No. 21 / 1st December 2019



I am sure that by now most of you will be aware of the sad loss of Mervyn Hooper.

Mervyn and Hilary moved to over 45 years ago when he became herdsman to Mr. Shute at Perry Farm There was a fine herd of British Guernseys on the farm and Mervyn was often seen moving the cattle along the road, never in a hurry but always with a smile and happy to have a chat with anyone he held up.

I got to know the family well through Cub Scouts and Nynehead School where Mervyn was an enthusiastic fund raiser. He later became Chairman of the Friends of Nynehead School which fought hard to prevent its closure, sadly this fight was lost.

Mervyn continued to help youngsters with his work on the Jubilee Playing Field and when it came to village events, such as the Queen’s Jubilees, the Millennium, and the Village of the Year competition, Mervyn was always up at the front fundraising and helping on the day.

Even when NADS was formed Mervyn became involved and although I don’t think Mervyn would ever have won an Oscar for acting, he would have won one for supporting a village – there would only ever be one winner and that would have been Mervyn.

He was also a founder member of Nynehead Cricket Club as was his late son, Darren, and when playing days were over his continued support could always be counted on.

As a born and bred countryman Mervyn was an enthusiastic member of Nynehead Garden Club and his work on Flower Show Day was invaluable.

In recent years he became Chairman of the Parish Council and Nynehead Club where his skittle suppers were not to be missed, especially the pickled onions!

Finally, Mervyn was once mistaken for myself and if there is one person I would never mind being mistaken for, it’s Mervyn.

Keith Haslam Lift Cottage


No. 21 / 1st December 2019


Things have been a little difficult since the passing of our long-standing Chairman, Mervyn Hooper, and the sudden passing of Paul Eaton. Both have been major contributors to the Club for many years and they will be sadly missed by us all.

We have decided that the Club’s Christmas meal will now take place in the New Year, look out for the date when we are sorted. We are now thinking ahead to the Christmas parties, which will be held n Saturday 14th December. As usual, the evening will start with the children’s party at 6.30 pm when the food will be supplied by the Club and the party for the adults will follow on and this will be a ‘bring a plate’ night.

The Club is open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings from 8.30 pm. All are welcome and membership is still only £2.00 for the year.

We wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


The first speaker of the new season was Colin Spackman, ably assisted by Richard Fox on the topic of the Fox family houses in and around Wellington. We were shown how some houses were developed and also how much the family moved around the various buildings. In November, Sue Davies spoke about the Women's Farm and Garden Association. Over the years this body has advised the Government, especially during the war. With the men away at war, it was essential to feed the country, and this led to the formation of the Land Army. The society has now evolved into the WRAGS scheme - Work and Re-train as a Gardener.

On Friday 13th December Des Atkinson will be talking on and the War of the Roses.


The speaker at the Club’s November meeting was one of our favourites, florist Nicky Heal, who gave us a demonstration on how to do seasonal arrangements.


No. 21 / 1st December 2019

The AGM will be held on Monday 9th December followed by the Christmas party.

Please note that there will be no Garden Club meetings in January and February.


The Church building is currently closed (except for funerals) and services are being held in the Orangery or in Nynehead Court. Our ancient heating system failed totally and has to be replaced. This has all been complicated by the presence of bats in the boiler house, and also finding fragments of asbestos on the boiler house walls which required total decontamination by a specialist company.

We hope to be able to use the church by Christmas (although all the extra new radiators may not be installed). Our village Carol Service will be held on Sunday 22nd December at 3pm and everyone is invited to attend this, plus tea and mince pies afterwards. Also, on Christmas Day we have a service at 10am and again all will be welcome.

We held two concerts during the summer, both of which were very popular. The cream tea which was run by Jan Fox in her garden was a great success, a lovely occasion which raised £750. The Flower Festival in church, which was organised by Nynehead Court at the end of September was a huge success. It also included the Harvest Festival Songs of Praise service and was followed by a Bring-and-Share harvest lunch in the Orangery.

We will need to organise more fund-raising events in the spring to cover the additional work to the church, such as the asbestos problem and the damp walls which need repair.


Another successful season closed with the Annual Awards and Dinner in November this year. The committee served home-cooked food including Irish Stew, Normandy Pork and the now famous chocolate cake from the Baycock family.

Altogether 47 people batted for the Nynehead Sunday side, scoring 2,600 runs in total with 39 of those also bowling at least one over. The team won 10 out of 14 Sunday fixtures. Notable award winners in 2019 included Mrs Hendy for her sterling work and warm welcomes and Matt Duncan for his moments of high comedy that finally bubbled over one afternoon in August. This season the Club has held successful events to raise funds for a new outfield mower including a BBQ and Race Night, with another quiz planned for the Winter on Friday 7 March. Please contact David Raybould to reserve a quiz table: £5 per head to include Supper.

Nynehead Cricket club is open to everyone at any standard of Cricket. The Club plays fixtures on Sunday afternoon (40 Overs) ad Tuesday evening (20 Overs). For more information, or to join us in pre-season nets in February/March next year please call David Raybould on 07967 657122 or e-mail: [email protected]


Since the last report, the Parish Council has only convened twice as there was no meeting in September. During that time, however, a variety of issues have been addressed and progress is being made.


No. 21 / 1st December 2019

In the last two months, the Parish Council has awarded two substantial amounts of CIL money to Nynehead Club for roof and electrical repairs and to the Nynehead Memorial Hall for re-decoration work throughout. Both the Club and the Hall provide key facilities enjoyed by all members of the community and it is important that the infrastructure and interiors are kept in good order for their long-term survival.

Residents are also reminded of the existence of the Nynehead Community Fund. Individuals or organisations can apply for financial assistance to start or support a Nynehead Community project. Further information is available on or from Mrs Sheila Rabson [email protected]

Following numerous requests from residents in East Nynehead, the Parish Council is considering the purchase of a second defibrillator to be sited in that part of the village. The Council will be looking at funding and purchase options over the coming months.

Speeding traffic along the lanes approaching Nynehead continues to be an issue. However, in response to a third e-mail written by the Clerk, has made it clear that, due to financial constraints and apparent lack of evidence to meet the safety criteria determined by the Department for Transport, they are unable to commit to any traffic calming or speed reduction works in Nynehead. Only if the Parish Council pays £5,000-£10,000 (resources they do not have), might SCC consider the implementation of a 30mph speed limit as a community request, but a scheme of this nature would take around 12 months to complete and could not start before 2021. It also depends upon feedback from the local community. Local residents are asked to inform the Clerk of any incidents involving cars and/or pedestrians and cyclists, no matter how minor, so that data can start to be compiled. The Parish Council is bringing the issue to the attention of James Hunt (County Councillor), Rebecca Pow (MP for Deane), Gideon Amos (Liberal Democrats prospective parliamentary candidate for ) and The Rt Hon. Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State for Transport, in the hope that they may be able to bring some influence to bear.

Many of you will have noticed the new dog bin which was installed in October in the Memorial Hall car park. Currently, this is being well used and it is hoped that it will continue to be an effective tool against dog mess left on footpaths. The maintenance of these footpaths over the summer months has attracted numerous compliments from ramblers and locals alike and Mr Joe Frost (Footpath Liaison Officer) has been thanked by the Council for all his hard work in keeping them strimmed. Work has now ceased for the winter period and will resume again in the Spring. The broken stile on the road into the fruit farm has now been replaced with a more robust metal gate and broken signs on the East Nynehead and Nynehead roads respectively, have been reported and await repair. The Annual Parish Footpath walk on the 22nd September was well attended and Mr Frost has been invited by Nynehead Court to lead a walk for the residents at some future date when the weather is sufficiently clement. Villagers are also warmly welcomed, and details of this event will be published on the Parish noticeboards. In the meantime, in this wet and windy weather, conditions on the roads and footpaths are slippery and everyone is urged to take care.

In late October fellow councillors were deeply saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mr Mervyn Hooper who, as Chairman for many years, had contributed so much to the work of the Council and to the community as a whole. His extensive local knowledge and deep-rooted support for many aspects of village life ensured steady and effective governance and he will be sorely missed. Dr J Butterley has now assumed the role of Chairman and Mr G Stead has succeeded her as Vice Chair. The Council is now seeking another member to bring it up to full strength and notice of this Casual Vacancy is on the three Parish noticeboards. It is hoped that a new councillor can be co-opted at the next meeting on Monday 16th December 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Hall. Further information and expressions of interest should be made to the Chairman ([email protected]) or to the Clerk.

The Parish Council is there to serve the needs of the community. Please let us know if there is something in particular you would like to be considered or incorporated in longer term planning. We meet every third Monday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Hall and everyone is welcome to share ideas or voice concerns. Support is always valued.

Judy Jones Clerk to the Parish Council Email: [email protected]


No. 21 / 1st December 2019


Our meetings for the past 3 months have included Jennie Barham who, in September, demonstrated the wonderful wreaths and garlands that can be created from entirely recycled materials. She showed us some very beautiful wreaths that she had made - even using old hosepipe, fruit nets and bicycle wheels!

October’s speaker was David Sutcliffe who shared the history of winter customs from Harvest to Easter. He explained the origins of traditions such as Hallowe’en (lights in turnips & vegetables would be used to ward off evil spirits)and Santa Claus (originated in Holland, was passed to the USA before arriving in the UK in 1854). He also sang us some hymns and carols - what a beautiful singing voice he has.

We had a very companionable morning with our Wreath making workshop early in November where we shared materials, cake and banter. It was great fun and we all came away with a lovely piece of handiwork.

November’s speaker was Amy Bingham from the Dogs Trust with her beautiful dog, Foxy, who she rescued from the Trust. She talked about the work the Dogs Trust (who were originally called the Canine Defence League) undertake to train and rehabilitate all their dogs so they can be rehomed. They keep working with them until a home can be found. She showed a short film explaining all the work they do both with dogs and in trying to educate the general public .They continue to be available for support after adoption and for others who are experiencing problems with their dogs. It was an informative and interesting session.


Autumn at Nynehead Court began with two charity events in September: a charity walk and breakfast for The Alzheimer’s Society, which raised £107; and a Macmillan ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’, which included a floral demonstration, which raised £130.

Our traditional tree trail and Halloween party in October were well attended, with the residents enjoying watching the children running through the grounds . During November we said goodbye to one of our long-standing ‘Friends of Nynehead Court’, Gill Rose, who is retiring after volunteering with us for over 20 years. We are very grateful for her many years of service to the home.

We are now preparing for the festive season, with many activities planned for the residents. We will be offering drinks and canapés after the Church service on Christmas morning, and would like to invite friends, family, other churchgoers and Nynehead residents to join us. You are also welcome at our New Year’s Eve party!

Looking forward to 2020 we have a busy year ahead with many exciting new events planned, as well as some of our traditional ones such as the Easter Egg Trail (8th-12th April), and the Taunton Vale Harriers will set off from Nynehead Court on 6th February.


Stable Arts had a very successful year of courses, exhibitions and events. Highlights of this summer included The 10 Parishes Exhibition and SAW exhibition in The Orangery. A Coleridge poetry and music evening in All Saints church with buffet and art exhibition and many great courses: Mosaics, Willow Weaving, Stone and Wooden Spoon carving. Wire & Mixed Media Sculpture and many others. We also had involvement with Meadowbank and Sheppy's Cider and the Taunton Flower Show and the Somerset County Show.

Please visit our website e-mail [email protected] or telephone 07938705896. Please also follow our Facebook page and on Instagram.


No. 21 / 1st December 2019


Keep well this winter

As the nights start to draw in it’s time to get ready for winter. There are lots of things we can all do to help us keep well this winter and avoid, as much as possible, the usual winter illnesses.

Eating a wide range of vegetables, fruit and protein will help you keep well this winter. Aim to eat a rainbow of fruit and vegetables to make sure you get a broad range of vitamins and minerals. And try to eat at least two portions of fish a week (including at least one portion of oily fish – bring on the tuna sandwich!).

Make sure you drink lots of water and keep well hydrated. The government recommends drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.

Keep active. Regular exercise is important for your health and wellbeing and will help you keep well this winter. You don’t have to run a marathon; short walks can help you to keep well.

And just in case you do fall ill, make sure your medicine cabinet is ready for winter. Is your medicine cabinet ready for winter? Your pharmacist can advise you on which medicines you should have in your cabinet to help you and your family through winter.

Look after each other this winter

Winter can be an especially difficult time for people, especially for those living with long term conditions, the elderly and people living with disabilities. It is therefore important that those who are able to help those who are less capable do so.

There are some simple things we can all do to help everyone stay well this winter. For example, make sure that your elderly or vulnerable friends and relatives are keeping their home warm (at least 18 degrees), have enough food in the house and are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather.

For those living alone, the risk is higher still. If you have an elderly neighbour who lives alone, please check in on them every now and then to make sure they are OK – just a quick chat is all that’s needed.

At the first sign of a winter illness, whether it be a cough, cold or a sore throat, don’t suffer in silence – make sure you go to your local pharmacist for advice. Your local pharmacist is clinically trained and can offer you expert advice and recommend a range of over the counter treatments and remedies. And if they think you need to see a nurse or doctor, they’ll tell you.


For many, the start of a new year brings an opportunity for reflection, fresh starts and change - but could you change a child’s story this year?

For over 500 children in Somerset, spending time at home isn’t possible right now, which is why we urgently need more foster carers to offer safe, loving homes to our children in care. Foster carers can make a real difference to children’s lives. They help them through tough times and give them the support they need to achieve their full potential.

Fostering is not a one size fits all. There are a variety of different avenues within fostering to match the vast and sometimes complex needs of the children in our care, and the lifestyles of our carers; from the dedication of long term fostering over a period of years, to the flexibility of respite providing care just one weekend a month. In return our carers receive ongoing support and training, a dedicated social worker and a weekly fee and allowance (amounts vary – please speak to our team or visit the website for details).


No. 21 / 1st December 2019

If you’re aged 21 or over and have a spare room, along with the time and patience to support a Somerset child in care, visit or call our team on 0800 587 9900 to find out how you could help change a child’s story. There is no upper age limit, and things like your gender, sexual preference or marital status are not important – you just need the right qualities and mindset. Alternatively, come along to our next information evening and find out more about fostering over a coffee and cake. Costa Coffee, 8 Townsend Shopping Park, Shepton Mallet on Tuesday 14th January 2020 from 7.00 – 9.00 pm.


The collections will be as follows:

Usual collection day Revised collection day Thursday 26th December Saturday 28th December Thursday 2nd January Friday 3rd January

There will be no garden waste collections between Monday 23rd December and Friday 3rd January; these will resume from Monday 6th January.


My thanks to David Raybould for printing the newsletter during the year and to Duncan Linklater, Gary Sparks, Clare Billings, Jackie Day and Joe Frost for delivering it around the village. Mervyn also delivered the newsletter, around Poole, which is one more thing, among so many, that he did for Nynehead

This is your newsletter. If you would like to contribute, either in an article, picture or other format then please let me have it by the relevant editorial deadline.

If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically, please send me your email address and include your postal address so that we make sure you don’t get a paper copy as well!

You can also find the newsletter on the village website - .

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.

Rosemary Lea


No. 21 / 1st December 2019


Event Date Venue Time

Stable Arts – Print Your Own Christmas 10.00 am/4.00 The Stables at the Court Cards Thursday 5th December pm Garden Club AGM and party Monday 9th December Memorial Hall 7.30 pm Surgery Tuesday 10th December Outside Memorial Hall 4.00/5.00 pm 10.00 am/4.00 Stable Arts – Collagraphs at Christmas The Stables at the Court Thursday 12th December pm History Society – Somerset and the Wars of Memorial Hall 7.30 pm the Roses Friday 13th December Stable Arts – Coloured Pencil Drawing Saturday 14th December The Stables at the Court Nynehead Club Children’s party Saturday 14th December Nynehead Club 6.30 pm Adults party To follow Parish Council meeting Monday 16th December Memorial Hall 7.30 pm All Saints Church or The Village carol service 3.00 pm Sunday 22nd December Orangery All Saints Church or The Christmas Day service 10.00 am Wednesday 25th December Orangery Rubbish/recycling collection Saturday 28th December Rubbish/recycling collection Friday 3rd January History Society- Blackmores Lorna Doone Friday 10th January Memorial Hall 7.30 pm Garden Club – no meeting Monday 13th January Parish Council meeting Monday 20th January Memorial Hall 7.30 pm Taunton Vale Harriers meet Thursday 6th February Nynehead Court Garden Club – no meeting Monday 10th February History Society – Harvest to Easter customs Friday 14th February Memorial Hall 7.30 pm Parish Council meeting Monday 17th February Memorial Hall 7.30 pm

All Saints Church Morning worship First Sunday each month Nynehead Court 10.30 am Holy Communion Second Sunday each month All Saints Church 10.45 am Holy Communion Fourth Sunday each month All Saints Church 10.45 am

There is no service in Nynehead on the third Sunday each month and parishioners are encouraged to join the Family Service at at 10.00 am or Holy Communion at Bradford-on-Tone at 10.30 am.

If there is a fifth Sunday in the month, please contact the Churchwardens for details of services elsewhere in the Group.

Nynehead Club is open on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each week from 8.30 pm.

For membership details please call at the Club during opening hours.


No. 21 / 1st December 2019


Telephone No. Telephone No. NHS – Non-urgent 111 Police – Non-urgent 101

Contact Telephone No. Email Address

Parish Council Chairman Jan Butterley 461349 [email protected] Vice Chairman Gordon Stead 660883 [email protected] Members Rivers Barry 666845 [email protected] Amanda Harcombe 668653 [email protected] Clerk to the Council Judy Jones 664352 [email protected] Footpath Liaison Officer Joe Frost 663909 [email protected] District Councillor Gwilym Wren 400657 [email protected] County Councillor James Hunt 664400 [email protected] Police PCSO Vicky Henderson 07889 655302 All Saints Church Churchwarden Rachel Vest 461758 [email protected] Cricket Club - Captain Simon Duncan 07737 921736 Secretary and Events David Raybould 07967 657122 [email protected] Garden Club Keith and Louise Haslam 461667 Local History Society Sheila Rabson 666609 [email protected] Jubilee Playing Field Hazel Williams 619363 [email protected] Memorial Hall Bookings Denny Harfield 972723 [email protected] Nynehead Club - secretary Amanda Harcombe 668653 [email protected] Nynehead Under 5s Pre- Natalie Smith 664365 School Village Agent Cat Sweatman 07746 340546 [email protected]

Nynehead News Rosemary Lea 666166 [email protected]

The proposed dates for the newsletter for the next year are as follows:

Deadline for copy Publication date

Friday 21st February 2020 Sunday 1st March 2020 Thursday 21st May 2020 Monday 1st June 2020 Friday 21st August 2020 Tuesday 1st September Saturday 21st November 2020 Tuesday 1st December 2020