Vol. 29, No. 20, March 25, 1981 University of Michigan Law School
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University of Michigan Law School University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository Res Gestae Law School History and Publications 1981 Vol. 29, No. 20, March 25, 1981 University of Michigan Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation University of Michigan Law School, "Vol. 29, No. 20, March 25, 1981" (1981). Res Gestae. Paper 459. http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae/459 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History and Publications at University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Res Gestae by an authorized administrator of University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Election Supplement Postman Page 5 Page 10 Ann Arbor's Oldest Law School Weekly Volume 29 No. 20 The Univ e r ~ il y of Michigan Law School Wednesday, March 25, 1981 Elections Tomorrow Revue By Brian McCann extend his stewardship of the Student she is successful, however, last year's Tomorrow is Election Day for Senate last Tuesday when the deadline second place finisher for the Board of positions on the Law School Student for filing petitions passed without a Governor's position, Rick Halvorsen, Senate. Polls will be open outside Room challenger for the top spot. When asked will accede to that spot and will serve Preview 100 from 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and in to comment on the absence of op until October unless the Senate votes to the reception area of the Lawyer's Club position Ellmann stated " I take a greal . conduct a special election beforehand. from 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. In all, 22 deal of pride in knowing that I am the Stuckey is a second-year student. The 4th annual Law Re•·ue tulent show will candidates are vying for the 9 Senate best candidate on the presidential Jim Demb and To;;;-Lotlerman are •ake place Saturday m~ht at 8:30 m the spots. <See page 5 for a special Senate ballot. I take a great deal of humility in both seeking the office of Senate Lawyers Club Loun~e Third-year student Election Supplement including can· knowing I am also the worst." Treasurer. Demb is a second-year Warren Goldenbertl 11 the Dtrector of thtS didate statements and interviews.) There are three candidates seeking student. Lotterman is a first-year year's show. Earlier thi~ week he ~a~e the The Student Senate provides a forum the vice-presidential post-Nancy student and one of four first-year Res Gestae a sneak prevtew of what tS for student concerns and represents Chafin, Portia Moore, and Kent representatives on the present Senate. in S/Orefor us. student interests in administrative Stuckey. Chafin is one of the present There are three candidates for matters. In addition, the Senate disbur second year representativ~. P ortia Secretary - Randy Brr, Rick Scarola ses approximately $30,000.00 of student Moore, another second-year student, is and Terri Stangl. Barr and Scarola are Q. First, exactly what is the Law fees and Dean's discretionary funds to also a member of the present Senate. second-year students; Stangl is a first· Revue? various organizations and committees. Last year she was elected to the two year student. A. It is a talent show that combines Only one candidate is unopposed. year post of Board of Governors For two third-year representative skits about the law school expenence Doug EHmann, the incumbent Representative. Moore will retain that positions, three students have entered with serious performances President, in effect got the go-ahead to position if she loses the race for V.P . U the race- Stuart Goldring, Vince Q. How did you happen to become the Green, and Julie Hurwirz. Hurwitz is director? presently a second-year representative A. Wen, I told Doug Ellmann that I on the Senate would do it if no one else wanted to, and The most crowded race IS for two I guess no one else did. I've wanted to second year representative slots with a be the Director ever since the first day field of seven. Those looking to of orientation when Dean Sandalow represent the class of '83 include: Paul said that Michigan Law Students were Denis, Lauren Gallagher, Kathy Erwin, the cream of society. Jackie McMurtrie <a present first-year Q. How many acts will there be this representative), Bill Newell, Yolanda year? Torres, and John Walligore. A. Right now there are 13. Roun ding out the positions up for Q. Can you give us some idea of who is grabs is that of Board of Governors performing? Representative. The candidates for this A. The Headnotes will be performing two year office are Don Baker, Ellen again. There will be a stand-up comedy Carmody, and Cliff Douglas. routine by Gary Simon, and cameo ap The Michigan Student Assembly elec· pearances from two of the best loved tion will be held April 7th. Two second members of the faculty year students are running for the Q. Will Dean Sanda low be appearing? MSA's Law School Represen· A . ~o . he refused to appear when he tative-Jack Crable <the incumbent> round out that we made use of affir· and David Schaper mative action critena in selecting the members of the cast. Q. That is disappointing. A. Yeah, it is but I was more disappom· Amendment ted that Like Cooperidt-r refused to do a stand-up act. Q. You must ha\ e hustled pretty hard to Withdrawn put together the sho\\ . T)le controversial conflict of interest A. Yes, I started workmg on it a bout Professor Joe Sax tes the Managing "'""' ..•~ - .. constitutional amendment died a quiet 'ive weeks ago The past two weeks posium held at the Law School on Thursday. death at the regular LSSS meeting nave been real heche I've been run· Monday night. Sponsors withdrew the ning around like a madman trying to a mendment from consideration nail down the loose ends. Panelists Discuss Mich. because they had discovered that Q. Sounds like an awful lot of work. Roberts Rules of Order, which governs A., I'll say. It would have been a lot LSSS parliamentary practices, con· easier if we had a week long Law Revue tains a provision which they felt is break preceding the show. I could have Public Lands Policy · nearly identical to the text of the attended more classes that way. Thirsty areas of the Southwest and Besides Dr. Tanner, the symposium proposed amendment. In addition, a Q. Who attends the show? Great Plains are beginning to look to involved Ken Sikkema, director of the sponsor told senators that the proposed A. Most of the law students come and Michigan as a source of the fresh water West Michigan Environmental Action change would not accomplish its aim, about a third of the faculty. Some they badly need. Council, an environmentalist group; which was to prevent the "raiding of students outside the law school also " People are going to want to put Tom Washington of the Michigan .the budget" by special interests at the showup. water in a pipeline." Michigan Depar· United Conservation Clubs (a spor· expense of groups not represented on Q. Will the faculty receive much abuse tment of Natural Resources Director tsman's group); and Richard Burgess, the senate or during the budget this year? Dr. Howard Tanner said here on March a geologist for the Northern Michigan discussions. A. I certainly hope so. However, this 19. He warned that we had better start Exploration Co. and director of the The Senate did however take a straw year there will be a faculty skit in which preparing ourselves for the chaJJenge. Michigan Oil & Gas Association. - vote to determine if sentiment existed five faculty members will have the op Dr. Tanner's remarks came during a According to symposium moderator for such a constitutional change. Only 2 ,>Ortunity to tee off on s tudents. unique symposium held at the Univer Professor Joseph Sax, the conference Senators expressed support for the con Q . Sounds like a good show. How long sity of Michigan Law School. Centering was the first of its kind in Michigan in at stitutional change while 5 voted against will it last? on the theme of nManaging Michigan's least 15 years. It was also the first time the proposal; 5 Senators abstained. Un· A. I'm not really sure, but with an in· Public Lands," the event brought these leaders of the various factions in der the LSSS Bylaw Constitution a % termission it will probably be about two together participants from the entire many political and legal battles over majority of Senators present is and one half hours. spectrum of opinion on what to do with Michigan's natural resources had sa~ required to pass any amendment to the the state's tremendous assets. See Public Lands, page 2 Constitution. -. may want access to oil deposits in the ik~Jik~.m~~~~~w~rw~~~~~it~'!:,~~~~~~=j:j Public Lands, lakes. Law in the Raw is absent from the newspaper this week. As to whether the Department of from page 1 Natural Resources CDNR) should be Although it gave us no reason for its absence, we can only down together in public to discuss their reorganized, none of the participants surmise that it is on a flyback to some high-powered legal views. Professor Sax teaches several spoke in favor of dividing the DNR into courses in environmental law at the an environmental department and a publi-ca_t_i_o_n· -=~m'l~'""''t!:lf~~~~mz::=a:::!:::;;;;::::,::;,;:,..~,_:=z~-:::--:::z·.-~, 1-::l.;.::s:=mam:!t:::;;;;;Eww Law School wildlife and recreation department.