDEP administers Charleston, West Virginia I review of those amendments. the emergency program OSM AMD ·- 25301. • i We also are working with must still make the actual ..~ WVDEP to assure that all declaration of the emergency OSM will continue to previously identified and make certain fmdings participate in the Clean deficiencies or required regarding the National Streams Initiative by providing amendments are resolved in a Environmental Protection Act. assistance to the State and more timely fashion. We will also work with State Tbe Highlands Voice November 1997 Page 17

Attack on tbe Endangered Species Act!- Again?!

It seems as if we can't have a Even if the HCP is found to be sale or dam. (4) S 1180 would These provisions of session in the Congress without contributing to the decline of a add burdensome and time Kempthome's bill, and the rapid an attack on the Endangered species, the Kempthome bill consuming new procedural pace through which S 1180 is Species Act (ESA). The latest is would allow it to remain in force requirements that could delay being pushed through the Senate the Kempthome At the end of despite an extinction threat. (2) listing decisions and recovery have caused grave concern September, the Senate Kempthome's ESA plans. Kempthome's bill among wildlife advocates. The environment and public works reauthorization bill limits requires peer review for all Sierra Club and other committee passed a bill that watchdog agency review of proposals for listed species as conservation groups are urging would weaken the ESA if federal projects that may harm endangered or threatened senators to look instead at the enacted. The ESA endangered species. Under whether there is scientific bill offered by Representative reauthorization bill being current law, the US Fish and dispute or not. It also requires George Miller (D-CA) on the whisked through the Senate, Wildlife Service (F&WS) acts as extensive economic analysis on House side. To them, Miller's S 1180, was introduced by the watchdog of other federal the cost, but not on the benefits Endangered Species Recovery Senator Dirk Kempthome (R­ entities such as the Forest of all the recovery strategies Act is the benchmark against ID). In stark contrast to Service, the Army Corps of ' considered. Even under the which all other reauthorization Representative Miller's House Engineers and the Interior . current ESA half the species proposals should measured. bill, Senator Kempthomes's Department. Under listed as endangered have no Miller's bill. HR2351, is an proposal will reduce the quality Kempthome' s proposal, the recovery plan. It seems certain innovative alternative based in of protections currently F&WS must veto a bad agency that, should the Kempthome bill large part on recommendations supporting America's decJ.sion within 60 days, or the become law, more endangered of the National Academy of endangered species. Introduced offending timber sale, dam or species will be strangled by red Sciences. With 65 co-sponsors on September 16th and rammed road project moves forward tape. (5) Sl180 would allow the already signed on, Miller's bill through the Senate with little regardless of the consequences F&WS to avoid designating serves to prevent species decline opportunity for review or for endangered species. (3) The critical habitat. Fifteen years and promotes the recovery of amen~e Kempthome Kempthome bill would exclude ago Congress closed this species to healthy populations. bilkOuld undermine our taxpayers [More creeping fasci"m - loophole in the original law by Report by Linda Modica. nation's ability to recover Ed.] from providing input on forcing the F&WS to identify imperiled fish, wildlife and actions which effect public lands what lands were important to the (S 1180 is just another outrage plants...in the following ways: and another public resource, recovery of an endangered whereby there is an attempt to prevent species. Allowing the F& WS citizens from involvement in important (1) it allows landowners to lock wildlife. Under this Senate government decisions. You can rest in long term management plans proposal citizens opposed to not to comment will allow assured that wealthy landowners and known as ..Habitat Conservation habitat destruction on public ·habitat destruction without those who would exploit them for Plans (HCP)'' that exempt them land would have no opportunity confrontation from regulators, a greedy motives have had a lot of input from further conservation to comment on a proposed dangerous opportunity for forces to this bill! Call or write: your senators to oppose Sl 180, your obligations for up to 100 years. agency action such as a timber insensitive to wildlife's plight representatives to sign on to the Miller bill, HR2351 - Ed] Sleaze or Stupidity? c• Taxpayers Ante Up Most of a Billion DoUars to Get Timber Companies to WreckOur National Forests

timber subsidies into retraining The Sierra Club released a a National Sierra Club's and ecological restoration with a report which using the Forest director. "We could employ hiring preference for dislocated Service's own figures more people by ending this timber workers, payments for establishes that the Forest wasteful program, and counties and deficit reduction. Service timber sales program redirecting timber subsidies into (Report by Kathy Stubblefield) operated at a net loss to worker retraining and ecological taxpayers of at least restoration," he said, adding, [Contact your representatives in the $790,000,000 for fiscal year "Why are we paying logging House to sign on to the McKinney bill 1996. This conclusion which corporations $800,000,000 each -Ed.] the Congressional Research year to destroy our National Service confumed as a Forests?" Representative The preceding two articles are a reasonable estimate represents Cynthia McKinney, a Democrat transcription taken from the the largest annual loss to from Georgia, will soon be Environmental News program ' taxpayers yet. There's simply . introducing the National Forest that appeared on October 26 no justification for having a Protection and Restoration Act from WETS, FM, a public radio timber sales program on our which would end the federal station on the campus of Eastern National Forests,'~ said Chad timber sales program on federal Tennessee State University in Hansen, the report's author and public lands, and redirecting Johnson City, lN. • o;:o, Page 18 November 1997 The Highlands Voice

A Tale of Two DecisiQns by Norm Steenstra

Kathy Karpan, President Some protection exists but there ourselves. Or so we thought. squandered because of the petty Clinton's new Director of the are two glaring areas of Judge Stamp's recent decision, politics of individual states. Just Office of Surface Mining came non-protection. Solid waste and which basically threw out 10 because Senator Byrd and the to Charleston last month. She timbering are two issues on years of our work, was ironic "build it and they will come" met with a group of Federal which the Feds have not passed because he is a Federal judge. magpies push for a project regulators, citizen coal activists laws protecting us from our own Like. the proverbial baby, the doesn't mean that the and environmentalists. In her local politics. On those two cornerstone of our garbage wars conclusions of their bureaucrats opening remarks Karpan very issues we are entirely at the victory - landfill caps and local were reached with any level of defensively, even apologetically mercy of wealthy special referendums, were thrown out objectivity. Judge Hogan's stated that there was a need for interests and their rented with the bath water. Sigh. Our decision was a terrible step the Federal Government to officials. The timbering of victories are so temporal. Our backward from the Federal regulate coal mining. Karpan, Blackwater Canyon is the latest supposed Federal saviors opened government saving us from who is from Wyoming, was on reminder of that fact. up our whole waste policy to ourselves. the defensive because many local politics. folks out west don't want the Over the last 10 years, Alas, the Garbage wars Feds involved at all in any type we as an environmental The Feds let us down are rekindled and the Corridor H of regulations. movement have acted as again just last week. Federal fight continues. Despite these catalysts and authors of a Judge Hogan t!lrew out a lawsuit two Federal judicial setbacks, When I had a chance to comprehensive public policy on that challenged the construction the Lord's work continues. The speak to Ms Karpan, I said that solid waste. We designed a of Corridor H. Hogan's decision amazing and truly inspiring fact to many of us in West Virginia policy that thought globally and was particularly galling because is that already the veterans of the the Federal regulation of coal acted localJy. We attempted to he said in essence that good solid waste fight are organizing mining was our only real force all communities, inside points were made by the anti- to meet the new challenge. . protection from the influence of and outside our state borders to road plaintiffs but "who was he Likewise, the ~s out of coal in our own DEP. If you deal with their own creations. to doubt the wisdom and the mouths of the Com~ think about it, we have at least On garbage, sewage sludge. decisions [!!!! Ed.} of the local activists were "We'U appeal!" some measure of environmental hazardous waste, medical waste agencies which advocated the Two wonderful examples of ~ v protection independent from and nuclear waste, we helped project." endless pressure~ state politics in areas like enact a series of laws that applied. \ __.--:- surface mining, clean air and stressed local responsibility, DUH ! Wait a minute To me the lesson learned clean water. We have that reduction, and local approval of that's what Federal laws are is that the Federal Government minimal layer of protection the siting of disposal facilities. supposed todo, make sure public is not the savior as I told Kathy because there are Federal laws With the absence of federal laws dollars and public assets like the Karpan. Federal Courts and governing the issues. we solved the problems Moo Forest are not sacrificed or regulatory agencies often break our hearts. The only thing we can rely on is ourselves and the West Virginia Crisis in Solid Waste values that propel us to action. • by Tom Degen

Judge Stamp threw out two Class A facilities (this list as "local preference statutes," Roughly the same logic is legislative findings (these are doesn't add up to 12 because it restrict the importation of applied to the other statutes he declarations of intent found in takes multiple statutes to out-of-state waste, thereby threw out. the beginning of a piece of develop a concept in some inhibiting inter-state commerce legislation that are not cases). and violating the interstate It was pointed out to the technically statutes) and 12 commerce clause of the U.S. subcommittee that if the statutes of the solid waste laws. There is language in the two Constitution. These are the tonnage caps on findings concerning waste from legislature could amend out the local preference statutes, the rest landfills, the definitions of Class "other states" and "unknovm It is on the strength of those 2 of the law has a good chance of A and Class B landfills, the origin." There is a statute that statutes and 2 findings that he standing constitutional scrutiny. ~- certificate of need (CON) that allows solid waste authorities to threw everything else out. For landfills must get from the alter a facility's permit to require example, Judge Stamp says that If this is done before the case is Public Service Commission it to accept local waste. And in the supreme court has already settled on appeal, the case could (PSC), a section of the sewage the certificate of need statute held that tonnage caps are very well be rendered moot, and sludge .statute, the certificate of there is language that requires constitutional if they are applied the state would not only keep the caps, CON, sludge statutes, and site approval that local solid the PSC grant or deny a CON evenhandedly to in-state and waste authorities issue, the siting based on whether a facility will out-of-state waste. But the plans that local solid waste accommodate local needs first. existence of the local preference authorities develop, and the The Judge finds that these statutes "contaminates" our caps, WASTE cone!. on page 15 county-wide referendum on provisions, which are referred to and so they are unconstitutional. 1'. ~- The Highlands Voice November 1997 Page 19

Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide

The Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide , 6th edition, is bigger and better than ever, with 368 pages, 96 pages of maps, 49 photographs, 177 trails totalling 812 miles, and a full color cover. West Virginia Highlands Conservancy is the publisher. Authors are Allen de Hart and Bruce Sundquist (same as edition 5). Allen has hiked all the trails of the Monongahela N.F. over the past few years. Bruce was the editor for the first four editions. The hiking community and the U.S. Forest Service provided trail reports and photographs. The Guide also provides information for ski-touring and back­ packing. The growing throngs of visitors and the public at large regard the Monongahela National Forest as a 'Special Place'. And indeed it is. The hiking, backpacking, and ski-touring opportunities it provides are among the best in the eastern U.S. The more outstanding areas are becoming known far and wide - , Dolly Sods Wilderness, Flatrock Plains, Roaring Plains, Black-water Canyon, Spruce Knob, , Shaver's Mountain, Laurel Fork Wilderness, Cranberry Back Country, Cranberry Wtldemess, among others. Profits from the sale of these guides support a wide variety of worthy environmental projects in the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy. To order your copy of Edition 6 of Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide, send $12.95 (this includes $3.00 farst class shipping) to West Virginia Highlands Conservancy POBox306 Charleston, WV 25321

I havc..inc.Wded..a_chcrl ot._...JDODCY_ooic[,fauhc amount of S to WVHC fer __ copies ofthe Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide. Name:------

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November 12 (Wednesday): Event, West Virginia Forest December 2 (Tuesday): At Issue, Educational Forum on Roundtable. Where? Days Inn, Flatwoods. Time, 9:30AM to Mountain Top Removal, sponsored by the Huntington Herald­ 4 PM. Cost, $10 to register, meals and lodging extra. More Dispatch. Time, 7 to 9 PM. Place, Jean Carlo Stephenson facts, .... open dialogue to discuss issues and to promote Auditorium at the Huntington City Hall on the comer of 51h understanding among all who use and enjoy West Virginia's Ave and 8th St. Panelists, John Aile, chief of the Office of forests:' Will work in small groups. "The purpose ofthe Mining and Reclamation, Dan Kash from the Ohio Valley roundtable is to encourage a free exchange ofideas . All the Environmental Coalition and David Todd from Arch CoaJ tssues are important. Unfortunately, time limits the number of Corporation. Moderator, Judge Dan O'Hanlon. No signs or groups which can report and the number ofissues which can be banners will be permitted in the auditorium during the forum discussed " If interested. CaU Center for Economic Options at (sorry about that, folks). Arrangements can be made for those 345-1298. or Potomac Headwaters RC & D at 267-8953 to see who have wish to stay overnight in the Huntington area- if there is room for another registrant and to get more details. call Laura Foreman at the OVEC office [(304) 522-0246].

November 14 (Friday): Event, Open House for the West January 14, 1998: WVHC Winter Board meeting. Virginia Land Trust. Where, the home of Joyce McConnell in Time and place to be announced. Morgantown. Time, 5 to 8 PM. How Do I Find It?, Call Joyce's house for directions at 284-9551. Fun Stuff, Music. May 16, 1998 Weekend: WVHC Spring Review. wine and hors d'oeuwes (what. no women?}. Awards for Time and place to be announced. environmental stewardship will be given out. July 11, 1998: WVHC Summer Board Meeting. November 15 (Saturday): Event, Mountaintop rl!moval outing in Charleston area. Details'? Call Laura Spadaro at 472- 5151. February 21, ·1998: Event, Workshoo ..Coldwater Conservation: What Works and How to.Do Jt'' Where? November 18 (Tuesday): Event, Blachvater River TMDL Penn State Conference Center Hotel. Ho~ts, meeting. \\'here, 'Jne Spruce Room at the lodge at Canaan Pennsyh·ania Trout, the Pennsylvania Departments Valley State Park. Time, 7 PM. Em ironmental Protection, ConserVation and Natural Resources and the Fish and Boat Commission. For more Details, call Ed Bellis at (814) 364-1548. November 19 (Wednesday): Event, South Branch of the Potomac TMDL meeting. Where, The South Branch Inn in May 16, 1998 Weekend: WVHC Spring Review. Moorefield. Time, 7 PM. and place to be annow1ced.

November 19 (Wednesday): At Issue, Fund raiser, hosted WVHC Summer Board Meeting. hy the West Virginia Highland,. Conservancy- to support efforts July 11, 1998: to conserve the Blackwater Canyon. Time and Place, 5:30PM Time and place to be announced. to ? At the Empty Glass, 410 Elizabeth St in Charleston. The Fun, helped along by the Carpenter Ants and other talented October 9, 1998 Weekend: WVHC Fall Review. folks. Time and place to be announced.

·Amicus Journal, notes from ...... 8 Mcferrin column ...... 2 Blackwater Canyon- Land swap ...... 15 Membership application ...... 19 Blackwater Canyon- McFerrin letter to Governor ...... 6 Mon Hiking guide ...... : ...... 19 Blackwater Canyon- Trees useful as toilet paper ...... 3 Mountain biking - Part II ...... 10 Blackwater Canyon - WVHC commitment ...... 1 NFS, huge giveaways ...... 17 Calendar ...... 20 OSM oversight ...... 8 Cassidy sketch ...... 4 Owl, big, barred (or maybe spotted?) ...... 19 Editorial ...... 4 Solar energy ...... 3 Editor' comments ...... : ..... 4 Solar voltaics. breakthru in technology ...... 3 ESA - attack on ...... 10 Steenstra ...... 18 Fall Review ...... "...... 13 Solid waste ...... I 8 Harper's Index ...... 7 TMDLs ...... 16 l,and swap procedures ...... 15 Water quality, Otter Creek and Dolly Sods ...... 9