
Caleb Kelly

Bibliography List

This collection is divided into the following sections: History, Biography, Health, Music, Historically Significant (books which have had a profound impact on Adventism), General, and Ellen White (considered by Adventists to have received the gift of prophecy


Schwarz, R.W.; Greanleaf, F. Light Bearers: A History of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2000. Now in its second edition, Light Bearers is the most up to date and comprehensive history of the Seventh-day Adventist church. It is often used as a textbook in teaching Adventist history.

Chilson, Adriel. They had a world to win. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2001. This recent book highlights some of the most influential pioneers of the Adventist pioneers. Its focus is not only historical details, but also includes selected stories and experiences to give a flavor for what their lives were like.

Robinson, D.E. The Story of Our Health Message. Nashville, Tennessee: Southern Publishing Association, 1943. This classic volume on the Seventh-day Adventist health message is both detailed and comprehensive. It begins by providing a detailed view of the medical and dietary beliefs that prevailed during the rise of Adventism and traces the development of Adventist thinking and practice on the topic of health.

Andross, M.E. Story of the Advent Message. Takoma Park, Washington, D.C.: Reviw and Heral Publishing Association, 1926. Considered a classic work on Adventist history it remains in high regard despite its 1926 publication date.

Fiedler, Dave. Hindsight. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Graphics, 1996. This lively history book, although not comprehensive, presents some of the most interesting and significant aspects of Adventist history. This book takes on several topics in a bold spirit that other Adventist history books tend to shy away from.

Wylie, J.A.. History of the Waldenses. Brushton, New York; Teach Services, 2001. This classic history of the Waldenses is actually a facsimile reproduction of a very old book. Seventh-day Adventists trace their spiritual roots back to these devoted Christians who lived in the Swiss Alps during the middle ages. Ellen White devoted a chapter to the Waldenses in her widely circulated book, The Great Controversy.

Mansell, Donald. Adventists and Armegeddon: Have We Misinterpreted Prophecy? Nampa, Idaho; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1999. This book offers an interesting survey of the history of Adventist interpretation of Armageddon as well as the eleventh chapter of Daniel. The author draws important lessons from past history to guide his readers to interpret prophecy in a responsible way.

Nix, James. The Spirit of Sacrifice and Commitment. Silver Springs, Maryland; Stewardship Department, 2000. A resource for pastors and church members to help recapture a vision of ministry, sacrifice, and commitment. This is a collection of stories about pioneers of the SDA movement.

Gordon, Paul. My Dear Brother M: Why Ellen White Wrote the Letters in Testimonies for the Church. Oshawa, Ontario, Canada; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1997 The Testimonies for the Chruch are a 9-volume collection of personal council that Ellen White wrote to various individuals. Their names were removed to retain privacy and the letters were published for the benefit of church members at large. This book provides a historical background for several of these letters.


White, E.G. Life Sketches of Ellen G. White. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1915. An autobiography by Ellen White, one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist church. She was considered to be a recipient of the prophetic gift and thus played an important role in the growth of the Adventist church. This book covers from her birth until her death (last portion completed by C.C. Crisler).

White, Arthur. Ellen White Woman of Vision. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2000. A comprehensive biography of Ellen White written by her grandson. This book is sometimes used as a textbook.

Schwarz, R.W. , M.D. Nashville, Tennessee: Southern Publishing Association, 1970. A well-written and often cited biography of John Harvey Kellogg. Kellogg was one of the most influential people in the Adventist medical work. He was known as an inventor, physician, administrator, teacher, husband and father.

Knight, George. Meeting Ellen White: A Fresh Look at her Life, Writings, and Major Themes. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. An introductory book written for lay members on the life and writings of Ellen White. Health

Fraser, G.E. Diet, Life Expectancy, and Chronic Disease: Studies of Seventh-day Adventists and Other Vegetarians. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Fraser, a leading nutritional researcher and epidemiologist recently published this comprehensive analysis of data that has been gathered from Seventh-day Adventists and other vegetarians. It is the first of its kind in that it provides a comprehensive analysis for health professionals as well as the general public.

Kloss, Jethro. Back to Eden. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin: Lotus Press, 1999. This classic was originally written in 1939 and still receives much attention in today's bookstores. Jethro Kloss was for many years a Seventh-day Adventist and follower of the health council from Ellen White.

Pickle, Julianne. 100% Vegetarian: Eating Naturally from Your Grocery Store. Seale, Alabama; Pickle Publishing, 1990. This cookbook contains recipes for vegetarian dishes prepared in the traditional Adventist style. It emphasizes whole plant foods, simple recipes, and easy to find ingredients.

Griffin, Vicki. Diet & Stress, Simple Solutions. Saint Joseph, Michigan; Lifestyle Matters, 2002. This is the first in a series of soon to come books, which are used to promote healthful living to the general public. This book emphasizes the importance of diet in reducing stress. References to scientific papers are frequently cited even though for a lay audience.

Griffin, Vicki. Foods for Thought. Coldwater, Michigan; Remnant Publications, 2003. This just released book is the second in a series designed o promote healthful living to the general public. This book emphasizes nutrition's link with mood, memory, learning, and behavior.


Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1985. This is currently the official hymnal (English) of the Seventh-day Adventist church and can be found in nearly every English speaking church.

Church Hymnal. Takoma Park, Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1941. This is commonly referred to as the "old hymnal" as it was previously the official hymnal of the Adventist church.

Hooper, W.; White, E.E. Companion to the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1988. This companion to the SDA hymnal gives a historical background for every hymn in the hymnal.

Advent Youth Sing. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1977. A songbook specifically for youth, which combines selected hymns with more recent songs.

Historically Significant

Koranteng-Pipim, Samuel. Receiving the Word. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Berean Books, 1996. Truly a modern landmark in recent Adventist history; this book created a stir when it addressed the validity and consequences of new hermeneutics (interpretations) in Adventist theology.

Handbook of Seventh-Day Adventist Theology. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2000. This recent addition to the SDA Commentary series is one of the most thorough and respected resources for Adventist theology.

Bacchiocchi, Samuele. From Sabbath to Sunday. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Biblical Perspectives, 1977. An autographed copy of a landmark book. This book documents the historical change of the Christian Sabbath. Research for this book was done while the author was attending the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. This book has received the imprimatur (official seal of approval) of the Roman Catholic Church.

Smith, Uriah. Daniel and the Revelation. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1972. This book on Bible prophecy was originally written at the beginning of the twentieth century and has served as an "anchor" for many Bible students ever since.

Dyer, Mercedes (editor). Prove All Things: A Response to Women in Ministry. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Adventists Affirm, 2000. This book addresses the controversial topic of women's ordination and supports the position of the world church. In recent decades this topic has been a "hot potato" in Adventism.

"Representative Group of SDA Leaders, Bible Teachers, and Editors." Questions on Doctrine. Washington, D.C.; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1957. This book has been the center of controversy in some circles for many years. Originally written to respond to questions raised by Walter Martin (who wrote the book The Kingdom of Cults), the authors have never been identified. Part of the controversy over this book stems from the idea that this work represents a shift from the historic Adventist position on the topic of the nature of Christ and the atonement. An annotated edition was republished last year and has the addition of footnotes relating some of the historical events surrounding this touchy book.


Jones, A.T.; Waggoner, E.J. Lessons on Faith. Angwin, California; Pacific Union College Press, undated. Jones and Waggoner are most known for their clear and insightful writings on the topic of righteousness by faith. They played a key role in the well-known 1888 general conference session, which was a milestone in Adventist history.

Shea, William. Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation. Washington, D.C.; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1982. This is the first volume in a series of books published by the Daniel & Revelation Committee, which provide a scholarly and contemporary exegesis of important topics in Bible prophecy. This volume focuses on general principles for interpreting apocalyptic prophecy.

Holbrook, Frank. Symposium on Daniel. Washington, D.C.; Biblical research Institute, 1986. The second volume in the series by the Daniel and Revelation Committee (DARCOM), which focuses exclusively on topics in the book of Daniel. Touches on both exegetical and historical topics.

Holbrook, Frank. Seventy Weeks, Leviticus, Nature of Prophecy. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1986. The third in the DARCOM series touches on theologically significant portions of the book of Daniel and Leviticus.

Holbrook, Frank. Issues in the Book of Hebrews. Silver Springs, Maryland; Biblical Research Institute, 1989. The fourth volume of the DARCOM series addresses issues raised (most notably by Desmond Ford, an ex-Adventist scholar) concerning the Adventist understanding of the "" and heavenly sanctuary as described in the book of Hebrews.

Holbrook, Frank. Symposium on Revelation- Book 1. Silver Springs, Maryland; Biblical Research Institute, 1992. The sixth in the DARCOM series touches on hermeneutics and exegesis of the first half of the book of Revelation. Intricate scholarship has made this book a valuable resource for many.

Holbrook, Frank. Symposium on Revelation- Book 2. Silver Springs, Maryland; Biblical Research Institute, 1992. The seventh and final book of the DARCOM series covers the last half of the book of Revelation.

Nichol, F.D. Commentary on Daniel & the Revelation. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1980. This portion of the official SDA Bible commentary gives verse-by-verse notes on the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Mansell, Donald. The Shape of the Coming Crisis. Oshawa, Ontario, Canada; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1998. This book is a comprehensive compilation of Ellen Whites predictions for the end of time. Organized into topics with minimal explanatory notes, it provides a good survey of Adventist eschatology.

Hardinge, Leslie. is My Judge. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; American Cassette Ministries, 1996. Leslie Harding is one of the most loved and respected Bible teachers in Adventism. This carefully done work emphasizes practical lessons as it carefully examines the book of Daniel.

Koranteng-Pipim, Samuel. Must We Be Silent? Ann Arbor, Michigan; Berean Books, 2001. An autographed copy of a most controversial book, which addresses divisive issues in the SDA church. Topics include homosexuality, women's ordination, racism & racially separate conferences, liberalism, pluralism, gospel gimmicks, and new worship styles.

Bunch, Taylor. Exodus and Advent Movements in Type and Antitype. Brushton, New York; Teach Services, 1997. A facsimile reproduction of the classic scholarship of Taylor Bunch. This book draws parallels between the histories of the Israelites as they left Egyptian slavery and the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Waggoner, E.J. Waggoner on Romans: The Gospel in Paul's Great Letter. Berrien Springs, Michgian; Glad Tidings Publishers, undated. A compilation from a series of articles published in the Signs of the Times between October 1895 and September 1896. Herein is a theological and personally applicable commentary on the book of Romans. This is the first time this material has been available in the form of a book.

Nichol, F.D. Answers to Objections. Washington, D.C; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1952. A thorough apologetic work by one of the most knowledgeable men in Adventist history. Although many years old this book is still a well used resource. Adams, Roy. The Sanctuary: Understanding the Heart of Adventist Theology. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1993. A fresh look at one of the pillars of the Adventist church from a well-known author.

Torres, Louis. Gaining Decisions for Christ: A How-to Manual. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2001. A practical and detailed manual written by one of the most successful soul-winners in Adventism.

Stefanovic, Ranko. Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation. Berrien Springs, Michigan; Andrews University Press, 2002. This scholarly work is used as a textbook at Andrews University. One of the most respected modern commentaries on the book of Revelation.

Zurcher, J.R. Christian Perfection. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2002. An English translation of a controversial book, which discusses one view of perfection. This topic has eschatological and theological significance and is hotly debated.

Haskell, Stephen. The Cross and It's Shadow. Nashville, Tennessee; Southern Publishing Association, 1970. A facsimile reproduction of the classic work first published in 1914 on the sanctuary and Old Testament rituals, which have significance for Christians today. Haskell is one of the well-respected pioneers of the Adventist church.

Holbrook, Frank. Adventist Theological Society Occasional Papers: Issues in Revelation and Inspiration. Berrien Springs, Michigan; Adventist Theological Society Publications, 1992. A scholarly response to issues raised by higher criticism and liberalism within the Adventist church.

Knight, George. Reading Ellen White: How to Understand and Apply Her Writings. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1997. A book for lay members on hermeneutics, which has been criticized by some Adventist scholars because of the questionable view of inspiration, which it sets forth.

Doukhan, Jacques. Secrets of Daniel. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2000. Detailed analysis of the book of Daniel by one of the most intelligent Adventist scholars today. This book contains insights, which have been overlooked in other books on Daniel.

Doukhan, Jacques. Secrets of Revelation. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2002. Similar to his previous book on Daniel, yet this work focuses on the book of Revelation. Skeete, Randy. Less Life, More Living. Ann Arbor, Michigan; Truth Will Tell Publications, 2003. Insights for practical living by a well respected and loved speaker who travels extensively in Africa doing evangelism.

Phillips, Frank. His Robe or Mine. Berrien Springs, Michigan; Lithotech, 2003. This book is the manuscript from a series of presentations given at Andrews University in 1978. This work has recently been rediscovered and distributed free of charge to thousands of church members in Michigan.

Thompson, Alden. Who's Afraid of the Old Testament God? Gonzalez, Florida; Pacesetters Bible School, 1989. This work was done by an expert on the Old Testament and addresses issues relating to the character of God as revealed in scripture.

Hardinge, Leslie. Shadows of His Sacrifice. Brushton, New York; Teach Sevices, 1996. This book gives an understanding of Jesus through the types and symbols of the Old Testament sanctuary.

Kleuser, Louise. The Bible Instructor. Washington, D.C.; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1949. This book is a comprehensive guide for evangelists and gospel workers

Hohnberger, Jim. Escape to God. Nampa, Idaho; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2001. This book urges its readers to a life of simplicity and genuine spirituality. The author describes his experience of moving from the city to the wilderness to revive his spiritual experience.

Reid, George. Batle of the Spirits. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Heald Publishing Association, 2001. A work by licensed attorney and ordained minister focuses on trends in the world and within the church relating to eschatology.

Moore, Raymond. Adventist Education at the Crossroads. Omaha, Nebraska; Pacific Press Publishing Association; 1976 An insightful book which examines how the church has departed from the educational plan as described in scripture and what can be done to remedy the situation.

Sutherland, E. A. Studies in Christian Education. Madison College, Tennessee; The Rural Press, 1952 This rare book was written by a great reformer of Adventist education who founded Madison College. This book is one of the most intriguing on the topic of education. Zurcher, J.R. Touched With Our Feelings. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1999. A historical survey of Adventist thought on the human nature of Christ.

Rodriguez, Angel. Future Glory. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2002 Written by the director of the Biblical Research Institute, this book gives fresh insights into end time Bible prophecy.

La Rondelle, Hans. Light for the Last Days. Nampa, Idaho; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1999. Written by a prominent scholar this book gives some controversial perspectives on end time Bible prophecy.

Andreasen, M.L. The Sanctuary Service. Washington, D.C.; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1937. A classic presentation of the Israelite sanctuary service and its implications for Christians today.

Nichol, F.D. Ellen G. White and Her Critics. Takoma Park, Washington; Review and Herald Publishing Associationl, 1951. A classic apologetics book on the writings of Ellen White which is still in use today.

Campbell, R.G. Adventuring With Gospel Literature. Washington, D.C.; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1955. Stories about literature evangelists, their experiences, and miracles.

Ellen White

White, Ellen. . Coldwater, Michigan; Remnant Publications, 2000. Written just past the turn of 20th century this book is the most popular of Ellen Whites writings. It has been translated in over 160 languages and millions have been printed and distributed.

White, Ellen. Spirit of Prophecy. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1969. This facsimile reproduction contains the original material for what later developed into the book the Great Controversy, one of White's most famous.

White, Ellen. Loma Linda Messages. Sacramento, California; Northwestern Pubishing Association, 1935. This extremely rare compilation outlines White's council for the establishing of the medical institution at Loma Linda, which is currently one of the worlds leading medical institutions. White, Ellen. Early Writings. Hagerstown, Maryland; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2000. Originally published in 1882, this comprises the very first publications of Mrs. White. This work is a favorite of many today.

White, Ellen. The Ministry of Healing. Nampa, Idaho; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1905. The most comprehensive book on the topic of health written by White. This book is a classic and has had an untold influence on the health of thousands of people.

White, Ellen. Education. Nampa, Idaho; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1952. Originally written in 1903, this has been a standard work on the Adventist philosophy of education.

White, Ellen. The Conflict of the Ages Series (Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles, The Great Controversy). Nampa, Idaho; Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1888-1917. The Conflict of Ages Series is a collection of five books, which are immensely popular. They comprise a near complete commentary on the Bible and are often used to enrich the devotional life and Bible study of church members.

Other books (compilations) in this collection of Ellen White's writings include the following titles:

Counsels on Health, Testimonies to Ministers, Christian Service, Medical Ministry, Child Guidance, The Voice in Speech and Song, Messages to Young People, The Truth About Angels, Temperance, Selected Messages (volume 2,3), Evangelism, Mind Character and Personality (volume 1,2), Colporteur Ministry, Last Day Events, Counsel to Parents, Teachers, and Students, Guidelines to Mental Health, Healthful Living, Confrontation, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Our High Calling, and Manuscript Releases (volume 1,3,8,19,21).

Bible translations included in this collection include the following versions:

King James Version, New American Standard Bible, English Standard Version, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Amplified Bible, American Standard Version, New International Version, Today's New International Version, New Revised Standard Version, Revised Standard Version, The New English Bible, The New American Bible, New World Translation, New Century Version, and New Testament Transline.