You are summoned to attend the meeting of the Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting virtually via on Monday 13th July 2020 at 7.15 p.m. at which your attendance is required.

Meeting ID: 835 1767 9452 Password: 492725

Signed by the Clerk Hannah Shaw

1. Record of attendance.

2. Apologies for absence.

Councillors Sue Greasley and Rob Haylock, Registrar of Burials – Pam McMorran.

3. Confirm and sign minutes of the June Meetings.

4. Declaration of Parish Councillors’ personal and/or prejudicial interests on agenda items.

5. Police Matters and NHW Update

 Clerk to update on NHW matters.

6. Report by County Councillor Deborah Taylor.

7. Report by Borough Councillor David Snartt.

8. Village Governance and Residents

 Flash flooding occurred following storms on 16/06/20 and 17/06/20. 21 properties affected on Main Street. Approximately 200 - 250 flood defence bags deployed. LCC working with land owners where ditches were thought to be partly at fault. Pavement cleansing and blocked drains attended to (see Item 14 - Highways). Officers from LCC and CBC visited homeowners. LCC discussing a Section 19 – Surface Water Management Plan.

 Hanging baskets installed 26/06/20

 Resident, Claire Costello, has volunteered as Biodiversity Champion for Newtown Linford. Claire and Clerk to discuss future work and attend LCC Biodiversity Training.

 Councillors to consider resident requests for Village litter picking equipment.

9. Planning: Buildings and Tree Issues – report by Tree Warden if in attendance.

 Decisions

P/19/2610/2 - 23 Grey Crescent - Grant Conditionally 05/06/20

P/20/0653/2 - 33 Main Street - Grant Conditionally 08/06/20

P20/0712/2 - Browns Hay, Lane - Proposed retention of residential property 'Browns Hay' and use of dwelling as overnight (self-catered) tourist accommodation - Refused 12/06/20

P/20/0729/2 - White Cottage, 520 Bradgate Road - Demolition of existing garage. Erection of 1.5 storey detached double garage together with the installation of external staircase and stone walling to front boundary – Grant Conditionally 22/06/20

P/20/0669/2 & P/20/0672/2 - Thatched Cottage, 45 Main Street, Newtown Linford - Erection of greenhouse and 1.8m high lattice fencing to rear of dwelling - Grant Conditionally 26/06/20

 Comments submitted through Planning Explorer

P/20/0843/2 - Hillview House, Benscliffe Road - Single storey extension to rear of detached dwelling - No Objection 17/06/20

 Discuss

P/20/0886/2 - 191 Markfield Lane - Two storey extensions to front and rear and single storey rear extension together with raised patio area to rear of dwelling - (revised scheme P/19/1188/2 refers)

 Trees

P/20/0994/2 – 66a Main Street - Reduction of 4 meters in height of conifer trees (C1). Removal of holly hedge (H1). Removal of pine tree (P1). Removal of 2 x sycamore (S1 & S2). Pruning of 2 x apple trees (A1 & A2)

P/20/1076/2 - 37 Main Street - x1 Sycamore (T1) - To fell

P/20/1097/2 - 12 Grey Crescent - x1Silver Birch (T1) - 2 metre crown reduction. x 1 Crimson King Norway Maple (T2) - 1.5 metre crown reduction

10. Bob Bown Memorial Field.

 Inspection carried out by Red Monkey Play Ltd 22/06/20 (see Schedule One)

 Quotation received from Red Monkey for works identified 01/07/20 (see Schedule Two). Awaiting further costs for fence replacement.

 COVID-19 Government guidance on playgrounds published 26/06/20. playgrounds-and-outdoor-gyms/covid-19-guidance-for-managing-playgrounds-and- outdoor-gyms

 Park to remain closed until above works have been carried out. Clerk arranging signage in preparation for reopening.

11. Village Magazine.

12. Parish Council Website/Facebook Page.

 No issues to report.

 Facebook group has increased to 267 members.

13. Village Hall.

14. Highways, footpaths, street furniture, traffic, transport.

 Update on ETRO Proposals and funding sources, including design and consultation of village locations identified through the Resident Traffic Survey. Highways Parish and Community Fund application submitted for £5000 funding towards the £7500 cost of additional areas 06/07/20. Clerk to update on crowdfunding opportunities.

 Resident of Markfield Lane has requested consideration be given to reducing the speed limit from 60mph to 30mph alongside the service road and up to Cook’s Farm Shop. Resident reports near miss incidents. Clerk investigating process for speed limit change requests 21/06/20.

 Pavement cleansing carried out on Main Street and Lane on 18-19/06/20 and drains cleared of blockages 22/06/20 following flooding.

 Street Light Column 21 on Markfield Lane service road requires straightening works following an RTC on 23/06/20. Costs to be confirmed and recouped through driver’s insurance.

 Paint refresh of some road markings carried out week commencing 29/06/20.

15. Churchyard and cemetery.

 Subsidence of grave occurred following flooding. Grave digger, Alan Barnacle, attended 22/06/20

16. Correspondence.

 Councillors to consider information received via LRALC Round Robin 06/07/20 - Parish Council Footprinting Tool (see Schedule Three).

 Information received via LCC Communities and Parishes website 06/07/20 – Local Lockdown (see Schedule Four). Relevant poster shared on Facebook page 06/07/20.

17. Scheme of Delegation

 Councillors are asked to review the motion to provide for delegation to the Clerk, any decision that must be made if the council is incapacitated and unable to hold a meeting.

18. Reports on Meetings and Trainings by Clerk and Councillors.

19. Items of interest or for future meetings.

20. Finance.

Authorisation for payment of invoices: -

28/05/20 PAMc Broadband Arrears £48.04 01/06/20 HMRC NI Contributions £116.70 03/06/20 SC Maintenance Grounds Maintenance £3500.00 11/06/20 APB Village Hall Rent £437.50 26/06/20 HS Salary £867.13 26/06/20 PAMc Salary £185.15 26/06/20 HS Broadband June £49.80 26/06/20 PAMc Broadband June £48.40 03/07/20 ICO Data Protection Fee Renewal £40.00 03/07/20 Plantscape Summer Floral Display £832.80 07/07/20 P. Haddon Maintenance Jan – July 2020 £390.00 13/07/20 PWLB Loan Repayment £2468.06

21. Dates of next two Parish Council Meetings.

 Monday 17th August 7.15pm  Monday 28th September 7.15pm

Schedule One

Detailed Inspection Report

Bob Brown Play Area Newtown Linford

Each inspection includes a declaration signed by the inspector stating that no defects were found other than those recorded.


Overall site is in acceptable condition. Action required in respect of Rockers and Football Area Fence see notes below.

Inspections Included in Report:

Operational Playground Inspection of Bob Brown Play area in Newtown Linford

Finding Summary:

 Rockers within Play area, one of rockers is damaged and out of use with tape to identify, this rocker should be removed and replaced. There remains potential that it could be used. Requires replacement.  One of metal fencing posts midway along fence adjacent to football pitch is loose in the ground and requires to be secured.  Wooden Fencing and metal mesh alongside the football pitch area is considered high risk due to very sharp points on the metal edge as well as posts being loose. We would suggest removal to reduce this risk.  Log Walk Unit, the timber in one of the steps is damaged and requires replacement, item remains usable however would advise repair in next month.

Red Monkey Play Ltd Sites

Bob Brown - Newtown Linford Park

Inspection Details:

Inspection undertaken on 22 June by Simon Winfield RPII Inspector at red Monkey Play Ltd at 12 noon

Site Properties: Site Name Address Postcode Disabled Access

Bob Brown - Newtown Llinford Park Grey Crescent Newtown Linford No

Site Images:

26/06/2020 15:08:00 26/06/2020 14:52:00

Bob Brown - Newtown Llinford Park Asset List: Asset Risk Level Images Name

22/06/2020 12:52:00

Balance Low Beam

Balance Low Weave

26/06/2020 14:59:00

Basketball Low Frame

22/06/2020 12:40:00

Climbing Wall and Low Net

26/06/2020 14:55:00

Double Low Swing Unit

26/06/2020 14:57:00

Double Swing Unit - Low Surface

Entrance Not checked as locked at time of inspection Gate

Fencing alongside Very Low Paint is peeling, however classed as very low risk Toddler Swings

26/06/2020 15:04:00

Football Goal and High Fencing

22/06/2020 12:49:00

Log Walk Medium

22/06/2020 12:24:00

Metal Slide Low

Metal Slide Low - Surface

Net Spinner Low

22/06/2020 12:10:00

Perimeter Low Fencing

22/06/2020 12:37:00

Rockers x 2 Unacceptable/Immediate

22/06/2020 12:42:00

Rope Low Traverse

22/06/2020 12:38:00

Roundabout Low

26/06/2020 15:08:00

Rubber Wetpour Low Surface

22/06/2020 11:58:00

Signage to Low Area

Single free standing Low post

22/06/2020 12:51:00

Single Rope Low Swing

Small Low Spinner

22/06/2020 13:14:00

Swing Low

22/06/2020 13:15:00

Swing - Low Surface

22/06/2020 12:44:00

Tarzan Low Trapeze

22/06/2020 12:16:00

Toddler Very Low Swings

Toddler Swings - Low Surface

26/06/2020 15:00:00

Waste Bin Low

22/06/2020 12:22:00

Wooden Very Low Benches x 2

Schedule Two

Schedule Three

Parish Councils Carbon Footprinting Tool

Dear Local Council Association,

The Centre for Sustainable Energy is creating a carbon footprinting tool for parish and town councils. They are at the very start of this work, and are looking for a number of councillors and clerks to work with them to help shape the tool so that it meets the needs of its potential users. They are looking for anyone that might like to be involved.

The project is funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and they are working in partnership with the Midlands Energy Hub. You can read more about the project here:

Participation would involve testing out the tool and providing feedback on its content and format, and a small number of participants will also be asked to take part in an initial online half-day workshop on Friday 17th July. They will then work on developing the tool over the following few months, and then a wider group of parishes can get involved in testing the tool and giving us further feedback.

The project leaders would like to stress that they are very keen to hear from parishes who have not yet done much work on climate change. Absolutely no prior knowledge of carbon emissions is needed – in fact, it would be very helpful to have the involvement of at least a few parishes who really don’t know where to start with this.

Please email Catherine Sage, [email protected], Senior Project Worker – Research, Centre for Sustainable Energy

Schedule Four

Local lockdown

Message for Town and Parish Councils

As you will be aware, the Government has announced increased restrictions for and parts of following a spike in COVID-19 cases.

On Tuesday, 30 June, the council published a map and a postcode checker detailing which parts of the county would be impacted by the increased restrictions, which to date has had 120,000 views.

The affected areas are:

In Blaby District:

 Braunstone Town (including Fosse Park)  Glenfield  Glen Parva  Leicester Forest East (East of the M1)  Thorpe Astley  A small number of properties in Enderby (East of M1)

In Charnwood:

 Birstall 

Oadby and Wigston

 All areas

We’re re-iterating the message of urging people to make essential journeys only and stay at home as much as they can. If people do need to make essential journeys, we ask that they follow the advice around social distancing and other measures and play their part in helping to save lives and livelihoods.

We would appreciate you helping us to share these messages, using the relevant poster depending on whether your area is in scope or not. We urge areas not in scope of these restrictions to continue to take measures in order to stay safe.