ED 366 503 SE 054 081

AUTHOR Tapia, Ivan, Ed. TITLE Environmental Education. REPORT NO ISSN-0177-4212 PUB DATE 93 NOTE 29p. AVAILABLE FROM Inter Nationes e.V, Kenneyallee 91-103, D-53175, Bonn, . PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Bildung und Wissenschaft; n5-6 1993 (E)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Ecology; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; *Environmental Education; Equal Opportunities (Jobs); Foreign Countries; Foreign Students; Futures (of Society); Higher Education; *International Cooperation; *Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Environmental Policy; *Germany

ABSTRACT Articles in this double issue of a journal concerned with education and science cover a range of topics with a particular focus on the environment. They include:(1) a profile of Jens Reich, a scientist with interests in the economy and society; (2) a report on an upcoming education summit to decide on reform in university studies;(3) four contributions that discuss German efforts to infuse environmental education into the school curriculum;(4) a "Viewpoint" article by Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker on the global environment crisis and the tasks of higher education and science in the 21st century;(5) three contributions on educational policy consisting respectively a discussion on opportunities for young foreigners in German schools and professions, a vocational training report identifying a lack of skilled workers, and an article on the promotion of gifted persons in the Federal Republic of Germany;(6)a report on the intensification of industrial research in the former ; and (7) two contributions in the area of international cooperation, one concerning Arctic research with Russia and the other concerning change of emphasis in German vocational training aid. (MDH)

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EDUCIT1ON1\1) SCIENCE, NR. 5/6 1993 (11


Environmental education

Education summit to decide on studies reform

Foi eigiers in school

.t and profession 1 .0 odt . ..rt`

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1 1 Change of emphasis 1 *t"-**, in German vocational training aid "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS S DEPARTMENT Of (OUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEENGRANTED BY OfIteo c. Eolocatt000l Rematch anti Improreomed EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION Em K. Stahl CENTER IEF4C) X0 TN* docutmint has bum teProdoCd us tocepAd lrom II. oectOn D ocgatocation oonating 0 Minot chaps luve Men mode to mprOve Talent promotion reOroduction oughly TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES POMIS of v4v 05 opmsoos sleted in Ms 6Ocu m4tnI do 1.00 r1OcISINI1ly 1150041011 Oki& I C'-) INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." OERIpoothon of obey 111111.11111111 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2 In Profile




Jens Reich stubborn minds because theywere indispensable in their field. True. A man with qualities Reich's non-conformism cost him his post as departmental head and the opportunity of contacts with the The 54 year old's outstanding quality commentaries in magazines. Before West in 1984. Thus. it was only after is his youthful curiosity and joy in ex- this time, he had already written under the turnaround that lie was able tosee perimenting. This is what friends and a nom de plume in western newspapers for himself "what is being achieved companions say who got to know the about life in the GDR. With the very in Harvard ( USA)" which he found doctor and molecular biologist out- revealing title of "Farewell to Lifelong "admirable". sidehisprofession.Duringthe Illusions". he devoted a book to the in- change-over to democracy in the ex- tellectuals in die ex-GDR. Jens Reich is a scientist withan eye GDR (1989/90), Prof. Jens Reich was on the economy and society. Unlike one of those who thought up peaceful Today. Jens Reich is one of Germany's ways for the transition, first at the many other intellectuals, he does not best-known scholars. When the lead- resort to distant cynicism or resigna- Round Table with the old powers. and ing American magazineSciencere- then as a freely-elected parliamentar- tion. His Christian faith playsno ported on the reunification of the sci- small part in his upright attitude. To ian. ences in Germany in the spring ofthis must be added the iccentive he 1993. Jens Reich was naturally includ- receives from his family, particular- Once the experiment had proved sue- edin word and picture. ly from his three (now) adult chil- cesFful and German unity been re- dren for whom the "cooped-up exist- stored, he returned to science. For a His academic career did not progress ence" in the GDR was nev,u. enough. while, he accepted an invitation from easily. As a computer specialist in "Anyone who plays dead is rightly the Cancer Research Centre in Heidel- the fields of biology and medicine he buried," says Jens Reich. This he berg. Today, he is working once more was able to "sit in" at the Soviet now relates to what he considers the in , his adoptive homeat the Academy of Sciences and became lack of self-confidence in thenew Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular head of the mathematics department Bundes'iinder(federal states). This Medicine (MDC). at the GDR Central Institute of Mo- viill undoubtedly all be different in lecular Biology. Even so, his sphere ten years timeat all events at his in- Another of Reich's special qualitieis of activity was limited because he re- stitute. 0 his unusual love of the word. During fused to join the party. This was pos- the turnaround phase. he wrote weekly sible in his case and that of other Hermann Horstkoue 2 Contents

Solar filling station commences operations

This solar filling-station with 112 solar modules commenced trial operations in Berlin in July this year. "Filling-up" needs a relatively long time: it takesno fewer than eight hours until the mini- bus, which has been chosen for theex- periment, is fully charged. It then has a range of 70 kilometres.

Photo: dpa a

GM onwootscilutiS '

CONTENTS page In Profile Jens Reich - A man with qualities 2 Education Summit

Final examination after eight to nine semesters? 4 Cover Story: Environmental educationis a future commitment Education and Science (BW 5-6/93) Environmental education in schools (resolution bythe education mini;ters of the Lander) Publisher: 6 Inter Natioies e.V, Kenneyallee 91-103, The aims are clear, but difficult in practice 7 D-53175 Bonn

Qualification as environmental consultant in thetrades 9 Editor and Layout: Wolfgang Haber: one of the first environmentalists Ivan Tapia 11 Production: Viewpoint Ilona Or-then Environment crisis: a challenge for higher education 13 English Translation: Brangwyn Jones Education Policy Printed by: Young foreigners in school and profession 17 Druckpartner Moser Druck + Veriag GmbH, 0-53359 Rhelnbach 1993 Vocational Training Report in Promotion of gifted persons Cover Photo: 21 The dual system in Germany New Bundesliinder Reproduction permitted vouchercop- Innovation strategies intensify industrial researchin East Germany ies requested (only articles withname 24 ard source require reprinting permis- International Cooperation sion) Arctic research: cooperation with Russia 15514: 0177-4212 25 Change of emphasis in German vocational training Editorial dosing date: 19 July 1993 aid 26

3 4 BEST COPY MAILABLE Current News Final examination after eight to nine semesters? Education summit to decide on studies reform

Experts recommend dividing studies into two parts: a professionally "cultural sovereignty". In the case of qualifying phase followed by a doctoral studies course for the quali- higher education and research, on the fication of young academic staff. A politically controversial debate is other hand, joint commitments were also concerned with the question whether the hitherto successful ed-agreed on through an amendment to ucat:Dn system lines up with the demands of a modern society. the Constitution years ago. In the case of vocational training, the Federal The "Education Summit", which haswith social groups. with representatives Government is responsible for the on- been continually postponed. is now of the economy, the trade unions, higher the-job component. the Lander gov- scheduled to take place in December education and students. The latter re- ernments for the classroom element. 1993. These "top-level talks on educa- cently protested in Bonn because they tion policy", as the summit is called of- did not feel themselves sufficiently in- There was general agreement in the ficially. are designed to rectify abortive volved in the preparations. working group on the need for struc- developments in the school, higher ed- tural reform in higher education. By ucation, research and vocational train- The "Education Summit" is being pre- "structure" is meant a shorteningat ing sectors. Money is also to be dis- pared by a group of senior civil serv- long lastof the excessively long pe- cussed. It is the latter, of course. which ants who have been appointed by the riods of study at universities seven is the sore point since the Lander prime ministers of the Lander and the yearsonaverage. The exuberant (states) are calling for more federal Federal Chancellery. The "Eckwerte- wealth of content is to he reduced. funds for a wealth of commitments. papier" (basic values paper) , which studies to be given a "clear-out" to FederalFinanceMinister Theodor they have drafted, has now become make them "studiable" in four to five Waigel. however, has drawn attention known. Something to the highly limited financial leeway. worthy of note is the fact that, in this pa- "We must see to it that education, train- per. the Federal Gov- ing and science remain a German hall- ernment and the mark." Kohl stated at an Education Pol- Lander have drawn icy Congress of the Christian Demo- very close across po- cratic Union (CDU )in Wiesbaden in litical party lines in March this year. To this end, a quality- mattersconcerning enhancing reform of schools, universi- structuralimprove- ties and colleges and a strengthening of ments in higher edu- the dual vocational training system cation and vocational (which takes place simultaneously on training. Schools arc the job and in a vocational school). quite another matter. which is threatened with emaciation as Although the CDU is more and more young persons flock in- ako striving for re - to higher education and more and more forms in this sector, it training places remain vacant, at least in isunlikely to meet the West German Bundeskinder (feder- with much success al states), is needed. And yet it is be- since the Federal cause of this very dual system of on-the- Government bears no job and vocational school training that resoonsibilitywhat- Germany is envied in the -USA, France soever for the school and the United Kingdom. Such matters system. This is the re- are to be discussed, not just between the sponsibilityoftheYesterday... lecture at the University of Heidelberg Federal Chancellor and the prime min- Lander which vigor-in the year 1502. isters of the 16 German Lander. but also ouslydefendtheir Photo: Universittit Heidelberg

4 Current N ews

years once more. Something that the universitieshavebeenunableto achieve themselves is now to take place under pressure from the Federal and Lander governments. On the stocksis. aninitial"professionally qualifying" phase lasting tour years ( maximum five years in the case of the natural and engineering sciences) to be followed by a minority going on to 7 AL, take their doctorate. This has been pro- _IEZI jis. tested by the more left-wing-oriented t...2elit student asoociations. Social injustice, -elite studies" for a few are feared. Conservative groupings. on the other ` hand, have raised no objections to this bisection of studies, provided the first phase is not "academically emasculat- ed". But there is more in the paper: anyone exceeding the Regelstudienzeit Today... lecture at the University of the Ruhr, Bochum. (period within which a course must he Photo: Manfred Voltmc: completed) should pay study tees, and. in those cases where this period is con- er education institutionisnew, to agreement. however, on the Federal siderablyexceeded, evenbesent 52,0(X). By the year 2000, every third Government's demand for the creation down, i.e. struck off the university reg- student is to study at a Fachlwchschule. of special training courses for the less ister.It goes without saying that all It is every fifth at present. able and the more able. The German student associations are opposed to Social Democratic Party (SPD) and this. Something which is concerning Here. the Education Summit is to point the trade unions are opposed to "differ- university pi ofessors. on the other the way. Money will have to be entiated treatment". The last item on hand, is a statement in the paper to the pumped into higher education if it is the agenda"Length of Schooling to effect that "allocations of funds should offer the1,8 million students good Abitur- - might as well be scrubbed. be based on success and quality crite- teaching, care and advice and, in addi- The majority of the Lander have an ria". In plain English. this means - as tion, undertake excellent research. It is SPD government and are unwilling to in other EC states - that more funds are reckoned that very soon 40 % of a reduce the length of time spent at to be allocated if there is evidence of young persons' year group will em- school from 13 to 12 years. The CDU particularlygood achievementsin bark on a course of study - instead of has been calling for this for years - and teaching and research, but tewer funds the present %. Members of the now even more urgently in view of the if they are not so good. Some countries Government Coalition would prefer EC single market. Now a fresh wind is have already introduced this proce- more persons being interested in the blowing through the debate: four out dure. Unlike the United Kingdom or dual vocational training programme. of the five new Bundeslander want to France, however, there are still no in- One of the Summit's themes will be stick to their Abhor after 12 yearsas dicators or other yardsticks to evaluate how to make vocational training more was customary in the ex-GDR. teaching and research achievements. attractive. It should be liberated from the stigma of being a cul-de-sac from Things will become a little less pleas- The Fachlwchschulen (collegesfor which advancement to managerial po- ant when talk turns to money. For high- higher professional training ) are caus- sitions is hardly possible. er education alone, the Lander are de- ing the respresentatives of the state and manding DM 4 billion more from the the economy, and themselves, fewer There is a consensus between all par- Federal Government. The costs for vo- worries. Their courses are short, eight ties on this point and, as seldom hap- cational training reforms are not even semesters, practice-related, and highly pens, between the economy and the stated in figures in the Eckwertepapier. thought of by employers. Even so. they. trade unions: admission to higher edu- Political observers are of the opinion too, are overcrowded and have to turn cation institutions should be made that,althoughagreement may be away many applicants who, of necessi- available to talented working persons reached on certain basic positions in ty, then enter the universities. This is to ven it' they have no Abitur (univer- the meeting with the Federal Chancel- change. The number of places at Each- sityentrancequalification ).Their lor. this is not likely to be the case in hochschulen in West Germany is to be chances of promotion are to be im- finding a key to the financial problem.0 increased by 50.000 to 350.0(X). and in proved both in the economy and in the East Germany. where this type of high- civilservice. Thereis no general Brigitte Mohr

- 5 6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Environmental Education/Training

The responsibilities of schools in the environmental education sector Resolution by the education ministers of the Lander

In the Federal Republic of Germany. the one hand, he must ensure a balance get to know the causes of environ- the responsibility for the content and between the appropriation and use of mental pollution and environmen- organization of education, including natural assets and the conservation and tal changes which, in some cases, schools, is the responsibility of the protection of natural foundations, on can no longer be reversed; Lander. The guiding principles for in- the other. recognize the correlation of eco- dividual measures are coordinated by logical, economical and social in- the KMK (Standing Conference of An attempt must be made, by means fluences which has led to the the Ministers of Education and Cul- of insights of this manner, to develop present state of our envire-iment: tural Affairs of the Lander I federal an awareness of the environment. It is realize that the prese ation of the states) of the Federal Republic ofonly from this that the readiness to diversity of living organisms and Germany. On 17.10.1980, the KMK use natural Nsources in a responsible landscape is not only vital to the made the following statement on en- manner and to ward off the threats to safeguarding of present natural vironmental training i.e. education, in life's foundations can grow. In this foundations of life, but also for fu- schools: way, education designed to achieve tum generations; environmental awareness and envi- realize that environmental pollu- "Relations with the environment have ronmental protection can promote un- tion is an international problem become a matter of life or death for derstanding and a positive attitude to and a matter of life or death for the both individuals and mankind as a the problems to be solved in equal whole of mankind, and thus that whole. Consequently. it is part of the measure. In this context, it must be care of the environment represents duties of schools to create an aware- made clear to pupils that, for the pro- an international commitment, for ness of the environment in young per- tection of lite's foundations, the right which highly industrialized coun- sons, to promote their readiness to of each individual to personal devel- tries must assume particular re- treat the environment in a responsible opment must be reconciled with the sponsibility; manner and to educate them to adopt right of general welfare. realize that responsible action on an environment-conscious pattern of the part of individuals and society behaviour which will be effective be- The aims of environmental education is necessary to safeguard the envi- yond their time at school. can be realized with the content of var- ronment for man which he needs iatls subjects or in subject-overlapping for a healthy existence worthy of In this respect. the school is all the environmental events. In this respect. humans: more committed in view of the fact environmental education is a subject- realize that care of the environ- that the pollution of the environment overlapping principle which imbues ment includes the clash or oppos- has increased in an ominous manner in the natural scientific and sociological ing interests and consequently that the last tew decades. Because of their sectors in likc manner. a careful weighing-up of econom- educational mandate, schools can and ical and ecological viewpoints is must make their contribution to help Within the framework of these aims. necessary. solve this urgent problem. pupils should, in particular. The education ministers and senators By conveying insights into the com- familiarize themselves with the of the Liinder agree to ensure the im- plin correlations of our environment, rights and duties of the citizen as plementation of these principles and schools are to indicatc the problems enshrined in the constitution and aims in education designed to achieve which arise from the changes. Man is laws, to share in the responsibili- environmental awareness and envi- both the cause and victim of environ- ties involving care of the environ- ronmental protection and their inclu- mental changes. Since the pollution he ment and environmental protec- sion in in-service training for teach- causes recoils on him, he is also re- tion: ers. sponsible for the consequences of in- be motivated to observe and study roads into the system of environmental the environment in a purposeful This resolution supersedes the resolu- conditions. He must not base his in- manner: tion by the Education Ministers Con- roads merely on the short-term advan- gain an insight into ecological cor- ference of 30.09.1953 on Nature and tage for people living today. In his re- relations and get to know the effect Landscape Conservation and Protec- sponsibility for future generations. On of disorders; tion of Animals.

6 Environmental Education/Training

teacher far more than the simple teach- ing of knowledge. On the contrary, A future politics have given educators the job of teaching children and ynung persons environmental behaviour, for which commitment there have been no models or concepts so far. "The purpose of environmental Environment policy is still restricted in the main to dealing with indi- education is to encourage an affection- vidual environmental problems by means of state regulation and ate understanding of nature," it states technical solutions. Of equal importance for the preservation of the in the Bavarian Education Ministry's foundations of iife, however, are changes in man's attitude to the en- directives, "and to kindle the readiness vironment. Environmental education at an early stage is an indispen- to help find a solution to existing envi- sable part of precautionary environment policy. ronmental problems."

"Teachers in schools are not ecologi- cal pioneers just because they have been given the task of imparting envi- NAISAII SIMS SWILL 104 ronmental education," says education- al scientist Karl-Horst Dyckhoff from .01W I MinsterUniversity.Althoughthe ministry directives provide a certain amount of scope, how this is to be matle use of isleft entirely to the initiative of the individual teacher. Curricull also recommend teaching environmental education on an inter- disciplinary basis wherever possible .444. P.,,,,X project-related and in the open coun- W.1 4.0.1 E.NNDER WALD, tryside. But teachers on the spot fre- quently do not know how to fulfil these AL. TIRBT,STIRBT requirements within the mirrow con- SA oh. AO.- finesofthetime-table,bulging IviENscH curricula, meticulous separation of subjects and the omnipresent pressure of having to give grades. The tree's course of life also relates man's history. Photo: bonn press ''What the ministry has not done is to comply with our request to set up at least one ceo-station in every region for school and out-of-school purpos- Environmental es."complains AlbinDannhtiuser, president of the Bavarian Teachers As- education sociation (I31_,LV). "The same applies to our demand for the appointment of someone responsible for environmen- tal matters, a specialist adviser for ev- The aims are cleartheir ery region." After all, very few teach- ers heard anything about environmen- implementation in school difficult tal education during their training. They are now being asked to teach Dying forests, greenhouse effect, mental education", "educational ecol- something they have never learnt ozone hole, radioactive contami- ogy"the large number of terms indi- themselves. nation, chemical accidents. The cates the trouble education is having in media is full of these terms daily. finding a name for a sector, the didac- Environmental education is confront- tical processing of which is raising a ing education institutions with the Schools, too, have had to tackle the lot of questions. After all, it must not same problems at home and abroad. subject of " "environment" for the last be forgotten that the directives from Consequently, a good three years ago, 15 years. "Eco-education", "environ- the education ministries require of the theinternationalOrganizationfor

7 Environmental Education/Training

context" with the result that they often vance." If' the local reference is miss- fail to realize the damage their actions ing, teachers will not achieve their inflict on the environment. Emotive goal. terms used in the adult worldsuch as rain-forest destruction and greenhouse Germany's ecological school initia- effectremain, for the most part, ab- tives are slowly beginning to orient stract terms for pupils, says Georg themselves towards the new findings. Pflingersdorffer from Salzburg Uni- More and more teachers are going with versity. In studies undertaken among their classes into the fields and woods, Hauptschule(main school) leavers in making maps of wetlands, recording Munich and Salzburg, he discovered rare animal and plant species or taking that, although the ozone hole and rain water samples. And quite frequently, forests had been dealt with in class, the working on the spot guides children pupils had no knowledge of the vital fromrealizationtoaction, When resources on the spot. "For them, water school classes take part in local coun- came from the tap, electricity from the cil meetings, call for nature reserves power point, apples from the super- and make the results of their work market," says Pflingersdorffer. "If we known in public, the dividing line Where does one put the refuse? Not succeed in making the pupil's own liv- between environmental and political everything belongs in the normal ing world the pivot in the teaching of education becomes blurred. trash can. Some things are too valu- ecological knowledge, action will ac- able, others too dangerous. quire an increasing measure of rele- Dr. Geseko v. Liipke Photo: Inter Nationes

Economic Cooperation and Develop- ment(OECD) begancomparing points of departure with regard to so- lutions in its member countries. Aus- kv-N. "n1 so, tralia, Finland, Hungary and Austria .1471,44 a were examined. It is the Federal Re- public of Germany's turn this au- -44.,:,;" tumn. The OECD investigating ex- perts have made a demand which will undoubtedly also come the German authorities' way in the autumn: a larg- er budget for environmental educa- tion and the firm enshrining of new

, nts of departure for teaching it in t. educatien system.

Admittedly, individual classes in al- most half of all Bavarian schools par- ticipatein keeping the countryside neat and clean, in plant piojects or the adoption of streams. Even so, ecolo- . gical lessons in school are the excep- tion and only take place if a committed teacher ventures beyond the narrow confines of the "cramming mill". The road to success is a narrow one. Edu- cational studies at the University of Er- langen-Nuremberg showthat,al- though children display a marked will- ingness to behave in an environment- compatible manner and to sort out refuse, for instance, they nevertheless lack the opportunity to grasp the Experiencing nature. German Environment 'Minister Klaus Töpfer with broader correlations in their "overall children in an autumn wood. Photo: bonn-sequenz

8 BEST COPY MAILARE Environmental Education/Training

Qualification as environmental consultant in the trades Pilot project: Blue Angel Intensification of ecological farsightedness

How is a joiner to dispose of wood remains i.:overed in paint or plastic? Where should a paint- er put the remains of his lac- qu&s? In the dustbin? Or maybe to the special refuse collection centre? And may a hairdresser tip the chemicals used for dyeing hair or permanent waves into the 44 sewer unprocessed?

Almost every owner of a handicraft firm must now concern himself with oft100 such questions and problems which are all to do with environmental pro- tection - whether he wants to and can - or not. Requirements of this nature for the protection of the soil, air and water apply to all businesses, no mat- ter how small. Contraventions can re- sult in - sometimes quite heftyfines. In the case of snmll handicraft firms. employing 8 to 10 persons, it is obvi- ous that hardly one of them can afford to employ someone who is only con- cerned with this sector - although the eimstant flow of information on the new environmentallaws,environ- ment-friendly raw materials and tech- niques - and their application in the firmcould quite easily occupy one member of staff

To ensure that the handicrafts do not fall behind in environmental matters. the idea was conceived some years The skilled trades must not fall behind in environmental matters. backorfinding solutions embracing Moto: Bundesbildstelle Bonn all types of business. Interested per- sons in the handicraft sector should be ronmental Adviser/in Handicraft" was ther training course to cater for all pro- trained in such a way that they are in a born and, from 1990, was put into ef- fessions and embracing all fundamen- position to provide advice on all envi- fect within the framework of a pilot tal bases and applications. The course ronrnental questions arising and trans- projectwhich has now been conclud- lasts Jive semesters. The target group late them into suggestions in the busi- ed - by the Federal Institute of Voca- are self-employed master craftsmen, ness concerned, work out solutions tional Training(BIBB)In collabora- journeymen and journeywomen with embracing other handicraft firms and tion with the Hamburg Chamber of at least four years professional experi- identify the market opportunites in en- Handicrafts and its Centre for Energy. ence. 150 persons have already suc- vironmental protection. The concept Water and Environmental Technology cessfullycompleted the training of a special training course for "Envi- (ZWFU), theBIBBdeveloped a fur- course, says Sthine Möller from the , 9

l 0 Environmental Education/Training

, T:r


a Where should the painter put the remains of his lacquer? Photo: Center Press

MEI She stresses that "a great deal on a building site. Not so much the per- project, that this training is particularly of idealism and interest in the subject sons who have commissioned the demanding. "The adviser must be are necessary" after all. the "Envi- building but many an architect who just competent in all areas," he points out ronmental Adviser" qualification refuses to believe that a 'simple arti- and in such a way that his knowledge course takes place "on the side", two san' possesses the environmental ex- can he applied with particular refer- evenings a week. pertise they lack themselves." "How do ence to the trade concerned, Conse- you know that?" Environment adviser quently, Tillmann demands that "En- The two-semester basic segment of the Budig has now grown used to this, for vironmental Protection Adviser" he course ( 100 periods) is initially con- on a building site where several differ- made a full-blown profession in the cerned with the acquisition of knowl- ent trades work together. the knowl- sense of a state-recognized further- edge in the chemistry, physics, ecolo- edge he acquired during his environ- training occupation with prescribed gy, economy, environmental and envi- mental training stands him in good further training and examination regu- ronmental legal sectors. The three- stead. 1 le regards the fact that the train- lations. What is mcre. the great de- semester main segment. once more 100 ing embraces so many trades as an mands which can be made of an envi- periods, deals in a highly concrete "enormous advantage". ronmental protection adviser are not manner with environmental protection restricted to expert knowledge. This is measures. The teaching content in- He was able to gain insight into other why Tillmannmaintainsthatthe cludes resource-spafing use of energy, handicrafts, which has given him the teaching of social and commuaicative protection against harmful effects on opportunity to make quite different as- competence is just as essential. After the environment and conservation of sessments on a building site as far as all, the ability to convince is an insep- lakes and rivers, avoidance and dispos- environmental matters are concerned. arable part of the advice. Environmen- al of waste, environment-compatible The training he received in environ- talprotection measures are usually materials, nuirketing and much more. mental law is also a great help. "One linked with costs, result in internal ad- The basic and main study segments learns to read more carefully and see justmentssuch as not using a certain culminate in an examination and the the finer points." he explainssome- product or materialand consequently award of a certificate. Klaus Budig, thing which is out of the question in do not always arouse unbounded en- sanitary engineer in Hamburg and everyday craft work. Overall, during thusiasm on the part of business pto- owner of such a certificate, considers the two years of study. with its exten- prietors. As a result, people are needed this training as excellent. He states that sive and diverse learning matter. he who not only work out solutions hut about half his customers are interested was able to increase his "perspective" are also capable of convincing persons in ecological building and living. He is quite considerably. of their usefulness to the firm. now in a position to give them compe- tent advice. Admittedly. "you occa- There is no doubt in the mind of Hein- Angelika H(n)li sionally rub people up the wrong way richTillmann. head of thepilot (SiNdeursche Zeitung) 10 ii Environmental Education/Training

ECOLOGY ESTABLISHED AS A DISCIPLINE Wolfgang Haber: one of the firstenvironmentalists

"Ynn may be a first-class ecologist but, as such, you will remain a second- class scientist." This typical assess- ment of environmental research was addressed by one of the thesis super- visors to Wolfgang Haber, an up-and- coming young scientist, when he ap- p:..fd to take his doctorate in 1957. In the meantime, the then young man has now become a seasoned professor of landscape ecology at Munich Techni- cal University in Weihenstephan. In appreciation of his "life's achievment in respect of environmental precaution and ecological research" he has been awarded the environment prize by the GermanBundesstiftwig thwelt(Fed- eral Environment Foundation). In all, the prize is worth DM 1 million. Haber shares it with the household-appliance manufacturer.Foron, inSaxony. -hich has brought the first refrigera- tors completely devoid of "ozone-kill- says enthusiastically. A decisive stage In recent years, Haber has been heavi- ers" onto the market. in the career of the now 68-year-old ly involved in the setting up of the Haber was his work in a natural histo- Leipzig/HalleEnvironmental Re- In the reasons for the award. the Foun- ry museum: "It helped develop my di- search Centre, Since 1990, he has dation states that Haber did "pioneer- dactical skills, since it involved the headedIntecol,the umbrella organiza- ing work" in his particular field, Even making of complicatedbiological tion for the International Association during the days when viewing things facts understandable." of Ecologists. from the ecological angle were not taken very seriously, he established lie profited front this ability to make The environment prize has been standardsinhisdiscipline which his views comprehensible in his later awarded for the first time this year. eventuallyledtoitsrecognition. activities in numerous political adviso- By tneans of this distinction, the Among other things, he foundedBi- ry bodies on nature conservation. At Federal Foundation wants to partic- otopkartierung(mapping biotopes), the university in Weihenstephan he is ularly promote environment-tech- i.e, making inventories of particularly chiefly concerned with the question of nogical innovations in small- and valuable areas of countryside. He was how the countryside can be shaped in medium-sized firms. The Federal largely involved in the dray, 'lig up of an environmentally-compatible man- Government has provided capital to nature conservation laws and vigor- ner. He describes the fact that he is a the tune of DM 2.5 billion for this ously supported the creation of the Kofessor in the landscape-conserva- purpose. Approx. DM 200 million is first national parks in Germany. He tion course of study, as "a forunate cir- available annually for the promotion says he already had intensive contact cumstance". Here, he says, a classical of innovative projects. Sinceits with animals and plants in his parental science has been enriched with crea- foundation in 1991, a good three- home. His father, a would-be biolo- tive elements. The students and col- quarters of the funds have flown to gist, had laid out a mini-botanic gar- leagues in this subject had continually thenewBundesländer(federal den behind their house and encour- spurred him on and stimulated him states). 0 aged his son to play in the open coun- "because they constantly displayed tryside. "At that time I learnt to recog- alert crtitical interest and often offered Peter Becker nize almost all the birdcalls," he still surprising achievements". (Tagesspiegel)

II 12 Environmental Education/Training

mental training and environmental sci- Successful environmental policy ences are indispensable components of a modern precautionary environmen- only possible with environmental tal policy." Lammert told the assem- bledBundestag.The complexity of ec- training ological content, he continued, calls for a comprehensive, subject- and The Federal Ministry of Education and of a global environmental problem. problem-overlapping education policy Science has cons:derably influenced AZ1 initiatives had been embodied in which will help learners to grasp the and accelerated environmental train- the German position at the United Na- difficultcorrelations between eco- ing in Germany by means of a large tions Conference on the Environment nomic, ecological, technical, social number of initiatives and incentives and Development in Rio de Janeiro. and cultural questions and to trans- since 1986. This was pointed out by "There is unanimity in the Federal late them into action in the home, job Dr. , Parliamentary Government on the fact that environ- and spare time. Undersecretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, when ad- dressing the GermanBundestagdur- ing the debate on questions relating to Environment-related Voluntary eco-year to be environmental training and environ- courses of study introduced mental science. "A successful envi- ronment policy is possibly conceiva- ble without extensive and early envi- Because of the growing demand forThe GermanBundestaghas decided ronmental training, but not very prom- environmental specialists, the Insti-to introduce a voluntary ecological ising," said Lammert and demanded mte of the Germany Economy hasyear. According to the new law, that all citizens be put in the position published a "Studies Guide for Eco-young persons between the ages of 16 where, for instance, they were ac- logical Courses". The Institute ap-and 27 can work voluntarily for be- quainted withlegal and technical proached 67 different universities. tween six to twelve months in the en- norms, with measured values and en- The result: there are currently 111vironmental and nature conservation vironment-compatible checks,with courses of study with their own orsector. This move falls into line with productanalysesandeco-balance supplementary specialized ecologi-the increased level of ecological sheets. cal training. 85 culminate in a pro-awareness on the part of young peo- fessional qualification. The remain-ple, spokespersons from all parties According to Lammert, the Federal der follow on an initial course ofemphasized and drew attention to the Ministry of Education and Science has study as continuation or supplemen-example of the voluntary social year. invested DM 50 million in projects, pi- tarycourses.InEast Germany, At the present time, 1.000 persons are lot schemes and initiatives on environ- where the demand for environmental participating in pilot schemes for the mental training. The measures ranged specialists is likewise growing, thereecological year in Schleswig-Hol- from project promotion by the Federal are 19 ecological courses of study, stein, Lower , Saxony-Anhalt Government-Lander Commission for particularly in the environmentaland Saxony. Participation by young Educational Planning and Research technology and environmental pro-persons from non-EC countries is al- Promotion (BLK) and industrial pilot tection sectors. The majority of theso to be made possible. Volunteers projects in firms to the integration of eco-courses are to be found in thefor the eco-year will receive pocket environmentaltrainingintraining natural and engineering sciences. money (maximum DM 400) for their regulationsandhighereducation There are, however, 22 independent services, plus free board and lodging. courses. "environmentalscience" courses, According to the law, in the main, the mainly at the further study stage, andyoung persons are to perform work of On the initiative of the ministry, the others in agricultural science anda practical nature within nature con- EC Council of Ministers and the EC forestry, occasionally in the eco-servation organizations, environment education ministers had approved a nomics and law sectors. The Univer-associations, communes and youth decision on environmental training as sity of Saarbrficken offers a four-se- assistance bodies. Also according to far back as 1988. Lammert also drew mester continuation course leadingthe law, which takes effect on 1 Sep- attention to the recommendation to put to a European degree (diploma) intember 1993, this voluntary service into practice the findings of the Com- environmentalscience,includingcan be counted towards practical mission of Enquiry on the "Protection study visits to Belgium, France andtraining. In addition, the young per- of the Earth's Atmosphere", by means Luxembourg. B.M. (FAZ) sons will have social security cover. of which "highly regarded milestones" had been set up fcr the continuation of In other words, they will be on the discussions on content from the aspect same footing as trainees.

12 13 Viewpoint

Ecological structural change: achallenge for higher education

Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker on the global environment crisis and the tasks of higher education and science in the 21st century

The 21st century will be the cen- tury of the environment, predicts Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker. Yet higher educationisbadly pre- pared for it. The way in which uni- versities must consequently change has been outlined by Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker, pres- ident of the Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and En- ergy. Here are extracts from the lecture he gave at the University of Hamburg.

Higher education suddenly finds itself inanothercrisis.Studentshave plucked up courage once more to ad- dress this fact, and politics has redis- covered its interest in higher educa- Photo: Wuppertal-Insthut tion. tematic change of direction in techni- problem and part of the nuclear ener- I link this theme with the much greater cal progress. In the 150 years of in- gy problem would then be solved. crisis which is afflicting our world duscrialization and technological de- The price signals could come from a the environment crisis. The latter will velopment. we have managed to in- gradual increase in energy and raw inevitably worsen in the coming dec- crease the productivity of a human material costs so gently that the ades so that the next century will go working hour by a factor of perhaps economy does not collapse but per- down in history as the "century of the 20. At the same time, what we have sistently enough to achieve an influ- environment".Iwill try to deduce not managed to do is to increase the encing effect. from this a number ot' demands for the productivity of energy or. in more pending reform of higher education. general terms, nature. Five challenges for higher

Per second on earth, we are currently There is no scientific or technical rea- education losing around 3000 sq. metres of forest son why energy productivity cannot and maybe 1000 tonnes of topsoil. Per be increased by a factor of 5 or 10 Quadrupling energy productivity second .we are manufacturing almost or likewise 20. Let us take a factor ot' this as a first example of the challenge 1000 tonnes of greenhouse gases 4 as a manageable and definitely would mean a complete reorganiza- which could cause the climate to enter achievable figure technically. That tion of industry and human labour. a fateful downslide.If the speed of would mean that we would produce Much of what is produced today under global warming is to be at least re- and distribute twice as much prosper- the illusion of unlimited availability of turned to a tolerable level, climate re- ity worldwide and yet only consume energy and raw materials and, with searchers reckon that a 60 % world- half as much energy as today. Half the low transport costs, of an extremely la- widereductioningreenhouse-gas remaining half could come from re- bour-sharing nature and centralized emission is required in the next four to newable energy sources if steps are wouldsuch as in the case of energy five decades. taken to ensure that the latter gradual- be produced to a large degree decen- ly become commercially more re- trally, with enhanced production depth The major initial step towards finding warding than fossil and nuclear ener- and, in same cases, even "by personal a solution seems to me to to be a sys- gy. The largest part of the climate efforts". In the domestic heating sec- 14 13 Viewpoint

tor. for example, part of the centralized And now, a third theme must be ad- the internationality of our life. Europe energy supply would be substituted by dressedsomething which will be of (indeed, the whole world) is becom- self-installedinsulation,handicraft great importance for the qualification ing more and more our natural habi- and decentralized solar energy produc- requirements of the 21st century: the tat. Without a knowledge of foreign tion. chronic financial crisis of the public languages and a deeper understand- purse will not be solved unless many ing of people from other cultures, it is The requirementforengineering a benefit provided almost entirely by simply impossible to practice aca- skills would not be less but com- the state becomes the citizens' per- demic professions properly today. pletely different from those of today. sonal responsibility once more. This This, however, is still not playing an In point of fact, we would have to rec- applies to parts of the social benefits, adequate role in higher education.

awe. My fifth observation relates to life- long learning. The notion that all the qualifications needed for an academic career can be acquired between the al tender age of 19 and 25, is, of course, completely wrong. This is something that firms and state agencies, which employ university graduates, are also aware of. And, in secret. the universi- ties know this. too. But all this know- ing has produced almost no results so far. True, there are the first signs of further academic training. But the real change should come much earlier. If one realizes that initial higher educa- tion is only the beginning of lifelong academic learning, then courses of study. with their delusion of com- merit_71 pleteness, should be very different from what they are today. With aver- We must change the direction of progress. age study periods of 14.7 semesters Photo: Dead Grstingholt befere taking the first qualifying ex- amination. we Germans hold a sorry oncile ourselves with a fundamental the public health system, the educa- record! reorientation of technology which tion system and environmental pro- would not only embrace energy, but tectiononly to the extent, of course. This has also been realized with hor- also process engineering, architec- where social justice is not endangered ror by the finance ministers of the ture. transport engineering, regional in the process. But not only among the Lander(states) and the education planning, administrative law, the vo- unemployed is there so much talent ministers, who are subordinate to cational school system, the public lying fallow which could be benefi- them in the political power structure. health system, our foreign economic cial to other people or be used for en- And they are now seeking ways to relationsindeed, in the final analy- vironmental purposesas soon as it remedy the situation. sis, our whole culture. becomes worthwhile. I cannot go into the details of the politically contro- But where should a start be made? The second remark follows on. It, too, versial realization of such ideas here. Personally, I am of the opinion that in the first instance, concerns technol- But I will permit myself to venture the the higher education crisis has very ogy. The ungainly dinosaur-technol- forecastthattherewillbegreat much to do with the crisis in science ogies of today and recent vintage, changes in the care of the sick and itself. The splintering of faculties into which are destroying nature,will elderly persons, education and envi- individual disciplines, the self-affir- have to be taken cult of service. Com- ronmental precautions, and that quite mation of the same in the relative ac- bination technologies are on the way different qualifications will be re- ademic societies,the appointment in. such as between micrornechanics quired of individial citizens and the procedure for professors, the bury ing- and surface chemistry, between infor- relevant experts compared with what of-heads-in-sand attitude to the obvi- mation engineering and semantics. we are used to today. ous challenges of the next century, the between microbiology and agricul- high degree of refusal on the part of tural engineering, to mention but a The fourth thing I would like to say academics to seriously concern them- few. about the changing scene concerns selves with the consequences or utili-

14 15 REST COPY AMALIE Viewpoint

zation of their science, the obsession the purpose of grammar (with a little The perspectives of higher with an arsenal of methodsall this guidance) presents itself quite natu- education reform in the is not only part of the problem of rally. Small wonder that the learning 1990s higher education's miserable state: it of "fundamentals" takes so much is also part of the environment crisis. longer than foreseen in the idealized Regelstudienzeiten(time in which a It would be going too far if I were But what has this to do with the envi- student is expected to complete his en passantso to speakto attempt to ronment crisis? Well, as long as the studies). outline the basic features of the long- individual natural sciences continue overdue higher educational reform. to regularly produce new findingsThe criticism goes deeper. Present Nevertheless, I will give a few indi- which are then made available for the disciplinary science is far removed cations of how, to my mind, higher efficient exploitation of nature or the from the Humboldt ideal of compre- education reform could be linked creation and fulfilment of ever new hensive understanding of reality. And with the task of the century I spoke consumer wishes, they are uninten- whatever is researched within the dis- about. tionally contributing to the exacerba- ciplines is. as a rule, neither funda- tion of the environmentcrisis. mental nor very innovative. After all. I.The inevitable great themes of the the pure disciplines have been largely 21st century should be included in Usually, they are only summoned done to death. The virgin territory is the syllabus of a good higher edu- (and paid) to ease the environment more likely to be found between the cation institution. Ecological crisis if statutory regulations or prac- disciplines nowadays. structuralchange,North-South tical considerations on the part of the economy recommend this. And if se- rious environmental damage becomes visible like the dying forests for- merlythen there emerges an unholy alliance between science and indus- try. This means that first of all inten- sive research must be undertaken be- fore any form of remedial measures can be implemented. And this re- search is once more mainly scientific as a rule.In the interest of both par- ties, science prefers to keep well clear of the economic levers whichin all probability, could help reduce much of the damage. For science, so much interdisciplinary activityisnot so manageable: it does not produce neat publications. And, as far as industry is concerned, research of this nature would be a little too close to thener- vus f-- But what has the splintering of disci- plines got to do with the crisis in higher education and students' ex- cessively long periods of study? First, there is the didactical aspect. Learning fundamentals and methods at. 0V4.411101 something to which disciplines at- tach great valueis something which is extremely alien to the innate hu- man learning process. We much pre- fer to learn things in their entirety, shapes. situations than elements and rules. Children learn to speak long before they learn letters or grammar. For anyone who has learnt to speak. The end or a new beginning? Photo: Inter Nationes

15 Viewpoint

tension,reorientation of technolo- gy (subjects which affect just about all disciplines) should be as much part of the programme as mathematics, law or even sport. interdisciplinary research projects and discussion groups could be a good way to start.

Interdisciplinary work should be The dying forests in Germany. Photo: dpa rewarded and not, as has been the case so far, virtually punished with be created other than by a devel- ucation, organization of courses on impediments to career. How about oped tutorial system. new technologies and simply cen- aninternalruleatuniversities tres for the exchange of ideas which does not allow institutes to 5. Highir education institutions must these are all part of the functions of be created unless professors from regard and organize themselves as modern higher education institu- at least three different academic academic further training estab- tionsfunctions which are steadi- fields are involved? (Something lishments. The need is great, the ly increasing vis-à-vis the classical similar to the way the EC reserves availability poor. To a limited ex- functions. The far-reaching tech- the greater part of its research tent, moreover, a cost-saving ef- nological and ecological structural money for projects in which a min- fect could be achieved in adult ed- change in the economy calls for a imum of three countriesisin- ucation by including practicians in marked degree of readiness to in- volved.) university teaching according to novate. the principle of "learning by teach- 3.Next-century universities should ing". In so doing, they would be It will be grateful for places where be organized on international lines compelled (fairly effectively) to this new style of thinking is culti- linguistically. Events should be of- understand new subject matter so vated and where, without undue fered as a matter of course in Eng- well that they could teach it to oth- haste and competition pressure, it lish and, wherever possible. in sev- ers. is possible to talk, read and think eral other European languages about the new perspectives which and not just in the related linguistic 6.Universities should also be a cen- are being imposed on us by the discipline. tral service institution for the im- structural change. 0 mediate vicinity and region. Scien- 4. Courses of study should provide as tific databases, libraries, adult ed- (Frankfurter Rundschau) much individual scope as possi- ble.Iconsider studies reform along the lines of a modular sys- pi y; e . C tem, which we discussed in the . I late 1960s, as more pertinent than 7; . ever. In my opinion, it is a mistake ;;,.. to think that organizing studies on school lines within the framework of standardized curricula would have a positive effect on the re- duction of time spent on studies. Standard curricula should only act as safety nets for those students who have too little motivation and imagination to seek their own paths of study. , For professors, of course, an audi- ence of students from various dis- ciplines is quite a different chal- lenge from the present one. A sys- tem of individual care and guid- ance should be provided. This, in Nature is still not on its last legs... Bundesland Mecklenburg-Western Po- turn, for financial reasons, cannot merania. Photo: BundesbikIstelle 16 17 Education Policy


Foreign children are to have the same opportunities as their German contemporaries. Photo: Bundesbilds,telle Young foreigners in school and profession Integration proceeding slowly but surely

Both inschool and vocational put by the Social Democratic parlia- iens" and 12 Germans. Efthimios' training, the Federal Republic, mentary party in theBundestagin May mother went to school in Cologne. finds itself in the middle of the in- 1993. The proportion of foreign chil- Nourdine. a Moroccan, came to Ger- tegration of the second and third dren atGymnasienI doubled between many six months ago with his grand- generation of foreign nationals the years 1980 and 1990from 8 to father and unable to speak a word of residing in Germany. More than 16%. The number atRealschulen2in- German. Fehmi from Albania has been two-thirds of allalien children creased in the same period by two and in Wesseling since 1989. The seven and young persons livingbe- a half times (from 6 to 15 %). And be- Turks in the class were all born in Co- tween Aachen and Zwickau were tween 1984 and 1991. the number of logne and speak good German. Hakan born here. Every second of the 6.5 alien apprentices in the West German is the best in this subject. million foreigners has been at Bundeshinder(federalstates) grew least 10 years in the country. from 49,000 to I 09,000. i.e. more than This is a typical situation. According doubled. to details published by the Federal Sta- Have the children of foreign parents tistics Office some 70 % of all foreign drawn level with their German contem- Even so, compared with German chil- children attendGrundschulen(prima- poraries? Do young foreigners have the dren and juveniles, the number of ry schools) andHauptschulen.In the same opportunities in the training mar- young foreigners atHauptschulen3 case of German pupils, however, there ket as similarly-aged Germans? andSonderschulen4 isstill dispropor- is a clear trend towardsGymnasium. tionately large. Such as at the non- Every third takesAbitur(university The situation has steadily improved in denominational Hauptschule in entrance qualification), only 15.5 % recent years. This is the gist of the Fed- Wesseling, near Cologne. There are II attend aHauptschuleand 3.1 % a eral Government's reply to a question girls and 17 boys in the class: 16 "al- .S'onderschule.

17 REST COPYitAILABLE Education Policy

More foreign young persons than tional behaviour pattern of their fami- the qualificationot' young foreign young Germans come to grief whilst lies. The fate of many Turkish girls, workers. It successfully brought to- undergoingtradetraining:every who have little contact with other gether firms looking for trainees and fourth young alien breaks off his or her young persons because they must sub- young aliens who were qualified to vocational training course premature- ordinate themselves to the strict cus- embark on trade training (but had not ly. Comparative figures in the case of toms of their parental home, is a good done so). The result: between 1989 young Germans are around 20 %, i.e. example of this problem. and 1992, the number of young for- every fifth. According to findings by eigners undergoing vocational train- the BIBB (Federal Institute of Voca- ing doubledfrom 5 to 10.3 %. tional Training), breaking off tradeWhat can be done? training prematurely is tantamount to Volker Thomas giving up the idea of training altogeth- The Federal Government has stated er in the case of young aliens. that one of its "major integration com- I Gymnasien (grammar schools) are mitments" is to provide foreign chil- secondary schools which, in the nor- Although, for the most part, the chil- dren and juveniles as far as possible mal course of events, follow on dren of foreign employees, who were with the same opportunities as their Grundschule (primary school) or born here, speak German well or very German contemporaries. It is also up Class 6 at the Hauptschule (main well, this is not reflected in their re- to young personsboth Germans and school). The final certificate (Ab- sults in school or vocational training. foreigners to find bridges between hor) represents a university entrance qualification. What is the reason for this? languages and cultures. After all, inte- gration calls for efforts on both sides. 2 Realschulen (intermediate schools) In its reply to the parliamentary ques- Their success, though, depends on the are secondary schools which are at- tion, the Federal Government stated it willingness of foreign families to ac- tended on completion of a Grand- cept the basic values of the German does not think that the climate in firms schule or Class 6 at a ilauptschule. Constitution (separation of church and and vocational schools can be general- Generally speaking the Realschule ly described as hostile to foreigners. state, the equality of women, religious final certificate provides the basis The example of many major compa- tolerance) and of social life. for higher professions of all types. nies is known. Following the anti-alien criminal acts, they stated in a series of The Federal Government promotes the 3 Hauptschulen (main schools) are announcements via the press and bill- integration of children and young per- secondary schools: as a rule they of- boards that they could not be viablesons by means of career advice spe- fer five-year education courses and without their foreign employees. cially tailored to the needs of foreign- provide general education as the ba- ers. Brochures and films in the mother sis for practical vocational training. tongue, advisers with a knowledge of Earn regular money as therequiredforeignlanguagein 4 Sonderschulen (special schools) are soon as possible schools, alien affairs officers at job institutions providing full-time edu- centres all offer examples of this. Ac- cation for the promotion and care of There are differing reasons for young cording to MPG (Federal Act con- physically, mentally or psychically foreigners breaking off or not even cerning the Promotion of Education disadvantaged or socially endange- starting on vocational training. It may and Training), foreign juveniles and red children who cannot be taught stem from the fact that alien families young adults are to receive the same fi- with sufficient success at normal are insufficiently informed about the nancial assistance as Germans. The schools. opportunities of learning a qualified basic requirement: they must be citi- trade. Another reason is the reluctance. zens of an EC country, or one of the which still exists in many firms. to sys- parents must have lived and worked le- tematically address young aliens. A gitimately within the country for at further ground is undoubtedly the de- least five years. Further promotive op- sire (or the necessity) to earn "proper" portunities are offered by the Benach- money as soon as possible. teiligtenprogramm (Disadvantaged Persons Programme) in the Employ- Often, however, young foreigners suf- ment Promotion Act. fer from an identity conflict. Many parents came to Germany with the in- A project tried out in the Cologne area tention of earning money here and then has turned out successful: the "Train returning home. Their children are Aliens!" campaign promoted by the growing up in a country where social Federal Ministry of Education and Sci- life and its culture cannot, without fur- ence. The pilot project's central coor- ther ado, be dovetailed with the tradi- dinating point was an advice office for

18 19 Education Policy

Vocational Training Report 1993 Lack of skilled workers established, but not glut of academics

Federal Education Minister Rai- end of the 1980s. the high birthrate it was not open to higher professional ner Ortleb (FDP) shares the Ger- years were finishing their vocational paths. man economy's concern about training whereas just about now the the arowing lack of skilled work- extremely low birthrate years were Because of the lack of applicants, ers. According to the 1993 Voca- taking their trade and journeyman's 120,000 training places remained va- tional Training Report by the examinations at the Chambers of In- cant inthe western Bundeskinder Federal Government, just under dustry and Trade and the Handicrafts (federal states) last year. In other 500,000 training contracts were Chambers. words, whereas there are too few ap- signed in the old (western) Bun- plicants and too many unfilled ap- desländer (federal states) in 1992 Ortleb called on the economy to make prenticeships in West Germany, there considerably fewer than *ex- vocational trainingattractive once isa marked lack of training-place pected. more by offering better incomes and availability in the new (East German) professional chances so it can face up Bundeskinder. When publishine the extensive re- to competition from higher education. port - often called the "Chief Work Furthermore. "successful completion Considerable problems are particu- on Vocational Training"the Feder- of trade training should equate to an larly anticipated there in 1993. Ortleb al Education Minister nevertheless intermediate school (Realschuk) cer- reckons that a number of these young distanced himself quite clearly from tificate" to improve the public image persons - some 20.000 - will find a the constantly voiced complaint by of vocationaltraining. A master training place in West Germany. At industry that there are too many stu- craftsman's or technician's certificate the same time, the Education Minis- dents and too few apprentices. Ac- should also be recognized as a univer- ter and other education experts are cording to the Vocational Training sity entrance qualification restricted not unsceptical about a "Go West" on Report. in1992. 150.000 students to a specified field of study. Ortleb re- the part of young persons. It is feared successfully completed their final newed his appeal for adults without that particularly able young persons examinations compared with bitur (university entrance qualifica- will migrate to West Germany and, 500.000 young persons who ac- tion) to be admitted to courses of on completion of their training and quired their skilled worker's or jour- study if' they had proved their mettle having established new friendships. neyman's certificate on successful in their job. In this way vocational will hardly be prepared to return completion of their training. In other training could be rid of the image that home. words, there are three new journey- men to every one academic. Ortleh stated that, in the light of these fig- ures. he was reacting "with restraint" to the reports on the imminent glut of academics. On the contrary, com- pared internatienally. the number of German graduates was "more or less normal".

Not only the changes in educational wishes on the part of young persons and the trend towards increasingly better school certificates leading to studies have resulted in the reduction of the number of persons successful- ly completing vocationaltraining courses. Demographic develop- ments are also clearly reflected in vocational training statistics. At the Learning for the working world. Photo: Manfrcd Vollmcr

19 Education Policy

ny are increasingly exploiting the pos- sibility of revising their choice of firm and profession during training. Fur- thermore, the age and previous school education of apprentices have consid- erably increased in the last decade. As a result, a more critical attitude to- wards training has developed. At the same time. if needs be. a training con- tract can be dissolved without parental permission.

As a rule, according to the survey, sev- eral factors govern the premature ter- mination of apprenticeship. There are also Sex-snecific differences. Whereas difficultiesintheoreticaltraining caused only a 6 % drop-out on the part of females, it was as much as 25 % in the case of males. Failing examina- tions was also not so relevant in the case of women (8 c/c) as opposed to The close integration of training with social requirements creates good pro- men i16 %). Although marriage, start- fessional prospects. Photo: Manfred Vo)lmer ing a family or family requirements to do other tasks were the reason for ter- The Vocational Training Report reeis- any form of trade training and final minating a training contract prema- ters a further trend: more and more certificate. The growing number of turely. the women are clearly ahead in young personsare embarking on apprentices terminating their train- the statistics. courses of study after successfully fin- ing contracts prematurely is regard- ishing their trade training. In 1985, thc ed as problematic. Ortleb would like Women. like men, terminated a train- number of first-year students who had to recruit additional manpower from ing contract, in particular. whenever successfully completed an apprentice- this group of young persons who they no longer enjoyed the t.raining ship came to 21 %; by 1991 this figure. either do not embark on trade train- (women 31 %, men 40 %). 30 % of the had grown to 30 %. AtFachhoch- ing or break it off prematurely to women and mcn gave difficulties with selmlen(colleges for higher profes- fill the ever widening gap of skilled the instructors as the reason. sional training), more than every sec- workers in Germany. In this context, ond student has completed trade train- the Federal Education Minister calls The Vocational Training Report de- ing. Stuiies. the report states, are "not for greater "differentiation" to be scribes the "Promotion of Talent in taking the place of trade training" but made between the less and the tnore VocationalTrainingProgramme" regarded "as an attractive alternative able youngsters undergoing training. launched two years ago as highly to a professional career outside higher Help and special programmes must successful. The programme, the Re- education". be forthcoming for the less able; ad- port states. is a contribution to the ditional incentives should be offered equal merit and attractiveness of on- The school and training structure has to the more able. the-job training and further training. undergone considerable change in Itis designed to contribute to the the last ten years in West Germany. The Vocational Training Report also safeguarding of a rising generation of In 1991, 34.7 % of all school leavers examines the reasons for young per- able skilled workers, says the Report. possessed an entitlement to study. sons breaking off their apprentice- The budget has been increased by This was no more than 19.4 % in ships prematurely. This trend exists in DM8 million to 26 million in 1993. 1980. Only 24.7 % left school with almost all training sectors and trades. These funds enable the annual ac- mainschoolleavingcertificate At the present time, almost every ceptance of 3,000 scholarship (grant ) (Hauptschulabsc10013)in 1991, com- fourth (24.4 %) newly concluded ap- holdersatthe present time. The pared with 34.2 % in 1980. In the prenticeshipisterminated during promotiveschemeincludeslan- same period, the number of young training. guage courses, furthertraining persons leaving school without any abroad and concomitant further vo- form of certificate dropped from The report explains that, in view of the cational training. 9.6 % to 6.8 c/c. Even today, between favourableavailabilityoftraining 10 and 15 % of a year are without places, young person in West Germa- Karl-Heinz Reah 20 2J Education Policy

The promotion of gifted personsin the Federal Republic of Germany by Federal Minister Prof. Rainer Ortleb for the "Education and Science" magazine published by Inter Nationes

Today, assistance for gifted per- cannot afford to accept and promote Numerous research projects and pi- sons and the promotion of out- talent only in sport and individual are- lot schemes are making a contribution standing academic achievements as of art. We need academics and prac- to basic research and the development have become important compo- ticians who develop new ideas, and of theories on the identification and nents of the Federal Republic of managers who can assert themselves prfnnotion of special talent. Further- Germany'spolitico-socialand, on the world market. The promotion of more, they have the aim of setting up aboveall,politico-educational special talent is necessary so that top the means of providing pupils, parents activities. Initiatives for increased achievements by the rising academic and teachers with sound advice. assistance for particularly talent- generation can provide the economy, ed children,youngpersons, and political and cultural life, with A further focal point in the Federal trainees and students meet with new impulses. Government's promotion measures in general approval both in the po- the extramural sector are the nation- litical and public sectors. It is the purpose of the Federal Govern- widetalent competitions.They are of- ment's education policy to provide fered in differing forms for many areas There is growing consensus on the fact every individual person. by means of a of interest. Set questions have to be an- that the Federal Republic of Germany differentiated educational and training swered innational competitionsin programme, with the mathematics, computer science, for- opportunity to devel- eign languages and history. They repre- op to the full his or sent an invitation to gifted young per- her particular talent sons to develop their particular abilities 1profile. This results and to put them to the test in a fair con- in a positive attitude test. During the competition rounds, the not only for the dis- entrants get to know similarly interest- advantaged but for ed and gifted persons of their own age the gifted, too. The with whom they often have no contact t Federal Govern- in the normal course of events. The na- ment's promotion of tional competition winners are entered talent embracesall for the International Science Olympi- educational sectors. ads. The special feature about the Ju- gend forschtcompetition and the na- The basic qualifica- tional environment competition is the tionisthe job of fact that the entrants submit projects. schools: the promo- which they have undertaken on their tion of talent outside own initiative, for adjudication by a ju- school has also In this context, independent work is proved successful as particularly encouraged and the energy apurposefuladdi- and perseverance needed for carrying tionalmeasure.At out experiments mobilized. Cultural the present time, the and artistic competitions round off the Federal Government contest programme. is assistingyoung persons of school age As a further component in the promo- Education Minister Rainer Ortleb. in basically three sec- tion of exceptional talent, the Federal Photo: BMI3W tors: Ministry of Education and Science has

21 9 2 Education Policy

been running extramural courses in the to obtain a doctor's degree, there is al- ing a profession, the Federal Ministry tbrm of anAccidemy for Gifted Per- so the chance of enjoying the benefits of Education and Science is making a sonssince 1988. Selected according to of the post-graduate promotion significant contribution to the en- strict criteria, the young persons, aged scheme financed by the Federal Gov- hancement of the attractiveness of du- between 16 and 18, live together for 2 ernmentandtheLander(federal al vocational training, thus counter- to 3 weeks and are taught in subject ar- states), Over and above this, there also acting the foreseeable shortage of eas of their own choice by university specialpost-graduate courses.On skilled labour in several employment- professors, well-known artistsand successful conclusion of studies, par- market sectors. managerial staff from the economy. ticularly well-qualified graduates The experiments have proved success- work together in research teams on The particular talents of young persons ful. Consequently, it is intended to set specific projects for a period of two to becomes apparent during their voca- academies of this type on a perma- three years. During this time, most of tional training, during the daily work nent basis, the scholarship holders acquire a doc- at thcir place of employment, in their torate on their research project. readiness to undertake further learning in higher education institutions,the whilst pursuing their trade, in other promotion of gifted students is, by tra- Whereas the promotion of exceptional words, not only in the academic or ar- dition, the responsibility of the univer- ability has a long tradition in higher tistic sectors. In this context, the "Tal- sity teaching staff. They are best placed education and acquired increasing im- ent Promotion in Vocational Training" to recognize academic talent and in a portance in the school and extramural programme helps young people to de- position to promote it in a purposeful sector in recent years, thepromotion velop to thefull their professional manner academically. Gifted students, of gifted persons in vocational train- skills.In1993. some 8,1(X) young for instance, are invited to assist in re- ingwas, for many years. not thought working persons will receive money search and teaching or they are given worthy of consideration. As a result. for suitable further training measures corresponding tasks as auxiliary staff. about two-thirds of all young persons. from the fund of DM 26 million i.e. those who successfully completed providedforthispurpose. Up to In addition to this, the promotion of their dual training (combined on-the- DM 3,0(X) per person can be applied talent in higher education is also the job training and part-time vocational for annually over a period of three statutory commitment of various pri- school education) were excluded from years. Subsidies are awarded to help vate-law foundations and associations. any form of talent promotion. But cover the costs of particularly demand- At the moment, ninetalent-promot- there are also many young persons in ing measures which arc directly linked ing institutioasare fulfilling this task this sector who are ready and able to with their occupation. which overlap in the higher education sector. All of achieve above-average standards. other professional areas or which are them expect particularly outstanding With the unique Europe-wide "Talent concerned with general personal de- achievement in studies and academic Promotionin Vocational Training" velopment, which help acquire social work. Besides these intellectual re- programme, the Federal Minister of competences or the improved capacity quirements. they lay great storewith Education and Science closed this gap of personal involvement in one's pro- varying degrees of emphasisby the in 1991. fession and in society. Persons in re- formation of personality, readiness to ceipt of subsidies choose from the accept responsibility and commitment At the same time, this programme is wide range offered on the further train- vis-a-vis the state and society, and by giving a signal to support the realiza- ing marketthose measures which re- artistic and practical skills. They offer tion of the politico-educational call late to their own personal require- intensive academic and indivihal for the equal value of general and vo- ments. Measures are also financed care, as well as material support in the cational education. In this way, itis abroad. The programme offers young form of scholarships. The Federal being made clear to young persons, working persons the chance of equip- Government provides the talent-pro- and, in particular, their parents. that ping themselves for the new Europe moting institutions with an annual sum dual vocational training represents a which is opening up, and, above all, of of about DM 120 million (1993) for promising alternative to general edu- learning foreign languages. more than 15,000 study and doctorate cation paths. It is also designed to en- scholarships. courage Abiturienten (young persons To ensure that an annual average of who have obtained their Abitur, i.e. 3,000 persons, who have successfully Students of exceptionalabilityat university entrance qualification) to completed their occupational training, Fachhochschulen (colleges for higher regard on-the-job training and voca- can participate in these rmasures in the professional training) are also to re- tional school as a genuine alternative yearsahead,increasedbudgetary ceive the same assistance as their col- to studies. By differentiation in line funds are necessary and planned. leagues at universities in the foreseea- with achievement, on the one hand, Long-term, about 1% of persons suc- ble future. On completion of studies, but especially the financing of partic- cessfully completing their dual train- apart from the opportunity of being as- ularly demanding further training and ing will receive support from this sisted by a talent-promoting institution education activities parallel to practis- programme.

22 23 Education Policy

Fewer and fewer unskilled persons

A modern economy's most important asset is invisible - it is concealed in human heads.Education,training and vocational quail fkation guaran- tee economic strength and prosperity far better than. say, rich mineral re- sources. The federal citizens seem to realize this, The number of unskilled personsentering workinglifeis growing smaller and smaller; con- versely. the proportion of those who have a vocational qualificationin their pocket is growing (see chart). A sound course of occupational train- ing is still far and away the best "in- surance" against unemployment. A glance at the statistics shows that the percentage of unemployed persons among unskilled workers is particu- larly large. And the chances of un- trained persons finding employment are also much less than for those with a final qualificatiOn. German-US Academic Council Intellectual bridge across the Atlantic

The Federal Cabinet has decided on The Council is to be made up of 15 out- the setting up of a German-Ameri- standing researchers from both coun- can Academic Council. The aim of tries who will decide on subjects of in- the new institution is to increase co- terest to both sides. In addition. the operation between the Federal Re- body will promote the ewhange of ac- public of Germany and the United ademics. States of America in the academic field. The concept is safeguarded by the co- sponsorship of the four major academ- Following the departure of German ic associations in the natural science Onigres from the American academic and humanities sector in the USA: scene, a new starting point with re- gard to content and organization is National Academy of Sciences necessary to promote and deepen co- American Academy of Arts and operation between the two countries Sciences in the natural sciences and the human- American Council of Learned So- ities. cieties and the Social Research Council. Federal Chancellor Hclnwt Kohl and Announcing the Academic Council, American President Bill Clinton an- On the German side, the concept is to President Clinton (right) and Feder- nounced the setting up of a council of be supported by the German Society al Chancellor Kohl during a joint this nature during their joint press con- for Promotion of Research. the Max press conference at the White House ference in Washington on 26 March Planck Society and the Alexander von in March this year. 1993. Humboldt Foundation. Photo: Bundeshildstelle

23 New Bundesländer

deslilmkr.At the present time the ma- Innovation strategies intensify chineryisbeing examined to see whether it should be modified or ex- industrial research in East panded. The promotion of research co- operation between industry and higher Germany education is foreseen as the first addi- tion.

Reorientation of extramuralresearch largely concluded (BA /117-Journal

Since German unification. the Federal Technology'.sinnovationstrategies Institute explores Ministry of Research and Technology are being applied with a bundle of climatic change has undertaken diverse steps to re- measures in four sectors: structure research and development in the new GermanBundesliinder(feder- The setting up of an infrastructure Concrete advice on policy and soci- al states). To this end, DM 1.75 billion to promote research and develope- ety with regard to global change is has been made available 14 1993 ment, to be provided by the PIK ( Institute I 0 % more than in 1992. of Climatic Research), Potsdam. Enhancementoftechnological The foundation of the Institute goes The reorientation of extramural re- competitiveness. back to a recommendation by the search has largely been concluded. Wissen.scharw (ScienceCoun- About 100 new institutions in the Technology-related existential cil ). Federal Ministry of Research and foundations. Technology's portfolio providing The PIK is unique in Europe. It is de- 7.200 jobs are now functionable. Promotion of an innovativeMute/- voted to a new scientific field which They are operating in forward-look- stand(medium-sized firms). concentrates thenatural, economic ing areas of basic research, such as and social sciences collectively on ma- health and environment research, en- By means of these innovation strate- jor environmental problems. The PIK ergy research, new work substances gies. almost 9,000 highly qualified has been conceived as a flexible and and materials, biotechnology, infor- jobs are currently being created or pre- ihnovative institute along the lines of a mation technology. opto- and micro- served in the economy of the newBun- "think tank". electronics and application-oriented technological research and develop- The 39 members of the In- ment. In 1993, the Federal Ministry of stitute'sstaff have been Research and Technology is making 21111,41- temporarily housedina DM 730 million available for the in- building on the Telegralen- I I stitutional promotion of thesere- berg. search centres. A further DM 270 mil- lion is being devoted to the Scientist The PIK' s work is concen- IntegrationProgramme. Research trated on probably the most programmes at these institutions are serious environmental being funded to the tune of DM 420 problem of our time: a pos- million. siblechangeinclimate with allits consequences The situation with regard to industrial for human beings and their research, however, is critical. Between health, their natural world, the years 1989 and 1992, the number as well as civilizatory sys- of persons employed in this sector tems, e.g. energy industry dropped from 87,000 to 24,000. Since and transport. Not only the only 2.5 % of research-intensive ex- natural environment, but ports come fromthe new Bun- also economic structures desh'ffider,particular importance is at- lodare likely to be affected tached to the promotion of East Ger- worldwide by climatic man industrial research. change.

In order to boost industrial research,Hans KnollInstitute of Natural Substance the Federal Ministry of Research and Research, Jena. Photo: Hans-Kn011-Institut (BMFT-Journal)

24 25 International Cooperation

forts on three foeal points which are Cooperation with Russia greatly connected with each other themati- cally, hut being carried out in differ- advances arctic research ent regions of the Arctic: marine re- search in the Arctic Ocean. ice re- search in Greenland and atmospheric Hitherto inaccessible regions now research in Spitzbergen, Using the only source of light available during being explored the polar night in 1992/93, it, moon-

Scientific cooperation between Russia . and Germany has developed positively : r ,,. .

in many areas in the last few years. The . 1.1... ''''' ' I.,... e . 9th arctic voyage of the research vessel ''' '. "1 t V 4i a, .4.1C;Mr.1.41 Polarsiern since 26 Febmary 1993 is .0476... / also an expression of this good coop- eration.

- For the very first nine, 60 German and . Russian male and female researchers < . 1111"11011111i on hoard the Polarstem and the Wide r Zelentsy, the Russian research ship, ,.4....41k^;;;41 are carrying out joint scientific surveys in the area of Franz Josef Land, the 14411410r!'r;!.. eastern Barents Sea and in the Laptev Sea off Central Siberia. Thus research has become possible in regions of the Arctic which were completely inac- cessible a few years back. The themat- ically very broad research programme plans to undertake oceanographic, bi- ological, glaciological and geoscien- Current studies confirm that the Arctic is a mu,* component in the earth's ti lie measurements and specimen anal- climatic system. Research vessel Polarstern. Photo. A IN ysis.

Current observations in the polar seas. The object of the increased arctic ac- light, researchers at Koldewey Sta- findings from ice and sediment cores, tivities on the part of German re- tion succeeded for the very first time and recent experiments v, ith climatic search institutions. which are coordi- inregistering the distribution and models confirm that the Arctic is a ma- nated by the AWI, is to intensify re- concentration of 2 0 trace gases in the jor component of the earth's climatic lations with Russian colleagues atmosphere. The station is linked up system. Consequently. the Arctic has which, in some cases, have existed with a worldwide measuring network become the object of growing scientfic for years. for the registration of changes in the interestforresearchintoglobal earth'sradiationbalance and the change, In this connection, the BMFT is pro- chemical composition of the strato- vidingfundsforjointresearch sphere. Accordingly. the Alfred Wegener In- projects within the framework of sci- stitute of Polar and Marine Research entific-technological cooperation All research projects by the Alfred (AWD, Bremerhaven.whichre- and also for the safeguarding of the Wegener Institute in the Arctic are part ceives 90 C'eot' its funds from the existenceofindividual research of worldwide efforts to investigate. Federal Ministry of Research and groups in Russia. DM 25 million, for monitor and, in the final analysis, fore- Technology (BMFT). has intensified instance, are being devoted to bilat- cast the causes of natural global and re- its arctic research quite perceptibly eral research projects focussed on gional changes in the environment and in recent years. In 1992. it proved oceanographic and geological stud- the effects of those resulting from possible to create 10 additional posts ies in the Arctic. human action. for arctic research. Further posts are to he made available in 1993 and At the present time. the Alfred Wege- 1994. ner Institute is concentrating its ef- (BMFT-Journal)


BEST COPY AVAILABLE r, International Cooperation

Change of emphasis in German vocational training aid Orientation towards specific requirements

In March 1992, the Federal Min- cussed on the "informal" sector. i.e. Objective istry of Economic Cooperation the life and survival area of these per- and Development put its new sons. concept for vocational training The point of departure for vocational aid into effect. This concept Several development theoreticians are training aid is the "vocational training represents a departure from a considering only the small and small- system" which is actually practiced in single transferable model and, est enterprises and merchants in the in- the development country concerned. instead, opens up the possibili- formal sector because they expect pan- In most cases, it is not a case of a uni- ties of providing support at sev- economic impulses to come from this form. compact system. but of a number eral levels according to the particular group. Their objectisto of widely varying forms of training development stage andre- bring these informal small and very and further training on the responsibil- quirements of a specific coun- small businesses into the modern eco- ity of the state, firms or private institu- try. nomic sector. The new point of depar- tions. It ranges from the traditional ture has broadened this view about training of semi-skilled persons and For a long time, The "German" trade persons who, in the foreseeable future, apprenticeships tostate recognized school, in which theoretical and prac- cannot be integrated into a modern professions requiring skilled training. tical vocational training took place un- economic and social structure with its In other words, appropriate strategies der one roof, later the dual system. in own prevailing rules, norms and de- must be developed to improve existine which practical training was trans- velopment prospects. By means of in- vocationnal training opportunities and ferred to firms, was a product stamped come-creating training and further to make them more efficient. In order "made in Germany". Even the "Con- training measures, better prospects to achieve sustained results, recom- cept for Development Cooperation in must be opened up for these persons mended and practiced changes must Occupational Training", dating from who, in many respects. are disadvan- meet with broad acceptance by those the year 1986, was heavily oriented to- taged. concerned and take the letters' cepa- wards the German dual system and on- ly partly transferable to developing countries.

What is new about this concept?

Ct, The new concept is based on a modi- itH^V1 fied fundamental approach. The prior- ity promotion of the modern industrial sector, which,inthe conventional view of Western modernization theo- ries, is responsible for the success of a nationaleconomy,hasfailedto

achieve the desired results in many de- :01 veloping countries.

The majority of persons living in these countries have no real opportu- nities of participating in the social and economic progress of their society. In Peshawar, a centre of the processing industry in Pakistan, courses are Consequently, the new concept is fo- provided for Afghan refugees and local Pakistanis. Photo: A. Krause 26 27 International Cooperation

bilities and personal concepts intocon- -71ff

sideration. Instead of radically chang- .011 4:: I ing training systems which alreadyex- ist, points of departuremust be drawn uptogether with the partnerwhich will not be too difficultto reconcile with these systems. 2 Experience gained in the last few dec- ades has shown that the basicrequire- 1 1314,- ments for the promotion ofdual training 1 GAL paths do not exist inmany developing counqies. Here, mistakes havebeen b4 made in the past since the strengthof 4, what already exists in developingcoun- .4ot tries was underestimated andthe per- 14., suasive power of the dual vocational training concept overestimated.

In principle, the basic conditionsfor dual training structuresare only fa- vourable if:

the developing country hasa broad economic structure of industry and skilled trades:

association structures exist whose members are willing and ableto assume responsibility within the dual vocational trainingsystem and provide youngpersons with on-the-job training: s

theexistingstatetrade-training system is not dominated byvoca- tionaltrainingfirmsproviding training of a purely scholastic na- A DED development helper visitinga village school in Brazil where the ture, and traditional apprenticeships teachers are being advisedon the production of teaching materials. exist which can be latchedon to: Photo: DED/Uwe Rau the state is prepared to work hand the thoughts of both the experts and the Implementation in hand with theeconomy and, if politicians, are: needs be. surrender certain ofits powers: orientation of vocational training The new concept describes forthe first towards the requirements of the trade unions with the right of time the succession ofsteps which code- employmentsystem(employed termination are allowed. make possible the elaborationof a and self-employed); strategy for vocational training tai- Since such preconditions exist lored to a particular country: in very conveyance of practically applica- few developing countries,the new ble skills under genuine working 1. Sectoral analysis. In point of departure is deliberatelynot those cases conditions wherever possible; where vocational training constitutes taking the dual trade-trainingsystem a as the only model. focal point of cooperation.a broadly sharing of the financial burden be- based sectoral analysis shouldbe un- tween state and the economy; dertaken together with the The principles which, in theGerman partner ini- tially. The study should view. are closely linked withvocation- not only em- vocational training for broadareas brace the formal, i.e. state-recognized, al training and consequentlyinfluence of the population. vocational training, but also "non-for- 28 27 BEST COPY AVAILABLE International Cooperation

mented wherever possible to illustrate, by means of an example, the recom- mended improvements in the training concept.Onlypracticalevidence shows whether it has been genuinely adapted, and, consequently, if it can be further applied and financed. fr. A new feature in the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Devel- opment's concept is the marked em- phasis of an integrated starting point for projects. The combination of voca- tional training aid with trade or busi- ness assistance, for example, or with urban district development measures or within the framework of regional DED development helper at a training centre in Brazil. development, promises a more sus- Photo: DED/Uwe Rau tained effect since, in this way. the mar training. In this context. the inter- system was spread over several minis- economic and social and environment linking with the general education sys- tries operating according to differing can be included and improved. Even in tem and the coordinating mechanisms concepts. Encouraged by the success- the case of classical projectssuch as between the vocational training sys- ful cooperation practised in the educa- "The Setting Up a Training Centre" tem, on the one hand, and the employ- tion sector since 1976. the Yemen steps must be taken to see if such a ment system, on the other, must be an- Education Ministry has asked the Fed- training centre can provide services alyzed. The following questions must eral Republic to assist in the setting up such as technical advice for businesses be asked, for example: of a standardized and efficient voca- or for the local economyand if needs tional training system. behelpcover therunningcosts Do existing training opportunities pre- through technical and commercial fur- pare persons for a profession as an em- 3. Points of departure for projects. ther training programmes. ployed (dependent) or self-employed Within the framework of an overall (independent) person? Is the training strategy,agreed withthepartner. Particularly with regard to the promo- content of practical use in the daily project points of departure must be se- tion of target groups in the informal struggle for existence? Is a long-term lected and, wherever possible, com- sector.thebasicquestionarises financing of the "system" possible bined: whether state authorites are suitable and,if so, under what conditions? for thesepoints of departurefor Where are the major shortages? The system development: projects or whether new agencies. analysis must make a distinction be- with which state development coop- tween men and women in order to re- training centres and programmes: eration has not worked before, should gister the differing training and em- be sought and developed. The new ployment situations. training and further training of tar- concept provides no new patent reci- get groups from the informal sec- pe for this question. In particular cas- 2. Vocational Training Policy. The tor: es, a sound analysis of possible re- partner institution in the developing sponsible bodies must be undertaken country can use this analysis of the sta- qualification oF personnel and pro- beforehand. The fundamental criteria tus quo and its shortages to formulate vision of teaching and learning for the assessment are acceptance on its national vocational training policy. materials: the part of the target groups, the use- At the same time. a dialogue among fulness and applicability of the train- experts can take place to establish on-the-job training. ing. and the ability to react flexibl y to where and in what way German sup- a constantly changing environment. port is desired. The new concept attaches pa ular At the present time, pilot projects. value to support by the partner in sys- which are designed to help develop The first analyses, linked with a policy tem development. This, however, pre- the necessary proces ; for analyzing dialouue of a specifically sectoral na- supposes that German support is of a responsible bodies, are being car- ture, have already been completed in long-term nature. Apart from system ried out in Laos and Zambia. .7 Papua New Guinea, Yemen, Chile. In- advice at governmental level, simulta- donesia and South Africa. In Yemen. neous practical training and further Prwthilde Vest for example, the vocational training training measures should be imple- (E+Z)

28 2,9