Issue 52 Winter 2008 Price £3 newsforum The London Forum working to protect and improve the quality of life in London The London Forum of Amenity and Civic Societies Founded 1988 w

In this issue 1 The Battle for London’s Skyline 8 Spotlight on Tottenham Civic 15 News briefs: key issues and 3 London Forum AGM Society concerns to note Spotlight on 4 Philip Kolvin at the AGM 10 The restoration of Parliament 16 London Forum Tottenham Civic 5 The Planning Aid Service Square 6 The Credit Crunch and Housing 12 News from the Mayor and GLA Society Page 8 in London 13 Round the Societies

London’s skyline: proposals for more towers The Battle for London’s Skyline continues A string of towers on the South Bank - is this the way to establish a cluster? Peter Eversden looks at the latest proposals

oris Johnson came to power pro- The Three Sisters Tower can be seen only in limited areas. claiming that, although he had nothing There has been Press criticism of Mayor Additional material showed that the impact Bagainst tall buildings, they should be in Johnson for changing his mind about what on other views, including views from St. appropriate locations, such as the City, Canary are dubbed The Three Ugly Sisters at the James’s Park and of County Hall and the Wharf and Croydon. He also stated his Elizabeth House site by Waterloo station. Royal Festival Hall, would not be significant. opposition to two towers in Blackfriars Road, In July 2008 the GLA told Lambeth Council In response to the revised application, on the grounds they would impinge on historic that the proposed towers would almost fill in the Waterloo Community Development views, in this case from St James's Park. the gap that exists between Big Ben and Group (WCDG), a London Forum member, While the government still talks of Portcullis House, and would diminish the concluded that the proposals at ground “empowering” people at every opportunity, impact of the rest of the World Heritage Site. level are a major improvement on the the Mayor already seems to be back-tracking However by October 2008, after the current development and regeneration of in his opposition. The London Plan policies Minister, Hazel Blears, had called in the the site is welcome, and therefore do not of his predecessor was for high buildings plans for her own determination, Boris consider outstanding misgivings regarding near to all stations with good public Johnson was “content to allow Lambeth the design as sufficient to warrant refusal. transport and for maximisation of use of all Council to determine the case itself”, subject The WCDG has outstanding concerns development sites. Those can be acceptable to any action that the Secretary of State may relating to microclimate, the lack of policies if new structures are context take, and was no longer wishing to direct affordable housing and community benefits sensitive, do not harm strategic views and refusal. Although the proposals will be from the section 106 package. have housing density that conforms to the visible from the Westminster World Heritage London Plan range for each site. Site, “the views are kinetic and will vary The Doon Street Tower - a legal challenge Rowan Moore has written that the problems from different viewpoints”; that, because of English Heritage and Westminster City arising are a reflection on the failure of higher its distance from the World Heritage Site, Council are planning to issue a legal authorities - the last Mayor and central across the River Thames, it will be read as challenge to the decision of Communities government - to establish a coherent plan for background elements and not damage the Secretary Hazel Blears in August 2008 to tall buildings in London. Could it be, as Moore outstanding universal value of the WHS. As approve the controversial 144m Doon says, that “officials have told Mayor Johnson for the setting of County Hall and the Royal Street tower on London's South Bank. that he can't reverse 's Festival Hall and other views identified in The then Mayor, Ken Livingstone, wrote London Plan overnight, and has to stand by the London View Management Framework, in 2007 that the proposed tower would meet the Plan's support for higher buildings near the impact “is not sufficiently intrusive to the London Plan criteria for assessing tall railway stations. If so, they are wrong”. justify refusing planning permission.” buildings; accorded with guidance set out in Recent cases have shown the problems The applicant had provided additional the draft Waterloo Development Framework; that can arise in one strip of land on the information to demonstrate the visibility of and would have an acceptable impact on south of the Thames joining opportunity the proposals from the Westminster World views identified in the London View areas that have planning frameworks Heritage Site. This showed that the merging Management Framework. The developers, seeking intensification of use. between the proposal and St. Stephen’s Coin Street Community Builders argued the

news forum Winter 2008 1 London’s skyline: the proposals for more towers (continued) Stop press - tower plans halted

Several “landmark” developments across London have been halted as the property market continues to weaken. Towers at Blackfriars Road, the “Cheesegrater” skyscraper at Leadenhall Street, and the “Walkie Talkie” tower at Fenchurch Street are among them.

43-storey tower was needed to fund a Mayor for its housing, ground floor design public swimming pool and sports centre. and climate change mitigation and adaptation However at a 3 week public inquiry, last The Secretary of State seems but is an acceptable structure as part of a spring, the independent Inspector to have dismissed the London planned cluster of tall buildings in the area. recommended rejection of the proposals because the tower would cause serious Plan and its policies on tall The Albert Embankment damage, “intruding and overwhelming” many buildings. No.10: Overlooking the Thames, 650m local views. The impact on London-wide views north of Vauxhall station a proposal for a 14 from St James’ Park and from Somerset storey apart-hotel is opposed by local House was considered unacceptable and residents as out of keeping with the were alone grounds for refusal. Obviously we do not consider this matter surrounding area, and for its impact on the closed and we are considering our next appreciation of the riverside and the Minister overturns Inspector’s decision steps and the options open to us." unacceptable sense of enclosure to the Blears has now over-ruled the Inspector and detriment of the surrounding occupiers. her own advisers, rejecting concerns and Blackfriars Road towers On the eastern side of Albert legal arguments by a number of The Waterloo Community Development Embankment, at 38-46 300m north of organisations including English Heritage, Group has been, or will be, involved in four Vauxhall Cross, the Mayor has challenged Westminster City Council and the Royal public inquiries for proposed towers on the flood resistance, sound insulation and the Parks over the project. She admitted that South Bank. quality of social rented units proposed in a English Heritage was right to raise fears over In addition to those above, they are 23 storey (75m) building. views from Somerset House, which would opposing a 175M Beetham Tower at Of the proposed development at no. 20 , face the development across the River 1 Blackfriars Road by the bridge, with £8M even CABE has concerns. They commented Thames, and that the application is not in luxury flats, a seven storey hotel, nothing that the footprint of the three towers and accordance with the local development plan. for the community and in an area with poor their layouts have lead to tight spaces But she argued that the scheme met public transport. between them, with open space between national policy requirements, and would The group is also fighting a 140m high towers one and two considered heavily bring "substantial community benefits." tower behind it. constrained and not providing a pleasant She argued that the omission of affordable Westminster City Council has expressed environment. CABE is also concerned that housing fell within the exceptions provided itself forcefully on the proposed towers, which this closeness will impinge on the privacy of for in the unitary development plan due to would appear in views from St James's Park. residents. They conclude that these issues its social infrastructure provision, and are a direct result of the proposed quantum concluded that the lack of provision of 157-183 Waterloo Road of proposed development. affordable housing was not in conflict with It is proposed to replace a redundant seven The GLA accepted the scheme, saying the development plan. storey office block just south of Waterloo that the loss of light and privacy are not The Secretary of State seems to have station by a hotel of up to twelve storeys. strategic planning issues and will be dismissed the London Plan and its policies The GLA advised Lambeth Council that the assessed by the local planning authority. on tall buildings. design and lack of context sensitivity of the The devaluation of property and the loss of development did not conform to the policies view from private properties are not English Heritage “appalled” of the London Plan. planning matters. A statement from English Heritage said: "We [are] appalled to learn that the secretary York Road ex-hospital site Planning Bill: one piece of good news of state has not only overturned the advice There are plans for conversion of the listed At last, one piece of good news has emerged of English Heritage as her expert advisors, former General Lying-In Hospital near as the Planning Bill continues towards but she has also chosen to ignore the County Hall that would include a new 16 becoming law with, so far, few amendments. learned opinion of an independent Inspector. storey building. There had been a proposal to set up local English Heritage finds it incomprehensible The Mayor has asked for submission of member review panels to determine "minor" that her reason for doing so was because information to ensure the proposal complies appeals, which put elected members in an she considered that community benefits with London Plan policies 4B.16-18, the invidious position and placing local outweigh harm to the historic environment London View Management Framework, and authorities in the ridiculous situation of as though one must be at the sacrifice of the to demonstrate that it does not adversely having to determine whether or not to decide other. There are alternative options that impact the World Heritage Site. against their own decisions! Minister would have provided the same community Baroness Andrews has conceded that, after benefits but would have been more Vauxhall Sky Gardens listening to stakeholders' views, the sensitive, without causing serious damage A 35 storey (120m) tower 500m south of provision will be dropped. to historic buildings spaces and views. Vauxhall Cross has been criticised by the

2 news forum Winter 2008 London Forum AGM 15 October 2008 Other AGM matters London Forum AGM marks it’s 21st year Chairman Peter Eversden welcomed members and the Amendments to the Constitution. Changes had been circulated and were guest speaker Philip Kolvin, chairman of the Civic Trust, to summarised by the Chairman: the City Temple Conference Centre, a new venue, our usual - to amend the nomination clause to state that a Trustee must be a member venue at The Gallery being unavailable that evening. of the Charity or the nominated hairman’s AGM Address plans to respond to the issues raised at a representative of an organisation that It always amazes me that we cover meeting in November. is a member of the Charity or be Cso much and are able to be involved nominated by two members of the in so many activities. The office space we Financial report Executive Committee. have at the Alan Baxter and Associates In Andrew Coleman's absence, the - to clarify that the President and Vice building is immensely appreciated.. Chairman drew attention to the key points. Presidents are not trustees by virtue For the last seven years we have been We had fewer late subscriptions received of their office; involved in the London Plan development in the accounts than in previous years and a - to bring wording for trustees into line and last year was intensive. You will have 130% increase in our expenses above the with the Charity Commission's seen from our reports that we felt some previous year’s level due to our special recommendations; satisfaction with what we achieved at the projects, so all that has reduced our current - to clarify that the Chair, Secretary and examination in public of the latest alterations, assets. He thanked Andrew for his work as Treasurer will be elected for a 3 year but some frustration also. We have taken up Treasurer, and Simon Baddeley for term like other trustees; outstanding issues with the new head of the examining the accounts. - to add the ability to serve notices by London Plan team, Andrew Barry-Purssell, electronic communications. and will also pursue them with the deputy Election of Officers and Honorary The first amendment is proposed because mayor, Sir Simon Milton. has Independent Examiner there are insufficient volunteers coming published his proposals for consultation on One third of the trustees each year should forward from member Societies; we must further changes to the plan, so the work formally stand down and may be nominated have a full complement of trustees in order will continue to occupy us considerably. for re-election. Andrew Coleman (Hon to enable us to meet our charitable objects. The Department for Communities and Treasurer), Haydn Mylchreest membership The changes were accepted unanimously Local Government has issued a flood of secretary (Battersea Society) and Jim and the revised constitution will be consultations and planning policy changes in Nicolson (Vauxhall Society). were all willing submitted to the Charity Commission. the last year, much of it aimed at reducing to offer themselves for re-election and, the need for planning applications and for having been duly proposed and seconded Annual subscriptions community involvement in development all three were unanimously re-elected, as Subscriptions have not been raised for six control. We have worked directly, and through was Simon Baddeley. years but costs have increased year by year. the Civic Trust and other organisations, to try In particular the new ‘Large Letter’ postal to ensure that the outcome will not harm our Committee news;David Lewis steps down rate has added a significant cost to the democratic rights, and conservation areas, David Lewis (Battersea Society) has mailing of our 600 copies of our newsletter. and not jeopardise our ‘empowerment’, unfortunately resigned as a Trustee of the We have been helped by a grant from the under the new Government proposals. We London Forum in order to concentrate on his Civic Trust but we must avoid any further will continue to work to help all our work for the next three years as Chairman of erosion of our reserves. So the London members to become “engaged”. the Snowdonia Society, in addition to his Forum will have to make an increase in its work in the Battersea Society. He has been subscriptions. It is hoped that members Last year’s significant events a very active trustee, contributing have found the Forum to be good value and I thank our Vice Presidents for organising and tremendously to our work, particularly in that we can continue to be that in future. managing the Walter Bor Media Awards. leading on our involvement in climate Our members web sites, publications, change, environment and waste subjects, in An appeal for help press liaison and campaigning were most preparing and giving some of the evidence The success of our work relies on the time impressive and useful to others. for the London Plan examination, and in and effort of volunteers from member Thanks to the work of David Lewis our own commissioning and maintaining our web Societies. It is our 21st year and it is hoped Web Site was launched. Following his site. David has said he will continue to help to have another Thames cruise, this time departure we are looking for a webmaster to the London Forum when he can. In travelling up river, and other open meetings. assist with its maintenance and any offers recognition of his work for us the Chairman We need your help for this work. would be appreciated. I thank members for sought approval of David’s appointment as a Please consider what volunteers you could providing us with an e-mail address. It makes Vice President of the London Forum. This find for us. We would like to hear from it far easier to keep you up to date with was agreed unanimously, as was a vote of individual society members who have news, consultation opportunities, events and thanks to the Trustees individually for their skills and enthusiasm in: various topics that cannot wait for the next work during the past year. Website management; organising newsletter. Hopefully, you are able to pass Best wishes were expressed for a speedy events;preparing critiques and on some of the items as you develop your recovery to our Honorary Secretary, Stephen consultation responses of planning own email lists of your members. Thornton, who is in hospital following an proposals from the GLA and Central Our five-yearly survey attracted a very operation; and also to our Treasurer, Andrew Government and assisting in preparing high response rate from members and we Coleman for his wife, who has been very ill. other submissions. will shortly let you have the results and our news forum Winter 2008 3 London Forum AGM 15 October 2008 Philip Kolvin at the London Forum AGM Philip Kolvin congratulated the London Forum on its achievements saying that if it didn’t exist it would have to be invented. It is an independent voice for the people of London. Peter Eversden and Helen Marcus summarize his address

hilip Kolvin began by paying tribute to wanted the Civic Trust to do. However, the the London Forum and in particular to People have the talents and income from civic society subscriptions is Ptrustee and Committee member only £60,000 and the cost of legal service Michael Hammerson for the immensely imagination and can help support alone is around double that. He valuable voluntary work he does for the wants to ring-fence funds for collecting input Civic Trust on responses to Government community cohesion and plant from societies and speaking on their behalf. consultations. the seeds of citizenship and To employ a policy officer, a campaigner, a press officer, someone making sure Environmental Assessment democracy guidance and training is produced and the He then discussed and explained supply of web based facilities and Environmental Assessments in the context publications would cost £250,000 annually. of his campaigning work at Crystal Palace. the talents and imagination and can help That would be the equivalent of 65p for each These are now required for developments. community cohesion and plant the seeds of member of the Civic Trust societies if Community groups should challenge poor citizenship and democracy in making sure donated by Gift Aid. Therefore building up a schemes and ensure that requirements of community groups embrace all people. membership of individual subscribers would local people are expressed in policies. Societies have to take up the baton for local support the work and could help to Societies should engage widely for input people and we need a strong national strengthen the Civic Trust to be more into what is wanted. movement now. effective. It could lead, also, to legacy The UK still has no mechanism to provide income which had been significant for CPRE. Environmental Assessment on reserve Experience at CPRE matter schemes. John Prescott had ignored Philip had been on the board of CPRE and Problems to solve all requests from campaigners at Crystal admired its central team of fifteen policy The problem is that the Civic Trust has no Palace. Philip therefore asked for the officers with good access to Government information about the members of its intervention of the European Commission on and other departments. Feedback from member organisations and many societies the grounds of inadequate Environmental their local groups was important and he do not have email addresses of their Assessment. The Commission brought a emphasised that it is key that information members. claim against the UK in the European Court flows in both directions from local, regional Societies are not sufficiently aware of the of Justice which found for their case; they and national levels. full range of activities, support to local succeeded in stopping an inappropriate authorities and award schemes that the development and the developer pulled out. The attraction of the Civic Trust Civic Trust is carrying out. They would form Only recently had he received news that their The attractions to join the Civic Trust board the basis of more such achievements at a file was at last closed. He wryly observed for him had been the work done on the night local level. that the whole process had taken fifty time economy, ‘NightVision’; the way it is It will be important for the Civic Trust to percent longer than World War Two! not just a conservation organisation but runs support societies in their work and to guide Running a consultation exercise at a local constructive initiatives such as the Civic them towards greater participation in the school on the very day that 9/11 had Trust award schemes, the regeneration new working arrangements that the happened in the USA, had set him thinking. projects and work in rejuvenating High Government proposes in the Communities He had initially felt embarrassed but he Streets; the campaigning and involvement in Control White Paper. The Civic Trust has realised that the consultation had real of local people; the Heritage Open Days applied to the DCLG for an empowerment significance for democracy and the scheme and, most important, the strength grant, and as a national network of democratic process. The local authority was of 750 societies with a quarter of a million community groups it delivers precisely to suborning the will of the people. It is getting people as members. That’s more members these requirements. It aims to help its more and more difficult for local people, than the political parties! Imagine what members and their local residents to be with rules cascading down and huge power could be achieved if you could harness just a more engaged with their local authority and given to small numbers of people who are fraction of that energy and talent. participate in all that happens in their area not delivering. New permitted development The Civic Trust is a 51 year old organisation, towards a better quality of life for all people. rules, for instance, are going to have a big formed when there were 3,000 civic impact on people who will in future not even societies. He had found the Civic Trust The aim for the future know when some intrusive development is mansion rather gothic and rusted and wants Philip aims to strengthen the civic initiated by their next door neighbour. to create a model of a responsive organisation movement by securing involvement by It has unleashed much anger but also with trustees answerable to the regions and people everywhere, including areas where much talent. We can all act in small local with much more responsiveness to local there are no societies now, but where there ways for our immediate community. People groups. To be a member of a civic society is to are activists and volunteers who share our should ask themselves what they are be a model citizen, exercising citizenship. aims, and create an organisation that will influencing and achieving and make sure Philip mentioned the long list of things win the respect of local people. they have a full participatory role. They have Peter Eversden had emphasised that he

4 news forum Winter 2008 Planning Aid for London Your local Planning Aid service We are delighted that Carol Ryall and Roz Corbett of Planning Aid for London have agreed to bring you regular articles on changes to the planning system and issues of interest in London. Here they introduce the work of the organisation and discuss recent planning changes

lanning Aid for London is one of ten Useful websites Whilst not all will welcome some relaxation services in England, all of which were of development, others will now be able to Pestablished to assist individuals and For more information, or should you maximise use of their home. Whilst the communities to understand and access the need direct help from Planning Aid, then changes will make it easier for householders, planning system. These organisations are do contact us on 020 7247 4900 or they may also reduce the number of planning very small compared with the areas they are email [email protected] applications received by local Councils - set up to assist. To provide a service for the Information about various web sites this should free up planners to work on whole of London for example, PAL has only in connection with this article is on the more complex and lengthy proposals. recently managed to establish 3 community back page outreach staff and 3 planning advisors to Planning Performance Agreements (PPA) deal with around 600 enquiries every year PAL is not a campaigning organisation Also introduced earlier this year, a PPA is and a wide range of other activities. and must remain independent in all its work, an agreement between a local planning With limited resources it is unable to help preferring instead to support individuals and authority (LPA) and a developer, designed to everyone and therefore focuses its advice communities to give their views. The charity improve the handling of large scale and more services on those who need it most. For currently has over 100 volunteers including complex sites, those likely to contain many different land uses. The agreement seeks to those who cannot afford the services of a many professional full time planners and improve the quality of decision-making planning consultant the advice is free. For barristers who give up their leisure time to through greater transparency and certainty, those who can afford to pay (or pay assist PAL and its clients. and ensure that LPA’s and developers appoint something) there are two additional sufficient resources to the planning services. The first is a phone advice service Planning Changes:Permitted Development proposals. PPAs may also encourage early for those who may need immediate support Recent changes to the planning system, consideration of the impacts of development but who then need no further assistance – a issued October 2008, relating to ‘permitted and engagement with local communities on small fee is chargeable. The second is a development’ (PD) rights reflect the balancing the project vision and objectives. The standard consultancy service which, on a act that planning has occasionally to perform. agreement is however voluntary. competitive fee basis, assists largely small PD effectively provides a ‘given’ planning An LPA must inform Communities and businesses, faith groups and individuals. permission for certain forms of development Local Government of its intended use of a Whilst the consultancy feeds some providing you keep within certain restrictions. PPA. The development proposal will then be welcome income to the charity, the free These rights do not apply if you live in a removed from what would otherwise be a service will always remain PAL’s main focus. designated area, such as a Conservation ‘Best Value’ requirement. What this means is it In addition to planning advice, PAL undertakes Area, National Park, Area of Outstanding effectively allows the LPA and developer to projects which involve people in planning in a Natural Beauty or the Norfolk/Suffolk negotiate flexible timescales for the decision- variety of ways, in particular young people, Broads. There are also special restrictions if making process that reflect the circumstances who are rarely consulted on planning you live in a listed building or if you live in of the particular proposal, rather than having issues but who are the future recipients of an area covered by Article 4 Directions. to meet the standard 13 week decision target our planning decisions. Through youth Owners of houses (not flats), outside for other planning applications. A proposal groups, schools and colleges, we work to those areas, will now be able to make cannot become a PPA after submission. encourage young people not only to take part certain types of minor changes without PPA Charters have also been introduced. in that decision-making but to consider needing to apply for planning permission. If they expect to use PPAs regularly a local careers in planning and the built environment. Go beyond those restrictions and planning Council may choose to develop a PPA We have secured a number of placements for permission will need to be sought. You will Charter. This should establish how the LPA young people with planning organisations and be able to construct or replace a hardstand will work with stakeholders when dealing employed planning students providing all with or driveway up to 5 square metres in the with complex development projects. The valuable work experience. front garden using traditional materials. Any Charter should include a statement of the We work with a number of London hardstand or driveway in the front garden Council’s expectations for community Boroughs, undertaking consultations on greater than 5 sq m is also allowed as long as involvement and should be in line with it’s new policy documents or development it is constructed using porous materials. This Statement of Community Involvement. proposals, and finding hard to reach groups reflects the increasing use of front gardens So far we have little evidence of the use and working with them to develop their for parking, whilst recognising that the and/or success of both PPAs and PPA views. Assisting residents facing major extension of hard surfacing has vastly added Charters, although we are aware that several change on their estates is a key challenge, to surface water run-off leading, in some Councils and developers in London have and we have, in partnership with Councils locations, to serious flooding during storms. started to use them; the LB of Haringey is and housing associations, set up residents’ Not every one will be happy with this of currently consulting on its PPA Charter. groups, working with them to develop the course; front garden parking can, for Check out if your planning authority is using relevant skills necessary to secure example, remove or limit usable on-street or intends to use PPAs or Charters. If they involvement from the beginning of the parking and has often resulted in the loss are, let us know if you feel this has made a development process. of traditional garden walls and railings. difference to the process. news forum Winter 2008 5 Housing The Credit Crunch and Housing in London Duncan Bowie, of London Metropolitan University, assesses the impact of the credit crunch and the broader economic downturn on the ability of all sectors to meet housing needs and demand in our capital city.

he impact of the credit crunch is already Opportunities being felt acutely, not only in terms of It is essential that housing The current market does provide some Tsignificant falls in house prices but in the opportunities to improve the quality of the collapse of the development programme. supply keeps up with development pipeline. Where developers Both the market slowdown and the broader are mothballing projects not yet started economic downturn hit the ability of the demographic growth.The because they are no longer profitable, there housing programme in all sectors to meet urgency of corrective action is an opportunity to redesign the scheme to housing needs and demand in our capital city. provide more marketable housing and to Homelessness, overcrowding, poor quality cannot be understated. increase the quantum of affordable housing. housing and the lack of affordable housing, This will in some cases mean significant remain serious problems for many reductions in unit density, but with larger households in London. It is essential that homes, could still house a similar number of housing supply keeps up with demographic people to the original assumption. It will growth. The urgency of corrective action What should be done now? generally mean less highrise development. cannot be understated. The main Government policy objective should If the Victoria scheme can be redesigned to be to increase the supply of affordable housing. meet affordable housing policy targets, so The problem and the lessons This has two components: increasing the can other schemes. Redesign may need It might be argued that those of us who want overall supply of housing, and ensuring that the significantly higher rates of Housing more affordable housing should welcome supply of both existing and new housing in all Corporation grant per unit, but this will be falling house prices. We are all aware that tenures is of good quality and more affordable money well spent. house prices have been at an unsustainable for households on middle and lower incomes. The GLA, boroughs and the Housing level, inflated by over generous lending We must learn from our mistakes so that Corporation should be reviewing every policies by banks and building societies, they are not repeated in the future. But we unimplemented residential planning consent which are only now regarded as must focus attention on what corrective in London and talking to landowners, irresponsible. With the restrictions on action can be taken now. developers and housing associations about mortgage lending, effective demand has The focus of Government policy should revisions required and how much subsidy is fallen off, so prices will fall further before they also be on reducing both the capital and necessary to get the scheme started. We match effective purchasing power in the revenue cost of housing to applicants rather cannot afford to wait until the new Homes current lending market. than providing financial incentives to existing and Communities Agency is up and running. As well as there being a lesson for banks households to assist them to access Government agencies have to be proactive and other lenders, and a reminder for housing, which is otherwise unaffordable. now rather than waiting for developers to Government that some regulation of both This latter strategy by increasing effective come forward with proposals. The Housing the lending market and development might demand in an unregulated market, will serve Corporation’s ‘market engagement’ process be required, there is also a serious lesson only to increase the price of existing and new needs to be speeded up with clear and quick for developers – build only what is housing. Market stabilisation is not achieved investment decision criteria. marketable – not just in terms of immediate by artificial boosting of sales values. Government and local authorities should demand but in terms of long term housing Much of the development programme promote the provision of affordable housing requirements. under construction, but not saleable in the through subsidised land disposal to housing There has for some time been a surfeit of current market, is unsuitable for use of associations and developers linked to the undesirable small flats in dense and social rented housing for families. It is provision of affordable housing in accordance generally high-rise developments, often in important that the Housing Corporation with policy targets. Government, public not very attractive locations, and I have does not waive its normal standards to buy sector agencies and local authorities should always been puzzled by the optimism of up flats, which are inappropriate. It should review business management assumptions some developers and their advisers about however look at funding housing predicated on disposing of land and assets at assumptions on sales values- perhaps associations to purchase schemes, which do full unconstrained market value. Local persuaded by their own marketing hype. include significant numbers of low rise 3 authorities in disposing of land for affordable However, I also take the view that while bedroom or larger properties, and be very housing should have regard to the revenue refusal of a planning application for a tough on negotiating discounts from savings arising from lower homelessness and development on the grounds that it is developers. Use of public money has to be related social service and education costs. unsaleable may not be strictly valid in cost effective and focused on output not on planning law, planners should have made bailing out specific developers. Some house The local authority role more effort, through clearer development builders are in urgent need of cash flow and Local authorities are central to the process. briefs and planning policies on housing mix, the public sector should not miss this They should be empowered and enabled to to ensure that the development pipeline opportunity. Some house builders would guarantee the mortgages of households was more appropriate to meeting London’s rather take 50% of the assumed whom they have nominated to both shared long-term housing requirements. hypothetical market value than nothing at all. ownership and outright ownership homes.

6 news forum Winter 2008 Housing Duncan Bowie

Former Strategic Planner at the Greater London Authority, Duncan Bowie is currently Reader in Urban Planning and Regeneration, Department of Applied Social Studies and Department of Architecture and Spatial Design, at London Metropolitan University

There is a case for councils re-establishing establish the direct regeneration subsidy knowledge of housing market factors, their own mortgage programmes. There is schemes that previously existed in the funding arrangements and development also a case for local authorities to Estate Renewal Challenge Fund and Single viability. Government and academic undertake development directly, especially Regeneration Budget programmes. institutions should focus on supporting where land is in their ownership. The relevant higher education courses and Wandsworth ‘hidden homes’ scheme has The longer term policy issues Continuous Professional Development been a positive initiative and could be Returning to the longer term issues, (CPD) provision. followed by other boroughs with surplus Government should consider re-establishing Government also needs to promote the land, so long as there are strict criteria on the previous total cost indicator grant based positive role of planning and the importance location and quality of output. regime. This will relate subsidy to the need of collaboration with other professions. New shared ownership schemes should to fund reasonable costs not met by rent There is also a need to shift the focus from be discouraged, especially where they income within the target rent framework. It development control to plan making, involve small units and/or small initial equity will remove the reliance of the affordable monitoring and developing appropriate stakes. There is a strong case for converting housing programme on cross subsidy from mechanisms for plan implementation. shared ownership schemes into some form private development, shared ownership The Government should establish of sub-market rent. There are possibilities for receipts and housing association property minimum qualitative and space standards developing affordable unsubsidised rental disposal. It will re-establish a sound applicable to all residential development. programmes in new housing based on long business management regime in the This would ensure that the next time the term investment funding sources such as affordable housing sector. private market collapses, the homes under pension funds. Some house builders are The Government should not introduce construction are fit for use as social moving away from their historic short term any more stamp duty holidays, as the housing. approach to negotiate such arrangements, effect is to increase effective demand On a final note, Government must even if just on a medium term basis without necessarily increasing supply. They ensure that planning policy and guidance is pending anticipated market revival. should consider the replacement of stamp realistic. The plan making system needs to Government and Housing Corporations duty, which is a tax on purchase, with taxes be speedier with the ability for plans to be have floated the idea of medium term on capital gain on disposal and/or an annual reviewed quickly in response to changing rental, which can be converted into equity tax on value increment. external factors. Requirements for housing share or outright purchase later. The British Implementation of the Community trajectories and site identification for 15 Property Federation is promoting the idea Infrastructure Levy should be dependent on year housing targets are unrealistic in the of a new build private rented sector. Now is demonstrating that its introduction will current context. the time for this continental approach - a neither delay appropriate development, nor managed and regulated form of Buy to Let, reduce the quantum and quality of Shortage of Council houses but with institutional investors having long affordable housing output. Local authorities term perspectives and responsibilities should consider as an alternative to levying A survey by the Local Government rather than individual speculators CIL or planning contributions at Association (LGA) in May found that nearly interested in short term gains. commencement, the possibility of taking an 1.6 million households are on council There is also a strong case for the Homes equity stake in any future value waiting lists - about 4 million people. The and Communities Agency to provide appreciation. While this can be achieved cause is thought to be partly demographic funding to a regulated private rented sector through land disposal covenants or through changes and immigration, but also because for existing stock and new provision. This the establishment of joint venture vehicles, of a 12 year fall in the construction of would enable rents at levels significantly the Government should amend planning Council and housing association homes. below market levels and would supplement powers to allow local authorities to take an The situation is likely to worsen as more existing social rented provision. Regulation equity stake in a private development as a homes are repossessed and people turn to would relate to standards, quality of condition of planning permission. This will local authorities for help. Pressure has management, rent and service charges. ensure that a development is not delayed by been growing for some years as house Such a regime would increase supply by onerous initial obligations. It will protect the prices have soared out of reach for large generating additional private sector public sector interest in terms of benefiting numbers of people. The London boroughs investment and good quality housing and from any long- term value appreciation. with the biggest waiting lists are Brent, would be available to middle income Newham, Lewisham, Ealing, and Barnet. households at a cost significantly below the Government action and new skills Meanwhile reports from city centres all revenue cost of home ownership. needed over country speak of a million empty There is another immediate problem. Planners and those in related professions homes, and huge amounts of over- Most estate regeneration schemes will be need new skills. Planners need to be fully development with hundreds of unwanted no longer viable as they depend on private aware of all the factors that impact on the buy-to-let properties on the market. finance or cross-subsidy, which is no delivery of housing and deliverability of For more details see the LGA website at longer available. Government must re- planning applications. This includes w news forum Winter 2008 7 Spotlight on Tottenham Civic Society Spotlight on Tottenham Civic Society Taking new pride in an undervalued C19 suburb by Tony Aldous

he arrival of the Tottenham Civic Society But even in the thick of battle there was an the high road. “We would certainly oppose on the London amenity societies scene acute consciousness something like this that very strongly,” says Bradby. The TCS Tis very welcome for a number of could happen again. “Somebody said, would like to discuss the matter with Spurs, reasons. The TCS, founded in 2006 and ‘Perhaps we should have a civic society’”, but the club doesn’t seem to want to talk. recently welcomed as a London Forum remembers TCS chairman Matthew Bradby. Having received a bloody nose from his member, is in one of those districts of London In March 2006 they formed one - and it’s planning appeal, the developer of the site where amenity societies are not often found evidently been going like a bomb ever since. alongside Bruce Castle (known as “315 but are desperately needed. It also breaks the Roundway”) has engaged new architects pattern of amenity societies valiantly kept The Ward’s Corner development and is consulting widely on how to develop going by persons of pensionable age: of its Its biggest preoccupation at present is Ward’s it. He is at last listening to the TCS and local present six committee members, only one Corner, an Edwardian former department opinion. The TCS is keen to help with comes into that category; the others are store which turns the corner from Seven positive solutions and what may be called youngish professionals who combine TCS Sisters Road into Tottenham High Road. creative compromise. Bradby has been work with demanding day jobs and family Boarded up and its windows painted out, at surprised to find that lay people like him and commitments. It can be done. the moment it looks a mess, yet its attractive his TCS colleagues can actually point out to three-storey façade still gives more than a hint developers and architects more sensible, Standing up for a Victorian suburb of what could be done with it. The developer productive ways of doing things. But perhaps the most important point is wanted to build two eight-storey blocks at One scheme the society has not that the Tottenham Civic Society is there to either end (its centre is over Seven Sisters objected to concerns retention of a pub, stand up for a Victorian suburb with tube station so cannot support higher The Mitre in South Tottenham, and building traditionally largely working-class buildings). The result would be an ugly and new flats adjacent. It has however made a population, the quality and potential of unbalanced corner building, as English number of suggestions, including the whose buildings and places have hitherto Heritage have observed in their critical thought that siting flats with their main been ignored or dismissed by both the local appraisal of the scheme. For though – windows overlooking a (potentially noisy) authority, Haringey, and its own residents. presumably on its advice – the Secretary of beer garden might not be the brightest of For Tottenham - which pre-1964 was a State has so far declined to list the buildings, ideas, not least when it comes to selling separate, Middlesex borough, and accounts EH has come out strongly against the scheme them. Surprisingly this seems to have been for about 100,000 of Haringey’s 220,000 on conservation and townscape grounds. a factor not previously considered.. population – really has a lot going for it. It has Another aspect of the Ward’s Corner In the late 1990s and early 2000s, 12 of Haringey’s 28 conservation areas; a story is that, despite the boarding-up, no Haringey’s planners passed many poorly wealth of sound and attractive buildings, fewer than 60 small businesses, including designed schemes on the grounds that they including a surprising number of Georgian market stallholders, currently operate in the would help to regenerate Tottenham. Since ones, which thanks to Haringey’s building. Some of these businesses are run the TCS arrived on the scene, for that and conservation team and help from English by Latin-Americans, who have now put in an (no doubt) other reasons they seem to have Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund are alternative, restore-and-adapt planning become more discriminating – though sub- being made to shine out as they deserve to; application. As part of a Ward’s Corner standard schemes previously approved and a population which, thanks to successive Coalition alongside businesses, residents have still been coming on site. Bradby cites waves of immigration from the C19 onwards, associations and individuals, the TCS hopes blocks of flats with balconies overlooking constitutes a rich and lively ethnic mix – Irish, the developer will see sense. It emphasises busy roads with multiple bus routes, some Afro-Caribbeans, Latin Americans, that this approach keeps this shopping of them 24-hour, and demolition of sound Portuguese, Turks, Kurds, Albanians, West frontage for small independent businesses Edwardian houses to make way for ugly and Africans and others. This diversity no doubt rather than cloned-high street multiples. inappropriate “affordable” housing. “I call it poses some challenges, but overall means ‘disposable housing’ rather than ‘affordable’,” that Tottenham is a lively, vigorous place with The Tottenham Hotspur stadium he says. great unrealised potential. A second current preoccupation is with a His other big bete noire is UPVC double The society came into being as local stretch of the high road adjacent to the glazing. He sees sound window frames and people were fighting (in the event Tottenham Hotspur stadium. The club have doors which needed only a lick of paint successfully) to defeat a scheme to build a been buying up and boarding up sound and being thrown into skips to make way for large and overbearing block of flats on an potentially attractive buildings on the east out-of-character UPVC replacements. “I get underused site just across the road from side of the high road with a view to building really upset when I see people bashing out Tottenham’s historic stately home-turned a larger stadium. One possibility seems to sash windows”. People think they’re saving museum, the Grade I listed Bruce Castle. be to turn it from its present north-south on maintenance. In fact, quite apart from The council had refused the application, the orientation to an east-west one, in the the materials and energy used in their developer had appealed and been given a process demolishing the boarded-up manufacture, UPVC windows are not flea in the ear by the inquiry inspector. buildings and creating a dead frontage to sustainable and – as can be seen in

8 news forum Winter 2008 Society profile – Tottenham Civic Society Age : two-and-a-half; Tottenham Civic Society born 2006

Contact: Matt Bradby Circumstances of birth: Proposal to build Tel: 020 8352 2354; a huge and overbearing email: [email protected] block of flats on a site next to Tottenham’s w website: under construction. most notable historic building, Bruce Castle. Matt Bradby Biggest successes: Tottenham as in other parts of (1) Defeat of the above, London – soon begin to which led to its degrade and look tawdry. Tottenham Civic founding. (2) Establishment of Arguing for conservation Society is there to Buildings bought and boarded up by cordial and productive Though the TCS is a new boy stand up for a Tottenham Hotspur football club with a relations with Haringey on the block with a relatively view to redevolping their stadium council, notably the small membership, it is Victorian suburb conservation and proving itself very effective in with traditionally museums departments. (3) Establishment of a more demanding arguing for intelligent attitude to design standards in new buildings. conservation and the largely working- promotion of high standards of class population, the Biggest disappointments/ frustrations : (1) Failure so far to design in new buildings. This is attract membership adequately reflecting Tottenham’s rich ethnic largely down to its small but quality and mix. (2) Failure so far to secure the listing of Ward’s Corner, an capable and energetic potential of whose Edwardian former department store crucial to townscape and committee. Besides chair Matt good health of the community. (3) Not so far winning over certain Bradby, it includes vice-chair buildings and places elements in Haringey council who don’t seem to accept the need Alison Armour, a barrister; for an independent voice for Tottenham. secretary Joseph Nicholas, have hitherto been civil servant; treasurer Ann ignored or dismissed Present preoccupations : (1) Working with other local groups to Robertson who is also make the case for using restoration and adaptation of the Ward’s newsletter editor and by both the local Corner buildings to secure the area’s regeneration. (2) Campaigning membership secretary; events authority, Haringey, for investigation and restoration of the historic but underappreciated organiser Joyce Rosser, its one Swan public house. (3) The football club developer. Spurs have retired member; and Rowan and its own residents bought up and boarded up sound and attractive buildings on the Kumar, who works for east side of Tottenham High Road adjacent to their ground, but Haringey council. won’t talk to the society about their intentions. One pleasing discovery, says chairman Bradby, is that Working details : Membership: 75 and rising; Committee people who have lived in structure: Small but impressive committee headed by chair Matt Tottenham for years and Bradby whose day job is with a national charity. Unlike most watched in despair as good amenity society committees it includes only one retired person buildings came down and bad C18 gate to All Hallows vicarage. and has an average age of around 40. ones went up, are now The gate was brought from the realising with surprise that this site of the previous vicarage in Annual subscription: £10 waged individual, £5 unwaged/ process can be stopped and Tottenham High Road students/retired, £15 any two people at the same address. are throwing their weight behind the society. Publications : Newsletter Civitas Tottenham four times a year Bravo, TCS! Now let Activities: Guided walks to make people aware of Tottenham’s people in other underappreciated buildings and places; two general meetings as undervalued Victorian well as AGM; Christmas meal in local restaurant. Its open House districts follow your tour of Tottenham in September attracted 50 people. example. Neighbouring Wood Green – which also Special characteristics : Largely a Victorian suburb developed has many good buildings following the provision of cheap workmen’s trains, but with a rich and a fine Edwardian scattering of fine Georgian buildings and an increasingly valued housing stock – could be stock of spacious and well-built Edwardian houses. Multi-centred the first, Such districts and multi-ethnic. and communities are the building blocks of which a Last word: “Our aim is to challenge the negative perception of healthy and sustainable Tottenham. It has its negative aspects, but people who live here London is constructed. know it has a lot going for it. The longer I’ve lived here, the more I We cannot afford to like it. We need to get people to look around them and see the neglect them. quality of Tottenham’s buildings and its green spaces”.

9 news forum Winter 2008 9 A call for the restoration of Parliament Square The sad state of Parliament Square Tom Ball raises concern for the lack of recognition or appreciation of the townscape qualities of Parliament Square, one of Britain’s best known and emblematic World Heritage Sites

arlier this year Westminster City Whitehall under the guise of essential Council issued a draft Consultation security provision; and also for the poor Edocument in connection with the We were astonished to find design in detailing the Trafalgar Square Conservation Area for ‘Westminster Abbey changes; and yet again, the shameful and Parliament Square’. This falls within the there was little if any secrecy applied to the planning of the area of specific concern of the Thorney appreciation of the quality of external landscape proposals of the public Island Society. Founded in 1985 the Society realm adjoining the former Middlesex takes its name from the island upon which the inherent design of the County Hall, now being made into the Westminster Abbey was built. As a central feature of Parliament venue for the Supreme Court. conservation and amenity group for Lord Rogers and his colleagues Baroness residents and businesses in the area, which Square Hamwee, and Viscount Falkland, were also includes St James’s Park and Green appalled at this turn of events, considering it Park, it receives notification of Planning very wrong that the project, having had so applications for comment from Westminster. on taking office, that he was considering a much time and money spent on it, might not On reviewing the document we were reassessment of the 100 open spaces list proceed. This being reported in the technical astonished to find there was little if any promoted by Lord Rogers and established press, including Building Design , I wrote to appreciation of the quality of the inherent through the previous Mayor, Ken Livingstone, their Lordships, with copies to the Mayor, design of the central feature of Parliament which included Parliament Square. Mayor the MP for Westminster and Westminster Square - now reduced to a traffic Island, Johnson wished to review the state of the Council, stating that while their Lordships and regarded as such by Transport for ‘proposals’ for Parliament Square with the might be incensed, how much more London. What was truly shocking was that inference that it might be put on hold. incensed were the locals - including the the statutory planning authority considered Lord Rogers’ plan for Parliament Square Thorney Island Society, who had not even Parliament Square as the most “negative was of course, known about, but no yet been allowed to see the ‘proposals’; and feature” of the Conservation Area! contact had been made with the Thorney moreover, wished to know whose millions In our opinion the urban landscape Island Society, who as the recognised local had been spent so far. design, by the architect Gray Wornum, amenity society, would expect to have No acknowledgement was received from whose most eloquent building is the RIBA their opinions sought. Word had passed their Lordships, needless to say. However head quarters of 1934, rates as one of the around that these proposals were secret. through the due process of the local MP, the best post World War II examples of its kind Why was this so? The Society were not Mayor for London has acknowledged my and should be recognised for a variety of alone in wanting information and letter and the concerns of the Thorney Island reasons. He also designed the lighting consultation, especially given the appalling Society, and put a hold on the project stating columns which are still used by so called design work taking place in that he has decided not to proceed with Westminster CC and continue to be the scheme by Design for London and installed in the borough. ,“for the principal The Society made formal comments to reasons of traffic impacts, the overall cost WCC regarding Parliament Square including of the scheme and funding”, and my objections to the lack of proper concerns around the loss of green space. consideration of the existing design. No As to the merits of the Wornum’s reaction of course has been received from existing design - all readers should see for WCC which these days is par for the course; themselves, but the photographs are a and as yet no revised document is available. beginning. The Society, determined to raise Its mastery is the achievement of a awareness of the omission in failing to balance between the formal and informal, consider the design let alone recognising its the serious and the trivial, and a quality, wrote to the MP for Westminster, demonstration of supreme compromise and to the new Mayor for London, Boris which is the underlying essence of all that Johnson. The matter was also referred to the the surrounding buildings represent, as Landscape Institute and to the Twentieth the spirit of Englishness. Sensitively and Century Society. An article supporting the carefully detailed, the layout provides need to reassess the design of Parliament formal and informal places to sit, and Square was recently published by the uses hard features to give a sense of Chairman of the Twentieth Century Society, protection, enclosure and focus. Alan Powers, in the Spectator. Surprisingly, considering the traffic, the London’s new Mayor, Boris Johnson, Square provides a relatively quiet oasis of put the ‘cat amongst the pigeons’ when he trees, paving, statues and grass - that all stated in one of his first pronouncements important feature of English townscape.

10 news forum Winter 2008 Although regarded by some as abhorrent, grass provides a respite from the visual and physical hardness, a relaxing and restful place for sandwich eaters, tourists and above all informality to do one’s own thing when the weather is right. It is easy on the eye and the perfect foil to the most important emblems of government, church and state for one of the best known World Heritage Sites. Principal axes are focussed on the North Door of the Abbey, and on Big Ben but the locations for routes out of the Square incorporated into the design cannot be used because traffic management deliberately does not allow it. There is virtually no pedestrian access to the Square, again, a deliberate policy of Transport for London. This could be rectified relatively easily as at Hyde Park Corner and Trafalgar Square. The attitude of WCC could only partially be explained, by the fact that transport routes and the redesign of the central area, were mooted for consideration in the ‘World Squares for All’ project. This seemed to have meant that it was no longer an item for serious appraisal - whatever its merits. Maintenance of the Square is the responsibility of the Mayor for London, but for years, under the previous regime, it has been neglected. What should be done ? A programme of repair of the existing damage and the missing Catalpa trees, with skilled fine tuning, modest refurbishment and adjustment to the location of the traffic signals to make proper provision for safe pedestrian access. Then it would be restored to being a ‘World Square for All’

English Heritage At Risk register 2008

English Heritage published a new Heritage At Risk register in July which reveals that nearly a thousand of London's most historic buildings, parks and monuments are at risk of decaying beyond repair. The list has been expanded to include threatened landscapes and monuments for the first time. It lists 572 buildings - 210 of which are residential; 153 scheduled monuments and 148 parks and gardens in London that are in danger of loss through neglect and decay. . 21 per cent of London's listed buildings at risk are publicly owned. Simon Thurley, Chief Executive of English Heritage, made a strong plea that the symbols of public service and civic pride, the traditional town halls, schools, fire stations, swimming baths, court houses and police stations, should be cherished and adapted to modern requirements. They help to unite communities, encourage a sense of belonging and give character and identity to the streets in which they stand. Culturally, it is an act of barbarism to allow a historic building, park or monument to fall into ruin. The Old Bailey, Swiss Cottage Library, Pentonville Prison, the Royal Chelsea Hospital and Harrow magistrates' court are all examples of listed buildings in public ownership which have been successfully updated for use Views of Parliament Square: top, towards St. Margaret’s Church in the 21st century. “Let's not throw any more of historic middle:View to the Abbey; bottom: east west to Big Ben. London into the skip. Let's rehabilitate it, remake it and give it a new life - and by doing so enrich our streets and protect our Opposite page, left: two views of the layout within the square. environment.” news forum Winter 2008 11 News from the Mayor News from the Mayor and GLA Issues of concern to Londoners

lanning for a Better London Mayoral appointments This is the Mayor’s consultation doc- “It has not been the chaotic Sir Simon Milton is Deputy Mayor for Policy Pument on changes to the London Plan. and Planning. He will liaise with the Greater The Mayor considers the current London disaster Labour was London Authority’s Head of Paid Service and Plan too unwieldy with too much focus on Executive Directors to ensure the delivery of detail rather than outcomes. predicting.The Borisocracy is the Mayor’s priorities. Leo Boland Chief A new Outer London Commission more of a Cabinet than Executive of Barnet council since the He proposes greater focus on the suburbs new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service with better collaboration with individual Livingstone's Stalinist caucus. of the GLA.Richard Barnes has been assigned boroughs. ‘More emphasis needs to be It is jollier.But it remains to the role of liaison with the community and given to issues affecting outer London and voluntary sector. Anthony Browne, of the ways of realising untapped potential there,’ be seen if Boris can evolve a Policy Exchange, has been appointed as Policy A new Outer London Commission will clear picture of what he wants Director. Richard Blakeway has been identify ways of realising potential in the appointed as housing adviser to the Mayor outer boroughs to take more advantage of to achieve for London” and Alex Crowley as political adviser. Isabel development opportunities there and on Dedring, who was Director of the Policy brownfield sites. ‘Central, inner and outer Tony Travers, director of the Greater London Unit for Transport for London, will take over London are inextricably linked, none can Group at the London School of Economics the Mayor's Environment brief. succeed in isolation from the others, and writing in the Evening Standard in August: 2008 The new London Development Agency this will be a major theme in our approach to Board has four statutory elected members: planning in London.’ The boundaries James Cleverly, Cllr Peter Truesdale (Lib Dem, between boroughs need to be permeable Lambeth), Cllr Mike Freer (Conservative, Consultation lasts until 16th January. so that major developments that straddle Barnet) , Jeremy Mayhew (City Corporation). Strategy will be reviewed with support for them can happen.The Commission will Its "business" members, are: Harvey McGrath cycling and the use of the River Thames for have up to 12 members who will be (Chair), Steven Norris, Susan Angoy, Ian transporting people and goods. He has announced early in 2009. It will be chaired Barlow, Fran Beckett, Megan Dobney, Ann stated his opposition to current plans for a by Planning and development expert Humphries, and Edmund Lazarus. 3rd runway at Heathrow and is committed William McKee former Chief Executive of The London Organising Committee of to identifying other options, such as a new Merton Council. He is currently Chairman of the Olympic Games (LOCOG):.the Mayor airport in the Thames Estuary. The mayor Tilfen Land and the Urban Exposure Group has nominated David Ross, Non-Executive will also consider how to alter the London and chairs the Thurrock Thames Gateway Deputy Chairman of Carphone Warehouse Plan to raise £200 million for Crossrail Development Corporation. to represent him on the board on an unpaid through section 106 funds. New affordable housing target basis. The previous mayor’s plans for 60 low- The Mayor will abandon Ken Livingstone’s Open Space Strategies - Best Practice carbon vehicles have been cancelled. It was 50% affordable housing target. Instead Guidance has been published for considered that the programme was not set there will be a commitment to build 50,000 consultation. For more details see page 16 to deliver its objectives of helping to affordable homes in the capital by 2011, and Other appointments, including the London stimulate the market in hydrogen vehicles - targets for numbers of affordable homes Skills and Employment Board, the therefore making these less polluting negotiated individually with the boroughs. Design Advisory Panel the new Waste vehicles cheaper. The Mayor has said he will £60 million is to be ring-fenced to redevelop and Recycling Board members and the still introduce 10 hydrogen buses but is vacant or partly vacant listed buildings at London Cultural Strategy Group can be rethinking the policy. risk, particularly for housing. found on the website: Protection for the city’s landmarks London Climate Change Adaptation w The Mayor wants to bring in extra protection Strategy for the city’s landmarks and is not prepared w Measures will include increasing the to undermine the “unique character” of To see the ‘Focus on London 2008' reports amount of green space in the capital; historic sites for the sake of tall buildings. by the GLA’s Data Management and designing or adapting buildings to limit Protection of London’s world heritage sites Analysis Group (DMAG) visit demand for cooling; scrutiny of London's will be strengthened, and the London View w ageing flood defense infrastructure and poor Management Framework revised. The factsandfigures/fol2008/ drainage network. The aim is to meet mayor supports tall buildings “in appropriate London's target for a 60 per cent cut in The GLA web site is somewhat confused at the locations”. carbon emissions by 2025. A second version moment because Ken Livingstone's documents Transport Strategy will be published for public consultation next have to be retained until replaced, updated or The Mayor has published his vision of the year. For more information see the Mayor's scrapped even though some no longer accord future of transport in the capital. Way to Go! publications web-site. with the new Mayor's pledges and priorities .

12 news forum Winter 2008 Round the Societies Round the Societies A round up of news from our member societies. By Haydn Mylchreest

London Forum’s Survey 2008. Australian Swamp Stonecrop (Crassula helmsii) in spite of efforts We would like to thank every organisation which has sent us a to control its spread. This plant was apparently introduced from completed survey questionnaire. All the information gleaned is Tasmania in 1911 for sale as a garden pond oxegenator but it now being analysed and will give us a valuable critique of the ‘escaped’ from the domestic environment in 1956 and now is a London Forum’s activities. The results will be published later this pest in many ponds. The aim is that Angel Pond will become once year and they will provide an excellent guide on the areas we again a picturesque feature of the village scene. should concentrate on as we develop our future programme. Saving a Century Heritage Lottery Awards The Victorian Society celebrates the 50th anniversary of its at Brockley Park……. founding this year (the Society was officially launched in February Herne Hill Society reports that a grant of £3.5 million has been 1958) and the current edition “Saving a Century” contains a wealth secured from the Heritage Lottery Fund to help improve Brockley of fascinating photographs and notes of buildings lost before 1958, Park and to preserve it for the future. The grant will be used to up- but also of early victories including the saving of the Foreign Office grade footpaths, furniture, signage and entrances, and for the after the 1963 announcement of the government’s plan to refurbishment of the Temple building. demolish it. St Pancras was listed in 1967 and the campaign to Their autumn newsletter draws attention to a problem many save and restore the Midland Hotel building was successful; member societies and associations have: where to keep the serious work began in 1993 and in 1994 St Pancras was chosen as records and how to add further material. We benefit from the use the London terminus for the Channel Tunnel trains, so securing its of electronic methods of storage in some cases, but there is a future into the 21st century. There are many interesting pages in special pleasure in looking through those fascinating paper the publication covering civic, commercial and ecclesiastic documents. architecture across the country.

…….and Dollis Hill House Tewkesbury Lodge success Earlier this summer the London Parks & Gardens Trust newsletter The opening paragraph of the August newsletter of the reported a Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £1.2 million towards Tewkesbury Lodge Estate Residents Association announces a helping save Dollis Hill House from demolition to return it to the success: “We are delighted to report that the high powered radio community. Built in 1825, the Regency manor was Prime Minister transmitters on the mast in Horniman Drive were finally Gladstone’s former residence and Mark Twain’s favourite retreat. decommissioned on 6th June which should result in a reduction of electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) by some 80% or more.” The Permitted Development strikes in Knightsbridge Association formed an action committee in 2003 to oppose the Encouraged by Government, both the Association’s local Councils installation of the police digital radio system on the mast without seem to accept that subterranean extensions to houses should be any prior consultation with residents. The committee researched treated as “Permitted Developments” with the result that all into possible health risks posed by the new police system, met planning applications appear to gain approval. But should experts to discuss the nature of the radiation, reviewed the code developments be approved that double or treble the floor area of of practice for mobile communications network development, an existing house? The Association is seeking the views of the examined the related planning legislation, and enlisted the support London Forum and other Amenity Societies on this topic. of MPs and local councillors, and are pressing for further surveys Under the heading “Planning and Conservation”, Knightsbridge to measure and hopefully confirm the reduction in radiation. Association newsletter, June 2008, reported that the building works at One Hyde Park are progressing well. The plan envisages 10 year development plan for Battersea that until at least November 2008 the major roadworks at Hyde The new owners of Battersea Power Station, Leisure Holdings, Park Corner will unfortunately cause constant interruption.….. have unveiled their outline plans for its redevelopment at an “Dogs and Waterfowl don’t mix” reports that the police have exhibition. The centre piece was a large scale table model showing been asked by the Royal Parks to enforce the rule that dogs are not the proposals for the site which included a 950 feet high tower allowed in the water in the Serpentine and Kensington Gardens – whose design envisages new levels of energy efficiency. The there have not been any prosecutions yet but the maximum fine proposals are technically and commercially ambitious and realising would be £200. them, if approved, will span the next 10 or more years. Battersea Society will make its views known to the developers this autumn. Saving the Mill Hill Angel But this development is only part of a much larger area of Mill Hill Preservation Society’s latest newsletter tells readers that a Battersea that could see huge changes in the next few years – the programme of work will start in October to restore Angel Pond to “Opportunity Area” defined in 2004 covering 78 hectares takes in its former healthy condition. The Village High Street Group project, the New Covent Garden Market, the now abandoned Stationery supported by the Society, is the result of a survey and report the Office building, and other sites. Society commissioned from the Environmental Agency. The pond The Society has submitted proposals for a transport had filled up with dead vegetation, the result of invasion by the interchange at Clapham Junction and these have been discussed news forum Winter 2008 13 Round the Societies (continued) Round the Societies A round up of news from our member societies.

at GLA and with Wandsworth Council. The Society is pressing for a Influencing planning genuinely comprehensive approach to the Clapham Junction town In three recent cases developers have invited the centre to be formulated including housing and shopping Society to comment on their plans before planning applications development. were submitted to Lambeth Council. This is seen as a refreshing change because it has allowed healthy discussion which can lead to Fascinating lights on local history modifications at an early stage. Napoleon III in Chislehurst Another useful approach to planning matters is to walk round an Society newsletters often throw fascinating light on local history. area with Council officials every year to discuss the issues that had The Cockpit, Chislehurst Society’s newsletter, earlier this year arisen the previous 12 months. The last walk, described in the carried a short article reminding us of the days of the French summer edition of St Marylebone Society’s newsletter, was Revolution, the domination of Napoleon (for a while) and the attended by two Westminster Councillors, and eight planning dynasty he established. His nephew, Louis, became Napoleon lll, officers. The event ended with a “lively discussion” in a but after he was deposed he lived and died in Chislehurst. He was restaurant…..An evening well spent. born 200 years ago this year. Development Pressure on Green Belt continues Girl Guides and Arthur Sullivan at Crystal Palace The Enfield Society raises concern that Green Belt land is under The Sydenham Society News carries an article on the start of the threat in Broxbourne because the Broxbourne Borough Council Girl Guide movement. In the year 1909 a Boy Scout rally was held in officers are considering land opposite the Park Plaza print works to Crystal Palace Park and a small group of pioneering girls turned up provide a strategic employment site. The Society is concerned that wearing the Boy Scout uniform and asked Lord Baden-Powell if pressure for even more development on remaining Green Belt land they could take part. He refused, but soon afterwards he published will increase if this development is approved. his scheme for Girl Guides and 6000 girls had registered by the The Society has also received a substantial payment from Spurs, following year. Girlguiding UK has grown into the largest voluntary as directed by the Secretary of State, to compensate it for the organisation for girls and young women in the UK with 600,000 costs incurred as a result of the withdrawal by Spurs of their members. The centenary will be celebrated next year and, to mark planning appeal. Over £11,000 was raised in support of the it, Girlguiding UK will be refurbishing the Crystal Palace Maze in campaign to oppose Spurs’ plans, and the money remaining will time for the September Girlguide Rally. now be transferred to a special “Green Belt Defence Fund”. In June 1857 Paxton’s spectacular Crystal Palace was the venue Still on the subject of protecting the Green Belt, the Friends of for staging the Great Handel Festival, the largest choral festival of Brockwell Park highlight the commitment given by a Boris Johnson Handel’s works ever held until then – an orchestra of 400 players, aide during his successful campaign earlier this year to be elected and choir of 2000, and an audience of 40,000 including Queen London Mayor: “Boris is committed to ensuring that no Victoria and Prince Albert. The Journal of the Crystal Palace development takes place on green belt and Metropolitan Open Foundation reminds us that when the Great Exhibition was opened Land and will use the Mayor’s planning powers to refuse any in the Crystal Palace, then in Hyde Park, one of the choristers from applications to build on them”. the Chapel Royal singing the Hallelujah Chorus was Arthur Sullivan, However, the opposition by Bexley Society and others to a later the successful composer, who became professor of pianoforte planning application for the creation on green belt land of a road/rail at the Crystal Palace School of Art at Sydenham many years later transfer depot in Slade Green was dismissed earlier this year by a [and also professor of composition at the Royal Academy of Music]. planning inspector. He argued that there were very special circumstances justifying his decision (in spite of accepting that it The Dulwich Voluntary Battalion would be inappropriate for the Green Belt). The Secretary of State Another piece of early 20th century history has been the subject of accepted the inspector’s recommendation. Will the new London extensive sleuth work, reported in Dulwich Society’s Autumn 2008 Mayor override such decisions? newsletter. A war memorial to soldiers of the Dulwich Voluntary Battalion in the churchyard of St Peter’s was restored this summer with a handsome grant from the Dulwich Community Forum, but The Olympics and Greenwich Park the forgotten story of the Battalion has only been revealed by The Greenwich Society has printed extracts from a lengthy letter diligent searching through several archives. The Volunteer Battalion received from LOCOG in answer to the many questions being was apparently formed immediately after the outbreak of the first raised about the suitability of the Park for the Olympic equestrian world war, and in addition to early duties of mounting a 24-hour events in 2012. In summary the letter states: the park is not too armed guard at the Fire Station, and being on the alert for Zeppelin small and there would be no need to remove trees; the majority of raids, it is thought some of the volunteers may have gone on to join the jumps will be demountable and will only be put in place shortly the 1/12 County of London Regiment (The Rangers) headquartered before an event; the cross country event will take place on a single at Holborn and may have fought at Arras, Ypres and Passchendale. day and will should not take more than four hours; and there is no This history is one of many which record the dedication of local plan to close the Park for a prolonged period of time. Further residents across the country and keep their contribution to society meetings have been promised. from being lost.

14 news forum Winter 2008 News briefs newsbriefs Key issues of interest and concern to note.

Heathrow Expansion: opposition gathers Reprieve for Smithfield? momentum The redevelopment scheme for Smithfield Market has been thrown Arguments against the expansion of Heathrow appear to be out by Communities Secretary Hazel Blears. She ruled that the gaining ground. has positioned the Conservative plans "significantly detract from the market complex as a whole" party firmly in the opposition camp, and rejected the business and would "dominate the historic facades and be detrimental to the argument that there was a strong economic case for a third runway. character of the building". A new cross party group of MPs has been set up to oppose the English Heritage argued that the rich architecture and history of planned third runway, and at least 21 Labour MPs have backed a the Smithfield conservation area had London-wide importance: Commons motion calling for a rethink "The proposed replacement would introduce an alien, intensive Six trade unions (UNISON, TSSA, ASLEF, the RMT, PCS and office use into an area known for its diversity and creativity". The Connect) demonstrated their opposition in October in a full page inquiry inspector agreed with English Heritage, and Ms Blears advert in the Times calling for investment in improved rail instead. accepted his recommendations. Alternative ways to deal with capacity constraints at Heathrow The scheme, by Thornfield Properties and the City Corporation, such as a new high speed rail line are being vaunted. The included a massive flat-fronted steel and glass building. It is now Environment Agency itself has warned of the risk of increased believed that Thornfield will be loath to spend millions of pounds morbidity and mortality if a third runway were built, and appealing against the decision in the present financial situation acknowledged that the lives of thousands of people would be blighted although they have said they will make revised proposals. by increased noise and pollution. This was echoed by Daniel Moylan, Chairman of the London Councils’ Transport and Environment Changes to Permitted Development Committee, who is quoted as saying: “The arguments against the The Government has described its changes to the permitted plans far outweigh any that could be made in favour. A third runway development rules as an exercise in “reducing red tape” and could only spread the misery…even further across the capital. removing the “burden” of minor applications from local authorities, The Government’s own environment watchdog, the Sustainable leaving planners to be able to concentrate on “major” applications Development Commission has said that the proposed expansion and “strategic” issues. There is wide concern that the main should be put on hold. purpose is to save money at the expense of the environment and public realm.(see report in Round the Societies on Knightsbridge Crossrail financing still in doubt Association). Will it merely succeeded in substituting one complex Weeks after the Crossrail Bill received Royal Assent, effectively system for another, which will result in local authorities being giving the £15.9 billion project outline planning permission it has overwhelmed by enquiries about the changes? emerged in the press that in fact vital finance for the rail scheme There has not been any significant modification of the proposed has not yet been agreed. The line, which will run from Maidenhead changes about which we and other similar organisations expressed and Heathrow under central London to Shenfield and Abbey Wood concerns last year during the "consultation" process. As Caroll Ryall in the east, is planned to open in 2017. has explained, works in Conservation Areas which affect the A year ago the Government claimed that a £16billion deal had exterior of a building will still require permission, but only if they been struck, but questions remain over the three main funding are visible from a “public highway”; it is not clear what will be the pillars - £3.5billion from a special levy on London businesses, status of work visible from a public open space, pedestrian £2.7billion to be borrowed on the back of future rail fares and precinct, or other parts of the public realm. Local authorities may £5.1billion from the Government. The Mayor's office has not still, however, restrict rights with Article 4 Directions. It appears confirmed that the billions expected from the supplementary that single-storey extensions of up to 10’ in depth (regardless of the business rate would be raised. Only Airports operator BAA has size of garden) will be permitted in Conservation Areas, and two- finally publicly committed a specific sum of £230million. The City of storey extensions outside. London Corporation has pledged £200million and is to lead efforts It will be important for you to let us, and/or the Civic Trust, know to raise another £150million from business by 2016. It has what problems arise in your areas so that evidence for any increase underwritten £50million of these extra funds but £100million in damage to the local built or natural environment or historic fabric remains unguaranteed and it will be more difficult to raise these resulting for the changes can be notified to the Government. sums from London businesses in the economic downturn. Cross party co-operation on credit crunch Campaign to equalise VAT A group of business leaders, politicians and public sector officials There is a campaign to press Government to equalise VAT on new has been announced to address specific problems in London build and repairs and restoration, but setting both at 5% (it is caused by the economic downturn. Jointly chaired by Tony currently 17.5% for the former, placing restoration of historic McNulty, Labour’s minister for London, and Mayor Boris Johnson, buildings and others at a major disadvantage. Members are urged it includes Merrick Cockell, Chair of London County Councils, to add their signatures to the on-line petition, and to ask others to Harvey McGrath, Chair of the London Development Agency, and do so: the website address, via the Civic Trust, is Stuart Fraser, Chair of the City’s Policy and Resources Committee. w Government ministers will attend to address specific issues. news forum Winter 2008 15 News briefs (continued) Planning Aid for London information newsbriefs

The Government’s new Chief Planner w Information on useful Planning websites The Government has appointed Steve Quartermain, formerly Chief The government’s Planning Portal web site Executive with Hambleton Distruct Council, to be their new Chief This provides a very useful resource on what is now permitted. Planner, His brief is to drive forward the Government’s all-too- It can be found at familiar agenda for “making the planning system faster and fairer w (then follow Public/ Householder with people and councils engaged in shaping their communities”. links) He will “spearhead the Government’s drive to ensure the It is user friendly with a number of interactive diagrams planning system supports the delivery of housing growth, climate explaining the majority of the changes and how they apply to change, sustainable economic development and works to protect your house. It also provides some useful links for further and enhance the natural environment” and to “strengthen the skills information and highlights where some development may and capacity of planning departments through encouraging new require building regulations consent. professionals and graduates into planning careers.” Planning Aid for London will provide topic leaflets which explore some of the changes and these will be available from the Help Making the best use of vacant urban spaces part of our web site in the near future. CABE have published Land in limbo: making the best use of vacant Planning Performance Agreements and Charters urban spaces, which looks at how to transform vacant urban open Further information on PPAs is available from ATLAS (the spaces into public assets. It is available only on the web, at Advisory Team for Large Applications), part of the government’s w Planning Advisory Service. Their web site is at w Open Space Strategies -Best Practice Guidance It provides both information and case studies. A joint consultation Draft by the and CABE Space has been published for consultation. London Forum event Comments should be referenced to the relevant pages in the draft. It can be found on: w Open Space Event oss-draft-sept08.pdf Responses must be received by 5pm Friday, 19 December 2008. 18th December 6pm for 6:30pm They should be sent to: The Gallery, 70 Cowcross St, EC1, Boris Johnson, Mayor of London (Open Space Strategies) London Forum invites you to an open meeting with Greater London Authority GLA London Plan team members including FREEPOST 15799 John O'Neil and Tony Leach London SE1 2BR to hear about and discuss Borough Open Space Strategy Or by email to [email protected] with ‘Open Space Strategies’ guidance, Green Grid Framework, the Mayor's Priority Parks as the subject. If you send in a response by email it is not necessary project and new Open Space Strategies (referred to on this to also send a hard copy.Please note that responses to this public page), and the London Parks and Green Spaces Forum's consultation may be made available for public inspection. support to parks' friends groups. See details of London Forummeeting on the subject on this page. Entry is free to London Forum members Non-members fee £3 , payable at the door.

For information about the London Forum contact: news forum Editor Helen Marcus w Editorial team Peter Eversden, Michael Hammerson, Tony Peter Eversden Chairman Aldous, Haydn Mylchreest London Forum, 70 Cowcross Street, Original design Ross Shaw London EC1M 6EJ Print Express Printing. Telephone 01733 230 800 Telephone: 020 7250 0606 Published by the London Forum, 70 Cowcross Street, email c hairman@londonf or .uk London EC1M 6EJ. Telephone 020 7250 0606

Haydn Mylchreest Membership Secretary Member societies are encouraged to use London Forum Telephone: 020 7720 2429 news in their own newsletters. email membership@londonf or .uk While the London Forum is concerned that the views written in articles are relevant and honestly held by the contributor, the opinions stated by individuals may not necessarily be held Registered Charity Number 1093134 by the London Forum Executive, who are not in a position to vouch for their factual accuracy.

16 news forum Winter 2008