Chuck Palahniuk | 336 pages | 26 May 2015 | Doubleday Books | 9780385538053 | English | United States Make Something Up: Stories You Cant Unread PDF Book

Open Preview See a Problem? It's terrifying. I also like the fact that a well-written one has a concentrated punch that leaves you pondering it for days. But it also captures perfectly a certain mentality of teenage-hood, that I don't think I've ever seen depicted quite so clearly. Here he is choking a porn star. Ask a question Ask a question If you would like to share feedback with us about pricing, delivery or other customer service issues, please contact customer service directly. View 1 comment. Many of them just seem offensive for the sake of being offensive. Error rating book. Im saying this book is great for the fans, and not all the fans. The Rock Hudsons tried to stop people coming here the same way do-gooders tried to block people going to murder their unborn kids. It's where your experience of the world is limited, and reality seems so awful, that it also seems that just about anything is possible. This story collection renewed my love for his storytelling capabilities. And in other stories, the absurdity of both life and death are on full display; in "Zombies," the best and brightest of a high school prep school become tragically addicted to the latest drug craze: electric shocks from cardiac defibrillators. The characters are often forced to choose between what they want and what the outside world wants for them. If you are already a fan, you should skip this and re-read . It really pains me to give this book such a low rating. The best stories are currently set to be published in Burnt Tongues , a forthcoming anthology, with an introduction written by Chuck himself. This is my first experience with the author, apart from the movie adaptation of Fight Club. Intercut with this are scenes that gradually reveal details of a house fire their family experienced. The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Nevertheless, this story about several levels of bigotry and false assumptions is thought-provoking, and well-crafted. Some messed-up tragedy to scour us clean and leave us open and gaping for change. The author's polished his flair on this via copious racist remarks. I think he's become a very popular author to Haha! Make Something Up: Stories You Cant Unread Writer

Cannibal - Hmm, well, this one succeeds in being disgusting, but I wasn't convinced on a logical level. See all 7 reviews. Incidentally, the title is not very representative of the content. Email required Address never made public. And in other stories, the absurdity of both life and death are on full display: in "Zombies," the best and brightest of a high school prep school become tragically addicted to the latest drug craze--electric shocks from cardiac defibrillators; in "Knock, Knock," a son hopes to tell one last off-color joke to a father in his final moments; and in "Tunnel of Love," a massage therapist runs the curious practice of providing "relief" to dying clients. The Author Just kidding! There are a slew of racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic remarks. All watch in tense drama as Coyote throws down his gauntlet in an ultimate challenge for promotion. My favorites were: Zombies, Red Sultans Big Boy, Why Coyote never had money for parking, why aardvark never landen on 6 days and pages after, the book number 14 in the list, until now only 4 are left of the author. Released in by Anchor Books, Make Something Up is a short story collection, to my knowledge only like the second collection Palahniuk has ever made. I love the idea of Tyler being sort of hereditary, and I thought some o I feel like I say this about every short story collection I read. Community Reviews. There are a couple of interesting stories in here but ultimately it's the same shock for the sake of shock crap with a heavy handed twist. Where does this read fall? Happy Reading, AmberBug Chuck is back. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Why do I think I want to read this? Jun 07, Kaileigh rated it did not like it. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I especially liked some of the self-referential bits within stories, because it really highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of so much of Palahniuk's work. Rosa God, Cavak! While I "can't unread," I do greatly look forward to forgetting many of these as soon as I can and am very grateful I did not buy this. Be imaginative Great short story variety by a very skilled writer. Wonderful concentrated shots of Palahniuk. Make Something Up: Stories You Cant Unread Reviews

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Chuck credits writing Lullaby with helping him cope with the tragic death of his father. Email address. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. Additional details. There are so many good lines to choose from, but my favorite line so far is. How about now? You read this transgressive-feeling story that's ultimately about living up to your own potential. See all 21 - All listings for this product. They need a wake up call. Refresh and try again. When you start to see yourself in this character, when you really feel for him in the last pages of that story, you see the great trick that's been pulled on you. There are stories about the unexpected side effects of soul- sucking jobs and tales of inexplicable acts of depravity. It's where your experience of the world is limited, and reality seems so awful, that it also seems that just about anything is possible. It's disgusting. Thank you for signing up! I can tell he worked harder on some th The book did kind of leave me conflicted. The Rock Hudsons tried to stop people coming here the same way do-gooders tried to block people going to murder their unborn kids. And in other stories, the absurdity of both life and death are on full display; in "Zombies," the best and brightest of a high school prep school become tragically addicted to the latest drug craze: electric shocks from cardiac defibrillators. Inclinations - My favorite story in the book. There's rape jokes and just derogatory comments about women in general. Found myself hoping for a different ending, but much better than the past couple of duds. Hardcover . In "Knock, Knock," a son hopes to tell one last off-color joke to a father in his final moments, while in "Tunnel of Love," a massage therapist runs the curious practice of providing 'relief' to dying clients. There are a couple of interesting stories in here but ultimately it's the same shock for the sake of shock crap with a heavy handed twist. Point is: these stories clearly stand out in my head and they were entertaining while I read them. The malapropisms also serve as double-entendres, for example: 'Jehovah's Witless. A sweet, heartwarming, positive story from Palahniuk? Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it. Maybe 3. However when the company is faced with the test of selling a problematic kind of cheese that has the fragrance of feces and burning hair with a touch of salmonella, an unforgettable cast of characters appear. Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Tumblr. It's terrifying. But, given that this is Palahniuk, you kind of know that a disturbing twist is coming At this point I think I am getting the author's schtick because really how could you not in this story , but I am really beginning to wish he'd consistently develop the quality of his work rather than skating by on content and effect. Knock-Knock - Not a strong story, this paved the way for my unhappiness on a huge level, I started thinking I would have to quit Palahniuk for good. And then here it was, like an answer to his Palahniuk prayers!!! Add to list. Still there is no real comparison. But, although I feel that at times the gross-out element veers into the gratuitous, at other times it's effective and appropriate. I have to be honest and say I had a really hard time reading this book and am now having an even tougher time trying to answer these questions. Nate I don't know where you went to Question School, but I think you may need to go back. Write a review See all reviews Write a review. Like this: Like Loading This is a thoughtful, insightful story - if you can get past the subject matter, which is not for the squeamish. View all 3 comments.

Make Something Up: Stories You Cant Unread Read Online

You don't need to "unread" them, you need to never have read them to begin with. My favorite was "Zombies," where high school prep school become tragically addicted to the latest drug craze: electric shocks from cardiac defibrillators thus rendering them less than prep school ready. The author does a great job of capturing the selfishness and selflessness of teenagers. He observed the lives of immoral creatures, the grotesques, the despicable, and the misfits, and he collected new materials for his book. Don't expect every short story to be the best you've ever read. Write about how the story is framed. Sometimes his technique works and sometimes it doesn't, but it's always a lesson. Little odd. How was your experience with this page? Loser - Another fantastic story. Knock Knock - Starts this collection off in true Palahniuk fashion. I was very excited to start this book, because in high school I loved Palahniuk. All watch in tense drama as Coyote throws down his gauntlet in an ultimate challenge for promotion. Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread brings his uncommon style of originality to the page in small portions of controlled insanity. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here My favorites were: Zombies, Red Sultans Big Boy, Why Coyote never had money for parking, why aardvark never landen on the moon, but the best of all was Mr. Loser - Frat boy becomes a contestant on 'The Price is Right' while tripping on acid. How Monkey got Married Dec 26, R. It meant loving something that would die before you. It begins as a tale of a well-to- do dad seeking to assuage his young daughter's grief by buying her a horse to replace a beloved pet that recently died. Sometimes the underlying emotions in unleashing the dark subconscious can become simply poetic and powerful. I can give you an example of what I mean. Name required. Orlando : Maybe I am still too bitter about Eleanor or maybe I have spent too little time enmeshed in office politics to appreciate parts of this, but ugg! Some were just full-on strange, and not in a good literary way. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Toad Prince - Yet another gross- out extravaganza; this one taking teenage sex right into the realm of the bizarro. Mar 13, Nicole D. Henry geared towards the present-day thirst for satisfyingly shocking stories of Schadenfreude building blocks: horror, humor, and humiliation in this collection. The book did kind of leave me conflicted. Huge fan of his early stuff but I found myself getting more disappointed with every new book he published until I gave up completely. May 27, Allen Adams rated it it was amazing Shelves: fiction , published-reviews , short-fiction. I think he needs to pull a horror story out of his bag of tricks next. Name required. A sweet, heartwarming, positive story from Palahniuk? A bunch of feelings I had that I tried to express through writing. I also like how all of those stories appear to take place in the same universe with Llewellyn Foods being the main thread binding them. Of course, there are the par for the Palahniuk course gross out stories "The Toad Prince" , but there were several stories that I felt had a bit more nuance to them. This is like any other short story collection, some are fantastic, others good, and a few just ok but none of these shorts can be categorized as boring. They have all the impact of a sharp blow to the solar plexus, with considerable collateral damage to the funny bone. See more details at Online Price Match. The main characters are over-the-top ridiculous. Here's an excerpt from an article about Palahniuk: "Despite one of his most cited stories revolving around a swimming pool masturbation mishap in which the protagonist escapes drowning by biting through his own large intestine There's more going on here than just the shock factor.