Hyperprolactinemia in Acromegaly Is Related to Prolactin Secretion by Somatolactotroph Tumours

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Hyperprolactinemia in Acromegaly Is Related to Prolactin Secretion by Somatolactotroph Tumours Published online: 2020-08-05 Endocrine Care Hyperprolactinemia in Acromegaly is Related to Prolactin Secretion by Somatolactotroph Tumours Authors Delphine Van Laethem1, Alex Michotte2, Wilfried Cools3, Brigitte Velkeniers1, David Unuane1, C. E. Andreescu1, Bert Bravenboer1 Affiliations ABSTRacT 1 Endocrinology, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Brussel, The aim of this study is to assess differences in patient charac- Belgium teristics, tumour characteristics and hormone levels between 2 Department of Pathology (Neuropathology), Universitair acromegalic patients with and without hyperprolactinemia. Ziekenhuis Brussel, Brussel, Belgium 44 patients of the University Hospital of Brussels, Belgium with 3 Statistics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium acromegaly who were diagnosed between January 2007 and July 2018 were included in this study. Nineteen patients were Key words classified in the hyperprolactinemia group and 25 patients were anterior pituitary, prolactin, GH-Prl adenoma, pituitary classified in the normoprolactinemia group. No significant dif- tumour, somatolactotroph tumour ferences between acromegalic patients with and without hy- perprolactinemia were found in age at diagnosis, gender, pres- received 01.11.2019 ence of hyperprolactinemia symptoms, insulin-like growth accepted 17.06.2020 factor 1, growth hormone and testosterone levels, tumour volume, tumour invasiveness, immunohistochemistry of Bibliography growth hormone and prolactin, Ki-67 index and mitotic index. DOI https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1207-1132 However, for a cut-off of 10 % of prolactin-positive cells, there Published online: 5.8.2020 was a trend towards a higher percentage of prolactin-positive Horm Metab Res 2020; 52: 647–653 tumours in hyperprolactinemia patients (p = 0.054) and higher © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York mean prolactin level in case of positive prolactin immunostain- ISSN 0018-5043 ing (p = 0.007)). In our study there were no differences in char- acteristics between acromegaly patients with hyper- and nor- Correspondence moprolactinemia. An association between the serum prolactin Delphine Van Laethem level and the positivity of prolactin immunohistochemistry of Endocrinology, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel the adenoma tissue was found. The absence of a difference in Laarbeeklaan 101 tumour volume between patients with hyper- and normopro- 1090 Brussel lactinemia suggests that the hyperprolactinemia is likely to be Belgium caused by the co-secretion of growth hormone and prolactin Tel.: + 32 2477 6418, Fax: + 32 2477 6428 by the tumour. Finally, for the first time, the cut-off of 10 % of [email protected]; prolactin cells was validated for the diagnosis of somatolac- [email protected] totroph tumours in acromegaly. This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. Introduction Acromegaly is a rare disease associated with numerous co-morbid- The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether there are ities, not all of which are reversible after treatment, and a higher differences between patients with acromegaly and patients with mortality rate [1–3]. In about 20–35 % there is an elevated level of acromegaly and hyperprolactinemia, including patients who re- prolactin (PRL), either caused by secretion of PRL by the tumour or ceived different treatments. In this study patient characteristics, by pituitary stalk impingement by the tumour mass [4–10]. hormone levels (IGF-1, GH after oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), There are several studies concerning the prognostic value of PRL and in male patients testosterone), clinical presentation, tu- serum PRL and a positive PRL immunostaining in the tumour of pa- mour size and immunostaining of GH and PRL were compared be- tients with acromegaly [11–14], as well as a positive correlation tween these two groups. Furthermore, invasiveness on MRI, the between preoperative PRL levels and tumour size, suprasellar tu- Ki-67 labelling index and the mitotic index, which are recommend- mour extension and invasive growth of the adenoma [9]. ed parameters to assess clinical aggressiveness of pituitary tu- Laethem Van et al. Acromegaly with Hyperprolactinemia … Horm Metab Res 2020; 52: 647–653 647 Endocrine Care mours, were analysed [15]. Possible differences in these parame- 4.04–15.02 μg/l in men above 17 years of age and 4.79–23.30 μg/l ters could have implications for diagnostic and treatment strate- in women older than 17. The first PRL value after the diagnosis of gies for patients with acromegaly with or without hyper prolactinemia acromegaly but before the start of the treatment was used (i. e., specifically. 19 patients in Group 1 and 25 in Group 2). In male subjects we also looked at total testosterone levels at the time of diagnosis. This was measured using electrochemilumeniscence (Cobas 8000/Roche Patients and Methods Diagnostics). The reference ranges were 2.50–8.40 μg/l between the ages of 18 and 49 and between 1.90 and 7.40 μg/l in patients Patient selection and characteristics older than 50. This retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out by analys- ing the data collected from the patient files of the University Hos- Tumour characteristics pital of Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. The di- Tumours were classified as macroadenomas if the tumour diame- agnosis of acromegaly was based on an elevated IGF-1 level and a ter was larger than 10 mm [8]. Tumour volume was calculated GH level of more than 1 µg/l following an oral glucose tolerance based on the diameters of the tumour measured on MRI. The ge- test [16]. Patients were only included in this study if they had been ometric formula: ½ × (length × width × height), was used to cal- diagnosed with acromegaly between January 2007 and July 2018 culate the volume, which is a sufficiently accurate estimation of -tu and if a PRL level was known before the start of treatment. This last mour volume in most cases [19, 20]. The first MRI before the start criterion excluded only three patients. of the treatment in which length, width and height were known, In total, 44 patients met the criteria of inclusion. These 44 pa- was used for the measurements (i. e., 13 patients in Group 1 and tients were then divided into two groups, based on the PRL level 16 in Group 2). Tumour invasiveness was assessed by radiologists before the start of treatment: 19 patients had an elevated PRL level by evaluating MRI images (i. e. 19 patients in Group 1 and 25 in and were classified in the acromegaly with hyperprolactinemia Group 2) [21]. group (Group 1) and 25 patients had a normal PRL level and were Pathological examination of the pituitary tumour obtained by classified in the acromegaly group (Group 2). Forty-two of those transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) was carried out in the department patients received surgery at one point in their treatment and of of Pathology by the same neuropathologist (Prof. Dr. A. Michotte), those 42 patients, four received medical therapy beforehand. in the University Hospital of Brussels, VUB. The specimens were Besides gender and age at diagnosis, the presence of symptoms fixed in a 10 % formalin solution and embedded in paraffin. Stain- that could be compatible with hyperprolactinemia at the time of di- ing was performed with the hematoxylin-eosin method. Immuno- agnosis was assessed. These symptoms include oligo- or amenor- histochemistry (IHC) was performed according to standard meth- rhea, galactorrhea, infertility, decreased libido and impotence [8]. ods using antibodies against GH and PRL (GH Ventana Roche - This study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Catalogue number 760–2804 - polyclonal and PRL Ventana Roche the University Hospital of Brussels, VUB, Belgium. - Catalogue number 760–2803 - polyclonal) and positive cells were counted optically. Tumours were classified as somatotroph adeno- Hormone levels mas if they stained positive for GH and, according to Villa et al. [22], As stated above, the diagnosis of acromegaly is based on an elevat- classified as somatolactotroph tumours if there is both positive ed IGF-1 level, as matched for age and gender, and insufficient staining for GH and at least 10 % of the cells for PRL (see ▶Figs. 1 suppression of GH after an OGTT. An abnormal OGTT was defined and 2 for an example of an adenoma with respectively < 10 % as a GH level of more than 1 µg/l two hours after 75 g of oral glu- and ≥ 10 % PRL-positive cells). The IHC of PRL was also analysed for cose. two other cut-offs for PRL-positive cells, namely a cut-off of ≥ 5 % In the University Hospital of Brussels, VUB, where most of the and scattered PRL-positive cells. The distinction between sparsely analyses were carried out, IGF-1 was measured in serum using a and densely granulated adenomas was not analysed and no distinc- chemiluminescence immunoassay (iSYS/IDS). GH was also meas- tion was made between somatolactotroph and the rare mammo- ured using a chemiluminescence immunoassay (iSYS/IDS). The first somatotroph tumours, with cosecretion of GH and PRL by the same This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. IGF-1 value and GH value after OGTT before the start of the treat- cells. ment were used (i. e., for IGF-1 19 patients in Group 1 and 25 in The Ki-67 labelling index was calculated by IHC with antibodies Group 2, for GH after OGTT 8 in Group 1 and 18 in Group 2). Since against Ki-67 (Ki-67 Ventana Roche - Catalogue number 790–4286 there is significant variation in laboratory results of IGF-1 and GH - monoclonal clone 30–9) and optically counting the positive cells between different laboratories [17, 18], values measured in the lab- and was considered elevated if more than 3 % of the nuclei stained oratory of the University Hospital of Brussels, VUB, were used if positive (i. e., 13 patients in Group 1 and 20 in Group 2) [15].
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    European Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 154 851–858 ISSN 0804-4643 CLINICAL STUDY GH deficiency in patients irradiated for acromegaly: significance of GH stimulatory tests in relation to the 24 h GH secretion A A van der Klaauw1, A M Pereira1, S W van Thiel1, J W A Smit1, E P M Corssmit1, N R Biermasz1, M Frolich2, A Iranmanesh3, J D Veldhuis4, F Roelfsema1 and J A Romijn1 Departments of 1Endocrinology and Metabolism, C4-R, and 2Clinical Chemistry, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands, 3Endocrine Service, Research and Development, Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Salem, Virginia 24153, USA and 4Endocrine Research Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, General Clinical Research Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 55905, USA (Correspondence should be addressed to F Roelfsema; Email: [email protected]) Abstract Background: Radiotherapy for pituitary adenomas frequently leads to GH deficiency (GHD). The characteristics of GH secretion in GHD induced by postoperative radiotherapy for acromegaly are not known. Hypothesis: In the long term, stimulated and spontaneous GH release is not different between patients with GHD treated by postoperative radiotherapy for acromegaly or for other pituitary adenomas. Design/subjects: We compared the characteristics of basal and stimulated GH secretion in patients with GHD, who had previously received adjunct radiotherapy after surgery for GH-producing adenomas (nZ10) vs for other pituitary adenomas (nZ10). All patients had a maximal GH concentration by insulin tolerance test (ITT) of 3 mg/l or less, compatible with severe GHD. Mean time after radiation was 17 and 18.7 years, respectively.
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