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Comfort Lesson code: HLQZ-SERB-9R29-Z INTERMEDIATE

1 Key words

Match the underlined words/phrases with their correct definition below:

1. The restaurant offers a wide range of Italian dishes. 2. He tends to stick to the same meals every day. He just won’t try anything new. 3. We know that your exam results are impressive. There’s no need to boast all the time. 4. Do you know a good recipe for chocolate cake? 5. Don’t blame him for what happened. It wasn’t his fault. 6. She didn’t want to admit that she had made a mistake. 7. This cheese has a very strong flavour. 8. Cooking a meal for ten people is very time-consuming. You need a few hours or more.

a. a choice or variety of different things b. a set of instructions for preparing a dish c. taking a lot of time d. the taste of food or in your mouth e. to agree that something is true, even if you don’t want to f. to continuously do one particular thing and not change to something else g. to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad h. to speak too proudly about yourself

2 Find the information

Read the article on the cooking habits of British people and find the following information:

1. the average number of dishes that British people cook 2. the average number of dishes cooked by British men 3. the average number of dishes cooked by British women 4. the average number of dishes cooked by British people aged between 45 and 54 5. the number of people who cook spaghetti bolognese every week 6. the number of plates of eaten in the UK every week 7. the number of roast dishes eaten every week 8. the number of Britons who eat stir-fry dishes every week


L You can review our worksheets online. Lesson code: HLQZ-SERB-9R29-Z 1/4 B IA If this worksheet has a lesson code, go to and enter the code. P O c OC PHOT TM lingua house Innovation in Learning A A A A GENERAL ISSUES

Comfort food: Britons stick to just four recipes at home

1 Research shows that most people in Britain 7 The researchers found that about 20 million plates regularly cook just 4.1 dishes. This is affecting of pasta are eaten in the UK every week. A Britain’s growing reputation as a nation of people traditional roast remained in the top favourite who know a lot about and enjoy cooking. dishes, with 10.25 million plates eaten each week.

2 An increasing number look for exotic flavours 8 Traditional British favourites such as fish and when eating out, but at home a combination of chips remain among the top 10, but they are now lack of time and lack of confidence means that replaced by stir-fries - the eastern dish is eaten by Britons tend to stick to what they know. 7.59 million Britons each week.

3 One of the most popular dishes, spaghetti 9 Almost a third of people said that 10 years ago bolognese, is cooked at least twice a week by 6.1 they cooked more traditional dishes. The Scottish million nationwide. The dish is served were the most progressive - 39 per cent said they approximately 670 million times a year across the cook more exotic dishes than before, while cooks UK. in southern England were most loyal to old favourites. 4 Although men often boast that they produce the best chefs, the average male appears to be much 10 "It seems that a combination of time pressure and less adventurous. A survey by YouGov found that fear of failure is limiting our culinary range, most male cooks had a range of just 3.5 dishes particularly on weekdays," a television compared to 4.5 for women. Young adults aged broadcaster said. 25 to 34 are the most adventurous, with almost five recipes each. Those aged between 45 and 54 11 "The best way to start is to take a different cooked just 3.2 dishes regularly. ingredient and add it to an old favourite. I always have a number of ingredients ready in my kitchen 5 Despite the increasing number of cookery just for this purpose; they include lemons, limes programmes on television, the research found and dried chillies." And he added: "For example, if many people were unwilling to experiment in the you’re going to cook a chicken breast, cover it kitchen. with pancetta and add rosemary for extra flavour; it’s a simple way to give the dish a twist." 6 Two in three claimed to be very interested in new ideas but rarely put them into action. Almost 40 12 "Cooking with more variety on a daily basis per cent of people blamed time pressures, but one doesn’t have to be time-consuming or risky." in five admitted they just did not have the confidence to be more adventurous with their Adapted from The Independent, 19 March 2007, cooking. by Terri Judd


L You can review our worksheets online. Lesson code: HLQZ-SERB-9R29-Z 2/4 B IA If this worksheet has a lesson code, go to and enter the code. P O c OC PHOT TM Comfort Food lingua house Innovation in Learning A A A A GENERAL ISSUES

3 Checking understanding

Put ‘T’ (True) or ‘F’ (False) next to each statement:

1. At home, Britons tend to cook only the dishes that they know. 2. Cookery programmes have helped people to become more adventurous in the kitchen. 3. Many people do not have the time to experiment in the kitchen. 4. Pasta is not a popular dish in Britain. 5. Traditional British dishes are not popular. 6. Exotic dishes have become more popular in Britain. 7. People in Scotland prefer to cook more traditional dishes than the English. 8. People in Britain tend to cook few dishes because they are afraid of failure.

4 Find the word

Find a word or phrase in the text which means:

1. not exactly (adj., P3) 2. said, but it may or may not be true (verb, P6) 3. new and modern, moving forward (adj., P9) 4. the number of different types of dishes that someone is able to cook (phrase, P10) 5. a change from the original flavour (noun, P11)

5 Food and cooking

Complete the table below with words from the text. Use a dictionary where necessary. A few items may belong to more than one category.

Meat/fish/seafood Fruit/vegetables Herbs Dish Cooking method

Add the following words to the table above, and think of more items for each column:

cucumber boil grill lamb salmon trout beef oregano sushi turkey parsley courgette aubergine pineapple bake lobster veal carrot beetroot prawns


L You can review our worksheets online. Lesson code: HLQZ-SERB-9R29-Z 3/4 B IA If this worksheet has a lesson code, go to and enter the code. P O c OC PHOT TM Comfort Food lingua house Innovation in Learning A A A A GENERAL ISSUES

6 Talking point

What do you know about the reputation of the UK’s ? How important is traditional food and cooking in your country? Is becoming more popular? If so, what are the reasons for this?

7 Flashcard review

Don’t forget what you learned in this lesson! Go to, click ‘Learning English’ and enter Lesson code: HLQZ-SERB-9R29-Z.


L You can review our worksheets online. Lesson code: HLQZ-SERB-9R29-Z 4/4 B IA If this worksheet has a lesson code, go to and enter the code. P O c OC PHOT TM Comfort Food- Key lingua house Innovation in Learning A A A A GENERAL ISSUES

1- Key words

1. a 2. f 3. h 4. b 5. g 6. e 7. d 8. c

2- Find the information

1. 4.1 2. 3.5 3. 4.5 4. 3.2 5. 6.1 million 6. 20 million 7. 10.25 million 8. 7.59 million

Glossary of food terms in article: Spaghetti bolognese - a dish consisting of spaghetti with a tomato and sauce; Stir-fry - a typically eastern dish made by frying food while mixing it quickly; Pancetta - an Italian bacon

3- Checking understanding

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T

4- Find the word

1. approximately 2. claimed 3. progressive 4. culinary range 5. twist

5- Food and cooking

Meat/fish/seafood: chicken breast, pancetta, pork, lamb, salmon, trout, turkey, lobster, veal, prawns Fruit/vegetables: lemons, limes, chillies, cucumber, courgette, aubergine, pineapple, carrot, beetroot Herbs: rosemary, oregano, parsley Dish: spaghetti bolognese, , stir-fry, roast, sushi Cooking method: roast, stir-fry, boil, grill, bake

7- Flashcard review

For a state-of-the-art blended learning system, encourage your students to register on our website and review the material from this lesson in their spare time using our unique flashcard application, Expemo. The material from the worksheet is broken down into specially-designed multimedia flashcards, which are displayed at optimally scheduled intervals (spaced repetition). Students should try to review their flashcards on a regular basis in order to remember all the material from your lessons. Visit for more information.


L You can review our worksheets online. Lesson code: HLQZ-SERB-9R29-Z i B IA If this worksheet has a lesson code, go to and enter the code. P O c OC PHOT