The Arl(ansas Family Historian

Volume 5, No.1, Jan/Feb/Mar 1967

published by Genealogical Society po Box 908 Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 ...... THE ARKANSAS·

FAMILY ....HISl(ORIAN . ... , ...... ' .':. ',. VOL. V. No.1 , ,rAN. '•• F.EB. - MAR., ,1967

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ARKANSAS FA.MILY HISTORIAN OFFICERS Mrs. Gerald B. McLane President: Hot: Springs, Arkansas Dr. JameS S. Upton Vice-President . . Conway, Arkansas W. E. Bailey Secretary-Treasurer Published quarterly by the Enola, Arkansas

ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIEIf'Y DIRECTORS Box 587 Sam G. Boucher ,Jonesboro Conway, Arkansas Mrs. Dunc'ln Brown, .Jr. LitUe Rock Mrs. A. E. Dauley Perryville Mrs. Carolyn Featherston Pine Bluff Mrs. Tressa Fussell Springdale Mrs. H. Guy Gardner RU3selh'ilIe Mrs. Dolores Murphy . . . . Editor Mrs. F. O. Griffin, Sr. Helena Mrs. Pat Herrington Calico Rock Miss Mary Hudgins Hot Springs Miss Jennie Belle Lyle Little Rock Mrs. Jesse L. Montgomery Mananna Founded 1962 Mrs. M. A. Neel Hazen Mrs. Lawrence Newton }1ampton Miss Annie Laurie Spencer EI Dorado Subscription $5.00 Annually Dr. James S. Upton Conwa',.-


AGS NEWS, Award to Dr. W. J. Lemke 4

".'IcGOWENS" by Lillian Stevenson .McGowen )

"JAMES UNDSEY OF ARKANSAS" by Mrs. Wilson Hunt:, Jr. 11

".'vlARTIN CHRISTOPHER RANDLEMAN" by Billee Snead Webb 13

"EW ME.MBERS 12 ... 13


lNDEX TO GOODSPEED: Northwest. Arkansas by Deane G. Carter IS




I am most happy to have been given the opportunity to serve as President of The Arkan­ sas Genealogical Society, for there is no subject "more dear to my heart" than genealogy and the history of our own beloved State. I sincerely hope that all of you will join with me in attempt­ ing to enlarge and enrich our Society, its purpose and publication.

I urge each of you with family records packed away in boxes and filing cabinets to share this information with others through The Arkan­ sas Family Historian, for each year with the passing of dedicated genealogists, countless priceless documents are thrown away and dis­ carded by survivors who have no interest in, or do not realize, their value and the painstaking hours consumed in gathering such material. Record this data for posterity in your Arkansas Mrs. Gerald B. McLane Family Historian.

And speaking of our publication, which is the lifeblood of our organization--our means of communicating with one another--I would like to pay special tribute to our editor, Mrs. Dolores Murphy, who gives us so much of her time. I wonder how many of our members realize that Dolores is solely responsible for the actual mechanics of publishing our quar­ terly? She not only undertakes this tremendous job, but attempts to answer all correspond­ ence addressed to the editor and still has time for her home, her charming husband Guy and five children, four of whom are pre-school age! We are very proud of the high quality of our quarterly, and realize that we are indeed fortunate to have an editor who is willing to devote so much of her time and energy at, I am sure, personal sacrifice.

Thanks, too, to Mrs. J. R. Bush of Hot Springs, who carefully indexed Volume m, and to Mrs. Duncan Brown, Jr. of Little Rock for typing this valuablepostscriptto our publication for the past year. Postscript really isn't the right word, for I personally believe than an In­ dex is an integral part of any publication, and these ladies have done an excellent job. I only hope they will volunteer to perform this task for Volume IV.

Special thanks are also due our retiring "pun-loving" preSident, Lee B. Spencer, and the members of his Board of Directors. No, that's not a typographical error; one of Lee's puns I particularly remember is his definition of the successful western bill collector: "The fastest dun of the west!" Lee formulated the first draft of our Constitution and By-Laws, a badly needed instrument for our Society.

This administration needs the cooperation of every member; we want your suggestions. Won't you please continue to offer new ideas and new material for printing and last, but not least, keep up your membership. We NEED you and you NEED us; who knows--this very issue may contain just the clue you need to complete that .branch of your family tree! 4


Dr. W.J. Lemke, founder of the Arkansas Genealogical Society and first editor of The Arkansas Family Historian, was honored recently with a plaque presented by the Board of Directors of the Society. Dr. Lemke was also named the first Honorary Member of the Society.

The plaque reads "Presented to W. J. Lemke, Founding Father of The Arkansas Genealogical Society and the Arkansas Family Historian, October 2, 1966." The plaque was presented to Dr. Lemke at a meeting of the Washington County Historical Society on January 22, 1967. The presentation was made by Lee B. Dr. W. J. Lemke Lee B. Spencer Spencer, Past President of AGS.

Dr. Lemke served as head of the journalism department at the from 1928 until his retirement as Emeritus Professor of Journalism in 1959. In 1962 he was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters by his Alma Mater, Baldwin-Wallace College ,at Berea, Ohio.

In 1962 when the Arkansas Historical Association met in Fayetteville, Dr. Lemke called a meeting of those interested in family history and the Arkansas Genealogical Society was organized. He became editor of "The,Arkansas Family Historial)."and edited nine issues. He resigned his position as editor in 1964 to devote more time to his work with the Washing­ ton County Historical Society and its publication "Flashback". The publication "Flashback" has received national recognition with awards from The American Association for State and Local History. ***********

AGS BOARD MEETING AGS LIBRARY GIFTS The first quarterly meeting for 1967 We wish to acknowledge the gift of two of the Board of Directors of the Arkansas booklets published by the Washington Co. Genealogical Society was held Saturday, (Ark.) Historical Society. "Early Settlers January 7, 1967, in El Dorado, Arkansas. of Cane Hill", by Ellen Earle Richardson, Members of the Board and officers was sent to us by Dr. W. J. Lemke; "The were luncheon guests of Miss Annie Laurie Genealogy of the Sater - Dyer - McColloch Spencer. Families" was sent to·us by Mr. Deane G. The next meeting of the Board will be Carter. held in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 15th, A list of all books in the AGS Library at the home of Mrs. Duncan Brown, Jr. is included elsewhere in this issue. "McGOWENS" by Lillian Stevenson McGowen

Joseph D. McGowen was born in Duplin Co., North Carolina, May 3, 1824. Our Bible records show he migrated to Arkansas in 1844, was married twice, both wives named ElIza­ beth. I have not found his parents yet, but my search isn't over. The census shows an older Elizabeth living in the household, who must be his mother. Joseph D. settled south of Champagnolle and east of El Dorado in Union Co., Arkansas.

The 1850 census of Union Co., Ark. shows Joseph McGowen, 25, b. N. C.; Elizabeth, 18, b. Ala.; John W., 1, b. Ark. ; Elizabeth, 58, b. No. C.; and James King, 14, b. Ga.

The 1870 census of Union Co. lists Joseph D., age 40 (?), h. N. C.; children John W., 21: Sarah, 18; Mary L., 16; Robert, 7; Martha, 5; Joseph, 2; Charles, 4 mo., all born in Ark.: and Elizabeth, 80, b. N. C. No wife is shown, as his second wife died April 13, 1870.

Joseph D. McGowen died Oct. 18, 1878, and is buried at Old Ebenezer Cemetery south of Champagnolle in Union Co. The 'El Dorado Eagle' in the October 1878 issue gave the follow­ ing account of his death: "The story of a sad accident on Wednesday last. A shocking accident on Mr. Tom Smith's place, five miles from El Dorado on t.he Moro road. A party of workmen were engaged in raising a press and had succeeded in lifting the heavy timbers to a considerable height, when the arrow broke, precipitating the same to the ground with a fearful crash, killing J.n. McGowen (others were hurt and gave their names). "A few words taken from his funeral notice spoke well of him. He died as he had lived, a consistent member of Met.hodist Episcopal Church South. We believe from his walk and conversation that. his soul is today basking in the Sunlight of Paradise. He was an affection­ ate father, but is now gone to climes above. "

Also I found a "Funeral Notice ": "The Mason brethern of Neighboring Lodge of Cham­ pagnolle No. 68 met to assist in paying their last tribute to the memory of brother Joseph D. McGowen. Friends and acquaintances were respectfully invited to attend the service."

The 1880 census shows the McGowen children living in different households. Robert L., the fourth child, left as a young man to live with a family.who were able to help him finish his education, and we have not found him. In the "El Dorado Eagle" of June 30, 1881, it was stated that Robert was on the Honor Roll of The Independent High School and was one of the most energetic and worthy pupils in their well-·disciplined and popular institution. From let.­ ters to his sister, "Aunt Missie" McGowen, we know he was in Texas in 1884 with John W. McGowen.

Joseph D. McGowen was married Aug. 31, 1848 to Elizabeth McWilliams, age 15, We do not know the names of her parents, nor the date of birth or death. She is buried at Old Ebe­ nezer Cemetery in Union Co. Children of Joseph D. McGowen and Elizabeth McWilliams:

I. John W. McGowcn, b. June 13, 1849, Union Co., Ark. ; d. Aug. 1, 1921, Waco, Tex. Married Margaret A. Mitchell Kelly, Feb. 6, 1873. She was born Nov. 15, 1848 in Union Co.; was the widow of Vincent Kelly, by who she had son, Samuel Kelly, born Oct. 27, 1868. Margaret Mitchell McGowen died April 22, 1912, in Waco, Texas. 6

1. A. Oscar McGowen, b, Feb .. 28, 1874, Union Co. , Ark.; d. Muskogee, Oklahoma.

B. Joel McGowen, b. OCL 9, 1875. Union Co. , Ark. c, d. California. C. Katherine B. "Cate" McGowen, b. Aug. 17, 1878, Union Co., Ark.; d. Texas. Married Sept. 15, 1896 w.1. H. Harrison. (.Jack Harrison of Levington, Texas has data on thi s famIly, )

II. Sarah Par lie "Aunt Missie" McGowen, b. Sept. 23, 1851, Union Co" Ark.; d, Apr. 14, 1926; m. Aug. 19, 1875 to Peter F. Matthews, b. Dec. 29, 1853, Upson Co., Ga,; died Apr. 25, 1904, buried Old Ebenezer Cemetery, Union Co. , Ark. A. Willie Ward Matthews, b ...July 12, 1876; d. Aug. 25, 1888, Union Co., Ark. B. Bettie Lou Matthews, b. Dec. 27, 1877; d. Dec. 10, 1899, Union Co., Ark. C. Margarette Joe Matthews, b. Mar. 6, 1879; d. Mar. 28, 1928; m. Sept. 24, 1903 to CharlIe S. French. D. Frank Loid (Loydj Matthews, b. Feb. 14, 1881, d .•Jan. 9, 1919; m. June 16, 1908 to Allie McGough. E. John Clifton BreckenrIdge Mat:thews, b, Dec 28, 1883; d. Apr .. 6, 1965; m, Lucy Howard. F. Minor Wallace Matthews,. b. Jan. IB, 1885; d. July 3, 1941; m. Feb. 26, 1905 to Pearl Perdue. G. Julia Rues Matthews, b. July 26, 1887; d. Oct. 16, 1891, Union Co., Ark. H. Reagan Owen Matthews, b. June, 1890; d, June 19, 1913, Union Co., Ark. I. Mary Dee "Madee" Matthews. b. Apr. 10, 1894i m. 1914 to Jesse Elbert Perdue.

ill. Mary Lou McGowen, b .. OcL 1, 1852, Umon Co., Ark.; d. Jan. 23, 1939, Rosebud, Texas. Married Dec. 16., 1885 fo .John Deur. McIntosh, b. ,fan. 12, 1853, Montgomery, Alabama; d. Jan. 19, 1932. A. P. K. "Pikes" McInt.osh. b. Jan. 1, 1888; m. Pauline Crim of Kilgore, Texas. Now living in El Dorado, Texas. B. Edd McIntosh, b .. May 9, 1990, m. Audle Allen,. now living in Texas. C. Mutt McIntosh, h. Aug. 15, 1892:, m .. Annie Heck of Falls Co., Texas. Now living in Rosebud, Texas.

It is not known when .Eh.zabeth McWillfams McGowen died, but the record of Joseph D. McGowen's second marriage 18 found III Book B, Page 264 of Union Co., Ark. records. He was ma.rried on Nov. I), !RB1, t.o ElIzabeth "BettIe" Crawford, age 17, .b. Mar. 25, 1843 in Georgia. daughter of Elihue Crawford and Mary Pauline "Polly" Starr, daughter of Joshua and Fenton Malear St.arr_ ChHdren of ;,his marriage were:

IV. Robert L. Mcf'..owen, b .. 18(>3, Umon Co. , Ark. (Unable to trace. We know he went to school in Union Co .. and was in Texas in 1884 with ,Tohn W. MCGowen.)

V. Mattie Martha McGowen,. b .. 1865,lJmon Co., Ark.:. m. ,July 21, 1887 to B. S. Shaw, had two daughters, Nettle and Sammie, who live in Texas.

VI. Joseph Parks McGowen, b .. Apr .. 12, 1868, Union Co., Ark.; d. July 14, 1948, EIPaso, Texas; m. Nov. 4, 1894 \:0 Nancy .,Tane St.ewart, b. Nov. 14., 1878, d. Nov. 17, 1945, El Paso, Texas, of George W. Stewart and Mary Creig. A. Ora Ellis McGowen, b. Apr. 15. 1903, Corsiciana, Texa,3; m. Apr. 30, 1922 to Herbert Henry West., b. Sept .. 18., 1900, Little River Co., Ark., son of David M. West and Ada Bell Wimger. 7

1. Hellen Pauline West, b. Mar. 10, 1925, Boswell, Okla.; m. Oct. 25, 1940 to Robert L. Widner. a. Robert Edmond Widner, b. Apr. 30, 1941, El Paso, Texas. b. Randall James Widner, b. Sept. 30, 1942, El Paso, Texas; m. Dec. 26, 1963 to Mary Lou Rogas. c. Sharon Lee Widner, b. Nov. 5, 1946, El Paso, Texas; m. Aug. 21, 1964 to Welton Jordan. i. Rodney ,James Jordan, b. May 19,. 1965, New Orleans, La.

Hellen Pauline m. 2nd Bobby Thomas Moore, b. Sep. 5, 1925, Shreveport, La. d. Margaret Ellis Moore, b. Apr. 18, 1950, El Paso, Texas. e. Shelia Paulit Moore, b. Nov. 6, 1952, El Paso, Texas. f. Bobby Jean Moore, b. Dec. 4, 1954, Shreveport, La. g. Jerald.Wayne Moore, b. Nov. 23, 1956,Shreveport, La. 2. Melvin Ray West, b. Dec. 8, 1927, Lubbock, Texas; m. Mary Stinson, Feb. 24, 1947.

B. Queen Bessie McGowen, b. May 13, 1905, Corsicana, Texas; m. Apr. 25, 1924 to Farris E ... F.oster, b. Sept. 6,.1901; Fayetteville; Ark;',sollof Robert J. Foster and Susie Hain (Ham ?). 1. Randel Jack Foster, b. Mar. 15, 1925, Boswell, Okla.; m. Feb. I, 1948 to Bernice Gehring. a. Sandra Lynn Foster, b. Nov. 2, 1948. b. Debra Lou Foster, b. July 21, 1953. 2. John Paul Foster, b. July 23, 1927, Broken Bow, Okla.; m. Oct. 3, 1948 to Rita Loraine Harrington. a. Dave Richard Foster, b. July 3, 1949. b. Michael John Foster, b. Apr. 11, 1953. 3. Lester Ray Foster, b. May 24, 1929, Broken Bow, Okla.; m. Jan. 17, 1954. a. Vickie Raylean Foster, b. Mar. 1, 1955. 4. Margie Louise Foster, b. Nov. 2, 1931, Broken Bow, Okla.; m. May 14, 195"0 to Darrell Gene Richardson. a. Dennis Gene Richardson, b. Jan. 2, 1954. 5. Virginia Mae Foster, b. Jan. 7, 1939, Klamath Falls, Ore.; m. Nov. 19, 1960 to Keith Albert Harris, b. Maine. a. Kennith Allen Harris, b. Sept. 4, 1961. b. Annette Marie Harris, b. Sept. 11, 1963.

C. Joe Howell McGowen, b. Jan. 17, 1910, Bennington Bryan Co., Okla.; m. May 9, 1932 to Olive Le Fay Rice, b. Apr. 19, 1912, Chicaska, Okla., daughter of Char­ les Edward Rice and Mary Evelyn Ester. 1. Roberta Maxine McGowen. b. Apr. 9, 1933, Lubbock, Texas; m. Apr. 8, 1950 to Walter Wayne Bessent. 2. Shirley Joe McGowen, b. Feb. 16, 1937, Lubbock, Texas; m. Oct. 23, 1955 to Robert Everett. 3. Edward Parks McC;nJwen, b. Sept. 18, 1938, Lubbock, Texas; d. Nov. 28, 1938. 4. Leon Stewart McGowen, b. Sept:. 26, 1939, Lubbock, Texas; m. Dec. 31, 1958 to Phoebe Anne Hitch. 5. LeRoy Allen McGowen, b. Sept. 26, 1939, Lubbock, Texas; m. May 14, 1960 to Daphene Rose Maeker. 6. George Paul McGowen, b. Mar. 17, 1941, Lubbock, Texas; m. Aug. 14, 1965 to Sally 8

7, Faith Elaine McGowen, bo, Sept. 2(;" 1943, Lubbock, Texas; 111, July 22, 1961 to Kenneth LeRoy Saddler.

D, Theodore (Ted) Smith McGowen, bo, ,July 15, 1912, Bennington, Okla,; m, Sept. 21, 1933 to Easter Annanette RIce, b, Mar. 31, 1918, Lubbock, Texas, daughter of Charles Edward Rice and Eva Mary Estes, 1. Nancy Evelyn McGowen, b. June 8, 1935, El Paso, Texas; m. Feb. 1, 1952 to Everette D. Begley .... a. Joseph Edduard Begley, b. July 22, 1962. b, Bruce Lynn Begley, b. Feb. 24, 1954. Nancy Evelyn m. 2nd Dec. 15" 1960 to Dale E. Sisson. c. Thomas Matthew Sisson, b. Jan. 28, 1962. d. Theordore Steven SiBson, b .... May 24, 1965. 2, Mary Anne McGowen, b. Dec. 16, 1937, EI Paso; Texas, m. July 2,1955 to .J. A. Dargi.1zo, a, Marietta Kay Dargi.. tl, b. Apr. 7 .... 1956. b. James Lyle Dargitz, b. Aug. 23, 1958. 3. SaraiSue McGowen,.. b. Sept. 21, 1939, El Paso, Texas; m. Sept. 3D, 1960 to James R. Crawford, a ....Tames Wayne Crawford, b. Sept. 19, 1961. b. Robert Alan Crawford. b. Mar. 22, 1963.

E, Lillie Mae McGowen, b. Apr. 25, 1916, Mayton, Oklahoma; m. Sept. 14, 1935 to Johnny Clausin Hollinsworth, b. Oct. 8, 1911, St. Joe, Texas, son of John Hol­ linsworth and Martha Eli..zabeth Hodge.

F, Cecil Whitman McGowen, Sr., b .... Sept. 11, 1919, Cade, Okla.; m. June 10, 1939 to Letha Louise Florence, b . .July 26, 1920, Hobart, Oklahoma, daughter of Jes­ sie Clyde Florence and Ella Mae Henley, 1. Betty Ruth McGowen, b. June 18, 1940, Lubbock, Texas; m. 1st Nov: 23, 1957 to George W. Wheeler. Divorced .... a. Letha Kathleen Wheeler, b. Sept. 26, 1958, Lubbock, Texas. b. Janet: Lea Wheeler, b .. , ,Jan. 20 ... 1961, Lubbock, Texas .. Betty Ruih m. 2nd Apr. 8, 1961, David W. Shepard. c. James Nhitman Shepard, b. July 6, 1962; d. Nov. 28, 1962, Lubbock, Tex. d. Wilma Ruth Shepard, b. Sept. 23, 1963, Lubbock, Texas. 2. Wilma Louise McGowen, b .•Tuly 12, 1942, Lubbock, Texas; m. 'June 16, 1961 to ,James Earl Cowan. a. .John Kyle Cowan, b, Feb. 13" 1963, Lubbock, Texas. 3. Ceci1 Whilman M(!Gowen, ,Jr .... , b .. May 4, 1944, Lubbock, Texas; m. Aug, 18, 1962 to Carolyn Sue Ebert. a. Curtis Ray McGowen, b. Aug. 28, 1963, Lubbock, Texas. b. Carol Ann McGowen, b., Nov. 26" 1965, Lubbock, Texas. 4. Jimmy Lee McGowen ... b. OCL 6, 1946, Lubbock, Texas; m. Dec, 18, 1964 to lIona Margaret Downey. a. Michelle Margaret McGowen, b., .June 25, 1965, Lubbock, Texas.

VII. CharlIe Whitman McGot\{en, b. March 20, 1870, Unj.on Co. , Ark,; d. Dec. 25, 1950, Uni.on Co., Ark.; J11. Sept,. 7, 1898 to Daisy Gertrude Davi.s, b. Aug. 31, 1878, Union Co .. , Ark; d. Feb. 2. 1965 .... Union Co., Ark., daughter of Zachariah Taylor Davis and Sarah Jane CossarC Zachariah was the son of James Davis and Mary Perry. Sarah Jane was the daughter of Henry T. Cossarl and Amand ,To Miller. 9

VII. A. Lillie Lee McGowen, b ..July 19, 1899, Union Co., Ark.; m. Nov. 1, 1919 to Hul­ bert H. Daniels, b. Jan. 19, 1888, d .. Jan. 25, 195.2, son of William Nathan Dan­ iels and Zelia Murphy. Lillie m. 2nd John Francis King on Oct. 15, 1955. 1. Charlotte Helen Daniels, b. Oct. 12,1927, Union Co., Ark. ; m. 1st Feb. 14, 1948 to James R. Hartsfield; divorced. M. 2nd Sept. 22, 1951, Robert A. Lynch, b. Fort. Wort.h, Texas, son of John Nelson Lynch and Atha Turney. a. Paula Kay Hartsfield, b. Feb. 4, 1949, Union Co., Ark. b. Kathy Lynn Lynch, b. Mar. 12, 1955, Dallas, Texas. c. Bettie Robin Lynch,. b. Jan. 28, 1957, Dallas, Texas. d. Karla Charlotte Lynch, b. June 5, 1960, Dallas, Texas. e. Terrie Leah Lynch,. b. May 22, 1964, Dallas, Texas. 2. Daisy Alene Daniels, b. Nov. 26. 1928, Union Co., Ark.; m. July 10, 1954 to Robert: Quinton Harper, b. Apr. 20, 1930, .Jackson Parish, La.,. son'of Samuel Ausbon Harper and Isola OphelIa Watts. a. Robert Gary Harper. b. Apr. 14, 1956, Port Arthur, Texas. b. Vickie Anne Harper, b. Feb. 26, 1960, Port Arthur, Texas. c. Ronald Dana Harper, b' Oct:. 15, 1961, Port Arthur, Texas.

B. Ruby Lynwood McGowen, b. Aug. 29, 1901, Union Co., Ark.; d. Oct. 22, 1903.

C. Susie leula McGowen, b. July 15, 1903, Union Co., Ark.; m. Jan. 2, 1927 to Char­ lie Willie Amason. b. May 12, 1905, Union Co. , .Ark., son of Frank Jones Amason and Sarah Rosana Bird. 1. Alva Jean Amason. b. Aug. 14, 1027,. Union Co., Ark.; m. Mar. 27, 1948 to Billy Pat Walden .. b .. Feb. 22, 1928, Union Co. , Ark., son of Leo Theodore "Pat" Walden and Snoe Estelle Reese. a. Stephen Patrick Walden, b. Nov. 9, 1950, Shawnee, Okla. b. Cynthia Sue Walden, b Nov. 18, 1953, Union Co., Ark. c. Toby William Walden, b .. Dec. 24, 1957, Union Co ... Ark. 2. Rosa Muriel Amason., b. Nov. 9, 1931, Union Co., Ark.; m. Aug. 3, 1948 to Gordon Clifford Langley, b. May 7, 1926" Clark Co. , Ark., son of William Jesse Langley and Emily Kathleen Moss. a. Gordon Keith Langley, b. July 20, 1950, Union Co. , Ark. b. Albert. Mark Langley (twin). b. Nov. 3, 1953; d. June 6, 1954, Union Co. c. Calvin Clark Langley (twin), b. Nov. 3, 1953, Union Co., Ark. 3. Alberta Lou Amason, b. OcL 5,. 1934, Union Co., Ark.; m. Mar. 7, 1953 to Gwayne Walker Denham,. b. Apr. 17,19.33, Union Parish, La., son of Pendle­ ton Thaxton ''Billy'' Denham and Laura Pearl Blocker. a. Cheryl Denise Denham, b. Sept. 9, 1955, Perrin AFB, Grayson Co., Tex. b. Darrell Gwayne Denham, b. ,Tall. 16. 1959, Denison, Texas. 4. Charles Murray Amason, b. Sept. 10, 1939, Union Co., Ark.; m. Jan. 29. 1958 to Radie Sue Guinn b. May 14, 1942, UnIon Co." Ark., daughter of Virgel Cowell Guinn and Geraldine Dearing. a. Kathryn Sue Amason. b. Dec. 1, 1958. Union Co., Ark. b. Charles Murray Amason, ,Jr., b. clan. 5, 1963, Union Co., Ark. 5. William Noel Amason, b. Oct. 19, 1943, Union Co., Ark.; m. Aug. 19, 1961 to Bessie Mae KItchens, b. Dec. 29.. 1943,. Bradley Co., Ark., daughter of Marlin Lee Kitchens and Zadle Smnh a. Gina Lynn Amason. b. Jan. 19,. 1963. Union Co. , Ark. 6. James RandaJl Amason, b .. ,Tan. :;:l4, 1946,. Oak Ridge, Tenn.; m. 1st Judith Ann Miller, July 27 1962; divoreed. M. 2nd May 1, 1965 to Margaret Ruth Perry, daughter of Frank (NMI) Perry, Jr. and Margaret Irene Fickle. a. Velvet Ann Amason, b. Feb 5, 1963, Union Co. ,Ark. (born to Judith). 10

VII. D. Frank Eugene McGowen, b. Jan. 9, 1906, Union Co. , Ark. ; m .. Aug. 4, 1935 to Lillian Lee stevenson, h. Jan. 5, 1917. Palestine, Texas, daughter of William E. Stevenson and Eula Lee Abbott Rose. L Harold Eugene McGowen, b. Jan. 4, 1936, Union Co" Ark. ; m. Sept. 7, 1956 to .Jacqueline Childress, b. Nov. 15, 1935, daughter of Archie Childress and Orpha Childress (not. relat.ed). a. Kimberly Ann McGowen, b. July 14, 1957, Louisville, Ky .. b, Tamara Jean McGowen" b. Sept. 11, 1960, Louisville, Ky. c. Timothy McGowen, b. June 14, 1961, Louisville, Ky.

E. Cossie Earl McGowen, b. Jan. 10, 1909, Union Co., Ark,; m. Oct. 19, 1932 to Johnnie Lucille Stevens, b. July 26, 1914, Harrell, Ark., daughter of Alexander Stevens and Mat.tie Jane Brown. No issue.

F. Sarah Elizabeth McGowen, b" Sept. 5, 1912, Union Co., Ark.; d. Feb. 10, 1914.

G. Charles Ray McGowen" b. May 10,. 1914, Union Co., Ark.; m. May 18, 1940 to Tressie Fuller, b. Dec. 6, 1921, daughter of Andrew Jackson Fuller and Viona Davis. 1 Romona Annette McGowen, b. Oct. 24,1941, Nacagdoches, Tex.; m. Feb. 6, 1960 to Charles Leeward Morgan, b. Jan. 14, 1942, Lake Charles., La., son of Taze Morgan and Bertha Deaborne. a. Charles Michael Morgan, b. Dec. 12, 1960, Lake Charles, La. b. Mitchell Keith Morgan, b, Jan. 23, 1963, Port Arthur, Texas.

H. Walter Elwood McGowen, b. Sept. 4, 1917, Union Co., Ark.; d. Apr. 15, 1965, Union Co., Ark.; m. Oct.. 18, 1946 t.o Et.hel Mae Pope, daughter of Harry M. Pope and Della Adair. 1. Robert Glen McGowen, b, Aug. 17, 1947, Union Co. , Ark.

The Cossar!, Bible has been a great help. Our Daisy Davis McGowen descends from the Cossart, family. The Bible belongs to Earl McGowen. The Bible of John W. McGowen has also helped: '.his Bible is in the .Jack Harrison family.

CRAWFORD For t.hose who have an int.erest in the Crawford family, I would like to add the following information, Elihue Crawford, father of Elizabeth (second wife of .Joseph D. McGowen) was of an old di.stinguished family of Georgia and Virginia. He was the son of Claiborne Crawford, who was '.he son of Ambrose Crawford. Elihue left his old home Feb. 1, 1860 with his family, came in wagons part way, then by boat. to Champagnolle, Union Co., Arkansas.

MOONEY I, the writer wO'c1ld like to add my linle famiIy of a former marriage: David Lee Mooney, b. Sept:, 19" 1932, EI Dorado, Ark" son of Herbert CurtIss Mooney and Lillian Lee Stevenson" m. Sept:. 5, 1930. David m. 1st Laura Lee Denham. daughter of Pendleton Thaxton Denham and Laura Pearl Blocker .. 1. David Lee Moonev, ,Jr, b Oct. 15, 1949, Union Co" Ark. 2 Laura Diana Mooney b . .Jan 13, 1951, Union Co. , Ark. 3, BiJJy Frank Mooney, b Dec. 10, 1951, Union Co .. , Ark. 4. Michael Bruce Mooney, b., ,June 1" 1953... Union Co., Ark. David m 2nd. ,Jan 12 1957 Dorothy ,Jeanne McCain, b May 1, 1920, Hope. Ark of H A MeCam and Ollie Estell Almond L) Mrs. F. E ...McGowen Apr:1 Lee 1\,·1(1(»"" b Mar. 31 .1958. TJnion Co. 1501 Nn .MoSIl\' 1"1 ' /\ i . 11


by Mrs. Wilson Hunt, Jr.

James Lindsey was born between 1760 and 1770 in Virginia (according to 1830 census of Pulaski Co., Ark.) He married Rachel --o,- (taken from his will). We first find him in 1804 in Christian Co., Ky. along with the rest of the Lindsey clan. The family moved from Ken­ tucky to and then to Arkansas. James Lindsey died in 1831 in Pulaski Co., Ark. and his wife soon afterwards. He names Burkett Lindsey and Valintine Brazil as executors of his will. His will named the following children: 1. Polly Redford, the late Polly Hestor. 2. Elizabeth Smurleds .. 3.. Carlton Li.ndsey, m. Jan. 1, 1824 to Cathrine Mansher .. 4. Eli Lindsey. 5. Sarah Stewart. 6.. Jane Brazil. 7. Rachel Shurlds .. 8. James Lindsey, Jr. 9. BURKETT LINDSEY m. Harriet. Williams.

Burkett. Lindsey, son of James and Rachel Lindsey, is first found in what is now Saline Co .. , Ark. in 1825 along with his uncle, Caleb Lindsey, Sr. Next we find that he built a mill on the banks of Holly Creek near Benton, 1838. Soon after 1838 Burkett :Lindsey and his family moved to northern Louisiana, where most of his children were born.. From his Bible, now in the possession of Judge Colman Lindsey of Baton Rouge, La., we find the following: Burkett Lindsey, b. 1808, Ky.; d. Aug .. , 1, 1892, Dry Creek, La. Harriet Lindsey, b .. 1814, Ark.; d. Jan. 29, 1888.. Both are buried in Lindsey Ceme- tery at Dry Creek. 1. Jane, b. Jan. 14, 1835, m. Toliver Martin. 2 .. LAURA FRANCINE, b. July 25, 1837, m. JOHN JAMES WILSON MILLER. 3. Sarah Adeline, b .. Dec .. 12, 1840, do, Dec. 23, 1925, m. John Thomas Heard. 4. Mary, b. Mar .. 9, 1846; d .. Nov .. 5, 1932. 5. James Albert, b .. Nov. 9, 1851, d. Dec, 3, 1924, m. Sarah Browne. 6. Alexander Ballard, b. Nov. 9, 1851, d .. Mar .. 11, 1930. 7. Louisiana Florine. 8. R~fus. 9. Asbury Monroe, b. Oct. ?, 1841, d. July 2, 1929, m. Ellen Leonora Bilbo. 10. Ezabelah Virginia, b. Oct.. 7, 1841, died young.

John James Wilson Miller, b, .July 11, 1828 in Marion Dist., S. C., son of John Miller and Samant.ha Payne; d. Dec .. 11, 1929, age 101.. Married Laura Francine Lindsey, b .. July 25, 1837, d. Oct. 30, 1924.. Both are buried in the Lindsey Cemetery, Dry Creek, La.. From death certificates, census records of Louisiana and the family records of a son, Dr. E. L. Miller, we Hnd the follOWing: 1. LEONORA GERTRUDE MILLER, b. Mar. 30, 1859. d. Oct. 30, 1920 at Forest. Hill. La., m. JAMES NATHAN NEWE.LL on Oct. 14, 1885. 2. Carrie Miller, b. 1861, m. Richard Murphy, 3. Samuel Miller, b. 1865 .. 4. Burkett Edgar Miller, b. 1867 .. 5, Mary Miller, b, 1867, m. John Haven. 6. Webb Miller, b, 1871. 7, Dr. E. L. Miller, b. 1874, now lives in Jena, La. 8, Estella Miller, b. 1876, m. Henry Haven. 9. Landry Miller, b. 1878. 10. Zo Miller, b. 1881.

James Nathan Newell, b. 1855, in Miss. ; d. June 12, 1919 at Forest Hill, La., son of :'<",130n W. Newell, b. 1827, New York City, and Cathrine (Winnie) Davis, b. 1827, Miss. Married Oct. 14, 1885 to Leonora Gertrude Miller. From their Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Jerry Ulch of Bay ton, Texas, they had the follOWing children: 1. Myrtis May Newell, b. May 4, 1888, d. Sept. 17, 1891. 2. ,Tames Fredrid Newell, b. Sept. 8, 1890, d. June 28, 1958, m. Cora Graves. 3. Edna Florine Newell, b. Mar. 26, 1892, m. Clyde Lyle, now lives in Baytown, Tex. 4 Samuel Franklin Newell. b. Jan. 19, 1894, d. Oct. 6, 1905. 5. Floyde Homer Newell, b. Nov. 10, 1895. 6. Laura Eva Newell, b. Dec. 23; 1898, m. Jerry Ulch, now live in Baytown, Texas. 7 JUANITA MANILA NEWELL, b. Aug. 16, 1901, m. Oct. 17,1917 to AUBREY OMAR PERKINS. She now lives in Baytown, Texas.

Aubrey Omar Perkins, b. Apr, 17, 1895, Moscow, Texas; d. Mar. 17, 1947; son of Percy Morland Perkins, b. July 8, 1870, Starkville, Miss.; d. Mar. 31, 1961, McAllen, Texas and Helon Adams,. b. Aug. 9, 1895, Moscow, Texas, d. Dec. 27, 1957, McAllen, Texas. Aubrey Omar Perkins and Juanita Manila Newell Perkins had the. following children: 1. ,Juanita June Perkins, b. Sept. 6,1918, Forest Hill, La., m. ASA WILSON HUNT, JR. 2. Art.hur Omar Perkins, b. Sept. 16, 1920, Goose Creek, .Texas.

Asa Wilson Hunt, Jr., b. Jan. 11, 1913, Crosby, Texas, son of Asa Wilson Hunt:, Sr., b. Jan. 15, 1884, Cedar Bayou, Texas ,d. Mar. 3, 1950; and Daisy Belle Shearer, b. 1883, Ames, Iowa; d. July 4, 1945 (both are buried in Masonic Cemetery at Cedar Bayou, Texas). Asa Wilson' Hunt, Jr. m. Juanita June Perkins Oct. 4, 1944. They .. now live in Baytown, Texas and have one child: 1. Arthur Shearer Hunt, b. Aug. 31, 1945, Houston, Texas, m, Dec, 24, 1964 to Dar­ lene Bradford. a. Cassandra Darlene Hunt,. b. June 29, 1966, Baytown, Texas.

Mrs, Wilson Hunt, Jr. 1705 Richardson Lane Baytown, Texas

~ ~ ~ * :i i ;: :1 * * * ~ * :~ * * * * ~: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Clyde O. Barnard Garland, Texas E. D .. Beck Hughes, Arkansas Miss Virginia Beck Killeen, Texas Mrs. B. J. Benson Danville, Arkansas Mrs. J, A. Billings Pine Bluff, Arkansas Mrs. R. L. Binkley Lovington, New Mexico Miss Mayola Davis Fort Worth, Texas Mrs. Almon Faught Jonesboro, Arkansas Mrs. Virginia Greenwood Sprinr;field, Missouri 13


Martin Christopher Randleman, b. Dec. 25, 1761, in No. Carolina, was the last child of German immigrant parents who had come to America in1754. He served in the Revolutionary War in the Rowan County militia. After the war he settled near the Ohio River in western Kentucky, then moved again into St. Clair Co., Indiana Territory (became Illinois in 1818). In 1832 he applied for and received his Revolutionary War Pension at Belleville, IllinoiS.

Then taking his old wife ''who was in need of the care and comfort of her daughter", he went to the home of his son-in-law, David Reece, in the backwoods of Washington Co., Ark. The 1840 Census of Pensioners shows him near Fayetteville, Ark., aged 79 years. Recent research there shows that he was probably buried on Reece's property about a mile and a half from Farmington. The graves have been lost but are remembered by persons who have lived on the property. Martin Christopher Randleman died in 1841; his wife, Mary Magdalena Furr, died in 1839, also in Washington Co., Ark.

Some of the descendants of Martin Christopher Randleman who lived in Arkansas are: Samuel Rendleman, son of Jacob Rendleman, b. Feb. 29, 1824, twin to Martin, came to Ark­ ansas from Illinois by horseback in 1869 with his son Willis and homesteaded land northeast of Rector in Clay County. He was married to Katherine Kimmel, and their children were: Willis Scott, b. Jan. 21, 1850, Anna, Ill.; Lizzie, m. Henry Killey; Jane, m. --- Vancil: Belle, m. AlfredDavis; Anne, m. _._- Featherston; Ott, m. Nellie Jewell; Walter, m. Cora Franklin; Sam; Dave; and Frank.

Willis Scott Rendleman, son of Samuel Rendleman, b. Jan. 21, 1850, Anna, Ill.; d. Mar. 30, 1930, Rector, Ark. Married 2nd Dec. 24, 1888, to Martha Elizabeth Wagster, b. Jan. 22. 1864, Dyersburg, Tenn.; d. Mar. 13,1946, Rector, daughter of Wm. Culpepper Wagster and Jane Shaw. Their children, all born at Rector, Ark., were: Willis Rudy, b. July 21, 1891, m. Ida Whitaker; Calva Cleo, b. Nov. 12, 1892, m. N. A. Whitaker; Mabel, b. Mar. 24, 1896, m. Elijah Jordan; Henry Fay, b. Oct. 12, 1897; Everett, b. Apr. 18, 1899, m. Oct. 28, 1922 to Lillian Alvey; Herschel, b. Dec. 9, 1901, d. Jan. 25, 1911. Billee Snead Webb 2372 Brussells North Bend. Oregon

(The book "Martin Christopher Randleman, His Kin and Heirs, 1754-1964" by Billee Snead Webb has been reprinted and may be ordered from Mrs. Webb at the above address. $10.00).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~. *: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Mrs. Mark T. Jordan Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. J. Wayne King Twin Falls, Idaho Mrs. S. N. Partridge Los Altos, California Mrs. Eva Romero Bellflower, California Ethel B. Shaw Orange, California Mrs. Leona R. Sudron Albuquerque, New Mexico Bess Hammons Walker Miami, Florida Dr. H. W. Waters, Jr. Montgomery. Alabama 14


ThJS cemetery is located about four miles south of Rosebud, on the Brooks Watson farm. Thl.s is a complete listing of all stones found, but there are probably about 150 graves, fo I' there are many rock markers.

T. C- Belew, b. Mar. 23, 1820, d. Feb. 23, 1897, \larlha Belew, b. Dec. 23, 1828, d. Feb. 17, 1906. James M. Belew, b. May 9, 1853, d. Apr. 1, 1873. Lean J. Belew, b. Mar. 15, 1857, d. Aug. 27, 1861. E. Harper, Oct. 19, 1821 -. Aug. 26, 1899. Savella O. Harper, infant son of W. K. and M. E., born and died Feb. 9, 1876. Lanie E. Harper, June 1, 1884 - July 2, 1899. Chellie O. Harper, June 17, 1892 - June 28, 1896. nJys P. Harper, Sept. 20, 1897 _. Aug. 6, 1898. Laura Ann Hendrickson, dau. of J. D. and M. E., June 6, 1876 - Sept. 15, 1882. PIes Hendrickson, son of J. D. and M. E., Feb. 28, 1881 - Nov. 18, 1892. Quincy Hendrickson,. son of J. D. and M. E., Apr. 13, 1887 - May 8, 1889. Emma J. Lewis, wife of J. W., Feb. 20, 1863 - Dec. 11, 1882. Lorett.a Mat.thews, dau. of J. B. and M. S., Mar. 20, 1882 - Feb. 17, 1901. Lou B. Pence, wife of David G., Mar. 29, 1852 - Apr. 20, 1908. Ellen O. Pickard, wife of J. W., dau. of E. and M. Harper, Feb. 1, 1856 - Aug. 12, 1881. (jell Pruett. dau. of J. T. and S. Dec. 25, 1874 - Oct. 31, 1877. Cai.herine Ruark, wife of R. B., Mar, 19, 1878 - age 37 years, 2mos., 15 days Missouri, Dec. 25, 1869 - Oct. 27, 1872. F. E. Yoast, June 22, 1819 _. July 13, 1882 (Large marker broken)


ThIs cemetery is located at the site of the Old Hopewell Church near Rosebud and has not been used in years. There are many graves here, but are overgrown and mostly unmarked. Hachel, wife of E. M. Cooper, Mar. 4, 1832 - Jan. 8, 1883. R. W. Davis Jan. 7, 1831 - Aug. 20, 1900 (fence, concrete posts) Mary A. Davis, May 15, 1880, age 70 years 21 days. William W. Moss, husband of Mary Moss, Sept. 12, 1815 - Dec. 19, 1877 D ..L. Moss,. Jan. 16, 1865 - Sept. 23, 1889. Wllllam Out1and, June 16, 1827 -. Sept. 24, 1882. S .. E. Singleton, May 7, 1854 - Oct. 14, 1880 . .J. H. B. - Rocked. C. M. L. M. T. M. - Rocks carved in line near west edge.

There are eight unmarked graves that are rocked. Mrs. Ewin Davis said two of these are ncr grandparents., Thomas and Harriet Duffle.

Mary A. Davis was the mother of Jeremiah Robert Columbus Davis, b. July 17, 1852, ,j. ~Iar. 4, 1918. They moved to White County near Rosebud from near El Dorado, Ark., "arne to Arkansas from Alabama.

Mr. and Mrs. Leister E. Presley 1708 W. Center Searcy, Arkansas l~



(Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin and Sebastian Counties)

Compiled by: Deane G. Carter

The biographical material in this huge volume appears in the second part of the book, following the historical material, and is listed alphabetically for each county separately. The listing here is by page number and the name of the individual whose personal sketch appears.

BENTON COUNTY Page Page Page 803 David Adams 818 David Chandler 835 John A. Fields 803 G. L. Alexander 818 Francis M. Clanton 835 James R. Floyd 804 Gustavus H. Alexander 819 William R. Clark 835 John H. Ford 804 Elijah L. Allen 819 Joseph T. Clegg 836 William H. Fry 804 John Barnhouse Allensworth 819 Thomas Clifton 804 (Walter Alley 820 Wyatt Coffelt 836 C. L. Gibbs 805 D. D. Ames 820 Samuel Cordell 836 Robert C. Gibbs 805 O. I. Anderson 821 James T. Craig 837 Isaac B. Gilmore 806 John C. Arthur 822 James E. Crane 837 William E. Gould 822 William J. Curry 838 Graham and Mason 806 C. F. Baker 839 William B. Gray 807 Jabez B. Banks 823 S. M. Dailey 839 Elisha Green 807 Tompkins Coleman Barney 823 James B. Dameron 840 Alfred Burton Greenwood 808 Benjamin S. Beach 824 Andrew Baker Davis 840 Lucien E. Griggs 808 A. R. Bills 824 Goldsmith Chandler Davis 841 C. D. Gunter 809 John Black 825 William R. Davis 810 J. A. C. Blackburn 826 William H. Deming 841 Isom R. Hall 810 Thomas K. Blake 826 Ezekiel John Alcorn Dickson 841 David R. Hammer 811 M. R. Blevins 827 J. Alvin Dickson 842 David H. Hammons 8'11 Samuel Box 827 Joseph S. Dickson 843 James Haney 812 Pinckney A. Bozarth 828 John A. Dienst 843 Raphiel W. Hansard 813 J. Wesley Breedlove 828 Jacob S. Dobkins 844 Edmond Lambl;t..lJ.· Hart 813 James J. Britt 829 Matthew N. Donaldson 844 Councel Lambeth Har~ 813 William F. Brooks 829 Charles Dorkens 844 T. T. Hays 814 Amos A. Brown 830 J. W. Duckworth 845 Kenneth M. Head 814 Charles W. Brown 830 J. Dunagin 845 John G. Heath 814 John G. Brown 830 J. R. Dunagin 846 A. T. Hedges 815 Lorenzo D. Brown 831 Benjamin F. Dunn 847 Anderson Hennan 815 Thomas Gilbert Brown 847 Robert A. Hick..'llan 816 Daniel Lanning Bruner '831 Hiram A. Elam 847 Hezekiah Highfill ' 816 John H. and James P. Burns832 Samuel N. Elliott 848 William G. D. Hinds 817 J. Van Butler 832 James Enterkins 849 Lewis Hine 850 William H. Hoblit 817 LeRoy B. Camden 833 Stephen Thomas Fair 850 Guthridge Lee Holland 817 Peter Carnahan 834 William R. Felker 850 Thomas W. Hurley 818 1. J. Caywood 834 James W. Fergus 851 John H. Hust BIOGnAPHICAL INDEX TO GOODSPEED'S

BENTON COUNTY Page Page Page 851 WilliamA. Inman 872 W. T. Neal 892 William H. Simpson 8t;1 George W. Jackson 873 B. A. Neil 893 Lewis P. Smart 852 Nicholas S. Jackson 873 John A. Nelson 893 John Smart 853 Isaac January 874 Thomas Turner Netherton 893 E. T. Smith 853 Samuel Allen Jefferson 874 James C. Norman 894 Hiram C. Smith 853 Elbert Jennings 875 John Milton Norris 895 J. H. Snow 875 Charles E. Noyes 895 J. E. Spencer 854 ,J 0 hn Keith 896 Solomon F. Stahl 854 Elijah Keith 876 D. A. Oakley 896 :fohn B. Steele 855 William Marion Keith 897 Isaac N. Steers 856 Morgan Kendrick 876 John H. Pace 897 James B. St.ephens 256 Thomas B. Kendrick 877 H. H. Patterson, Jr. 898 William Stevens 356 Lafayette G. Kendrick 877 Thomas J. Patton 898 William Holland Steward 857 Joel Wilson Kimmins 878 Pierce Frank Paul 898 J. K. P. Stringfield 857 James C. Knott 878 Albert Peel 898 H. L. Stroud 879 John W. Peel 357 Reuben J. Laughlin 879 Robert M. Philips 899 George Washington Tate 858 Flavius J. Lindsey 879 Benjamin W. Phillips 899 William A. Terry 858 Elbert S. Lindsey 880 Thomas W. and Oscar P. Powell 900 Reuben S. Thomas 859 George T. Lincoln 880 Tom Preas ley 900 William J. Todd 860 Whitfield C. Lefors 881 Charles Lewis Puckett 900 J. M. Tucker 860 Edgar H. Loomey 881 Ge"lIlge Raupp 901 J. M. Vandover 661 John C. McAdams 881 Charles W. Rice 861 Joseph G. McAndrew 881 Isaac T. Rice 901 Eugene Wager 861 Joseph H. McClinton 882 R. S. and T. M. Rice 901 William Wommack 862 Z. H. McCubbins 882 Simeon B. Riddle 902 L. C. Warner 862 .H. M. McGaughey 882 J. R. Roberts 902 William D. Wasson 863 Josiah Wesley McGee 883 George Washington Robertsorr '::' 903 James Franklin Wasson SG3 Samuel G. McGruder 884 James Alexander Robinson 903 Dick P. Wasson 864 Thomas F. McKennon 884 James G. Rodgers 903 Thomas A. Wat.son 664 J. R. McKinney 885 Mrs. Mary Jane Rodgers 904 John Watson %5 Charles D. McKisick 885 Clarkson D., Rogers ,904 H. Weems 865 Thomas Alfred McSpadden 886 C. F. Rogers 904 Leonard West 865 ,Tohn Maddox 886 Granville P. Rogers 905 James Larkin Monroe Weir B6G J. Manwaring 886 Thomas Hopkins Roughton 905 Joseph D. Whit,e 866 Joshua Mason 887 Joseph R. Rutherford 905 Warren Harvey Wight Br3? John L. Maxwell 906 James M. Wilks bG7 Michael Burkhalter Maxwell 888 H. H. Scaggs 906 Andrew C. Williams 1'''8 Andrew J. Maxwell 888 Larkin Scott 906 Ben Wilson 868 William A. Miller 889 Henry W. Shrader, 907 Martin Wilson ~c;8 William Miser 889 J. W. Scroggs 907 Stephen B. Wing 8(,9 George W. Miser 890 F. M. Seamster 907 W. B. Winstead 8G9 Holland Mitchell 890 Mrs. Martha Sellers 908 John Riley Woods FrO Zachariah Mitchell 890 Newton Sewell 908 Levi Oliver Woods 870 H. Montgomery 891 Thomas Christopher Sheffield, ',:, 96€ .JOIieph Newton Woods Eif 1 Berry P. Morris 891 Thomas E. Sheffield 909 Henry B. Woolsey E"1 Robert S. Morris 891 ,John J. Shores 909 Isom M. Wrigh:, ;..;72 N. B. Morton 892 J. Wade Sikes c· Willlam M. Murphy 8~)2. ~o F Sikes 17


WASHINGTON COUNTY Page Page Page 910 William Agee 930 Johnson Crawford 949 A. J, Hale 911 John T. Appleby 930 Leonidas Crawford 949 G. P. Hanks 911 John J. Arnold 931 Henry C. Crowell 950 Samuel A, Hanna 911 Evans Atwood 931 James C. Cunningham 950 Robert O. Hanna 951 Isham Harrell 912 Philip Hudson Babb 932 Hiram Abiff Daily 951 J. R. Harris 912 Jeremiah Barnes 932 Charles Dale 952 William A. M. Harris 913 John F. Barr 933 James E. Davis 952 Fielding Hash 913 Geo,ge Wesley Barringer 933 Wilson M. Davis 952 W. B. Haxton 913 Richard H. Bean 933 George Freeman Deane 953 Harvey F. Head 914 John M. Bell 934 William S. Deaver 954 Armstrong Hendricks 914 Alvin J. Bellamy 934 Wiley D. Deen 954 Patrick Hennessey 915 John Quincy Benbrook 935 Mac Devin 954 Alexander Hendry 915 Allen H. Bennett 936 David Divelbis 955 Daniel Harvey Hill 915 Millard Berry 936 Dryden Dold 958 Jo Holcomb 916 Sheppard Hubbard Bladkmer936 James Dodson 958 William H, Holcomb 916 Jesse Lee Blackmore 936 William A. Douthit 959 William D, Holland 917 Benjamin F. Boone 937 Julius Linn Duke 959 B, F. Holway 918 Francis M. Boyd 959 James F. Hood 918 J. L. Bozarth 937 Zebulon B. Edmiston 960 David F. Hope 918 David Bridenthal 938 Howard Edwards 960 Julius Franklin Howell 919 Thomas Brooks 938 S. L. Eidson 961 Rodham C, Horner 919 Javan Bryant 938 William Harrison Eidson 961· Samuel C. Howell 920 Charles Ratcliff Buckner '939 William H. Engels 961 Thomas J. Hunt 921 Albert M. Byrnes 939 J. T. Evins 962 John W. Hutchens

921 A. J. Campbell 940 Jasper Farmer 963 James M. Jackson 921 James R. Campbell 940 James Felton 963 Hairl p, Jenkins 922 Thomas J. Campbell 940 James Andrew Ferguson 964 Thomas Jennings 922 WillillID H. Campbell 941 T. R, Ferguson 964 P. A. Johnson 923 Barton A. Carl 941 John R. Flinn 965 Jacob Q. Johnson 923 Obed C. Cate 941 Jonathan Foust 965 Benjamin F. Johnson 923 Alexander Caton 966 Preston Johnson 924 James M. Chandler 942 Stephen D. Gilbreath 966 Samuel P. Jones 924 Joel L. Cherry 942 Thomas Gladden 966 William A, D Jones 925 D. Christian 942 H. D. Gorham 925 Ambrose H. Clark 943 James S. Graham 967 Luke L. Kantz 925 B. F. Clark 943 Riley Graham 967 Daniel H, Karnes 926 Ellery W. Clark 944 Clifton Sidney Gray 968 John Karnes 926 Damon Clark· 944 Oliver Crosby Gray 968 William Karnes 926 Charles T. Clayton 945 A. J. Greathouse 968 Jesse R. Kelly 927 Samuel T. Cole 945 Henderson Parmer Greene 969 Thomas .J. Kelly 927 J. W. Coltrane 946 Andrew Smith Gregg 969 Thomas H. Kerby 928 1. G. Combs 946 H. P. Gregg 970 F. G. Kimbrough 928 C. C. Connor 946 Thomas B. Greer 970 William Clay Kuydendall 929 John M. Cox 947 James H. Grimes 929 Samuel Cox 947 Thomas Montague Gunter 971 Milton F. Lake 929 Samuel A. Craig 948 James S. Gwinn 971 George T. Lake 18


WASHINGTON COUNTY Page Page Page 971 Thomas Latham 992 Albert A. Moore 1014 S, p, Sample 972 A. A. Langham 992 George P. Moore 1014 .John Sanders 972 Preston J. Lea 993 Wilburn Denton Moore 1015 :L. A. Sanders 973 Thomas Leach 993 John B. Morris 1015 John W, Scott (173 Charles Hendee Leverett 993 George Wilson Morrow 1015 Peter S, Scott 973 Augustus Buckner Lewis 994 William H. Morton 1016 Robert R. Scott 974 Brackin Lewis 994 Edward Hunter Murfee 1016 Rufus R. Seay fj75 George W. Lewis 1016 Thomas J. Shannon 975 William M. Lewis 994 James p" Neal 1017 .Joseph Bryant Shannon i)75 Benjamin F. Little 995 John A. Neill 1017 ,Tohn Allen Shepard £176 Lane Linebarger & Co. 996 Julian Bailey Nix 1018 Berry V Sherrod 976 William W. Lundy 996 R. J. Norman 1018 BayUs ShumaT,e 976 S. D. Luther 1018 WilHam Madison SImmons 996 James Oates 1018 David Tucker SmIth 977 James S. McClatchy 997 Anderson Ott 1019 .James W. SmHh 978 George W. McClure 998' John W. Oxford , 1019 Thomas H, Smlth 978 William Allen McCord 10.20 ,John P. Stafford 978 McCormick Brothers 998 Alexander Parker 1020 Stinson S, Slearnes 979 Hugh, J. S. & Jo MCDaniels 998 Isaac Mitchell Patridge 1020 .James A Stapp 979 William McIlroy 999 Wi1liam Jesse Patton 10.21 Manon .0, Steele 980 W. R. McIlroy 1000 Petross Brothers & Co. 1021 W. V. Steele 981 William A. McKinzie 1000 James H. Phillips 1021 Searing S, Stelle 981 Thomas McKnight 1001 William M. Phillips 1022 L.GranvHle Stephens 981 Wiley Paul McNair 1001 Samuel Pinckney Pittman 1022 John Calvin Stockburger 982 Hosea M. Maquire 1002 James Middleton Pittman 1022 W. L. ':Hokes 982 A. C. Males 1002 Thomas J. Pollard 1023 Alfred D, Strickler 983 Francis J. Males 1004 John K. Pool 1023 Silas L. Sunle 983 Peter Mankins 1004 George W. Pool 1024 George Sutton 98·1 Walter Mankins 1004 Augustin Clayton Pool 1024 .0, C Summers 984 William H. F. Marion 1005 David C. Price 984 Squire B. Marrs 1005 J. R. Pyeatt 1024 Elipa.z Taylor 985 Charles G. Marrs' 1025 Z. A Thoma" 985 Samuel Ervin Marrs 1006 Benjamin .F. Ramey 1025 Andrew.J Thompson 986 Diul.iel B. Mason 1006 Alexander W. Reed 1025 John N, Tll\.man 986 Zachariah C" Mason 1007 Andrew B. Reed 1026 Rowland C. Tolle';T: 986 John Masters 1007 George W. M .. Reed 1026 .Tohn C. Toney 987 David J. Masters 1008 William D, Reed 1027 J. M. Tonev 987 John Mayes 1009 John Reese 10.27 .Tosjah W .!\>1. Trent 988 Robert J. Mayes 1009 Pleasant V. Rhea 1028 Thomas A Towler 988 William Mayes 1010 Oren M. Rieff 1023 W T'leker 989 William Mayes 1011 R. L. Ritter 10.29 PleasanT: B. T,",eker. Sr. 989 William Green Mhoon 1011 Thomas Roberts 1029 ,Tohn G. Tunsul! 990 D. S. Miller 1011 J. C. RoberTson 1030 ,fames Hayrl'~n V;:tn Hoose ()90 George D. Miller 1012 David E. l1obJl1son 1030 George W, Van Hoose 990 William Mitchell 1012 John M. Robinson 1032 Peter Van Winkle fi91 John Mock 1013 Samuel E. Rogers 10:32 Jefferson D'l.V)3 Van Winkle 991 Moses Mock 1013 James M. Russell 103:3 ,.Joseph Elkanah Vaughan ~92 James E. Mock 1013 Robert A Rutherford 103~1 AqgclSt1l3 Vilm:r 19


WASHINGTON COUNTY Page Page Page 1033 Thomas Wainwright 1037 Thomas G. Welch 1042 Rober~ R. Williams 1034 Charles Whiting Walker 1038 Alvan G. West 1043 .Joseph Williams 1034 John A. Walker 1038 James Sanders West 1043 Andrew J: Wilson 1035 William Robert Ward 1039 Thomas M. West· 1043 Arkansas Wilson 1035 Abner W. Wasson 1039 Joseph White 1044 William F. Wilson 1035 Joel Waterman 1040 Thomas B. whitehead 1044 John Proudfoot Wood 1036 J. Watkins 1040 J. Manuel Whitham. 1045 William T. Woolsey 1036 James A. Watson 1041 W. H. Whitlow 1036 Elijah Webb 1041 Zadok Winn 1045 John Young 1037 Thomas F. Webster 1041 Alfred Williams

C/ARROLL COU NTY Page Page Page 1046 Andrew B. Adams 1057 William :r. Hailey 1068 F. A. Pickard 1057 John H. Hamilton 1068 Joel Plumlee 1046 W. E. Beatty 1058 Wellington H. Hamilton 1069 John W. Poyner 1046 Wilson A. Beaver, Sr. 1058 Edward Harbert 1069 George V. Poyner 1047 Wilson A. Beaver, Jr. 1059 Jacob Ellis Harbert 1070 William S. Poyner 1047 Alvin S. Bobo 1059 William H. Hardesty 1048 Alfred :Mc Bradley 1059 J. W. Hill 1070 Thompson Ha~sey 1048 Joel G. Breeding 1060 Kindred J. Hodge 1071 Daniel F. Rl.y 1048 Bradley Bunch 1060 Kimsey Hulsey 1071 G. W Ray 1061 F. H. Hurd 1071 E. H. Ray 1049 John Carroll 1072 William A. Reese 1050 John T. Champlin 1061 Wi1liam W. Johnston 1072 Willis C. R'lssell 1050 Christopher C. Chaney 1062 R. H. Jones .. 1050 D. F. Powell 1062 Jerome E. Jones 1073 Lawson H. 8eHz 1051 Powell Clayton 1062 John D. Jordan 1073 Hiram S. Shahan 1051 William W. Collier 1073 ,Joseph Smith 1063 ,James W. Kirkham 1074 Willia.'ll R. Sneed 1052 Archimedes Davis 1074 George W 8weesy 1052 Tilford Denton 1063 Joseph W. Lee 1053 J. O. Ducker 1075 NeWlon -l. Temple 1063 G. W. Martin 1075 John Tobein 1053 Thomas W. Fancher 1064 Edward Mit.chell 1053 J. C. Fraker 1064 William R. Mitchell 1076 J. S. Vincem 1054 Timothy C. Freeman 1065 John H. Malloy 1054 Jesse W. Freeman 1065 Spencer.J. Morris 1076 ,John Watkins 1055 Philip B. Fry 1076 O. W. Watkins 1065 Flavius J. H. Neff' 1077 William M. Wa'k,ns 1055 John Gaskins 1066 B. N. Nicholes 1077 Webb and Brown ~Richar( 1056 William George 1066 Leonard Nunnally Webb and W. H. D Brown 1056 Henry Glitsch 1077 George Weymou1h 1057 Hobert J. Gray 1066 Henry A. Pearce 1078 Benjamin E Woodruff 1067 .J oseph Perry 1078 John 1. Worthington .. Names out of alphabetical order. 1067 WilHam Phillips 1079 George P. Young 20


MAPISON COUNTY Page Page Page !07!J W. C. Adair lO~)3 Green Gipson 1l0B Frank Nance lOSO Francis M. Anderson 1093 Samuel B. Grigg & Son 1109 John H. Ogden 1109 John Olinger 1080 Gunter T. Berry 1093 Elias Harrell 1080 Joseph D. Bevers 1094 James M. Hawkins, Sr. 1110 George W. Phillips 1081 Daniel Blevins 1094 W. R. Hedgpeth 1110 William R. Phillips ];)81 ,John H. Bohanan 1095 John P. Hight. 1110 Pleasant R. Phillips ]082 Andrew J. Bolinger 1095 James T. Holt 1111 J. E. Plummer 1082 Daniel M. Boydston 1111 George N. Powell 1082 J. S. Brannon 1096 Thomas C. Jackson 1111 George W. Prater 108:3 Jesse C. Brashears 1096 .John Jeffers 1112 M. B. Presley 1083 WilHam R. Brashears 1097 Thomas M. Johnson 1112 John F. Proctor 10:34 John Brewer 1098 ,James M .•Johnson 1084 Bunch Brothers 1098 Richmond .Johnson 1112 Joel V. Robe rts 10S5 Henry H. Burge 1099 Francis M. Johnson 1113 William H. Roberts 1085 Wesley Burney 1099 Robert L. Johnson 1113 Levi W. Routh 1100 .John Coleman Johnson 1086 James Cain 1100 William N. Jones 1114 John PI Salyer 1086 Thomas H. Cartner 1114 C. B. Sanders 1086 Laniel M. Cluck 1101 John Kennan 1115 John Sisemore 1087 C. Cluck 1101 Wi1liam A. Kennan 1115 G. W. R. Smith 10S7 Brantley B. Cluck 1101 Charles S. Keeney 1115 Andrew J. Spurlock 1087 John D. Combs 1102 Monroe Knight 1116 W. B. Sumner 10.38 Hiram Combs 1102 Thomas R. Lane l1l6 Robert. .J. Taylor 10il8 William P. Dabney 1103 Wi1liam R. Lawson 1116 Joseph Thomas, Sr. 1089 Basll M. Davis 1103 Harvey C. Ledbetter 1116 A. L. Thompson 1089 B. ~l, Disney 1103 C. J. Lester 1117 William Tucker 1089 Alexander Dorsey 1104 Frank M. Lollar 1090 William Abraham Dotson 1104 ,J. C. Long 1117 Christopher Vaughan 1105 Lowe 1090 Fel ix G. Eubanks 1118 T. J. Walker 1105 .John McCracken 1118 Allen W. Walker 1091 Ellis Fa'.1bus 110(;J oseph F. McGailliard 1119 Garrett Williams Ion Catlett Fitch 1106 Eli 5ha McGinnis 1119 Samuel M. Welton 110G William A. Marrs 1120 T. J. Wit.hrow "ion William A. Gage 1107 .F. O. Massie 1092 James Gilliland 1107 H. Morgan 1120 William H. Young *. :t092 W. M. Stott.s 1108 Hiram M. Moore 1120 Mark A. Youngman

CHA WFORO COU NTY Page Page Page 1121 WU!iam M. Alexander 1122 Martin Barker 1125 H. Boyd 1121 John M. Allen 1123 Dr. Beal 1125 John Bradford 1122 William M., James A. 1123 WilHam R. Bolling 1125 J. H. Branson and Thomas Allen 1123 Addison McArthur Bourland 1126 G. L Briscoe

;( ~~:lmes out; of alphabetical order~ 1124 WHUam Bowlin 1126 Charles Fox Brown 21


CRAWFORD COUNTY Page Page Page 1126 Eliab M. Brown 1146 .J. A Farris 1164 Edward Lee 1127 Benton Jackson Brown 1146 John Flanagan 1165 Hugh S_ Lewers 1128 William D. Brown 1146 R. M. FlInn 1165 Robert M_ Littlejohn 1129 W. J. Burrows 1147 James A. Floyd 1166 .James G. Llo,'d 1129 .John F. Bushmeiaer 1147 Eugene N .. Formby 1166 F. M, Locke 1130 William H. Byers 1148 Sterling Price 1167 .'VI_ L. Landon 1130 L. B. Byars 1167 Rufus H. London 1130 Thomas T. Byars 1148 Gillead.J. B. GIdeon 1168 Ellsha M. Lowre\' 1148 Alexander Gooding 1169 Michael Lynch 1131 John W. Cain 1149 .Jame. Greig 1131 Isaac A. Campbell 1169 Thomas M. McGee 1131 Silas M. Carney 1149 Harnson B. Hale 1169 Frank R. McKibben 1132 R. B. Carson 1150 Moses Hall 1170 James W. McKinney 1132 Mrs. Matilda Jane Clonch 1150 Harrison D .. Hammack 1170 ,Tames A. McNeely 1133 William T. Coatney 1151 .J. B. Harden 1171 Denni s Maddox 1133 Jesse P. Cole 1151 Robert. G. Harrison 1171 Hardy'vladdox 1133 Zill Coleman 1152 Charles F. Harvey 1171 Benjamin F Massey 1134 A. H. Colgrove 1153 ,James D. Hawkins 1172 WIlliam A Matl::>ck 1134 Samuel Collins 1153 Henry Clay Hayman 1173 _Joseph W. ,';lanoek 1134 Tom Comstock 1153 WillJam Henry 1173 John R. Meadors 1135 ,James M. Comstock 1154 Wesley Hinson' 117-1 George W. B. Meadors 1135 Barnett C. Conley 1154 ,Jeremiah Henson 1174 Samuel A. Miller 1136 Nicholas F. Cornelius 1155 John Henson 1175 Thomas M .."ii'chell 1136 Daniel R. Coryell 1155 Ben F .. Hodges 1175 Kindred Montgomery 1130 Henry Clay Cradduck 1155 Ri chard Holcroft 1175 D W- Moore 1137 John W. Cradduck 1156 Mrs. Calherlne Hollis 1176 Willlarn T Morgan 1137 Philip R. Craven 1156 James K. P. Howell 1177 ,Tackson T . Morton 1137 David H. Creekmore 1156 Henry Howell 1177 .J0hn W. J'vlos~ 1157 .James H. Huckleberry 1177 Hen:ry C 'Vlue!ler 1138 Thomas L. Daniel 1158 Andrew H. H'lckleberry 1178 C.harles T, ,\luna 1138 William R. Daniel 1158 Mrs. Luc!nda H'ltchins 1139 John S. Daniel 1158 H. M. Hutchins 1178 LeI? Neal 1139 Elisha Dean 1158 Robert. S .. Hynes 1179 Berkeley .!'leal 1139 James M. Dean 1179 .John Frankhn .!'leal 1140 Ben Dechard 1159 Wilbam 'ilL .James 1180 A ..J Nordin 1140 James A. Dibrell 1159 ·John D. ,James 1141 James M. Dick 1180 WJlliam and John Obar 1141 Davidson Dickson 1160L M. Kemn3 1181 John C O'Bryan 1142 Robert L .. Dillon 1160 John B. KIbler 1181 ,John B Ogden. Sr. 1142 John H. Dougan 1161 Francls M. Kimes 1132 R C Oil \-er 1143 M. W. Drewrey 1161 H. P. Kmg 1182 FranCIS Marion Payne 1143 Joseph St.arr Dunham 1162 James Kenllf'r 118.3 ,John E. Palmer 1143 Benjamin Dyer 1162 Peter Kuykendall 1184 Henry Fredenck Pape 1144 St.ephen M. Dyer 1184 .Jesse PerklJ13 -1163 Samw;l L Un,w 1184 H L. Pe.,,'eri1eld 1144 Thomas R.. Early 1163 ,Tameil C. Lftrue 1185 Henry C Perno, 1145 T. W .. Edmondson 1164 FranCIS Lauren! llS5 ,John H Polly 1145 Leander Elkins 1164 Mrs,. Nan,'y G. Leach BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX TO GOODSPEED'S

CRAWFORD COUNTY Page Page 1209 T. M. Warden U86 P. M. Rains 1198 William H. Stewart 1210 Andrew C. Wardlaw 1186 Joseph L. Rhea 1198 .John P. S':ewart. 12~0 J. M. Weaver 1187 David Reed 1199 B. F. St.rong 1211 Mrs. Jeanette Webb 1187 S. H. Reed 1199 Mrs .. ;Sallie Swearingen 1211 John L. Webb 1188 John D. Reinhardt 1200 R E. Swearingen 1211 ,Jacob P. Wells 1189 B. P. Renfroe 1200 .J ohn Swearingen 1212 Zachariah Wells 1189 Elisha Robinson 1212 John Q. Wes~ 1200 Pleasant M Tarpley 1213 Lurher C. White lle9 Joseph John Savage 1201 WllEam Logan Taylor 1213 Henry Wilcox 1180 .John W. Shaberg 1201 Fra.nci.a MarIon Temple 1213 W. S. Williams 1190 Philip Drennan Scott 1202 Thomas ,J, Testerman 1214 L. J. Wilson ll90 ,John Sharp 1202 ,Tohn A .. and George Thayen214 John F. Winfrey 1191 William Henry Harrison Shibley 1215 Thomas A. Wood 1192 Thomas Simcoe 1202 David Thompson 1215 .Joseph C. Wood 1192 J. W. SImpson 1203 Henry Thompson 1216 George R, Wood 1193 George W. Simms 1203 John Trewhit.t 1217 Franklin Wright ll93 Alfred Smith 1204 WInfield S. Truitt 1217 James C. Wright 1194 Leonard Clay Southmayd 1204 John B. C. Turman 1217 Gabriel N. Wright 1194 Deweese Spencer 1205 Turner 1218 M,. L. Wright 1195 Wilborn Augustue Spier 1219 William L. Wynne 1195 P. E. Stafford 1206 Henry Varbel 1219 William M. Wynn .l195 William C. Stevens 1206 Vincent S. \i:lstal 1195 Samuel Stevenson 1207 Isaiah B. Vinsant 1219 Meredith Yancy 1196 John A. Stevenson 1220 Jacob Yoes 1197 Samuel steward 1207 W. K. Walker 1220 William C. Yoes 1197 William T. Steward 1208 William T. Wallace

FRANK LIN COUNTY Page Page Page 1221 Frank J. Allen 122i7 ,J, N. Brigance 1234 Willis Davenport 1221 William A. Amos 1227 William T. Browri 1234 Otto B. Donaldson 1.221 John R. Amos 1228 E B. Bryant 12.35 Willi am .R. Douglas 1222 Robert M. Anderson 1228 ;r·. S, Burt 1222 George W. Austin 1235 Frank M. ELsey 1229 ·Tames N. D. Campbell 1236 JamesJ. Ei.chenberger 1.223 W. R. Bachelor 1228 Franci sM. Canon 1236 ,Tames M Fo,d 1223 William W. Bailey 1230 Martin 1237 J. H. F'llk5 1224 J. W. Bailey 1230 Thomas A. 1224 Albert L. Baker 1230 Wallace A. 1237 Chesley M. Gammill 1224 J. Beneux 1231 .J. Benham Carter 1238 Lorenzo C. Gammill 1225 H. A. Beneux 1231 C .. C. Colburn 1238 Sterling p, Gammell 1225 W. A. Bennett 1232 ,[ ona'.han Cole 1238 Willoughby S. Garn",' 122-5 C. V. Bennett 1232 Marion B. Conatser 1239 Aaron Garretson 1225 T. D. Berry 1232 Wyley B. Corley 1239 David Garrison 1226 LTohn D. Berry 1233 .John E. Cox 1240 William Greenlee 1226 Hugh W. Blaylock 1233 ·John W. Crockett 1240 Jeptha P. Greenwood 1 ~27 Rober!. Sharp Bridgman 123,1 S, J Crossno 1241 Malt F Greer 2.3


FRANKLIN COUNTY Page Page Page 1241 Thomas J. Hadley 1255 William C .. McIlroy 1272 James F. Quaille 1242 Joseph Hamm 1256 James R. McLaughlin 1272 Albert Quesenbury 1242 Dix Hamm 1256 William W. Mansfield 1243 Joshua L. Hargrove 1257 Thomas W. Marlar 1273 Samuel Randolph 1243 L. R. Hawkins 1257 William H. Martin 1273 Andrew J. Ransom 1243 Thomas E. Henderson 1258 Michael Metz 1274 T. B. Remy 1244 Frank S. Henry & Co. 1258 Rufus K. Milam 1274 Suddith D. Remy 1244 Henry Hiatt 1259 Lucas Coleman Milam 1274 William D. Rodman 1244 R. H. Hicks 1259 Calaway .J. Milam 1275 Nathaniel J. Rice 1245 William Allison Hill 1260 James F. Milam 1275 William H. Russell 1245 Richard W. Hill 1260 William H. 0 Milam 1245 Tanner G. Hill 1261 Bailey P ..Miller 1275 A. Hulbert Sadler 1246 George W. Hill 1261 William C. Mi.lton 1276 William F. Sawyer 1246 William L. Holder 1262 Jesse M. Milton 1276 A. G. Shelton 1247 Zachariah Hopper 1262 Henry Moomaw 1277 William H. Sherman 1247 Richard Hooper 1263 Hezekiah W. Moore 1277 John M. Simpson 1247 William T. Hopkins 1263 Blakely E. Moon 1277 W. J. Smith 1248 W. C. Hudson 1278 Maurice W. Spencer 1248 Charles E. Hudson 1263 William N. Nichols 1278 John Stephens 1248 Joel Q. Hunter 1264 Uriah J. Nichols 1278 Uriah G. Stokes 1249 Creed C. Hunter 1264 George W. Nichols 1279 Monros Stroup 1249 William H. Hyams 1265 Harvey A. Nickell 1265 Joseph F. Nixon 1279 Jacob Thomas Taylor 1249 J. T. Jeanes 1266 Francis M. NIxon 1280 Edward Tolbert 1250 A. C. Johnston 1280 Samuel Turner 1250 Pinckney S. Johnston 1266 William Obar 1266 John Ohar 1281 John N. Volentine 1250 William Kendrick 1267 M. C .. O'Donohoe 1251 William V. King 1267 W. S·. O'Kane 1281 Wiley B. Wagner 1251 James P. King 1268 John F. O'Neal 1282 M. H. Wagner, Jr. 1251 James V. King 1282 G. W. Wagner 1252 Fred Kobel 1268 Andrew J. Parker 1282 Samuel H. Weaver 1268 William J. Parks 1283 Bartley M. Welton 1252 Hugh C. Lane 1269 John C. Patrick 1283 N. W. Whitlock 1253 James W . .Linzy 1269 Henry PaYne 1283 John H. Whitlock 1253 John S. Lish 1270 M. J. Pendergrass 1284 Ambrose Williams 1270 John M. Peters 1284 Jaines H. Williams 1254 William E. McCain 1270 John M. Pettigrew 1284 John H. Wilson 1254 Thomas McFerran 1271 Lewis B. Phillips 1285 W. A. Wilson, Jr. 1255 Noble R. McKinney 1271 David B.. Pyle 1285 Abner P. Woodruff 1255 William R. McLane 1272 William R. Powell

SEBASTTAN COUNTY Page Page Page 1286 Daniel S. Altstatt 1287 HarrIson Ball 1289 William T. BJakeIlore 1286 C. C. Ayers 1288 C. M. Barnes 1290 Henry W. Blann 1288 Joseph P Bassham 1290 A. E. Bloomburg 1287 W. W. Bailey 1289 William H. Bell 1290 William Franklin Blythe BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX TO GOODSPEED'S

SEBASTJ.AN COUNT Y Page Page Page 1291 Louis Bolin 1312 William Meade Fishback 1332 Aunt Sophia Kannady 1291 Mrs. Martha A. Bomford 1313 W ..J Fleming 1332 Thomas .J. Keener 1291 Robert A. Bonham 1313 J. K. Foltz 1333 J. M. Kelleam 1292 Mrs. Sue Bonneville 1314 HOBeph H. Forbes 1333 Allen A. Kersh 1293 Mrs. Luvicy Booth 1314.J Brvant Forrester 1333 Thomas J. Kersey 1293 William R. Bowen 1315 ,John A. Forrester 1334 R. B. King 1294 William J. Brandon 1315 Leander Foster 1334 Henry Kuper, Sr. 1294 Joab H. Bray 1315 Josiah Foster 1295 J. W. Breedlove 1316 James H. Foster 1335 John H. Lairamore 1295 Asbury L. Brewster 131G M D. Frazier 1336 John W. Lamb 1295 Alpheus C. Brewster 1316 Frank Freer 1336 J. R. Lane 1295 Howard H. Brown 1336 Richard D. Lewis 1296 Isaiah W. Bruce 1316 Benjamin J. H. Gaines 1337 John Jesse Little 1296 Marion S. Buckley 1317 D. M. Gardner 1337 John S. Little 1297 Harrison Buckner 1317 TJ.:omas Benjamin Garrett 1337 George Dallas Loder 1297 Charles Burns 1318 Robert Bell Gartrell 1338 Gilbert Looman 1298 John William Buskamp 1318 R. C. Gatlin 1319 Andrew ,1. F. Gist 1338 R. H. McConnell 1298 Thomas N. Callicoatt 1319 Daniel B. Glass 1338 John W. McConnell ; 298 Samuel P. Campbell 1320 "A. H. Gordon 1339 John McCray 1299 Joseph H. and Thomas Milton Cardwell 1339 A. A. McDonald 1299 Alexander B. Carruth 1320 ,Tohn Goset 1340 Blooming W. McDonough 1300 Claiborn W. Cauthron 1321 Matthew Gray 1340 Robert William McFarlane 1301 Hezehiah Chaney 1341 .John McGinty 1:301 Mrs. Margaret Chollar 1321 B. F. Hackett 1341 Henry McGreevy 1302 Peyton B. Coker 1321 J. A. Hale 1341 John S. M. McKamey 1:302 Preslie B. Cole 1322 R W. Hammett 1342 Edmund McKenna 1303 Abraham F. Coleman 1322 Harvey T. Hampton 1342 T. D. Magness D03 Jerry H. Colvard 1322 WilliamJ. Haug 1343 Wilson Manus 1304 George H. Council 1323 Thomas .J. Hannah 1343 Jesse Martin 1323 ,James W. Harper 1344 Joseph H. Martin 1304 John C. Daily 1324 Malachi B. Harrison 1344 H. P. Mayers Ll04 Edgar M. Davenport 1324 Edward M. Harrison 1345 .J; H. Mershon :305 William Murphy Davis 1325 .J. B. Harwood 1345 Rudolph Metzger 1305 Leroy Dawson 1325 Eli Hester 1346 .Julius Meye r 1305 John Degan 132(5 ,John Hewitt 1346 Dudley Milam 1306 Paul Alfred Delorvin 1326 F. W. Hink 1347 John G. Miller 1306 John Dodson 1326 James Hooey 1347 Mrs. Mary Miller 1307 Albert Dunlap 1327 John Alexander Hoffman 1347 ThomB C. Miller 1:308 Jeremiah P.Durden 1327 .John Howard 1348 Charles MiloI' 1308 Mrs. Angela Medora DuVal 1328 Edward Hunt 1349 Lawrence Mive1az 1310 M. T. Dyke 1329 William Hunter 1349 George W. Moore 1329 William D. Hunter 1350 Ira Lane Moni;; 1310 Henry Clay Earnest 1330 George F. Hynes 1350 George L ..Mo:rris 1310 Robert H. Echols 1350 Charles Muncler 1311 William M. Ervin 1330 Lee H. Ingraham 1311 Anton Euper 133] Matthew Jerome Irvin 1351 Caswell B. Neal j:311 W. L. Euper 1351 Anton Neis 1312 William Patrick Evans 1331 .James E. Johnson 1352 Wiley Nelson HISTORY OF NORTHWEST AHKANSAS

SEBASTlAN COUNTY Page Page Page 1352 Richard Nevil 1362 James Russell 1373 Theodore & Francis 1352 Willis Nolen 1363 S. M. Rutherford Vogel 1364 Ashley W .. Rutherford 1353 Bernard O'Keeffe 1373 Mrs. Mariha J. W'llker 1353 John L. Oneal 1364 George Sen gel 1374 .John F. Weaver 1353 Reeves M. Osborne 1364 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith' 1374 Thomas J W"bb 1354 George E. Otis 1365 .J. D Sou~.hard 1374 J. C, Welch 1365 D. B. Sparks 1375 O. D, Weldon 1354 Frank Parke 1365 ,John Speaker 1375 Lewis Joseph Whi,e 1355 Robert T. Powell 1366 Benjami.n F .. Spe'll's 1376 James C. Wilkinson 1355 Prendergast McShane & Co. 1366 Mrs Tsabe).1a Spessard 1377 Charle.s H. Willhaf 1356 Thomas A. Putnam 1366 George N. Spradling 1377 ,James A. William, 1.367 ,Joseph Cole Sla.lcup 1377 S. IL Wil!jams . 1357 Bernard Quante 1368 J. R.. Stephens 1378 John F. Williams 1357 W. T. Quinley 1368 Elam H. Stevenson 1378 Constant P lVilson 1368 Adam Stinebaugh 1379 Green B Wimberly 1358 John Ray 1369 H'lbbard Srone 1379 T. p, Winche· 1358 James H. Reed 1369 Henry S'Hatr :j, 1380 Edgar E. Bryant 1359 James D. Richmond 1380 William .J. Wit.cher 1359 William T. Roberts J 370 Mark T . TU'.utn 1380 H. C. Wvman 1359 Pinckney J. Roberts 1370 WillJam ,J Teaver. 1360 Thomas Franklin Rodden 1371 John Marion Thompson 1381 John C Yadon 1360 Hugh L. Rogers 1371 F. W. Tillay 1381 D. J, Young 1361 Thomas Rogers 1;371 .Mrs. M. ,J Thomas 1382 Joseph W. Young 1361 Robert A, & Styles T. Rowe 1372 Franklin Turner 1362 Elias Russell 1372 Wilham M. Tyler ,;. Out: of alphabetical order

lNDEX COMPILED BY, Deap.8 G. Carter Box 237 Fayetteville, Arkansas

This is the second III our series of indexe.3 '0 the "Biographical and Historical .'v!emo)jrs" of the counties of Arkansas, published in 1~90 bV 'he Goodspeed PubHshing Company in our last issue, VoL IV No.4. we publish8d 'he llldex ro the counrJes of SO'llhern Arkansa,: Clark, Miller, Sevier, Howard, Pike, Lafayel1e. Hempstead. Columbia. Litt.le Hover. Dal­ las, Bradley, Calhoun, Union. Ashley. Drew, Lincoln, De.sha and Chico\. These were indexed by Mr ..•J. Floyd Bullock.. 521 Ches'nut St . Camd,en. Arkansas.

We are hoping that other of our members who have access 10 t:he Goodspeed h1510r;e" of orher counties will index lhese other c::o'mtJe,; S0 -h3t we may publish 'hem in fut'lre ]'55'J~S

LOGAN - SCOTT COUNTY Can anyone t.ell me where to get. the hiStory of Seo" Co. {now Logan Co,:,? Mrs Allie M. Hubble San Loli s Obispo Cal' f KENTUCKY Tn my possession 1 have "History 'Jf Kentw.'ky" VoL 1.11 hy E. Polk ,Johnson, p'lblished b',' the Lewis Publishing Co" Chicago' New York 1912. Would like to locat.e Volumes 1 an.j n Mrs. Hov,J. Vinson ROcpe" Box 475 Tvler, Texas 26


AUSTIN William King Austin, b. Oct. 23, 1826, Ala .. m. Elizabeth Smith, 1857 \where?) They had a son David Smith Austin, b. Nov. 5, 1861 (where?), who m. Mary Etta Hensley in Har­ rison, Ark. Feb, 22, 1883. There is a Da"id Austin listed 1850 cen·~us of Carroll Co" Ark, who may be father of William A'J.s~in This David Austin was. married to Mary Ann -'-, who was b. Tenn, , 1797, d .. Ar:" Need Mary Ann Austin's mai.den name. Mrs Michael Stapleton 2i03 Rth St. Wichita Falls, Texas 76301

BATEMAN - SHOOP - REEVES My mother was Bertha May Bateman, daughter of David Henderson Bateman and Maud Mae Reeves. Mother of David H. Bateman wa.s M3.rgaret Ernaline Wolf, Che.rokee Indian of a tribe aJ'OIJ'11'lMarshfield, Mo,; do not know lirs~ name of David H. Bateman's father. Other <,hHdren of David H. Bateman and Maud MJ.e Reeves were George m. Fern S:,ansfifer{?); Chas. Freeman m. Anna Hottel; ,Jane m. Lawrence Schoeppey; and Herod, d, ca 1925. My father was William J. Shoop, son of Chas. Marcellus Shoop and Mary Ann BaldWin. Other children were Mable Godfrey. Clara. Rosa Leah. Lottie and Chas. Adam. All of the above were residents of Ft. Smith,. Ark. Would appreciate information on families. Mrs ..Mary Rl:toop Hansen 666,1 W Belmont Fresno, Calif. 93705

BEASLEY - McKENNEY My grandfather was Parker Beasley .. tn. in 1839 in Shawnee Town, Ill. t.o Eliza McKen-­ ney, dau. of Geo. W. McKenney of MorganfJ8Id,. Union Co., Ky. Parker Beasley came from <)n8 of the Carolinas, was half Cherokee, w

BILYEU .- SISSEL My gr-gr-grandfather was BUy",'" .. lived in MadIson and Boone countie,s prior to the Civil War. His son ,John W. married S'll-ah S:,~seL Would like to locate grave stones. E!:'ma BiJyeu Barton B'}x 82 Or<)nogo, Mo. 64855

BROWNING I am looking for information regarding ·John Henry Browning, b. Aug 23, 1815, and h:,g wife, Leah, b. Nov. 26,. 1817. They l]'"<,rl in Bentonville and are buried in Whit.e Rock Ceme,­ tery. Would like a bi.nh record for ,John Jasper Browning. b. Mar. --, 1847 or 1848 . .Mrs .. Mary Hale Box 283 McCrory, Ark. 72101

BYRD My grandfather, WIlHam AS3. BVrd b. OcL 8. 1858, Johnson Co., Ark. He had a brother, J ames Irvin Byrd, three years older than he. His mother died when William Asa was a baby, and his father was killed by bushwackel'3 dudng t.he Ci vil War. The boys were raised by an uunt, Jennie Cood. There was anciher aUn! NleUssia Cooct. I didn't find Asa Byrd or .Iames Irvin Byrd in the 1850 or B60 census of .Johnson Co. Need their parents m.mcs. Mrs .Tohn PariBotto 1034 Laurel Klamath Falls. Oregon 97601 QUERIES

CARRUTH Am trying to gel a Hne on my mother's genealogy. She was Ehzabe!.h S,nrada Curu'h. b. Feb. 24, 1905" to Dodson MHls Carruth and ElIzabeth VanSickle Carruth in Clarend0n. Monroe Co., Ark. Dodson Mill.3 Carruth di.ed Jan, 11. 190B He had no o'.her living r-ela'.hes other lhan an elder sister, Bet.tie Carruth Kelly .. now deceased. HIS mother's ma'den na:TIe was Jefferies .. and thaI is about aU we know. Can anyone offer any furt.her i.nformation"7 Frederic k C. Whitenack Rome 2 Box 634 . 8t.evensville. Mich 4912i

CASH Wish t.o locale grave st.ones of .John Cash. b. ea 1815. Ind .... rn. -"-' .. b, ca 1818. TIL Moved 1;0 Independence Co .... Ark.. powr '0 1850,. lived in or near Hardy ... Ark. ,:SharpC,)' John died 1875 to 1880. Emeretta died lSS0, Also grave atones of son Wilham H. Ca,':J. and wife Avery Askins. Children of .John Cash were: Wm. H., b, 1835; Ann .. b. 18~O. Mary b.1842; Tripose, b. 1845:, Marcus L .. b" 1847; Amerjca? b .. 1850; and H'l.rvey. Q, 1853 Anyone know any descendants living? Who were parents of Avery Aski.ns? 'VIarr:age recor­ ded in Ind. Co., Wish any family data of John Cash parems James James, b. Clay Co., Ky., 1800, m Hannah Arthur ... Monroe Co .. Inc 1819 '0 Mo. 1838. Took land grant at: Batesville,. Ark after 1%0 and left Mo, Where did they locale in Ark.? Would like to contact descendant•. Have earher ancestors on this family 10 share Have family records 1:0 exchange or help on Cash, Creswell. Lafferty. Wood \'lann and Collier families, Please send return envelope . .Mr.s Tes,-ne ~James :Miller 512 N. W. 27th 8L Apt.. 1 Oklahoma City, Okl3.

CASTLEBERRY 1 have he.ard that. my grandfather .. Wmiam Henry Castleberry, was killed Sept. 11. 1565 Was that in t:he Civil War? Also would like to know i.f there were any children by Nanc'i' Ca­ thron Castleberry Standlee. Was Willtam Henry C'asi]eberry .. son of above,. ever mar,.:ed? If so, were there any chlldren? Mrs. Eva Romero 9817 St Bellflo'l'er, Calif. 907013

CHERRY T'm very grat.eful to your office for pufong mv mqlllrv in your Family Historian. J "'a, absolut.ely stopped .. and there seemed to he no way to open any doors Tn fae!, 1 was abolF to give up on ever getting st,arted, when I a1:arted gp'tmg phone calls and leners from manv people. Now T have so many leads. I'm sup" I'm on my way. Thanks again to your "-onderh,) and helpful group. Without. ,vour help! ()o'lldnt. have gott.en started .. 1 was huntmg for the Bndges hne from Pern° Co .. Ark. in my firs! Tetter. This was nw grandfather's line.. My grandmot.her'., ]jne is Cherrv from Perry Conway and Drew cOUU'Je,5 .fohn A, BrIdges 1316 N W .. 103rd Oklah'Jrna Citv, Okla ..

COULTER My grandmother, Sarah Ann Coulter. was born in 18"23 near Helena., Ark. Her fa,n;ly came from Charlone, N C.. WO'.lld like informa,\lOn on thi.s oraneh of lhe Coul'er farmly Nao:m B Darton 1118 4th SI.. Nf'W Orleans. La. 70l.30 28


CLARK Does anyone have information on William Francis Clark, b. 1881, Farrs City, Mich. Came to Ark.when he was 16; his father died in Mich; his mother,a widow, lived in Kansas or Missouri. Also would like further informaUon on William C. Buttery, 1846-1915, buried i.n Patterson Cemetery, Benton Co., Ark, Mrs, Barbara Conrad Box 516 Glenns Ferry, Idaho 83623

DOAK - DESHANE Joseph Melvin Doak, 1804-1859, son of Robert and Mary Doak, m. Margaret, born 1806, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Deshane. Joseph and Margaret were born in Tenn., married in 1825; lived in Ill. ca 1827-·34; moved to Kings River Twp., Madison, Co. , Ark. ; had eleven children. 1880 census lists Margaret Doak living with her daughter, Sarah Eleanor and hus­ band, Charles Wilkerson. Other Doak children married into McCracken .. Graham, Wall and Gilliland families. The McCrackens, Grahams and Walls came to Springtown, Texas. Am grandparents of Joseph Melvin Doak and would like to hear from anyone having any knowledge of this family or the Deshane family. Mrs. J. M. Ingram 3218 Hickory St. Texarkana, Ark. 75501

GAGE Need information on following: William Gage. b. Mar. 2, 1782, N.C., m,. Sept. 4, 1805, Warren Co., Ky. to Rhoda Boydston. They were in Madison Co., Ark. in 1850 and 1860 cen­ sus. When did they die and where buried? John Gage, son of above, b. Tenn., 1807, m. 1832 Pulaski Co., Mo. to Lydia Clements, b. 1815, dau. of Andrew Clements. Moved to Madison Co., Ark. in 1833, later removing to Greenwood Co., Kansas. Need information on Clements. Mrs. L. A. Abbott SL John, Kansas

GRIFFIN - HENDERSON My grandfather was George Alvin Griffin, b. in Cross Co. His parents were William Gri.ffin and Nancy Henderson. She had brothers, T. N. and Frank Henderson. The Hender-· sons lived on Cache and White Rivers. Would appreciate any information on these families. Mrs, Jimmy Dugger 503 Adams Ave. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. 38474

HARP My gr-grandfather was John Harp who m, Lucy'''--' Children were WHHam, Lucinda and Arena in 1850 census of Washington Co" Ark. Would like any information. Wm, B. Harp RL 3 Box 89 No. Holly Drive Tracy, Calif.

HARRIS I am searching for information concerning Guv Alvin Harris, who died 1899-1900 in Pig.. , gott, Ark. He married Fannie Davis, who died 1934 in Little Rock State Hospital. Guv and Fannie Harris owned 80 acres near Piggott, half section of land at Browns Ferry and raised horses at MCDougall, Ark. Their children were: Roy, Alvin, Luther, Doc, Holly, Mertie and Effie. This family was living in Pi ggott in Dec., 1898. Mrs, D, L, Harris J nO'l W, Frrmont Selah, Washington 98942 29


HATFIELD - NIXON - WOOTTEN Want information re John Hatfield, b, ea 1810, Tenn, mist 1829, Cooper Co, ~[o to Cynthia Wootten, b. 1812, Ky., dau, of .James G, Woott:en.b. 1782" Va.; m. 2nd ea 1848 to May N. --- (a widow), b, 1823, Ala.; m" 3rd Mary A,,-·, b, 1825. Ark. Two of the SIX grandchildren reared by James G, Wootten and WIfe" Sarah, are beUeved to have been sons of John and Cynthia ,Hatfield" James G. Wootten and son-in-law, A, ,J, Nixon (b, 1814" Tenn" m. Lucinda Wooiten. b, 1815, Ky.) came to Franklin Co. " Ark, ea 1837. later moved to Sehasiian Co where the Nixons reared a large family. John Hatfield and 2nd wife" May, came to Crawford Co, later, James G. Wootten was li.sted in Goodspeed as Postmaster at Brunner, Ark, from 1861, to 1869, when he apparently died, Brunner was Bomewhere near Greenwood; does anvone know where? Would like any information concerning these famllie.s Lorena ~Woottt-~n:1 Bush 118 Harrell Hot Springs, Ark. 71901

HELTON My grandfather was James Thomas HeHon, who dJed in ,July 1892 on the Robert E, Lee boat on the MissiSSippi River, He was married to Dona Di.'{ie Hufstedler; 1hey had children; James Thomas Helton, Mary. Clabe and Charles Austin, my father, After my grandf:3.ther died, Dona Dixie Helton m. Noah Maples. She died in Yell Co" Ark. Would like any da'es copies of Wills, deeds, marriage records, etc, 10 find parenl:s of ,James Thomas Helton "Junior Helton 899 Grand Ave, Marysville" Calif, 95901

HOLDERBY I am interested in the history and lineage of Thomas Holderby, a pioneer settler on ',he Eleven Point River near Pocahontas, Randolph Co, " Ark, Also his son. Dr Robert Smith Holderby, born near Pocahontas in 1837" served as PrJvate. Co, H. 21st Ark lnf CSA, Robert L. Harrjs 419 W" Springfield St" Aurora, Mo, 65605

HUDDLESTON - NOE J. L, C. Huddleston. b, Mar, 13, 1815, d" Feb. 17 1887 (where?), son of David Hudo:lle­ ston and Gemima Condley" Married Sept 4," 1834 at Cumberland Gap Ky, to Mar1h" H Not?, b, Sept. 7,1817", Cumberland Gap, Ky d. Dec 7, 1880 FUppin. Ark. I:MarJon Co " Need names of her parents. They had nine chIldren all born Mo" all lIved and dIed in Arkansa. My data on the children is fairly complete blll need more information on J. L, C HuddleSTon' He is said to have owned a plantation with slaves at the Time slavery was abolished WoulrI like to know where., and any other information on HuddleSTon, Noe or Condley. Mrs, Mane Carlock Wayman 480 E 3rd So, Price, .Ul,ah 84501

MERRELL Would like any information about my gr-,gr- gran,ifa1her Wilham Merrell, suppo,,,,d 10 have built: the first water mill gris1 grinder in LillIe Rock He "laB also a bridge and w3gon builder. He was marned to Sue Hollingswor1h, They had three chndrenc·Jo Ella Ell zabe1h James Rialy and William Wood Merrell. They probablv lived in Pulaski Co, ca 18'70 80 Linda C Whjttington :3307 Quakertown Sf. San Antomo, Texas 78213 30


LYKINS ,- CAUDILL My grandfather was Alven B. Lyltins, m. Myrial Caudill. They were living in Berryville, Ark. in 1890. Would appreciate any informal ion on them. Juanita Del Rosario 419 Hickory Sf. Chico, Calif. 95926

McCOLLUM - RADFORD My grandfather was Thomas Marion McCollum; my mother's name was Radford. I was told both lines eame to west Tenn. from middle Tenn., and were originally from Virginia. Would like to contact anyone interested in research on these families. E. McCollum 307 Vine St. Morrillton, Ark. 72110

MAGNESS - SAYLES - COOK Sam Magness and wife, Sarah, had children John, George and James Noah. James Noah Magness was born Feb. 1, 1852, m. Nancy Jane Sayles, b. June 5, 1854. l.have fairly com­ plete records on ther descendants, but. need information on Sam Magness and wife, Sarah. !.heir parents and brothers and sisters. Also on the families of John and George Magness. Also am working on John Cook, m. Mattie Davis, parents not known, had a brother Char­ ley Davis, a Baptist minister. Children were: Thomas Jefferson Cook, b. July 15, 1881, m. Pearley Magness, Dec. 29, 1902 at Olmstead, Ark; Donnie Cook m. Luther Lawler; and Maggie Cook. Mrs. Dean Cook 5832 Yeary Ft. Worth, Texas 76114

MILAM - CHANDLER Jordan Milam and related families came to Carroll Co. (now Boone Co.) Ark. 1840-52 from Hickman Co., Tenn. Jordan had twelve children in 1820 Tenn. census. Need all names >Jf daughters. Know sons, Sam, .John, Ed, Henry and Bartlett, have great deal of data on ~heir descendants. Will exchange WIth interested persons on Milam, Miulm, Peacock, Pick­ ard, Hamby, Patton and Young. Also need data on Melchizedeck Chandler, b. 1820, N. C", Capt. in Civil War, moved to Bellefonte, Ark. 1867-1892. Was a merchant there and a Mason. Mrs. L. Fred Hockey 1615 E. 8th st. Springfield, Mo. 65802

MITCHELL .. PIERSON Would appreciate any information concerning the parents, brothers, sisters or ancestors of my father. He was Charles Pierson (Pierceson) Mitchell, known as Pierce Mitchell, born in either Independence Co. or Stone Co .. Ark. Sept. 17, 1866. His parents were Charles Christopher Mitchell and Mehalia Ann Pierson; his mother died when he was 14, about 1880. My father had a brother, Jay, and a half··brol.her .•Jim Mitchell. Mrs. V. C. Elms Rt. 3 Kevil, Ky. 42053·

MURPHY Need information on Miss Fannie Murphy, b. ca 1861-65. Thought to be in Kansas or Arkansas 1875-82. Want most to learn where she was at latter date. Paul L. Springer 1122 N. W. 97th st. Oklahoma City, Okla. 73114 31


NEWTON Ebenezer Whitfield Newton, b. Johnson Co. He married Susan .Jane Jewel. Would like to find a record of their marriage ca 1866. They were living in Johnson Co. in 1870.. Would also like to find any information on of Susan Jane Jewel,. b. Tenn. She had a silPer who married a Joel Curtis. Would also like to locale a cemetery north of Clarksville, Ark. where Cader Lee and'relatIves may be buried. Mrs. William F. Fuller 3050 Sundial Dallas. Texas 75229

PANNELL - McCARTNEY·· DAVIS My father was Joseph Dove pannell, b. Nov. 29, 1870,sono{ William Pannell and wIfe, Elizabeth Ophelia. My mother was Flora Ethel McCartney, b. Sept. 1, 1879, daughter of' Robert McCartney and Virginia DaVIS. VirgInia DaviS was the daughter of Aaron Davis. who owned land near Yellville, Ark. (Marion Co.) Robert McCartney and his brother,.Johnny, came to Arkansas ca 1875 from Alabama. Robert McCartney died at Yellville 1890-91; his wife, Virginia Davis McCartney, died Yellville in 1885: Both'of my parEmts were horn near Yellville. Would like any information of these families,. Mrs. M. T. Wright 1009 Fisher SI:. Bellmead, Texas 76705,

SAUNDERS - SANDERS -:- HATHORN - WILLIAMs·· PAGE -FENTER. Desire to contact descendants of llnd information on l!-nyof the following:. John L.Sanders (Saunders) b. 1783, 'N. C. or early Tenn., d. Benton, Saline Co;, Ark. or Jiot Spring Co., Ark. ea 1855-60; m. Elizabeth Hathorn, Mar. 7,,1810-11, Putna.:nCo,', Ga.Childrenwere:Nancy m. Levi Fenter, Sept. 4, 1846, Saline Co., Ark.; Hamlin or)IatD.ilton Sanders, b. oa 1826, Ga. or Tenn" living in Hot Spring Co., Ark. and Saline. Co.: Ark., after 1850; Sarah, b. 1832, Tenn., was '18 in 1850 census of SaHne Co. (Whom did sherrrarry?) .Julius, b.1836, Tenn., m. 1st Elizabeth Page, 1871, ,Hot Spring Co., Ark.; m .. 2nd~Mr.s: ,Jane ~ane, age 44, Dec., 1881, Saline Co. ,Ark. Hamli.n (Hamilton) Sanders In .. 1st Catharine·. Williams, 1846, Hot Spring Co., had children William H., b. 1848, and James, b. 1849., Mrs. Fletcher King 3801 Jackson Blvd. . Birmingham, Ala. 35213 . SCROGGINS Samuel Jackson Scroggins was 1;J?rn in Arkansas in 1877.;. s.on of Lee Scroggins. Would like to hear from anyone who has information on this family. Mrs, DelorisScroggins 'Route 1 Box: 61 TO'Y.anda, Kansas 67144

ST. CLAIR (SINCLAIR) These St. Clair (SinclaIr) children were with the Alfred Burns family in the 1850 census of Madison Co., Ark.: John, 15, b. Ohio; Sam, 17; b.Ollio; Mariah, 14, .b. Ill.; Mary 12, b. Mo.; Cahrles, 10, b. Mo.; Polk, 8, b. Mo.; AustIn, 6. b.Ark, ; and Saloma E., 2, h. Ark Family lore says the parents were murdered. Saloma was my gr-,grandmother. Please help. ,.' . Dean Wallace . 3624 Garfield· Topeka, Kansas

THOMASON James Albert Thomason lIved in Boone Co .. Ark. in 1870 and. 1880, Would like' any in· formation on him or his family. Mrs. Nancy Mecham 570 E. 4th N. Logan, ,utah 84321 32


TOW Joseph Tow and his son, Jessie, were law men in Mena, Ark. or around Hot Springs in 1906 and thereabouts. Joseph had three children, Jessie, another son, and a daughter, Liz­ zie. Joseph Tow was born before 18GO; need date. Would appreciate any information. Mrs. Dorothy R. Van Fosson 395 Pope St. San Francisco, Calif.

TURNER - JUSTUS I am trying to find information about my grandfather, James SUgars Turner, b. ca 1861, raised in Washington, Ark. , m. Susie Kaie Justus, also from Washingion. Both are buried in Hope, Ark.; he died in Feb. 1901 or 1902. Their children were: Betty Mary, b. 1883; John Sugars, b. 1886; James William, b. 1889; and Wadie, b. 189l. Mrs. Delale A. Murphy Rt. 3 Box 258 Lodi, California 95240

VAN ZANDT - WEEKS - SARGENT - DEAN Would like information about Parzedia Van Zandt who m. Joseph Weeks in Jackson Co. , Tenn. ca 1850. Also information about: Phoebe Lee Ridley Sargent, who probably came t.o eastern Ark. ca 1850, was married to William Sargent. Would also like to hear from Deans whose ancestors came from Greeneville, S .. C. or from Georgia. Mrs. A. E. Dauley Perryville, Ark. 72126

WALKER Jiles A. Walker m . .Julia Horn, had children Addie, Berdie, John, Jiles, Demetra, Lu­ cretia and Jesse, born from 1882 to 1898. .Jules d. 1900. Also Cromwell Walker m. Sheba Baird in 1886. had children adem L., Oscar E., Joseph D., Robert J., Myrtle, Andrew, Cromwell, John, Annie, Earl, Pearl and Bessie, born from 1887-1910. Would like to hear from any of these Walkers or descendants. Ruth Walker Lerwill 1639 Manning Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90024

WILLIAMS My grandfather, Daniel Jackson WIlli.ams, believed born Tipton Co., Tenn., 1830; had brother, William, b. Tenn.; 1840. They came to Calhoun Co., Ark., where they died. Left sister, Abby or Abigail in Tenn. Census records show their parents born N. C. What were t.heir names and where in N. C. were they born? Was Abigail Hartsfield, 11150 census Tipton Co., Tenn. sister of Daniel Williams? What was relation of William Williams and Elizabeth Ann Williams Harris in 1850 census Tipton Co.? Also Spruce Williams who came to Calhoun Co., Ark. Elizabeth Ann Williams m. Edward Thomas Harris and came to Calhoun Co. also. I am working on the following names. Wiesinger (Westsinger), Graves, Bland (Blann). Harris, Roark, Sasser and Grant. Mrs. ,Tames W. Grant Rt. 2 Box 85 Hampton, Ark. 71744

WINKLER Samuel Lee Winkler, b. Sept. 11, 1877, SiJoam Springs (Benton Co.), Ark. m. Beatrice Land. Who were their parents? Mrs. Evelyn Winkler. Box :lGG Navajo. Arizona 8,,:,09 33


WATERS Desire to find the descendants of two Waters brothers who went to Arkansas ca 1878-79. They were: William Waters, 1>. 1815, Scriven Co., Ga., :m. ca 1838',to'Mary Fountain, who was born Dec. 28, .1814 and died Apr. 24, 1877 in Berrien Co., Ga. William died ca 1887 in Arkansas (where?). It is thought that all the children prtlbablywenttoArkansas since only one is found in the 1880 census of B.errien Co, Ga. His children were: . Missouri, b. 1839, m. 1st Jonathan Knight, m. 2nd.John Ellis Connell, Aug. 29, 1869; James, b. 1840. m. Susan Taylor; William. "Jr., b. 1842. wife not known; Seaborn. b~ 1844, m. Martha Lee; Frances, b. 1845, m .•John Ray; Lucy, b. 1848. m .. 1st Guilford Lee, 2nd Buck Dupree. Martha Lee Waters, wIfe of Seaborn,: was the only one in Georgia in 1880 census. James Waters, b. 1820, Scriven Co., Ga., m. ea 1840 to Lucinda Bagley. They moved to Ware Co:. Ga .• later Clinch Co" He was Sheriff and served in Civil War: he is thought to have gone ttl Arkansas with his brother William. HischildrElltwere: Elizabeth Ann. b.l842; Matthew M .. , b. 1843; James B .• b. 1845; Issac, b. 1847; Allen, b. 1849; Thomas N .• b.l851; Ann J., b. 1854; Lucinda, b, 18?6; and Amy M .. , b. 1858. Hinton W. Waters. Jr., M:D. 730 Adams Ave, Mori'tgomery;Ala. 36104

WILL] S Seeking informatIol! on family of Pete,' NLli!) , b. ctL 1765, d.,l&4(i. lh 1','90 census he i!J in Rutherford Co .•. N. C.; in 1820 in Franklin Co., TeIin; and, died early 1840 in Coffee Co. , (" Tenn. William Brice Willis appointed administrator of estate. Known children: Mary (Polly), b. 1790. m. Saul Camp. March 16, 1810, Rutherford Co,.,N. C .. ; Anderson, b. 1795, m. Julia ---, ca 1816; Lucinda, h, 1802, m, John Russey,:' Jan. Ii; 1819; Franklin Co .• Tenn.; and William Brice, b .. 1806" m. Rebecca McGowin, ca 1824, FranklinCo.; Tenn.; William Brice Willis and about 20 of his descendants are buried iIi Daingerfield, Texas cemetery. In 1800 census of Rutherford Co. ,. N. C. are David and James Willis, could be sons. In 1850 census, Anderson Willis and ,Julia are in Sevier. Co .. Ark; Dayid A. Willis and wife Cin­ thia live on next farm. In same county are found Albert Willis and wife Sally; Peter Willis and wife Grazella; both men age 28, born Tenn. In 1860 census of Sevier Co. we find .S .. F. Willis, b. 1795, N. C.; son W. B. Willis, b. Tenn .. 1835; and Alfred (B)Willis and wife Celia, b. 1822. Tenn. In 1880 census he is in Montague Co., Texas as A. B. Willis. Lee Anderson McKinney (1892) . , Rt. 2 Box 32 Park Hill, Okla. 74451

WILSON My gr-gr-·gr-grandmother, Sarah Wilson was born i.n S. C . .in i794. She m. George Boo" zer in Newberry Co., K C. Her brother, George L. Wpsonm. Sarah Davenport, moved to Mississippi ca 1855, then to Pike Co., Ark. about four years later. George L. Wilson had a son, .John W. Wilson. who was living in Nevada Co. ; Ark. in 1890. By his first wife he had the following chi1dren living in 1890: Sarah E .. ·• .James .M., JohnW. and William A. By his second wiJe he had the follOWing children living in 1890: .John R., William J., Mart,lla 1. and Nora A. Am anxious to exchange data with any descendants Of the,se 'Wilson families .. J. Floyd Bullock ( 521 Chestnut SL Camden, Ark.' 71701

WRIGHT Am seeking i.nforma/.ion on a William Wri.ght who may'have Hvednear- Lonoke, 'Ark. and died there Jan., 1876. He had a son, Flavius, who liyed atMountaiD. ValleySpri.ngs. Ark. Mrs. E. W. Hagemah Box 327 Bernice, La.' .71222' 34


At the January meeting of the officers and members of the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Genealobical Society, itwas decided to establish a Lending Library for the Society. Any member who wishes to borrowbboks will pay a fee of $2. 00, which would run for the . life of his membership. There would be a limit of two publications per person at anyone time, with a 30-day time limit for each publication. The borrower would be required to pay postage both ways. Below are listed the publications available from the Society: "A Graham Genealogy" by Bernice Graham Fowlkes. "The Fortenberry Family Tree", by Mrs. John J. Childers. ''Hancock-Cofer-Jones-Massie Families of Virginia and Kentucky" by Helen L. Bloore. "My Ozark Kin, Relatives and Ancestors of Jesse FrederickHarr~ngto'n;' byJ. F. Harrington "Genealogical History of the Langstons, Princes, Holtzclaws, H,?pkins, Starnes, and the Story of Rehoboth Church" by Mrs . .zora Langston Atkinson, "Layne - Lain - Lane" by Floyd Benjamin Layne. "A Lemley Genealogy" by J. B. Lemley. "The Pless Family" by John E. Rollow. "Captain John Rogers, Founder of Fort Smith, Arkansas" by Elsa Vaught. "Ancestry of Van Elizabeth Miller Smith" by Lee R. Smith. "The Stringer Family and Kin" by Alvin Ward Vogtle. "The Turrentine Family" by George Ruford Turrentine. "The Genealogy of the Sater-Dyer-McColloch Families" by Clem McColloch. "The Upton Family of Upton, Kentucky, 1735-1964" by Dr. James S. Upton. "Waldrip, Waldrope Researching Records" by Mrs. Kathryn Rose Bmmer. "Some Wilsons of Ulster" by Louis A. Stell. "A Withers-Downey Genealogy" by Virginia Pierce Gatewood. "Index to 1830 Census, Territory of Arkansas" by Mrs. Gerald B. McLane. "Index to 1840 Census of Arkansas" by Mrs. Gerald B. McLane and Mrs. Frank Cline. "Hot Spring County, Arkansas, Census of 1850" by Mrs. Gerald B. McLane .. "Sevier County, Arkansas, Census of 1850" by Mrs. Gerald B. McLane and Mrs. Capitola Glazner. "Marriage Records for Washington County, Arkansas, 1845-1869" by Deane G. Carter. "Marriages of Drew County, Arkansas, 1847-·1861" by Jennie Belle Lyle. "Arkansas Genealogical Research Aid" edited by Mrs. William H. Counts. "Arkansas Justice Guide" by D. D .. Glover, Jr. "Little Rock Junior College" by J. H. Atkinson. ''The Civil War Letters of Captain Elliot H. Fletcher" edited by J, ,H. Atkinson. "The Battle of Prairie Grove" by Maj. Gen. Samuel Jones, reprinted by Mrs. W. W., Vaught. "Who is Who in Arkansas, Vol. I" compiled by Chester C. Allard." . "Arkansas Lives" by Dr. John L. Ferguson. "Early Settlers of Cane Hill" by Ellen Earle ,Richardson. ' "Handy Book for Genealogists" by George B. Everton, Sr. "The How Book for Genealogists" by George B. Everton, Sr. "San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists, Vol. I" by Louis J.Rasmussen. "San Francisco Historic Record and. Genealogy Bulletin" edited by. Louis J. Rasmussen. "Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications" by Tennessee State Library and Archives. "The Earliest Marriage Records of Hancock Co. Miss., 1853-65"by Rosemary F. Lovell. "Federal Population Censuses, 1790-1890" . "Colinty Government and Archives in Pennsylvania" "Lincoln, Mass. Vital Records to 1850. "Old Fort Smith" "Genealogy and History" Vol. 1 thru 25, 1940-,1964. Order each volume separately.