Congressional Record—Senate S709

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Congressional Record—Senate S709 February 7, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S709 commit ourselves to addressing the in- Resolved, That the Senate— him to the bill H.R. 695, of 1993 to es- equalities we must still overcome to (1) congratulates the entire Philadelphia tablish a voluntary national criminal empower female athletes in our Nation. Eagles organization on their triumph in history background check system and Mr. President, I yield the floor. Super Bowl LII; criminal history review program for (2) commends the Philadelphia Eagles fans f for their devotion, enthusiasm, and persist- certain individuals who, related to their employment, have access to chil- SENATE RESOLUTION 399—CON- ence over the past 58 years; and (3) requests that the Secretary of the Sen- dren, the elderly, or individuals with GRATULATING THE PHILADEL- ate prepare an enrolled version of this reso- disabilities, and for other purposes; PHIA EAGLES ON THEIR TRI- lution for presentation to— which was ordered to lie on the table; UMPH IN SUPER BOWL LII (A) the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, as follows: Mr. TOOMEY (for himself and Mr. Jeffrey Robert Lurie; and Strike section 8004. (B) the head coach of the Philadelphia Ea- CASEY) submitted the following resolu- gles, Douglas Irving Pederson. tion; which was considered and agreed SA 1928. Mr. WICKER submitted an to: f amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 695 of 1993 to estab- S. RES. 399 AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND PROPOSED lish a voluntary national criminal his- Whereas, on February 4, 2018, the Philadel- tory background check system and phia Eagles became champions of the Na- SA 1926. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an criminal history review program for tional Football League by defeating the New amendment intended to be proposed by him England Patriots 41–33 in Super Bowl LII; to the bill H.R. 1892, to amend title 4, United certain individuals who, related to Whereas, with this victory the Philadel- States Code, to provide for the flying of the their employment, have access to chil- phia Eagles won their first Super Bowl in flag at half-staff in the event of the death of dren, the elderly, or individuals with franchise history and fourth National Foot- a first responder in the line of duty; which disabilities, and for other purposes; ball League Championship; was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table; Whereas the Eagles, a franchise born in the SA 1927. Mr. DAINES submitted an amend- as follows: depths of the Great Depression, forged in the ment intended to be proposed by him to the At the appropriate place, insert the fol- furnace of South Philadelphia, has come to bill H.R. 695, of 1993 to establish a voluntary lowing: represent the resiliency, ingenuity, and for- national criminal history background check titude of the great people of the ‘‘City of system and criminal history review program TITLE ll—VESSEL INCIDENTAL Brotherly Love’’; for certain individuals who, related to their DISCHARGE ACT Whereas the fans of the Eagles, whose de- employment , have access to children, the el- SEC. ll01. SHORT TITLE. votion and enthusiasm is renowned through- derly, or individuals with disabilities, and This title may be cited as the ‘‘Vessel Inci- out sport, have waited for this moment for 58 for other purposes; which was ordered to lie dental Discharge Act’’. years; on the table. SEC. ll02. DEFINITIONS. Whereas this Eagles team, written off by SA 1928. Mr. WICKER submitted an amend- In this title: the rest of the world after suffering numer- ment intended to be proposed by him to the (1) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘Adminis- ous injuries to key players, took the field in bill H.R. 695, supra; which was ordered to lie trator’’ means the Administrator of the En- Minneapolis as the underdog, as they had on the table. vironmental Protection Agency. been in every previous playoff game, despite SA 1929. Mr. WICKER submitted an amend- (2) AQUATIC NUISANCE SPECIES.—The term having the best record in the National Foot- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ‘‘aquatic nuisance species’’ means a non- ball League; bill H.R. 1892, to amend title 4, United States indigenous species (including a pathogen, Whereas quarterback Nicholas Edward Code, to provide for the flying of the flag at microbe, or virus) that threatens the diver- Foles, stepping in for injured star quarter- half-staff in the event of the death of a first sity or abundance of native species or the ec- back Carson James Wentz, commanded the responder in the line of duty; which was or- ological stability of waters of the United field with an uncanny precision, calmness, dered to lie on the table. States, or commercial, agricultural, and leadership that earned him recognition SA 1930. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an aquacultural, or recreational activities de- as the Most Valuable Player of the Super amendment to the bill H.R. 1892, supra. pendent on such waters. Bowl; SA 1931. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an (3) BALLAST WATER.— Whereas head coach Douglas Irving amendment to amendment SA 1930 proposed (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘ballast water’’ Pederson displayed an emotional intel- by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill H.R. 1892, means any water and suspended matter ligence, creativity, and aggressiveness exem- supra. taken on board a commercial vessel— plified in the ‘‘Philly Special,’’ a fourth down SA 1932. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an (i) to control or maintain trim, draught, play call that involved undrafted rookie run- amendment to the bill H.R. 1892, supra. stability, or stresses of the commercial ves- ning back Corey Joel Clement taking the di- SA 1933. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an sel, regardless of how such water and matter rect snap and pitching the football to amendment to amendment SA 1932 proposed is carried; or undrafted tight end Trey Burton, who threw by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill H.R. 1892, (ii) during the cleaning, maintenance, or the football to the backup quarterback Foles supra. other operation of a ballast tank or ballast for a touchdown in the last minute of the SA 1934. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an water management system of the commer- first half; amendment to amendment SA 1933 proposed cial vessel. Whereas the play of the dominating offen- by Mr. MCCONNELL to the amendment SA (B) EXCLUSIONS.—The term ‘‘ballast water’’ sive line, anchored by veterans David Lane 1932 proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill does not include any substance that is added Johnson and Jason Kelce, provided peerless H.R. 1892, supra. to water described in subparagraph (A) that protection for the passers, enabled multiple f is directly related to the operation of a prop- clutch catches by the acrobatic receiving TEXT OF AMENDMENTS erly functioning ballast water management corps and tight ends, and paved the way for system. hard earned rushing yards by the trio of tal- SA 1926. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an (4) BALLAST WATER DISCHARGE STANDARD.— ented tailbacks; amendment intended to be proposed by The term ‘‘ballast water discharge standard’’ Whereas the vaunted Eagles defense, engi- him to the bill H.R. 1892, to amend title means— neered by coordinator James John Schwartz, 4, United States Code, to provide for (A) the numerical ballast water discharge led by All-Pros Fletcher Cox and Malcolm the flying of the flag at half-staff in standard set forth in section 151.2030 of title Damari Jenkins, took charge in the waning 33, Code of Federal Regulations, or section moments of the fourth quarter when Bran- the event of the death of a first re- 151.1511 of such title (as in effect on the date don Lee Graham forced the opposing quarter- sponder in the line of duty; which was of the enactment of this Act); or back to fumble the football into the waiting ordered to lie on the table; as follows: (B) if the standard described in subpara- hands of rookie Derek Anthony Barnett; At the appropriate place, insert the fol- graph (A) has been revised under section Whereas the consistent play of the special lowing: ll06, such revised standard. teams, led by rookie Jake Daniel Elliot and SEC. l. EXTENSION OF THE MATERNAL, INFANT, (5) BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.— 14-year veteran Donald Scott ‘‘Bag O’Bones’’ AND EARLY CHILDHOOD HOME VIS- The term ‘‘ballast water management sys- Jones, helped seal the fate of the game; ITING PROGRAM. tem’’ means any system, including all bal- Whereas the ownership of Jeffrey Robert Section 511(j)(1)(H) of the Social Security last water treatment equipment and all asso- Lurie and the management of Howard Rose- Act (42 U.S.C. 711(j)(1)(H)) is amended by ciated control and monitoring equipment, man have truly built a franchise that should striking ‘‘fiscal year 2017’’ and inserting that processes ballast water— be recognized as the ‘‘gold standard’’; and ‘‘each of fiscal years 2017 through 2019’’. (A) to kill, render nonviable, or remove or- Whereas sports talk radio in southeastern ganisms; or Pennsylvania may never be the same: Now, SA 1927. Mr. DAINES submitted an (B) to avoid the uptake or discharge of or- therefore, be it amendment intended to be proposed by ganisms. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:55 Feb 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07FE6.029 S07FEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 7, 2018 (6) BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY ECONOMI- (II) rubbish, trash, garbage, incinerator United States’’ has the meaning given that CALLY ACHIEVABLE.—The term ‘‘best avail- ash, or other such material discharged over- term in section 2101(17a) of title 46, United able technology economically achievable’’ board; States Code.
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