Lanthorn, Vol. 41, No. 60, April 23, 2007 Grand Valley State University
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Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU Volume 41, July 13, 2006 - June 14, 2007 Lanthorn, 1968-2001 4-23-2007 Lanthorn, vol. 41, no. 60, April 23, 2007 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Lanthorn, vol. 41, no. 60, April 23, 2007" (2007). Volume 41, July 13, 2006 - June 14, 2007. 60. This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Lanthorn, 1968-2001 at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 41, July 13, 2006 - June 14, 2007 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Grand Valley State University www Lr thorn com A2 Monday. April 23, 2007 WEEKENDER Grand Valley Lanthorn THURSDAY, April 26 FRIDAY, Apri 27 SUNDAY, April 29 ■ 5:30 pm. — COE WrfcrCorwocabon ■9 am. to 4 pm —tortcr sevch at ■Sam.to5pm—rtfMitoOt* ■ 10 am to 5 pm — Stepshewana alt* DeVte Race Baboon, 303 Monroe tehcktiouK tor al Madi and Aphl legBWons. n on the Road at the fiefcfwae Arena. A* r Grand Rapds. Student Swwces Buting 150. ■3 to 4 pm — 12-Stop Aeaway ■5 to 6 pm — 12-Step Recaery Merttg at toe G* (Mtoral Ming ■6 to 7 pm — 12-Step Recovery ■3 to 4 pm — 12-Stop Aea*ery Meefing at the GVA Gtedand Biahftng Meefing at the GA Oakland BuMng Mertng at the GVA Oakland Mrtng Apt 91. ApL#1. Apt II. SATURDAY, Apr! 28 Arena. Arena. ■ 8 a m. — Winter Semester Meadows Crossing... Ends. ■ 1 p.m. — GVSU baseball ■ 5 to 6 p.m. — 12-Step hosts the University of Findlay Recovery Meeting at the GVA ■ 9 to 10 a.m. — 12-Step Oakland Building Apt. II. the New Student Townhome Community Located Recovery Meeting at the GVA ■ 1 p.m. — GVSU softball at Oakland Building Apt. II. Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa ! at the 48th Avenue Entranceto GVSU ■ 9 a m. to 5 p.m. — ■ 3 p.m. — GVSU baseball Shipshewana on the Road at hosts the University of Findlay the Fieldhouse Arena. ■ 3 p.m. — Commencement ■ 10 am. — Commencement ceremony at the Van Andel ceremony at the Van Andel KELLOGG community college left for 2007 affordablesummer classes... registration going on now Take advantage of our special offer— • FREE high speed internet • FREE cable TV, including 23 premium movie channels • FREE parking Main Campus Fehsenfetd Center 450 North Avenue 2950 Weat M 179 Highway Battle Creek Ml 49017-3397 Hastings Ml 49058 269965 3931 269 948 9500 Call today 892*2700 for all the details! Eastern Academic Center Regional Manufacturing 14055 26 Mile Road Technology Cantor Albron Ml 49224 405 Hill Brady Road Visit us at our new clubhouse or on line at 517 630 8169 Battle Creek Ml 49015 269 965 4137 Grahl Canter ! 125 Seeley Street Coldwater Ml 49036 517 278 3300 Don't wait... reserve your townhome today! Leasing Office Hours: MeadowsCrossing 9:00 am • 5:00 pm, Monday • Friday smart living 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Saturday 107*5 *8th Avenue • Alendaie. Midi if an *9401 • 616-893 2700-phone • 616-892 2702-hi • www dlranb Galley Hantfjorn Volume 41, Number 60 The Grand Valley lanthorn is published twice-weekly by Grand Valley State University students 63 times a year One copy of this newspaper is available free of charge to any member of the Grand Valley Community. For additional copies, please contact our business offices POSTMASTER please send form 3579 to Grand VaHey lanthorn, 100 Commons. Grand Valley State University, Allendale. Ml. 49401 EDITORIAL STAFF ADVERTISING STAFF Editor in Chief Advertising Manager JENNA CAJtlESSO NICK EASLICK Assistant Editors Assistant Advertising Mana 9er LAURA WASIIEWSKI ROB AUSTIN BRANDON HUBBARD Aihertung Reps Editorial Rage Editor DAN HOLDER JENNIFER HOEWE ASHLEY PETROSKEY News Editor RAQUEl DELEON IESUE PERALES Advertising Designer Assistant News Editors JAY GACKOWSKI ERIR WESTIUND MATT KEELER RACHAEL WILLIAMS DJ KOESSLER Sports Editor BRIAN RICHARDS MATTHEW VERDONR Webmaster Assistant Sports Editor BEN HODGES BRANDON WATSON BUSINESS STAFF laker Life Editor Business Manager LAURA MA2ADE CHRfSTl POLK Arts and Entertainment Editor Assistant Business Manager MICHELLE PAWLAI Photography Editors CHRISTINE VANOfRVlIES Distribution Managers RYLE HUDEC2 NICOIE BERNIER BRANDON DERUSHA JAHN FENNESSY Copy Editors KATHRYN GARCIA STEPHANIE GEURKINK RAY IAVIGNE ERIN scon ANDY OCHMANEK ALICIA WIRE MAN Receptionists JILL ELLISON IONA SLAUGHTER ASHLEY KIUGORE layout Staff KELSEY KRUIS BRAD DIBENEDf TTO Faculty Adviser MARIANA SALK EDO LAWRENCE BEERY ANDREA COLE JEREMY LETTER The Grand Valley Lanthorn H published under the outhoriratton of the GVSU Newspaper Advisory Board Corrections m the lanthorn s Apr* 19 edition on page II. the dodgebaM player pictured n Brock Wahh. not Jon Wendt # « i Leslie Perales. News Editor Grand Valley Lanthorn vJ newseianthorn com NEWS Monday. April 23, 2007 L GV supports Virginia Tech victims Community attends “It was hard to sit in front of on asking their the TV,” Jay said “We needed to friends to meet them at the Cook candlelit vigil to be somewhere where there were Carillon Clock Tower Within honor victims of young people and there was hope hours more than 1,100 people had and there was caring and that we been invited to the vigil through nation’s deadliest could feel that community ” the Web site Student Senate, shooting Jay's father was a Virginia Tech GVSU administrators, student graduate as well Jay stood in front organizations and many other of the GVSU students thanking volunteers came together to ensure By Leslie Perales them for providing he and his wife the community had candles to hold, GVL News l-dilor a place to go. flags to sign and paper for writing “I would say that it's not just a letters. Jay and Lisa Abbott felt Virginia thing, it’s nut just Virginia “I am really impressed, but I’m comfort standing among a group Tech, it’s Grand Valley and not surprised," said Man McLogan. of about 400 Grand Valley State universities all over the country, vice president for University University community members at all over the world and when I look Relations The sense of community a candlelight vigil April 17. around 1 see an outpouring of care that Grand Valley has and that our The couple, residents of and love, this should be a comfort students share with each other. I’m Rockford, Mich., graduated from to (the students of Virginia Tech)," certain, is the underpinning for the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Jay said. “It's a comfort to us. ” community they wish to share with State University in the mid-1980s University President Thomas J. Virginia, and I am very proud to be They heard of die vigil, held for the Haas and Student Senate President part of this community." students of Virginia Tech, on the Frank Foster addressed the group McLogan said he hopes the radio at about 5:30 p.m. on April of supporters at the beginning of GVSU community can help 17. the vigil. The group fit candles comfort the students of Virginia “We wanted to be in Blacksburg for 33 minutes — one minute for Tech as well as their friends and (Va.)," Jay said That’s home, the each student or faculty member families campus is a part of our lives and killed in the shooting Guests took “You hope and pray that nothing has been for all of our fives, but we the microphone and shared their like this would ever happen at any couldn't be there. You can ’t just get feelings openly. place you love or to anyone that you up and fly down there.” The event was put together know, and when it does it’s difficult GVl Aittuv* / Xjitlyn Irwin But the Abbotts could not sit quickly that afternoon A group to know what to do, ” McLogan Solidarity Students gather at the dock tower on April 17 to remember those who have died m the Virginia Tech shooting home and do nothing. of students began a discussion See Vigil, AS Valley battle Proposal 2 hits home ends with two Administrators “No changes to the admissions Action was added to the state process are necessary, as race, constitution — will still receive may change gender or ethnicity have never the award under the original requirements so been deciding factors.” Me Logan conditions Laker victories added. Those who applied after students can keep One of the largest awards that date will have to wait until under review is the Bert Price May for results, as university By Shawn Zalewski GVl Aichm* / Mart •uttrrftHd scholarships scholarship, which awarded $5.7 administrators ate in the process GVL Staff Writer Topping out: Students cheei during the announcement at million to 895 students in 2006. of modifying the requirements halftime that GVSU won this year s Battle of the Valleys GVSU By Shawn Zalewski according to the Grand Rapids of the scholarship so it complies After four years, the title of Battle of the Valleys football also went on to win the game GVL SU^ff Writer Press with the new state law, McLogan champion again belongs to Grand Valley State Me Logan explained those said. If a decision is reached University simultaneously on and off the field. “This was a good milestone for senate and set Since the ban on Affirmative who applied for the award by May. the awards could be GVSU students, staff and the surrounding the tone for the future.