one unfortunate day, a small friend cif being already felt the utine me to take her All throughout count/ 8 prevailed upon with pr&lie U due to Mr. Wirt for hi* un DRUCCI8TS. T0VE8 It HARDWARE. MERCHANT TAILORS. GROCERIES. me to vinit Miss Hunan. Imagine my coii. tiring energy in thla matter. The diplo TRANSPORTATION. ©kJtttdli§mx. slernation when, in the miilat of a dtj. in a* issued will be signed the CUBED^ilEATS. corouti conversation, thia little, wretel dent of the Board of by 4 01110 RAILBOADCO LCTTGU FROM A MUV. Education,Presii,thi II want jgALTlMOUK a Poison! you the »*rt Sncar Cured quick afl( lightning, without iiote County Superintendent and the teacher o Poison! Tlie Thos. & Co. BUYtojetTllE Ham of and Hughes . BEE H1VK BRAND. warning, after an uri- the school from which the Cheapest U jouwwl torn the nlre»t llrraklMt Baron. sparkling Xottftlroui UieftHtioii* usual alienee on her Htiddonl ate. The teachers of pupil* gradn POTATO BUG POISON, pure and BUY Tulj BEE HIVE BBANH. on and after Mar ill bv the part, y the district lento aa 11,1877, ftaenier Tnlnivlll tnpltfll Accoinplk&cd daubed a} the dear old seized n sid tute the Board of sale by «urc,for It yoti want to get titignr Cured Bhoulder a]moat follow#.Wheeling Time; Dimfiller ol tut Eminem I comb in girl, Examiners andconstiie80 pes u good m Ham, lTunltt Democrat* 6ach impious paw, and thriel ccnt is made the standard of success, LIST ft The BUY THE BEE HIVE BBANI). No. ft. No. y No. I. Nott« LOCAN, CO. Best, KUTBOr.m eunNj ing like win, made out of the door with But here 1 am II you vnt the awcete*t Cured Beef, d#lly. dttlljr. WAnrfiKaToN, I). C., May 28,77. her writing about school) BUYtojntTUE BEE HIVESugarBitAN P. plunder, having waited but one aw ftil and but of road MERCHANT _ U*Yl»- A. If. A.M. P. M. A.M. again, few TAILORS, The* tnetU are i. litori Intrlllg-nrflf: moment to the perhaps your cured by Erana Brothers, Wheeling 4:10 few observe effect of her iniqu|. cm will bo interested in what J hav< llaTlnu handled thorn for fonr aeuona,Cincinnati.I Arrive*at. 10:85 6:20 7:t0 The heat of the |)Mt ty. felio wan not a or The I know their excellence and can p.p.m. m. prodiKiou* mischievous i- Grafton wo tlat It irnpt written. Pardon me for doing so, bu An Ohio Merchant them to rontidently - 9:08 3:19 10:80 4.10 linn u recommend lis* no demoralized dent child, and d Larges cooautnori kins the bmt In thia P. n. day* upon in the A. M. been to writo my letters, but being cjuestione my interest matter ot popular ed Corner Twelfth and Water Streets, warkat. B. .1. BMYTII, Heywr impowilile concerning thin shameful episode, *lu?, ucation must as an excuse lor so fai Writes us: "My customers any I must Cor. Market and Fourtci-nth Kta. Cumbetland 12:58 7:05 1:M now thut we have had onco) thone nin^u* and In plead keep C300K8T0V1 It. J. A i n n:i,u 2:45 then, years after, declared as to sometimes SMYTH CO., - to this latitudo always forgetting myself do this LOGAN, LIST & GO'S EXCELSIOR Marilnibtirg 4:30 ...... ft:t0 IHM t;\r change* peculiar that she could not account for the o 1 _">yH M Zane Street. Wellington City 7:J0 7:iw I.: i n»«Sn j tv.i flint inv insan would that the timewould hasten,wher CAKING lUCIUirU in iiuunvit -«.» j PORDER. They won't buy any In the Market is the Celebrated IUllltnoie h:30 impulse that implied her to the mad nc t, all tho wero alive to the WHEELING, W. VA. IRON FRONTS.FOURbTORIKS l>:00 .... Kcvoren and feature, tho nqial 1 could not people fully other kind." the bent rpWO ** nlinr|»c*t but think, as I watched Mr portance of properly educating the youthimh, Itisunquestionably L EACH. Philadelphia...* 3:05 1 h dUtorted Powder in the New York organ, amusingly by Have«, suppose 1 now, should give wn v growing op around us. Baking market. Sold by 1 0;!fft 5:00 occasioned by cold. WhatteverhUnteraa to "emotional insanity" and tackle tlie| Our municipal election passed ofi tho best Dealers, everywhere. Pally except Sunday. we have to l»c euro! in hair \ /ALLEY We are addition, lo our No. 7 at nil leaving borna of I STAR recchluK itojw Stations climate thia here i n last week. will not the dally lx»lween almost worthy matron, quietly give No Wheeling and linUM Tar :i few dare,'at any the BxtoutlVe Mansion! What woul>11 names of those elected, as that has nl nlrcailjr large ami attractive itoclc ol Cumberland; 4:tat»psat all Siatlotiabetween munt carry a . trunk ip the tto been dono in eevcral Wheeling and Grafton. icafon/^i.epeople tome? And how would n*1, ready of tho Jos. & No. s. No. onbe irtfwt.tM extreme* of the but suffice to i Your BENJAMIN Speidel Co., 10. tpraovufo to be patriot flout me? papers, it nayWheelingthat Horses & Cattle FISHER, \VKST-n0UWD. dully. No. S.*1 dally. h»Mt pnileohl likely encountered. But this and let ua council wan elected that will WORSTEDS, of Mat is a very<1if. pardon digreesion, vigorously Need leave 7:4.'A.M IV Wellington to our* button.for Mri do doubt, puHh forward the good work ol attention nowaud thou. 7 here is O CLOTHS, 1418 Main & 1417 South Stretts, ArriveWheeling... 4:10P.M 945P.M ./row the flcft retufrfi-fnot no better ami fer#m place JtfW capital Hayes U no but a dear. She A improvement inaugurated by our last Remedy in the market than ^ TAR FOUNDRY CAS3IMERE8, atZanmllle 11.50" 8:45 " 2:08 am on \fiien I ho hotels sheep, Unt'MPlI NKAR n. .* t). It. n. DKTOT. " thea7tli*of MarcJi, and a Council. Let croakers n« *»>uivu Newark liOOP.M 10.00 8:15 cordial,,kiod sprightly, manifest assert thev rnnj Wili/Iiiun IVHDCiIi. " were swarding.' dflice-soeIters' to Columbus H.00 6:00 " aiujU t}i$ tact, and good receivca the contrary, there in a bright luluri Sold by A great of other Cook Stoves a " " rampant: when tlto hdrifts from 'Ohio breeding seme,'and store variety Handuaky 0:55 0.10 her victors in a chatty, pleasant mannei in for Moundsville, and that not fm nttM-fog *'ij-ionhanil. Gentlemen's FurnishingGoods, Divtou 7:30" 1:85 P.M were upon u», with which sets distant. "Patrick" LOGAN, 1,13T Je CO. jEfr*AllStoveiguarantee<}' Cincinnati mo " every body at ea*e and in may just as well stof WHOLESALE IouImfIIc 1o-.Wa.m "I'lrn in ench eye nml |H|wrs In each IioihI, nn interest and confidence without bin abuso of the inhabitant* of our GROCERS, 12:55 a* 7:45 r.M !'. recite and uiadueu thu land." spires city Marbillzed Iron and Slate Mantels. Iudltnarolla .. 11:25 pn 12:40 « 11vp, through sacriiicc of her for in of all his to FOR SPRING A HUMMER WEAR, St. difleront indeed any dignity. spite assertion tlii rrecaione ana ome &o.. Have tho larirest and best htock of Louil 8.10A.M 9:01 Very from tho day Mr, her and a nearins, Chicago 0:00" 7:00 " when the Democrat* and Hayes, "high-placed husband,' contraryf enterprise, energy goiALWAYS GET THE BEST! Daily except raged Kopubli. is also and 01i ahead in hold of our Sunday. r un dignilied agreeable, aud, spirit taking people Dal), examine and sec before r. And believe wo can offer auperior flour, sugar, imaginr nil hotel* . needing inducements |>oiutiSouth and quiet him for a remark felt. ~ Southwest; at Chicago for town forgive general play tobacco, all point* Writ and Northwest. deserted. Tho jinprtitHefl onealmost addrensed to me the Our and Association EBBD'S kast-bomid train* a* a does in the of fully concerning apt Literary Library » P. CALDWELL. in o make connection* at Baltimore watering place middle nvno i/t ni'iicn K'i wuuiigv .men minus at it* laflt the Clothing Made Firat-Cliu Manner. SYBUP3, for l'hllndelphia, New York nnl.Bo*kn. At Wash* The in to meeting discussed subjuct E lor nil winter. Arlington about bo These were intended to be f of the COUGH SYRUP! TEAS, and IngtonCtty point# South. and tho House in condescending present Ktruggle between Russia Wo will hereafter make the We#l*bouml triilns tnnke direct connection* for closed, Riggs emptied. arid funny, and doubtless take witli and and no much intercut wan following ull nrlnrltml imlnli tt'wi «t..i The I h a they Turkey, to CASH GENERAL latter, four, complete failure; the average fair that infect those inarbli3 manife«ted that it will be ui{ido the Do Not Neglect a Cold However Slight, discount and PROMPT GROCERIES, Pullman iViLicocnn on nil night trains. though why I cannot fee, for, when 1 hullx; but if he had been a Democrat 1 cial order for the next ffl Slate & Iron ING CUSTOMERS: ntaid (hero autumn Ncomcd to meeting. spciThe For arblc, Mantles PAYif In tho city. Retailers will find it to their WHEELING. PITTS."AKD BALTIMORE DIV. "last it would have turned on him. But I didn'i question i*, the Cross or the COUGHS, COLDS, IIOAB8GNESS, have every element of uticcccH. To begin Crescent, ofl' if to to examine our atock before tLcatvi daily. cArrlm daily at feel much at home up there, and., [ which shall it be? Shall or DRONCU1TI3, VJIOOPING Comuioii Tile Six per chxt paid in days. advantage pur* WhceLni H:fO n. u\. "* Christianity and nil c Wa*hl»;;t'n, with, it n admirably Hituatcd. The table wanted an Grntes, kinds 11 8:25 p. ui.l oflice! MohammcdaniHiu triumph? A* we decide COUGH, 4c., uie Terra Cotta Fits run CKST off if paid in SO days, chawing. my * 7:10 p.m wjw by far tlio lie«t in Wiuliington, the 1 irniHt tell 1 it when the final vote goods. Except Sunday. 'Eieept Sunday. you that' have learned i* taken so must it from date of delivery of clothes, Tlclceti to all hoiiflo fresh ft ml now, the furniture and from the best that all thosi9 be. rrloclpal pntnta «.n sale at Depot. hand* stories authority REED'S Offlcc open al all houn during the tiny. carpets throughout remarkably about wine at the diplomatic din Yesterday evening the steamer C0U6H SYRUP! g.alvanized Iron Work and Tili 99-plbass kxamvb oua stock a nd "Satin Gloss" Flour. TII05. It. Kointj und UitvfuL wlilo the pr*>prietor< nor wore made out. of the whole cloth gram passed our with Muter of 8ITARP, placo Tele, . ihe Hag Hying, There is no Roofing, micks.^ ^^ tlll#Nltr.#, . Transportation. and eVerybody coquecltd with- 'JCho' hix" glasses at each and tint> bund and u crowd on Preparation equal to it. Try i nuo. nuuncs a uu. R.T. DEVP.lES.di n'l Agent. mylft were u and m plate playing, large bonrd, it and be fiollte obliginge«tablirihiimutusual wines were there as they alway« whom we suppose hud been convinced. TC IGETIIEII WITH A COMPLETE A!g mylO HLEVELANDA. PITTSUUIUill RAILROAD. possible. have been, and Mrs. showed ni3 the Sabbath in the of pleasure,spending We are constantly receiving this V / CONUESXKI) TJMK L ARD. And the Kbbitt llousu due* Hayes pursuit EOBTMEKT OK (Tit i&% why disposition to meddle with matters that Query.Is not thin rather a public REMEMBER! Ask for ".kkkd's Couon TK rVf'T4tPtsr'ViTWtfnBari ho signally!why,through ovll report«uccccddid not concern her. of the Sabbath Doesdesecrationit Sybit," nnd bo Mire yon get it. J.H.STALLMAN&CO, and thick day? i on and after May 20th, 1S77, Trains will run through good report, through The Soldiers' lour miles froni well for a tho CELEBRATED ni and this low-stor* Home, *peak community public PKICB 25 CENTS TBB FLOUfl, dutly (cxcept tiundny) follows, vl*: through thin, rickety, thus city,.has become one ef-lhe mumt sentiment of which will allow it? BOTTLB. V OOKING STOVES> They ACCOM. mail. »xpins. iedsf |]i«bhU)*fi:rn1shed, contemptibly baflutiiul pliifc-a in the country. The ex were surely not from Wheeling? X. THE FINESI' and HEST mr introduced viottiaJkd- and narrowly conducted old feji.-ire ttl.ti HOUSTON & REED, Proprietor*, Arid House Furnishing Goods. We cal I.KAVK. hare all He a* highly* cultivated ground into thin market. PcUaiic. r..r»s ii r.iUtr.ip should, tike death, Mr. and TO ,U.L L'.A'ITH I I.AISLY I.V nuaauaiij t» * A« special attention to the Merchant a.m. oj a.m. nior.M. Tailors! " prwenteil by Corcoran, .the largiJ " MoiH f6r iw'owilj'p.Wes my Comprehen* estates Bridgeport 0.01 ll;to »:20 private recently added to the en VALIUM, SOLD BY ALL VEALEES JIf Martin's Ferry... ftl3 U:1H 3 27 " ion. But it i ;, und has is a WWJVISES. n. » " certainty long closure, have given Washington a paric spring trying season. Indications inyl'J r£ ierle83 La Orange r.4* 11:52 4:00 h.'i-n, the moat popular hotel here. It h not excelled New of siekncss should at :Ance be nt Radiator Shaking Grate THE WAR FXniTFMFNT Hteubenvlllo 7:i)« » 13:09 r.*l 4:18 " tho and by York, Philadelphia tended to. Fatal diseases be Wnllavtlln M-'.'ii ts< * *» headquarters.for army navy or lJaltimdre. A may caused e most Grate " " " tlioro have hugerttatud of Genera1 by the bowels to become cnnsti« BEWARE! complete in the market Rochester...., 1»;H0 2;30 G;4Q For nevcfftl yea" alwayspeople.Win .Suott looks dowi1 allowing Jl\can be seen in operation in Mr. Franl« We are Hn« causcd an advauce andall Flour is dear. AKI1IVK. field majestically and the to remain in a constantlyreceiving " M been two or more nicmtarH of the Cabinet1 from an eminence % p:itod system en's fine residence on the Island. Cal Pittsburgh.. 10:35 3:40 7:41 upon view of tlx dereil condition, until tiie disorderdisorehas Altoona ft:A3 P.M. !»:40 » 12:00 A.M. living here. Governor Morion held forth 1 examine. 41 city, tlie Capitol, the Washington Mom: time to itself. An ounce of Of and lt.irri-biirn 1055 2:40 a.m. 3:50 " hare. It in the home of General Sherman develop Coughs Colds,» Don't Waste Your 7:45 " merit, the broad Potomac and the distan vention is worth a of is an pretold Money Upon Baltimore..... 7:45 ar.d his and has sometimes pound cure, Contracted at this 1.107. 1.100 A 1511 llulu Nlrccl " stnfl, hills, and never wefe of and truthful Therefore we teuton of tho year. Washington 11:12 9:12 the lieneral of the andentertainedthe Virginia eye saying. advise 'Ur 11. A 0.15. It. Depot. iur9 Inferior Brands. Philadelphia 7:00 » 7:55 Army bronze or all who are NEW » human vision turned ti troubled with the of War at the Mme time. It upon complaints : GOODS, New Yerlc 0:2ft 1015 UhSi vrretnry fairer landscape. Tlie now very prevalent.headache,indigestion, Dr. ROBERT'S COUGH SYRUP Boston 4:45 r.M. s:») r.M. *:30 p.m. won, a ami tree*, shrubber; disordered want of RE YOU GOING TO MOVE? BUY THE BEST.THE SATIN GLOSS. altogether, bright cheery and roads afe perfect, and the B Jiver, appetite, nausea, nn la«t winter (tnuric ami building or feverish to without Is vn/ittliiig Etnttdy, affording Inxtant Jltli-f L COB TUB AliRIVU. place dancing very tine. The latter-include the lloun skin, take, delay, nml a S]*rdy Cure No to it for Alllnuce 10:57 a.m. ."Villi r.M in an Schenck's utrncdy equal " every evening), and, somehow, easy whieh'is L o Mandrake Pills. We know of both adulta and children. Don't You Want a IUvcnnn 11:58 5:80 » itself, suppose, r. no so " place to drop into, even for ladies. Iu new twenty-five remedy harmless and decisive in its Sold by all ntd in & Hudson 12:H0 p.m. i'.:N thirty yeara old; the am1 Druggists Dcnlcn UcJleim-d " dining-room is beautiful, the bonne is the hospital, action. It at once strikes at the root, of at 2.ric pertKittle. ft List, Davenport Parks, Cleveland 1:45 7;3(l otlicera' quaclers, which are all hand the disease and a tone to AltlttVK. clean and well and tho produces healthy JfiwHnnkRtnvp and Summer Trade Ft. " Hired,' always detached and the I Spring SOLE AGENTS. Wayne 11:45 2::t5 a.m ...... some; houses, gardnera the never need suffer from " ho kind and People .. a.m. *00 invariably respectfuljrettv and lticturesiiue. coveml with iv* dition of the liver if would this Imperial Sltubenrillt AumnmalaHm.ljnvn ISellalre at imictU welcome iu it doc.* f they take 1:40 .this iun, feel and embowered tree**. , excellent medicine when feel the first Cure* RHEUMATISM, And nhvavH one of the LARGEST ESTABLISHED IN 1836. p. in.; ltri'TnfX»ort at 4.55; aud arrives at among Daxhinj they NEURALGIA. PAIN'S, keep 0:15 p. m. bteubcnvilleat wonderfully v coding .home to indications of the Families ACM:*, BUUfcES, bl'ltAlNS, Ac. Th0 r AND BEST SELECTED STOCKS to it.Jjlfe equippages, quietfamily carriages,jaunt;} malady. BEST and CHEAPEST STOVES II l-cavrs Mi'uli'iivUle at 7:43 a. iu.; arrlvca at return t;ee|c* other ami on iiiir home for the rummer months should The OF GOOD8 in the nt 8:ft5 a. in. J^h'oever phaetons lovers horceback giv<* learj, Best Liniment for Man THE MARKET can bo found at city. M. Brldgeiiort advjmthge* and 14 lurid to other take three or four boxes of these with Very HlflLLY, Special accommodation trains leave Re)lairs at life to the scene, to nay nothing of tin pills and Beast. :;o hotels i«* almost sure to return to "the blue old them, 'I'hey have an almost instantaneous 0 a. in. and 12:45 p. in.; Urldnejiort at 0:45 u. iu. jacketed rfoldiers, pipe in mouth effect. Sold for 25c l»ott!e by all Dealer* iu Medicine*. ^10. 1425 Main St, and 1:00 p. in arrive at Martin's Ferry H.A.ia. iu. dear old Kbbitt," its noise, it* publicity, in the shade or They will relieve the patient of WHOLESALE GROCER, aud 1:10 m. leave .Martin's it» loungieg working anion;; headache in one or two and will All the NEW STYLES p. lU'turnini* Ferryat it* big lulls, unpardonable mistake*, the (lowers. At a certain a hand hours, 11:15 n iu. aud 3:30 p. ui.; Rrldgcport 11:35 a.ui. spot, cleanse the liver of THE FAMOUS and 3:10 arrive at lioll.iire 11:50 a. about visitors and cards, and even to the one to rapidly surrounding Pork Paokor and Provision Dealer. p. iu.; at in. and of one'* room robbed, a* points "Capitol Vista,', and, bile, and will effectually prevent a bilious R. A. McCABE & .or. 3:53 p m. liability having .through an opening in the trees,lookingone attack. arc sold all CO., Ticket* to nil principal points In the Kast and to a friend of mine here on They by druggists. Sole Agent (or tho Dupont Powder Mills. West run l«o proeund at the Union Ticket hap|>ene(r beiiolds the Capitol,standinggrand, white cod WHOLESALE* I Hon Office, day. Her room'was locked,inaugurationand In its frame of verdure. DBUOUJ&TS, and Plaid Mcl.uru a*, and ut the itatinu at llil'lgeiiori. it was entered and her watch and solitary Plain, Stripe Suitings, F. It. MYEltf, but Besides other buildings, there is also rOBTV YEAUS BKiOUE THE PUBLIC. Nos. 1423 Main and 1428 South Stroete, a Nos. 1309 and 1311 Main Street, iny'.O Pawuger and Tleket Agent. other valuables taken. Mr. Willard the President's summer ARLINGTON which and Basket the announcement n noble home, litis. WHEELING, W. VA., Diagonal Worsteds, iJlTTfUUimir, CINCINNATI A H'l. LOUIS with receivedII think, always the name of "the WHEELING, W. VA. 1 ItA1LWAY-J'AIf-JfANDLR ROUTJi. cslmne**, born of greed and prosperity, old gone by m. C. M?LANE'S my11 SOLE PROPRIETORS. AND OTHER lligg* house." It is a large, low, Plain and Fancy Pantaloon Goods, D:n Umi... o.J ia... n-rr TTFT rgigfyiigip remarking that he thought the theft had old rather Cilebrated American been name one (plaint, fiushioued, English Xhi! Direct Lino to the perpetrated by belonging lookinghouse, where one can imagine irst-Class Stoves , Spring Overcoatings. Refined Sugars, all grades, Nortliwcdt, West and to tho home, and upon whom he had hi* the tho WORM SPECIFIC New Southwest. executive but that the to great Mogul doing uieditative on Orleans Sugars, CONDENSED TIME GAllD. eye, lady ought a Htunuier to his hearts content: ran now lie have her watch iu his safe in the evening HrisriF bought Cheaper than ever Molasses end Syrups, Tailtig cflbct Way 20,1877. kept but neither ho nor the gentle sharer ol before. And nil goods usually found :n aGrst-class (a handy placc to keep a time piece)oflicehi* cares need hope to escape utterly the -ORVERMIFUGE. establishment, A fll line of Tobaccos, all styles, ^0 (vU £timvllle). and that lie was uot responsible, because and ignoble army ot^ olllce seekers and nocia! secured J. STOVES WARMAXTKI) TO PLHASI Bacon, Lard, Flour Oils, 1'nat l>eUic l»! did, otic tithe, a month before, letve borea even in the olden wher, Having the services of all Line. Ex. Accoin'n ami there were in the for, day*, SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Fish, kinds, her (lour open, road* were ami were 1Don't fail to call and nee our vo to rough ihacka high, stock be Teas, all kinds and I.e Znicsvillc.. H:l*)A.M I! Mil' M hulls notice* put up "beware of the of James 'PHE countenance -is pale and e grades, Alive Ijttjcneur....-,.. 'J:50 " 4.45 " stupendous figure '°r in " thieve*." So he made no further and 3VEK,. Xu. LUTES p'nrchosiug. Always store. Grootr's Sundrois of every Circleville 10:50 5:f.5 " grand, gloomy peculiar,Buchanan,uat no L lcaden-colorgd, with occasional variety. 11:57 11 sign, though he had been paid alone with hi» well-earned or a Wu»lii:»KtoiJ 7:15" 7:25 a.m evening cigar flushes, circumscribed spot on M. WlliniiiKtou 12:Wr.M «... 8.21 and thousand.! of dollar* BEILLY. " thousands by under the government vine and tree one or both j{)SEPH BELL & CO,, TOE -REST PLACE TO BUY HHIltTS Mnrraur 1:38 'J;I5 " and lig cheeks; theeyesbecomc Ah Foreman are !'.< intmii. " 11 that lady'a family, pawed |»y about the streets in nntl Manager, we now pre* in the city. _np23 ...... l(i..rr, au Ingoing dull; the incident of hotel life with this-littie oho cafinbt but bless the nameWashingtonof Boa pupilsdilate; pared to do nil kinds of ARLINGTON STOVE WORKS, To Ihe HVj!nn,tVmiu/A (via Coliitiilxi*). noreno and flilent'adniir;Uion. run.; the loweranazurcsemicircle DRY CATSUP apparently Some along eye-lid; *(,'all at our Fast Cm. seen ShPphenf. years ago, many yeart Noi. 1425 Maim W. Va ££ aud look goods. Or Aromatic for I'no'fc W ell, 1 have at last Mr. and Mrs. while a round of forma, theno-.e is irritated, swells,and Et., Wheeling, Swooning Meats,Oyatora,Fiih.Ac. Line. Ex. Ex. Mall. an 1 paw them on the 5th of indeed, paying nr!2 Hays.not I Htuck fast in the mud of one ol a of thesometimes ' THOBUKN k BKO. calls, bleeds; swelling upper = I-onvn. r. M. a. m. v. M. A. M. March, through a glow, darkly, dimly the most Painting, but in the White fashionable streets, and had k lip; occasional headache, with No. 27 Twelfth Pittsburgh 11:33 8:30 3:10 7:05 ami distantly, House, desert my carriage, while men came and FINANCIAL. St., Wheeling. A. M. and socially, vlnd.I am pleated or throbbing of the ears;hummingan Graining, inyl Slrulxwillc 101) 10:07 f.:15 11:20 nearly pried it out of the mire with rails. Now gUNDl'.IEdItardcn'aCondensed Milk, IlaHcrd'a, J-rn \ Deniilwu 2:45 11:66 8:30 11:30 unusual secretion of Joiin K. Knowing, as you do, my traditional, roll* uliinrr nwr iJioart B»m« saliva; or and 1'OTUHOitD, Prwt. Uko. Ada*», Casb'i and t rltico ol Waliv haute*. Touiuto slimy Encaustic, nt Cntoup.Pctrlns\ i'. m r. m. brcd in the boncs Democracy, myinborn,ho smoothly and that it in al lurred tongup; breathvery foul, dc., THOBURN A MtO'S. Newark C:0O 2;17 11:23 7.23 of teeth over tlie Electoral deliriously, in Work. Bj\NK OF THE ; A.M. gnashing most unrealizable. Dear Boss, the morning; appetitepar'ticuhrly Stipple OHIO VALLEV New Dl'.llll) IKl'lTs. Columbus C.23 3:50 LOO 10:00 and the pcorn Goods! 'expressed byCommissionmy , " such thl QALIFORNIA Arrive. njp b<*, . /aria!s,soqjctimes with a Succwsor to the soaring!?) nose when Ohio loomed up in Ami overcome unlike a fuinmer'a voracious, Choice (parcel) Gnlifomln Feus. London 7:20 4:-13 2:05 11:C0 child, sensation of the Wo will furnish estimates and take con- Chtilc* ' March,you will consider my frank though Wlihou: ourcjuolal wcmli-r. gnawing stomach, at pj IUT NATIONAL HANK OF WHEELING. Aldeu Evaporated Peaches. f. u. moro ami tracts for Public und Private Choice Californhi I'lunis. Xento 8:20 5:42 S:15 12:15 feminine opinion (Uninterested Handsome houses greet the eye ir! others, entirely gone; fleeting pains Painting Just recclvetl and f«»r ?nT«« hy Dayton ;. «:?» 1:15 honest than it I wero a blind, stupid every direction, whereas, formerly, it was in the stomach; occasional nausea Buildings, Builders and Contractors are Itai $280,001) TJIORURN A HRO., I'inriunati 11:53 K:l>> C30 3:IU a nrCO Cor. Market mid 11th. A. M describing iuy own choice andpartisanalmost impossible to rent a house of ordi and invited to call on us. vomiting; i his Hank In organizcil ami to tran sac routavlllo...... 12:3.'. 11.10 7:43 really elected President, l'ray, then, nary, .comfort, In fact, Waahingtoi out the violentpainsthroughi buslnesa of banking in nil prepared excuse uie if 1 and seems abdomen; bowels irregular, We are also prepared to do what this city ft# cictaila. To he HVj/ anJ Northwtrt necessarily another place, and we can now liv:30 appear here, when there shall "bo more"t<1 WILL AS LOW AS orj rjtercst allowed on -IOu You could never w whether the Whenever the above IS Special Deposits. I.ognnsj>ort :t:0\ 3:00 gue fee and relate. I am at preaeut lookinj ! symptoms CONSISTENT W1TII (SOOD WOKK. IMRKCTOM: Ihirafio 8.30 7:10 7:tO was bored to death or onlv' for are found to J B^t^G°rd President and wat exist, ohn K. Merchant greener.pastures yet stiller Botsfonl, Wm. B. Simpson, Tailors, jjM.Pnlhuan DruwinR Boom ami Klrnjrtnic Car* drunk, while Mr-. (irant looked er«,*where-the wicked cease from I DR. C. MCLANE'SVERMIFUGE scob 8. Rhodes, Wm. A. Turner, fri.m bleutwuvilie ami Columbua dumb.unable lo ami k'm. A. laett, John l-llobhs, throujUttMou* densely 'comprehend the weary are at rest.troublingM;' i.M.Adnms, O. C. tfuint/civ Cincinnati, J-oulfrrillf, Indinnnpolii and one's name, though she had hoard it a travel to the Will certainly efTect a cure. A. W. M. Dewey. I4th STS. St. Loiilii, and from Columbus to Chleu«o. thoughts trustfully countr] PAULL&BRO., lenry Harper, mySl-tUw COR. AND MAIN The I'lt-touro swker or those seeking ILmtt in hundred times much less oneM little home of that uncle of mine wrote it does not contain mercury j Ihs should oa or you oi West, call address the which her and I ; lor undersigned speech, dazed, puzzled when next write you it shall hi» in is an lll'JBInlaMtrcct, through timetable*, iuai>«, land circulars and always knocked into |»i. Yes,exprcsPtonit 1a frou\ of the any form; it innocent prcpaj f<23 Q lommercial Bank, Havo received their Mid further Information. \V. L. O'UKIEN. Jhe homq l'cnnsylvanii not the HoBximoog's Block. jujit large eltgnot Uen'l passenger and Ticket Agent, Ko. 219 lll$b refreshing to find janplo'thesct.with-their Dutch. So au.revoir-Ta-Ta. lie goot ration, capableofdoing Mock of Good* lor Mrctt, Columbua, Ohio. myl7 wits about them, who sire something like and you will be happy. K. 15. injury to the most tender infant.slightest Capltel, ...... $100,000 the r<-t (f the world. Mrs. would A GREAT OFFER!! JSfflES Hayes The genuine Dr. HI?Lame's dif|K)*» of 100 PIANOS & ORGANS, new and Otock-So. ite Mala 61. ho anywhere u bright-faced, j: flrnt-claia makers, Including WATER*'atwundliiudof SPUING AND SUMMER WEAR. with the White House <>i jjoiXDsvn.r.k mmtkk beare tlic signatures ofVermifugeC. lower prices lor cash or lust ailment* or to let until lady.but .4weet-mannered for than Intrrest paid on Special Deposit*. Collection1 tor a after the human MV'Lane and Fleming Bros. oriHie paid over before otUired. WATERS GRAND' modo and background, SQUARE ani UPRIGHT PIANOS and ORGANS UN- proceeds promptly remitted. AccountI fyfl'SPILLS of merchants and others ornaments it has for many years female Mounijsvili.u, May 28,1877. wrapper. ClUDIKG THEIR NEW SOUVENIR and aollcitcd. GiubrnoiuK all atw deaigufc yl A of New York KilitUM IuteUU«n(vri . BOUDOIR) dUtinRtitshecl physician says: in.she i* "rarer, fairer, liner fur" .:o: are the BEST MADE. 7 OtiUvu 1'lonoa glW. " It is astonishing huw Dr. TuttV rejoicedAfter the cold tlo 81(0, not used a year. !i" SlopOrgans SSO. I DIRKCTORS: "THOMASRtTSSELL," PilUaro used. In universally than nuythihg it had entered into my weather the warmth c Stop* $38. 5»W. 8 Tboa. II. List, J. L. Htlfei, SOLE AGENT. my dally founds, I hear of mind to conceive, l'or the benefit of the bright pun id refresh DR. C. 12 JlOO7Slops ?toj*875. lOStopsJKS. j,I. J. Hi, Cloths, them not only aiming the poor, but their virtue-; my morning quite M?LANE'S Mop* wish, ihU roed n rcir. In perfect or- , Hiny W.T.Hart, arc heralded froni the mansion* of the as will and our beautiful is list tier utid warrauttd. LOCAL and C. Thomas, Cluts. II. Booth. Casslmaras, Obtained a for and refined. wealthy yearning, curious, ami, you t*ay, .i#|, valley bein; TRAVELING v,* f. A. DBPI.0N3A KnOwin? the Inventor from hifi weak sinters in I will state clothed with the very fulness of verdurt LIVER PILLS. AGEVTS WANTED. Illuiimcd Catalogue! Malltd. Wilson, Vostingg, Ion;; connection with tlie medical profcuion, 1 your midst, I A liberal THOA II. LIST, President. havo in their and that id in no A ride almost over our re etc. SheetdUcgunUoTeachers,Mu>le at Ministers,Churcln-s. J. I- V. Preiu ana great confidence merits, of late hurdrcasiug way entirejralley These Pills arc not recommended hall price. H0RAI5E WATERS H STIFEL, .suitings, "Excellence have ottcn prescribed them with the ban been vealed'tous"the that o A SONS. Manufacturer* and 1\ HILDRETTI, Cashier. Color, hanpirrt though she accusedremarkable,of fticT large'crops [ as a Dealer?, -to East lilt Jal« result* in eases where I desired to moke a for "all tbo ills that at., Union iqiiare, K. Y. Spring Overcoaiingi, | on remedy the liver.'* plainness. She looks as if she hadextreinecorn, potatoes and vegetables of all kind j] i. C. List. Joskmi Sktuom.d, impression _ decided not flesh is heir to,"but in affections of not thought much about it, ami you know have only been planted but that theJ a week In own [k.vnv K. i-wr, (iinao.s Lajiu, Wltlish will be made up in the Bwt the your town. Terms and f5 *. Style, Finish." a consciousness the reverse of that would aro growing rapidly, notwlthstandin Liver, and in all Bilious vOO outfit frtw H. HALLETT A CO., ill. a. 1.ibt, llkskt W.llst. Quality ail,4 ruin the most the of the fo Maine. WHICH IS TUTT'S PILLS theetrectof exquisitetoilette unfavorableness weather plaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Comr l'urtlaud, CUHB SICK HEADACHE. = Worth could devise. She wore, when 1 the past few Wheat looks well i or diseases ° Dodieine thirtv ull days. ache, of that character,Hc&dn lank of saw her in the morning at home, after she parts of theValley^wbllo tho meadow » stand a rival. GEORGE PAGE & CO., Wheeling,> FULL LINE OF HIGHEST AWARD ti l l as she after and pasture land are an abur they without been, Raid, looking promising K;. E N. SCHROEDER ST., BALTIMORE, KD. UR.1NTEO TO SPOOL COTTON AT TUmPILL$Er3 the a dance of for an ague WHEELING, W. VA. OCEE house-keeping department, provender both present 'i And feviJ'r? GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. DtsrETSU. IWIrU brown xilk skirt;" with the usual future use. The.farbi of Capt. DaviII No Patent Portable and Stationary Oollerv better can Engines, - cathartic bo - and a brown mottled woolen one of the finest of all in thi® used gapitaI, flounce, Roberta, or Patent Circular .$100,000 mnra hblrtb made re oaoan. mmm jsxhibition. polenaite that looked to my critical orb neighborhood, id a preparatory to, after taking Saw Mills, Gsng« Mulcy and Sssh TUTT'S PILLS especially- promising Oils! tockholdert liable is»m ti< if it had been made. far as the are thi B'ne- Mills, and Flour lllllt. Willi Whttlt.Shingle. pcraonaUy and ropreeentjn8 OTH3 CONSTIPATION. tint th»y bought ready is crops concerned. Cut < Qui« Barrel and 0T®r 5500,000. We iiivite Ute public to call and examine Her collar and cufTt were plain "and well not Hlrange, for it is not the ver v As a aro Woodworking Machinery, Tanllo Emery jilecelTm Deposits ami PlKonnti our stock. ouaured we can offer best of only simple purgativo they Wheels and Grind* rs. Mill &c. 1icala in Piper. faeliug tUt'u% with, I think, some slight noil naturally, but it fa well farm.. $aws, Supplies. &c., Gold, Bllvtr, Coiu-DraUa utul Stcrlln, pcrior inducement*. t. «ug of or that were ornamented, which goes far toward unequaled. KI ND rhange. mr!7 pin ring good style, making up fo' FOR CATALOGUE AND I'illCKi ifcll» Dratts on Iceland, Ireland, France, Get CafesitffidW. TUTFSPILLSlPCURE riLES. Ill liu W. hut not noticeable. Her figure is not dther deficiencies. There is great con: beware op imitations. ay and other prominent part*of Europe. 4 in round ami perfect like a star, and in plaint among our gardr.ers of the rava (tKKo 77 a Week to Attests. 810 Outfit Fur. ®Hitsand Mils Uovernmeut, Ktate, City and Bail w. ii. ciLcwKLL, A.K.aiinn, staturo sho U ol the Tho genuino are never sugar $UU»- *// P.Q. VICKEKY, Austin*. Me. "*j Bonds. Prua't,*yi»>o>i eiwTUTT'S *maUi*h',buther face ia moat ges potato bug, and active stey* atcrcat on Manager PILLS attractive, ller are are taken coated. paid Special Deposit*. CEEE EEVEE AND ACJUE. fh'ltrNOTH eyes Tory handsome being looking toward their ul C|Q a at home. wanted. ^peclnl attention glretl toCollections. piEWtN'O.PtJR day Agent* Outfit and ni»2« and her teeth tine, while her charming ter and entire extermination. Each box has a red wax seal on terms free. TKPK A CO., AuKUsta, Maine. D. C. LIST, President. anile light*tip not only her countenance, Tho usual services were held at tho lid, with' tho Dr. (5. LAMB, Cashier. SMITH & CO.. umm allou impression 0 fr Extra Fine Mixed Cards, with name, 10 els., CIS. SKYBOLI), Assistant Pubfar. jsU TUTT'S PILLS® hut shines reflected the faces about churches Kav. I) L. MAETIF'S CEEE yesterday. It. Wilso. M?Lane's Liver Pills, £ p»»t'p>ld. JONK8 a q). Mawau, N. Y. _ Biuoua COLIC. a ill »» her. She is rather delicately has tilled the at the Maltsters & Dealers. !» *lthr ncenaTUTT'S and her black made, pulpit Disciple's Churcli, Each wrapperbearsthesignatures of Brewers, Hop uo'colour. hair, guiltless of ho having returned froui the West when*, ofC. 1nni.1 All\/E farmers. mechan- c crimp, id combed plajaly down over her with his he had M9Lane and Fleming Bros. 11 InS Y 1«'H nril GOVERNMENT Exchange Bank family, been viaitin» UwkVll I HOUfcSTEADKKStoaettle PILLS I Sold all reoorated the CEEE Km:rET COOTLAINT. n r.'t sr. teiopje*, terminating, however, regret friends. by rcspectablo druggists on the new J N. VawC«I Fres't. Hah'l t. P. Having thoroughly Wheeling to «ley lump behind The closing exercises of our publi countrystorekeepers generally. Smith lUllway. Wood-working machinery to be orpuilflns a Joint Mock Ooinpmy.and rlriclc^ Mr. I... ..1 her which made me nervous. «v«»«nIAIwia!* will" "W I.-M tiken aloua for market A. R. bMlTH of the gentle earn, «.V«U Milling lUt) (irCHCD for thn manulacturlnjj, affording In chaise lirvwlng How I did to seize ftaid horns W. timber and rniclounisni for the mechanic. «. we are now pa-pared to furnUb and as .. 1'cpartwent, follows: * long week, On Wednesday amJ UcCONNEHL, Ticket larc reduced, and eerHjtfategfren with ticket ; fsoo.oe CUHIi TOQPID LTV*12. iiavonorl»*l press them out of existence, or twine will be the yf to refund amount on »£{'unity ol titcclholderj « TUTsimslii examination oi th® land For 400,QC SMITU'b CELEHttATKJ) Thursday No. 135 and purchase*. them around the coil behind! And here, classes froui tlio various room?; on Thun FIFTEENTH STREET, maps fullInformation apply to W. D. Black,actional .i* Mr. used to am Manufacturer of land Commissioner, or toO. W, llERKD, General BITTER. PALE * KENNETT ALES. Lincoln sav, "I. day night the pupil* of the Agent, Wo. 24U Went Fourth O. PORTER, Ac., a primar Lard !I*lf Parrels, and Hour BU, Cincinnati, ^"hi* Hank succeeds to TUTfSPILLSS^aiPAIIT of little Ram-lc, the story." remindedand intermediate department* willgivo llnm Apple Barn business of tho Met Fully up to thestandud which hai heretofore giTen ATPETIT2. NEW YORK. l'ritn Miss next used to rvl*, Tierce*, Claa liarrthMid At*' National Bank, and d**la In Coin, Couponh Uwtn iuch ox to nfite Susan, door, public entertainment; on Friday the ex : Uuks, llutttr Xcrs, ctc. mnercial Paper and Bllla o! ropuUtiuu. "vamrr nair in Kooua on uer uieracu Exchange. Wo rcapcctfullr solicit your patronage. CAPITAL RESTAURANT. aminalion of the will I e WnKPAiaiNtt I'ROMPILY ATTENDED TO «5to$20|?,^^Si^.«';Maine, 8jUterett paid on Spcclal Deposits. CO. graduatingclass £ lollectlons tnado on \tt* H.VfTTH A No. 1155 Marxkt Bt., U the firtt-clcut u-mnles, and tiic.^o were confined tide* held the hki&HUw ... aU points tnd proceed ^ only by by County Superintendent. Thi H f)K FANQY.CARDS, no two idlke. with name r«mptly remitted. in the city. It U tb« only ilMtnurant Jinlaurantthat . OR. BUTTS' iuIh. She wan a sweet, proper old pussy claw consists of thoso who have finlshe ZD 10 . bPKKCEB A CO., Xamtt, K. Y iiccounts of Banker* aatl haa arpanit# roomi for !*dim,orwherejou can find i' Business Men solid!* that deanlloma of a homo, combined DISPENSARYj'"otJ jolt, nlky and deprecating in her the common school, viz.: Oi BE RESTORED itockholden liable to depositors according to tb quiet t prtlrntr tn tin* 1 nipihlooqtii* iu)»!rr!?l city. CUronTo Dloca»M«>fbnfh V\V|<. calm and conventional in every thography, writing, norer-falUn* treatment used at tho Old Westtrr MOST Ksttoni HAKBUfitniSp He on hand belt the market aflbraa 1>I reaiiing{ geography j ika. keepi the-very jafmYSkat Birm'Mnrrla*r Uulilr. " 'Vi'inent. gat lh:r arithmetic and Medical Institute, 137 Sycamore St., Cincinnati. 0 gj In flib, oyitm, came, and ererythlni A rsiv^oiojta*! View ofMartian Complacency upon grammar, U. S. ork*cro»: vegetable^ jr/*J»/SA 'imti. history It frees the system of all iktn and blood diseases CYTDAftDHIM ADV. GUIDE la MftMni, ana rnn It up in a manner unexcelled £' Ciri-i and tlu.o cunUrapiaUnx wrgiu ami deliberation marked Our class will number about t. N. Vance, H. t*tmTy urn in iltf) inwrM »-J««W»ti, »U1« «:i4 Imilf, ;w. Ui« J,row, an U cures exhausting nervous am, llorkhelmer, aSHSp & ("IT mjntrrU*of rvrrmlurt* fifteen, sptedlly weakness, tha He can be u^ifcoa r bniiinunumnni , *. jcuiis einf 8*n» huuM nta ud ptvwmltitt In country. relied upon always to l"» *'"1 In* »p»rpt IrifinnillMOt youth. ii|iriAoi:v)i« ui rtsionwUlo for xcmiruts n tin rein np JrawfoM Booth, | true Mirna?«GuUk iu U» wwul. Iw Otrcnta CENTS. CENTS. A 1'IUVATE MEDICALTHEATISU on tQ oi)i would ai soon have of ined at the same till curtJ. JOUH J. J(INKS, Caahler. tTMi 11II nfliM n hi* (JQ (jfj n.«thu»rt»ud 41*. time, Mr. Wirt has iij. myW-dAw iprofluonl wvrl..Udra»« nnlr r» "Ithe trxual and thought pro* in. A. Q.tnyOLIK« y»!»in, Ihr inraui oltuir, Du uxa Umng |,er Bftcreij j^H0I1| t0 touch troduced in our the same " IiB>Va*hiitfU>o »t» chiofj.lU. Will get ONE DOZEN nice .in yn.Tiv.iiiti. »*nt uriuif »»aj turSAt-u. excopt county systei TJACON AND I.AIID. WEST VIRGINIA. 1NVKLOPE$- MEDICAL ADVICE on SrcutlaiMl Chronic fliniil. with ray 0*n in m I of whichSuperintendent Watlo D A full on band uf Lar.! (or llit of «id Send 7 BABBEL8 FLOUR. !.* «, Catarrh, Caewr, Ituptut*. tN« Opium jw'finger* greeting, graduation supply always U*f napcu acbcdula of nlM. ld> f p*AA Card JmiiialIntr.t, f-jpv-woikicrit under icalfir VO ctiTlli of be* has made so successful in' la 8. C. Hams, Cf«ir Hides, 8. C. Brlskctu, drcnUKO. P. Photographs. I.reobook*jr.. hi'nSi\no7nd of.well, going Monongali etc. Bhoufders, U0\VKLLAC0.|A(1tciiU1q« Acontn. \ good assortment for sale eheun at th v Nail rutiulnlng ^uOp^eainUrrcrvthlMwjrta the election returns if I could! and that the effects of it ai..I Onion filled frosn fromasmoke horn* dally. No. 41 P«rk Bot, New York. Refer to Editor rf lUpley UUli, Indiana, Atlai, City, For Se« at BBOWX'S know 114 on ibr»ub)«t, *eut nivmrcly nealod on But, reports good I SI. KE1LLY. tMi Paptr. my7-cod<**r I ttle >t lowest tnnrket rates. samples GALLERY, «f OO ot«. AtlJrtM, Or. Bath' Ditrxtnurv.rorcipt TELLIfJENCEB OFFICE. LIST, DATESPOBT d PA BIB. apl3 Below McLure Homo No.12 N. 8th it, St. Lcuii, Mo. U«:tUj*fcu iH?.r « »