Inside: l Constitutional Court ruling halts graft cases – page 3 l Interview with – page 8 l Historic speech by Donald Tusk in Kyiv – page 9

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXVII No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 $2.00 Ex-President Yanukovych funneled $4.2 million A return to OUR roots disguised as book deal through Swedish bank UNA’s 125th anniversary celebrated

by Mark Raczkiewycz Vega Holdings, the vehicle that was used with ceremony at Shamokin City Hall to funnel the illicit gains, was also used by KYIV – Ukraine’s ex-President Viktor the former Ukrainian leader’s chief bene- Yanukovych allegedly laundered $4.2 mil- factor and the country’s richest billionaire – lion worth of bribes through a Swedish Rinat Akhmetov. bank in 2011 disguised as book royalties, In spring of 2011, his Metinvest metals Swedish broadcaster SVT reported on holding company sent $25 million in two February 27. separate installments to a Swedbank The fugitive politician shifted the alleged account in the British Virgin Islands also illicit gains in his first year in office through belonging to Vega Holdings, according to a a Vega Holdings Limited account held at a February 27 report by, an Lithuanian branch of Swedbank, Sweden’s investigative journalism website. oldest bank. The money transfers were described as The book for which Mr. Yanukovych pur- loans. portedly received payment was called, A spokesman for Mr. Akhmetov didn’t “Ukraine – A Country of Opportunities.” immediately respond to an e-mailed Printed copies of it have yet to appear. request for comment. And another press Ukrainian authorities believe Mr. officer, from his main holding company, Yanukovych, who abandoned office in 2014 System Capital Management, didn’t respond Roma Hadzewycz amid a popular uprising against his to a texted message and phone calls. At Shamokin City Hall (from left) are: Chief Operating Officer/National Secretary increasingly corrupt and authoritarian rule, The $25 million was “used to legalize the Yuriy Symczyk, Auditor Luba Walchuk and Advisor Irene Jarosewich of the UNA; and his inner circle emptied $30 billion to book royalty” for Mr. Yanukovych, Slidstvo. City Councilmen Dan McGaw and Scott Roughton; City Administrator Robert M. $40 billion from state coffers during his info wrote, citing Ukrainian prosecutors. Slaby; Mayor John J. Brown; UNA President/CEO Stefan Kaczaraj and his wife, truncated presidency. A Kyiv court on January 24 convicted the Swiatoslava; and the Rev. Mykola Ivanov and David Kaleta of Transfiguration of Our “The most recent report by SVT, which ex-president in absentia of high treason, for Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church. the broadcaster says is based on thousands which he was given a 13-year prison sen- Mayor John J. Brown and City Administra­ of pages of documents that link Swedbank tence because he had facilitated Russia’s by Roma Hadzewycz tor Robert M. Slaby presented the procla- to the $230 billion dirty money scandal invasion of Ukraine in 2014 with a written SHAMOKIN, Pa. – A delegation of leaders mation and a key to the city to UNA engulfing Danske Bank A/S, appears to request to Russian President Vladimir of the Ukrainian National Association trav- President/CEO Stefan Kaczaraj. Other UNA contradict previous statements by the Putin to send troops into the country. eled on February 22 to Shamokin, Pa., the General Assembly members in attendance Swedish lender,” Bloomberg reported. As of February 19, prosecutors are inves- fraternal benefit society’s birthplace back were Chief Operating Officer/National “Chief Executive Officer Birgitte Bonnesen tigating Mr. Yanukovych for eight other on February 22, 1894. At Shamokin City Secretary Yuriy Symczyk, Auditor Luba had repeatedly denied any link to the alleged crimes, including illicit enrichment Hall, which also dates to 1894, the mayor Walchuk and Advisor Irene Jarosewich. Danske scandal, arguing that Swedbank is a and embezzlement, according to the watch- and City Council presented a proclamation local bank servicing local clients.” dog group Anticorruption Action Center. honoring the UNA on its 125th anniversary. (Continued on page 5)

Poroshenko joins in Heavenly Hundred commemoration in N.J.

UOC-U.S.A. the U.S.A. in South Bound Brook for the memorial service. SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. – More than Prior to the beginning of the Memorial 400 people, including clergy of the Service, Metropolitan Antony stated: “As we Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox mark the fifth anniversary of the still incom- Churches from the five states that surround prehensible murder of over 100 Ukrainian the New York-area battled the snow on citizens on the Maidan in Kyiv – simply February 20 to join Metropolitan Antony because they stood for the freedom of and Archbishop Daniel, the hierarchs of the choice in their nation without control or Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., manipulation from other nations – we your and Bishop of the hierarchs state without any reservation that Ukrainian Catholic of Stamford in by all human calculations, Ukraine should the solemn ecumenical memorial service at not even exist today having suffered cata- St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial clysm after cataclysm after cataclysm Church. The service commemorated the sac- throughout her history during which so rifices of the Heavenly Hundred – the young many millions of people perished and mil- men and women who died during the Euro- lions more who were never born because Maidan protests in February 2014 in Kyiv. those who perished were unable to give President Petro Poroshenko, who was in them life. How can a nation continue to exist the U.S. on a working visit, surprised the and endure if its population cannot grow faithful as he participated in the memorial through the birth of successive generations? service. He was greeted by the three hier- Yaroslav Bilohan It is by the Grace of God that Ukraine exists. archs and the more than 400 people who President Petro Poroshenko among hundreds at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox arrived at the spiritual center of the UOC of Memorial Church following the Heavenly Hundred commemoration. (Continued on page 11) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9


Five issues Vladimir Putin Poroshenko seeks U.N. peacekeeping mission would go a long way to making sure that Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on integrity is safe from further aggression preferred not to talk about February 20 called on the U.N. secretary- from Vladimir Putin’s regime. ...The defense general to draw up options for a peacekeep- of Ukraine’s sovereignty should be a priority by Pavel K. Baev leader Kim Jong-un will be a flop. Russia is ing mission in eastern Ukraine, saying such also irrelevant in the complex reconfigura- for Canada’s government on the internation- Eurasia Daily Monitor a mission could be a “decisive factor” in end- al stage.” This past summer Canada’s tion of trade regimes, except for sustaining ing the conflict there. Mr. Poroshenko told The annual presidential address to the the cartel arrangement with the Minister of National Defense Harjit Sajjan the U.N. General Assembly that Ukraine is amplified that the Canadian government Federal Assembly (upper chamber of the Organization for the Petroleum Exporting ready to discuss a multinational, U.N.- was fully committed to providing assistance Russian Parliament) is a big political show Countries (OPEC) on oil production cuts, to mandated peacekeeping operation with “a to Ukraine, helping to preserve and protect in Russia, which tells little about the state which the U.S. objects (, February clear objective to end the Russian aggres- its sovereignty through Operation UNIFIER of the country but much about the mood in 19). One crisis where Russia tries to claim a sion and restore Ukraine’s sovereignty.” and through Canada’s defense reform assis- the ruling elite. The address, delivered by stakeholder role is unfolding in Venezuela, Ukraine has been pressing for the deploy- tance efforts.” Back on November 28, 2017, President Vladimir Putin on February 20, but the “principled” support for Nicolás ment of U.N. peacekeepers in eastern Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland revealed worries in the Kremlin about the Maduro’s regime damages rather than pro- Ukraine as long as they are placed along the told Maclean magazine that “A peacekeeping spreading discontent and declining popu- motes its international reputation border with Russia to monitor and ensure force that helps to solve the problem in the larity of the leader who took charge nearly (Kommersant, February 22; see EDM, Russian troops and weapons do not come Donbas will do its job, and will be acceptable 20 years ago (Moscow Echo, February 20). January 28, 31, February 11). over the border to aid the separatists. Russia to Canada, only if those peacekeepers are at His appeal not to lose any time in execut- Mr. Putin mentioned Syria only as a has said it would support a limited U.N. the Ukrainian border.” (Ukrainian Canadian ing the ambitious guidelines was heavily training ground for the Russian officer peacekeeping mission to protect observers Congress Daily Briefing) recycled, but the keen attention to particu- corps, avoiding any reference to the trilat- from the Organization for Security and lar social problems was supposed to eral Russia-Turkey-Iran axis constructed Cooperation in Europe who are on the Death toll up to 13,000 in Ukraine war ground in eastern Ukraine. In his address to restore the population’s confidence in the for managing the mutating war. The Some 13,000 people have been killed, a the General Assembly in New York, benevolence of the supreme ruler (Newsru. Kremlin is aware that the declared but elu- quarter of them civilians, and as many as Poroshenko said that U.N. Secretary-General com, February 22). Mr. Putin made no clear sive Russian “victory” in Syria is not popu- 30,000 wounded in the war in eastern attempt to present a coherent ideology lar at home and sought to hide its costs by Antonio Guterres should send a fact-finding Ukraine since it broke out in April 2014, the purportedly underpinning his reign; promising new funding for domestic social mission for a peacekeeping mission to east- United Nations says. The estimated toll although one of his minor courtiers, programs (Moscow Echo, February 21). ern Ukraine in order to outline “elaborate includes more than 3,300 civilian deaths, Kremlin advisor Vladislav Surkov, had Meanwhile, disagreements between the respective options” that could be discussed. the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for inventively suggested one a week prior to three “strategic partners” are apparent The Ukrainian president accused Russia of Human Rights (OHCHR) said in a document the presidential gala (Business Online, despite all the diplomatic camouflage; so conducting an “undeclared war.” He also dated February 25 and provided to RFE/RL February 15). instead of capitalizing on the hard-won called for Moscow to be deprived of its veto the same day. It comes as the simmering Moreover, in his speech, the Russian success, the Kremlin has to think hard power in the U.N. Security Council on issues conflict between Russia-backed separatists president only briefly touched on foreign about possible risks of a new escalation of related to the “Russian aggression against and government forces approaches its sixth policy. It is, therefore, quite illuminating to hostilities (RBC, February 21). Russian Ukraine.” Russian U.N. Ambassador Vasily year, with little progress toward the imple- note the international matters of major forces in Syria can stay clear from the Nebenzya later told the General Assembly mentation of a Western-brokered ceasefire importance to Moscow that he specifically brewing confrontation between Turkey that Mr. Poroshenko was “the president of and political-settlement deal known as the omitted. and the Kurds, but they are exposed to and war, a war which continues to this day.” He Minsk Accords. “OHCHR estimates the total At the top of this list of exclusions is cer- involved in the clashes between Israel and added, “Today, this General Assembly hall number of conflict-related casualties in tainly the stagnant crisis in relations with Iran. Moscow is increasingly uncomfortable has become nothing other for him than an Ukraine... at 40,000-43,000” from April 14, Ukraine, Russia’s most important neighbor, with this entrapment (Nezavisimaya election campaigning rostrum.” (RFE/RL, 2014, to January 31, 2019, the statement which Moscow deeply alienated by annexing Gazeta, February 19). with reporting by AFP and AP) said, including “12,800-13,000 killed.” The Crimea five years ago, invading and occupy- The threat of terrorism was another issue Support for peacekeeping mission estimated death toll includes 3,321 civilians, ing the Donbas and continuing a “hybrid” absent from Mr. Putin’s monologue, which among them the 298 passengers and crew campaign of aggression against Kyiv. Russian drew a record-low TV audience, despite all James Bezan, the Conservative shadow members who died when Malaysia Airlines propaganda relentlessly attacks Ukraine’s the usual propaganda hype (Moskovsky minister for defense, on February 21 issued Flight MH17 was shot down on July 17, President Petro Poroshenko, seeking to Komsomolets, February 22). Terrorist a statement in support of Ukrainian 2014, on route from Amsterdam to Kuala undermine his campaign in the forthcoming attacks are not uncommon in Russia, partic- President Petro Poroshenko’s request to the Lumpur. The estimated death toll also elections (Rosbalt, February 21). ularly in the North Caucasus, where gun- United Nations General Assembly for a includes 4,000 members of Ukrainian forces And defying international protests, fights and house sieges occur weekly and no peacekeeping mission in eastern Ukraine. and 5,500 “armed groups,” the OHCHR doc- Russian authorities continue to hold 24 longer attract much news coverage “Conservatives have always stood with ument said. OHCHR estimates the total Ukrainian service members in prison, fol- (Kavkazsky Uzel, February 19). What makes Ukraine even in the face of ongoing aggres- number of people wounded at 27,500 to lowing the naval clash near the Kerch Strait the problem particularly unmentionable is sion from Russia. As President Poroshenko last November (Moskovsky Komsomolets, last year’s botched operation by the Russian reiterated yesterday, a U.N. peacekeeping (Continued on page 12) February 22; see Eurasia Daily Monitor, special services to assassinate former spy November 26, 28, 2018). Sergei Skripal in the United Kingdom using a Ukraine lives under permanent threat of deadly nerve agent – an act that clearly a new Russian offensive, and Mr. Putin’s opens Russia up to charges of pursuing he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 silence is menacing in the situation of dead- state-sponsored terrorism (RBC, February T U W locked negotiations and growing interna- 15) as well as new Western sanctions An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., tional resignation about stabilizing this (, January 21). a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. smoldering war (, February 21). Finally, turning specifically to domestic Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. Mr. Putin conspicuously said nothing matters, Mr. Putin did not dare to address Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. about potentially cooperating with the systemic corruption. It has acquired gro- (ISSN — 0273-9348) United States and Europe to address global tesque forms in the North Caucasus, as illu- or regional problems, though he elaborated minated by the recent arrest of a legislator, The Weekly: UNA: at length on the breakdown of the arms Rauf Arashukov, on the floor of the Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 control regime and bragged yet again about Federation Council chamber and the expo- Postmaster, send address changes to: his country’s “wonder weapon” projects sure of the wealth accumulated by his clan The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz (see EDM, February 21). And while implic- (New Times, February 4). Blogger Alexei 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas itly sending an apparent flattering message Navalny, a leader of the opposition who P.O. Box 280 to U.S. President Donald Trump (“proactive made the struggle against corruption his Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] and talented people”), his remarks simulta- trademark, followed up with more revela- neously slammed the political elites in tions (, February 21). The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: Washington for “excessive faith in their Shameless graft is a major factor behind exceptionalism and supremacy,” thus Russians’ growing poverty, which Mr. Putin The Ukrainian Weekly, March 3, 2019, No. 9, Vol. LXXXVII betraying the Kremlin’s deep grievance tries to alleviate by palliative measures that Copyright © 2019 The Ukrainian Weekly about not being taken seriously as an equal are only going to enrich more bureaucrats partner in global affairs (, (Novaya Gazeta, February 21). The Kremlin February 20). now and again resorts to selective punish- ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA Yet, it is too obvious that Moscow has ment, but public opinion increasingly per- nothing to contribute to the resolution of ceives such cases as evidence of all-pene- Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 the North Korean problem (see EDM, trating corruption in the government e-mail: [email protected] September 11, 2017; October 23, 2018), (Moscow Echo, February 19). Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and Russia quietly hopes that Mr. Trump’s e-mail: [email protected] forthcoming summit with North Korean (Continued on page 18) No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Graft cases to go on shelf after Constitutional Court ruling by Mark Raczkiewycz He and two others purportedly would Oleh Hladkovskyi denied any wrongdo- obtain contraband Russian parts and sell ing on February 27 in a televised interview KYIV – The Constitutional Court of them at inflated prices of two to four times and more than 10 times called the investi- Ukraine on February 27 removed a key their value to contractors who were alleg- gative journalism report a “dirty campaign” clause in the criminal code designed to pros- edly complicit and accepted kickbacks. A ahead of the presidential election. ecute corrupt public officials that had company that at the time belonged to Mr. He also took a leave of absence pending also helped the country secure crucial lend- Poroshenko allegedly was used to funnel an investigation into defense complex pro- ing from the International Monetary Fund some of the money. curements. He asked law enforcement and for its citizens to enjoy visa-free travel The president hasn’t addressed the agencies to verify and investigate what the privileges to the European Union. alleged use of his former company for shift- investigative journalists alleged. The nation’s highest court ruled that the ing funds. Ihor Hladkovskyi told the Interfax news “illicit enrichment” clause was unconstitu- However, while visiting Kirovohrad on agency on February 26 that he will sue the tional, saying that it violates the principle of February 28, he promised that any wrong- journalists in court and ask for a correction, presumed innocence and lays the burden of doing in defense industry procurement will adding that “the accusations are unsub- proof on the accused. The decision came just be punished. stantiated.” one month before presidential elections will “The army is Ukraine’s greatest value,” Meanwhile, NABU said that it has been be held on March 31 amid widespread pub- Mr. Poroshenko said. “If the facts are con- investigating some of the corrupt aspects of lic disapproval of efforts to combat corrup- firmed, then, of course, neither the name the scheme for some time and that more tion since the 2014 Euro-Maidan revolution. nor the position will save anyone. As soon cases were opened on February 26 on the The crime-fighting National Anti- as the information appeared, I signed an… ones they previously weren’t aware of. Corruption Bureau (NABU), as well as anti- order to law enforcement agencies.” Ukroboronprom, the state-run defense graft groups, said that some 65 cases will The president also said he had submit- industry concern, announced on February Oleh Hladkovskyi, a longtime business retroactively be closed. ted a draft bill that takes into account the 27 that it had dismissed two directors of its partner of the president, took a leave of In a statement released on the same day, absence as first deputy secretary of the court ruling, “but preserves the key posi- subsidiary companies after the journalists’ NABU said the ruling was a “step back” and National Security and Defense Council tion – the inevitability of criminal punish- report was released, while accusing the “politically motivated,” adding that it runs after journalists uncovered an alleged ment for illicit enrichment.” reporters of “manipulation.” counter to Ukraine’s commitments to the kickback scheme in the defense industry IMF and the EU, and to the U.N. Convention involving his son. He dismissed the sto- against Corruption. ry’s findings as election campaign dirt. Eleven non-profit groups, including prominent watchdogs Transparency Interna­ kickbacks worth more than $9 million. The tional Ukraine and the Anti-corruption revelations came in a video and a subse- Action Center, released a joint statement that quent article published by the investigative said the “decriminalization of illegal enrich- journalism group ment will in effect mean providing impunity Allegedly, it implicates the son of a for officials at the expense of significant Poroshenko ally and longtime business financial problems for all Ukrainians.” partner, and a company that once belonged When electronic asset declarations were to the president. made mandatory in 2016 for a large swath Starting in 2015, the conspiracy alleged- of public officials, including lawmakers, the ly involved the sale of Russian-made parts public discovered to what extent their life- to state-run defense companies, many of styles didn’t match what was officially dis- which still haven’t closed their production closed. The law on ill-gotten wealth was cycles off from Russia. supposed to compel them to prove the Twenty-five-year-old Ihor Hladkovskyi, source of their wealth, but now that has whose father, Oleh Hladkovskyi, is the first been revoked. deputy secretary of the National Security President Petro Poroshenko on February and Defense Council and a junior business Presidential Administration of Ukraine 28 submitted his version of a bill to reinstate partner of Mr. Poroshenko, was allegedly President Petro Poroshenko is saluted upon arrival in Kirovohrad Oblast on the illegal enrichment clause while on a one of the scheme’s ringleaders. February 28 during a working visit. work visit to Kirovohrad Oblast, according to the state-run news agency Ukrinform. “It will be airtight” and “calm everybody down,” he said the previous day while visit- Quotable notes ing Zaporizhia Oblast, located 500 kilome- ters southeast of Kyiv. … the United Kingdom welcomes this opportunity to discuss and religious groups such as the Crimean Tatars are persecuted. Neither the IMF nor the EU has released the repeated violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial Mr. President, despite calls in General Assembly resolutions for a statement regarding the court ruling as of integrity at the hands of Russia. Russia’s aggression towards the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to February 28. It’s not clear whether lending Ukraine is not limited to the Donbas and Crimea – Russia seeks visit Crimea, Russia continues to refuse. We, the international conditions will be stiffened or if visa-free to undermine Ukraine at every opportunity; undermining the community must stand united and call for Russia to release all travel privileges to the EU are now endan- ceasefire; supplying the Russian-backed separatists with weap- political prisoners and allow urgent, unrestricted access for gered. ons and calling illegitimate elections – all in breach of the Minsk human rights monitoring organizations immediately. Again, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko criti- agreement. These actions have a tragic impact on the lives of what does the Russian Federation not want the world to see? cized the clause for not being “effective in Ukrainian civilians. As the French ambassador said: in the five Mr. President, less than three months ago, Russian authorities practice” during a briefing on February 27 years since this conflict began, over 12,800 people have lost admitted to using force in the Black Sea to seize three Ukrainian and on his Facebook page, although he was their lives. Almost 25,000 have been injured. And 3.5 million naval vessels injuring three Ukrainian servicemen. These actions one of the bill’s initiators in early 2015 people are in need of humanitarian assistance. Russia bears a are not in conformity with the United Nations Convention on the when it was adopted. heavy responsibility for the ongoing loss of life. … Law of the Sea and they are a blatant attempt to destabilize “Lawyers call such [legal] articles ‘dead,’ Mr. President, next month marks the fifth anniversary of the Ukraine by harming economic activities of other ports of that is, those that cannot be applied in illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia. And it’s worth reminding Berdyansk and Mariupol – hampering Ukraine’s ability to man- practice... [The] norms of a poorly drafted ourselves of the facts. In response to Russia’s plans for an illegal age its economy. …We cannot and will not ignore such actions. law did not work... Obviously, it is neces- and illegitimate referendum in Crimea, the Security Council on They represent a serious challenge to the international rules- sary to correct the law and act decisively in 15 March 2014 voted on a draft resolution that reaffirmed the based order. This is an order which benefits us all and keeps us this direction,” he said. sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine and noted safe. To protect it, the international community must continue to Since the clause’s adoption four years that Ukraine had not authorized the referendum and that it had stand united and remain focused on Russia’s behavior and its ago, not a single verdict has been delivered no validity. Russia vetoed that resolution. Following the illegal attempts to integrate Crimea into Russia – including through the based on it. and illegitimate referendum in Crimea on 16 March, on 27 construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait. Fifty-nine lawmakers started to dispute March 2014, the United Nations General Assembly adopted …I take note of the Russian ambassador’s enthusiasm for the constitutionality of the clause in late Resolution 68262 supported by 100 member states which Security Council meetings on Ukraine and look forward next 2017. Some of those who appealed had ini- affirmed the General Assembly’s commitment to the territorial time to hearing about what Russia is doing to meet its obliga- tially voted for it, while others were facing integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized bor- charges under the law. tions and bring an end to the suffering of the people of Ukraine. ders and underscored the invalidity of the referendum. Thank you, Mr. President. Shady defense industry contracts Mr. President, we not only object to the illegal annexation of Crimea because it is illegal. We also object to it due to the – Ambassador Jonathan Allen, the United Kingdom’s deputy Preceding the court ruling, an alleged Russian government’s appalling treatment of many of those permanent representative to the United Nations, speaking at the scheme was unveiled in the defense indus- who live there. Human rights violations are prevalent. Ethnic Security Council briefing on Ukraine on February 12. trial complex on February 25 that involved 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9 Expectations for Ukraine Reform Priorities in 2019 by Adrian Karmazyn technical support that is in the pipeline. In particular, the EU will support the continu- WASHINGTON – It is often assumed that ation of anti-corruption and decentraliza- unpopular political decisions regarding tion reforms and the implementation of the reforms cannot take place in an election EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. The EU year. Fearful of losing the support of voters will also provide assistance to civil society, as elections approach, few politicians are aiming “to go deeper and wider into the willing to push for disruptive changes even country” as much of this support thus far if they can bring long-term benefits for the has tended to be Kyiv-centered. country. However, as Ukraine’s economy Later in the discussion, when asked if lags far behind that of its European neigh- there was any indication that the European bors and as Russia continues its military Union might be softening its support for and hybrid aggression against Ukraine, Ukraine, Mr. Wagner responded: “What has many experts argue that Kyiv cannot afford changed between 2014 and today? Why to avoid or delay reforms that will make its should we change our” support for economy more productive and its society Ukraine? “We have five years ago signed up more prosperous. to a long-term commitment. We have an Olena Prokopenko, who up until recent- Ukraine Crisis Media Center Association Agreement… and nothing has ly worked for the NGO called Reanimation At the Ukraine Crisis Media Center (from left) are: Pamela Tremont, deputy chief of changed.” He went on to say that much has Package of Reforms, laments the fact that mission, U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Canada’s Ambassador to Ukraine Roman Waschuk, already been achieved and lots more poten- attention in Ukraine is now predominately and Olena Prokopenko, former expert of the Reanimation Package of Reforms. tial exists. As long as the Ukrainian people drawn to the presidential election cam- and government want to continue with the Ambassador Waschuk said he believes the status quo who are trying to undermine paign, which is mostly devoid of public reform path, the EU will be with them. 2019 could provide a very important the reforms.” debate about reforms. “But we in civil soci- Summarizing Mr. Wagner’s remarks, opportunity for a fuller implementation of Based on this track record, she said that ety believe that elections are no excuse for Bruno Lete of GMF’s Brussels office said he laws that have been passed in recent years. the United States believes Ukraine can not advancing reforms,” she said, and “we was glad to hear that “the EU will remain The key to a successful reform process is accomplish a lot in 2019 despite the elec- wanted to take this opportunity to draw vested in Ukraine, our geographic neighbor, not only passing laws, he said, but “making tions, including Ministry of Finance and the attention of Ukraine’s international after all, and help the transition in that them real.” Thanks to international sup- National Bank fiscal and financial reforms, partners and the government of Ukraine to country.” port, the Ukrainian government has establishment of separate customs and tax those reform priorities that we see as An important aspect of the Transatlantic increased its “implementation capability,” services, continuation of energy reforms, attainable and realistic even during this Task Force video conference was to discuss he noted, referring to the actual people improvement of corporate governance of elections year.” whether reform priorities of Ukraine’s who are implementing reform measures in state-owned enterprises, continuation of The opportunity she referred to was a international partners align with reform the ministries. transparent privatizations, creation of a February 14 international videoconference priorities of Ukrainian civil society. Of course, it’s necessary for Ukraine to credible anti-corruption court preserving organized by the Transatlantic Task Force Addressing that issue were Hlib Vyshlinsky adhere to its International Monetary Fund existing and nascent anti-corruption insti- on Elections and Civil Society in Ukraine, of the Center for Economic Strategy and program but rather than prescribing new tutions like the National Anti-corruption which featured speakers in Washington, Andriy Borovyk of Transparency reforms in an election year, Canada is focus- Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Kyiv, Brussels and Ottawa. International Ukraine. ing on less controversial things like decen- Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Opening the session were Johnathan Mr. Vyshlinsky named a number of tralization. Major new initiatives, like pri- Office (SAPO), so that the law is equally Katz of the German Marshall Fund (GMF) reforms that should be an immediate prior- vate land sales and large-scale privatiza- applied to all citizens regardless of their and Orest Deychakiwsky of the U.S.-Ukraine ity. He disagreed with the North American tion, “are not going to miraculously happen wealth or power, “as Ukrainians demanded Foundation. Mr. Katz explained that the panelists, who said it was unrealistic to this summer,” said Ambassador Waschuk. on the Maidan in 2014.” task force was set up as a means to commu- achieve land reform and land privatization Speaking from Ottawa, Jill Sinclair, a Ms. Tremont noted that although reform nicate between key capitals and key part- during the 2019 election cycle. “We believe senior executive with the Canadian govern- of the electoral code is not realistic this ners of Ukraine and with Ukrainian civil this is so important that it should be a pri- ment, announced that Canada will be host- year, there are ways to strengthen electoral society, citizens and government, and that ority even this year,” he stated. ing the third Ukraine Reform Conference in justice, including increasing penalties for the ultimate goal “is to support Ukraine’s Referring to a World Bank study on the Toronto on July 5. She explained that, in vote buying and protecting the voting democratic transition and to strengthen economic growth potential of Ukraine, Mr. this extraordinary moment of opportunity rights of internally displaced persons Ukraine’s security engagement with the Vyshlinsky said: “We see that Ukraine has and transition for Ukraine, “What we’re (IDPs) and labor migrants. West.” He stressed that the 2019 presiden- very limited potential to grow because of looking at here is how do you consolidate Expressing concern about attacks on tial and parliamentary elections in Ukraine demographic problems, we have diminish- the trajectory, how do you make… those civil society and the lack of seriousness of “are going to determine in many ways what ing human capital, because of lack of invest- foundational reforms that have already law enforcement officials in pursuing some reforms will be not only passed but also ment we have depreciation of physical capi- been achieved irreversible, sustainable? of these cases, Ms. Tremont underscored implemented” in the near future and that tal… The only low-hanging fruit we could How do you put in place the governance that “we would like to see more protections Ukraine has been fortunate to enjoy strong have to get higher economic growth rates and the systems and the institutions that for civil society, because civil society is the Western political and financial support. that will satisfy the Ukrainian population’s will make this withstand the political backbone of a strong democracy.” Mr. Deychakiwsky, who along with Mr. need for a better well-being is, in fact, open- dynamics with any transition?” The next presenter, Peter Wagner, head Katz is a co-chair of the Friends of Ukraine ing the land market and injecting invest- Accountability, integrity and prosperity of the Ukraine Support Group of the EU’s Network Democracy and Civil Society Task ment into agriculture.” should be the broad themes for reform European Commission (EC) expressed sup- Force, recognized that in the five years The other reform priorities cited by Mr. going forward, along with inclusivity, i.e., port for the comments of the previous since the Euro-Maidan Revolution of Vyshlinksy, include privatization of all engaging all the key stakeholders interna- speakers, saying that the international Dignity many reforms have been undertak- large-scale state-owned enterprises and tionally and within Ukraine, she said. The community is “extremely aligned” in its en but there is “a lot of room for improve- shortening the list of enterprises prohibit- Reform Conference will give the president support for Ukraine and the reforms that ment.” He said that “reforms need to con- ed from privatization, simplifying customs of Ukraine and parliamentary candidates a are needed. tinue,” even in this election year, and that procedures, relaunching the State Fiscal sense of the expectations for reforms and Interestingly, he noted that the uncer- whoever is elected there will be “a lot of Service, establishing financial investigation expected support from international part- tainty of the elections in Europe are as challenges ahead for years to come.” services that will replace the tax police and ners that will be forthcoming in order to much of an issue of concern as the elections The former Helsinki Commission policy numerous economic crime units at law help Ukraine “to continue to realize its in Ukraine are. In terms of factors that can advisor referred to the United States, enforcement agencies, and further liberal- Euro-Atlantic vision and aspirations.” hurt Ukraine economically, he noted that Canada and the European Union – all of ization of capital controls and foreign Pamela Tremont, the deputy chief of Ukraine will be facing enormous debt whom were represented at the video con- exchange regulations, which would open mission of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, took a repayment, high debt, high defense expen- ference – as Ukraine’s “strongest interna- Ukraine to capital flows from the European moment to acknowledge the many reforms ditures, plus the decline of international tional partners” and Ukraine’s “three best Union in line with the free trade agreement. that have already been passed in Ukraine: humanitarian support as attention to friends.” He said he expects that the inter- While recognizing that Ukraine’s “They’ve passed anti-corruption court leg- Russia’s military aggression in eastern national community and, especially, civil improvements on Transparency islation, a law on national security, a cur- Ukraine diminishes. society will continue to be “key drivers” of International’s (TI) corruption index have rency law, a state bank governance law, In terms of the European Union’s expec- reforms in Ukraine and efforts to integrate been modest, Mr. Borovyk noted that the privatization reform, pension reform, tations for Ukraine in 2019 Mr. Wagner Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic community general trend over the past five years has health care reform, education reform, new said: “If the IMF program… stays on track, if of nations. been positive. justices have been appointed to the the election can be held in a free transpar- The first keynote speaker was Roman He listed a number of achievements, like Supreme Court, Privat Bank reform, auto- ent way, and if there is a bit of credible con- Waschuk, Canada’s ambassador to Ukraine. the public procurement system ProZorro, matic VAT (Value-Added Tax) registry and tinuation of the economic liberalization He noted that Ukrainians are being con- electronic asset declarations for public offi- refund system has been created, business agenda… I think the rest should work out.” fronted with deciding whether reforms cials, anti-corruption institutions and the pressure relief law and, of course, decen- Mr. Wagner emphasized that the EC is have been taking place and, if so, voting to creation of an anti-corruption court with tralization. That’s a lot to accomplish and a “optimistic with regard to 2019” and that preserve that situation or, if not, voting for a international support, noting that many candidate that is untested with the hope of lot to implement.” Ms. Tremont added, will be reflected in the budgetary support “Obviously there are always stakeholders in that the EU is preparing for Ukraine and the fulfilling their reform expectations. (Continued on page 18) No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 5


WHEREAS, we have come together here today to com- memorate the 125th anniversary of the Ukrainian National Association, Inc., a fraternal benefit society that has served the Ukrainian community in the United States and Canada for over a century; and WHEREAS, 125 years ago today, on February 22, 1894, a group of dedicated community leaders, immigrants from Ukraine gathered together in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, deeply concerned over the plight of their brethren immi- grants in their new homeland, America. Hard-working immigrants who found themselves in dangerous working Yuriy Symczyk conditions, subject to injury and death, financial hardships, Mayor John J. Brown with UNA President/CEO Stefan discrimination and bias; and Kaczaraj, who holds the key to the city just presented to WHEREAS, these founding fathers heeded the following him as well as the proclamation honoring the UNA. call for unity that appeared in the Association’s publica- tion, “Svoboda”: “Ukrainians scattered across this land need a national organization, namely a brotherhood, a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, we, UNA’s 125th anniversary... national union that would embrace each and every Mayor John J. Brown, Mayor of the City of Shamokin, and (Continued from page 1) Ukrainian no matter where he lives… For in unity there is the City Council of Shamokin strength and it is not easily defeated”; and (1) Wish the Ukrainian National Association further In their proclamation, the mayor and City Council WHEREAS, these founding fathers established a frater- success in its mission of providing financial assistance to “Wish[ed] the Ukrainian National Association further suc- nal society – a brotherhood, whose mission was to provide its membership; expanding cultural awareness among the cess in its mission of providing financial assistance to its financial security to its members, and to preserve and pro- American public of the rich contributions of Ukrainian membership; expanding cultural awareness among the mote the cultural heritage of Ukrainians and Ukrainian Americans to America’s mosaic; informing the public American public of the rich contributions of Ukrainian Americans; and about events in the United States, Ukraine and beyond Americans to America’s mosaic; informing the public about WHEREAS, fraternal societies like the Ukrainian through its newspapers, “Svoboda” (since 1893) and “The events in the United States, Ukraine and beyond through National Association exemplify the “take care of your own” Ukrainian Weekly” (since 1933); its newspapers, ‘Svoboda’ (since 1893) and ‘The Ukrainian spirit that helped build America and continue to give bil- (2) Acknowledge the historic significance of Shamokin Weekly’ (since 1933); Acknowledge[d] the historic signifi- lions of dollars back to the American public in the form of Pennsylvania, as the birthplace of the Ukrainian National cance of Shamokin Pennsylvania, as the birthplace of the community service volunteer hours, donations, and educa- Association – and the foundation of organized community Ukrainian National Association – and the foundation of tional scholarships; and life of Ukrainian Americans in the United States; and organized community life of Ukrainian Americans in the WHEREAS, today, at 125 years of age, the Ukrainian (3) Express their most sincere congratulations to the United States; and Express[ed] their most sincere congrat- National Association has grown far beyond what it was at Ukrainian National Association on its milestone anniversa- ulations to the Ukrainian National Association on its mile- the time of its founding in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, yet has ry and its 125 years of exemplary service. stone anniversary and its 125 years of exemplary service.” remained steadfastly devoted to its founding principles. John J. Brown , Mayor Also attending the proclamation reading and presenta- tion were Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz of Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly; Mr. Kaczaraj’s wife, Swiatoslava; UNA CELEBRATES 125 YEARS and the Rev. Mykola Ivanov, pastor, and David Kaleta, can- tor, of Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church in Shamokin. Shamokin City Councilmen Dan McGaw and Scott Roughton participated in the ceremony. Also present were A snapshot from history: 1984 Doreen L. Annis, the city’s administrative accountant, and Larry Deklinski, staff photographer of the local newspaper, The News-Item. A story about the presentation of the proc- lamation appeared on the front page of the newspaper on February 23. In the evening of February 22, Father Ivanov and Mr. Kaleta took UNAers on a tour of the historic Transfiguration Church, the second oldest Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States. The parish was established in 1884, and the current church’s cornerstone was blessed in 1907 by Bishop , the first Ukrainian Catholic bishop in the U.S. While visiting the church, UNAers saw stained glass win- dows that had been funded by UNA leaders John Glowa and Alexis Sharshon, and the plaque that had been installed outside to mark the UNA’s 75th anniversary in 1969.

George Zarycky In the photo above, taken on February 19, 1984, Ukrainian National Association President John O. Flis recalls pio- neers’ efforts in a ceremony at the commemorative plaque honoring the UNA that stands outside Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church in Shamokin, Pa. The plaque was designed by the noted artist Jacques Hnizdovsky and installed in 1969 to mark the UNA’s 75th anniversary. Mr. Flis, along with a delegation of UNA executive officers, advisors and auditors, came to Shamokin to mark the UNA’s 90th anniversary in 1984. The daylong celebration began with a liturgy at Transfiguration Church, the second oldest Ukrainian Catholic church in the U.S., and continued with a luncheon in the church hall attended by nearly 200 people. Mr. Flis said that Shamokin will always have a “ranking Roma Hadzewycz place in the history of the Ukrainian immigration to America,” and noted that “all that we have we owe to the Ukrainians Shamokin City Hall dates to 1894. of Shamokin.” He called the early pioneers “visionaries” to whom the Ukrainian community should be grateful. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9

WINDOW ON EURASIA The Ukrainian Weekly Back to the UNA’s roots ‘Money flows like a river from Russian regions As readers will see from the front page story in this week’s issue, February 22 marked a homecoming for the Ukrainian National Association. A delegation led by to occupied Crimea,’ says regional specialist UNA President/CEO Stefan Kaczaraj and Chief Operating Officer/National Secretary by Paul Goble this spending is being financed by “other Yuriy Symczyk traveled to the city of Shamokin in Pennsylvania to celebrate the subjects of the Russian Federation.” founding of the UNA on that exact date 125 years earlier. Many non-Russian republics like Ms. Zubarevich says that she cannot call As noted in the proclamation hailing the UNA that was presented by Mayor John J. Chechnya and Ingushetia get more than 70 this policy just and she cannot say that Brown and the City Council, “on February 22, 1894, a group of dedicated community percent of their budgets from Moscow, other regions think it is either. “But other leaders, immigrants from Ukraine gathered together in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, Natalya Zubarevich says; but the largest federal authorities are not interested in the deeply concerned over the plight of their brethren immigrants in their new home- monetary flows are going not to them but opinion of the subjects: they make deci- land, America. Hard-working immigrants who found themselves in dangerous work- to Crimea and Sevastopol, “more than 100 sions on their own,” without reference to ing conditions, subject to injury and death, financial hardships, discrimination and billion rubles ($1.6 billion U.S.)” last year what others think or feel. And these other bias.” The anniversary proclamation also cited the historic significance of Shamokin alone. regions now can see that they are indeed “as the birthplace of the Ukrainian National Association – and the foundation of The regional specialist at the Moscow getting less. organized community life of Ukrainian Americans in the United States.” (You can Independent Institute of Social Policy says Except for a few months before the pres- read the full text on page 5.) that even all the republics of the North idential elections last year, Moscow has not Shamokin was once the most populous area and the largest trading center within Caucasus taken together received only half increased transfer payments to all the oth- a 60-mile radius of coal country, as pointed out on the city’s official website. Today, as much. Each person in Crimea received ers, and it is unlikely to do so or even, given due to the decline of the coal industry, Shamokin’s population has decreased to almost five times as much in federal subsi- its current policy mix, be able to do next about 18,000, and the city has fallen on tough times. (Upon entering the city, one of dies as Russians in the country as a whole year. Crimea meanwhile is developing in a the first things the UNA group noticed was banners reading “Wealth through coal” ( way that is neither sustainable nor desir- and “Jobs, jobs, jobs.”) The website presents this hopeful statement: “Still, after an natalya-zubarevich-dengi-v-krym-tekut- able. 80-year period of decline, the community seeks to find turning a corner to recovery.” rekoj). Almost all the development on the pen- The UNA delegation was warmly greeted by Shamokin officials, and a story about One can truly say, Ms. Zubarevich contin- insula, she says, is the result of government the proclamation’s presentation was prominently featured on the front page of The ues, that federal money is flowing to the money. About 85 percent of investments News-Item on February 23. “City officials honor fraternal Ukrainian National peninsula “like a river,” something Russians come from the budget because there is lit- Association; Organization founded in Shamokin 125 years ago,” was the headline on may not have opposed when they were still tle interest among private entrepreneurs in the informative report by Larry Deklinski. Speaking with Mr. Deklinski, a staff pho- affected by the “Crime is ours” euphoria but investing there. As a result, in Crimea, tographer/reporter, Mayor Brown commented: “It’s amazing the things that hap- that is increasingly unsupportable five “state capitalism with certain feudal pened in the heyday of Shamokin. …This is just another thing that has come to our years on when they decidedly are not. aspects” is being established. attention – that Shamokin is an important place in the history of this country.” Moscow has been spending these enor- That should be a warning sign to The Rev. Mykola Ivanov, pastor of Transfiguration Ukrainian Catholic Church, told mous sums in Crimea, she says, “in order to Moscow, Ms. Zubarevich says, especially the local newspaper that the founding of the UNA would not have been possible show how happy life is in the Russian given the Chechen precedent. One can without the church. Indeed, it was church brotherhoods that came together in 1894 Federation.” But while it may have some “feed” a region for a long time on rich food, to create what became the UNA, and the book “Ukrainian National Association: Its success on the peninsula, that success is “but to shift it to a healthy diet already is Past and Present” by Anthony Dragan says the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood, perhaps overwhelmed by the fact that all very difficult.” founded in 1887 in Shamokin, “formed the basis of the Ukrainian National Association.” Quite a number of the UNA’s early leaders were affiliated with Transfiguration Parish, which is evident in the jubilee book released for the parish’s centennial in 1984. City officials promised to include information about Shamokin as the birthplace Crimea’s Russians who backed annexation of the UNA on the city’s official website under the “Our History” section – both the UNA’s founding meeting and its first convention, held just over three months later, on May 30, 1894, were held there. For their part, UNA officers said they wanted to now turning against Moscow, says report speak further with city officials about the possibility of holding an event in of Ukrainians seeking the restoration of Shamokin to continue celebrations of the 125th anniversary and to pay homage to by Paul Goble Ukrainian sovereignty there. the pioneers of the oldest and largest Ukrainian fraternal society. Many ethnic Russians who lived in Ever more Russians from Russia are Thus, February 22, 2019, was a sweet homecoming for the UNA. Crimea before the annexation considered coming into Crimea, but ever more themselves more Russian than even those Russians in Crimea are getting Ukrainian in Moscow, voted for pro-Russian parties passports so they can leave, Mr. Vasilyev and in 2014 welcomed the takeover by says. The Russians coming in are getting Russia. But in the years since, Andrey the better jobs, and the Russians who were March Turning the pages back... Vasilyev says, they have come to see that there to begin with are seeing a decline in Russia is not what they imagined and even their standard of living and status. Not sur- Five years ago, on March 6, 2014, more than 2,000 people to turn against it. prisingly, the latter aren’t happy. 6 demonstrated in front of the White House in Washington to pro- So far, the Region.Expert commentator Those coming in are at least superficially test against Russia’s invasion of Crimea and President Vladimir says, this anger is mostly held in check, but more loyal to Moscow because they are 2014 Putin’s violation of international laws. The protest, which ran the experiences of this community have dependent on Moscow subsidies. But that from 1 p.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m., was organized by the reduced their importance to Moscow as an also means that the burden Crimea impos- Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA). integrative force and led the Russian es on the Russian taxpayers is almost cer- Protesters, which included Crimean Tatars, Poles, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, authorities to rely increasingly not on tain to grow, something that will make the Turks, Circassians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Georgians and, of course, Ukrainians, those they thought would always be their Ukrainian peninsula even more “a suitcase came from Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Boston and from across allies but on “new Russians” brought in without handles,” as Russians often say. New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland and the surrounding Washington area. from elsewhere ( That aspect of the situation has been Following the singing of the Ukrainian, U.S. and Crimean national anthems, an opening ment). noted quite often in the Russian media, but prayer was led by Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic But the arrival of these outsiders has Mr. Vasilyev points out that the growing Church and Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., who were only heightened the sense of Crimea’s long- tensions between the old Russians and the joined by clergy from both the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. time Russian residents that they are differ- new ones have not. Any mass migration The prayers noted, “Let none surrender to evil and mistrust,” as they petitioned for ent from the Russians of Russia and if any- always changes the relationship between prayers for Ukraine’s oppressors who are “lost souls.” Prayers were also offered for the thing decreased their desire to be part of the old and the new, and that unsettling lives lost during the Euro-Maidan protests in Ukraine, and the human sacrifices of those Vladimir Putin’s Russian world now or in development produces anger, first among who showed “no hesitation to help support human dignity.” the future. Indeed, they could become allies the older residents and then among the Michael Sawkiw Jr., director of the Ukrainian National Information Service, introduced speakers from representatives of various European ethnic groups and organizations, as new. well as members of Congress, including Reps. Sander Levin (D-Mich.), Marcy Kaptur Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on To support his argument, the analyst (D-Ohio) and Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.). ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia cites comments that have appeared in The speakers noted the time for dialogue in response to the crisis in Ukraine was over, who has served in various capacities in the social media and says that even more blunt and the time for action had come to strengthen democracy in Ukraine. Rep. Levin remind- U.S. State Department, the Central assessments are being offered in private ed that President Barack Obama had signed sanctions into law in response to Russia’s Intelligence Agency and the International conversations among both groups. All this actions, with the crowd erupting into chants of “God Bless America” and “Thank you!” Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the Voice suggests, he says, that “in a short time, Mubeyyin Altan, head of the Crimean Association of New York, questioned the polling of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio these contradictions will become an results in Russia’s sham referendum in February 2014. “Tatars,” he said, “believe in a Liberty and the Carnegie Endowment for inalienable part of Crimean political dis- peaceful Crimea, and shows its solidarity with its Ukrainian friends, who say no to the International Peace. The article above is course.” Russian invasion of Crimea – an integral part of Ukraine.” Mr. Altan appealed to international reprinted with permission from his blog And that means that Mr. Putin’s annexa- called “Window on Eurasia” (http://windo- tion will leave the Russians of Crimea divid- (Continued on page 13) ed just as it has left Russians elsewhere. No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 7

COMMENTARY FOR THE RECORD A thank you to Paul Grod, U.S. underscores: ‘Crimea is Ukraine’ The following press statement, headlined tion, and in some cases has forcibly trans- UCC president in 2007-2018 “Crimea is Ukraine,” was released by ferred these individuals from occupied by Alexandra Chyczij community and the Canadian government. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo on Crimea to Russia. The United States calls on As Russia’s war against Ukraine enters its February 27. Russia to release all of the Ukrainians, In December 2018, at the annual general fifth year, we remain united in defense of including members of the Crimean Tatar meeting of the Ukrainian Canadian Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty Five years ago, Russia’s occupation of community, it has imprisoned in retaliation Congress in Montreal, we said good-bye to and independence. Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula fueled an esca- for their peaceful dissent. This includes Oleh Paul Grod, who served our community as For his efforts, Mr. Grod earned many lation of Russian aggression. Russia Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Volodymyr president of the UCC for over a decade. Mr. accolades, including being named by attempted to upend the international order, Balukh, Ruslan Zeytullayev, and approxi- Grod has left the UCC to take the helm as Embassy Magazine & Hill Times Power and undermined basic human freedoms and mately 70 others. We call on Russia to cease president of the Ukrainian World Congress. Influence Magazine, as one of the top 100 weakened our common security. The world all its abuses immediately, to end its occupa- In the decade Mr. Grod served as presi- people influencing Canada’s global future. has not forgotten the cynical lies Russia tion of Crimea, and, in the meantime, to dent of the UCC, he moved the UCC to new Nor has Mr. Grod escaped the notice of employed to justify its aggression and mask comply with its obligations under interna- heights: he professionalized the staffing Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – he is its attempted annexation of Ukrainian terri- tional law, including the law of occupation. model, expanded the financial base of the one of 13 Canadians to be sanctioned and tory. Russia’s use of force against a peaceful In the Crimea Declaration of July 25, UCC, and grew its influence with Canada’s barred from entering Russia, a tribute I neighbor must not be tolerated by reputa- 2018, the United States reaffirmed its refus- decision makers as well as within our know he cherishes, and shares with ble states. The United States reiterates its al to recognize the Kremlin’s claims of sov- Ukrainian Canadian community. Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s minister of for- unwavering position: Crimea is Ukraine and ereignty over Crimea. The United States also This past decade the UCC has accom- eign affairs. must be returned to Ukraine’s control. condemns Russia’s illegal actions in Crimea plished much: a successful internment Prior to being elected president of the The United States remains gravely con- and its continued aggression against redress campaign, where together with the UCC in 2007, Mr. Grod had been deeply cerned by the worsening repression by Ukraine. The United States will maintain Shevchenko Foundation and the Ukrainian involved in the Ukrainian Canadian commu- Russia’s occupation regime in Crimea. respective sanctions against Russia until the Canadian Civil Liberties Association we nity life for many years. Raised in a family of During the past five years, Russian occupa- Russian government returns control of established the Canadian First World War Ukrainian Canadian patriots – a family tion authorities have engaged in an array of Crimea to Ukraine and fully implements the Internment Recognition Fund, which edu- whose story is similar to that of many of the abuses in a campaign to eliminate all oppo- Minsk agreements. The United States reiter- cates Canadians about Canada’s internment post-World War II “DP generation” – Mr. sition to its control over Crimea. As part of ates its unbending support for Ukraine’s operations in World War I; national recog- Grod grew up in the CYM youth organiza- this campaign, Russia has arbitrarily sovereignty and territorial integrity, within nition of the Holodomor as an act of geno- tion, attended Saturday school, and joined detained and wrongfully convicted individ- its internationally recognized borders, cide against the Ukrainian people; and con- (and became the president of) the Ukrainian uals for peaceful opposition to the occupa- including its territorial waters. tinued all-party support by the Canadian Canadian student youth movement. government for Ukraine’s sovereignty and Imbued in him in his youth was a love democracy. for both Canada and Ukraine – Ukraine, our As the Ukrainian people rose up in ancestral home, and Canada, where our defense of their rights during the people found freedom and peace, and IN THE PRESS: Occupation of Crimea, Revolution of Dignity, the UCC worked tire- where we could foster our language, cul- lessly under Mr. Grod’s leadership to ture and traditions. That patriotism and supporting Ukraine’s reform efforts ensure a united response from both our those values define him today. Throughout many years of leading the “Five years have passed, and Russia is “The West should support Ukraine’s Alexandra Chyczij is national president of still occupying territory in Ukraine,” by reform trajectory,” by Carl Bildt, The the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. (Continued on page 13) Pavlo Klimkin, The Washington Post, Washington Post, February 14 (https:// February 19 (https://www.washington- 2019/02/14/west-should-support-ukraines- LETTER TO THE EDITOR have-passed-russia-is-still-occupying-territo- reform-trajectory/?utm_term=.337c14f01 ry-ukraine/?utm_term=.5587 492e2da9): bdd ): Russian aluminum company owned by This month marks five years since Five years ago, Russia’s aggression Oleg Deripaska, an oligarch close to Mr. Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula was invaded against Ukraine morphed from economic New political realities Putin. That move alone should make every and subsequently occupied by Russia. The and political threats into outright military in the United States Ukrainian American sick to his stomach. occupiers who came from across the border aggression. … Exactly what has Mr. Putin done to deserve would come to be known as “Putin’s little …A decade of mismanagement, in com- Dear Editor: any relaxation of sanctions? And this will green men” — Russian troops with their mili- bination with the massive corruption of the have repercussions, mark my words. Many tary insignias hidden. Russian President Yanukovych regime, has left the country in It’s time Ukrainian Americans woke up Vladimir Putin at first brazenly denied his a state of near-bankruptcy. Russia’s aggres- to the new political realities in the United European states will use this as an excuse to relax their own sanctions on Russia. country’s involvement, then later admitted sion put Ukraine’s very survival at stake. States. For as long as I can remember, we that he had lied to the world. The Kremlin If it was just President Trump, Ukrainian Ukraine didn’t fracture under the pres- Ukrainians have been mostly supporters of held a sham referendum and installed a pup- sure. Instead, the country united through Americans could maybe overlook these the Republican Party, largely because of that pet government. It was the first time since presidential and parliamentary elections things and wait until Mr. Trump is gone. But party’s strong anti-Soviet stance. However, the 1940s that a European country had dared that demonstrated a resolve to not only it’s not just Mr. Trump. For the sanctions to we can no longer blindly support a party to seize territory from a neighbor by force. resist aggression but also to root out cor- be removed on Rusal required a lot of votes that has abandoned us and our concerns. Today Crimea is a human rights black ruption and mismanagement. by Republican senators. Guess what? Many President Donald Trump’s adulation for hole. The occupation regime is harshly per- Now, Ukraine is facing presidential and Republican politicians have received large Vladimir Putin and his constant excuses for secuting the indigenous Crimean Tatar pop- parliamentary elections that will chart its campaign contributions from various Mr. Putin’s behavior should have been ulation, which enjoyed considerable free- course for the next five years. … Russian oligarchs. The days of Republicans enough of a signal to Ukrainian Americans dom under Ukrainian rule. Now dissidents There is little doubt that there is wide- being a bulwark against Russia look to be that there is trouble ahead for Ukraine. are routinely abducted and tried in kanga- spread dissatisfaction with the economic over. Russia has figured out how to influ- Trump supporters point out that his admin- roo courts. Russia has imposed a ban on all and social situation… And we can rest ence Americans, something that the Soviets istration did provide weapons to Ukraine international monitors and aid agencies. assured that the Kremlin, which effectively never could do. They just buy our politi- that Barack Obama never did, but that was a Russia has consolidated its stranglehold lost the confrontation in 2014, will do cians, and it seems that many Republicans move by Jim Mattis and H.R. McMaster and over Crimea. The lack of international whatever it can to influence the elections have been open to being bought. The turn- they are gone from the government. Trump attention has clearly emboldened the and their aftermath in its favor. … around by some of these politicians is supporters also point to new sanctions Kremlin — as demonstrated by its recent The basic Kremlin message is that shocking, to say the least. Who would have passed against Russia as proof that the attacks on Ukrainian ships in international Ukraine is a hopeless case of mismanage- ever imagined that Lindsay Graham, once a president is “tough on Russia.” waters in the Kerch Strait and the Sea of ment and incompetence, and that only great anti-Putin Ukraine supporter and Unfortunately that statement, like much of Azov. Twenty-four Ukrainian servicemen Moscow can govern the wider Slavic world. friend of John McCain, would vote to what Mr. Trump says, is a lie. Mr. Trump has are now being held as prisoners of war, lan- …Ukraine is a significant European remove the sanctions on a Russian compa- delayed the implementation of sanctions guishing in Russian jails. country with an impressive economic ny owned by a Putin pal? passed by Congress and has been trying to The Russian occupation of Crimea was potential if it continues on its reform trajec- We Ukrainians need to stop supporting remove them since he was elected. the prelude to a broader campaign of tory. … any politicians who vote for any sanctions Ukrainian Americans need to look at aggression that continues to play out across But Ukraine will require continued relief or vote for anything in Russia’s inter- what is happening now. Russia attacked eastern and southern Ukraine. To date, more attention and help from the rest of Europe est. There is nothing more patriotic a Ukrainian ships and took their sailors pris- than 1.5 million Ukrainians have been dis- in its reform efforts. Firm U.S. and EU poli- Ukrainian American can do than to with- oner. Mr. Trump did nothing, issuing a placed and almost 13,000 others have been cies must withstand Russian attempts to hold our support from these politicians and statement basically blaming both sides. Mr. killed. This human tragedy gets minimal destabilize the efforts. to vote them out of office. It’s a patriotic act Trump’s antagonism to NATO is front page coverage in a media landscape preoccupied for America and for Ukraine as well. The sooner that happens, the better for news, damaging the only alliance that by political events in Western Europe and all, not least for Russia. But a firm Western keeps Russia in check. The Trump adminis- Alexander J. Stepanyk North America. For the people of Ukraine, policy of support for Ukraine should be a tration removed the sanctions on the Hollywood, Fla. however, the war and the suffering go on. … priority. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9

INTERVIEW Bishop Borys Gudziak on being tapped to lead the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the U.S. On February 18, the Holy See announced that Pope Francis, accepting the recommen- dation of the Synod of of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC), has appointed Bishop Borys Gudziak, Ph.D., as metropolitan and archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadel­ phia. For the previous six years Bishop Borys was eparch of the Eparchy of St. Volodymyr in Paris, serving the Ukrainian Greek- Catholic faithful in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The Press Office of Ukrainian Greek- Catholic Church asked him to describe his reactions to the nomination, summarize the years of his service in the Paris Eparchy, and articulate his hopes and dreams for a new mission in the land of his birth. The interview was conducted by Mariana Karapinka. What follows is an abridged version of the inter- Press Office, Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church view. The coat of arms of Bishop Borys What was your reaction to the deci- Bishop Borys Gudziak Gudziak. sion of the Synod and of the Holy Father learn one or more of the six official lan- that we were not able to accomplish and of councils (diocesan synods) over the last nominating you to the Philadelphia guages of these three kingdoms and two what remains to be done. But it is indeed four years. These councils ceased being Archeparchy? republics. France, the Benelux and true that the Lord blessed many initiatives. special occasions and became a regular Allow me to be open with you. The nom- Switzerland are among the most secular- The eparchy opened new parishes and mis- forum for decision-making and governance ination – and everything that it entails – ized countries in the world. As we prayed sions. At first there were 20, now there are – priests, religious, and lay women and men provokes deep thoughts and sentiments. together and worked to set and maintain 44. The number of our priests more than including the youth, jointly discerned God’s The first is gratitude and first to God. … the course on rough and unpredictable doubled, from nine to 23. The eparchy’s will and shared responsibility with the I am grateful to the holy father, Pope seas, we were together in sacrifice and ser- canonical structures and administration bishop. I trust that this practice, now Francis, to the father and head of the vice. Our eparchy became a modest but were created. The existing incorporating embedded in the corporate culture of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, His authentic and faith-filled corner of the associations were reformed and brought Paris Eparchy, will not be lost easily. I also Beatitude Sviatoslav, and to the Synod for Kingdom of God, which is already here and into legal order. Laypersons were called to hope that synodality will be the way of life their confidence and blessing. I am at peace. still yet to come. … key positions of governance. The presbyter- of the Church in the United States and glob- As a Christian and priest, I try to accept al and economic councils, six eparchial ally. This modality has been repeatedly At your enthronement at the God’s will as expressed by the Church, in commissions, the communications service, encouraged by the pope. Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris on this case neither seeking nor resisting this and a mission to seafarers came into being December 2, 2012, you called the clergy What do you fear most? What is your nomination. and are working effectively. and faithful of the Paris Eparchy to greatest concern? I have a sense of peace, despite the Generous donors from many countries advance together “from glory to glory.” strong emotions that I am experiencing. responded to the initiatives. The eparchy In general, I try to fend off fear – except a What was that pilgrimage about? What Metropolitan-Emeritus Stefan Soroka wel- purchased a church that had been unused healthy fear of God. Fear is a bad advisor. has happened during those six years? comed me in the Philadelphia Archeparchy for services for 200 years and launched the Generally, it either paralyzes or leads to many times. He gave me prescient advice Our pilgrimage “from glory to glory” (2 Cultural Center of Anne de Kyiv, named aggression. The Church should always be when I was beginning my pastoral service Corinthians 3:18) in the Paris Eparchy after the 11th century Kyivan princess who concerned with two fundamental and in Paris: people and pastoral works first, should be seen in spiritual terms, not least became queen of France. With the partici- interconnected dangers: a loss of faith and not buildings. Bishop , ener- because our material assets were extreme- pation of some 100 clergy, outside theolo- the waning of prayer. Without faith we do getic and active as apostolic administrator, ly modest. We were actually destitute. The gians and consultants, and lay members of not have the life of the Church; without has been ushering me home with care and eparchial facilities were in disrepair, most the eparchy, a five-year pastoral plan was prayer we cannot foster our relationship competence. The other bishops of the of them actually closed. Our “glory” clearly elaborated. The eparchial team formulated with God. Then everything crumbles. I metropolia have fraternally encouraged me could not be in large projects and initia- a vision to revive our pilgrimage center in remain mindful that petty vices can create in these days. I eagerly await the encounter tives. Life had to be simple. This was, in fact, Lourdes. The abandonment of some proj- big problems: envy among clergy and laity; with them and the archeparchy’s clergy, a grace. We focused on the basics: the Word ects was reversed; for example the Paul the impatience and self-promotion of tal- religious and faithful. of God, liturgy and prayer, fostering mutual Kohut Youth Center in Alsace is being slow- ented people; unbridled passions, especial- I will be leaving the Paris Eparchy with trust by tending to each other’s wounds ly revived. ly anger; self-referential rhetoric and reflec- gratitude and joy but also with sadness: and encouraging lay men and women to The eparchy sponsored a number of tions; the creation of cliques or parties gratitude for all of the wonderful priests, take responsibility in the Church. international academic conferences and among the faithful. Pope Francis speaks religious and faithful in five countries; joy Following the holy father’s lead, together published literature about the life of our regularly about these issues. They can arise at the many graces we shared, including the we profoundly experienced a year of mercy Church in different languages. There were a anywhere. The danger of ignoring real increasing spiritual and pastoral maturity – God’s towards us and mercy towards good number of television programs and problems is also a concern. These are the of the clergy, the unity of the faithful and each other. We moved from the glory of one films about the Eparchy in French and instruments of the evil one with which he the authentic synodality that developed feast and sacrament to another, from one Ukrainian aired in different countries. undermines the building of the Kingdom. among us. Here we listened carefully to authentic encounter to the next. We Finally, in cooperation with the Ukrainian But my confidence in God and my brothers Pope Francis’ call and drank at the ecclesio- learned to celebrate wholeheartedly, and to Catholic University in Lviv, our laity man- and sisters on both sides of the ocean is logical wellspring of the Christian East. In pray and sing together with the mystical aged what may be the first in-depth socio- greater than my fear. the past four years we held eight sessions symbolism and choreography of the liturgy. logical survey of a discreet representation Bishop Hlib Lonchyna, ordinary of the of our Eparchial Council (Diocesan Synod), Our point of departure was one love – the of the massive emigration titled London Eparchy for Great Britain and which became for all of us an effective love of Christ – to build another – our “Challenges of Contemporary Migration: Ireland, became the apostolic adminis- instrument for fostering our unity, faith, friendship, solidarity and fruitful coopera- The Ukrainian Community in Paris.” trator of the Paris Eparchy. How would and charity. It was not easy because of the tion. Through sacrifice and losing ourselves But the overriding “project” was foster- you introduce him to your faithful? distance and diversity. God led us to a life of we entered repeatedly into the Paschal ing an atmosphere of mutual charity and a I am thrilled that the Holy Father named mutual respect and love. Serving in France, Mystery, encountering the essence of life in life of communion, ecclesiastical unity of Bishop Hlib Lonchyna of London as apos- Benelux and Switzerland was not, for me, a Christ. We listened and spoke to each other clergy, religious, and faithful while trying to tolic administrator of the Paris Eparchy position or a job. It was a life in communion from heart to heart. Because in the end that open ourselves to those outside of the until a new bishop is chosen. Bishop Hlib is with God and His people. One does not sim- is where God resides and places His glory – Church. a monk and a man of the Word of God. He is ply walk away from such experiences… in our hearts and souls, in our freedom, in …In an eparchy that stretches almost an accomplished celebrant and student of We lived in relationship. We lived hum- our dignity, in our life-giving capacity. We 2,000 kilometers (over 1,200 miles) from the liturgy, a highly respected retreat mas- bly in challenging social and economic con- also laughed – a lot – together, at ourselves north to south and from east to west, with ter and a man of broad culture. He is also a ditions. There is an ongoing war in Ukraine, and with each other. small, dispersed missions, spiritual unity is gifted musician and speaks many languag- which has continued for more than five essential. We came together as often as we The Paris Eparchy did launch new es, including French, sonorously. Bishop years. Most of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic could: the clergy and lay leaders from the projects. Are they sustainable, how will Hlib is clear in his doctrine and generous in faithful in the Paris Eparchy are undocu- five countries met almost once a month for they develop? his mercy. Crucially, he knows the Paris mented immigrants or refugees. Virtually three days in a monastery. In addition, as I all of us, me included, were struggling to Today, I humbly think of the many things mentioned before, we held eight eparchial (Continued on page 13) No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 9

HISTORIC ADDRESS TO THE VERKHOVNA RADA Donald Tusk: “Th ere is no Europe without Ukraine” The President of the European Council Donald Tusk deliv- When we Poles started on our road to ered a historic address to the Verkhovna Rada on February Europe, Pope John Paul II told the world: 19 that placed Ukraine’s 2013-2014 revolution and subse- “There can be no just Europe without an quent struggle against Russian aggression in a broader independent Poland.” And so today I want European context. In his speech, Mr. Tusk said there could be to say that there can be no just Europe no just Europe without an independent Ukraine and no safe without an independent Ukraine. That Europe without a safe Ukraine. Below is the full text of his there can be no safe Europe without a safe address translated from the original Ukrainian into English. Ukraine. To put it simply: there can be no (Source: Business Ukraine magazine) Europe without Ukraine. So thank you again for everything. But as I have come to you on the fifth anniversary of the dra- your friend I feel as though I can also give matic Maidan events, on the anniversary of the Revolution you some advice. God forbid I should of Dignity, to thank all Ukrainians and their representatives preach to you; I know you have had enough gathered here, irrespective of party divisions, divergent of all those wise people who know better interests or ideological disputes. I have come here as the than you what Ukraine should look like. president of the European Council, but also as a Pole, your After all, no one has the right to tell their closest neighbor, and a sincere and committed friend. hosts how to arrange their home. I under- Firstly, I would like to thank you for your perseverance. stand that and it is not my intention to You persevered during the most difficult moments in your interfere in your work. But perhaps you history, and so you will continue, proud and indomitable, in will accept my advice, because it is given defiance of geopolitics, in defiance of the malign intentions with a good heart. There are five things I of an aggressive neighbor, and in defiance of the indiffer- would like to say. ence and hypocrisy of many important actors on the global First: Do not argue too much during the political stage. You persevered, even though your friends upcoming elections. Your history, like my and allies do not always offer you enough assistance. I own country’s history, shows us that inter- know this better than most. I also know, from my own and nal conflict within our two countries is the my country’s experience, that the feeling of being alone in Donald Tusk posted this photo on his Facebook page on February 19 greatest gift we can give that third country. times of threat is sometimes worse than the enemy’s and wrote: “I pay tribute to the ‘Heavenly Hundred’, who have Remember, too, that your enemies in attack. To this day I still remember the words of a poem by entered the pantheon of not only Ukrainian, but European heroes. The Europe are waiting for any pretext to break Halyna Kruk, written during those dramatic days in lesson in courage that they gave the whole world that February five the solidarity that exists between Brussels February: years ago has changed us all.” and Kyiv. A bitter conflict amongst your- We all, Europe, are so deeply worried, some of us, actually, reform of your country, a well- selves would be such a pretext. So argue in to death. Clear out YouTube more often so your citizens are thought-out economic recovery, There can be no moderation and remain united on those not struck by the atrocities here. Some of our people will reasonable and consistent diplo- matters that are the most important for never see you with their own eyes. But your eyesight, Europe, macy. When necessary, heroes; Europe without Ukraine. is failing, too, as you refuse to see their ruined eyes and gun- Second: Be resolute in rejecting the lure when necessary, pragmatists with Ukraine. shot wounds. Some will no longer be able, Europe – don’t be your feet firmly on the ground – of radical nationalism and populism, as you angry – to even reach out a hand to you (unless it’s prosthet- that is how the world sees you have done so far. If we allow its resurgence, ic!), to even touch the culture of your past centuries. Keep today. in Ukraine and in Europe, we will inevita- watch over your borders, Europe, so it does not touch you by Fourthly, I would like to thank you for your bly descend into conflict, and egoism and particularism accident, listen carefully, in case we are still crying out as we Europeanness. I will always remember seeing the blue will ruin our political community. The response to nation- are pistol-whipped, kicked by military boots and struck by flags with their yellow stars on Khreshchatyk during the alism is almost always just another type of nationalism, batons. revolution, the “Ode to Joy” playing then in so many places and the consequences are easy to predict. The foundations But many of us heard your cry and we heard what it across Ukraine. I often say to my colleagues in Brussels: do of a united Europe are reconciliation instead of revenge, meant. We understood. Even if, for some people, it took a not teach them Europe; learn from them what Europe solidarity instead of self-interest, historical truth instead of long time. And that is why I can stand before you today and means. Today I would like to repeat to you the words I once propaganda. The dangerous lure of radical populism is say again, not only on my own behalf, but on behalf of the said to EU leaders: only those who stand with Ukraine can born out of insecurities and weakness. But today whole of the European Union: we are with you and we truly call themselves European. Ukrainians have a right and reason to feel proud and want to continue to help you. Those who are willing to sell out strong as a nation. Ukraine is too great to need the drug of I can reaffirm the opening Ukraine are selling out the future of populism. words of our Association Those who are willing Europe. It is no accident that politi- Third: Do not mimic those neighbors and those Agreement: I can reiterate European politicians who want to convince us all that to sell out Ukraine are cians who question European inte- that Europe will never recog- gration typically also question the democracy based on freedom, human rights, respect for nize the Russian annexation selling out the future integrity of Ukraine. Tell me what minorities, and freedom of thought and speech is a relic, an of Crimea and will not drop you think about Ukraine, and you old-fashioned state model, and that it is time for authori- the sanctions unless Russia of Europe. will be telling me what you think tarian democracy. What is in the interests of our citizens fulfils its commitments. Nor about Europe. and of Europe as a whole is the defense of fundamental val- will the EU accept any acts of ues. After all, that is also what the heroes of the Revolution violence in the Sea of Azov. I will do everything in my of Dignity died for. power to ensure that the EU remains united in this respect. My fourth piece of advice: Work together to build an Secondly, I would like to thank you for your courage. The honest country. I will not stand here and give a lecture on Heavenly Hundred have entered the pantheon of not only corruption; you have already shown that you are ready to Ukrainian, but European heroes. And to all the mothers of fight against it. I only ask you all to believe that authority the fallen, I want to promise you that Europe will remem- must be honest and transparent, not because that is what ber your children. The lesson in courage that you gave the the European Union requires, but because it is in the inter- whole world that February five years ago has changed us ests of your citizens. Do not hold back from making posi- all. Ukraine has shown that it is worth being courageous tive changes, even if for some they may be painful. and decent, that good can prevail over evil, that heroism My fifth and last piece of advice: Believe in young peo- can be something more than merely a show of morals, that ple. A few days ago I welcomed a group of students to it can be the key to victory. You gave to many people Brussels, among them a number of Ukrainians. They asked around the world, to the humiliated and enslaved, the me to tell you today that their generation is already pre- greatest gift: hope – that for them too, for those who now pared to take on the responsibility of Ukraine’s future. are weak, that day of victory will come. Because after all, they are the future. Five years ago young Ukrainians passed a test, and some of them paid the ulti- timide,” boldly and prudently. And so, thirdly, I thank you mate price. If they believe in themselves, today you can forThe your age-old prudence, motto forof my the city, fact Gdańsk, that your is “nec romanticism temere, nec Andriy Nesterenko believe in them too. turned out to be extremely pragmatic, that your fight for The president of the European Council, Donald Tusk Long live the memory of the heroes of your history! the independence and integrity of Ukraine is not simply (right), with the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Long live the solidarity and unity of Europe! heroic resistance to aggression, but also a systematic Andriy Parubiy on February 19 in Kyiv. Long live the independence and security of Ukraine!

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on developments in Ukraine? LIKE The Ukrainian Weekly on Facebook to read the latest! 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9 No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 11 Heavenly Hundred commemorated with icon exhibit

UOC-U.S.A. exhibit of the icons, written on ammunition Following the introductory remarks and boxes, which were brought from the combat presentations, Archbishop Daniel intro- SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. – In con- zone and delivered to the U.S.A. for the exhi- duced iconographer Oleksandr Klymenko, tinuing the commemoration of the fifth bition and charitable sale. This exhibit-sale who opened the exhibit. anniversary of the deaths of the Heavenly is set to benefit the PFVMH, which exists in Exhibitions of the icons on ammo boxes, Hundred during the Euro-Maidan cooperation with Ukraine’s Ministry of have already been held at the European Revolution of Dignity in 2014, an icon Health, Defense Ministry and General Staff Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, the exhibit opened February 20 at Pokrova of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with sup- Parliament of Lithuania, St. Sophia Sisterhood Social Hall. “Buy an Icon – Save a port from the National Security and Cathedral in Kyiv, Pecherska Lavra and the Life” is an art project of Kyivan artists Sofia Defense Council. Embassy of Lithuania in Ukraine. The icons Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko. Archbishop Daniel stated that during its have been displayed in The Hague, The hall became a place of a solemn operation in the ATO/JFO zone, the PFVMH Antwerp, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, reflection, as those in attendance viewed has provided timely and skilled medical care Munich, Hanover, Leipzig, Bonn, Cologne, the images of the lost men and women of to over 56,000 patients. The hospital has Warsaw, Vienna, Lublin, Prague, Rome, the Heavenly Hundred. The event was orga- been stationed in 49 locations in the Donbas Milan, and Catania on Sicily, Los Angeles, nized by the Consistory of the Ukrainian – in cities and villages, as well as in the field Edmonton, Winnipeg and Toronto, as well Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., in coopera- and at checkpoints on the contact line. as the Ukrainian cities of Lviv, Lutsk, tion with the Ukrainian History and Introducing Gennadiy Hruzenko, the act- Mariupol, Dnipro, Kamyanske and Education Center, to benefit the Pirogov ing president of the PFVMH, Archbishop Pokrovsk. Exhibitions of the icons on ammo First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH), Daniel noted the important charitable work boxes were also part of the 25th Economic the largest non-governmental project done in providing care for the wounded Forum in Krynica, Poland, and the eighth involving civil health professionals in the soldiers and their families. Kyiv Security Forum. Exhibits were also provision of medical assistance in the zone Mr. Hruzenko pointed out that in the fall held at the University of Alberta in Canada, of Joint Forces Operation (formerly Anti- of 2015, the PFVMH extended its activities the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv Terrorist Operation in the Donetsk and to peaceful regions of Ukraine and per- Yaroslav Bilohan and the Superior Institute of Religious Luhansk oblasts of eastern Ukraine. formed unprecedented cardio screening in Icons painted on wooden ammunition Sciences of St. Thomas Aquinas in Kyiv. Archbishop Daniel, in the presence of the Khmelnytsky region, which covered boxes by Sofia Atlantova and Oleksandr Metropolitan Antony, opened the memorial 22,433 persons in 565 localities. Klymenko. (Continued on page 18)

independence of Ukraine. Ukrainians are Patriarchal exarchs (Archbishop Daniel of where the remains of Patriarch Mstyslav Poroshenko... such a nation that can never live without the UOC of the U.S.A. and Bishop Ilarion of (Skrypnyk) found their final rest. The stu- freedom,” he said, as he thanked the the UOCC), thanks to whose efforts this his- dent choir of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox (Continued from page 1) Ukrainian soldiers who are now defending toric event came to be. Theological Seminary chanted the respons- Once again, we encourage you all to pray the Ukrainian land at the front and rebuff- Mr. Poroshenko also noted that he had es to a short memorial lytia for the late fervently for Ukraine, especially to the ing the Russian aggressor, as well as begun that day with a meeting with the hierarch of both the Ukrainian Orthodox Mother of God who has always extended Ukrainians of the United States for their president of the General Assembly of the Church of the U.S.A. and the Orthodox her veil of protection over her people.” prayers for Ukraine. United Nations and had the honor of speak- Church of Ukraine. He added: “What is important to In response, Metropolitan Antony said, ing on behalf of Ukraine at the debate on Coming outside, into snowy stormy remember at this first anniversary of the “The world should know that the genera- the situation in the occupied territories. weather, the president was welcomed by Euro-Maidan murders as we commemo- tions of Ukrainians remember that Heroes “In the U.N. hall, the invader is called the the numerous parishioners and visitors to rate these fallen heroes is that they were do not die ... They continue to live in the invader, the aggressor is called the aggres- the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the U.S.A. not simply following the example of earlier memory of the nation and be an example sor, the seized territories are called the ter- With a prayerful greeting “Glory to Jesus martyrs for truth in Ukrainian history. They for future heroes who make history.” ritories occupied by the aggressor. This is Christ!” and a joyful “Glory to Ukraine – S were standing firm for truth and human He thanked President Poroshenko for the result of a global solidarity with lava Ukraini!” dignity in response to the circumstances of his efforts to protect and develop Ukraine. Ukraine,” he underscored. Departing the Metropolia Center of the today – standing against those who would “When five years after the tragedy on “Why was it possible? Thanks to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., sell Ukraine’s independence once again to Maidan, aggression and suffering, I visit Ukrainian community. For no one can stop President Poroshenko personally reached foreign invaders.” Ukraine, I see many positive changes under Ukrainians who are defending their land, out to the people in attendance and asked Following the ecumenical memorial ser- your leadership. Thank you for your leader- defending their faith, defending their own them to pray for the people of Ukraine. vice, with responses chanted by the choir ship,” Metropolitan Antony emphasized. state, defending their people,” he said. An icon exhibit, featuring works by art- of St. Andrew Memorial Church, President Poroshenko stressed that Once the Memorial Service concluded, ists from Ukraine with icons written on Metropolitan Antony formally welcomed Ukraine finally has its independent church. President Poroshenko paid a short visit to ammunition boxes from the war in eastern President Poroshenko to the Spiritual He thanked Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholo­ the crypt underneath the St. Andrew Ukraine, was on display at Pokrova Center of the UOC of the U.S.A. mew, leaders of Ukrainian Churches, Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, Sisterhood Social Hall (see above). Mr. Poroshenko remarked that the days from February 18 to February 21, 2014, had entered the history of Ukraine forever, when, pursuant to the criminal order of the former authorities, fire was opened at the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. “What did our heroes give life for? The Revolution of Dignity began in November 2013 because of a very simple reason – Ukraine no longer wanted to live under the Soviet or Russian yoke. The Ukrainian peo- ple sought to return to the European family of nations. And it united us. Why were we winning all these five years? Because the nation was united,” Mr. Poroshenko said. He continued: “What did the heroes, who gave their lives, strive for? They loved Ukraine very much, they loved Ukrainians very much. And that is why it is so impor- tant for us to always remember this, to pray, to value the great responsibility they put upon us with their death. So that we do not waste time. So that we never allow our unity to be destroyed. So that we know where we are going and win on this path.” The president pointed out that, “This very date [February 20, 2014] was scratched on Russian medals distributed to the Russians and collaborators in honor of the Crimean occupation.” “I want us today to pray for the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and pay tribute to those who gave their lives for freedom and 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9

Ukraine who participated in the Maidan and the EU as his “strategic mission.” President Vladimir Putin that Belarus NEWSBRIEFS protests and honors the memory of the Ukraine should “submit a request for EU should be included in a “large Russian more than 100 protesters who were killed. membership and receive a NATO member- state,” and this is very similar to the illegal (Continued from page 2) Additionally, it encourages Ukraine to con- ship action plan no later than 2023,” the annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea. “And I 30,000, including 7,000 to 9,000 civilians. tinue its progress over the past five years in president told the Verkhovna Rada. would like Belarus to get more assistance The proportion of civilians in the casualty implementing crucial reforms to strengthen However, he acknowledged that his coun- from the West. But we need to see Belarus’ figures has declined sharply, with the esti- the rule of law and align the country with try needs to come a “long way” to meet the reorientation towards freedom and democ- mated share of civilians in total conflict- Euro-Atlantic norms and standards. Finally, criteria of joining both institutions. racy,” he said. At the same time, the ex-head related deaths at 33-34 percent in 2014 the resolution condemns continuing efforts European Council President Donald Tusk of NATO said he realizes that Belarusian and 10-11 percent in 2018, the OHCHR by Russia to destabilize Ukraine and ham- attended the signing of the constitutional President Alyaksandr Lukashenka does not said. In the past, OHCHR released updated string its efforts at Euro-Atlantic integration. amendment in the Parliament building. want to reform the country and move casualty figures from the conflict several Sens. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Marco Rubio Addressing the lawmakers in Ukrainian, Mr. toward the West. “Yes, he does not want to. times a year. But the new document said (R-Fla.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Tammy Tusk, who is Polish, said that “there can be But also Lukashenka does not want to live that the “previous conservative estimate of Duckworth (D-Ill.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Bob no Europe without Ukraine.” [Editor’s note: under [Vladimir] Putin’s oppression. He total conflict-related casualties was as of 15 Casey (D-Pa.), Richard Blumenthal The text of his address appears on page 9 needs to choose: either reforms, or the con- November 2017.” That report said that the (D-Conn.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Ron Wyden of this issue.] The EU official also warned stant oppression by the Russians,” Mr. OHCHR had recorded 35,081 conflict-relat- (D-Ore.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Sherrod lawmakers against “internal conflicts,” Rasmussen said. (UNIAN) ed casualties – 10,303 people killed and Brown (D-Ohio), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), which he said only benefit “that third coun- Thousands demand prisoners’ release 24,778 wounded – and said the real toll Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Doug Jones try,” hinting at Russia. Mr. Tusk was on a could be higher. (RFE/RL, with reporting (D-Ala.) also co-sponsored the resolution. three-day visit to Ukraine, which is com- On February 24 Moscow, together with a by Christopher Miller) (Office of Sen. Rob Portman) memorating the fifth anniversary of the number of other cities in Russia, witnessed Euro-Maidan protests, which led to the marches and campaigns in memory of the Resolution on Revolution of Dignity Constitutional amendment on NATO, EU ouster of Moscow-friendly President Viktor opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Dick Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Yanukovych in February 2014. (RFE/RL, was killed on February 27, 2015, near the Durbin (D-Ill.), co-chairs and co-founders of has signed a constitutional amendment with reporting by DPA, AFP and AP) Kremlin. During the peaceful march in Moscow which involved more than 10,000 the Senate Ukraine Caucus, on February 22 committing the country to becoming a Ex-chief of NATO on Belarus scenario introduced a bipartisan resolution com- member of NATO and the European Union. people according to the White Counter memorating the fifth anniversary of Addressing the Verkhovna Rada on Former NATO Secretary General Anders organization, the participants sang the Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity. The resolu- February 19, Mr. Poroshenko said he saw Fogh Rasmussen says that Russia’s plans Ukrainian anthem and carried posters demanding the release of Ukraine’s political tion recognizes the bravery of the people of securing Ukraine’s membership in NATO include the annexation of Belarus and movement closer to the borders of Western prisoners including the 24 recently illegally detained sailors who were crossing the Europe. “The key risk is the repetition of Kerch Strait in Crimea. The protest was the Ukrainian scenario with war and organized by the Solidarity movement, the annexation in Belarus,” he said in an inter- Parnassus and Yabloko parties, the anti-cor- view with the Ukrainian news portal LIGA. ruption fund and other opposition organiza- net on February 21. “Such a scenario is tions. The event featured Mikhail Kasyanov, TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL WALTER HONCHARYK (973) 292-9800 x3040 awaiting that country if it does not start Vladimir Ryzhkov, Alexei Navalny, Ilya or e-mail [email protected] reforms.” He advised the Belarusians to Yashin, Vladimir Kara-Murza and other begin reforms leading to democracy and opposition politicians. Some of the posters SERVICES PROFESSIONALS freedom “in order to protect themselves read “Heroes do not die,” “Russia will be from Russian aggression,” adding, “Only free,” and “Russia without Putin.” (Ukrainian these things will create protection from Canadian Congress Daily Briefing) Russian aggression.” Mr. Rasmussen says he well remembers statements by Russian (Continued on page 13)

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION announces that its Philadelphia District Annual Meeting will be held on HELP WANTED Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 6 p.m.

Live-in caregiver needed for my mother at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center in Silver Spring MD. Near churches, 700 N Cedar Rd., Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 19046 thriving Ukrainian community, nice home. Experience/patience with AZ Obligated to attend the organizing meeting preferred. are District Committee Offi cers, Convention Delegates [email protected] and two delegates from the following Branches: or 617-566-1996 OPPORTUNITIES 10, 83, 116, 153, 162, 163, 173, 216, 231, 245, 247, 347, 362, 397 Seeking live-in companion All UNA members are welcome as guests at the meeting for a 92 year old lady EARN EXTRA INCOME! in Mount Laurel, NJ. The Ukrainian Weekly is looking for advertising MEETING WILL BE ATTENDED BY: Please call 856-904-5695 sales agents. For additional information contact Yuriy Symczyk - UNA National Secretary Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, Myron Kolinsky - UNA National Organizer or email [email protected] The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. DISTRICT COMMITTEE Luba Streletsky, Chairperson Maria Luba Walchuk, Secretary

Run your advertisement here, in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 13

crisis. At issue is a profound lack of virtue. policy, emphasized that the policy of “squeez- Bishop Borys Gudziak... We need conversion, a return to the basics. NEWSBRIEFS ing out” people is classic for a repressive sys- Much has been done in the Church to begin tem like the current one in Russia. On the one (Continued from page 8) (Continued from page 12) addressing it. But clearly much more needs hand, active, patriotically minded people in Eparchy well – he visited us regularly, to be done. I admire those who deal with Russia moved 500,000 to Crimea Ukraine, or even those capable and ready to served and preached in different parishes, the crisis squarely. I understand that today resist, are being displaced from Crimea. On and taught us many things in the last years. in America the Church is among the safest According to the Mejlis (representative the other hand, military, FSB officers, special He knows personally the priests and their places for young people. But still much body) of the Crimean Tatar people, about forces, consultants who help integrate families, and they know him. He brings joy needs to be done to heal wounds of the 500,000 people have entered Crimea from Crimea into the Russian space, bureaucrats to our faithful. I hope once he comes I won’t past, to hear the victims who were silent Russia. This information was presented at and “correct” teachers are being moved to be forgotten too soon (laughs). for decades. … the Fifth International Forum “Occupied the peninsula, she added. Those who have We have to face the truth humbly, with Crimea: Five Years of Resistance” in Kyiv on left Crimea have mostly settled in three What is your state of mind as you the acknowledgement of, and repentance Friday, February 22. Emine Dzhaparova, regions: Kyiv, Kherson and Lviv. (Ukrainian Canadian Congress Daily Briefing) start your new service? for, our sins. When we stop fearing, a new Ukraine’s first deputy minister of information I’m hopeful. At the beginning I seek to hope returns. Several weeks ago, the Paris listen and learn, to become brother, father, Eparchy experienced a seminar conducted tion. She explained that the sham referen- and pastor for the clergy and faithful. It is by Father Hans Zollner, S.J., about the extent Turning... dum, held on March 16, 2014, was not important to pray and think things through, of sexual abuse globally and in the Church meant to reflect the will of the people. In and the inadequacy of our response to it. to develop a future vision for the (Continued from page 6) reality, Mr. Putin fears true democracy and Father Hans is one of the main organizers Archeparchy of Philadelphia and to work any public expression of the people that of the meeting on abuse called by Pope leaders for a coordinated response by the closely with the other of the differs from the Kremlin’s message. The metropolia, as well the Eastern Catholic, Francis in Rome. The stories and statistics U.S., the European Union and the United Nations to stop Russian aggression in international community, she said, must Roman Catholic and Orthodox bishops and of those violated were nauseating. And yet reject the Kremlin’s false claim that their clergy and faithful. I hope that we can awareness of the truth leads to hope. If we Crimea and Ukraine. Tamara Olexy, president of the UCCA, Crimeans wanted to unite with Russia. make a step forward in seeking ecumenical live in illusion, we are condemned to anxi- The protest concluded with the hierarchs cooperation with our Protestant neighbors, ety. We know it’s fake and sooner or later thanked the U.S. for its support of Ukraine during this crisis, noting the work of U.S. of the Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic and inter-religious inter-ethnic and interra- we are going to fall through the floor. Secretary of State John Kerry and the U.S. Churches offering prayers for the souls of cial harmony. Illusions are being stripped away. This is Congress in pushing for sanctions against those who died during the Euro-Maidan The poor and marginalized should be in painful, but ultimately the truth generates Russia. She urged the withdrawal of Russian with the singing of “Vichnaya Pamiat” our heart. In the Ukrainian Catholic hope. … troops from Ukrainian territory and under- (Memory Eternal), hope for Ukraine was University, for example, the mentally handi- Do you feel like you’re coming home? scored the need for deeper U.S. isolation of expressed with the singing of “Mnohaya capped became central to our pedagogy Russia, reminding that all options needed to Lita” (Many Years), the Ukrainian national and mission. The poor can help us see God, Yes, it is a homecoming for reasons… anthem and “God Bless America.” After decades of an itinerant life, the defini- remain open to ensure that the Russian because Jesus is poor in this world. I troops leave Ukraine. “Russia needs to aban- As the crowd dispersed, many marched believe that we need to listen to each other tion of home for me ceased to be merely to the Embassy of Russia for an hour-long geographic. For me, home is a place where I don its imperial ambitions and behave as a and speak heart to heart. I hope to lead by civilized country,” she said. protest that began at 4 p.m. live good relationships reflecting our rela- listening to the Lord and my brothers and Ayla Bakkalli, U.S. representative of the tionship with God. Yes, I feel I’m coming Source: “Thousands in Washington pro- sisters. For now, it’s essential for me to hear Crimean Tatar Mejlis, spoke about the home, not only because of my personal his- test against Russian aggression,” by Matthew well and not prematurely to formulate rights of indigenous people – the Crimean Dubas, The Ukrainian Weekly, March 16, tory, but because there are good, godly peo- agendas, which might be merely of my own Tatars – and their right to self-determina- 2014. making. ple in America, in our Church, as well as outside of it. You were born and raised in America, …My Ukrainian American family and the but you lived 30 years of your adult life Church in the United States gave me life in and Olena, who endured many missed din- in Europe. How do you perceive the U.S. body and spirit. I was born in Syracuse, N.Y. A thank you... ners, birthdays, holidays and late nights of at the present time? What are the needs There, at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian their dad on the phone solving another crisis. (Continued from page 7) Mr. Grod leaves the UCC stronger than he of Ukrainians of the different waves of Catholic Church on Tompkins Street, I was found it. He leaves a legacy of a committed, immigration? washed in the waters of Baptism. There UCC and other organizations, Mr. Grod developed an innate ability to convince and enthusiastic and experienced board of Countries and cultures are diverse, but God called me to the priesthood. Decades inspire others. He leads not through bullying directors, a coast-to-coast network of dedi- the basic spiritual DNA of all human beings earlier, America had warmly and generous- or pressuring, but through persuasion and cated and energetic volunteers, and a pro- is the same. Over my lifetime, I have had ly welcomed my penniless parents who fessional and savvy staff. It is a profound were World War II refugees fleeing building consensus. If, as Dwight D. Eisen­ the opportunity to live or serve in a dozen hower said, “leadership is the art of getting honor for me to be elected to serve as pres- Communist persecution in Ukraine. countries. In recent years, I usually crossed someone to do something you want done ident of the UCC, and I’m sure that together America gave them a new start, guarantee- an international border at least twice a because they want to do it,” Mr. Grod has cer- we will continue the good work that Mr. ing them freedom and dignity. This is the week. tainly proven his leadership capabilities! Grod has led for the last 10 years. story of many in the archeparchy. It is there Because my aged mother, of blessed Mr. Grod’s service to our community and Paul, we wish you all success as presi- memory, who died last June, lived alone in that my brother and the rest of my family his successes would have been impossible dent of the UWC. Your loyalty, dedication Syracuse and needed support, I traveled to live and where the mortal remains of my without the love, support, understanding and patriotism are an example to us all, and the U.S. three or four times annually. I parents rest. To me, America granted a (and patience) of his wife, Adrianna, and your legacy at UCC will endure. From your observed the deepening divisions in secure childhood, years of good Catholic their four children, Roman, Danylo, Larysa friend – good luck, God bless and thank you. American society, the superficiality of schooling and university studies. The moral discourse, social media and the United States of America is a remarkable, increasing virtuality of interpersonal com- although not flawless, socio-political model, munication. We are becoming increasingly unimaginable without Biblical principles With deep sorrow we mourn addicted to stimuli – gastronomic, chemi- and insights. It is a country that, in many the passing into eternity of cal, informational, sensual. These same ways, still declares, “In God we trust.” challenges are prevalent both in Western Having lived 30 years of my adult life in and Eastern Europe and concern Ukrainian Europe, I look forward to the adventure of Mary Jowyk immigrants of different waves. getting to know the United States and its Church in a new way. I have great respect In the 21st century we all are called to Mary Jowyk founded Orphans’ Aid Society in 1992 to aid start over, to go deeper, to follow Jesus’ call- for the Church’s service to successive gen- ing “put out into the deep” without fear – erations of immigrants and the poor. The and support orphans in Ukraine. Over the years, through Mary duc in altum! Pope St. John Paul II called it development of Catholic intellectual life in Jowyk’s hard work, OAS grew into a grass roots organization the “New Evangelization.” In this life the the U.S. has been an important contribution throughout Ukraine. Thousands of orphans became recipients greatest depth is in the human heart. We to the Universal Church. I trust that at this of Mary Jowyk’s love and care. They received monetary aid, need to hear the heart’s beat and its yearn- time of great challenge, which is also a time clothing and support. Many nished higher education, became ing; and the heart needs to realize its true of purification, the Church in America is professionals, and went on to lead full, productive lives. As a destiny. That is where God speaks. This is called to a new spiritual and moral witness result of Mary Jowyk’s dedication, persistence, and love for my first task as an archbishop-nominee: to through conversion and service, boldly Ukraine, Orphans’ Aid Society thrives to this day, continuing her listen carefully, thoughtfully, prayerfully. announcing the Good News. In this the Ukrainian Catholic Church has its specific great legacy. As scandals in Pennsylvania and call, one that it has been developing for other states are made public, the almost a century and half and one that We extend our deepest condolences to Mary Jowyk’s Family Catholic Church in the U.S. endures diffi- should be critically and creatively revisited at this time of their great loss. cult times. Now, being a member of the for the people of today and tomorrow. U.S. bishops’ conference, how will you During times of profound division, aggres- May Her Memory Be Eternal face this challenge? sion, fear and even scandal, which are also Sexual abuse of young people, or indeed times of great human opportunity and Board of Directors of anyone, in the Church and outside of it is abiding Christian hope, the Lord will a great scandal of our time. The suffering of bestow His grace on the Church and Orphans’ Aid Society the victims is unspeakable. It is a spiritual through the Church in America. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE 46th annual Shchedryi Vechir continues tradition in Edmonton by Lidia M. Wasylyn EDMONTON, Alberta – The 46th annual Shchedryi Vechir Celebration hosted by the board of directors of Edmonton’s Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex was held on Friday, January 18. This year’s event brought out over 300 guests who braved cold and snowy winter weather to par- take in one of the last traditional holy feasts of the Ukrainian Christmas cycle. The ceremonial entrance of the “Didukh” (sheaf of wheat) began the program. The current president of the board of directors, Irene Kolomijchuk, carried in the didukh and positioned it in a place of honor on a tradition- ally adorned table. In her brief remarks, she noted that this event is a solid tradition in our community and unites sev- eral generations in celebrating as one large family and one community. She used the opportunity to acknowledge the presence Lidia M. Wasylyn of some special guests, including the newly arrived Consul The Verkhovyna Choir performs Ukrainian carols. General of Ukraine in Edmonton Oleksandr Danyleiko and his wife; Olesia Luciw-Andryjowycz, president of the The evening’s program was led by master of ceremonies The young members of the Edmonton branch of the UYA Ukrainian Canadian Congress Alberta Provincial Council; Ivanka Soletsky of the Edmonton branch of the UYA. She presented a charming “vertep” (Nativity play) and per- Orysia Boychuk, president of the Edmonton Chapter of the spoke eloquently about the significance of Ukrainian cus- formed several favorite Ukrainian carols accompanied on Ukrainian Canadian Congress; Bill Shostak, president of toms in the preservation of the Ukrainian identity. She the accordion by Ivan Soletsky. Ukrainian-Canadian Social Services, Edmonton; and Yuri briefly explained some Ukrainian traditions and focused on Bishop , eparch of Edmonton, along with Broda, secretary of the National Executive of the Ukrainian the relationship between the Ukrainian culture and the Rev. Anton Tarasenko, pastor of St. George Ukrainian Youth Association (UYA) of Canada. Ukrainians’ deeply rooted Christian faith. Catholic Parish and chaplain of UYA Edmonton, offered the opening prayer and singing of “Boh Predvichnyi.” In keeping with tradition, the “prosfora” was distributed by presidents of organizations affiliated with the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex: For the League of Ukrainian Canadians, Taras Podilsky; for UYA Edmonton, Laryssa Szmihelsky; for the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women, Ivanna Szewczuk; for the Marko Boyeslav Seniors’ Association, Petro Dackiw and Olya Hereychak; and for the board of directors of the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex, Irene Kolomijchuk. The Verkhovyna Choir, an ensemble of UYA Edmonton, under the direction of Orest Soltykevych, performed sever- al more koliady. Following a traditional meatless dinner, various individ- uals delivered greetings, and Bishop David also presented a brief pastoral message in Ukrainian.

Ukrainian Youth Association children perform a traditional “vertep” and carol. (Continued on page 17) Record number of Plast cub scouts participate in 12th annual ski outing

by Lida H. Buniak MONTICELLO, N.Y. – The forecast called for more clouds and a temperature of about 32 degrees on Sunday, February 7, but the 97 registered young skiers and their Plast families were treated instead to mostly sunny, blue skies and plentiful snow here at the Holiday Mountain Ski and Fun Park. The popular annual ski outing is for younger Plast members age 6-11 years. For many of these youngsters, it was their first or second time on skis. The Magic Carpet beginner area proved to be an ideal place for these enthusiastic novice skiers, while

Christina Jancew Iwanik The participants of the ski outing in Monticello, N.Y. some of the experienced skiers took advan- teer a great deal of their time behind the tage of the more challenging terrain that scenes. Much appreciated badges were was serviced by a chairlift. made by Lesia Magun, and Vira Myskiw was All improved their skiing skills that day, responsible for the task of registration. On thanks in part to plenty of individualized the day of the event, one of the parents, attention offered by the ski instructors, and Vlodko Artymyshyn and Lydia Prokop spent fellow Plast members Kiki Zinycz, Adriana all day at the makeshift “command central” Pidwerbetsky, Christa Kozak (Spartanky) and in the base lodge taking care of all of the Andriy Kozak (Chornomortsi). In addition, paperwork. Christina Jancew Iwanik took participants had the option to achieve cub beautiful photos of this memorable day. scout merit badges for skiing or winter fun. The day concluded with a bonfire featur- Several weeks of preparation go into ing delicious s’mores, followed by a formal Spartanky running the ski outing (from left): Kiki Zinycz, Adriana Pidwebetsky, organizing this fun-filled day. Besides closing ceremony under the leadership of Christina Jancew Iwanik, Natalia Danysh O’Connell, Lydia Prokop and Christa Kozak. reserving the venue, the Spartanky volun- Natalia Danysh O’Connell. No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 15

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Philadelphians commemorate 100th anniversary of Ukraine’s Act of Unity

by Eugene A. Luciw PHILADELPHIA – On Sunday, January 20, Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States, Valeriy Chaly, and his wife, Liudmyla Mazuka, participated in the Philadelphia- area Ukrainian American community’s commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of an indepen- dent and united Ukraine by the Ukrainian National Republic and the Western Ukrainian National Republic. The day began at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery in Elkins Park, Pa., with a panakhyda (memorial service) and laying of flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Ukrainian National Republic and the grave of Lonhyn Cehelsky, who was sent to the U.S. in 1920 as a rep- resentative of the Ukrainian government Bishop Andriy Rabiy, apostolic administrator of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, and the Revs. Taras Naumenko (protopriest and dean, St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral), Roman Pitula (rector, Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception) and Yaroslaw Kurpel (pastor, Christ the King and St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic churches) concelebrat- ed the solemn service and participated in all of the events of the day. Zenia Brozyna Ambassador Chaly, Eugene A. Luciw, president of the Philadelphia Branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee During the panakhyda at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Ukrainian National Republic. of America (UCCA), and Maria Kvit-Flynn, an active mem- Heritage School, and gave lovely presents to each. The commemoration concluded with a reception at ber of the U.S. Committee for Ukrainian Holodomor- The Swords of the Kobzars youth bandurist ensemble, which the bishop and the ambassador could chat with Genocide Awareness who represented the Cehelsky family, the Accolada Chamber Choir, and the Prometheus leaders of the Philadelphia area community. A surprise delivered words of tribute. Ukrainian Male Chorus of Philadelphia gave magnificent visit by young Christmas carolers supporting the Revived A commemorative concert, directed by mistress of cere- performances of Ukrainian patriotic music and song. Ms. Soldiers Ukraine organization added flair and inspiration monies Zenia Brozyna, at the Ukrainian Educational and Brozyna presented Ambassador Chaly with a pictorial to the end of the day. Cultural Center in Jenkintown, Pa., followed. book and calendar full of information about and historic The organizers and sponsors of the event were the Representatives of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization photos of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). The book Philadelphia Branch of the UCCA, the Society of Veterans of and the Ukrainian American Youth Association served as also highlighted Ukraine’s current heroes, who are defend- the UPA and the Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit the color guard, as Yuliya Stupen opened the concert with ing their nation against Russian aggression. Union of Philadelphia. powerful renditions of the Ukrainian and American nation- al anthems. Yuliana Fartachuk then gave a moving reading of the Act of Union. Bishop Andriy led the faithful in prayer. Bishop Andriy and the ambassador, in their truly inspi- rational words to the audience, underscored the indispens- Ukrainian Nationals girls’ soccer team able value of worldwide Ukrainian unity and cooperation in Ukraine’s defense against Moscow’s aggression and in Ukraine’s further growth and development on both the wins Indoor State Championship domestic and international levels. Roman Dubenko, a long-time beloved teacher of history in the Ukrainian Heritage School, delivered a keynote speech that not only brought to life the historical context and timeless significance of Ukraine’s Act of Union, but also called Ukrainians to action in the fight against Moscow’s ongoing campaign of disinformation. At the conclusion of his address, the ambassador pre- sented awards to Philadelphia community activists Dr. Larissa Kyj, long-time president of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, and Iryna Mazur, vice-presi- dent of the Ukrainian Federation of America. He also recog- nized the great work of the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center and the Philadelphia area Ukrainian

PHILADELPHIA – The Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals 2007 Girls Olympyk Red Team won the 2019 Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association Indoor State Championship Cup on Sunday, February 3, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Members of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization and The Nats tied the first game (2-2) and went on to win the next three games (2-0, 1-0, 4-3) to secure their champion- the Ukrainian American Youth Association serve as the ship victory. Team members are seen above with their coach, Jack Kilroy. color guard. Yuliana Fartachuk reads the Act of Union. – Justin M. Rosenberg 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9 No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 17

Poetry by engineer-turned-writer

“Poetry” by Volodymyr A. Bohdan, com- piled by Tamara N. Miller, self-published, 2017. 37 pp. $11. “Poetry” by Volodymyr A. Bohdan is a book “that will surely touch your heart,” explains Tamara Miller, compiler of the book. “Because of the universal themes of human relationships it addresses, it will unquestionably resonate with all readers. It speaks of love, of the joys and pains of par- enthood, of couple break-ups, of suffering, of memories, of familiar life crises… in brief it covers the spectrum of the human emo- tions that run relationships among hus- bands, wives, fathers, daughters, mothers, sons, etc…, something we can all identify with,” she writes. Mr. Bohdan was born in 1935 and grew up in Mena, Ukraine, and then emigrated to the United States in 1949. He earned a master’s degree in chemical engineering from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, La. After working in the petro- chemical industry for approximately a decade, he decided to pursue other inter- ests, including writing poetry, composing music and writing and publishing “Avoiding ПЛЕМ’Я ПЛАСТУНОК „ПЕРШІ СТЕЖІ“ Extinction: Children of the Kulak” (1992), a book about his family’s arduous flight from влаштовує the Soviets. Mr. Bohdan died in 2015. Readers may send book requests for „ДЕННИЙ ТАБІР ПТАШАТ ПРИ ПЛАСТІ“ “Poetry” by sending $11 to Dr. Tamara для дітей від 4 до 6 років, які володіють Miller, 8192 Kimbrook Drive, Germantown, TN 38138. Dr. Miller can also be reached (розуміють і розмовляють) українською мовою via e-mail at [email protected]. • Дитина мусить мати закінчених 4 роки життя до 31 серпня 2019 р. Вийнятків немає. • Дитина мусить мати усі приписані щеплення. 46th annual... • Дитина, яка склала Заяву Вступу до новацтва, не може брати участи в таборaх для Пташат. (Continued from page 14) Табір відбудеться на Союзівці у двох групах: The new consul general of Ukraine, Mr. • від неділі, 23 червня, до суботи, 29 червня 2019 р. Danyleiko, delivered enthusiastic greetings. • від неділі, 30 червня, до суботи, 6 липня 2019 р. This was his first visit to the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex and his first Shchedryi У справі кімнат просимо порозуміватися безпосередньо з Адміністрацією Союзівки: Vechir celebration in Edmonton. He SOYUZIVKA, P. O. Box 529, 216 Foordmore Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 expressed his admiration upon seeing that (845) 626-5641; www.; Fax: 845-626-4638 the complex is dedicated to youth. He noted that a nation that cares for its youth will live • Tаборова оплата: $150.00 ($20.00 незворотні); оплата за два тижні – 290.00 дол. and thrive. Mr. Danyleiko acknowledged that Edmonton is the cradle of Ukrainian life • Зголошення і таборову оплату (чек виписаний на Plast – Pershi Stezhi) надсилати до: and culture in Canada as the first Ukrainian immigrants to Canada came to Edmonton, Mrs. Oresta Fedyniak, 2626 W. Walton Ave., Chicago, IL 60622 where they worked hard to preserve the Tel.: 773 486-0394 (від 8:00 до 10:00 ранку) Ukrainian identity in their new home. Mr. Danyleiko explained that the respon- • Реченець зголошень: 25 травня 2019 р. • Після реченця зголошень не приймаємо. sibilities of the consul go beyond assisting • Лікарську посвідку НЕ пересилати з анкетою зголошення. Просимо передати при citizens of Ukraine to exercise their rights реєстрації. and helping the community to maintain its ties to Ukraine. He stated that he will work КАРТА ЗГОЛОШЕННЯ НА ТАБІР ПТАШАТ-2019 to develop and facilitate business and bilat- eral relations on various levels between Ім’я і прізвище дитини ...... Canada and Ukraine. по-українськи і по-англійськи Bringing greetings from the city of Дата народження ...... Edmonton was the councillor for Ward 3, John Dziadyk, who is a good friend of the Адреса ...... Ukrainian community. He expressed how Телефон ...... E-mail ...... pleased he was to be able to attend this tra- ditional family-oriented event and said he Просимо залучити посвідку дати народження дитини, яку вперше вписуєтe на табір looks forward to attending more events at ☐ від 23 червня до 29 червня 2019 р. ☐ від 30 червня до 6 липня 2019 р. the Complex in the future. The organizing committee for this event Розмір таборової сорочинки дитини: ☐ 6-8, ☐10-12, ☐14-16. included representatives of organizations ☐ Залучую чек на суму $...... ☐ Резервую кімнату на Союзівці that call the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex home and included Irene Kolomijchuk, ...... Ivanna Szewczuk, Iryna Hryniw, Yaroslav ім’я і прізвище матері (подати дівоче прізвище) Broda and Andriy Lytvynets. The program concluded with thank you’s and a closing prayer by Bishop David. Завваги ...... Guests dispersed slowly, taking advan- ...... tage of the festive atmosphere to mingle ...... with friends and neighbors. Lidia M. Wasylyn is a board member of ...... Підпис батька або матері the Edmonton branch of the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9

economy is improving as wages are up 10 interests – not in the evil sense of vested al relations at the Reanimation Package of Expectations... percent and retail sales are up 6 percent. interests but normal vested interests, Reforms, announced that on February 27 Deputy Chief of Mission Tremont echoed regional economic and others in a country the NGO coalition will have a public discus- (Continued from page 4) similar sentiments about the corruption work out. But Ukraine is an important part sion with presidential candidates about candidates perceived as corrupt did not problem: “Corruption is something that has of the Euro-Atlantic system and that is why reforms. He asked the panelists what they make it through the selection process. to be dismantled piece by piece and we it deserves continuing support and atten- would ask or say to the candidates, if given “What we can do this year is to preserve have to start to build that culture of intoler- tion,” he argued. the chance. what we have for today, if talking about the ance for corruption, we can’t do that over- As an illustration of Ukraine’s deepening Ambassador Waschuk said he would anti-corruption infrastructure” like NABU night, but as we close that space for corrup- relationship with the West, Roman ask: “How would you arrange your affairs and the anti-corruption court, he said. And tion, we start to make people understand Waschuk noted that “Ukraine is now inte- and your relationships with your inner core TI will be focusing on improving govern- that they don’t have to tolerate it.” grated into the Central and East European of supporters and advisers to ensure that ment transparency and accountability at As noted by Ms. Prokopenko, Ukraine’s labor pool, it’s not simply another place, it’s impunity is overcome?” the municipal and regional level, he said. international partners still enjoy very a place on which the prosperity of Poland Ms. Tremont said: “My advice would be Mr. Borovyk exclaimed that “the real key for strong leverage in terms of influence on and a number of other neighboring coun- to be very careful about the alliances you solving the issue of corruption is preven- Ukraine’s reform process. Therefore, it was tries now depends.” build as you take power, because it seems tion.” not unusual that a part of the discussion Reiterating U.S. support for Ukraine Ms. like those alliances are often the things that Speaking about corruption in Ukraine, was devoted to the question of whether the Tremont said: “We want Ukraine to be drag people back into the past.” Ambassador Waschuk said that “possibly West’s reform expectations for Ukraine strong, we want it to be able to defend its Mr. Vyshlinsky stated that he would ask the single most corrosive thing in Ukrainian might be a bit unrealistic. territorial integrity and we want a partner them to take a sort of Hippocratic oath to public life is the culture of impunity.” “I think it is a bit disingenuous to in this part of the world… The U.S. is deeply do no harm and to “not destroy what was He said reforms have reduced the space expect… Singaporean reforms tempos and committed to Ukraine and will remain so, built” during the past five years. for corruption by about 60 percent but achievements,” said Ambassador Waschuk, and we are constantly exploring new ave- most people don’t care “because bad peo- while maintaining a very inclusive, demo- nues of pushing back on Russian aggres- Adrian Karmazyn serves as vice-chair of ple have not been punished.” And that’s cratic approach to policy-making. “I think sion.” the Friends of Ukraine Network Democracy where the anti-corruption court becomes where we have a problem is we collectively At the conclusion of the videoconfer- and Civil Society Task Force, an initiative of important. Despite many successful bought into a maximalist vision of what ence, Vasyl Babych, the head of internation- the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. reforms people are not satisfied, with a post Maidan change in 2014-2015 would majority in polls saying the country is going do and we’re now discovering that it’s in the wrong direction. Ambassador much more complicated in ways that are problems – Mr. Putin could not restrain his Waschuk suggested that Ukrainians may be partly unique to Ukraine but partly, simply Five issues... ambitions in this regard – overstretches underestimating how significantly the the way democratic governance and vested credulity. The problem for the Russian head (Continued from page 2) of state is not that he has to focus on mat- Mr. Putin probably understands that cor- ters he would rather ignore, but that these ty,” he said. ruption has severely degraded his system troublesome social problems have no easy Heavenly... In profound silence, some 200 people of power and reduced his ability to govern; solutions. Buoyant promises can help Mr. walked through the isles of icons and por- however, he cannot convince the elites who Putin only so much. And if the Kremlin (Continued from page 11) traits of the heroes of the Heavenly loyally applauded his address to curtail decides to step up its repression to sup- Archbishop Daniel shared with everyone Hundred, while opening their hearts and their appetites (, February 21). press discontent, additional external dis- in attendance that the main idea of the offering donations for the icons in the What the sum of the stated and omitted tractions and power projections will be project is the transformation of death exhibit, thus supporting the work of the priorities in President Putin’s address needed. (symbolized by ammo boxes) into life (tra- Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. reveal is the recognition in the Kremlin that ditionally symbolized by icons in Ukrainian Readers interested in sending donations deepening domestic problems cannot be The article above is reprinted from culture). “What is important, this victory of or in purchasing an icon may contact the wished away by emphasizing foreign policy Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from life over death happens not only on the fig- Consistory of the UOC of the U.S.A. via successes. Whereas, presenting super-mis- its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, urative and symbolic level but also in reali- e-mail, [email protected]. siles as solutions to Russia’s mounting No. 9 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 19

March 3 through Exhibit, “Rushnyky: Ritual Cloths of the Cossack Lands March 9 Book launch, “New York Elegies: Ukrainian Poems on the City” August 31 of Ukraine,” Ukrainian History and Education Center, New York by Ostap Kin, with Yuriy Tarnawsky, Vasyl Makhno, Orest Somerset, NJ 732-356-0132 or [email protected] Popovych, Virlana Tkacz, Alexander Motyl and Olena Jennings, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 212-254-5130 March 4 Presentation by Olga Burlyuk, “Imagining Ukraine: From Cambridge, MA History and Myths to Maidan Protests,” Harvard University, March 9 Concert, “Bria Blessing and Shokolad: Ivasyuk,” MoLoKo Chicago promotions, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, [email protected] March 4 Book launch, “Holodomor in Ukraine: The Genocidal Famine Ottawa 1932-1933: Learning Materials for Teachers and Students” March 9 Fund-raiser evening, “Mardis Gras in New Orleans,” The by Valentina Kuryliw, Holodomor Research and Education New York Ukrainian Museum, 212-228-0110 or Consortium, Ukrainian National Federation (Ottawa- March 9 Concert of Ukrainian Classical Music with pianist Natalia Gatineau), Ukrainian Canadian Congress, 613-744-8367 North Port, FL Pasichnyk, honoring Taras Shevchenko, St. Andrew or [email protected] Religious and Cultural Center, [email protected] March 5 Book presentation, “Ukrainian Bishop, American Church March 9 Pierogie Night dinner, Carleton Ukrainian Students Club, New York and the Ukrainian Catholic Church” Ottawa Ukrainian Youth Association hall, [email protected] or by Martha Boachevsky-Chomiak, Columbia University, [email protected] 212-854-4697 or [email protected] March 10 Book launch, “Ukrainian Bishop, American Church: March 7 Concert, featuring “The Lark Ascending” with the Longy New York Constantine Bohachevsky and the Ukrainian Catholic Church” Cambridge, MA Conservatory Orchestra with violinist Solomiya Ivakhiv, by Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Shevchenko Scientific Longy School of Music of Bard College, Society, 212-254-5130

March 8 Presentation by Nela Lechman, “Genocide-Holodomor: March 10 through Art exhibit featuring works by Nicholas Bervinchak, Naples, FL Death by Starvation,” Ukrainian National Women’s League July 10 Pennsylvania Anthracite Heritage Museum, Michael Buryk of America Branch 136, South Regional Library “Lely,” Scranton, PA will offer a presentation during the opening of the exhibit, 239-592-5707

March 8 Ukrainian Culture Forum, with presentations by Yulia Ilchuk, March 11 Presentation by Tornke Metreveli, “Geopolitics of Cambridge, MA Alessandro Achili and Vitaly Chernetsky, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Interconfessional Relations in Contemporary Ukraine,” Harvard University,

March 8 Taras Shevchenko 250th Birthday Commemoration, with March 11 Presentation by Daria Kaleniuk, “Countering Kleptocracy Chicago reading of “Kobzar”, translated and read by Peter Fedynsky New York in Ukraine: The Battle at Home and in the West,” with bandurist Taras Yanytsky, Ukrainian National Museum, Columbia University, 312-421-8090 or Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events March 8 Film screening, “Casi Desnudo” by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions New York about writer Yuriy Tarnawsky, Ukrainian Institute of from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors America, 212-288-8660 or [email protected] and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

Annual Meeting Saturday, March 16, 2019 at 7:00pm

Ukrainian Youth Center 301 Palisade Ave. Yonkers, NY 10703

This year 3 board members are up for re-election: Stephen Szulhan, Ihor Makarenko, and Dr. Orest Kozicky and two members of the Credit Committee: Peter Barna and Myron Daszko

Recommendations to the Nominating Committee may be forwarded to: SUMA (Yonkers) Federal Credit Union 125 Corporate Blvd., Yonkers, NY 10701

All members are welcome!

R.S.V.P to 914-220-4900 ext. 0 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 No. 9


Saturday, March 9 Church and a hostile clergy. He stood his ground and chose to live simple missionary NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific life. He eschewed public pomp, as did his Society invites all to a book launch of “New immigrant congregations. He regularly visit- York Elegies: Ukrainian Poems on the City,” ed his scattered churches. He fought a bitter edited by Ostap Kin. “New York Elegies” fight for the independence of the Church attempts to demonstrate how descriptions from outside interference – a kind of strug- and evocations of New York City are con- gle between the Church and the state, nected to various stylistic modes and topical absent both. He refashioned a failing immi- questions urgent to Ukrainian poetry grant Church in America into a self-sustain- throughout its development. The collection ing institution that half a century after his thus gives readers the opportunity to view death could help resurrect the underground New York through various poetic and stylis- Catholic Church in Ukraine, which became tic lenses. Ukrainian poets connected them- the largest Eastern Catholic Church today. selves to a powerful myth of New York, the The event will take place at the society’s myth of urban modernity and problematic building, 63 Fourth Ave. (between Ninth and vitality. The city of exiles and outsiders sees 10th streets) at 2 p.m. For additional infor- itself reflected in the mirror that newcomers mation call 212-254-5130. and exiles created. By adding new voices and layers to this amalgam, it is possible to Monday, March 11 observe the expanded picture of this world- ly poetic city. Participants include Yuriy NEW YORK: Please join the Ukrainian Tarnawsky, Vasyl Makhno, Orest Popovych, Studies Program at the Harriman Institute, Virlana Tkacz, Alexander J. Motyl, Olena Columbia University, for a presentation by Jeninngs and Mr. Kin. The event will take Daria Kaleniuk titled “Countering place at the society’s building, 63 Fourth Kleptocracy in Ukraine: The Battle at Home Ave. (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 5 and in the West.” How much progress has p.m. For additional information call 212- been made in tackling corruption in Ukraine 254-5130. since the Maidan Revolution of 2014? And what changes in Western policy are NORTH PORT, Fla.: A concert of Ukrainian required to further support Ukraine, espe- classical music to honor Taras Shevchenko cially as the country heads towards presi- will be presented by Natalia Pasichnyk, pia- dential elections? Ms. Kaleniuk is co-found- nist at the Royal College of Music in er of the Anti-corruption Action Center, Stockholm, and her sister, Olha Pasichnyk, a Ukraine, and an expert on stolen assets soloist at Warsaw Chamber Opera. Natalia recovery and anti-money laundering who Pasichnyk studied music at the Lviv sought to freeze the Western assets of Conservatory of Music with post-graduate Viktor Yanukovych and his associates dur- studies at both Chopin Academy of Music in ing the Maidan protests. A Fulbright Scholar, Warsaw and the Royal College of Music in Ms. Kaleniuk has an M.A. in financial servic- Stockholm. She has performed widely es law from the Chicago-Kent College of throughout Europe, the U.S., Japan and Law. This event will take place at noon in Argentina. Olha Pasichnyk studied piano in the Marshall D. Shulman Seminar Room her native Rivne and voice at the Kyiv (Room 1219, International Affairs Building, Conservatory and at the Chopin Academy of 420 W. 118th St.). The event is free and Music in Warsaw. In 1992 she became a solo- open to the public. For additional informa- ist of the Warsaw Chamber Opera. She has tion call 212-854-4697. sung major opera roles in Europe, Australia, Sunday, March 17 Canada, Japan and the U.S. The concert will take place at St. Andrew’s Ukrainian ALEXANDRIA, Va.: The Washington Group Religious and Cultural Center. There will be a Cultural Fund will present the husband-and- donation of $20. For more information con- wife team of pianists Anna and Dmytro tact [email protected]. Shelest. At their official Carnegie Hall debut in February 2018, their CD Release of Sunday, March 10 “Ukrainian Rhapsody” brought the renewed NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific attention to the music of their homeland with Society invites all to a book launch of works for solo and four hands piano by “Ukrainian Bishop, American Church: Ukrainian composers. The recital will feature Constantine Bohachevsky and the Ukrainian works by Lev Revutsky, Myroslav Skoryk, Catholic Church” (The Catholic University of Oleksandr Zhuk, Fanny Mendelssohn, Cécile America Press, Washington), by Martha Chaminade, Clara Schumann and Amy Beach. Bohachevsky-Chomiak. Bohachevsky was A reception to meet the artists will follow the not a typical bishop. On the eve of his unex- performance. The concert will be held at 3 pected nomination as bishop for the p.m. at The Lyceum, 201 S. Washington St., Ukrainian Catholics in America, in March Alexandria, VA 22314. Suggested donation: 1924, the Vatican secretly whisked him from $20; free for students; unreserved seating. For Warsaw to Rome to be ordained. He arrived more information visit in America that August to a bankrupt or e-mail [email protected].

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a ser- vice provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

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