- GAXJj^ 25, THE SA^ FRANCISCO SUNDAY^ JULY 190a 31 Summer Days Call One ToCommunion WithNa „. ture /"———. m^^^^^mot ADAMS SPRINGS SEA BEACH HOTEI- DEL 3IONTE I PARAISO SPRINGS ( BARTLETT SPRINGS THE-GEYSERS Late arrivals at Adams Springs are: lately decent" arrivals at Paralso Springs /Recent guests at Bartlett Springs The, following guests have registered at Sea Beach are: Among the guests -who have \u25a0 ' fClara B. Smith Late arrivals hotel :are: \u25a0 M. Petenen Jecnlngs registered \u25a0.\u25a0"-. are: at the Geysers: p^aUie U. <>>rcoraa tt. Ton Ennuel C. D. Sydney Lindquist at Del Montcare:" i-v"/. SAM FRANCISCO : •"; SAX FRANCISCO , SAN FRANCISCO Jennings - - - v [F. I*C«sseUa E. I*Rlttore Mr». C. D. J. C. Fladln . i SAN FRANCISCO ;W. A. Cavanaugh . Miss. Emma Milcovicb. Al Hamilton Dr. J.V. Hughes ." J. A.Marsh ICharles Amsler Jr. R«ngan Mr. Joseph Arthur -Daley \u25a0 < ;J. M. F. Davis and Mrs. - Dr. Louise Deane - R. Davis Mr. .and Mrs. :Mrs. M. M.:E. Fltzpatriek U..H.vSplero Mrs. Hughes " Dr. Max Salomon Margaret Amslet ' D. Altlere Charles A. BuUer ;.' \u25a0 Alfred . ;Fred Barty Miss Delebanty Mrs. Frank Bacuman ..-..\u25a0\u25a0 Mrs. M. H. Wilson ! Sir. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. \u0084 Euphrat ', Sam Amsler E. Mrs. J. Costello Jr. M.•Burke Queen ' P. 'J. Haver - Duke , jD. Applaoy J. X. Cornppe P B. Carpenter Mrs. I." Gummer Arthur Bechman 'Miss M. Mitchell It.-R. Grant . Mrs.' and Miss Miss T. Magner .. Robert McShane John Amsler Queen \u25a0 .W. H. Darlcs E. F. Franks T. M. O'Hara and wife J. P. Costello Miss Francis Ann Gum- Fraulein Meyer I*. Crocker J. W: Blalock , F. P. Sherman \u25a0 Miss Mollle Cotnerford. Henry McShane Miss Estelle Healy \u25a0 - .J. F. MeVey Miwi A. Mlsh E. M.O'Hara Miss V. Costello mer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charles A.1 Smith Mr. and Mrs. L. Walter {Sherman U. A.-Hornleln Jose McShane Elizabeth X. Jonei • E. Franks , g. ; » . "/ S. Charles Steel Miss Margaret O. Meadow Miss- Doble J. L. Eastland• and Glrran .- E. H. Lang Kelly Mrs. J. Walter . Louis Metzger and party Done McShane Lillian H. Jones Torpey Henry W. Copp I^estcr Kellogg ralet Mrs. S. L. Girrah M. Weiss :Peter Sohnson J. E. Josephl Mrs. Grace Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Lewis and Talet Mr. and Mrs. E. Sem- Mrs. Charles Holmon Mr. and Mrs. Hllbora Mrs. Frank A. Vail L. McDonnell * Emeline Biley W. H. Mallt Falkenberg :Hugo Mlchels -'- Mrs. Joseph I»gan Mr. and Mrs. E. R." Stanley M. Vail Mrs. John O. Hoyler Madeline M. U'Brtea F. 0. H. Miler Jackson , Mr. and Mrs. James mcl -\u25a0' fMrs, F. Mally C. J. Dewey ;I.Mlchels Miss Delia Dillon : Dlmond ~- A. M. Peterson Master* Milton Hoyler Easter C O'Brien N'rs. C. H. Miler H. B. Taylor Lieb Mr. and Mrs. E. Ames R. Newcomb Mabel C. Bergstrom A. t James n. Devin« Waiter S. May - and Mrs. W. Robert J. Flood C. W. Alien iUsa Mary Barling ' Cunningham Daa Bekorich Milton AnerbacU J. E. Baker Mis? K. Mlhan Mr. W. C. Osgood Arthur B. Jones i MODESTO , Raymond E. Bowley Charles j Joha L. Murphy Jnlins 'Auerbacb J. A. Butler W. J. Mihan Grath George C. - O'Brien :11. Trauleen H. and Mr. and Mrs. .11. Morrl- J. F. Haley M. S- Uoas George Robert d'Erlach Katherine C. Power C. Marshall Martin Brandenstein Charles Rice J. A. Mlhan Mr. Mrs. I. W. SACRAMENTO Haley- - Mnnday iJ. \u25a0 v/-; Anna-T. Mrs.-L.L. G. Croil and son Carolyn Klein Emily \u25a0 : son S • •M. C. Johnson L»o H. Susman Miw Rice T. I.Bergln nnd chauf- Hellman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kelly Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lar- Alice Rose Power I. M. Manley Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Anna F. Klein G. H. Hurlbot and wife Bert Osterman feur Warren Hellman Hazel Morrison Mrs. H. Labell ' man - Jnanlta, Murphy Mrs. J. B. Lillian, Naomi' Trout rison : - Mrs. G. H. Wilson Evelyn Fotbingbam Cnlien Virs. W. J Plckstone H. Lion Mrs. J. Lluhan Frederick HeMtnan Mr. and Labell Marian Trontman \u25a0 Isidor . tEdmond Granf |Clarice Mnrphy R, Miss V. Linban . Miss Carroll Britton EsteU Labell Cohen Edna X. Wilson Dr. D. Gates Bennett P. Lewis E. M. Rosenthal Fred Stulz * G. Grlllo Mr. and Mrs. C. S. and wife Robert d'Erlach |H. J. Aden Mrs. M. A. nnntington Mrs. E. M. Rosenthal H. C. Stratton C. G. Trlpler Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mr.- and Mrs.:R. U. William Kelly , A. Cheney H. T. Rlpley T. W. Brown IMiss J. M. Garrow Mm. Darenport Emile M. Lion- M. .Mlel . Robertson BERKELEY /" X Diegman H. M. Landsberger \u25a0 Brady Mrs. T. F. Judge I OAKLAND !Mrs. M. E. Brown Mi>. Charles B. Blees- Mrs. R. Derby H. H. McLangblln Miss E. P. .v: Miss Helen Haver ID. Y. Lamont Miss Nettle Brands H. -J. Flemming and )James O'Brien Ing Mis* Winona Derby Mrs. H. H.Mclaughlin Iran Beer x S. L. Kocca Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Miss Nellie Judge Mrs. G. A. I^amont C. Nace * - Callmberle Mr. and Mr§. F. E. fEstelle Mrs. M. Guldo wife 'Jred W. Belch and Ernest S. Ochs T. M.Neal Mrs. Charles B. Blacey Mile. K. Strange . Misa Mary Judge Mld.sE. C. Lamont (James A. Morgan Prof. G. Albrecht Miss B. MUUione A. Fißk Miss Ella King ' MeWille and child Master Strange Anne Judge wife H. Mattern H. N. Butterfleia Arthur G. Daley - • ' . ; WILLOWS C. H. Crawford |Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Os- Mr. and Mru. Edwin \u25a0 Nicholas Mcrphy !Mrs. C. F. Heath Jay W. Adams John J. KeUer H. H. ' C. T. F. Barman » Harry Higgaus Mrs. James Boyd |C. W, Boyd Alyce I• Mrs. J. 11. Pryor Hammer \u25a0 . B. Schwab good Fred Cole |Mrs. W. A. liOker S. M. Hinchbaum N. 11. Nelyson B. Brady D. Hnghes : ' SANTA ROSA ' Marie Scharbach Miss A. M. Pryor Jack Hammer .- T. Mr. • Mrs. BERKELEY iRev. T. MeNaboe iMrs. Uzzie Klcg Mn> M. S. SteTena " M?ss Greenbaum and Mr. nnd Mrs.*""F. E. Uawes . and ' W. W. Mr. and Mrs. Ney L. IJames Cahlll Mrs. J. R. Oakley and! Mrs. B. J. Rose and son [11. T. Biokel IK. S. Simon* William F Beans VST. N. Kelly * Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. R. V.. Xauchton " Donovan |C. C. Donovan/- , 1 maid Booth . . Miss Mr*. B'.ckel iHenry Grigsby Mrs. William F. Beans Mrs. \V. N. Kelly Regensberg Whiting . Grace Naughton OAKI.AND - CLOVERDALE O. J. B. Crawley Mrs. C. W. Neal A. Van ,Mr. and Mrs. M...Mil- Walter \u25a0 M. E. Schneider IFlorence . . R«Jn it. Churkorirh J. Campbell Jay and G. Miss Meta . FRENCH. - Miss Anna Baer iWilliam T. Brush i A<-ton Hsstmgs Mm. Otto IJHenburg R- H. Peane W. Adams Mr. Mrs. W. OAKLAND, ALAMEDV AND FRUITVALB George W. Anderson |.- ~ Edwin \u25a0N. U Amns Burn Wilson and chauffeur . T J. Closkett |E. O. Hesse and wife \u25a0 — • AI R. I'olsky Albert Morgrnstern Mrs. Kacfman and Mr*. R. H. Pease Mrs. S. Anher E. B. Brlgbam , V ALLEJO » • • • ' Si£ Watson, C. M. Stratton T. E. Collins -\u0084 tt. Mr. and A. HEALDSBURG Catherine O"I>««rT ;William Lndwig aon Mr*. A. B. Hyland F. Mrs. L. Lltzensteln 11. Grant Mrs. R. IK. Casper 1 Miss lola Meeker IW. children Mrs. J. J. ' and A. Dalton ' - Byrne Mrs. Peoples / | H. MeMlnn Mr. «ntr*» Aur.a Mohr (Margaret Shanphnessy Dr. H P Hill • H. I.Scott and family ALAMEDA Mr. and Mrs. Freil Mr. and Mrs. C. Strlck- LACOX. Mr. and Mrs. H."M.IA.E. Thayer , Mrs. H. P. Hill 0. M. McGinn ler , Mrs. M.R. Sanderson | . t Morgan Owens :I>eta Perkins 11. B. Gill 0. C. Haslet I Homer UPPER LAKE Pr. Charles A. Dozier (James Magee Sr. C. S. Girrin BERKELEY Mr. and Mrs. A. B. John Fernandez YCBA : Mr». C. S. Girrin George H. Plppy :/;*ic Joseph Fernandez W. Johnson . I CITY." Mr». Charles A. DozierjJohn E. Bailer Pippy Mi«s W. Curtiss IMlss Kelloeg Tarpey '« LEESVILLE und Robert E. Colonel E.**. Preble Mrs. G. H. ENGLANI) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. M. McCarthy two children Larkln H. C. Tharler C. I*. Crellin LONDON. Mrs. W. W. Boardman I - ; W. Blthen Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Low Reed Abrahamson \u25a0 Dr. and.Mrs. Yeake Mlus Jennie Watt G. - William P. Veire E. H. Bradley • E.I LAKEPORT I Oeorge r.ctzpa !C. T. Metcalf Downey Harrey Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mrs. Boscovich Mrs. R. L. Webb ID. F. Mclntlre ;Mrs. E. A. Smith J. Ghlrardelll r. XEW ZEALAND : Pleltney Samuel Platt , I Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bauman IBL P. McMurtrr 8. A. Lery R, Boyd / AUCKLAND.. DAVIS !Mrs. P. McilcrtrrlMiss Hcrel Smith Mr. and. Mrs. -Huddle IG. A. Buddie IMr. and Mrs. D. Keogh Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. MARYSVILLB E. Charles Katherine F. Chiles ' A. Zinkand and Smith I U. I I Miss Allrf? • ; and ofcild A. P. Gagllardo Mrs. L. Wilson Miss Buddie Mrs. B. Mehrmann Travers FRESNO - Conn ' Byrne famllr i FRANKFORT, GERMANY Alice Mehrmann Daley daugh- , ;Mrs. S. Zecorich and F. Murray Helen Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Miller I STOCKTON Thomas Harry A. Schulxer J. A. Dr. Alexander Franz ter Miss (Grace tw<> children iJodepb A. Gwham R. A. Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. • KENTFIELD Agnes Brodle Pickering E. Noble Mrs. J. Murray \u25a0 - M. Cregan BRUSSELS. BELGIUM Brigham . Alfred Morgan IR.- Mrs. D. W. O'Brien j « |Mrs. E. Wtcelock Irornelius Mrs. J. B. Murry* W. N. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. C. vE. " Morgan \u25a0 M!k* Hlcklen Rita Byrne Mr». Mentuf Breemau SAN MATEO AND SAN JOSE A. Morgan J. Fullarar / . i:exterville Misa Marry A. DES IA. Taylor * JW. Elizabeth Dusterberry |F. Dusterberry J. W. Srensfa A. Haines Hannah Mentnf and Marley MOINES. Frank -Tack Shea SAX LEAXDRO T. Mrs. S. A." Moss Mrs. J. H. IMlss Elsie Griffln . Curry E. S. Gomes I .v \u25a0 SAXTA Henrr Neman Mrs. VI". E. Street maid Mrs. Lee W. Shea Mrs. G. W. "^ . . . George ROSA A. J. Volkel \u25a0 n. Winkler I Mr. *sne |Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Eduardo Costillio Frank F. Nelson X. T. ' Lenz, wife William Ronald children and • Miss Edna H. Lissack Miss L. Cohen Capt. Peter McGowsn Jennie McGowan William wife andT family jH. A. Gruesch* Jervi* A. Stelnberger Arthur C. Nelson and IMlss child Marshall C. Baer Alice E. Crowe Mr. Mrs. H. Wolf Mrs. J. Johnston A. Poaner and son Siegfried instantly relieved and 'TV. A. Beccer Mrs. A. Stetnberger iLeon Sloss J. Kramer Mrs. V. Evans Smith SOLID COMFORT HOME RESORT George MeVicker Florence Canavan n. C. Callahan Modd MARK AVEST WARM SPRINGS J. J. Jacobi 'Mrs. Leon Sloss S. Wolf JDr. Vanderhurst The recent arrivals at Solid Miss M. Stout Mamie Canavan Miss C. Callahan Clara U. Splane jLouis Sloss Mis* Comfort Miss K. T-- Callahan T. S. Spencer and wife speedily cured by warm of guests M!ss Jacobi George Cofcer ;JJr. and Mrs. W. D. are: L. Stout M. O'Neill The following: is a 'list the Miss Janet Jacobi Mrs. Leon Sloss Jr. Home Mrs. F. B. Foster - J. L. Peltigrew- V. F. Shaneh "Sit Mark West Warm Spring*: Miss Brandenstein acd maid C. Jordan Knights •SAN FRANCISCO J. MeAnllffe F. E. Hall Mrs. X. H. Norrls baths with Cuticura Soap FRANCISCO Mlsr M. Toland 11. Ludin - Xeil Sytelnbanger J. Woods R. C. Neuman v'~ SAN Miss E. Brandenstein H. R. Roth Henrr N^nmann \ Edward Brown Jr. ! 11. Litzcnsteln George Murphy Mis» Emma Goetzen Ja^ob Goldman IMrs. S. Glaser J. Bracdensteln J. W. Herrington Miss Genereve Tolanil^ J. J. Kushner William Nave Mrs. W. E Dowd and wife John Sink I.Mlss F. Wenkle with rVrs. Mi«s Mr. and Mr*. Frasch H. Jobanson • Sadie Lltzensteln Eugene Fagothey Mrs. J. C. O'Connor and gentle anointings Uark Ooidinaa j Miss Emily Glaser Mrs. William Green- J- I.Roberts M. Herrel F. Watermawi . Mary Kelly Mr*. R. L. McPhee •Mrs. P. Habn |Mrs. Flora Cohn bsnm Mrs. J. I.Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. E. U Johnson Mr. and Mrs.' W. I. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Keessn A. Mrs. T. Anderson , Miss D. C. Foley ; Locke Otto Fleissner / Irene Keestan L. Connolly Miss G. Cuticura Ointment. Sl!ss S. Hahn (Mrs. M.< Grothweil WIUUm E. Sharon child ' Holllnir Stager * George Delehanty naase J. C. Hatch *Mr.and Mrs. O. n.Opiej Mrs. Geo. 11. Alden Hanford Sharon F. C. Zimmerman Miss I*. Holt Fleissner Eugene Holling Alice Stager Louis Melbourne Miss L. Haase jMrs. J. C. Hatch Guaranteed absolutely pure. acd child ;Mrs. Randolph J. Margaret Sharon Miss F Grant Miss E. Radke Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mrs. Aiieusra Hollinjr Mr. and Mrs. A. Koster L. Fay David Glennan Miss Kate Walsh iMlss Wbeatley iMr*.I.W. Liisfisberger I Marjorie Sharon E. A. Browne Miss B. Reed Bauman Mrs. William E. Smith J. R. Hermann H. J. Patten Bart A. Supple Mies Alyee Meagher A. F. Benton Sold throuz&oat the world." Depots: London. 27. ; smith ' J. W. Riordan P»::s. Rue de la Pa:x: Austrs- <;erotne Landsberrer jir an 4 yirt. Charles Mrs. L. P. Swift Mrs. Felix Latz Mr. and Mrs. F. W. E. S. Stern Roy Smith Miss B. Frer Dorothy Wolfe Charles Walbridge D. R. Shaffer and wife» Charterhouse Sq.: 5. Landsborger Murpby H. B. Xowland McCab« I lift.R. Towns &. Co Sydney: ladla. B. K. Paul. 'Cornelius ! Juergenwn Miss Lewella P. Swift L. McFTlroy Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Miss Gertrude B. H. Wolfe Will F. 11. Armsburg and China, . Dng Japan. \u25a0 Jorgensea Dai) Calcutta: Hant Kocs Co.: -Mrs. Sus'.p Bunker iMr)l crt Charlotte Linden OAKLAND- Nelson Oliddon M. P. Mrs. A. Wolfe Sink wife X xeFP G«rtrnde J. Swift . . - Deyoe |Dr. Maruva. Ltd., Totto: 80.Africa. Lensoa. Ltd..Caps J. J. Gibson S. \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mlss Florence Neppert Miss OConnell Miss Blckson Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Miss N. Manning Mrs. Eugene Sweeney Mlsr Ifc Roemer \u25a0-, . W. J. Hyland Mfc. F. - M.E. Meek and wife Town, etc.; U.S.A. Potter Dnu * Cnem. Corp.. ,r^fca Dr. J. L. White Demin*' Miss C. Bear Mrs. Albert J. Milly Miss F. Roemer J- Hill F. J. Hyland Miss Deyoe Miss E. Meek Props.. 135 Columbus Aye.. , Xlrs ii. BredboS Miss Teresa OConnell Mrs. Sole 32-pace Boston. Juiian D. Coan inBS fiTtrf, re. L. Boggs Hot Spnngs are: Mr». C Petrie . \ Goldberg and daugh- J. W. Van Pragg Miss Lally SODA BAY • SAX ; danger aca* Mrs. Kelly SPRINGS Mr«. Joseph A. Ml?- Mrs. Burt Norton and - FRANCISCO . from a mortal disease, Iap- WiUtara D. 'Wasson ter Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mrfl and Arnvals at Ury Dlnati III. daughter i |J- S. Leas Soda Bay Springs are as liaracca family W. Erans Miss Ullle Donlon Ross Marsh, follows: Dorothy Mlgliavacca Mr. and Mrs. W. Ruth- Kauffman M»*s Mae O'Connor Local Brevities plied to you. You cured me with M. Menser i'Mis« Klla Doalon Mrs. N. Sllra Colonel F. U. UlssV. Theresa Doody Miss • E. S. R. E. Miss 0. Cress erford and family Frances O'Connor Albert Menter Miss riora Kydd iH. GUlmore I- N- "Queen |r. Snell , "WILSON'S INN Hiss Hojfau UUs K. Karanagh your Chinese Herb treatment and Mrs. M. Menser Wm McCafferty Gertrude Gllmore |Mrs. Colonel F. Marsh Mrs. R. E. Queen W. Neill [da BIG OWX VlSlTS—Snprem* Invocator Samuel 1 . following guests registered Peck Mr. and Mrs. T. Fitzpat- life, Mr«. R. Salomon t Gw) v McMtbon Dr. and Mrs. JosephlO. J. Huston Mr. and Miss Queen O. W. Foster Jr. The at Kathryn Snlliran ' . rick A. La Clercfi of the American Order of Owla. saved my for which cure Itender Ada SxKomon J. H. Darenport Dr. F. P. Mist jJw Merer Manson (0. McGovern IMr. and Mrs. Griffln Wilson's Inn: . Lllla if. Behan Mastor Eddie FitzDat- who came to this city a few days since, paid an| you my thanks, Mrs. Jtuijs tasscriy !A j j^^, James L*e Schleslnger] James L. Flood Mrs. McCracken E. Wappenberg San Francisco P. A. McDonald rick official visit to San Francisco nest No. 154 on the mo3t sincere and re- F. ; j Mrs. F. Kmc M«,. ,n Mr« n.n p " 1. Gayley E. J. Pringle Vincent Ketting / A. E. Erans - George E. Manning: IMhs M. occasion of its last meeting. MacKinnon Eyro J. W. Jameson Miss Florence A. de Mr. and Mrs. E. J. QuIcJey main, most gratefully yours, Miss *:assie j {L,".„" sW Warren (Percy Mrs. A. E. Evans Long :• - I. S. Egan and wife II.Scott liS KfD^ La Botly- Mr. and Mrs. L. B. W. C Abies ' A. Weiland •. Mis? VALISEIS STOLEN—Owen McCann Urn Bey- Mrs. Esther M. Flster MUs Jennie McKlehner Miss Katherine J. Lieut. Wiliiam Price Miss Coffey from MRS. PAUL.IXB KARL FORMES. p L.^^?n teaux i Fngenbaum H. B. Willow Mrs. Robert Fister Mrs. J. J. Fuller atxi Joha J. Daris and wife Angeles arrived by the steamer Governor Fri-I \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh Tm"1 Mr^nd'^'c. James B Strawbridge (Master Joe Fugenbaum H. T. Bickel g. Machol two children day afternoon and a thief stole from his cabin «" «•\u25a0 H- McLean Naphbaly H. Hartland Miss Anna L. Walsh Mrs. E. Badarons hU valise, containing 739 26th St., Oakland, Cal. VCV v £^ .Dr. and Mrs. J- M. Mr*. S. L. Mrs. H. T. Bickel r T. H. Vonnfr F..I*'Prltchard. wife Mrs. T. F. Barry suitcase and clothing andI Jross j and daughter Beddlck Bickel Mrs. T. H. Young Miss Mac Martin Miss E. Biseybuch and other effects valued at $143. n four children C. S. Amsler, Wife and OAKLAND Mr. and Mrs. B. Rlgby Charles A. Vogelsang H. W. Spumway mjss Florence I^-vy Oakland . . H. M. A. Miller family WANTED INNEW Mr. and Mrs. J. Me- Jen J«-cson E. F. Rabjohn Howard W. Hogan . Miss T. Fredericks Miss Sadie Garrln F. A..Weiland Mrs., N.-A. Frascr Mrs. H. M. A: MiUer Miss After a search 'W, Maury Estelle" Healey of nearly two years Edward Rice, a member Neil W. P. J, O. Samuels P. R. Wclnmann Miss E. Konnbacher Mrs. H. W.'-^Vheatley* . Alameda• • Horace H. Miller Rer. P. E. Mullia-an Alexander Rita Harris J. Snckermann George Kaehler jMiss MyrUe Mote.. Mrs. Dahl :-•-.. " of the . coast artillery at the Presidio, was ar- A. iilbm Miss R. Hausinann Miss J* ' C. A. Miller Mrs. P. F. Green and rested yesterday by McGrayaa and T- M Iledlnnd iMiss Tbelma CaTasb Eli Marks |H. H. Harris* and wife Barry IMiss Irene Walter Denver f" Miss Flora A. Miller baby , city prison.Detective I DR. WONG HIM . taken to the He Miss Crawford js. Mrs. George Obenaner |- \u25a0 Is wanted In Las BEBKELEV Miss M. C. Dowling U. C. Botsford and Coleman Master -Walter Obenancr Miss M. E. Bare William Armstrong. Vegas. X. M.,Mn a charge of forging a check Mr«. G. Wallace Miss Oma DaTies Dowling 1 wife Miss Murphy E.- G. Florentine . Vallejo i Mrs. P. Mnllijran ' 18, | Mrs. Ferguson \u25a0 P. O'Briea for $99.82 on, March 1908. while employed 1268 O'Farreli Street Arthur S. Connlnghaia Frank McMann (Jertrude Hommedien Ben 11. McPhun Miss \v% F. FlUgerald . W. S. Roney 'Mr. and Mrs. James U. A\*.5 a. .Breslin Dr. R. W. Clarke MA. W. Mrs. Mrs., U. G. Richard* as a railroad fireman. Mr* A. A.»J>aTles Mrs. C. E. Bauer I. W. Neustadter and Colonel George F. Fiugerald Joseph. Roney Cooper C. Breslin |U. F. McCraw CHILD LAB Between Gongb and Octavia ALAMEDA Smith. U. S. A. Dr. Charales Doasier W. E. Dargie KIiAAiATHHOT SPRINGS Miss M. Breslin [Mrs. M. F. 0B LAW VIOLATED—E. L. Wad- wife Mr«. Charles Dozier W. H. Harrington Brown - ham, secrct-iry of the San Francisco Society Mrs. A. J. Merle andj Mrs. J. C. Connor Miss Mana C. Pemsina Mrs. Colonel Smith Recent arrivals" at Klamath Hot Miss A. Farrell " ' IWin. S. O'Brien for , Misa Dorothy Dozier j \u25a0 the Protection of Children, warrants j SAN FRANCISCO daughter t Miss Catima Pemsina Miss Estelle l.akfmaa Mlps Mrs. John S: Cook Springs are: Miss M. Fortler jciiarlex J. Bosworth obtained — Miss Murphy M. Dozier Mrs. J. 8. Kelly , yesterday for the arrest of I.Fuchs, proprietorr" « SANTA ROSA Miss Rosie Pemsina J. L. ;Miss Jennie SAN FRANCISCO I / . SANTA ROSA Rohrer jMr. and Mrs. Cbss. F. Juan M. Pemsina Sites Annette . Murphy Watt C. Gains Dr. W. J. Haber |H. H. Becker Jr. F. M.Cumminps |G. S. Cum mines of a --nickelodeon In the Potrero, on a charge of W. Rohrer | V A. Dorn and wife Mrs. -William L. Locke Miss Gertrude Kohnke Mrs. W. M. Beckwtth H. W. Marsh BELVEDERE employing Ralph Cole. IIyears of age, as a per- CalTin Florence Locke Miss Lizzie Redford Miss Alice Beckwlth !B. S. Wllklns Neil A. and former, and for the arrest of Mrs. Robsoo, ; CHICO •Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Miss V. Bedford Hugo Heltz E. B. Wllklns McLean _ Annie McLean mother, the Krtx-gea Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. n. E. Hallowell wife WHiie McLean boy's for allowing him to perform. John F. Levkun I Mrs. V. Redford Detjen Mrs. Hugo Heitz Paul B. Fay SAN RAFAEL Warren S. White Trawbridge m • - w. M. H.. H. Becker Clarence A. Fay Bessie McLean Edith McLean George W. Frank J. W. Clark ,' C. Band MILL VALLEY Talks on Jacob Scbaefer Kd Helmke Edward Knm Mrs. H. M. Becker Teeth 1 Mrs. J. ff, Clark O. Woltman .G.-U. de Roberts CAN "WORK IK ANY SHOP—Spokane. July NEW VuRK !E. F. Disenber? J. H. Campbell Mrs. M. H. Morris SACRAMENTO J. II.Gray and wife j — H. H. Ulrin S William L. Locke R- Lennon A. Johnson Theo J. Weisel Master Pennlsh 24. The Journeymen plumbers* union has votedi Co., Jenntr > Mrs. H. Winkle Miss K. Rosenbauer \u25a0\u25a0> - ByRex Dental Inc. J. F. Locke Fred T. ,Miss E. Goetjen L. Mrs. Theo J. Weisel. E. G. Johnson CandieM by Exprestai to break its working agreement with the master CAMP VACATION George D. Cohn J. E. Bntterfield ; Miss Rosenbauer Marjorie Weisel Mrs. E. K. Smith Miss Adele Foley Mrs. M. C. Craig G. Johnson Carefully packed, immediately shipped, plumbers' association, jwhich bound union mea Among the arrivals at Camp Vaca- Sollie Aronson Stella Miss P. L. McPhee Miss Minna Mr. Pennlsh J. A. Courter tion are the followins:: J. H. Mllman Mrs. Murphy A. Craig Mrs. Pennisb. will arrive in perfect condition. Send to work only for members of the association and and M. Gertrude IHomme- W. M. Bartell c. Nace your and money -• SAN FRANCISCO E. L. Atkinson Gus Tobinsall |Mr». E. J. Magenlty ALAMEDA address order to should recelTe $0.50 a. day of eight hoars. In *Irs. A. J. Kurtz IL Baglietto .11 wife ! dieu - F. G. McKimmin* (Miss Marjorie Stanley Geo. Haas & Spns' Phelan building- they C. Zoberlien and AETNA SPRINGS Stanley store, • futcre can work in any shop that pays the 1.. Markwitz Mr. and Mrs. George E. C. Voorhels * Prof. Mrs. W. H. I San Francisco. . scale. Pauline Harris , j Fuirtg H. T. Lally (wife recent \ No \The arrivals at Aetna Springs Pain Etta Harris |Mr. acd Mrs. L. B. HIGHLAND SPRINGS afe: -r^- Mr. and Mr«. E. 1..; Haste San Hurb^rt and family jMr. and Mrs. A. W. The following guests have recently- Francisco «nd Captain A. G. ,Berry, Mrs. and Miss Qneen t J. Wsrd wife | Larimer registered at Highland Springs: V. S. N. Mr. All Mis* F. Newbcrger aad and Mrs.. Fred J. At iMr. Mrs. E. W. Berry J^mis PUillij's I Roemer SAN FRANCISCO Albert G. Jr. Butler Mi>s H. E. Kurtz iMibs Estelle Franklin Mi»* W. SnlllTan Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mr. and • Mrs. D. M. Darid W. Butler . "We had a letter from a prospective end! G. SulliTau Selk Burns Martin V. Merle l>r. UscSerfa. wife Miss E. Wolf Miss Mr. patient recently in which he Says ho *on iFranco Olace, wife and Miss K. Farley Miss Estelle SelV and Mrs. Charles Mr.• and Mrs. Maurice Mr. «n