SWIFT MEXICAN RUNNERS Table andTKitchen. STRAW BON MARCHE. BON MARCHa TAURI RACES BY THE STRAlfGB Practical 8«untloi« Aboat What U ONCE AGAIN THEY ARB POPULAR MAURI INDIANS. Close dally at 5 p.m. Saturday, 9 p.m. Eat aad How t«(¥reyare Food. WITH'AMERICANS. The Savages Travel Haadrrda of | A cup of hot coffee iie^ms most fitting to Expensive Hradgrar . How Made- Miles la Fleet-Foot«4 8erve at breakfast, event In warm weather, Skill of the Makers.Imitations and for this find Will Be Faihlon. universal custom we may Wednesday an excuse other thah' 'mere pleasure of From Other Lud*. pleasing the taste, if we desire, for sake of rea¬ S Notable for From the New York Sun. argument, we may give a scientific From the New York Sun. Mexico see little of the son. In the the skin Is Most tourists in early moaning The Panama is floating gayly on a I will achievc i We've pone as low as we dare in the price cutting and Tauri Mauri Indians. The first more active, while action of the heart strange the mighty wave of popularity. Twenty years igii We know the such Tauri Mauri we saw was a mall carrier Is more feeble. The coffee Increases the from this special making. already appreciation it was a familiar on New York the San Lorenzo mountains, about heart action, fullness of and also ex¬ ago sight mM?* will call forth. It's a season of among pulse but It was aside block of pricing bargains everywhere. of Chihuahua. This In¬ cites the mucus streets, later pushed by It remains for us to make our offers than 120 miles south membranes. various European and Asiatic rivals, and only stronger any dian makes two round trips over a distance "Very many people, more noticeably marble that find not in those twenty years has Panama £v %>? one's else to win that sought for favor.crowds. of miles twice a week, making a the weak and cannot eat the solid eighty-five feeble, straw been In such demand as now. which will total of some 340 miles a week, on foot. food set before them for breakfast unless M&m One or two who are *>< V>\V. Several when the government had they first have their "coffee." of the hatmakers offer the times, arbiters of masculine are reasons for mails to their destina¬ For such however, care must responsi¬ LEADING WITH THE rushing drinkers, ble for the resurrection, and means of a F0REJ105T tion, he made even three round trips in be taken that the if made from the presumably coffee, South American straw weavers are seven The leads coffee berry, is not too strong or an undue rising new and better WAIST VALUES. and a half days. route quantity taken. would from Guarichlo to San Jose de los Cruces Many, if allowed, up and calling those autocratic gentlemen partake of no other form of food early in blessed. The of finer of manner of living Shirt Waists. In colored lawn, percale and pingharn. that over as rugged a mountain trail as ever the of cofTee supply grades .t-re priced fairly at $1, $1.25, fl.fJo and $1.75. To go for l morning. When a cupful the straw is one ViJ/ jr tried a mountaineer's muscle. seems quite sufficient to satisfy the stom- already practically exhausted, for all, and I were bet¬ and though the cheap straw can be woven Shirt Waists, in silk irlnnhtun, chamliray. madras, imported The Indian mail carrier was bare-headed fC *°ne n'ght fast, it that will unceas¬ lawns. plain an«l hemstitched effect*. Were $2. $2.50 and % and his entire ter that it be taken before the person to order rapidly the finer quality of Pan¬ To go for bare-legged, consisting arises, and a little later will undoubt- *98c. of about three yards of narrow cloth v.oven they ama cannot be produced in a hurry, no ingly endure in the regard of mankind.