Trails Description for Colonel Jones Home Jones Home Begins directly across road (north side) from parking lot. Travels 2. Springs Trail Starts at southwest end of parking lot and loops through forest. 1. South Forty Trail and returns behind the barn to southwest of house. wild turkey roost area, past two springs that served the house, through pine groves, replanted bald cypress plantation, house. Returns to parking lot, or short side trail takes you front of the Colonel 2 Colonel Jones Home T o Ba r Log 1 1 Boone St r n South F 0 0 Colonel J ac r S.R. 62 es E o r Home eet ty 2 T Gent r ones r ail stablished 1 Sp r 1 yville

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t C y e A Statue/Monument Church Parking Fishing Pier Boat Rental Boat Launch Nature Preserve Railroad Hiking R Boundary TION MAP oad T o Jasper and T T r R ail AIL . COL . 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 1 1 JONES HOME L 6 E P 2 64 MILE A GEND ARK 3.7 2.1 1 1 1 T .8 1 1 .8 .7 .5 R GE PARK STATE LINCOLN Gatehouse Graveyard Dump Station Fire Tower Campground Shelter Picnic Area Playground Historic Site Accessible AIL • T T ABLE R AIL T • T R Mode r Ea s Mode r Mode r Ea s Ea s Mode r Mode r o Santa Claus AIL T ABLE y y y T a t a t a t a t a t YPE e e e e e 11/2020 or(812) 937-4710. may bereserved through theCentral Reservation System. pictures andleave only footprints. couldbewatching. schedule for times. fromrun throughApril October. Request thenaturalist movedlog barn, to thesite in1995. Tours andprograms 19th century. Visitors cantour thehouseandarestored politician, and Union Colonel,Army depicts life in the mid- brick farmhousestyle of William Jones, merchant, farmer, oak, hickory, grassy.” tops as these sandyridge withclearings “barrens, some woodlands withdry, sandysoil. Early surveyors described plantsgrowingpopulations ofprairie openoak invery the oakbarrens. Oak barrens are marked by small protects called arare Indianaplantcommunity southern ofthepark. part the southernmost This nature preserve and group campfacilities. they useLincoln’s family campground cabins, theelectric powered by 12-volt nomore thantwo batteries, are permitted. State isrequired. launchpermit Only trolling electric motors, condition for thepublic’s useandenjoyment. namely, to preserve aprimitive landscapeinitsnatural fulfill the purpose for which state were parks established, Reservation System. reserved. Reservations available through theCentral FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES Pick upanIndianaRecreation Guidefor more information. DNR PROPERTIES NEARBY YOUR IS THIS PARK Reservation System. Reservations are available through theCentral rented for amaximum of14 consecutive nights. and theIndiana Abraham LincolnBicentennial Commission. the Commission, theIndianaHistorical Bureau, Arts came aboutthrough acooperative efforttheDNR, between milestones inLincoln’s young life inIndiana. The monument contains several pedestals andmarkers illustrating various Saturday before Day Memorial through Labor Day. through theCentral Reservation System. is available from toApril October. Reservations available dining hall,kitchen,restrooms, showers andplayfield. It orcall812-937-2329. experiencetheatrical unlike any other. See Firewood andfall soldspring weekends. DayMemorial weekend through LaborDay weekend. electric siteselectric through theCentral Reservation System. Reservations are available for andNon- bothElectric to 14 consecutive nights. Sites willaccommodate trailers. Enjoy your stay. Pleasedisturbnothing. Take only In additionto theLincolnrelics, theproperty’s federal The Sarah Lincoln Woods Nature Preserve islocated in Visitors the rules, which are shall observe designed to boating, dogtraining, hunting, trapping shelter house, swimming beach, trapping camp, mountain bike, area, play/sports picnicking, trails, trails, bridle mountain biking, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, shelter house boat rental, camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, group Pike State Forest Interlake State Recreation Area LINCOLN AMPHITHEATRE NATURE CENTER BOATS FISHING CAMP STORECAMP CAMPING HIKING GROUP COTTAGES SWIMMING BICENTENNIAL PLAZA— PLAZA— BICENTENNIAL LINCOLN ABRAHAM is required andavailable office. atthepark Camp andavailable whenthegroup campis not persons andare available allyear. Cabins may be Memorial DayMemorial to LaborDay. Full-time naturalist. Visit The bathhouse and beachare open from the playground equipment and a playfield. Picnic shelters to moderate indifficulty. accommodates 157 peoplewithitssleepingcabins, Designed by Will andGeorge theplaza Clark Morrison, by thehour. Privately owned boatsmay belaunched. and concerts that vary eachyear thatvary anda and concerts “Lincoln” programs available throughout year. in theupperlevel ofthebeachbathhousedaily from toilets, hotwater andshowers. Occupancy limited COL. JONES HOME JONES COL. PICNIC AREAS FAMILY CABINS GROUP CAMP GROUP For alistofpark events, visit — —Miles ofhikingtrails available, rated easy —Bass, bluegill, etc. A state fishinglicense Canoes, paddleboatsandrowboats are rented —Campgrounds are equippedwithflush —Swim from atown risk dawn to dusk. —A snack shopandgrocery operate *All cottages are non-smoking and no pets. -camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, *All cabins are non-smokingandnopets. — — —Pine HillsGroup Camp Tables, grills, toilet facilities, —Family cabinssleepsix Operates five days a week from —Located inPineHillsGroup —Historic hometours and -boating, boatingramps, —Presents productions -motorized OHV CAMP Inn-operated cabinscanbemadeonlineorby phone. Reservations for theIndianaState Park Innsand CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM For acomplete listofrulesandregulations, inquire atpark office. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REGULATIONS AND RULES park. Listoffees available inthemainoffice. help defray theoperation andmaintenance costsofthe Receipts charges from are admissionandservice usedto SPECIAL NOTE FOR MOREINFORMATION CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM

Resources, Executive Office, 402 W. Washington Street, W256, Indianapolis, IN46204,(317) 232-4020. above,facility asdescribed orifyou information pleasewrite to: desire further ofNatural Department sex, ordisability. Ifyou believe thatyou have beendiscriminated against inany program, activity, or available to everyone. DNR prohibits on the basis of race, discrimination color, age, national origin, The programs, facilities, ofNatural services, Resources andactivitiesoftheIndianaDepartment are See everything IndianaState Parks hasto offer at inside cars orcampers. Roll upcarwindows tightly. danger to themselves. Pleaselock upallfood andcoolers depend onhandoutsbecomeanuisance to visitors anda toresult bothanimalsandpeople. inharm Animals who Feeding deerisprohibited. Feeding ofwildanimalscan Please let wild animals remain wild. between thesehours.between exceptin thepark, for campers usingtheirsites Park closesfrom 11 p.m. until7a.m. Nooneisallowed Use ofmetal detectors isprohibited. Bicycles are to onpaved beridden surfaces only. Snowmobiles are prohibited. All motorized vehicles shallremain on paved roadway. to office. lost orfound thepark Report articles water istested regularly for purity. hydrants orfountains provided for thatpurpose. This waterDrinking shouldbe taken only from pumps, ofNatural Resources.the Department Swimming islimited to placesandtimesdesignated by carts. Contact office thepark for affecting rules motorized only indesignated areas. Motorists posted shallobserve speed limitsandpark Fires shallbebuilt only indesignated places. groups must beunderadultsupervision. Camping is permitted only inthecampground. Youth ofNatural ResourcesDepartment isprohibited. Vending ofthe withoutpermission oradvertising on aleashnolongerthan6feet. Dogs and cats must be attended at all times and kept BB gun,airCO Any (except firearm lawfully possessedhandguns), rebuild thenatural humus. or trees (eitherdeadoralive) for firewood becausethey flower, bird orwildanimal. Donot gather limbs, brush Do notinjure ordamageany structure, rock, tree, an activity authorizedby writtenan activity permit. within avehicle, except in whenowner isparticipating unloaded orun-nocked andstored inacaseorlocked or spearguninpossessionastate must be park @ . andreservoirs INdnrstateparks Reservations for ofcamping, alltypes family Call: toll-free. and forests can be made online or by calling cabins, and shelters at state parks, reservoirs Online: Call: 812-937-4710 Mapping Address: Write: Online: Call: Visit toSubscribe OutdoorIndianamagazine today, -866-6campIN Online: 1 1-877-lodges1 (1-877-563-4371) Lincoln City, IN47552 Box 216, S.R. 162 Lincoln Stat hermoso para queotros lodisfruten! para mantener suparque limpioy ¡Saque toda labasura queproduzca beautiful for others to enjoy! in order to keep your cleanand park outalltrash youPlease carry produce 2 gun,bow andarrow, paintgun @indianadnr e Park Lincoln City, IN47552 1547 (1-866-622-6746) 6 N. CR300E orcall

@INDNRstateparks 317-233-3046


© 11/2020 Indiana Department of Natural Resources PLEASE STAY ONMARKED TRAILS. DESCRIPTION OF HIKING TRAILS TRAILS HIKING OF DESCRIPTION The trail viathedam,back returns to thebeacharea. loopleadsto thefire short-side tower (CCC built, 1935). the oldestremaining CCCranger cabinsinIndiana. A goes around thesouthshore ofthelake. This isoneof attheboatrentalStarts building (CCCranger cabin)and old miningdays whileviewing wildlife species. levee, scalethe “high wall”, andlookfor reminders of the of wetland plantandanimalspecies. You may walk the lake to onethatpurifies a watervariety andsupports federal government. Weber Lake went from a “dead” is testimony to thereclamation efforts oftheDNRand pine grove, andthereclaimed Weber Lake. The lake consists ofoldfield successionstands oftrees, aCCC Road toGentryville Weber Lake. The 1.8-mile hike This hike takes you alongtheremnant ofthe Troy- and “living farm.” Fee required. talk withtheinterpretive staff andtour thevisitors center the LincolnBoyhood NationalMemorial. Stop inand hop across S.R.short 162 of this trail from is the start connecting withLake Trail eastofthecampground. A mineareabeautiful pines, pastanoldstrip before eastofthegatehousestarts and proceeds through John Carter was aLincolnfamily neighbor. This trail 4. James Gentry Trail sister, atanearby homestead. childbirth diedduring upland forest has many steep slopes. Sarah, Abe’s older may findmany plantsunusual prairie to thearea. Thedry Preserve, thepark’s andunusual area. mostpristine You Takes you through theSarah Lincoln Woods Nature 3. Sarah L. Grigsby Trail 2. John Carter Trail 1.Lake Trail TRAIL &DESCRIPTION 6. Weber Lake Trail6.Weber (Brochures available office, atthepark Nature Center orbox office.) Trail onthesouthshore, you cancontinue around thelake. the Gorden HomeandMillsites. ByconnectingwithLake Baptist Church andthegravesite ofSarah LincolnGrigsby, just west ofthebeach. You willpassLittle PigeonPrimitive mill grain. This trail branches off Trail 1atthepicnicshelter Young Abe spentmany hours at theGorden Millwaiting to 5. Shelter. sidetrail takesA short you to the Weber Lake Trail. mature forest, thetrail southofS.R. returns 162 to theSpring A historical marker designates thesite. Passing through also where theLincolnsslepttheirlastnightinIndiana. As ayoung man, store.Abraham worked attheGentry It’s toborder the site home. of the property of the James Gentry Takes you of-S.R. across-north 162 along thenorthern Neighborhood Walk Mr. Lincoln’s president’s mother, Nancy HanksLincoln. established in 1932 to asamemorial the16th the 2,026 acres of today’s which was park, in thewoods andfields ofthis region and feel I’m part ofthee.”feel I’mpart How strange, oldfield, on thee to tread. And grew the bread that formed my bones, I see. home with these words, spot where“The very Abe’s sister, Sarah Lincoln-Grigsby. such asNoahGorden’s millandthegrave of Walk” highlightsthe park’s Lincoln-era sites, many trails. rental building (formerly aranger cabin)and Lincoln, theLakeside shelter house, theboat park’s recreational facilities, building Lake (CCC) was inestablishing instrumental the history, too. The CivilianConservation Corps can find cool respite from the summer sun, as CCC. Within these groves ofgreen, visitors Young of his youth Abe Lincoln spent part Honest Abe once recalled hischildhood A trail called “Mr. Lincoln’s Neighborhood Many of the structures here of are part Many ofthepark’s trees were planted by the

L 3.7 miles 1.7 miles 1.5 miles 2.1 mile DISTANCE 1.8 miles 1.7 miles inco Moderate Moderate Easy Easy Moderate Moderate DIFFICULTY l n