The Adaptation of Peter and Wendy Novel (1911) Into Pan Film (2015)

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The Adaptation of Peter and Wendy Novel (1911) Into Pan Film (2015) THE ADAPTATION OF PETER AND WENDY NOVEL (1911) INTO PAN FILM (2015) A Thesis Submitted to the Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora By SITI HAIRUN NUFUS YUSHAR Reg.Num. 40300113165 ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2018 i ii PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI Dengan penuh kesadaran penulis yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini benar adalah hasil karya penulis sendiri. Jika dikemudian hari terbukti ia merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat atau dibuat oleh orang lain secara keseluruhan ataupun sebagian, maka skripsi ini dan gelar yang diperoleh batal demi hukum. Romang Polong, 21 Februari 2018 Penulis Siti Hairun Nufus Yushar NIM 40300113165 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all the researcher would like to express grateful to the Al Mighty Allah SWT, who has given his grace and guidance in finishing this study at State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar. The researcher also never forgot to send great respect to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided the human being from the worst to the peace or from the bad condition to the better life. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her appreciation to all of people around her that have given helps and supports to finishing this thesis. 1. The deepest gratitude is expressed to the researcher’s supervisors, Mrs. Dr. Rosmah Tami, M.Sc., M.A., and Mr. Nasrum. S.Pd., M.A. and also to the researcher’s examiners Mrs. Serliah Nur, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.Ed. and Mrs. Hj. Nahdiyah, S.S., M.Hum. thanks for patient, guidance, advice, comments, correction, supports and time to instructing to the researcher to finish this thesis. 2. The special gratitude is expressed to the researcher’s beloved family, my Father Muh. Yushar Yusuf and my Mother Nurhajana, my Brother Muh. Yuhara Yushar (Dadang), my Sisters Nur Inayah Yushar (Nunung) and Nurul Qadriani Yushar (Pipit), my Grandma, my cute Aunt Khadijah, Maryam, Nuraeni, Reni, my handsome Uncle Om Idris, and my cousins Kak Pina, Titin, Limpo, Avicenna, Malika, Assyura, vi Syafiq, Sultan, (Alm.) Ais and (Alm.) Maryam, thanks for endless love, prayers and encouragement that has given to the researcher. 3. A lot of thanks to Prof. Dr. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si as the Rector of UIN Alauddin Makassar. Next, the dean of Adab and Humaniora Faculty, Dr. H. Barsihannor, M. Ag, the head of English and Literature Department, H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D, and the secretary of English and Literature Department, Mrs. Syahruni Junaid, S.S, M.Pd. 4. Special appreciation goes to the lecturers and for all staffs of Adab and Humaniora Faculty, especially lecturers of English and Literature Department they are Mr. Abdul Rahman, Mr. Abd. Muin, Mr. Delukman, Mrs. Rahmah, Mr. Yos, Mr. Masykur, Mr. Nasruddin, Mrs. Helmi, Mr. Sahar, Mr. Ramadhan, Mr. Ali Akbar and Mr. Edi, thanks a million for their help, administrative support and enlightenment to the researcher during the academic years. 5. Her extraordinary classmates in English Literature AG 56 who always shared happiness in every situation and also give spirit to finish this thesis, in this case, Humaerah, Aswira, Siti Aisyah Amini (Icha), Ulfi, Nurhikmah Firdaus, Rabiatul Adawiyah (Pipi), Andi Marini Mustika Sari (bcl), Mukrimah (Ima), Murniati, Asmirawanti (Mira), Sundari, Hastuti, Irma Erfiani, Andi Siti Fajilah (Chyla), Sali, Nur Indriyani, Wini Widya Asmara, Fatmawati, Kak Masnah, Fitria Hasan, Dina Nur Ubayti, Umi Nur Atika, Tenri Sanna, A. Hikmayani, Elatul Fajrah, vii Sarah Husain, Ariansyah, Yudhi Faisal Eka Putra (Bacrit), Rahmatullah, Yudhi Pratama Suardi, Reza Ferara Jamil, Muhammad Syaiful, Takdir Budiman, Zulfahmi Irwan, Adhi Imran, Muammar, Alham Fatihah Akbar, Muhammad Ikhlas and Fawajurrahman, thanks a million for year to year our togetherness, may Allah bless our friendship and make us to be a great people who useful for each other. 6. Her beloved brothers and sisters in MAN 1 Talasapang 2013 who always give support each other to finish our study and struggle together even though in different campus, in this case Andi Faradipah (Ipah) who will become a Doctor, Andi Asfriani Mangopo (Ririn) who will become a Sholehah Wife, Hadriana Ismail (Dg. Intang) who will become a Pretty Teacher, Elsa Safriyani who will become an Architect, Nurhafidha (Qurra) who will become a Teacher of Arabic, Afdiany, Wahyuni Apriyanti, Sri Lisda Sari, Nuaisyah Karim, Herayanti Amalia, Asriyani (Bel) who has a great heart and will become a Teacher of Disability, Andini Yulia Mentari (Don), Firdha Maulidya Qalsum (Pil), Atirah, Ramadhan Hamka (Rambo), Muh. Furqanullah, Ismail, Nur Abdillah, Abdul Rachman, Muhajir, Munir, Yusri and Ardi Wiranata who will become whatever he want. 7. Her best Drama’s Friends La Upe that still keep in touch until today, they are Nikita Indasari, Ermah binti Risal, Hasnawati, Marni binti Making, Indah Pratiwi, Dahrianti, Irna Irianty Nurling, Musfirah, viii Nurlaeli, Syarifah, Jasmin, Rahmat Witoelar and Surahmat, thanks for attention until the thesis moment. 8. Her cute and cool KKN’s friends they are Kasma, Ira, Nurul, Salma, Nita, Udin, Ashar, Ihsan and Rahmat, not forget to say my deepest thanks to Mr. Abu (Pak Desa), Mrs. Sanong (Ibu Posko) and for all villagers, thanks for a wonderful experience in two months in Pinrang, Kec. Lembang, Desa Rajang. 9. Her close friends in SD Lanto Dg. Pasewang, Gabry Maghafira and Irmayati Aisyah thanks for your kindness and togetherness until now. 10. Additional thanks also go to Fatimah Zahra (Ima), Meisya Qanita Naifa, Nur Azizah Najda (Sisi) who can be a friend in some situation. Not forget thanks to Sitti Magfirah Khumairah (Pira), Nursinta Hartina, Israwati Indira Mimosapudica who called them temang urus-urus. Romangpolong, February 21th 2018 The Researcher, Siti Hairun Nufus Yushar Reg. No. 40300113165 ix CONTENT COVER ....................................................................................................i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI...............................................ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ....................................................... iii APPROVAL SHEET .............................................................................iv PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI..................................................................... v CONTENT.............................................................................................. x ABSTRACT...........................................................................................xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A Background .................................................................................... 1 B Research Question .......................................................................... 4 C Research Objective ........................................................................ 5 D Research Significance .................................................................... 5 E Research Scope............................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A Previous Finding ............................................................................ 7 B Conceptual Framework ................................................................... 8 1. Comparative Literature............................................................... 8 2. Adaptation Theory...................................................................... 9 3. The Motives of Adaptation........................................................ 11 4. The Background and the Origin of the Novel Adaptation......... 13 5. Synopsis of Pan Film................................................................. 14 6. Definition of Novel ............................................................................15 7. Definition of Film............................................................................... 16 ix CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Method .......................................................................... 18 B. Data Source.................................................................................... 18 C. Research Instrument ...................................................................... 18 D. Data Collection Procedure............................................................. 19 E. Data Analysis Procedure................................................................ 19 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Finding........................................................................................... 21 B. Discussion......................................................................................34 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion .....................................................................................39 B. Suggestion .....................................................................................40 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 41 BIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................ 44 xi ABSTRACT Name : Siti Hairun Nufus Yushar Reg. Number : 40300113165 Major : English and Literature Department Faculty : Adab and Humaniora Title : Adaptation Peter and Wendy Novel (1911) into Pan Film (2015) Supervisor I : Rosmah Tami Supervisor II : Nasrum This research was
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