James E. Oberg May 2, 2019 [email protected] REVIEW DRAFT

FLORIDA TWILIGHT PHENOMENON ROCKET LAUNCH [Sep 2, 2015, 6.22AM] 551 - MUOS-4 GREverett [comment] SEP 3, 2015 12:07 AM Pictures don’t do it justice. I live about 11 miles South South West of the launch site and it was one of the most beautiful launches I have ever seen.

https://www.universetoday.co m/122124/atlas-v-launch-of- navys-revolutionary-muos-4- tactical-comsat-produces- exotic-skyshow/

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/jeoMVFhXR8--RYRkn3RR_6jeOpw=/0x0:960x640/1200x800/filters:focal(0x0:960x640)/cdn.vox- cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/47075958/CN5I-_WUkAAymB7__1_.0.0.jpg 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 2 REACTIONS TO TWILIGHT ROCKET LAUNCH



4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 4 RESULTING PLUME ILLUMINATION WAS SENSATIONAL





DARK TRAIL WHY DID CLOSE http://www.d VIEWERS SEE EARLY rawfee.com/ https://www.universetoday.com/90383/f PLUME HIGHEST? irst-progress-launch-since-accident- https://youtu.be/0_uexAcTFHo looms-large-for-space-station-program/

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 6 Craig Bailey’s photo





https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CN5Z_FVWEAAEfUg.jpg KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 4/30/2019 7 DARK EARLY PLUME MADE VISIBLE SILHOUETTED UP AGAINST BRIGHTENING EASTERN SKY [NOTE VENUS]

4/30/2019http://www.wftv.com/news/local/photosKSC pre-dawn-spectacular launch observations-images [Sep 2, 2015]-atlas-v-rocket-launch/24439383 8 NOTE IDENTICAL KINKING SHAPE VIEWED FROM NEARLY THE SAME ASPECT ANGLE


• Craig Bailey on left; SHUTTLELANDING center; ‘zerognews’ on right 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 9 REFERENCES

• Nov 07, 2015 Trident SLBM launch off California • http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/151107-cali_slbm_witness_analysis.pdf • Public misinterpretations of the SpaceX launch on October 7, 2018: • http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/20181007-mass-reports_1128.pdf • Observations of the Soyuz launch on December 3, 2018: • http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/181203-soyuz_launch.pdf

• Author’s home page = www.jameseoberg.com/ufo.html • “Rocket-Spotting” blog [under construction] • https://rocketspotting.blogspot.com/2019/01/introduction.html

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 10 THE ACTUAL LAUNCH EVENT: Atlas V 551 - MUOS-4 – September 2, 2015 (10:18 UTC) • LIVE ONLINE FORUM https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/ index.php?topic=35343.msg1238687#msg1238687 • Early ascent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIGrl1SYGK8 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8PIoT78t4U&t=48s • View from drone! https://youtu.be/vILphduCAjk • Atlas V MUOS-4 Launch Coverage from T Minus 1:00 length 29:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AA-lYyyHsM

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 11 STRATEGY FOR CATALOGUING REPORTS • The following exhaustive [and exhausting] catalog of observers’ descriptions of what they perceived is meant to create a resource for further comparative analysis with other similar apparitions, and to encourage emulation for other similar sightings. • Any attempt to condense these quotations or edit them down opens the chance of unintentional editorial bias accidentally skewing the range of the interpretations. • Because the comments come from a subset of highly-motivated contributors it also cannot provide actual percentages of shared beliefs [a task left to others] • Specific features of interest are highlighted [usually in red] to make fast skimming feasible, and occasional ‘JO:’ comments express this researcher’s assessments • Misperceptions of range and motion, as well as of intent and origin, of the observed phenomenon do not reflect on the character or intelligence of the witnesses, who appear to have visual interpretative processes fully consistent with normal human reflexes when faced with a strange [even frightening] apparition. • However, the comments can contribute to a fuller appreciation of the challenges of enhancing public awareness of the real visual features of twilight rocket launches.


• Will Rogers once joked, "It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.” • Daniel Boorstin, Librarian of Congress, 1984: “The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance—it is the illusion of knowledge.” • While on the faculty of the DoD Computer Institute [1972-1975] we taught a two-week orientation class on managing in the computerized environment to military officers and civil servants. Before teaching the principles, we had to spend several days getting the students to UNLEARN what they already believed about computers, good and bad.

2018 Oct 07 MISSILE MISINTERPRETATIONS 13 The Florida sky at 6.22AM, Sep 2, 2015 sun elev -009.2°, azimuth 075.7° sunrise 07:01° , azimuth 081° question to wolframalpha.com “azimuth and elevation of Venus, from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Sep 2, 2015, at 06:22 EDT”

ANSWER: azimuth 080.5° elevation 014.2° 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 14 CAPE CANAVERAL — An Atlas V rocket produced a magical light show early Wednesday during a successful flight from Cape Canaveral that captivated — and worried — many launch observers who said they'd never seen anything like it. Thank a tropical storm, which delayed the mission's first launch attempt two days, and a technical glitch during Wednesday's countdown, for setting the stage. A problem during fueling pushed the liftoff with a Navy communications satellite back 19 minutes, to 6:18 a.m., about 45 minutes before sunrise. …. “I've been watching launches since I worked at the space center in the mid- 80s, and that one was a favorite," said Doug Gabbert, a Sebastian, Fla., resident. "The exhaust plume with first light hitting it was awesome, although it scared me at first." [email protected] https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/09/03/sunrise4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep -2,atlas 2015] -v-launch-spectacle/71629302/ 15 • https://granmisterio.org/2015/09/11/se-confunde-un-ovni-con-el-transbordador-atlanta-5/

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 16 More Spectacular Images from the MUOS-4 Launch” SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 BY NANCY ATKINSON https://www.universetoday.com/122136/more-spectacular-images-from-the-muos-4-launch Aqua4U – wild speculations for explanations SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 AT 11:51 AM What caused the spiral shapes above the extensive exhaust plume? A mix of exhaust and high altitude cross winds? The tornado shape resembles a magnetic vortex? (The twists assume rocket exhaust plumes are composed of ionized gases and soot and might easily follow magnetic lines?) Side note: When this blog opened the second image began assembling itself to show the path of the rocket streaking upward. But the path was not the usual solid line due to time exposure. Instead the streak looked like a chain or a string of pearls. I thought, could those be perfectly spaced explosive events? Or image artifact? The line became solid after D/L. Nevertheless – Lets RIDE the shockwave? A long exposure image of the light trail from the Atlas V launch of (Repetitive Injection Detonation Exhaust) the MUOS-4 satellite, as seen from the ITL Causeway. Image used by permission. Credit and copyright: Michael Seeley. 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 17 chrisckday Sep 2, 2015 From International Airport, Tampa

vv https://youtu.be/ctcrjbcDaaw

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 18 Atlas V MUOS 4 Launch 2nd September 2015 AmericaSpace // Sep 4, 2015 // https://youtu.be/ZbFEEg4fJr4 • An RD-180-powered United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas-V 551 rocket successfully launched the 7.5-ton Lockheed Martin/Navy Mobile User Objective System (MUOS 4) satcom into geosynchronous transfer orbit early Wednesday. The Atlas-V put on a spectacular show as it was fired eastward into early dawn lighting that illuminated a miles-wide RD-180 octopus-shaped plume as the vehicle left the atmosphere after solid rocket motor separation. Unusual atmospheric conditions created a dramatic sight in the sky as MUOS-4 climbed into sunrise, with spectators up and down Florida’s “Space Coast” sharing their images all over social media and making #AtlasV the fourth most trending topic in the world this morning. The first centaur upper-stage burn cut off above the mid-Atlantic, followed by the second firing just off the West African bulge. The vehicle then coasted for 2.5 hours until the third burn north of Australia. • Gaz Tinsley == did that just ditch into the sea just like the others did ?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 19 Rocket launch 9/2/15 Cape Canaveral Fl 5,332 views // https://youtu.be/7UXSW5j9O9U • Crystal White -- Sep 2, 2015 == Rocket launch from my porch guess everything's fine but wateva it was pretty • Cwilliamson7 == Just watched this outside... Wow! From what I've heard it's uncommon but normal. • SoulFreak28 == Man I was working at the airport and my friend took a picture and he was freaking out. We thought he was high on something and photoshopped the picture...hahahaha • Hlow10 == haha I saw here in miami, it was soo bright • Mark Roundtree == Can somebody explain why it's falling, if this is supposedly a launch? [discussion of correct explanation follows]

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 20 Alien Portal over Florida? Nope~ Amazing shots of the Rocket launch. https://youtu.be/DEUwZ0cbOnM

• RockStarPreacher == Looks pretty much like an Alien portal. Kinda like that 'Norway Spiral' that everyone thought was a portal into another dimension [JO: See Appendix 1] :P No, just some really cool Twitter shots of the Rocket Launch this early morning at Cape Canaveral. The Portal may be coming a bit later this month. • TheFinalHour == It is no rocket. NASA is a scam and if you eat the crap they are spoon feeding you then you are the new world order slave they want. Same thing was seen in s. America and China few years ago [JO: See Appendix 1]. It is not a space ship. I don't know what it is but space rockets (if they are real) go up, not sideways. • BeautifulLauryn Williams == Totally agree with you! • Brian Thompson == Twas my question too! What that big is going up that they need the Saturn 5?? It always bothered me, since a kid, as to why there always ends up with E to W trajectory?? Shouldnt it b Straight UP???

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 21 Atlas V MUOS-4 Launch From The Press Site With Stunning Views Of Plume Trail // https://youtu.be/9LvcquEQoqU

• Azarack Nargothrond Marcelo == the most beautiful rocket launch ever • AstroRex == LOVE when it crosses the terminator! RedLine Veight has an excellent video of his own.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 22 • vv

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 23 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 24 • bb

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 25 astroguyz // Sep 2, 2015 // A dramatic view of the launch of an Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral with the MUOS4 satellite as seen from 100 miles west.

Pazsion == did you know aluminum burns in the upper atmosphere? using aluminum solid fuel is a recent technology. see also aluminum spacex research.

SMIshroomery321 == Great capture! Launches at twilight are different... so hard to explain to these UFO nutz... lol

4/30/2019 https://youtu.be/yNfL1o3unWUKSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 26 Atlas V MUOS-4 Launch Highlights https://youtu.be/m10fuzd_tTM

• 193,744 views // United Launch Alliance // Sep 2, 2015 • DBLcable == Had a great view of launch here in Ft Myers Fl. Just happened to be taking the dog out and saw the rocket ascending with wild looking plume expanding behind it and sun lighting it up from below the horizon. • Mark McCombs == Sunshine on my plume makes me happyyyyyyy......

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 27 https://youtu.be/m10fuzd_tTM p 2

• NathanDraxter == So, let me get this straight.....the blue spiral filmed over Miami was actually this Atlas V rocket? Then what was that sight in China in 2013? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyxTlEedU2s • And what was this one in Russia in 2009? [JO: See Appendix 1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCA3Zcbea3A • [Mysterious Vortex Energy Spiral or UFO Seen In Russia: video removed] • And why Atlas V never left this kind of trail before, except in all those videos posted in the exactly same day as the one in Miami (Sept 2, 2015) It's almost like the gov is trying to cover the sight in Miami by posting a thousand of other sightings, but all of them have the SAME DATE • Harry Andruschak == Nothing can be done about the Flying Saucers aka UFO people. I just troll-block them whenever they stop up, to improve the future signal-to-noise ratio.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 28 FIRST INTERNET NEWS REPORTS • No, That Incredible Atlas V Launch Was Not A UFO • https://www.iflscience.com/space/no-incredible-atlas-v-launch-was- not-ufo-please-stop-asking/

• • Rocket launch creates unique trail in sky • https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/science-and- technology/atlas-5-rocket-launches-from-cape-canaveral-creates- unique-trail-in-sky • As soon as the rocket launched at 6:28 a.m., ABC Action News was flooded by photos and viewers calling about the weird glow in the eastern sky caused by smoke and cloud condensation. 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 29 Atlas V rocket launch (9/02/15) View from second stage after booster separation

Dark bar at 11:00 is shadow of stage on the wide plume

http://www.wftv.com/news/local/photos-spectacular-images-atlas-v-rocket-launch/24439383 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 30 Atlas Rocket over Florida? Missile? Meteor? What is it really?? >13,000 views // https://youtu.be/sZGbWMmoxSk

• Another Day In Paradise [Sep 2, 2015] == Imagine waking up and seeing this flying over your area! I reached for the nearest camera to film it. By 7a.m. there was an excuse for it on the news that left me with a lot of questions. • Kerser Wun == This trail is caused by the exhaust from the rocket, when it rises above the horizon sunlight hits the plume of exhaust and causes it to glow. If you think this is any more than a rocket trail, you need to get out from under your conspiracy rock and smell the fresh air. • Let's Go Fishing! South Florida == When I woke up this morning I had no idea what was going. I only saw this big thing flying through the sky and my first thought was meteor. It was very bright ( blue, purple, white and pink hues) and moving fast. The go pro does no justice because of the lens and it's not made for use in the dark. Believe when I say that for a split second I thought we were going out like the dinosaurs! ….

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 31 Atlas V- Light in Florida Sky Sept. 2, 2015 ~6:20 AM 3,874 views // https://youtu.be/8pnz-wwhaCM • Rh1z0phoraV == There's no audio in this video [JO: next page]. A streak of light (it looked a bit green to me in person) sighted September 2, 2015 at about 6:20 AM from the turnpike in Homestead, FL. Luckily today I wasn't the one driving AND I had a camera. Props to the AM traffic. Comments on possibilities appreciated. Note: So, it turned out there was a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral on this morning. • Nicole Wynne == it wasn't the launch. my neighbor worked for and it's he said it was too low to be the Atlas v. Wake up people what rocket does that? • John Rhey == ….. It looks pretty crazy. It looks nothing like any rocket launch I've seen in Florida before. • Boom Boom == Has anyone from Florida seen a supposed launch that looks like this? • Anthony Alley == I was riding my bus and seen it as soon as it appeared it literally looked like it was going to hit the earth • Isalia Guerrero == Yeah, I saw it this morning when I was jamming to some country music and so did my husband from a different location in homestead. It did seem rather low and after it was gone a small dot floated away into the east. Weirdest thing ever, cool too!

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 32 image https://youtu.be/8pnz-wwhaCM

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 33 Mysterious blue light emitted from Atlas 5 rocket on takeoff 2,507 views // https://youtu.be/9v_g02YxjTw

• Euronews == An unmanned Atlas 5 rocket that blasted off from Florida on Wednesday (September 2) was unlike most rocket launches, creating a unique blue light as it flew through space. • Queen Elizabeth II == that's badass .. did you see the huge flairs from the rocket itself? NASA has been using new'y created fuel that's far cheaper and more powerful thus making the trip up a lot cheaper. amazing. • Sislertx == grain..or white lightning burns blue. must be using synthetic grain alcohol....not petroleum diesel like usual...or they are using a blue Lazer which is hot...which I doubt....I forget which chemical burns blue but it's a common one. • Raimaels Mag == Or. Alien tech. P.S A complete combustion (if enough oxygen) will turn blue. Maybe thats what ure looking for. • Kyle Jay == ION PROPULSION how far behind are you guys on technology\

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 34 Atlas V MUOS-4 Launch SEPT 2 2015 NASA Footage & Amateur Angles DEMO https://youtu.be/cH6n2q7sIyM

• sephysaurus [Nov 20, 2015] == Do you think you saw a missile test? Have a look at this Atlas V Rocket space launch and decide. This film demonstrates the dawn launch of this rocket with various professional and amateur clips. This film is a demonstration of various camera's their quality and angles on the launch, and the procedure of the rocket and it's stages. • Darius Wilkins == The reason rockets seem to blast off and not leave earth is that most space shuttles enter earth's orbit before going off to their destination. This is to conserve angular momentum.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 35 Misc’l • Twitter discussion Michael Seeley • https://twitter.com/Mike_Seeley/status/639045615314436097?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7 Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E639045615314436097&ref_url=https%3A%2F %2Fwww.theverge.com%2F2015%2F9%2F2%2F9244277%2Fthis-mornings-atlas-v- rocket-launch-created-a-beautiful-multi-colored • Clancy Gavin == It was the topic of sunrise conversation at the south jetty on the island of Venice fl, clear view. • ULA @ clancygavin420 @Mike_Seeley @yourtake It was breathtaking. Even some long- time launch vets haven't seen a rocket paint the sky that way. • Lil Hobson == we were worried there was a problem at first. It was a beautiful site! very colorful! • Pre Dawn United Launch Alliance Atlas V MUOS 4 Destroyed by ufos? Space War going on? Neuthral -- Mar 23, 2016 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MyVpN__gK4 • “you can see glowing lights that clearly arent fragments of the rocket as the payload is coming back down, why is it turning into glowing gas like that? To me it looks like its being sublimated or ionized, maybe a nuclear payload that has to be neutralised before it hits the ground. Also you can hear explosion sounds right before it starts to descend.”

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 36 MISC’L COMMENTS https://youtu.be/g8PIoT78t4U Mike Barth == How is it possible, that after 3 minutes you still see anything remotely like rocket exhaust fire when it is flying away at speeds in excess of 5000 mph and faster? it gets up to 17,500 (minimum velocity for orbit) in less than 5 minutes. It must be behind the curvature no matter how high it flew. How much are we charged for this firework display? thanks for posting. https://youtu.be/LAugPb5GLWM Carlos Gramao == my friend has another video to from different angle to..... he show me the video when I got to work this morning there in no way that is a rocket is an extraterrestrial ufo. something big is coming a tsunami or something this is a warning let's get ready...QUE DIOS NOS CUIDE THANK YOU. . https://youtu.be/LYTwd4rTgwg bobby Humberston = Sep 2, 2015 == Massive blue fireball entering the atmosphere … They were trying to say it was the atlas 5 rocket taking off but this came from space not from the ground. And i live on the complete other side of the state so their story is nonsense. ive seen hundreds of launches in my life and nothing ever looked close to that dude. hundreds. 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 37 Muzsikus Mushowski == Apparently "space" is over there to the right in this picture and not straight up....What a load of sh*t.

Ruud Müller == It is a) going horizontal b) NASA has nothing about this so-called launch and c) the whole thing desintegrates at the end. So .... if that was a satellite gong into space, it failed. … In fact, one of the movies on facebook clearly shows that the plume with the gaseous ball at the end ends up near them in the sky, downwards. Not upwards. And why, if I may ask, don't we see anything on CNN or ANY other world broadcast station about this? If some politician farts in a restaurant it's big enough news for global coverage but this BY Tim Elfrink - Miami New Times: happening over freaking MIAMI and not a single news net is "Oh my God," a woman intones, a shaky camera covering it ? We are being played here, clear and simple phone aimed at the sky. "There's something that is releasing a whole bunch of light in the... Oh my God!“ https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/atlas-5- Karl Freitag == This information should be ripped apart. Cape rocket-launch-lit-up-miamis-sky-and-everyone- Canaveral is over 200 miles from Miami and Miami doesn't have freaked-out-7867087 the luxury of seeing the debris of launches, we're lucky to see it off the beach 70 miles away, and it's just a trickle.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 38 Atlas V Rocket viewed from Marsh Harbour Airport - September 2, 2015 John Magyar -- Sep 2, 2015 -- 767 views Great Abaco island, Bahamas https://youtu.be/lwWn5zLK0ng Trailing light may be discarded first stage?


4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 39 Strange lights over eastern Florida morning sky - Sept 2nd 2015 18,070 views // https://youtu.be/q9w9vmhT-vg • Community Broadcast Network == While out for an early morning walk, my wife and I observed an unusual tunnel of light evolve into a strange cloud-like formation that appeared different from the rest of the clouds in the sky. We learned there was an Atlas rocket taking off on the east coast around the same time this occured. Check it out. …. Anyone know what they use to fuel those rockets? The cloud looks self-illuminated. • Paul Lopez == Ok people do your research. NASA did not have any kind of launch. • Ciaran Mcilkenny == If that was a Rocket launch it didn't go very well. • Philip Smith == Why was it traveling parallel to the earth? The shuttle launches we've witnessed in the east went up. • Lady Dyxea == wow, that looks like something I recorded. Mine looks like a dragon, in day light. I heard from a friend, that they are portals. <3 • Iokepa Clark == omg whoever uploaded this video I juss saw the same exact thing today at 600 at night in Sacramento California please try to contact me [JO: NOV 7 TRIDENT] • PeluchinPower == my friend saw something today here in Los Angeles CA at 6pm also

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 40 Atlas 5 Launch rocket / Unknown flying object in Miami Florida skyline 6.22AM / NASA / UFO // 206,942 views by Miami2you // https://youtu.be/yWCnhFQe1pM • “This morning (6.22AM September 2, 2015) we observe flying object (possible meteorite, asteroid or spacecraft) near Miami International Airport. ” [Russian-speaking visitors]

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 41 Atlas V Rocket Launch From Cape Canaveral Fl 2600 views // https://youtu.be/aWwYSgq9uno

• Blaine Grassi == some one please answer my question as to why all the videos of the launch are during the day or morning when the sun is up with visable daylight??just a question • trenton smith == thats no rocket launch from what ive seen before …. but still, thats something totally different, im skeptical • Errol Arndt == It’s a different kind of rocket • Mark Roundtree == Okay, but don't things that are launching usually go up?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 42 yWCnhFQe1pM p. 2

• Danielandken123 == i live closer to the cape and what i saw was on my way to work was something falling not taking off, they shot something down -- i know what i saw • xMergi == that looks so real and im sure it isnt fake because all are talking about this. i can say that this is something from somewhere else. but i dont know if its a meteor, a drone or a starship from an another civilisation. • Asian Goddess == This looks like its coming from outer space - coming into earth. definitely not the so called Navy Satellite Cape Canaveral launched the same time coz any satellite being sent up will be going into outer space not across the skies. but it seems the government had another so called coincidence - launched the same time and thats what you're seeing NOT. mmm cover up would you say. Anyways Im prepared with my SHTF bunker thx • Smylez Walker == It looks like the spaceship is being shield with a camouflage. This is so scared $hit. The object is clearly slowly moving without giving a fuc4. • santy33143 == Bro do you mind has been programed no to think for yourself ? It's very clear that is not a rocket.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 43 yWCnhFQe1pM p. 3 LATER COMMENTS ON FLORIDA VIDEO FROM PEOPLE WHO “SAW THE SAME THING” IN CALIFORNIA • [PROBABLY NOVEMBER 7, 2015 TRIDENT MISSILE TEST, TWO MONTHS LATER] • See http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/151107-cali_slbm_witness_analysis.pdf • Jonny Khach == bruh this $hit just flew over la last night damn i live in la so i was straight trippin • David Bowen == Lmfao fam I was lit driving thru Phoenix and saw this $hit had me wildin [JO: See Appendix 1] • Mike Faller == What's interesting if I've seen satellite launches and they all go straight up, not side ways. If I had to guess, I'd say this way either a near by meteor or a UFO that NASA was trying to keep hush hush so not to frighten everyone. • Matt King == I just saw this exact same thing fly over my house in so CA, moving horizontally and turning 90 degrees. It was completely silent and was releasing bright blue clouds of gas. Eerie and beautiful to watch. It was planar, wide when viewed from the side as it turned looked linear, two jets of white gas coming from top and bottom and a blue jet in the middle. Can someone tell me that it is?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 44 Atlas V Rocket Launch September 2 2015 ( RAW) Nicolas Poppe // 58,841 views// https://youtu.be/OA8PnjveDaw • ram2004mw == i watched this and took pictures it was 6 15 am 0n september 2nd it was NOT a successful launch it BLEW THE fuc4 UP and my eyes do not lie, i can see through the lying media wake up people its all a scam there are no satellites, we never went to the moon and we never went into space, thats the truth take it or leave it i don't give a damn. • BkzNotoriousPapi == I also saw this i was on my way to work in Orlando it was peculiar how it looked for about an hour and it just kept getting bigger. I watched it rise up with the plume of exhaust going up then this image ensued The media said it was supposedly what happens when the spaceship crosses into the atmosphere. I doubt it... There was truly something else... Is there truth to the claims of us being in a dome?? I bet this will be the last early morning launch for a while, next few will be daytime launches • ======• https://youtu.be/EAPAnhaParI • Radioscillator == Thank you for your video! This launch turned out to be so extraordinary. I am curious as to the unusual 'expansion' at 4:19...would you think this was actually a sonic resonance in the vapor, made visible in this unique situation with the angle of morning light? 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 45 Atlas V Rocket Launch Sept 2 with something strange. 16,700 views // https://youtu.be/jb8RWENp93c flcowboy46 // Published on Sep 2, 2015

• One strange thing about this launch, about 1 minute into filming I noticed a blinking light that seemed to follow the rocket, take a look around the 1 minute mark and tell me if I'm seeing things????

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 46 Russell S == . After about 1:34 you can see engine shutdown as a small, but growing dark circle at the center of the gas bag. Meanwhile... the "star just to the right of the rocket is the planet Venus. It was always to the left of the rocket for those of us watching from the Cape. Actually Mars is in the frame too -- just above and to the left of Venus, but, when compared to the other sources of light it is too dim to see. youtu.be/jb8RWENp93c

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 47 Incredible ATLAS v ROCKET UFO COMET OVNI miami airport good view september 2015 19,024 views // https://youtu.be/pBCGsTEaJvE Rand0mStuff // Published on Sep 2, 2015

Mike Slattebo -- Let's perpetuate disinformation and fear by making false claims as to the nature of the phenomena; way to be a credit to intelligence and decency. This is the rocket "wash" of an Atlas V rocket

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 48 Rand0mStuff #2

• Rebel Monkey Maxx == I work for the government on satellites and rocket propulsion and that sir is NOT a rocket wash. • The Boy == I thought rockets go up and didn't disappear outta thin air. You people believe anything the government or nasa say • Jason Childress == Easy to claim things on the net. While rockets eventually begin to fly in a more horizontal pattern than vertical, they do so at a much higher altitude than what is seen in this video. • Cody G Kremer == That's a comet... nothing man made...

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 49 4/30/2019 https://youtu.be/6ilX0EcLN1UKSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 3 50 COMMENTS – Chinese military missile? #2 • FaceLikeTheSun == Published on Sep 4, 2015 • Many people have been sending me footage of video captured of a strange object seen over the skies of Florida. It reminds me of something I've seen before. Official reports say it was the ATLAS V, but I hardly believe anything NASA says. Rather, it looks like some kind of missile. If it wasn't one of ours, it might be from China, or another foreign nation. If it isn't a rocket or missile of some kind, perhaps it's a projectile headed into space to knock off some kind of incoming space object. What do you think it is? • MyKidsFuture -- If it's a rocket, why is there a plume ejecting so sideways from the purported nozzle of the engine? Why are all of them moving so very slowly? Just like the Floridians said, this is NOT rocketry. I'm not really a believer of UFO's in the sense they are beings from another planet. This could be something military. I have heard new chemtrail technology being used that resembles anti- grav capability. See the plume behind it? … Forgot something that eyewitnesses pointed out. No matter what the lighting is, these things are BRIGHT. The whole plume it creates. Where does it's luminescence come from? It's not light from the sun. Why so bright?? • https://youtu.be/6ilX0EcLN1U

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 51 Chinese military missile? #3

• Christopher Akerley == +Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News they say sept 3. with the shallow trajectory i cant see how it would make its way all the way to tampa. • DaeDae Stoned == it was seen here. in California..L.A. had quite the visual...but it was seen from here to Arizona...."navy missile test" is what they're calling it...it looked exactly like this one you show here....let me find the link...... • Mark Pate == It is an aerosol dispersing rocket. It is releasing lithium into the air in populated areas to subdue dissident citizens. Chemtrails are not getting the job done quick enough, so this is the next phase. The NWO/U.N. is making it's move because of the Judgement Day deadline. The Golden Age is upon MAN and they fear retribution. It's just a theory. • Suz Mc == I lived on the Space Coast for 26 years. NEVER have I seen a launch like that! I have seen shuttles, atlas, and deltas launch, daytime night time never has it looked like that!!

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 52 Chinese? #4 // J. Jason Wentworth General observation

I saw a launch (of an Atlas-Centaur) that looked just like that. (Other Sun- illuminated launches are also famous, including a Titan II ICBM test from the Cape which caught the Sun as it staged, and an early evening Lunar Orbiter launch [aboard an Atlas-Agena D] which naked-eye observers were able to follow far downrange.) Early on the morning of August 21, 1972 my mother, father, and I were driving up from Miami to visit relatives in Orange City, Florida, when we spotted a strange, bluish, and luminous bell-shaped "cloud" in the predawn sky (the sky was a dim blue--the "blue hour"--but the Sun hadn't yet risen). It was moving away slowly to the east, while also gradually moving closer to the horizon as it climbed, curving around the Earth; at the "peak" of the bell shape we could see a bright point of light, and: We knew that it was a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral (it was still called Cape Kennedy then, as it was from 1963 to 1973), but we didn't know what the and payload were. Later, my mother looked up the date in her diary, and checking it against a NASA launch listing, I found that it was OAO-3 (Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 3), which was launched aboard Atlas-Centaur AC-22. https://youtu.be/6ilX0EcLN1U #4

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 53 [WHY?] ROCKET UFO NASA COVER UP? [NEW INFORMATION] SHARE THIS!! 2015 https://youtu.be/dvj7umX5lLY • P.Gallo Original == That can't be an Atlas rocket because you would be able to clearly see the rocket as it left that plume behind it. And rockets just don't make plumes that are in front of it the way this obviously is doing. And there seems to be a small object following the (whatever.) My ex-husband was in the Navy and we got to see a few rockets launch and this looks nothing at all like what we saw, and we got to see a few different types. Awesome videos as usual! • Michael Carpenter == This was just another Wormhole opening up as we saw in Japan , in Norway, in Russia and now the States. Thanks but we have our hands full of illegal Aliens as it is! [JO: See Appendix 1] • James Talley == UFOs following rockets is not something new. Good footage of dummy ICBM being destroyed by ufo on YouTube. The USA, China and Russia have had rockets destroyed by ufos. • Brenda Doyle == Seems like the leading light was what remained "hanging" in the air after the rocket disappeared versus the blinking light that followed. • TRC TC == I live in Jacksonville Fl. On that same morning at 4:45 I saw it pass rt over 103rd st immediately that morning I looked on line everywhere and nothing about it. Very bright light no noise and so fast

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 54 UFO in South Florida 9\2\2015 // Rocky Jim https://youtu.be/nMlLtLp6POI // 6,842 views

• Steven Marzullo == Officials claim that is an Atlas V. I can't give up my source but you can watch video's on youtube of previous Atlas V rocket launches from Cape Canaveral at night.... The same place and same times and it looks nothing like the aircraft in this video. That is obviously not ours or a huge mistake in the testing of some top secret booster. It does appear to leave a chemical trail suggesting that it's most likely some type of advanced rocket. …. There are a thousand video's here on YouTube of the Atlas V rocket taking off from Cap Canaveral at night. NONE OF THEN EVEN RESEMBLE THIS. SEE FOR YOURSELF

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 55 youtu.be/nMlLtLp6POI 2 • Steven Marzullo == There are a thousand video's here on YouTube of the Atlas V rocket taking off from Cap Canaveral at night. NONE OF THEN EVEN RESEMBLE THIS. SEE FOR YOURSELF • Nick Jensen == interesting. i've never seen any rocket that looked like that. i wonder what that was. good capture • MarCuzAurelius == Wormhole, people... youtube wormhole ufo. You will see many more identical to this • Steven Marzullo == Thank you....The mainstream media zombies are eating up that bull$hit Atlas V story • ….How come it's flying horizontally? You can watch every video on youtube of an Atlas V launch rocket launch and they are all flying vertically. The chemical trail will never look like the one in the one in this video. There is something very unique about it's chemical trail. Looks like a new type of propulsion/rocket combo?? There are countless videos video's on youtube of this very same spacecraft in Mexico, China, Australia, Norway, Russia. The U.S. does not have rocket launch capabilities in Russia, China, or Mexico. Making it impossible for this to be an Atlas V rocket. I don't know what that is sir but the official story like usual is a cover up. [JO: See Appendix 1]

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 56 Rocket Atlas V Miami Airport Florida September 02, 2015 86,459 views // https://youtu.be/LAugPb5GLWM • Cheryl Keaton == Thats NO Atlas V try again They shoot straight to the sky they do NOT run parallel to the earth and they sure as hell do not hover or go slow.. With out sound hell they break the sound barrier try again. This is ither some NEW GOVERNMENT craft or it is a UFO. We already know ware they get there tech so I wouldn't doubt either way. But that is NOT an Atlas V. Sell that crap to some idiot that dose not know the difference …. to many differences sorry im no sheep im not swallowing it rockets shoot straight up in to the sky what I saw ran parallel with the earth they are not one in the same sorry my names tucker not sucker. • Andso Starseed == rocket my a$$, they said the same thing about the Norway spiral..... [JO: See Appendix 1] • Raven Keiser == we saw this same type of craft in Mexico, norway and Russia were they also rockets. and if it was the rocket launch why wasnt it in the news ahead of time so that people were not frightened? Just dont believe it was a rocket- satelite launch. … And also fact, I have seen similar videos throughout the years of the same type of "lightshow" all in different countries and they are not sure what was above their skies, no one is claiming they shot a rocket into space. I dont know.. maybe it's just me spending too much time on youtube lol.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 57 UFO Over Florida // 24,949 views sonofmabarker // Published on Sep 2, 2015 24,949 views https://youtu.be/ec_hswpbkuk • In the early morning hours of September 2nd this strange sighting was recorded. This occurred in southern Florida. Is it something from another world or a secret rocket launch? • Jakub Gawel -- So people that think it's a rocket... Do rockets launch fuc4ing side ways, show me a video of that atlas fuc4ing v rocket doing that $hit #government cover up (atlas v rocket). It's a UFO hands down. • Izzy Johnson == ALLLL THESE COMMENTS SAING ITS NOT A UFO ARE IDIOTS... BC UFO IS AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT SO THE COULDN'T IDENTIFIED ATM SO TO THEM ITS A UFO • santini deutch == So, if this was a Rocket, then why in the hell is this so different then ALL the other launches that have taken place for the last 40 years! Really? Are we all this stupid that we just can not get off the glue and figure out that we are about to be screwed off the planet

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 58 sonofmabarker #2


4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 59 Sonofmabarker 3

• Zachary Michelena == I feel like what ever it is the government and nasa and all them will cover it up. • Katie Fugee == Unless we are now using magnesium as our fuel for rockets now, this is not from any rocket we have. If that is the case, any of you morons that think this is a launch, find any video of a rocket launch that displays that color in its trail...... • Aᴋɪᴋ᥆ ღ == anybody who believes that this is a rocket is blind this is a spaceship the government has been brainwashing us for years • Carlos Mendez == Yall think its a rocket lol. Show me a rocket that ever done that …. I want to see links which prove this fact, that you talk about. Which i know yall cant prove . lets see them . bet not one looks like that • Raven Keiser == I also heard it was a some kind of satellite launch. Can someone tell me why its not going straight up? Seems strange.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 60 UFO over Hollywood, Florida // 2 September 2015 11,891 views // https://youtu.be/0Vm904r-hqg • Paul Vlachos == it's a rocket that launched from • MarCuzAurelius -- Rockets shoot sideways in a spiral and then eject glowing orbs...GO SPREAD YOUR NONSENSE LIES TO OTHER SHEEP. I am one of very few people to watch a night launch of the shuttle from the closest you can get to the pad including and with nasa employees. ..so yeah no offense "PAUL" but youtube wormhole ufo. • Joesus -- I took these videos and my friend took pictures that have better detail of the object at the Margaritaville hotel and resort in hollywood. it was most likely atlas 5 but my problem with it is the vapor trail it left. I made a report of it on MUFONs website

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 61 UFO OVER MIAMI? TODAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 (EXPLAINED) 159,908 views https://youtu.be/qz8Y8r3UA6E GabeHashTV // Sep 2, 2015

Spiritual Coaching 4 Life after Life! == Howard, you seem to be becoming a disinformation agent... what's going on with that? I may have to unsubscribe soon, as you seem to believe everything the government/elite tells you to believe and I thought you of all people understood the importance of scrubbing YouTube and other social sites from disinformation artists, yet you seem to be jumping on that bandwagon... FLPSource = Wasn't there another one spotted in California? If so, how can this be another launch? John Liu == yeah i just saw it yesterday govt claimed it was a missile test (not a rocket launch this time) while NASA was saying it was a meteor. they arent even getting their stories straight anymore Innocently_Insidious == +John Liu If they're not telling the same stores then something obviously isn't right here. :/ [JO: See Appendix 1]

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 62 GabeHashTV #2

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 63 GabeHashTV #3 • Tommie Wilson == ok who ever said that was and rocket is and lie I saw this with my own eyes I saw it stop in midair and vanish. it made absolutely no sound. it flew over my head as I was at Miami International Airport. Now for anyone to say it was and rocket, Answer me this why in God's name would anyone fire and rocket over any airport with restricted air space, as well as over and populated area. Get your lies straight , fire and rocket over and airport SOMEONE MUST BE OUT OF AND JOB AND UP ON CHARGES... Again I know what I saw.... • Steve == Don't be a sheep. Believe nothing, question everything, be swayed my no one but your self and go with your instincts. • Jon Myers == why the fuc4 would a rocket fly sideways? • Cort Richards == That is no rocket. What is it doing flying over a very populated area for one and why is it angling down like it is going to explore the Atlantic Ocean instead of flying upwards as any normal rocket would. The rocket explanation makes absolutely no logical sense. I never believe anything the media or the USG has to say. They have a record of lying to the public. • PhuckObama == does this guy thinks we are fuc4ing retards???... so, since when the US launch rockets to the space in a sideways manner so when taking off from central florida they flight over miami?... fuc4ing $hit bags.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 64 GabeHashTV #4 • Mike Faller -- Seems to me that NASA cooked up a clever lie. My best guess was that this was either a close by meteor or a UFO. … I live in Orlando, dude. Every rocket I see take off goes straight up. So yeah, there's that. But hey, maybe I was wrong and it was rocket or maybe it was something else that NASA felt inclined to lie about it. Either way, I really don't care. Cheers! • Hitesh Chawla == lol. how efficiently can someone lie on national tv. ive seen the first ever rocket flying horizontally and not vertically • Auto-Motive == The government is full of lies and you have to be a fool to think we are alone in this universe. This the same mysterious streaking light in the sky I've seen on several ufo videos captured from all over the world. Its no way that is a rocket launch. • dovidiostore == Agreed. this is NOT a rocket launch. there are a million government shill youtube accounts that keep posting about rockets, when that is in fact a cover-up

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 65 GabeHashTV #5

• j9ljalex == I live between Cape Kennedy and Miami, I saw and Heard NOTHING ! So, How can it be a "Rocket " launch ? I would have seen or Heard at least Something. But you go ahead and Believe that it was a Atlas rocket. I Believe MissLady40V is correct about the Validity of your website. Bummer. • Russell S == +j9ljalex Maybe you should move up here to Brevard County. In the first few minutes of flight the roar of the Atlas V's main engine and FIVE solid rocket boosters was so loud it woke up hundreds of people across the Space Coast. After that, the rocket was out of the atmosphere and accelerating eastward across the Atlantic in the total vacuum of outer space -- where no sound is produced and no one can hear you scream... • Manuel Salazar == nASA LAUNCHES THINGS up INTO sPACE.. NOT SIDE WAYS N $hit. I KNEW THEY WOULD GIVE US THE OLD WEATHER BALLON $hit AGAIN • GotNone99 == i have a picture, at a different angle that shows the object leaving a chem trail but it looks like i was all over the place... not a straight line.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 66 UFO Spiral Over Miami, Sept 2, 2015 254,412 views // https://youtu.be/Ek5yVSoX8wE EriGIA007 // Published on Sep 2, 2015 • krazyskibunney == That's is not a rocket or missle test!! I live 5 miles from SpaceX after 4 years of them testing, launching etc missiles THATS I have no dam clue but kicks some hard a$$.. 樂wonder what DARPA new STARSHIP looks like? Can you push air 2 blue doing 20G's? …. Sorry to burst your atlas v theory but they fly laterally like UP they put $hit in. space. …. An Atlas V rocket go straight up ☝️ hence the name ROCKET!! • InvertedDrop == Everyone keeps saying that this is ATLAS but there are many other instances where there wasn't a rocket taking off and the same exact phenomenon happened just like in this video. • King Konvik Zion == I seen that $hit i was 15 back then i got it on video too bruh thats real bruh thats God bruh that aint no rocket they lying why would it be headed towards a compact area and headed for the ground leaving a wierd a$$ trail like that bruh? I thought that was a comet or shooting star cause i never seen one but now i know

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 67 EriGIA007 #2 • cloudburstlia456 == The trait that ties all these UFO sightings in history together is that they are always silent! Chills. The one in Southern California a few moths later looked just like this one. [JO: Nov 7, 2015 trident slbm] • CE_Stocks == 14 years USAF- this is no rocket. Not saying little green men from Mars - but definitely not a rocket/missile. • Aaron Rowland == sure launch a rocket over civilian population yeah they would believe that the people will believe anything • Donna Reeves == They keep saying missile tests gone bad...well there is hundreds of clips all the way back to 2009 [JO: ‘Norway spiral’]. They are full of $hit! So what happens, the missile just stops and drops, burns up...what? And why over a populated area...nope! • Jerry Fletcher == If this is a missile test and the one in China and L.A. too.... can someone pls explain, why the "test" those above populated areas ? I mean ... Los Angeles , Miami ?? Really ?? • Eric_Ink == Rockets don't go sideways...same thing happened in LA on Nov 7th. Cape Canaveral would've let people know if it was a rocket. BS

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 68 EriGIA007 #3 • Rooster Arts Glasgow == 0:22 check the area behind the point of light (at front) and you will notice two small flashes of light...its weird that it has flashes similar to a plane, and it does so again slightly after the one i pointed out. does it mean that it is? interesting needs more scrutiny guys! i have no idea what it is and i'm no egg head but i believe it does need closer looking at. • Geumsaegi == An ATLAS V rocket launched from cape canaveral florida the same night. It's a rocket. • Chronic Wizdom == mon stop bull$hitting were not dumb enough to beleive that. not everything can be explained in this world • Risk Ninja == Two things we know: it isn't a helicopter or plane, it must emit light and particles that reflect that light. As for the 'missile' theory, seems to be going a wee bit too slow to be a 'missile, more likely to be a balloon than a missile. ‘ • Junkification == Nobody knows what it is, the US military has no idea, NASA claims they do not know either. Somebody is lying to you.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 69 EriGIA007 #4

• will bragg == Funny how we'd have a failed rocket launch in September, then in November. One being over Miami and one being over LA... Like we launch rockets over heavily populated areas. I did hear a theory that they launched it over populated areas simply to get a ton of videos of it to scare other countries. That's the dumbest $hit I have ever head. Why would the Military even launch a rocket that might fly over a heavily populated area? What happens if it DOES fail? It falls and kills people? Yeah, no... Bull$hit excuse is bull$hit. I'm not saying it's an ET, but it's obviously NOT your every day Titan Missle... As an ex-military personnel, I can perfectly say, they don't look like that. I'm open to any stories and theories, but at least have your story hold water. • DankkMemes (Jake) == Same thing happened in California not too long ago [JO: See Appendix 1] • Rich Photography & Art == looks like they tried to sneak a or rocket into orbit without telling us about it,. tisk tisk with these secret operations

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 70 ULA MUOS4 - Atlas V Rocket Launch Sept 2, 2015 Crue Knight == Sep 2, 2015 == 19,086 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6ED23aN9GQ • ORLANDO RICK == So I'm supposed to believe some scientist's explanation as to why the rocket appears to go sideways and down ..I know what I'm seeing • Unchained == Trust your eyes and your common sense. It was coming down and it did disintegrate. Nowhere did you see anything exiting the atmosphere. You have been tricked and you are making excuses for the hoaxsters; that is called cognitive dissonance. • Alex Clark == WOW! Awesome footage! This is great! I saw it this morning and was so shocked because I've never seen a rocket do this • Harveydog2006 == what a sight to behold. once in a lifetime to see that i guess thx for sharing

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 71 H6ED23aN9GQ #2 John Fedor explains reasons for doubt Explain to me how it is "exiting the atmosphere" on a downward tradgectory!! watch a video of a space shuttle launch! they go straight up! … …. also, there is some type of craft hovering to the left for most of the video, and orbs of light appear many times as well …. 1 more thing, the trident missle that was launched past weekend in California [JO: Nov 7, 2015].. if you believe that it was a nuke warhead missle test you should be alarmed, if you dont, like me, it makes you wonder what is really going on in our skies.. eerily similar to this video … also-what causes the brief "spiral" ? does anyone know? there are soo many anomalies that accompanied this event…. question. .why no exhaust plumes? light too bright? and WHAT ARE THE ORB LIGHTS ? No, they aren't booster rockets dropping off!… 3:14-3:15 in to the left of the rocket, outside of the lit up smoke phenomenon 2 ufos appear and disappear..what do you think they are? [later] ok, I'll take that explanation because I really have no grounds to refute it. I got 2 answers telling me that the rocket is going up not down, but nobody addressed the red and white orbs seen through the video. I definitely do not believe the orbs are the booster rockets dropping off. look at the spacing of the "dots". listen to the narrator say how there is "3 dots for some reason"

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 72 H6ED23aN9GQ #3 Fedor acknowledges explanations • ThePocketMedic == This particular rocket (Atlas V in 421 configuration) launched with two external Solid Rocket Boosters (like the boosters on the space shuttle) that separated at about 1:44-1:50 into this video. After separation, the boosters and associated debris tumble and fall slowly to earth. As they tumble, they reflect the sunlight occasionally and appear to blink on and off. I would encourage you to read the wikipedia page regarding the Atlas V rocket, as well as the United Launch Alliance's website regarding this specific mission (http://www.ulalaunch.com/ula-launches-morelos- 3.aspx). It may help to answer any other questions you may have about the launch. • John Fedor == you guys all have me convinced, it was a rocket. I buy all of your explanations, thank you. now refer to my previous comment…. ufos ARE in our skies whether skeptics want to accept it or not. there are tens of thousands of videos on youtube. is every video a fake? i challenge you skeptics to take the youtube challenge. pick ANY major us city-from Spokane to Miami, Boston to Boise. any one. put ufo after city youtube search and look for yourselves

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 73 H6ED23aN9GQ #4

• David Schwartz == At the very end of the video you can see a spiral of light forming activated by 4 lantern like objects in a diamond formation just like the other rocket launches. This is the same thing that happened over Norway October 9, 2009 as the result of a Russian rocket launch. The light show we see is caused by antimatter harvested at CERN being activated in atmosphere to open portals. • Mikosa == Multiple blinking dots appearing above, below and being rocket after rocket boosters released.... "just moon pigeons or swamp gas" - NASA • Dhirendra Rajkumar == Apparanty this is a footage of an ET action in destroying the rocket, who knows maybe its an ICBM that didnt quite reach its destination. The circular rings that can be seen at 4.22 are consistant with a sonic blast or shock waves from an explosion

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 74 H6ED23aN9GQ #5

• martin doyle == I live in North Port FL. Waked out my door this morning at about the 2min 15 second part of your video. I thought it was a very bright plane light but then it started to do the cigar shape thing and I wondered what on earth it was. • Praise the Sun! == The term warhead means "multiple nuclear weapons on one rocket". The three dots at the end (that everyone seems to be worried about) are most likely the multiple warheads breaking of to there specific targets after the rocket reached its flight. • Kevin Aubourg == I caught the very end of the launch this morning as left for work, right when that odd ring ripple happened. It was quite spectacular from my angle, looked as if it was emitting an energy pulse. Thanks for the awesome vid post.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 75 Pre-Dawn United Launch Alliance Atlas V MUOS-4 https://youtu.be/Nx1-JHhR7AY

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 76 Nx1-JHhR7AY #2 • believe it == "Normal"...and "fragments" my a$$...those are orbs and there is nothing normal about this launch. People are so damn gullible they will believe anything even against their better judgment. They are trying to tell you down is up for the love of god! The "Norway spiral was a malfunctioning Russian rocket with a burnout through the side of the nozzle".....and so were the next 2 spirals seen?....LMAO...... wakey wakey....all the weirdness you are witnessing IS NOT NORMAL regardless of who tells you it is. Think people, think clearly and freely for yourselves no matter how scary you think the truth may prove to be! Our skies are not normal, all the thousands of anomalies being seen are in fact anomalies and NOT normal. Ask yourself, wtf is going on and WHY are they lying about it and hiding the truth? Someone or something is trying to tell us something and so many are willingly ignorant that there are some major happenings taking place. For the sake of your children and your children's children, you better start asking what the hell is really going on. • eathfeeds == those lights arent fragments because they are maintaing there distance.... at 4:20 they illuminate even more. I totally agree.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 77 Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Miami Airport mistaken for a UFO // by UFOVNI // 213,464 views https://youtu.be/vzUpRLe7CHM • Hannibal == lol everyone here claiming to know exactly what it is as if they were experts on the subject ahahaah "oh no its a UFO" lol • MINITMANRADIONETWORK == lived in Florida for 6 plus years, seen many launches. None of the looked like this. • t == Im surprised to see so few views on this video. This event can draw parallels to the UFO over dome of the rock Jerusalem (2011?) with the spherical object, & even more similarities with the Norway spiral. Investigate & seek the truth. If you truly wish to know whats going on from within your heart you will understand. I remember just 14 small years ago to 2001, when we had our new flip phones & could text, along with simple video game systems. Just look where we are. We are being prepared. For something. Trust yourself. Know thyself. • heironeus86 == A question: a space missiles shouln't head toward the space...VERTICALLY? This one is flying HORIZONTALLY! :D Are you sure this is a rocket? • A Man Called Jim == Why would you launch a rocket in a built up area ?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 78 https://youtu.be/vzUpRLe7CHM #2

• 777 777 == hahaha anyone who believes this is a rocket deserves to get hit over the head • Nyxs1s == No way that was the Altas rocket, the launch was during the day and would look nothing like this as a launch. As a re-entry it would be a glowing yellow as it burned up and look very much like a meteorite. This is something else. • Aaron URIAH YASHARAHLA == They always say this $hit AFTERWARDS instead of letting us know prior? They say its an atlas rocket but how do we know if thats true? • Andre Stoelinga == let me see some proof it's actually a rocket end not some stupid excuse from a closed minded moron stuck in his box without windows... It has NO lit up thrust trail, there's NO rocket engine that would leave a split trail like this one. And why all of a sudden is there no trail AT ALL anymore...? It disappates and leaves a huge circle at the end of the trail... Uhuh...it's a rocket... • andrednz == If that is space junk, how come it is not falling straight to Earth? • 3akalee == Rockets don't fly straight up you say? They now fly like planes into space? That is a new one on me. So we now get into space flying horizontal.. How strange. 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 79 https://youtu.be/vzUpRLe7CHM #3 • music == not the atlas. I live in the cape. once it breaks thru the atmosphere ...that's it disappears. so how in the hell does a city 300 miles away see it and we dont.. and I'm right under it. my family in vero which is 30 min south of the cape couldn't see it either. so how does miami see it. lol its b s. this is a advanced aircraft that the usa is using or the Russians are using. • Kobrakai == How would a rocket cause that formation of luminous substance... also, rockets fly almost 100% vertically... this video title is mis-leading. It is not a rocket. • Yeshe Changchub 11221963 == How does the whiTe TRAIL light up? NOT FIRST TIME FLORida has seen a rocket launch now is it? thanks • moosieh1 == Or maybe a demonic vortex. These strange blue comets have been seen all over the world, from Norway to Russia and now Miami.... • Silvia Parra == China 2010 .. the same thing.. • John McManus == I'd love to see a video covering the launch of the so called rocket and follow it to the point that it's picked up by people on their phones etc

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 80 https://youtu.be/vzUpRLe7CHM #4 • Preliminimal == Atlas v? i don't know -why is there a glowing white trail ? and the direction of flight seems illogical, i see other video of Atlas V and those versions aren't doing this. (??) this looks like that bizarre UFO over China a few years ago, going sideways in a similar way, and the one over Russia was like this, and several other UFOs with this similar weird formation • hetoan2 == For real I was thinking the same, the thing is that in the one in China the orb at the front launches at fast speed. I smell bull$hit, they even said is reflection of the sun, it's night my dude, and planes fly higher than that and I don't see no dam reflection at night. • Martin Brody == +Preliminimal Agreed. I've seen those other videos showing pretty much the same damn thing too. The one in China, extremely similar to this footage, and the one in Russia, which starts off as a falling source of light. And no way would the rising sun illuminate the vapour trail in that fashion. If it was the sun doing it, it'd be a pinky/orangey colour rather than brilliant white. • danny urka == I agree,, since when does a rocket flys horizontal in miami... If it was a rocket the would have anounce it in advance especcialy because ther is a fuc4ing airport in the way... Also agree om the chinese and russian similair events do the chinese and russians also fired atlas rockets in a densly populated area?? Bogus the people who are covering up this things should be put in jail forever • [to be continued] 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 81 [continued] 7CHM #5 • Preliminimal == Martin- yes. if there is a video of the Atlas V clearly doing this, then i will accept that explanation, but the other atlas V videos show a rocket going up with no strange puffed out glowing trail • Martin Brody == Actually, I'm going to have to do a 180 here by holding my hands up and admitting I was wrong! I've just seen another video showing exactly that! …. It pretty much explains the 'falling' UFO video filmed in Russia too. • Preliminimal == ah, ok -- thanks for clearing it up for everyone, i will check that out. must be a new technology. kinda cool • Brian Gleason == My hat is off to you. You are probably the first person I have seen in the History of youtube comments that actually listened, and learned something. Every other Youtuber set in their ways would make some BS up about how he/she was still right. You have given me hope for Humanity once again. thumbs up !!

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 82 7CHM #6 essay by ‘Anthony Perkins ’ lol, definitely not a rocket, the space between the outer trail would be filled up to, due to the fuel pouring out of the rocket that is pushing it. .duuuuuh... the reason why the trail dissipates, instead of it keep going, is because the foreign object actually leaving our outer atmosphere. there is another vid of whomever trying to compare, but you will notice the space is filled up between the outer trail, by the fuel pushing the rocket, of course. if ya know science and math and common sense, it would tell ya, that is not a rocket, nor is it an alien craft either, lol.... that right there is an meteor.. straight up. if that was a rocket that was set off, for one...as they say it is... we def would have known, so this wouldn't happen, ppl wondering what it is and all that. the gov't and press release would def had said something to let us know... I may not be a genius, but I did take my asvap test for the military ..i scored highest in mechanics.. then math then science...just sayin...now I can't build a car or a freakn rocket, but I understand the concept of how things work, damn well….I can tell ya how a rocket works scientifically….....no rocket scientist is all I'm saying.. could have if I really wanted to, but didn't choose that life for my own reasons.. just saying, that is a meteor..is all.. don't really care if anyone dislikes, or has some smart alec comment bout anything I said... won't bother me none, lol

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 83 https://youtu.be/vzUpRLe7CHM #7 • Osniel Ravelo == I saw that here in Cuba at 6:30 in the morning , some body know what was that? [JO: WAS seen from the Bahamas, so maybe…?] • Jackie Bosworth == It's dumb that the people weren't alerted about rockets being fired by NASA before hand and why shoot a rocket sideways back towards the earth? So close to residential and commercial areas.... • The Silly == atlas rocket??? um seriously? have u seen an atlas rocket launch??? I have this isnt it! If you have a brain you can see that the trail isnt even from its propulsion... Plus the fact that its travelling horizontally in or just outside of our orbit. Definitely not a rocket. …. REAL ATLAS V FOOTAGE http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/09/02/atlas-v- rocket-launch/71562068/ • Overdose Divided == So why does the light emited from the booster still reflect off the droplets even when the rocket is obviously far away? Around the 1:00 mark, why is the end of the tail still reflecting light?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 84 Strange light in sky above Florida 16,425 views Joel LastName // Published on Sep 2, 2015 https://youtu.be/LCrZhK3Tl-I

• Jerry Mole == I watched it closes not taking my eyes off it when it forms the ring it looks like its opening a portal • endangered intellect. == looked CG animated quit pulling fakes • Everett Hathaway == My Son who lives in West Palm called my yesterday at 6:30 am and saw this and watched it for several minutes. He described this as light within the cloud dancing and moving back and forth. Not sure what this is but it almost seemed like the Northern lights around the Artic from his pictures. • abundantYOUniverse == Just so you know, others have seen this too. And its not a rocket launch. The commenters on youtube are idiots.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 85 UFO attempt Destroy Atlas V Rocket NASA in Miami FL Sep 2, 2015 // https://youtu.be/A3cqWF1cVQk OVNIS ACTUALES - Enigmas de La Historia // 41,044 views • John Fedor == you skeptics with your occums razor. non of you will believe until et sticks a probe up your a$$! watch other videos of the launch. • josephsanangelo == If you run the video between 1:20 and 1:58 and go frame by frame, there are hundreds of orbs coming out of the portal vortex. • EZGAMERx == I don't agree, although the extraterrestrials were present how did you come to the conclusion it was trying to destroy the rocket? Trust me, if they wanted to shoot it down they would have. Is it the single flash that gave you the impression of a weapon being used? What if it was a tracking device or what if they fixed the rocket somehow? I'm just confused as to how you came to your conclusion. … the "Aliens" are always watching. I don't think either of these objects are ufo's but it is possible. I was just merely stating that they are always present. • amingSlasher == I didnt really understand what I saw. I saw the two bright dots but why was it shining so bright and solid down to the right of the smoke cloud?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 86 UFO Scare: NASA Rocket Launch from Cape Canaveral, Sept. 2, 2015. 6,934 views // https://youtu.be/Bsx67wSPSo4

• sam hyde's #1 fan [Sep 2, 2015] == United Launch Alliance Atlas V MUOS-4 from Cape Canaveral as seen from West Palm Beach. Unusual atmospheric conditions raises UFO concerns. • dynamicvideoonline == we just witnessed the same "test" launch of a Trident II on the west coast last night. It had the entire state up in arms.. [JO: Nov 7, 2015 Trident test] • sam hyde's #1 fan == +dynamicvideoonline You would think with the education available to anyone with a cell phone, a light flashing in the sky should not startle anyone. No aliens people, too much distance between stars. • daniel moran == I saw this exact thing this morning, October 2nd 2015. I figured it was cape canaveral...but checked online just to be sure • sam hyde's #1 fan == +daniel moran My family actually went to Cape Canaveral to see the October 02, 2015 launch. I made a video and I hope you like that video also.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 87 John Mountford // Sep 2, 2015 == Rocket launch was at 6:18 am. This was taken from our back yard in Island Lakes, Merritt Island. Amazing launch. https://youtu.be/zqKIdL2qevg

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 88 Strange Light In The Sky Explained // 97,991 views EVERYONE AGREES CBS Miami // Sep 2, 2015 // Walter Makaula’s report TV GUYS ARE LYING https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU • Queen LiLi == DONT TRUST A SMILE They laugh because they don't want anyone to know exactly what's going on . They want the masses to NOT panic. This is an important topic & should not be used as a mockery. Something is going on in the outside world & we should have the right to know. We live on same planet why not give out the information • Ever_lasting == The stories don't add up. You guys are trying to cover up this. It should be going up then ... • Agar Camacho == stupid CBS not true you think people are ignorant • bel ostermann == This is COVER UP!!! They think we are idiots • Travis-2313 == You couldn't pay me $1 million a year to look in a camera and lie like that to humanity! fuc4en sell outs! • Angie1111 == Seriously, lol damn!! You do realize you look pretty ridiculous trying to sell the lie, right • heroic hexameter == Smirking piece of $hit. Fire these bastards. • Copy&Paste == why u always lying why you always lying oh mmmmm my god stop fuc4ing lying!!!!!

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 89 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #2 // more news media attacks

• Bennyboom63 == I'd like to smack that smurck rite off this puppets face and then we can strap his a$$ to his so called rocket. we the people have no use for the news anymore. we know what we see. • The Man from Epsilon Crucis == Hahaha, what a fuc4ing joke - if that was a rocket, then I am King of Earth! You MSM idiots really think we are idiots! • Ms TPL == Are these news readers aware that they'll be sharing the same fate as the rest of us? The truth can't be covered for much longer anyway, the signs are everywhere. • Kicksoffs == That's bull$hit, try harder next time a$$holes. And for the record this was the worst cover up ever. The pubic is not stupid they're very smart CBS, LMAO. • ProblemBoy Official == then lets see how smart the pubic really is. • Bertie st. clair == You would think they would have shown the whole video of the rocket launch instead of possibly old footage of another.. I've seen a rocket launch it goes up, not sideways. The news man almost has a smirk on his face as he reports this in a very light manner. Not convinced, sorry. • Marcus Sams-Mckoy == obviously doing a terrible job covering it up. but you know, they have to untill disclosure

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 90 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #3 recent comments after Dec 22, 2017 • Motu Proprio == So this same rocket  took off in San Diego on 12/22/2017; do we have another launching station? [JO: See Appendix 1] • sammy slimezz == Bruh I went to the beach to see where it had gone and there were police officers blocking every single area • simon G B Roberts == This shows the phenomenon travelling in the opposite direction to the report from California [JO: See Appendix 1] • charlie marison == only the sleeping believe its a rocket • Viciousvv == Really And they didnt let ppl know of this Love the Lies • kay Queen == I call bull$hit. Rockets don't move that slow n they saw this in Cali too. The real reason for net neutrality repeal. Better get your life right • EditingSaint == Something similar to this was seen in California on December 22 2017 • Golden0041 == Stop lying, TELL THE TRUTH. THIS HAPPENED IN 2015 AND IN 2017 AND THE ROCKET CANNOT HAVE THAT MUCH WHITE THINGS IN THEM. JUST SPILL THE BEANS. It cannot be that big and that much fuel/stuff cannot be stuffed into such a small thing • Marcus Bernal == Yeah right that’s bs • Josh Giles == local channel news cbs (all seeing eye)...shoot ask the government...wait the news did and this is what they were told to say for the 2,000th time lol

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 91 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #4 more comments • Thee Parris Hill ==Shut the fuc4 up. So sick of this $hit always being covered up. The reality is its impossible to be within the entire universe being the only intelligent* life form, not to say were under attack or any of that silly scifi movie bull$hit. Just come out and be honest is all we ask. • Weird_Seizure_Kid #Im Short == I seen it live at night today and if it was a rocket then they would told us before they launched it but right when people started to notice they said it was a rocket • Tamara Torres == There was in in temecula [JO: far southwest California] to this one had two lights and was spinning in the air I have footage your going to tell me that was a rocket to ?? [JO: See Appendix 1] • only one == So it was a satellite??? Shouldnt it go upwards to the sky? Why was it going side ways and then disintegrating • i_Love_ _Doritos == Its weird how he said that it was the satellite lounch , so hes saying that the satellite fail and esploded across the U.S. . Great work trying to cover it lol • Salvador Hinojosa == Well not only in Florida even in California in Los Angeles • Michela B == Strange it was also seen in countries other than the USA :) • Travis-2313 == BS the exact blue light has been seen recently all over the world and it's always a different explain action! Nov 2015 it was over LA and described as a Triton Missle. Nope...the moment u brought in NASA footage I knew something was up. This was also seen over China last summer, same EXACT light! [JO: See Appendix 1]

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 92 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #5 more comments • Newsky79 == How is this Explaining anything!? No way! This NEEDS to be explained better! Not just brushed away like it always is.. I've seen launches and this was certainly NOT a launch.. The media wonders why we do NOT trust them... • KingJerry214 == Bull$hit they didn't explanation anything we know we aren't alone so don't cover it up • AVA Magnetic Levitation == If it was a missile why has no on reported sound. • AB Raza == Question.. when U.S has so much technology... why don't they use it to discover such objects... generally they should send airforce fighter jets to take a close look or encounter the problem.. but why not they do so? • ᅚ = ... rocket was not built to fly vertical.. and mostly it was a weapon or some sort... rocket does not have a gear to landing, and mostly it will end up somewhere else... I dont think that was a rocket • Combo == to belive we need a full video of this fuc4ing rocket lauching and going to space! we are not fuc4ing dumb to belive this $hit !! How the fuc4 a rocket make those images in the sky???? never a rocket would do that !!! • hugo Chavez == biggest fuc4ing cover up, a Freakin rocket? r u kidding me?...fuc4ing government must look at the population like 2 yr. olds... pathetic cover ups. all this is insulting for us to believe that crap.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 93 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #6 more comments • Mr CauseISaidSo == nobody is believing that $hit... they can kill all of us let's hit area 51.... • MANUEL MARTINEZ == Bull$hit they just want to make you believe it was a rocket or test missle god dam government but it didn't look like a ufo that's for sure looked like a air craft no one ever seen before I mean If it was a rocket wouldn't rocket fuel be coming out not a bright light … • Frank Furter == hahahahahah worst cover up XD so sad that they try to cover this up when there are plenty of people arund the world who think outside the box and knows the truth …. • Patrice Lopatin == I feel sorry for people who cannot open their minds to such great deceptions going on. I also feel sorry for the shills and trolls who think they are doing some service or think their pay-offs are more important than saving our world. They may have kids too who will never reach the age of 20! • 9together == The rockets goes up ,, this one was going straight than DOWN !!! The government needs to come up with more believable excuses!!! • Queen LiLi == If they are getting ready to lift off it should go straight up not change shapes and spread out into pieces of objects & colors that's not a rocket it's something else. • Predator7 == Bull$hit we have seen rockets, missiles, meteors, comets etc .NEVER SOMTHING LIKE THIS • Father Thyme == It was a plane, like the SR-72. Of course, the NSA or whatever told the news to lie about it.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 94 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #7 more comments • Tito Estupinan == "Official voices" will always try to cover the facts. They have been doing it all these years, like if we could´t cope with the real and weird events that millions of people are seeing in the sky nowadays. This guy haven´t said anything at all and gave no explanation that can convince us…no way that is a rocket debris…no way!! • lfonso Romero == The gorverment can't fool anyone. That obviously wasn't a rocket. • Bertie st. clair == Too many people saw this & other people around the world have had this same experience. Something is going on that, THEY, do not think we can handle. • Patrice Lopatin == …. People are wanting to explore the truth and the facts. The news media sim[ply is not reporting truth these days. Rockets do not go horizontal to the ground for several minutes as was filmed by others. • Christopher Akerley -- rockets do not fly horizontally . not the one that they say this is. however, there are a lot of rockets that do fly horizontally for a time, they are weaponized not from cape canaverall, which makes no sense, clearly the trail is visible. light reflecting from beyond the darkness?? really, we would see clouds all the time. but it is wierd that it is lit up. the whole . i suggest it is combustable contrail still smoldering as many rocket fuel resideue does. and here it appears to be horizontal, as it most likely is, too far from canavral for this affect. yup, a missile, but prob a weaponized one, testing or other. military.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 95 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #8 Dave Bass Atlas rocket my a$$. Let's use our brain power a little, folks: 1 - Listen closely - he never actually SAYS the rocket launch is what people saw (220 miles away). This is a careful lie of inference rather than direct statement, sold with a used-car-salesman smile. 2 - Cape Canaveral and Miami are a long way apart from each other. 220 miles, to be exact. Do YOU see objects clearly 220 miles away, when they appear to be much, much closer? 3 - This object is coming DOWN in the horizon at a descending angle. It is not a rocket being shot UP. I suppose people who do not understand the difference between "sideways" and "up" might be confused. 4 - No ones send a rocket over civilian territory to land God-knows-where. You'd kill people, create property damage, lose expensive military property and expose military secrets to those who backward-engineer (which is done all the time). Besides, these appearances - we had one in Hollywood, CA this evening [jo: Nov 7, 2015?] - disappear into nothingness. No material seems to actually "come down" to Earth; it all dissipates. What DOES this? 5 - If these are scheduled rocket launches - as the LA Times wrote today - then why doesn't the military inform people an hour ahead of time to avoid all of the speculation? Instead they always offer an explanation AFTER the fact. 6 - If this were material entering Earth's atmosphere (as in a comet or meteor), it would be on fire LONG before it hits the lower portions of the atmosphere, not a clear ball that suddenly disperses light a short distance over Earth. Besides, such brilliant light dispersion does not occur with ANY fuel we know. 7 - Why would ANY object displace such an extraordinary amount of light in travel, change the SHAPE of this light during travel, then stop emitting light altogether and "disappear" into nothingness? These are questions any reasonable, intelligent person would ask. And more.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 96 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #9 after Nov 7, 2015 launch

• The Noid == we just had one pass through the southern skies of California just a few minutes ago, and once again they said it was a rocket test fired from a submarine of the west coast but if that's the case then why was it seen as far east as New Jersey and far down the lower parts of Mexico, this is bs cover up something is happening and we are not being properly informed of it WTF? • Markuz Rockuz == That is a fat F**n lie, there was no rocket. Well if there was a rocket launching on the 7th of November, maybe there were two different rockets launching in the 5th of November. I saw that same light on two different occasions. It doesn't bother me when we are told the truth, but straight lies to all of us, citizens of the USA...? The Government does really take us for being extremely stupid. They seem to enjoy fooling all of us and destroying our lives at their will, for the sole convenience only to them M*%ther F**N controlling B*%ches. There is the existence of other beings in our planet, they are all around us 24/7 conducting their missions of experiments. • Food and Travel == I saw it too from the 710 south! It was a weird strong light at first which was parallel to the ground and then it vanished and went west and left a greenish blueish cloud behind. Then whatever it was it went straight up to the sky.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 97 https://youtu.be/2fvc3yWBrLU #10 after Nov 7, 2015 launch

• Lyndzi Shaw == I saw the light in the sky yesterday day November 7, 2015 • Sephirance Band = just saw something like this in cali [JO: See Appendix 1] • Andrew Griffith == then why was it viewed in Los Angeles too? • Bochomania1 == wierd I saw the same light in tijuana Mexico and a friend sees the same thing the same time in LA • Jonny Khach == i was at my friends house last night and he called his family and they said that there was a ligjt in the sky so we went to look and i would pace across the street from one side walk to the other and at a sertin point u could acually see that there was something in the middle of the big a$$ blue circle like a big a$$ satalite or ufo or something but at the front u can see it kinda looks like a huminoid figure flying like pulling the big a$$ thing i was high keep in mind. • Keishya Davis == i seen it too in lancaster california it was crazy as hell

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 98 Launch of Atlas 5, 9/2/15 0630 over MIA Airspace. 237,495 views https://youtu.be/9stPShixizc • Modesto Figueroa == Nasa Launch Cape Canaveral • TONYPARAMOTOR == QUESTION IS THERE ANY PAPER WORK OR INFO LETTING THE AIRPORT KNOW THAT A ATLAS 5,9/2/15 0630 OVER MIA AIRSPACE WOULD BE LAUNCHED. SEEN AND THERE SHOULD BE NO CONCERN? QUESTION THE AIRPORT IS CLOSE TO CAPE CANAVERAL. SO THE AIRPORT WORKERS WOULD OF SEEN THIS LAUNCH BEFORE? SO WHY ON THIS OCCASION ARE THE AIRPORT WORKERS AMAZED??? QUESTION ASK THE AIRPORT WORKERS WHY WAS THIS SO DIFFERENT?????? NEVER EVER TRUST N.A.S.A = NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER...... • Suez O'Hara == TONYPARAMOTOR YOUR SO CORRECT THE GOVERNMENT, NEVER GIVES A STRAIGHT ANSWER.. NASA WAS CREATED AND WORKER, INCLUDING RESEARCHERS WERE FROM GERMANY • Modesto Figueroa == We had no advance notice of this happening and on top it wasn't on the news the previous night. That's why we were so surprised to see it. • Krazyskibunney == Rocket's go straight up! Not Atlas V or Falcon5 • † mystic == now seeing things like this make me really think how someone can logically explain something like this. Im not saying aliens from the get go because assumptions like that need hard evidence etc but what the fuc4 can fly like that whilst leaving a split glowing trail of smoke in the dark sky?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 99 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 100 Luces en el cielo de Florida: ¿OVNI, Portal o Señales? 02-09- 2015

VidaParanormal Unas extrañas luces se dejaron ver en el cielo de Florida, muchas teorías se han dado, desde ovnis, portales dimensionales y señales, ¿qué son en realidad? https://youtu.be/1xIYBobCUZ0

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 101 • https://youtu.be/1xIYBobCUZ0

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 102 Atlas V Rocket Launch view from East Orlando 9/2/15 Tdpassley // Sep 2, 2015 // Atlas V launch 9/2/15 This footage is managed exclusively by Viralvideouk.com. If you wish to license this footage please contact [email protected] Ken Blanck == I saw the same thing and actually recorded it. I chalked it up to being a part of the shuttle launch but I continue to think about what I said when I saw it "wtf am I seeing". One thing in this video that stands out (and I'm no rocket scientist) but why did the rocket turn down word and not disappear? And why was it so much brighter in the way down than on the accent? I'm just asking! Please know that this was the wierdest thing I've ever witnessed! 23Deloney == portal opened up and brought that bright looking dot in the sky at the end [JO: Venus!]


4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 103 Tdpassley #2 • vambreace == so what happens to the ascending trails? why wont glow like decending trails!?. This can be anything but not a rocket. you have a tremendous ionisation there like they was experimenting with something. this is anything but not a rocket • wrt54gs7 == Looks like a projection of sort. Notice the light is brighter in the middle of the column of smoke (a different light source). And notice how the leading smoke (near the rocket) is more spread out than its trail, with perspective near objects (trailing smoke) should appears bigger compared to a distant object (leading smoke). Trailing smoke/exhaust should be more spread out than the leading smoke. Notice there is a light source in the middle of the smoke cloud. • Dan Defendi == Not normal!!! Watched this myself in person this morning. • Gabriel Martinez == yea I think it blew up • Natures Peace == Also lived in Florida and definitely looks like it blew up. Not normal whatsoever.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 104 Tdpassley # 3

• tdpassley == The explanation...According to WESH 2 News space specialist and meteorologist Dan Billow, when a rocket launches just before dawn, it's dark on the ground, but there's sunlight higher up. As the rocket ascends into the sunlight, the smoke trail looks brighter than normal from the ground. Because of thinner air higher up, the smoke trail gets wider and appears oval-shaped instead of long and skinny. Billow said since the rocket was headed over the horizon to go around the world, it appeared to be going downward to viewers on the ground. [JO: Billow nails it!] • Dan Defendi == I heard this also. I just am not buying it. Here in Florida people who have seen numerous launches over 30+ years have never seen such a thing. What makes this morning so special. Not like they have never launched that time of day before. • Mxtilldeath == how come we don't see clouds lit up like that before the sun reaches the ground ? is it super super high? like way way higher than clouds would be ? how come on really High planes don't do this ? Is this when it's at the atmospheres edge ?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 105 Tdpassley # 4 • Maurício lopez == 4:03 the face in sky • woody2327 == I was hoping I wasn't the only one who saw it. • chobeeboy44 == Creepy! It you can see a face in the trail. I saw the trail after it was up. It was so bright it startled me when I came outside. And it lasted a long time before being sheared by the wind. • tyler johnson == live in clearwater fl and on my way to work that day I caught the very end of it. But i was traveling east the entire time watching the smoke, and the initial illuminated smoke turned into two large illuminated circles. Then they got bigger and dissipated then wasn't illuminated. Then more smoke from behind it illuminated & started to have a bunch of circles in it. How is that explainable. I have at least 30 photos of the smoke.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 106 Tdpassley comment by Charles Marquardt • I say that NASA or whatever MIC private corporation who launched this alleged Atlas V rocket assemble a montage of all the Atlas V failure footage available and show me that thats what it looks like ( as captured in this video ) . And all you debunker trolls out there should do the same . Put up or SHUT UP !! Peace ! • If this is a rocket launch failure then let me see the FAA NOTAMS about the restricted airspace due to a scheduled rocket launch . Lets see a control room transcript and radio chatter from the rocket control room as the "event" was unfolding . Lets see a compilation of night and day Atlas V launching failures and compare the effects of that footage to what is shown in this and other video taken from other angles from other parts of the area capturing this event. • Here is a Youtube link to some rocket launch failures by NASA and other historical organizations. Take a look for yourself and tell me this resembles a rocket launch failure . And another thing . where is the debris field ? what has been recovered ? 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 107 The rocket launch 2015 Orlando Florida https://youtu.be/kZkNwioXP6Q

• Clay House • Sep 2, 2015

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 108 UFO Sighting in Florida on September 2nd 2015 – Highspeed ufo in miami fl By UFO Stalker - September 2, 2015 - In UFO Reports UFO Stalker is a website updated in real time with the latest UFO reports. http://www.ufostalker.com • Was at work on a weds morning aprox 6am doing routine checkup on equipment outside. Still dark at the time when what appeared to be a flash of light coming through a cloud above me say north direction. The light was extremely bright and was casting an enormous tail, something that looked unreal at least, something i have never seen even jet planes do. The light (object) was moving very fast and there was what appeared to be another object tailing it with a flashing white light, seems as if it was trying to catch up to it. At one point the bright light object turned sharply to a southeast direction as its tail, aura, grew and i lost sight of it in that direction. Leaving what looked like a cloud and large path behind it. • https://ufomg.com/2015/09/02/ufo-sighting-in-florida-on-september-2nd- 2015-highspeed-ufo-in-miami-fl/

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 109 http://www.latest-ufo- sightings.net/2015/09/really- strange-sighting-over- hollywood-florida-2-sep- 2015.html#mh-comments

• Dennis Cosban [SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 AT 11:31 PM] == I was doing my morning star gazing at my home leaning on my car.In Boynton beach florida. Sipping coffee when I spotted a tiny ufo perhaps an orb coming from the west.once it made it over the ocean. The sky opened up as if it was a movie screen being cut by a box cutter.A huge disk came thru a split second latter fire was present on the edges. Typical of reentry. Then it shrunk down in size and headed south. September 2nd 2015. • Jeff [SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:03 PM] == This was not a rocket launch. I observed it from Largo, Florida. It appeared out of no where, almost due east of me lighting up the area of the sky like a super bright halogen flash light does. It was a bright light(orb)moving horizontally basically from north to south. It’s appearance started much farther south than where the Kennedy space center is at from my position. The pictures shown on main stream news are from other launches.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 110 Psychic says aren’t rockets

What about the lights in the sky seen this past September 2, 2015 over Eastern Florida?

In the video description, it was supposedly an Atlas rocket.

There's always a logical reason • http://www.tanahoy.com/contact-aliens-soon/ given for all the lights being seen.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 111 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/- f_2ALos3WPE/VeeOx9w6B9I/AAAAAAA AnGY/EkW6ML1dSOM/s1600/pilots%2 Bfilm%2Bufo%2Bmiami%2Bairport.png

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 112 Filer’s Files # 37 – 2015 Aliens Visited for Centuries https://nationalufocenter.com/2015/09/filers-files-37-2015-aliens-visited-for-centuries-2/ • Miami Beach — My daughter was getting on the school bus this morning around 6 am on September 2, 2015, and took a few pictures of this weird “orb” above our condo in Biscayne point. She watched it for about 10 minutes and had a hard time explaining what it was as the light was reflecting off the clouds? Thanks to MUFON CMS • Miami Beach — I was sitting in my patrol car, looked north, and noticed an unusually bright small cloud in dark surroundings on September 2, 2015. Soon after I observed a bright light flying a slow path east with bright white smoke billowing from its left and right position. (not from behind like a rocket). It was slowing into a hover. I served 11 years in Naval Aviation and never witnessed anything like this. I also noticed two smaller flashing lights trailing that seemed to be flying with it. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and began to record as it disappeared behind a small cloud, then reappeared at the other end. It produced a small ring of smoke and flew behind more clouds in its path. Thanks to MUFON CMS

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 113 Filer’s Files # 37 p. 2

• Witness 2 == There was a bright blue cloud following a single white light. The emission glowed and looked as if it was breaking the clouds and sky apart. The craft was descending. At one point, it turned our direction suddenly, and then returned to the descent, creating a water-like ripple. After that, it quickly faded, then disappeared in the clouds, although it was appearing to still be descending. We only watched for a couple of minutes, while walking our dogs: 0625 EST. Florida. • Witness 4 == Observing from the north a ball of orange light appeared and changed to a silver glow with a chemtrial behind, photos were taken of the trail left behind. • Witness 5 == with video 70059 - I came outside around 6:17 am to go to work; walked toward my car and noticed a bright spear-like object hovering across the sky near the clouds. I quickly grabbed my phone and started filming a video. The object appeared like a little spear with a huge trail of white light which changed blue as it hovered into the clouds. • http://www.ufocasebook.com/2015/sky-phenomenon-witnessed-by-many-in- florida.html

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 114 Filer’s Files # 37 p. 3

• Witness 6 • - I was in the parking lot of my business smoking a cigarette. I looked up and I saw an object that looked like a plastic bag, but it was very high up in the air and did not seem to be moving with the wind. It was hovering, and looked like it was waving back and forth, at the same time it looked like it was transforming in shape. • I went inside and got my dad and at the same time a customer had pulled up and all three of us observed it and could not explain what we were seeing. • It looked as if a plastic bag would, if it was being blown around by the wind, however this object was not moving at first, then the object began slowly ascending and floating towards the east until I lost it in a cloud.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 115 NUFORC – Sep 2, 2015 reports overview


4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 116 NUFORC details #1 • Deerfield Beach, FL -- At approximately 6 AM, September 2, 2015, I witness an object in the morning twilight. It was to my north and moving from west to east at a speed that was neither fast nor slow. It looked like a re-entry of a spacecraft. The leading object was bright white. A very large elliptical trail extended from behind the object. The trail was very long and very tall. As the elliptical trail closed it was followed by a linear trail of bright white smoke. The smoke lingered for 10 minutes after the object moved out of sight to the east. • Naples -- Meteor like object entering the atmosphere east of Naples at 6:10. Looked like something entering the atmosphere at high speed. It was visible low on the eastern sky. Created a large corona as it backlit by the rising sun. Burnt itself out, but left a luminous cloud in its wake.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 117 NUFORC details #2 • North Port -- Glowing blue tear drop shape, like a comet. I was heading out to work when I saw a bird-like winged object surrounded by a brilliant blue light moving across the sky, South by Southwest. At first I thought it was a comet until I noticed the shape. It grew in size as it moved, leaving a bluish white trail behind it until it no longer had a winged shape, but a tear drop shape. I recorded it with my phone although it was still night and my phone couldn't capture as much as what the naked eye could see. By the time I pulled over, other people were parked on the road recording it as well. • Weston == bright light flying WEST to EAST [Duration:06:30] [cites https://youtu.be/5FjZS85JbZA ] There you will see what the "bright light with a ring of light around it almost like a halo" the "cloud" like substance that was left behind in the sky had at first appeared to shine and glimmer then after 40 seconds just glowed bright.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 118 NUFORC South Carolina report Columbia, SC [06:22 AM] -- very scary thought it may have been a meteor but it was flying not falling had a huge boomerang shaped aura. Duration:2 minutes….. The object was moving in a straight line no noise, it had a haze around it in the shape of a sideways boomerang and a thick contrail, it was not in a perfect straight line i saw two jets heading in the direction a few mins after seeing the object, the aura was huge i thought it was going to crash never seen anything like it.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 119 STRANGE LIGHT IN THE SKY.9/2/2015 6;23 AM SW FLORIDA Liudmila Alonso // Sep 2, 2015 // 13,000 views • ITS AMAZING.SOMEBODY EXPLAIN • Zeb Perry == took a picture while driving down 75 near North Port.. the halo grew and then the light just faded.. no idea what it is • gtovar99 == Saw this riding on my bike in Davie going east on Griffin rd. Saw it disappear behind some cloud cover so I wasn't able to track it after that • Aztek4611 == did you happen to see a bright ring of light around it with a really bright center?.... i saw this at the same time, but i saw it come from something that was glowing and had a bright light around it. • Kline == I just saw it from stuart fl and it was 10 times brighter than that • Aztek4611 == im a security guard in weston,fl btw. this was veeerryyy strange … this video was taken after it had passed. im in weston and saw how bright it was i have video of it flying away … [‘rocket’] no way that station is on the east coast and 300+ miles north from here no way it was that rocket this was coming from the west … thats waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy north i dont think it wouldve been visible down here in south florida • https://youtu.be/5FjZS85JbZA

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 120 Jared Seiple == Do you all believe this is E.T type stuff or the government with new technology and doesn't want to tell us anything? How fast did it go? How glowy was it? [‘rocket’] But why would it be seen from TX or CA; (as I am seeing and hearing from people who have seen it?) Also; the light is going sideways not straight up. If a rocket; where would it be going and why the weird formation? Shouldn't the formation be gone just like the chem trails we see in regular planes?

Justin Flores == I saw this to but it was white and going straight up! Alonso #2 Travizzle706 == Georgia also

Makayla Rainey == I saw it in Nicholson Ga at 6:25 am while I was waiting on the school bus with my two grandaughters who saw it also. I am 68 years old and I have never seen anything like it!!! It did have lights in the front and also one in the middle....sure am glad the I'm not crazy...How could it have been seen in Fla and then in the northeast part of Ga. at the same time? Nicholson is 20 minutes between Athens and Jefferson....

Fanita Sotomayor == my dad saw this in cape coral Florida at 6:30am. he said it had a bright light in the middle with a ring around it as he went for his morning walk he stop several ppl to make sure he wasn't going crazy! they took pictures and video tape it.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 121 Alonso #3

• djimmortal43 == ok yes supposedly this is the Atlas V rocket launch, but there is no sound, and plus with all the rocket launches over the years, there has never been a "weird light" like this one. Just my opinion...i also posted a video of it on my page...very weird is all i can say • marykjmj1 == I saw it and it had something bright seemed to fly out of it and then disappear. I have never seen a UFO, but this was strange. I took pics and the cloud formation seemed to form a cross. Was that the Northern Star that was shining around this anomaly? This video doesn't show half of what I saw. It was much larger and morphed. Weird. Wesley Chapel, FL

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 122 Alonso #4 • Michael Best == I too saw this "rocket" as being reported by the news and media across the nation, but there is one problem with it. Rockets DO NOT leave behind a luminous cloud. I'm 27 have been in the military and lived in Fl since I was 4. Watched multiple shuttle and rocket launches over the years and then my experience in the military, I have not once seen any rocket leave its own luminous cloud. I first captured a short video and some pictures at 6:18 while I was walking to the bus stop in North Port, Fl took more pictures at 6:31, the trail was still illuminated and then took more pictures as the sun has started to light the sky at 6:42 and at this time you could see other clouds in the sky and the "atlas cloud" was still giving out its own light. i have the pictures to prove it if anyone wants them let me know. The rocket was a cover up for something else. My first thought was Florida was about to be turned to nothing from a meteor then when the orb causing the trail slowed and dissapeared with nothing else left behind I started to think something that I would never belive without seeing this! • Jared Seiple == I would like to see them; not to prove anyone wrong, I am also not saying your wrong; not at all! I honestly agree with you. Do you think it was a Meteor?

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 123 Atlas V rocket launch creates unique trail in sky ABC Action News / Sep 2, 2015 // 101,070 views https://youtu.be/tWvrGIgGnRY • Cdubb456 == whoever believes this is an Atlas V rocket is dumb and part of this world's problems... Look up a real Atlas V rocket launching and i bet you'll change your mind... you guys believe whatever the media says.. stupid puppets... open ya mind. plus they showed the actual Atlas V rocket launching yesterday. wasn't the same • Tom Seiler == +cdubb2326 I saw the launch on the Internet at 6:18 and then stepped outside and saw it live. I live 40 west of Kennedy. That is most definitely the Atlas V. If you don't believe it then you are the dumb one and a real problem. • conshesumario == as always , controlled television, giving false information to hide everything. • truthbetold == why is the rocket not going to space where is that rocket going? • Pen and Ink Chronicles == I hope no one believes this is a fuc4in rocket. • Point Man == This proves that the so called "Massive UFO" sighting at California, November 7th, 2015, was indeed the D5 trident II missile, despite that the rocket called Atlas V seen in this video is different. [JO: See Appendix 1]

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 124 ABC Action News #2 • valdano == I see that swamp gas and ball lightning have a new friend; Atlas V rocket. LOL • Jozzo Rama == Its not going up.. • kkrymmelmonster == Strangely enough it seems the russians are also launching Atlas V's.... https://www.facebook.com/LatinosPost/videos/810739495706992/ • Wusel == The Atlas V uses russian engines. The trail in that video probably looks similar because the rocket uses a similar engine. • patrick langdon == how is no one concerned about this very unusual odd blue trail it's leaving an suddenly comes to a dead stop... WAKE UP PEOPLE! • Shanks == Looks like a rocket dropping some biological gas of mass destruction. I wouldn't be surprise if by the end of the day everyone on that area turns into a zombie. • Charles Alber == Saw this from Myrtle Beach • wesley mccurtain == the sheep scare easily.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 125 UFO Florida September 2015 or Atlas V Satellite? ULA MUOS 4 Brother Karaviro // Sep 2, 2015 / 130,661 views • Strange sighting over Florida on September the 1st/2nd 2015. Maybe just a Satellite or Spacetrash? • Rory Shields == 100% definitely the Muos-4 launch. In case you didn't know, rockets are cool. • JDM Geno == you prob believe everything the government says • Marc Rigney == I've seen a lot of rockets take off man and never a blue glow like that explain the blue light and why it's not going straight up clearly coming back down to earth …. thats no fuc4ing earth object...goverment covering somthing up • Scott Murphy == +Marc Rigney it was infact a man made object. Most launches are not this pretty, most launches are not done right at dawn, with juuuussst the right atmospheric conditions. The last time a launch looked like this was a Gemini launch in the 60's. This was very unexpected and pretty. I work at Cape Canaveral and worked this launch. • Geovs20 == hmm? it seems to hover, must be a special Weather balloon parachute? • https://youtu.be/7fR4g-9Pi0M

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 126 https://youtu.be/7fR4g-9Pi0M #2

• John Fedor == I challenge all of you skeptics to watch other videos of this...TONS AND TONS OF ANOMALIES. even people recording one video (veteran filmogrophers of launches) say something is very wrong • Warrior Of Auir == this was seen in china in 2011, in Florida and las Angeles this year... they say it was that muos-4 rocket testing, but I don't agree with that.. I think the government is covering up things.. • Killafornia == HOW TF DID THIS HAPPEND 2 MONTHS AGO IF IT JUST HAPPEND LAST fUC4IN NIGHT [JO: See Appendix 1] • Anonymous Youtuber == +Killafornia the one you are thinking of is in LA, this one happened in FL a month back. • TMadness2 == …and Russia in July and China b4 [JO: See Appendix 1] • Jimbo Fisher == The rockets these days must be running on swamp gas

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 127 https://youtu.be/7fR4g-9Pi0M #3 • David Schwartz == I've seen this before and it looks like two separate events. First, I see a rocket launch with stage separation and the external boosters glimmering as they fall back to Earth. Second, I see something appear in the sky which is not part of the Rocket launch, and how could it be the rocket is already hundreds of miles away when the abnormal light appears descending in the sky leaving behind a second huge contrail. Compare this rocket launch with others from a few years ago and everything looks the same except the second contrail and descending light is not there. • Skip ad == since when rockets go to the horizon and not out of atmosphere? the trail light is easy understandable that is the sun lighting the smoke and other stuff. but one more thought. why is not happening more often. ? why rockets are not lounched day time? why other rockets that have been lounched day time dont have that trail? • Be More == it looks like the BLUE BEAM Project

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 128 UFO OVER MIAMI?

https://youtu.be/qz8Y8r3UA6E 4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 129 Atlas V rocket launch 9/02/2015 Later we discovered it was a rocket launch at about 6am. eN50Productions // Sep 2, 2015 This was filmed in Tampa 5,994 views // https://youtu.be/nguIgyfKbGs Florida facing northeast

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 130 UFO Florida September 2 2015 Launches rocket looks like ‘giant comet’ 2000 views // https://youtu.be/dJwH0_Oj-FE • Aniello Fabio Landi == Sep 5, 2015 == US Navy September 2, 2015 Launches communications satellites, rocket looks like ‘giant comet’ • smartpeeple == This happened again today -- while driving south on 75 I saw something similar -- cars almost came to a stop on the highway -- it was scary amazing -- • Morena TheBoss Avalos == omg....what is going on? • Bryan == I have a video from that night filmed in Tampa, FL, I was amazed wondering what it was. Forgot about it, and today looked up the date on google and found this similar video. • jamie jizzle == If it was a launch, shouldn't it be going up on a vertical run, instead of snake like sideways falling down? • Marli do Espirito Santo Camillo == Wow ... This is surreal. It looks like a rocket launch that did not work, very good videos that were captured the images. Glad they were in the right place and time to shoot. Thank you for sharing these rarities!!!

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 131 David Illarramendi // Sep 2, 2015



4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 132 EriGIA007 // UFO Spiral Over Miami, Sept 2, 2015 Sep 2, 2015 // 254,481 views // https://youtu.be/Ek5yVSoX8wE • Munkylaw == There was one over China a few years ago that looked identical. It was supposedly a rocket test. [JO: See Appendix 1] • Xor rd == A "rocket test" that shut down a whole airport. • Cg23sailor == Nothing "supposedly" about it. It WAS in FACT a Chinese Rocket. … The UFO sighting that shut down the Chinese Airport is actually a separate incident, the two have often been conflated. The one that "supposedly" shut down the Airport was a Helicopter. It never shut down the airport, those are false claims. The Photos of the helicopter are long shutter exposures causing streaking of lights and stuttering of the strobes. • JM == +Cg23sailor the one in L.A was identical? [JO: See Appendix 1] • Cg23sailor == Exactly Identical? No. Differing viewing locations, differing launch profiles, altitudes, staging, etc... But yes... Both the event in China and the event off the California Coast were both Rockets…. In both cases it was a night launch shortly after full dark, where the missile rose above the limb of the Earth and into sunshine while in the high thin upper atmosphere causing a brilliant illumination of the exhaust plume.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 133 UFO Spiral Over Miami #2

• yossarian1633 == +Cg23sailor i dont think it were a rocket, i think its aliens . • Cg23sailor == You can think the world is flat and made of jello. Does not make it true. It was a Trident missile despite your moronic belief. • Mad Pierrot == Thankfully you have the media to tell you what to believe huh? It may have been a rocket and it may not have been but it is ignorant to always believe what you are told through the media when it is well known that we are often lied to. Anyone with a little knowledge knows how incredibly massive the universe is and that it would be absolutely insane if there were no other life…. So, with it being established that it is almost a sure thing that there are e.t. life forms in the universe, it is ridiculous to not at least consider the possibility that this was not a rocket and that a lie has been created to prevent that revelation from reaching the population and causing mass hysteria…. People like yourself are the reason why such a small amount of people can control an entire population. It is truly sad but there is no point in trying to change the mind of someone who does not possess the intellect to come to their own conclusions. Enjoy a life of ignorance.

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 134 CONCLUSIONS • Widely described as the most amazing launch many veteran viewers had ever seen [and many had seen plenty] • Despite frequency of Cape Canaveral launches for decades, many observers still completely misinterpreted the apparition’s nature • Many posters demonstrated familiarity with similar apparitions in the US and in other countries [which also were rockets] • Internet access worldwide suggests posters were not predominantly local Florida witnesses; some may have been pranksters • Frequent repetitions of misinformation on basics of ‘rocket science’ • Frequent claims of intellectual superiority of launch disbelievers • MORE ACTIVE PUBLIC OUTREACH ON FUNDAMENTALS OF SPACE FLIGHT CLEARLY NEEDED TO COUNTER INTERNET-FACILITATED MYTHS

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 135 APPENDIX 1 – OTHER WEIRD-LOOKING ROCKET EVENTS • NORWAY SPIRAL [DEC 9, 2009] http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/Norway_Spiral_--_15_FAQS_final.pdf • CALIFORNIA TRIDENT LAUNCH [NOV 7, 2015] http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/151107-cali_slbm_witness_analysis.pdf • CALIFORNIA SPACEX LAUNCHES [DEC 22, 2017 & OCT 7, 2018] http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/Dec_22,_2017_falcon-9_Vandenberg_launch.pdf http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/181007-spaceX_1208.pdf • RUSSIA SPIRALS http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/tomsk_spiral_ufo_2006.pdf http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/171226_kyss.pdf http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/meridian_crash_2011_draft.pdf • CHINA MISSILES http://jamesoberg.com/china/ufo.html and http://jamesoberg.com/china/ • ENTIRE SPACE AGE OVERVIEW http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/Space_clouds-Strange_Spinoff_of_the_Space_Age.pdf

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 136 UNUSED PAGES

• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 137 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Hfiirwgys

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 138 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al11l5Sw hAk&list=PLE6B506437FEBA362 • Twilight phenomenon

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Hfiirwgys • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTBCJobprpc • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT-gDREg2xQ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff7wbSwTuEk crash

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 139 Time lapse oct 2, 2015 https://youtu.be/gOpQVlp5pOQ

4/30/2019 KSC pre-dawn launch observations [Sep 2, 2015] 140